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The pie charts indicate the percentagefive of four

energy’s sources in America in 1980 and 1990.

In 1980 and 1990, oil was the major sources. To be more

specific, in 1980, the percentage in from that was 42%;

10-year period witnessed a drop with the percentage

dropping to 33% in 1990.

As for Natural gas, the second largest main sources of

energy in 1980 with 26% in 1980, it decreased its

percentage to 25% in 1990.

In terms of coal, during 10 years from 1980, its

proportion rose from 22% to 27%. With regard to

nuclear power, the percentage in from that was 5% in

1980, 1/2 timeshalf as much as that in 1990.

In 1980, there was 22% of energy from coal. A decade

later, the percentage increased to 27% in 1990.

As for hydroelectric power, the percentage in that was

5% in 1980, the same as that in 1990.

The bar chart makes a comparison about the popularity

of four home activities among young people aged 11-16 in

four nations.

Computer games are the most popular activities in four

countries. In detail, there are 60% of teenagers choosing

them in Ireland, 20% higher than that in Scotland. While,

in England and Wales the percentage of teenagers

choosing computer gams is the same (50%).

There are 30% of teenagers like watching television in

Britain, Ireland and in Scotland the percentage of young

people is 25%.

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