Quizzes Part 2

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Unit 4 Quiz: Designing the Web

Complete the conversation. Circle the correct words.
A: What’s that website you’re 1 (browsing / downloading)?
B: It’s a site that sells digital textbooks.
A: So you 2 (review / download) your textbooks to your tablet?
B: Yep. I just click this 3 (button / function), and the download starts.
A: I read a 4 (function / review) that said it takes a long time to download things on that site.
B: That’s true. But this site is 5 (cheaper / more expensive) than other online stores for textbooks.
It’s also a lot 6 (easy / easier) to use.

Put the words in the correct order to complete the comparison.
1 My new computer is (old / one / than / faster / much / my).

2 That restaurant has (best / in / online / the / reviews / the / neighborhood).

3 I think typing on a laptop is (tablet / easier / typing / than / a / on / much).

4 Some digital books (as / same / the / cost / books / printed).

Complete the paragraph using the words in the box.

audacity constraints humility low-end unprecedented

Designing websites that have millions of users brings 1 challenges to

designers. One consideration is older devices. 2 cell phones create
. Screens are small and software is outdated. Designers must design
for both old and new devices. It’s important for designers to have 4 ,
keeping in mind the needs of users living in countries that may not have the latest
technology. They must also design with 5 —with the confidence that
their work can help change people’s lives.

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Unit 5 Quiz: Community Builders
Complete the conversation below using the words in the box.

underprivileged social benefit entrepreneurs facility empower

A: Do you know any 1 ?

B: Actually, yes. My uncle started a kind of training 2 in his community.
A: Do you mean something like a gym?
B: No, people come to learn job skills. He wants to 3 them.
A: Wow, that sounds like it could really 4 a lot of people.
B: Yeah. It’s in a(n) 5 neighborhood so I think it does help.
A: That’s so great. How cool that your uncle is a(n) 6 entrepreneur!
B: He doesn’t make a lot of money. But we’re really proud of him.

Rewrite the sentences using the passive voice.
1 The new green space transformed the community.

2 They cleaned up the river just in time for summer.

3 The government built a new rail system for commuters.

4 They inspired the community to make changes to benefit the underprivileged.

Complete the paragraph using the words in the box.

favelas informal accomplishments transform communities

Haas and Hahn are a team of social entrepreneurs who are hoping to
an underprivileged part of Rio de Janeiro. They have been working
for years with the 2
who live in the 3 to paint
buildings and brighten the neighborhoods. Haas and Hahn have learned that the most
effective way for getting things done in these communities often means taking a(n)
approach. With this understanding of the people and communities
of the favelas, the two men have been able to find success. Their 5
have helped to inspire communities all over the world.
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Unit 6 Quiz: Clear Communication
Complete the conversation. Circle the correct words.
A: Did you get the text message I 1 (shared / sent)?
B: No, I lost my phone yesterday…
A: I was wondering why you weren’t 2 (making / checking) your messages.
B: Well, I 3 (posted / sent) a comment on my Facebook page about it.
A: You did? I didn’t 4 (check / have) Facebook yesterday.
B: I told everyone to 5 (give / send) me emails until I get my new phone.

Correct the mistake in each sentence.
1 I recommend to try a networking site to find a new job.

2 I trying to post a comment at least once a day.

3 I prefer wrote my blog than do my homework.

4 I try to avoid to call people after 8 p.m.

5 I don’t like my co-workers to contacted me on weekends.

Read the quotes from Melissa Marshall’s TED Talk and complete the sentences.

1 We desperately need great communication from our scientists.

Marshal thinks the need is (great / moderate).
2 Our scientists and engineers are the ones that are tackling our grandest challenges …
Scientists and engineers are (dealing / struggling) with important challenges.
3 And making your ideas accessible is not the same as dumbing it down.
Dumbing it down means that the idea is made too (complicated / simple).
4 Those are ways to engage and excite us about your content.
Marshall is teaching ways to help others (connect with / simplify) their ideas.
5 You can clearly communicate your science without compromising the ideas.
An example of compromising an idea would be (dumbing it down / making it engaging).

© 2017 National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning. This page may be photocopied.

194 Unit 6 Quiz

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