Qualities of Good Recommendation Letters

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‘24, 243 PM. Qualities of Good Writers of NW Ref cefRecommendation Letters and Examples of Whal They Should Say inthe Letter 166.0969 (Toll Free) 1930 a1m, to 5:30 pum, Eastern Time Zone North America 7 \mmigration Law Group Home OurFirm Services. Legal Fees «Knowledge Center Our Approvals. Contact Us Home / NIW / Qualities of Good Writers of NIBW (National Interest Waiver) Reference/Recommendation Letters and Examples of What They Should Say in the Letter Qualities of Good Writers of NIW (National Interest Waiver) Reference/ Recommendation Letters and Examples of What They Should Say in the Letter by WeGreened ‘A recommendation letter is also called a reference letter, supporting letter or testimonial letter. Recommendation letters are essential In 2 NIW (National Interest Walver) petition. Given that adjusting officers are rarely experts in your fel, the only way fer them to determine whether you quality for the standard set by the immigration aw (extraordinary ability, exceptional ability, entitled to the waiver of a labor certification) is looking at objective evidence submitted. The evidence includes but nat limited to articles, publications, memos, expert testimony, citations, rewards and recommendation/reference letters. Lawyers in North America Immigration Law Group are of the opinion that a NIW (National Interest Weiver) recommendation letter is one ofthe most important evidentiary supporting materials. Therefore, we not only take time to figure out the perfect candidates with our clients to draft their NIW (National Interest Waiver) recommendation letters, ut also draft letters for them. Drafting the most helpful NIW (Natlonal Interest Waiver) recommendation letters require good understanding about USCIS regulations and immigration law, we Just cannot leave that important job to our clients, Strong NIW (National Interest Waiver) Recommendation/Reference Letters Makes up for Your Minimum Citations ‘The USCIS ané AAO have kept pointing out that the standard of NIW (National Interest Waiver), unlike EBI-A, is a flexible standard. That i, there is no requirement of minimum number of papers and citations. Based on our experience and AAO decisions, while frequent citation can certainly bolster a researchers claim to have influenced the Feld, the lack of frequent ‘itation is not a bar ta eligibility where other objective evidence of the petitone’s influence exists. Similarly, merely being cltee substantially does not by itself establish the petitioner's eligibility to NIW (National Interest Waiver) Original and significant ‘contribution to the field is an essential consideration for the USCIS to decide on an IW (National Interest Waiver) case and we ‘ound that establishing the petitioner's contribution relies heawly an strong recommendation letters. Therefore, thelist of people drafting your recommendation leters and the content of these letters are critical to establish your original and ‘substantial contribution in your fel. How to Choose Good Candidates to Make Testimonials for you NIW (National Interest Waiver) petition ‘Application for NIW (National Interest Waiver) isa lang journey. During the process of helping clients of us walk through the complicated procedure, the first anc one of the most important questions we encounter is “whom should I turn to for recommendation letters/reference letters?” We always take time with our cllents to discuss good candidates for their NIW (National Interest Waiver) recommendation leters/reference letters because recommenders are essential in the successful support provided by NIW (National Interast Waiver) recommendation letters/reference letters. Misunderstanding about NIW (National Interest Waiver) Recommendation letters/reference letters Many people confuse NIW (National Interest Waiver) recommendation letters/reference letters for 1-140 petition with those for advance education. Usually, a NIW (National Interest Waiver) recommendation letter for graduate school or PhD program is a ‘detalled alscussion, from a faculty member, of the personal qualities, accomplishments, ang experiences that make the applicant unique and perfect for the programs to which they've epplied. However, NIW (National Interest Walver) recommendation letters/reference letters for I-140 petition focus en the foreign nationals influence and contribution to the field of the endeavor. They da not necessarily come from peaple wha know them personally oF in depth, -ntps:twww:wegreened cominiv/EB2-NIW-Qualties-Good-NIW-Recommendation-Leters wa ‘yaie4, 243 PM Qualties of Good Writers of NW Reference/Recommendation Letters and Examples of Whal They Should Say in he Letter NIW (National Interest Waiver) Recommendation letters/Reference Letters from Outside the Petitioner's Immediate Circle of Acquaintances Carry More Weight Lawyers in North America Immigration Law Group advise our NIW (National Interest Weiver) clients to obtain strong letters from both their “inner circle" and "outer circle” of peers. The inner circle includes those they have directly worked with either in academia or In business. Lanyers in our firm always remind our clients that while these inner-circle letters are often the most Glowing, they are also the most suspect since they are possibly biased. The USCIS expects a foreign national to be able to Identity the outer circle of people who may recommend the foreign national. This inckides people/arganizations that are familiar with the foreign nationals work but may have not met the foreign national We have found that USCIS takes the position that an Individual with sustained national or international acclaim should be able to produce ample unsolicited materials reflecting that acclaim, Therefore, NIW (National Interest Waiver) recommendation letters/reference letters from independent and outside sources carry more weight because they are proaf ofthe petitioner's accomplishments. Ifa petitioner's contributions are not praised widely outside his or her current and former circle of acquaintances, then it cannot be concluded that he or she has earned sustained national ar international acclaim or is truly ‘exceptional or outstanding. Therefore, the USCIS did net give as much weight to letters from the petitioner's immediate circle of colleagues submitted in support of the criterion of eriginal contributions of major significance in the el. ‘Inner Circle" Bias can be Overcome by other Documentation in your NIW (National Interest Waiver) petition Some of our NIW (National Interest Walver) clients asked what they shoulé do if they fall to produce letters from members of the field who do not know him oF her. In this case, other methods of demonstrating national recognition are possible. What documentation can be used to serve this purpose can be referred back to the EB-1 “extraordinary abilky” standards, Pe shoulé submit articles they have published in noteworthy trade publications. The AAO has also been persuaded by NIW (National Interest Waiver) petitioners who show that their work has been cited internationally, Finally the fact that all the referees in 8 given petition are personally acquainted with the petitioner can be overcome by the notabilty of the referees. In ‘one NIW (National Interest Waiver) case, the AAO ignored the acquaintance of the referees with the petitoner since al the referees were researchers at Johns Hopkins, one of the world's leading mecical research institutions. For clients who are not able to solicit independent recommendation letters for their NIW (National Interest Waiver) petition, we suggest our cents to obtain favorable manuscrots from the peer review process. Most scholarly journals put all articles through a peer review process before publication, Many of these journals maintain manuscrots from the peer review process, Peer review manuscripts represent the opinions of unbiased, anonymous observers of the author's research. If they comment favorably on the author's work, they ate convincing evidence of the petitioner's accomplishments. In two recent cases, the AAO was persuaded by peer review manuscripts in a NIW case, People who are More Prestigious NIW (National Interest Waiver) Recommendation/Reference Letter Writers From years of experience, we have found that think tanks, government agencies, and university professors are the mare prestigious letter writers for NIW references. For NIW (National Interest Waiver) cases, recommendation /reference letters from government officials especially help substantially. [As suggested by the USCIS in its NIW (National Interest Waiver) adjudication regulations, letters from government officials and agencles attesting to the national interests which will be served by the alien's permanent residence will greatly Increase the chances of success ine national interest waiver case, Supporting NIW (National Interest Waiver) letters from Experts or Authorities Carry More Weight, Generally, individuals recognized as authorities or experts in the feld are given greater weight 2s @ NIW (National Interest Waiver) recommendation letter writer given that they are regarded to have more authoritative opinions upon the petitioner's research, In the NIW (National Interest Weiver) recommendation letter, 2 statement should be included in the support leter that establishes the quelifications of these individuals to judge the alien's work, NIW (National Interest Waiver) testimonial letters from undistinguished colleagues or former college instructors have been subject to greater scrutiny than leters submitted by high-level officials of recognized major organizations. A NIW (National Interest Waiver) Recommender should be Able to Specifically Address your Accomplishments and Contribution In addition to be an expert inthe field of your endeavor, It will better ifthe person writing you a NIW (National Interest Waiver) recommendation letter knows about your research and contribution enough to specifically address them in the recommendation letter, Therefore, although someone who has @ prominent reputation In the field of your endeavor will be a better candidate nitpssiwww. wegreened, com/niw/EB2-NIW+Qualities-Good-NIW-Recommendation-Letters 218 ‘ya24, 243 PM. Qualties of Good Writers of NW Reference/Recommendation Letters and Examples of Whal They Should Say in he Letter ‘than someone from your immediate circle of acquaintances, a perfect candidate will be an expert familiarizing himself/herself of your contribution. ‘To sum up, keep in mind that adjusting officers of NIM (National Interest Weiver) cases have no way to understand your research and contributions given that it isnot their expertise. The only way for them to determine whether you have been ‘qualified fora certain category is by reviewing the objective evidence you submit. A recommendation leter Is an important Indicator of your accomplishments. Therefore you should seek someone who ts not only an independent expert but also has sufficient knowledge about your accomplishments and able to address them na recommendation letter. About NIW (National Interest Waiver) Recommendation Letter Strong reference letters are kay to @ successful NIW case, Recognizing the paramount importance of reference letters in ‘securing successful NIW and E81 approvals, our frm meticulously drafts personalized letters for each of our clients, effectively ‘underscoring their unique achievements and contributions. We are of the opinion that drafting 2 good reference letter requires @ ‘490 understanding of the immigration law and USCIS regulations and these cannot be replaced by templates. Filing an NIW petition is 2 significant step and should not be taken lightly, Don't fle an NIW pettion just to “Give ita shot!" Due to the recent prolonged processing time, reckless Fling will substant lly delay the time you receive @ green card. Moreover, although the law does not preclude the possibilty of repeated fling under the same category, Ifyou file another NIW pettion after the rejected one without having significant improvement of your credentials, your case will very Ukely be rejected again ‘+ National Interest Waiver (NIW) + Requirements For Ptitioning For the National Interest Waiver (NIW) + Legal Fees of National Interest Waiver (NIW) + Processing Flow of National Interest Waiver (NIW) +The Benefits of Petitioning Under the EB-2 National Interest Waiver (NIW) Standard + Occupation-Specific Benefits of Pettioning Under the National Interest Waiver (NIW) Standard + Frequently Asked Questions for £82-NIW (National Interest Waiver) + Physicians Seeking National interest Waiver + NIW with no Ph.D, for Ph.D. Cancidates/ Ph.D. Students/ Master Degree + EB-2 NIW (National Interest Waiver) for Arists/Musiians + NIW (National Interest Waiver) Document List + NIW Case Preparation: How We Prepare your NIW Case + How to File an EB-2 NIW (National Interest Waiver) Case + Qualities of Good Writers of NIW Reference/Recommendation Letters and Examples of What They Should Say in the Lette + What should be Included in 2 Recommendation Letter in EBI-A, EB1-B or NIW application? + Step by Step Introduction for @ Good NIW (National Interest Waiver) Recommendation Letter + Importance of an €8-2 NIW (National Interest Walver) Recommendation/Reference Letter + NIW (National Interest Welver) Supporting Evidence / Supporting Materials Services E62-NIW EBL-A 61-8 ee1-c PERM (Labor Certification) 1.485 Adjustment of Status 1-140 and 1-485 Concurrent Fling Immigrant Visa Processing HIB Visa -ntps:twww:wegreened cominiv/EB2-NIW-Qualties-Good-NIM-Recommendation-Leters ‘ya24, 243 PM. Qualties of Good Writers of NWW Reference/Recommendation Letters and Examples of Whal They Should Say in he Letter Li visa (01/03 visa J+1 Visa and Waiver E1/€2 visa 888.666.0969 (Toll Free) 734.244.8084 Chinese Hotline: (888.666.0969 ext. 380 Click Here to Submit Free Evaluation Request ‘Our Firm Services (Outstanding Researcher) Li visa (Intra Company Transfe -485 Adjustment of Status (Green Card) E1/E2 visa (Treaty Trader and Invest Our Approval requenty Aske atest Information no Legal Advice Intended, This webst Incuges general nfrmation about legal sues and cevelopments inthe law. Such materials are for Informational purpeses only and may nt refit the most current legal evelopment, The informational materia are nt intended, and must nat Be Question ‘ken, 2 legal advice on any particular eto facts or ercumstances, You need t contac: 8 layer for adlce on specie legal iesues problems Copyright © North America Immigrat -ntps:twww:wegreened cominiv/EB2-NIW-Qualties-Good-NIW-Recommendation-Leters roup, All Rignts Reserved 48

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