Fast Custom Essay

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Fast Custom Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of "Fast Custom Essay" can be a challenging task, as it requires a
careful balance between speed and quality. The intricacies of this subject demand a comprehensive
understanding of various aspects, such as the fast-paced nature of custom essay services, the
challenges faced by students in meeting tight deadlines, and the quality assurance mechanisms in
place to ensure the excellence of the delivered work.

To delve into this topic effectively, one must explore the complexities of the custom essay industry,
considering the demand for quick turnaround times without compromising the integrity of the
content. Additionally, addressing the ethical concerns related to the urgency of custom essay services
and the potential impact on the learning process adds another layer of difficulty.

Crafting an essay on "Fast Custom Essay" involves thorough research to comprehend the dynamics
of the industry, including the role of writers, the expectations of clients, and the measures taken to
maintain originality and academic standards. Analyzing the implications of swift custom essay
solutions on students' academic growth and examining the effectiveness of such services in different
educational contexts adds depth to the essay but also increases the level of complexity.

Moreover, discussing the challenges faced by writers in meeting tight deadlines, the pressure to
produce high-quality content promptly, and the potential consequences of prioritizing speed over
substance requires a nuanced approach. It demands a delicate balance to present a fair and objective
analysis without disregarding the legitimate needs of students seeking fast custom essay assistance.

In conclusion, crafting an essay on the topic of "Fast Custom Essay" is a challenging endeavor that
necessitates a comprehensive understanding of the custom essay industry, ethical considerations, and
the impact on both students and writers. The multifaceted nature of the subject requires careful
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Fast Custom Essay Fast Custom Essay
Social Darwinism Essay
At the beginning of the twentieth century, the world had started to change rapidly with
advances in technology and science, as well as changes in society, literature, and the arts.
The late nineteenth century saw the beginnings of the naturalistic literary movement,
with literature that tended to focus on accurately depicting everyday life and not
glamorizing or avoiding any repulsive aspects. This was influenced greatly by the
discoveries of Charles Darwin and his theory of evolutionby means of natural selection,
and this led to the popularization of the concept of Social Darwinism, which applied
Darwin s theory to social, political, and economic issues. Social Darwinism applies the
concept of survival of the fittest to society and states... Show more content on ...
These changes happening in the world were major influences on Norris and his
writing, and it was through his education that he received most of the influence that
inspired his works. Frank Norris was born in Chicago, but moved to San Francisco,
where McTeague takes place, as a teenager. In 1887, Norris went to Paris to study
painting at the Atelier Julien Art School, but returned to San Francisco after two years,
and after this, he began to pursue writing while studying at the University of California
at Berkeley. At Berkeley, he was introduced to the ideas of literary naturalism and Social
Darwinism, both of which heavily influenced the themes found in McTeague. The
findings of Charles Darwin, combined with the increased popularity of naturalism
among writers, were very influential in popularizing the idea of Social Darwinism, as for
Norris and other naturalists, evolution undercut the idea of free will, suggesting that
human behavior was controlled by forces of heredity and instinct that were beyond
individuals control (Brucker). These influences were the driving force behind the themes
in the novel McTeague, a novel in which Norris intended to give a realistic portrayal of
everyday life in late nineteenth century San
Battle At Trenton Research Paper
The Battle at Trenton, probably one of the most significant battles of the American
Revolutionary War, was a resounding victory for the Continental Army. General George
Washington, commander of the Continental Army, was the victor more on the sheer
complacency of British Commanding General James Grant and Colonel Johann Rall,
Trenton Garrison Commander. December 25 and 26, 1776, will live in infamy for the
British. Even though the battle was not a resounding crush to the British forces, General
Lord Charles Cornwallis, General James Grant and General William Howe, had made a
strategic mistake and now handed the upper hand to the Continental Army. It was a
resounding victory for General George Washington, not only for morale but also because
the gained strategic winter positioning. Yet all should have been for not. Had the British
and their allied forces, the Hessians, used intelligence assets that were available at that
time, General Washington would have lost the battle, and subsequently the war. Through
... Show more content on ...
General Washington knew the importance of good intelligence, of which Honeyman
played a major role. Honeyman, an Irishman who had served the British in previous
wars, had earned the trust of the British. Which allowed him to move in and around
Trenton without fear of persecution. However, Honeyman was a sympathizer to the
Colonials, and reported intelligence information directly to General Washington. Prior to
the battle, Honeyman had arranged his own capture by the Colonial Army, where he
reported the bad state of the Garrison Trenton. He reported that Colonel Rall s men were
less than 2,000 that were supplied by a small amount of heavy guns. With the help of
General Washington, Honeyman escaped the Colonial Army and reported back to
Colonel Rall. He led the commander of the Garrison to believe that the Colonial Army
was in no state to attack any time soon (Central Intelligence Agency,
Sherlock Series Monologues
Evidence in the above passage that suggests that Caitlin Moran is an enthusiastic fan
of the Sherlock series is that the article she wrote about the Sherlock series is called
My Love Affair with Sherlock which she published in The Times . The language she
used in the title suggests that Caitlin Moran is an enthusiastic fan of the Sherlock
series because she describes her love of Sherlock as a Love Affair . Another evidence
in the above passage that Caitlin Moran is an enthusiastic fan of the Sherlock series is
that she was at the series two premiere at the British Film Institute where only the
dedicated Sherlock fans have been camping in the bitter cold, since 5.30am . The way
she describes the series two premiere of Sherlock at... Show more content on ...
Caitlin Moran expresses the feeling of excitement amongst the fans of Sherlock when
she stated that dedicated Sherlock fans have been camping in the bitter cold, since
5.30am and that the fifty most dedicated fans clutch cameras and presents for the cast .
Caitlin Moran also expresses the feeling of joy when the opening credits begin in a
room full of love and excitement and that this is the first time I have ever seen a plot
point so clever and unexpected that it prompts a whole room to applaud it . Afterwards,
the joy of the occasion is expressed by Steven Moffat when he tells Caitlin Moran that it
s never going to get any better than this and until we write the next series, obviously...
that s going to be
Law Enforcement Of The United States
Juan Lopez
Ms. Dennaoui
English 12
23 April 2015
Law Enforcement Imagine if there was no type of law enforcement code for a month
in your city. Crime rates will be at an all time high. People would have no sort of
protection or stability. There would also be no one to control the people; no one will
ensure peace amongst the people. Thanks to our police officers all of these possible
dangerous situations are kept under control on a daily basis. Police officers put their
lives on the line each day to ensure peace and protection to the public.
Law enforcement has been around for centuries, providing aid and assisting the
people. Communities first developed watch systems composed of volunteers whose
primary duty was to warn people of impending danger. ( The History of Policing ) The
law enforcement program in the United States closely followed that of England at the
time. Law enforcement in the United States began on April 1631 in Boston: Boston
created a night watch in 1636, New York in 1658 and Philadelphia in 1700. The night
watch was not a particularly effective crime control device. Watchmen often slept or
drank on duty. While the watch was theoretically voluntary, many volunteers were
simply attempting to evade military service, were conscript forced into service by their
town, or were performing watch duties as a form of punishment. ( The History of
Policing )
The program consisted of both appointed officers and volunteers. The tasks of these early
Lgbt Pros And Cons
The Lgbt community has historically has been ostracized simply because of their sexual
sexual preference. They are still denied the right to marry in certain states. Social security
benefits has continued to be controversial. Recently transgender individuals using public
restrooms has created an outrage. Finally in the following essay, i will discuss where the
lgbtcommunity will find a place in the trump administration also homosexualityand
On April 28. 2016, The supreme court heard arguments in obergefell v. hodges over
whether or not gay marriage should be a right guaranteed by the US. Constitution and
also whether or not gay marriages performed in states where it has been legalized must
be recognized in states where it was banned. On Friday, June 28, 2016, The court ruled 5
4 that gay marriage is a constitutional right. Being a constitutional right all 50 states must
allow it and current bans are invalid. Even though same sex marriage is legal, There are
still 13 states banning to marry same sex. These 13 states includes Arkansas, Georgia,
Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, North Dakota, South Dakota, Tennessee,
and Texas. ... Show more content on ...
Donald Trump is a racist, bigot, homophobe and also a sexist. With Trump being elected
president the lgbt is terrified of what laws trump might try to implement during his
presidency. Would the president do good on his pledge to repeal the affordable care act,
which protects transgender people from discrimination in accessing health care? Would
he appoint conservative judges to the US Supreme Court who could roll back marriage
equality and other civil right? Despite being very sympathetic for the lgbt community
after the Orlando nightclub shooting, The republicans anti lgbt platform are a threat to
the progress made during the Obama administration s legacy. Donald Trump became the
face of anti lgbtq after signing a

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