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Physical Activity Towards Health and Fitness 1

Activity No. 1

1. What are the basic non-locomotor movements discussed last week?

ANSWER: The basic non-locomotor movements discussed last week include bending, twisting, stretching,
swaying, and swinging.

2. What is the proper way of doing the breathing exercise?

ANSWER: The proper way to do a breathing exercise involves inhaling deeply through your nose, expanding your
diaphragm, and exhaling slowly through your mouth, focusing on controlled and rhythmic breathing.

3. How to do “Bracing a core”?

ANSWER: To perform “Bracing a core,” you should engage your core muscles by tightening them as if you were
preparing for a light punch to the stomach, maintaining this contraction while breathing normally.

4. Why is core necessary to us?

ANSWER: The core is necessary for stability, balance, and supporting the spine. It helps protect internal organs,
assists in various movements, and contributes to overall body strength.

5. What is the correct way of doing a rolling exercise?

ANSWER: The correct way to do a rolling exercise varies depending on the specific exercise, but it typically
involves controlled movements that engage your core and body coordination.

6. What is an Ipsilateral? Give 2 non-locomotor exercises that you can perform in an ipsilateral?

ANSWER : Ipsilateral refers to movements on the same side of the body. Two non-locomotor exercises you can
perform in an ipsilateral manner are the standing side bend and the seated twist.

7. What is a contralateral? Give 2 non-locomotor exercises that you can perform in a contralateral?

ANSWER: Contralateral refers to movements on opposite sides of the body. Two non-locomotor exercises you
can perform in a contralateral manner are the cross-crawl exercise and the seated row with resistance bands
8. How to perform a dead bug series and bird dog series?

ANSWER: Performing a dead bug series involves lying on your back, extending your arms and legs, and then
moving them in a controlled and alternating manner. Bird dog series is done on your hands and knees, extending
one arm and the opposite leg while maintaining balance.

9. Give examples of Scapulo-Thoracic exercises? What are the benefits of this exercises?

ANSWER: Scapulo-Thoracic exercises include scapular retractions and wall angels. These exercises help improve
shoulder stability, posture, and reduce the risk of shoulder injuries.

10. Give examples of Lumbo-Pelvis exercises? What are the benefits of this exercises?

ANSWER: Lumbo-Pelvis exercises include pelvic tilts and hip bridges. They can help strengthen the lower back,
core, and improve pelvic stability.

11. What are the steps in doing a squat series?

ANSWER: The steps in doing a squat series typically involve proper stance, controlled descent, keeping the back
straight, and pushing through the heels to stand back up.

12. What are the 3 types of planks?

ANSWER: The three types of planks are the forearm plank, side plank, and plank on hands.

13. What do you improve in doing each type of plank?

ANSWER: In each type of plank, you improve core strength, stability, and endurance. Side planks also engage the
obliques and lateral muscles.

14. How exactly is plank series performed?

ANSWER: To perform a plank series, you would typically start with one type of plank, hold it for a certain
duration, then switch to another type of plank, repeating this sequence with short rests in between.

15. From those non-locomotor movements, what do you think is the most difficult, and Why do you think it’s

ANSWER: Among the non-locomotor movements, many find contralateral exercises the most difficult because
they require coordination between opposite sides of the body, challenging balance and proprioception.

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