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Урок 42: «Trace Mineral Nutrition»

1. Read the text.

Trace Mineral Nutrition
Trace minerals are the minerals you need in your diet in very small amounts. While
seafood is a great source, minerals also are found in many other types of foods.
Nine trace minerals are known to be essential to humans. Although they are
classified separately from the "major" minerals, trace minerals are by no means minor
players in human nutrition. The four most well known trace minerals are iron, zinc,
iodine and selenium. Along with copper, manganese, chromium, molybdenum and
fluoride, these minerals play various roles in the maintenance of good health and
prevention of disease.
These nutrients are found in whole grain products, nuts, seafood, meats, legumes,
dairy products, fruits and vegetables. If you eat a balanced diet that includes a variety
of foods, you will have no trouble getting enough of these trace minerals. Fluoride is
also added to the water supply. All of these minerals are needed by the body in such
small amounts that there's almost no chance of a dietary deficiency. Unless you are at
risk of deficiency, individual mineral supplements are not recommended except on a
doctor's advice because they can easily result in overload; at high levels, minerals can
be toxic. If you feel you need minerals and are not getting enough in your diet, a
multivitamin and mineral supplement with no more than 100% of the Daily Value
(DV) for each nutrient should cover your needs. These types of multivitamin and
mineral supplements also provide a healthy balance of nutrients that can aid in the
absorption and use of trace minerals. For instance, they contain vitamin C, which helps
move iron through the intestinal wall and into the bloodstream.
2. State which of the sentences are true and which are false:
1. Trace minerals are the minerals you need in your diet in very large amounts.
2. Nine trace minerals are known to be essential to humans.
3. They are classified separately as the "major" minerals, trace minerals are by no
means minor players in human nutrition.
4. If you eat a balanced diet that dosn’t include a variety of foods, you will have no
trouble getting enough of these trace minerals.
5. Fluoride is also added to the water supply.
3.Choose the correct statement:
1. While ……….. is a great source, minerals also are found in many other types of
a) dairy products b) seafood c) poultry d) vegetables
2. At high levels, minerals can be toxic.
a) toxic b) useful c) important d) dangerous
3. …………. is also added to the water supply.
a) manganese b) copper c) iodine d) fluoride
4. These types of multivitamin and mineral supplements also provide a healthy
balance of nutrients that can aid in the …………….. and use of trace minerals.
a) storage b) movement c) absorption d) maintenance
5. For instance, they contain vitamin C, which helps move iron through the
………………. and into the bloodstream.
a) stomach b) kidney c) liver d) intestinal wall

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