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Name & surname: Morkel Maleyane

Student number: 10035753
Module code: ISC3701
Unique number: 806369

Assignment 4



Teaching statement……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………4

Section A………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………......6

Section B……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………6

Section C………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….10


I Morkel Maleyane

Student number: 10035753 Module code: ISC3701

Declare that

1. I understand what plagiarism entails and am aware of the University’s policy in this regard.

2. I declare that this assignment is my own, original work where I used someone else’s work,
whether a printed source, the internet or any other source, I give the proper acknowledgement
and include a complete reference list.

3. I did not use another current or previous student’s work, submitting it as my own.

4. I did not allow and will not allow anyone to copy my work with the intention of submitting it as
his or her own work.

Signature: M’ Maleyane. Date: 10/9/2023.

My name is Morkel Philani Maleyane, I was born and raised in a village called Cork in
Mpumalanga Bushbuckridge, and I spent my school days there and finished my grade 12 in
2013. Because of lack of financial support I could not go to university and got a job as a general
worker in a farm at the age of 18 in 2014. I then left the same year for Johannesburg in pursuit
of better job opportunities. I did a call centre training in 2015 and still could not find a job so I
settled for a peace job as a construction worker. I then found a business administration
learnership in 2020 and I am now working as an administrative assistant. I am a goal driven
individual, have strong communication skills, and resilience.

Teaching statement
My teaching beliefs are fairness, responsibility, and freedom.

Fairness; I believe as a teacher I need to ensure there is fairness in my teachings and my

classroom environment. Fairness in the means of creating equal learning opportunities for all
my leaners. Teachers tend to focus and give most their attention to learners who perform well
and neglect those that have learning barriers and require extra attention. I am going to ensure
fairness through inclusivity, in addition I place value and emphasis on creating equal
opportunities to all learners despite their gender, ethnicity, cultural backgrounds,
socioeconomic levels, and exceptionalities. I believe that through fairness, I can create a
healthy learning environment with an opportunity of having all my learners succeeding in their

Responsibility; I believe that as a teacher I have a responsibility to make sure that learners are
all motivated to learn and succeed. Although a teacher alone might not be able to achieve this,
but can try and make this possible through inclusivity. The main job lies with the teacher as

he/she spends most of the time with the learners and can easily monitor behavior. I as a
teacher can try to ensure learners stay motivated by partnering with parents/guardians, and
also by providing counseling to learners who might be in need. This can all only be achieved by
a teacher who has taken the responsibility of ensuring learners success in their hands.

Freedom; I believe that learners should be given the freedom to express their ideas. In my
school days, most teachers used direct instruction to carry out their teachings, and they
dominated by fear. As a result, we as learners did not get enough opportunities to express our
own ideas. I believe that allowing learners to express their ideas give them confidence and the
eagerness to yearn to learn more and take control of their own learning.

Section A


My online learning experience with ISC3701 module was very good. At the beginning of the
academic year, I was provided with tutorial letters which gave me an overview of how the
module is. What to expect in terms of assessments so I can prepare myself for a successful
academic year. The tutorial provided me with information on where I needed to go in order to
access learning material, the module lecturers, and how to contact them. The tutorial letter
clearly state that the module is fully online and provided information of what it meant to study
online. Information on how learning occurs online, through myUnisa was provided to me,
together with all myUnisa tools and how to navigate through them.

Although there were sometimes challenges with learning online but my experience was good.
Learning online was good because I was able to study at my own pace and actually take full
control of my learning. One thing I liked the most was being able to access study material from
anywhere I was and being able to access material from different devices. This made it very easy
for me to learn as I sometimes move to different places due to work. I didn’t need to carry any
books with me because I was able to access study material online. The only time I had

challenges with online learning is when there was internet connection problems in the area I
live in, during power cutoffs by Eskom, and on times where myUnisa was not accessible due to
technical issues. The marking of assignments was fair and the feedback was very helpful, not
only with just written assignments but quizzes as well. Written assignments feedback pointed
out areas where I needed to improve while quizzes measured my understanding of concepts.

I had very little direct interactions with the lecturer because I was pretty much able to navigate
through myUnisa to find tools, learning material, and assessments. The great communication
tool that I found very useful was announcements, this is where the lecturer posted any event
that was happening and I received an email every time something was announced. I found this
tool very delightful because I was kept up to date with everything that was happening with the
module and did not miss anything.

The ISC3701 module was a very exciting and very informative module, I feel like this module is a
requirement if one is to become an excellent teacher who is able to effectively provide
instruction to learners. Before studying this module, I had very little information on what
instruction is, all I had was just the basic stuff. I now know and understand what instruction is
and the importance of it. I am now able to clearly explain concepts related to instruction and
can provide instruction clearly in a way that learners will understand what is anticipated of


After they have prepared the lesson (before they teach it)

 Did I clearly determine the learning outcomes?

 What are the leaners’ role in the lesson?
 Am I fully prepared for the lesson?
 Do I have all the required learning support material?
 How will I know what my students have learned, and how will they know what they
have accomplished?

While they are teaching the lesson (during their presentation)

 Are the learners participating actively?

 Am I using different methods/strategies to ensure inclusivity?
 Are my instructions easy to understand?
 Am I communicating concepts in an understandable manner?
 Am I giving the learners an opportunity to demonstrate their own understanding?

After they have taught the lesson.

 Did I cover everything at the intended time?

 Were the learning outcomes achieved?
 Where did the learners have trouble understanding?
 What can I improve to make my lessons more effective?
 What challenges did I have delivering the lesson?

Section B

2.1 My lesson was good but needed improvements, I covered most of the aspects of a lesson
plan but still left some important parts. I did not include the name of the school, learner
activities during the lesson, and my headings were not simple enough for someone to teach the
lesson in my absence. The lecturer’s feedback was fair and it helped me very much because it
provided me with information on where I needed to improve.



1. Localising details:

School: Dumisani high

Subject: Geography Grade: 10

Time: 5 hours Number of learners: 50

2. Learning intentions of the lesson.

Knowledge: learners will have knowledge about the importance of the atmosphere, the
structure of the atmosphere, and what can be done to reduce human activities that impact on
the atmosphere.

Skills: learners will learn problem solving skills.

Values: learners will have awareness about matters of the environment and will gain
knowledge on how to protect it.

3. Curriculum content topic related to this lesson

 Composition and structure of the atmosphere.

4. Lesson theme (a curriculum sub-topic or lesson content theme)

 The atmosphere (Geographical knowledge).

5. Methods, teaching support aids and learning materials

We will be having online lessons via teams where I can give instruction to the learners online
and provide them with information resources.

Aids and materials: (PowerPoint slides, atlases, weather reports from media,

DVDs, Maps and writing notes on the Microsoft whiteboard).

6 Teacher activities

I as the teacher will be explaining the importance of the atmosphere using textbooks and study
guides, the PowerPoint presentation lesson, and then move to the ozone layer and finishing up
with the lessons about ways to reduce ozone depletion, demonstrating this by using satellite

Learner activities.

Learners will be given a task to identify the human activities that negatively impact the
atmosphere and also provide solutions (group work/discussion)

Lesson content

 The importance of the atmosphere

 The composition and the structure of the atmosphere: troposphere, stratosphere,
mesosphere and thermosphere
 The ozone layer- in the stratosphere
 Causes and effects of depletion and ways to reduce depletion

7. Lesson preparation

To prepare for the lesson I created a PowerPoint presentation and watched videos on the
internet about the atmosphere, the ozone layer and human activities that impact on the
atmosphere, throughout the whole video lesson and the presentation I will be pausing and
asking questions that I prepared to see if learners understand the content.

8. Pattern of the lesson

8.1 Actualisation or recall of existing knowledge

Question and answers is the method I’ll use to engage the learners and check for

8.2 Introduction of the lesson topic

I will introduce lesson topics by explaining what the lesson is all about using textbooks,
PowerPoint presentation and videos.

8.3 Active learning by learners during the lesson

To ensure active learning during the lesson we are going to form groups in class where learners
will have debates about certain topics.

8.3 Monitoring the understanding of new subject matter during the lesson.

To monitor if learners understand I am going to use formative assessments in a form of

classwork and homework, asking question that are relevant to the lessons.

 Technology enhances educational experiences in so many ways, not just for students
but teachers as well, for educators, technology makes teaching easier and more
productive. There are tools/apps such as audio-visual presentations and screen
projectors. This tools help teachers to have a better delivery of their lessons and can
even enhance learners understanding because instead of a teacher explaining concepts,
some which learners have never heard of, learners can actually have a better view and
understanding through video presentations and other tools.

Technology also helps teachers to keep track of learners’ progress and performance,
programs/apps like Microsoft office comes with cloud storage and instead of teachers
keeping a pile of learners scripts with the risk of getting lost, teachers can type/scan and
save online for future use without the risk of losing their work. There are also online
grading tools that teachers can use to monitor students’ performance.

For learners, technology makes the access of information much faster. Some projects
require learners to do research in order to find solutions, that’s where the use of
technology through web browser comes in and plays a big role in assisting. Technology
also improves learners’ collaboration, through the use of technology, learners can
collaborate and work together on projects by using for instance; WhatsApp chatting and

video calling, for students in higher education they can use apps like Microsoft teams,
outlook, and Prezi. Learning can also be made fun and more engaging through
gamification and can also keep students up to date with the latest technological
The two theories that would inform me selecting technological support for my students
is Behaviorism and Connectivism theory.

 Behaviorism theory emphasizes that learning is a response to stimulus, online lessons

that include games and ice breaking activities can improve and encourage students’
engagement and make learning much more interesting. This way students will be
responding the stimulus of the fun they get while engaging in teaching and learning
activities and this will overall make them eager to learn.

Connectivism theory emphasizes that leaning occurs when students are connected and
share their knowledge through collaboration. Technology offers a lot of collaboration
tools that I can use to collaborate with my students and even them collaborating with
one another. Technology will not only allow me to collaborate with my students but will
also enable me to connect students to information resources that students can use to
have much better understanding of concepts.

Section C

 The lecturer has been very supportive from the beginning of the academic year until
now, she has always provided step-by-step easy to understand instructions on how to
access tools, how to submit assignments, and even clarifying questions so that us as
students can better understand how we are supposed to answer certain questions.
Other students have been supportive as well, one student provided me with the module
notes since I did not have the prescribed book.

 Sometimes it was not easy to access certain information since I was no able to get
myself a prescribed book.
 The module site did not have the discussion forum where learners can be grouped so
they can discuss with each other and the lecturer as well, I am not certain if it’s really
not there or I was just not able to locate it, but if it’s not available, that’s what the
lecturer can provide as means of improving communication.

 Honestly speaking I did not have struggles that I can point out, but the overall module
was very helpful in helping become a teacher who can provide better understandable
instruction to my students.


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