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1) Take any five passages and read them carefully and solve the questions based on the passage. (Soft
copy will be provided)

2) Book Review
Choose any two books and write the book review in 120-150 words in the given format. (Format will
be provided).

3. Write the summary of the following lessons and prepare PPT of the same.
2.1 Nelson Mandela: A Long Walk to Freedom
2.2 The Triumph of Surgery
2.3 His First Flight

4. Prepare 15 MCQs from any 4 to 5 chapters. .( Not to be copied from Google)

5. Letter to Editor (any five)

5.1 You are Saurabh Srivastava, a resident of Defense Colony Bagdogra, Siliguri. Your colony is facing the
severe problem of inadequate and contaminated water supply. You decide to express your views and make
the authorities aware of the situation by writing a letter to the Editor of The Siliguri Times, Siliguri. Write
your letter in about 100-120 words.

5.2 Recently you read a report on increasing stress level among the younger generation and you are very
disturbed with the scenario. You decide to write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper expressing your
concern and also about some measures which can be adopted by the youth to overcome stress. On the
basis of theideas reflected in the daily life and your own understanding write the letter to the editor.

5.3 Recently, you got an opportunity to meet few courageous girls, who, despite serious opposition from
their families, continue their education. This has made you feel both proud and concern about these girls and
you decide to write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper emphasizing upon the need to promote girl child
education. With your own ideas, write the letter to the Editor.

5.4 A survey reveals that most of our health related problems are due to our over fascination with modern
gadgets like smart phones, lap tops, television and video games. The findings of the survey compel you to
share your views on the issue and you decide to write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper. On the basis of
your understanding write the letter.

5.5 You observe that most of your class mates bring fast food items as part of their school tiffin and even
some of them regularly suffer from one disease or other but they keep on bringing fast food. You wish to
make parents of such children aware of the harms of the fast food and so you decide to write a letter to the
Editor of a news daily. On the basis of your own understanding of the problem write the letter.

5.6 The number of tourists going to the hill stations is increasing. Time has led to their
commercialization and its ill effects. More & more hotels, garbage effects on the life of the
locals etc. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily expressing your concern over the

5.7 You are Rizwan Ali, Resident of 456, Rajoti Garden, New Delhi. Write a letter to the
editor of a national daily drawing the attention of the concerned authorities to the
deteriorating law & order situation in the city.
6. 1. Samson : I am looking for a new employee who will be honest, hard working and dedicated;
Wilson : Well in that case you should hire me. One day Samson and Wilson were in
Samson remarked that …………………………………………………honest, hard working
and dedicated.

6.2 Ravi’s father : Son, if you stop watching T V, I will give you five hundred rupees. Ravi :
Then I will stop watching TV. With your five hundred rupees,
I can watch several movies.
Upset with Ravi’s addiction to TV, his father decided to wean him away from it. He promised Ravi
that …………………………………………………….. five hundred rupees.

6.3. Tanish : How did you spend your vacation?

Tara : I visited Kashmir with my parents.
Tanish met Tara after the holidays and asked her
…………………………………………………………… vacation.

7. Write a speech and record the video of the speech on the topic- One Earth, One Family,
One Future.

01. निम्ननिखित निषय पर िगभग 120 शब्दों मे सारगनभि त अिुच्छेद निखिए-
जीिि का कनिि दौर और मािनसक मजबूती
सोंकेत- नबन्दु -
 मािनसक दृढ़ता से मुखिि हािातदों का सामिा सोंभि
 कनिि हािातदों से दद – दद हाथ करिे की शखि
 अिेक सोंघषिशीि व्यखियदों के उदाहरण
 मािनसक दृढ़ता का सोंकल्प
02. निम्ननिखित निषय पर िगभग 120 शब्दों मे सारगनभि त अिुच्छेद निखिए-
साइबर युग, साइबर िगी : सािधािीय एिों सुरक्षा उपाय
सोंकेत- नबन्दु -
 बढ़ते आििाइि कायि
 साइबर िगी की बढ़ती घटिाए
 सािधानिया
 इससे बचिे के उपाय
03 निम्ननिखित निषय पर िगभग 120 शब्दों मे सारगनभि त अिुच्छेद निखिए-

बुरा जद दे िि मै चिा, बुरा ि नमनिया कदय

सोंकेत- नबन्दु -

 दू सरदों की कनमया दे ििा स्वाभानिक प्रिृनत

 इस प्रिृनत का समाज पर प्रभाि
 अपिे अोंदर झाों किा आिश्यक
 आत्मनिरीक्षण का सोंकल्प
04 निम्ननिखित निषय पर िगभग 120 शब्दों मे सारगनभि त अिुच्छेद निखिए-
स्वतोंत्रता का अमृत महदत्सि
अमृत महदत्सि का अथि, इस महदत्सि मे हदिे िािे समारदह, इस महदत्सि का महत्व
05 निम्ननिखित निषय पर िगभग 120 शब्दों मे सारगनभि त अिुच्छेद निखिए-
भाग्य और पुरुषाथि
आिस्य मिुष्य का सबसे बड़ा शत्रु है , भाग्यिादी व्यखि उदासीि रहता है , पररश्रमी
व्यखि अपिे भाग्य कद बदि िेता है
06 निम्ननिखित निषय पर िगभग 120 शब्दों मे सारगनभि त अिुच्छेद निखिए-

पिितीय स्थि की यात्रा

प्राकृनतक सौन्दयि , यात्रा का िणिि, साों स्कृनतक महत्व

Page 1 of 2
07 आपके चाचा जी िे रे डीमेड कपड़दों की एक दु काि िदिी है । िे प्रचार-प्रसार के निए स्थािीय
समाचारपत्र मे उसका निज्ञापि दे िा चाहते है । आप उिके निए िगभग 60 शब्दों मे एक आकषिक
निज्ञापि तैयार कीनजए ।
08 आप अपिे पुरािा स्माटि फदि बेचिा चाहते है , उससे सोंबोंनधत एक आकषिक निज्ञापि िगभग 40
शब्दों मे निखिए ।
09 आप सौम्य गगि/सौम्या गगि है । आपके भैया -भाभी की पहिी िषिगाों ि (एनििसिरी) है । इस अिसर
पर उिके निए िगभग 60 शब्दों मे शुभकामिा एिों बधाई सोंदेश निखिए।
10 आप िीणा/ निकास है । आपके छदटी बहि िे निद्यािय की िानषिक परीक्षा मे पूरे निद्यािय मे प्रथम
स्थाि प्राप्त नकया है । उसे बधाई दे ते हुए 40 शब्दों मे एक सोंदेश निखिए।
11 आपके िाम नदशा/दक्ष है । आपकी आयु मतदाि करिे यदग्य हद गई है । अपिे मतदाता पहचाि पत्र
बििािे के निए गरुड एप के द्वारा आिेदि कर नदया है । नकन्तु काफी समय के बाद भी आपका
मतदाता पहचाि पत्र आपकद िहीों नमिा । मतदाता पहचाि पत्र के नितरण मे दे री की नशकायत
करते हुए अपिे क्षेत्र के बी. एि .ओ (ब्लॉक िेिि ऑनफसर) कद िगभग 100 शब्दों मे पत्र निखिए।
12 आपके िाम नदशा/ दक्ष है । आप अपिे आसपास अिेक अनशनक्षत प्रदढ़द कद दे िते है और उन्हे
साक्षर बिािे हे तु कुछ प्रयास करते है । इस निषय मे जािकारी दे ते हुए िगभग 100 शब्दों मे अपिे
नमत्र मािि कद पत्र निखिए ।
13 आप श्रेयस राजपूत/श्रेयसी नसोंह है । आप छात्रािास मे रहते है । आपकद नपता जी से पता चि है नक
आपकी मत जी पूरे पररिार का तद ध्याि रिती है , नकन्तु अपिे स्वास्थ्य की अक्सर अिदे िी करती
है । माता जी कद समझाते हुए िगभग 100 शब्दों मे एक पत्र निखिए।
14 आप तरुण िैश्य/तरुण िै श्य है । आप बी.एड कर चुके है । आपकद नििेक इों टरिेशिि स्कूि, अ ब
स िगर मे नहन्दी अध्यापक/अध्यानपका पद के निए आिेदि करिा है । इसके निए आप अपिे एक
सोंनक्षप्त स्विृत (बायदडाटा) िगभग 80 शब्दों मे तैयार कीनजए।
15 आपका िाम सुिीता/सुरेश है । आप राजेन्द्र िगर के नििासी है । दै निक समाचार पत्र से पता चिता
है की स्थािीय राजकीय माध्यनमक निद्यािय मे पुस्तकािय अध्यक्ष का पद ररि है । आप उि पद
की यदग्यता (बी.निब./पुस्तकािय निज्ञाि मे स्नातक) कद धारण करते है । उि ररि पद हे तु राजकीय
माध्यनमक के निद्यािय के निद्यािय प्रमुि कद भेजिे हे तु िगभग 80 शब्दों मे अपिा एक सोंनक्षप्त
स्विृत निखिए ।
16 आप राबटि पाि /डािी नदसू जा है । अपिे अ ब स प्रकाशि , क ि िगर से ऑििाइि कुछ पुस्तके
मँगिाई थी। प्रकाशि द्वारा उिमे से दद पु स्तके नकसी अन्य िेिक की भेज दी गई है और एक
पुस्तक के पहिे कुछ पेज फटे हुए है । इसकी नशकायत करते हुए तथा इि पुस्तकदों कद शीघ्र िौटािे
और िई पुस्तके नभजिािे के निए प्रकाशि के िररष्ठ प्रबोंधक कद िगभग 80 शब्दों मे एक ई-मेि
17 आप का िाम सुिीता/सुरेश है । आप राजेन्द्र िगर के नििासी है । नपछिे कुछ नदिदों से आपके क्षेत्र मे
निद् युत आपूनति अव्यिखस्थत है । अपिे क्षेत्र मे अनियनमत निद् युत आपूनति की और ध्याि आकनषित
करते हुए राज्य निद् युत आपूनति निगम के महानिदे शक के िाम िगभग 80 शब्दों मे नशकायती ई-
मेि निखिए।

Page 2 of 2

1.Explain about resources. It’s importance in economy and the role of human beings to protect
natural resources. (Within 300 words)

2.Practise India and world map with reference to state and capital of India and major countries like
France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Russia, Denmark, England, Brazil and USA.

3.Make 1liner, MCQs and short note from chapter 1 geography and chapter 1 civics.

4.Explain about various types of soil available in Odisha followed by India. Enlist the crops grown
here and its features. Also collect samples of various soil from your locality.

5.Prepare a date list from history chapter 1 and 2 of your text books.

6.Prepare a project file in proper format about any natural hazard or disaster with reference to
Odisha and Maharashtra.

7.Draw at least 10 free hand India Map on plain paper (skill will be tested on the school green
board after reopening of the school).

8-Prepare a poster on the life of an Economist (other than Indian) highlighting his/her contribution,
DOB, Name etc. Submit in print format in the size of A3. It a Group work of 3 students together.
Students have their freedom of forming groups.
1. Find the HCF and LCM of 24, 72 and 120, using the prime factorisation method.

2. Find the HCF of 96 and 404 by the prime factorisation method. Hence, find their LCM.

3. Find the LCM and HCF of the following pairs of integers and verify that LCM × HCF = product

of the two numbers: (i) 26 and 91 (ii) 336 and 54

4. . The length, breadth, and height of a room are 8 m 50 cm, 6 m 25 cm and 4 m 75 cm respectively. Find the
length of the longest rod that can measure the dimensions of the room exactly

5. Explain why 3 × 5 × 7 + 7 is a composite number.

6. Can the number 6n, n being a natural number, end with the digit 5? Give reasons.

7. Can the number 4n, n being a natural number, end with the digit 0? Give reasons.

8. Given that HCF (306, 657) = 9, find LCM (306, 657).

9. If two positive integers a and b are written as a = x3y2 and b = xy3; x, y are prime numbers, then

find the HCF (a, b).

10. If two positive integers p and q can be expressed as p = ab2 and q = a3b; a, b being prime

numbers, then find the LCM (p, q).

11. The length, breadth, and height of a room are 8 m 50 cm, 6 m 25 cm and 4 m 75 cm respectively. Find the
length of the longest rod that can measure the dimensions of the room exactly.

12.. In a school, there are two Sections A and B of class X. There are 48 students in Section A and 60 students in
Section B. Determine the least number of books required for the library of the school so that the books can be
distributed equally among all students of each Section.

13. Prove that √2 is an irrational number.

14. Prove that √3 is an irrational number.
15. Prove that an irrational number.
√6 +5
16. Prove that 2 - 5√2 is an irrational number.
17. Prove that 3√7- 5 is an irrational number.
18. Prove that √2 + √3 is an irrational number.
19. Prove that √5 is an irrational number.
20. Without actually performing the long division, state whether the following rational numbers will
have a terminating decimal expansion or a non-terminating repeating decimal expansion:
1. Find a quadratic polynomial, the sum and product of whose zeroes are – 5 and 3, respectively.
2. Find a quadratic polynomial, whose zeroes are – 4 and 1, respectively.
3. Find the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial x2 + 7x + 10, and verify the relationship between the
zeroes and the coefficients.
4. Find the zeroes of the polynomial x2 – 3 and verify the relationship between the zeroes and the
5. Find the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial 6x2 – 3 – 7x and verify the relationship between the
zeroes and the coefficients.
6. Find the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial 3x2 – x – 4 and verify the relationship between the
zeroes and the coefficients.
7. Find the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial 4x2 – 4x + 1 and verify the relationship between the
zeroes and the coefficients
8. Find the value of “p” from the polynomial x2 + 3x + p, if one of the zeroes of the polynomial is 2.
9. α and β are zeroes of the quadratic polynomial x2 – 6x + y. Find the value of ‘y’ if 3α + 2β = 20.
10. Find the quadratic polynomial, the sum of whose zeroes is 8 and their product is 12. Hence, find the
zeroes of the polynomial.
1. A Name the type of chemical reaction represented by the following equation:

2. Write the chemical equation of the reaction in which the following changes have taken place with
an example of each:
(i) Change in colour
(ii) Change in temperature
(iii) Formation of precipitate
3. State the type of chemical reactions along with chemical equations that take place in the following:
(i) Magnesium wire is burnt in air.
(ii) Electric current is passed through water.
(iii) Ammonia and hydrogen chloride gases are mixed.
4. (i) What is observed when a solution of potassium iodide solution is added to a solution of lead
nitrate? Name the type of reaction.
(ii) Write a balanced chemical equation to represent the above chemical reaction.
5. (a) Write one example for each of decomposing reaction carried out with help of
(i) Electricity (ii) Heat (iii) Light
(b) Which of the following statements is correct and why?
(i) Copper can displace silver from silver nitrate.
(ii) Silver can displace copper from copper sulphate solution.
6. Which products will be obtained when lead nitrate is heated simply?
Write balanced chemical equation for the reaction?
State the type of chemical reaction that occur in the change.
7. Identify the type of reaction(s) in the following equations.
(i)CH4 + 2O2 ——–> CO2 + 2 H2O
(ii) Pb(NO3)2 + 2KI ——–>Pbl2 + 2KNOs
(iii) CaO + H2O ——–> Ca(OH)2
(iv) CuSO4 + Zn ——–> ZnSO4 + Cu
8. Translate the following statement into chemical equation and then balance it. Barium chloride
reacts with aluminium sulphate to give aluminium chloride and a precipitate of barium sulphate.
State the two types in which this reaction can be classified.
9. What is redox reaction? Identify the substance oxidised and the substance reduced in the following
(i)2PbO + C —–> 2Pb + CO2
(ii)MnO2 + 4HCl —–> MnCl2 + 2H20 + Cl2
10. Write the balanced chemical equations for the following reactions and identify the type of reaction
in each case.
Thermite reaction, iron (III) oxide reacts with aluminium and gives molten iron and aluminium oxide.
11. A solution of potassium chloride when mixed with silver nitrate solution, an insoluble white
substance is formed. Write the chemical reaction involved and also mention the type of the chemical
12. Using a suitable chemical equation, justify that some chemical reactions are determined by:
(i) change in colour, (ii) change in temperature.
13. Balance the following chemical equations.

14. Write the balanced equation for the. following reaction and identify the type of reaction in each
(i) Potassium bromide + Barium iodide—-> Potassium iodide + Barium bromide.
(ii) Hydrogen(g) + Chlorine(g)—-> Hydrogen chloride(g)
15. A zinc plate was put into a solution of copper sulphate kept in a glass container. It was found that
blue colour of the solution gets fader and fader with the passage of time. After few days, when zinc plate
was taken out of the solution, a number of holes were observed on it.
(i) State the reason for changes observed on the zinc plate.
(ii) Write the chemical equation for the reaction involved.
16. Write balanced equations for the following mentioning the type of reaction involved.
(i) Aluminium + Bromine —–> Aluminium bromide
(ii) Calcium carbonate—–> Calcium oxide + Carbon dioxide
(iii) Silver chloride—–>Silver + Chlorine
17. What is meant by
(i) precipitation reaction,
(ii) exothermic reaction,
(iii) oxidation reaction?
Write balanced chemical equations for an example of each.
18. A silvery white metal X is in the form of ribbons. Upon ignition, it burns with a dazzling white flame
to form white powder Y. When water is added to the powder Y, it partially dissolves to form a substance Z
which is used as an antacid.
(a) What is metal X ?
(b) Name the white powder Y.
(c) What is the substance Z ?
(d) Write the chemical reactions that are taking place.
19. You are given the following materials:
(i) Iron nails
(ii) Copper sulphate solution
(iii) Barium chloride solution
(iv) Copper powder
(v) Ferrous sulphate crystals
(vi) Quick lime.
20. Identify the type of chemical reaction taking place when :
(a) Barium chloride solution is mixed with copper sulphate solution and a white precipitate is observed.
(b) On heating, copper powder in air in a china dish, the surface of copper powder becomes black.
(c) On heating green ferrous sulphate crystals, reddish brown solid is left and a gas having smell of burning
sulphur is noticed.
(d) Iron nails when left dipped in blue copper sulphate solution become brownish in colour and blue colour
of copper sulphate solution fades away.
(e) Quick lime reacts vigorously with water releasing a large amount of heat.

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