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Northern Area Oil Workover Department

Environmental Management System (EMS)
Operational Planning and Control
Approved By
Revision Date
Issue date Revision Ibrahim A. Al-Ghamdi,
Page 0 of 5 12 Months from
24 July 2023 01 NAOWOD Director
Issue Date

Operational Planning and Control

July 24, 2023

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Northern Area Oil Workover Department
Environmental Management System (EMS) °=!.::igo.w..l I ¢o�i
saudi aramco
Operational Planning and Control
Approved By
Revision Date
Issue date Revision Ibrahim A. Al-Ghamdi,
Page 1 of 5 12 Months from
24 July 2023 01 NAOWOD Director
Issue Date

Document Review and Approval (Signature and Date)

Document Pre ared

Abdullah, Mohd K, Environmental Coordinator I

Northern Area Oi I Workover Department

Hassan W.Otai , MS Champion/ Div-2 Manager

Northern Area Oil Workover Department

Ibrahim JS. amdi, Director

Northern Area Oil Workover Department

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Northern Area Oil Workover Department
Environmental Management System (EMS)
Operational Planning and Control
Approved By
Revision Date
Issue date Revision Ibrahim A. Al-Ghamdi,
Page 2 of 5 12 Months from
24 July 2023 01 NAOWOD Director
Issue Date

1.0 Purpose

This procedure describes the process of developing operating principles and putting into action
controls to meet the environmental policy and the organization’s goals. This procedure enables
D&WO and URDD to compose and combine processes to secure the operational control of the
environmental aspects of NAOWOD operations.

2.0 Scope

This procedure applies to the NAOWOD EMS. The scope establishes operational controls to manage
the following activities and services:

- Operations and activities under the control of NAOWOD

- That are associated with the significant environmental aspects
- Where the absence of a procedure could lead to a deviation from the NAOWOD EMS

3.0 Acronyms and Definitions

3.1 Acronyms
3.1.1 D&WO: Drilling and Workover
3.1.2 DOE&CD: Drilling Operational Excellence & Compliance Division
3.1.3 E&OHU: Environmental & Occupational Health Unit
3.1.4 URDD: Unconventional Resource Drilling Department
3.1.5 EMS: Environmental Management System
3.1.6 SOC: Safe Operations Committee
3.1.7 OIM: Operation Instructions Manuals
3.1.8 EMC: Environmental Management Committee
3.1.9 OTP: Objective, Targets and Programs

3.2 Definitions
3.2.1 Environmental Policy: intentions and direction of an organization related to
environmental compliance and performance, as formally expressed by its top

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Northern Area Oil Workover Department
Environmental Management System (EMS)
Operational Planning and Control
Approved By
Revision Date
Issue date Revision Ibrahim A. Al-Ghamdi,
Page 3 of 5 12 Months from
24 July 2023 01 NAOWOD Director
Issue Date

3.2.2 Environmental Aspect: element of an organization’s activities, products or

services that interacts or can interact with the environment. An environmental
aspect can cause (an) environmental impact(s).

3.2.3 Environmental Impact: change to the environment, whether adverse or

beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from an organization’s environmental

3.2.4 Requirement: need or expectation that is stated, generally implied or obligatory

such as compliance obligations. Note: Requirements other than legal requirements become
obligatory when the organization decides to comply with them.

3.2.5 Compliance Obligations: legal requirements and other requirements that an

organization has to comply with and other requirements that an organization has
to or chooses to comply with. Note: Compliance obligations can arise from mandatory
requirements, such as applicable laws and regulations, or voluntary commitments, such as
organizational and industry standards, contractual relationships, codes of practice and
agreements with community groups or non-governmental organizations.

3.2.6 Nonconformity: non-fulfilment of a requirement. Nonconformity relates to

requirements in this International Standard and additional environmental
management system requirements that an organization establishes for itself
including compliance obligations.

4.0 Responsibilities

NAOWOD Director

• Assigns representatives to maintain compliance with the D&WO EMS Manual.

• Approves/signs off on environmental objectives and programs (action plans).
• Accepts responsibility to achieve environmental improvements in order to have an
effective EMS.
• Supports and approves development of appropriate environmental programs.
• Ensures that resources needed for the EMS are available.

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Northern Area Oil Workover Department
Environmental Management System (EMS)
Operational Planning and Control
Approved By
Revision Date
Issue date Revision Ibrahim A. Al-Ghamdi,
Page 4 of 5 12 Months from
24 July 2023 01 NAOWOD Director
Issue Date


• Ensures that NAOWOD EMS program is established, implemented, maintained, and

performs efficiently.

• Identifies all operational controls and required to meet NAOWOD EMS requirements
and to implement the actions, by establishing operating procedures relevant to the
EMS implementation.
• Establish control measures to ensure that relevant environmental requirements are
monitored and are achieved. This may include requirements contained within
government environmental regulations and corporate environmental requirements.

• Control planned changes and review the consequences of unintended changes,

acting to mitigate any adverse effects, as necessary.
• Ensure that outsourced processes are controlled or influenced.
• Update employees about the proper means of execution of the operational control.
• Maintain a list of all documented operational control procedures updates, such that it
is accessible through NAOWOD EMS folder.
• Reviews and reports new (or changes in) NAOWOD processes and/or procedures that
may have an environmental impact (adverse or beneficial) and may affect achievement
of desired EMS outcomes to DOE&CD.
• Reports newly identified environmental aspects to DOE&CD and advises DOE&CD of any
proposed changes to environmental objectives and programs (action plans).
• Ensure current practices represent current written procedures.


• Forms an internal EMS Team with the appropriate skills to fulfill DOE&CD responsibilities
as defined in this EMS manual.
• Review and evaluate processes and activities of the operational control needs.
• Ensures that copies of all applicable documented operational control procedures for
significant aspects are kept stored in each department’s online EMS folders by the EMS

5.0 Procedure
In order to manage significant environmental aspects, the EMS Coordinator must identify which
documented operational controls are necessary using the Environmental Aspects and Risks

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Northern Area Oil Workover Department
Environmental Management System (EMS)
Operational Planning and Control
Approved By
Revision Date
Issue date Revision Ibrahim A. Al-Ghamdi,
Page 5 of 5 12 Months from
24 July 2023 01 NAOWOD Director
Issue Date

Operational controls shall include provisions to implement prompt corrective action if a

deviation occurs. Existing operational controls are identified in the Environmental Aspects and
Risks Register.

Consistent with a life cycle perspective, NAOWOD shall:

a) Establish controls, as appropriate, to ensure that its environmental requirements are

addressed in its activities, considering each life cycle stage, as applicable;
b) Determine its environmental requirement(s) for the procurement of products or services,
as appropriate;
c) Communicate its relevant environmental requirement(s) to external providers, including
d) Consider the need to provide information about potential significant environmental impacts
associated with the transportation or delivery, use, end-of-life treatment and final disposal
of its products or end of services, if applicable;
e) Maintain documented information to the extent necessary to have confidence that the
processes have been carried out as planned.

Operations associated with any applicable significant environmental aspect and control
procedures should be periodically evaluated as required by environmental targets and action
programs to ensure that they are conducted in a way that will control or reduce adverse
impacts. The following issues should be considered when developing operational controls:

• Severity of actual or potential environmental impact

• Corporate environmental requirements
• HSERM requirements
• Site hand-over requirements
• History of related environmental incidents, if any
• Relevance to the environmental protection and water conservation policies
• Relevance to designated environmental objectives
• Available equipment or technology, and their effectiveness
• Cost, impact on productivity, and other business considerations

Operational control procedures for significant aspects shall be included in relevant Work
Instructions, Drilling Programs, or Operation Instruction Manuals (OIMs), or can be developed
as stand-alone documents/instructions. Operational controls should be carried out and utilized
in the process of implementing management programs for meeting the Environmental
Protection Policy commitment, managing NAOWOD’s significant environmental impacts, and
meeting the established environmental objectives (including time thresholds), or as a
corrective action.

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

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