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Literary Essays

Crafting a literary essay can be a daunting task that requires a delicate balance of analytical skills,
creativity, and a profound understanding of the chosen literary work. The challenge lies not only in
expressing personal opinions but also in substantiating them with evidence from the text, making it
an intricate dance between interpretation and evidence.

One of the difficulties in writing a literary essay is navigating the fine line between subjective
interpretation and objective analysis. Striking the right balance is crucial to ensure that the essay
reflects a deep engagement with the text while maintaining an academic tone. Additionally, delving
into the intricacies of literary devices, themes, and character development demands a keen eye and
an insightful mind.

Furthermore, the research aspect can pose a challenge. Unraveling the layers of meaning within a
literary work often requires extensive reading, critical thinking, and scholarly exploration. This
process can be time-consuming and mentally taxing, as it involves not only understanding the
primary text but also contextualizing it within the broader literary and historical landscape.

The need for clarity and coherence in the essay adds another layer of complexity. Expressing
complex ideas in a clear and concise manner, while maintaining the academic tone, is a skill that
many find challenging. Organizing thoughts, constructing logical arguments, and seamlessly
integrating quotes into the narrative require careful planning and meticulous execution.

In essence, writing a literary essay demands not only a passion for literature but also a set of
sophisticated writing skills. It is a task that goes beyond summarizing plot points or stating personal
opinions; it requires a nuanced understanding of the text and the ability to articulate complex ideas

For those facing difficulties or time constraints, seeking assistance is a viable option. There are
platforms like where similar essays and more can be ordered, providing support to
those navigating the intricate landscape of literary analysis.
Literary Essays Literary Essays
Privatization of American Prisons
Introduction: In America today, there is a trend in corrections of taking the duty of
running prisons out of the hands of state and federal authorities and contracting it out to
private organizations. Along with the drift to privatization is a plethora of research
pertaining to the subject taking many different approaches to analyzing the effectiveness.
The majority of research focuses on one of three areas. The first questioning whether or
not it is cost effective to make the switch. The second being the ethical problems that can
and have risen from the privatization of prisons. The third being a wide painting of the
change and the implications it has on society as a whole. When the changes came about,
there were an excessive amount of... Show more content on ...
In this form, nongovernmental entities own, staff, and operate correctional facilities.
(Austin, 2001)
Financial Cost/benefit of privatization: The bulk of the research was performed in the
late 90s after many years had passed since the implementation of privatized prisons got a
substantial boost in1988 (Austin, 2001). Much of the literature centers on the cost
effectiveness of contracting out prisons. The main focus of the research is first and
foremost, are they saving money by contracting out. Second, if they are saving money, is
it enough money to justify the other problems that naturally accompany the for profit
prisons model. It is important to understand what it means to contract correctional
institutions out to private ownership. Most of the current prisons that have been
contracted out run on a similar contract. A private entity either builds a prison to house
inmates or is given control of an already built prison. The private corporation is then
paid a base dollar amount for each prisoner they house in the facility. In 2001, Emerging
issues on privatized prisons found many striking statistics concerning the privatization of
prisons. It is estimated that worldwide there were 184 privately operated correctional
facilities. Within the United States, a total of 158 private correctional facilities are
operating. A substantial portion of the worlds privately owned correctional facilities are in
Ernie Pyle s Reporting War In Tunisia
George Washington once said, If we desire to avoid insult, we must be able to repel it;
if we desire to secure peace, one of the most powerful instruments of our rising
prosperity, it must be known, that we are at all times ready for War. Regardless of the
consequences, one should always fight to defend their nation, and their people. It is true
that warcan be evitable, but countries do not follow that path always. As much as a
country tries to avoid war it is often not possible. Therefore, one must be prepared. War
is far more complex to understand. It is not only a conflict between nations. Reporting
war in Tunisia is a story written by author Ernie Pyle, which illustrates war to its fullest.
Unlike other war stories, Reporting War... Show more content on ...
In his story Reporting War in Tunisia, Ernie Pyle also illustrates how difficult and
stressful homecoming actually is for soldiers. As it is obvious, most of the issues
soldiers have while readapting to normally live are originated by the horrific realities
soldiers have to deal during war those sad moments of seeing a teammate die, and
seeing innocent people die, especially children. Nevertheless, Ernie Pyle states Our
men cannot make this change from civilians into warriors and remain the same
people. Even if they are away from you this long under normal circumstances, the mere
process of maturing would change them (171). But we cannot expect less, these
soldiers have experience the worst is life and Ernie Pyle reflects this in his story.
Soldiers go through traumatic brain injuries, physical wounds, and emotional distress
that it is easy to understand why many of them have trouble readapting. However, In
his story, Ernie Pyle also depicts that although soldiers live the hardest days of their
life at war, they can still take something good out of it a family. A family of soldiers that
have been bounded by the atrocities of war. Soldiers should be proud of being at war
because they are fighting for peace and freedom. Perhaps the dark side of war has more
to it, but one should never forget why war is fought in the first place to keep
Analysis Of Punch During The Great War
I.Reynolds´s cartoon:

This is a cartoon published by Punch on 27th of September 1916 and realized by Percy
Reynolds. Punch was a satirical journal designed to a middle and upper class audience
that published short articles, poems or black cut illustrations as the selected source . The
title of the cartoon suggests that civilians, cartoonists and journalists were imagining the
design of the tanks because of the absence of official images in the beginning of the war.
The drawing illustrates seven different tanks that seem to be represented as metallic
animals on saw toothed wheels. Frogs, elephants, turtles, rats, hedgehogs and reptiles are
satirized and converted in armored cars.

II.Toy Fair at Selfridge´s¨:

This is an advertisement ... Show more content on ...

IV.Photograph Beattie and Babs¨:

This is a photograph catalogued by the IWM which shows how the singers Beattie and
Babs gave a symphonic show on the top of the tank, after investing £1300 in March
1918. On the home front, many postcards and newspapers used photographic records of
the civilian contribution as a propaganda tool to encourage war effort to finance the

a.Analysis of sources:

The selected sources in chronological order suggest a sequence of different dimensions

that helps to analyse a cultural approach of the tank during the Great War.
I.Tank as an imagination:

Due to the secrecy measures and the absence of photographs during the beginning of the
war, correspondents used imaginative ideas and representations. As Wright describes, the
mysterious engine has excited the imagination and the curiosity of everybody .
Allegories and drawings created by H.Robinson or Reynolds among others were essential
in the imagination of the tanks, which became behemoths, juggernauts or elephantine
tractors .
Thus, the power of the machine was inseparable from its potency as an idea and image
because it had already succeeded as a powerful symbol before it was proven as an
effective fighting vehicle. Moreover, as the Montassier´s poster suggests, the tank seems
to promise a new kind of war in the future conflicts
Social Judgment Theory Essay
The best theory to addresses how people s attitudes change as situations and involvement
change is social judgment theory. A review of the literature on social judgment theory
(SJT) improves understanding of one s own judgment process and of one s work, marital
and interpersonal relationship. The social judgment theory of attitude change was first
presented by the U.S. based Turkish psychologist Muzafer Sherif (1906 88) and the U.S.
psychologist Carl I(vor) Hovland (1912 61) in Social Judgment (1961). SJT attempted to
explain how attitude change is influenced by judgmental processes. The focus of SJT
was about attitude change on a specific issue that results from judgments on related
issues. This study provides insight literature ... Show more content on ...
However, Carl Hovland died before completing the book Social Judgment in 1961, thus
Sherif carried on their study and published the book after Hovland s death (Sherif
Hovland, 1961). Carolyn W. Sherif, Muzafer Sherif s wife, is one of primary theorist of
social judgment theory (Sherif et al., 1965). Carolyn W. Sherif and Muzafer integrated
the social judgment involvement approach into the study of individual attitude and
behavior within the patterned interaction of such groups in Attitude and Attitude Change:
The Social Judgment Involvement Approach (1965), the book in which the social
judgment involvement theory is detailed.
Fundamental Theoretical Ideas
The focus of SJT is that an attitude change on a specific issue will result from judgments
on related issues. Because we cannot observe a person s attitude using traditional research
methods, therefore the social judgment theory was developed (Sherif Sherif, 1968).
Based on Muzafer Sherif and Carl Hovland s research (1961), they establish the ordered
alternative questionnaire to measure the judgments. The questionnaire requires that the
participant rate a list of statements as being acceptable, objectionable, or non commitment
(neither acceptable nor objectionable). An individual s latitudes of acceptance, rejection,
and non commitment represent an individual s feelings about the topics. According to
Sherif et al.

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