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The oxidation number of central metal atom in [ Ni ( CO)4 ] is

a. 0
b. 2
c. 4
d. 6

2. The melting points and boiling points up to middle of 3d – series.

a. Increase
b. Decrease
c. Does not change
d. None of these

3. Compounds attracted by applied strong magnetic field are called

a. Diamagnetic
b. Paramagnetic
c. Good conductor
d. Ferromagnetic
4. The correct electronic configuration of ‘Cr’ is
a. [Ar] 4s23d
b. [Ar] 4s23d4
c. [Ar] 4s03d
d. [Ar] 4s13d5

5. Which of the following can form a chelate

a. Ammine
b. Oxalate
c. Carbonyl
d. Cyano

6. The compound or complex ion which has a ring in its structure.

a. Polydentate ligand
b. Chelate
c. Monodentate ligand
d. Am bidentate
7. The oxidation number of Mn in [MnO4]-2 is
a. +7
b. -7
c. +6
d. -6

8. Which of the following is a typical transition metal?

a. Sc
b. Y
c. Cd
d. Co

9. 𝑭𝒆𝟑+ and 𝑴𝒏𝟐+ are strong paramagnetic because the

number of unpaired electrons in each is:
a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
d. 7
10. When the central atom of coordination compounds is sp3d3
hybridization, the expected geometry will be
a. tetrahedral
b. square planer
c. trigonal bipyramidal
d. octahedral

11. Coordination number of Pt in [Pt Cl(NO2)(NH3)4 ]is:

a. 2 b. 4
c. 1 d. 6

12. Which of the following is not related to transition elements?

a. They have a high tensile strength
b. They are malleable
c. They are ductile
d. They have low melting points
13. E.D.T.A is:
a. Mono-dentate
b. Bi-dentate
c. Polydentate
d. Having three lone pairs of electrons

14. Which has the largest radius?

a. 𝐶𝑜3+
b. 𝑀𝑛3+
c. 𝐹𝑒 3+
d. 𝐶𝑟 3+

15. The number of unpaired electrons in ferrous (Z=26) is:

a. 3 b. 2
c. 4 d. 5

16. Which of the following elements does not show variable oxidation states?
a. Copper
b. Iron
c. Zinc
d. Titanium
17. An element in 3+ oxidation state has the electronic configuration (Ar) 𝟑𝒅𝟑 .
The atomic number of this element is:
a. 24 b. 23
c. 22 d. 21

18. Which of the following metal ion is diamagnetic?

a. 𝐶𝑟 3+ b. 𝑉 3+
c. 𝑇𝑖 3+ d. 𝑆𝑐 3+

19. Which of the following is a characteristic of transition elements in the first series?
a. High ionization energies b. Strong tendency to form ionic compounds
c. Variable oxidation states d. Non-metallic character

20. Transition elements exhibit a variety of oxidation states. What is the reason for this behavior?
a. Incomplete filling of d orbitals b. Complete filling of d orbitals
c. Presence of f orbitals d. Lack of s orbitals
21. Which transition metal is known for its ability to exhibit the widest range of oxidation states?
a. Iron (Fe) b. Copper (Cu)
c. Chromium (Cr) d. Manganese (Mn)

22. What is a common trend in the melting and boiling points of the first series of transition elements?
a. Increase across the period b. Decrease across the period
c. Remain constant d. Follow a zig-zag pattern

23. What is the general electronic configuration of the first series of transition elements?
a. ns2np6(n-1)d1-10 b. ns2(n-1)d1-10
c. ns2np6 (n-1)d0-9 d. ns2 (n-1)d0-9

24. What is the main reason for the high melting and boiling points of transition metals?
a. Strong metallic bonding b. Weak intermolecular forces
c. Low atomic size d. Low ionization energy

25. Which transition metal is known for forming colorful compounds due to the presence of various
oxidation states?
a. Copper (Cu) b. Zinc (Zn)
c. Iron (Fe) d. Nickel (Ni)
26. The first series of transition elements is often referred to as the:
a. Noble metals b. Alkali metals
c. Rare earth metals d. Coinage metals

27. The process of forming a layer of oxide on the surface of metals, such as iron and aluminum, is known as:
a. Oxidation b. Reduction
c. Anodizing d. Electroplating

28. Which transition metal is used in the manufacture of stainless steel?

a. Nickel (Ni) b. Iron (Fe)
c. Chromium (Cr) d. Manganese (Mn)

29. Which of the following transition metals is a constituent of vitamin B12?

a. Iron (Fe) b. Cobalt (Co)
c. Zinc (Zn) d. Copper (Cu)
30. What is the main reason for the paramagnetic behavior of transition metals?
a. Fully filled d orbitals b. Half-filled d orbitals
c. Unpaired electrons in d orbitals d. Absence of d orbitals

31. Which transition metal is commonly used in the electroplating process to provide a thin layer of corrosion-resistant
a. Nickel (Ni) b. Chromium (Cr)
c. Copper (Cu) d. Zinc (Zn)

32. Which of the following statements is true regarding the color of transition metal compounds?
a. All transition metal compounds are colorless.
b. The color is independent of the metal ion.
c. It is associated with the absorption of visible light during d-d transitions.
d. Color is primarily caused by the presence of unpaired electrons.

33. The color observed in transition metal compounds is a result of:

a. Absorption of visible light b. Absorption of ultraviolet light
c. Emission of visible light d. Emission of ultraviolet light

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