Area Wide Control Insect Pests Book

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“If major advances are to be made in coping

with most of the major arthropod pest

problems, then the tactics and strategies for
managing such insects, ticks and mites must change.
They must change from the current, limited scale,
reactive, broad-spectrum measures to preventive measures
that are target-pest specific and rigidly applied on an area-
wide basis.”

E. F. Knipling on the occasion of receiving the World Food Prize on 12 October 1992.
Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests
From Research to Field Implementation

Edited by

M.J.B. Vreysen
A.S. Robinson
J. Hendrichs
Joint FAO/IAEA Programme of Nuclear Techniques
in Food and Agriculture,
Vienna Austria
A C.I.P. Catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress.

ISBN 978-1-4020-6058-8 (HB)

ISBN 978-1-4020-6059-5 (e-book)

Published by Springer,
P.O. Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

Photo credits

Photo’s on the front cover were provided by Hendrik Hofmeyr, Frantisek Marec, Ilan Mizrahi,
Marc Vreysen and Petr Pavlicek and SECNA (FAO).
Photo’s on the back cover were provided by Patrick Robert (tsetse fly), Ignacio Baez (cactus
moth), Scott Bauer (USDA Agricultural Research Service, -
Mediterranean fruit fly, melon fly), Jack Dykinga (USDA Agricultural Research Service, - Mexican fruit fly), Susan Ellis ( - Asian
tiger mosquito), Alton N. Sparks (University of Georgia, - boll wee-
vil), Hendrik Hofmeyr (false codling moth), and the Locust Group (FAO) (desert locust).

Printed on acid-free paper

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The world population is still growing at an IPM) or total population management. The
alarming rate, requiring ever increasing pro- AW-IPM is a coordinated, sustainable and pre-
ductivity and less waste in agriculture to cope ventive approach that targets pest populations
with the increasing demands to satisfy food in all areas, including non-commercial urban
security for all humans. Alleviation of poverty settings, non-cultivated and wild host areas.
is in many countries hampered by a myriad of The coordination required among farmers
insect pests that cause enormous economic and all other stakeholders for an area-wide
losses to agricultural commodities, both at the approach, makes AW-IPM programmes com-
pre- and postharvest stages. Initially, most of plex, management intensive, requiring long-
these insect pests were controlled to a varying term commitment and funding. Although they
degree by the use of broad-spectrum insecti- result in more sustainable control of insect
cides. However, the indiscriminate use of these pests, there is by no means a guarantee for suc-
chemicals as a control tactic is no longer sus- cess. This new textbook on area-wide control
tainable in view of increased development of of insect pests collates a series of selected
resistance, pollution of soils and surface water, papers that attempts to address various funda-
residues in food and the environment, repre- mental components of AW-IPM, e.g. the
senting risks to human health and biodiversity, importance of relevant problem-solving
etc. As a consequence, demands have been research, the need for essential baseline data,
voiced at least since “Silent Spring” in 1962 the significance of adequate tools for appropri-
for control tactics and approaches that are not ate control strategies, and the value of pilot tri-
only efficient, but also sustainable and friend- als, etc. Of special interest are the numerous
lier to the environment. papers on pilot and operational programmes
Integrated pest management (IPM) has that pay special attention to practical problems
been accepted since the 1960’s and 70s as a encountered during programme implementa-
viable pest management strategy that aims at tion.
integrating control tactics to maintain damage The book is a compilation of 66 papers that
levels below a certain economic threshold are authored by experts from more than 30
level whilst also protecting the environment by countries. Each paper was peer-reviewed by at
thriving to limit the use of pesticides. Classical least one, in most case two or more independ-
IPM is however a localized approach, with the ent, outside experts and edited for the English
objective of protecting crops or livestock that language by Dr James Dargie, former Director
is largely under the control of each farmer, of the Joint FAO/IAEA Programme of Nuclear
with little collaboration or any coordinating Techniques in Food and Agriculture. We both
structure. Control is exercised only in the areas thank the many reviewers and Jim whose
of economic interest, often resulting in the meticulous work and suggestions improved
main or residual pest population pockets many of the papers. In addition, the editors
remaining in the surrounding areas that have subjected each paper to an in-depth technical
no economic value. These constitute perma- quality control process. As a result, we trust
nent sources from where the commercial areas that the technical quality of the papers is opti-
under control are re-invaded. mal, the information provided accurate, up-to-
A quite different, more efficient and sus- date and of a high international standard. This
tainable approach is the integration of control process of peer-review, editing and formatting
tactics against an entire pest population, i.e. has taken considerable time and we appreciate
area-wide integrated pest management (AW- the patience of the authors.

The Editors
June 2007


This publication has been prepared from the original material as submitted by the authors. The
views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the IAEA, the governments of the nomi-
nating Member States or the nominating organizations. The use of particular designations of
countries or territories does not imply any judgement by the publisher, the IAEA, as to the
legal status of such countries or territories, of their authorities and institutions or of the delim-
itation of their boundaries.
The mention of names of specific companies or products (whether or not indicated as regis-
tered) does not imply any intention to infringe proprietary rights, nor should it be construed as
an endorsement or recommendation on the part of the IAEA.
The authors are responsible for having obtained the necessary permission for the IAEA to
reproduce, translate or use material from sources already protected by copyrights.

Introductory Remarks
Since area-wide integrated pest management tosanitary status through AW-IPM approach-
(AW-IPM) programmes almost always are es.
social enterprises each with a diverse set of Currently, for the most part, the control of
stakeholders reliant on advanced technology, many highly mobile and very destructive
they tend to be complex to implement, espe- insect pests is still carried out by individual
cially in terms of management. Therefore, the producers who rely heavily on the use of
appearance of this book, “Area-wide control broad-spectrum insecticides. Although other
of insect pests: from research to field imple- control technologies are often incorporated
mentation” is most timely, and it will be into the producer’s IPM system, these tech-
invaluable for informing concerned scientists, nologies, too, are usually applied by produc-
leaders of private firms, commodity organiza- ers independently of other producers, and
tions and public agencies, bankers, legislators, without due consideration of surrounding host
students and those interested in placing man- and non-host areas. Such an uncoordinated
agement of major insect pest problems on a farm-by-farm IPM pattern provides opportu-
sustainable and environmentally acceptable nities for the pest population to build up and to
footing. establish damaging infestations.
Although the need to develop and imple- Consequently, on most farms insect pest
ment more effective strategies of combating populations increase to damaging levels each
pests and pathogens has always been dire, the year, and the farmer is forced to apply fast-
urgency of this challenge has increased acting insecticides as a rescue treatment. This
sharply for two reasons. The first reason is the defeats the primary goal of the IPM system,
rapid increase in the world population, which which is to take maximum advantage of natu-
more than doubled from roughly 2.5 billion to rally occurring biological control agents.
6 billion people in the second half of the 20th Similarly in combating pests and pathogens of
century; and the second reason is that the concern to human and animal well-being, less
rapid globalization of travel and trade in agri- than thorough treatment of the entire popula-
cultural and other products has dramatically tion fails to provide durable relief. Thus the
increased the spread of pests, pathogens and key concept of the AW-IPM strategy is to
other invasive harmful organisms. address the whole pest population including
Many of the economically most damaging all places of refuge or foci of infestation from
pests are invasive alien species that have which recruits could come to re-establish
escaped the constraints, which keep their pop- damaging densities of the pest population in
ulations in check in their regions of origin. In areas of concern.
North America roughly one-half of the major The area-wide approach is not new, but
pests originated abroad, and this seems also to originated several thousand years ago. In the
be true in other continents. Major exotic pests Roman Empire it was recognized that some
and pathogens – many adapted for wide dis- services carried out area-wide were more effi-
persal and high rates of reproduction – are cient and cheaper than when left to the action
becoming established with increasing fre- of individual citizens. As such, garbage was
quencies on all continents and on many eco- diligently removed from some cities, clean
logically sensitive islands. Therefore, to facil- water was brought from distant sources and
itate the expansion of international agricultur- public baths were provided. The sudden
al trade while minimizing the further spread appearance in 1347 of Black Death, a bacteri-
of some major pests, commodities of which al disease transmitted by the flea, Xenopsylla
they are hosts are increasingly produced for cheopis (Rothschild), led to the invention of
export in pest free areas or in areas of low pest quarantine to contain the epidemic and to
prevalence that obtained their favourable phy- stamp it out. Beginning in the late 1920s,


when catastrophic locust plagues were wide- gramme activities. These and other methods
spread in Africa and southwest Asia, conti- development tools are described in section 3.
nent-wide campaigns have been organized to Feasibility studies addressing economic,
protect against highly devastating locust social and technical considerations are
species; and these campaigns, now led by required prior to any major and costly field
FAO’s Locust Group, employ sophisticated programme. A science-based analysis of these
technologies. During the past one-half century considerations will enable a judgment to be
the area-wide application of the sterile insect made as to whether the various control tactics
technique in combination with other technolo- can be applied on an area-wide basis and
gies against an array of major insect pests has whether the envisioned control strategy is the
served to focus the attention of scientists and most appropriate for the particular pest situa-
administrators on ways of applying the area- tion. Section 4 provides examples of how such
wide approach in the combat against many elucidating studies have been conducted for
other pests and diseases. different pest situations.
The principles of AW-IPM are addressed in AW-IPM programmes are dependent on
this book’s introductory chapter. The chapter the synergistic collaboration of many stake-
argues that each fundamental component of holders. They require the entry onto private
classical IPM, be it a cultural, biological or properties. They can affect the movement of
chemical control tactic, applied against an goods, and they can also impact or inconven-
entire insect population (total population man- ience the non-farming community. Thus AW-
agement) will lead in most cases to more sus- IPM requires that a sensitive and effective
tainable pest control as compared to a local- regulatory framework be developed by the
ized farm-by-farm approach. Some funda- relevant national and international regulatory
mental management and strategic challenges agencies. Commercialization of part or even
of AW-IPM programmes are likewise entire AW-IPM programmes, a complex and
addressed, including the make or break envi- sometimes contentious issue, holds the prom-
ronmental and economic issues. ise of properly capitalizing such programmes,
Successful AW-IPM programmes require introducing efficiencies and tackling pest
basic research and preparatory activities problems that government cannot afford to
including methods development, feasibility address. These regulatory and privatization
studies, pilot trials and a regulatory frame- issues are discussed in section 5.
work. These aspects are dealt with in subse- Pilot field programmes are often carried
quent sections. Section 2 covers and illumi- out following a feasibility study with a
nates several important basic research areas favourable outcome. Such programmes are
including genetics, transgenesis, genetic sex- needed to evaluate and fine-tune various con-
ing, cryobiology, physiology, insect sym- trol tactics and field methodologies to
bionts and mating behaviour strategies. increase their effectiveness and efficiency.
Ecological heterogeneity at within field, Pilot programmes can vary in size and scope
within farm, and broader spatial scales pro- as is described in the chapters in section 6.
foundly affects the population dynamics of Section 7 describes operational AW-IPM
pests and their natural enemies and other programmes against key pests such as the boll
aspects of their ecology. Methods of systems weevil, several lepidopteran pests, the bont
analysis, mathematical modelling and a num- tick, termites, mosquitoes, fruit flies, etc.
ber of geo-spatial technologies (geographic Several of the chapters emphasize the techni-
information systems and global positioning cal and managerial difficulties encountered
system) have been adapted to cope with the during the implementation of eradication, sup-
spatio-temporal complexity in AW-IPM pro- pression, containment or preventive AW-IPM
grammes and have contributed greatly to programmes and attempt to extract important
increased effectiveness and efficiency of pro- lessons.

As a concluding chapter (section 8) a criti- much about the history, accomplishments,

cal review is provided of AW-IPM pro- problems and the great potential of the area-
grammes in terms of their successes and fail- wide strategy. Entrepreneurs and policy-mak-
ures, and key factors are identified which ers will gain in-depth perspective on aspects
must be addressed in order to improve the of commercialization.
chance of success. I am honored greatly to have been asked to
The chapters in this text book originate write these introductory comments in this text
from papers and selected posters presented at book devoted to the area-wide management of
the 2nd FAO/IAEA International conference insect pests. The prodigious progress in AW-
on area-wide control of insect pests. To com- IPM made in recent decades confirms that the
plete the book, several invited chapters have area-wide strategy has a far greater potential
been included. This book is an invaluable than any other approach to achieve sustain-
compendium of reports on operational AW- able management of many major insect pests.
IPM programmes. It will help to further devel- Truly we are now at the beginning of an era of
op the theory, technology and practice of such decidedly improved and sustainable insect
programmes. Graduate students will learn pest management.

Waldemar Klassen
Professor and Program Director
Tropical Research and Education Center,
University of Florida
Homestead, Florida 33031, USA
Area-Wide Integrated Pest Management (AW-IPM): Principles, Practice and

Area-Wide Pest Management: Environmental, Economic and Food Issues......................35



Engineering Insects for the Sterile Insect Technique............................................................51

The hobo, Hermes and Herves Transposable Elements of Insects.......................................61


Improving the Ecological Safety of Transgenic Insects for Field Release: New Vectors for
Stability and Genomic Targeting...........................................................................................73

Development of an Embryonic Lethality System in Mediterranean Fruit Fly Ceratitis cap-


New Sexing Strains for Mediterranean Fruit Fly Ceratitis capitata: Transforming Females
into Males.................................................................................................................................95

Developing Transgenic Sexing Strains for the Release of Non-Transgenic Sterile Male
Codling Moths Cydia pomonella ..........................................................................................103

Sex Chromatin Body as a Cytogenetic Marker of W Chromosome Aberrations in Cydia

pomonella Females.................................................................................................................113

Potential Use of a Conditional Lethal Transgenic Pink Bollworm Pectinophora gossypiella

in Area-Wide Eradication or Suppression Programmes...................................................119

Wolbachia-Induced Cytoplasmic Incompatibility to Control Insect Pests?.....................125


Symbiosis-Based Technological Advances to Improve Tsetse Glossina spp. SIT


Colony Maintenance and Mass-Rearing: Using Cold Storage Technology for Extending
the Shelf-Life of Insects.........................................................................................................149

Improving the Efficacy of the Sterile Insect Technique for Fruit Flies by Incorporation of
Hormone and Dietary Supplements into Adult Holding Protocols...................................163

Unfaithful Mediterranean Fruit Fly Ceratitis capitata Females: Impact on the SIT?......175

Assessing Genetic Variation in New World Screwworm Cochliomyia hominivorax

Populations from Uruguay ...................................................................................................183

Emerging Mosquito-Borne Flaviviruses in Central Europe: Usutu Virus and Novel West
Nile Viruses ............................................................................................................................193


The Role of Geographic Information Systems and Spatial Analysis in Area-Wide Vector
Control Programmes.............................................................................................................199

Optimizing Strategies for Eradication of Discrete-Generation Lepidopteran Pests Using

Inherited Sterility..................................................................................................................211

A Diffusion Model for Glossina palpalis gambiensis in Burkina Faso...............................221


Current Advances in the Use of Cryogenics and Aerial Navigation Technologies for
Sterile Insect Delivery Systems.............................................................................................229

Area-Wide IPM for Commercial Wheat Storage...............................................................239


Development, Validation and Use of a Simulation Model to Deliver National Predictions

of Ovine Cutaneous Myiasis Risk in the British Isles.........................................................247

Problems with the Management of the Golden Apple Snail Pomacea canaliculata: an
Important Exotic Pest of Rice in Asia..................................................................................257

Mass-Rearing and Field Performance of Irradiated Carob Moth Ectomyelois ceratoniae

in Tunisia................................................................................................................................265

Autodissemination of Semiochemicals and Pesticides: a New Concept Compatible with

the Sterile Insect Technique..................................................................................................275


Strategies to Control the Desert Locust Schistocerca gregaria..........................................285

The Mountain Pine Beetle Dendroctonus ponderosae in Western North America: Potential
for Area-Wide Integrated Management..............................................................................297

A Strategy for an Area-Wide Control Campaign with an SIT Component to Establish a

Tsetse- (Glossina austeni and Glossina brevipalpis) Free South Africa..............................309

Area-Wide Control of Tsetse and Trypanosomosis: Ethiopian Experience in the Southern

Rift Valley...............................................................................................................................325

Don't Let Cacto Blast Us: Development of a Bi-National Plan to Stop the Spread of the
Cactus Moth Cactoblastis cactorum in North America......................................................337

Preventive Programme Against the Cactus Moth Cactoblastis cactorum in Mexico......345


Area-Wide Control Tactics for the False Codling Moth Thaumatotibia leucotreta in South
Africa: a Potential Invasive Species.....................................................................................351

SIT for the Malaria Vector Anopheles arabiensis in Northern State, Sudan: an Historical
Review of the Field Site.........................................................................................................361

Integrated Management of Rice Stem Borers in the Yangtze Delta, China......................373


Management of Cotton Insect Pests in Tajikistan..............................................................383


Insecticidal Wound Treatment of Livestock on Isla de la Juventud, Cuba: an Efficient

Suppression Method of New World Screwworm Cochliomyia hominivorax Prior to the
Release of Sterile Insects ......................................................................................................393


Area-Wide Integrated Pest Management Programmes and Agricultural Trade:
Challenges and Opportunities for Regulatory Plant Protection.......................................407

Systems Approaches as Phytosanitary Measures: Techniques and Case Studies............417


Postharvest Phytosanitary Radiation Treatments: Less-Than-Probit 9, Generic Dose, and

High Dose Applications.........................................................................................................425

Tools for the Trade: the International Business of the SIT...............................................435


Privatizing the SIT: a Conflict Between Business and Technology?..................................449

Private Sector Investment in Mediterranean Fruit Fly Mass-Production and SIT
Operations – The “Sheep” of the Private Sector Among the “Wolves” of the Public


Assessment of the Sterile Insect Technique to Manage Red Palm Weevil Rhynchophorus
ferrugineus in Coconut..........................................................................................................475

Area-Wide Suppression of Invasive Fire Ant Solenopsis spp. Populations.......................487


A Cultural Method for the Area-Wide Control of Tarnished Plant Bug Lygus lineolaris in

Use of the Sterile Insect Technique Against Aedes albopictus in Italy: First Results of a
Pilot Trial................................................................................................................................505

Area-Wide Integrated Control of Oriental Fruit Fly Bactrocera dorsalis and Guava Fruit
Fly Bactrocera correcta in Thailand.....................................................................................517

Establishment of a Mediterranean Fruit Fly Ceratitis capitata, Fruit Fly Parasitoids and
Codling Moth Cydia pomonella Rearing Facility in North-Eastern Brazil ......................527

Pilot Mediterranean Fruit Fly Ceratitis capitata Rearing Facility in Tunisia: Constraints
and Prospects.........................................................................................................................535


Progress of Boll Weevil Anthonomus grandis Eradication in the United States of America,

Regional Management Strategy for Cotton Bollworm Helicoverpa armigera in

K. M. WU

Integrated Systems for Control of the Pink Bollworm Pectinophora gossypiella in


Pulling Out the Evil by the Root: the Codling Moth Cydia pomonella Eradication
Programme in Brazil............................................................................................................ 581

Suppression of the Codling Moth Cydia pomonella in British Columbia, Canada Using an
Area-Wide Integrated Approach with an SIT Component................................................591

Eradication of the Australian Painted Apple Moth Teia anartoides in New Zealand:
Trapping, Inherited Sterility, and Male Competitiveness..................................................603

Area-Wide Management of the Formosan Subterranean Termite Coptotermes formosanus

in New Orleans’ French Quarter..........................................................................................617

A Multi-Institutional Approach to Create Fruit Fly-Low Prevalence and Fly-Free Areas

in Central America................................................................................................................627

The Fruit Fly Exclusion Programme in Chile.....................................................................641


Expansion of the National Fruit Fly Control Programme in Argentina...........................653


The Augmentative Biological Control Component in the Mexican National Campaign

Against Anastrepha spp. Fruit Flies.....................................................................................661

The Hawaii Area-Wide Fruit Fly Pest Management Programme: Influence of

Partnerships and a Good Education Programme...............................................................671
R. F. L. MAU, E. B. JANG and R. I. VARGAS

Area-Wide Management of Fruit Flies in Australia...........................................................685


Five Years of Mosquito Control in Northern Greece..........................................................699


The Carribean Amblyomma variegatum Eradication Programme: Success or Failure?



Lessons from Area-Wide Integrated Pest Management (AW-IPM) Programmes with an
SIT Component: an FAO/IAEA Perspective.......................................................................723

Author Index..........................................................................................................................745
Subject Index.........................................................................................................................749
Section 1

Setting the Scene

Area-Wide Integrated Pest Management
(AW-IPM): Principles, Practice and


1Joint FAO/IAEA Programme of Nuclear Techniques in Food and
Agriculture, Insect Pest Control Sub-Programme, IAEA,
Wagramerstrasse 5, A-1400 Vienna, Austria
2Plant Production and Protection Division, Food and Agriculture

Organization of the United Nations, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla

00100 Rome, Italy
3Joint FAO/IAEA Programme of Nuclear Techniques in Food and

Agriculture, FAO/IAEA Agriculture and Biotechnology Laboratory,

Seibersdorf A-2444, Austria

ABSTRACT Integrated pest management (IPM) has remained the dominant paradigm of pest control
for the last 50 years. IPM has been endorsed by essentially all the multilateral environmental agreements
that have transformed the global policy framework of natural resource management, agriculture, and trade.
The integration of a number of different control tactics into IPM systems can be done in ways that greatly
facilitate the achievement of the goals either of field-by-field pest management, or of area-wide (AW) pest
management, which is the management of the total pest population within a delimited area. For several
decades IPM and AW pest control have been seen as competing paradigms with different objectives and
approaches. Yet, the two “schools” have gradually converged, and it is now generally acknowledged that
the synthesis, AW-IPM, neither targets only eradication, nor relies only on single control tactics, and that
many successful AW programmes combine a centrally managed top-down approach with a strong grass-
roots bottom-up approach, and that some are managed in a fully bottom-up manner. AW-IPM is increas-
ingly accepted especially for mobile pests where management at a larger scale is more effective and prefer-
able to the uncoordinated field-by-field approach. For some livestock pests, vectors of human diseases, and
pests of crops with a high economic value and low pest tolerance, there are compelling economic incen-
tives for participating in AW control. Nevertheless issues of free riders, public participation and financing
of public goods, all play a significant role in AW-IPM implementation. These social and managerial issues
have, in several cases, severely hampered the positive outcome of AW programmes; and this emphasises
the need for attention not only to ecological, environmental, and economic aspects, but also to the social
and management dimensions. Because globalization of trade and tourism are accompanied by the increased
movement of invasive alien pest species, AW programmes against major agricultural pests are often being
conducted in urban and suburban areas. Especially in such circumstances, factors likely to shift attitudes
from apathy to outrage, need to be identified in the programme planning stage and mitigated. This paper
reviews the evolution and implementation of the AW-IPM concept and documents its process of develop-
ment from basic research, through methods development, feasibility studies, commercialization and regu-
lation, to pilot studies and operational programmes.

KEY WORDS area-wide IPM, field-by-field IPM, suppression, eradication, feasibility studies, pilot
programmes, operational programmes, commercialization, regulation, public good, free rider, public par-

M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 3–33.
© 2007 IAEA.

1. Introduction cropping and livestock systems on existing

farmland (Borlaug 1997). Access to new tech-
If major advances are to be made in coping with
nologies and the knowledge to use or adapt
most of the major arthropod pest problems, then
the tactics and strategies for managing such them locally will be vital, coupled with less
insects, ticks and mites must change. They must wastage and improved penetration into
change from the current, limited scale, reactive, national and global markets. As expansion of
broad-spectrum measures to preventive meas- arable land will only play a minor role in some
ures that are target-pest specific and rigidly
applied on an area-wide basis (Knipling 1992). regions and attaining substantial increases in
crop yields will become increasingly difficult
Around 850 million people remain malnour- in others, the focus will have to shift towards
ished (FAO 2006) in spite of significant a more efficient use of agricultural resources
progress over the last four decades towards (Trewavas 2001). There could hardly be a less
food security in several regions of the world, efficient use of resources than to invest land,
and numerous positive developments in the water, fertilizer, seeds, labour, and energy to
area of food and agriculture. In 1996, the produce agricultural commodities, only to
World Food Summit held in Rome, Italy have the investment partially or totally
addressed this persistent crisis by launching destroyed by insects or other pests. Preharvest
the very ambitious goal, later incorporated losses in developing countries are estimated at
into the Millennium Development Goals, of more than one third of attainable crop produc-
halving the number of hungry people by 2015 tion, while postharvest losses add at least
(FAO 1996). However, the Food and another 10-20%. Insects, followed by
Agriculture Organization of the United pathogens and weeds, cause the largest por-
Nations (FAO) has analysed the world food tion of these losses (FAO 1975, Oerke et al.
insecurity situation and indicated that, unfor- 1995, Yudelman et al. 1998, Thomas 1999).
tunately, progress is insufficient to meet the Insects have proven to be among the most
Summit’s target (FAO 2006). Furthermore, formidable adversaries of mankind. Since
the world population is expanding by ca 75-80 they appeared on the scene some 390 million
million people each year, and most likely will years ago, they have diversified into several
rise to about 9000 million by the year 2050, million species that have adapted to almost all
and thus require food production levels at available ecosystems. This large diversity has
least 50% higher than those in 2000 allowed them to effectively compete with
(Alexandratos 1999). At the same time agri- mankind since the introduction of agriculture
cultural research and extension budgets and over the last ten millennia. The increase in
aid to agriculture are shrinking, natural agricultural production of the past decades has
resources are degrading, and the growth of the not been accompanied by a comparable reduc-
world’s agricultural production is continuing tion in overall losses inflicted by insect pests:
to slow down (Bautista and Valdés 1993, on the contrary, agricultural intensification
Braun et al. 1993, Alexandratos 1999). has increased both yields and vulnerability to
This continued rapid growth of the world pests (Yudelman et al. 1998). Furthermore our
population, which is causing the biggest surge mobile society is redistributing species around
in demand for food in history, including the globe at an unprecedented pace with major
demands for significantly more animal pro- consequences for agriculture and ecosystems
teins (Delgado et al. 1999) and biofuels, (FAO 2001). Undoubtedly, insects will contin-
stands in stark contrast to the shrinking per ue to challenge mankind, and their resource-
capita land area available for agriculture. This fulness is forcing a review of established ways
discrepancy cannot be addressed by horizon- of dealing with these pests and stimulating the
tal agricultural expansion, i.e. by an increase development of new innovative control tactics
in cultivated surface area, but requires devel- (Klassen 2005). Investing in improved pest
opment and promotion of more intensive management should therefore be an integral

component of national strategies to raise pro- environment-friendly pest control tactics, the
ductivity and to assure future global food swift development of pesticide resistance, and
security. the need for ever new, more complex and
The sudden availability of very effective much costlier products, gave rise to the con-
and persistent synthetic organic insecticides cept of integrated pest control (IPC) (Stern et
immediately after the Second World War al. 1959, FAO 1966), later called integrated
marked the onset of chemically-based warfare pest management (IPM) (Bottrell 1979). In
against most insect pests. Before that, insect the 1960-70s, stimulated by this need for
pests had to be kept at bay by making use of reduced and more selective use of
various natural control factors. The impor- insecticides, IPM became gradually accepted
tance of the new synthetic chemicals to con- as a viable and sustainable pest management
trol vectors of major diseases and their contri- strategy that incorporates some of the tradi-
butions to the green revolution cannot be tional practices of the pre-insecticide era
questioned (Oerke et al. 1995). Chemical con- (such as field sanitation, biological control
trol has offered an effective and economical and use of pest and disease resistant livestock
way to deal with a multitude of arthropod breeds and crop varieties) together with more
problems, to quell outbreaks, to decimate vec- selective synthetic organic pesticides to main-
tors of parasitic and infectious diseases of tain pest population levels below an economic
humans and livestock, to suppress noxious threshold. IPC-IPM has remained the domi-
insect developing in dung on rangelands nant paradigm of pest control for the last 50
where domestic animals are produced, to sup- years (Kogan 1998).
press mites in honey bee hives, and to control
termites and numerous household pests in 2. Integrated Pest Management
urban ecosystems, etc. Pesticides have offered (IPM): a Reaction Against the
the pesticide user the freedom and flexibility Abuse of Insecticides
to control pests on his property at any time
without regard for the opinions and actions of IPM offers a strategic approach to solving pest
his neighbours. Without chemical pest con- problems in an ecosystem context while
trol, global agricultural productivity would guarding human health and the environment
have been less, food prices much higher and (Brader 1979). It has been endorsed by essen-
the available food of lower quality (Knipling tially all the multilateral environmental agree-
1979). The ready accessibility of these “off- ments that, since the United Nations
the-shelf”, relatively cheap and often subsi- Conference on Environment and
dized chemicals was undoubtedly one of the Development in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, have
main reasons the uncoordinated control of key transformed the global policy framework of
insect pests on a field-by-field basis became natural resource management, agriculture, and
so widely and firmly established during the trade. More than half the world’s human pop-
last 60 years. ulation lives in countries that are guided by
The drawbacks of the widespread use of national IPM policies, and that account for
these broad-spectrum insecticides were, how- most of the world’s staple crop production.
ever, recognized early (Carson 1962). They IPM is increasingly practiced in agroecosys-
pollute soils and water, are a hazard to many tems featuring perennial tree crops, annual
non-target and beneficial insects, lead to out- field crops, crops, in protected cultivation,
breaks of secondary pests, cause acute and ornamental crops, rangelands, intensive pas-
chronic poisoning of farmers, accumulate and tures, roadways, recreational parks, forests,
biomagnify in the food chain and represent dairies, barnyards, and urban ecosystems.
serious concerns to human health (Repetto Small-scale family farms in tropical and tem-
and Baliga 1996). The general public’s perate zones as well as multinational corpo-
increased awareness and demand for more rate food producing and processing firms

apply IPM. IPM systems range over a contin- 1996). In its article on pesticide management,
uum, from those still dependent to a consider- the Code calls for support to alternatives to
able degree on the use of pesticides all the conventional pesticides:
way to those called biointensive that rarely
Governments, with the support of relevant inter-
require chemical treatments (Vandeman et al.
national and regional organizations, should
1994). Along this continuum, reliance on pes- encourage and promote research on, and the
ticide treatment-oriented interventions development of, alternatives posing fewer risks:
decreases and reliance on biological and cul- biological control agents and techniques, non-
tural practices increases and requires an chemical pesticides and pesticides that are, as
far as possible or desirable, target-specific, that
increasing number of available methods in degrade into innocuous constituent parts or
managing pests (Benbrook et al. 1996). metabolites after use and are of low risk to
humans and the environment.
2.1. FAO’s Code of Conduct on the
Distribution and Use of Pesticides The Code reflects evolving responses to
changing conditions with emphasis on pro-
The International Code of Conduct on the tecting the integrity of agroecosystems,
Distribution and Use of Pesticides (revised encouraging natural pest control mechanisms,
from the original 1985 version) was adopted and reducing risks to human health and the
by the 123rd session of the FAO Council in environment. In the articles of the Code on
November 2002. The Code embodies a mod- pesticide management, the wider range of
ern approach, leading to sound management stakeholders, and the emphasis on promoting
of pesticides with a focus on risk reduction, increased participation of farmers, women’s
protection of human and environmental groups, and others reflect recent experiences
health, and support for sustainable agricultur- with successful IPM (van den Berg 2004).
al development by selectively using pesticides
as a component of various IPM strategies 2.2. Selected Successes of IPM
(FAO 2003a). Thus, the Code designed stan-
dards of conduct to promote IPM, including IPM has had a varied history, and simply mix-
the integrated management of public health ing different management tactics does not con-
vectors. stitute IPM (Ehler and Bottrell 2000).
The Code defines IPM as: Successful IPM is “knowledge intensive” and
has never been successful without basic
…the careful consideration of all available pest research on ecosystems, particularly to compre-
control techniques and subsequent integration
hend the food webs or communities of species
of appropriate measures that discourage the
development of pest populations and keep pesti- through which energy flows in agroecosystems
cides and other interventions to levels that are (Barfield and Swisher 1994, Wood 2002).
economically justified and reduce or minimize Understanding why a pest becomes a pest
risks to human health and the environment. IPM (Lewis et al. 1997) comes from a fundamental
emphasizes the growth of a healthy crop with the
least possible disruption in agroecosystems and understanding of the pest’s life history and the
encourages natural pest control mechanisms ecology of crop-pest-natural enemy interac-
(FAO 2003a). tions, and rarely from a revolutionarily new
control tactic (Kogan 1998, Thomas 1999).
The Code has been approved and adopted The rice brown planthopper Nilaparvata
by 185 FAO member governments, endorsed lugens (Stål) was the key insect pest of the
by non-governmental organizations and by Asian green revolution in rice. While single
the pesticide industry. Therefore the definition tactics of insecticides and vertical host-plant
of IPM in the Code carries a degree of acces- resistance largely dominated research and pest
sible authority that many other published def- control application, a series of studies in the
initions of IPM do not (Bajwa and Kogan mid 1970s elucidated the mechanism of out-

either field-by-field (Fig. 1) or on an AW basis

breaks of secondary pests due to the overuse of
subsidized insecticides. This was shown (Fig. 2), the latter addressing the total pest
through analyses of multi-species rice fieldpopulation within a delimited area. The sim-
agroecosystems that concentrated on the riceplest and most widely used strategy has been
field-by-field management, which addresses
crop, the planthoppers, their predators, and par-
only small fractions of a pest population at
asitoids. The results, made available by FAO,
any given time. It allows individual crop and
were then successfully applied in the mid 1980s
through national IPM policies and programmeslivestock producers, households, and busi-
nesses, to control pests independently, without
in the Philippines, Indonesia, India, Vietnam,
China, and other major rice-producing coun- investing effort in coordination, without hav-
tries (DeBach and Rosen 1991, Kogan 1998, ing to obtain the consent or collaboration of
other stakeholders and most importantly with-
Bartlett 2005). As a result of these policies,
over USD 250 million per year in governmen- out taking into account the pest individuals
tal insecticide subsidies were eliminated. that frequently migrate into the treated area
Subsequently Settle et al. (1996) showedfrom infestations in the untreated surround-
ings. Insects, themselves, are mobile but, can
how the rice field’s aquatic food web, driven by
decomposition of rice roots, rice straw, andalso be transported passively with wind, on
other organic matter from previous seasons, animal hosts, or in infested commodities trad-
ed locally or internationally. This mobility
through dozens of aquatic arthropods, produced
severely compromises the effectiveness of
sufficient numbers of predators, to protect the
uncoordinated farm-by-farm, orchard-by-
rice crop from the seedling stage to maturity.
orchard, or herd-by-herd control efforts, and
Rice field dwelling arthropod species that do
results in the frequent need for curative or
not feed on rice still serve as important food
therapeutic back-up measures (Lewis et al.
sources in building up populations of natural
1997) and the eventual overreliance on them.
enemies of rice pests. The species richness of
However, field-by-field pest control does not
natural freshwater ecosystems (streams, ponds,
demand long-term commitment to an organ-
rivers, and lakes) permits irrigated rice agroe-
cosystems to draw from their larger natural ized effort and its funding requirements, but
relies on remedial interventions triggered
species pools to quickly fill in the essential
when a pest population reaches a certain
guild structure of the cultivated aquatic rice
agroecosystem, buffering it from immigrant threshold. Field-by-field pest control is, there-
fore, largely a reactive approach to protect
pest populations. In addition, Ives and Settle
(1997) challenged the conventional wisdom onhumans, animals, crops, forests, houses,
wooden structures, etc., rather than a preven-
synchronous rice planting, showing that in the
tive pest population management approach
presence of natural enemies asynchronous rice
(Pedgley 1993, Abeku 2007).
planting results in the lowest overall pest densi-
ties, since early arriving generalist predators As a result of the complexity of many
decimate incipient infestations of pests andagroecosystems, as well as the site-specific
nature of a majority of pest problems, pre-
suppress their populations to a greater extent
determined thresholds often become opera-
than is accomplished by killing large numbers
later. tionally intractable and in some pest situa-
tions, the threshold is zero tolerance (Ehler
3. Field-by-Field and Area- and Bottrell 2000). Thus a field-by-field IPM
Wide Pest Management approach is often insufficient, particularly
Approaches when pests are quite mobile. Furthermore, the
cost of generating the large amount of ecolog-
3.1. Field-by-Field Pest Management ical information needed to develop and imple-
ment functional IPM systems for such local
Insect pest control measures can be applied situations cannot be afforded by most devel-

Figure 1. Graphic display of field-by-field IPM, where the pest is suppressed below an eco-
nomic threshold level in areas of commercial interest, but often not in abandoned crops, alter-
nate hosts, backyard hosts or on wild hosts. As a result, significant untreated refugia of the pest
remain from which recruits re-establish damaging densities of the pest population.

Figure 2. Graphic display of AW-IPM, where the pest is suppressed below an economic thresh-
old level in all areas, including abandoned crops, alternate hosts, backyard hosts or on wild
hosts. As a result, no significant untreated refugia of the pest remain from which recruits can
re-establish damaging densities of the pest population.

oping countries (Morse and Buhler 1997). the basic principle of total population control:
Uniform suppressive pressure applied against
3.2. The Principle of Total Population the total population of the pest over a period of
Management generations will achieve greater suppression
than a higher level of control on most, but not
all, of the population each generation.
Knipling (1960, 1972) used simple population
models to show that small fractions of an These refugia are permanent and prolific
insect pest population left uncontrolled can sources of immigrants and therefore represent
rapidly nullify the benefits of strongly sup- a constant economic threat, requiring applica-
pressing the main pest population in a large tions in cultivated areas of significant
area. One of these models compares the amounts of insecticides year after year, even
dynamics of an hypothetical insect pest popu- in situations where major pests are managed
lation that has a fivefold natural rate of under an IPM approach. This failure to
increase per year in an area, and where each address the total pest population in an area
year 99 percent of the population is destroyed often compromises the basic goal of IPM, i.e.
on 90% of the host resources (but no control is the reduction of insecticide use. In contrast the
conducted on the remaining 10%) with an area central paradigm of AW control, variously
where only 90% of the population is also called landscape, large-scale, preventive
destroyed on 100% of the total host resources or total population management (Pedgley
(Table 1). The model shows that because no 1993, Ekbom et al. 2000, Carrière et al. 2001,
control was exercised on 10% of the host Smith et al. 2006), recognizes the need to
resources, 100 times more pests were pro- address the existence of all foci/refugia from
duced in the first scenario (where 99% kill which recruits can invade suppressed or
was achieved each generation in the large cleared areas (Byers and Castle 2005, Klassen
treated fraction) than in the second scenario 2005).
where no refugia were left but the total popu- Total population management is also
lation was subjected to only 90% kill in each required to reduce the probability of the devel-
generation. opment of insecticide resistance, or of the
From this Knipling (1972, 1979) deduced emergence of strains of a pest capable of over-

Table 1. Relative number of insects developing each generation in two hypothetical population
management systems. Each of the two populations has an initial population size of one million
insects and a fivefold increase in reproducing insects is assumed with each generation (after
Knipling 1979).

Number of insects in an area with

Generation 99 percentage control on 90 percentage of the target 90 percentage control on 100 per-
population centage of the target population
treated area (90%) untreated area (10%) treated area (100%)

1 900 000 90001 100 000 1000 000 100 0001

2 45 000 450 500 000 500 000 50 000
3 2250 22 2 500 000 250 000 25 000
4 110 12 500 000 125 000

Total insects in 4th generation: 12 500 110 125 000

1number of insects surviving treatment


coming host resistance. In particular, AW pest groups. Eventually, police forces, state and
management strategies, guided by the effec- national armies emerged that were able to deal
tive use of geographic information systems with larger-scale military threats. The AW
(GIS) technology, can be applied to achieve approach for these services made them more
effective resistance management (Carrière et effective and less costly because the providers
al. 2001, Sexson and Wyman 2005, Wu, this could use technically more advanced methods
volume). Nevertheless, there is a potential that were not available to the individual
danger in AW population suppression, since (Lindquist 2000). Today, AW services (e.g. mail
continuous and thorough suppression applied service, retailing, ambulance, fire protection,
on an AW basis will select genes in the pest’s public health, high-speed transport, telephone,
gene pool that enable the pest to overcome the internet services, etc.) are much more wide-
survival threatening control agent. For exam- spread than ever before.
ple, in the absence of refugia, as part of a
resistance management programme, repeated 3.4. Area-Wide Approaches Applied to
AW applications of an insecticide will select Insect Pest Control
for resistance to that insecticide, repeated AW
use of baits will select for avoidance behav- Applied to insect pests, AW approaches have
iour, and repeated AW planting of the same their ancient roots in coping with vector-borne
resistant crop variety will select genes for diseases and locust plagues (Klassen 2000,
overcoming the crop’s host resistance. 2005). In the 14th century, the systematic use
of quarantines in some European city-states
3.3. Origins of Area-Wide (AW) contained bubonic plague transmitted by the
Approaches oriental rat flea Xenopsylla cheopsis
(Rothschild) and this approach was gradually
The AW approach is not new but evolved cen- adopted throughout Europe. The late 19th cen-
turies ago. Reduced cost, increased effective- tury included AW approaches such as the
ness and greater physical protection were gener- development of classical biological control
ally the underlying reasons for the development and the use of pest-resistant plants (for exam-
of AW services. In earlier times, essential items ple the grafting of all European grapes on
such as the water supply, fuel, lighting, and phylloxera-resistant American rootstocks in
sewage disposal were provided on an individual the 1870s).
basis and each extended family satisfied these A campaign to eradicate the invasive gypsy
needs independently of its neighbours. This was moth Lymantria dispar (L.) from 1890 to
an uncoordinated approach with the result that 1901 in Massachusetts mainly using a mod-
these individual services often proved to be not estly efficient phytotoxin, was quite success-
only unreliable, but also inefficient and could ful initially but had to be abandoned after pub-
only be obtained at great individual expense. lic opposition to the spraying. Since then, the
The desire for more effective and efficient objective of this AW campaign has reverted to
delivery of these essential services transformed limiting or retarding the spread of this pest
them from “individual” to “area-wide” and led (Sharov et al. 2002).
eventually to the creation of public or private In 1906, a massive effort in the southern
companies that supplied clean water and elec- USA was initiated to eradicate two Boophilus
tricity, and that took responsibility for the col- cattle tick species that transmit cattle tick
lection of the garbage and disposal of sewage. fever (Klassen 1989). A strategy of starving
Likewise, originally each head of the clan took the ticks by making most pastures cattle free,
responsibility for the physical protection of his combined with an arsenic-dipping programme
kin. Soon feudal societies developed in which and restricting cattle movement to tick-free
some individuals and later institutions special- counties was rigorously implemented for 37
ized to provide protection for much larger years. In 1943, the ticks had been eliminated

from the USA at a total cost that was equiva- Phenacoccus manihoti Matile-Ferero was
lent to the yearly losses before the programme observed attacking cassava around Kinshasa
was initiated. To date, the southern USA has (Democratic Republic of Congo, formerly
remained free of these ticks, as the result of an Zaire) and Brazzaville (Republic of Congo)
effective quarantine programme. and in subsequent years it dispersed through-
In 1911 the Government of Portugal decid- out sub-Saharan Africa, causing starvation of
ed to eradicate the tsetse fly Glossina palpalis more than 200 million people
palpalis Robineau-Desvoidy and trypanoso- (Neuenschwander et al. 1988). The
mosis from the Island of Principe off the west International Center for Tropical Agriculture,
coast of equatorial Africa. The suppressive Cali, Colombia, identified a suitable para-
system consisted of sticky black cloths worn sitoid Epidinocarsis lopezi DeSantis in
by workers, treatment of people with the try- Paraguay, which was brought to Africa by the
panocidal arsenical, atoxyl, clearing of vege- International Institute for Tropical Agriculture
tation, corralling of domestic livestock and in Ibadan, Nigeria. The parasitoid was suc-
eradication of feral pigs. The campaign was cessfully mass-reared and released in 38
concluded in 1914 (McKelvey 1973): it was African countries. This is an outstanding
the first successful tsetse eradication pro- accomplishment in classical biological
gramme. control, and it continues to keep the mealybug
After the World Health Assembly urged at bay.
the World Health Organization (WHO) to Cereal aphids have become a major threat
organize the eradication of malaria in 1955, to production of sorghum, wheat and barley in
enormous progress was made in the following central-western North America following the
15 years, and malaria was declared eradicated emergence of virulent biotypes of the green
in 37 countries (Spielman et al. 1993). Social bug Schizaphis graminum (Rondani) during
pressure to devolve more control to the local the 1960s, the establishment of the Russian
level and the banning of DDT resulted in the wheat aphid Diuraphis noxia (Kurdjumov) in
disintegration of the programme. To date, 1986, and the subsequent emergence of new
more than 400 million malaria cases are biotypes of the latter species. These pests have
reported annually worldwide and more than been causing annual losses in grain produc-
one million people, mainly children in Africa, tion in excess of USD 250 million, and have
succumb to the disease every year (Marshall caused large and unsustainable increases in
2000). the use of insecticides on these low profit mar-
In the 1950s and 1960s, a significant AW gin crops. Therefore, a very large classical
campaign was implemented against the intro- biological control programme involving the
duced Khapra beetle Trogoderma granarium introduction of parasitoids from Eurasia was
Everts which had become established in the inititated (Brewer and Elliott 2004). However,
south-western USA and northern Mexico. A an analysis of the wheat agroecosystem has
major quarantine and treatment effort, which revealed the presence and economic impact of
involved the fumigation of all warehouses, many species of indigenous natural enemies,
seed storage facilities, ships and other trans- and it has been difficult to demonstrate any
port facilities, was initiated cooperatively by contribution from imported exotic species. As
all states in these regions. Funding for this AW in the above mentioned problem of the brown
programme was shared between the federal planthopper on rice, understanding the com-
and state governments and the private sector. munity structure of the agroecosystem, initial-
By 1966 all known populations of the pest had ly intended as a side product of the classical
been eradicated. Another introduction of this biological control campaign, turned out to be
pest was eliminated between 1980 and 1983 the crucial foundation of the AW-IPM pro-
in the north-eastern USA (Klassen 1989). gramme. Many other examples of successful
In 1973, the exotic cassava mealybug or unsuccessful AW programmes to suppress

or eradicate insect pest populations are listed increase because of the recent surge in fre-
in Klassen (1989, 2005). quency of establishment of invasive alien
pests near international airports, seaports and
3.5. Public Participation, Public Good, elsewhere in metropolitan areas. Protesters in
and Free Riders urban communities fearful of mandatory pes-
ticide applications attempted to halt the cam-
As discussed above and by Vreysen et al. (this paigns to eradicate the Mediterranean fruit fly
volume), AW programmes are not always suc- Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) in the Los
cessful. Social concern over methods, too Angeles Basin by the State of California and
many free riders, or insufficient compliance the United States Department of Agriculture
by all stakeholders have in several cases (USDA) during the 1980s (Lorraine and
severely hampered success (Klassen 2000), Chambers 1989). During the recent campaign
emphasizing the need for attention not only to to eradicate citrus canker from Florida (1995-
ecological, environmental, and economic, but 2006), protesters in urban communities in
also to social and managerial dimensions. south-eastern Florida, outraged by the entry of
inspectors and workers into backyards of
3.5.1. Public Participation homes without search warrants and the
Public participation or “ownership” by the destruction of apparently healthy citrus trees,
general public of AW programmes is crucial delayed programme implementation from
for their success. Yet often such support is 2001 to 2004 by challenging its legality in
weak, and special public information efforts court. In 2004 three hurricanes spread the
are needed to convince the stakeholders of the canker bacterium from infected trees left
wider benefits. Mumford (2000) summarizes untouched during the three-year litigation so
this aspect well: widely that the programme was judged to be
not feasible, and it was terminated in 2006
The main area in which problems lie with area-
after the expenditure of ca USD 875 million
wide pest control appears to be in the mecha-
nisms for public participation. Reports over (Bouffard 2006). In India a WHO programme
many years cite technical, economic and envi- to eradicate Aedes aegypti (L.), the vector of
ronmental success with the concept, but there is yellow fever and dengue, was terminated dur-
still indifference, reluctance and antagonism. ing the 1970s because journalists incited irra-
... these attitudes may be the result of a lack of tional fear of the sterilized male mosquitoes
opportunity for involvement and ownerships of (Nature 1975). Clearly potential outrage fac-
programmes, which may be seen as being tors need to be identified during the planning
imposed from above/outside, managed by tech- stages of AW programmes, and a well funded
nocrats or otherwise not arising from or meeting
the needs of the people directly concerned. None
public information programme must be
of these issues should be insurmountable, but it launched at the outset of each programme.
is worth noting that area-wide pest management Public information specialists must be trained
is an activity in which social participation and to be up front, open and honest about all
attention to the “reasonable person” is as issues which may be perceived negatively
important as technical proficiency.
especially by urban stakeholders.
Outrage factors pose a great threat to AW
programmes. Once a large segment of the 3.5.2. Public Good
public has become outraged, it is almost Public health, a clean environment, ecosystem
impossible to lead them back to an attitude of services, roads, public education, a whole-
trust and support (Sandman 1987). People in some food supply, etc., have all been labelled
significant numbers have expressed outrage as public goods (Johnson 2005). The applica-
against AW programmes conducted for the tion of IPM in agriculture and human health
benefit of agriculture or public health in urban gives rise to positive externalities for the com-
settings, and such instances are likely to mon or public good, resulting in benefits such

as reduced risks to humans and the environ- parties is an unavoidable and difficult chal-
ment. In contrast a negative externality arises lenge. In addition, merely because a good is
when a farmer, through injudicious pesticide said to be public, such as an unpolluted or dis-
use, pollutes the environment and harms his ease-free environment, does not automatically
neighbours. In the case of mobile pests, dam- imply that all people value it equally.
age is a function of the total pest population in Nevertheless, often a public good cannot be
the entire area. Pest control by any farmer provided, or provided to an adequate extent,
results, therefore, in pest suppression and less without strong support for a mechanism of
damage for the neighbours as well, although collective action.
only the one farmer incurs the cost of the con-
trol. This spill-over benefit for the other farm- 3.5.4. Subsidies, Government Provision, and
ers in the vicinity is a positive externality, Legal Authority
which unfortunately encourages free riders State subsidies, or complete government pro-
and is often not conducive for a collaborative vision, and/or regulation or even legal author-
programme against the pest within a commu- ity for enforcement by authorities can at least
nity or at larger scales (Yu and Leung 2006). partially overcome this type of market failure.
All of these solutions represent an “involun-
3.5.3. Free Riders tary” provision through taxation to partially or
Free riders are individuals choosing to benefit fully fund the public good. With benefits at
from a public good or a positive externality least as large for society as for growers and
without contributing to the costs of producing other IPM practitioners who carry the finan-
the benefits (Johnson 2005), and they repre- cial burden of implementation, a strong case
sent a problem for IPM implementation has been made for financial incentives as a
against mobile pests. Farmer associations or stimulus to entice more participation and
“community IPM”, effectively promoted by expansion of IPM adoption (Brewer et al.
FAO through IPM farmer field schools in 2004). Since benefits to society of AW inter-
developing countries (van den Berg 2004), ventions tend to be unusually large, the alloca-
can help address this problem. Actually com- tion of public funds to many of such pro-
munity IPM is more than pest management grammes in public health and agriculture
and offers an entry point to improve the farm- appears to be strongly justified, and indeed,
ing system as a whole, developing the many AW pest control programmes are par-
enhanced management skills necessary for tially funded by the state (Bassi et al., this vol-
sustainable environment-friendly agricultural ume). The establishment and enforcement of
and rural development (Dilts 2001). legal rules by authority (Klassen 2000), for
Nevertheless, the cultural and socio-economic example, the removal of mosquito breeding
background of stakeholders significantly sites, the implementation of quarantines, or
affects the collaboration rate in community- the removal of wild hosts in the surroundings
based projects (Smith et al. 2006, Stonehouse of crops (Kovaleski and Mumford, this vol-
et al. 2007). ume) is greatly facilitated by establishing such
Non-collaborators represent a major weak- “official” AW pest management activities.
ness when operating programmes at a larger
scale (for example regional public health vac- 3.6. Linking Area-Wide Approaches with
cination campaigns, or global rinderpest or IPM (AW-IPM)
polio eradication). A few free riders or
“refuseniks” can negate many positive The concept of AW pest control, developed by
impacts of AW programmes. Since externali- USDA under the direction of E. F. Knipling,
ties may affect a large number of stakeholders, has been closely identified with the pro-
obtaining full participation and dealing with gramme to eradicate the New World screw-
sceptical, negligent, or even antagonistic third worm Cochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel),

which started in Florida in 1957 and reached intended to eradicate the target plant pest or
Panama in 2001 (Klassen and Curtis 2005). pest complex; instead they are designed to
During these same decades many academic manage selected pests across an expansive
institutions developed and promoted the IPM geographic landscape (Pedgley 1993, Coop et
paradigm. For several decades IPM and AW al. 2000, Hendrichs et al. 2005, Sexson and
pest control were seen as competing para- Wyman 2005, Carrière et al. 2006, Abeku
digms with different objectives and approach- 2007).
es (Perkins 1982), and each competing against In recent years organizations concerned
the other with its own core organizational with the preservation of biodiversity and con-
base, i.e., state universities (IPM) versus fed- servation of natural ecosystems have become
eral research and regulatory agencies (AW). alarmed that their investments in conservation
are at serious risk of being undone by invasive
3.6.1. Suppression versus Eradication alien species (Sklad et al. 2003). Moreover,
While under IPM suppression, pests can be conservation scientists have found eradication
tolerated at certain levels as part of healthy to be essential for the restoration of certain
agroecosystems in which all components have natural ecosystems badly damaged by inva-
a functioning role, IPM practitioners per- sive species, and attitudes toward eradication
ceived AW pest control as targeting only erad- are being revisited (Myers et al. 2000, Clout
ication, an end point to which some had strong and Veitch 2002, Simberloff 2002, Pérez
philosophical objections. Practitioners of AW Sandi Cuen and Zimmermann 2005).
control were accused of only wanting to erad-
icate pest populations based entirely on the 3.6.2. Area-Wide Integration
initial promise of synthetic insecticides and While the integration of compatible control
that they were unwilling to manage and other- tactics was seen as the cornerstone of the IPM
wise learn to live with pests. However in real- concept, adherents of the IPM school did not
ity, Knipling (1966, 1969, 1972) had early on perceive such integration to be integral to AW
included suppression in AW control of key pest control systems, even though most AW
pests, although the possibility of eradication suppression or eradication campaigns
of selected populations of major pest species, employed simultaneously several control tac-
if practical and economically and environ- tics to achieve their goal. However, the inte-
mentally advantageous, was preferable gration of all available weapons is a funda-
(Kogan 1998). For example, since about 1960 mental requirement for the success of both
Knipling worked toward the eradication of field-by-field and AW-IPM. For example the
boll weevil Anthonomus grandis Boheman in New World screwworm eradication pro-
the USA, but in this he was effectively gramme relied not only on the release of ster-
opposed for decades by IPM practitioners. ile insects, but integrated their use into a sys-
Eradication of this key invasive pest on cot- tem including quarantines to prevent spread
ton, which was finally initiated in the 1980s and reinvasion, closely scheduled examina-
and is now nearing completion (El-Lissy and tion of all livestock, collection and identifica-
Grefenstette, this volume), was foreseen to tion of specimens from wounds, diligent treat-
significantly and permanently reduce insecti- ment of all wounds, navels and other sites of
cide use and provide major environmental and oviposition of the parasite, scheduling of cul-
economic benefits. It was also foreseen that tural practices related to livestock manage-
removal of the pest would cause much cotton ment such as branding, castration and dehorn-
production to shift from the central part of the ing only when the parasite was least prevalent,
cotton belt to the south-eastern USA, where in and extensive public information activities to
the absence of this pest cotton production is obtain transparency and secure the collabora-
the most profitable. Currently none of the sev- tion of all stakeholders. Clearly, the New
eral ongoing AW control programmes are World screwworm eradication programme

targeted both the adult and immature stages of regulations are not needed to assure the suc-
the parasite. Indeed Knipling (1979) proposed cess of many AW programmes, and in such
integrating control tactics that address imma- instances it would be most unwise to impose
ture stages (for example natural enemies) with them.
those that target the adult stage (sterile insects,
mating disruption), or those that are very 3.6.4. What is Area-Wide?
effective against high population densities The term area-wide, coined for total popula-
(use of bio-pesticides and baits) with those tion management is widely entrenched, even
that are effective against low population den- though it can be misleading (and has been at
sities (mating disruption systems, sterile least partially responsible for misunderstand-
insects, parasitoids, etc.). ing the concept), since the concept deals pri-
marily with a total population in a delimited
3.6.3. Top-Down Approach area, the influence of migration/dispersal on
While for IPM a bottom-up approach at the its dynamics, and its ecological relationships
farmer and community level was the opera- within its ecosystem. Including the distribu-
tional mode, AW control was seen as needing tion of the pest population in space and avail-
a top-down approach, centrally managed by ability in time appears to be the logical next
an organization, and with a mandatory com- step in the ongoing evolution of IPM from
ponent to insure full participation of stake- originally managing a single pest in a field, to
holders within a region. Even though AW pro- multiple pests in a field, to a larger scale that
grammes are usually, but not always, central- includes multiple fields and multiple crops.
ly managed, they cannot afford to ignore the Actually large geographic areas are not a pre-
concerns of farmers and communities. Indeed requisite for the AW approach, because
AW programmes cannot succeed unless they addressing pest populations within a closed
secure the active enthusiastic participation of greenhouse, for example, also involves man-
all stakeholders, especially that of farmers and aging them at the population level, where their
rural communities to achieve their goals. And temporal dynamics and spatial distribution are
where such a programme involves urban com- known (Casey et al. 2007).
munities, it is even more important to assure
that the urban people understand the impor- 3.6.5. Merging of IPM and AW Control
tance of the programme and are willing to tol- Over time, as described above, the two
erate and contribute to its costs. schools have gradually converged and the dif-
While not all AW-IPM programmes ferences between them have turned out to be
include mandatory components to insure less critical than originally perceived
stakeholder participation, a regulatory frame- (Coppedge 1994, Kogan 1994, 1995, Parry
work undoubtedly facilitates programme 1995, Kogan 1998, Coop et al. 2000, Tan
effectiveness. Some regulations established 2000, Faust 2001, Yu and Leung 2006). AW-
by regulatory authorities with stakeholder IPM is a very broad and flexible concept and
input are critical to success of certain AW pro- is increasingly accepted for those situations of
grammes. These may include mandatory crop mobile pests where management at a larger
destruction by a certain date to prevent over- scale is advantageous to maximize the AW,
wintering of the pest, mandatory seeding or not necessarily local, efficacy of management
planting dates to provide for suicidal emer- tactics (Cronin et al. 1999). At the same time
gence of the pest, access to private property grower education, for example through the
by inspectors, etc. Since such regulations may FAO-organized IPM farmer field schools, is
be difficult to enforce, it is important that at also leading to some concerted action to scale
the outset a referendum is held to determine if up the IPM movement at the community level
at least two-thirds of the stakeholders would (Dilts 2001, Pontius et al. 2002). Rice farmers
willingly comply. On the other hand special are gradually moving from field-by-field to

AW-IPM implementation by coordinating at by short detection times and high discount

the village, subdistrict, and in some cases rates. The model likewise demonstrates that a
even district levels (Matteson 2000). one-off suppression of the pest under the lead-
The interaction of AW application of tac- ership of a third party facilitates the coopera-
tics and coordination of activities among tion of heterogeneous groups of farmers in
stakeholders is also not straightforward. AW-IPM.
While synchronous AW application of control
measures is generally more efficient to pre- 4. Area-Wide Control of Insect
clude pest population refugia (Byers and Pests: from Research to Field
Castle 2005), in other situations AW spatial Implementation
asynchrony is deliberately adopted over broad
geographic regions. For example, spatial Operational AW-IPM programmes are com-
asynchrony of control measures has a greater plex, long-term and proceed from basic
effective suppressive effect on the total pest research, through methods development, fea-
population in the rice agroecosystem, because sibility studies, commercialization and regula-
it favours earlier migration of natural enemies tion, to field pilot studies, which could even-
into the rice fields (Ives and Settle 1997). tually culminate into an operational pro-
gramme. The various components of this
3.6.6. Situations Advantageous for Area-Wide development process are briefly documented
Control and discussed.
Economics undoubtedly plays a major role in
the initial grower decision to participate in 4.1. Basic Research
AW-IPM (Sexson and Wyman 2005), and
deteriorating market conditions may cause the AW-IPM is a science-based activity and,
grower to neglect or even abandon a crop in a hence, relies on knowledge generated in basic
field or an orchard. Farmers who cultivate science to provide new tools and technologies.
crops with a high economic value and low The link between basic science and AW-IPM
pest tolerance risk suffer greater losses than programmes is often seen as tenuous, as much
farmers who cultivate crops with a low eco- time and applied research is required to turn a
nomic value and high pest tolerance (Yu and basic invention into a product for use in a field
Leung 2006). In the latter situation there are programme. One example of this process has
fewer incentives for farmers to cooperate been the basic genetic research conducted
through an AW approach, whereas in the first over ten years that culminated in the develop-
case the economic advantages of participation ment of genetic sexing strains for the
are much greater (Stonehouse et al. 2007). Mediterranean fruit fly. Genetic sexing has
This is particularly so for crops such as veg- revolutionized the use of the sterile insect
etables and fruit, or for some livestock or technique against this pest. Unfortunately this
human diseases, where the acceptable thresh- technology cannot be transferred directly to
olds are so low that the presence of even a few other species, although it could be created in
pest or vector individuals often triggers the many pest species with somewhat less effort
need for remedial applications. than was required in the Mediterranean fruit
Using a mathematical model, Yu and fly. Moreover, genetic transformation of
Leung (2006) derived several favourable and insect pests may lead to the development of
unfavourable conditions for implementing generic sexing systems. Many of the proposed
AW-IPM. In their view, AW-IPM is more like- uses of genetic transformation aim to replace
ly to succeed where the number of farmers is or complement existing technologies, and,
small, and the cultivated crops are similar therefore, do not represent completely new
(low farm heterogeneity). The stability of the concepts. As such, genetic sexing, insect
cooperation among the farmers is enhanced marking, and sterilization are all proposed as

targets for genetic transformation. In a few them (Torres et al., this volume). However,
pest species all these goals have been these studies do not provide information on
achieved at the laboratory scale, but the larger the presence or absence of behavioural mating
challenge of scaling up and validating these barriers between various field populations or
systems at meaningful levels for AW-IPM between released sterile insects and target
programmes remains to be done. populations. The existence of behavioural bar-
Genetic transformation was first developed riers to mating must be determined through
to study gene function in Drosophila the conduct of mating compatibility studies;
melanogaster Meigen and then roughly ten and these should be conducted under semi-
years of effort were required to simulate this natural conditions (Cayol et al. 2002, Vera et
accomplishment in the first major pest al. 2006).
species, the Mediterranean fruit fly. Now, it is The quality of performance in the field of
possible, through the development of better insects released in AW-IPM programmes is of
vector systems and transformation markers, to paramount importance. Therefore, great dili-
genetically engineer most pest species, includ- gence is exercised in the mass-rearing and
ing several dipteran and lepidopteran pests handling of predators and parasitoids in aug-
(Atkinson, this volume). Lepidoptera have a mentative biocontrol programmes and of ster-
different sex determination system than ile males released in SIT programmes. Thus it
Diptera and this difference could be exploited is important to note that dietary, hormonal,
to produce a genetic sexing strain with non- and semiochemical treatment of sterile males
transgenic males for release (Marec et al., this prior to release (Teal et al., this volume) can
volume). The identification of specific chro- greatly increase their effectiveness. Similar
mosome markers (Makee and Tafesh, this vol- conclusions were reached with respect to
ume) will aid this approach. predators reared for release in augmentative
Each AW-IPM programme requires a regu- biocontrol programmes (Thompson 1999).
latory framework tailored to its specific needs. Likewise, new techniques that allow the
However none of the currently existing regu- storage of insects for varying lengths of time
latory frameworks provides for the deploy- and at various stages could be very beneficial
ment of any genetically transformed product. to AW-IPM programmes. Maintenance of cer-
This issue was discussed in Rome at a meet- tain strains of the pest insect that have partic-
ing on risk assessment, which provided some ular characteristics is labour intensive, expen-
guidance on deploying transgenic arthropods sive and tends to expand as new strains are
(IAEA 2006). Currently, the North American developed. Strains also need to be maintained
Plant Protection Organization (NAPPO) is over long periods of time even though they
developing a regional standard (RSPM) to may only be used for limited periods. In addi-
facilitate the importation and confined release tion, storage of insects can alleviate potential
of transgenic arthropods (NAPPO 2007). hazards of the rearing process such as strain
Strategies to facilitate the acceptance of deterioration, disease outbreaks, labour
deploying transgenic insects in AW-IPM pro- unrest, or mechanical failure. Cryopreser-
grammes are being developed (Handler et al., vation is considered to be a possible solution,
this volume). and recent advances have made this technolo-
Characterization of pest populations to be gy available for some pest insects such as
targeted by an AW-IPM programme is an transgenic New World screwworm (Leopold,
essential first step in mounting an AW-IPM this volume).
programme. To this end advances in DNA Population suppression in AW-IPM pro-
analysis are providing increasingly sophisti- grammes can be achieved by reducing the
cated tools to assess the genetic variability of reproductive potential of the target population
different field populations of a pest species using either natural or artificially induced
including the degree of isolation between sterility. Four decades ago, cytoplasmic

incompatibility was used to demonstrate pop- (RS), GIS and global positioning systems
ulation suppression in isolated populations of (GPS)) are increasingly used (FAO/IAEA
Culex pipiens L. (Laven 1967), and since then 2006, Abeku 2007) to provide guidance for
scientific knowledge about its causative agent decision making in AW-IPM programmes, for
Wolbachia pipientis Hertig has dramatically risk mapping and assessing the potential of
increased (Werren 1997). Wolbachia is a bac- alternative tactics and for identifying syner-
terial symbiont known to be widespread in gistic interactions between their components.
many arthropod species, including some pop- Simple, easy to understand mathematical
ulations of tsetse, where its presence does not models were used by E. F. Knipling to demon-
seem to cause cytoplasmic incompatibility. strate the essential theoretical underpinning of
Other symbionts play a role in insect fitness AW pest suppression and management using a
and a better understanding of the symbiont- wide range of control tactics (Knipling 1966,
host interaction can have important benefits 1979). Since then, a number of more sophisti-
for mass-rearing and field deployment of ster- cated models have been developed that exam-
ile insects. Tsetse flies carry obligate sym- ine factors such as residual fertility, competi-
bionts that synthesize essential amino acids tive ability, mating patterns, immigration, etc.
and vitamins that are not present in their diet (Barclay 2005). In AW-IPM programmes
of vertebrate blood (Aksoy and Weiss, this which include the release of insects, optimal
volume), and it may be possible to develop release strategies constitute a key component,
tsetse strains refractory to the trypanosome which has serious economic implications and
parasite, which would remove a potential which often influences success or failure.
health hazard in a sterile release programme. Release strategies are influenced by the criti-
For other insect pests, such as the cal overflooding ratio, i.e. the number of ster-
Mediterranean fruit fly, Wolbachia is natural- ile insects that have to be released to induce a
ly absent, but strains have now been artificial- downward trend in the target population, and
ly infected to generate cytoplasmic incompat- the dispersal potential of the released insects.
ibility (Bourtzis, this volume). New population models that deal with inherit-
New developments in science and techni- ed sterility in Lepidoptera demonstrate the
cal innovations are the lifeblood of evolving benefits of releasing sterile insects in as close
AW-IPM programmes. Technology stagnation proximity as possible to the wild insects, and
leads to lost opportunities, non-competitive if the spatial distribution of the target popula-
strategies, lowered programme morale and tion is not known, many small releases regu-
funding fatigue. However, scientific and tech- larly spaced are more likely to achieve the
nological advances need to be adapted and tai- goals of the programme than large, less fre-
lored to meet important needs of specific AW- quent and widely spaced releases (Kean et al.,
IPM programmes. It is therefore no coinci- this volume). Recent one-dimensional random
dence that the most successful AW-IPM pro- walk models of the dispersal of West African
grammes are associated with a distinct but riverine tsetse show the importance of habitat
separate entity responsible for research, topography on dispersal and the effects of
and/or methods development and improve- using either complete or partial release-recap-
ment. ture data sets in the model (Bouyer et al., this
4.2. Modelling and Methods Development Many models have been developed to
address the issue of risk. They are well
Knowing where pest populations are in time advanced for several major insect vectors of
and space is indispensable information needed disease. Although the first mathematical
to effectively plan, implement and evaluate “model” describing the role played by an
AW-IPM programmes. Mathematical models insect vector in disease epidemiology was
and spatial analytical tools (remote sensing published almost one century ago by Sir

Ronald Ross (Ross 1911), the use of these improvements have enhanced both the distri-
spatial tools has not been widespread, but that bution of the released insects and their quality,
situation is rapidly changing. Although the respectively (Tween and Rendón, this vol-
quantity and quality of geographical data ume).
input in these spatial models has dramatically
increased, ground-truthing and correlating 4.3. Feasibility Studies
entomological data with climatic, biological
and topographical variables is still lacking for The next critical step in the decision-making
many ecological situations. Models can be process towards the development of an AW-
also be used as a forecasting tool to aid farm- IPM programme is a feasibility study.
ers in initiating control actions, and these can Feasibility studies have components ranging
be based on climate (e.g. the model for myia- from the collection of entomological (Vreysen
sis risk in the UK (Wall and Pitts, this vol- 2005), and other baseline data, benefit/cost
ume)), or on insect density (e.g. AW-IPM in analyses (FAO/IAEA 2007), the consideration
commercial wheat storage (Flinn et al., this of ways to eliminate or mitigate factors with
volume)). outrage-inducing potential, and securing gov-
The term autodissemination is used to ernment and other stakeholder commitment to
describe the release of beneficial organisms an assessment of available and required
for the additional purpose of carrying other resources and infrastructure. Limited pilot
control agents into a field population. field tests to evaluate and validate new tech-
Electrostatic powders have been developed nologies could likewise be included in this
which adhere to insect cuticle. These powders phase as they are small, both in scale and in
could be used to coat the insect cuticle with cost, and do not have the primary goal of pop-
bioactive entities such as pheromones or ulation control.
microorganisms. Preliminary data indicate Often major outbreaks of pest populations
that this mechanism has potential for use in a are difficult to combat, as they require timely
“lure-and-kill” strategy against fruit flies, or detection, rapid mobilization of resources, the
for use in mating disruption in Lepidoptera development and implementation of a plan of
(autoconfusion). The latter system could be action, and the erection of the necessary polit-
made more cost-effective by replacing the ical and regulatory framework in which to
sterile male moths by “cheaper” sterile insects operate. Locust problems in Africa and Asia
(e.g. sterilized Mediterranean fruit flies) in exemplify these difficulties, and after cen-
those environments where they could survive turies of struggle against these plagues, a very
(Howse et al., this volume). More detailed and large number of countries over huge areas of
extensive studies are needed to validate the land are still vulnerable to depredation by
potential of this approach. locusts. It is recognized that the solution to the
An independent applied research or meth- problem lies in a preventive or pro-active
ods development group to solve problems and approach where control techniques are
fine-tune technologies is an important compo- applied to prevent the development of damag-
nent of operational AW-IPM programmes. For ing swarms (van Huis, this volume). In spite
example, significant progress has been made of the availability of better bio-pesticides,
in improving the accuracy and quality of more sophisticated forecasting and early
release technologies for sterile Mediterranean warning systems, focusing only on the reces-
fruit flies in terms of (1) aircraft navigation sion areas will be far from easy in view of the
based on GPS-guided systems that also con- vastness of the regions involved and the lack
trol and monitor fly release rate, climatic con- of basic infrastructure in many affected coun-
ditions, aircraft altitude, speed, track, etc., and tries. The control of the enormous outbreaks
(2) use of cryogenics for chilled adult release of forest pests, such as the mountain pine bee-
technology in aircraft. These two sets of tle Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins in

North America, face similar difficulties, lation on livestock. AW suppression using the
although in this case more resources are avail- sequential aerosol technique (SAT) guided by
able (Carrol, this volume). a GPS-based navigation system, which has
Development of complex integrated been applied with great success against the
approaches required for multiple pest agro- savannah tsetse species Glossina morsitans
ecosystems, such as those in cotton and rice, is centralis Machado in Botswana (Kigori et al.
difficult, but much can be achieved by design- 2006), will be needed. Although this pro-
ing or selecting cultural practices that take gramme indicated no significant negative
crop phenology and the life-history traits of long-term effects on biodiversity and non-tar-
the pests into account (Zhu et al., this volume, get species, the presence of national parks in
Mukhitdinov, this volume). Synchronous or target areas will require appropriate environ-
asynchronous planting or harvesting dates, mental impact studies and full and timely con-
crop rotation and the use of alternative hosts sultation with all the relevant stakeholders.
can be very effective when applied in a sys- The mosquito vector of malaria Anopheles
tematic fashion. In such multipest systems the arabiensis Patton is complicit in many deaths,
conservation of natural enemies is of great much illness and economic stagnation; and
significance (Stewart et al. 2007), while the feasibility of eradicating or strongly sup-
species-specific control tactics such as mating pressing it at its natural limits along the Nile
disruption or sterile insects may not have a in Northern State, Sudan is being assessed
role. (Malcolm et al., this volume). In this study
The elimination of the tsetse fly Glossina extensive larval surveys and other GIS-aided
austeni Newstead population from Unguja baseline data are being collected systematical-
Island, Zanzibar, United Republic of ly (Cox, this volume). These data will serve as
Tanzania, raised expectations for ambitious the foundation of future population suppres-
tsetse eradication projects in many parts of sion or eradication campaigns.
mainland Africa. This development has been Many highly destructive invasive species
encouraged and supported by the African are Lepidoptera, which pose a greater threat to
Union’s Pan African Tsetse and agricultural production worldwide than any
Trypanosomiasis Eradication Campaign other Order of arthropods. The false codling
(PATTEC 2000), which has secured substan- moth Thaumatotibia leucotreta (Meyrick) and
tial financial support of the African the cactus moth Cactoblastis cactorum Berg
Development Bank. The transition from an have been targeted for extensive feasibility
isolated relatively small island to much larger studies for AW-IPM programmes. The false
target areas with different tsetse species, codling moth is a major pest of many crops
topographies and socio-economic dimensions including citrus, cotton, maize, etc., and it has
clearly entailed the need for extensive feasi- acquired resistance to many insecticides. At
bility studies in order to ensure future success. present, this dangerous pest is still restricted
The two most advanced programmes are to the African continent. The development of
located at the latitudinal limits of the tsetse an AW-IPM programme against the false
distribution in Africa, i.e. KwaZulu-Natal, codling moth in South Africa, that includes
South Africa in the south (Kappmeier et al., the use of sterile insects, could also be of great
this volume) and the Southern Rift Valley, benefit in the event of an outbreak of this
Ethiopia in the north (Alemu et al., this vol- major pest on other continents (Carpenter et
ume). Feasibility studies in both these areas al., this volume). The cactus moth was origi-
have indicated the logistical limitations of nally a textbook example of an effective bio-
conventional community-based tsetse sup- logical control agent when it was imported
pression methods for such extensive areas, from its native range in Argentina to control
such as insecticide-impregnated targets, traps introduced Opuntia spp. cactus species in
or the use of insecticides as a pour-on formu- Australia. Subsequently the cactus moth was

introduced for the same purpose on Nevis in try. The World Trade Organization recognizes
the Caribbean, and by 1989 it had spread to the International Plant Protection Convention
neighbouring islands and to southern Florida (IPPC) as the international standard setting
(Pérez Sandi Cuen and Zimmermann 2005). body for phytosanitary issues, and an increas-
This invasive species quickly dispersed north- ing number of IPPC’s International Standards
ward in Florida to Alabama and is threatening for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) recog-
south-western USA’s and Mexico’s fragile nize the power of AW-IPM programmes in
ecosystems that are based on the many species establishing low-prevalence and pest free
of indigenous cacti (K. Bloem et al., this vol- areas (Devorshak, this volume). The posthar-
ume). The transboundary nature of many vest use of ionizing radiation as a component
invasive pests requires international co-opera- of a systems approach to phytosanitation has
tion. Thus a bi-national Mexico-USA pro- been approved and articulated in ISPM-18
gramme has been initiated to stop the west- (FAO 2003b). Generic doses of ionizing radi-
ward spread of the cactus moth (Hernández et ation required to destroy many groups of
al., this volume). insect pest are being developed (Follett, this
The importance of comprehensive baseline volume).
data collection, benefit/cost analyses and Many components of AW-IPM pro-
other assessments as part of detailed feasibili- grammes are very amenable to commercial-
ty studies cannot be overstated. Such sound ization, e.g. pheromones, bio-pesticides,
information is essential not only for identify- attractants, aircraft services, traps, field moni-
ing the most appropriate strategy and technol- toring, etc., since all of these technologies and
ogy, and for designing the technical aspects of services are already being provided by com-
a programme, but also for fund raising and mercial firms to various IPM programs. They
obtaining the commitment of all stakeholders. can be purchased and applied only when need-
In some instances large-scale AW-pro- ed by individual farmers, but also by associa-
grammes have suffered because they were tions of farmers, organizations or govern-
mounted before all the essential information ments. Living organisms such as parasitoids,
had been collected (Vreysen et al., this vol- sterile insects and other beneficial organisms
ume). present more of a challenge for commercial-
ization. As in every type of endeavour, com-
4.4. Commercialization and Regulation mercialization of any new process will
involve the development of a business plan
Regulation and commercialization of new which takes into account current practices,
technologies and services can be seen as two protection of intellectual property, markets,
sides of the same coin in that commercializa- benefit/cost analysis, etc. (Quinlan et al., this
tion can only flourish within a strong regula- volume). Based on this type of analysis there
tory framework and commercial interests are is now a thriving industry producing and mar-
sometimes pivotal in the push to develop reg- keting biological control agents (Evans 2004).
ulatory frameworks. Regulatory frameworks Interestingly, it has proven much more diffi-
are also instrumental in facilitating interna- cult to privatize sterile insect production even
tional trade in agricultural products. Moreover though there appears to be a substantial mar-
AW-IPM programmes combined with systems ket. This is related to the sterile insects them-
approaches that mitigate the risk of introduc- selves and how they have to be used, and to
ing exotic pests provide very powerful tools questions of competition between public and
when incorporated into these frameworks private rearing facilities (Bassi et al., this vol-
(Griffin 2000). Safeguarding against invasive ume). Historically most mass-rearing facili-
alien species is most effective when pest free ties in SIT programmes have been govern-
products are shipped from the exporting coun- ment funded and government operated, and
try to the port of entry of the importing coun- this situation still prevails widely. The govern-

ment-operated mass-rearing programmes, to pilot trials have given encouraging indications

some extent, constitute production subsidies of the potential of an AW-IPM approach to
that distort the market and make it very diffi- control these two pests in areas with limited
cult for the private sector to compete. Despite outbreaks. However, in each of these cases,
all the difficulties, real or imagined, there are the control system requires further develop-
now at least three commercial organizations at ment.
various stages of producing or selling sterile A number of pilot mass-rearing facilities
insects for operational programmes (Barnes, are being constructed, but these enterprises
this volume, Bassi et al., this volume). Quality are faced with the urgent needs to train staff
assurance will be a key issue in the sustain- and to validate technologies on a larger scale
ability of a commercial enterprise selling ster- before investing in industrial-type facilities
ile insects. For fruit flies, a quality control (M’Saad-Guerfali et al., this volume).
manual (FAO/IAEA/USDA 2003) is avail- Multipurpose rearing facilities, which can
able, which is currently used by producers and simultaneously serve the needs of different
consumers alike. In order to command respect programmes, have long been considered to
for the high quality of their product, some pro- have advantages over facilities custom-built
duction facilities have acquired ISO certifica- for one species. For some pest species, e.g.
tion (López-Rueda et al. 2004, Cáceres et al. fruit flies, this can be readily accomplished.
2007). For example the fruit fly programme in
Thailand rears and sterilizes Bactrocera cor-
4.5. Pilot Programmes recta Bezzi and Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel in
the same facility (Orankanok et al., this vol-
Pilot programmes assess the effectiveness of ume). In Brazil, where mass-rearing of fruit
the different control technologies and of the flies recently began, a facility is planned that
overall system on a scale that is relevant to will also rear parasitoids of fruit flies and pos-
decision making for any future operational sibly a moth species (Malavasi et al., this vol-
AW-IPM programme. Pilot programmes also ume).
identify weaknesses in programme manage- Pilot trials are essentially an upscaling and
ment, public acceptance, and public education refocusing of R and D, using the data made
needs. For example, pilot trials of AW available from the feasibility studies to
approaches against pests of annual crops, expand activities into field situations. They
which integrated cultural practices, have are a step of fundamental importance in pro-
proven very effective in identifying weak- gressing carefully towards the establishment
nesses pertaining to the above-mentioned of operational AW-IPM programmes.
technical, managerial and social dimensions
(Abel et al., this volume) or for such major 4.6. Operational AW-IPM Programmes
pests as fire ants (Vander Meer et al., this vol-
ume). The sets of tactics and strategies that have
Invasive species are an increasing problem been fully tested and validated in pilot trials
in terms of agriculture, natural ecosystems can be developed into full-scale operational
and human health. In Europe the introduced programmes. However, in contrast to pilot tri-
mosquito Aedes albopictus (Skűse), a vector als, operational programmes leave very little
of dengue and yellow fever, is causing much margin for error in view of the large commit-
concern (Bellini et al., this volume). The red ments of resources, their dependence on the
palm weevil Rhynchophorus ferrugineus strong support of rural and urban
Olivier (Krishnakumar and Maheswari, this stakeholders, and their dependence on a help-
volume), a devastating pest of palm trees, is ful regulatory and political climate. It will
spreading at alarming rates in many parts of always be very challenging to modify or to
the Mediterranean and the Middle East. Initial introduce a major new technology in a suc-

cessful programme. Therefore, most success- Formosan subterranean termite Coptotermes

ful AW-IPM programmes operate without an formosanus Shiraki in the French Quarter of
integral R and D component; instead they usu- New Orleans aimed to protect individual
ally have an associated methods development buildings by applying highly toxic liquids
programme, which develops and validates around each one, independent of actions to
new technical improvements. protect neighbouring structures. This was
As indicated above, AW-IPM programmes highly ineffective as it hardly affected the size
have many facets pertaining to economics and of the termite population in the area. A radical
food security, the environment and sustain- change in the control strategy was taken in
ability, transboundary and trade problems, and 1998 when the programme adopted an AW-
either population suppression or eradication, IPM approach that aimed at termite popula-
as well as sociological and political compo- tion suppression with the aid of advanced ter-
nents (Pimentel, this volume). This philoso- mite detection technologies and the use of
phy has been effectively marshalled in the other termite suppression technologies (Lax et
development of AW-IPM for the major pests al., this volume). The application of termite
of cotton (Henneberry, this volume, Wu, this suppression control tactics on a population
volume). This very important fibre crop is level, rather than focusing on the protection of
grown on four continents and consumes up to individual buildings, has drastically increased
25% of all insecticides used in agriculture. In the effectiveness of termite control (Smith et
combination with the more traditional pest al. 2006).
control approaches, the development and mar- Although lepidopteran pests are among the
keting of Bt-cotton has had a major impact on most destructive pests of agriculture, few AW-
the economics of cotton production, on reduc- IPM programmes have been mounted against
ing insecticide use, and on farmers’ ability to them. The overwhelming majority of lepi-
manage the suite of cotton pests. This type of dopteran pests are still controlled on a field-
biotechnological development can greatly by-field basis. One of the exceptions is the
facilitate the adoption of AW-IPM pro- programme against the codling moth Cydia
grammes; but it does require that susceptibili- pomonella (L.) in British Columbia, Canada.
ty to the Bt-toxin is maintained in the pest There, the coding moth is being effectively
population through the use of refugia planted managed with an AW programme, which has
either with cotton lacking the Bt-toxin or integrated the release of sterile moths with
another crop that is highly susceptible to the insecticide applications, sanitation procedures
species of Lepidoptera that attack cotton. and mating disruption in certain areas.
Probably the largest ongoing AW pro- Originally this programme was designed to
gramme is the one focused on eradicating the eradicate the codling moth from the fruit pro-
boll weevil from the USA. This programme, ducing interior valleys of British Columbia,
based on some effective pilot trials in Virginia but in the absence of the political will needed
and North Carolina, started in 1983 and has to establish quarantines to maintain a pest free
since eradicated this pest from about 5.3 mil- area, and coupled with excellent success in
lion hectares of cotton. This remarkable eliminating almost all damage from the pest,
achievement is based on the systematic use of the goal of the programme has been changed
effective monitoring and detection tools to on-going population suppression (Bloem et
together with relatively few control tech- al., this volume). In spite of internal political
niques. The goal, to rid the USA of the pest by and funding problems, the programme is a
2008, appears achievable, and is resulting in major success and is supported strongly by the
very significant reductions of insecticide use growers and the local urban communities. A
on cotton (El-Lissy and Grefenstette, this vol- number of other successful AW codling moth
ume). programmes are mainly based on the use of
The traditional approach of controlling the mating disruption (Coop et al. 2000). Another

programme in Brazil targets the eradication of culture more competitive.

isolated populations of codling moth in four Success in an AW programme, however,
urban settings in the southern part of the coun- cannot be taken for granted. For example the
try (Kovaleski and Mumford, this volume). eradication programme for the tropical bont
Other operational AW-IPM programmes tick Amblyomma variegatum F., vector of
against lepidopteran pests include the success- heartwater fever and the cause of der-
ful elimination of the invasive Australian matophilus, in the Caribbean (Pegram et al.,
painted apple moth Teia anartoides Walker in this volume) has not proceeded according to
New Zealand (Suckling et al., this volume), plan. Started in 1994, the programme relied on
and the effective prevention of establishment a strategy of using periodically scheduled
of the pink bollworm Pectinophora gossypiel- pour-on acaricide applications by the farmers,
la (Saunders) migrants in the non-infested coupled with an intensive public relations
cotton-producing central valley of California, campaign. Initially the programme was suc-
after this invasive pest had become estab- cessful and the parasite was removed rapidly
lished in the early 1960s in northwestern from Puerto Rico, where cattle are managed in
Mexico and southern California (Henneberry, fenced pastures. It proceeded more slowly on
this volume). most other islands, since a majority of the
Ongoing operational AW-IPM pro- livestock owners are landless, and they attend
grammes reflect the emphasis given to the to their free-roaming animals only when time
total population suppression approach in the permits. Nevertheless, various islands were
different geographical areas of the world. The certified provisionally tick free by 2003, but
Americas have actively embraced AW-IPM some of them have been re-infested and the
largely to facilitate expansion of agricultural tick has continued spreading to additional
trade. This applies especially to fruit fly pests. islands. The setbacks in the programme seem
The success of these programmes has not related to the inability to diligently treat free-
been due only to the efficiency of the tech- roaming unmanaged livestock on a fixed
nologies used, but, also, to effective manage- schedule, funding shortfalls and unwilling-
ment structures and aggressive support by ness of donors to delegate management of
producers, exporters, and regulatory and polit- funds to the programme, the arrival in the
ical authorities, who are convinced of the Caribbean region of the cattle egret Bubulcus
value of the AW approach. This is attested by ibis L. which can carry the tick on flights
the many operational AW-IPM programmes between islands, etc. It is possible that in the
against fruit fly pests in Central America and future the programme may change its focus
Mexico (Reyes et al., this volume, Montoya et from eradication to suppression, and that the
al., this volume), South America (Gonzalez tropical bont tick will continue to spread with-
and Troncoso, this volume, Guillén and in the greater Caribbean region and to the
Sánchez, this volume), the USA (Mau et al., Americas.
this volume) and Australia (Jessup et al., this Most operational AW-IPM programmes,
volume). Most of these programmes, only especially those integrating the release of
some of which integrate sterile insects, are insects, are complex and management inten-
long established, and have brought great ben- sive. Success depends on continuous and pos-
efits to the agricultural community. They are itive interactions between all essential stake-
sustainable, expanding and technically inno- holders. Aside from a series of managerial
vative. In contrast, and with some recent prerequisites, a number of technical require-
exceptions, such as the citrus industry in ments need to be in place before success can
southern Spain, Europe has not shown much be obtained. A common denominator of all
enthusiasm to adopt the AW approach despite successful AW-IPM programmes, irrespective
Europe’s pressing need to improve the protec- of the combination of tactics used, or the
tion of its environment and to make its agri- degree of centralized coordination, is an effec-

tive management structure together with part- ing the commitment of all private and public
nerships appropriate to the geographic scale stakeholders to support, participate in and
and transboundary nature of the target pest finance the AW programme, (2) carrying out
populations. Vreysen et al. (this volume) pro- appropriate feasibility studies, (3) identifying
vide a realistic overview of the constraints, factors likely to induce outrage and ways of
misconceptions, pitfalls and opportunities mitigating them, (4) developing a profession-
associated with AW-IPM programmes; and al business plan for the programme, (5) estab-
this chapter is highly recommended reading lishing an effective and dedicated organiza-
for political leaders, managers and institutions tion with full time staff to coordinate and
contemplating AW-IPM programmes. implement the programme, (6) implementing
a training programme; (7) establishing com-
5. Conclusions munication mechanisms among all rural and
urban stakeholders, (8) establishing a system
Interest in AW-IPM programmes and the num- of programme evaluation, and (9) obtaining
ber implemented have grown substantially in research support for the programme (modified
the last ten or 15 years, yet they are still the after Lindquist 2001).
exception rather than the rule in the many cir- The future prospects for AW-IPM are
cumstances where they would be appropriate encouraging, although this approach may not
and highly advantageous. However, social, be applicable to all mobile pests or to all agri-
political, and economic factors must come cultural or human health situations. AW-IPM
together with science before an AW suppres- tends to be best suited for crops of high eco-
sion or eradication programme can be devel- nomic value, for some key livestock pests,
oped and implemented (Faust 2001). and major human disease vectors. AW-IPM
Furthermore, the arduous journey from tends to be most easily implemented in rural
research results to feasibility studies, to pilot areas where the number of farmers is small,
testing, to eventual successful field operations the agroecological heterogeneity is low, and
requires close collaboration between where the management of few mobile key
researchers, extension specialists, community pests at larger scales is more effective and
leaders, and the agriculture, natural resources shows clear advantages over the uncoordinat-
and public health communities. ed field-by-field approach. However much
Technical challenges include (1) determin- thought and political support needs to be
ing the key insect pest species, (2) defining given to combating invasive alien pests of
the geographic areas, (3) obtaining the exten- agriculture in urban settings, where they tend
sive biological and ecological baseline data to establish initially as a consequence of trade,
needed to understand the target pest popula- tourism and smuggling (FAO 2005). It is
tion dynamics, ecological relationships and absolutely essential to proactively win, and
distributions in space and in time, (4) deter- then retain, the goodwill of urban dwellers
mining gene flow between reproducing pest who will be directly affected by programme
individuals in the target population and neigh- operations.
bouring populations, (5) developing and inte- Economics plays a major role in grower
grating appropriate and compatible control decisions to participate in AW-IPM pro-
tactics (Thomas 1999), (6) ensuring that they grammes. The potential for economic growth
are applicable for AW use (some tools that are can motivate growers and communities to
effective at the local level, for example mass- become educated in the AW approach. Such
trapping, become logistically impractical at a local leaders may take concerted action to
larger scale), and (7) developing strategies for achieve coordination of pest control actions at
effective implementation (modified after the village, subdistrict, and district levels, and,
Lindquist 2001). thereby, scale up IPM from independent field-
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Area-Wide Pest Management:
Environmental, Economic, and Food Issues

Cornell University, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences,

Department of Entomology, Comstock Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853-2601,

ABSTRACT Insect pests destroy approximately 14% of all potential food production despite the year-
ly application of more than 3000 million kilograms of pesticides. This contributes to rising human malnu-
trition which in 2004 was estimated by the World Health Organization to have reached 3700 million - the
largest number in history. Several major insect pests of crops and livestock are effectively controlled using
area-wide pest management practices. As an example, the New World screwworm fly Cochliomyia
hominivorax (Coquerel) that attacks livestock, especially cattle, was successfully eradicated by releasing
radiation-sterilized screwworm flies over large areas. Area-wide insecticide treatments in the USA have
also proved effective in the control of the boll weevil, while timed crop-planting over wide areas enables
crops like wheat to evade major pests and has also been proven highly successful against rice pests in the
USA and Asia. Yet, when the basic ecology of the insect pests and crops are ignored, major crop losses can
occur, as illustrated by the manipulation of corn production in the USA. Damages caused by invading
insect pests that attack established crop, forest, and natural ecosystems continue to be challenges to pest
management specialists. Approximately 40% of the insect and mite pests of crops grown in the USA are
introduced species and they cause about USD 100 000 million in damage and control costs each year. The
most recent introductions include the long-horned beetle Anoplophora glabripennis (Motschulsky) and the
emerald ash borer Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire that were both accidentally introduced from Asia. Area-
wide strategies to control these destructive forest pests are being implemented.

KEY WORDS insecticides, invasive species, economics, area-wide programmes, wheat, cotton, New
World screwworm

1. Introduction (WHO), more than 3700 million people were

malnourished in 2004 (WHO 2004). This is
Meeting the food supply needs of an ever- the largest number and proportion of malnour-
increasing world population is both critical ished people ever reported! In assessing mal-
and at the same time stressing the natural nutrition, WHO includes deficiencies of calo-
resources needed for crop production. This ries, protein, iron, iodine, and shortages of
paper examines the extent of crop and live- vitamins A, B, C, and D in its evaluation
stock damage caused by insect pests and how (Sommer and West 1996, Tomashek et al.
these losses affect human food supplies. It 2001). The current world hunger and short-
also reviews successful area-wide pest control ages of nutrients for so many people alerts us
programmes and assesses the impacts of inva- to the growing insecurity of world food sup-
sive insect pest species on control projects plies and the vulnerability of human health
needed to reduce crop losses. and productivity.
The report of the Food and Agriculture
2. Status of Food Security Organization of the United Nations (FAO),
confirms that available food per capita has
According to the World Health Organization been declining since 1984, based on available

M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 35–47.
© 2007 IAEA.

cereal grains (FAO 2003). This is alarming moved from feeding on native vegetation to
because cereal grains make up about 80% of feeding on crops that were introduced into the
the world’s food supply (Pimentel and region (Hokkanen and Pimentel 1989).
Pimentel 1996). Although grain yields per Indeed, usually insects moving to feed on a
hectare in both developed and developing crop are new associations with their host
countries are increasing, the rate of increase is plants and some become major pests
slowing. For example, according to the United (Pimentel 1988).
States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Despite the annual investment of USD
grain yields in the USA increased by about 35 000 million for the application of three mil-
3% per year between 1950 and 1980, but since lion metric tons of pesticides (Table 1), plus
then the annual rate of increase for corn and the use of various biological and other non-
other major grains has been only about 1% chemical controls worldwide, more than 40%
(USDA 1980, 2004). Meanwhile, according to of world crop production valued at USD
the Population Reference Bureau (PRB), the 750 000 million is destroyed by pests (Oerke et
human population has increased to 6500 mil- al. 1994). Considering all pests, insects cause
lion and continues to expand by around 70 an estimated 14% of crop losses, plant
million per year, placing ever-increasing pathogens 13%, and weeds 13%. In total, the
demands on agricultural production (FAO value of such losses is estimated to be USD
2003, PRB 2004). Many countries have popu- 300 000 million per year.
lations that are expanding at a rate of about In the USA, the proportion of annual crop
1.3%. Others like China, with a population of production lost by pests is estimated to be sim-
1300 million and a government policy of per- ilar to world pest losses or about 37% (13% to
mitting only one child per couple, has a popu- insects, 12% to plant pathogens, and 12% to
lation that is increasing at a rate of 0.6% or weeds) (Pimentel et al. 1991). Since total crop
eight million per year (PRB 2004). The US production in the USA is valued at about USD
population also is growing rapidly. It current- 160 000 million/year (USDA 2004), pests are
ly stands at nearly 300 million, having dou- destroying an estimated USD 60 000
bled during the past 60 years, and based on a million/year in this country despite all efforts
current growth rate of about 1.1%, it is pro- to control them with pesticides plus a wide
jected to double to 600 million in less than 70 array of non-chemical controls. Currently, the
years (USCB 2004), i.e. it is growing at a per USA invests about USD 8000 million in pesti-
capita rate that is nearly twice that of China cide applications which saves about USD
(PRB 2004). 30 000 million per year in crops while the use
of non-chemical controls like natural enemies
3. Food Losses to Pests also helps to save crops valued at an estimated
USD 30 000 million per year (Pimentel 1997).
Worldwide there are an estimated 70 000 pest In general, there is a USD three to four return
species destroying agricultural crops and live- per USD invested in pest control (Pimentel
stock. While approximately 10 000 of these 1997).
are insects and mites, 50 000 are plant The share of crops lost to insects in the
pathogens and 10 000 species are weeds; less USA has nearly doubled from 7% in 1945 to
than 10% of the total identified pest species 13% at present (Pimentel et al. 1993), despite
are generally considered as major pests. a more than ten-fold increase in both the
The species present vary both geographi- amount and selective toxicity of synthetic
cally and with each crop type. Approximately insecticides applied. This is mainly because
99% of the crops grown in a country are intro- various changes have occurred in agricultural
duced plant species (Pimentel et al. 2000). production technology. However, there have
Frequently the insect and mite species are spe- also been significant improvements in terms
cific to a particular region and many have of increased target selectivity and decreased

residue levels. Table 1. Estimated annual pesticide use from

Without pesticides and non-chemical con- 1995 to 20051.
trols, the losses of crops due to pests would
be even more severe than occurs at present. Country/region Pesticide use
Oerke et al. (1994) estimated that without (106 metric tons)
human-directed pest controls, world crop
losses would increase to 70% and to USD United States 0.5
525 000 million annually, reducing world Canada 0.2
food supplies and increasing malnutrition Europe 1.0
dramatically (WHO 2004). Other, developed 0.5
Added to the damage that pests inflict dur- Asia, developing 0.3
ing the growing season are the substantial China 0.2
losses that occur during the lengthy time Latin America 0.2
many food crops are stored prior to their use. Africa 0.1
Worldwide, an estimated additional 25% of Total 3.0
harvested crops are lost to other pests during
the postharvest period. This means that, in Source: D. Pimentel, unpublished
total, pests are causing a 52% loss of all crops
despite all pest control technologies used. New World screwworm larvae, intensifying
the damage (Spradbery 2002). Eventually the
4. Area-Wide Integrated Pest infected animal dies prematurely.
Management (AW-IPM) In 1957, an area-wide integrated pest man-
Programmes agement (AW-IPM) programme was initiated
in Florida, by integrating the release of insects
Depending on the specifics of geographic sterilized using ionizing radiation with popu-
region, the crop and animal pest problem, and lation reduction methods such as insecticidal
the technologies available, some pests can be wound treatment (Meyer 1994, Spradbery
more effectively controlled by area-wide con- 2002), and in due course this programme
trol strategies than by specific farm-by-farm unfolded in phases to eradicate the New
control programmes. World screwworm from the USA in 1982,
then Mexico in 2001 and finally all of Central
4.1. New World Screwworm and the America and Panama in 2004 (Wyss 2000,
Sterile Insect Technique APHIS 2004). For the programmes in the
USA and Mexico, up to 500 million sterile
The United States Animal and Plant Health screwworm flies could be produced per week
Inspection Service (APHIS) estimates that the in a rearing facility at Tuxtla Gutiérrez,
New World screwworm Cochliomyia Chiapas, Mexico, and then released in the des-
hominivorax (Coquerel) caused more than ignated areas.
USD 750 million in damage to livestock in the Another successful New World screw-
USA each year (APHIS 2004). In addition to worm eradication programme was implement-
cattle, other livestock, whitetail deer and other ed in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya in 1990-
wildlife, are susceptible to New World screw- 1992 (FAO 1992, Lindquist et al. 1993) by the
worm infestations. The female New World Government of Libya and FAO. This danger-
screwworm lays its eggs in wounds, and the ous pest had become established for the first
larvae bore deeply into the wound on warm- time outside of the Western Hemisphere in an
blooded animals and feed on the living tissue. area of 26 500 square kilometres along the
In addition, facultative larvae of other fly Mediterranean Sea with several million head
species which feed on dead tissue are fre- of sheep and numerous camels. The pest was
quently present in the wounds along with the discovered attacking large mammals in the

Tripoli Zoo as well as humans, many of whom tors than on the pest, brown plant hopper pop-
were treated in hospitals. Apparently the pest ulations are able to resurge after being
had been imported with a consignment of sprayed. In the past farmers induced resur-
sheep air-freighted from a country in South gence of plant hopper populations by begin-
America. The infestation was contained by ning to spray 40 days after transplanting the
establishing quarantine checkpoints along all rice. However, cage studies showed that
routes leading out of the infested area, treating smallholders who delayed spraying until 65
all wounds of animals every two to three days after transplanting saved two insecticide
weeks with an insecticide, and then releasing applications and realized a yield increase
sterile flies. Forty million sterile flies were worth USD 588/hectare (Reichelderfer et al.
flown on a weekly basis from the rearing 1984).
facility in Mexico and released from small air- Along with the insecticide management
craft over a total of 41 000 square kilometres programme for the brown plant hopper, an
in Libya and Tunisia (Lindquist et al. 1993). innovative rice culture programme was imple-
mented. Instead of growing rice year-round,
4.2. Synchronized Crop Rotations and production was restricted to a specified nine-
Conservation of Natural Enemies for month period of the year, leaving three
Control of Rice Pests months when no rice was produced. This
three-month gap resulted in brown plant hop-
In the past, rice was normally grown all year- per populations declining to extremely low
round in Indonesia, and during 1970-1980 levels before the new rice crop was planted
there was a gradual build-up of pest popula- again (Oka 1991, Matteson 2000, van den
tions, especially of the brown plant hopper Berg et al. 2004). This strategy also enabled
Nilaparvata lugens (Stål). Rice yields beneficial predator and parasite populations to
declined despite the heavy use of insecticides increase and help reduce the number of brown
that started in 1980 (Oka 1991, 1995) because plant hoppers. As the numbers of the plant
these chemicals destroyed beneficial parasites hoppers decreased, the amount of insecticide
and predators that helped control the brown applied also declined. Equally important,
plant hopper. By 1985 uncontrollable out- insecticide resistance in the brown plant hop-
breaks of the pest were common, rice yields per population also declined. Thus, if and
fell dramatically, and as many as 80 000 when the brown plant hopper populations
hectares of rice had to be abandoned (Oka reached outbreak levels, insecticides were
1988, 1991, 1997, Resosudarmo 2001, more effective.
Phanthong and Patterson 2005). The loss of Within five years, total pesticide use fell by
rice in just a two-year period totalled USD 65% and rice yields increased by 12% (Oka
1500 million (Oka 1991, 1995). 1991, 1995, Resosudermo 2001). These
Eventually, a control programme for changes in rice production practices in
Indonesian rice was developed. The first step Indonesia based on the ecology of a major rice
was to ban 57 of the 64 pesticides in use for pest were successfully adapted to an AW-IPM
Indonesian crops (Oka 1991, Poapungsakorn programme.
et al. 1997, Resosudermo 2001). Also, exten-
sion agents were trained to identify and pro- 4.3. Boll Weevil Area-Wide Eradication
tect beneficial parasites and predators, the
overall goal being to treat with insecticides For decades, the boll weevil caused more than
only when necessary since generally brown USD 350 million each year in damages and
plant hoppers are effectively controlled by control costs to cotton crops in the USA
indigenous spiders and other predators (Chenault 2005). However, an area-wide erad-
(Heinrichs 1991, Oka 1991). Moreover, since ication programme was started in 1978 with
insecticides have a greater impact on preda- joint funding from USDA/APHIS (30%) and

cotton growers (70%). This programme has evolve resistance to the pesticide. This lack of
proven highly successful (ACRPC 2005, El- resistance in the boll weevil contrasts to the
Lissy, this volume). housefly Musca domestica L. and several
The programme, using annual spraying other species of insects that have evolved high
with malathion and pheromone traps to delim- levels of resistance to insecticides within
it infestations started in a large region cover- about eight generations (Pimentel and Bellotti
ing about 1.1 million hectares of Virginia, 1976).
North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and
Alabama. Insecticides were applied late in the 4.4. Hessian Fly Control
growing season against weevils still reproduc-
ing and those entering diapause, with as many Wheat was brought to the USA in the late
as 15 insecticide applications per year being 1600s and is now grown on 30 million
made against dense persistent populations. hectares. The Hessian fly Mayetiola destruc-
Planting by all growers was synchronized and tor (Say) was first found on Long Island, New
delayed, short-season varieties were grown, York, in 1799, probably having been inadver-
harvested as soon as possible, and stalks were tently introduced on straw by troops engaged
destroyed immediately after harvest. in the American War of Independence
Eradication was usually accomplished by the (Metcalf et al. 1962). Soon the fly established
end of the third growing season (Dickerson et itself and became a major wheat pest (Pauly
al. 2001). About nine years were required to 2002, Davis et al. 2004).
complete this segment of boll weevil eradica- In the USA, wheat production includes
tion (NCC 2005). The second area to be treat- spring and autumn plantings. Similarly, there
ed included California, Arizona, and New are autumn and spring generations of the
Mexico where the treatment continued from Hessian fly. Winter wheat, which is planted in
1983 until 1987 to ensure eradication. The September, coincides with the late August
third area treated included the large cotton emergence of the Hessian fly. The emergence
areas in Alabama and Tennessee and treat- of the Hessian fly is triggered by rains coming
ment lasted from 1993 until 1994 when the in mid to late August. One of the effective
boll weevil was eliminated. The final pro- controls is an area-wide “fly-free date” which
gramme started in 1996 in Mississippi, is determined by extension entomologists in
Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Texas each major wheat-growing region (Foster and
(NCC 2005), and is continuing to date. Texas Hein 1998, PSU 2005).
is requiring a major effort because the area is After the flies emerge and die, the farmers
extremely large (5.8 million hectares) and then plant their winter wheat. The prime chal-
grows more cotton than any other state. Once lenge is to plant the wheat early enough that
this project is completed, a barrier will be the wheat germinates and starts to grow
established and maintained between Mexico before the growing season ends due to the
and Texas. Concerted efforts will have to con- increasingly cold temperatures.
tinue to deal with any infestation caused by Another generation of the Hessian fly
boll weevils getting carried by wind or other- emerges in spring. Again extension entomolo-
wise into parts of the vast cotton-growing gists observe the emergence of the fly, usually
regions of the USA. about April, and a designated fly-free date is
Several factors contributed to the success- established for farmers to plant spring wheat.
ful area-wide control of the boll weevil. Again timing is crucial, as late planting in the
Systematic area-wide treatment prevented the spring may reduce yields (Foster and Hein
possibility of isolated populations of boll wee- 1998).
vils surviving in the areas under eradication. A second strategy is to plant Hessian fly-
Furthermore, malathion is highly effective resistant varieties of wheat (Gallun et al.
against the boll weevil and the pest did not 1975, ACES 2005). Because Hessian flies

develop resistance to the resistant wheat vari- economic losses to the wheat crop.
eties in four or five generations, a new geno-
type of resistant wheat must be planted in the 4.6. Area-Wide Control of Corn Pests:
region every five years. Past and Present
Although several parasitic wasps attack the
Hessian fly and help reduce its numbers, they Not all pest control projects (even those
cannot be relied on to provide effective con- including area-wide management) are suc-
trol. Also, the extensive use of insecticides is cessful, one example being with corn in the
not recommended because they are costly. USA when several changes occurred in corn
Numerous other area-wide environmental production following the passage of the 1950
controls are available for farmers to imple- Farm Bill by the United States Congress.
ment, including burying all wheat stubble The 1950 Farm Bill legislation provided
after harvesting and destroying any volunteer commodity price support for corn, wheat,
plants that grow. However, the most econom- peanuts, cotton, and several other crops
ical and effective controls for the Hessian fly (NAS 1989). However, the bill stipulated that
are establishing area-wide “fly-free dates” only a single crop could be grown if the
combined with the planting of Hessian fly- farmer was to receive commodity price sup-
resistant wheat varieties. port, forcing many farmers to raise only one
crop and abandon crop rotations. This change
4.5. Wheat Aphid Control in corn production was followed by
increased insect, plant pathogen, and weed
The Russian wheat aphid Diuraphis noxia problems for corn and other crops, plus
(Kurdj.) and the green bug Schizaphis greater use of pesticides and fertilizers (NAS
graminum (Rodani) are major pests in the 1989).
wheat-growing region of Oklahoma in the In 1945, no pesticides were used in corn
USA (Wright 2005). The Russian wheat aphid production (Pimentel et al. 1991, Pimentel
invaded Texas in 1986, spread rapidly across 1997). Today, corn receives significantly
the Great Plains, and proved difficult to sup- more insecticide and more herbicide than any
press. The green bug, native to Europe, was other crop grown in the USA (USDA 2004).
first reported in Virginia in 1882 and because Specifically, corn production now uses a
of its capacity to disperse and its great prolifi- thousand-fold more insecticide than in 1945,
cacy it has become a key pest of wheat, while at the same time crop losses to insects
sorghum and barley. Both species have a con- have increased nearly four-fold from 3.5 to
siderable capacity to develop new biotypes 12% today (Pimentel 1997). The main reason
that can overcome resistant cultivars of wheat for the increased crop losses due to insects is
(Porter et al. 1997, Burd et al. 1998). that now only half of the corn area is grown
To help control these pests, the USDA des- in rotation, the other half being grown as
ignated a six-state area in the region around corn-on-corn (USDA 2004). This continuous
Oklahoma for their area-wide control. First, corn production has increased insect pest
an effective educational programme was start- problems, primarily the corn rootworm com-
ed to provide farmers with detailed informa- plex (northern corn rootworm Diabrotica
tion concerning the ecology of the pests. The barberi Smith and Lawrence, western corn
control programme includes the planting of rootworm Diabrotica virgifera LeConte,
aphid-resistant varieties and applying insecti- Mexican rootworm Diabrotica virgifera zea
cides only when treatment is required. Krysan and Smith, and southern corn root-
Both types of area-wide control have been worm Diabrotica undecimpunctata howardi
successful in preventing Russian wheat aphid (Barber)), as well as other insect pests, all of
and green bug populations from reaching the which require insecticide treatments. The
high levels of infestations that cause major corn rootworm complex is among the most

economically and environmentally damaging the Mississippi River and caused enormous
insect pest problem of corn production sys- losses of corn (Metcalf et al. 1962). A major
tems in the USA. Annually, crop losses and effort led by the USDA failed to eradicate the
control costs attributed to the corn rootworm pest (Klassen 1989), while the numerous
complex approach USD one billion (Gray species of natural enemies of the pest intro-
1999, Tollefson and Levine 1999) and ten duced from abroad have provided only mar-
million hectares of corn are treated with soil ginal control (Bradley 1952). However, the
insecticides to protect the crop from larval assiduous effort to develop resistant hybrid
feeding damage. corn has gradually but decisively reduced the
The changes in agricultural technology of destructiveness of this pest (Brindley and
corn production fostered by the 1950 Farm Dicke 1963, Brindley et al. 1975, Gallun et
Bill have had numerous other negative al. 1975). Currently only about 10% of the
impacts including: increased insecticide and corn area is treated with insecticides for the
herbicide use causing chemical pollution of corn borer. One difficulty in treating for the
ground and surface waters; increased soil corn borer is that the treatment has to be per-
erosion and soil infertility; increased use of fectly timed to kill the larvae just after they
nitrogen fertilizer caused in part by leaching hatch and before they bore into the corn.
in rapid water run-off from the corn fields Once inside the corn, the young larvae are
and resulting in increased pollution of water- not susceptible to insecticide treatments.
ways as far downstream as the Gulf of Recent changes in corn rootworm popula-
Mexico; increased dependence on fossil tion behaviour are now severely hindering
energy; and increased water, air, and soil pol- the utility of traditional corn rootworm man-
lution from animal wastes as a result of live- agement approaches. These include
stock once produced on grain-farms being increased incidence of extended diapause in
transferred to large livestock feeding units. northern corn rootworm populations (eggs
The rotation of corn with soybeans, remain dormant for an entire year), insecti-
wheat, and other non-corn crops reduces sev- cide resistance in Nebraska western corn
eral insect pests of corn, including: the corn rootworm populations, and western corn
rootworm complex, corn root aphid rootworm adaptation to crop rotation strate-
Anuraphis maidiradicis (Forbes), corn leaf gies in Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio. As a
aphid Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch), and fall result, there is a need to develop an area-wide
armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. approach to protect corn production across
Smith) (Wright 2005). Corn rotation with the country.
other non-host crops also helps reduce plant In order to determine whether rootworm
pathogens and weed pest pressure. With populations could be strongly suppressed and
reduced pest problems because of crop rota- the use of soil insecticides reduced by using
tions, corn yields increased about 8%; which the adult rootworm attractant, cucurbitacin,
compares favourably with the ineffective in an aerially applied bait, a pilot area-wide
results of recommended insecticide treat- programme was conducted from 1997
ments (Pimentel et al. 1993). through 2001 by the USDA in cooperation
Populations of the European corn borer with five Land Grant universities in corn-
Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner) are not reduced producing states (Chandler 1998, 2003,
significantly by rotations because this Parimi et al. 2003, Chandler 2005).
species can fly long distances. When the Individual fields were aerially sprayed with
European corn borer arrived in New England the baited insecticides when the number of
in 1917 from southern Europe, it caused corn rootworms captured in yellow sticky
complete crop loss in early-planted sweet traps reached a set threshold. Suppressing
corn. Between 1948 and 1958, this invasive adult rootworms minimized the number of
species became widely established west of eggs laid and resulted in fewer larvae avail-

able to damage corn roots in the following glabripennis (Motschulsky) and the emerald
growing season. ash borer Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire that
were both accidentally introduced from Asia.
5. Challenges of Insect Invaders The long-horned beetle is now destroying
maple trees, while the emerald ash borer is
Worldwide, the movement of exotic insects, killing ash trees in the same region (Hoebeke
mite species and plant species from one 2004). Area-wide strategies to control these
ecosystem to another is a continuing problem destructive pests are being implemented
for all agriculturists dealing with pest control because they are major threats to valuable tree
(Pimentel et al. 2000). Borders are becoming species in the North American forest ecosys-
increasingly irrelevant in the context of inter- tems.
national travel and trade, and this facilitates Although port-of-entry inspection is
the movement of invasive species (National important, it must be greatly augmented with
Plant Board 1999). Technological advances in a risk-based management strategy that
transportation in recent decades also actually requires mitigation of pest risk at origin, i.e.,
facilitate both the survival and successful col- where the commodity to be imported is being
onization of invasive species. The volume of produced. Risk mitigation conducted at origin
air cargo of perishable agricultural commodi- assures that clean products arrive at the port of
ties such as cut flowers, fruits and vegetables entry (McDonell 2004). An important
as well as the rate of arrival of damaging approach to offshore mitigation is the creation
species at ports of entry in the USA is dou- of pest free areas. Indeed countries, which
bling every five to six years (Zadig 1999, export raw agricultural commodities, can
Klassen et al. 2002). Frank and McCoy (1992) effectively remove the threat of exotic pests to
found an average rate of establishment of the importing country by creating and main-
exotic arthropods species in Florida of 14.2 taining pest free areas of production (Malavasi
per year, and Thomas (2000) listed 150 exotic et al. 1994). According to the FAO, a pest free
arthropod species that had been established in area is:
Florida from 1986 through 2000. An area in which a specific pest does not occur
As noted by Evans (2004) there is growing as demonstrated by scientific evidence and in
concern with regard to the level of resources which, where appropriate, this condition is
that countries now have to put aside to address being officially maintained (FAO 2005b).
this growing problem. For example, the aver-
age annual spending of APHIS on its emer- There are two officially recognized situa-
gency programmes for the period 1989-2002 tions where a pest free area can be applied: (1)
rose exponentially from about USD 6.4 mil- large geographic areas, such as the entire
lion in 1989 to USD 334.8 million in 2001, country of Chile that is certified free of fruit
which is not sustainable. Also, new technolo- flies of economic importance and where this
gies needed to combat invasive species cannot condition is officially maintained (FAO 1996),
be developed with sufficient rapidity to meet and (2) pest free places of production or pro-
this challenge. duction sites (a defined portion of a place of
The damage caused by invading insect production) in which a specific pest does not
pests that attack established crop, forest, and occur and in which this condition is officially
natural ecosystems is enormous (Pimentel maintained. In contrast with the pest free area,
2002). For example, approximately 40% of in this case, the condition is maintained for a
insect and mite pests of crops in the USA are defined period and the area is managed as a
introduced species. Yearly they cause about separate unit (FAO 1999). To facilitate this
USD 10 000 million in crop damage and con- approach the Secretariat of the International
trol costs. The most recent introductions Plant Protection Convention has developed
include the long-horned beetle Anoplophora International Standards for the establishment

and maintenance of pest free areas. contribute to the reduction of the use of broad-
Requirements to establish pest free fields spectrum insecticides.
of crop production include a sensitive detec-
tion programme, suppression of the quaran- 7. References
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species of fruit flies, so that citrus, stone Florida and the southeastern United States.
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6. Conclusions control through release of sterile flies.
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tages (Klassen 2005), including the use of Entomology 20: 221-239.
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development of insecticide resistance. In addi- A. Shufran. 1998. Seasonal development,
tion, area-wide approaches offer the potential overwintering biology, and host plant inter-
to take advantage of methods friendly to the actions of Russian wheat aphis (Homoptera:
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applied on a farm-by-farm basis and which all Response model for an introduced pest – the

Russian wheat aphid. Thomas Say FAO, Rome, Italy.

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Section 2

Basic Research
Engineering Insects for the Sterile Insect


Department of Zoology, Oxford University, South Parks Road, Oxford

OX1 3PS, UK and Oxitec Limited, 71 Milton Park, Abingdon, OX14,

ABSTRACT The mass-release of sterile insects (the sterile insect technique (SIT)) is a highly effec-
tive component of area-wide methods of pest control with no environmental impact. The SIT relies on the
sterilization of large numbers of insects, usually by irradiation. The SIT has been used successfully against
several pest insects. However, modern biotechnology could potentially provide several improvements.
These include: (1) improving the identification of released individuals, (2) removing the need for radiation-
sterilization, (3) reducing the hazard posed by non-irradiated accidental releases from the mass-rearing
facility, and (4) providing automated sex-separation prior to release (genetic sexing). None of these are
necessarily unattainable by classical methods. However, the use of recombinant DNA methods may allow
these benefits to be obtained in a shorter period and to be transferred more readily from one species to
another than are the products of classical genetics. The potential of these methods, and the progress
towards realizing this potential, is discussed.

KEY WORDS genetic sexing, transformation, genetic sterility, marking, stability, fitness

1. Introduction rearing facility by arranging that the insects

need an artificially-provided condition, for
The sterile insect technique (SIT) has been example a dietary supplement, in order to sur-
used successfully against several insect vive or reproduce, and (4) providing automat-
species (Lindquist et al. 1992, Krafsur 1998, ed sex separation prior to release to eliminate
Tan 2000, Wyss 2000, Koyama et al. 2004, females from the released population (genetic
and other papers in this volume). However, sexing). None of these is necessarily unattain-
modern biotechnology could potentially pro- able by classical methods. However, the use
vide several improvements in the operation or of recombinant DNA methods may allow
security of a pest control programme integrat- these benefits to be obtained in a shorter peri-
ing the SIT (Heinrich and Scott 2000, Thomas od and to be transferred more readily from one
et al. 2000, Alphey 2002, Handler 2002, pest species to another than are the products of
Benedict and Robinson 2003, Horn and classical genetics.
Wimmer 2003, Gould and Schliekelman
2004). These include: (1) improving the iden- 2. Genetic Markers
tification of released individuals by providing
a genetic marker allowing easy discrimination It is essential to be able to detect the presence
between wild-type and released insects, (2) of wild insects, even in the presence of over-
removing the need for radiation-sterilization whelming numbers of released sterile insects.
by providing some sort of “genetic steriliza- This requires that the released insects be
tion”, (3) reducing the hazard posed by non- marked in some way to distinguish them from
irradiated accidental releases from the mass- wild insects. This has been done by adding a

M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 51–60.
© 2007 IAEA.

dye to their food, or dusting the pupae or adult captured. Different programmatic responses
insects with a fluorescent dye (Hagler and might be desirable for each of these possibili-
Jackson 2001). Provision of a suitable genetic ties, so accurate diagnosis is important.
marker in the strain would obviate the need However, a quicker and more convenient
for such a dye. This would reduce the amount option would be simply to look at the sperm,
of handling required, and the possibilities for if a suitable fluorescent marker could be pro-
human error. A candidate marker, Sergeant vided. Such marked sperm have been pro-
(Sr2) has recently been described for the duced in Drosophila and used to monitor
Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata sperm storage and competition in laboratory
(Wiedemann), which has a dominant effect on experiments (Civetta 1999). This has also
adult cuticle pigmentation (Niyazi et al. recently been achieved in the mosquito
2005). This mutation is also a recessive lethal. Anopheles stephensi Liston (Catteruccia et al.
This would normally prevent the production 2005), using a β2-tubulin promoter from
of a true-breeding strain, but this problem can Anopheles gambiae Giles to give expression
be avoided in this case due to the unusual in the male germ-line. These authors further
genetics of Mediterranean fruit fly genetic demonstrated that automated sex separation
sexing strains constructed at the FAO/IAEA could be achieved using the sex-limited
Agriculture and Biotechnology Laboratory, expression of a fluorescent protein in the lar-
Seibersdorf, Austria (Robinson 2002, Niyazi val testis and a Complex Object Parametric
et al. 2005). Analyser and Sorter (COPAS) – a sorter based
An alternative would be to provide a dom- on fluorescence.
inant marker by transgenesis, for example a
gene expressing a fluorescent protein. Such 3. Genetic Sterilization
systems have been widely used in Drosophila
and pest insects, including several tephritids, Ionizing radiation damages insects and can
mosquitoes and moths (Berghammer et al. thereby have a significant negative impact on
1999, Catteruccia et al. 2000, Peloquin et al. their subsequent performance (Shelly et al.
2000, Pinkerton et al. 2000, Tamura et al. 1994, Lance et al. 2000, Barry et al. 2003,
2000, Handler and Harrell 2001, Horn et al. Kraaijeveld and Chapman 2004), and there-
2002, Perera et al. 2002, Allen et al. 2004a). In fore on the cost and effectiveness of the ster-
contrast to classical mutagenesis, dominant ile insect release, although the exact magni-
markers can readily be generated by this tude of this effect is still controversial
method and these markers are not associated (Robinson et al. 2004). Irradiated male
with recessive lethality. It is clear that such Mediterranean fruit flies compete less well for
markers can be provided in most species of mates, and are less effective at inducing
interest for the SIT. Two recent papers female refractoriness to remating (Kraaijeveld
(Catteruccia et al. 2003, Irvin et al. 2004) have and Chapman 2004). In some cases, irradiated
shown that specific strains carrying such insects also have a reduced lifespan after
markers showed a severe reduction in fitness release relative to wild insects. This further
relative to the untransformed progenitor reduces their effectiveness. However this
strain. However, in these cases the loss of fit- reduction in lifespan is probably not entirely
ness appears to have been due to inbreeding due to radiation, other possible contributory
depression; when this was avoided, no such factors being damage due to handling and dis-
loss of fitness was observed (Allen et al. tribution, and the conditions and genetic pres-
2004b, Moreira et al. 2004). sures of mass-rearing.
An additional possibility would be to label Radiation works in this context by induc-
sperm. It would be desirable to be able to ing random dominant lethal mutations in the
determine whether a trapped female had gametes of irradiated insects. Progeny from
mated a wild or a sterile male before she was such gametes therefore die, typically early in

embryogenesis. It should be possible, in prin- tetracyclines seems not to be an insuperable

ciple, to remove the need for irradiation by problem. Another issue is the use of trans-
using engineered dominant lethals instead posons as gene vectors. Consideration of the
(Fryxell and Miller 1995, Alphey 2002, mechanisms and rates of horizontal gene
Alphey and Andreasen 2002). Strains with the transfer, and of its consequences in this con-
necessary properties were constructed in text, clearly lead the writer to conclude that
Drosophila some years ago (Heinrich and this is not a serious issue for non-autonomous
Scott 2000, Thomas et al. 2000, Horn and transposons that contain no sequences likely
Wimmer 2003). Much more recently, the con- to give a selective advantage to the recipient,
struction of potentially suitable strains of and no functional selfish DNA or gene-drive
Mediterranean fruit fly has been described systems.
(Gong et al. 2005). These, the first such However, some commentators believe oth-
strains described for any pest insect, contain a erwise, and this will doubtless be one of sev-
novel, single-component, repressible, domi- eral issues that regulatory authorities will
nant, lethal gene which gives up to 99.8% need to consider. In any case, this is not an
mortality in heterozygotes not provided with insuperable issue, as systems are being devel-
dietary tetracycline. Penetrance of lethality oped to stabilize transposable elements after
and effect on adult male lifespan varied, as insertion (Handler et al. 2004, Dafa’alla et al.
expected, from one insertion line to another – 2006, Handler, this volume). The strains
this is the well-known phenomenon of posi- described by Gong et al. (2005) have a larval
tion effect. However, the best line showed lethal phase, rather than the (preferred)
99.8% lethality in the absence of tetracycline, embryonic lethality caused by irradiation.
no effect on adult male lifespan even in the This could be a problem for some bisexual
absence of tetracycline, and no detectable releases; in such cases efforts would need to
negative effect on male mating competitive- be made to develop a transgene system with
ness. The effect on female refractoriness to an earlier lethal phase (Horn and Wimmer
remating was not measured. 2003), or a genetic sexing system.
Along with the major benefit of eliminat- Perhaps the only non-trivial drawback of
ing the requirement for irradiation, and there- repressible lethals as a replacement for radia-
by the expense, security issues, and damage to tion sterilization is the question of resistance
the insects associated with this, there are some management. Though heritable resistance to
potential drawbacks with this approach, and the SIT is possible, for example by assortative
with the particular strains described by Gong mating, in which the wild females preferen-
and colleagues (2005). Mass-release of genet- tially mate wild males rather than sterile
ically engineered insects, even of this particu- males, in the 50-year history of the SIT there
larly benign type, will face regulatory hurdles has been very little evidence of this (but see
that have not been imposed on the use of irra- Koyama et al. 2004 for one clear example).
diation and the products of classical genetics. The use of engineered repressible lethals
The present strains require the addition of would open up another possible form of
tetracycline, or a suitable analogue, to the lar- resistance, namely “biochemical” resistance
val diet. Such antibiotics are not normally to the lethal effector molecule of the engi-
used in Mediterranean fruit fly mass-rearing, neered system. This is essentially impossible
but chlortetracycline is a component of the for radiation-based SIT, as the random nature
standard diet used for mass-rearing pink boll- of the radiation damage means that every
worm. It is also a component of the liquid sperm is damaged in a different way, and it
diets being developed for Mediterranean fruit seems inconceivable that the wild population
fly mass-rearing by the United States could evolve a mechanism to overcome this
Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural random damage. Whether such resistance
Research Service (USDA-ARS), so the use of could arise in practice, and over what

timescale, is entirely a matter of speculation at hazard, as such strains can neither establish in
present. This possibility of resistance is not a the wild on their own, nor form viable hybrids
new issue, and applies equally to the other with any pre-existing wild pest population.
major pest control methods of chemical pesti- For this application, one would envision
cides and genetically engineered insecticidal introducing an engineered repressible lethal
crops. In each case, the evolution and spread genetic system into a strain currently used for
of resistance can be managed or mitigated by the SIT, either a sexing strain or wild type,
various methods, including “stacking” effec- depending on what is available in the species
tor molecules, etc. These methods can also be of interest. It would also be simple to arrange
applied to the use of engineered repressible that the engineered lethal system is associated
lethals. with a useful genetic marker. This strain
Although only published so far for the would then be used exactly as at present, but
Mediterranean fruit fly, similar systems are with the advantages of the genetic marker and
under development in the author’s laboratory of a dramatically reduced escape hazard.
for several other pest species. In this context, The question of resistance, discussed
it is important to note that the constructs of above, does not apply to this approach as radi-
Gong et al. (2005) contained no Mediter- ation would still be the primary basis of steril-
ranean fruit fly DNA, and might therefore be ity, with the engineered system being a back-
expected to work in a range of species with lit- up. This principle could still allow the use of
tle or no modification. a reduced radiation dose, relying on the engi-
neered system to kill the few insects that
4. Reduced Escape Hazard would otherwise have been produced.

Insect pest control programmes with an SIT 5. Genetic Sexing

component mass-rear the pest insect on a mas-
sive scale. Until these insects have been irra- For many insects, it would be highly preferable
diated, any escape would be unwelcome, and to eliminate females from the release popula-
potentially catastrophic. In fact, SIT applica- tion. This is for several reasons: (1) the females
tions have an excellent safety record in this of some species are damaging while the males
respect, but non-irradiated releases have are not, (2) released males may court co-
indeed occasionally happened, for example of released sterile females, if present, rather than
New World screwworm in Mexico and seeking out wild females, (3) the presence of
Panama in 2003 (del Valle 2003). However, females may require the use of a higher radia-
all accidental outbreaks were quickly elimi- tion dose than would be optimal for males, and
nated by the release of additional sterile (4) even if the females are merely neutral to the
insects. Natural disasters (e.g. hurricanes or programme, they consume diet and add to dis-
earthquakes), accidents or sabotage could also tribution costs. Highly effective genetic sexing
have very severe consequences. The use of strains have been produced for various species,
genetic sexing strains for Mediterranean fruit based on translocation of a dominant selectable
fly SIT, such as the strains based on the tem- marker to the Y chromosome (Whitten 1969,
perature sensitive lethal (tsl) mutation miti- Whitten and Foster 1975, Seawright et al.
gates these consequences as colony females 1978, Robinson 1989, Hendrichs et al. 1995,
are temperature sensitive. However, the engi- Franz et al. 1997, Robinson et al. 1999,
neered repressible lethal strains described Robinson 2002). Unfortunately, these chromo-
above have the potential to provide a more some aberrations that are an integral part of
satisfactory solution. These insects, or their selection systems tend to reduce the rearing
progeny, will die unless they are artificially productivity of the flies that carry them. In
provided with an antidote to the lethal genetic Mediterranean fruit flies, these aberrations are
system. This neatly overcomes the escape also unstable (Franz et al. 1994, Kerremans

and Franz, 1995) but adequate strain quality above (use of tetracycline, possibility of
can be maintained during large scale mass- resistance to a dominant lethal-based genetic
rearing through the use of a filter rearing sys- sterilization method), two more general issues
tem (Fisher and Cáceres 2000). Furthermore, have been raised as possible limitations to the
each of these sexing strains must be developed use of recombinant DNA methods for the pur-
anew for each new species – genetic tools poses described above. These are fitness and
developed in one species by classical mutage- stability.
nesis cannot be transferred to another species.
Recombinant DNA methods offer the 6.1. Fitness
prospect of simpler systems for genetic sexing,
in which a repressible or inducible female-spe- Two recent papers (Catteruccia et al. 2003,
cific lethal is used. Such constructs could be Irvin et al. 2004) have appeared to imply that
introduced into an otherwise wild-type genetic all transgenic mosquitoes will have severely
background. Changing from permissive to reduced fitness or mating competitiveness,
repressive conditions in the last generation of compromising any genetic control strategy
mass-rearing would provide a single-sex popu- based on such insects. In fact these studies
lation for release. For this purpose, the repres- used a small number of highly inbred lines,
sive condition could be high or low tempera- and much of the fitness cost may be attributed
ture (as for the present tsl strains), presence or to this inbreeding. Furthermore, even if these
absence of a dietary chemical, or any other lines were shown to have low fitness, it does
convenient environmental parameter that can not follow that this will be true for all trans-
be tied to a change in gene expression or func- genic strains. A more recent study that avoid-
tion. Such systems have been demonstrated in ed inbreeding found no significant deleterious
Drosophila (Heinrich and Scott 2000, Thomas effect in insects expressing a synthetic peptide
et al. 2000), in Mediterranean fruit fly (Fu et al. as well as a fluorescent marker protein
2007), and work is in progress to develop them (Moreira et al. 2004). This is consistent with a
for pest insects. much larger study of transgenic Drosophila,
The tsl-based genetic sexing strains (e.g. which found only modest effects on fitness in
VIENNA 8) developed at the FAO/IAEA many strains (Lyman et al. 1996).
Agriculture and Biotechnology Laboratory for
the Mediterranean fruit fly, are extremely 6.2. Stability
effective, despite some modest drawbacks. The
greatest advantage of transgene-based sexing
This relates to the use of non-autonomous
systems, relative to current practice, may there-
transposable elements as transformation vec-
fore be seen in other pest insects, for which no
tors. There is some debate over the stability
such system is presently available. and environmental safety of current transfor-
Development of a sexing system would havemation technology, which is based on the use
significant benefits for several species, includ-
of these transposons. The writer does not
ing the New World screwworm Cochliomyia agree that the use of large non-autonomous
hominivorax (Coquerel), various fruit flies
transposons automatically results in an unac-
(e.g. the Mexican fruit fly Anastrepha ludens
ceptable risk. This is particularly clear when,
(Loew)), and anopheline mosquitoes, and has
as in the applications described above, the
also been advocated for some moth speciestransposon contains no components that might
(Marec et al. 2005). confer a selectable advantage on a recipient,
i.e. no insecticide or antibiotic resistance
6. Disadvantages of genes. Compared to the use of genetically-
Recombinant DNA Methods modified crops that (1) generally incorporate
antibiotic resistance, herbicide tolerance
Apart from the specific issues discussed and/or insect toxicity (from Bacillus

thuringiensis (de Barjac)), (2) liberate pollen This system is likely to be required for large-
into the environment, and (3) can hybridize scale rearing of any non wild-type strain,
with wild relatives far more readily (e.g. whether produced by classical or molecular
canola), the issue does not seem daunting. genetics. It should be more than capable of
Furthermore, technical progress in this area handling the level of instability that might be
may overcome or bypass this difficulty. There expected from a typical transgenic strain,
are several published methods, or obvious although actual mass-rearing will be required
variants thereof, that would do this, though to address this experimentally.
demonstrated only in Drosophila so far (Rong
and Golic 2000, Groth et al. 2004, Handler et 7. Combining the Benefits of
al. 2004, Horn and Handler 2005, Oberstein et Recombinant DNA Methods
al. 2005, Wimmer 2005), apart from the phage
фC31 system, which was also shown to work The various improvements to the SIT dis-
efficiently in a mosquito (Nimmo et al. 2006). cussed above could be provided independent-
More generally, no strain or genetic construct ly, but it would be more efficient to combine
is truly stable. All are subject to random muta- them. For example, while there may be sever-
tion. This will lead, at a very low frequency of al ways to construct a genetic sexing strain,
perhaps 10-7-10-8 per insect generation, to the the use of a repressible system, where the
production of defective versions of the trans- repressor is not found in the natural environ-
genic strain, particularly ones that have lost ment of the insect, would have the additional
the intended function. The presence of such advantage that escaped females, or female
defective versions arising in the release gener- progeny, would die in the wild. The escape
ation should be entirely inconsequential, as hazard would thereby be greatly reduced,
they would be vastly outnumbered by correct- which would not typically be true of inducible
ly functioning insects. If the original trans- lethal systems, although they might give
gene system was mildly deleterious, rever- strains that were perfectly adequate for the
tants arising within the breeding population of purpose of genetic sexing. Furthermore, such
the mass-rearing facility might have a modest a strain might also be used to remove the need
selective advantage over the original trans- for irradiation. Elimination of all female prog-
genic strain. In this case the defective version eny will generally be as effective as killing all
would tend to spread through the breeding the progeny. Indeed it may be significantly
population, which would be highly undesir- better, particularly if several unlinked female-
able. However, this is not a new problem. The lethal constructs are combined in the same
current translocation-based Mediterranean strain (Schliekelman and Gould 2000,
fruit fly sexing strains are also unstable. Since Thomas et al. 2000).
the males are semi-sterile and the females It therefore seems likely that it will be pos-
weakened by the recessive mutations they sible in the near future to combine all of the
carry, breakdown products, or wild-type chro- above advantages – genetic marker, genetic
mosomes introduced into the facility from sterilization, reduced escape hazard, and
outside, will spread rapidly through the mass- genetic sexing – into a single compact con-
rearing population. This problem was over- struct or genetic system. The construction of
come by introducing an elegant filter rearing an effective non-sex-specific lethal system in
system, in which a relatively small population Mediterranean fruit fly (Gong et al. 2005) is a
is carefully maintained and monitored to major step towards this goal.
ensure its genetic quality (Fisher and Cáceres
2000). Samples from this colony are taken, 8. Conclusions
expanded for several generations and then
released; no insects from this much larger Recombinant DNA methods show great
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The hobo, Hermes and Herves Transposable
Elements of Insects


1Department of Entomology and Institute of Integrative Genome

Biology, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521, USA
2Center for Biosystems Research, University of Maryland Biotechnology

Institute, College Park, MD 20742, USA

3Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Department of Molecular

Biology & Genetics, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD

21205, USA

ABSTRACT Transposable elements remain the only way to introduce genes into insects so that they
are stably inherited through successive generations. Progress in the transformation of non-drosophilid
insect species, such as mosquitoes and true fruit flies, has resulted mainly from the identification and uti-
lization of new insect transposable elements. The hAT superfamily of transposable elements consists of
members from plants, fungi and animals and includes the active insect transposable elements hobo, Hermes
and Herves from Drosophila melanogaster (Meigen), Musca domestica (L.) and Anopheles gambiae Giles,
respectively. These three elements offer a unique system for study since they are all active yet show, at
some levels, significant sequence divergence. The central premise of the authors' research is that the suc-
cess with which transposable elements can be used as genetic tools in insects, particularly in field applica-
tions, is dependent on knowledge of how they work in the cell nucleus. To this end a structure:function
analysis of these three transposable elements has been undertaken, as well as, in the case of Herves, an
analysis of its distribution in field populations of A. gambiae in regions of Africa. Also discussed are the
possible roles that host factors may play in Hermes and Herves element transposition and the implication
that these might have for the use of transposable elements in genetic control programmes. Attempts to gen-
erate and test hyperactive forms of the Hermes element transposase are also discussed.

KEY WORDS transposable elements, transformation, Hermes, Herves, hobo, hAT elements, host fac-

1. Genetics and Insect Pest translocations to control the populations of

Control pest species was first canvassed. In a subse-
quent manuscript, Serebrovsky (1941)
The use of ionizing radiation to induce muta- described further elaborate genetic systems
tions, many of which produce chromosomal such as genetic sexing strategies and further
rearrangements, has provided a ready source translocation-based systems that became bul-
of variation that has led to some of the pio- warks of some of the approaches to genetic
neering developments in animal genetics. It control that are used today. Later, and quite
also led to an appreciation that chromosomal independently in the USA, Bushland and
rearrangements such as translocations could Hopkins (1951) responding to a suggestion by
be employed in the control of insect pest Knipling, and later Knipling (1955) proposed
species. Whitten (1985) provides an illustra- the use of ionizing radiation to sterilize insect
tive examination of this subject and cites pests. The subsequent deployment of the ster-
Serebrovsky’s 1940 manuscript as the ile insect technique (SIT) for the elimination
moment at which the use of chromosomal of New World screwworm Cochliomyia
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 61–71.
© 2007 IAEA.

hominivorax (Coquerel) populations over sev- sex-linked chromosomal translocation which

eral decades and the many attempts to repeat joins the male-determining Y chromosome to
this successful paradigm in other pest species a locus located near the translocation break-
is well documented (Dyck et al. 2005). point that contains the wild-type allele of a
The principle of the SIT proposed by temperature sensitive lethal allele present on
Knipling, Bushland and Hopkins, and the the 5th chromosome. Females are homozy-
methods of pest insect control proposed by gous for the lethal alleles and are killed as
Serebrovsky achieve their goals of pest insect embryos through incubating eggs at the
control through very different approaches. As restrictive temperature.
Whitten (1985) explained, there is no underly-
ing genetic theory to the SIT, rather large 2. Insect Transgenesis
numbers of insects are exposed to sufficient
levels of ionizing radiation to render them The development of Drosophila melanogaster
sterile and they are then released into the field, Meigen genetic transformation by Rubin and
once again in large numbers. The increase in Spradling (1982) led to the proposal to use
genetic load leads to population suppression this technology in pest insects to efficiently
and even elimination. The types of mutations generate new genotypes. This new technology
and chromosomal damage induced in the would augment existing approaches to AW-
gametes of these insects are irrelevant; all that IPM and would also lead to new approaches to
matters is that it occurs at a frequency that insect genetic control in general. In pro-
meets the quality control standards of the grammes using the SIT, the traditional and
released insects. The methods described by still current method used to generate new
Serebrovsky (1941) are rooted in genetic the- genetic sexing strains is chemical and/or radi-
ory. The types of induced chromosomal ation mutagenesis followed by breeding. If the
rearrangements, their stability over time and desired strain requires a translocation then
their mode of transmission through genera- both the labour and time required to generate
tions in the laboratory and in the field, form this strain can be very large. Furthermore,
the basis of the genetic control programme. In once obtained, the strain may not exhibit the
Serebrovsky’s approach, knowledge of cyto- performance characteristics required for
genetics was critical. effective use of SIT within the overall pro-
In the 60 years since these pioneers pro- gramme. It may be difficult to rear in large
posed these approaches to genetic control, numbers and recombination may separate the
genetics has undergone perhaps three revolu- temperature sensitive locus from the male-
tions. One was the discovery of the structure determining region of the Y chromosome at a
of DNA, the second was the development of frequency not commensurate with continual
recombinant DNA techniques, and the third is and repeated mass-rearing.
the birth, still in progress, of genomics. All of Insect transformation is achieved through
these have impacted human welfare and all the use of transposable elements. The attrac-
will have similar effects on how the future tion of transposable element-mediated trans-
genetic control of pest insects is achieved. In genesis to those wishing to use genetics in
the SIT today, convergence of Bushland’s, pest control is that new mutants can be quick-
Hopkins’, Knipling’s and Serebrovsky’s ly and easily constructed provided that a
strategies are seen in genetic sexing strains transposable element can be found that intro-
developed at the FAO/IAEA Agriculture and duces genes into the target insect species.
Biotechnology Laboratory, Austria for use in Indeed, an insect heterozygous for the new
area-wide integrated pest management (AW- mutation can be made in one generation and
IPM) programmes using the SIT for the con- homozygotes pure breeding for this allele
trol of the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis within a further generation. These can then be
capitata (Wiedemann). These strains contain a tested for their suitability for use in pro-

grammes integrating the SIT. A further advan- through a bioinformatic analysis of the whole
tage of transposable element-mediated trans- genome sequence of this species (Arensburger
formation is that the change to the insect et al. 2005). The discovery by Savakis and his
genome is precise and small and therefore can colleagues in 1995 that the Minos element
be completely characterized by molecular bio- could repeatedly be used to stably transform
logical techniques. This is in contrast to the C. capitata was a breakthrough in showing
classical sexing strains, which contain chro- that transformation of pest insects could be
mosomal rearrangements with changes in achieved (Loukeris et al. 1995). James soon
linkage groups and recombination frequencies showed that repeated transformation of the
of hundreds, if not thousands of genes associ- mosquito Aedes aegypti (L.) could be
ated with the translocation. The product of the achieved through using the Hermes or Mos1
genetic engineering approach is thus very well elements (Coates et al. 1998, Jasinskiene et al.
defined, yet it is the manner in which the new 1998). Currently, piggyBac enjoys the most
genotype is made, and the fact that it typical- use amongst non-drosophilid insect geneti-
ly contains new DNA from other organisms, cists. It has a wide host range, appears to have
that attracts the ire of critics of this technolo- little if any requirement for host factors, and
gy. That transposable elements – jumping displays a distribution amongst arthropods
DNA – are naturally occurring, and can move that suggests it has been active through recent
between species, is also a point of some con- insect evolution.
The history of finding transposable ele- 3. Transposable Elements
ments that could transform insect species out-
side of the family Drosophilidae is beyond the The aforementioned transposable elements
scope of this article and has been more than are classified as class II elements because they
adequately covered elsewhere (Handler transpose via a DNA intermediate. They have
2000). To summarize a ten-year history from a simple structure consisting of two terminal
1985 to 1995: the P element so successfully inverted repeat sequences located at either end
used as a gene vector in D. melanogaster was of the transposable element and a gene encod-
incapable of performing the same feat in other ing a transposase located within the element
insect species at any reasonable frequency. (Fig. 1). In bacteria, other genes, for example
This led to a search for alternate transposable those encoding antibiotic resistance are also
elements that had host ranges, which included present on the element. Class II transposable
pest insect species. These elements were iden- elements transpose through the recognition of
tified primarily on their mobility in genetic DNA sequences within and internal to the ter-
assays although bioinformatics analysis of minal inverted repeat sequences by the trans-
whole genomes now provides an alternate posase, followed by excision of the element
means by which functional transposable ele- and its integration to a second site elsewhere
ments can be identified. The elements identi- in the genome to create target site duplications
fied through the basis of their mobility are the at the site of insertion. If no copy of the ele-
Minos element from Drosophila hydei ment remains at the original donor site, trans-
Sturtevant (Franz and Savakis 1991), the position is non-replicative since the copy
Mos1 (mariner) element from Drosophila number of the element within the genome
mauritiana Tsacas & David (Medhora et al. does not increase. If a copy of the element
1988), the Hermes element from the house fly remains at the donor site then transposition is
Musca domestica (L.) (Warren et al. 1994), replicative since the copy number of the ele-
the piggyBac element from Trichoplusia ni ment increases with each transposition.
(Hübner) (Cary et al. 1989), and the bacterial The process of insect transformation is
Tn5 element. The Herves element from dependent on the characteristics of the trans-
Anopheles gambiae Giles was identified posable element used. It follows that under-

Figure 1. The general structure of class II transposable elements. (TIR: terminal inverted
repeat sequences, TSD: target site duplications).

standing the molecular basis of transposition the element is introduced into a new host
for each of these elements will lead to a better species. Answers to pertinent questions of reg-
understanding of how they will behave when ulation, copy number, host range and stability
introduced into new host species, such as an are inevitable outcomes of this research.
insect pest that is the target of a programme These can then be used to realistically address
involving the SIT or a vector of disease in two main and opposite prerequisites of trans-
which the aim to is to use the mobility proper- posable elements used in AW-IPM pro-
ties of the transposable element to quickly grammes:
move a beneficial transgene through the vec- (1) For programmes using the SIT: the
tor population. Indeed, it is often the fact that requirement that the element be stably insert-
transposable elements are used to generate ed at desired genomic sites that allow desired
transgenic insects that concerns opponents of levels of expression of the transgene. If the
this technology. Concerns about the ability of purpose of the programme is to genetically tag
these elements to cross species barriers and to every insect with a marker gene or sequence,
even lead to the extinction of non-target then it is critical that every insect raised and
species are raised as reasons why this technol- released contains this transgene in the identi-
ogy should not be applied to pest insects. cal genomic location and that expression lev-
These are coupled with the origin of the ele- els be constant from insect to insect, genera-
ment itself (which typically comes from tion upon generation. This requires the trans-
another species), and of the transgene and posable element containing the transgene to
genetic marker it carries also being from be genetically stable at a frequency at least
another species. Yet it is foreseeable through equal to the spontaneous mutation frequency
the development of pest insect genome proj- of the insect. If the purpose of the programme
ects that the transgene, genetic marker and is the development of genetic sexing strains in
even the element itself may come from the tar- which the female sex is eliminated before
get pest insect itself, so the issue of foreign mass-release, the same requirements exist for
DNA would be rendered mute. In such a case, stability of the element and consistency of
it is likely that concerns about the mobility expression.
properties of the transposable element itself (2) For programmes requiring the spread of
would remain as a possible barrier to the a beneficial gene through an insect popula-
application of transgenic-based technology in tion: the requirement is for this gene to also
AW-IPM programmes. remain inserted within the transposable ele-
The central tenant of the authors’ research ment, but for this element to be highly mobile
is that an understanding of transposable ele- so that the transgene, and the beneficial
ment behaviour comes from examining, in effects arising from its expression are spread
detail, the biochemical mechanism of transpo- through the pest population as rapidly as pos-
sition and how this might be modified when sible.

These are competing performance charac- elements found in plants.

teristics for a transposable element. Both Hermes has been used to genetically trans-
require the element to remain intact, yet one form five insect species, including mosquitoes
demands genomic stability while the other and C. capitata, while Herves, a recently dis-
requires high rates of mobility. It stands to covered element from the mosquito An. gam-
reason that it is unrealistic to expect that an biae, is interesting due to both its ability to
unmodified transposable element introduced transform Drosophila and the fact that it is
into either the same, or a different insect native to a mosquito species that is one of the
species could attain both. It is reasonable to key targets of planned genetic control strate-
propose that hyperactive forms of an element gies (Arensburger et al. 2005). Hermes
can be obtained since there is selection against behaves differently in the germ-line and
increase in transposable element copy number somatic nuclei of mosquitoes (O’Brochta et
in natural systems (Pasyukova et al. 2004). A al. 2003). In the former it integrates via a
hyperactive element would damage its host transposase-dependent mechanism that leads
through mutagenesis and so jeopardize its to integration not only of the element but also
own survival. Consequently there is selective of flanking plasmid DNA. In the latter it inte-
pressure on the element to reduce its transpo- grates through canonical cut-and-paste trans-
sition rate to the point where it has little effect position with no flanking DNA participating
on the host, yet retains its own ability to prop- in the integration. In higher flies, this mode of
agate through the generations. integration is seen in both germ-line and
somatic nuclei suggesting perhaps that host
4. Functional Insect Members factors present in the germ-line nuclei of mos-
of the hAT Element quitoes may influence the transposition mech-
Superfamily of Transposable anism.
Elements These three hAT elements present a unique
opportunity to examine transposition of relat-
The four eukaryote transposable elements ed, but different elements in vivo in insects as
used to transform non-drosophilid species well as in vitro. The authors’ focus has been
represent four different families of class II ele- on the Hermes element since, of the three, it
ments. Transposable elements are assigned to displays the widest host range and so has been
these families based on differences in their developed as a gene vector in insects.
DNA sequence, differences in the amino acid
sequence of their transposases (which will 4.1. The Hermes Element
determine their confirmation as active
enzymes), and the resulting differences in the Hermes is 2749 base pairs in length and has
way they excise from, and integrate into, 17 base pairs imperfect terminal inverted
DNA. The hAT element super family is wide- repeat sequences (Warren et al. 1994). It
spread across eukaryotes with members found encodes a transpose 612 amino acids in
in humans, fish, insects, plants and fungi. length. Like other hAT elements, Hermes cre-
Some members of this family exhibit wide ates eight base pairs target site duplications at
host ranges. The Ac element of maize is the integration site and these sites have a loose
mobile in other plants while the Hermes ele- consensus sequence of 5’ GTnnnnAC 3’.
ment of the housefly is mobile in other insect Hermes was isolated from the housefly
species. The insect members of this family, through its ability to recognize and excise the
hobo, Hermes and Herves are particularly related hobo element when hobo was present
interesting since all are active elements and in plasmids injected into developing housefly
are mobile in non-host insect species. eggs in the absence of hobo transposase
Moreover Herves is distantly related to hobo (Atkinson et al. 1993). The Hermes element
and Hermes and is more closely related to hAT was isolated from housefly genomic DNA

using degenerate primers designed to con- integration is peculiar to hAT elements and
serve regions between the Ac, Tam3 and hobo links them with the process of V(D)J recombi-
element transposase-encoding sequences. nation which is responsible, in large part, for
Hermes can transpose in 12 insect species the diversity displayed by the vertebrate
(Atkinson et al. 2001). Transposition is meas- acquired immune system. This relationship,
ured through an interplasmid transposition which is also reflected in the secondary struc-
assay performed in developing embryos or in tures of the hAT element transposases and the
cell culture. Since the majority of nuclei in RAG1 subunit of the enzyme that mediates the
embryos are somatic, these assays inevitably recombination of the immunoglobulin and T-
measure mobility in somatic nuclei. Upon inte- cell receptor genes supports the hypothesis that
gration into the germ-line nuclei in mosqui- V(D)J recombination and transposable ele-
toes, Hermes becomes relatively immobile ments, specifically hAT elements, are extant
(O’Brochta et al. 2003). Transformations of forms of an ancient recombination system,
Ae. aegypti and D. melanogaster with opening up the possibility of using either of
autonomous Hermes elements show that sub- these systems as a model for the other. For
sequent germ-line transpositions do not occur example, insights into aberrant recombination
at detectable frequencies (O’Brochta et al. of V(D)J regions with other regions of the
2003). In contrast, in the same individuals, genome might be explored through an exami-
somatic transpositions of autonomous Hermes nation of hAT element behaviour in more
elements occur quite frequently. These data tractable experimental systems.
suggest that a system repressing Hermes trans- ClustalW alignments of the secondary
position in the genome may be operating in structures of hAT element transposases show
both Drosophila and mosquitoes. that they contain four domains: a BED domain
Hermes transposase has been expressed in containing the nuclear localization signal of
both transformed Drosophila S2 cells and in the transposase, a second, perhaps discrete
Escherichia coli (Migula) Castellani and DNA binding domain, a catalytic domain, and
Chalmers. Purification of polyhistidine-tagged an insertion domain (Zhou et al. 2004). The
Hermes transposase from E. coli has enabled catalytic domain is shared with the Tn5 trans-
the biochemistry of Hermes transposition to be posase, the RAG1 subunit and the HIV inte-
investigated (Zhou et al. 2004). This is a com- grase. Hermes, hobo and Herves, together with
pelling question since hAT elements are a dis- the other hAT elements, contain the dichlor-
tinct superfamily of transposable elements. diphenyl-dichlorethylen (DDE) catalytic triad
Hermes excises from the donor site through of acidic amino acids found in the RAG1 sub-
the creation of double-strand breaks. These are unit and the retroviral integrases. Mutations of
staggered with the break in the top strand each of these to the non-polar amino acid ala-
occurring one base pair into flanking DNA and nine show that each mutation renders the
the break in the bottom strand occurring at the Hermes transposase incapable of strand break-
junction between Hermes and flanking donor age and joining that are part of the mechanism
DNA. Unlike other transposable elements, of excision and integration (Zhou et al. 2004).
hairpin intermediates are formed on the flank- These are first strand cleavage in which a nick
ing donor DNA rather than on the transposable is introduced into the strand of DNA one
element ends. This supports genetic data previ- nucleotide upstream from the Hermes terminal
ously obtained from the Tam3, Ac and hobo inverted repeat sequences and second strand
elements showing that repair of empty donor transfer in which the 3’ OH group on the sec-
sites following transposable element excision ond strand is joined to the target DNA. These
occurred through templated addition of new data suggest that this catalytic triad partici-
DNA based on flanking sequences (Coen et al. pates in the key chemical steps of Hermes
1986, Atkinson et al. 1993, Weil and Kunz transposition consistent with their role in the
2000). This mechanism of excision prior to retroviral integrases.

Secondary structure alignments reveal that, at position 319 which might be involved in the
for all these recombinases, the three members flipping out of adjacent nucleotides which is
of this triad are located on an RNaseH-like required for hairpin formation and a CxxH
fold, which consists of several ß sheets motif located downstream from the second
flanked on either side by alpha helices. Unlike catalytic residue at 248 (Zhou et al. 2004).
HIV integrase and the RAG1 subunit, the The identification of conserved regions
third member of the catalytic triad in the and specific residues of the Hermes trans-
Hermes transposase is a large linear distance posase, together with the regions of the
from the central aspartate, being separated Hermes element with which they interact will
from it by the large insertion domain. Tn5 and be critical in determining how Hermes might
RAG1 contain a much smaller insertion be modified in order to obtain hypo- or hyper-
domain separating the second and third mem- mobility. Specific amino acids can be altered
bers of the catalytic triad. The crystal structure and the effects of these changes on mobility of
of the Hermes transposase has been resolved the element examined in vitro and in vivo in
and shows that, despite the linear distance of insects. Expression of the Hermes transposase
the final glutamate from the second aspartate, both in E. coli and in yeast opens up the pos-
the insertion domain serves to bring this glu- sibility of identifying randomly generated
tamate back to the active site so that it is spa- mutations that might elevate activity in these
tially close to the other two members of the model organisms. Identification of the rate
catalytic triad (Hickman et al. 2005). limiting steps in transposition, through under-
Interestingly, approximately one half of the standing the chemistry of transposition, will
insertion domain contains the least conserved aid in the identification of Hermes mutants
region amongst the insect hAT transposases. that would have activity optimized either for
This might mean that this region contributes strain stability (hypomobility) or for the rapid
little to function of the transposase, or it may spread of the element through an insect popu-
indicate that each region defines a variation of lation (hypermobility). Several aspects of
function unique to each transposase and its Hermes biochemistry would be predicted to
corresponding element. be rate limiting steps of transposition
The C end of the catalytic domain is high- amenable to manipulation. These are the bind-
ly conserved amongst the hAT transposases ing strength of the transposase for its target
and, to a lesser extent, between the hAT trans- sites located towards the ends of the element
posase and Tn5 transposase and the retroviral and the catalytic activity of the transposase.
integrases. It contains the final member of the Increasing the binding strength may increase
catalytic triad as well as amino acids that are the rate of transposition by increasing the like-
required, in part, for oligomerization of the lihood of strand breakage and transfer occur-
Hermes transposase. The region most respon- ring following binding of the enzyme. This
sible for this particular oligomerization is could be achieved through either modifying
located on an a helix between amino acids 551 those regions of the transposase proposed to
and 562 located only ten residues from the bind to the element (domains I and II) or by
glutamate at 572 that forms part of the catalyt- changing the nucleotide sequence of the bind-
ic triad (Michel et al. 2003). The fact that this ing site. To this end, there is preliminary evi-
region of the catalytic domain forms part of dence indicating where these binding sites are
the catalytic site and yet is also involved in located in the Hermes element (T. Laver, R.
forming weak bonds with adjacent Hermes Hice and P. Atkinson, unpublished).
monomers suggests that it has a dual function Mutations which directly affect the catalytic
in the transposase. properties of the transposase may act to
Other motifs conserved between these increase the frequency of first strand cleavage
recombinases include a small motif contain- and perhaps more closely couple this with
ing an argine at position 318 and a tryptophan second strand transfer. Implicit with this, is

the rate at which the target DNA is acquired species (O’Brochta et al. 1994).
by the transposase, and whether donor and tar- The hobo transposase is 53% identical to
get DNAs are acquired more or less simulta- the Hermes transposase and differs from it in
neously or whether target capture occurs only having an extra 49 amino acids at the amino
after the flanking donor DNA has dissociated terminus of the protein. Removal of this ter-
from the transposase. Interestingly, recent minus results in a truncated protein that is
data from the related RAG1 enzyme suggests more active than the full-length protein, per-
that target DNA capture occurs only after haps suggesting that, as for the Ac
DNA flanking the donor breakpoint has been transposase, this amino end suppresses trans-
released (Matthews et al. 2004). posase activity (Y.-J.Kim and P. Atkinson,
Hypomobility of an element once integrat- unpublished). Hobo presents a unique oppor-
ed into a target genome could be achieved tunity for studying insect hAT elements in
though removing the binding site of the trans- vivo. Unlike the Hermes element and the
posase. FRT (FLP recombinase recognition Herves element (discussed below) in which
target) sites located either side of the binding all natural host individuals examined so far
site could, in the presence of the FLP recom- contain these elements, D. melanogaster con-
binase, recombine to delete this site. The ele- sists of H and E strains, the former containing
ment would be rendered immobile, even hobo elements while the later lacks them. As
should a source of transposase be subsequent- for the P element, a reason for the versatility
ly introduced into the strain. The strategy of of the hobo element in Drosophila is that E
modifying the phenotype of Hermes to suit strains are used as transformation recipients
area-wide control strategies can be achieved leading to efficient transformation. The same
through understanding how the element applies for Hermes and Herves mediated
undergoes transposition and will be applicable transformation of Drosophila. Understanding
to other transposable elements, such as the regulatory mechanisms that act post-inte-
piggyBac, which are also used to genetically gration of an element is important in deter-
engineer pest insects. mining the dynamics of these elements in
these species and Drosophila provides an
4.2. The hobo Element ideal model for these studies.

The outcome of studies with Hermes can be 4.3. The Herves Element
extrapolated to the hobo element of D.
melanogaster and the more distantly related The Herves element is from the mosquito An.
Herves element of An. gambiae. Hobo was the gambiae and was identified using a bioinfor-
first of the insect hAT elements to be identi- matics screen of the recently completed
fied and is responsible for a dysgenic system genome project of this organism (Arensburger
in Drosophila (Yannopoulos et al. 1987). It et al. 2005). Herves is an active transposable
has yet to be determined whether hobo is truly element and can be used to transform
incapable of being used as a transformation Drosophila at frequencies approaching those
vector in non-drosophilid species. While early of the P, Hermes and piggyBac elements. That
attempts were unsuccessful, these experi- Herves is active and native to An. gambiae,
ments suffered from the lack of a robust the principal vector of malaria in sub-Saharan
genetic marker such as the green fluorescent Africa makes it an interesting element for
protein. Interplasmid transposition of hobo study since it might be developed into an
occurs in developing embryos of Australian endogenous gene vector in this important
sheep blowfly (Lucilia cuprina Wiedemann) species.
and Queensland fruit fly (Bactrocera tryoni The Herves transposase is 21% identical to
(Froggatt)), suggesting that transposition the Hermes transposase. The Herves terminal
occurs in at least the somatic nuclei of these inverted repeat sequences are 11 base pairs

long and differ in 2/11 positions to those of the Aluvihare, D. A. O’Brochta, and P. W.
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ments and it remains to be determined if there 169: 697-708.
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sion and integration relative to these elements. O’Brochta. 1993. The hobo transposable
Such differences would not be expected to be element of Drosophila can be cross mobi-
seen in first strand cleavage or second strand lized in houseflies and excises like the Ac
transfer, rather they might be manifested in tar- element of maize. Proceedings of the
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Improving the Ecological Safety of
Transgenic Insects for Field Release: New
Vectors for Stability and Genomic Targeting


for Medical, Agricultural, and Veterinary Entomology, USDA-
ARS, Gainesville, FL, 32608 USA
2European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Meyerhofstrasse 1, D-69117

Heidelberg, Germany

ABSTRACT Genetically transformed insect pests provide significant opportunities to create strains to
improve the sterile insect technique (SIT) and new strategies based on conditional lethality. A major con-
cern for programmes that rely on the release of transgenic insects is the stability of the transgene, and main-
tenance of consistent expression of genes of interest within the transgene. Transgene instability could influ-
ence the integrity of the transformant strain upon which the effectiveness of the biological control pro-
gramme depends. Loss or intragenomic transgene movement could result in strain attributes important to
the programme being lost or diminished, and the mass-release of such insects could significantly exacer-
bate the insect pest problem. Instability resulting in intragenomic movement may also be a prelude to
intergenomic transgene movement between species resulting in ecological risks. This is a minor concern
for short-term releases where transgenic insects should not survive in the environment beyond one or two
generations, but transgene movement may occur into infectious agents during mass-rearing, and the poten-
tial for movement after release is a possibility for programmes using many millions of insects. Random
genomic insertion is also problematic for transgenic strain development due to genomic position effects
that influence transgene expression, and insertional mutations that negatively affect host fitness and viabil-
ity. New types of vectors are described that allow post-integration immobilization by deleting terminal vec-
tor sequences required for transposition, and genomic targeting by a recombinase-mediated cassette
exchange strategy.

KEY WORDS biological control, transposable elements, transgenic strains, sterile insect technique,
conditional lethality, insect transformation, vector stabilization, vector targeting, recombinase-mediated
cassette exchange

1. Introduction create transgenic strains that may be used

directly to control the population size or
In recent years the development of transgenic behaviour of agriculturally and medically
insect strains has advanced rapidly, with more important insects. Transgenic strains may be
than 20 species within four orders of insects created to improve existing biological control
being genetically transformed (Handler strategies, such as the sterile insect technique
2001). The ability to efficiently introduce (SIT), or to provide the means for new strate-
recombinant DNA into insect host genomes gies for biological control based on condition-
provides significant opportunities to study the al lethality (Alphey 2002, Handler 2002a).
genetic basis of insect biology in a wide range For beneficial insects, their vigour and repro-
of species, in ways previously limited to ductive capacity may be enhanced, in addition
model insect systems such as Drosophila. to their ability to produce and process pro-
Gene transfer also provides the opportunity to teins. In some cases, such as vectors of dis-
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 73–83.
Published with the permission of © 2007 U.S. Government

ease, instead of suppressing the population of gration, and for which defined integration tar-
pest insects, they may be transformed into get sites may be created within the genome.
inhospitable hosts for the parasites or These, and similar strategies by other labora-
pathogens that they normally transmit (James tories should provide a new generation of vec-
2005). tors that both increase the efficiency of trans-
The significant advances in basic and genic strain development, and at the same
applied studies that genetically transformed time, increase the effectiveness of transgenic
insects may provide must, however, be strains and their ecological safety.
viewed in light of several limitations that are
inherent to the gene transfer vector systems 2. Transgenic Insects for
used to integrate transgenes into the host Biological Control
genome (Handler 2004). All of the heritable
germ-line transformations in insects have Genetically transformed insect strains have
been achieved with vectors derived from a great potential for improving existing biologi-
type of mobile DNA known as transposable cal control programmes for pest species such
elements, which include the elements Hermes, as those integrating the SIT, or to develop new
mariner, Minos, and piggyBac. While these control strategies based on the conditional
elements provide advantages over other types regulation of genes that encode lethal prod-
of vectors and transformation strategies, a ucts (Handler 2002a). For beneficial insects,
major consideration is their potential for the potential exists to develop transgenic
remobilization which can compromise the sta- strains having enhanced immune systems,
bility of the transgenic host strain, and thus increased longevity and reproductive
adversely affect programme effectiveness. capacity, or heightened response to odorant
While the transposase enzyme required for cues elicited by prey insects.
transposon movement is typically eliminated Vectors of disease may also be eliminated
after integration, the undetected or unintended by biological control methods, or potentially,
presence of the transposase or related allowed to exist but made refractory to the
enzymes within the host can result in vector parasites and pathogens that they normally
remobilization. While generally not consid- transmit so that they no longer threaten human
ered to be a problem for small-scale laborato- or animal health (James 2005). Several of
ry studies, the rearing and release of many these strategies are discussed in more detail in
millions of insects for biological control pro- this volume (Aksoy et al., Alphey et al.,
grammes increases the probability that such Bourtzis et al., this volume), but briefly,
rare events may occur. Other caveats relate to lethality induced by transgenic techniques can
the generally random nature of transposon improve the SIT by allowing more efficient
integration into host genomes. Localized genetic sexing by causing lethality specifical-
genomic effects on gene expression can result ly in females, or for male sterilization by
in variable transgene expression depending specifically eliminating tissues required for
upon the integration site. Vector integrations fertility (Handler 2002a). Alternatively, genes
into coding regions or important regulatory involved in sexual differentiation, or sex
regions can result in mutations having delete- determination, may be manipulated so that the
rious effects on the transformed host’s fitness sexual phenotype is disrupted or reversed
and viability. Thus random integrations make (Handler 1992, Pane et al. 2005). Most
comparative gene expression studies problem- straightforwardly, transgenic strains marked
atic, and greatly reduce the efficiency of cre- with green fluorescent protein (GFP) or red
ating optimal strains for applied use. fluorescent protein (DsRed), initially used to
To address these limitations on transgenic select transformants, may also be used to
insects, new vectors have been developed that unambiguously identify insects in the field
can be stabilized subsequent to genomic inte- after release (Horn et al. 2002). This in itself

would be a major advance over using fluores- ally 30 base pairs or less, but some are sever-
cent powders for marking (Hagler and al hundred base pairs and some terminal
Jackson 2001). Novel strategies for biological regions also have subterminal inverted repeat
control have also been proposed whereby the sequences. The terminal inverted repeats and
offspring of mass-released insects either die or adjacent DNA are excised and reinserted
are sterile (Heinrich and Scott 2000, Thomas together into a new DNA insertion site as part
et al. 2000, Horn and Wimmer 2003). A vari- of the transposition process. In between the
ety of mutant and normal genes affecting cell terminal inverted repeats is a gene for a trans-
viability are potentially useful for these strate- posase enzyme that binds to the terminal
gies, including genes involved in programmed sequences to catalyse both the “cut-and-paste”
cell death (White et al. 1994), genes encoding processes. In this way, most transposons are
toxin subunits such as diphtheria (Kalb et al. self-contained autonomous elements that may
1993), or mutations that cause a normal gene require other host-encoded nuclear proteins.
product, such as DTS-5 (Saville and Belote Importantly, while the terminal inverted
1993) or Notch60g11 (Fryxell and Miller repeats and transposase gene are usually
1994), to become toxic at either high or low linked as a cis-acting unit, the terminal invert-
temperature, respectively. ed repeats and intervening DNA can be mobi-
A critical component of these strategies is lized by an unlinked transposase gene acting
the regulated expression of the lethal product, in trans. This feature has allowed the develop-
both to maintain breeding populations in facil- ment of defective non-autonomous vector
ities and to target the lethal phenotype to a plasmids that only include the terminal invert-
particular tissue or stage in development. This ed repeats, marker genes, and genes of interest
can be achieved by making transgene activity with its transposase gene either mutated or
conditional to a particular temperature range, deleted. These vectors can then only be mobi-
chemical treatment, or by the interbreeding of lized by a separate source of transposase
specific genotypes. Such methods have helper, provided by a plasmid-encoded gene
already been tested in Drosophila, and include lacking terminal inverted repeats, or the trans-
the use of temperature sensitive lethal alleles posase RNA or protein. When co-injected into
or the use of ectopic transcriptional regulators preblastoderm embryos, the transposase catal-
such as the Gal4/UAS system (Brand et al. yses integration of the vector, but does not
1994) or the Tet-off/on systems (Bello et al. integrate itself in the absence of terminal
1998) that respond to dietary tetracycline. inverted repeats, and is eventually diluted
with cell division. Once the transposase is
3. Transposon Vectors and lost, vector integrations into the germ-line
Insect Transformation chromosomes should remain stable.
All insect transformations to date have uti-
To better understand the limitations and risks, lized transposon vectors, though the first two
as well as the advantages, associated with vectors originally discovered and used in
genetically transformed insects, it is helpful to Drosophila melanogaster Meigen, P (Rubin
understand the methods and mechanisms used and Spradling 1982) and hobo (Blackman et
to create them. All of the heritable transforma- al. 1989), have not been found to be effective
tions of insect germ-lines have utilized Class in other species (Handler 2001). Other func-
II transposable elements as vectors that trans- tional elements that have been used in non-
pose by a DNA-mediated “cut-and-paste” drosophilids depended on the fortuitous dis-
process (Atkinson et al. 2001). These mobile covery of new transposons, or the directed
genetic elements are typically one to three search for hobo-related elements in non-
kilobases in length and have terminal drosophilids. These include the Minos ele-
sequences that are inverted repeats of one ment discovered in Drosophila hydei
another. The terminal inverted repeats are usu- Sturtevant (Franz and Savakis 1991), which is

closely related to Tc elements from nema- ered in T. ni. This is a strong indication that
todes, and the Mos1 mariner element from piggyBac has been horizontally transmitted
Drosophila mauritiana Tsacas & David between distantly related species, and for this
(Medhora et al. 1988). Elements from the to occur, functional elements must exist in
hobo, Ac, Tam3 (hAT) family include Hermes, these species or associated organisms. As with
discovered in the house fly Musca domestica Hermes, these findings raise the concern for
L. (Warren et al. 1994) and Herves, recently potential remobilization and instability of
discovered in Anopheles gambiae Giles transgenes vectored by the respective trans-
(Arensburger et al. 2005). Hermes is widely posons. While the existing data raise most
functional, but quite importantly, it has been concern for Hermes and piggyBac, both the
shown to functionally interact with hobo Minos (Avancini et al. 1996) and mariner
(Sundararajan et al. 1999), providing some of (Robertson and MacCleod 1993) elements
the strongest experimental evidence to sup- also exist in broad, potentially functionally
port the need for methods to stabilize trans- compatible, families of elements, and unless
gene integrations. proven otherwise the concerns for transposon
The most widely used transposon vector to vector stability must be extended to these, and
date is the piggyBac element discovered in a possibly all future transposon vectors as well.
baculovirus passed through a cell line of the
cabbage looper Trichoplusia ni (Hübner) 4. Methods to Stabilize
(Fraser et al. 1983, Cary et al. 1989). A Transposon Vectors
piggyBac vector was first used to transform
several tephritid species, and use of a lepi- While genetically transformed insects present
dopteran transposon in dipteran species por- a wide array of possibilities to create strains
tended the broad functionality of this element, with attributes that can greatly improve exist-
which has been proven by its use in nearly 20 ing biological control methods and the devel-
species within four orders of insects (Handler opment of new strategies for control, the
2002b). Molecular analysis of Bactrocera effective use of such strains will depend on
dorsalis Hendel transformants, however, indi- the reliable expression of the integrated genes
cated the potential for cross-mobilization in of interest, as well as maintenance of strain
this species since Southern hybridizations fitness and viability under mass-rearing proto-
showed genomic sequences in the host strain cols. It is also critical that the transgene vector
that were closely related to piggyBac (Handler is stably integrated to maintain strain integrity
and McCombs 2000). This was confirmed by and to prevent possible interspecies move-
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis, ment of the transgene into unintended hosts,
and further studies now show that piggyBac which is a major concern for ecological safe-
elements, having greater than 95% nucleotide ty. Current knowledge of known transposons,
identity, exist throughout the B. dorsalis com- and especially those used for insect transfor-
plex and several other closely related species mation, makes these concerns of primary
(G. Zimowska and A. Handler, unpublished). importance.
The finding of a moth transposon in dipter- The major contributing factor to vector
an species suggested that piggyBac might also instability is most likely the presence of the
exist in other moths, and this has been con- same transposon, or a functionally related sys-
firmed by Southern hybridization and tem, in the host genome or in an associated
sequence analysis of elements isolated by infectious or symbiotic organism within the
PCR (G. Zimowska and A. Handler, unpub- host. The former possibility can be tested by
lished). These species include Helicoverpa direct structural tests using DNA hybridiza-
zea (Boddie), Helicoverpa armigera tion or PCR analyses to detect the same ele-
(Hübner), and Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. ment or a related element with a high degree
Smith), in addition to new elements discov- of sequence identity. If a related system is

functionally conserved but lacking sufficient possibly additional adjacent DNA. For most
structural identity for easy detection, as would transposons this includes up to 100 base pairs
be the case for hobo and Hermes, functional of terminal sequence (though longer for ele-
assays may be performed. Indeed, transposi- ments such as Minos whose terminal inverted
tion and excision assays that show mobility in repeats themselves are 255 base pairs).
the host in the absence of an exogenous source Deletion or rearrangement of these sequences
of transposase (i.e. by injecting only donor is most simply achieved by introducing short
and target plasmids for transposition, or indi- sequences that specifically recombine with
cator plasmid for excision) provide the most one another in the presence of an appropriate
straightforward test for cross-mobilization enzyme. Two examples of these systems are
(Atkinson et al. 1993). However, these assays the FRT/FLP recombinase system from the
are typically performed in cell lines and two micron plasmid of yeast (Andrews et al.
embryos, and are probably not sensitive 1985) and the bacteriophage Cre-loxP system
enough to detect mobility catalysed by a non- (Siegal and Hartl 1996). A functional FRT
host source of transposase, and especially recombination site consists of two 13 base
from coexisting organisms that proliferate pair inverted repeats separated by an eight
post-embryogenesis. Given these caveats, it is base pair spacer that specifically recombine
highly unlikely that the complete potential for with one another in the presence of FLP
transgene vector remobilization can be defini- recombinase. Depending upon their location
tively and unambiguously assessed, leaving and orientation, FRT recombination can result
open the possibility, regardless of how mini- in chromosomal rearrangements or the target-
mal, that transgenic insertions will not remain ing of a plasmid carrying an FRT to a genom-
stable. This creates a significant point of con- ic FRT site (Rong and Golic 2000).
cern for the ecological risk assessment that Recombination of FRTs in direct orientation
will be required for a transgenic release certi- results in the deletion of the intervening DNA,
fication. Indeed, addressing the issues of while FRTs in the opposite orientation results
potential transgene instability and interspecies in inversions. It should thus be possible to
movement was a primary concern in response position FRTs in vectors to create rearrange-
to the environmental assessment for the ments within a vector, or between two inde-
release of a transgenic pink bollworm pendent vectors after their genomic insertion
Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders), solicit- by injection of plasmid-encoded FLP recom-
ed by United States Department of binase (Handler 2004). While theoretically
Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health attractive, use of recombination systems is not
Inspection Service-Plant Protection and simple. Placement of recombination sites
Quarantine (USDA-APHIS-PPQ). The inabil- within the vector may be difficult without
ity to adequately address these issues had led negatively affecting its ability to integrate ini-
us and others to consider development of a tially (due to disruption of the terminal
new generation of vectors that can be immobi- sequence). Rearrangement between independ-
lized, with respect to transposase activity, ent vectors is more plausible, but requires the
after initial genomic integration has been vectors to be linked closely on the same chro-
achieved. mosome with recombination sites in an indi-
rect orientation, to avoid lethal deletions
4.1. Vector Immobilization resulting from directly oriented sites. With
recombination sites in indirect orientation, an
Immobilization or stabilization of a transpo- FRT inversion between distantly integrated
son vector is most straightforwardly achieved vectors has been achieved in Drosophila
by deleting or rearranging DNA within the resulting in stabilization of both vectors since
vector that is required for transposition. This the inversion reconstitutes chimeric vectors,
includes the terminal inverted repeats and each having a terminal sequence of the other

Figure 1. Transgene stabilization by terminal sequence deletion of the pBac{L1-PUbDsRed1-

L2-3xP3-ECFP-R1} vector. The diagram (not to scale) shows relative positions of the pBacL1,
pBacL2 and pBacR1 piggyBac terminal sequences, the PUbDsRed1 and 3xP3-ECFP markers,
and an insertion site for genes of interest. Transposase is provided by either mating to a
piggyBac jumpstarter strain, or by injection of a piggyBac helper plasmid. Integration of the
entire stabilization vector is determined by the presence of both DsRed and ECFP markers, and
terminal sequence deletion is determined by remobilization of the L2-3xP3-ECFP-R1 embed-
ded vector resulting in loss of the ECFP phenotype. The genomic stabilized transgenes include
the pBacL1 terminus, the DsRed marker, and any inserted gene of interest.

(E. Wimmer, personal communication). tion without the use of recombination sites.
This approach has the added advantage of
creating a balancer chromosome (within the 4.2. Vector Stabilization by Terminal
inversion) in which normal recombination is Sequence Deletion
suppressed in heterozygotes. This is a very
encouraging result using an elegant approach To stabilize transposon vectors subsequent to
to achieve vector stabilization, but its success genomic integration, a method to delete a termi-
in Drosophila will be difficult to repeat in nal vector sequence required for mobility was
other insects where inserting linked vectors, first tested in Drosophila by introducing an
and mapping and determining vector orienta- internal tandem duplication of the other terminal
tion is much more difficult. This will be ame- sequence, with independent fluorescent protein
liorated to some extent in insects whose markers placed between each set of termini
genome has been sequenced. In order to sim- (Handler et al. 2004) as shown in Fig. 1.
plify and extend the use of vector stabilization Specifically, the piggyBac vector, pBac{L1-
to many species, another approach has been PUbDsRed1-L2-3xP3-ECFP-R1}, was created
taken that results in terminal sequence dele- by placing a duplicated 5’ terminal piggyBac

sequence (pBacL2) internal to the flanking 5’ integrations disrupting vital gene functions,
(pBacL1) and 3’ (pBacR1) termini, with inde- and diminished or altered transgene expres-
sion due to genomic position effects. Both
pendent markers placed between each set of ter-
drawbacks can be minimized by having trans-
mini. Genes of interest to be stably integrated
gene integrations limited to defined genomic
would be placed between the duplicated termini.
Transformation with this vector can result in target sites known to be devoid of vital DNA
two types of integration: either the shorter and subject to minimal position effects. To tar-
embedded L2-3xP3-ECFP-R1 sequence may get a plasmid donor vector to a specific
genomic locus an FLP recombinase-mediated
integrate by itself, or the entire L1-PUbDsRed1-
L2-3xP3-ECFP-R1 vector may integrate. cassette exchange (RMCE) system (see Baer
In general, shorter vectors transpose moreand Bode 2001) was modified for use in
efficiently than longer vectors, and indeed, insects, and tested in Drosophila (Horn and
Handler 2005). A recombinase-mediated cas-
transformation with this vector resulted in seven
lines with only the embedded L2-3xP3-ECFP- sette exchange system is based upon double
R1 vector, and one line with the entire L1- recombination between small recombination
PUbDsRed1-L2-3xP3-ECFP-R1 sites (such as FRT or loxP) within a genomic
However, after mating the L1-PUbDsRed1-L2- target site, and a plasmid donor sequence as
3xP3-ECFP-R1 strain to a piggyBac trans- shown in Fig. 2.
posase jumpstarter strain (having a chromoso- A linotte homing sequence from
Drosophila was added since such sequences
mal source of the functional transposase gene),
the L2-3xP3-ECFP-R1 vector was remobilized placed within a plasmid vector are known to
resulting in progeny having only the L1- target the same endogenous genomic
PUbDsRed1 transgene sequence genomically sequences, and it was reasoned that this might
integrated. In the absence of the R1 3’ piggyBac
enhance recombination between the donor
terminus, it was expected that the remaining plasmid and the genomic target site. Target
genomically integrated sequence would remain site strains were created by transformation
with a piggyBac vector (pBac{3xP3-FRT-
stable with respect to remobilization by a source
of transposase. This was tested by mating the ECFP-linotte-FRT3}) having two heterospe-
cific FRT recombination sites (FRT and
stabilized line to the jumpstarter strain, which
FRT3) surrounding an enhanced cyan fluores-
showed that no remobilization occurred (by loss
of phenotype) in more than 7000 progeny cent protein (ECFP) marker coding region and
assayed. This compared to about 5% remobi- the linotte homing sequence. Transformant
lization rate in the original L1-PUbDsRed1-L2-lines from embryos having an integrated tar-
3xP3-ECFP-R1 vector. This showed that the get vector were then injected with a donor
vector plasmid (pSL-FRT-EYFP-linotte-
transgene was stabilized owing to the loss of the
3’ piggyBac terminus. A similar stabilization FRT3) having corresponding FRT/FRT3 sites
vector has been integrated into the Caribbean surrounding an enhanced yellow fluorescent
fruit fly Anastrepha suspensa (Loew) and the protein (EYFP) marker coding region and
Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata linotte sequences. Recombination between the
(Wiedemann) with the embedded vectors remo- target and donor FRT/FRT3 sites was mediat-
ed by co-injection of an FLP recombinase
bilized by injection of transposase helper plas-
helper plasmid (pKhsp82-FLP).
mid. The testing for stability in resulting proge-
ny of these species is in progress. Targeting of the genomic acceptor site by
recombination with the donor plasmid was
5. Vector Targeting determined in the progeny of the injected
embryos, with recombinants identified at a
A major difficulty in creating optimal trans- frequency of about 23% by screening for con-
genic strains for biological control is version of the enhanced cyan fluorescent pro-
decreased fitness and viability due to vector tein to the enhanced yellow fluorescent pro-

Figure 2. Genomic targeting by recombinase-mediated cassette exchange (RMCE) and subse-

quent target site vector stabilization by terminal sequence deletion. The genomic target vec-
tor, pBac{3xP3-FRT-ECFP-linotte-FRT3}, is first integrated into a host genome by trans-
posase-mediated germ-line transformation. It is then targeted by recombinase-mediated cas-
sette exchange by co-injection of the donor vector plasmid {pSL-FRT-EYFP-linotte-FRT3},
and the FLP recombinase helper plasmid, pKhsp82-FLP, into target strain embryos (see text
for details of plasmid constructions). Recombinants are identified by the exchange of the
enhanced cyan fluorescent protein (ECFP) marker in the target strain for the DsRed and
enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (EYFP) markers introduced by FRT/FRT3 double-recom-
bination with the donor vector. The genomic target site is subsequently stabilized by trans-
posase-mediated remobilization of the pBacL1 terminus from the target vector and a pBacR2
terminus from the donor vector (Fig. 1), which is determined by loss of the DsRed phenotype.
The genomic stabilized transgenes from this strategy include the pBacR1 terminus, the
enhanced yellow fluorescent protein marker, and any genes of interest (GOI) inserted into the
donor vector.

tein eye fluorescence marker phenotype. such as these, that allow genomic targeting
However, in addition to cassette exchange and post-integration stabilization, should sig-
products from double reciprocal FRT and nificantly improve the efficient creation and
FRT3 crossovers, integration products from safety of insects intended for field release.
single FRT crossovers were also identified,
but these could be discriminated by separable 6. Conclusions
fluorescent markers (e.g. a DsRed marker
placed outside the FRTs in the donor plasmid; The use of transgenic insect strains to improve
not shown in Fig. 2). To stabilize targeted the biological control of insect pests has enor-
insertions, a new recombinase-mediated cas- mous potential for success, but the develop-
sette exchange donor vector had a piggyBac ment and release of such transgenic strains
5’-terminus incorporated to allow post-inte- must be approached with a very high level of
gration deletion of the piggyBac 3’-terminus caution. While the actual risk of transgene
as described above. New transgene vectors remobilization may be very small, the large

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Development of an Embryonic Lethality
System in Mediterranean Fruit Fly Ceratitis


and E. A. WIMMER1

1Department of Developmental Biology, Johann-Friedrich Blumenbach

Institute of Zoology and Anthropology, Georg-August-University
Göttingen, Justus-von-Liebig-Weg-11, 37077 Göttingen, Germany
2Structural and Computational Biology Unit, EMBL Heidelberg,

Meyerhofstraße 1, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany

3USDA/ARS, Center for Medical, Agricultural, and Veterinary

Entomology, Gainesville, FL 32608, Florida, USA

ABSTRACT The Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) is one of the world´s most
destructive insect pests, costing farmers billions of dollars annually. Improved biological strategies are
needed to increase the efficacy of area-wide integrated pest management (AW-IPM) programmes.
Transgenic methodology could enhance and widen the applicability of the sterile insect technique (SIT) as
a component of AW-IPM programmes and a transgenic approach to sterilize insects with an embryonic
lethal transgene combination instead of conventional radiation was successfully tested in Drosophila
melanogaster Meigen. This system is currently being transferred to C. capitata, in order to test its feasibil-
ity in this species and compare its effectiveness to radiation sterilization. Therefore two strategies are being
followed: (1) direct transfer of the constructs used in D. melanogaster and assessment of their functional-
ity in C. capitata, and (2) isolation of genes active during early embryonic development of C. capitata for
use in an embryonic lethality system with endogenous components. If proven functional and effective in
C. capitata, such a system might be transferable to other insect pests.

KEY WORDS Ceratitis capitata, cellularization, cDNA-subtraction, conditional embryonic lethality,

sterile insect technique (SIT), insect transgenesis

1. Introduction integrated pest management (AW-IPM) pro-

grammes to suppress or eliminate populations
The Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata of economically important pest species by the
(Wiedemann) is one of the worlds’ most mass-release of radiation-sterilized insects
important pests of fruits and vegetables, (Knipling 1955). However, the use of radia-
attacking more than 260 different fruits, veg- tion for sterilizing insects does have some
etables and nuts. The direct damage caused by adverse effects on their competitiveness
feeding larvae and the quarantine status of this which in turn reduces the efficiency of the
insect have major impacts on many agricultur- technique (Cayol et al. 1999, Calkins and
al economies. Biological approaches to insect Parker 2005).
pest management offer alternatives to insecti- Recently a transgene-based embryonic
cidal control. The sterile insect technique sterility system was successfully established
(SIT) is a powerful component of area-wide in Drosophila melanogaster Meigen (Horn
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 85–93.
© 2007 IAEA.

and Wimmer 2003) and this system may pro- diet the transgene activity can be suppressed.
vide an alternative to the use of radiation in In D. melanogaster, hidAla5 specifically caus-
AW-IPM programmes integrating the SIT. es embryonic lethality when driven by tTA
The aim of the studies reported here was to under the control of the enhancer-promoter
establish and evaluate such a system in C. from a cellularization gene, and can be sup-
capitata. pressed by tetracycline provided maternally to
the egg (Horn and Wimmer 2003). Due to the
2. Transgene-Based Sterility inhibition of the tTA-DNA binding by tetracy-
System in Drosophila cline, the tTA protein functions as a switch to
melanogaster discriminate restrictive from permissive con-
ditions. Under restrictive conditions (without
A novel transgenic approach was developed to tetracycline) 99.9% of D. melanogaster
induce sterility without interfering with game- embryos that inherited one copy of the trans-
togenesis or with other larval and adult stages gene combination were killed. Under permis-
of the insect life cycle. Sterility is based on the sive conditions (with tetracycline), lethality
transmission of a transgene combination that was suppressed which allowed the continuous
causes dominant embryo-specific lethality in generation of large numbers of transgenic
subsequent progeny. This dominant lethality insects (Fig. 1). Strains homozygous for the
is suppressible by additives in the larval diet, transgene combination can be propagated on
thereby enabling rearing of such strains. This tetracycline-containing food. Males from
should allow the generation of competitive these D. melanogaster strains are competitive
sterile insects that can transfer competitive in laboratory mating assays and transmit the
sperm (Horn and Wimmer 2003), carrying the transgene combination, which causes domi-
transgene, to wild females. The embryos pro- nant embryonic lethality in offspring. Thus the
duced by the females will carry the dominant transgene-based suppressible embryo-specific
transgene and, in the absence of the additives, lethality system may enable competitive ster-
the embryos will die. For the effector gene ile insects to be produced without irradiation
causing organismal lethality, a hyperactive and is therefore of interest for improving con-
allele of the pro-apoptotic gene head involu- ventional SIT and widening its applicability.
tion defective (hid) was chosen, which induces
cell death when expressed ectopically 3. Transfer of the Transgene
(Grether et al. 1995). To avoid down regula- Embryonic Lethality System to
tion of HID by developmental signalling path- Ceratitis capitata
ways, the phosphoacceptor-site mutant allele
hidAla5 (Bergmann et al. 1998) was used. To 3.1. Direct Transfer of the Drosophila-
limit the effect of the transgenes to the embry- Used Transgenes to Ceratitis capitata
onic stage, enhancer-promoters of genes that
are expressed at high levels but are specific to For fast and easy transfer of the embryo-spe-
the cellularization stage were used. In D. cific lethality system from the model organ-
melanogaster the genes serendipity α (sry α) ism to the pest species, direct use of the D.
and nullo encode structural components of the melanogaster transformation constructs in C.
microfilament network that are specifically capitata was pursued (Horn and Wimmer
required for blastoderm cellularization 2003). This involved taking the driver con-
(Ibnsouda et al. 1993, Postner and Wieschaus struct pBac{3xP3-EYFP;>>s1-tTA>>} (Horn
1994). To establish conditional embryonic and Wimmer 2003) and digesting it with
lethality, a suppressible binary expression sys- BglII. The fragment, which contains the tTA
tem based on the tetracycline controlled trans- gene under control of the -276:+45 sry α pro-
activator tTA (Gossen and Bujard 1992) was moter region, was inserted into the BglII site
employed. By adding tetracycline to the larval of the transformation vector pB[PUb-

Figure 1. Binary expression system for conditional embryonic lethality. Enhancer-promoters

of the cellularization genes (cellu.-E/P) sry α or nullo were selected, which mediate gene
expression exclusively during early embryogenesis. The tetracycline controlled transactivator
(tTA) is based on a bacterial-viral fusion protein and mediates gene expression by binding to
a tTA-response element (TRE). The main advantage of this system is that targeted gene expres-
sion can be controlled by the food supplement tetracycline. (a) Under natural field conditions
there is no tetracycline and the tTA proteins bind to the TRE leading to the expression of
hidAla5, which causes lethality. Induction of lethality is limited to the early cellularization stage
of embryogenesis because the genes sry α and nullo, are exclusively expressed at the cellular-
ization stage. (b) Under laboratory rearing conditions the larval diet contains tetracycline,
which binds to tTA. Tetracycline-bound tTA cannot bind to the TRE thereby suppressing hidAla5
expression and allowing all progeny to survive.

DsRed1] (Handler and Harrell 2001). For 3.2. Embryonic Cellularization Genes
germ-line transformation this construct was from Ceratitis capitata
injected together with a helper plasmid into
the posterior of early C. capitata embryos, 3.2.1. Searching for sry α and nullo by
resulting in four transgenic lines. These are Degenerate Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
currently being analysed for transgene-medi- According to fossil records, the phylogenetic
ated tTA expression. distance between Drosophila spp. and
The results will determine: (1) whether the Ceratitis spp. can be estimated to be around
complex interaction between enhancers and 100 million years (Naumann 1994). Since the
promoters of stage-specifically expressed cellularization genes sry α and nullo are fast
genes (Blackwood and Kadonaga 1998) is the evolving even within the Drosophilidae
same or different between D. melanogaster (Ibnsouda et al. 1993, Hunter et al. 2002), it
and C. capitata, and (2) whether a D. might be challenging for the D. melanogaster
melanogaster promoter can act as an adequate constructs to function in a more distantly
alternative to an endogenous C. capitata pro- related species such as C. capitata. Therefore,
moter to enable high expression rates to be we started to isolate cellularization genes sry
obtained. α and nullo in C. capitata.

To obtain specific DNA sequences of C. expressed genes were isolated in an independ-

capitata homologues of the genes nullo and ent experiment. For this purpose, we first
sry α, mRNA from 0-48 hour embryo collec- determined the time window of cellularization
tions was isolated and translated into double- in C. capitata and this knowledge was used to
stranded cDNA for later PCRs. Degenerate select differentially expressed genes by cDNA
primers were designed on the basis of amino subtractions (3.2.3.).
acid sequence comparisons between known To determine the time window of cellular-
drosophilid nullo and sry α proteins (Ibnsouda ization, embryos were fixed at one hour inter-
et al. 1998, Hunter et al. 2002) under the fol- vals after oviposition followed by immunoflu-
lowing conditions: primer length between 18- orescence staining of cell membranes and
29 base pairs and a maximum of 64 permuta- nuclei. For comparison, the same staining was
tions. Using the cDNA collection and the done on D. melanogaster whose embryonic
degenerate primers, gradient PCRs were car- development lasts 22 hours at 25°C and
ried out (annealing temperature: gradient from whose cellularization takes place between 2
39°C to 50°C) with all suitable primer combi- hours 10 minutes and 2 hours 40 minutes after
nations. If possible, nested PCRs were per- oviposition. In contrast to D. melanogaster,
formed after the primary gradient PCRs for a embryonic development in C. capitata takes
more selective amplification and a reduction 48 hours and cellularization takes place later
of background. As a control, gradient PCRs and for a longer period from nine to 12 hours
were carried out with only one of the degener- after oviposition (Fig. 2). In C. capitata, the
ate primers to check whether these already typical elongation of the nuclei could not be
lead to non-specific amplifications. The DNA observed during the slow phase of cellulariza-
fragments of possibly interesting bands were tion as described for D. melanogaster (Lecuit
cut out of an agarose gel, purified (QiaEX II and Wieschaus 2000).
Gel Extraction Kit, Qiagen, Hilden), ligated
into the vector pCRII (TA Cloning Kit Dual 3.2.3. Enrichment of Cellularization-Specific
Promoter (pCRII), Invitrogen) and trans- Gene Transcripts by cDNA-Subtraction
formed. The DNA clones were sequenced and In D. melanogaster cellularization genes are
analysed by “basic local alignment search highly and exclusively expressed during the
tool” (BLAST) algorithms (Altschul et al. superficial cleavage of insect embryos
1997) as well as in situ hybridizations to (Postner and Wieschaus 1994, Lecuit and
whole mount C. capitata embryos. Wieschaus 2002). Thus isolating one or more
Unfortunately none of the BLAST hits of these genes and particularly their promoters
matched the nullo or sry α genes from in C. capitata would allow a C. capitata-spe-
drosophilids. Also none of the in situ cific embryonic lethality system to be generat-
hybridizations with probes from sequences ed. With knowledge of the cellularization time
with no BLAST hits gave expression patterns window (3.2.2.) a stage-specific screening
comparable to D. melanogaster nullo or sry α.was performed. Since strongly expressed
Thus the cellularization-specific genes couldgenes, which exist during all stages of
not be obtained by this degenerate PCR embryogenesis, would prevent a successful
approach based on sequence similarities to and effective cDNA screen for cellularization-
drosophilid genes. One reason for this might specific genes, a cDNA subtraction approach
be the fast evolution of developmental genes was used (Diatchenko et al. 1996) for the
in drosophilids (Schmid and Tautz 1997). selective isolation of genes, which are specif-
ically expressed during C. capitata cellular-
3.2.2. Cellularization in Ceratitis capitata ization.
Because nullo and sry α homologues from C. Using the cDNA transcripts isolated from
capitata could not be isolated by PCR with the cellularization stage those cDNA tran-
degenerate primers, blastoderm-specifically scripts, which are also present in other embry-

Figure 2. Superficial cleavage during insect development. Comparison of the cellularization

of (left side) Ceratitis capitata and (right side) Drosophila melanogaster embryos. The immuno-
fluorescence staining with primary armadillo antibody and secondary Alexa488-marked anti-
body shows the invagination of the cell membrane (bright white stripes between the large gray
nuclei). Nuclei are stained with propidiumiodide (large gray balls). In C. capitata, cellulariza-
tion takes places between nine hours (upper, left panel) and 12 hours (lower, left panel) after
oviposition. In D. melanogaster, cellularization takes places between two hours and ten min-
utes (upper, right panel) and two hours and 40 minutes (lower, right panel) after oviposition.
Panels between represent intermediate stages of cellularization in chronological (vertical)

onic developmental stages, were subtracted. stranded cDNA collection from a double-
Two subtractions were carried out: (1) a [0-6 stranded cDNA collection of a widened “cel-
hours + 15-21 hours] double-stranded cDNA lularization” time window (7.30-12.30 hours).
collection from a double-stranded cDNA col- The second subtraction was performed
lection of cellularization stages (9-12 hours), because only 4% of the isolated genes in the
and (2) a [0-6 hours + 15-48 hours] double- first subtraction were identified as cellulariza-

Figure 3. Cellularization-specific gene expression patterns 1. Ceratitis capitata gene sequences

sub1_68 and sub1_478. (a) and (f) preblastodermal embryo without expression, (b) and (g)
strong expression at the onset of cellularization, (c) and (h) very weak expression at the end of
the cellularization, (d) and (i) no expression during gastrulation, (e) and (j) no expression dur-
ing after germ band retraction. Sub2_99 (k) preblastodermal embryo without expression, (l)
strong expression at the onset of cellularization, (m) strong expression restricted to the centre
of the embryo and lacking at the anterior and posterior pole during the slow phase of cellular-
ization, (n) weak expression reduced to three stripes in the centre of the embryo at the fast
phase of cellularization, and (o) no expression during and after germ band elongation.

tion specific by in situ hybridizations and Transformants were pre-selected by restric-

BLAST searches. In addition many house- tion enzyme digest patterns and their plasmids
keeping genes had been amplified. The sec- then isolated and sequenced. The DNA clones
ond subtraction conditions were improved by obtained were analysed by in situ hybridiza-
using a widened cellularization time window tions to whole mount C. capitata embryos.
to make sure that cellularization sequences, From 720 transformants (subtraction 1
produced at earlier time points and also (sub1): 550; subtraction 2 (sub2): 170), puta-
responsible for cellularization, could be iden- tive identical clones were identified by
tified. Furthermore, the subtracted cDNA pool enzyme restrictions and 106 probably differ-
was expanded to 48 hours to improve the ent clones sequenced (sub1: 45; sub2: 61). Six
exclusion of non-differentially expressed of the 106 clones were expressed exclusively
genes. This increased the efficiency to ~12%. during cellularization of C. capitata (sub1:
PCR products from these subtractions were two; sub2: four; Figs. 3 and 4). Additional
agarose gel purified, ligated and transformed three clones were highly expressed during cel-
into the vector pCRII (for details see 3.2.1). lularization, but their expression was not

Figure 4. Cellularization-specific gene expression patterns 2. Ceratitis capitata gene sequences

sub2_24. (a) preblastodermal embryo without expression, (b) strong expression at the onset of
cellularization, (c) very strong expression during the slow phase of cellularization, (d) reduced
expression during the fast phase of cellularization, (e) no expression during germ band retrac-
tion. sub2_63 (f) preblastodermal embryo without expression, (g) strong expression at the
onset of cellularization, (h) strong expression exclusive of the posterior and anterior pole in
the slow phase of cellularization, (i) weak expression ending up in stripes exclusive of the pos-
terior and anterior pole in the fast phase of cellularization, (j) no expression after germ band
retraction. sub2_65 (k) preblastodermal embryo without expression, (l) strong expression at
the onset of cellularization in the whole embryo, (m) very strong expression exclusive of the
anterior and posterior pole during the slow phase of cellularization, (n) weak expression
reduced to broad stripes at the fast phase of cellularization, and (o) no expression after germ
band retraction.

restricted to this stage (data not shown). well as to what extent and in which stages it
leads to expression.
4. Conclusions To search for cellularization-specific genes
in C. capitata by cDNA subtraction, the cellu-
A transgene-based embryonic lethality system larization time window of C. capitata
established in D. melanogaster is being evalu- embryogenesis was first determined. Six cel-
ated following injection of the driver con- lularization-specifically expressed candidate
struct of the binary expression system into C. genes were isolated by the cDNA subtraction
capitata embryos. It will be interesting to screen. Current work involves searching for
determine whether the sry α promoter from D. the promoter/enhancer regions of these genes
melanogaster is also active in C. capitata as by inverse PCR of genomic DNA for use in a

C. capitata specific transgene-based embry- Calkins, C. O., and A. G. Parker. 2005. Sterile
onic lethality system. insect quality, pp. 269-296. In Dyck, V. A., J.
Once the promoters/enhancers are avail- Hendrichs, and A. S. Robinson (eds.), Sterile
able, a transgenic sterility system for C. capi- insect technique. Principles and practice in
tata will be constructed and its fitness and area-wide integrated pest management.
competitiveness compared to flies sterilized Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
by radiation. Cayol, J. P., J. Vilardi, E. Rial, and M. T.
Vera. 1999. New indices and method to
5. Methods measure the sexual compatibility and mating
performance of Ceratitis capitata (Diptera:
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(BD Biosciences, Heidelberg) was used. The Lukyanov, K. Lukyanov, N. Gurskaya, E.
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Mannheim) and hybridizations were per- method for generating differentially regulat-
formed as described in Davis et al. (2001). ed or tissue-specific cDNA probes and
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New Sexing Strains for Mediterranean Fruit
Fly Ceratitis capitata: Transforming Females
into Males


and L. C. POLITO1,2

1Dipartimento delle Scienze Biologiche, Sezione Genetica e Biologia

Molecolare, Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II" Via
Mezzocannone 8, 80134 Napoli, Italy
2Istituto CNR Adriano Buzzati-Traverso, Via P. Castellino 111, 80131

Napoli, Italy
ABSTRACT Sex determination mechanisms, differing in their modality, are widely represented in all
the various animal taxa, even at the intraspecific level. Within the highly diversified class Insecta,
Drosophila has been used to unravel the molecular and genetic mechanistic interactions that are involved
in sex determination. Indeed, the molecularly characterized genes of the Drosophila sex determination
hierarchy X:A > Sxl > tra > dsx have been fruitful starting points in the cloning of homologous genes from
other insect species. This genetic cascade seems to control sex determination in all Drosophila species. Sex
determination in the tephritid Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), which diverged from
Drosophila 90-100 million years ago, contrasts to that found in Drosophila. A different primary signal, a
Y-linked male-determining factor (M), still to be molecularly identified, dictates maleness whereas in
Drosophila, the primary signal is the X:A (X chromosome:autosome) balance. However, the Drosophila
sex-determining pathway, apart from the X:A > Sxl initial regulatory segment, is functionally conserved in
C. capitata. The tra gene (Cctra) of C. capitata, as in Drosophila, is the master gene for femaleness
through its regulation of the dsx gene and it is dispensable for maleness. In contrast to Drosophila howev-
er, where tra is a subordinate target of Sxl, Cctra seems to initiate an autoregulatory mechanism in XX
embryos that provides continuous tra female-specific function and acts as a cellular memory maintaining
the female pathway. Indeed, a transient interference with Cctra expression in XX embryos by RNA inter-
ference (RNAi) treatment can cause complete sexual transformation of both germ-line and soma in adult
flies, resulting in fertile XX pseudomales. The development of new transgenic sexing strains of C. capita-
ta able to produce male-only progeny following heat-shock treatments is now feasible and a concrete pos-
sibility. Evolutionary considerations strongly suggest that this biotechnological strategy to produce male-
only progeny could be developed for many other Tephritidae and other dipteran species where the sterile
insect technique (SIT) is employed within the framework of area-wide integrated pest management pro-

KEY WORDS Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata, Tephritidae, SIT, sexing, sex determination,
RNA interference, transgenic, biotechnology, biological control

1. Introduction based on a male-determining factor linked to

the heteromorphic Y chromosome or one of
Sex determination systems show variability the homomorphic chromosomes (e.g.,
among animal species, including those that Calliphoridae, Culicidae, Chironomidae,
are closely related (Marin and Baker 1998, Muscidae, Tephritidae). Drosophila melano-
Saccone et al. 2002). The most common, and gaster (Meigen) uses a complex genetic
presumably the most primitive system, is mechanism of X chromosome and autosome
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 95–102.
© 2007 IAEA.

counting, called the X:A ratio, an otherwise pathway throughout development (Bell et al.
quite rare sex-determining system (Cline and 1991). In males, however, where Sxl is not
Meyer 1996). Sex determination in the activated, the gene will remain functionally
Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata off. Sxl produces sex-specific mRNAs by
(Wiedemann) contrasts to that found in D. alternative splicing: the female-specific
melanogaster (Fig. 1a). The two species mRNAs encode full-length functional Sxl pro-
belong to the Acalyptratae group and are 90- tein, while the male-specific ones have an
100 million years phylogenetically distant additional stop-containing exon and encode a
(Beverley and Wilson 1984). The identifica- truncated non-functional Sxl peptide. The
tion of XXX viable and fertile females and on/off state of Sxl activity is set early during
XXY fertile males in a wild Mediterranean embryogenesis by a complex combination of
fruit fly population led to the discovery that transcriptional and post-transcriptional gene
the Y chromosome determines the male sex regulation (Bell et al. 1991, Keyes et al.
(Lifschitz and Cladera 1989). The analysis of 1992). The initial activation of Sxl in XX
aneuploid offspring generated by Y:autosome embryos relies on the use of an alternative XX
translocations predicted the existence of a embryo-specific promoter (Pe) that responds
male-determining factor (M) in the long arm to the genes signaling the X:A ratio (Parkhurst
of chromosome Y (Robinson et al. 1999). et al. 1990). Sxl pre-mRNAs produced from
Using a series of Y chromosome deletions, Pe are spliced in a female-specific mode by
Willhoeft and Franz (1996) mapped the M the spliceosome, independently of additional
factor more precisely to a region located in the trans-acting factors, such as the Sxl protein
first third of the long arm close to the cen- itself (Horabin and Schedl 1996, Zhu et al.
tromere and representing about 15% of the 1997). The RNA-binding Sxl proteins translat-
whole Y chromosome. Furthermore, this ed from these early mRNAs then initiate the
study demonstrated that the remaining 85% of autoregulatory loop by directing the female-
the Y chromosome contained no material specific processing of the pre-mRNAs pro-
required either for sex determination or for the duced from the late constitutive Sxl promoter.
development of the testes. The late pre-mRNAs, in contrast to the early
The genetic cascade regulating sexual Sxl pre-mRNAs, can be spliced in the female-
development in D. melanogaster is well specific mode only in the presence of Sxl pro-
understood at the molecular level (Cline 1993, tein. To execute the correct developmental
Cline and Meyer 1996). The primary signal is programme, Sxl transmits the determined state
polygenic and is determined by the ratio of X to transformer (tra) (Boggs et al. 1997), the
chromosomes to sets of autosomes (X:A next gene in the cascade. At this level, Sxl reg-
ratio). When this ratio is 1.0 (XX:AA) in ulates the choice between two alternative 3’
females, the Sex-lethal gene (Sxl) is activated, splice sites in the pre-mRNA of tra (Inoue et
while with a ratio of 0.5 (X:AA) in males, Sxl al. 1990, Valcárcel et al. 1993). In the absence
remains inactive. Sxl now acts as the key of the Sxl protein, the more proximal site is
on/off switch that controls all aspects of used resulting in a tra mRNA that encodes a
somatic sexual dimorphism via a short cas- truncated and probably inactive protein. When
cade of subordinate regulatory genes the Sxl protein is present, it will bind to the tra
(Nagoshi et al. 1988). When the gene is pre-mRNA enforcing the use of the distal 3’
active, it dictates female development; when it splice site and hence the production of an
is inactive, male development follows. Once mRNA with a full-length open reading frame
the gene is activated in females, its products (Sosnowski et al. 1989). The state of activity
initiate a positive autoregulatory mechanism of tra is then transmitted to doublesex (dsx)
that guarantees the continuous production of (Burtis and Baker 1989), the last component
Sxl protein, thus forming a cell memory of the of the sex determination genetic pathway. In
sex and maintaining the cells on the female females, the tra protein, together with the con-

Figure 1. Diagram showing (a) the model of sex determination in Ceratitis capitata (Pane et
al. 2002), (b) adult male and female Mediterranean fruit flies, (c) distribution of SXL protein
in Ceratitis syncytial blastoderm embryos (Saccone et al. 1998). XX and XY embryos exhibit
strong nuclear staining in all cells, (d) sexual dimorphism of the bristles present on the forlegs
respectively of females (upper) and males (lower), (e) sexual dimorphism of the external repro-
ductive apparatus in males (left) and females (right), and (f) molecular pathway for sex deter-
mination in Ceratitis capitata.

stitutively expressed tra-2 protein, binds to prising results have been obtained when the
dsx pre-mRNA directing its female-specific very weakly conserved CctraF protein (12%
splicing, such that a mature mRNA encoding amino acid identity when compared to
dsxF protein is generated (Hoshijima et al. DmtraF protein), expressed in D.
1991, Tian and Maniatis 1993). In males, the melanogaster transgenic flies was able to res-
absence of the tra protein causes male-specif- cue a tra null mutation (Pane et al. 2005). Also
ic splicing and the production of dsxM protein. CcdsxM protein (50% amino acid identity
The dsxF and dsxM proteins are transcription when compared to DmdsxM protein), when
factors that regulate the activity of sex-specif- expressed in D. melanogaster transgenic flies
ic differentiation genes (Burtis and Baker caused partial masculinization of both soma
1989). and germ line (Salvemini 2004).
A parallel comparative molecular study
has been undertaken to identify potential sex 2. Autoregulation of the
determination genes in C. capitata by using Female-Determining
Drosophila genes as probes for cDNA and transformer Gene
genomic libraries and Sxl, tra and dsx homol-
ogous genes have been isolated (Furia et al. In contrast to the Drosophila homologue, the
1993, Saccone et al. 1996, 1998, Pane et al. Cctra gene is able to autoregulate in females,
2002). In contrast to D. melanogaster, the Sxl promoting its own female-specific splicing
homologue in C. capitata, CcSxl, expresses (Pane et al. 2002). The female-specific tran-
the same mRNAs and protein isoforms in both scripts, but not the male ones, encode func-
XX and XY insects irrespective of the primary tional CctraF protein that presumably
sex-determining signal (Saccone 1997, migrates in the cell nucleus to bind the Cctra
Saccone et al. 1998) (Fig. 1c). In addition, pre-mRNA and promote the exclusion of
experiments with two inducible transgenes male-specific exons (Fig. 1F). Considering
demonstrated that the corresponding Sxl iso- that the male-specific exons contain stop
forms, although highly conserved (80% amino codons, the male-specific Cctra transcripts
acid identity), have surprisingly no significant show premature termination of the translation
sex-transforming effects when expressed in D. when used by the ribosomes and hence no
melanogaster (Saccone et al. 1998). These Cctra functional protein is produced in XY
findings suggest that Sxl acquired its master embryos during all stages of development.
regulatory role in D. melanogaster during Pane et al. (2002) have proposed a C. capita-
evolution of the Acalyptratae group, most ta sex-determination model in which XX and
probably after phylogenetic divergence of the XY embryos have a maternal CctraF protein
genus Drosophila from other genera of this or a maternal Cctra mRNA that promotes by
group (Saccone et al. 1998). In contrast, C. default a female-specific splicing of the Cctra
capitata tra (Cctra) and dsx (Ccdsx) genes zygotic pre-mRNA, once the gene is tran-
produce sex-specific transcripts by alternative scriptionally active (Fig. 1A). However, the
splicing as in D. melanogaster and these data presence of the Y chromosome and hence of
suggested their functional conservation as key the M factor, blocks this initial regulatory
sex-determining regulators (Saccone et al. event only in XY embryos. In XX embryos,
1996, Pane et al. 2002). RNA interference early production of zygotic female-specific
(RNAi) against Cctra confirmed its key role Cctra transcripts leads to the translation of
in controlling female sex determination in this newly formed CctraF protein that migrates to
species, as in Drosophila, and interestingly the nuclei and promotes again female-specific
led to the production of male-only progeny Cctra splicing, setting a positive feedback
composed of abnormal XX (karyotypic loop. In XY embryos the M factor, directly or
females, phenotypic males) and normal XY undirectly, “impairs” the maternal CctraF pro-
flies (Pane et al. 2002). Recently, other sur- tein feminizing activity, leading to male-spe-

cific splicing of Cctra pre-mRNA. As no likelihood that Cctra sustains the productive
functional zygotic CctraF protein is produced mode of its splicing by an autoregulatory
in XY embryos, the splicing pattern of Cctra feedback loop and mediates female differenti-
is irreversibly established in a male-specific ation, at least in part, by the control of its tar-
mode, shutting down the gene for the remain- get gene, dsx. The initiation of the autoregula-
der of fly development. The presence/absence tory loop in XX embryos could be based on
of the CctraF protein respectively in XX and maternal Cctra mRNAs (or proteins) that
XY flies causes the production either of have been detected in unfertilized eggs by RT-
CcdsxF protein or CcdsxM protein, by modify- PCR experiments (Pane et al. 2002). These
ing the sex-specific splicing of the down- mRNAs are spliced in the female mode and
stream Ccdsx gene (Pane et al. 2002) (Fig. 1f). hence could provide a source of tra protein
These two isoforms seem to act as alternative activity that allows female-specific splicing of
transcriptional factors promoting either zygotic Cctra pre-mRNA.
female or male sexual differentiation of C. Hence the Ceratitis capitata transformer
capitata, as in D. melanogaster (Fig. 1b, d, e). gene has two key regulatory functions: one
A transient interference with Cctra expres- that is homologous to the Drosophila trans-
sion during embryogenesis by RNAi can former function, promoting female-specific
cause complete sexual transformation of both splicing of the Ceratitis doublesex pre-mRNA
germ-line and soma in adult flies, resulting in (female-determining function) and a novel
a fertile male XX phenotype (Pane et al. second function necessary to promote and
2002). The male pathway seems to result maintain the female-specific splicing of its
when Cctra autoregulation is prevented and own pre-mRNA (sex determination memory
instead splice variants with truncated open function). In this respect the Ceratitis tra gene
reading frames are produced. Under normal autoregulatory function is analogous to the
conditions, this repression is achieved by the one exterted by the Sxl gene in Drosophila to
M factor. It is proposed that the RNAi against maintain female sex determination during all
Cctra artificially imitates the repression development (Pane et al. 2002). For these rea-
caused normally by the M factor only in XY sons we prefer to refer to the Cctra gene as the
embryos (Fig. 1a). Thus, as in Drosophila, Ceratitis auto-tra gene, because this is the
Cctra acts as a genetic switch between female first autoregulating version of the Drosophila
(when functionally on) and male (when func- transformer gene. Novel transformer homolo-
tionally off) development. As described gous genes will be isolated in future in other
above, the male-specific short peptides encod- insect species: those tra genes, lacking the
ed by the alternatively spliced male-specific ability to autoregulate but involved in female
transcripts seem to be non-functional, at least sex determination should be considered
during the early embryonic stages, because homologues of the Drosophila tra gene, while
the RNAi has no evident effects on the devel- the other tra genes able also to autoregulate
opment of XY males. should be considered homologues of the
It can be inferred from these results that Ceratitis auto-tra gene, and possibly named
early application of RNAi transiently elimi- referring to the Ceratitis gene.
nates Cctra mRNAs and therefore prevents
continued production of the tra protein. Once 3. Manipulation of the
tra pre-mRNA production is resumed at a transformer Gene to Produce
later stage in development, the unproductive Sexing Strains
male mode of tra splicing is launched because
of the absence of functional tra protein. The discovery that injected double-stranded
Likewise, absence of the tra protein causes its (ds) RNA can induce post-transcriptional gene
direct target dsx to be spliced in the male silencing in many distantly related species,
mode. These results are compatible with the including the free-living nematode

Caenorhabditis elegans (Maupas) and D. addressed in future to develop an efficient

melanogaster, has given geneticists a powerful sexing system based on in vivo RNAi using
tool to investigate the function of unknown transgenesis are: (1) the sensitivity of the
genes and to manipulate the expression of transgene to the position of integration, (2) the
known genes without the need for mutants. leakiness of the Drosophila hsp70 promoter in
However, although dsRNA injected into pre- transcribing dsRNAs in the absence of heat-
blastoderm D. melanogaster embryos is a shock, (3) the extent to which the fertility of
strong inhibitor of the corresponding gene’s the transgenic lines is possibly affected by
function during early development, it does not basal levels of Cctra dsRNA molecules (in the
produce a very robust effect at later stages absence of heat-shock), (4) the extent and
(Kennerdell and Carthew 1998, Misquitta and penetration of masculinization induced by the
Paterson 1999). To overcome this limitation, transgene in XX individuals, (5) the relative
efforts were made to develop a system in which competitiveness of XX transgenic males in
the dsRNA is produced in vivo, by targeted matings with wild-type females, compared
transcription of an inverted repeat transgene with wild-type males, (6) the optimal heat
(Fortier and Belote 2000, Giordano et al. 2002). shock conditions required to induce masculin-
For example, an expressed inverted repeat of a ization, and (7) the environmental impact and
portion of the Drosophila sex differentiation the possible risks related to the mass-release
gene, tra-2, driven by a GAL4-dependent pro- of sterile transgenic males. Future work will
moter, genetically represses the endogenous focus on these questions and provide the basic
wild-type tra-2 function, producing a dominant knowledge needed to transfer this technology
loss-of-function mutant phenotype and leading from the laboratory to the field.
to a masculinization of D. melanogaster XX
female flies (Fortier and Belote 2000). 5. Acknowledgements
A transgene was constructed that was able to
transcribe, under the heat-shock promoter, an This work was supported in part by grants
inverted repeat corresponding to the Cctra from the Ministero dell’Istruzione,
sequence. This construct was inserted into a dell’Università e della Ricerca (Progetti di
transposon vector and transgenic lines Ricerca di Interesse Nazionale, PRIN 2004
obtained. Masculinization of XX individuals and Fondo per gli Investimenti della Ricerca
following a pulse heat-shock treatment of the di Base FIRB 2001) to C.P.
embryos was expected. Indeed a transient
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Developing Transgenic Sexing Strains for the
Release of Non-Transgenic Sterile Male
Codling Moths Cydia pomonella


1Biology Centre, ASCR, Institute of Entomology and Faculty of

Biological Sciences, University of South Bohemia, CZ-370 05 Ceske
Budejovice, Czech Republic
2USDA/ARS, Yakima Agricultural Research Laboratory, Wapato, WA

98951, USA

ABSTRACT Sterile insect releases for management of lepidopteran pest populations are based on
bisexual releases. Male-only releases of codling moth Cydia pomonella (L.) have never been tested in the
field, due to the lack of efficient ways to separate males from females or produce only males. Recently, a
new approach for the development of genetic sexing strains in Lepidoptera has been proposed. It is based
on the construction of transgenic females carrying a dominant conditional lethal mutation (DCLM) in the
female-determining W chromosome. Such a transgenic sexing strain would be propagated under permis-
sive conditions. Under restrictive conditions, the W-linked DCLM would kill all females while allowing
mass-rearing and release of radiation-sterilized, but non-transgenic males. This paper describes the princi-
ple of the proposed transgenic approach and discusses its benefits, environmental safety, and other poten-
tial concerns. The aim is to develop transgenic sexing strains in the codling moth. Appropriate molecular
tools for codling moth transgenesis are already available and germ-line transformation in this species has
been successfully accomplished. Significant progress has also been made in codling moth cytogenetics. In
particular, data on the codling moth sex chromosomes and their identification, obtained using advanced
molecular cytogenetic methods, will facilitate the development of genetic sexing strains in this pest.

KEY WORDS codling moth, transgenesis, W chromosome, genetic sexing, cytology, dominant con-
ditional lethal mutation

1. Introduction 2001, Nguyen Thi and Nguyen Thanh 2001,

Seth and Sharma 2001, Carpenter et al. 2005).
In Lepidoptera, area-wide programmes inte- The success of these programmes and the
grating the sterile insect technique (SIT) have potential use of inherited sterility have
been successfully implemented against two encouraged research activities aimed at
species: containment of the pink bollworm improving its efficiency and applicability
Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) in the worldwide.
USA (Staten et al. 1993), and suppression of Current programmes using SIT and/or
the codling moth Cydia pomonella (L.) in inherited sterility for the population control of
Canada (Dyck et al. 1993, Bloem and Bloem lepidopteran pests rely on bisexual releases,
2000, S. Bloem et al., this volume). The use of but there are reasons to believe that the release
inherited sterility against various lepidopteran of sterile males only would bring significant
pests is also a very promising approach improvement to these technologies (Marec et
(Carpenter and Gross 1993, Makee and Saour al. 2005). On the other hand, recent results
1997, Bloem et al. 2001, Carpenter et al. involving field-cage experiments with the
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 103–111.
© 2007 IAEA.

Figure 1. Theoretical scheme to generate a genetic sexing strain based on the use of transgenic
females that have an insert in their W chromosome containing the enhanced green fluorescent
protein marker gene (EGFP) and a conditional dominant lethal mutation of the Drosophila
Notch gene (N60g11). If kept under restrictive conditions (low temperature), the strain produces
only males that can be irradiated and released (G0 and G1: generations, Z and W: sex chromo-
somes, EL: embryonic lethality (Modified after Marec et al. (2005)).

cactus moth Cactoblastis cactorum (Berg), Robinson 2002), cannot be developed in any
suggest that sterile females have a positive lepidopteran pest because their sex chromo-
impact on population suppression (Hight et al. some system is different to that in fruit flies.
2005). However, caution is required with the In moths and butterflies, the chromosome
interpretation of these data as field-cage tests mechanism of sex determination is of the
cannot reflect all factors involved in field pro- WZ/ZZ type. Females are the heterogametic
grammes. This has been well demonstrated in sex with a pair of WZ sex chromosomes,
programmes using the SIT against the while homogametic males have a ZZ pair
Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Traut 1999). This means that sexing strains
(Wiedemann). Although field-cage tests were constructed on a similar principle as in the
inconclusive, the use of genetic sexing strains, Mediterranean fruit fly would eliminate male
enabling mass-production and release of but not the female progeny.
males only, has resulted in enormous econom- Recently, a new approach for the develop-
ic benefits by decreasing release costs and ment of genetic sexing strains in Lepidoptera
increasing the efficiency of the sterile males in has been proposed (Marec et al. 2005), based
comparison with bisexual releases (Robinson on the construction of transgenic females car-
2002, Rendon et al. 2004). Obviously, large- rying a dominant conditional lethal gene in
scale field tests are needed to compare the the female-determining W chromosome. The
efficiency of male-only with bisexual releases main advantage of this approach is that the
for the control of lepidopteran pests. males are not transgenic and, therefore, could
A convenient genetic sexing system to pro- be released as in a normal area-wide integrat-
duce male-only progeny in key lepidopteran ed pest management (AW-IPM) programme
pests is not yet available. Sophisticated genet- using the SIT.
ic sexing strains such as those constructed in Based on this principle, it is intended to
the Mediterranean fruit fly (reviewed by develop transgenic sexing strains in the

codling moth C. pomonella. A detailed analy- because they are hemizygous for one of the
sis of the codling moth karyotype with a par- lethal mutations (Marec 1991, Marec et al.
ticular focus on the identification and charac- 1999).
terization of sex chromosomes is available This scheme has several drawbacks.
(Fukova et al. 2004, 2005), and successful and Firstly, the development of balanced lethal
stable germ-line transformation has also been strains is laborious and difficult due to lack of
achieved (Ferguson et al. 2004). The principle the sex-linked markers needed to detect and
of the transgenic approach and the molecular effectively rear insects with lethal mutations
tools available for codling moth transgenesis and the T(W;Z) translocations required for the
are described below and data on codling moth construction of balanced lethal strains (Marec
cytogenetics are summarized. Also included is 1991). Secondly, the maintenance of two dif-
a discussion as how the sex chromosomes ferent colonies, a wild-type strain and a bal-
could be used to develop transgenic sexing anced lethal strain (Fig. 3 in Marec et al.
strains. 1999), and routine checking of the balanced
lethal strain to prevent colony breakdown due
2. Mendelian Approaches to to genetic recombination or contamination,
Genetic Sexing in Lepidoptera represent serious obstacles for a mass-rearing
facility. Finally, an additional sex separation is
In the silkworm Bombyx mori (L.), several indispensable before crossing balanced lethal
mutant strains have been constructed, in males with wild-type females to produce
which wild-type alleles of autosomal marker male-only progeny for irradiation and release.
genes coding for visible traits such as egg Considering these disadvantages, this technol-
colour, larval phenotype or cocoon colour, are ogy is not applicable for mass-rearing.
translocated onto the W chromosome while
their recessive mutant alleles remain located 3. Principle of the Transgenic
on autosomes. The visible traits then exhibit Approach to Genetic Sexing
sex-limited inheritance. This makes possible
the separation of males and females according Theoretically, a dominant conditional lethal
to the sex-specific phenotype during embry- mutation (DCLM) located in the female-
onic, larval, and pupal development, respec- determining W chromosome would be a sim-
tively (Nagaraju 1996). However, in lepi- ple and efficient selective mechanism for the
dopteran pests convenient selectable marker development of genetic sexing strains in
genes are not available (Robinson 1971). Lepidoptera, easily applicable in a mass-rear-
An alternative approach has been to use ing facility. The DCLM would be inherited
female killing systems based on balanced exclusively by mutant females, whereas males
lethal strains as proposed by Strunnikov would be wild-type. The strain would be prop-
(1975) for the silkworm B. mori. To date, bal- agated under permissive conditions, and the
anced lethal strains have been developed in female progeny eliminated under restrictive
two species, the silkworm and the conditions. However, it would be very diffi-
Mediterranean flour moth Ephestia kuehniella cult to induce a DCLM in the W chromosome
Zeller (reviewed by Marec et al. 2005). since it is largely heterochromatic and proba-
Briefly, the balanced lethal-2 strain of the lat- bly genetically inert in most lepidopteran
ter species produces males, which are het- species (Traut 1999). Therefore, it would be
erozygous, in trans, for two sex-linked reces- better to try to identify a DCLM in the gene-
sive lethal mutations. Sexing is achieved rich Z chromosome (or in an autosome) and
when balanced lethal-2 males are outcrossed then translocate it onto the W chromosome
to wild-type females. Such crosses produce (Fig. 2 in Marec et al. 2005). Unfortunately,
almost exclusively male progeny, while the no DCLM has been reported to date in any
female progeny die during embryogenesis lepidopteran species and a labour-intensive

and long-term study would be required to The transgenic approach has several
obtain a desirable mutation in a particular advantages: (1) the sexing process is simple
pest. and can be carried out easily on large numbers
In order to circumvent this problem, Marec of eggs, (2) the process does not require any
et al. (2005) proposed that genetic sexing in additional technology in a mass-rearing facil-
Lepidoptera, based on W-linked DCLMs, can ity, (3) any escaped females would die if tem-
be accomplished through the use of transgen- peratures dropped below 20°C, (4) the
esis. Recently, successful and stable germ-line released males would not be transgenic, and
transformation has been achieved in several (5) any genetic background can be introduced
lepidopteran species using the transposable through mating males with the transgenic
element piggyBac (Peloquin et al. 2000, females. As the males are not transgenic, they
Tamura et al. 2000). would not be negatively affected by pleiotrop-
The key requirement under this proposal is ic effects of the transgene used for the elimi-
the insertion of a DCLM of a known gene, nation of females and they should not trigger
which is conserved in insects and expressed any regulatory concerns related to their
during embryogenesis, into the W chromo- release.
some (Fig. 1). For this purpose, a mutant Nevertheless, there is a concern about this
allele of the Notch gene, N60g11, has been cho- proposed transgenic approach related to the
sen. The N60g11 allele was originally isolated possibility of inserting a transgene into the
in Drosophila melanogaster (Meigen). It largely heterochromatic W chromosome as
encodes a truncated form of the Notch protein, the inserted transgene could be silenced by
which causes the death of heterozygous neighbouring heterochromatin. In addition,
Drosophila embryos kept below 20°C there is no evidence that the transgene will be
(Fryxell and Miller 1995). Thus, N60g11 is expressed and exhibit the desired temperature
dominant, sensitive to cold temperature and lethality in female embryos. However, these
seems to be well suited for genetic sexing. A are testable research questions that can be
plasmid construct required for germ-line addressed.
transgenesis is already available in the labora-
tory of L. Neven. It contains the piggyBac 4. Genetic Transformation in
transposon with N60g11 in tandem with the the Codling Moth
enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP)
marker gene from the jelly fish Aequorea The groundwork for the creation of stably
aequorea (Forskal), under the B. mori Actin transformed codling moth has been estab-
A3 promoter (Fig. 3 in Marec et al. 2005). lished in the laboratory of L. Neven, where the
A transgenic strain would be reared at tem- first successful germ-line transformation has
peratures above 20°C in order to maintain the been achieved in this species (Ferguson et al.
large production colony. For male production, 2004). The molecular tools available for the
eggs would be held at a temperature below development of transgenic sexing strains in
20°C for a specified length of time to kill the codling moth and the current progress are
female embryos. The eggs would then be summarized as follows: (1) codling moth eggs
returned to permissive conditions, where only are suitable for DNA injection as they attach
male larvae would hatch. This step could be firmly to the collecting device and have a
easily checked because no larva expressing transparent chorion, (2) the piggyBac transpo-
the enhanced green fluorescent protein (i.e. son has been identified as an effective trans-
transgenic female larva) should hatch. The posable element to insert foreign DNA into
male-only progeny would be kept at normal moth embryos, (3) the enhanced green fluo-
temperature until adulthood. After completing rescent protein was found to be a useful mark-
their development the adult males would be er for identifying transformants; however, it is
irradiated and released (Fig. 2). not ideal due to excessive autofluorescence of

Figure 2. Transgenic genetic sexing approach to a non-transgenic release of sterile male

Lepidoptera (for details, see text).

the codling moth in the range used to visual- protein marker gene under the Actin A3 pro-
ize the enhanced green fluorescent protein. moter is available, and (6) eggs from trans-
Therefore, it would be worthwhile to replace genic lines heterozygous for the enhanced
the enhanced green fluorescent protein with green fluorescent protein and N60g11 were
another fluorescent marker such as DsRed2 exposed to 12°C for two days and 50% of the
(Horn et al. 2002), (4) the B. mori Actin A3 embryos died and none of the survivors, either
promoter was found to function in the codling larvae or adults, expressed the enhanced green
moth; however, it sometimes exhibited a fluorescent protein. The wild-type and
chimeric fluorescence pattern and therefore, it enhanced green fluorescent protein controls
would be better to replace it with the artificial showed a normal egg hatch and development.
3xP3 promoter that supports the enhanced This indicates that those embryos carrying the
green fluorescent protein expression specifi- N60g11 transgene died, confirming the lethality
cally in the eyes of all life stages (Thomas et of this gene at low temperatures (L. Neven,
al. 2002), (5) an appropriate lethal gene, the unpublished).
dominant cold-sensitive allele N60g11, has Based on the above it can be concluded
been identified. A plasmid construct contain- that the development of transgenic genetic
ing the piggyBac transposon with N60g11 in sexing strains in the codling moth according
tandem with the enhanced green fluorescent to the proposed scheme is technically feasible.

Figure 3. Photograph showing codling moth chromosomes, (a) squashed spermatocyte,

stained with lactic acetic orcein, showing meiotic metaphase I with n=28 bivalents and (b) flu-
orescent image of spread pachytene oocyte stained with genomic in situ hybridization (GISH)
and counterstained with 4’,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI). The WZ bivalent (arrow) is
recognized by prominent hybridization of the Cy-3 labelled, female-derived probe to the W

However, there is still the need to determine inserting into the W chromosome is dependent
experimentally the overall behaviour of the on the size of this chromosome relative to the
transgene. rest of the genome. In the codling moth, the W
chromosome is one of the two largest chromo-
5. Codling Moth Cytogenetics somes, comprising about 4% of the female
genome. This should make it a reasonable tar-
Until recently, very little was known about the get for transgenesis with the probability of
genetics of the codling moth (Robinson 1971, insertion of 1 in 25 (if only females are includ-
Benz 1991), especially about their sex chro- ed), or with the overall probability of 1 in 50
mosomes. The only cytogenetic study (Ortiz (since both female and male embryos are
and Templado 1976) reported that the number injected). However, since the W chromosome
of metaphase I bivalents in males was n = 28. is mainly composed of heterochromatin,
To fill this gap, a detailed analysis was made silencing of the transgene expression is highly
of codling moth chromosomes with a particu- likely. Suggestions as to how to overcome this
lar focus on the sex chromosomes (Fukova et problem are discussed in Marec et al. (2005).
al. 2005). This study confirmed that the To further characterize the codling moth W
codling moth karyotype consists of 2n = 56 chromosome advanced methods of molecular
chromosomes in mitotic metaphase, corre- cytogenetics i.e. genomic in situ hybridization
sponding to n = 28 bivalents in metaphase I (GISH) and comparative genomic hybridiza-
spermatocytes (Fig. 3a). Females are het- tion (CGH) were employed. GISH detected
erogametic with a WZ sex chromosome pair the W chromosome as evidenced by strong
and males are homogametic with two Z chro- binding of the Cy3-labelled, female-derived
mosomes. While the Z chromosome is com- DNA probe (Fig. 3b). With CGH, both the
posed of euchromatin and resembles an auto- Cy3-labelled female-derived probe and Fluor-
some, the W chromosome consists largely of X labelled male-derived probe evenly bound
heterochromatin. to the W chromosome. This suggests that the
To develop transgenic sexing strains in the W chromosome is composed mostly of repet-
codling moth, a DCLM (transgene), has to be itive DNA sequences that are also distributed
inserted into the W chromosome. on other chromosomes but have accumulated
Theoretically, the probability of the transgene in the W chromosome (Fukova et al. 2005).

Finally, W-specific probes were prepared by FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in

laser microdissection of the W chromatin fol- Food and Agriculture, Vienna, Austria.
lowed by amplification using degenerate Support through grants from Washington
oligonucleotide-primed polymerase chain State Tree Fruit Research Commission and
reaction (DOP-PCR) and DOP-PCR labelling. Washington Commission on Pesticide
The probes stained the entire W chromosome Registration to L. Neven is also acknowl-
with a high specificity. DNA fragments of the edged.
microdissected W chromatin were cloned and
sequenced. The W chromosome sequence 8. References
analysis revealed no homology to any DNA
sequenced so far (Fukova et al. 2004). Several Benz, G. 1991. Physiology and genetics, pp.
cloned sequences were found to originate 89-147. In Van der Geest, L. P. S., and H. H.
exclusively from the W chromosome. These Evenhuis (eds.), Tortricid pests: their biology,
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6. Conclusions Columbia, Canada, pp. 207-214. In Tan, K.
H. (ed.), Proceedings: Area-Wide Control of
The proposed transgenic approach may repre- Fruit Flies and Other Insect Pests.
sent a straightforward method for generating International Conference on Area-Wide
genetic sexing strains in any lepidopteran pest Control of Insect Pests, and the 5th
to be controlled using SIT or inherited International Symposium on Fruit Flies of
sterility. The codling moth, which is consid- Economic Importance, 28 May-5 June 1998,
ered to be one of the best candidates for these Penang, Malaysia. Penerbit Universiti Sains
technologies (Marec et al. 2005), was chosen Malaysia, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.
to examine this approach. As reported here, all Bloem, S., K. A. Bloem, J. E. Carpenter, and
the basic research tools required for the devel- C. O. Calkins. 2001. Season-long releases
opment of transgenic sexing strains in this of partially sterile males for control of
species are available. Future research will codling moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in
include generating transgenic lines, mapping Washington apples. Environmental
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(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) populations fol-
7. Acknowledgements lowing the infusion of inherited sterility from
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Sex Chromatin Body as a Cytogenetic
Marker of W Chromosome Aberrations in
Cydia pomonella Females


Atomic Energy Commission, PO Box 6091, Damascus, Syria

ABSTRACT Genetic sexing techniques using transformation and a dominant conditional lethal muta-
tion have been proposed for the codling moth Cydia pomonella (L.). This will probably require the isola-
tion of females with T(W;Z) translocations. In C. pomonella there is no sex-linked morphological marker
making the isolation of T(W;Z) translocations dependent on cytological identification of the aberration.
The main objective of this study was to determine the possibility of using the sex chromatin body as a
marker to identify translocated females. The appearance of the sex chromatin body and the analysis of sex
chromosomes in F1 females of irradiated C. pomonella females were investigated. Based on the appear-
ance of this body, three mutant lines were isolated: lines with elongated, dispersed and fragmented chro-
matin bodies. The W chromosome was easily distinguished from the Z chromosome when the analysis of
pachytene sex chromosome bivalents of C. pomonella females was carried out. The aberrations in the W
chromosome directly influenced the appearance of the sex chromatin body in highly polyploid somatic
cells of the isolated mutant lines. The results showed that the sex chromatin body could be used for sex
determination and as a cytogenetic marker in C. pomonella.

KEY WORDS Cydia pomonella, translocations, cytology, genetic sexing, sex chromatin

1. Introduction strains, although quite effective, will not be

suitable for inclusion in a mass-rearing system
The codling moth Cydia pomonella (L.) is a as two different strains will need to be reared
very important economic pest of apples and and each with males from one strain being
other pome fruits. The sterile insect technique mated with females from the other to produce
(SIT), and its variant the inherited sterility males for release. These systems exploit the
technique, are important components of insect sex determination system in Lepidoptera
pest management for this species (Bloem et al. where females are the heterogametic sex
2001, Bloem et al. 2005) and it has been pro- (WZ) and males are homogametic (ZZ).
posed that the development of genetic sexing As an alternative to the use of a balanced
strains for this species could increase the effi- lethal system, it has been proposed to use
ciency of these control tactics (Marec et al transgenesis to introduce a dominant condi-
2005). To date, the only genetic sexing strains tional lethal mutation onto the female deter-
available against lepidopteran insects are mining W chromosome so that the females
based on the construction of balanced lethal could be killed when the restrictive conditions
strains in the Mediterranean flour moth are applied (Marec et al. 2005). This approach
Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Marec 1991) and has two weaknesses: (1) the W chromosome is
for colour sorting in the silkworm Bombyx heterochromatic which may interfere with the
mori (L.) (Strunnikov 1975). These sexing expression of any transgene, and (2) the prob-
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 113–118.
© 2007 IAEA.

Figure 1. Highly polyploid nuclei of the Malpighian tubule cells of C. pomonella from (left) a
wild adult male without sex chromatin, and from (right) a wild adult female showing the sex
chromatin body (Bar = 10 micrometer).

ability of getting an insertion on the W chro- 2. Materials and Methods

mosome is very small as there are 28 bivalents
in the karyotype. It will therefore probably be Newly emerged adult females were irradiated
necessary to have an insertion carrying the with 20 or 30 Gy. Twenty five females were
dominant conditional lethal mutation, prefer- exposed to each dose, with a further 25 newly
ably on the Z chromosome, and link it to the emerged adult females being used as non-irra-
W chromosome by means of a translocation. diated controls. Irradiated and non-irradiated
This paper focuses on the development of females were singly paired with 1-day-old
cytological techniques for the identification of males and kept together until death. Eggs
radiation induced translocations in C. were removed daily, counted, and left to deter-
pomonella as in this species there are current- mine the percentage of egg hatch. All newly
ly no sex-linked visible marker mutations hatched larvae from each irradiated and non-
available to isolate and maintain T(W;Z) irradiated female were fed on an artificial diet.
translocations. The number of emerged adults and the sex
Marec and Traut (1994) suggested that the ratio of F1 progeny were determined.
female-specific sex chromatin body could be
used as a cytogenetic marker of W chromo- 2.1. F1 Generation
some aberrations. This body occurs in poly-
ploid nuclei of female somatic tissues and is Virgin F1 females were crossed individually
formed by multiple copies of the W chromo- with normal males and F2 families estab-
some (Traut and Marec 1996). In female E. lished. Immediately after death, F1 females,
kuehniella carrying a translocation, the which oviposited a sufficient number of eggs
appearance of the sex chromatin body is were dissected to detect the appearance of the
changed (Marec and Traut 1994). In this sex chromatin body in the Malpighian tubule
study, the effect of gamma rays on the appear- cells. Prior to pupation, four to five female last
ance of the sex chromatin body was studied in instar larvae from each family were dissected
C. pomonella female progeny of irradiated and their ovaries removed. Chromosomal
females with the aim of isolating T(W;Z) analysis was carried out during the pachytene
translocations, essential for the construction stage to identify the status of the W chromo-
of a transgenic genetic sexing strain. some.

Figure 2. (a) Highly polyploid nuclei of the Malpighian tubule cells of Cydia pomonella with
an elongated sex chromatin body of an F1 female larva that was irradiated as a parental (Bar
= 10 micrometer), and (b) WZ chromosome bivalent with an elongated sex chromatin body in
an oocyte of an F1 female larva that was irradiated as a parental (Bar = 1 micrometer).

2.2. W Chromatin Appearance were then transferred to a slide, and shortly

before drying, a drop of 60% acetic acid was
Malpighian tubules were dissected from added and the ovaries completely macerated
female last instar larvae and adults and fixed with fine tungsten needles. The slide was then
in Carnoy’s fixative (ethanol:chloroform: placed on a heating plate at 45ºC, and the drop
acetic acid in the ratio 6:3:1) for two minutes moved slightly by pushing it with a needle. At
(Traut et al. 1986, Marec and Traut 1994). The intervals of 30 seconds, this procedure was
tubules were mounted in lactic acetic orcein repeated for five minutes until all the acetic
for five minutes, and then examined under a acid had evaporated. The preparation was then
light microscope. stained and mounted in lactic acetic orcein for
To detect the presence of sex-heterochro- five minutes, the cover glass sealed with nail
matin in C. pomonella males, highly poly- polish and the morphology of the sex chromo-
ploid nuclei of Malpighian tubule cells were somes examined under phase contrast and
taken from male last instar larvae and adults. micrographs taken.
Dissection, fixation and inspection were car-
ried out as described for females. 3. Results
2.3. Chromosomal Analysis 3.1. Appearance of W Chromatin

For analysis of the sex chromosome bivalent, Each highly polyploid nuclei of normal
preparations of spread pachytene oocytes female larvae had a single spherical W chro-
were made from the progeny of normal and matin body which was absent in males (Fig.
irradiated ovaries (Marec and Traut 1994). In 1). Also, there were no differences between
brief, ovaries of female last instar larvae were last instar larvae and adults of both sexes in
dissected and fixed in freshly prepared the presence and the appearance of W chro-
Carnoy’s fixitive for 30 minutes The ovaries matin bodies.

Figure 3. (a) Highly polyploid nuclei of the Malpighian tubule cells of Cydia pomonella with
a fragmented sex chromatin body of an F1 female larva that was irradiated as a parental (Bar
= 10 micrometer), and (b) WZ chromosome bivalent with a fragmented sex chromatin body in
an oocyte of an F1 female larva that was irradiated as a parental (Bar = 1 micrometer).

Following radiation, polyploid nuclei of the pachytene chromosome sets. In normal

F1 females manifested various shapes of the females there were 28 bivalents, comprised of
W chromatin body. A single normal or abnor- 27 autosomal bivalents with each homologous
mal W chromatin body was seen in bivalent having a homologous chromomere
Malpighian tubule nuclei depending on the and an interchromomere pattern (Fig. 5). The
dose of gamma-radiation applied. Based on sex chromosome bivalent ZW was easily dis-
the appearance of W chromatin, F1 females tinguished in all pachytene chromosome sets,
and it was very similar to that of E. kuehniel-
were classified into four different groups: with
normal, elongated, fragmented and dispersed la (Marec and Traut 1993). The W chromo-
W chromatin bodies (Figs. 2a, 3a, 4a). some formed a deeply-stained heterochromat-
ic thread while the Z chromosome displayed a
3.2. Chromosomal Analysis chromomere/interchromomere pattern. The Z
chromosome was longer than the W chromo-
From F1 and F2 progenies, four to five female some and in some cases it was twisted along
larvae of each line were inspected to analyse the W axis (Fig. 5).

Figure 4. (a) Highly polyploid of the Malpighian tubule cells of Cydia pomonella with a dis-
persed sex chromatin body of an F1 female larva that was irradiated as a parental (Bar = 10
micrometer), and (b) WZ chromosome bivalent with a dispersed sex chromatin body in an
oocyte of an F1 female larva that was irradiated as a parental (Bar = 1 micrometer).

Figure 5. Spread pachytene oocyte complement of a Cydia pomonella female larva, showing
(left) the 28 bivalents, and (right) the WZ bivalents stained with orcein (Bar = 1 micrometer).

In sex chromosome bivalents of females dispersed chromatin body, the deeply stained
with an elongated chromatin body a clear heterochromatic thread (W chromosome) was
translocated segment of the Z chromosome divided into several parts (Fig. 4).
was observed in the terminal part of the W The results showed that F1 females with
chromosome (Fig. 2b). The translocated Z elongated W chromatin bodies were detected
segment was homologously paired with the at both radiation doses (Fig. 6) however at a
corresponding region of the Z chromosome. significantly higher frequency in 30 Gy irradi-
When sex chromosome bivalents of ated female parents. Females with dispersed
females with a fragmented chromatin body W chromatin bodies were observed only in F1
were inspected, two clear visible fragments, progeny of 20 Gy-irradiated female parents
unequal in length, were observed in the W (Fig. 6). Females with fragmented W chro-
chromosomes (Fig. 3b). In females carrying a matin bodies were observed when female par-

Figure 6. Relationship between gamma irradiation and the percentage of Cydia pomonella
females with normal, elongated, dispersed and fragmented W sex chromatin in F1 lines.

ents were irradiated at both doses, however ment. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
the percentage was significantly higher at 30 Marec, F. 1991. Genetic control of pest Lepi-
Gy (Fig. 6). doptera: construction of balanced lethal strain
in Ephestia kuehniella. Entomologia
4. Conclusions Experimentalis et Applicata 61: 271-283.
Marec, F., and W. Traut. 1993. Analysis of
This study showed that the sex heterochro- structural rearrangements of Lepidoptera
matin body could be very easily observed in chromosomes using the centrifugation
polyploid cells of C. pomonella. It could spreading technique, pp. 243-250. In
therefore be effectively used to: (1) determine Proceedings, Symposium: Management of
sex during the early stage of larval develop- Insect Pests: Nuclear and Related Molecular
ment, (2) detect sex chromosome aberrations and Genetic Techniques. International
after irradiation and mutagen treatments, and Atomic Energy Agency/Food and Agricul-
(3) identify T(W;Z) translocation females. If ture Organization of the United Nations, 19-
suitable insertion lines carrying a dominant 23 October 1992, Vienna, Austria. STI/PUB/
conditional lethal mutation on the Z chromo- 909, IAEA, Vienna, Austria.
some can be produced then this technique can Marec, F., and W. Traut. 1994. Sex chromo-
help to analyse these insertions. some pairing and sex chromatin bodies in W-
Z translocation strains of Ephestia kuehniella
5. References (Lepidoptera). Genome 37: 426-435.
Marec, F., I. Kollárová, and J. Pavelka. 1999.
Anisimov, A. I., N. V. Lazurkina, and A. N. Radiation-induced inherited sterility com-
Shvedov. 1989. Influence of radiation- bined with a genetic sexing system in
induced genetic damage on the suppressive Ephestia kuehniella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae).
effect of inherited sterility in the codling moth Annals of the Entomological Society of
(Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Annals of the America 92: 250-259.
Entomological Society of America 82: 769- Marec, F., L. G. Neven, A. S. Robinson, M.
777. Vreysen, M. R. Goldsmith, J. Nagaraju,
Bloem, S., K. A. Bloem, J. E. Carpenter, and and G. Franz. 2005. Development of genet-
C. O. Calkins. 2001. Season-long releases ic sexing strains in Lepidoptera: from tradi-
of partially sterile males for control of codling tional to transgenic approaches. Journal of
moth, Cydia pomonella (Lepidoptera: Tortri- Economic Entomology 98: 248-259.
cidae), in Washington apples. Environmental Strunnikov, V. A. 1975. Sex control in silk-
Entomology 30: 763-769. worms. Nature 255: 111-113.
Bloem, K. A., S. Bloem, and J. E. Carpenter. Traut, W., and F. Marec. 1996. Sex chromatin
2005. Impact of moth suppression/eradica- in Lepidoptera. Quarterly Review of Biology
tion programmes using the sterile insect tech- 71: 239-256.
nique or inherited sterility, pp. 677-726. In Traut, W., A. Weith, and G. Traut. 1986.
Dyck, V. A., J. Hendrichs, and A. S. Robinson Structural mutants of W chromosome in
(eds.), Sterile insect technique. Principles and Ephestia (Insecta, Lepidoptera). Genetica 70:
practice in area-wide integrated pest manage- 69-79.
Potential Use of a Conditional Lethal
Transgenic Pink Bollworm Pectinophora
gossypiella in Area-Wide Eradication or
Suppression Programmes



1USDA/APHIS/PPQ, Center for Plant Health Science and Technology,

Decision Support and Pest Management Systems Laboratory, 3645 E.
Wier Avenue, Phoenix AZ 85040, USA
2Oxford University, Department of Zoology, South Parks Road, Oxford

3Oxitec Limited, 71 Milton Park, Abingdon, OXI4, 4RXD, UK
4Department of Entomology, University of California, Riverside, CA

92521, USA

ABSTRACT The sterile insect technique (SIT) has been used successfully for over 30 years to keep
a large cotton growing area in the Central Valley of California, USA free of the pink bollworm
Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders). Releases of sterile pink bollworm as part of an integrated pest man-
agement programme were recently carried out on 36 400 hectares of cotton in Texas, New Mexico and
northern Mexico for the eradication of this pest. The sterile releases will soon be expanded into Arizona
and California. To achieve eradication and continue to effectively operate the Central Valley containment
programme, a more effective and lower cost programme is needed. Irradiation of pink bollworm with a
sterilizing dose greatly reduces mating competitiveness and the development of a conditionally lethal strain
of pink bollworm as an alternative or supplement to sterilization by irradiation may allow a more effective
and less costly programme. A pink bollworm strain carrying a conditionally lethal gene was recently devel-
oped using the "release of insects with a dominant lethal mutation" (RIDL) technology, and larval mortal-
ity levels ranging from 60 to 92% have been obtained in laboratory tests. With further development, a strain
of pink bollworm carrying a conditionally lethal gene may serve as a complete replacement for radiation-
based sterility, or as a supplement to the traditional SIT by providing a genetic sexing mechanism, a safe-
guard against accidental release, or as a means for lowering the radiation dose to produce a more compet-
itive insect.

KEY WORDS autocidal biological control, RIDL, Lepidoptera, effects of radiation, pink bollworm,

1. Introduction Council, March 2005, unpublished brief). The

United States Department of Agriculture-
Pink bollworm Pectinophora gossypiella Animal Plant Health Inspection Service-Plant
(Saunders) infestations cost US cotton pro- Protection and Quarantine (USDA-APHIS-
ducers USD 47 million per year in direct loss- PPQ) along with several states, and grower
es and control measures (National Cotton cooperative organizations are involved in two
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 119–123.
Published with the permission of © 2007 U.S. Government

area-wide control programmes for pink boll- lethal gene based on a system called ”release
worm that integrate the release of sterile of insects with a dominant lethal mutation”
moths. These are (1) an area-wide contain- (RIDL) (Thomas et al. 2000).
ment programme in the Central Valley of
California, and (2) an eradication programme 2. Radiation Effects on Pink
in Texas, New Mexico and northern Mexico Bollworm and Lepidoptera in
combining the release of sterile insects with General
the use of Bacillus thuringiensis (Berliner)
(Bt) cotton, mating disruption with Numerous studies have shown that the very
pheromones, and pesticides. The use of the high doses of radiation needed to sterilize
SIT was expanded to 36 400 hectares in 2005 male Lepidoptera are associated with decreas-
when sterile releases were added to the eradi- es in quality, field performance, sperm trans-
cation programme areas in Texas and New fer and dispersal ability in many species
Mexico in the USA and the Juarez Valley in (North 1975, LaChance 1985, Carpenter et al.
northern Mexico. 1997, Bloem et al. 1999). Decreasing the radi-
The SIT containment programme has been ation dose is associated with increased mating
effective in keeping the Central Valley of ability and superior sperm competitiveness
California free of pink bollworm for 30 years (Carpenter et al. 1997) and this has led to the
(Bloem et al. 2005). However, increased cot- use of lower doses in field programmes. In
ton production costs, worldwide competition pink bollworm, very early data showed that
and the increasing demands of the expanded high radiation doses reduced longevity,
pink bollworm eradication programme require decreased sperm transfer by males, decreased
a more effective and lower cost programme, sperm receptivity by irradiated females,
and one way to achieve this is by increasing decreased female attractiveness and decreased
the competitiveness of the insects in the field. control efficacy (Graham et al. 1972, Flint et
The final competitiveness of the insect in the al. 1973, Flint et al. 1974, Flint et al. 1977,
field is affected by a combination of stresses Bartlett 1978, Miller et al. 1994). Because of
caused by many factors, e.g. long-term mass- the negative effects of radiation along with the
rearing, sterilization, handling, transport and negative effects of mass-production, handling,
release. The relative effects of each of these transport and release mentioned above, effec-
factors on the final competitiveness in the tive programme operation requires release
field have not been determined for many ratios of 60 sterile males to one wild male
insects. However, in Lepidoptera, where high (based on males caught in pheromone moni-
doses of radiation are needed for full sterility, toring traps) and high frequencies of release
an alternative strategy is the use of inherited (4-7 days per week). A more robust and com-
sterility (Carpenter et al. 2005). In addition, petitive moth could reduce the release ratio
completely replacing radiation could be done and frequency required for effective control.
provided the alternative strategy does not
itself compromise other components of the 3. Development of a Strain of
biology of the insect. In this paper some of the Pink Bollworm Carrying a
negative effects of radiation on released pink Conditional Lethal Gene
bollworms in SIT programmes and how
development of an autocidal biological con- The use of a conditional lethal or autocidal
trol system (Fryxell and Miller 1995) to create strain of pink bollworm created with trans-
a conditionally lethal pink bollworm could be genic technology as a possible supplement to,
useful to pink bollworm genetic control pro- or replacement of, radiation-based steriliza-
grammes, are summarized. Also, preliminary tion may offer advantages that could improve
data are provided on several transgenic pink the effectiveness of the SIT for pink
bollworms strains that carry a conditional bollworm.

A strain carrying a conditional lethal gene as the addition of a sexing strain of pink boll-
could also be used in combination with a con- worm
ventional radiation strategy, as a safeguard or
precaution to guard against an accidental 4. Development of Pink
release of fertile moths. This may become Bollworm Strains Carrying
more important for operation of the current RIDL Constructs
rearing facility as the eradication programme,
when it expands westward toward Arizona Recently, twenty independent transformed
and the area around the rearing facility there- lines of pink bollworm with RIDL constructs
fore becomes free of pink bollworm. A moth have been produced and tested. Of these, five
carrying a conditional lethal gene used in this lines with construct LA1124 express lethal
way would also allow the use of a lower radi- phenotypes when reared on chlortetracycline-
ation dose, helping increase the competitive- free diets. LA1124 is a lethal construct con-
ness of the released moths. Mortality associat- trolled by a tetracycline repressible transacti-
ed with conditional lethality could not be used vator protein (tTA). Lethality is produced by a
in an inherited sterility strategy (Carpenter et positive feedback cycle, in which binding of
al. 2005) as F1 progeny would die before pass- tTA to its specific target sequence tetO drives
ing on increased sterility to the next genera- production of more tTA. In the absence of
tion. tetracycline, this leads to lethality by high
Lastly, while many researchers consider expression of tTA. When tetracycline is pres-
mixed-sex release desirable for effective SIT ent, tTA does not bind tetO, and so the posi-
against lepidopteran pests, there is theoretical tive feedback cycle is not established and tTA
and empirical evidence that, when one sex of remains at a low, non-lethal level (Gong et al.
the sterile insects is more competitive than the 2005 provide more details on the tetO-tTA
other, single-sex release would be advanta- system). Tetracycline (in the form of chlortet-
geous, either female only (Knipling 1979, Van racycline) is a normal part of the pink boll-
Steenwyk et al. 1979, Henneberry and worm artificial diet, so these strains of pink
Keaveny 1985) or male only (Knipling 1979, bollworm could readily be incorporated into
Marec et al. 2005). The use of a sex-limited or the current mass-rearing system.
sex-linked conditionally lethal system would In the laboratory, pink bollworms, het-
make large-scale sex separation feasible in erozygous for the LA1124 construct, were
order to test these principles (Heinrich and crossed to wild types to produce an F1 gener-
Scott 2000, Thomas et al. 2000, Alphey and ation with a 1:1 ratio of progeny of LA1124
Andreasen 2002, Marec et al. 2005). heterozygotes and wild type. These were
These last two examples of transgenic con- reared with and without chlortetracycline and
ditionally lethal technology for use in a pink mortality was scored at larval, pupal, and
bollworm genetic control programme would adult stages. This experiment was designed to
result in a hybrid programme where both the simulate the mortality of progeny that would
new technology and a standard SIT approach occur from the mating of a moth, homozygous
are mixed. While work continues to develop a for a RIDL construct with a wild-type pink
conditionally lethal system that could poten- bollworm after release of moths carrying
tially serve as a complete replacement for RIDL constructs in a cotton field, while also
radiation-based genetic control of pink boll- including an internal wild-type control (the
worm, these other approaches would be com- wild-type siblings of the heterozygous F1
patible with the existing programme. They transgenics).
may also have advantages where resistance To date, over 37 000 individuals have been
due to public concerns about the use of genet- tested and significant levels of mortality were
ically modified insects are a factor, and for observed for progeny heterozygous for a
refinements to the standard SIT strategy such RIDL construct (genotype = LA1124/+)

reared on a chlortetracycline-free diet. Most pink bollworm strains into the existing control
of the mortality occurred in the prepupal- programme.
pupal stage with mean levels of mortality of
60-92%. Rates of mortality in the control 6. Acknowledgements
treatments (LA1124/+ progeny reared on the
chlortetracycline TC diet, and +/+ progeny We thank Mickey Sledge and Guolei Tang for
reared on chlortetracycline-free diet) were technical assistance in this project, and Patrick
low at 2-15%. A more thorough description of Shiel, Jim Dargie and two anonymous review-
the construction and testing of these trans- ers for their valuable comments that improved
genic pink bollworm lines with the LA1124 this manuscript.
construct will be reported elsewhere.
7. References
5. Conclusions
Alphey, L., and M. Andreasen. 2002.
Conditionally lethal strains of pink bollworm Dominant lethality and insect population
expressing partial mortality have recently control. Molecular and Biochemical
been developed with RIDL technology. Parasitology 121: 173-178.
Although further improvements and testing of Bartlett, A. C. 1978. Radiation-induced
the strains are needed to determine if a fully sterility in the pink bollworm. United States
functionally pink bollworm strain carrying Department of Agriculture Science
RIDL constructs can be developed, the tech- Education Administration, Agricultural
nology shows promise and may eventually Review Manuals, ARM-W-1, Beltsville,
serve as a replacement or supplement to the MD., USA.
current technology using radiation steriliza- Bloem, S., K. A. Bloem, J. E. Carpenter, and
tion. Work currently underway and planned C. O. Calkins. 1999. Inherited sterility in
for the future includes: (1) creating new pink codling moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae):
bollworm strains doubly homozygous for the effect of substerilizing doses of radiation on
LA1124 constructs by crossing together indi- insect fecundity, fertility, and control.
vidual lines with independent insertions of the Annals of the Entomological Society of
LA1124 construct, (2) testing LA1124 doubly America 92: 222-229.
homozygous lines on a small scale on cotton Bloem, K. A., S. Bloem, and J. E. Carpenter.
plants in quarantine field cages to estimate 2005. Impact of moth suppression/eradica-
mortality rates and control efficacy under the tion programmes using the sterile insect
more realistic conditions of the actual plant technique or inherited sterility, pp. 677-
host under field conditions, (3) testing adult 700. In Dyck, V. A., J. Hendrichs, and A. S.
longevity of LA1124 lines (important for both Robinson (eds.), The sterile insect tech-
mass-rearing and field efficacy estimates), nique. Principles and practice in area-wide
and (4) testing the mortality rates of con- integrated pest management. Springer,
structs with autocidal effector genes other Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
than tetO-tTA. The strategy is to combine the Carpenter, J. E., Hidrayani, N. Nelly, and B.
lethal effects of two separate effector genes G. Mullinix. 1997. Effect of substerilizing
into a single pink bollworm strain to assess if doses of radiation on sperm precedence in
mortality rates can be increased or if lethality fall armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).
will occur at earlier larval stages when com- Journal of Economic Entomology 90: 444-
pared with the LA1124 strain construct alone. 448.
The results of these experiments will lead to a Carpenter, J. E., S. Bloem, and F. Marec.
greater understanding of the function of RIDL 2005. Inherited sterility in insects, pp. 115-
constructs in pink bollworm and the potential 146. In Dyck, V. A., J. Hendrichs, and A. S.
for the incorporation of conditionally lethal Robinson (eds.), The sterile insect tech-

nique. Principles and practice in area-wide Henneberry, T. J., and D. F. Keaveny. 1985.
integrated pest management. Springer, Suppression of pink bollworm by sterile
Dordrecht, The Netherlands. moth release. USDA-ARS, ARS-32,
Flint, H. M., R. T. Staten, L. A. Bariola, and Beltsville, MD., USA.
D. L. Palmer. 1973. Gamma-irradiated Knipling, E. F. 1979. The basic principles of
pink bollworms: attractiveness, mating, and insect population suppression and manage-
longevity of females. Environmental ment. Agricultural Handbook Number 512.
Entomology 2: 97-100. SEA, USDA, Washington, DC., USA.
Flint, H. M., D. L. Palmer, L. A. Bariola, and LaChance, L. E. 1985. Genetic methods for
B. Horn. 1974. Suppression of popula- the control of Lepidopteran species: status
tions of native pink bollworm in field cages and potential. United States Department of
by the release of irradiated moths. Journal Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service,
of Economic Entomology 67: 55-57. Beltsville, MD., USA.
Flint, H. M., R. T. Staten, and B. Wright. Marec, F., L. G. Neven, A. S. Robinson, M.
1977. Irradiation of pink bollworm with Vreysen, M. R. Goldsmith, J. Nagaraju,
substerilizing doses: production of F1 prog- and G. Franz. 2005. Development of
eny. Southwestern Entomologist 2: 16-19. genetic sexing strains in Lepidoptera: from
Fryxell, K. J., and T. A. Miller. 1995. traditional to transgenic approaches.
Autocidal biological control: a general Journal of Economic Entomology 98: 248-
strategy for insect control based on genetic 259.
transformation with a highly conserved Miller, E., D. Keaveny, R. T. Staten, A.
gene. Journal of Economic Entomology 88: Lowe, and J. Bomberg. 1994. Changes in
1221-1232. pink bollworm (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae)
Gong, P., J. E. Epton, G. Fu, S. Scaife, A. sooty mutant under animal and plant health
Hiscox, K. C. Condon, G. C. Condon, I. inspection service mass-rearing methodolo-
N. Morrison, D. W. Kelly, T. Dafa’alla, P. gy. Journal of Economic Entomology 87:
G. Coleman, and L. Alphey. 2005. A 1659-1664.
dominant lethal genetic system for autoci- North, D. T. 1975. Inherited sterility in Lepi-
dal control of the Mediterranean fruitfly. doptera. Annual Review of Entomology 20:
Nature Biotechnology 23: 453-456. 167-182.
Graham, H. M., M. T. Ouye, R. D. Garcia, Thomas, D. T., C. A. Donnelly, R. J. Wood,
and H. H. de la Rosa. 1972. Dosages of and L. S. Alphey. 2000. Insect population
gamma irradiation for full and inherited control using a dominant repressible, lethal
sterility in adult pink bollworms. Journal of genetic system. Science 287: 2474-2476.
Economic Entomology 65: 645-650. Van Steenwyk, R. A., T. J. Henneberry, G. R.
Heinrich, J., and M. Scott. 2000. A repress- Ballmer, W. W. Wolf, and V. Sevacherian.
ible female-specific lethal genetic system 1979. Mating competitiveness of laborato-
for making transgenic insect strains suitable ry-cultured and sterilized pink bollworm
for a sterile-release program. Proceedings (Pectinophora gossypiella) for use in a ster-
of the National Academy of Sciences of the ile moth release program. Journal of
United States of America 97: 8229-8232. Economic Entomology 72: 502-505.
Wolbachia-Induced Cytoplasmic
Incompatibility to Control Insect Pests?


Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Management,

University of Ioannina, 2 Seferi St, 30100 Agrinio, Greece

ABSTRACT Wolbachia are a group of obligatory intracellular and maternally inherited bacteria of
arthropods and nematodes, which have recently attracted attention for their potential as new biological con-
trol agents. Wolbachia are able to invade and maintain themselves in an enormous range of invertebrate
species, including insects, mites, spiders, springtails, crustaceans and nematodes. Recent surveys using the
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) suggest that perhaps over 20% of arthropod species may be Wolbachia-
infected, making this bacterium the most ubiquitous intracellular symbiont yet described. Wolbachia can
manipulate host reproduction by using several strategies, one of which is cytoplasmic incompatibility.
Wolbachia-induced cytoplasmic incompatibility can be used in several ways: (1) to directly suppress nat-
ural arthropod populations of economic and public health importance, (2) as a tool to spread genetically
modified strains into wild arthropod populations, and (3) as an expression vector, once a genetic transfor-
mation system for this bacterium is developed. A major research aim is to introduce Wolbachia into pest
and vector species of economic and public health relevance and, through Wolbachia-induced cytoplasmic
incompatibility, to suppress or modify natural populations.

KEY WORDS Wolbachia, cytoplasmic incompatibility, Ceratitis capitata, insect pests, biological

1. Introduction Wolbachia strains. Each of these reproductive

alterations favours the transmission of the
Wolbachia pipientis Hertig (denoted bacterium at the expense of the uninfected
Wolbachia hereafter), is an obligate intracellu- arthropod population. Elimination of
lar and maternally-transmitted bacterium Wolbachia through treatment of the infected
(Werren 1997, Bourtzis and O’Neill 1998, hosts with the antibiotic tetracycline results in
Stouthamer et al. 1999, Stevens et al. 2001, the restoration of normal reproductive pheno-
Bourtzis and Miller 2003). Wolbachia are able types.
to establish infections in the soma, but they Wolbachia was first described by Hertig
mainly reside in the reproductive tissues of and Wolbach in the 1920s and 1930s as a
their invertebrate hosts (Fig. 1). Wolbachia microorganism infecting the ovaries of mos-
cause a number of reproductive alterations quitoes belonging to the Culex pipiens L.
such as parthenogenetic development, over- complex, hence the name W. pipientis (Hertig
riding of chromosomal sex determination to 1936). Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) sur-
convert genetic males into functional females, veys of arthropods, including insects, isopods
killing male embryos at early developmental and mites have indicated the abundance of
stages, and cytoplasmic incompatibility. Wolbachia in these organisms (Werren 1997,
Cytoplasmic incompatibility results in mortal- Werren and O’Neill 1997, Bourtzis and
ity of the embryos produced when uninfected O’Neill 1998, Stouthamer et al. 1999, Stevens
females are mated to infected males or when et al. 2001, Bourtzis and Miller 2003).
females and males carry incompatible Sequence analysis of the 16S rRNA gene
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 125–135.
© 2007 IAEA.

Figure 1. Presence of Wolbachia in infected Drosophila melanogaster, (a) embryo, (b) ovary
and (c) testes. Bacteria are visualized green-yellow and Drosophila nuclei red (Photos by Zoe
Veneti and Kostas Bourtzis).

has shown that Wolbachia belong to the alpha- known to infect termites and the filarial para-
2 subdivision of the Proteobacteria, forming a site Mansonella ozzardi (Manson) (Casiraghi
monophyletic group closely related to intra- et al. 2001). More recently the existence of a
cellular bacteria of the genera Anaplasma, new supergroup, named G, encompassing
Cowdria, Ehrlichia and Rickettsia (Breeuwer Wolbachia from some Australian spiders has
et al. 1992, O’Neill et al. 1992, Rousset et al. been proposed (Rowley et al. 2004).
1992). Many members of these genera are The mechanism(s) through which
arthropod-borne pathogens of mammals. The Wolbachia infects a new species in nature is
phylogenies of Wolbachia so far generated not yet known. Hovever, Wolbachia with a
have shown the existence of six major clades feminizing effect have been successfully
(A-F), which have been named “supergroups” transferred by simple haemolymph contact
(Lo et al. 2002, and references therein). between closely related terrestrial isopod
Supergroups A and B include most of the par- species. This suggests a natural route for inter-
asitic Wolbachia found to date in arthropods. individual transfers (Rigaud and Jucqault
Supergroups C and D include the majority of 1995, Bouchon et al. 1998). Successful
the Wolbachia found in filarial nematodes. Wolbachia transfers between different insect
The E supergroup encompasses Wolbachia species have also been performed. Micro-
from primitive wing-less insects, the spring- injection experiments were used to transfer
tails (Collembola). Supergroup F is so far cytoplasmic- and parthenogenesis-inducing

Figure 2. Schematic representation of cytoplasmic incompatibility, (upper) unidirectional

cytoplasmic incompatibility, and (lower) bidirectional cytoplasmic incompatibility (Drawing
by Zoe Veneti and Kostas Bourtzis).

Wolbachia strains between closely and dis- Huigens et al. (2000) reported evidence for
tantly related species. Successful transinfec- horizontal transfer of parthenogenesis-induc-
tion was followed by the expression of bacte- ing Wolbachia under natural conditions. When
rial-induced reproductive phenotypes in the infected and originally uninfected
new hosts (Boyle et al. 1993, Braig et al. Trichogramma kaykai (Perkins) larvae share a
1994, Chang and Wade 1994, Rousset and de host egg, approximately 40% of the female
Stordeur 1994, Giordano et al. 1995, Clancy offspring of the uninfected line acquire the
and Hoffmann 1997, Grenier et al. 1998, infection and produce some daughters from
Poinsot et al. 1998, Rousset et al. 1999, unfertilized eggs. In subsequent generations,
Riegler et al. 2004, Zabalou et al. 2004a,b). complete (100%) transmission of, and
Very closely related Wolbachia strains have parthenogenesis induction by, Wolbachia was
been found to infect some parasitoid wasps observed.
and the insects that they parasitize, which sug- Despite the widespread distribution of
gests another potential route for horizontal Wolbachia, many important agricultural pests
transfer (Werren et al. 1995). In addition, (e.g. Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) and

Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin)) and disease vec- Wolbachia density and the level of incompati-
tors (e.g. Aedes aegypti (L.) and Anopheles bility has been demonstrated in several sys-
gambiae Giles) are not infected. tems (Bourtzis et al. 2003).
In this paper, the possible use of cytoplas- The mechanism(s) by which Wolbachia
mic incompatibility as a means for the biolog- causes cytoplasmic incompatibility have not
ical control of insect pests is described, yet been identified. However, a number of
emphasizing the mechanism of Wolbachia- cytogenetic studies have described the events
induced incompatibility. that take place during and shortly after fertil-
ization in incompatible crosses. These studies
2. Wolbachia-Induced described developmental defects and aberrant
Cytoplasmic Incompatibility DNA structures in incompatible crosses as
early as the first mitotic division, demonstrat-
The phenomenon of cytoplasmic incompati- ed that the paternal chromosome decondensa-
bility was associated with the presence of tion is delayed leading to improper paternal
Wolbachia in the 1970s (Yen and Barr 1971, chromatin inheritance and to the production of
1973). Cytoplasmic incompatibility results in embryos with aneuploid or haploid nuclei, and
embryonic mortality in crosses between allowed observation of the direct interaction
insects with different Wolbachia infection sta- between Wolbachia and astral microtubules
tus. It can be either uni- or bidirectional (Fig. (Jost 1970, O’Neill and Karr 1990, Callaini et
2). Unidirectional cytoplasmic incompatibili- al. 1994, Kose and Karr 1995, Lassy and Karr
ty is typically expressed when an infected 1996, Callaini et al. 1996, 1997). In a recent
male is crossed with an uninfected female. and very elegant study in Nasonia, Tram and
The reciprocal cross (infected female and Sullivan (2002) used real-time imaging and
uninfected male) is fully compatible, as are indirect immunofluorescence to visualize
crosses between infected individuals. early developmental events leading to the
Bidirectional cytoplasmic incompatibility expression of cytoplasmic incompatibility and
occurs in crosses between infected individuals consequent egg lethality and concluded that
harbouring different strains of Wolbachia Wolbachia affects the timing of nuclear enve-
strains, that is, strains with different modifica- lope breakdown prior to the crucial first
tion and rescue properties. In most insects, the gonomeric division. These and previous
expression of cytoplasmic incompatibility is results showed convincingly that Wolbachia
lethal to the developing embryo. In insects somehow modifies the paternal chromosomes
with haplodiploid sex determination during spermatogenesis (mature sperm do not
(Hymenoptera), the result of cytoplasmic contain the bacteria) thus influencing their
incompatibility is a sex ratio shift to the hap- fate during the first mitotic divisions and
loid sex, which is usually male. resulting in loss of mitotic synchrony.
Cytoplasmic incompatibility has been doc- Based on the genetic and cytogenetic data,
umented in diverse insect taxa including Werren (1997) proposed the so-called modifi-
Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, Orthoptera, cation/rescue model, which assumes the pres-
Hymenoptera, and Lepidoptera, as well as in ence of two distinct bacterial functions. First,
the terrestrial isopod Porcellio dilatatus the modification function, a kind of “imprint-
Brandt & Ratzeburg and in mites (Werren and ing” effect, which acts in the male germ-line,
O’Neill 1997). The host nuclear genome, the probably during spermatogenesis, and second,
age of the male, repeated copulation of males the rescue function, which acts in the egg.
and several environmental factors such as Sperm imprinting may be due either to secret-
temperature, antibiotics, nutrition and larval ed Wolbachia protein(s) that modify the pater-
density greatly influence the strength of the nal chromosomes or to the removal of host
cytoplasmic incompatibility phenotype protein(s) that are necessary for proper con-
(Bourtzis et al. 2003). A correlation between densation/decondensation of the paternal chro-

mosomal set before and/or during zygote for- used within area-wide integrated pest man-
mation. Similarly, the presence of the same agement (AW-IPM) programmes for the con-
Wolbachia strain in the egg may result in the trol of insect pests (Dyck et al. 2005).
production and secretion of (a) rescue Cytoplasmic incompatibility provides an
factor(s), or alternatively the recruitment of alternative method to produce non-irradiated
host molecules which are capable of rescuing sterile males that may have improved compet-
the sperm “imprint” in a Wolbachia strain-spe- itiveness and so improve the efficiency of the
cific manner. SIT.
Recently the genome sequence of two Recently the transfer of Wolbachia strains
Wolbachia strains was reported: the first, from the European cherry fruit fly Rhagoletis
wMel, belongs to the Wolbachia strain infect- cerasi L. (Riegler and Stauffer 2002) led to
ing Drosophila melanogaster Meigen (Wu et stable infections in the Mediterranean fruit
al. 2004); the second, wBm, belongs to the fly, following embryonic injection (Zabalou et
Wolbachia strain infecting the filarial nema- al. 2004a). Austrian and Sicilian populations
tode Brugia malayi (Brug) (Foster et al. 2005). of R. cerasi were used as donors carrying dif-
The available genomic information provides ferent combinations of four Wolbachia vari-
the necessary tools to undertake comparative ants (Riegler and Stauffer 2002, Zabalou et al.
post-genomics approaches towards the identi- 2004a, M. Riegler and C. Stauffer, unpub-
fication of the genes involved in Wolbachia- lished, cited in Zabalou et al. 2004a). Two out
host interactions thus deciphering the biology of initially eleven positive transinfected isofe-
of this unculturable bacterium including the male lines remained positive for the presence
mechanism of cytoplasmic incompatibility, of Wolbachia, namely WolMed 88.6 (single
understanding Wolbachia-host symbiotic asso- infection with wCer2) and WolMed S10.3
ciations and uncovering the evolution of intra- (single infection with wCer4). At the time of
cellular symbiosis. writing, 47 generations (about 41 months)
post-infection, both lines are stably infected
3. Cytoplasmic Incompatibility- with infection rates of 100%.
Inducing Wolbachia and Test crosses were performed in different
Applications generations post-injection between transin-
fected lines and the parental uninfected
Wolbachia has been suggested as a potential Mediterranean fruit fly strains. All crossing
tool for the development of novel, environ- experiments showed the same results: crosses
ment-friendly strategies for the control of between uninfected females and Wolbachia-
arthropod species that are major agricultural infected males resulted in 100% egg mortali-
pests or disease vectors to humans, plants, and ty. Similar results were obtained in test cross-
livestock or for improving beneficial species es performed three years post-injection
(Beard et al. 1993, Bourtzis and O’Neill 1998, (unpublished). It has to be noted that complete
Bourtzis and Braig 1999). Below is an outline cytoplasmic incompatibility has only been
of the potential applications for cytoplasmic observed in very few Wolbachia-infected
incompatibility-inducing strains of Wolbachia. species such as C. pipiens (Laven 1967). This
was the first report that a newly transinfected
3.1. Release of Infected Sterile Males host species shows high stability of the infec-
tion and, at the same time, expresses 100%
Wolbachia-induced cytoplasmic incompatibil- cytoplasmic incompatibility (unidirectional
ity might be used to suppress natural popula- and bidirectional).
tions of arthropod pests in a way analogous to Laboratory cage populations of
the sterile insect technique (SIT). The SIT Mediterranean fruit flies containing different
involves mass-production and release of irra- ratios of transinfected males:uninfected
diated sterile insects and is one of the methods males:uninfected females were set up to deter-

mine whether cytoplasmic incompatibility were undertaken in the mid 1960s in Burma
expressed by the Wolbachia-infected lines and India to eradicate the filariasis vector
could be used for population suppression. The species C. pipiens and Culex quinquefasciatus
caged Mediterranean fruit fly populations Say. By mass-rearing and then releasing males
were suppressed by these single “releases” of that were incompatible with the target popula-
incompatible males in a ratio-dependent man- tion, it was possible to effectively sterilize
ner. Population suppression was extremely wild females. In one field trial, mosquitoes
efficient reaching levels greater than 99% at were completely eradicated from a Burmese
transinfected males:uninfected male release village (Laven 1967). Also, in the 1970s, an
ratios of 50:1. Although these laboratory international collaborative project took place
experiments are very encouraging they need in Central Europe, which evaluated cytoplas-
to be extended to field cage systems where mic incompatibility as a method to control the
wild flies are used as the target population. European cherry fruit fly R. cerasi. Several
For effective Wolbachia-based population successful field trials were performed, but for
suppression, an efficient (100% effective) a number of reasons, this project was never
genetic sexing system producing only males is completed (Blümel and Russ 1989, Boller
necessary and there are intensive efforts ongo- 1989). In addition to these field experiments,
ing using both genetic and molecular a number of laboratory and warehouse exper-
approaches to develop such sexing systems in iments in the USA have successfully applied
a variety of pest species. However as yet, none Wolbachia-induced cytoplasmic incompatibil-
of the systems so far tested would meet the ity as a means to control the stored product
requirements needed in order to exclude the pest, the almond moth Cadra (Ephestia)
last female from the release males. Given this cautella Walker (Brower 1978, 1979, 1980).
requirement and the numbers of insects that
need to be released it is unlikely that an oper- 3.2. Release of Infected Fertile Male and
ational fail-safe sexing system can be devel- Female Insects to Spread Wolbachia in a
oped. However using a sexing system such as Natural Pest Population
that currently being used for the
Mediterranean fruit fly (Franz 2005), several Wolbachia-induced cytoplasmic incompatibil-
strategies could be considered. One solution ity might be used as a mechanism to spread
may be to have two bidirectionally incompat- desirable genotypes into field populations
ible infected strains where males from the two (Turelli and Hoffmann 1991, Hoshizaki and
strains are released alternately, so that even if Shimada 1995, Sinkins et al. 1995, Hoshizaki
an infected female of the one strain is released 1997, Rousset et al. 1999). The identification
then in the next generation her offspring will of the Wolbachia genes responsible for cyto-
most likely mate with males infected with the plasmic incompatibility should allow the
incompatible sperm. An alternative solution introduction of these genes into the host
may be to combine radiation with incompati- nuclear genome and the induction of cytoplas-
bility where the contaminating females can be mic incompatibility without the presence of
sterilized with lower doses of radiation than Wolbachia. Theoretical models suggest that
males. In this way the released males could be nuclear-coded cytoplasmic incompatibility
more competitive as they will receive a lower genes will lead to a spread of their host,
dose of radiation. In tephritid species, females replacing target naïve populations along with
are sterilized by lower doses of radiation than any other chromosomally-linked gene(s)
males (Bakri et al. 2005). (Sinkins et al. 1997, Curtis and Sinkins 1998,
Cytoplasmic incompatibility has been used Sinkins and Godfray 2004).
in the past to introduce sterility into wild pop- Recently, Xi and colleagues reported the
ulations of mosquitoes. Indeed, several trials transfer of a wAlbB Wolbachia strain natural-
sponsored by the World Health Organization, ly occurring in Aedes albopictus Skuse, and

its establishment in Ae. aegypti, a naïve host sequences (Masui et al. 2000, 2001, Fujii et al.
(Xi et al. 2005). Crossing experiments indicat- 2004), will certainly facilitate current efforts
ed strong cytoplasmic incompatibility to genetically engineer Wolbachia.
(100%): no egg hatch observed from more
than 3800 eggs examined from crosses of 4. Conclusions
uninfected females and Wolbachia-infected
males. Laboratory cage tests demonstrated Wolbachia-based applications may be broad
that Wolbachia can be spread into a targeted since these bacteria are present in a wide
uninfected Ae. aegypti population, reaching range of arthropod species and can also be
infection fixation within seven generations. transferred into naïve hosts. It is possible that
This is the second report that a newly transin- the ability of these bacteria to establish new
fected host species shows high stability of the infections and persist in their hosts for a long
infection and, at the same time, expresses time may have to do with their ability to
100% cytoplasmic incompatibility. In addi- “escape” the host’s innate immune system
tion, these data clearly indicated that (Bourtzis et al. 2000). However, and despite
Wolbachia can be used as a vehicle to drive the potential demonstrated in the above-men-
transgenes into mosquito populations, and tioned earlier trials, there has been no consis-
maybe other disease vector populations of tent experimental follow-up with the excep-
medical importance. tion of several review papers (Sinkins et al.
1997, Bourtzis and Braig 1999, Sinkins and
3.3. Release of Male and Female Insects O’Neill, 2000, Aksoy et al. 2001, Bourtzis and
to Spread Paratransgenic Wolbachia Robinson 2006). Therefore it remains to be
demonstrated whether Wolbachia-based tech-
Wolbachia might be also used as an expres- nologies will be used in the field and ever
sion vector in paratransgenesis strategies. replace and/or complement existing opera-
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Symbiosis-Based Technological Advances to
Improve Tsetse Glossina spp. SIT Application


Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Yale University School

of Medicine, New Haven, CT 06510, USA

ABSTRACT Tsetse flies, Glossina spp. are the sole vectors of the parasitic African trypanosomes,
which cause devastating diseases in humans and animals. The sterile insect technique (SIT) is one pest con-
trol tool that, when integrated on an area-wide basis, is highly effective against tsetse populations. Several
molecular techniques have the potential to enhance the application of this approach. In particular, the abil-
ity to engineer refractoriness into released strains would enhance the efficacy of this approach, especially
in human disease endemic areas. In addition, natural mating incompatibilities between some populations
could be exploited to enhance the fitness of released males, as the irradiation dose could be reduced to that
required for female sterilization without compromising overall male sterility. The viviparous reproductive
nature of tsetse flies has made direct germ-line transformation impossible. However, the symbiotic
microorganism Sodalis glossinidius that lives in tsetse midgut tissue can be cultured and transformed.
Because these symbionts live in close proximity to where parasites differentiate and replicate, gene prod-
ucts expressed and secreted by these microbes could have immediate impact. Fly midguts have been suc-
cessfully repopulated with symbionts engineered to express foreign gene products. The complete genome
sequence of S. glossinidius together with information on its population dynamics during fly development
is now available. Gene expression experiments currently in progress now aid in identifying an expression
system that does not reduce the fitness of engineered flies. This is done by making use of midgut-specific
promoters. In addition to midgut symbionts, various field populations of tsetse harbour Wolbachia spp. In
many insect species the presence of Wolbachia induces cytoplasmic incompatibility, a phenomenon that
causes reproductive incompatibilities between infected and uninfected insects. To understand the impact of
Wolbachia infections on tsetse, lines with and without Wolbachia should be developed for formal mating
experiments. Field populations are heterogeneous for the presence/absence of the bacteria, and it may be
possible to develop such lines directly from the field to evaluate the potential role of cytoplasmic incom-
patibility. In an attempt to identify such field populations, information was obtained on Wolbachia infec-
tions in Glossina fuscipes fuscipes Newstead.

KEY WORDS symbionts, refractoriness, tsetse flies, paratransgenesis, cytoplasmic incompatibility,

Wolbachia, Sodalis, Wigglesworthia, population replacement

1. Introduction cases of human African trypanosomosis, with 60

million people at risk in 37 countries covering
Tsetse flies are the sole vectors of cyclical approximately 40% of Africa.
pathogenic trypanosomes in tropical Africa. During a devastating epidemic in the early
Human African trypanosomosis, or sleeping 20th century, approximately one million peo-
sickness, is a zoonosis caused by the flagellat- ple died of human African trypanosomosis.
ed protozoa Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense Following several decades of intensive sur-
Stephen and Fantham in East and Southern veillance, screening and treatment of patients
Africa and Trypanosoma brucei gambiense combined with selective tsetse control efforts,
Dutton in West and Central Africa. The World the disease almost disappeared from Africa by
Health Organization (WHO) conservatively esti- the 1960s. However, there is presently anoth-
mates that there are currently 300 000-500 000 er wave of human African trypanosomosis
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 137–148.
© 2007 IAEA.

Figure 1. Diagramme showing the digestive and internal reproductive anatomy of tsetse (mod-
ified from Rio et al. 2004). Wolbachia reside exclusively within reproductive tissues, while
Sodalis and Wigglesworthia are associated with digestive tissues and hemolymph (the latter
only being inhabited by Sodalis).

epidemics, with a disease burden of 2.05 mil- mated and the consensus view is that the situ-
lion disability-adjusted life years (Ekwanzala ation may worsen (Smith et al. 1998, Barrett
et al. 1996, van Hove 1996, Moore et al. 1999, Stich et al. 2003).
1999). Countries in Central Africa, especially In addition to their impact on human
Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo, health, trypanosomes cause a wasting and
and Southern Sudan have been hardest hit, fatal disease known as African animal try-
while Uganda is under threat with sporadic panosomosis or nagana in cattle, domestic
infections reported. The rate of new infections pigs and other farm animals. Nagana, caused
and mortality (55 000 deaths in 1993, 66 000 by the related parasites, Trypanosoma brucei
in 1999) shows no sign of decline. The col- brucei Pimmer and Bradford, Trypanosoma
lapse of health infrastructures and surveil- congolense Broden and Trypanosoma vivax
lance systems (Simarro et al. 2003), allied to Ziemann, has restricted agricultural develop-
the displacement of populations by war and ment and food production in sub-Saharan
natural disasters are important contributory Africa, profoundly impacting the economy of
factors to the present epidemic. Given that much of the continent (Steelman 1976, Jordan
human African trypanosomosis affects often 1986).
war-torn hard-to-reach rural populations that The prevalence of trypanosomosis relies
lack active surveillance, disease prevalence is on four interacting groups of organisms: (1)
generally considered to be grossly underesti- the human hosts, (2) the insect vectors, (3) the

pathogenic parasites, and (4) the domestic and (Vreysen et al. 2000), its application on the
wild animal reservoirs. While complex, this mainland is currently being pursued (Alemu
dependence on multiple players provides sev- et al., this volume, Kappmeier et al., this vol-
eral opportunities for intervention since inter- ume).
ruption of any of these interactions can poten- This article describes transgenic technolo-
tially reduce disease transmission. Despite gies that have the potential to improve the SIT
extensive research on the development of implementation. It outlines current work in
human and cattle anti-trypanosome vaccines, the field of tsetse transgenics, a powerful tool
antigenic variation of the surface glycopro- for use in engineering refractoriness traits into
teins of the parasite within the mammalian released flies. Also discussed are the potential
host has hampered most efforts. Current man- naturally present mating incompatibilities
agement of human African trypanosomosis conferred by Wolbachia infections. This phe-
therefore still relies on active surveillance and nomenon may allow the use of reduced radia-
treatment of infected patients along with tion doses without sacrificing male sterility
extensive support from international organiza- resulting in the release of more competitive
tions. These efforts have been constrained by flies.
the lack of inexpensive, easy to administer
and effective drugs (Butler 2003, Docampo 3. Symbiosis in Tsetse
and Moreno 2003). In addition, the efficacy of
available drugs is impaired due to increasing Tsetse flies harbour three distinct endosym-
resistance detected in parasite populations bionts (Fig. 1), Sodalis glossinidius sp. nov.
(Anene et al. 2001, Geerts et al. 2001). (Dale and Maudlin 1999), Wigglesworthia
glossinidia sp. nov. (Aksoy 1995) and, in
2. Tsetse Flies: Vectors of some populations, Wolbachia spp. (O’Neill et
African Trypanosomes al. 1993, Cheng et al. 2000). Sodalis and
Wigglesworthia, which both reside in the gut
Vector control at the local level does not play tissue of tsetse, are transmitted to tsetse’s
a primary role in the control of human African intrauterine larva through maternal milk gland
trypanosomosis (Gibson et al. 1978, Scott et secretions. Comparative phylogenetic analy-
al. 1983, Noireau et al. 1986, Fevre et al. sis of Wigglesworthia with other insect obli-
2001). This situation exists because the most gate symbionts, such as Buchnera from aphids
widly used vector control strategies, such as and Blochmannia from carpenter ants, indi-
the deployment of insecticide-impregnated cates that they are descendents of free-living
targets and traps, rely on the participation of gamma-Proteobacteria (Chen et al. 1999,
the village communities and tend not to be Aksoy 2000). Sodalis is a close relative of
sustainable in the long-term. While the proj- free-living microbes such as Escherichia coli
ects tend to start with enthusiasm, the mainte- (Migula) Castellani and Chalmers,
nance of traps and targets dwindles over time Salmonella spp. and Yersinia spp. (Rio et al.
as fly numbers decrease, inevitably resulting 2004). Wolbachia, which is a member of the
in the resurgence of vector populations. alpha-Proteobacteria (O’Neill et al. 1993,
For control of animal diseases, the avail- Cheng et al. 2000) is transovarially transmit-
ability of more effective trapping systems, ted.
coupled with strong economic interest, has The relationship between Wigglesworthia
provided the impetus for vector control pro- and tsetse is ancient (some 50-80 million
grammes. The use of an area-wide integrated years old), as evidenced by the concordant
pest management (AW-IPM) strategy with a evolution that members of the genus now dis-
sterile insect technique (SIT) component is play with their tsetse host species (Chen et al.
effective for tsetse, and following a successful 1999). As a consequence of its strict intracel-
programme on the Island of Unguja, Zanzibar lular sequestration within specialized host

cells (bacteriocytes), the genome of ucts will provide insights into its symbiotic
Wigglesworthia has undergone a drastic size biology, and at the same time, provide impor-
reduction to about 700 kilo bases and codes tant information to enhance an applied para-
for only 621 predicted protein products transgenic approach.
(Akman and Aksoy 2001, Akman et al. 2002).
However, despite its restricted functional 4. Genetic Transformation
capabilities, Wigglesworthia’s chromosome Systems in Insects
has retained 62 genes whose products are
involved in the biosynthesis of cofactors, Many insects have been genetically trans-
prosthetic groups and carriers. This symbiont formed by micro-injecting various transpos-
has the potential to synthesize biotin, thiazole, able elements (plasmid or viral vectors) into
lipoic acid, flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) syncytial embryos (germ-line transformation)
(riboflavin, vitamin B2), folate, pantothenate, (Jasinskiene et al. 1998). These transposable
thiamine (vitamin B1), pyridoxine (vitamin elements insert themselves randomly into
B6), protohaeme, and nicotinamide. These insect DNA, resulting in germ-line transfor-
capabilities suggest that an important function mation whereby the transgene is passed on to
of the Wigglesworthia symbiosis is to supple- every individual cell of the genetically-modi-
ment essential vitamin metabolites to tsetse’s fied organism. Marker genes carried by the
single diet of vertebrate blood (Nogge 1981). transposable element help to identify trans-
It is now possible to rescue tsetse fertility in genic individuals. By using tissue specific
symbiont-free flies (fed antibiotics) by feed- expression systems, transgene products can be
ing them a cocktail containing vitamin prod- ectopically expressed to affect parasite viabil-
ucts encoded on Wigglesworthia’s chromo- ity, i.e. in the gut (Moreira et al. 2000), sali-
some (unpublished). vary gland or haemolymph (Kokoza et al.
Sodalis has a wider tissue tropism than 2001).
Wigglesworthia, and is harboured both intra- The viviparous reproductive biology of
and extra-cellularly, principally in the midgut tsetse has hampered the application of a simi-
tissue, but also in haemolymph and milk gland lar germ-line transformation technology.
tissues (Cheng and Aksoy 1999). The genome However, commensal Sodalis can be exploit-
of Sodalis has recently been sequenced and ed to express foreign gene products in tsetse
annotated (Toh et al. 2006). Although its midgut, thus affecting parasite viability
4 171 146 base pair chromosome is signifi- (Cheng and Aksoy 1999). Using this para-
cantly larger than that of Wigglesworthia, it transgenic approach, insect cells are not trans-
has only 2299 protein-coding sequences and a formed as in the germ-line transformation
reduced coding capacity of 49%. approach, but instead transgenes are
Furthermore, over 20% of its genome encodes expressed in the symbiotic bacteria (Rio et al.
pseudogenes, a high proportion of which 2004). The specific associations that the sym-
function in defence, and in carbohydrate and bionts have established with host populations,
inorganic ion transport and metabolism. These their physical proximity to the developing
functional erosions may reflect Sodalis’ ongo- pathogenic agents in insect tissues and the
ing degenerative adaptations to its hosts vast quantity of information available on
immune environment and single nutrient prokaryotic transformation and gene expres-
source, vertebrate blood. This massive func- sion mechanisms make beneficial symbionts
tional erosion will curtail the organism’s via- highly desirable expression vehicles that can
bility outside of its tsetse host niche. Sodalis’ be exploited for the control of a variety of vec-
genotype ensures this symbiont is a safe can- tor-borne diseases. The symbiont Rhodococcus
didate for use in the paratransgenic strategy has been similarly exploited to express foreign
described below. With its genetic blueprint gene products in triatomine bugs to block
now available, functional analysis of its prod- Trypanosoma cruzi Chagas transmission

(Beard et al. 1992). This approach has much impact of the symbiont on host biology.
promise for control of many agricultural dis- Likewise, the fitness of the transformed sym-
eases transmitted by plant pests that also bionts and of insects repopulated with them
house symbiotic microbes. should not be compromised in comparison to
Some of the requirements for a successful their wild-type counterparts, (5) genetically
symbiont-based insect transformation approach altered symbionts should not pose a threat to
are: (1) presence of naturally harboured sym- non-target organisms, (6) characterization of
bionts that can be isolated and cultured, (2) effective anti-pathogenic products such as
knowledge of the transmission mode as well antimicrobial peptides or transmission-block-
as the growth and dynamics of the symbiont ing monoclonal antibodies, (7) expression of
throughout the host life cycle, (3) an efficient such transmission-blocking effector mole-
symbiont transformation system that results in cules in insect tissues or compartments that
stable phenotypes upon reintroduction into the impede pathogen life cycle, (8) an environ-
host, (4) genetic manipulation that does not mentally-sound implementation project for
alter either the role or the physiological delivering transformed insects into the field

Figure 2. Protocol used for the production of trypanosome-refractory paratransgenic tsetse

flies. Step 1: a primary culture of Sodalis is established from the hemolymph of an adult fly.
Cells are maintained in vitro under micro-aerophilic conditions. Step 2: cultured Sodalis are
transformed with constructs that encode trypanocidal peptides. Recombinant Sodalis are then
micro-injected into adult females, which are subsequently fed antibiotics and a mixture of B-
vitamins. Step 3: pupae from injected mothers are collected and allowed to mature to adult-
hood. Foreign DNA can be detected in these offspring by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
(and in the case of green fluorescent protein (GFP), visualized under a fluorescent micro-
scope), thus indicating successful vertical transmission of recombinant Sodalis from mothers
to offspring.

Figure 3. Bio-activity of tsetse attacin (GmAttA1). (a) In vitro incubation of Sodalis and T. bru-
cei indicates that the symbiont survives significantly longer than the parasite in the presence
of GmAttA1. (b) Flies fed recombinant GmAttA1 at different times. The efficiency of inhibiting
infection depends on when the flies were supplied GmAttA1.

strains colonizing warm-blooded hosts.

(effective gene-driving mechanisms), and (9)
Sodalis also has a slow growth rate both in the
an ecological assessment of potential spread
insect host (Aksoy, unpublished) and in labo-
of transformed symbionts and barriers to dis-
persal. ratory culture. Thus, it would likely be a
weak, perhaps unsuccessful, competitor out-
4.1. Sodalis-Based Transformation System side of its host.

Several aspects of Sodalis’ biology make its 4.2. Expression of Trypanocidal Effectors
use in a paratransgenic strategy highly desir- in Sodalis
able. Firstly, the availability of an in vitro cul-
ture system has enabled the development of a Because Sodalis lives naturally in close prox-
genetic transformation system that can intro- imity to trypanosomes in tsetse’s midgut envi-
duce and express foreign products in Sodalis ronment, expression of trypanocidal products
(Beard et al. 1993, Aksoy 2001, Aksoy et al. by this organism can potentially block parasite
2001, Aksoy 2003) (Fig. 2). Following trans- development. Presumably as a result of co-
formation, recombinant Sodalis (recSodalis) evolution with its host immune system,
are returned to their tsetse hosts. They are suc- Sodalis displays a high level of resistance to
cessfully acquired by subsequent generations tsetse’s immune arsenal. Among these
of flies when micro-injected into haemolymph immune products are the tsetse antimicrobial
of the female parent, as determined by expres- peptides attacin and diptericin, which are syn-
sion of the marker gene product, green fluo- thesized in response to microbial infections
rescent protein (Cheng and Aksoy 1999). (Hao et al. 2001, Hu and Aksoy 2005). In fact,
Secondly, from a containment perspective, Sodalis demonstrates a remarkable resistance
Sodalis is a fastidious microaerophilic to a variety of insect-derived and non-insect
endosymbiont that is difficult to maintain in antimicrobial peptides (Haines et al. 2003). Of
vitro, presumably as a result of its adaptation practical value is the fact that unlike Sodalis,
to the symbiotic lifestyle. This organism has a African trypanosomes are highly susceptible
low temperature optimum of 25°C and cannot to the actions of these peptides, including
grow in temperatures exceeding 30°C, elimi- tsetse attacin (GmAttA1) (Fig. 3).
nating the possibility of recombinant Sodalis During the course of a natural trypanosome

Table 1. Trypanosome infection prevalence in icantly lower because antimicrobial peptides

Glossina morsitans morsitans after immune were already being synthesized at the time of
activation with Escherichia coli, lipopolysac- parasite acquisition (Table 1). The next step
charide (LPS) or sterile phosphate buffered will be to see whether the constitutive expres-
saline (PBS). sion of attacin in tsetse midgut symbionts will
impede parasite development.

5. Gene-Driving Systems:
Inoculation Pooled1 Prevalence Chi square-

(SE) analysis2
Control 145 49.7% (5.0) - Cytoplasmic Incompatability
E. coli 99 11.1% (5.1) P < 0.0001
LPS 152 27.0% (2.5) P < 0.0001 An important applied aspect of some trans-
PBS 106 50.0% (9.6) P = 0.94 genic approaches is the ability to spread labo-
ratory-engineered phenotypes into natural
1Represents pooled samples from replicates
populations. Wolbachia, which infects a wide
2The infection prevalence in control groups served
range of invertebrate hosts (Werren et al.
as the expected data against which other groups
1995), including several tsetse species, pro-
were tested
vides one potential drive mechanism. One
unique consequence of Wolbachia infections
infection, antimicrobial gene expression is is a condition called cytoplasmic incompati-
induced in the proventriculus and fat body tis- bility, which results in the death of zygotes
sues. This expression continues in flies with during embryogenesis (Fig. 4). In an incom-
established gut parasite infections. Many flies patible cross, the sperm enters the egg but
are able to cure their infections. However, in does not successfully contribute its genetic
those few that are susceptible, either the con- material, and in most cases none or very few
centration of these molecules does not reach eggs hatch. Recently, it has been shown that
levels high enough to eliminate the large num- Wolbachia can be transferred between differ-
bers of parasites replicating in the gut, or these ent species and subsequently result in cyto-
peptides remain mostly in the haemolymph plasmic incompatibility (Zabalou et al. 2004).
without affecting the midgut environment Wolbachia-infected females have a reproduc-
where the parasites replicate. When flies are tive advantage over their uninfected counter-
immune stimulated prior to infecting them parts as they can reproduce successfully with
with parasites, parasite prevalence was signif- both the infected and non-infected males. This
will eventually allow the Wolbachia-infected
Table 2. Wolbachia prevalence in several field insects to spread through natural populations
populations of tsetse flies. (Sinkins et al. 1997, Sinkins and O’Neill
2000). As Wolbachia spreads itself into target
populations, it can also drag other maternally
Species Location Prevalence linked traits and organelles such as mitochon-
G. f. fuscipes Sudan (4/8) 50%
dria (Turelli et al. 1992). In addition, various
G. f. fuscipes Northern Uganda (8/11) 75%
models have been developed for other insects
G. f. fuscipes Southern Uganda (4/10)40%
that describe the parameters contributing to
the dynamics of cytoplasmic incompatibility-
G. brevipalpis Mafia Island
(4/7) 57% mediated spread. For example, population
genetic models have been developed to
G. brevipalpis Mivumoni (0/2) 0%
(Tanzania) explore the spread of reproductive incompati-
G. m. centralis Tanzania (7/8) 88% bility in Drosophila (Fine 1978, Turelli and
G. swynnertoni Tanzania (4/4)100% Hoffmann 1991, 1995). The epidemiological
impact of genetically modified symbionts that

Figure 4. Wolbachia-induced cytoplasmic incompatibility phenomenon in tsetse. Asterisks

indicate Wolbachia-infected flies. The top three crosses result in viable offspring, while the
fourth cross between an uninfected female and a Wolbachia-infected male does not. The repro-
ductive advantage of Wolbachia-infected females drives the infected phenotype into popula-

inhibit the transmission of trypanosomes still Africa was zero, while in Kenya it was 30%.
needs to be assessed in tsetse. In the colony maintained at the FAO/IAEA
In a field survey, many tsetse populations Agriculture and Biotechnology Laboratory,
were found to be infected by different strains Seibersdorf, Austria, originally established
of Wolbachia (Cheng et al. 2000). However, from Kenya, infection prevalence was 100%.
the extent of the cytoplasmic incompatibility At the same study site in South Africa, the
phenomenon needs evaluation to assess the Glossina austeni Newstead population was
utility of this gene-driving system in tsetse. 100% infected with Wolbachia, while in
Analysis of laboratory colonies has shown Kenya infection prevalence was at 50%.
that 100% of sampled individuals carry Analysis of the “now-extinct” G. austeni pop-
Wolbachia, making the analysis of Wolbachia- ulation from the Island of Unguja, Zanzibar
mediated effects impossible by traditional (Vreysen et al. 2000) revealed none of the
mating experiments (Cheng et al. 2000). The individuals to be infected. A recent analysis of
natural populations studied provide hetero- Wolbachia infection prevalence in some field
geneities in Wolbachia infection status that populations from East Africa is shown in
should be further explored (Cheng et al. Table 2.
2000). In 1999, Wolbachia prevalence in Heterogeneous field populations may offer
Glossina brevipalpis Newstead in South an opportunity to investigate the functional

biology of Wolbachia infections in tsetse by plasmic incompatibility phenotype. To this

providing an ability to develop infected and end, the extensive heterogeneities in Glossina
uninfected lines from the field to subsequent- fuscipes fuscipes Newstead populations may
ly evaluate cytoplasmic incompatibility. provide such an opportunity.
While no naturally-occurring horizontal trans-
fer of Wolbachia has been observed, experi- 7. References
mental transfer of this bacterium between dif-
ferent hosts, and even into insects with no Akman, L., and S. Aksoy. 2001. A novel
prior infection history, is increasingly com- application of gene arrays: Escherichia coli
mon (Sinkins et al. 1997). In addition, differ- array provides insight into the biology of the
ent Wolbachia strains confer mating incom- obligate endosymbiont of tsetse flies.
patibilities among these infected insects (bidi- Proceedings of the National Academy of
rectional incompatibility). The ability to intro- Sciences USA 98: 7546-7551.
duce different strains of Wolbachia into Akman, L., A. Yamashita, H. Watanabe, K.
insects makes possible the induction of multi- Oshima, T. Shiba, M. Hattori, and S.
ple spreads, should the transgene ever be sep- Aksoy. 2002. Genome sequence of the
arated from its driver. endocellular obligate symbiont of tsetse,
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Wigglesworthia glossinidia sp. nov., taxa
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Colony Maintenance and Mass-Rearing:
Using Cold Storage Technology for
Extending the Shelf-Life of Insects


USDA/ARS Biosciences Research Laboratory, Fargo, North Dakota

58105, USA

ABSTRACT Implementation of area-wide pest control programmes using the sterile insect technique
(SIT) is fundamentally dependant on the ability to rear large numbers of insects and to precisely release
them, often at some distance from the production site. This process of producing purely biological agents
for pest control frequently demands that periods of low temperature are utilized to store, stockpile or
immobilize the insects to maintain quality and gain economy and effectiveness. Likewise, rearing and
maintenance of often numerous laboratory colonies for the purpose of conducting research to develop and
improve SIT programmes can also benefit from the use of this technology. Two approaches that can be used
to maintain quality and to extend the utility of insects are cryopreservation and dormancy. Using either of
these methods to extend the shelf-life of mass-reared or laboratory-cultured insects requires that they close-
ly conform to the physiological and developmental capabilities and characteristics of a particular species.
The technical aspects of this conformity are discussed, along with the advantages of using these two
approaches for extending insect shelf-life. Both approaches have specific requirements for employment
and both yield benefits relating to short- or long-term storage needs.

KEY WORDS cryopreservation, diapause, quiescence, shelf-life, dormancy, mass-rearing, in vitro


1. Introduction tion of over 2500 million sterile male flies per

week, and the New World screwworm
Large financial and logistical commitments to Cochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel) facility
insect rearing are being made on an interna- in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Mexico has the potential
tional level such as the efforts involving of producing 500 million sterile insects per
extensive use of the sterile insect technique week. While 60% of the type of rearing facil-
(SIT) within the framework of area-wide inte- ities like those operating in Guatemala and
grated pest management (AW-IPM) pro- Mexico are found in the Americas, others
grammes supported by the Food and have been established in Asia, Europe, Africa,
Agriculture Organization of the United and Australia (Hendrichs 2000). Mahon and
Nations (FAO) and the International Atomic Leopold (2002) have illustrated how AW-IPM
Energy Agency (IAEA), the Animal and Plant programmes with an SIT component can ben-
Protection Service of the United Sates efit by having the technology to store insects
Department of Agriculture (USDA-APHIS) for varying lengths of time. The establishment
and the agricultural agencies of various coun- of a colony for mass-rearing purposes, main-
tries around the world. For example, the tenance of a variety of mutant lines for devel-
Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata opment of strains having specific qualities or
(Wiedemann) mass-rearing and sterilization uses, and banking of an array of geographic
facility at El Piño, Guatemala has a produc- isolates for compatibility assessment of the
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 149–162.
Published with the permission of © 2007 U.S. Government

mass-reared colony are examples of the late. Strain maintenance will surely consume
endeavours that can be facilitated by having increasingly larger portions of research budg-
long-term storage capability. Further, situa- ets unless storage methods are used for archiv-
tions involving potential hazards to mainte- ing the burgeoning array of mutant and trans-
nance of quality insect production such as genic strains as well as an increasing number
genetic drift, disease, work stoppages and of model insect species.
mechanical failure can be averted or alleviat- While the intent of this report is to raise
ed with a variety of short- and long-term stor- awareness of the possibilities that cold storage
age techniques that have been developed over presents for increasing the shelf-life of insects
the past 75 years (Leopold 1998). used as research models and in control pro-
As with AW-IPM programmes that inte- grammes, the use of this technology is not lim-
grate the SIT, the investments made for mass- ited to just facilitating the rearing of insects for
rearing of insects as traditional biological con- these purposes. There are myriad of disci-
trol agents are also considerable. Hunter plines and enterprises including rearing insects
(1997) identified 142 North American com- for pet food, fish bait, forensic indicators, and
mercial suppliers of 127 species of insects and the rescue of endangered species that can ben-
mites for use in biological control of plant and efit by the incorporation of storage technology
insect pests in the greenhouse and in the field. into the rearing and handling procedures.
The use of insects as bio-pesticides in the form Therefore, it is hoped that the following infor-
of parasites, predators and phytophages is well mation will provide a ready access to a basic
established throughout the world, and the ben- description of the methodology and illustrate
efits of storage technology in production and the potential that cryopreservation and
release of biological control agents was recog- dormancy induction offer for saving time,
nized early last century by Flanders (1930) money and genetic resources.
when rearing and releasing braconid wasps
Trichogramma spp. for control of the codling 2. Cryopreservation Techniques
moth Cydia pomonella (L.). The importance
of having storage techniques to accumulate, Cryopreservation typically means storing or
store and ship beneficial insects for use in an preserving cells, tissues and organisms in a
IPM programme parallels that of SIT opera- cryogen such as liquid nitrogen. At very low
tions, especially when commercial entities are subzero temperatures, such as that of liquid
compelled to maintain the production of nitrogen (-196°C), all known cell processes
insects as a profitable enterprise. are held in abeyance and storage time can be
The activity of rearing and maintaining an indefinitely long period of time. To render
colonies of quality insects under laboratory biological systems cryopreservable, there
conditions for research purposes forms the must be a strict management of intra- and
foundation for development and testing of all extracellular water. There are two basic tech-
potential pest control programmes. niques for accomplishing water management
Accordingly, it is well known that mainte- prior to liquid nitrogen storage and they are
nance of research colonies remains a neces- known as equilibrium freezing and vitrifica-
sary, but often costly, endeavour. With the tion. The following two subsections identify
advent of new technologies available to the major features of the techniques that are
researchers to genetically transform non- used for long-term storage of biological sys-
drosophilid species (O’Brochta and Atkinson tems.
2004), along with the advancing genomic
sequencing of representative insects (Evans 2.1. Equilibrium Freezing
and Gunderson-Rindal 2003), the number of
insect strains being created in the laboratory Storage of cells, tissues and whole organisms
with unique characteristics will rapidly esca- at liquid nitrogen temperature generally

requires reduction of intracellular water to a tion, have been designed to accommodate the
negligible amount to avoid physical damage interconnected factors that affect cell dehydra-
to the cells caused by the formation of ice tion. They include stepwise cooling rates
crystals upon freezing. Water removal is directed to equilibrate water/cryoprotectant
accomplished by osmotic dehydration, usual- exchange, manual seeding to promote extra-
ly in the presence of a controlled slowly cellular freezing and decrease intracellular ice
falling temperature. Removal of intracellular formation, and quenching in liquid nitrogen at
water produces a potentially harmful situation various subzero temperatures to terminate
by concentrating the remaining solutes in the supercooling (Schiewe et al. 1991, Fahning
cells. This situation is usually managed by the and Garcia 1992, Trad et al. 1999).
addition of a chemical cryoprotectant such as Correspondingly, the rate of thawing cells
dimethyl sulphoxide, ethylene glycol or glyc- and organisms during the recovery process
erol to alleviate the loss of water and protect from liquid nitrogen storage can also be a crit-
the cells during the dehydration and freezing ical factor. Generally, rapid warming after
process. Conventional cryopreservation pro- using the equilibrium freezing method is
tocols balance the egress of water, the influx required for survival. The advantage of a rapid
of cryoprotectant and avoid the occurrence of over a slow thaw is thought to relate to the
potentially lethal spontaneous ice crystal for- recrystallization of ice that occurs during
mation within cells by strict regulation of the warming (Farrant 1980, Mazur 1984). A rapid
cooling rate. Slowly lowering the temperature thaw may minimize the redistribution or
initiates extracellular freezing which, in turn, growth of the ice crystals during recrystalliza-
causes an osmotic disequilibrium between the tion (Farrant et al. 1977, Shimada 1977).
external medium and the inside of the cells. Liebo et al. (1974) have shown that the advan-
Under these conditions, water flows out of the tage(s) of rapid warming for frozen mouse
super-cooled cells into the external medium. embryos diminishes when excessive dehydra-
Further, with most conventional equilibrium tion occurs after using suboptimal cooling
freezing protocols, the optimal cooling rate rates. Thus, the interrelationship of freezing
for a particular type of cell or organism pro- with thawing requires that close attention be
ceeds at a rate that maintains a near vapour- given to optimizing the cooling and warming
phase equilibrium between the external resid- rates when using the equilibrium freezing
ual liquid and the intracellular water (Mazur method.
There are various interconnected factors 2.2. Vitrification
such as membrane permeability, surface to
volume ratio, cooling rate and solute concen- Vitrification is an alternative approach of cry-
tration in the external medium, which affect opreservation that avoids the factors that gen-
the efflux of water in the presence of a falling erate intracellular ice formation by effecting
temperature (Mazur 1979, Farrant 1980). dehydration using highly concentrated cry-
Cooling too rapidly when using the equilibri- oprotectant solutions prior to cooling and
um freezing method before placement into employing ultra-rapid cooling and warming
liquid nitrogen can be lethal to cells by the rates. The vitrification process solidifies liq-
induction of spontaneous intracellular freez- uids and the cytoplasm not by the formation of
ing. Suboptimal cooling rates also produce ice but by an extraordinary increase in viscos-
irreversible damage in the form of shrinkage ity, which results in an amorphous non-crys-
past a critical cell volume (Meryman 1974) talline glassy state (Luyet and Gehenio 1940).
and/or severe cell deformation caused by a Rapid cooling below the temperature at which
low amount of residual water in the external solutions solidify without crystallization and
unfrozen fraction (Mazur 1984). A number of rapid warming above the temperature where
cooling methods, besides simple rate varia- devitrification occurs (spontaneous crystal

formation) is required to gain survival of cells before quenching in liquid nitrogen was found
or organisms treated with vitrification proto- to be an effective means for vitrifying for
cols (Luyet and Gehenio 1940, Rall et al. malaria trophozoites and shizonts (Wilson et
1980). Measured cooling rates in studies al. 1977). Thus, in these ways, a variety of
where organisms have been vitrified using liq- systems have been successfully recovered
uid nitrogen range from 5100 to 4.2 x 10-4 after vitrification and liquid nitrogen storage
°C/min (Steponkus et al. 1990, James 2004). including: mammalian and invertebrate
Further, with Drosophila embryos, Mazur et embryos (Rall and Fahy 1985, Wang et al.
al. (1993) have indicated that warming rates 2000), blood cells (Takahashi et al. 1986),
approaching 2.0 x 10-4°C/min are needed to corneal tissues (Bourne 1986), pancreatic
avoid devitrification and harmful ice crystal islets (Jutte et al. 1987), parasites (James
formation and are equally as important as 2004) and plant tissues (Reed et al. 2004).
cooling rapidly. In some cases, the critical
warming rate for maximum survival may even 3. Insect Cryopreservation
be several orders of magnitude greater than
the critical cooling rate (Baudot and Odagescu There are a number of possible options for
2004). recovering insects or their germ-plasm after
Also crucial to the success of most vitrifi- cold storage at cryogenic temperatures. These
cation protocols is the requirement that the options include liquid nitrogen storage of: (1)
system to be vitrified is resistant to desicca- sperm, (2) blastoderm and primodial germ
tion by the multimolar concentrations of cry- cells, (3) gonads, (4) embryos, (5) postemby-
oprotectants necessary to produce glass transi- onic immature stages, and (6) adults. Except
tion upon rapid cooling (Engelmann 1997). for the cryogenic storage of adults, there are
Full permeation of the cells or organisms by successful examples for each of the other five
the cryoprotectant(s) is usually not needed options. The following describes significant
and may lead to solution effects such as research or observations recorded in the liter-
osmotic damage and/or chemical toxicity ature that relate to cryopreservation of the var-
(Rall 1987). Consequently, osmotic shrinkage ious forms of insect germ-plasm.
of the cells to the extent that vitrification of
the intracellular cytoplasm can be accom- 3.1. Sperm
plished is normally sufficient. Two-step cool-
ing/incubation methods have been developed It is patently obvious that cryopreservation of
to avoid the toxicity of concentrated cryopro- sperm or eggs is only a valuable asset when
tectants and/or to accommodate permeability additional techniques are available to facili-
barriers. James (2004) has extensively tate instrumental insemination of the female
described the techniques and detailed the ben- insect or in vitro fertilization of eggs. While it
efits gained by using the two-step method of is commonly thought that the honey bee Apis
cooling and incubating organisms in ethanedi- mellifera L. is the only insect for which an
ol before quenching in liquid nitrogen. He instrumental insemination technique has been
compiled studies of 11 parasitic helminths and developed (Laidlaw 1977), similar methods
insects that were cryopreserved when incubat- have also been crafted for the yellow fever
ed in initial concentrations of ethanediol rang- transmitting mosquito Aedes aegypti (L.)
ing from 10 to 40% at 25-37°C and then, as a (Burcham 1957), the common bedbug Cimex
second step, in concentrations ranging from lectularius L. (Davis 1965), the cotton boll
33-83% at 0°C before exposure to liquid weevil Anthonomus grandis Bohemann
nitrogen. An alternative method employing (Villavaso 1974), the fire ant Solenopsis invic-
slow cooling to a sub-zero temperature of ta Buren (Ball et al. 1983), the silkworm
-31°C followed by an a 30 minute equilibra- Bombyx mori (L.) (Takemura et al. 1999) and
tion period in five molar dimethyl sulphoxide three species of bumblebees Bombus spp.

(Baer and Schmid-Hempel 1999). This dis- al. 2004).

parate assemblage of species having extreme- In vitro fertilization has been accomplished
ly dissimilar methods of sperm transfer during with cryopreserved sperm in the sawfly
the normal male-female insemination process Athalia rosae (L.) (Hatakeyama et al. 1994).
bodes well for development of additional This technique does not employ a cryoprotec-
methods for many other insects. For example, tive agent and the sperm recovered from liq-
mosquito males transfer free sperm in seminal uid nitrogen storage are non-motile.
fluid; silkworm males transfer two types of Nevertheless, diploid females were recovered
sperm packaged into a spermatophore and the by initially injecting sperm into mature
bedbug male practices “traumatic insemina- oocytes. Essential to the successful employ-
tion” through the female’s body wall into the ment of in vitro fertilization is having the
haemocoel. Thus, it would seem that sperm capacity to activate the oocytes prior to the
cryopreservation, like the animals that are injection of the sperm in order that syngamy
mass-reared in the livestock industry, would will occur between the two gametes. With this
be an often-used technique for retaining insect method, A. rosae oocytes were activated by
germ-plasm. However, of these insects, sperm placing in hot water (Sawa and Oishi 1989).
cryopreservation technology for use in instru-
mental insemination is currently available for 3.2. Blastoderm and Primordial Germ
only the honey bee (Harbo 1977, Kaftanoglu Cells
and Peng 1984) and the silkworm (Takemura
et al. 1999). Yu et al. (1997) used the conventional equilib-
The early work of Harbo (1977, 1979, rium freezing process when cryopreserving
1981, 1983) on honey bee sperm cryopreser- totipotent nuclei from embryos of A. mellif-
vation indicated that considerable damage era. Donor ooplasm containing preblastoderm
occurred when 10% dimethyl sulphoxide was nuclei was removed from 8-9 hour embryos
used as the cryoprotective agent and the dilu- with a transplantation pipette, which was then
ent was saline. The measured cooling rates plunged into liquid nitrogen also without ben-
ranged from 20-50°C/min and thawing was efit of a cryoprotectant. After a rapid thaw the
nearly instantaneous. Equilibration periods nuclei and ooplasm in the pipette were inject-
used were from 12-20 minutes and were fol- ed into recipient embryos. The incidence of
lowed by the rapid cooling. With this method, chimerism using this method was 85% of the
Kaftanoglu and Peng (1984) were more suc- frequency obtained when non-cryopreserved
cessful in gaining increased numbers of fertil- nuclei were utilized. Further, two out of 157
ized eggs and colony regeneration by chang- surviving larvae expressed only the donor
ing the type of sperm diluent from saline to genotype and were presumed to be clones of
the Kiev medium, increasing the equilibration the donors. An extension of this technology is
time and slowing the cooling rate to 3- to biopsy individual honey bee embryos by
4°C/min. Maintenance of colonies with removing up to 80 nuclei and cryopreserving
queens receiving only cryopreserved semen them (Yu et al. 1998). The biopsied embryos
was difficult but the F1 queens reproduced are then reared to adulthood as queens and
normally. Considering the recent advances submitted to a comprehensive phenotypic
made on cryopreserving the semen of other testing and screening for the traits desired for
animals (Arav et al. 2002), it would seem that a highlevel of honey production. The totipo-
more progress could be made on cryopreserv- tent nuclei that were held in liquid nitrogen
ing honey bee sperm. Recent work on identi- storage are then used in the creation of germ-
fying the innate factors which allow queen lines from those queens that had been deter-
honey bees to maintain viable sperm within mined to produce hives of superior quality
their spermatheacae for several years indi- during the screening process.
cates movement in that direction (Collins et Unlike other animals, primordial germ

Table 1. Current status of insect embryo cryopreservation.

Species Hatching Pupating Reproducing References


Drosophila melanogaster Meigen yes yes yes Mazur et al. (1992b),

Steponkus and Caldwell
Lucilia cuprina (Wiedemann) yes no no Leopold and Atkinson
Musca domestica L. yes yes yes Wang et al. (2000)
Cochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel) yes yes yes Leopold et al. (2001)
Chrysomya bezziana (Villeneuve) yes no no Leopold and Mahon (unpub-
Culicoides sonorensis Wirth & Jones yes yes yes Nunamaker and Lockwood
Anastrepha suspensa (Loew) yes yes yes Leopold et al. (unpublished)
Anastrepha ludens (Loew) yes yes yes Rajamohan et al. (2002)
Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) yes yes yes Rajamohan et al. (2003)
Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) yes no no Li et al. (2000, 2001)

cells of insects are not routinely cryopre- were able to obtain progeny from adult silk-
served. Techniques for transplanting and also worm that had undergone transplantation of
isolating mass quantities of pole cells of cryopreserved ovaries during their larval
Drosophila embryos have been in existence stage. Unlike the Drosophila technique, this
for over 25 years (Allis et al. 1977, Regenass method does not require that the donor ovaries
and Bernhard 1980) and it would seem likely connect with the recipient ovarian ducts
that creation of a cryopreservation protocol because once the transplanted ovaries are
similar to that used for honey bee blastoderm mature, eggs can be surgically removed from
nuclei could be easily accomplished. the surrogate insects and either activated
parthenogenetically or fertilized by in vitro
3.3. Gonads fertilization.

Methods for cryopreserving insect ovaries 3.4. Embryos

have been developed by Bruschweiler and
Gehring (1973) for Drosophila and by Shinbo Dipteran embryos, and perhaps most insect
(1989) for the silkworm. Preservation of the embryos, are inherently intolerant to the use
silkworm germ-plasm was accomplished by of the conventional equilibrium freezing tech-
adding increasing concentrations of dimethyl nique for cryopreservation (Heacox et al.
sulphoxide to larval ovaries in culture medi- 1985, Meyers et al. 1988, Mazur et al. 1992a,
um to reach a final concentration of 1.5 molar Miles and Bale 1995). This intolerance relates
and freezing in liquid nitrogen vapour within to a lethal response to chilling when exposed
a cryovial before placing into liquid nitrogen. to the slow cooling/dehydration regime
Recovery from liquid nitrogen storage was by required to implement equilibrium freezing.
rapid thawing, and transplantation was into Leopold (1991) suggested that insect eggs
castrated 4th or 5th instar larvae followed by having an abundance of yolk were especially
rearing to adulthood. Mochida et al. (2003) sensitive to chilling and the reason later stage

Figure 1. Dipteran embryo cryopreservation method.

embryos were able to be cryopreserved was BD20 solution as a diluent, formulating a vitri-
that most of the yolk had been utilized during fication solution that contained 1,2-ethandiol,
embryogenesis. polyethylene glycol and trehalose, cooling the
Steponkus et al. (1990) were the first to embryos by exposure to liquid nitrogen vapour
obtain survival of Drosophila melanogaster for one minute prior to quenching, and adding
Meigen embryos after cryopreservation. They foetal bovine serum to the recovery medium.
used an approach to avoid chilling injury by With only slight alterations, Leopold et al.
first loading 12-14 hour embryos with 2.1 (2001) used this technique for cryopreserving
molar 1,2-ethandiol at room temperature and the New World screwworm and also by
then exposing them to 8.5 molar 1,2-ethanediol Rajamohan et al. (2003) for the Mediterranean
at 0°C to raise the intra-embryonic concentra- fruit fly. Fig. 1 is a visual summary of the gen-
tion of the cryoprotective agent to a high level eral technique used for cryopreserving six of
by osmotic removal of additional water. With the ten species listed in Table 1.
these preparatory steps, the embryos were then Attempts to cryopreserve embryos of the
vitrified by rapid cooling in nitrogen slush. moth Spodoptera exigua (Hübner), resulted in a
Recovery required equally rapid warming. The low rate of less than 2.0% hatching (Li et al.
hatching of the embryos recovered from liquid 2000, 2001) However, it is encouraging that this
nitrogen reached 19% with about 3% emerging technique may be applicable, with some modi-
as adults. Subsequent optimization of the vitri- fications, to other insects besides dipteran flies.
fication technique by determining the optimum Obtaining a low yield of adults is not uncom-
stage for cryopreservation, increasing the effi- mon when attempting to adapt a method devel-
ciency of the permeabilization process, improv- oped for another species. The relative diversity
ing the vitrification fluid, and changing the of the Class Insecta with respect to rates of
recovery methods increased hatching to 60- embryonic development, complexity of egg
75% with about 40% of the larvae developing membranes, tolerance to chilling, and the reac-
into adults (Mazur et al. 1992b, Steponkus and tion to potentially toxic cryoprotective agents
Caldwell 1993). requires that each method for cryopreservation
Wang et al (2000) attempted to use the be tailored to fit a particular insect species.
Drosophila cryopreservation procedure to pre-
serve house fly Musca domestica L. embryos 3.5. Post-Embyronic Immature Stages
and found that several significant modifications
were required for survival. These modifications Hinton (1969) was successful in recovering
included eliminating the carry-over of alcohol live larvae of the midge Polypedi1um vander-
into the alkane lipid-extraction procedure, sub- planki Hinton, after exposure to liquid helium.
stituting Schneider’s cell culture media for the During the larval stage, these insects are able

to survive desiccation to about 3% total body refrigerated conditions have also been previ-
moisture and hence they are not severely dam- ously reported (Leopold 1998, 2000, van
aged by a -270°C temperature exposure. Lenteren and Tommassini 2003). Therefore,
There are two other reports on the successful since most of the more recent literature relates
freezing and recovery of live whole insects at to storage of insect parasitoids and predators,
liquid gas temperatures in the absence of cry- only selected new developments in this area
oprotectants. Tanno (1968) and Moon et al. are presented here.
(1996) used lengthy stepwise cooling regimes
to freeze prepupae of the sawfly Trichiocam- 4.1. Storage Using Diapause and/or
pus populi Okamoto, and larvae of the Cold Hardening
drosophilid Chymomyza costata (Zetterstedt),
before quenching in liquid nitrogen. These Using diapause and/or cold hardening as stor-
examples of freeze tolerance to liquid gas age mechanisms requires that strict attention
temperatures may be the exceptions to the rule be given to incorporating the proper environ-
for insects. Lee (1991) surveyed the literature mental cues into the insect rearing protocol.
on insect cold tolerance and, of the more than Denlinger (1991) outlined four possible situa-
35 reports that were listed, he found only two tions whereby diapause may or may not be
species were able to survive temperatures linked to cold hardiness. They are: (1) dia-
approaching -80°C and three in the -50 to pause in the absence of cold hardiness, (2)
-55°C range. cold hardiness in the absence of diapause, (3)
diapause and cold hardiness occurring coinci-
4. Storage Using Insect dently, each requiring the same regulatory
Dormancy cues, and (4) diapause and cold occurring
together, each requiring different regulatory
Dormancy is a strategy employed by insects cues. For an example of separate cues, the sur-
to survive harsh environmental conditions vival of the predatory mite Euseius finlandi-
such as cold temperature, and researchers and cus Oudemans to storage at -11.5°C was
insectary managers can use it as a means to increased nearly five-fold by either rapidly
extend insect shelf-life. The ability of insects cold hardening or slow preconditioning at a
to survive a near- or freezing temperature in a range of temperatures between 0 and 10°C
dormant state usually involves an adaptive after it had entered diapause (Broufas and
physiological response, which may be dia- Koveos 2001). Garcia et al. (2002) demon-
pause, hibernal quiescence, and/or cold hard- strated the paradigm for shared regulatory
ening. While diapause is a programmed oblig- cues with the egg parasitoid Trichogramma
atory or facultative interruption in the devel- cordubensis Vargas & Cabello. A conditioning
opmental scheme of an insect, quiescence is period for at least 30 days at 10°C induces dia-
more of an immediate response to adverse pause and survival at 3°C for six months,
conditions. Cold hardening, like diapause, is while exposure to seven or 12 °C for less than
elicited by an external stimulus over time, but 30 days followed by 3°C induced quiescence
unlike insects that exhibit diapause, it is usu- for up to 40 days before survival began to
ally elicited proportional to the stimulus. decrease.
Diapause is mediated by the endocrine system A notable observation relating to a host-
of the insect and, in the case of facultative dia- parasitoid interaction and cold hardiness was
pause there is usually an all-or-none response reported by Rivers et al. (2000). The non-dia-
to the external stimulus. The relationship of pausing pupal parasitoid Nasonia vitripennis
temperature with the induction and mainte- (Walker) survived exposure to sub-zero tem-
nance of insect diapause has been reviewed by peratures 4-9 times longer when fed on dia-
Denlinger (1991, 2001). The techniques and pausing flesh fly pupae Sarcophaga crassi-
research involved with storing insects under palpis (Macquart) having high concentrations

of glycerol as opposed to parasitoids feeding some emergence will occur from the host eggs
on non-diapausing S. crassipalpis pupae low of Homalodisca coagulata (Say) when held at
in glycerol. Further, encasement of either dia- this temperature (Leopold et al. 2003a).
pausing or non-diapausing parasitoid larvae Renault et al. (2004) have suggested that fluc-
within the fly puparia afforded 2-3 times more tuating temperatures are an important factor in
tolerance to sub-zero temperature than those the repair of chilling injury in insects exposed
larvae removed from the puparia. Thus, those to low storage temperatures. Nevertheless, the
workers involved in the design of storage pro- rigid chilling tolerances, such as those dis-
tocols for parasitoids or predators capable of played by G. ashmeadi, would probably
entering diapause and acquiring cold hardi- exceed the capabilities of refrigeration equip-
ness must consider a myriad of interrelated ment and handling procedures if this type of
factors that include: determining the various protocol was to be scaled up for inclusion in a
types and quality of environmental cues, iden- mass-rearing system.
tifying physiologically receptive and cold-tol-
erant stages of development, and clarifying 5. Insect Quality and Cold
the status of the host or prey cannot be accom- Storage
plished when rearing on an artificial diet.
To date, some in the entomological communi-
4.2. Storage Using Quiescence ty have been slow to utilize the technology
already available for increasing insect shelf-
The design of storage protocols using quies- life and cryobanking. For example, techniques
cence as a vehicle for extending insect shelf- for cryopreserving D. melanogaster embryos
life often involves the use of precise tempera- have existed since 1992 (Mazur et al. 1992b,
ture control and determination of the lower Steponkus and Caldwell 1993) and to this
threshold temperature for development of the author’s knowledge none of major stock cen-
insect. Some parasitoids have exceedingly tres located around the world are using the
low thresholds and the storage temperatures technology. Without doubt, the resources
must be carefully adjusted to accommodate expended maintaining the various strains of
this factor. The two braconids Binodoxys indi- Drosophila worldwide, estimated to be in the
cus Subba Rao & Sharma and Lipolexis vicinity of 30 000 (Steponkus et al. 1990), are
scutellaris Mackauer, the aphidiid Lysiphelbus considerable. It is understandable that insec-
japonica Ashmead, and the tachinid Lydella tary managers would be reticent to incorpo-
thompsoni Herting all have a lower threshold rate new technology into established rearing
temperature that is less than 3°C (Cagan et al. and maintenance procedures without proper
1999, Deng and Tsai 1999, Singh et al. documentation of the quality of insects sub-
2000a,b). Leopold et al. (2004) reported that a jected to a particular storage protocol.
change in storage temperature of only 0.5°C, However, it should be pointed out that insect
from 4.0 to 4.5°C, increased the 10-day emer- quality can have different levels of acceptabil-
gence of the egg parasitoid Gonatocerus ash- ity. The type or extent of quality assessment
meadi (Girault), from 7 to 34%. Further, they required to determine whether a storage
demonstrated that cycling the in-storage tem- regime is harmful or beneficial can vary wide-
perature at 8-hour intervals (4.5, 6.0 and ly because it depends on the ultimate use of a
7.5°C as opposed to the regime of 4.0, 6.0 and particular insect strain or colony. For exam-
8.0°C) increased 25-day in-storage parasitoid ple, an insect geneticist conducting laboratory
emergence to greater than 60%. Also, no par- studies may only require that several genes on
asitoids emerged after 20 days storage using one particular chromosome remain stable
the cycled regime starting at 4°C. The lower each generation while a programme manager
threshold temperature for G. ashmeadi was releasing sterile males in an AW-IPM pro-
determined to be slightly less than 5°C since gramme has concerns about quality character-

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Improving the Efficacy of the Sterile Insect
Technique for Fruit Flies by Incorporation of
Hormone and Dietary Supplements into
Adult Holding Protocols



for Medical, Agricultural and Veterinary Entomology, USDA-
ARS, 1700 SW 23 Drive, PO Box 14565, Gainesville 32604, Fl., USA
2Department of Biology, Ecology and Behavior of Fruit Flies, Programa

Mosca del Mediterráneo, Tapachula, Chiapas, Mexico

3USDA/APHIS/PPQ/CPHST, 1700 SW 23 Dr., PO Box 14565,

Gainesville 32604, Fl., USA

ABSTRACT The sterile insect technique (SIT) is a universally accepted method of control for tephri-
tid flies. Improving efficacy of mating by sterile males would reduce costs significantly. This paper
describes studies of the physiological mechanisms responsible for coordination of reproductive maturity
and sex pheromone communication in males of the genus Anastrepha in order to develop methods for
acceleration of reproductive maturity among sterilized males. These show that juvenile hormone III and its
bisepoxide homologue are key hormones involved in coordination of reproductive development and
pheromone-calling in both males and females. Additionally, incorporation of protein into the diet fed to
sterile adults prior to release is critically important to improve pheromone calling, attraction of females and
mating by sterile males. These results have led to development of a novel strategy to accelerate reproduc-
tive development of laboratory-reared sterile flies by incorporating hormone supplement therapy using
mimics of juvenile hormone including methoprene and fenoxycarb and protein diets for use in mass-rear-
ing protocols. This strategy resulted in accelerating reproductive development in males of the Mexican
fruit fly Anastrepha ludens (Loew), the West Indian fruit fly Anastrepha obliqua (Macquart), the Caribbean
fruit fly Anastrepha suspensa (Loew), and the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) fruit
flies by 3-7 days. Incorporating the technology into mass-rearing will significantly improve the efficacy of
area-wide integrated pest management progammes with an SIT component to control these pests.

KEY WORDS Ceratitis capitata, Anastrepha ludens, Anastrepha obliqua, Anastrepha suspensa,
juvenile hormone, protein diet supplements, sexual maturation, sexual signalling

1. Introduction satisfactory and lasting solutions to pest prob-

lems will require a shift to understanding and
The interventionist approach of directly promoting other means of control, such as the
killing insect pests with toxic chemicals has sterile insect technique (SIT). Indeed the SIT
been the prevailing control strategy for over is a universally accepted and environment-
50 years. This has led to environmental con- friendly method for controlling a variety of
tamination and pest resistance to the toxins insect pests. Better knowledge of the basic
while tolls due to pests grow higher, costs of mechanisms that govern insect reproduction
treatment increase and profits decrease. Truly and a more thorough understanding of the
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 163–173.
Published with the permission of © 2007 U.S. Government
164 P. E. A. TEAL ET AL.

Figure 1. Effects of hormone supplement therapy on mating by males of the Caribbean fruit fly
Anastrepha suspensa. Males were either treated with just one microlitre of acetone or treated
with five micrograms of methoprene on the day of eclosion. Six replicates of ten males per each
treatment and age. Significantly more males treated with hormone mated on each of days 4-6.
Data for fenoxycarb were identical to those of methoprene.

physiology and chemical ecology of pests are (Loew), an established pest in Florida, have
necessary to develop improved methods to very significant impacts on the USD 1500
increase efficacy of the technique. To this end, million citrus industry due to loss of world
research has been conducted in two areas: (1) markets. The economic impacts of established
determining the hormonal mechanisms regu- populations of any quarantine tephritid in
lating sexual maturity, and (2) determining the California or other citrus-producing states
dietary requirements of adults to optimize would be devastating. The cost of control of
pheromone calling and performance of males. an established population of a single quaran-
The following describes the work conducted tined species of tephritid fruit fly to the USD
using tephritid fruit flies as model species. 6800 million per year California citrus and
vegetable industries has been estimated at
2. Tephritid Fruit Flies of USD 1000 million, and quarantine of
Economic Importance California fruit and vegetables from foreign
markets would result in the loss of 35 000 jobs
Tephritid flies, including members of the and decrease output by USD 3600 million per
Ceratitis, Anastrepha, and Bactrocera genera, year (CDFA 2006a,b).
pose a serious threat to agriculture in the Increased importation of fruit and vegeta-
USA. More than 260 different hosts, including bles from other countries and between states
stone fruits like plums and peaches, and cash has magnified considerably the probability of
crops like tomatoes and peppers, have been populations becoming established. For exam-
recorded for the Mediterranean fruit fly ple, in 2000 the California Department of
Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) alone. All Food and Agriculture declared an exterior
agriculturally important tephritids are under quarantine for 100 fruits, vegetables and
both national and international quarantine berries (including such common items as
restrictions which, in the case of the blackberries, figs, citrus, bell pepper, and
Caribbean fruit fly Anastrepha suspensa tomato) from the areas in the State of Florida

Figure 2. Comparison of age (cumulative percentage) at which males of the West Indian fruit
fly Anastrepha obliqua engage in pheromone calling when treated with methoprene or with just
solvent (control) on the day of adult emergence (six replicates of ten males per each age).

south of and including Hernando, Sumter, basis for preventing and eradicating both
Lake and Volusia Counties, the major produc- Mediterranean and Mexican fruit fly out-
tion areas for these commodities in Florida. breaks (CDFA 2006a) and also in Florida the
Strict monitoring protocols are in place to technique is being used as a preventive
detect introductions of the pests. For example, method to ensure that the Mediterranean fruit
the State of Florida deploys more than 13 000 fly does not become established. While the
attractant traps to detect potential invasions of basic protocols associated with the SIT are
the Mediterranean fruit fly alone. Once an well established, the technique is expensive in
outbreak is detected, the infested areas are terms of time and money. An important goal is
subjected to immediate quarantine to elimi- therefore to dramatically improve the efficacy
nate movement of fruit to other areas, fruit of the SIT by developing methods to improve
from host plants are stripped from infested mating efficiency of sterile males and to
sites, and ground and aerial pesticide applica- reduce costs associated with implementation
tion control protocols are initiated. In the past, of control programmes.
fumigant treatment of imported fruit using
ethylene dibromide significantly limited inva- 3. Hormone Supplement
sions of these flies. However, registration for Therapy
ethylene dibromide use has been withdrawn
and no substitute has been found. Thus, three Until recently, few studies had been conduct-
practical control methods remain: (1) strip- ed on the endogenous regulation of sexual
ping and destroying fruit from infested areas, maturity and pheromone production in tephri-
(2) bait sprays using 10% malathion and more tid fruit flies. Studies on the Mediterranean
recently Spinosad®, and (3) release of steril- fruit fly indicated that application of juvenile
ized males. The use of malathion bait sprays hormone accelerates ovarian maturity (Chang
has come under constant criticism due to envi- and Hsu 1982, Chang et al. 1988, Hsu et al.
ronmental and health related problems and 1989). Also, the attractiveness of males to
several law suites have been filed to stop females was found to be reduced among
application. males treated with precocene II (Chang and
Use of the SIT provides an environmental- Hsu 1982, Chang et al. 1984). Application of
ly safe and species-specific method to sup- juvenile hormone III reversed the effect of
press or eradicate tephritid fruit flies of agri- precocene II (Chang and Hsu 1982) suggest-
cultural importance worldwide. In fact, ing that pheromone calling was affected by
California employs the technique on a routine juvenile hormone in some, as yet unknown,
166 P. E. A. TEAL ET AL.

Figure 3. Comparison of age at which male sterile Mexican fruit flies Anastrepha ludens mate
when they are treated with hormone or with just solvent (control) on the day of adult emer-
gence. All hormone-treated males (six replicate-treated groups of ten males per each age)
mated by day five whereas only 86% of control males mated by day ten.

fashion. than their solvent-treated controls. These stud-

Research on the effects of juvenile hor- ies were conducted using flies that had not
mone in regulation and acceleration of sexual been irradiated. To determine if irradiated
maturity in tephritid flies has followed proto- flies underwent the same acceleration in
cols developed for the Caribbean fruit fly reproductive development, males of the
(Teal et al. 2000). Results of studies on this fly Mexican fruit fly were treated with hormone
have documented conclusively that juvenile on the day of adult eclosion and the same mat-
hormone is a crucial hormone regulating ing studies performed using fertile females.
development of reproductive competence and As shown in Fig. 3 essentially all hormone-
pheromone calling since topical application of treated flies mated by day 5, but even at day
juvenile hormone or the juvenile hormone 10 only 86% of the solvent-treated sterile
mimics, methoprene and fenoxycarb, to newly males had mated.
eclosed adults or late stage pupae of the Field cage studies were conducted using
Caribbean fruit fly induced precocious repro- the Mexican fruit fly to determine the compet-
ductive development. Thus, Caribbean fruit itiveness in mating with 12-day-old wild
fly males treated with hormone on the day of females of 5-day-old hormone-treated sterile
adult emergence mate 4-5 days earlier than males with 5-day-old untreated sterile males
untreated males (Fig. 1). and 12-day-old wild males to mate with wild
The same methods were followed to con- females. These studies were conducted using
duct studies on the effects of hormone supple- published standard protocols (FAO/IAEA/
ment therapy on acceleration of reproductive USDA 2003), except that each male and
development as indicated by age at which female released into flight cages was marked
pheromone calling occurred using both the with a number so that the mating status of each
Mexican fruit fly Anastrepha ludens (Loew) individual could be assessed. The results of
and the West Indian fruit fly Anastrepha obli- the study indicate that 6-day-old sterile males
qua (Macquart) (Fig. 2). In both cases, appli- treated with hormone are fully competitive
cation of methoprene or fenoxycarb induced a with both 12-day-old untreated sterile males
significant acceleration in reproductive devel- (that matured naturally), and 14-day-old wild
opment so that treated males mated earlier males in mating with wild females (Fig. 4).

Figure 4. Mating compatibility tests using Mexican fruit flies Anastrepha ludens comparing
hormone-treated 6-day-old sterile males (open bars), control 6-day-old sterile males (hatched
bars) and wild 14-day-old males (black bars). In all cases 6-day-old hormone-treated sterile
males performed as well as 12-day-old untreated sterile males. Descriptions of tests conduct-
ed and of each of the performance indexes used are given in "Mating Compatibility Tests" in

Preliminary studies were made on the control sterile males. In fact the calling period
effects of juvenile hormone supplement thera- of the hormone-treated flies occurred during
py on bisexual sex strain irradiated the same period that has been determined as
Mediterranean fruit flies obtained from ship- the reproductive period for wild
ments sent from Guatemala to Florida during Mediterranean fruit flies in Guatemala (data
1998. In these experiments, the effects of on natural calling period was obtained from
application of juvenile hormone to newly data reported by Landolt et al. (1992)). If the
eclosed males on pheromone production were trends for production and release of more
monitored. It was found that 2-day-old males pheromone and shifts to calling times that
treated with hormone released twice as much coincide with the wild flies are confirmed
pheromone as the solvent-treated controls. when sterile males are treated with hormone,
Also monitored was the calling then hormone therapy will significantly
(pheromone release) period of treated and sol- improve the mating performance of
vent-treated control sterile Mediterranean Mediterranean fruit flies.
fruit flies. The pheromone release period is Individual sterile males are often consid-
directly correlated with the mating period in ered to have the potential to remove a single
this species. From this it was determined that wild female from the reproductive population.
flies treated with hormone began calling sig- Compounds in the accessory glands of the
nificantly earlier in the day than did untreated Mediterranean fruit fly have been shown to
168 P. E. A. TEAL ET AL.

Figure 5. Comparison of pheromone released by 14-day-old male Caribbean fruit flies

Anastrepha suspensa fed either the dry diet composed of 1:3 protein plus sugar or sugar alone
(N=6 replicates of each treatment).

inhibit remating and to induce females to sugar agar diet is used to feed adult sterile
engage in searching for fruit and oviposition flies prior to release. However, it has long
(Jang 1995, Jang et al. 1998, Miyatake et al. been recognized that protein is of importance
1999). It is very possible that sterile males fail for achievement of sexual maturity by the
to replenish the secretions from the accessory adults of tephritid fruit flies (Bateman 1972,
glands in the reproductive system after mat- and references therein). Indeed, recent work
ing. Wild males replenish these secretions on the Mediterranean fruit fly has shown that
within a few hours after mating. Juvenile hor- calling behaviour, sexual competitiveness and
mone is known to induce replenishment of reproductive success are enhanced signifi-
accessory gland secretions in other fruit flies. cantly when adult males from either wild
Thus, hormone supplement therapy with juve- stocks or laboratory-reared colonies are pro-
nile hormone should allow sterile males to vided with protein in the adult diet (Warburg
rapidly replenish the accessory gland secre- and Yuval 1996, Blay and Yuval 1997,
tions after the initial mating. Therefore, sterile Papadopoulos et al. 1998, Kaspi et al. 2000,
males could be capable of effectively mating Kaspi and Yuval 2000, Yuval et al. 2002).
more than once with wild females. Multiple Similarly, males of the West Indian fruit fly
mating by released sterile males will make the and its relatives, the guava fruit fly
SIT even more cost effective. Anastrepha striata Schiner and the sapote
fruit fly Anastrepha serpentina (Wiedemann)
4. Effects of Diet on Sexual have higher copulatory success when fed a
Communication and Mating diet containing protein hydrolysate (Aluja et
al. 2001a,b).
Current protocols used for holding adult flies Male Caribbean fruit flies will survive for
prior to release include feeding flies a sugar at least 20 days when fed only sugar and water
agar diet composed of 15% sucrose, 0.8% (Teal et al. 2004). However, the amount of
agar (a mixture of polysaccharides) and pheromone produced and released by males
84.2% water. No protein is included in the fed only sugar is less than 10% of that pro-
diet. The exclusion of protein from the adult duced and released by males fed both protein
diet was justified for three reasons: (1) it and sugar (Fig. 5). These authors also con-
increased costs, (2) it was hypothesized that ducted studies in which flies were fed either
the protein benefited females greatly but had on sugar alone or sugar plus protein for 11
minimum effects on male survival (Galun et days and their diets then changed so that
al. 1985), and (3) protein supposedly sugar-fed flies were provided with protein
increased microbial growth in the diet which plus sugar on days 12-14 and protein plus
could lead to sickness. As a consequence the sugar-fed flies were fed only sugar for days

Figure 6. Pheromone production by male Caribbean fruit flies Anastrepha suspensa fed sugar
alone or sugar plus protein for 14 days, or by males switched from one diet to another on day
11 and allowed to feed until day 14 (N=8 replicates per treatment).

12-14. On day 14, volatile pheromone 23 hours later. The data showed that females
released by these flies was collected and the were much more attracted to males fed protein
amount released compared to that released by plus sugar than to males fed only sugar.
flies fed only sugar or sugar plus protein for
14 days. The results were of significance 5. Development of Hormone
because adding protein to the sugar on day 11 and Protein Delivery
caused flies fed only sugar for the first 11 days Techniques for the SIT
to produce as much pheromone as was pro-
duced by flies fed protein plus sugar for 14 Although the results described above demon-
days (Fig. 6). Additionally, flies switched strated that both hormone therapy and provi-
from protein plus sugar to only sugar on day sion of protein supplements to male adults
11 produced as much pheromone as was pro- improved reproductive competence in experi-
duced by flies fed protein and sugar for 14 mental conditions, transfer of the technology
days. Clearly, providing protein is critical for to tephritid fruit fly factories requires that the
optimizing pheromone release. methods are incorporated into practical sys-
Flight tunnel studies have also been con- tems. As indicated above, the diet currently
ducted in which 14-day-old females used to feed adults prior to field release is a
Caribbean fruit flies were released into the gel diet composed of 15% sucrose, 0.8% agar
down-wind end of a 1.5-metre long flight tun- and 84.2% water. Therefore, it was critical
nel and allowed to choose between the that treatments developed could be incorpo-
volatiles released by males fed on protein plus rated into this agar-based diet.
sugar or by males fed just sugar. All males The studies began by comparing the
were at least 11 days old. Volatiles were piped pheromone calling abilities in a flight tunnel
into the tunnel from holding cages held out- and determining the amount of pheromone
side the tunnels. The outport of the volatile released by male Caribbean fruit flies fed the
release tubes was attached to insect isolation agar diet containing no protein or males fed
traps lined with sticky paper to capture the the optimal diet for adult development, a dry
female flies (Heath et al. 1993). Females were diet composed of 3:1 sucrose and protein. For
released early in the reproductive period flight tunnel studies, females were released
(15:00 hours) and trap captures were recorded 1.5 metres downwind from traps releasing
170 P. E. A. TEAL ET AL.

Figure 7. Comparison of female Caribbean fruit flies Anastrepha suspensa responding to

volatiles released by males fed the optimal dry diet or the agar gel diet as indicated by males
captured in traps releasing pheromone from caged males held outside of the flight tunnel (N=8
replicates; 20 females released per trial).

volatiles emitted from males fed either of the diet enabled males to compete equally with
diets. As indicated in Fig. 7, females over- males fed the dry diet in attracting females
whelmingly chose traps releasing pheromone and in release of pheromone (Fig. 8).
from males fed the dry diet. Additionally, The effect of incorporation of hormone
males fed the dry diet released six times more into the agar diet was then determined by
pheromone than did males fed the agar diet. incorporating a water-soluble formulation of
To determine if adding protein into the diet methoprene at doses of 0.025, 0.05 and 0.1%
caused a change in pheromone calling, differ- active ingredient into the diet. Attraction of
ent amounts of protein were incorporated into females to either the agar diet containing 10%
the agar diets. Choice flight tunnel tests were protein or the agar diet containing 10% pro-
conducted and the volatile pheromones col- tein + either 0.025, 0.05 or 0.1% methoprene
lected from males. The results showed that was compared in flight tunnel experiments.
addition of between 5-10% protein to the agar The data showed that females responded more

Figure 8. Comparison of trap captures in flight tunnel studies where female Carribean fruit
flies Anastrepha suspensa were offered the option of pheromones released by males fed the
optimal dry diet or the agar gel diet to which various amounts of protein had been added (N =
6 replicates of each treatment).

Figure 9. Capture of sterile female Mediterranean fruit flies Ceratitis capitata in flight tunnel
studies where females were given the choice of responding to males fed the control diet
(sugar/agar gel) or the sugar/agar diet containing both 10% protein and methoprene. The
numbers captured are significantly different on days 2-5 in a t-test (8 replicates).

effectively when males had been fed any of tein), and this was reflected in flight tunnel
the diets containing methoprene. Also, metho- studies indicating that females were far more
prene-fed males attracted females at much likely to move to volatiles released by males
earlier ages. Analysis of pheromone released fed the agar/protein plus methoprene diet than
by males fed these diets showed that the to males fed just the agar diet (Fig. 9). From
amounts of pheromone were greater for all this it was concluded that adding methoprene
treatments that contained the methoprene. and protein to the agar diet fed to tsl male
Of course the most critical component of Mediterranean fruit flies improves their sexu-
the SIT is effective mating. Therefore, mating al competitiveness as was the case for the
studies were conducted using fertile females Caribbean fruit fly.
and sterile males fed the agar/protein plus
methoprene diet or fed the agar/sugar diet that 6. Conclusions
did not contain hormone or protein.
Significantly more males that fed the agar diet Although this research has demonstrated the
containing protein plus hormone (48%, t = need for protein in the diets fed to adult sterile
3.16, d.f. = 8) mated. Only 30% of the males males, and that incorporation of methoprene
fed the agar only diet mated. into the adult diet results in improved and
As with the Caribbean fruit fly, incorporat- accelerated development of pheromone call-
ing 10% protein into the agar diet fed to males ing, the technology has not yet been incorpo-
belonging to the strain of Mediterranean fruit rated into mass-rearing systems. Currently,
fly that carry a temperature sensitive lethal the cost effect of incorporating the technolo-
(tsl) mutation significantly improved the abil- gies into sterile fly rearing programmes for
ity of males to attract sterile female flies on both the Mediterranean and Mexican fruit
the second day after emergence, and these flies is being assessed by the authors while
males produced approximately five times the numerous other research groups are examin-
amount of pheromone produced by males fed ing the feasibility of the technology for differ-
the agar diet alone. Adding methoprene to the ent genera of tephritid flies. While it is
agar/protein diet resulted in production of believed that the technology will greatly
twice the amount of pheromone that flies fed improve the efficacy of the SIT for the
the agar/protein diet produced (eight times Mediterranean, Caribbean, Mexican and West
more than flies fed the agar diet without pro- Indian fruit flies, a complete understanding of
172 P. E. A. TEAL ET AL.

the effects of hormone therapy and a Organization of the United Nations/

benefit/cost analysis data are needed prior to International Atomic Energy Agency/
employing the technology with other species United States Department of Agriculture.
of tephritids. 2003. FAO/IAEA/USDA manual for prod-
uct quality control and shipping procedures
7. References for sterile mass-reared tephritid fruit flies.
Version 5.0. IAEA, Vienna, Austria. http://
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Lagunes, and J. Sivinski. 2001a. Effects ml
of age, diet, female density and host resource Galun, R., S. Gothilf, S. Blondheim, J. L.
on egg load in Anastrepha ludens and Sharp, M. Mazor, and A. Lachman. 1985.
Anastrepha obliqua (Diptera: Tephritidae). Comparison of aggregation and feeding
Journal of Insect Physiology 47: 975-988. responses by normal and irradiated fruit
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Ordoñez. 2001b. Effect of adult nutrition pensa (Diptera: Tephritidae). Environmental
on male sexual performance in four neotrop- Entomology 14: 726-732.
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(Diptera: Tephritidae). Journal of Insect sory gland injections on olfactory-mediated
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Unfaithful Mediterranean Fruit Fly Ceratitis
capitata Females: Impact on the SIT?



1Dipartimento di Biologia Animale, Università di Pavia, Piazza Botta 9,

27100 Pavia, Italy
2Dipartimento di Genetica & Microbiologia, Università di Pavia, via

Ferrata 1, 27100 Pavia, Italy

3Department of Entomology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, PO Box

12, Rehovot, Israel

ABSTRACT An understanding of the levels of remating and paternity skew in the field can be impor-
tant for polyphagous pest species with a high colonization potential such as the Mediterranean fruit fly
Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann). The use of polymorphic simple sequence repeats on flies from two
Mediterranean populations in combination with various statistical methods showed not only that
Mediterranean fruit fly females remate in the wild, but most importantly, that the level of sperm precedence
could influence the effect of remating itself since one male, presumably the last, tends to sire most of the
progeny. Levels of remating and paternity skew may have important implications for the evolution of the
species in terms of maintenance of genetic variability. Moreover, these features of mating behaviour may
locally affect the efficiency of the sterile insect technique (SIT), which is a commonly applied control strat-
egy against the Mediterranean fruit fly.

KEY WORDS multiple mating, sperm use, Ceratitis capitata, microsatellites, field populations

1. Introduction iour as those mated with wild males (Cayol et

al. 1999). If females mate more than once they
Understanding the frequency of remating and can remate with either a fertile or a sterile
the factors that may influence it, together with male, however, the release of a huge excess of
an understanding of the extent and mecha- sterile males in Mediterranean fruit fly SIT
nisms that regulate sperm use are particularly programmes suggests that any female that
important for pest species such as the does remate is likely to mate with a sterile
Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata male.
(Wiedemann) for which the sterile insect tech- The Mediterranean fruit fly mating system
nique (SIT) is widely used as part of area- is based on arboreal leks, where females
wide integrated pest management (AW-IPM) encounter several courting males and freely
programmes (Krafsur 1998). The efficiency of select a mate (Yuval and Hendrichs 2000).
the SIT depends, amongst others, on the sexu- Less commonly, an alternative “fruit-guard-
al competitiveness of sterile males, in terms of ing” tactic is employed, whereby males occu-
mating competitiveness, sperm transfer, py oviposition hosts and copulate previously
accessory gland secretion transfer, and sperm mated females that alight on them to oviposit
competition. Females mated with sterile males (Prokopy and Hendrichs 1979). It is hypothe-
should ideally show the same remating behav- sized that female monogamy could be
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 175–182.
© 2007 IAEA.

favoured over polyandry due to the highly experimental control over the number of times
male-skewed operational sex ratio at lek sites that a female mates, the interval between mat-
(Warburg and Yuval 1997), and the high cop- ings or the genetic identity of multiple fathers
ulation cost for females (Hendrichs and contributing to a brood.
Hendrichs 1998). However, female remating However, the availability of high resolu-
has been reported in the laboratory (Saul and tion molecular markers, such as microsatel-
McCombs 1993, Whittier and Shelly 1993, lites (simple sequence repeats) (Bonizzoni et
Blay and Yuval 1997, Miyatake et al. 1999), in al. 2000, Baliraine et al. 2003), coupled with
field cages (McInnis et al. 2002, Vera et al. efficient statistical methods such as GERUD
2003, Shelly et al. 2004), and in a wild popu- (Jones 2001) or SCARE (Jones and Clark
lation from the Greek island of Chios 2003), enables the assignment of paternity in
(Bonizzoni et al. 2002, Kraaijeveld et al. an open field situation with considerable con-
2005). Depending upon the experimental con- fidence to be made even from a relatively low
ditions and the strain of flies studied, remating number of insects sampled (Imhof et al. 1998,
frequency ranges from 0.03 to 0.76. It has Bungaard et al. 2004, Bretman and Tregenza
been proposed that renewal of female sexual 2005, Schlötterer et al. 2005). The use of the
receptivity is influenced by the efficiency of most informative loci on the basis of their
the previous mating, in particular by the quan- polymorphic information content – a parame-
tity of the sperm transferred and the quality of ter dependent on the number of the alleles at
male accessory gland secretions (Mossinson each locus and its heterozygosity (Hearne et
and Yuval 2003). Extensive studies have been al. 1992) – allows the inference of paternity
done in Drosophila, where three seminal fluid by comparing the genotypes of wild-caught
peptides (the sex-peptide, ovulin and Mediterranean fruit fly mothers and their
DUP99B) have been shown to play a major progeny produced in the laboratory.
role in eliciting both short-term and long-term
postmating responses (Liu and Kubli, 2003). 2. Populations Studied
Laboratory experiments using morphological
mutants in the Mediterranean fruit fly have Two geographic populations from the
shown that, following remating, between 58 Mediterranean basin, one on the Island of
and 71% of the progeny was fathered by the Chios in Greece and the other from Rehovot
male of the second mating, giving a second in the central coastal plain of Israel, were cho-
male sperm precedence (P2) of between 0.58 sen to determine whether the frequency of
and 0.71 (Saul and McCombs 1993). remating varies between geographically dif-
Little is known about whether ferent populations. These two sampling areas
Mediterranean fruit flies from different ori- have been extensively used for Mediterranean
gins vary in remating frequency due to geog- fruit fly behavioural and demographic studies
raphy, climatic conditions, population density, (Rivnay 1950, Katsoyannos et al. 1998,
and seasonal fluctuations. Studies conducted Israely et al. 2005). While both Chios and
to date have focused on sexual compatibility Rehovot populations follow a seasonal
among Mediterranean fruit flies from differ- Mediterranean pattern, the slightly different
ent localities, on sexual compatibility of wild climatic conditions influence the seasonal
flies versus sterile males (Cayol et al. 2002), fluctuations of their population density
and on the relative competitiveness of sterile (Katsoyannos et al. 1998, Israely et al. 2005).
versus wild males (McInnis et al. 2002, Vera On the Island of Chios, Mediterranean fruit
et al. 2002, Kraaijeveld and Chapman 2004). fly adults can be captured from June to mid
Assessing the extent of Mediterranean fruit January, with peak densities being reached
fly remating in the field is extremely challeng- between the beginning of August and the end
ing since, as in other field-based studies of of November. The population remains below a
multiple mating and sperm use, there is no detectable level for the rest of the year, over-

wintering as larvae mainly in sweet oranges and in Rehovot they were Ccmic 2, 6, 15, 17,
and mandarins (Katsoyannos et al. 1998). 25, 3, 32, 13 and 23.
In the Rehovot area, the seasonal fluctua- Based on data from these most informative
tion in population density is bimodal with the simple sequence repeats, combined exclusion
first adults appearing in April-May. Due to powers (i.e. the probability of excluding a ran-
favourable weather conditions and host avail- domly chosen candidate parent from parent-
ability, the spring population rapidly increases age of an arbitrary offspring, given the geno-
until July when it goes through a strong bottle- type of the mother and all her progeny), of
neck due to both high temperatures and a rel- 0.725 and 0.938 were derived for Chios and
ative scarcity of hosts. A second, but minor Rehovot, respectively. These same loci pro-
population increase is observed in September, vided correct paternity assignments of 80.0%
with a peak in October. In winter (January- and 95.8% respectively in Chios and Rehovot
March), the number of flies rapidly decreases (CERVUS simulation (Marshall et al. 1998)).
to an almost undetectable level (Israely et al. The lower value of the predicted success rate
2005). for Chios could be due to its lower simple
Mediterranean fruit fly females of sequence repeats variability and its higher
unknown reproductive status were captured in level of allele sharing (aS = 0.046 and 0.0002,
BioLure® baited traps from the two areas. The in Chios and Rehovot; respectively (Palmer et
sampling procedures in Chios were described al. 2002)), which could mask remating.
by Bonizzoni et al. (2002). In Rehovot, traps Seventy two percent of caught wild
were placed in September 2001 and in April- females (26 out of 36) in Chios produced
May 2002. The number of flies trapped was progeny giving a total of 681 individuals.
generally low (less than 50 flies). Twenty Paternity analysis performed on the progeny
females in 2001 and 30 in 2002 were removed of the 18 mothers with at least 12 offspring
from the traps, transported to the laboratory (mean progeny size: 31.4) (GERUD (Jones
and allowed to oviposit individually in appro- 2001)) revealed a remating frequency of 5.5%
priate fruits. In 2001 each female oviposited (one out of 18 females).
in one fruit whereas in 2002 the fruits were In Rehovot, 15% of the females collected
removed from the oviposition cages every two in September 2001 (three out of 20), and 30%
days and replaced by a fresh fruit. Females from April-May 2002 (nine out of 30), pro-
were allowed to oviposit until they died. Each duced progeny giving a total of 422 individu-
female and all her adult offspring were killed als. Paternity analysis performed on the prog-
and shipped to Italy in 100% ethanol. eny of the eight females with at least 12 off-
To determine the level of microsatellite spring (mean progeny size: 36.5) revealed a
polymorphism of the two populations, two remating frequency of 50% (four out of eight
additional samples of 36 and 42 flies were col- females; two from each of the 2001 and 2002
lected in Chios in 2000 and in Rehovot in collections).
4. Observed and Expected
3. Observed Remating Remating Frequencies
The probability of detecting two fathers was
Genotyping of the two random samples from calculated from the population simple sequence
Chios and Rehovot identified the most repeats allele frequency data (GERUD (Jones
informative simple sequence repeat loci for 2001)) under different conditions of progeny
paternity analysis, based on the number of size (10, 34 or 50) and paternity skew, assuming
alleles, their frequency and their polymorphic second male sperm precedence (50, 60 or 70%).
information content (Hearne et al. 1992). In The results indicated that the number of proge-
Chios, these loci were Ccmic 8, 3, 17 and 13; ny influenced remating detection more than the

level of paternity skew (i.e. in Chios for a pater- fly females can copulate more than once in the
nity skew P1:P2 of 3:7, the correct detection of field. Both the GERUD and the SCARE-
the second father varied from 52.3 to 62.3%, derived estimates of M were lower in Chios
with 10 and 34 offspring, respectively, while than in Rehovot. The lower number of
with a P1:P2 of 4:6, the range was from 54.1 to females analysed in Rehovot, associated with
62.3%. The same tendency was found in the higher rate of remating detected independ-
Rehovot (data not shown). The probability of ently in the collections from two different
detecting remating was higher in Rehovot than years with respect to Chios, renders the
in Chios (Bonizzoni et al. 2006). Based on these observed difference in remating frequency
simulations, 1.6 rematings should have been even more reliable. It has been hypothesized
detected in Chios whereas only one was that different strains of Mediterranean fruit fly
observed. In other words, among the 18 females differ in male stimuli and in female respon-
analysed, 9% were expected to remate, but only siveness (Jang et al. 1998), and that the ten-
5.5% were observed. Consequently, the mean dency to remate may be adaptive and heritable
number of fertile matings per female (M) is esti- (Saul and McCombs 1993). In laboratory
mated as 1.09 (18+1.6)/18, while the observed experiments, Whittier and Shelly (1993)
value was 1.06 (18+1)/18. In Rehovot, over the showed that remating was adaptive since mul-
eight tested females, 4.3 cases of remating tiple-mated females had a significantly higher
should have been detected compared with the reproductive output than once-mated females.
four observed; M is estimated as 1.54 Chios and Rehovot have well-established fly
(4.35+8/8) versus the observed 1.50 (4+8/8). populations sharing a relatively recent com-
G tests of independence were applied to test mon evolutionary history (Malacrida et al.
whether there were differences in the observed 1998). Consequently, they show a very low
remating frequency between Chios and level of genetic differentiation and a high gene
Rehovot. The test was significant at P < 0.025 flow estimate (Bonizzoni et al. 2004).
(G = 5.88, d.f. = 1). However, the possibility cannot be excluded
that the distinct genetic background of the two
5. Breeding Behaviour populations affected the extent of the remating
The SCARE program, which uses a Bayesian Although following a similar Mediter-
approach (Jones and Clark 2003) was used to ranean seasonal pattern, the fluctuations in
estimate M and the proportion of offspring from Chios and Rehovot populations are influenced
the last-mating male (β). In Chios, the 95% con- by slightly different climatic conditions
fidence interval range for M and β were respec- (Katsoyannos et al. 1998, Israely et al. 2005).
tively 1.15-2.01 (mean 1.48) and 0.80-0.95 On the island of Chios, fly sampling was done
(mean of 0.89). In Rehovot, using the four in July 2000 when the population was still
unlinked loci with the highest polymorphic expanding but had already reached a moderate
information content (Ccmic3, 6, 15, 17), the size (Katsoyannos et al. 1998). The flies from
95% confidence interval ranges for M and β Israel were collected in September 2001 and
were: 1.61-4.09 (mean of 2.59) and 0.64-0.82 in April-May 2002, i.e. at the beginning of the
(mean of 0.73). autumn and spring expansions respectively.
Since the Mediterranean fruit fly has a high
6. Is Remating Frequency rate of population increase (Liedo and Carey
Affected by the Genetic 1996), it is reasonable to suppose that at the
Background and/or Population time of the collections the Rehovot population
Density? could have been biased towards younger flies.
In Mediterranean fruit fly females, the recep-
Multiple matings ascertained both in Chios tivity to a second mating was shown to be
and Rehovot suggest that Mediterranean fruit negatively correlated with female age

(Chapman et al. 1998, Kraaijeveld and control. Spermathecae function as long-term

Chapman 2004). Moreover, mated males storage organs, while the fertilization chamber
seem to be more efficient at inhibiting remat- acts as a staging point for fertilizing sperm.
ing than virgin males (Vera et al. 2002). Twig and Yuval (2005) concluded that the use
Therefore, a physiological parameter, such as of both sperm storage organs allows females
the lower average age of the Rehovot flies to manipulate ejaculates by diverting and seg-
may account for their higher frequency of regating them adaptively. Obviously, the stor-
remating. age of sperm from more than one male pro-
According to sexual selection theory, vides opportunities for sperm competition
females of a lekking polyphagous species and/or sperm choice. Which mechanism is
such as C. capitata, should evolve highly dis- responsible for the high level of second male
criminative mate choice based on male quali- sperm precedence that was both observed and
ty (Kaneshiro 1989). Kaneshiro (2000) sug- simulated is still an open question requiring
gested that under conditions of small popula- further study. From the SCARE simulation,
tion size, choosy females that cannot and at a very preliminary level also from the
encounter males satisfying their courtship progeny analyses, the extent of paternity skew
requirements, might undergo a physiological appears greater in Chios than in Rehovot
change thus increasing the chance of mating where a higher frequency of remating was
with less “successful” males and as a result observed. This finding introduces the interest-
will tend to remate. That such a scenario ing question of understanding the evolution-
occurred in Rehovot during the time of sam- ary relationship (if any) among sperm alloca-
pling cannot be excluded. tion, remating frequency and sperm displace-
ment in the Mediterranean fruit fly.
7. Sperm Use
8. Conclusions
The SCARE simulations (Bungaard et al.
2004) on the two natural populations strongly In the context of Mediterranean fruit fly con-
indicate that Mediterranean fruit fly popula- trol programmes based on the SIT, the low
tions exhibit high sperm skew (mean β = 0.89 mating competitiveness of sterile males
and 0.73 for Chios and Rehovot, respective- increases the probability of a female remating
ly). Since results using morphological mutants (Kraaijeveld and Chapman, 2004). The find-
have shown that the second male sired more ings reported in this study indicate that in wild
progeny than the first (Saul and McCombs populations of the Mediterranean fruit fly (1)
1993), it is reasonable to assume in the pres- remating is occurring, and its level may vary,
ent studies that it was also the second male and that (2) there is preference for sperm from
that contributed in a higher proportion to the the second mating male. In relation to both the
paternity of the offspring, as was assumed in use of the SIT and in the analysis of the evo-
the SCARE simulations (Jones and Clark lution of this species, these studies show the
2003). In previous laboratory crosses, the pro- importance of acquiring knowledge on the
portion of offspring sired by the first and sec- mechanisms of sperm use and competition in
ond male did not change over the females’ life Mediterranean fruit fly and couple them to
span or with different intervals between mat- studies on male mating competitiveness.
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Assessing Genetic Variation in New World
Screwworm Cochliomyia hominivorax
Populations from Uruguay



Centro de Biologia Molecular e Engenharia Genética (CBMEG),

Departamento de Genética e Evolução (DGE), Universidade Estadual
de Campinas (Unicamp), PO Box 6010, Campinas, SP, Brazil

ABSTRACT The New World screwworm Cochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel) is an important para-
sitic insect pest in Neotropical regions. New World screwworm myiasis is caused by the larval stage of the
fly infesting tissues of warm-blooded vertebrates. This species represents a serious threat to the livestock
sector across its current distribution, which includes part of the Caribbean and all of South America (except
for Chile). Knowledge of the extent and distribution of genetic variability of C. hominivorax is of great
interest for the description of populations and for contributing to future strategies of control. This paper
describes the analysis of genetic variability and structure of New World screwworm populations in
Uruguay using two different molecular markers, mitochondrial DNA and microsatellites.

KEY WORDS New World screwworm, genetic differentiation, mitochondrial DNA, microsatellites

1. Introduction In South America, however, this pest con-

tinues to affect the development of the live-
The New World screwworm Cochliomyia stock sector and wider economic develop-
hominivorax (Coquerel), one of the most ment. An international effort is underway to
important parasitic insect pests of warm- evaluate the feasibility of eradicating the New
blooded vertebrates, causes invasive myiasis World screwworm from endemic areas of the
and is responsible for important economic Caribbean and South America and to prevent
losses to livestock rearing. The current distri- invasions into screwworm-free areas. This
bution of the New World screwworm includes involves inter alia collecting data on the dam-
part of the Caribbean and all of South America age and costs associated with control and on
(except for Chile). This species has been suc- the distribution and density of the fly in these
cessfully eradicated from North and Central regions.
America using an area-wide approach involv- With respect to the latter, there have been
ing the sterile insect technique (SIT) (Wyss speculations and conflicting reports about the
2000, Vargas-Terán et al. 2005). In 1988, the existence of non-interbreeding populations
pest was introduced into Libya, but its spread and their possible effects on the control pro-
to livestock and wildlife in the rest of Africa gramme but to date there is no evidence that
and the Mediterranean region was prevented this situation exists (LaChance et al. 1982). To
by a successful SIT campaign using sterile maximize the effectiveness of an eradication
flies shipped from the mass-rearing facility in programme, it is essential to confirm that such
Tuxtla-Gutiérrez, Mexico (Lindquist et al. populations do not exist in these new regions
1992, Vargas-Terán et al. 1994). and to characterize the genetic variability of
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 183–191.
© 2007 IAEA.

Figure 1. The Cochliomyia hominivorax collection sites in Uruguay.

target populations. Knowledge of the genetic (1996) also used isozyme loci to study two
structure of New World screwworm popula- Brazilian populations and compared the
tions will also be useful for identifying their results with previous data from Costa Rica
actual and potential routes of gene flow and (Taylor and Peterson 1994) and partial data
thereby improve the implementation of area- from Mexico (Krafsur and Whitten 1993).
wide approaches to control this insect pest. They also concluded that New World screw-
In the past, Krafsur and Whitten (1993) worm forms a single panmitic population.
examined isozyme loci in 11 Mexican New However, subsequent analyses of four
World screwworm populations and their esti- Brazilian populations using different types of
mate of Wright’s F-statistics (FST) (Wright molecular markers in the mitochondrial and
1965) was not significantly different from nuclear genomes, suggested a different pattern
zero. They concluded, therefore, that screw- of substructuring. Restriction fragment length
worm populations in Mexico belonged to a polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of mitochon-
single panmitic population. Taylor et al. drial DNA (mtDNA) suggested that these

Table 1. Field-collected samples of Cochliomyia hominivorax in Uruguay.

Location Number of Latitude Longitude Altitude

individuals (metres)

Bañados de Medina, Cerro Largo 24 32°23’ 00 S 54° 21’ 00 W 51

Cerro Colorado, Florida 29 33°52’ 00 S 55° 33’ 00 W 96
Colonia del Sacramento, Colonia 15 34°20’ 00 S 57° 86’ 67 W 213
Dayman, Paysandú 19 31°33’ 00 S 57° 57’ 00 W 27
Joaquín Suárez, Canelones 15 34°44’ 01 S 56° 02’ 12 W 203
Paso Muñoz, Salto 21 31°27’ 00 S 56° 23’ 00 W 55
San Antonio, Salto 15 31°24’ 00 S 57° 58’ 00 W 41

populations probably belonged to a single infested wounds in sheep, cattle and dogs in
evolutionary lineage interconnected by January 2003. Sampling of related individuals
reduced gene flow (Infante-Vargas and was avoided by choosing wounds in different
Azeredo-Espin 1995). The random amplified animals and/or farms and by classifying lar-
polymorphic DNA polymerase chain reaction vae from the same wound by instar.
(RAPD-PCR) technique was also used to Larvae were transferred to the laboratory
detect genetic polymorphism and to select and reared until the pupal stage under stan-
genetic markers to discriminate six Brazilian dardized conditions (Infante-Vargas and
populations and one population from northern Azeredo-Espin 1995) or fixed in 100%
Argentina (Infante-Malaquias et al. 1999). In ethanol. Genomic DNA was extracted either
general, results from both mitochondrial and from single adults, pupae or larvae using a
RAPD analyses were concordant in suggest- phenol-chloroform procedure (Infante-Vargas
ing divergence among New World screw- and Azeredo-Espin 1995).
worm populations. Analysis of five Brazilian
populations by means of isozyme loci 2.2. Mitochondrial DNA as a Molecular
revealed a high geographical differentiation Marker
across south-eastern Brazil with relatively low
gene flow (Infante-Malaquias 1999). Diverse aspects related to the structure and
One possible explanation for the discrep- evolution of mtDNA, such as simple and uni-
ancies between the different data is that differ- form organization, lack of recombination,
ent levels of substructuring were present in maternal inheritance and high rate of
different locations. Infante-Malaquias et al. nucleotide sequence evolution, have made it a
(1999) suggested that South America could be valuable marker for estimating intraspecific
the centre of origin of this species, explaining genetic variability (Avise 1994).
the high variability and the population struc- RFLP analysis of mtDNA was previously
ture found there whereas the homogenous used for New World screwworm populations
populations of North America were possibly and revealed a high level of genetic variation
formed by a founder effect. (Infante-Vargas and Azeredo-Espin 1995,
It is clear from the above that the available Taylor et al. 1996). However, restriction
information is insufficient to infer patterns of analysis of mtDNA polymerase chain reaction
genetic variation and structure among New products (PCR-RFLP) provides a faster and
World screwworm populations throughout simpler method and has successfully been
their geographical range. Therefore, an effort used for population analyses (Ross et al. 1997,
was made to add to the body of information Dueñas et al. 2002).
available on these aspects by using mtDNA
and microsatellites to analyse the genetic vari- 2.2.1. Mitochondrial DNA Variability in New
ability and structure of Uruguayan popula- World Screwworm Populations in Uruguay
tions of the New World screwworm. Lyra et al. (2005) used mtDNA PCR-RFLP to
examine the genetic variability among the
2. Materials and Methods seven Uruguayan populations sampled. Two
regions of the mtDNA, the control region
2.1. Sampling of New World Screwworm (A+T/12S) and subunits 1 and 2 of the
in Uruguay cytochrome oxidase (cox1/cox2), were ampli-
fied and digested with the restriction endonu-
New World screwworm samples were cleases Dra 1 (A+T/12S), Ase 1 and Msp 1
obtained from seven distinct geographic loca- (cox1/cox2).
tions in Uruguay with distances between them Among the populations, nine haplotypes
ranging from 50 to 418 kilometres (Fig. 1, were observed. The mean nucleotide diversity
Table 1). Larvae were collected directly from (π) was 0.0229 and the haplotype diversity (Hs)

was 0.6355, indicating high mtDNA variability. study. The primer sequences and the proce-
The similarity index (F) was high (96.7%) and dures for microsatellite amplifications and
the estimate of nucleotide divergence between analyses of PCR products were described by
populations (δ) was very low (0.00055), sug- Torres et al. (2004).
gesting a high similarity among samples from
the different locations. The analysis of molecu- 2.4. Data Analysis
lar variance (AMOVA) showed no evidence of
population differentiation, indicating that New The number and frequency of alleles, the
World screwworm forms a single panmitic allele size range and the observed (HO) and
population in Uruguay. Lyra et al. (2005) sug- the unbiased expected (HE) (Nei 1978) het-
gested that the distribution of New World erozygosities under Hardy-Weinberg equilib-
screwworm in the extreme south of the species’ rium were determined per locus for each loca-
occurrence and the fact that there are no geo- tion. The software Micro-checker 2.2.0 (Van
graphical barriers or important climatic differ- Oosterhout et al. 2004) was used to test for
ences between studied regions were responsi- technical artefacts such as null alleles, stutter-
ble for the lack of differentiation in Uruguay. ing and large allele dropout. Each locus and
population was tested for deviations from
2.3. Microsatellite Markers Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium expectations
using exact tests implemented in GENEPOP,
Microsatellites, or simple sequence repeats, are a population genetics software for exact tests
short sequences made up of a single motif with and ecumenicism (Raymond and Rousset
no more than six bases that is tandemly repeat- 1995). Genotypic linkage disequilibrium
ed (Goldstein and Schlötterer 1999). They are among all pairs of loci within each site was
found in large numbers and are relatively even- investigated using Fisher’s exact test as imple-
ly spaced throughout the genome of every mented in GENEPOP. An unbiased estimate
eukaryotic organism analysed so far. of the exact probability was obtained using
Among the several classes of molecular the Markov chain algorithm (Guo and
markers, microsatellite loci stand out as co- Thompson 1992). Two indices of genetic dif-
dominant markers with a high number of alle- ferentiation were estimated between the local-
les per locus, high polymorphism and a high ities, FST and RST, the former based on the
heterozygosity value. Due to these features, absolute frequencies of alleles (Weir and
variation in these co-dominant markers has Cockerham 1984) and the latter estimated
been increasingly used as the marker of choice from the sum of the squared number of repeat
to investigate questions regarding population differences (Slatkin 1995). An unbiased esti-
structure, gene flow and mating systems even mate of FST, θ was calculated using the
in populations which have low levels of FSTAT computer programme (Goudet 1995).
allozyme and mitochondrial variation. The The significance of pairwise FST estimates
recent isolation and characterization of poly- was tested by permuting genotypes among
morphic microsatellite markers for New World populations (Goudet et al. 1996). The overall
screwworm (Torres et al. 2004, Torres and estimate of RST, ρST was calculated using
Azeredo-Espin 2005) enables genetic variabili- RSTCALC, a PC-based programme for per-
ty and population structure of this pest in forming analyses of population structure,
Uruguay to be investigated. genetic differentiation and gene flow using
microsatellite data (http://
2.3.1. Microsatellite Amplification and uk/evolgen/rst/rst.html). Significance levels
Genotyping of New World Screwworm for simultaneous statistical tests were correct-
Populations in Uruguay ed using the sequential Bonferroni method
Ten previously characterized microsatellite (Rice 1989). The isolation-by-distance model
markers (Torres et al. 2004) were used in this of population genetic structure was tested by

linear regression of pairwise FST /(1 - FST) and the analysis excluding this locus was not
against the natural logarithm of the geograph- significantly altered. Furthermore, these
ical distance between population pairs results are being confirmed by the preliminary
(Rousset 1997). analysis of new populations using these loci
and additional loci (Torres and Azeredo-Espin
3. Results and Discussion 2005). The occurrence of demographic
changes that affected New World screwworm
3.1. Microsatellite Variation populations may therefore be the main cause
of the observed homozygote excess. These in
The number of alleles and the expected and turn could have arisen from decreases in tem-
observed heterozygosity per locus and per perature and humidity in the Uruguayan win-
population are given in Table 2. Analysis of ter and/or persistent insecticide treatment
138 New World screwworm genotypes which can cause mass-population mortality
revealed a moderate degree of polymorphism and local extinction of New World screw-
across the seven sampling locations. Ten loci worm populations.
were used in the first analysis, but the locus Linkage disequilibrium was found in only
CH02 presented some ambiguous, non-repro- two of 252 comparisons among the loci and
ducible patterns. For this reason, it was populations analysed, but no common pair of
excluded from the statistical analysis. loci showed non-random associations in all
For the nine microsatellite loci analysed, the populations (data not shown).
the number of alleles detected per locus and
per population ranged from two to ten, with an 3.2. Interpopulation Variability
average of six (Table 2). The observed het-
erozygosity (HO), varied from 0.19 to 0.91 Most variation was found within rather than
and the expected heterozygosities (HE) varied between populations and the seven popula-
from 0.37 to 0.87 (Table 2). tions exhibited remarkably similar allele dis-
Significant deviation from the Hardy- tributions. This is consistent with the results
Weinberg equilibrium (exact probability test, found by the PCR-RFLP of the mtDNA.
P < 0.05) was recorded for all sampling local- Two measures of interpopulation genetic
ities. In all cases, departures from expecta- differentiation were used in this study (FST
tions were due to an excess of homozygotes. and RST). The global multilocus estimate of
Among the possible factors that might RST was 0.015 and of FST was 0.031. Both
account for these deviations is the Wahlund estimates, although low, were numerically
effect, since the samples were collected from very similar and significantly different from
different farms at each location. However, zero (P < 0.05, for RST and P < 0.001, for
such effects should be apparent in most of the FST), suggesting that little differentiation
loci across populations, which was not the exists among these populations.
case for this data set. Another factor that could The relationship between local populations
also have caused the observed deviations is was tested by calculating pairwise FST esti-
the presence of null alleles. These result from mates because it was demonstrated that FST
mutations such as substitutions, insertions, or yields the better estimate when the number of
deletions in one or both priming sites prevent- loci is small (< 10) or the sample size is small
ing the binding of the DNA strand and primers (Gaggiotti et al. 1999). FST estimates between
(Callen et al. 1993) and non-amplification of populations ranged from -0.0005 to 0.0853
the allele. At the population level this can lead (Table 3) and for five of the ten population
to a misinterpretation of the number of het- pairs were significantly different from zero at
erozygotes and consequently of Hardy- the 0.05 level.
Weinberg deviations. Only the locus CH10 These low levels of substructuring could
presented a significant number of null alleles be attributed to the high dispersal capacity of

Table 2. Genetic diversity in Cochliomyia hominivorax from seven localities in Uruguay.

Locus Dayman S. Antonio Colonia B. Medina J. Suarez C. Colorado P. Muñoz

2N = 38 2N = 42 2N = 30 2N = 48 2N = 30 2N = 58 2N = 30

CH01 Na 6 6 5 6 5 6 5
HO 0.3158 0.4762 0.5333 0.5833 0.6667 0.5517 0.5333
HE 0.6230* 0.7607* 0.7517 0.6809 0.6943 0.6031 0.7126*
CH05 Na 5 5 6 7 4 7 5
HO 0.6316 0.5238 0.7333 0.4167 0.5333 0.5172 0.8000
HE 0.5874 0.6190 0.6667 0.6755* 0.4483 0.6636* 0.7747
CH09 Na 4 4 4 7 2 6 5
HO 0.3333 0.4500 0.5333 0.7917 0.2000 0.5357 0.5333
HE 0.3762 0.4423 0.5724 0.7216 0.3701 0.6227 0.6299*
CH10 Na 6 6 6 6 4 5 6
HO 0.3684 0.1905 0.2000 0.2917 0.6000 0.4000 0.4000
HE 0.6344* 0.5912* 0.7885* 0.7101* 0.6598 0.5167* 0.5011*
CH11 Na 5 10 9 8 9 7 7
HO 0.6111 0.6190 0.7333 0.6364 0.6667 0.4286 0.4000
HE 0.6159 0.7317 0.7816 0.8245* 0.8276* 0.7247* 0.6943*
CH12 Na 8 8 8 8 5 9 7
HO 0.8333 0.7143 0.6000 0.9167 0.6000 0.7241 0.8000
HE 0.8476* 0.8479* 0.8736 0.8475 0.6460 0.8100 0.7931
CH14 Na 7 7 6 6 6 6 5
HO 0.5789 0.4762 0.6000 0.5217 0.6000 0.5714 0.5333
HE 0.8179* 0.6690* 0.7356 0.6135 0.6989 0.8013* 0.6713
CH15 Na 7 7 6 6 3 6 5
HO 0.5556 0.4762 0.5333 0.3750 0.2667 0.2759 0.4000
HE 0.8302* 0.7607* 0.7862 0.7943* 0.5080* 0.7828* 0.7310*
CH20 Na 7 7 5 7 5 6 4
HO 0.3684 0.4762 0.5333 0.5000 0.8000 0.6897 0.5333
HE 0.7084* 0.7120 0.6414 0.6835* 0.7540 0.7048* 0.6920

All Mean Na 55 59 55 61 43 58 49
loci Mean HO 0.5107 0.4892 0.5556 0.5592 0.5481 0.4816 0.5481
Mean HE 0.6723* 0.6816* 0.7331* 0.7279* 0.6230* 0.6922* 0.6889*

Na, number of alleles

HE, expected heterozygosity
HO, observed heterozygosity.
* denotes a significant (α = 0.05) deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium

New World screwworm, since migration is tion between geographical and genetic dis-
assumed to prevent genetic differentiation at tance (Slatkin 1993), simple migration models
neutral markers (Agis and Schlötterer 2001). may not be sufficient to explain the low differ-
However, the analysed populations showed no entiation between New World screwworm
isolation by distance (P = 0.6115). Since populations. One factor that could be respon-
restricted migration results in positive correla- sible for this pattern of genetic differentiation

Table 3. FST estimates for all Cochliomyia hominivorax population pairwise comparisons.

Study area S. Antonio Colonia B. Medina J. Suarez C. Colorado Paso Muñoz

Dayman 0.0080NS 0.0171NS 0.0194NS 0.0497* 0.0209NS 0.0281NS

S. Antonio 0.0112NS 0.0111* 0.0709* 0.0201* 0.0240*
Colonia -0.0005NS 0.0675* 0.0200NS 0.0378*
B. Medina 0.0853* 0.0163NS 0.0334*
J. Suarez 0.0664* 0.0533*
C. Colorado 0.0399*

NS, not significant

* significant at the 5% nominal level after standard Bonferroni corrections

is the passive migration of larvae by the The results presented here and elsewhere
movement of infested animals. However, an by Lyra et al. (2005) suggest that the seven
alternative explanation can be considered as populations from Uruguay are very similar,
responsible for the low differentiation and the sharing homogenous haplotype (for mtDNA)
lack of isolation by distance. It was noted and allele (for microsatellites) distributions.
(Slatkin 1993) that the absence of isolation by Although the mtDNA data indicate that this
distance could be indicative of a recent recol- species forms a single panmitic population in
onization event. Considering the hypothesis of Uruguay, results from microsatellite analysis
mass-mortality by climatic conditions or yielded low, but significant, levels of subdivi-
insecticide treatment, a recolonization by a sion between populations. These results can
large founder population could cause a demo- be explained by differences in the modes of
graphic turnover if this population spread rap- inheritance of the two markers since the effec-
idly over Uruguay during climatically tive population size of mtDNA is only one
favourable seasons. In this case, a very similar quarter that of nuclear DNA (Sanetra and
allele distribution would be expected over the Crozier 2003). These differences, however,
country. To test this hypothesis it is necessary can also be explained by sex-biased gene flow
to compare Uruguayan New World screw- among these populations. This would suggest
worm samples collected during different that levels of female-mediated gene flow are
hot/rainy seasons, as well as samples from slightly higher than male levels; consequently,
intermediate and central populations which mtDNA markers showed less structuring than
can be acting as stable sources of New World the microsatellite polymorphisms. While
screwworm for recolonization events. Mayer and Atzeni (1993) described higher
dispersal rates for New World screwworm
4. Conclusions females, this should be further investigated
since microsatellite data also suggested that
Information about patterns of genetic varia- restricted migration might not play a signifi-
tion, structure and gene flow is needed before cant role in population differentiation.
investing in large-scale efforts to control The results presented here provide some
insect pests. This information can, to a large baseline data on genetic variation to which
extent, be assessed using modern molecular other New World screwworm populations can
techniques. Mitochondrial and microsatellite be compared. Analysis of other populations
markers have helped to provide this informa- throughout its geographical distribution
tion for New World screwworm populations would determine if similar patterns of genetic
in Uruguay. variation and gene flow are observed and lay

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anonymous reviewers for helpful discussions 1940.
and comments on an earlier draft of this man- Guo, S. W., and E. A. Thompson. 1992.
uscript. This work was supported by grants to Performing the exact test of Hardy-Weinberg
AMLAE from Fundação de Amparo à proportion for multiple alleles. Biometrics
Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP, 48: 361-372.
grant 03/01458-9), Conselho Nacional de Infante-Malaquias, M. E. 1999. Estrutura
Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico Genética de populações de Cochliomyia
(CNPq, grant 471132/01-2) and the hominivorax (Diptera: Calliphoridae) da
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA, região sudeste do Brasil: análise através de
grant 11822/RO). TTT was supported by a fel- três tipos de marcadores genéticos. Ph.D.
lowship from FAPESP (grant 02/00035-4). Dissertation. State University of Campinas
(Unicamp), Campinas, SP, Brazil.
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Emerging Mosquito-Borne Flaviviruses in
Central Europe: Usutu Virus and Novel West
Nile Viruses


and B. SEIDEL6

1Zoonoses and Emerging Infections Group, Clinical Virology, Clinical

Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Infectious Diseases and Clinical
Pathology, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Veterinaerplatz 1,
A-1210 Vienna, Austria
2Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, United Arab Emirates

University, PO Box 17666, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates

3Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Faculty of

Veterinary Science, Szent István University, Hungária krt. 23-25, H-1143

Budapest, Hungary
4Institute of Vertebrate Biology, Academy of Sciences, Klášterní 2, CZ-

69142 Valtice, Czech Republic

5Institute of Pathology and Forensic Veterinary Medicine, Department of

Pathobiology, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Veterinaerplatz

1, A-1210 Vienna, Austria
6Institute of Zoology, University of Vienna, Althanstrasse 14, A-1090

Vienna, Austria

KEY WORDS Usutu virus, Rabensburg virus, West Nile virus, mosquito-borne, phylogenetic trees

Short Communication

In Central Europe, four different mosquito- logic investigations suggested a West Nile
borne flaviviruses, i.e. Usutu virus virus infection. Subsequently, the virus was
(Weissenböck et al. 2002, Bakonyi et al. isolated, identified, sequenced, and subjected
2004), Rabensburg virus (Bakonyi et al. to phylogenetic analysis. The isolates exhibit-
2005), and two different unique West Nile ed 97% identity to Usutu virus, a rather
viruses (Bakonyi et al. 2006) have recently unknown mosquito-borne flavivirus of the
emerged. During late summer 2001 in Austria, Japanese encephalitis virus group
a series of deaths occurred in several species (Weissenböck et al. 2002). The Usutu virus
of birds, mainly Eurasian blackbirds Turdus has never previously been observed outside
merula L., reminiscent of the beginning of the Africa nor associated with fatal disease in ani-
West Nile virus epidemic in the USA. Dead mals or humans. If it becomes established in
birds were necropsied and examined by vari- Central Europe, this virus will have consider-
ous methods. Pathologic and immunohisto- able effects on avian populations. Whether the
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 193–195.
© 2007 IAEA.

Usutu virus has the potential to cause severe Serological surveys have detected specific
human disease is currently under investiga- antibodies to West Nile virus in several verte-
tion. The Usutu virus was isolated for the first brate hosts in Austria, the Czech Republic,
time from mosquitoes in South Africa in 1959 Hungary and Slovakia during the past 40
and named after a river in Swaziland; it was years, and several virus strains were isolated
sporadically isolated in Africa from several from mosquitoes, rodents, and migrating
mosquito and bird species over the next birds. Human cases of West Nile fever were
decades and was once isolated from a man reported in the Czech Republic in 1997 and in
with fever and a rash. Hungary in 2003. These countries are impor-
A comparison of the complete genome tant transit areas or final destinations for
sequences of the Austrian and a South African migratory birds from the African continent,
strain of the Usutu virus revealed 97% and hence may play an important role in the
nucleotide and 99% amino acid identity. circulation and conservation of different West
Phylogenetic trees were constructed display- Nile virus strains. However, genetic informa-
ing the genetic relationships of the Usutu tion about the strains isolated in Central
virus with other members of the genus Europe has not hitherto been available.
Flavivirus. When comparing the Usutu virus A unique flavivirus strain closely related to
with other viruses of the Japanese encephalitis West Nile virus, which was isolated from
virus serogroup, the closest lineage was female Culex pipiens L. mosquitoes was col-
Murray Valley encephalitis virus (nucleotide: lected ten kilometres from Lanzhot in the
73%, amino acid: 82%) followed by Japanese Czech Republic, after a flood in 1997. The
encephalitis virus (nucleotide: 71%, amino complete genome sequence and phylogenetic
acid: 81%) and West Nile virus (nucleotide: analyses, as well as antigenic and mouse viru-
68%, amino acid: 75%) (Bakonyi et al. 2004). lence characteristics of this strain were identi-
West Nile virus is a member of the fied (Bakonyi et al. 2005). Since the collec-
Japanese encephalitis virus group within the tion site was very close to the Czech-Austrian
genus Flavivirus, family Flaviviridae. It is the border, about two kilometres from the small
most widespread flavivirus, occurring in Austrian town of Rabensburg, this isolate was
Africa, Eurasia, Australia, and North America. tentatively called Rabensburg virus. Another
Other members of the Japanese encephalitis antigenically-identical or very closely related
virus group flaviviruses are Cacipacore virus, flavivirus strain was isolated from C. pipiens
Koutango virus, Japanese encephalitis virus, mosquitoes at the same location two years
Murray Valley encephalitis virus, Alfuy virus, later.
St. Louis encephalitis virus, Usutu virus, and The Rabensburg virus shares only 75-77%
Yaounde virus. The West Nile virus was ini- nucleotide identity and 89-90% amino acid
tially considered to have minor human health identity with representative strains of West
impact. However, human and equine out- Nile virus lineages 1 and 2. The other fla-
breaks in Europe (Romania, Russia, France, vivirus strain isolated in the same location two
Italy), Africa (Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco), years later showed more than 99% nucleotide
and Asia (Israel) within the last ten years, and identity to the initially-isolated Rabensburg
especially the virus’s emergence and spread in virus. Phylogenetic analyses of the
North America since 1999, have lead to Rabensburg virus, West Nile virus strains, and
increased scientific interest. Phylogenetic other members of the Japanese encephalitis
analyses showed two distinct lineages of West virus complex clearly demonstrated that
Nile virus strains (which themselves subdi- Rabensburg virus is either a new (third) line-
vide into several subclades or clusters), isolat- age of West Nile virus or a novel flavivirus of
ed from different geographic regions. the Japanese encephalitis virus group
The presence of the West Nile virus in cen- (Bakonyi et al. 2005).
tral Europe has been known for some time. An enzootic of encephalitis emerged in late

summer 2003 in a Hungarian goose flock Hungary are epidemiologically unrelated to

resulting in a 14% mortality rate in six-week- each other. It is very likely, however, that the
old geese. Based on the histopathological goose and human cases of 2003 are linked to
alterations, serological investigations and each other, but in the absence of human iso-
nucleic acid detection by real time polymerase lates this was not proven. Because Hungary is
chain reaction (RT-PCR), West Nile virus was a frequent transit station, and also final desti-
diagnosed as the causative agent of the dis- nation for migratory birds overwintering in
ease. Although the presence of this virus in the Africa, the risk of the introduction of exotic
country had already been known for 40 years, West Nile virus strains to the country is quite
this was the first clinical outbreak of West high.
Nile virus in Hungary. At the same time, an The results presented here demonstrate the
outbreak of West Nile virus was observed in threat of West Nile virus infection to animal
humans in Hungary, which involved 14 and human populations in Central Europe.
reported cases diagnosed by serological meth- Therefore comprehensive investigations of
ods (Bakonyi et al. 2006). the occurrence, ecology and epidemiology of
One year later, a Northern goshawk the virus are of high priority. Results also
Accipiter gentilis (L.) showed central nervous show that these related viruses of transbound-
system symptoms and died in a Hungarian ary nature, mainly resulting from long dis-
national park. Using histopathological meth- tance migration by birds, will continue to pose
ods and RT-PCR, West Nile virus antigen and an increasing threat to animal and human
nucleic acid were detected in the organs of the health. In the event of a serious outbreak a
bird. comprehensive area-wide strategy will need
To reveal the origin and relationship of the to be developed to mitigate the effects of these
two West Nile virus strains, the complete viruses.
genome sequences of the viruses were deter-
mined, and phylogenetic analysis performed. References
The goose (2003) isolate showed the highest
(98%) identity with the West Nile virus strains Bakonyi, T., E. A. Gould, J. Kolodziejek, H.
isolated in 1998-99 in Israel and in the USA, Weissenböck, and N. Nowotny. 2004.
causing endemics mainly in birds, humans Complete genome analysis and molecular
and horses. These strains have been classified characterization of Usutu virus that emerged
within lineage 1, clade 1a of West Nile virus. in Austria in 2001: comparison with the
The other members of this clade have been South African strain SAAR-1776 and other
isolated several times in Africa, Europe, and flaviviruses. Virology 328: 301-310.
Asia during the last 50 years. Bakonyi, T., Z. Hubálek, I. Rudolf, and N.
Interestingly, the goshawk (2004) strain Nowotny. 2005. Novel flavivirus or new
showed the highest (96%) identity with the lineage of West Nile virus, central Europe.
West Nile virus B 956 prototype strain, which Emerging Infectious Diseases 11: 225-231.
had been isolated in 1937 in Uganda. This Bakonyi, T., É. Ivanics, K. Erdélyi, K. Ursu,
virus belongs to the lineage 2 of West Nile E. Ferenczi, H. Weissenböck, and N.
virus, and its close relatives have been detect- Nowotny. 2006. Lineage 1 and 2 strains of
ed exclusively in sub-Saharan Africa and in encephalitic West Nile virus, Central Europe.
Madagascar so far (Bakonyi et al. 2006). Any Emerging Infectious Diseases 12: 618-623.
possible laboratory contamination has been Weissenböck, H., J. Kolodziejek, A. Url, H.
ruled out. Lussy, B. Rebel-Bauder, and N. Nowotny.
Based on the phylogenetic analysis of the 2002. Emergence of Usutu virus, an African
two strains, it can be stated that the West Nile mosquito-borne flavivirus of the Japanese
virus strains, which emerged in two consecu- encephalitis virus group, in Central Europe.
tive years and caused avian mortality in Emerging Infectious Diseases 8: 652-656.
Section 3

Modelling and
The Role of Geographic Information Systems
and Spatial Analysis in Area-Wide Vector
Control Programmes


Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, London School of

Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London WC1E 7HT, UK

ABSTRACT The success of area-wide interventions aimed at suppressing or eradicating insect popu-
lations rests largely on appropriate project planning and implementation - and this is as true in the context
of vector-borne diseases as it is within the wider context of insect pest management. In either context, a
successful control programme requires accurate knowledge of pre-existing distributions of insects (disease
vectors) in time and space, on the appropriate design of insect control strategies, and on the development
of suitable frameworks for monitoring and evaluation. Standard disease control operations, such as indoor
residual spraying of insecticides or insecticide-treated bed nets for malaria, and the aerial application of
insecticides or use of baited traps against the vectors of human and animal trypanosomosis, often include
elements of area-wide planning because they target particular disease strata. Genetic control strategies
(including the sterile insect technique (SIT)) are more intrinsically area-wide because they target specific
vectors over delimited geographical areas delineated by biological criteria associated with colonization or
dispersal potential. In either case it is argued that a strong geographical basis to planning and implementa-
tion is likely to improve the chances of programme success, as well as making more efficient use of
resources and increasing cost effectiveness. Geographic information systems (GIS), global positioning sys-
tems (GPS) and remote sensing (RS) are allied technologies that together provide a means of gathering,
integrating and analysing spatial data. To date, the application of these tools within traditional and area-
wide programmes has been relatively limited, but this seems likely to change, particularly as GIS and GPS
are already being used extensively in other areas of agroecological management and research. This paper
examines potential areas for the application of GIS and associated spatial tools at various stages of plan-
ning and implementation of area-wide programmes integrating the SIT as a primary example, before going
on to look beyond the SIT and to a number of examples of infectious diseases where GIS and spatial analy-
sis have, to a greater or lesser extent, been employed within disease control efforts. With the help of these
case studies the paper attempts to evaluate the extent to which the hype surrounding spatial tools has been
(or can be) justified, and examines the barriers that remain in terms of further expansion of their use.

KEY WORDS spatial analysis, AW-IPM, SIT, geographic information systems, global positioning
system, remote sensing, vector control

1. Introduction and implementation can improve the chances

of a programme’s success and increase its cost
Geographic information systems (GIS), effectiveness by (1) providing more accurate
remote sensing (RS) and the Global information on pre-existing distributions of
Positioning System (GPS) together represent diseases and/or vectors in time and space, (2)
a set of spatial tools that has commonly been contributing to the appropriate design of vec-
touted as being vital for the proper planning tor and disease control strategies, and (3) the
and management of disease control pro- development of suitable frameworks for mon-
grammes. Proponents of these tools suggest itoring and evaluation.
that a strong geographical basis to planning As a means of assessing the validity of
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 199–209.
© 2007 IAEA.
200 J. ST. H. COX

these claims, this paper provides an overview formation of GIS data as a means of extract-
of the specific contributions that GIS and ing additional meaning from them. Common
associated spatial technologies can make examples of spatial analysis include buffering
within area-wide efforts to control vector- map features (e.g. to define areas of exposure
borne diseases, and assesses the degree to around vector breeding sites), interpolating
which this potential is being realized. The between points (e.g. to produce climate “sur-
paper begins with a clarification of what is faces” from a network of weather stations)
meant by the term “spatial tools” and and overlaying a number of individual geo-
describes briefly the core technologies it graphical coverages to produce derivative
encompasses. The paper goes on to examine maps (e.g. suitability analysis and risk map-
potential (and real) areas of application of spa- ping).
tial tools within a context of area-wide inte- There are a number of ways of getting spa-
grated pest management (AW-IPM) pro- tial data into GIS, but arguably GPS and RS
grammes integrating the sterile insect tech- offer the most cost effective and flexible
nique (SIT) and examines the extent to which approaches. GPS receivers allow the collec-
spatial tools can aid the process of programme tion of spatial and attribute information for
planning and implementation. The paper then points or more complex features on the
goes on to look beyond the SIT, and to a num- ground with an accuracy of between 15 metres
ber of examples of infectious diseases where and a few centimetres depending on the hard-
GIS and spatial analysis have, to a greater or ware used. GPS receivers are often used sim-
lesser extent, been employed within disease ply to collect spatial data (coordinates) for
control efforts. With the help of these case geographical features, with associated attrib-
studies the paper attempts to evaluate the ute data being recorded separately and manu-
extent to which the hype surrounding spatial ally on survey forms. However, in many cases
tools has been (or can be) justified, and exam- GPS receiver software now includes program-
ines the barriers that remain in terms of further mable data dictionaries, which can be used to
expansion of their use. capture attribute information directly.
Alternatively, some GPS receivers can be
2. Spatial Tools for Control of linked up to personal digital assistant (PDA)
Vector-Borne Diseases devices or tablet computers. Both approaches
greatly increase the speed and efficiency with
Today’s spatial “toolkit” includes three main which GPS data can subsequently be incorpo-
components: GIS, GPS and RS. These are rated into existing GIS (Cox and Vreysen
allied and overlapping technologies but are 2005).
also separate tools in their own right. Within RS is the process of gathering information
this toolkit, GIS can be defined as computer- about the earth’s surface using electromagnet-
based systems capable of capturing, cleaning, ic sensors, typically on board satellites.
filtering, integrating, storing, retrieving, Sensor data can be used in a relatively raw
analysing and displaying spatial data. GIS form, for example to derive land cover classi-
incorporate spatial data and descriptive fication maps, or can be transformed into
(attribute) data linked to the mapped features. indices that constitute direct proxies for envi-
What makes GIS distinct from other types of ronmental variables such as rainfall, land sur-
database is its ability to analyse data based on face temperature and vegetation status.
their location and spatial characteristics. Thus, Satellite images give objective, up-to-date
while GIS may often be used solely for visu- assessments of surface conditions over large,
alization, their functionality is likely to extend sometimes inaccessible areas. Moreover, the
to much more sophisticated forms of spatial repeatability of RS measurements makes RS
and statistical analysis. In this context, spatial particularly suitable for monitoring environ-
analysis refers to the manipulation and trans- mental conditions over time. There is now a

large variety of multispectral sensor data to which pre-intervention planning has devel-
available – with each sensor offering different oped. At the very early stages of planning, for
advantages in terms of spatial resolution example, GIS modelling will almost certainly
(pixel size), temporal resolution (revisit time) focus on identifying areas of relatively high
and spectral resolution (the number, width and risk at the national or regional level, using low
spacing of the spectral bands used by the sen- spatial resolution environmental data in com-
sor). With a number of new satellite sensors bination with available historical information
due for launch in the next five years it should on the insects and/or diseases of interest. In
become increasingly easy to match the specif- other cases, these broad assessments may be
ic data requirements of individual disease or more suitable for directing more detailed risk
pest control programmes with appropriate modelling efforts using higher resolution geo-
sources of satellite imagery. graphic datasets and, possibly, prospective
sampling of vectors, to specific areas of inter-
3. The Utility of RS, GIS and est.
GPS in Area-Wide Programmes The use of low spatial resolution RS data
Integrating the SIT to predict disease vector distributions at the
regional scale began in the early 1990s to cor-
As set out at the beginning of this paper, the relate distributions of tsetse and incidence of
three areas where spatial tools are thought to trypanosomosis to spatial variations in climate
offer most utility in terms of area-wide pro- and vegetation indices – and later also to sur-
grammes are: (1) providing more accurate rogates of land surface temperature and rain-
knowledge of pre-existing vector/disease dis- fall (Rogers 1991, Rogers et al. 1996,
tributions in time and space, (2) contributing Robinson et al. 1997, Hendrickx et al. 2001).
to the appropriate design and implementation The outputs of these types of models consti-
of vector/disease control strategies, and (3) tuted an important first step in terms of the
facilitating the design of suitable frameworks spatial targeting of the SIT and other area-
for monitoring and evaluating control strate- wide interventions. However, resource and
gies. The following section seeks to translate technical constraints may mean that more spe-
these somewhat general areas of utility into cific information is required to identify prior-
specific activities relevant to area-wide pro- ity areas for intervention or guide future sam-
grammes. pling efforts to address levels of genetic vari-
ability among target insects, etc.
3.1. Knowledge of Pre-Existing Vector Regional or national-scale vector distribu-
and Disease Distributions tion models may fail to capture the often
localized, patchy distribution of many insect
Insect pest intervention (and pre-intervention) pests in areas where the overall insect popula-
programmes require accurate, up-to-date tion density is low. Locating pockets of high-
information on the spatial and temporal distri- density populations, while vital for successful
bution of target insects. GIS-based analysis insect intervention campaigns, is a major chal-
can be used to bring together a wide range of lenge from a spatial analysis perspective. This
information sources. These include climate, is because the climate and RS datasets used to
RS, land use and topographic data, historical predict insect distributions over specific areas
data on vector distribution and abundance, are rarely appropriate for work at larger
disease prevalence, etc. It can also be used to scales. Although a limited number of studies
develop modelled or empirical estimates of have successfully used high spatial resolution
the temporal and spatial distributions of the RS data (e.g. from Landsat and Satellite pour
pest or disease of concern (Cox and Vreysen l’Observation de la Terre (SPOT) satellites) to
2005). The nature of this GIS exercise, and the identify habitats associated with high insect
data sources used for it, will reflect the stage densities (Rejmankova et al. 1995, Roberts et
202 J. ST. H. COX

al. 1996, Kitron et al. 1996), estimates of risk of likely impact on the efficiency of the live
derived from this approach tend to be rather bait technology, or (3) use demographic data
static as in the past it has either not been pos- layers and tsetse population distribution mod-
sible or practical to conduct multi-temporal els to evaluate likely efficiency or suitability
analysis using these RS products. In future, of stationary bait technology (insecticide
however, the availability of multi-temporal impregnated targets and traps). Alternatively,
RS data at respectable spatial resolutions (e.g. it may be possible to model the outcome of
Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectro- different combinations of suppression meth-
radiometer (MODIS)), should assist the devel- ods in target areas that are heterogeneous in
opment of dynamic population distribution terms of habitat composition, species compo-
models for predicting temporal and spatial sition, host distribution, demography and
population dynamics and to link spatial pat- environment (Cox and Vreysen 2005).
terns with heterogeneity of habitat. Once an appropriate suppression method
has been selected, spatial analysis can be
3.2. The Design and Implementation of employed directly to guide the suppression
Vector/Disease Control Strategies strategy, through, for example, determining
appropriate sites for the deployment of traps
The availability of temporal and spatial distri- and targets and by indicating required
bution models of the target species at a large target/trap densities per surface unit in relation
spatial scale has implications beyond the to environment and insect distribution. Spatial
design of efficient sampling frames. In partic- analysis may also obviate the need for uni-
ular, such models should facilitate a more effi- form application of control measures such as
cient deployment of suppression tools as well the SAT over heterogeneous target areas and
as a better-targeted release of sterile insects. thereby reduce costs and any associated nega-
This increased efficiency should also translate tive environmental impacts (Cox and Vreysen
into considerable economic savings in terms 2005).
of logistics, personnel and sterile insects. A
fuller discussion can be found in Cox and 3.3. Suitable Frameworks for Monitoring
Vreysen (2005), but a brief summary of some and Evaluating Control Strategies
of the main potential areas of utility for spatial
tools is presented here. Monitoring and evaluation are essential com-
In terms of selecting appropriate pre- ponents of any area-wide programme but are
release population suppression methods, it is time consuming and expensive in terms of
worth noting that a variety of methods are materials, logistics and personnel. A careful
often available for different species, but the balance has to be found between “cost effi-
appropriateness and effectiveness of each will ciency” and the collection of “reliable data”,
depend on the characteristics of each target which in most cases equates to restricted mon-
area. Spatial analysis can help identify the itoring at carefully selected sites (Vreysen
most appropriate suppression method (or 2005). Spatial analysis can assist with the
combination of methods) for a given target identification and selection of appropriate
zone – although the nature of this exercise will fixed monitoring sites. Mobile GIS and GPS
vary depending on the target species in ques- technology can also make monitoring systems
tion. In the case of tsetse, for example, spatial more efficient by allowing data entry in the
analysis could be used to (1) evaluate the like- field, for example using barcode scanners.
ly impact of topography, wind velocity and Perhaps less obviously, spatial analysis can
direction, density of tree cover, etc. on the also be used to get “better value” out of avail-
suitability of the sequential aerosol technique able trap data – and a range of spatial analysis
(SAT), (2) assess relative livestock and tsetse techniques employing both geo-statistics and
population distributions and densities in terms GIS may be valuable at a landscape scale.

Figure 1. An illustration of the use of GIS and RS for monitoring abundance of Anopheles ara-
biensis larvae in northern Sudan (Cox, unpublished). In this exercise the task was to generate
a sampling approach to yield reliable baseline data on mosquito abundance within two defined
reaches of the Nile River. (a) For each monitoring area, high resolution Quickbird RS data
were processed using image segmentation and object-based classification techniques to derive
land cover maps at sub-metre resolution, (b) which were then generalized to 100 × 100 metre
cells conforming to a predefined sampling grid and a limited number of land cover mosaic
types. Using these inputs it was possible to generate a random sample of grid squares, strati-
fied by predominant land cover type, to be sampled over the course of a calendar year. (c) For
each visit to the study area, field workers were able to upload maps of the specific grid cells to
be sampled and use a pocket PC-based GPS/GIS system to navigate to and within the target

Interpolation procedures, for example, are spatial tools in programme monitoring are
ideally suited to the analysis of trap data, with rare, but in principle the suitability of GIS for
output taking the form of contour maps or managing and interpreting data from a variety
“surfaces” of insect density. of sources makes it suitable for providing
To date, examples of the application of timely feedback on a large number of moni-
204 J. ST. H. COX

toring indicators (Cox and Vreysen 2005). to provide navigational guidance and tracking
for releases of the sterile insects and for navi-
3.4. Uptake of Spatial Tools within Area- gation on the ground. In some cases GIS have
Wide SIT Programmes also been used for mapping trapping sites and
monitoring invasion routes (sometimes in real
time), such as in the Mississippi boll weevil
From the information in previous sections it is
evident that much of the potential utility Anthonomus grandis Boheman eradication
programme. Less commonly, spatial analysis
attributed to spatial tools remains unproven in
the sense that few published examples exist has been used for selecting trapping sites,
most commonly by overlaying grids on topo-
that demonstrate real uptake of the tools them-
selves. An exception – and an area where GIS graphical maps or satellite images either man-
and RS have been shown to have most impact ually (as historically in the case of the
Zanzibar tsetse SIT-based AW eradication
– is the modelling of vector, disease and envi-
ronmental datasets to produce spatial esti- project), or more formally within GIS (as in
mates of vector distributions or disease risk the case of the ongoing SIT feasibility study
for Anopheles arabiensis Patton in northern
(Section 3.1). Of course, not all of this model-
Sudan (Fig. 1). This approach is particularly
ling effort has been carried out with SIT-based
approaches in mind, and some of the early well suited to situations where there is a
work was concerned more with methodologi- strong justification for weighting sampling
effort according to a priori assumptions about
cal development than the utility of the outputs
of models themselves. However, the academ- the effect of different land use and land cover
types on insect distributions. In Panama, for
ic nature of this work did ensure that the incre-
mental development of modelling approaches example, Phillips et al. (2004) derived an opti-
mal design of trap networks for monitoring
could be tracked through the scientific litera-
adult New World screwworm flies based on
ture. In contrast, it has been more difficult to
RS-derived forest maps.
assess the uptake of spatial tools with respect
to project design, implementation, monitor- There generally seems little evidence for
ing and evaluation within AW-IPM pro- the widespread use of spatial tools for moni-
grammes (Sections 3.2 and 3.3) because the toring and evaluation, although within the
emphasis on the practical application of the Programa Moscamed (Guatemala-Mexico),
work is ongoing to analyse sterile
tools, as distinct from their research applica-
tion, usually precludes widespread publicity Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata
of experiences. In other words, in a properly (Wiedemann) performance under different
designed programme, spatial tools should ide- environmental conditions, identifying hot
ally be fully integrated tools that operate spots of persistent high insect density and
“under the hood”. exploring insect behaviour. Otherwise, the use
That said, it would appear that even anec-of GIS/RS as a decision support tool in AW-
dotally there are relatively few cases where IPM programmes with an SIT component has
so far largely been limited to the spatial dis-
spatial tools have been explicitly incorporated
into ongoing SIT-based programmes. The play of data and has seldom been applied for
exceptions are most notably within pro- planning, implementation of suppression and
grammes against the New World screwworm release programmes or analysis and modelling
Cochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel) (Philips of the data.
et al. 2004), tephritid fruit flies (Orankanok et
al., this volume), the painted apple moth Teia 4. Spatial Tools in Non-Genetic
anartoides Walker (Suckling et al., this vol- Approaches to Disease Control
ume), and most recently, in the development
of SIT against Anopheles mosquitoes. In such Much scientific work has gone into geograph-
cases, spatial tools have been used primarily ical modelling of the distribution, abundance

and prevalence of diseases and their vectors at players in designing and carrying out risk
a variety of spatial scales (Hay et al. 2000, mapping projects.
Lindsay and Thomas 2000, Malone et al. In reality, direct and productive use of spa-
2001, Elnaiem et al. 2003), while there has tial tools has tended to be limited to situations
been rather less emphasis on incorporating where planning is focused on coordinated dis-
spatial tools directly into control programmes. ease eradication, or where a single, efficacious
Arguably, this has particularly been the case intervention is available for a disease and
for “high-profile” diseases such as malaria, requires targeting. For human onchocerciasis
where projects such as the Mapping Malaria (river blindness), for example, the Rapid
Risk in Africa (MARA) collaboration have Epidemiological Mapping of Onchocerciasis
produced scientific outputs that have reached (REMO) developed by the Special
academic audiences through journal publica- Programme for Research and Training in
tions (e.g. Craig et al. 1999, Kleinschmidt et Tropical Diseases/World Health Organization
al. 2001) and have appeared to play important (TDR/WHO), has emerged as an important
advocacy roles at international level. spatial tool for control planning (Ngoumou et
However, there is no clear evidence to suggest al. 1994, Katabarwa et al. 1999). The Rapid
that these types of products have been used Epidemiological Mapping of Onchocerciasis
explicitly for planning control activities. allows quick and cheap identification of com-
There are probably a number of reasons for munities at high risk of onchocerciasis using
this lack of uptake of risk model outputs. Most spatial information such as the locations of
fundamentally, it is probable that in many river basins. High-risk communities are then
cases decision makers simply do not trust the subsampled and rapidly assessed by screening
veracity of the models. In view of the method- individuals for onchocercal nodules. This
ological and data-related limitations of some enables communities to be classified into
published models, in some instances they are three categories: (1) priority areas which
probably right not to. In other cases good require community-directed treatment with
models may have been produced, but decision ivermectin, (2) areas which do not require
makers simply do not find them useful, or treatment, and (3) possible endemic areas
even relevant. This is most often the case needing further investigation. Results of the
where modelling has been data-driven, rather Rapid Epidemiological Mapping of
than demand-led. Nevertheless, even in situa- Onchocerciasis have been incorporated into
tions where researchers have attempted to GIS to visualize priority areas for community-
“second-guess” the needs of policy makers, directed treatment with ivermectin and esti-
the results are not always fruitful. In other mate the number of people needing treatment
cases it may be that model results are too gen- (Noma et al. 2002). This in turn has allowed
eralized from a geographical perspective to the African Programme for Onchocerciasis
influence local-level planning or, conversely, Control to prioritize allocation of resources
it may be that models using data from specif- according to need.
ic geographical areas cannot be extrapolated Rapid mapping method approaches have
in a reliable way to produce robust predictions also been developed for lymphatic filariasis,
of disease and/or vector characteristics over which is currently being targeted for eradica-
wide areas. It is of course also true that plan- tion through the Global Alliance for the
ners may be resistant to new sources of evi- Elimination of Lymphatic Filariasis. As with
dence in terms of their decision-making, in onchocerciasis, identifying endemic localities
which case even highly reliable and pertinent is an essential first step to carrying out treat-
models are likely to be ignored. In this respect ment programmes, and the Rapid
it is important that the intended users of risk Geographical Assessment of Bancroftian
models are not viewed as “passive” con- Filariasis (RAGFIL) was developed by
sumers, but are instead brought in as active TDR/WHO for this purpose. The Rapid
206 J. ST. H. COX

Geographical Assessment of Bancroftian (Bilharz) and S. mansoni infections in north-

Filariasis uses a spatial sampling grid with western Tanzania with the similar aim of guid-
either 25 or 50 kilometres between sampled ing spatially mass-treatment with praziquantel
communities, together with rapid prevalence (Clements et al. 2006). Bayesian spatial meth-
assessments using immunochromatographic ods, although rarely applied in the context of
card tests and geostatistical methods (WHO vector-borne diseases, offer the distinct
1998, Gyapong et al. 2002). However, subse- advantage of being able to incorporate spatial
quent analyses have suggested that a smaller auto-correlation, as well as uncertainty
sampling grid may be required to successfully through the modelling of both observed data
identify all high-risk communities (Srividya et and any unknowns as random variables. In
al. 2002). this way, Clements et al. (2006) were able to
Perhaps the most impressive and most up use parasitological data from 143 schools to
to date example of the use of spatial tools in develop RS-based models for the two infec-
disease control planning comes from the tions. Significantly, they were also able to
Schistosomiasis Control Initiative, which is investigate the confidence of the prevalence
currently assisting the implementation of predictions and thereby inform decision mak-
national programmes for schistosomiasis and ers on whether sufficient data were collected
geohelminth control in six African countries. to exclude areas from mass-treatment.
In Uganda, where Schistosoma mansoni
Sambon is widespread, GIS and RS have been 5. Realizing the Potential of
employed to classify the country according to Spatial Tools within Disease
treatment strategy. Communities are classified Control Programmes
according to three strategies: (1) annual treat-
ment of schoolchildren and high-risk groups Although this paper in no way constitutes a
with praziquantel and albendazole where thorough survey of ongoing area-wide pro-
schistosomiasis prevalence is above 50%, (2) grammes, the process of putting this review
treatment every second year in communities together has revealed that, to date, the applica-
with moderate prevalence (more than 20% tion of spatial tools within area-wide pro-
and less than 50%), and (3) health facility grammes appears to have been relatively lim-
based treatment of suspected cases in low ited. Where spatial tools have been used, work
prevalence (less than 20%) areas. Spatial has focused on using existing disease or vec-
analysis using RS data and climate surfaces tor datasets in combination with environmen-
showed that S. mansoni typically occurs only tal data to model distributions of vectors
where average annual rainfall is more than and/or their associated diseases. It is likely
850 millimetres or where altitude is less than that these products represent useful first steps
1400 metres (Kabatereine et al. 2004), allow- in the planning of area-wide programmes (and
ing remaining areas to be excluded from the particularly those aimed at tsetse). However,
control strategy. Modelling also showed that there is much less evidence for the direct use
prevalence consistently exceeded 50% in of GIS, GPS and RS in the planning, imple-
areas within five kilometres of major lakes, mentation, monitoring and evaluation of area-
justifying mass-treatment in villages within wide programmes. This is somewhat surpris-
these areas without the need for further sur- ing given that these tools have been used
veys. In intermediate areas individual commu- extensively in other areas of agroecological
nities are surveyed using lot quality assurance management for many years.
sampling (Brooker et al. 2005). Within non-genetic approaches to disease
Elsewhere, the Schistosomiasis Control control there has also been a fairly research-
Initiative has used Bayesian geostatistical oriented focus on spatial modelling of vector
models to produce validated prevalence sur- and disease risk. Nevertheless, as section 4
face maps for both Shistosoma haematobium demonstrates, there are now a growing num-

ber of instances where an explicit spatial the coming years, and that much of the “hype”
framework is being used for targeting public surrounding GIS, GPS and RS will be seen to
health interventions, and spatial tools have be justified. Indeed, it could be argued that the
been critical in the development of these potential benefits of spatial tools in terms of
approaches. There are now validated instances increasing programme effectiveness and,
where spatial tools are providing governments importantly, cost effectiveness, make it imper-
with a relatively low-cost approach to survey- ative that geographers and others continue to
ing and programme design. This can signifi- advocate the use of spatial tools for disease
cantly reduce the cost of practical pro- control.
grammes through more precise geographical
targeting and simplifying the processes of 6. References
monitoring and evaluation. Spatial tools can
reduce both the upstream (e.g. survey and Abeku, T. A., S. I. Hay, S. Ochola, P. Langi, B.
design), and downstream (e.g. targeting, mon- Beard, S. J. de Vlas, and J. Cox. 2004.
itoring and evaluation) costs of programmes, Malaria epidemic early warning and detec-
while enhancing programme effectiveness. At tion in African highlands. Trends in
the same time, it should be recognized that the Parasitology 20: 400-405.
uptake of spatial tools has been far from uni- Brooker, S., N. B. Kabatereine, M. Myatt, J.
versal and that, in many cases, this uptake has Russell Stothard, and A. Fenwick. 2005.
occurred only very recently. Rapid assessment of Schistosoma mansoni:
These findings beg the question of why it the validity, applicability and cost-effective-
has taken so long for spatial tools to be incor- ness of the lot quality assurance sampling
porated within disease control programmes. method in Uganda. Tropical Medicine and
Traditionally, the answer to this has lain in the International Health 10: 647-658.
large economic costs involved in obtaining Clements, A. C. A., N. J. S. Lwambo, L. Blair,
GIS, RS and GPS hardware and software, in U. Nyandindi, G. Kaatano, S. Kinung’hi,
the need to generate spatial datasets from J. P. Webster, A. Fenwick, and S. Brooker.
scratch and in a shortage of the necessary 2006. Bayesian spatial analysis and disease
skills. However, spatial tools are now becom- mapping: tools to enhance planning and
ing increasingly accessible to non-specialists, implementation of a schistosomiasis control
while increases in computing power mean that programme in Tanzania. Tropical Medicine
even high-level GIS systems can be installed and International Health 11: 490-503.
on a standard personal computer. Software Cox, J. St. H., and M. J. B. Vreysen. 2005.
costs, once a major disincentive, are now Use of geographic information systems and
rarely prohibitive, and GIS and RS data are spatial analysis in area-wide integrated pest
more widely available than ever before. management programmes that integrate the
Perhaps it is also significant that some of the sterile insect technique, pp. 453-477. In
“data vacuum” that has hindered the develop- Dyck, V. A., J. Hendrichs, and A. S.
ment of spatial disease models in the past is Robinson (eds.), Sterile insect technique.
slowly being filled as basic mapping of public Principles and practice in area-wide integrat-
health infrastructure improves (e.g. through ed pest management. Springer, Dordrecht,
WHO’s Public Health Mapping and GIS The Netherlands.
Programme ( Craig, M. H., R. W. Snow, and D. le Sueur.
ping/about/en/)) and surveillance systems for 1999. A climate-based distribution model of
vector-borne diseases are increasingly incor- malaria transmission in sub-Saharan Africa.
porating an explicitly spatial dimension Parasitology Today 153: 105-111.
(Abeku et al. 2004, Gosselin et al. 2005). Elnaiem, D. E. A., J. Schorscher, A. Bendall,
It seems probable therefore, that the uptake V. Obsomer, M. E. Osman, A. M.
of spatial tools will increase markedly over Mekkawi, S. J. Connor, R. W. Ashford,
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and M. C. Thomson. 2003. Risk mapping Kitron, U., L. H. Otieno, L. L. Hungerford, A.

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variation in rainfall and altitude on the pres- Joselyn, M. M. Mohamed Ahmed, and E.
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Medicine and Hygiene 68: 10-17. Kenya, using Landsat TM satellite imagery
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Douville-Fradet. 2005. The integrated sys- 380.
tem for public health monitoring of West Kleinschmidt, I., J. Omumbo, O. Briet, N.
Nile virus (ISPHM-WNV): a real-time GIS van de Giesen, N. Sogoba, N. K. Mensah,
for surveillance and decision-making. P. Windmeijer, M. Moussa, and T.
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Owusu Banahene, S. Sanou, Y. K. Mapping and estimating the population at
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Thomson, and J. Remme. 2002. The use Medicine and Hygiene 94: 37-45.
of spatial analysis in mapping the distribution Malone, J. B., J. M. Yilma, J. C. McCarroll,
of bancroftian filariasis in four West African B. Erko, S. Mukaratirwa, and X. Y. Zhou.
countries. Annals of Tropical Medicine and 2001. Satellite climatology and the environ-
Parasitology 967: 695-705. mental risk of Schistosoma mansoni in
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Optimizing Strategies for Eradication of
Discrete-Generation Lepidopteran Pests
Using Inherited Sterility



1AgResearch Limited, PO Box 4749, Christchurch, New Zealand

2HortResearch, PO Box 51, Lincoln, New Zealand

ABSTRACT Population models were used to derive general principles for optimizing the success of
the sterile insect technique (SIT) with inherited sterility against discrete-generation pest populations.
Inherited sterility is predicted to be more effective than complete sterility whenever matings between irra-
diated-lineage partners are unsuccessful – this is rarely examined experimentally. Successful eradication
also requires sufficient depression of fertility from matings between irradiated-lineage and wild partners,
and that sufficient irradiated males are released to overcome the natural rate of increase of the wild popu-
lation. A critical overflooding ratio Φc can be calculated to suggest the appropriate release rate, but because
this is based on an assumption of equilibrium, the initial stages of an eradication programme with an SIT
component must aim for a higher release rate than Φc suggests. Spatial modelling suggests that, given a
finite number of irradiated males available for release, the best strategy is to release these as close to the
wild populations as possible. However, if the locations of all wild populations are not reasonably well
known, then many small releases, regularly spaced on an area-wide basis, are more certain to achieve erad-
ication than few large release sites. In the latter case, the total number of irradiated males required is min-
imized when the maximum distance between adjacent release sites is approximately the same as the aver-
age dispersal distance of irradiated males.

KEY WORDS Lepidoptera, inherited sterility, eradication, irradiation, critical overflooding ratio,
release rate, dispersal, model

1. Introduction (Coquerel) from the southern USA, Mexico

and Central America (Wyss 2000, Dyck et al.
The sterile insect technique (SIT) was con- 2005). The SIT has also been used to achieve
ceived by E. F. Knipling (1955) as a possible area-wide suppression of pests such as
control method for suppressing or eradicating Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata
insect populations. In practice, the method (Wiedemann) and codling moth Cydia
usually consists of integrating various con- pomonella (L.) (Tan 2000, Dyck et al. 2005).
trols with the release of large numbers of ster- The process of sterilizing males typically
ilized male (and sometimes female) insects involves irradiating laboratory-reared pupae
into the environment to compete for mates or adults. Determining the optimal dose of
with the wild fertile males present. The radiation to use involves a trade-off between
approach has been used to successfully eradi- the level of sterility achieved in treated indi-
cate a range of insect populations from well- viduals, and physiological damage leading to
defined areas, most famously the New World suppression of competitiveness relative to
screwworm Cochliomyia hominivorax wild individuals, both of which increase with

M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 211–220.
© 2007 IAEA.
212 J. M. KEAN ET AL.

radiation dosage. In some groups, notably the termed “irradiated-line incompatibility”.

Lepidoptera, low doses of radiation may lead Let S denote irradiated adult males, F
to partial sterility, in which irradiated individ- denote wild adult females, M denote wild
uals are highly competitive but produce fewer adult males, X denote irradiated-lineage adult
offspring than wild ones, and this reduced females, and Y denote irradiated-lineage adult
reproductive potential is passed on to the next males. Six possible mating combinations
generation. Knipling (1970) suggested that the arise, with the relative viability of eggs result-
use of such inherited sterility may be advanta- ing from each pairing denoted as fFM, fFS, fFY,
geous for achieving eradication of lepidopter- fXM, fXS, and fXY, where the subscript refers to
an pests if reproductive ability is suppressed the pairing involved. By definition, fFM = 1,
not only in the partially sterile males released, and assuming irradiated-line incompatibility
but also in their offspring. means that fXS = fXY = 0. Using similar
A wide range of population models have symbology, the relative competitiveness of
been used to demonstrate the utility and limi- adult males of various lineages, in terms of
tations of the SIT (Barclay 2005), but few locating and successfully mating with a
have considered inherited sterility (Walker female, may be denoted vM, vS, and vY, where
and Pedersen 1969, Knipling 1970, Carpenter vM = 1. Now the probability of a mating
and Layton 1993). The present work aims to involving a fertile male is M/(M+vSS+vYY),
evaluate, by use of new population models, while that of an irradiated-lineage male is
the conditions under which the release of par- vYY/(M+vSS+vYY). Assuming that mature
tially sterile male Lepidoptera may be advan- females mate only once, or that their fertility
tageous over releasing completely sterilized is determined by their last mating, then a
males, and to demonstrate how releases of model for discrete generation populations is
sterile males may be optimized in time and given by:

2. Methods
2.1. Analytical Model

The model assumes an insect pest control pro-

gramme that includes the release of only sub-
sterile males. As a result, three different types
of individuals may be present in the popula-
tion: (1) the irradiated males which have been
released, (2) those wild-type individuals with
no irradiated male in their ancestry, and (3) where λ is female fecundity (eggs per female),
those with at least one irradiated male in their χ is the sex ratio (proportion female), σ is the
ancestry, denoted “irradiated-lineage” individ- proportion of neonates surviving to maturity,
uals. Hence wild x wild matings were and subscripts t and t+1 indicate the current
assumed to produce wild offspring, while all and next generations, respectively. The net
other mating combinations were assumed to reproductive rate per generation R0 is given by
produce irradiated-lineage offspring. All irra- R0 = λχσ .
diated-lineage individuals were assumed to be In some species the sex ratio becomes
equivalent no matter how many generations skewed in subsequent generations after a
ago the original irradiated ancestor occurred. release of irradiated males, but this possibility
Irradiated-lineage x irradiated-lineage and was not included in order to keep this
irradiated-lineage x irradiated matings were exploratory model simple and clear. Neither
assumed to produce no offspring, which is does the model include any direct density-

dependent feedbacks to fecundity or mortality the sex ratio χ , and a proportion σ survived to
since the SIT is typically used against small maturity. At this point, St irradiated males
populations in which these are relatively were released in particular locations depend-
unimportant. Note, however, that fertility is ing on the release strategy being simulated.
inversely density-dependent, since the num- Finally, each adult stage was assumed to dis-
ber of offspring per female decreases as the perse according to a Gaussian dispersal kernel
ratio of irradiated to wild males increases. The (Clark et al. 1999):
analogous model for populations with over-
lapping generations has been developed, and
will be published elsewhere.

2.2. Spatial Simulation Model

where A refers to an adult stage (F, M, S, X, or
An integer-based version of the discrete-gen- Y), subscripts i and j specify particular spatial
erations model was developed, using binomial locations, ij is the distance between locations
and Poisson rounding of birth, death, mating i and j, and dA is an average dispersal distance
and dispersal events to introduce demographic for adult stage A.
stochasticity. This was replicated across a
square grid of 100 x 100 cells, each repre- 2.3. Spatial Release Strategies
senting a semi-independent local population
within a one hectare area, so that the model The effects of two different spatial release
arena corresponded to 104 hectares or 100 strategies were investigated (Fig. 1). Under
square kilometres. By default the arena regularly spaced releases, irradiated males
boundaries were absorbing, but this assump- were released on a square grid with dimension
tion was found not to affect the results. dreg between adjacent release points. Under a
Adult dispersal was assumed to occur prior hot spot strategy, releases were made random-
to mating and oviposition. Therefore, each ly within a radius dspot of wild populations. A
time step began with the mating post-dispersal range of scenarios was investigated, each dif-
adult stages to produce new generation fering in the release pattern and in dreg and
neonates. These were divided up according to dspot. Simulations were initialized with ten

Figure 1. Conceptual illustration of the regularly spaced and hot spot release strategies. Grey
squares correspond to randomly-distributed wild populations, crosses indicate release sites.
214 J. M. KEAN ET AL.
Table 1. Model parameters for discrete-generation lepidopteran case studies. Italicized values
are derived from other values in the table and those in brackets are based on other evidence.

Parameter Gypsy moth Codling moth

female fecundity (viable eggs/female) λ 8311 1444

sex ratio (females/total) χ 0.51 0.54
survival of larvae and pupae σ 0.0133 (0.06)
net reproductive rate (/generation) R0 5.512 4.31
irradiation dose (Gy) 100 100 200
relative competitiveness of:
irradiated males vS (0.9) 0.735 0.635
irradiated-lineage males vY 0.91 (0.73) (0.63)
relative viability of eggs from:
wild female x irradiated male fFS 0.5631 0.6114 0.3634
wild female x irradiated-lineage male fFY 0.0623 0.1254 0.0094
irradiated-lineage female x wild male fXM 0.0053 0.1734 0.0834
average dispersal distance (metres) of:
females dF, dX 10006 3008
adult males dM, dY 5007 10008
irradiated males ds 500 8009
critical overflooding ratio Φc 1.18 1.04 2.04

1Schwalbe et al. (1991), 2Sharov et al. (1998), 3Mastro and Schwalbe (1988), 4Bloem et al. (1999b), 5Bloem et
al. (1999a), 6Kamata et al. (2005), 7Elkinton and Cardé (1980), 8, 9implied from Bloem
et al. (1999a)

randomly-distributed wild populations, each (Bloem et al. 2005), and parameter estimates
of 100 wild adults split according to the sex could be made from the literature (Table 1). It
ratio χ . Release sites were fixed for the dura- should be emphasized, however, that the aim
tion of each simulation. was not to provide accurate models for these
Simulations were run until either global particular species, but rather to use them as a
eradication (at generation te) was achieved, or basis for assembling plausible parameter val-
it became clear that eradication was unsuc- ues with which to explore the models.
cessful (at 20 generations). Each scenario was Female fecundity λ , was estimated as the
simulated 100 to 250 times to capture the vari- average viable eggs laid per wild-mated
ability in outcomes arising from the inbuilt female, being the total eggs laid per female
demographic stochasticity. Each scenario was multiplied by the proportion of eggs success-
summarized in terms of the proportion of sim- fully hatching in control treatments. Similarly,
ulations leading to eradication pe and the time the relative viability of eggs resulting from
to eradication te for each successful simula- different mating combinations, f, was calcu-
tion. lated from the number of viable eggs laid in
irradiated treatments divided by the corre-
2.4. Parameterization sponding control treatment result. The
assumption of irradiated-lineage incompati-
The models were parameterized for two lepi- bility (fXS = fXY = 0) was supported by
dopteran case studies: gypsy moth Lymantria direct evidence for gypsy moth (Mastro and
dispar (L.) and codling moth C. pomonella. Schwalbe 1988), and implied by experimental
Both species have been targeted by the SIT results for codling moth (Bloem et al. 1999b).

Figure 2. Effects of inherited sterility parameter values on the critical overflooding ratio for
the Asian gypsy moth. All parameters have their default values (indicated by open dots) except
the one varied for each line. Solid lines show relative viability of eggs arising from different
mating combinations: wild female x irradiated male (fFS); wild female x irradiated-lineage
male (fFY); irradiated-lineage female x wild male (fXS). Dashed lines show relative competitive-
ness of irradiated (vS) or irradiated-lineage (vY) males.

The relative competitiveness of irradiated stages in the field. For gypsy moth, σ could be
and irradiated-lineage males was estimated in estimated from the net reproductive rate per
a number of different ways, depending on generation, R0 = λχσ , where this was available
available information. Bloem et al. (1999a) (Sharov et al. 1998). No data were available
monitored copulations with tethered codling for codling moth survival, so σ = 0.06 was
moth females after a field release of irradiated assumed as a representative value, based on a
males. Here, relative competitiveness, vS, was range of similar species.
estimated as the mean number of matings The parameters for the gypsy moth were
observed by irradiated males relative to that quantified from the European strain present in
for releases of control males. In gypsy moth, North America, in which the adult female is
there appears to be little effect of irradiation flightless. Of much greater concern for many
on the activity and searching patterns of males countries is the Asian strain in which adult
in field cages (Schwalbe et al. 1991), but the females can fly, as quantified by a recent
rate of irradiated-lineage larval development unpublished study (Kamata et al. 2005).
is only 90% that of wild moths (Schwalbe et Therefore adult female flight was assumed
al. 1991), and this was used as an index of rel- (Table 1), as well as that this is the only sub-
ative overall male competitiveness. In all stantial difference between the strains so that
cases it was assumed that the competitiveness the estimated parameter values might be rele-
of irradiated-lineage males is the same as that vant for the Asian strain. The effects of short-
of irradiated ones. distance ballooning by early-instar larvae
One of the most difficult parameters to were assumed to be negligible compared to
estimate for the population models is σ, the the flight of adult females. The estimates used
average overall survival of larval and pupal for codling moth dispersal were unreferenced
216 J. M. KEAN ET AL.

data from the website irradiation-related parameters.

nz and therefore should be treated with cau-
tion. 3.2. Simulation Results of Release
3. Results
The effects of release strategy and total num-
3.1. Analytical Model Equilibrium and ber of irradiated males released on the proba-
Critical Overflooding Ratio bility of eradication and the time to eradica-
tion are shown in Fig. 3. For the strategies
Assuming that the same number of irradiated investigated, hot spot releases were more suc-
males is released each generation S, the equi- cessful than regularly spaced releases. In each
librium values for the analytical model are case, the probability of eradication pe
given by: increased and the time to eradication te
decreased as more irradiated males were
released. However, both pe and te asymptote,
so that above a certain release rate there was
no advantage in releasing more irradiated
males. Eradication of ten populations of 100
gypsy moth or codling moth could not be
achieved in fewer than approximately four
This equilibrium is unstable, with the popula- generations, even with very high release rates.
tion increasing from above the equilibrium or
decreasing to eradication from below the 4. Discussion
equilibrium. Since the equilibrium is deter-
mined in part by the release rate S, successful The ability to estimate the critical overflood-
eradication by SIT requires that sufficient ing ratio (equation 4) is useful, not only for
releases are made that the unstable equilibri- setting release rates, but also for optimizing
um exceeds the actual wild population, lead- the biological fitness of irradiated males. For
ing to population decline. The critical over- example, parameter values were available for
flooding ratio, Φ c, describes the number of two different irradiation rates for codling
irradiated males that needs to be released per moth, leading to two different Φc values (Table
wild male to prevent the population from 1). These suggest that approximately twice as
increasing. For the analytical model, this is many irradiated males would need to be
given by: released at a 200 Gy dose to give the same
suppressive effect of 100 Gy irradiated males.
Alternatively, a simple sensitivity analysis
based on equation 4 can suggest which aspects
of male irradiation biology might be targeted
to give the best improvements in SIT perform-
ance. For example, Fig. 2 shows how the crit-
If Φc is exceeded then the population will ical overflooding ratio for gypsy moth is
decline, but if Φc cannot be achieved then the affected by each of the radiation-related
release of irradiated insects alone cannot parameters. These results suggest that there
achieve eradication. A model for complete would be relatively little advantage in increas-
sterility is recovered as a limiting case when ing the competitiveness of irradiated males
fFS = 0, in which case the critical overflood- (vS), but much to lose if this were to become
ing ratio reduces to Φc = (R0 - 1)/vs. Fig. 2 depressed. Increasing the viability of eggs
shows how the critical overflooding ratio for arising from wild x irradiated matings (fFS)
Asian gypsy moth is affected by each of the would perhaps offer the greatest relative bene-

Figure 3. Results from spatial simulations parameterized for Asian gypsy moth (upper graphs)
and codling moth (lower graphs) treated at 100 Gy. Graphs show the effects of total irradiat-
ed males released per generation on the probability of eradication pe and the mean number of
generations to eradication te. Regularly spaced releases (left graphs) were made at dreg = 500
metres (filled triangles), 1000 metres (crosses), 1500 metres (open circles)(for Asian gypsy
moth) or 2000 metres (open squares) (for codling moth) intervals; hot spot releases (right
graphs) were made within dspot = 0 metres (open diamonds), 250 metres (crosses)(for Asian
gypsy moth), 500 metres (filled circles), or 1000 metres (open triangles) (for codling moth) of
wild populations. Each point represents 100 to 250 simulations and error bars show 95% con-
fidence intervals.
218 J. M. KEAN ET AL.

fits in terms of minimizing Φc, provided that and the confidence that these finds represent
the values of other parameters were main- the entirety of the breeding population. When
tained. On the other hand, vY has little effect on the locations of breeding populations are poor-
Φc , suggesting that the competitiveness of irra- ly known, then a strategy that enables sterile
diated-lineage males might be sacrificed in moths to reach all potential breeding sites is
order to optimize other aspects of irradiation essential, and an area-wide release with a reg-
biology. ularly spaced grid may be the most efficient
The consistent negative slope of the lines in way of achieving this. In practice, a mixed
Fig. 2 suggest that the greatest benefits occur strategy of hot spot plus smaller intermediate
from maximizing the values of all parameters, releases might be considered if there was a
but this relies on the assumption of irradiated- chance that unknown wild populations might
lineage-incompatibility providing an ultimate be present. One method of quantifying the
dead-end for the population. Without irradiat- chance of undetected wild populations being
ed-lineage-incompatibility, the results may present has been suggested by Kean and
differ; other population models are being Suckling (2005), based on interpretation of
developed to explore this scenario. zero trap catches in the light of temperature-
Meanwhile, this emphasizes the importance of dependent development rates and flight
assessing the success of irradiated-lineage x thresholds.
irradiated-lineage matings, which is rarely If a strategy of regularly spaced releases is
done (with the exception of gypsy moth used, it is important that the release sites are
(Mastro and Schwalbe 1988)). sufficiently dense to allow irradiated males to
The critical overflooding ratios calculated disperse across the entire area. As the spacing
for the case study species (Table 1), are gener- between release sites increases, the chance of
ally much lower than the targets of eradication a wild population remaining undetected
programmes against these species. However, it increases, in which case the probability of
is important to note that the overflooding ratio eradication may never reach 100% regardless
achieved at the beginning of the sterile insect of how many irradiated males are released
releases is not a direct indicator of the success (Fig. 3).
of the programme because the critical over- For a given release strategy, there comes a
flooding ratio is calculated for a theoretical release rate of irradiated males beyond which
equilibrium population in which irradiated-lin- there is little benefit in increasing. Once the
eage individuals have been present for some chance of eradication approaches 100%, there
time. In order to achieve eradication from a is little further reduction in the time to eradica-
constant input of irradiated males, the target tion possible from releasing greater numbers
overflooding ratio in the early stage of the pro- of irradiated males. It may be important eco-
gramme should be considerably higher than Φc nomically, therefore, to be able to estimate this
to establish irradiated-lineage individuals in point of no further benefit, and the models pre-
the population as it initially continues to sented here provide sufficient tools to do so.
increase. When measuring overflooding in the However, the number of irradiated males
field, it may also be important to adjust the required depends critically on the size of wild
results to account for biased sampling of irra- populations, so accurate sampling technolo-
diated versus wild males, since, for example, gies must be a prerequisite for conducting
vS and vY < 1 suggests that irradiated and irra- optimally-designed sterile insect releases as
diated-lineage males may be less able to locate part of a control programme.
pheromone-baited traps than wild males.
A key factor in deciding whether to under- 5. Acknowledgements
take a regularly spaced versus hot spot release
strategy is likely to be whether the locations of The authors would like to thank one anony-
wild populations can be accurately estimated, mous reviewer for useful comments on the

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the use of sterile insects, pp. 147-174. In Distribution, dispersal, and apparent survival
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insect fecundity, fertility, and control. Annals ually sterile males. Journal of Economic
of the Entomological Society of America 92: Entomology 48: 459-462.
222-229. Knipling, E. F. 1970. Suppression of pest
Bloem, K. A., S. Bloem, and J. E. Carpenter. Lepidoptera by releasing partially sterile
2005. Impact of moth suppression/eradica- males: a theoretical appraisal. Bioscience 20:
tion programmes using the sterile insect tech- 465-470.
nique or inherited sterility, pp. 677-700. In Mastro, V. C., and C. P. Schwalbe. 1988.
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A Diffusion Model for Glossina palpalis
gambiensis in Burkina Faso



1Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour

le Développement, Département d'Elevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire,
BP 5035, 34032 Montpellier, France
2Centre International de Recherche-développement sur l'Elevage en

Zone Subhumide, BP 454, Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso

3Institut Sénégalais de Recherches Agricoles, Laboratoire National

d'Etudes et de Recherches Vétérinaires, BP 2057, Dakar-Hann, Senegal

4Conseil Général Vétérinaire, 251 rue de Vaugirard, 75732 Paris Cedex

15, France

ABSTRACT The dispersal of Glossina species is of interest to pest control personnel since these flies
are the biological vectors of human and animal trypanosomes in Africa. The design of control and/or erad-
ication programmes requires an accurate knowledge of the ecological characteristics of tsetse flies and the
geographic structure of their populations. The present study attempts to model the dispersal process of a
riverine tsetse species, i.e. Glossina palpalis gambiensis Vanderplank in Burkina Faso along an apparent
homogeneous gallery forest. While for savannah species, dispersal is usually modelled as a two-dimension-
al random walk (in time and space) or diffusion (its continuous analogue), for riverine species, dispersal
can be viewed more simply as a one-dimensional random walk. The data reported here show that the topol-
ogy of the habitat, which is a system of tributaries rather than a straight line, has a great impact on the dis-
persal process. Moreover, since only a part of the river system can be observed in practice, the effect of
partial observation when estimating dispersal parameters can be quantified. The results reported here were
obtained using a data set from a mark-release-recapture experiment carried out with G. p. gambiensis on a
tributary of the Mouhoun River in Burkina Faso. The model was fitted to field data and used to estimate
the displacement of a fly during 10% of its lifespan (13 kilometres) and the probability of it dispersing
more than 10 kilometres from its initial position (P > 0.1). The analysis was carried out by either taking
into account, or ignoring, the fact that only part of the river system was observed during the mark-release-
recapture protocol.

KEY WORDS dispersal, tsetse fly, Glossina palpalis gambiensis, diffusion model, mark-release-

1. Introduction ity target for sustainable control. If the tsetse

population is not isolated, barriers of traps or
In West Africa, climate and land use pressures screens impregnated with insecticides can be
result in fragmentation of tsetse fly habitats, deployed, to prevent reinvasion (Cuisance and
especially at the northern end of their distribu- Politzar 1983, Politzar and Cuisance 1983,
tion areas (Hendrickx et al. 2004). Residual 1984), at least until the adjacent tsetse popula-
subpopulations, surrounded by semi-perma- tions are suppressed. To establish these barri-
nent barriers (particularly cotton crops), are ers, traps or screens are placed every 100
increasingly isolated and can become a prior- metres along five to ten kilometre river sec-
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 221–228.
© 2007 IAEA.

tions. Control campaigns preferably target 1981, Hargrove and Lange 1989, Hargrove
areas where agricultural barriers already exist, 2000). However, for tsetse flies dispersing
and the methods used vary in their cost effec- along gallery forests, these are less well devel-
tiveness depending on their reliability and the oped (Rogers 1977, Randolph and Rogers
overall objective, i.e. eradication or suppres- 1984, Cuisance et al. 1985).
sion (IAEA/FAO 2001). Information about Before addressing the problem of dispersal
the degree of isolation between populations in fragmented landscapes, the present study
can be very useful for the design, implementa- analyses data obtained in a homogeneous
tion and monitoring of area-wide integrated riverine forest to understand the impact of
pest management programmes (AW-IPM), river structure on the dispersal characteristics
especially when resources are limited. of riverine tsetse (Cuisance et al. 1985). In
The cotton belt of Mali and Burkina Faso particular, account is taken of the fact that a
has been identified as a priority area for tsetse river cannot be considered as a straight line
control because of the potential benefits asso- but rather as a river system. As underlined by
ciated with the removal of trypanosomosis Buxton (1955):
(Hendrickx et al. 2004). In Burkina-Faso,
The fly belt occupied by G. palpalis is nearly
riverine species (Glossina palpalis gambien-
always along the waterside. […] It is known that
sis Vanderplank and Glossina tachinoides the insect moves very freely up or down stream
Westwood) are the main vectors of African or up a tributary. […] Evidently then the width
animal trypanosomosis, since the only savan- of the zones varies, but spontaneous movement
nah species (Glossina morsitans submorsitans of the insect is so closely confined to the vicini-
ty of water that it is almost linear.
Newstead) is now restricted to protected areas
in the south of the country. Current studies on
the population dynamics of vector species 2. Materials and Methods
therefore focus on the valleys and riverine
forests, using remote sensing and ecological 2.1. Field Data
data to evaluate the feasibility of an eradica-
tion campaign based on area-wide principles The mark-release-recapture data were collect-
and in support of the Pan African Tsetse and ed in 1981 (Cuisance et al. 1985) on the
Trypanosomiasis Eradication Campaign Dienkoa River, a tributary of the Mouhoun
(PATTEC) recently initiated in Burkina Faso River in Burkina Faso. Forty-three biconical
(IAEA/FAO 2001). In particular, researchers traps were deployed at distances of approxi-
and programme managers are interested in the mately 500 metres over a distance of 20 kilo-
degree of isolation of vector populations, or metres along the main stream. The river sec-
conversely their ability to disperse as estimat- tion under study was bordered by a homoge-
ed by migration rates between favourable nous closed Guinean riparian forest. Trap
landscapes. For this purpose, both mark- locations (Fig. 1) were digitized from a
release field experiments and population Landsat Thematic Mapper image (pixel 30
genetic analyses have proven to be very effi- metres x 30 metres) from December 2000
cient tools (Solano et al. 2000, Krafsur and (cool dry season) using the original and very
Endsley 2002, Krafsur 2003). detailed field map (Cuisance et al. 1985).
The methodology for estimating diffusion For this study, the data obtained from the
parameters by mark-recapture methods is now release of 8683 three-day-old male G. p. gam-
robust for species dispersing in two dimen- biensis were analysed. The flies were from the
sions (Okubo and Levin 2001). For the savan- Centre de Recherche sur les Trypanosomoses
nah species of tsetse, such as Glossina morsi- Animales (CRTA) insectary and were fed
tans morsitans Westwood, diffusion models once on a rabbit on the day before release.
have been successfully applied to model the They were not irradiated before release. Ten
dispersal process (Bursell 1970, Hargrove weekly releases, which were not analysed by

Figure 1. Location of the biconical traps of the 1981 study along the Dienkoa river.

Cuisance et al. (1983), were performed 2.2. Models

between May and August 1981. During these
releases, the initial release point (Fig. 1) was A discrete isotrope random walk (same proba-
located in the middle of the trapped section. bility of going up- or downstream one dis-
Flies were marked on their pronotum with a tance unit at each time unit), was used to
dot of acrylic paint, the colour of which indi- model tsetse dispersal. It can be regarded as
cated the week of their initial release. the simplest individual-based model of disper-
Captures were performed three times per sal in one dimension. The model’s assump-
week with traps set from 08.00 hours to 16.30 tions are that, during one time unit (τ) a single
hours each trapping day (On three days with fly will travel exactly one unit length (λ) either
heavy rain, traps could not be checked and to the right or left with equal probability.
only releases were carried out). Marked tsetse In this case, if the number of time steps n
flies were released again at the location where is large, and denoting:
they were captured. x = mλ, t = nτ
Trapping was terminated at the same date it can be shown that the probability density of
for all cohorts so that data represent various the position at time t converges towards the
times from the release of the cohorts (15 and density of a centred Gaussian random variable
four weeks for the first and last cohorts with variance 2Dt, where D is the so-called
respectively). The data available are of two diffusion coefficient and is equal to λ2/2τ
types: total trap catches by time elapsed from (Williams et al. 1992).
release cumulated over all ten cohorts Since mortality appears as the main cause
(Cuisance et al. 1985), and a set of data of the end of the diffusion process, zero diffu-
obtained from Cuisance’s diary corresponding sion was used to model the progress of fly dis-
to daily data cumulated for all traps. persal. Such a model amounts to stopping an

Figure 2. Symmetric systems used for the simulations.

individual’s trajectory after a random time Several lengths of tributaries (L = 1, 3, 10)

representing the individual’s lifespan. Since were used in the simulations.
the mortality rate between the first release and The model’s parameters (D, µ) were then
first recapture cannot be disentangled from estimated using the field data set and follow-
the overall recapture rate, and since the mor- ing two assumptions: (1) the trapping system
tality rate appeared almost constant during the allows a complete observation of the dispersal
later stages of the releases, a constant mortal- process which occurs only along the main
ity rate, µ was used throughout (the model can river, and (2) the trapping system allows only
however be easily extended to more accurate a partial observation of the dispersal process
data on fly mortality). The parameter µ was which occurs throughout the whole river sys-
roughly estimated as the log-regression coef- tem (river basin with all its tributaries).
ficient of the number of recaptured flies Finally, two “summary statistics” were cal-
against time. Based on the homogeneity of the culated using the two-parameter estimations
gallery and trapping conditions, two strong in a hypothetical case where two populations
assumptions had to be made, i.e. the time and are ten kilometres apart on a straight river
space independence of capture and mortality course without tributaries: (1) the distance to
rates. the origin exceeded during 10% of the fly’s
The model was first applied on a theoreti- average lifespan, and (2) the probability of a
cal system of tributaries, comprising an infi- fly travelling beyond a given distance to the
nite main river where diffusion originates, and origin. Details of the mathematical process
one or several tributaries connected to the will be described elsewhere (Sibert et al., in
main stream at definite locations (Fig. 2). preparation).
Boundary conditions were isotropic at bifur-
cations (when a fly came to a junction 3. Results
between a tributary and the main river it had
equal probability of going up the tributary, or 3.1. Theoretical Systems
up or down the main stream), and reflexive at
the end of tributaries (when it reached the end The effects of considering only the main river
of a tributary it always came back down at the for estimating D and µ while dispersal occurs
next step). In order to assess the effects of throughout a river system was investigated
geometry on the diffusion process, configura- using a variety of symmetric and asymmetric
tions with n = 2 and n = 10 tributaries were river systems. The results of the simulations
studied. To obtain a symmetrical process, the depend on the complexity of the river system
release was simulated in the centre of two trib- and the value of the diffusion coefficient. The
utaries distant of 2l (Fig. 2): the distance results from the nine theoretical symmetric
between the origin of the process and the next river systems (Fig. 3) are only illustrative but
tributary was thus set to l = 1, and the they use a realistic D, namely 0.5 square kilo-
diffusion coefficient was such that 2D = 1. metres per day and a realistic river system,

Figure 3. (upper graphs) Proportion of flies observed on the main river, (middle graphs) aver-
age position in kilometres, and (lower graphs) ratio between observed and real variance in
function of time (in days) in nine hypothetical river systems (n=10, L=1, 2 or 3 and l=1, 3 or

with ten tributaries. To appreciate the poten- From the simulations, it is clear that spatial
tial impact of partial observation on the esti- sampling, i.e. observing only the main river
mation of D and µ, three variables are illus- with traps while dispersal occurs on the whole
trated: (1) the proportion of flies observed on river system, can lead to overestimation of
the main river (to illustrate the effect of partial mortality rates by up to 30% at day 40 (Fig. 3,
observation on the estimation of mortality first column, first line). The average position
rates), (2) the average position of the popula- of the population on the main course can
tion (to show that an isotropic random walk evolve up to one kilometre from the release
can lead to an apparent displacement of the position (Fig. 3, third column, second line),
population on the observed section), and (3) towards the centre of gravity of the system,
the ratio between observed and actual vari- leading to an apparent drift of the population,
ance (to illustrate the impact of partial obser- which would be impossible if the diffusion
vation on the estimation of the diffusion coef- process occurred in an infinite symmetrical
ficient (Fig. 3). system. Finally, the variance in position (pro-

portional to the diffusion coefficient) can be (closed and conserved Guinean gallery for-
underestimated by 15% in the case of com- est). Density-dependent factors may induce an
plex systems (Fig. 3, first column, third line). increase of mortality rates next to the release
points due to increased local density (Rogers
3.2. Real Data Set and Randolph 1984). The assumption of a
constant mortality rate in space is then not
With the real data set presented above, D and valid as the fly density will be higher at the
µ could be estimated depending on two differ- release point, at least during the releases and
ent assumptions: (1) dispersal occurs only on maybe during the following days. In all cases,
the main river and the trapping system pro- taking into account the spatial complexity
vides complete information, and (2) dispersal seems very important when estimating mor-
occurs on the whole river system and the data tality rates, in the case of sterile insect releas-
set is thus spatially sampled. es for example. Moreover, dispersal over the
If dispersal occurs only on the main river, entire available system (including the tributar-
a complete observation of a random walk on a ies) may be considered as a way to reduce
straight line can be implied. Daily mortality mortality density-dependent factors as much
rate estimated over the first month is then as possible.
6.5%, corresponding to a mean lifespan of The structure of a river system is not static
15.5 days. The corresponding diffusion coeffi- in time, but evolves with macro-climatic vari-
cient is 0.29 km2/day. ations through seasons. In the hot dry season,
In the alternative hypothesis (partial obser- the small tributaries are drained and become
vation of a random walk on a tree), the esti- unsuitable for tsetse survival, leading to their
mated mortality rate is only 4.4%, correspon- concentration in the moister section, i.e. in the
ding to a mean lifespan of 22.7 days. The dif- main river. While dispersing with the same
fusion coefficient is 0.46 km2/day. diffusion coefficient on either the entire sys-
The two estimation errors due to spatial tem or the main course only, the probability of
sampling demonstrate the same tendency, i.e. long-distance movements on the main river
an underestimation of the probability of long- will increase, thereby enhancing long-dis-
distance movement in the case of partial tance dispersal during the dry season. Thus,
observation. When the model coefficients are on the one hand, tributaries can act as brakes
corrected for the partial observation bias, the to longitudinal movements particularly during
average distance covered by a fly during 10% the rainy season while, on the other hand, the
of its lifespan increases from four to 13 kilo- mortality rate will decrease as relative humid-
metres. At the same time, the probability of a ity increases during the rainy season. These
fly reaching a population located ten kilome- two parameters have thus opposing effects on
tres away increases from less than 0.01 to long-distance dispersal.
more than 0.1. In other words, the (apparent) In the model used, the two-dimensional
displacement – and the (apparent) probability structure of the system was not taken into
of reaching another population – is much account, and the possibility cannot be exclud-
lower than it is if only the data from the main ed that some flies escaped from the gallery
river are included. (main stream or tributaries) and re-entered the
system at some other point. However, during
4. Discussion the release period (beginning of the rainy sea-
son), 145 traps were set in two circles located
The estimates of mortality rate obtained from at one and two kilometres from the release
the raw data are 30% lower when a partial sys- point in the neighbouring savannah (Cuisance
tem of tributaries is assumed (0.040 versus et al. 1983), and only 1.1% (36 from 3228) of
0.065). However, mortality remains very high the captured flies were caught outside the
for this highly favourable environment gallery. Moreover, as movement in the savan-

nah is a two-dimensional diffusion, the latter forest, these elements may have a great impact
environment can be considered less diffusive on the tsetse dispersal process. Mark-release
than the gallery itself and its contribution to field experiments, supported by new tech-
long displacements along the main course can niques like dispersal models, remote sensing
be neglected. During the rainy season howev- and geographic information systems (GIS)
er, riverine flies migrate into nearby savannah can be very useful in designing the sequential
areas, especially while following their hosts, process of an AW-IPM project. They could
and their movement, perpendicular to the river also be used to optimize the releases of sterile
systems, should be taken into consideration if flies during an eradication campaign.
attempting to estimate the probability of a
river basin being “isolated” from another. 6. References
In the present work, the experimental site
was chosen for its homogeneous, closed Blondel, J. 1995. Biogéographie. Approche
gallery. Provided that the spatial complexity is écologique et évolutive. Masson, Paris,
taken into account, a diffusion process was France.
appropriate to describe tsetse fly dispersal. Bouyer, J., L. Guerrini, J. César, S. de la
However, in fragmented landscapes, gallery Rocque, and D. Cuisance. 2005. A phyto-
forests are in fact very heterogeneous (Morel sociological analysis of the distribution of
1983). In such situations, a diffusion process riverine tsetse flies in Burkina Faso. Medical
may be unsuitable to describe fly dispersal, as and Veterinary Entomology 19: 372-378.
the decision to disperse becomes a trade-off Bursell, E. 1970. Dispersal and concentration
between a reduction in mortality-dependent of Glossina, pp. 382-394. In Mulligan, H. W.
factors and an increase in mortality-independ- (ed.), The African trypanosomiases. George
ent factors while moving from a favourable Allen and Unwin, London, UK.
ecosystem (natural riverine forest) to a less Buxton, P. A. 1955. The natural history of
favourable one (disturbed riverine forest) tsetse flies. An account of the biology of the
(Blondel 1995). Experimental releases inte- genus Glossina (Diptera). Lewis H. K. and
grating the lessons from the present work are Co. Ltd., London, UK.
presently being conducted in fragmented Cuisance, D., and H. Politzar. 1983. Etude de
landscapes previously characterized by phyto- l’efficacité contre Glossina palpalis gambi-
sociological analysis (Bouyer et al. 2005), to ensis et Glossina tachinoides de barrières
integrate spatial heterogeneity into dispersal constituées d’écrans ou de pièges biconiques
models. In association with population genet- imprégnés de DDT, de deltaméthrine ou de
ics, these should be very useful in understand- dieldrine. Revue d’Elevage et de Médecine
ing the population structure within the vétérinaire des Pays tropicaux 36: 159-168.
Mouhoun river basin and may allow the iden- Cuisance, D., J. Février, J. Filledier, and J.
tification of “natural” barriers in the planning Dejardin. 1983. Etude sur le pouvoir de
of an AW-IPM programme in Burkina Faso. dispersion des glossines. CRTA/IEMVT/
OMS-83, Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso.
5. Conclusions Cuisance, D., J. Février, J. Dejardin, and J.
Filledier. 1985. Dispersion linéaire de
A normal diffusion model can fit the data on Glossina palpalis gambiensis et G. tachi-
riverine tsetse dispersal in homogeneous land- noides dans une galerie forestière en zone
scapes provided that the spatial complexity of soudano-guinéenne (Burkina Faso). Revue
the river system is taken into account. Daily d’Elevage et de Médecine vétérinaire des
mortality rate has an important effect on dis- Pays tropicaux 38: 153-172.
persal and especially on long-distance move- Hargrove, J. W. 1981. Tsetse dispersal recon-
ments. Since they depend mainly on the sea- sidered. Journal of Animal Ecology 50: 351-
son and the conservation status of the gallery 373.

Hargrove, J. W. 2000. A theoretical study of by riverine tsetse species. Revue d'Elevage et

the invasion of cleared areas by tsetse flies de Médecine vétérinaire des Pays tropicaux
(Diptera: Glossinidae). Bulletin of 36: 364-370.
Entomological Research 90: 201-209. Politzar, H., and D. Cuisance. 1984. An inte-
Hargrove, J. W., and K. Lange. 1989. Tsetse grated campaign against riverine tsetse flies
dispersal viewed as a diffusion process. Glossina palpalis gambiensis and Glossina
Transactions of the Zimbabwe Scientific tachinoides by trapping and the release of
Association 64: 1-8. sterile males. Insect Science and its
Hendrickx, G., S. de la Rocque, and R. C. Application 5: 439-442.
Mattioli. 2004. Long-term tsetse and try- Randolph, S. E., and D. J. Rogers. 1984.
panosomiasis management options in West Movement patterns of the tsetse fly Glossina
Africa. FAO, Rome, Italy. palpalis palpalis (Robineau-Desvoidy)
(IAEA/FAO) International Atomic Energy (Diptera: Glossinidae) around villages in the
Agency/Food and Agriculture Organiza- pre-forested zone of Ivory Coast. Bulletin of
tion of the United Nations. 2001. Entomological Research 74: 689-705.
Workshop on strategic planning of area-wide Rogers, D. J. 1977. Study of a natural popula-
tsetse and trypanosomiasis control in West tion of Glossina fuscipes fuscipes Newstead
Africa. IAEA-63, Ouagadougou, Burkina and a model of fly movement. Journal of
Faso. Animal Ecology 46: 309-330.
Krafsur, E. S. 2003. Tsetse fly population Rogers, D. J., and S. E. Randolph. 1984. A
genetics: an indirect approach to dispersal. review of density-dependent processes in
Trends in Parasitology 19: 162-166. tsetse population. Insect Science and its
Krafsur, E. S., and M. A. Endsley. 2002. Application 5: 397-402.
Microsatellite diversities and gene flow in Solano, P., S. de la Rocque, T. de Méeus, G.
the tsetse fly, Glossina morsitans s.l. Medical Cuny, G. Duvallet, and D. Cuisance. 2000.
and Veterinary Entomology 16: 292-300. Microsatellite DNA markers reveal genetic
Morel, P. C. 1983. Guide pour la détermination differentiation among populations of
des arbres et des arbustes dans les savanes Glossina palpalis gambiensis in the agropas-
Ouest-Africaines. IEMVT, Maisons-Alfort, toral zone of Sideradougou, Burkina Faso.
France. Insect Molecular Biology 9: 433-439.
Okubo, A., and S. A. Levin. 2001. Diffusion Williams, B., R. Dransfield, and R.
and ecological problems: modern perspec- Brightwell. 1992. The control of tsetse flies
tives. Springer-Verlag, New York, USA. in relation to fly movement and trapping effi-
Politzar, H., and D. Cuisance. 1983. A trap- ciency. Journal of Applied Ecology 29: 163-
barrier to block reinvasion of a river system 179.
Current Advances in the Use of Cryogenics
and Aerial Navigation Technologies for
Sterile Insect Delivery Systems


1RegionalMedfly Program Guatemala, USDA/APHIS/IS - Unit 3319,

c/o US Embassy - Guatemala City, Guatemala, APO AA 34024-3319,
2Programa Moscamed, 4A. Avenida 12-62, Zona 10, Guatemala City,


ABSTRACT Insect release methodologies have evolved into a more insect friendly process utilizing
available industrial technologies to improve delivery mechanisms. The insect release activity has gone
from a purely mechanical process to one that places greater emphasis on maintaining the quality of the ster-
ile insect. Early systems depended greatly on mechanical displacement of flies using motors, augers, and
moving belts. Complex heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) components were also used for
air conditioning. Current systems are available that rely more on gravity and suction for fly transport, dry
ice for cooling, and solid state circuitry for controls. Also, navigation using the Global Positioning System
(GPS), geographic information systems (GIS) and computer technologies can be used to control release
machine operation. Systems using new technologies are more reliable, less damaging to the sterile insects,
and decrease the cost of the sterile insect technique (SIT) operations.

KEY WORDS sterile insect technique, release systems, gravity and suction, dry ice, GPS/GIS-based

1. Introduction procedures need to be implemented from rear-

ing to field release. Only under these condi-
A great deal of effort has been expended on tions will fruit fly control with an SIT compo-
the technology for mass-rearing sterile insects nent be successful. In this paper, the current
(Lindquist 2001, IDIDAS 2004). This is also progress in aerial release technologies using
the case for Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis cryogenics is presented and discussed with a
capitata (Wiedemann) at the mass-rearing focus on fly quality and handling, cost effi-
facility in El Pino, Guatemala, where refining ciency, and the logistics that make it feasible
the rearing process is an ongoing activity to operate medium- or large-scale SIT pro-
(Cáceres et al. 2000). This effort is focused on grammes worldwide.
producing a better sterile male fly as well as
trying to achieve higher levels of efficiency 2. Initial Technologies
and economy.
Producing sterile insects is only one activ- 2.1. Paper Bag Delivery System
ity in the overall process of area-wide fruit fly
control applying the sterile insect technique The current energy being invested in
(SIT) as part of an integrated pest manage- Mediterranean fruit fly aerial release equip-
ment (IPM) approach. Quality processes and ment has resulted in more emphasis on deliv-
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 229–238.
Published with the permission of © 2007 U.S. Government

Figure 1. Paper bags stacked in the aircraft cabin prior to release through a chute constitutes
the paper bag delivery system.

ering a viable fly to the target area. In the past, the countryside.
the major efforts of aerial release focused on
the physical or mechanical act of getting the 2.2. First Generation Chilled Adult
fly out of the aircraft. For many years, Technology
Mediterranean fruit fly has been aerially
released using paper bags (Hentze and Mata First uses of cryogenics as a means of lower-
1987, Villaseñor et al. 2000). This flexible ing temperatures in insect delivery systems
release container also functioned as the emer- were made through the release of chilled
gence container and fly emergence facilities adults in Hawaii (Harris et al. 1975, Howell et
were designed to accommodate the bulk of the al. 1975). In the early years of the Programa
paper bags. The bags were most likely the Moscamed (Hendrichs et al. 1983), such a
poorest delivery container since they often mechanical delivery device was used. This
collapsed during ground transport and when initial design was capable of accommodating
packed into the aircraft (Fig. 1). The bags also 5-8 million Mediterranean fruit flies. This
maintained the sterile flies at or well above equipment was installed in a Cessna 206
ambient temperatures depending on whether Beechcraft Baron, and in other light single- or
the bag was on top of or under the pile of bags. twin-engine aircraft. The machine was com-
This simple handling and release procedure, posed of a cooling unit utilizing a compressor
while detrimental to fly quality, eliminated the and other components similar to a car air con-
need for complex release equipment. When ditioning system to provide a flow of cool air,
the bag was discharged from the aircraft it was storage box(es) for the flies, and a base with a
ripped open, either by an operator or hook on set of augers to move the flies laterally as they
the exit chute or tube. The flies, paper bag, were received by gravity from the storage
enclosed paper waste (to provide flies addi- box. Some of the earlier release machines
tional surface to expand their wings), and used a moving band in lieu of the augers. This
empty pupal cases were ejected from the plane release system using the augers is still in oper-
into the environment. Despite the use of ation in the USA for the Mediterranean fruit
biodegradable paper, this resulted in an accu- fly release programme in California and
mulation of a great deal of paper trash littering Florida and for the release of the Mexican

fruit fly Anastrepha ludens Loew in Tijuana, provided by the New World screwworm
Mexico (USDA/FDACS 2004, CDFA 1999). Cochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel) eradica-
The machine was not ideal for use in tion programme. The machine was very simi-
humid areas or when the Mediterranean fruit lar but had a larger capacity holding up to 20
million Mediterranean fruit flies in two large
flies needed to be cooled for extended periods
of time, or when large quantities of sterile boxes (FAO/IAEA 2007). This design, after
flies needed to be released every day. The additional modifications on site, provided the
inactive flies in the release boxes became level of economy needed for massive releases
increasingly more humid over time due to of Mediterranean fruit flies but exhibited the
same humidity and compaction problems of
their metabolic activity and the influx of air
from outside that contained more humidity its smaller version.
than the air in the cooling system. This excess Two of these machines could be placed in
humidity and constant aircraft vibration a Cessna Grand Caravan or Cessna 208
caused the flies to compact. This condition increasing the capacity of each flight to 40
resulted in the flies being aggregated when million Mediterranean fruit flies. The augers
(Fig. 3) mechanically delivered the flies to a
released instead of a steady stream of individ-
ual flies. The limited capacity of the boxes common horizontal chute and suction extract-
required numerous flights for large numbers ed them through two exit tubes in the belly of
the aircraft. However, utilizing two machines
of flies and its extensive use was costly since
the cooling system required a great deal of in one aircraft increased the electrical load
routine maintenance and part replacement. close to the maximum working capacity (100
amps) of the aircraft’s electrical system.
2.3. Larger Scale First Generation Electrical problems in the 28 volt system were
Chilled Adult Technology numerous until the system was modified to
accommodate the fluctuating voltage/amper-
A later version of the machine (Fig. 2) was age.
built by a private vendor following a design Daily routine maintenance and cleaning

Figure 2. Cooling unit for chilled Mediterranean fruit fly adult release designed after the New
World screwworm release machine.

Figure 3. Screw auger system for chilled adult release of Mediterranean fruit fly.

was crucial to continuous operation. When the fixed wing aircraft (Fig. 4). The total capacity
augers jammed in flight due to an unmovable for the Mediterranean fruit fly is approximate-
mass of humid flies the releases had to be ter- ly 20-25 million, humidity can be controlled
minated and the plane return to base. by a chemical drier or air circulation, electri-
cal components are solid state and replaced as
3. New Developments: Second distinct units, and the electrical load was
Generation Chilled Adult reduced to less than half. Cooling is accom-
Technology plished by utilizing dry ice pellets manufac-
tured from liquid CO2 and a heat exchanger.
A new release machine was commissioned by Specific release instructions are provided by
the Programa Moscamed using a private ven- an AgNav® unit that also provides guidance to
dor and completely different set of criteria. the pilot for navigation (Fig. 5). The unit is
The criteria included a machine that was capable of releasing several species of insects
insect friendly, i.e. that would cause only min- together or as separate events.
imal damage to the sterile flies, capable of The base of the unit is a fabricated alumini-
carrying 20 million or more Mediterranean um frame. Internal parts of the release boxes
fruit flies, suitable to carry other sterile insects are anodized and coated with Teflon®, mov-
or parasitoids, able to control humidity and ing plastic parts are made of special high wear
temperature, require a low electrical load, pro- polymers, and other structural plastic parts are
vide solid state circuitry, had a simple but made of composite materials. Controls are
more effective cooling system, metered gravi- contained in a central console, remote motor
ty feed, and control assisted by a global posi- control boxes, and the AgNav® navigation
tioning system (GPS) signal. International Fly equipment. Overall monitoring of tempera-
Masters, a local contractor from Florida, ture, humidity, fly release rates, aircraft alti-
undertook the design and construction of a tude, speed, and time is recorded by the soft-
prototype. ware that is programmed into the AgNav®
The resulting equipment is designed to fit (Fig. 5).
in the cabin and/or cargo pod on the belly of a Additional electronic supervision is

Figure 4. Second generation chilled adult release system installed inside a Cessna 206 air-

obtained by the use of a portable self-con- are available that can be accommodated in
tained computer (EDAC Electronics Ltd. various aircraft and helicopters. A ground
Australia) that is connected to the system at delivery system is also being designed using
the beginning of the flight and removed on its similar criteria.
return. The information is then downloaded The key to the successful delivery of ster-
for later analysis or can be sent via email to a ile flies to the target area also includes the
remote site for review. Several different units handling of the fly prior to and after “knock-

Figure 5. Component of AgNav® aerial guidance system mounted in cockpit.


down” in the cold chamber. Insuring that the

heating, ventilation and air conditioning
(HVAC) system in the emergence room is
capable of reducing the excess humidity dur-
ing peak fly emergence is critical. Emergence
containers placed into the cold room with high
humidity levels increases the load on dehu-
midification equipment. This high humidity
can also limit the harvest of viable flies. The
flies within the emergence containers that
hold the pupae will collapse when overly
humid, trapping healthy flies inside (Fig. 6).
The use of emergence towers instead of
plastic aerial release containers (PARC boxes)
(Salvato et al. 2004) would eliminate this
problem since the tower does not use paper
bags. Filling the release boxes with flies when
humidity levels are above 30-40% and expos-
ing release containers full of flies to excess
humidity during later handling promotes
“packing” or the tendency for the flies to
become tightly packed in the release box.
Prolonged ground transport of the release con-
tainers full of flies also adds to this problem.
This packing will impact fly quality and can
create difficulties during release. Tightly
packed humid flies have less oxygen, retain
more metabolic heat, impede cool air flow
through the column of flies, and resist gravity
flow (Fig. 6).
The flies need to exit the aircraft without
being subjected to damaging physical trauma.
The combination of gravity/ mechanical/ suc-
tion feed has to be balanced to facilitate a free
flow of flies. Allowing the flies to flow
through the augers via gravity instead of push-
ing them, moving them laterally by suction, Figure 6. (upper) Mediterranean fruit fly
and finally having them exit vertical tubes by emergence towers (Worley system), (middle)
gravity and suction minimizes fly damage. plastic adult release containers (PARC), and
(lower) PARC boxes showing the pupae hold-
This seemingly simple process requires bal-
ing paper bags (middle and lower photo from
ancing the vacuum or suction created by the
F. Moscoso, reproduced with permission).
exit tubes protruding from the aircraft. Too
much suction damages the flies and evacuates
the cold air from the system. Too little causes
the flies to accumulate in the horizontal exit leaving the tube do not impact the aircraft
tubes and ultimately blocks the tube. structure. Release times and flight procedures
The length and angle on the exit tube meet- also play a role in successful delivery of the
ing the air-stream are also important in the fly to the target area. Early morning flights in
generation of suction and insuring the flies stable air minimize excessive wind drift and

Figure 7. The versatile and dependable turbine Cessna Grand Caravan, that is being used as
the primary release aircraft for Mediterranean fruit fly in the Programa Moscamed.

the temperature shock of high ambient tem- being used as the primary release aircraft (Fig.
peratures during midday. 7). This single engine turbine powered aircraft
Low altitude flying, rapidly changing is approved for single pilot operation, flown
mountainous terrain, variable airspeeds, and extensively over populated areas and open
abrupt changes in flight attitudes (diving, water, has a seven hour range, capable of slow
climbing, steep turns) are procedures that can flight and routine landings on short unim-
help locate the fly closer to the target but proved mountain airstrips, fixed gear and low
demands the best out of the equipment and maintenance. The five Caravans currently fly-
pilot. Routine flights normally involve flying ing for the Programa Moscamed in Guatemala
straight and level but can require that the pilot and Mexico have completed thousands of
follow contours where high mountains or hours conducting about 60 flights per week
deep canyons interrupt the flight path. (one-three hours in length) for five years with-
Aerial delivery of the sterile insects or any out accident or an engine/airframe failure.
other biological organism can be a costly
event or a cost-effective one. Current 4 Field Comparison of
Mediterranean fruit fly release costs vary Technologies
from USD 30 per million flies up to USD 150
or more per million flies. The current 4.1. Evaluation of Fly Distribution
Guatemala/Mexico Programa Moscamed
enjoys the lowest release costs available. A One key factor in release effectiveness is the
timely investment in release technology has homogeneous delivery of sterile flies to the
developed a unit that can hold 20-25 million entire release block. A continuous stream of
fruit flies, and the choice of a spacious aerial flies released within the entire block ensures
platform that can hold two release machines that all areas with host are afforded the protec-
permits loading 50 million Mediterranean tion of sterile flies. Locations without flies are
fruit flies on each flight. The versatile and subject to infestation that can eventually
dependable turbine Cessna Grand Caravan is defeat the purpose of the SIT. Controlling the

Figure 8. Comparison of two release systems in terms of the resulting sterile insect distribu-
tion based on the percentage of traps that captured flies released with the old and the new
release machine during ten consecutive weeks (n = 10).

release of flies manually can lead to skips or were maintained inside emergence rooms for
areas without flies as well as wasting them ca five days. Environmental conditions during
due to releasing them outside the release the emergence and maturation period were the
block or host areas. Mountainous terrain or same for both batches of pupae/adults (tem-
isolated infestations surrounded by non-host perature of 22 ± 1°C, relative humidity of 65
areas, present a high level of difficulty when ± 5 %). After five days adult flies were taken
not using electronic guidance for precise to a cold room, (temperature ca 3°C for 45-60
insect delivery. minutes), a procedure which allowed remov-
Field comparisons of the two release sys- ing dormant flies from the PARC boxes.
tems were conducted during ten consecutive Dormant flies were loaded on either old or
weeks (i.e. ten replicates) over the coffee area new release cages and later loaded to each air-
in south-western Guatemala. The total area craft to conduct aerial releases. Aircraft flew
subjected to releases was 104 square kilome- over the same release area; the aircraft with
tres. the new release machine flying first and the
Pupae from the same production day of the aircraft with the old release machine second
male-only VIENNA7/TOLIMAN 99 strain with an average delay of 90 minutes (n = 7)
that carries a temperature sensitive lethal (tsl) from each other. The order of plane releases
mutation, mass-produced at the El Pino rear- was reversed in every consecutive week (i.e.
ing facility were dyed, prior to irradiation, the following week, the aircraft with the old
with a fluorescent marker DayGloTM using release machine flew first). The release condi-
two distinctive colours. Green (saturn yellow) tions for both releases were calm wind condi-
was used to mark adults released from the new tions with an average temperature of 20.3°C
machine and yellow (arc yellow) for the old (n = 14). The release rate was ca 1500 sterile
release machine. Twenty three million marked insects per hectare of each colour. A contour
pupae of each colour were sent from the El system release was used due to the character-
Pino rearing facility to the emergence and istics of the terrain and elevation of aircrafts
release facility located at Retalhuleu. PARC for the releases was aimed at ca 300 meters.
boxes were loaded with pupae from each The following sterile fly distribution data
colour. For adult food the standard operational (Fig. 8) demonstrate the increased effective-
agar-water diet was provided. Pupae/adults ness brought about by using GPS coordinates

Figure 9. Total sterile insects recaptured per week resulting from aerial releases of sterile
males of Mediterranean fruit fly released with the old and the new release machine.

and electronics to instruct the machine when aircraft, but rather one activity in a complex
to release the flies. As is obvious, the more chain of events, which results in successfully
traps with capture of sterile flies in the release controlling the pest. It is an environment-
block, the greater level of control and overall friendly option that is widely accepted but in
programme efficiency. the end, cost will play a major role in its
4.2. Evaluation of Fly Recapture In the past little emphasis has been placed
on the importance and role of engineering in
In addition to the even sterile fly distribution SIT. Reviewing SIT publications over the
the overall quality of the fly after release is of years clearly demonstrates that the “mechani-
primary importance. The new machine cal connection” would profit from more atten-
showed a much higher level of recapture in tion. Mechanical engineering has successfully
the traps indicating that longevity or survival, been used to improve adult emergence using
attributed to fly handling during the release emergence towers, egg production increased
activity, was much higher (Fig. 9). A healthy dramatically with special oviposition cages in
fly will perform better and live longer, and use in the El Pino mass-rearing facility in
this is critical to overall programme perform- Guatemala, and release systems are becoming
ance. More flies in the release blocks, that are more versatile and cost effective.
living longer and are overall in better physio- One key element to the future success of
logical condition, facilitate effective and effi- SIT is the search for biological solutions for
cient control. These are management perform- insect-borne animal, plant and human mal-
ance goals that allow the manager to receive adies (malaria, dengue, sleeping sickness,
the best return on the investment. etc.) and the role of engineering in providing
effective and efficient delivery methods.
5. Conclusions
6. References
The success and growth of the SIT as a sup-
pression, containment and eradication tool lies Cáceres, C., K. Fisher, and P. Rendón. 2000.
in its economy and return on investment. It is Mass-rearing of the medfly temperature sen-
not just about releasing sterile flies from an sitive lethal genetic sexing strain in

Guatemala, pp. 551-558. In Tan, K. H. (ed.), fruit fly eradication programme in

Proceedings: Area-Wide Control of Fruit Guatemala, pp. 533-539. In Economopoulus,
Flies and Other Insect Pests. International A. P. (ed.), Proceeedings, Symposium: Fruit
Conference on Area-Wide Control of Insect Flies, Second International Symposium, 16-
Pests, and the 5th International Symposium 21 September 1986, Crete, Greece. Elsevier
on Fruit Flies of Economic Importance, 28 Science Publishers, Amsterdam, The
May-5 June 1998, Penang, Malaysia. Netherlands.
Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Howell, J. F., M. Cheich, H. Ben Salah, P.
Pinang, Malaysia. Crnjanski, W. Pils, and E. J. Harris. 1975.
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Area-Wide IPM for Commercial Wheat



1USDA/ARS, Grain Marketing and Production Research Center, 1515

College Ave., Manhattan, KS 66502, USA
2Department of Entomology, 123 Waters Hall, Kansas State University,

Manhattan, KS 66506, USA

3Department of Grain Science and Industry, Kansas State University,

102G IGP Bldg Manhattan, KS 66506, USA

4Department of Entomology & Plant Pathology, 127 Noble Research

Center, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078, USA

ABSTRACT The United States Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service (USDA-
ARS) funded a demonstration project between 1998 and 2003 for area-wide integrated pest management
(AW-IPM) of commercial stored wheat in Kansas and Oklahoma. The AW-IPM concept is useful to stored
grain because it reduces the mixing of infested and uninfested grain at the terminal elevator by controlling
insect problems in small country elevators before the grain is shipped to the terminal elevator. This proj-
ect was a collaboration of the USDA-ARS Grain Marketing and Production Research Center in Manhattan,
Kansas, Kansas State University, and Oklahoma State University. The project utilized two elevator net-
works, one in each state. Over the five years of the study, researchers worked in approximately 55 country
elevators and four terminal elevators, and collected and analysed more than 125 000 grain samples. Wheat
at elevators was frequently infested by several insect species, which sometimes reached high numbers and
damaged the grain. Fumigation using aluminum phosphide is the main method for controlling insect pests
in grain elevators in the USA. Fumigation decisions tended to be based on past experience with control-
ling stored-grain insects, or were calendar-based. The best sampling method for estimating insect density
in commercial elevators without having to transfer the grain from bin to bin was the vacuum probe sam-
pler. Decision-support software "Stored Grain Advisor Pro (SGA Pro)" was developed that interprets insect
sampling data and provides grain managers with a risk analysis report for their elevator that specifies the
current and predicted risk for each bin. Recommended treatment strategies and economic analysis were
presented to the elevator managers at six-week intervals. Elevators that followed the recommendations
reduced the number of bins they normally fumigated by at least 50%. The AW-IPM programme was supe-
rior to calendar-based management because it ensured that the grain in each bin was only treated when
insect densities exceeded economic thresholds. This approach reduced the frequency of fumigation while
maintaining high grain quality. Minimizing the use of fumigant improves worker safety and reduces con-
trol costs and harm to the environment. A grain-scouting company was started that uses SGA Pro and the
sampling tools that were developed in this project. The company is in its third year and has over 30 com-
mercial elevators on contract.

KEY WORDS area-wide, integrated pest management, stored-grain, insect damage, decision-support

M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 239–246.
Published with the permission of © 2007 U.S. Government
240 P. W. FLINN ET AL.

1. Introduction involved collaboration between researchers at

the USDA-ARS Grain Marketing and
Area-wide integrated pest management (AW- Production Research Center in Manhattan,
IPM) involves coordinating insect pest man- Kansas, the Kansas State University in
agement programmes against a targeted pest Manhattan, and the Oklahoma State
population to reduce the overall densities of University in Stillwater. The project was con-
insect pests and to minimize the risk of initial ducted in working elevators and was designed
infestation and reinfestation after insect pests to document the efficacy of current insect con-
have been controlled (Rabb 1978, Knipling trol practices, and test new approaches and
and Stadelbacher 1983, Bellows 1987). technologies to further the adoption of inte-
The USA is a world leader in wheat pro- grated pest management (IPM) practices. An
duction. Stored-grain insects and moulds IPM approach involves data-driven decision-
cause USD millions in losses annually in this making based on benefit/cost ratios, especial-
multi-billion dollar industry. AW-IPM is par- ly when toxic pesticides are used. The USDA
ticularly important for stored grain because and the Environmental Protection Agency
insects are moved through the marketing sys- (EPA) promote IPM technologies because
tem with the grain (Hagstrum and Flinn 1992, they bring increased profits while reducing
Hagstrum et al. 1999). Wheat is stored in large pesticide use in many areas of US agriculture.
networks of country (smaller elevators) and Over the five years of the study, project
large terminal elevators, and grain from sever- investigators worked in 55 country (smaller
al million hectares ultimately ends up in a few elevators) and four terminal elevators in
very large terminal elevators. Failure to con- Kansas and Oklahoma, collecting and
trol insects at country elevators early on can analysing more than 125 000 samples. Special
provide a source of infestation that can infest projects on grain aeration, grain fumigation,
much larger quantities of grain as it is com- sanitation, pesticide use, and many other top-
bined and blended at the terminal elevator. ics were carried out. The wheat at these eleva-
Often, the country and terminal elevators are tors was harvested from over 32 400 hectares.
owned by the same company, and by control- Elevators were selected for the project so that
ling insects in the country elevators, the com- the wheat could be followed as it moved from
pany is assured of high quality grain by the farm to country elevator to terminal elevator.
time it arrives at the terminal elevator. Roughly, 70% of the wheat sampled at the
Blending infested grain with uninfested country elevators moved to the four terminal
grain can increase the cost of insect pest man- elevators that were collaborating in the AW-
agement because many more bins will need to IPM project.
be fumigated. Currently, insect problems are The objectives of the study were to: (1)
managed at most elevators by calendar-based develop practical sampling methods for
fumigations. These fumigations do not distin- insects in elevator bins, (2) develop risk-
guish between high and low insect densities, analysis decision-support software, and (3)
and do not optimize the timing of the fumiga- determine if a sampling-based risk analysis
tion. Insect problems can be managed much programme maintains grain quality and
more effectively, and with less fumigation, if reduces fumigation compared to calendar-
insect are detected by sampling the grain at based fumigations.
regular intervals, and fumigating bins in
which insect problems are found. 2. Methods
From 1998-2003, the United States
Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Traditionally, elevator managers have depend-
Research Service (USDA-ARS) funded a ed on thermocouples to alert them of potential
demonstration project for AW-IPM for stored mould and insect problems. However, grain
wheat in Kansas and Oklahoma. This project heating occurs only when large numbers of

insects or severe mould problems are present. tored.

Another insect monitoring and grain condi- During the project, a decision-support soft-
tioning practice is to “turn” the grain from one ware, Stored Grain Advisor Pro (SGA Pro)
bin to another, sampling the grain as it moves. was developed and validated. This software
However, grain turning is expensive. interprets insect sampling data, and provides
Fumigation is usually done as the grain is grain managers with a risk analysis report
turned; thus, if the manager decides to turn, detailing which bins are at risk for insect-
they often fumigate at the same time to save caused economic losses. This software uses
the cost of turning again to fumigate. For the rules to evaluate the risk based on current
AW-IPM study, a method was needed to mon- insect density, predicted insect density, grain
itor insect populations in grain bins without temperature, and grain moisture. Insect densi-
having to turn the grain. A newly developed ty was predicted up to three months in the
gasoline-powered vacuum probe worked well. future using computer simulation models,
The vacuum probe was used to take a three based on grain temperature and moisture
kilogram sample from each 1.2 metre layer of inputs (Flinn et al. 1997, Flinn et al. 2002).
grain as the probe was pushed down into the
grain to a depth of 13 metres (about half the 3. Results and Discussion
depth of grain in an average bin). Because of
the large sample size (three kilograms), a spe- 3.1. Vacuum Probe Sampling
cially designed inclined sieve was used to sep-
arate insects from the grain (Hagstrum 1989). Data collected with the vacuum probe sam-
In addition to the vacuum sampling, grain pler were well correlated (r2 = 0.79) with
temperature and moisture were also moni- grain samples taken as the bin was unloaded.

Figure 1. Average insect density for Cryptolestes ferrugineus (grey) and Rhyzopertha domini-
ca (black) as a function of grain depth in 30-metre-tall upright concrete grain bins in
September. Ten, three kilogram grain samples were taken in each bin, and 172 elevator bins
were sampled in September.
242 P. W. FLINN ET AL.

The vacuum probe provided the most conven- 3.2. Fumigation and Aeration
ient and reliable method of routinely sampling
bulk grain for insects without having to move In addition to fumigation, other methods, such
the grain from bin to bin. as aeration to cool the grain, can be used
In general, insect density was found to instead of fumigation to suppress insect
decrease with grain depth, and in most cases, growth in bins with low insect densities (less
the majority of insects were found in the top than two insects per kilogram). Inexpensive
half (13 metres) of the grain bin (Fig. 1). automatic aeration controllers can be used to
Therefore, it was not necessary to sample the turn on aeration fans when outside air temper-
entire depth of the grain bin, only the top 13 atures are below a set temperature threshold.
metres (most bins were over 26 metres in Insect development and reproductive rates are
depth). The time required to probe a bin was directly related to temperature. The optimal
greatly reduced by sampling only the top 13 temperature for stored grain insects is about
metres of the grain mass instead of the entire 30-32°C. Most stored grain insects fail to
26 metres. Using the inclined sieve, samples develop and reproduce at temperatures below
were sieved at the elevator, and only the fine 20°C.
material containing the insects was transport- Currently, insect pests in stored grain are
ed to the laboratory for identification and managed at most elevators by calendar-based
counting. fumigations. These do not distinguish
The three most common insects infesting between bins with high and low insect densi-
stored wheat in Kansas and Oklahoma were ties, and normally do not select the best time
the rusty grain beetle Cryptolestes ferrug- of year to fumigate infested grain. Fumigating
ineus (Stephens), lesser grain borer grain with low insect densities in the summer
Rhyzopertha dominica (F.), and red flour bee- increases the cost of elevator operations
tle Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Reed et al. unnecessarily because the grain will probably
2003). Of these three, the lesser grain borer is need to be fumigated again in the autumn.
by far the most damaging because the imma- Many elevators in this study fumigated grain
ture stages develop inside the kernel. These within one month of storage. Based on sam-
same three species have been reported as pling data, there were very low numbers of
major stored grain pests in other counties, so insects at that time. Elevator managers also
the same IPM programme used in this study believed fumigations to be very effective.
could be used in other parts of the world. The However, the data obtained from this study
relative proportion of the species changed showed that the efficacy of fumigation at two
with time of year. In general, the rusty grain terminal elevators was quite variable. At one
beetle was most common during the first elevator, fumigation failed to reduce insect
months of storage. However, after about three populations by 80% in all of the bins; while in
to four months of storage, the lesser grain two other elevators, insect populations were
borer often became the dominant species reduced by over 80% in nearly all bins. Insect
(Reed et al. 2003). problems can be managed much more effec-
The value of the insect monitoring pro- tively if the grain manager has information
gramme to the elevator manager was evaluat- about which bins in their elevator have high
ed by providing the managers with informa- insect densities, so that these bins can be
tion about the insect density in each of their fumigated before damage occurs. Often, the
bins every six weeks. In some cases, this only indication of an insect problem is a hot
information was shared with the terminal ele- spot indicated by the temperature cables. By
vator that was expected to receive the grain. the time the hot spot is noticed, significant
How this information was used by the manag- insect damage has already occurred to the
er to make insect pest management decisions grain.
was also evaluated. Determining when to fumigate grain for

insect control is complicated. A typical eleva- Fumigating in the autumn is a good strategy
tor has many bins, each with grain at a differ- because cooler air temperatures will lower the
ent temperature and moisture, with different grain temperature following fumigation,
insect densities, and stored for different time which will reduce the growth rate of any sur-
periods. These factors directly affect insect viving insect populations.
population growth. The problem with calen- Sampling bins with a vacuum probe every
dar-based fumigation is that bins either are six weeks ensures that bins are not fumigated
fumigated unnecessarily, or are fumigated unnecessarily, and that bins that have insect
after the grain has already been damaged by densities above economic thresholds (more
high insect densities. IPM uses sampling to than two insects per kilogram) are treated
determine if insect numbers have exceeded an promptly. This way, the manager continually
economic threshold. Turning grain from one knows the status of the grain, and therefore
bin to another can be used to sample grain. It does not have to fumigate their bins two to
is not cost-effective, however, to turn grain three times a year to reduce risk. In this proj-
just for the purpose of sampling. There are ect, sampling at elevators has shown that usu-
costs for labour, electricity and shrink (loss of ally only a few bins have insect densities that
grain volume). Fumigating grain is normally justify fumigation. Thus, treating only the bins
accomplished by adding the phosphine pellets that require fumigation reduces the cost of
to the grain as it is turned from one bin to pest management and results in better overall
another empty bin. If grain is going to be grain quality. The area-wide approach is also
turned, it is more cost-effective to simply add applicable within an elevator; by keeping
the fumigant pellets at the same time rather overall insect density low for the entire eleva-
than having to turn the grain twice. However, tor, the manager reduces the probability of
the problem with this approach is that grain insects spreading from one bin to another
that does not need to be fumigated may be within the facility.
unnecessarily turned and fumigated (if the
grain has not been sampled, the insect density 3.3. Validation of SGA Pro
is unknown).
What was needed for an elevator IPM pro- The SGA Pro software was field-tested for
gramme was a cost-effective method to sam- two years. Every six weeks, the bins were
ple the grain for insects without having to turn resampled, the predicted insect densities were
the grain. A major objective of the study was compared with actual insect densities, and the
therefore to determine whether insect-moni- manager’s bin treatment actions were record-
toring-based fumigation was more effective in ed. To test the accuracy of SGA Pro’s predic-
reducing the risk of economic losses from tions, bins that were sampled at least twice
insect problems than calendar-based fumiga- were used, starting in autumn, in which the
tion. With calendar-based fumigation, some grain was not moved or fumigated. SGA Pro
bins are fumigated too soon, and others are was used to analyse the data and to provide
not fumigated soon enough. Newly harvested recommendations to the elevator managers. A
grain has a very low insect density and does report was generated for each elevator, and a
not need to be fumigated. Grain that is fumi- bin diagram showed which bins were at low,
gated early becomes infested soon after fumi- moderate, or high risk (Fig. 2). Because grain
gation because there is no residual effect. managers were accustomed to working with
Leaving newly-harvested grain undisturbed as bin diagrams, the output was intuitive to them.
long as possible minimizes the blending of SGA Pro did an excellent job in predicting
infested and uninfested grain within a grain which bins were at risk for high insect densi-
elevator. This occurred because the bottom ties. In Kansas elevators, the software correct-
half of the bin usually contained uninfested ly predicted that bins were either “safe” or at
wheat, while the top of the grain was infested. “high risk” in 285 out of 399 bins. It failed to
244 P. W. FLINN ET AL.

Figure 2. SGA Pro computer screen shot: bin numbers in green, blue and red are predicted to
be at low, moderate, and high risk for insect damage. In this figure, bin numbers in light grey
are at low risk, bins 620, 621 and 615 are at high risk, and the rest are at moderate risk. In this
example, the user has clicked on bin 620, and its data and recommendation are shown in the
lower part of the screen.

predict unsafe insect densities in only two dicted bins that were safe or at high risk in 107
bins (0.5%) and the insects in these isolated out of 133 total bins. All of the bins that the
instances were mostly near the surface, sug- software indicated as being safe turned out to
gesting recent immigration. That left 112 bins have insect densities below the thresholds six
for which the software predicted moderate weeks later. Elevators that followed SGA
risk, and these bins did not have high insect Pro’s recommendations reduced the number
densities when they were sampled six weeks of bins fumigated by at least 50%.
later. Because the software recommended that
the manager “consider fumigation and resam- 3.4. Current Status of SGA Pro
ple six weeks”, it was not felt that this was a
major concern, and that it was better to err on Currently, a private company is using SGA
the side of caution then to not recommend Pro and the sampling methods developed in
treatment when it was necessary. All of the this project to provide services for over 30 ele-
bins that the software indicated as being at vators in several states. The company is in its
high risk turned out to have insect densities third year of business and continues to
greater than the threshold at the next sampling expand. The consulting company has found
interval. that most grain handling companies in the
In Oklahoma, the SGA Pro correctly pre- USA are likely to have grain managers who

are conservative in their approach to pest con- been communicated to managers through nine
trol. However, a few early adopters of grain newsletters, at training programmes in
scouting, those who appeared to be open to Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, and Minnesota,
major change in grain management because of and at two recent International Grain Elevator
unique market factors, embraced the entire and Processing Society annual meetings.
information-based decision-making concept. Information gathered in this study was used to
In contrast, most clients perceive value only in develop extension publications for stored
parts or components of the software and serv- grain integrated pest management. In addi-
ices offered by the grain scouting company. tion, SGA Pro software is freely available to
Several of the scouting company’s clientele the public at the USDA-ARS, Grain
purchased only grain sampling and grading Marketing and Production Research Center
services that had obvious benefits to the grain website:
merchandiser. Some clients were initially sga/. Learning to use the software is fairly
attracted to the inexpensive grain quality easy; however, using the sampling equipment
information generated by SGA Pro, and only and identifying the insects does require some
slowly began to perceive the potential benefits training.
of the insect-sampling service. When present-
ed with vacuum probe sampling data for their 4. Conclusions
elevators, managers were often surprised at
how few bins had damaging numbers of Insect monitoring-based fumigation has sev-
insects, and how ineffective fumigation could eral advantages over calendar-based fumiga-
be. Grain managers were very interested in the tion. Treating bins only when insect densities
spatial distribution of insects in their bins and exceed economic thresholds and treating only
the implication that insects are immigrating those bins that need to be treated can mini-
into their grain from the top of the grain bin. mize the risk of economic losses from unex-
To quantify the effect of the information- pected insect problems, while reducing the
based approach to insect control, the inci- cost of pest management and the use of fumi-
dence and density of insect-damaged wheat gant. Minimizing the use of fumigant
kernels in samples collected in the autumn of improves worker safety by reducing exposure
2003, the first year of the scouting company’s to phosphine, and reduces the probability that
operation, were compared with samples col- insect populations will develop resistance to
lected during the same time period two years phosphine. Aeration can also be used to cool
later. Data from four elevators were used in grain to suppress insect population growth.
this analysis, providing 2132 data points. The Aeration should be started as soon as possible
frequency of samples with a high density to reduce storage risk. SGA Pro software
(more than 10 per 100 g) of kernel damage improved insect pest management by reduc-
was reduced by 24% (Chi square = 34.8, P < ing the frequency of fumigation, while also
0.01), and the difference in the mean density maintaining grain quality. In addition, grain
of kernel damage (2.5 per 100 grams versus sampling provided unexpected benefits, such
1.9 per 100 grams) was significant at P < 0.05. as the profiling of protein content in each bin,
AW-IPM will be adopted by grain elevator which allowed better grain blending.
managers only if it is more effective and prof- Improved cost-effectiveness of insect pest
itable than their traditional approach, and if it management, while maintaining grain quality,
fits into their current marketing and grain can improve the competitiveness of the grain
management practices. Every effort has been company. Potential area-wide benefits include
made to determine how elevator managers reducing the overall insect pressure within an
might use insect-monitoring information to elevator facility, and reducing the transfer of
manage insect problems in their grain bins. infested grain from small country elevators to
The findings of the AW-IPM project have large terminal elevators.
246 P. W. FLINN ET AL.

5. References (ed.), Storage of cereal grains and their

products. American Association of Cereal
Bellows, T. S. 1987. Regional management Chemists, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.
strategies in stochastic systems. Bulletin of Hagstrum, D. W., C. Reed, and P. Kenkel.
the Entomological Society of America 33: 1999. Management of stored wheat insect
151-154. pests in the USA. Integrated Pest Manage-
Flinn, P. W., D. W. Hagstrum, and W. E. ment Review 4: 127-142.
Muir. 1997. Effects of time of aeration, Knipling, E. F., and E. A. Stadelbacher.
bin size, and latitude on insect populations 1983. The rationale for areawide manage-
in stored wheat: a simulation study. Journal ment of Heliothis (Lepidoptera:
of Economic Entomology 90: 646-651. Noctuidae) populations. Bulletin of the
Flinn, P. W., D. W. Hagstrum, C. Reed, and Entomological Society of America 29: 29-
T. W. Phillips. 2002. Simulation model of 37.
Rhyzopertha dominica population dynam- Rabb, R. L. 1978. A sharp focus on insect
ics in concrete grain bins. Journal of Stored populations and pest management from a
Products Research 40: 39-45. wide-area view. Bulletin of the Entomol-
Hagstrum, D. W. 1989. Infestation by ogical Society of America 24: 55-61.
Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Coleoptera: Reed, R. R., D. W. Hagstrum, P. W. Flinn,
Cucujidae) of newly harvested wheat and R. F. Allen. 2003. Wheat in bins and
stored on three Kansas farms. Journal of discharge spouts, and grain residues on
Economic Entomology 88: 655-659. floors of empty bins in concrete grain ele-
Hagstrum, D. W., and P. W. Flinn. 1992. vators as habitats for stored-grain beetles
Integrated pest management of stored- and their natural enemies. Journal of
grain insects, pp. 535-562. In Sauer, D. B. Economic Entomology 96: 996-1004.
Development, Validation and Use of a
Simulation Model to Deliver National
Predictions of Ovine Cutaneous Myiasis Risk
in the British Isles


School of Biological Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol, BS8 1UG,


ABSTRACT Forecasting systems represent an important approach to the sustainable control of a wide
variety of insect pests and parasites. A computer model that simulates the seasonal pattern of ovine cuta-
neous myiasis (strike), by the blowfly Lucilia sericata (Meigen) was developed. The model is based on two
sub-components. The first simulates the seasonal pattern of abundance of the insect pest, L. sericata, using
quantified temperature-dependent development, mortality and oviposition rates. The second uses the range
of key factors known to increase the susceptibility of ewes and lambs, to estimate the proportion of a flock
at risk from strike. The two components are integrated to estimate a predicted strike rate per day. Key driv-
ers in the model are the seasonal patterns of temperature and rainfall. However, parasitic nematode bur-
dens and husbandry practices such as shearing and lambing dates, which are known to affect strike inci-
dence, are also included. To validate the model, it was parameterized using average regional climate data
and averaged regional patterns of lambing, shearing and insecticidal treatment. Its predictions were then
compared with patterns of lamb and ewe strikes recorded over a year on 370 farms. The results showed
that the model was able to account for the start of seasonal blowfly strike for both ewes and lambs and to
explain a significant percentage of the variance in lamb strike incidence. To provide a national strike-risk
warning system for the British Isles, a web site "" was established and run for three years.
The web site carried basic information about strike and a regionalized map of England, Wales and
Scotland. At the start of each month, the model was run using the accumulated weather data for each region
and an expected strike incidence risk forecast generated and displayed graphically on the web site. Regular
news releases in the sheep farming press were used to highlight the web site predictions.

KEY WORDS blowfly, Lucilia sericata, disease incidence, forecast, model, ovine cutaneous myiasis,
simulation, weather, web site, strike

1. Introduction directed more appropriately.

Many existing models assume that there
Computer models are powerful practical and will be a close relationship between parasite
research tools, which can help to explain and abundance and the incidence of disease; they
predict the incidence of parasitic disease and model the changes in parasite abundance
improve the efficiency of control strategies. alone and do not consider, explicitly, the role
They allow the relative importance of the var- of host susceptibility in determining patterns
ious factors, which determine the observed of infection and disease. In reality, the degree
pattern of ectoparasite abundance and disease of host susceptibility may be variable and may
incidence, to be assessed. They also allow be influenced by a range of exogenous and
deficiencies in the available knowledge to be endogenous factors causing it to fluctuate
identified, enabling experimental work to be over time. Hence, the relationship between
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 247–255.
© 2007 IAEA.

Figure 1. Schematic representation of the sheep blowfly life cycle.

parasite abundance and disease incidence may experiments of control strategies. Simulation
be complex. As a result, models which aim to models of biological systems may, however,
predict or explain disease incidence for such become complex relatively quickly and their
parasite systems need to take into account construction does require detailed life history
both the dynamics of the parasite and changes information.
in host susceptibility, if they are to work
effectively. The development of such models, 2. Model Construction
therefore, may be complex and require a
detailed knowledge of the dynamics of the The model is based on two sub-components.
parasite and the forces that drive its patterns of The first simulates the seasonal pattern of
abundance, in addition to an understanding of abundance of L. sericata. The second uses the
the husbandry of the host and the host-parasite range of key factors known to influence ewe
interactions. and lamb susceptibility to estimate the propor-
Ovine cutaneous myiasis is a familiar and tion of a flock at risk from strike. The primary
widespread disease of sheep in many areas of factors that determine susceptibility are con-
the world (Hall and Wall 1995, Colebrook and sidered to be presence of faecal material
Wall 2004). The primary agent of sheep strike adhering to the wool, particularly around the
throughout most of northern Europe is the anal and perineal regions (soiling), and the
blowfly Lucilia sericata (Meigen). A model humidity within the fleece (French et al.
which simulates the seasonal pattern of sheep 1994a).
myiasis on farms in Great Britain was devel-
oped (Wall et al. 2002). This model and its 2.1. Blowfly Component
uses are described briefly here.
In the development of this blowfly strike Adult female L. sericata lay eggs in the wool
model, a simulation approach was adopted; of sheep close to the skin surface (Fig. 1).
simulations are often of more practical use After hatching, the maggots pass through
than analytical models since they allow pre- three stages, feeding on the epidermal tissues
dictions about the properties of particular sys- and skin secretions. When they have complet-
tems to be made and allow computer-based ed feeding, the third stage larvae drop to the

ground where they undergo a period of disper- variation between cohorts in day-degree
sal, before pupariating. Newly emerged adults requirements. To do this, the model uses a
mate, feed on protein and, after their ovaries Monte Carlo simulation technique to assign
have fully matured, females seek a suitable random development rates to each life cycle
oviposition site on a host animal (Fig. 1). stage, generated from the distribution of day-
In spring, as the temperatures increase, the degree requirements described in empirical
model assumes that a new cohort of L. serica- studies. In each simulation run, a function
ta emerges as adults. The model uses a sine value for the number of day degrees required
wave fitted through the daily maximum and to complete each life cycle stage is generated
minimum temperatures to calculate the frac- from the specified distribution. The model is
tion of day-degree development completed then run a specified number of times and the
each day for each life cycle stage and to cal- outputs are averaged across runs.
culate the daily mortality. Based on mortality The model allows for some immigration
rates observed in the field, adult blowflies are and recruitment from carrion breeding sites
assumed to die at a rate of 2% per day degree since blowfly populations are unlikely to be
(Hayes et al. 1999). Eventually, when suffi- completely isolated.
cient day-degree development has been accu-
mulated, the surviving females of this first 2.2. Sheep Susceptibility Component
cohort oviposit on susceptible hosts if avail-
able, laying 200 eggs each, half of which are Parasitic nematode burdens in sheep are an
female and half male. If insufficient oviposi- important cause of diarrhoea and scouring
tion sites are available, gravid females that are (Fig. 2). It is assumed that diarrhoea increases
unable to oviposit on any one day remain the probability that the wool will become con-
gravid and oviposit on subsequent days as taminated with faeces, which in turn increases
soon as oviposition sites become available. susceptibility to fly-strike (French et al.
During the period when they are waiting for 1994a). The model assumes that faecal consis-
an ovipostition site, they continue to experi- tency is directly proportional to the level of
ence the same rate of mortality as other adult parasitic nematode infestation in both the
flies. ewes and lambs. Patterns of faecal consisten-
Egg hatch and the larval feeding stages, cy used in the model are based on the season-
which occur on the sheep, are allowed three al pattern of nematode egg counts per gram of
days for completion. This period is main- both ewe and lamb faeces from untreated ani-
tained as a constant since, in the protected mals maintained in contaminated pastures.
microhabitat of the fleece, the rate of develop- In the model, wool length is allowed to
ment of these stages is relatively independent contribute to the levels of faecal contamina-
of ambient temperature; survival for the larval tion around the breech area, with longer fleece
stages on the host is set at 50% (Wall et al. lengths increasing the probability that faeces
2001). Once the larvae are fully developed will adhere to and contaminate the wool (Fig.
and have wandered off the host, once again, 2). The seasonal pattern of lamb and ewe wool
daily temperature is used to allow larvae and length is determined primarily by the date of
pupae to accumulate day degrees and estimate lamb birth and the date of ewe shearing,
the time required to complete development respectively.
prior to emergence of the next generation of A further important contributor to suscepti-
adults. This continues on a daily basis bility to strike is the humidity of the fleece
throughout the year until, to simulate the (Fig. 2). In the model, two determinants of
effect of induced diapause, the larvae of fleece humidity are considered: fleece length
females ovipositing towards the end of the and rainfall. The model assumes that there is a
season are assumed to enter diapause. direct relationship between wool length and
The model is stochastic and allows for baseline fleece humidity. However, humidity

Figure 2. Schematic representation of the sheep strike model.

is also dependent on wetting due to rainfall, susceptibility component estimates the num-
which is also affected by wool length. Hence ber of susceptible ewes and lambs available.
on any one day, given the observed rainfall, an Individual ovipositions are assigned to ewes
overall fleece humidity index is calculated as and lambs proportionately, according to the
the baseline humidity, plus the humidity due ratio of the number of susceptible sheep of
to that day’s rainfall, plus the residual humid- that category to the total number of sheep in
ity due to rain on the previous day, all of the flock. Hence, if there are no susceptible
which depend on wool length. lambs, all ovipositions will occur on ewes; if
A logistic regression equation is used to there are no susceptible ewes, all ovipositions
relate the effects of faecal soiling and wool will occur on lambs. The model uses a nega-
humidity to the prevalence of susceptibility of tive binomial to determine the distribution of
ewes and lambs to strike (French et al. 1994a). ovipositions among the susceptible animals
(Fenton et al. 1999).
2.3. Calculation of Strike Incidence The model starts with a specified number
of ewes and, from a given lambing date, an
In the model, the blowfly and sheep suscepti- initial number of lambs. Lambs are weaned at
bility components are brought together (Fig. a specified number of days after birth and then
2). Each day, the fly component calculates the are removed at a specified rate, reaching zero
number of gravid females present while the on the last date of lamb sales. The date on

which ewes are sheared can also be specified recruitment by immigration was set to one fly
in the model and normal variation in shearing for the first spring generation and this was
date can be introduced to simulate the time on allowed to double in each subsequent blowfly
one farm, or a large number of farms in a generation (Smith and Wall 1998). The maxi-
region, over which shearing might occur. mum number of oviposition sites on any one
In the model, the maximum number of animal was set at five. If animals received five
ovipositions that any animal can receive on or more strikes, 2% were assumed to die as a
any given day can be specified. If the number result and 98% were assumed to be identified
of egg batches that an animal receives on any and treated (Wall et al. 2002). The parameter
one day is equal to or greater than this value, of aggregation, k, was entered as 0.01 (Fenton
the model assumes that the animal either will et al. 1999). Lambs were assumed to be born
receive insecticidal treatment which kills off on day 60, the beginning of March, and
all eggs or larvae on that sheep, or that the ani- weaned on day 122, the 1st of May. Lamb
mal will die. If the animal dies, it is removed sales were not considered in the present study,
from the host population. If the animal is since the data is presented as strikes per stan-
treated, the model estimates the rate of decline dard-sized host cohort. Averaged predictions
in protection offered by the insecticide over were calculated from 50 runs of the stochastic
time in days. model. For this validation, weather data was
In addition to the treatment of individual obtained from a weather station in each region
struck animals, the model can also allow the (North Wyke, Devon, and Royston,
effects of one or multiple insecticide treat- Hertfordshire). For each region, data were
ments applied to all or specific classes of analysed by linear regression of the log10 pre-
sheep, to be assessed as required (French et al. dictions of the model as the dependent vari-
1994b). To simulate the effects of regional able against the log10 observed strike inci-
patterns of treatment by farmers, the model dence as the independent variable.
can also incorporate measures of variance in In the south-western region, the first ewe
the time of each treatment. strikes were observed in week 18 (Fig. 3,
upper graph). Ewe strikes then rose to peak in
3. Model Validation week 22. They subsequently remained at a rel-
atively constant level of about ten per 10 000
To validate the model, strike incidence data animals per week, before declining at the end
were obtained from a longitudinal question- of the season; the last strike was recorded in
naire survey of sheep farmers in England and week 44. The first lamb strikes occurred in
Wales carried out in 1991 (French et al. 1992). week 19 (Fig. 3, lower graph). The incidence
In this study, farmers had recorded cases of of strike then increased gradually to peak in
blowfly strike as they occurred throughout the week 31 (early August) at about 30 cases per
year, as well as the size of their flocks, the 10 000 animals per week. Lamb strikes then
type of animals struck, the dates of shearing, declined and the last cases were seen in week
the dates of treatment and the mortality levels 42. For both ewes and lambs, the model pre-
of struck animals. Only data from 101 farms dictions, indicate that the first strikes would
in south-western and 87 farms in south-east- have been expected about week 21, three
ern England are presented here. From these weeks after they were first observed in ewes
data, the number of struck ewes and lambs per and two weeks after they first occurred in
10 000 animals per week and the mean dates lambs. The predicted strike incidence then
of shearing, insecticide treatment and flock increases and peaks two or three weeks behind
size were calculated. the observed data. Again for both ewes and
The model was run from the 1st of January lambs, there is a marked decline in the expect-
(day 1) with an initial spring ratio of one adult ed incidence of strikes between weeks 27 and
female L. sericata to ten ewes. An initial 30, which is not apparent in the observed

Figure 3. The number of blowfly strikes per 10 000 hosts per week recorded in 1991 from a
longitudinal questionnaire study of 101 farms in south-western England (dashed line, solid
point) and the mean number (± SE) predicted by a stochastic simulation model (solid line, open
point), in ewes (upper graph) and lambs (lower graph).

strike incidence patterns. Nevertheless, after week 19, followed by an increase in the num-
week 31 (late July-early August) there is sub- ber of strikes in week 20. Ewe strike incidence
sequently a good fit between the observed and then remained relatively stable at about ten
predicted strike patterns, until the end of the strikes per 10 000 ewes per week throughout
season. Overall, there are significant relation- midsummer, although with increasing fluctua-
ships between the predicted and observed tions in strike numbers between weeks 33 and
strike incidences for ewes (F = 6.63, n = 26, P 40 before strike declined at the end of the sea-
< 0.02, r2 = 20.9%) and lambs (F = 16.02, n = son in week 41-43 (mid October). For lambs
26, P < 0.01, r2 = 39.1%). in this region, the first strikes were recorded in
In the south-eastern region, fly strikes in week 20 (Fig. 4, lower graph). Lamb strikes
ewes were first observed in early May, week then increased gradually over the summer
18 (Fig. 4, upper graph). There were none in reaching a peak between weeks 21-35

Figure 4. The number of blowfly strikes per 10 000 hosts per week recorded in 1991 from a
longitudinal questionnaire study of 87 farms in south-eastern England (dashed line, solid
point) and the mean number (± SE) predicted by a stochastic simulation model (solid line, open
point), in ewes (upper graph) and lambs (lower graph).

(August) of about 30 to 35 strikes per 10 000 4. Strikewise Web Site

lambs per week, before declining with the last
case recorded in week 43 (mid October). The model was then used to try to provide a
Linear regression shows that the model output national strike-risk warning system for the
is able to explain a significant percentage of British Isles. To do this, a web site with the
the variance in the observed strike incidence address “” was established.
for both ewes (F = 7.83, n = 25, P < 0.01, r2 = The web site carried basic information about
24.6%) and lambs (F = 26.74, n = 25, P < strike and a regionalized map of England,
0.01, r2 = 52.7%). In both cases, the week of Wales and Scotland (Fig. 5). At the start of
first strike (week 20) and the patterns of strike each month, the model was run using accumu-
incidence and duration of the strike season are lated weather data for each region and an
closely predicted by the model. expected strike incidence risk forecast was

Figure 5. The front page of the " Strikewise" web site.

generated and displayed graphically on the mate the prediction is likely to be.
web site. Weather data were transcribed from A further limitation to its use is that, when
a range of open-access web sites. Regular applied on a regional basis, forecasts are
news releases in the sheep farming press were guides to expected strike risk averages.
used to highlight the web site predictions. The However, the predictions are relatively crude,
site remained operational for three years. and for example, take no account of differ-
ences in physical factors such as altitude or
5. Discussion – Practical husbandry factors. Farms geographically
Implications close, with a large altitude difference or very
different husbandry regimes may have very
At a practical level, the model developed different levels of strike risk. There is a need
appears to be sufficiently accurate to provide to refine the forecasts for more specific cir-
useful information about the likely efficacy of cumstances while also keeping the message it
new control techniques on strike incidence delivers simple. Individual farmers whose
and to give advance warning to farmers of husbandry differs substantially from the aver-
approaching strike problems. However, as age, for example in their lambing dates or
with all climate-based models, the ability to stocking density, will find the generalized
forecast strike patterns into the future is information that might be provided by the
dependent on the weather information that can model relatively less informative for their par-
be obtained and the accuracy with which it ticular farm. Only a detailed analysis, run at
can be projected. In any one year, given the individual farm level, would be accurate
weather data up to the end of June, for exam- for that particular farmer’s husbandry regime.
ple, the model could predict what would hap- Feedback from some farmers also suggested
pen in July, if the weather followed the same that they found the numerical output difficult
pattern, or followed a seasonal average. But to interpret in practical terms. In any future
clearly it would be unable to predict the development, attention should be given to
effects of future unusual climatic events; the expressing the output as a clearer monthly
longer-term the forecast, the more approxi- incidence risk, for example as a percentage of

animals likely to be struck in the absence of 7. References

Running the model for each region and Colebrook, E., and R. Wall. 2004.
updating the web site took about two working Ectoparasites of livestock in Europe and
days each month. Excluding model develop- the Mediterranean region. Veterinary
ment costs, the costs associated with the initial Parasitology 120: 251-274.
set-up of the web site were approximately Fenton, A., R. Wall, and N. P. French. 1999.
USD 2000 and subsequent maintenance of the The effects of oviposition aggregation on
registration of the domain name, host server the incidence of sheep blowfly strike.
and input from a web designer cost approxi- Veterinary Parasitology 83: 137-150.
mately USD 500 per year. While more fre- French, N. P., R. Wall, P. J. Cripps, and K.
quent updates and more specific information L. Morgan. 1992. The prevalence,
would have made the site more useful to users regional distribution and control of blowfly
and ensured more frequent revisits, it would strike in England and Wales. The
elevate the recurrent costs associated with site Veterinary Record 131: 337-342.
maintenance. French, N. P., R. Wall, and K. L. Morgan.
Development of the web site was a valu- 1994a. The role of tail docking in sheep
able exercise in attempting to deliver national health and productivity. The Veterinary
forecasts of disease risk. However, while Record 134: 463-467.
some of the anecdotal expressions of interest French, N. P., R. Wall, and K. L. Morgan.
from farmers, government and industry were 1994b. Ectoparasite control on sheep
good, improvements would be required to farms in England and Wales: the method,
deliver the more specific information that is type and timing of insecticide application.
important to individual farmers more quickly, The Veterinary Record 135: 35-38.
so that farmers find the web site sufficiently Hall, M. J. R., and R. Wall. 1995. Myiasis
informative that they return to check it regu- in humans and domestic animals. Advances
larly. Nevertheless, this approach may in Parasitology 35: 258-334.
become increasingly valuable and of interest Hayes, E., R. Wall, and K. E. Smith. 1999.
to government, industry and funders in the Mortality rate, reproductive output and trap
future, as farmers are actively discouraged response bias in populations of the blowfly
from reliance on chemical insecticides. Lucilia sericata. Ecological Entomology
24: 300-307.
6. Acknowledgements Smith, K. E., and R. Wall. 1998. Population
density and dispersal in the blowfly Lucilia
The authors are indebted to colleagues: sericata. Bulletin of Entomological
Katherine Smith, Andrew Fenton, Eleanor Research 88: 65-73.
Hayes, Isla Cruickshank, Paul Fisher, Nigel Wall, R., K. Pitts, and K. E. Smith. 2001.
French and Kenton Morgan, for their contri- Pre-adult mortality of the blowfly Lucilia
butions to the work reviewed here. They are sericata. Medical and Veterinary Entomol-
grateful to the Royal Society, the ogy 15: 329-335.
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Wall, R., I. Cruickshank, K. E. Smith, N. P.
Research Council, Department for French, and A. S. Holme. 2002.
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, the Development and validation of a simula-
Natural Environment Research Council and tion model for sheep blowfly strike.
the University of Bristol for their financial Medical and Veterinary Entomology 16:
support of various components of this work. 335-346.
Problems with the Management of the
Golden Apple Snail Pomacea canaliculata: an
Important Exotic Pest of Rice in Asia


Department of Agriculture-Philippine Rice Research Institute, Maligaya,

Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija-3119, Philippines

ABSTRACT The golden apple snail Pomacea canaliculata (Lamarck) is native to South America. It
was introduced to farmers in the Philippines in the 1980s from Argentina via Taiwan, and to other coun-
tries in Asia, to increase farmers' income and enrich the protein in their diet, and also as an aquarium pet.
Golden apple snail is expanding its distribution in Asia, threatening to invade Bangladesh, India, Pakistan,
and also Australia. The Global Invasive Species Programme lists golden apple snail as one of the world's
100 worst invasive alien species. It has brought about economic losses to aquatic crops in the Philippines
that are estimated to be up to USD 1200 million per annum without taking into account the non-crop dam-
age to human health and natural ecosystems. It is also an environmental pest since to control this mollusc,
resource-poor farmers resort to a "shot-gun approach", using toxic and non-specific agrochemicals and
thereby aggravating ecosystem pollution, risking their health, and causing loss of aquatic biodiversity. The
Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice) focuses on (1) understanding the field ecology of the golden
apple snail, and identifying "weak links" in its life cycle, and (2) using this information to manage the gold-
en apple snail at the village level in ecologically sustainable, socially acceptable, and economically viable
ways. This paper discusses how populations of this exotic pest species in transplanted irrigated lowland
rice can be managed using locally available attractants during the vulnerable stage(s) of rice crop growth.

KEY WORDS invasive exotic pest species, Pomacea canaliculata, golden apple snail, rice, village
level management

1. Introduction and reliable discrimination and diagnosis of

the true identity, geographic origins, and phy-
The golden apple snail Pomacea canaliculata logenetic relationships of this invasive
(Lamarck) is a freshwater mollusc native to Pomacea species diversity through the analy-
Argentina. Its other common English names sis of a small segment of the genome. P.
are golden miracle snail, jumbo snail, chan- canaliculata and an unidentified Pomacea sp.
nelled apple snail, mystery snail, and South were introduced to South-East Asia, aside
American apple snail. Some of these names from Pomacea bridgesii (Reeve) that was
have been used for more than one species of introduced into Sri Lanka. However, the P.
ampullariid. In South-East Asia, the common canaliculata specimen did not cluster closely
term for this species is the golden apple snail with the other species introduced into South-
or GAS. East Asia, and the following conclusions were
Golden apple snail species identification arrived at: Pomacea camena Pain came from
by shell morphology has limitations. This is Venezuela, Pomacea glauca (L.) from
because the ampullariid shells exhibit consid- Venezuela and Suriname, a species tentatively
erable intraspecific variation in shell colour identified as Pomacea haustrum (Reeve)
and banding patterns. Genomic identification came from an introduced population in
through DNA sequencing permits accurate Florida, USA, and Pomacea paludosa (Say) is
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 257–264.
© 2007 IAEA.
258 R. C. JOSHI
Table 1. Global distribution of golden apple snails (Pomacea spp.).

Country Year introduced Area affected in hectares Cost of control in USD

Taiwan 1979 17 000 (1982) 8.3 million (1983)

171 425 (1986) 30.9 million (1986)
>100 000 (annual) 1.0 million (1982-1990)
South Korea 1981 --- ---
Japan 1981 63 559 (1998) ---
65 000 (2001)
68 000 (2002)
Philippines 1982 300 (1986) ---
426 000 (1988)
> 800 000 (1996)
Thailand 1982 141 257 (2001) ---
China 1985 1700 (1988)
Vietnam 1988 260 (1994) ---
64 623 (1996)
109 715 (1997)
50 000 (1999)
189 210 (2002)
214 519 (2003)
256 222 (2004)
Cambodia 1991 --- ---
East Malaysia 1992 1817 (1999) 590 000
Lao PDR 1992 It appeared in 10 out of 17 ---
provinces of the country
West Java, Indonesia 1995 1995 - only 12 districts
were affected by the golden
apple snail ---
1999 - 16 districts were
Hawaii, USA 1990’s --- ---
South America 1993 - several hectares of
wet seeded rice in Brazil
were infested
1997 – the golden apple
snail was found in all
regions of Argentina

native to Florida (Cowie and Hayes 2004). ecosystems (Naylor 1996). Its invasiveness is
The golden apple snail is one of the 100 related to its high reproductive rate and easy
world’s worst invasive alien species (GISD adaptation to harsh environmental conditions;
2005). It has brought about economic losses to its ability to colonize and invade diverse habi-
aquatic crops in the Philippines that are esti- tats by multiple pathways; its wide host range
mated to be up to USD 1200 million per and voracious appetite; and the fact that there
annum without taking into account the non- are no efficient biological control agents in its
crop damage to human health and natural new habitat or competition with native snail

species and other native fauna (Halwart seedlings per day. This translates into crop
1994). losses over 50% if the snail density is high.
A female golden apple snail can lay 50-500 Golden apple snails that are 20-40 millimetres
eggs at a time, with an 80% hatchability rate, long are the most destructive, regardless of the
and 10-15 days of incubation. The golden method of rice establishment (Joshi et al.
apple snail has a gill and a lung-like organ 2002). The snail also feeds on a wide variety
enabling it to survive in or out of water. By of other substrates including livestock feeds,
closing its operculum and bedding in the soil, decaying matter, animal flesh, and other crops.
it can withstand drought for several months. It This snail is a threat to human health since
moves only when the depth of water is half or it is a host of the rat lungworm parasite
more of its shell height. Approximately twice Angiostrongylus (Parastrongylus) cantonen-
as many females than males occur in the field, sis (Chen) that causes eosinophilic menin-
suggesting that females live longer than males goencephalitis (Mochida 1991). Hence, thor-
(Mochida 1991, Estebenet and Cazzaniga ough cooking is needed if intended for food.
1992). It is a voracious nocturnal herbivore. Moreover, its sharp-edged empty shells can
When there is standing water in the field, it injure bare-footed farm workers (Joshi 2005a).
can destroy newly transplanted or direct-seed-
ed rice. It cuts the base of young seedlings 2. Global Distribution of the
with its layered tooth (radula) and chews on Genus Pomacea
the succulent, tender sheaths of rice. The dam-
age that the golden apple snail can do to a rice Golden apple snails of the genus Pomacea
crop depends on its size and density, and on have become one of the most important rice
the growth stage of the rice plant. Three snails pests in countries where direct seeding has
in one square metre of rice can cause signifi- become more popular than transplanted rice,
cant yield loss. Snails with a shell height of such as the Philippines, Thailand, and
around 3.5 centimetres can eat up to 12 rice Vietnam (Wada 2004) (Table 1). In Asia, these

Figure 1. Map of South-East Asia indicating the areas golden apple snails have invaded since
1979 and where the snail causes massive damage to rice, taro, and other aquatic plants.
260 R. C. JOSHI

snails were first introduced to Taiwan in 1979 Calcium cyanamide is used in Japan
(Fig. 1) and it continues to expand in Asia against golden apple snails in direct-seeded
with large rice-growing areas and water bod- rice at 200-300 kg/ha. This is ten times higher
ies of Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and than the rates of other chemicals used.
Australia facing threats of golden apple snail However, it causes phytotoxicity if farmers
invasion. These species and possibly several did not apply it 7-10 days before sowing rice
other related species, have invaded the Indo- (Wada 2004), and it is less effective when the
Pacific from Hawaii to South-East Asia since water temperature is lower.
1979 and cause massive damage to rice, taro, Crude extracts of two botanicals, Derris
and other aquatic plants. elliptica (Wallich) Benth and Azadiracta indi-
ca A. Juss, have been evaluated for their
3. Old Management Practices effects on golden apple snails. Extracts from a
number of African plants also are potential
3.1. Molluscicides organic molluscicides. However, none of the
botanical molluscicides identified has been
Molluscicides have been used to control produced commercially because syntheses of
golden apple snails, but they also kill non-tar- the compounds are currently not cost-effec-
get organisms. Consequently, in some coun- tive and farmers’ preference is for “instant-
tries molluscicides have been banned. kill” chemicals.
Niclosamide, endosulfan, camellia seed cake
(residue), and copper sulphate – often used to 3.2. Non-Chemical Methods
control golden apple snails in Asian countries
– cannot be registered in Japan because of In 1989, the Food and Agriculture
their negative effects on the environment Organization of the United Nations (FAO),
(Wada 2004). Some farmers in the Philippines the International Rice Research Institute
stopped using molluscicides because of their (IRRI), Visayas State College of Agriculture
high costs and adverse effects on humans and (now Leyte State University), and the
animals. The chemicals that are used for the Department of Agriculture-Philippine Rice
control of golden apple snails are mostly per- Research Institute (DA-PhilRice) launched
sistent, dose-cumulative organotins that create the strategic extension campaign. This intro-
health effects such as falling out of nails, skin duced the use of non-chemical methods to
problems, blurring vision, and blindness control these snails, e.g. duck pasturing in rice
(Mochida 1991). fields after harvest, hand-picking, destroying
Niclosamide 250EC is preferred over met- egg clusters before final harrowing, trans-
aldehyde by rice farmers because of its “quick planting older seedlings, and installing
kill” action on the snail. Unfortunately, screens in water inlets. However, most of
niclosamide 250EC is lethal to non-target ben- these practices remain untested in the rain-fed
eficial water-inhabiting organisms such as lowland, direct-seeded, and hybrid rice pro-
frogs, fish, etc. Recently, Joshi et al. (2004) duction environments. Moreover, farmers
observed the detrimental effects of have observed that no single control tactic is
niclosamide 250EC applied at pre-seeding in better than the “best mix” of various manage-
direct-seeded rice culture. Treated seedlings ment options, as each option has some con-
had low and uneven emergence, and were straints (IRRI 1991, Cagauan and Joshi 2003).
stunted. Also, uneven crop establishment For these and other reasons, it is important to
exposed seedlings to golden apple snail dam- stabilize and increase production in direct-
age for a much longer time, and at all concen- seeded and transplanted rice systems by pre-
trations of niclosamide, underground effects venting golden apple snail damage through
on the seedlings included marked reductions low-cost, technically effective, and environ-
in root growth and development. ment-friendly options.

4. Golden Apple Snail in Direct- currently used. Crop rotation, including grow-
Seeded Rice: Possible ing an upland crop such as soybean, is a prac-
Management Strategies tical way to abate snail damage to the next rice
crop as this reduces snail densities without
The shift from transplanted rice to direct-seed- pesticides.
ed-rice culture in Japan, the Philippines,
Thailand and Vietnam has caused even greater 5. New Strategies in Managing
golden apple snail problems, as control thresh- the Golden Apple Snail
olds are much lower in direct-seeded rice than
transplanted rice. Small snails, which are dis- 5.1. Use of Attractants
regarded in transplanted rice, are harmful to
sprouts and very young seedlings in direct For collection of golden apple snails, rice farm-
seeding. These small snails are 150 times more ers use leaves of papaya, banana, and taro as
serious in direct-sown rice fields that in trans- attractants. However, such materials are not
planted fields. Good field levelling and shal- readily available and their excessive removal
low water management practices can reduce threatens plant biodiversity. Discovery of
snail damage in transplanted irrigated lowland newspaper as a new snail attractant facilitates
rice systems, but this practice is extremely dif- manual handpicking. Newspaper can be used
ficult to carry out in direct-seeded and flood- in rice fields prior to crop establishment
prone areas. While farmers could experiment (direct-seeding/transplanting) and both types
with a combination of preventive or corrective of attractant reduce further the misuse of syn-
control measures, many of these are labour- thetic commercial molluscicides (Joshi and
intensive. For instance, missing hills (open Dela Cruz 2001), and encourage snail collec-
areas created by dying rice plants) can be tion for food.
replanted up to four times, and could drain the
physical and financial resources of rice farm- 5.2. Vulgarone B
ers as it entails costs for additional seedlings
and replanting time. The unprotected applica- Recently, vulgarone B, a sesquiterpene from
tion of non-specific pesticides also does not the plant Artemisia douglasiana Besser, has
help since snail populations recover quickly been shown to have molluscicidal activity
because they can avoid exposure by burying in against the golden apple snail (Joshi et al.
the soil or simply crawling out of treated water 2005b). Laboratory bioassays showed that vul-
onto clay clumps or standing vegetation. garone B has molluscicidal activity at an LC50
There are few practices that can avoid or value comparable to that of the commercial
reduce damage in direct-seeded rice by golden synthetic molluscicide metaldehyde. This cor-
apple snail. The rotary cultivator used during responds to about 6.5 mg/litre of the vulgarone
land preparation for tillage and soil puddling B and 4.4 mg/litre of the metaldehyde. In prac-
efficiently decreases snail density before rice tical terms, a rice farmer using about 250 litres
planting. It results in 67-75% snail mortality of water to spray one hectare will require 4.8
compared with unploughed fields (Wada grams of pure vulgarone B for golden apple
2004). Draining fields for two to three weeks snail control. In addition, vulgarone B has fun-
after seeding is the most effective way to avoid gicidal activity.
snail damage. However, there are two prob- The potential of vulgarone B in controlling
lems associated with this practice – the weeds this agriculturally important mollusc species is
and heavy rains followed by flash floods. high. Since it is not toxic to rice seedlings, it
Making ditches or ridges can enhance can be sprayed; it can also be put on attractant
drainage but neither is highly successful. In materials, or into ponds or rice paddy water.
such cases, pesticide application is indispensa- Furthermore, vulgarone B has the advantage of
ble, and a bait-type pesticide (metaldehyde) is acting faster than metaldehyde against P.
262 R. C. JOSHI

canaliculata, since bioassays indicated mortal-areas where it is difficult to control water

ity within 24 hours. Since vulgarone B is pres-depth. A video, which documents step-by-step
how Japanese farmers deploy P. canaliculata
ent as a major component in the essential oil of
A. douglasiana, by steam-distillation, which isfor paddy weeding in transplanted rice fields
a simple and low-cost process, it can be con- is available at:
centrated to more than 80%. Also, since many old_web/elearning/goldenkohol/. In addition,
Artemisia species are weeds in many parts of all available information on the golden apple
the world, the use of vulgarone B as an organ- snail has been compiled on a CD-ROM (Joshi
ic molluscicide could be both cost-effective et al. 2003), at
and environment-friendly. under the “pest alert section”, and at the
National Biological Information Infrastructure
5.3. A Possible Agent for Paddy Weeding golden apple snail page, which includes the
option to download the database at the follow-
Aside from being a pest, the golden apple ing URL:
snail has some profitable uses, e.g. in manag- enapplesnail.html (Joshi 2005b).
ing weeds in transplanted irrigated lowland
rice fields, and as food for animals and 5.4. A Palatable Food for Animals and
humans. In transplanted irrigated lowland rice Humans
fields, the golden apple snail is a potential
agent for paddy weeding. Two or three snails The snails can replace meat meal or fish meal
per square metre successfully control paddy as a concentrate feed supplement for animals.
weeds (Okuma et al. 1994a,b). Organic and Also, Mallard ducks can be pastured in rice
some inorganic farmers in Japan, the fields after harvest so that they can feed on the
Philippines, and South Korea grow rice with- golden apple snail. Duck herding and a little
out herbicides to produce organic rice by feed supplementation can yield up to 60-70%
using the golden apple snail for paddy weed- increase in egg production (Tacio 1987). A
ing. This approach is now spreading to other project to control golden apple snail infesta-
organic and inorganic farmers. The benefits tions by turning the snails into a marketable
from using the golden apple snail as a biolog- processed product was implemented in
ical weeding agent far exceed those of using Hawaii (Tamaru et al. 2004). In one field, the
ducks or carp (Yusa et al. 2003). Joshi et al. snails were given different types of food (let-
(2005a) evaluated this innovation by Japanese tuce and chicken, chicken feed, catfish feed,
and Korean farmers at PhilRice’s Central trout feed, or mahimahi feed), while in anoth-
Experimental Station using large-sized fields er field, they were fed taro tops, catfish feed,
(each 0.5 hectare), and subsequently in sever- or trout and chicken feed. The taste and tex-
al farmers’ fields. When used in transplanted ture of the golden apple snail were tested
irrigated lowland rice systems, the golden using a “taste test” in Princeville Resort,
apple snail changes its behaviour and is con- Hanalei, Kauai, which is a four-star establish-
verted from a pest into a beneficial organism. ment. Using the snails from the feeding trials,
However, fields must be well levelled to con- the chef of the resort was asked to prepare
trol movements of the snail, and seedlings dishes at his discretion; two dishes were creat-
should be sturdy and at the 3-leafs stage (21 ed. It was found that snails fed with catfish
days old). feed were superior to all other snails in both
Nevertheless, this approach is not appro- taste and texture. In the Philippines, PhilRice
priate and cannot be recommended for direct- developed a recipe called “chicharon” (crack-
seeded rice since rice and weeds sprout at the er) which is unique compared with other gold-
same time. Moreover, it cannot be carried out en apple snail recipes in that it is devoid of
in an upland environment where the golden water, has no offensive odour, has a longer
apple snail is in the soil, or in flood-prone shelf-life, and can be used as an ingredient in

other Filipino recipes. Pingtung University of Science and

Technology, Pingtung, Chinese Taipei.
6. Conclusions
Once established, the golden apple snail is not Estebenet, A. L., and N. J. Cazzaniga. 1992.
easy to control. The economic, health, and Growth and demography of Pomacea
environmental problems it causes are irre- canaliculata (Gastropoda: Ampullariidae)
versible, and the cost of dealing with it is under laboratory conditions. Malacological
enormous. Old management practices to man- Review 25: 1-12.
age the snail are labour-intensive, uneconom- (GISD) Global Invasive Species Database.
ic and non-sustainable, and many are harmful 2005.
to the environment. However, new options are Halwart, M. 1994. Fish as biocontrol agents in
now being introduced, and these measures are rice: the potential of common carp Cyprinus
environment-friendly and cost effective. They carpio (L.) and Nile tilapia Oreochromis
include using the golden apple snail for paddy niloticus (L.). Tropical Agroecology: 8.
weeding and as food for humans and animals. Margraf Verlag, Weikersheim, Germany.
An area-wide approach that integrates the (IRRI) International Rice Research Institute.
above described systems with existing farmer- 1991. Rice IPM network. Report of a work-
based pest management practices, especially shop on the management of golden snail in
in direct-seeded rice systems where managing the Philippines, 27-31 October 1991.
the golden apple snail is still difficult, could International Rice Research Institute,
be a promising new direction to control this Manila, The Philippines.
invasive exotic pest in the future. Joshi, R. C. 2005a. The golden apple snail:
raiders of the rice fields. Outlooks on Pest
7. Acknowledgements Management 16: 23-26.
Joshi, R. C. 2005b. Managing invasive alien
The author expresses his sincere gratitude to mollusc species in rice. International Rice
L. S. Sebastian (PhilRice), Alumanda M. de la Research Notes 30: 5-13.
Rosa (PNRI), and J. D. Dargie, J. Hendrichs, Joshi, R. C., and M. S. Dela Cruz. 2001.
A. Robinson, and M. Vreysen of the Joint Newspaper: a new attractant for golden
FAO/IAEA Programme, for their encourage- apple snail management. International Rice
ment, support, and kind assistance. Research Notes 26: 49-50.
Joshi, R. C., M. S. Dela Cruz, A. R. Martin,
8. References A. V. Duca, and E. C. Martin. 2002.
Relation of golden apple snail size to rice
Cagauan, A. G., and R. C. Joshi. 2003. seedling damage in transplanted and direct-
Golden apple snail Pomacea spp. in the seeded rice cultivation. International Rice
Philippines: review on levels of infestation, Research Notes 27: 37-38.
control methods, utilization and future direc- Joshi, R. C., N. S. Baucas, E. E. Joshi, and E.
tions. Journal of Agriculture and Life A. Verzola. 2003. Scientific information
Sciences 37: 7-32. database on golden apple snail (Pomacea
Cowie, R. H., and K. A. Hayes. 2004. spp.). CD-ROM. Baguio, Department of
Invasive ampullariid snails: taxonomic con- Agriculture-Cordillera Administrative
fusion and some preliminary resolution Region, International Rice Research Insti-
based on DNA sequences, pp. 7-16. In Lai, tute, Manila, The Philippines.
P.-Y., Y.-F. Chang, and R. H. Cowie (eds.), Joshi, R. C., M. S. Desamito, A. R. Martin, L.
Proceedings: APEC Symposium on the S. Sebastian, and J. B. Coupland. 2004.
Management of Golden Apple Snail, 6-11 Detrimental effects of niclosamide 250EC at
September 2004, Pingtung. National preseeding in direct-seeded rice culture.
264 R. C. JOSHI

International Rice Research Notes 29: 36-37. (Pomacea canaliculata) to paddy weeds and
Joshi, R. C., E. C. Martin, T. Wada, and L. S. damage avoidance to rice seedlings. Weed
Sebastian. 2005a. Role of golden apple Research 39: 109-113.
snail in organic rice cultivation and weed Okuma, M., K. Tanaka, and S. Sudo. 1994b.
management, pp. 112-115. In Kopke, U., U. Weed control method using apple snail
Niggli, D. Neuhoff, P. Cornish, W. (Pomacea canaliculata) in paddy fields.
Lockeretz, and H. Willer (eds.), Proceedings: Weed Research 39: 114-119.
Researching Sustainable Systems. First Tacio, H. D. 1987. Raise snails for your ducks.
Scientific Conference of the International Agribusiness Weekly (Manila, Philippines),
Society of Organic Agriculture Research November 6-12: 16-17.
(ISOFAR), the International Federation of Tamaru, C. S., H. Ako, and C. T. Tamaru.
Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) 2004. The apple snail, Pomacea canalicula-
and the National Association for Sustainable ta, pest to profit: challenge or opportunity,
Agriculture, Australia (NASAA), 21-23 pp. 47-60. In Lai, P.-Y., Y.-F. Chang, and R.
September 2005, Adelaide, Australia. H. Cowie (eds.), Proceedings: APEC Sym-
Research Institute of Organic Agriculture posium on the Management of Golden Apple
FiBL, CH-Frick, and International Society of Snail, 6-11 September 2004, Pingtung.
Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), c/o National Pingtung University of Science and
Institute of Organic Agriculture (IOL), Technology, Pingtung, Chinese Taipei.
University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany.
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and S. O. Duke. 2005b. Molluscicidal apple snail Pomacea canaliculata (Lamarck)
activity of vulgarone B from Artemisia dou- (Gastropoda: Ampullariidae) in Japanese
glasiana (Besser) against the invasive, alien, direct-sown paddy fields. Japan Agricultural
mollusc pest, Pomacea canaliculata Research Quarterly 38: 75-80.
(Lamarck). International Journal of Pest Yusa, Y., T. Wada, and K. Takahashi. 2003.
Management 51: 175-180. Apple snails in Japan: their problems, con-
Mochida, O. 1991. Spread of freshwater trol strategies and possible benefit, pp. 105.
Pomacea snails (Pilide, Mollusca) from In Book of Abstracts: Korea-Japan Joint
Argentina to Asia. Micronesia Supplement 3: Conference on Applied Entomology and
51-62. Zoology, 28-31 May 2003, Haeundae,
Naylor, R. 1996. Invasions in agriculture: Busan, South Korea. Korean Society of
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Okuma, M., Y. Fukushima, and K. Tanaka. Life Sciences, Seoul National University,
1994a. Feeding habitat of apple snail Suwon, Korea.
Mass-Rearing and Field Performance of
Irradiated Carob Moth Ectomyelois ceratoniae
in Tunisia


de Protection des Végétaux, Institut National de la
Recherche Agronomique de Tunisie, 49 Rue Hedi Karray 2049, Ariana,
Tunis, Tunisia
2FAO, PO Box 94623, Riyadh 11614, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

ABSTRACT An artificial diet for rearing the carob moth Ectomyelois ceratoniae Zeller was devel-
oped composed of wheat bran, yeast, sucrose, salt mixture, vitamin C, aureomycine, methyl paraben,
lysine, glycerine and distilled water. Carob moths, mass-reared on this artificial diet showed a similar per-
formance to moths reared on this diet as single pairs with respect to larval developmental time, percent
adult emergence, adult weight, longevity, percentage egg hatch and sex ratio. However, fecundity and fer-
tility of adults reared on the artificial diet was significantly lower than single-pair reared moths. In addi-
tion, an assessment was made of the propensity of male carob moths to respond to the female pheromone
during field cage studies using non-irradiated and irradiated males in the presence of virgin non-irradiated
females. The data indicated that irradiated males responded equally well to the virgin females as untreated
males, irrespective of the male ratio. The dispersal of partially sterile carob moth males was assessed in a
pomegranate orchard using mark-release-recapture tests. A similar dispersal between irradiated and normal
males was observed for distances between 40 to 80 metres from the release point. Significant differences
between dispersal of irradiated versus untreated males were obtained for distances exceeding 100 metres
from the release point.

KEY WORDS sterile insect technique, artificial diet, rearing, inherited sterility, dispersal, mark-
release-recapture, pomegranate, Ectomyelois ceratoniae, carob moth, Tunisia

1. Introduction ticides is not efficient because larvae feed and

develop inside the fruit, where they are pro-
The carob moth Ectomyelois ceratoniae tected (Dhouibi 1989). Moreover, the harmful
Zeller is a major insect pest of dates, pome- effect of broad-spectrum insecticides on the
granate and several other host plants in environment and the risk of developing insec-
Tunisia (Dhouibi 1989). Larvae are poly- ticide resistance further restrict the use of this
phagous and attack both stored products and control method. Furthermore, oases are fragile
field crops in the Mediterranean basin and ecosystems and since the 1970’s, the use of
countries in the Near East region (Gothilf broad-spectrum insecticides has been banned
1969). This pest causes great economic losses by the Government of Tunisia for dates
and yearly infestation rates range from 20% in intended for export. There is therefore a great
dates to 80% in pomegranate in Tunisia need to develop alternative control methods,
(Dhouibi 1982, 1992) (Fig. 1a). which are both effective and friendly to the
Many control methods have been used to environment. These include sanitation, bag-
keep populations below economic threshold ging, spraying with Bacillus thuringiensis
levels. Controlling the carob moth with insec- (Berliner) (Bt) and the release of natural ene-
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 265–273.
© 2007 IAEA.

(AW-IPM) for the control of carob moth in

mies. Dhouibi (1992) showed that in an oasis
ecosystem, Bt spraying could decrease theTunisia (Dhouibi and Abderahmane 2001,
Abderahmane 2002, Mediouni 2005). The
level of carob moth infestation by 60% when
research programme initially focused on
applied against first instar larvae, i.e. before
the moth larvae migrate into the dates. improving the mass-rearing of the carob moth,
Bagging of date clusters decreased carob with special emphasis on the development of
moth infestations in both oases and pome-an artificial diet. In this respect, rearing tech-
niques that had been developed in Canada for
granate orchards by 6.0 and 4.5%, respective-
the codling moth Cydia pomonella (L.)
ly (Dhouibi 1982). The success of this control
(Proverbs and Logan 1970) were adapted for
method depends on the timing of bagging and
carob moth rearing. To improve the quality
the material used, i.e. to be efficient, bagging
and production of mass-reared insects, various
should be done in July before the third annual
modifications were made to the mass-rearing
generation of the insect (Dhouibi 1982), and
system and to the artificial diet. An experi-
Kraft paper, mosquito netting or plastic films
mental population was established in the lab-
should be used. However, bagging is expen-
oratory of entomology at the Institut National
sive and therefore unsuitable for large areas. It
Agronomique de la Tunisie in Tunis in 1999
also requires that infested and fallen fruit are
from infested field-collected dates.
discarded to avoid new infestations the fol-
lowing year (Gothilf 1970, 1984). Finally, Studies were initiated to assess the field
performance of irradiated male moths. Using
biological control using natural enemies pro-
field cages, the response of irradiated and
vides good control of the pest. The experi-
mental use of two parasites Habrobracon non-irradiated carob moth males to the female
hebetor (Say) in pomegranate orchards andpheromone was assessed (Robinson and
Phanerotoma flavitestacea (Kohl) in date Proverbs 1975, Abderahmane 2002). In addi-
oases lead to a high level of parasitism tion, the dispersal of released irradiated males
(Jemmazi 1994, Charni 1995) and a 40% was studied using mark-release-recapture
reduction in infestation level. tests (Weissling and Knight 1994, Bloem et al.
1998). These field assessments were done
In 1999, research was initiated to develop
over a period of three years (Mediouni 2005).
the sterile insect technique (SIT) as a compo-
This paper reports the progress made in
nent of area-wide integrated pest management
Tunisia during the last two years with mass-
rearing of the carob moth and in assessing the
Table 1. Composition of carob moth diet: performance of irradiated substerile males in
quantities per 1000 grams of diet. the field.

2. Mass-Rearing the Carob

Ingredient Weight (grams)
Wheat bran 600.0
Sucrose 120.0 2.1. Diet Composition
Yeast 23.0
Salt mixture 20.0 Research on the development of an artificial
Vitamin C 6.7 diet for rearing the carob moth was initiated
Aureomycin 6.7 many years ago (Gothilf 1969, Dhouibi 1989,
Methyl paraben 1.3 Abderahmane 1997). Several formulae based
Lysine 3.0 on leguminous seeds such as soybeans, beans,
Glycerine 150 millilitres pods of carob and acacia, or on cereals like
Distilled water 250 millilitres wheat germ or bran, have been tested. These
Calco Red dye 41 millilitres diets were abandoned because they were cost-
ly and prone to bacterial and fungal attacks.

Figure 1. (a) Damage in pomegranate caused by larvae of the carob moth, (b) larval diet trays
stacked in trolleys, and (c) round, slowly rotating oviposition cages (Photos b and c from
M.J.B. Vreysen, reproduced with permission).

Therefore, using the work of Fenny and 2.3. Rearing Procedures

Brinkman (1967) and Abderahmane (2002), a
new artificial diet was developed for mass- The experimental rearing unit consisted of
rearing the carob moth with wheat bran, four rooms each of 9 square metres, i.e. two
sucrose, glycerine and water as major compo- larval holding rooms, one oviposition room
nents (Table 1). and one adult collection room. In the first step
of the production process, virgin female
2.2. Diet Preparation moths were placed together with fertile male
moths in locally constructed oviposition cages
The wheat bran was first sterilized at 120°C (dimensions 25 (diameter) x 65 (height) cen-
for two hours. After that, all solid ingredients timetres) for four days (Fig. 1c). The wall of
(Table 1) were weighed and mixed until a the cylindrical oviposition cages consisted of
homogenous consistency was reached. removable paper sheets (Kraft paper), which
Glycerine and water were then added fol- were highly suitable for the deposition of
lowed by Calco Red dye to stain the digestive eggs. The moths were provided with a sugar
tract of the larvae and thereby distinguish solution on moistened rolls of cottonwool. A
between wild and released insects. The Calco series of these cages was kept in an acclima-
Red dye was prepared by dissolving 5 grams tized room (temperature of 28 ± 1°C, a pho-
of Calco Red powder in 80 millilitres of oil toperiod of 14:9 (L:D) and 45 ± 5% relative
and heated to boiling point under continuous humidity (RH)), where they were slowly
agitation. The resulting red suspension was rotated on rails to ensure an equal light distri-
then mixed with the diet. To avoid bacterial bution. The system was highly efficient as
and fungal contamination, methyl paraben and shown by the good fecundity of the female
aureomycin were added to the diet. Five kilo- moths and the random distribution of the eggs
grams of the artificial diet were prepared each on the paper sheets. The approach is a modifi-
day to seed eggs. cation of the system that was developed for

codling moth in Canada (Proverbs and Logan cages at a density of 30 grams of adult moths
1970). per cage, corresponding to approximately
After several days, when the female moths 1500 adults per cage.
had deposited sufficient eggs, the paper sheets
of the oviposition cages were removed. The 3. Performance of Carob Moths
sheets were then cut into equal-sized pieces, Reared on Artificial Diet
which were deposited on the trays with the
larval diet at a density of 1500-2000 fertile An assessment was made of various biologi-
eggs per one kilogram of diet. Up to 85 of cal performance indicators of carob moths
these larval trays could be stacked in locally maintained under mass-rearing conditions and
constructed trolleys (2 x 1.5 metres) (Fig. 1b). single-pair cultures (Tables 2 and 3). The lar-
With an average emergence rate of 80%, it is vae of both experimental groups were reared
estimated that between 160 000 and 170 000 on the new artificial diet. For all experiments,
adult moths emerged from the pupae held in the data were subjected to Duncan’s test at P
each trolley. The larvae were reared under the < 0.05 to assess significant differences
following conditions: a temperature of 28 ± between the parameters using the statistical
1°C, photoperiod of 15:9 (L:D) and 75 ± 5% package SPSS 10.0 for Windows.
RH. The total development time of moths main-
Dishes with pupae were moved into the tained under mass-rearing conditions (33.6
collection room, which was kept at 30°C, con- days) was slightly longer than that of moths
tinuous low light and without any humidity maintained under single-pair cultures (34.2
control. The room had a capacity of 819 dish- days) (Table 2). These differences could main-
es placed into seven cabinets. Emerging ly be attributed to the longer development
moths were attracted by a light source in the time of the egg (3.1 days versus 3.0 days) and
ceiling of the collection room and sucked into pupal stages (7.3 days versus 7.0 days) (Table
a duct system leading to a conical collector in 2). The first instar stage (L1) showed the
an adjacent room, kept at 0°C. The low tem- longest development time and the highest
perature immobilized the moths making the mortality rate (12.4 and 5.9% for the mass-
collection each morning easy. The collected reared and single-pair reared moths, respec-
insects were transferred to the oviposition tively). The development time of the L2, L3,

Table 2. Duration of the different development stages of Ectomyelois ceratoniae reared on the
artificial diet under single-pair and mass-rearing conditions.

Developmental stage Mean duration (days): Mean duration (days):

mass-rearing single-pair rearing

Eggs 3.14 ± 0.2 b (325) 3.01 ± 0.1 a (300)

L1 5.01 ± 0.1 a (275) 4.99 ± 0.3 a (255)
L2 4.58 ± 0.8 a (241) 4.55 ± 0.9 a (240)
L3 4.56 ± 0.5 a (213) 4.54 ± 0.7 a (235)
L4 4.67 ± 0.6 a (208) 4.63 ± 0.8 a (235)
L5 4.89 ± 0.1 a (208) 4.85 ± 0.4 a (235)
Pupae 7.33 ± 0.9 b (203) 7.01 ± 0.2 a (235)
Duration 34.18 days 33.58 days

Values in parenthesis indicate the number of insects used. For the same stage, means followed by the same let-
ter are not significantly different (Duncan's Test at P < 0.05).

Table 3. Biological performance indicators of carob moth maintained under mass-rearing and
single-pair rearing conditions on artificial diet.

Biological parameter Number of Mass-rearing Single-pair

insects used rearing

Male pupae weight (milligrams) 1000 35.7 a 36.1 a

Female pupae weight (milligrams) 1000 41.3 a 42.2 a
Adult male weight (milligrams) 1000 16.1 a 17.2 a
Adult female weight (milligrams) 1000 24.3 a 25.2 a
Percentage of egg hatching (%) 1000 93.0 a 95.0 a
Percentage of adult emergence (%) 1000 85.0 a 85.21 a
Male longevity (days) 500 5.8 a 6.2 a
Female longevity (days) 500 8.8 a 8.6 a
Fecundity (number of eggs per female) 1000 115.6 b 182.5 a
Fertility (number of fertile eggs per female) 1000 95.9 b 140.0 a
Sex ratio 1000 1:1 a 1:1 a

Comparison is made for each biological parameter in mass-rearing and single-pair cultures. Means followed by
the same letter are not statistically different by Duncan's test.

L4 and L5 stages were similar for the mass- carob moths reared under mass-rearing condi-
reared and single-pair reared moths. The tions and maintained on the wheat bran-based
observed duration to complete the life cycle artificial diet are encouraging, with most of
under mass-rearing and single-pair cultures the performances similar to those of insects
resulted in a total of ten generations per year. reared as single-pairs. Nevertheless, more
Results presented in Table 3 also indicate research is needed to further increase the fer-
that all biological parameters of performance, tility and fecundity of the moths to make the
with the exception of fecundity and fertility, mass-rearing of carob moth more efficient.
of moths maintained under mass-rearing con-
ditions were similar to those from single-pair 4. Field Performance of
cultures. Females kept under mass-rearing Substerile Carob Moth Males
conditions produced significantly fewer eggs
and these had a lower hatch rate as compared Male field dispersal was studied in a five
to single-pair rearing. The lower fertility level hectare pomegranate field using 48 Delta traps
was most likely correlated to the lack of space (Biological Control System Ltd. Treforest,
necessary for the copulation process. Indeed, Mid Glamogan. CF37 5SU U.K.), baited with
Dhouibi (1989) observed that carob moth cop- the synthetic female carob moth pheromone
ulation required adequate space for males to (Dhouibi 1989) and deployed in trees at a
be able to fertilize females. In addition, differ- height of about 1.5 metres. Dispersal trial
ences were observed between the biological releases were undertaken from July to
performance indicators of the two sexes, i.e. September in 2001, 2003 and 2004 using
the weights of female pupae and adults were approximately 1000 irradiated and non-irradi-
higher than those of males and females sur- ated males per hectare per week. Male moths
vived longer than males. However, the sex were treated with a gamma radiation dose of
ratios of moths reared under the different rear- 400 Gy, which is the minimum required to
ing systems was similar. induce complete sterility in female and sub-
These initial data on the performance of sterility in male carob moths. The radiation

Figure 2. Field dispersal of irradiated carob moth males in an pomegranate orchard in 2001,
2003 and 2004.

treatment was given in a 60Co irradiator at a each ratio was replicated five times. For each
dose rate of 46 Gy per minute. replicate, the number of captured males was
From a release point chosen in the pome- counted three days after the release of irradi-
granate field, six distances (20, 40, 60, 80, 100 ated and non-irradiated males into the cages.
and 120 metres from the release point), were Comparisons were made between the percent-
selected for male capture using eight traps at ages of captures using the SPSS programme
each distance in a cross layout. All traps were (version 10.0) (Duncan’s Test at P < 0.05).
checked once a week and total numbers of
irradiated and non-irradiated moths were 4.1. Male Dispersal
counted. Released insects were distinguished
from wild ones by their red-marked digestive The data in Fig. 2 showed that the substeriliz-
tract. The dispersal experiments using irradi- ing dose of 400 Gy did not affect the ability of
ated and non-irradiated males were conduced males to disperse under field conditions.
in the same area but at different times. The Indeed, irradiated males were able to reach
dispersal of irradiated and non-irradiated traps placed at 120 metres from the release
males was compared at each distance using point. The percentage of captured males (irra-
the SPSS program (version 10.0) (Duncan’s diated and non-irradiated) depended on the
Test at P < 0.05). distance from the release point, maximum cap-
In addition, two large field cages (3 metres tures being obtained between 40 and 80 metres
(diameter) x 2.5 metres (height)) covered with for the three years (Fig. 2 and Fig. 3).
a mosquito net were placed over two medium- Statistical analyses showed no significant dif-
sized trees to study male field ferences in captures of irradiated and non-irra-
competitiveness. In this experiment, the diated males at distances 40, 60 and 80 metres.
propensity of males to respond to female However, for distances of 20, 100 and 120
pheromone (expressed by the number of metres from the release point, significant dif-
males caught) was evaluated. In each cage, a ferences were recorded in captures of non-irra-
Delta trap baited with two virgin non-irradiat- diated and irradiated males (Duncan’s Test at P
ed females was deployed. Four ratios of irra- < 0.05). These results were similar for the three
diated to untreated males were investigated: years of observations (2001, 2003 and 2004).
1:1, 2.5:1, 5:1 and 10:1. Experiments were Numerous researchers have studied the
carried out from April to July each year and impact of gamma radiation on the dispersal of

Figure 3. Field dispersal of unirradiated carob moth males in an pomegranate orchard in

2001, 2003 and 2004.

irradiated Lepidoptera. Qureshi et al. (1993) cant. At other ratios, the captures of irradiated
indicated a similar dispersal between irradiat- males were higher than those of non-irradiat-
ed and non-irradiated males of the pink boll- ed males, due to increases in the number of
worm Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders). irradiated males in the cage. During 2003 and
In addition, Carpenter and Gross (1993) indi- 2004, similar results were obtained.
cated that the number of irradiated released Consequently, after irradiation at the subster-
and recaptured males of the corn earworm ile dose of 400 Gy, males of E. ceratoniae
Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) was negatively cor- remain attracted by virgin females and were
related with the distance between the release able to respond to the female pheromone.
point and the trap.
5. Conclusions
4.2. Propensity of Substerile Males to
Respond to Female Pheromone in the Dates are an important and valuable export
Field commodity for Tunisia but high infestation
rates with the carob moth are causing signifi-
For AW-IPM programmes that integrate the cant economic losses. Current available con-
SIT, assessing the field competitiveness of trol methods are either banned (broad-spec-
irradiated males and the optimal release ratio trum insecticides), being phased out (methyl
is essential to ensure that the sterile insects bromide for postharvest fumigation) or have
can compete with wild males under natural serious limitations (e.g. bagging of the clus-
conditions and are released in appropriate ters, Bt spraying, sanitation, etc.). The SIT
numbers. The results obtained here indicate could offer a viable, efficient and economic
that when the ratio of irradiated to non-irradi- additional component of an integrated
ated males increased in the cage, the irradiat- approach.
ed to non-irradiated male ratio of the catch in As reported in this paper, important
the traps likewise increased (Table 4). During progress has been made with the rearing of
2001, 24 and 26 irradiated and untreated carob moth. The development of a wheat
males were recaptured, respectively at a 1:1 bran-based artificial larval diet, of an efficient
irradiated to non-irradiated male ratio. At this adult oviposition cages and of an automatic
ratio, the difference between the number of adult moth collection system were critical
captured males was not statistically signifi- steps in progressing towards an efficient
Table 4. Number of irradiated and non-irradiated males of Ectomyelois ceratoniae responding
to female pheromone under field cage conditions during 2001, 2003 and 2004.

Ratio IM:NM Insects per cage 2001 2003 2004

1:1 (5x)1 10:10 24/26 a 26/24 a 23/27 a

2.5:1 (5x) 25:10 88/37 b 90/35 b 92/33 b
5:1 (5x) 50:10 221/29 b 218/32 b 225/25 b
10:1 (5x) 100:10 490/10 b 486/14 b 491/9 b

IM: Irradiated males, NM: Non-irradiated males

1Values in parenthesis are the number of replicates
Catch ratios of irradiated to non-irradiated males are shown for each year. Comparisons were made between these
ratios. Ratios in the same row accompanied by the same letter are not statistically different by Duncan's Test.

mass-rearing system. The fecundity and fertil- Ectomyelois ceratoniae Zeller 1881. Thèse
ity of the moths maintained under mass-rear- de doctorat en Biologie. Faculté des
ing conditions is still inferior to moths reared Sciences de Tunis, Tunis, Tunisia.
as single-pair cultures and therefore more Bloem, S., K. A. Bloem, and A. L. Knight.
work is needed to further improve the per- 1998. Assessing the quality of mass-reared
formance of moths maintained under a mass- codling moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) by
rearing system. using field release-recapture tests. Journal
A dose of 400 Gy was needed to obtain full of Economic Entomology 91: 1122-1130.
female sterility and substerile male moths. Carpenter, J. E., and H. R. Gross. 1993.
This dose is indicative of the high level of Suppression of feral Helicoverpa zea
resistance of the carob moth to radiation. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) populations fol-
However, experiments have shown that lowing the infusion of inherited sterility
despite the high dose, irradiated carob moths from released sub-sterile males. Environ-
responded well to the female sex pheromone, mental Entomology 22: 1084-1091.
dispersing well up to 120 metres from the Charni, M. 1995. Contribution à l’étude d’un
release point and showing a similar dispersal parasitoide ovo-larvaire Phanerotoma ocu-
pattern to that of non-irradiated moths. laris (Kohl) (Hyménoptère: Braconidae) et
Further research will focus on assessing the essais de lutte biologique contre la pyrale
competitiveness of the irradiated moths under des dattes Ectomyelois ceratoniae Zeller
field conditions. (Lépidoptère: Pyralidae) dans les oasis de
Tozeur. Diplôme des Etudes Approfondies
6. References en Ecologie Animale. Faculté des Sciences
de Tunis, Tunis, Tunisia.
Abderahmane, C. T. 1997. Elevage de la Dhouibi, M. H. 1982. Etude biologique
pyrale des dattes Ectomyelois ceratoniae d’Ectomyelois ceratoniae Zeller (Lepi-
Zeller 1881 (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) et effet doptera: Pyralidae) dans les zones présa-
des doses substérilisantes d’irradiation sur hariennes de la Tunisie. Thèse de Docteur
les nymphes et la compétitivité des adultes. Ingénieur en Biologie Animale. Université
Diplôme des Etudes Approfondies en Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France.
Ecologie Animale. Faculté des Sciences de Dhouibi, M. H. 1989. Biologie et écologie
Tunis, Tunis, Tunisia. d’Ectomyelois ceratoniae Zeller (Lepi-
Abderahmane, C. T. 2002. Possibilité d’util- doptera: Pyralidae) dans deux biotopes dif-
isation de la technique des insectes stériles férents au sud de la Tunisie et recherches de
pour lutter contre la pyrale des dattes méthodes alternatives de lutte. Thèse de

Doctorat d’Etat en Sciences Naturelles. Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) et possibil-

Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI, ité de lutte biologique par utilisation de l’ec-
France. toparasite Habrobracon hebetor Say
Dhouibi, M. H. 1992. Effet de la Bactospeine (Hyménoptère: Braconidae). Mémoire de
XLV sur la pyrale des dattes, Ectomyelois Fin d’Etude du Cycle de Spécialisation.
ceratoniae Zell. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie,
Mededelingen van de Faculteit Landbouw- Tunis, Tunisia.
wetenschappen van de Universiteit Gent 57: Mediouni, J. 2005. Lutte génétique contre la
505-514. pyrale des caroubes Ectomyelois ceratoniae
Dhouibi, M. H., and C. T. Abderahmane. Zeller 1881 (Lépidoptères: Pyralidae) par le
2001. The effect of substerilizing doses of biais de la technique des insectes stériles.
gamma radiation on the pupae of the carob Thèse de Doctorat en Sciences Agro-
moth Ectomyelois ceratoniae (Lepidoptera: nomiques. Institut National Agronomique
Pyralidae), pp. 385-401. In Proceedings: de Tunisie, Tunis, Tunisia.
Evaluation of Population Suppression by Proverbs, M. D., and D. M. Logan. 1970. A
Irradiated Lepidoptera and their Progeny. rotating oviposition cage for the codling
Final Research Coordination Meeting, Joint moth Carpocapsa pomonella. The Cana-
FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques dian Entomologist 102: 42-49.
in Food and Agriculture, 28-30 May 1998, Qureshi, Z. A., N. Ahmed, and T. Hussain.
Penang, Malaysia. IAEA-TECDOC-1283, 1993. Rearing and gamma radiation effects
IAEA, Vienna, Austria. on mature pupae of pink bollworm and their
Fenny, L., and D. Brinkman. 1967. Rearing F1 progeny, pp. 57-71. In Proceedings:
the navel orangeworm in the laboratory. Radiation Induced F1 Sterility in Lepi-
Journal of Economic Entomology 60: 1109- doptera for Area-wide Control. Final
1111. Research Coordination Meeting, Joint FAO/
Gothilf, S. 1969. The biology of the carob IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in
moth, Ectomyelois ceratoniae Zell. in Food and Agriculture, 9-12 September
Israel. II. Effect of food, temperature and 1991, Phoenix, AZ., USA. STI PUB/929,
humidity on development. Israel Journal of IAEA, Vienna, Austria.
Entomology 4: 107-116. Robinson, A. S., and M. D. Proverbs. 1975.
Gothilf, S. 1970. The biology of the carob Field cage competition tests with a nonirra-
moth Ectomyelois ceratoniae Zell. in Israel. diated wild and an irradiated laboratory
III. Phenology on various hosts. Israel strain of the codling moth. Environmental
Journal of Entomology 5: 161-173. Entomology 4: 166-168.
Gothilf, S. 1984. Biology of Spectrobates Weissling, T. J., and A. L. Knight. 1994.
ceratoniae on almonds in Israel. Phytopa- Passive trap for monitoring codling moth
rasitica 12: 77-87. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) flight activity.
Jemmazi, A. 1994. Contribution à l’étude de Journal of Economic Entomology 87: 103-
la bioécologie d’Ectomyelois ceratoniae 107.
Autodissemination of Semiochemicals and
Pesticides: a New Concept Compatible with
the Sterile Insect Technique


1Exosect Ltd., 2 Venture Road, Chilworth Science Park, Southampton

SO16 7NP, UK
2School of Biological Sciences, The University of Southampton,

Southampton SO16 7PX, UK

ABSTRACT ExoSex technology utilizes inert particles of materials that have the ability to adhere to
the arthropod cuticle. The ExoSex AutoconfusionTM system has been developed as an insect control
method that differs from all other mating disruption systems in contaminating the target pest with electro-
statically chargeable powder formulated with pheromone. The technique has now been evaluated in the
field against a range of lepidopteran species, including the codling moth Cydia pomonella (L.), the grape
berry moth Lobesia botrana Denis and Schiffermueller, and the Asiatic rice borer Chilo suppressalis
Walker. Research into the mechanisms of autoconfusion shows that habituation, inhibition of courtship and
delay in mating are important mechanisms in confusion and population reduction. The ExoLureTM system
utilizes adhesive particles as carriers for synthetic or biological pesticides and can be used as a lure-and-
kill technique for insect pest control. Ways are suggested in which Exosect technology can be integrated
with the sterile insect technique (SIT) to provide new powerful hybrid techniques for area-wide insect pest

KEY WORDS autodissemination, mating disruption, autoconfusion, electrostatic powder

1. Introduction bait stations and, coupled with this, the use of

sterile insects as carriers for semiochemicals
The use of charged particle technology (UK or biopathogens.
patent application No. EP0650322) was tested
in preliminary trials against the codling moth 2. Mechanism of Autoconfusion
Cydia pomonella (L.) and tephritid fruit flies
using a pheromone lure to attract insects into In the proprietary powder formulation
dispensers and electrostatically charged pow- EntostatTM there are approximately 1.5 x
der formulated with slow-acting insecticide as 1010 particles per gram and the diameter par-
a killing agent (Howse and Underwood 2000). ticle size is in the range of 5-20 microns.
The latter was spread by contact to non-con- Taking into account the known threshold
taminated insects. Having proven the potential response of C. pomonella to pheromone there
of the technique (Chandler 2004a,b, Chandler is theoretically sufficient pheromone in one
and Howse 2005, Armsworth et al. 2006), reg- particle resting on the surface of the antenna
ulatory approval has been granted for use to initiate habituation. An insect carrying
against certain species in the USA and UK, approximately 1800 particles would then be
and further applications are pending. This liberating sufficient pheromone in the short
technology also suggests other applications, term to constitute an attractive source for
e.g. the dissemination of biopathogens from another male moth. Therefore one ExoSex
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 275–281.
© 2007 IAEA.

dispenser (containing around three grams) is the air will mask the individual pheromone
capable of contaminating about 21 million trails from calling females. An analogy can be
male moths with enough pheromone to make made with the so-called “cocktail party effect”
them attractive sources to other males. in which a high level of background noise
Autoconfusion is believed to be due to habit- makes it impossible to pick out a voice a few
uation of male responsiveness as a result of feet away. This is, in other words, like habitu-
constant sensory stimulation, and males acting ation, a form of “chemical deafening”. In
as false lures or mobile dispensers (Chandler ExoSex AutoconfusionTM this effect will be
2004a). Possible components of autoconfu- of minor significance compared with habitua-
sion in codling moth are listed below. tion, and there is therefore no requirement to
release the extremely high quantities of
2.1. False Trail Following pheromone into the environment to achieve
trail masking.
This also occurs with conventional mating
disruption, where discrete pheromone sources 2.4. Sensory Imbalance
effectively act as female mimics thereby dis-
tracting males in their search for calling With ExoSex AutoconfusionTM, there may be
females. However, in the case of ExoSex a strong imbalance of sensory input due to
AutoconfusionTM, it is the contaminated unequal contamination of the two antennae,
males themselves that act as dispensers rather particularly where the amount of powder
than discrete sustained release devices. The picked up is very small. This may interfere
males are mobile, and so progressively with the guidance mechanism of the male,
increasing their density will greatly decrease causing it to deviate to the most heavily stim-
the chances that newly arriving males will ulated side.
locate calling females.
2.5. Inhibition of Courtship
2.2. Habituation
In the laboratory the percentage of females
Again, this occurs in conventional mating dis- mating when confined in a small space with
ruption by raising the threshold for detection males is substantially reduced when the males
of aerial plumes of pheromone originating are contaminated with EntostatTM powder
from calling females. Habituation may (Howse and MacDonald 2005). Courtship in
involve the sensory pathways or the central Lepidoptera normally involves an exchange
nervous system, or both. Thus the sensory of stimuli at close range, including release of
receptors may “saturate”, or the sustained male-produced pheromone (Howse et al
input to the insect’s brain may induce a long- 1998). This is less likely to occur. It has also
lasting blockage of response. In ExoSex been hypothesized that males releasing a high
AutoconfusionTM, the pheromone sources are concentration of female pheromone are less
in intimate contact with the sensory receptors sexually competent (Knight 2003).
on the antennae, which provide a sustained
high level of sensory input. Reversal of the 2.6. The Role of Foliage
response (dishabituation) cannot therefore
occur when the insects are in clean air outside
Suckling and Karg (2000) found that apple
the crop or in a windy situation. leaves could absorb and release sufficient
pheromone from nearby dispensers to
2.3. Trail Masking enhance mating disruption of the light brown
apple moth Epiphyas postvittana Walker. This
Together with habituation effects, the pres- effect can also be seen after removal of dis-
ence of a dense concentration of pheromone in pensers. The same phenomenon is known to

occur in the pea moth Cydia nigricana (F.), ulation that are releasing their own sex
where the former sites of monitoring traps pheromones. By using sterile insects as living
remain attractive for long periods (Wall et al. dispensers of pheromone, the level of mating
1981). in the natural population is reduced, and when
matings do occur they are likely to be between
2.7. Enhancement of Predation sterile males and females of the natural popu-
Mating disruption when used alone does not Sterile insects can also be released at a
interfere with the action of predators and par- density sufficient to raise the concentration of
asites. Knight (1997) reported levels of egg the sex pheromone throughout the crop to a
predation around 20% higher in orchards level high enough to achieve mating disrup-
treated for mating disruption of codling moth, tion by trail masking. This would then com-
compared with orchards under conventional pare with the spraying of pheromone in, for
insecticide treatment. example, Hercon flakes or Consep Checkmate
macrocapsules for pink bollworm Pectino-
2.8. Delay in Mating phora gossypiella (Saunders), where satura-
tion of the environment is achieved at
Recent evidence indicates that very low levels between 12 000-50 000 sources per hectare
of pheromone in the environment, may delay (Hall and Marrs 1989).
mating. Brunner (2003) and Knight (1997) Sterile insects of one species could be used
believe that this delay in mating results from to control populations of a different pest
interference in mate location. species. For example, in a zone where both
Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata
3. Relevance to the Sterile (Wiedemann) and codling moth are estab-
Insect Technique (SIT) lished, sterile Mediterranean fruit flies can be
released coated with particles containing the
In any mating disruption technique, the main codling moth sex pheromone. The
constraints are the cost of the materials and Mediterranean fruit fly does not pose a threat
the labour-intensive process of placing dis- to the crop concerned but they act, as before,
pensers in the crop. In these respects, the as mobile dispensers of codling moth
Exosex system is considerably more cost- pheromone, decoying males away from
effective than other techniques. In the case of females. The main advantage here is that
codling moth, for example, the total amount Mediterranean fruit flies are much cheaper to
of pheromone dispensed per hectare is mass-rear than most Lepidoptera, including
between 80 and 200 milligrams in 25 dis- codling moth.
pensers. By comparison, most conventional Sterile insects could be coated with powder
techniques dispense between 45 and 192 containing a slow-acting chemical pesticide,
grams/hectare, i.e. around 1000 times as or spores of a fungal entomopathogen. Males
much, in 400-1000 dispensers (Chandler and females of the natural population attempt-
2004a,b). ing to mate with the released flies become
Area-wide integrated pest control pro- contaminated with the pathogen, which they
grammes using mating disruption may be pass to partners in subsequent mating
made more efficient by using sterile insects as attempts.
mobile dispensers of adhesive particles, carry- Possible advantages of the above applica-
ing behaviour-modifying chemicals. When tions: (1) environmental contamination is
they are coated with sex pheromone, they can reduced because the active ingredients are
achieve control by mating disruption, in applied to insects released into the environ-
which they act as female mimics, outcompet- ment and are not sprayed onto the crop; (2) the
ing the females (or males) in the natural pop- amounts of active ingredients used are much

Figure 1. Transfer of dyed adhesive particles to female Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capi-
tata during mating, measured using a fluorimetric assay. Ten virgin males artificially contam-
inated with adhesive particles were introduced to a fly cage with ten virgin females. Mating
pairs were removed and the experiment terminated when five pairs had mated. Closed bars
represent standard errors (n = 5).

lower than in conventional mating disruption efficacy of control. This may give rise to sub-
systems or lure-and-kill techniques; (3) as the stantial cost savings in production, although
method depends on the use of odours and the more insects are produced in a rearing
visual stimuli to which the particular pest is facility, the cheaper the insect becomes.
strongly attracted, it is also highly selective,
protecting, in particular, beneficial insects; (4) 4. Lure-and-Kill Applications
because sterile insects are used as carriers for with Mediterranean Fruit Fly
insecticides or behaviour-modifying com-
pounds they pose no risk to the build-up of The efficacy of a control method for the
pest populations: all mating result in sterile Mediterranean fruit fly (or any insect)
eggs; (5) the insects are biodegradable and do depends on several factors: the number of par-
not need to be removed from the crop, unlike ticles picked up, the number transferred to
plastic traps and dispensers commonly used in another insect, the concentration of active
insect control; (6) both sterile males and ster- ingredient in the particles, the rate of loss of
ile females can be released (unless the females particles from the cuticle of the secondarily
cause damage themselves); (7) quality control contaminated insect, and (in a lure-and-kill
of sterile male competitiveness becomes less system) the LT50 of the pesticide.
important if the main route of control is EntostatTM, electrostatically chargeable
through transfer of materials between individ- powders are readily picked up by
uals. It should be borne in mind that dispersal Mediterranean fruit flies. EntostatTM was
and survival will strongly influence the effica- dyed with a fluorescent dye and flies were
cy of the technique; and (8) the numbers of artificially contaminated with the dyed pow-
sterile insects released per unit area can be der in glass vials. The amount of dyed powder
substantially reduced while still achieving picked up by flies was determined by retriev-

powder was also transferred to females (Fig.

Fig. 3 shows the rate of loss of dyed adhe-
sive particles from Mediterranean fruit flies in
a controlled environment (laboratory condi-
tions of 20-25°C and 60-80% relative humid-
ity) assessed using a fluorimetric assay. This
conforms to a pattern the authors have also
observed in other Diptera of an initial loss of
50-60% of the material, followed by exponen-
tial loss over a period of from about one hour
Figure 2. Percentage of contaminated to at least one week. Most of the initial loss is
Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata after due to larger particles being lost from the sur-
five days exposure to an ExoLureTM dispenser face of cuticular hairs. These figures then sug-
in a field cage (Supplied courtesy of Karen gest that approximately 40% of the initial
Underwood). amount transferred from one insect to another
will remain on the secondarily contaminated
insect for at least a week.
ing the powder in solvent and running sam-
ples in a fluorimeter and comparing the sam- 5. Conclusions
ples to a calibration curve. It was determined
that Mediterranean fruit flies picked up a The Exosect technique can be used to coat dif-
mean average of 130 micrograms of ferent insect species with certain types of
EntostatTM powder. This amounts to approxi- powder that readily adhere to the cuticle and
mately 10 000 particles (P. Howse, unpub- studies are ongoing to assess the dynamics of
lished). There is therefore little doubt that powder pick-up and transfer between individ-
such insects can support quantities of attrac- uals. The final goal is to show that particles
tants that are well above the threshold of formulated with semiochemicals or insectici-
attraction for others of the same species. dal materials can be distributed throughout a
Transfer of electrostatically chargeable pest population by the insects themselves. It is
powders between individual Mediterranean proposed that this technique can be extended
fruit flies has been demonstrated both in the to use sterile insects as mobile dispensers, or
laboratory and in the field (P. Howse, K. vectors, of semiochemicals or pesticides.
Underwood, and C. Jackson, unpublished). In Work has now begun to establish dosage and
the laboratory, ten virgin males coated with transfer rates so that the efficacy of combining
dyed adhesive particles were introduced into a Exosect technologies with the SIT can be
cage with ten virgin females. After 1 hour 40 investigated.
minutes, half the flies had mated. It appears
that males lost particles during mating and the 6. Acknowledgements
mated females gained between 9.2 and 21.3
micrograms, i.e. around 10% of that retained The authors thank the Biotechnology and
by unmated males (Fig. 1). Similar results Biological Sciences Research Council
have been obtained with tsetse flies (Glossina (BBSRC) for the award of a grant to Exosect
austeni Newstead), (P. Howse and K. Ltd and the University of Southampton (Grant
Underwood, unpublished). In field cage no BBS/B/14663; Development of a lure and
experiments carried out in Mallorca, male kill system for the control of tephritid fruit fly
Mediterranean fruit flies made repeated visits pests). They are grateful to Karen Underwood,
to a bait station containing trimedlure and Lucy Barton and Lindsey Gaunt for valuable
electrostatically chargeable powder, and the information and technical assistance.

Figure 3. Loss of dyed EntostatTM powder from artificially contaminated male and female
Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata over time in a laboratory fly cage, measured using a
fluorimetric assay. Closed bars represent standard errors (n = 5).

7. References 257-260.
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Section 4

Feasibility Studies
Strategies to Control the Desert Locust
Schistocerca gregaria


Laboratory of Entomology, Wageningen University, PO Box 8031,

6700 EH Wageningen, The Netherlands

ABSTRACT The desert locust Schistocerca gregaria (Forskål) can infest an area from Mauritania to
India and roughly from the Mediterranean to the Equator. Plagues with many swarms of adults and very
many bands of hoppers are separated in time by recessions, when most of the locusts are scattered and con-
fined to the 16 million square kilometre arid central belt. Widespread and heavy rain in the recession belt
may lead to outbreak breeding. This may be followed by an upsurge during which successful breeding
occurs in areas to which the adults of successive generations migrate. Further population increases lead to
a plague. In spite of recent studies, the cost of the damage caused by the desert locust is not known and it
is not clear whether the costs of control balance the costs of the damage that is prevented. Nevertheless,
the impact on individual farmers may be devastating. Local crop protection is not feasible and financial
compensation is difficult. However, the main importance of the desert locust is "political" since swarms
are both dramatic and migrate between countries. The current strategy is to prevent plagues by controlling
the outbreak or the early upsurge, despite the lack of field evidence that this is effective, and theoretical
studies that suggest it is not. Adherence to such a preventive strategy, the irregular occurrence of plagues,
and the fact that even during a plague many countries will escape, has led to plague crisis management.
Donors have supplied aid, usually in the form of insecticides and aircraft, during upsurges and plagues with
no adequate assessment of the need or of the capacity of the recipient country to use what is supplied. Much
insecticide has remained in stock after plagues, creating a difficult disposal problem. Recent research and
development has concentrated on: (1) processing of survey data with geographical information systems
(GIS), (2) survey and application techniques using global positioning systems (GPS) and precision spray-
ing, (3) physiological and ecological studies focussing on phase change, (4) barrier applications with new
persistent insecticides, (5) use of biopesticides, especially mycopesticides and insect growth regulators,
and (6) environmental monitoring. Hope for the discovery of some novel solution to the desert locust prob-
lem should not detract attention from improving campaign organization, as this will be required with any
feasible new research finding. However, priority needs are to gather more information about recession pop-
ulations, evaluate control campaigns, elaborate a new strategy for outbreak prevention, develop contin-
gency plans for a plague campaign, and provide training in the execution of such plans when the need aris-

KEY WORDS desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria, strategy, outbreak, upsurge, plague, prevention,
insurance, contingency plan

1. Introduction kilometre, belt of arid and semi-arid land

extending from the Atlantic Ocean to north-
The desert locust Schistocerca gregaria western India and covering more than 25
(Forskål) can infest a huge area (29 million countries.
square kilometres) putting more than 65 coun- The desert locust lives in an arid environ-
tries intermittently at risk (Fig. 1). During ment and needs a certain amount of rainfall
recession periods when densities are low, the for the environment to become favourable for
solitarious form of the desert locust generally breeding. Since it has no resting stage to wait
are scattered over a broad, 16 million square out prolonged periods of drought, it has to
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 285–296.
© 2007 IAEA.

Figure 1. Desert locust recession and invasion areas with recession migration circuits. Map
modified after Symmons and Cressman (2001).

migrate after one or sometimes two genera- (Gruys 1991). The last upsurge developed fol-
tions from areas that, were temporarily lowing heavy rains in most of the Sahel region
favourable for breeding but have dried out, to in 2003 and continued in 2004.
newly favourable areas where recent rains
have fallen. During recession periods, in 2. Economics of Locust Control
which overall populations are low and the
locusts are in their solitarious stage, these 2.1. Costs and Benefits of Locust Control
migrations are inconspicuous.
How do plagues develop? The change A bioeconomic simulation model developed
from the solitarious to the fully gregarious from historical data and an expert assessment
form takes a number of generations, and pro- commissioned by donors concluded that the
gresses from local outbreaks via upsurges to costs and benefits of locust control were of the
plagues. Outbreaks occur locally after unusu- same order of magnitude (FAO 1998).
ally heavy rains, with the resulting vegetation Another study concluded that control invest-
allowing successful breeding and the develop- ments exceeded potentially preventable losses
ment of gregarious behaviour in the form of (Herok and Krall 1995). However, both stud-
very many small “patches” of nymphs (aggre- ies were not refereed and included a large
gations covering an area of about ten square number of uncertain assumptions. The desert
metres). Upsurges occur when widespread locust is a “political pest” in the sense that its
and heavy rains fall in successive generations occurrence as a plague and its resulting dam-
or adjacent breeding areas. This may finally age are spectacular, creating popular demands
result in a plague, characterized by many adult for action. Furthermore, swarms can migrate
swarms and very many nymphal bands (also great distances making the desert locust a
called hopper bands). A plague may last transnational problem. Consequently, desert
between three and 22 years. The last major locust plagues receive much attention from
plague occurred in large parts of Africa from the press, and therefore from politicians.
1986 to 1989. Insecticides sufficient to treat Issues that need to be taken into account
260 000 square kilometres in the Sahel region when deciding to manage desert locust popu-
and North Africa were supplied during this lations include: (1) interrelations, since failure
period, at a cost of about USD 315 million to control in one area has negative effects on

others. In fact, effective preventive control schemes. Another issue raised was whether
operations conducted simultaneously over the the humanitarian aspect of people affected by
whole distribution area of the desert locust locust invasions would be taken sufficiently
(i.e. area-wide) has never been implemented. into account (FAO 1998). Would the interna-
This is because some infested areas are too tional donor community favour engagement
remote, others are insecure and some are in insurance schemes or food aid in preference
located in countries having desert locust con- to supporting control efforts? LeCoq (2001)
trol units that exist in name only. A more coor- and Krall (1995) found these options unrealis-
dinated approach may change the above- tic and little adapted to the economic and
described relationship between costs and ben- social realities of the countries involved.
efits; (2) real costs, since it has been suggest- Commercial insurance depends on statistical
ed that to detect and control early upsurges data on risk and cost; what is your house
throughout the recession area may be too cost- worth and how often does a house burn down?
ly to be feasible (van Huis 1994); and (3) There is no basis for estimating the risk of a
environmental and health issues arising from field being invaded by locusts, and even esti-
control campaigns, since the effect of spray- mating the loss that might result would be dif-
ing on the environment, the risk to operators ficult.
and others, and the hazard associated with sur-
plus insecticide storage, also have to be taken 3. Technical Strategy to Control
into account. Locusts
2.2. Insurance Schemes to Mitigate 3.1. Outbreak Prevention
The current official strategy is to prevent
Would the damage caused by desert locust plagues by control at the local outbreak or
qualify for insurance schemes in the context early upsurge stage. This is superficially
of disaster management? The inherently attractive and it seems sensible to control
unpredictable nature of locust damage and the when numbers are relatively low. However,
low overall probability of an individual control is not a matter of numbers but of the
farmer or village being affected, mean that area needing treatment, of the difficulty of
crop insurance is an obvious means in princi- finding the targets, of the control methods that
ple to mitigate the risks (Hazell et al. 1986). In are appropriate, and of the time available to
practice, high operating costs and premiums, muster and deploy resources. For example,
especially when the infrastructure is weak the swarms of a plague might number perhaps
(Hardeweg 2001), would render formal public twenty with a total area of about 1000 square
or private insurance schemes impractical in kilometres (with 5 x 109 locusts). The “patch-
the context of locusts threatening semi-arid es” of an outbreak might be distributed over
farming systems (Anderson and Dillon 1992). very many times that area although the total
Assistance towards community level informal number of insects would be only a small frac-
risk mitigation (e.g. tenancy contracts or tion of the number in a plague population.
extended family networks) has better poten- Symmons and van Huis (1997) calculated
tial. The appropriateness of insurance the efficiency of controlling an outbreak in an
schemes would probably also depend on the area of 20 000 square kilometres (of which
countries (Maghreb or Sahel) and the type of 4000 square kilometres was green) treating
agriculture (cash or subsistence crops). either blocks using vehicle-mounted ultra-low
Hardeweg (2001) developed a conceptual volume sprayers or individual patches using
framework for economic evaluation of desert hand-held ultra low volume sprayers.
locust interventions, suggesting that farmers Spraying patches using a vehicle is not effec-
would be willing to participate in insurance tive since they are too small; therefore blocks

have to be identified that contain sufficient kilometres to about 5000 square kilometres
patches to make spraying efficient. Results (Bennett 1976).
indicated that one team with two vehicles The crucial question is at which stage dur-
could spray no more than 0.28 square kilome- ing the development of a plague a sufficient
tres during a day, and during a whole cam- proportion of the population would be in the
paign not more than seven square kilometres. gregarious phase and become suitable targets
To effectively treat either all infested blocks for control. At which population densities and
or all patches would require more than 75 degrees of gregarization does upsurge preven-
vehicles to control only 50% of the popula- tion end and upsurge elimination begin?
tion. Upsurge prevention by outbreak elimination
During two contingency planning work- is almost certainly not feasible at reasonable
shops in Egypt and Mauritania (FAO 2002a, costs. In practice, probably upsurge elimina-
2004) when field monitoring was carried out tion is what is normally attempted, and if that
with experienced survey operators, it was fails, plague suppression. Upsurge elimination
proven that the above-mentioned values were is difficult to define and probably difficult to
probably far too optimistic. It is very difficult carry out. The reason is that the populations
to demarcate infested blocks and when decid- are a mixture and the mix itself changes as the
ing on treating each patch individually by upsurge develops. At the hopper stage there
hand-held sprayers, the problem is that these may be medium-sized bands, small bands,
patches are very difficult to find. Magor groups, patches and scattered hoppers. Adults
(1999) also indicated the difficulty of finding may be scattered, in groups, in “light flights”,
locust infestations during early outbreaks. in low-density swarms that may well disperse
Besides, outbreaks in the immense recession and reform, as well as in small cohesive
area (Hemming et al. 1979), where the rain swarms. The definition of ”prevention” is not
needed for breeding is often sporadic, appear clear and can be taken to mean different things
suddenly (Roffey and Popov 1968), and are (van Huis 1994, LeCoq 2001). It may include
therefore often not detected. Therefore, out- all control efforts up to upsurge elimination
break prevention – namely the control of gre- (Posamentier and Magor 1997).
garizing locusts that might cause an outbreak
– is almost certainly not possible. 3.3. Swarm or Hopper Control

3.2. Upsurge Prevention During late upsurges and plagues, adult

swarm spraying is much more efficient than
So, what would be the appropriate control hopper control and it has been claimed that it
strategy when outbreak control to prevent may be the only feasible method of achieving
upsurges or plagues is not possible? During general population reduction (Courshee 1990,
outbreaks and the early stages of an upsurge Symmons 1992). Symmons (1992) pointed
only a certain proportion of the population out that ten square kilometres with a 5% band
behaves gregariously. During this stage infestation would need to be treated to prevent
numerous small gregarious hopper bands are one square kilometre of swarm on the proba-
scattered over a large area. During the devel- bly generous assumption that one square kilo-
opment of an upsurge the bands and swarms metre of band would give rise to two square
become progressively larger and more cohe- kilometre of swarm. Despite this, most cam-
sive, and the infested area diminishes. This paigns concentrate on hopper control. This is
can be illustrated using data from the develop- unavoidable in the early stages of an upsurge
ment of the 1968 plague. Locust numbers dur- when swarms are small and perhaps transito-
ing three generations increased from 2000 ry. In late upsurges, swarm control is theoreti-
million to 30 000 million while the total area cally attractive. However, although swarm
infested decreased from over 100 000 square control is very effective, there is a risk that

swarms will escape control because of their particular barrier treatments, (7)
mobility and the limited time frame available environmental impact assessment, and (8)
for control actions. Control of swarms economic impact assessment.
requires timely action and excellent organiza- The main constraints in conducting desert
tional and logistic capabilities (van Huis locust research are the lack of a coordination
1997). body, lack of partnership between southern
and northern institutes, operational locust data
3.4. Strategy Question Unresolved not being utilized, the difficulty and costs of
conducting field research, and the lack of con-
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the tinuity of research not only in terms of the
United Nations (FAO) established in 1994 an unpredictable occurrence of locust infesta-
Emergency Prevention System (EMPRES) for tions but also of funds. The longer the reces-
Transboundary Animal and Plant Pests and sion period, the less local authorities and
Diseases in order to minimize the risk of such international donors are willing to support
emergencies developing. During a meeting of research.
EMPRES aimed at desert locust plague pre-
vention in the central region (those countries 4.1. Forecasting, Monitoring and Early
bordering the Red Sea), it was concluded that Warning
an optimal control strategy could not be iden-
tified, due to insufficient data, and called for Ground and aerial survey teams transmit their
the collection and analysis of data during data to the national plant protection organiza-
future outbreaks and upsurges (FAO 1997). tions (NPPOs) for collation and analysis as
However, during the past seven years only well as to FAO headquarters, where analysis
recession populations could be studied. and forecasting is carried out at the interna-
An outbreak occurred in 2003 in West tional level. In 1996, FAO introduced the
Africa, an upsurge was underway in 2004 and Schistocerca Warning Management System
ended due to adverse climatic conditions dur- (SWARMS), a geographic information system
ing the spring of 2005 in the Maghreb coun- (GIS) for desert locusts. This allows storage
tries. However, the impact of the upsurge con- of data in several databases, display of current
trol actions in 2004 has not been quantified. data on maps consisting of various thematic
At times when control is needed there is an overlays (e.g. rainfall, habitat conditions,
understandable demand to devote all available locust incidence), and comparison to histori-
resources to control. Therefore, the question cal data (Cressman 1997).
when to intervene remains unresolved. In terms of monitoring and early warning,
progress has been made with the development
4. Contribution of Research to of a GIS called Reconnaissance and
Improve Control Management Systems for the Environment of
Schistocerca (RAMSES) (Rosenberg 2000).
In 2000 a group of desert locust experts iden- The system is a computerized application that
tified the following research areas (FAO allows the nationally designated locust infor-
2000): (1) population dynamics (migration mation officer to store, view and retrieve
monitoring, intervention threshold parame- locust-related data for his/her country. The use
ters, genetic studies to characterize popula- of eLocust (a handheld computer that the
tions and to understand migration), (2) map- locust officer uses in the field to enter data and
ping of gregarization biotopes, (3) changes of transmit it to RAMSES) has further improved
ecological factors in recession areas, (4) mor- data management capability within the coun-
tality factors, (5) alternatives to synthetic try. RAMSES can also display and analyse
insecticides (mycopesticides, semiochemicals remote sensing imagery. The combination of
and botanicals), (6) application techniques in satellite images, complementary geographical

information such as soil maps, and locust data of more than five years under refrigeration
gives information about the regions at risk and and approximately one year at 30°C. The
assists in planning field surveys and may biopesticide kills 70-90% of treated locusts
facilitate an area-wide approach that eventual- within 14 to 20 days with no measurable
ly may reduce or prevent plague development. impact on non-target organisms (Lomer et al.
4.2. Physiological and Ecological Studies Phenylacetonitrile inhibits pheromonal
communication of gregarious nymphs result-
A number of physiological and ecological ing in loss of their gregarious behaviour
studies have been carried out during the last (Hassanali et al. 2005). Phenylacetonitrile
ten years to gain a better understanding of the also seems to increase the vulnerability of
behaviour of desert locust populations. Of locusts to conventional insecticides.
particular importance were studies conducted Combining phenylacetonitrile with the
on the causes of shifts from solitarious to gre- biopesticide would enable the concentration
garious behaviour. It appears that patchiness of the biopesticide to be reduced by a factor of
of vegetation and insufficient nutrition four (Pettit and Jenkins 2005). However, it is
increases activity and crowding of locusts unlikely that the biopesticide can be effective-
(Despland and Simpson 2000), and the result- ly used in large-scale desert locust plague sit-
ing mechanical stimulation of the hind femur uations due to the time necessary to produce
seems to play an important role in the phase the product and its delayed control action. Its
transition (Simpson et al. 2001). use will probably be restricted to environmen-
Woldewahid et al. (2004, 2006) found a tal sensitive areas (Lomer et al. 2001).
strong association between the occurrence of Skaf et al. (1990) reasoned that since barri-
solitary locusts and a certain plant community er spraying with the very effective dieldrin,
that covered only 5% of the area. Application which is both extremely persistent and biocu-
of these findings to surveys will considerably mulative, was no longer possible there would
improve their efficiency. Various authorities be major technical, logistic and financial
have suggested that the apparent association problems in containing plagues. Fipronil and
of outbreaks and “drought-breaking rains” insect growth regulators (IGRs) have been
may be caused by an unusually high quality of proposed as replacements to dieldrin (which is
food plants at such times. not being produced and used anymore).
However, there are concerns that these prod-
4.3. New Insecticides ucts have negative environmental impacts.
For example, the environmental impact of
New products have been investigated such as fipronil was tested in large-scale, long-term
semiochemicals, botanicals, and mycopesti- field trials mimicking locust control opera-
cides. Mycopesticides are currently opera- tions and found to have devastating effects on
tionally used in Australia against the termite and ant populations (Tingle et al.
Australian plague locust Chortoicetes ter- 2000, Peveling et al. 2003).
minifera (Walker). Against the desert locust, a It is often tacitly assumed that barrier treat-
consortium of donors supported for 13 years a ment solves the block demarcation problem.
programme called Lutte Biologie Contre les In fact, it makes that task more difficult.
Locustes et les Sautériaux (LUBILOSA) to Blocks must be larger and percentage infesta-
develop a mycopesticide based on an African tion less, and the lower the percentage infesta-
strain of the fungus Metarhizium anisopliae tion, the more difficult demarcation becomes.
var. acridum (Gams and Rozyspal). It is The alternative is to define the area for treat-
applied as an oil suspension and can be ment on the basis of reports of mature
sprayed using standard ultra low volume spin- swarms. However, that might lead to treating
ning disk spray equipment. It has a shelf-life hundreds of thousands of square kilometres to

control the resulting hoppers from those should commit themselves to sustain such
swarms. Barrier treatment will not work dur- small flexible locust units. This has the atten-
ing an outbreak and would probably not be tion of EMPRES. Separate anti-locust units in
successful during an upsurge, since it relies on countries within the invasion area but outside
hopper mobility and at those stages hoppers the recession area are not considered neces-
move little. sary.

4.4. Contribution of New Techniques and 6. Upsurge and Plague Control

Products to Control
During plagues and upsurges the main actors
Control application techniques have been are: national governments, FAO, regional
improved by the use of global positioning sys- locust organizations, and donors. What are the
tems (GPS) and differential GPS. Details of roles and responsibilities of each of these
these and other new techniques are given in organizations?
the Desert Locust Control Committee
(DLCC) reports and by LeCoq (2001). 6.1. National Governments
Whatever control method is going to be used,
most of the above-mentioned products are Many locust-affected countries are among the
contact insecticides meaning that targets have poorest in the world. In several of these coun-
to be sprayed very likely in blocks. However, tries locust control has no priority. In any given
finding the targets and demarcating them in country a plague will be a rare event. Few
blocks is a prerequisite to being able to use countries in the recession area have organiza-
them. Therefore, LeCoq (2001) stated that tions, in a permanent state of readiness, capa-
locust control depends more on political and ble of combating such locust plagues. It fol-
institutional choices than on scientific and lows that when a plague does threaten there is
technological innovations. It is probably bet- a need to either expand or create a powerful
ter to say that control depends more on organ- anti-locust capability quickly. The issues to be
ization and technical choice than on innova- dealt with at the national level are: (1) justifi-
tion, but the organization and technical choic- cation, (2) scale of operations, (3) definitions
es are influenced by politics. of threats, (4) selection of survey and control
methods, (5) resources needed and available
5. Sustaining Locust Capacity during recessions (within locust unit and else-
During Recession Years where), upsurges and plagues, (6) sources of
funds, (7) time to acquire resources, (8) orga-
When there are no upsurges or plagues it may nizational arrangements, (9) responsibilities at
be difficult to convince national governments different levels of threat, and (10) timetables
of the necessity to maintain a locust unit, in (Annex 3 in Symmons and van Huis 1997).
particular when other crop protection prob- Previous plagues have been a matter of cri-
lems arise. However, due to the transboundary sis management with the approach being reac-
character of the plague, a minimum capacity tive instead of proactive. During the 1986-89
is required to ensure that locusts are moni- plague, mismanagement resulted in a waste of
tored to find outbreaks and upsurges and that resources and non-judicious use of insecticides
the country is prepared when populations are (OTA 1990, Joffe 1995). Was there any
building up (continuous actualization of emer- improvement 15 years after the 1986-1989
gency action plans). This minimum level of plague events?
activity should be determined by each country
(in terms of number and capacity of human 6.2. FAO
resources, and of survey, control and commu-
nication equipment). National governments The desert locust was considered the first pri-

ority problem to be addressed by EMPRES tion can fail and therefore plague campaign
(see section 3.4) and activities were initiated contingency plans are needed. Therefore
in the central region of the desert locust distri- regional contingency workshops were con-
bution area since this was where most desert ducted in Egypt and Mauritania and guide-
locust plagues had originated in the past. The lines provided to countries.
nine frontline countries along both sides of the A contingency plan or an emergency action
Red Sea and in the Arabian Peninsula are plan is the crux of any locust plague cam-
included in the programme. In 2006 its activi- paign. Without such a plan, the establishment
ties were handed over to the FAO of locust units would be a waste of time. Often
Commission for Controlling the Desert locust campaigns against major upsurges and
Locust in the Central Region (CRC). There plagues have been compared to a war. What is
are 16 member countries in the CRC with a needed during a war are: (1) weapons (insec-
secretariat based in Cairo, Egypt. The desert ticides), (2) people who know how to use
locust component of EMPRES in the western them (trained people), (3) means of finding
region commenced in 2005 and involved nine the enemy (monitoring capacity), (4) intelli-
frontline countries in the Maghreb and the gence in the information sense and analysis
Sahel. Activities and management are closely (information service), (5) a command struc-
linked to the FAO Commission for ture to allow deployment and redeployment
Controlling the Desert Locust in the Western (an efficient and effective control organiza-
Region (CLCPRO). There is an EMPRES tion), and (6) adequate resources in personnel,
office in Dakar, Senegal while the commis- equipment and materials (resources to survey
sion’s secretariat is located in Algiers, and control).
Algeria. Having a clear understanding of these
The main objectives of the desert locust issues is most important for containing locust
component of EMPRES are to harmonize plagues. It means that for different levels of
regional cooperation, to enhance national and threat it should be clear what is available and
regional communication, to improve early what should be done. For example: (1) exis-
warning and information systems, to improve tence, procurement and distribution of insecti-
survey systems, to set-up and implement con- cides, control equipment, vehicles, planes,
tingency plans, to introduce efficient and camping equipment etc. (from national plant
environmentally safer control methods, and to protection organizations, other ministries, and
develop systematic methods of campaign donors), (2) the kind of actions needed in
evaluation. Strengthening national locust units terms of information, training, monitoring and
in training, survey and research is the main control, and (3) who is responsible for what
objective. The overall programme goal was (FAO headquarters, national plant protection
redefined in February 2000 (FAO 2002b) as: organizations, ministries of agriculture,
finance and defence, donors), etc.
To strengthen the capabilities and capacities of
the national, regional, and international compo- Another complicating issue is that when
nents of the desert locust management system to bands and swarms exist, all efforts are con-
implement effective and efficient preventive con- centrated in eliminating them. Estimates of
trol strategies based on early warning and time- the total number of locusts present or the total
ly, environmentally sound, early control inter-
ventions. area infested are only rarely made (Bennett
and Symmons 1972). Such estimates are not
Although the term “preventive” is subject easy, but without them, assessments of the
to many interpretations, there is no doubt that impact of campaigns are not possible. The
this statement refers to outbreak and early effectiveness of individual treatments has not
upsurge control, tacitly assuming that this is been monitored, and moreover there is often
feasible. In practice, those now running the inadequate knowledge of the technique of
programme have come to realize that preven- “incremental” spraying of concentrated insec-

ticides (ultra low volume spraying) against available a permanent “desert locust emer-
locusts. This means there is not yet a clear gency fund”, large enough to start emer-
strategy for locust control. gency operations.
Locust plagues are an international event.
Uvarov (1953) stated 6.3. Regional Locust Organizations
Locusts recognize no frontiers...
There is only one operational regional locust
and organization: the Desert Locust Control many cases, the ability of locust swarms to Organization for East Africa (DLCO-EA). It
cross frontiers is more readily admitted when specializes in aerial surveillance and control
they are entering a country than when they are of the desert locust, grain-eating birds and the
leaving it for the neighbouring one.
tsetse fly. Member countries can apply for
The organization responsible for, and the assistance in control activities. Another
only organization capable of international regional organization Organisation Commune
coordination is FAO. Currently, apart from de Lutte Antiacridienne et de Lutte Antiaviare
its EMPRES-related desert locust and other (OCLALAV) in West Africa is not opera-
long-term coordination activities such as tional.
those embodied in the Desert Locust Control
Committee, FAO’s main involvement is 6.4. Donors
forecasting. This is done by the Desert
Locust Information Service (DLIS) at FAO Donors are particularly interested in evaluat-
headquarters based on rainfall and habitat ing the effectiveness and efficiency of desert
information provided by satellite images and locust campaign operations. The following
locust data provided by countries. However, aspects are considered important:
the difficulties for the countries to provide (1) organizational issues – role of local,
adequate information should not be underes- regional, international and donor organiza-
timated because of the logistical problems tions, cooperation, coordination, communica-
involved in surveying immense areas. tion, logistics, training, contingency planning,
In emergencies, the Locust and Other (2) technical issues – collection, analysis and
Migratory Pests Group of FAO becomes the dissemination of information, improved fore-
Emergency Centre for Locust Operations casting, integrated pest management
(ECLO) with additional competencies to approaches, efficacy of insecticide applica-
manage the locust situation. The most tions, locust population dynamics, crop dam-
important issues to be dealt with by FAO age, and sustainability, (3) financial issues –
during an emergency are: (1) the collection, national and emergency funds, management
analysis and dissemination of information, of funds, and contingency planning, and (4)
(2) the assessment of the situation through health and environmental issues – insecticide
provision of consultant services, (3) the banks, obsolete insecticides, biodiversity (pol-
assessment of survey and control efficiency, linators and biodiversity), alternatives to syn-
(4) the procurement and management of con- thetic insecticides, safety procedures (food
tingency funds from donors, (5) donor coor- residues, water contamination, toxicological
dination, (6) the arrangement of internation- monitoring of staff, existence of protocols),
al meetings for all stakeholders, (7) insecti- procurement of insecticides, insecticide
cide management (procurement, contin- stocks, disposal of insecticides, and quality of
gency stocks, distribution, and avoiding the insecticides.
problem of obsolete products), and (8) con- To record what has been done and to eval-
tact with commercial organizations (provi- uate the impact of any action undertaken is the
sion of aircraft, equipment and insecticides). crux of locust control. Independence of sur-
The donors could collaborate by making veys and control, the extent of the area infest-

ed and the populations of locusts therein lations. Equally important, they should follow
should be determined. This is the only way to up to see that some attempt has been made to
determine which part of the population was execute the plan. Such plans of course con-
destroyed during an outbreak or upsurge, and cern the items already listed. The execution of
whether control is making any sense. a campaign requires flexibility. No battle ever
Probably the best criterion is the extent (area) goes according to plan. During recession peri-
of the infestation, more than the density of the ods there is enough time to develop contin-
population. gency plans to execute an effective campaign
Campaign evaluation during outbreaks/ in time of need.
upsurges, and outbreak prevention during Another issue of crucial importance is the
recessions are other crucial issues that need to strategy of locust control. Campaigns need to
be addressed (effectiveness of control opera- be evaluated independently during outbreaks/
tions). The way in which this can be done upsurges to determine the extent of infesta-
most effectively has to be considered. tions and the effect of control efforts. The
Probably the best approach for regional coor- other issue is how to prevent outbreaks during
dination would be to establish an independent recessions. Can surveys be better targeted?
group responsible for these activities, but When done effectively on an area-wide basis
hosted at FAO. could this lead to a new strategy of outbreak
7. Conclusions
8. Acknowledgement
Popov (1972) stated that the objectives of
locust surveys are simple: The comments and suggestions made by Dr.
Phil Symmons and Dr. Peter Gruys on an ear-
To find economically important locust popula-
tions and destroy them as efficiently as possible. lier draft of this paper are gratefully acknowl-
It often seems that miracles are expected
from technical innovations. Large funds have 9. References
been spent on satellite imagery, remote sens-
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The Mountain Pine Beetle Dendroctonus pon-
derosae in Western North America: Potential
for Area-Wide Integrated Management


Pacific Forestry Centre, Canadian Forest Service, Victoria BC, Canada

V8Z 1M5

ABSTRACT Epidemics of the mountain pine beetle Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins have
occurred within the pine forests of western North America four times during the last century. Considerable
resources have been directed toward suppression of populations due to the extensive tree mortality associ-
ated with outbreaks. However, management efforts have been largely unsuccessful. A framework for suc-
cessful control based on simple population processes is proposed and used to evaluate past management
efforts. The compounding effects of increasingly susceptible forests due to climate change and the legacy
of forest fire suppression are discussed. Due to the increase in the amount of susceptible pine, the mountain
pine beetle epidemic that began in the 1990s has spread over nine million hectares. Because of its size, con-
trol efforts against the present major outbreak are largely irrelevant. However, a swift and aggressive area-
wide control strategy is required to limit the spread of isolated populations east of the Rocky Mountains.
This strategy must integrate advances in remote sensing technology that permit the earliest possible detec-
tion of small incipient epidemic infestations with novel forms of direct control and aggressive sanitation
harvesting. In the long term, mitigation of impacts will only be possible through the area-wide manage-
ment of the amount of susceptible pine.

KEY WORDS mountain pine beetle, direct control, forest fire suppression, climate change, range
expansion, area-wide management

1. Introduction successional patterns of forest growth, affect

watershed quality, wildlife composition, and
The mountain pine beetle Dendroctonus pon- recreational values (Safranyik et al. 1974).
derosae Hopkins. is the most destructive biot- The mountain pine beetle is broadly dis-
ic agent of mature pine forests in western tributed in western North America from north-
North America. Normally it is innocuous, ern Mexico to north-western British
infesting only a few suppressed or damaged Columbia, Canada. Throughout its range, it
trees scattered throughout a forest. However, breeds in virtually all species of native or
populations periodically erupt into large-scale introduced pine (Furniss and Schenk 1969).
epidemics capable of causing the mortality of However, lodgepole pine Pinus contorta var.
trees over many thousands of hectares. In latifolia Engelmann is considered to be the
Canada, the most extensive outbreaks have beetles’ primary host due to the size, intensity
occurred in the southern interior regions of and commercial impact of epidemics in that
British Columbia, while in the USA the forest type.
largest outbreaks have manifested in the During the past century, four significant
Rocky Mountain states. In addition to exten- mountain pine beetle epidemics have occurred
sive timber losses, mountain pine beetle epi- in North America (Taylor and Carroll 2004).
demics may increase fuels for wild fires, alter Given the extensive tree mortality associated
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 297–307.
© 2007 IAEA.

with outbreaks, considerable resources have overwhelming host defences (Raffa and
been directed toward their control. Berryman 1983). Second, the beetles have
Unfortunately, very few management efforts evolved a mutualistic relationship with phy-
have achieved population suppression (Klein topathogenic ophiostomoid fungi. Attacking
1978). The objectives of this paper are to (1) beetles introduce fungal spores that rapidly
establish a theoretical framework for success- invade the phloem and sapwood, thereby
ful control of the mountain pine beetle derived compromising the expression of tree defences
from simple population processes, (2) utilize (Safranyik et al. 1975). The combination of
this theoretical framework to assess previous larval tunnelling within the phloem, and rapid
efforts at control (insofar as the literature per- fungal colonization following mass-attacks
mits), (3) examine the challenges for success- invariably cause tree mortality before the
ful control associated with changing climate onset of winter.
and the legacy of past forest management Following successful colonization, mated
practices, and (4) discuss the relevance of females oviposit in niches chewed along ver-
future, area-wide control efforts in the short- tical galleries. Eggs hatch within several days
and long-term given the current status of and larvae mine circumferentially around the
mountain pine beetle in North America. bole, developing through four instars. The
beetles typically overwinter as late-instar lar-
2. A Population-Based vae, before completing their development dur-
Framework for Successful ing the following spring and early summer
Control (Reid 1962).
There are four distinct phases in the popu-
2.1. Mountain Pine Beetle Population lation cycle of the mountain pine beetle:
Processes endemic, incipient epidemic, epidemic (i.e.
outbreak) and post-epidemic populations
Normally, the mountain pine beetle must kill (Safranyik and Carroll 2006). The endemic
its host to reproduce successfully. It is a sub- and incipient epidemic phases represent dis-
cortical herbivore that feeds within the tinct population states regarding interactions
phloem (i.e. the vascular tissues between the of beetles with individual host trees and
bark and the sapwood). Mature, large-diame- stands, whereas the latter two population
ter trees are preferred due to their thicker, phases mainly represent differences in popu-
more nutritious phloem (Amman 1972). lation size and spatial extent.
However, these trees are normally the most Following the collapse of outbreaks during
vigorous and therefore the most resistant to the post-epidemic phase, and before popula-
attack within a stand (Safranyik et al. 1974). tions increase to incipient epidemics, the
As attacking beetles bore through the bark of mountain pine beetle is considered to be in the
a potential host, the tree responds by produc- endemic phase. An endemic population can be
ing copious quantities of toxic resin defined as one with insufficient beetles to
(Berryman 1972). If the density and/or rate of overcome the resistance of any large-diameter
arrival of attacking beetles are low, they may tree within a stand. Beetles are therefore
be flushed from the tree or encapsulated in restricted to low-quality host trees with little
resin-soaked tissues beneath the bark or no defensive capacity. Natural enemies,
(Safranyik et al. 1975). weather, inter- and intraspecific competition
The mountain pine beetle has evolved two combine to balance mortality and reproduc-
complex adaptations that facilitate the colo- tion rates so annual changes in population and
nization of often highly resistant trees. First, damage levels are minimal. Since female
beetles employ aggregation pheromones to mountain pine beetles produce an average of
ensure that they arrive and initiate attacks 60 eggs, and two-thirds of offspring (i.e. 40)
simultaneously (i.e. mass-attack), thereby are female (Reid 1962), then given that only

one female offspring needs to survive to from natural enemies and competitors can
achieve replacement, approximately 97.5% hasten population collapse (Safranyik and
generation mortality (i.e. 39/40) is required to Carroll 2006).
keep endemic populations static (Safranyik
and Carroll 2006). 2.2. The Framework
The incipient epidemic phase begins when
mountain pine beetle populations have grown Knowledge of the basic population process-
to a minimum size sufficient to successfully es associated with the mountain pine beetle
mass-attack a single large-diameter tree with- is essential for effective control efforts. In
in a stand. The main factors that permit popu- populations where conditions have changed
lations to increase to the incipient epidemic such that reproduction outweighs mortality,
phase are those that cause either a decline in unless a sufficient amount of additional mor-
tree resistance or an increase in beetle popula- tality is introduced, the infestation will
tion size. For example, a number of consecu- expand. Given that beetles spend the vast
tive years of warm and dry weather, favouring majority of their life cycle beneath the bark
beetle survival and compromising tree resist- of trees, the only viable means (to date) of
ance (through drought), have been associated adding mortality involves destroying beetles
with sustained increases in beetle populations in infested trees before they can complete
(Thomson and Shrimpton 1984). Interestingly, their life cycle and disperse to new hosts.
only a very small rise in survival is required More specifically, this entails the treatment
for populations to increase dramatically. For of single trees or small groups of trees
example, if generation mortality declines from through felling and burning (or bark
97.5 to 95.0%, then populations have the removal), removal and processing (where
potential to double in size (Safranyik and transport to a mill is economical), or the
Carroll 2006). Once populations have gained application of a systemic insecticide. Larger
access to large-diameter trees, their potential groups of trees are felled, transported to a
rate of increase is often extremely high. mill and processed; a practice known as san-
During the transition from the incipient epi- itation harvesting. The relative success of
demic to the epidemic phase, local popula- these tactics is dependent upon the state of
tions often increase more than eight-fold, yearly. the beetle population.
An outbreak forms as incipient epidemic Initially mountain pine beetle popula-
infestations coalesce over the landscape. This tions appear to grow relatively slowly. For
involves emigration of mountain pine beetles example, a stand with one infested tree and
from localized points of increase into neigh- a population where the generation mortality
bouring stands, thereby facilitating the has declined slightly to allow it to double
endemic-incipient epidemic transition of resi- each year (i.e. a rate of increase R = 2) will
dent populations. If large areas of susceptible have 512 dead trees after ten years. This rep-
host trees coincide with sustained favourable resents less than 2% of the trees within a 20-
weather conditions for beetle survival, epi- hectare stand, and therefore the population
demics will spread over vast areas. Due to the may escape detection or concern for a num-
sheer number of beetles, epidemic populations ber of years. If the infestation was detected
can rebound from a large-scale mortality event. and, in an effort to control it, 37.5% of the
The post-epidemic phase comprises the infested trees were removed during the 4th
collapse of outbreaks, generally as a conse- year, 194 fewer trees would be killed by year
quence of depletion of the large-diameter trees ten, but the population would continue to
within stands and/or unseasonably cold expand (Fig. 1). From this example, the
weather conditions during the period from late question arises: what level of mortality must
autumn to early spring. In the final stages of be added and how often, to slow or stop an
the post-epidemic phase, increased mortality increasing population?

The general concept is straightforward. To

maintain a static population, a proportion of
infested trees (P) must be removed in each
year equivalent to:
P = 1-1/R (1)
where R is the yearly rate of increase in the
population. In other words, if the population is
expected to triple yearly (R = 3), then two-
thirds of all infested trees would have to be
removed and destroyed before the flight peri-
od each year. Obviously, if a reduction in the
size of the population is the goal, then Figure 1. Number of trees killed by mountain
removal rates must exceed two-thirds. The pine beetle versus age of an incipient epidem-
concept is presented graphically in Fig. 2. For ic population doubling in size yearly (solid
any measured rate of increase, unless suffi- line). The broken line represents the same
cient mortality is introduced that equals or population with the removal of 37.5% of
exceeds the yearly growth in a population, it infested trees in year four.
will continue to increase.
With the above framework in mind, control be treated that season, and a similar propor-
efforts must be considered in light of the pop- tion in subsequent seasons provided R
ulation phases described previously. In the remains constant. If there is ready access to
endemic situation, population increase is usu- the infestation, it is highly amenable to direct
ally constrained to unity. This is the state control.
where management efforts can have their An incipient epidemic population may take
greatest impact. Beetles are restricted to a few only two to three years to develop into an out-
weakened or damaged trees within a stand, so break if left untreated and rates of increase
relative to the potential rate of increase and remain high. During an outbreak, the number
the number of trees involved, removal of any
of the infested stems would suppress the pop-
ulation (Fig. 2). Thus, provided they can be
detected, endemic populations are amenable
to virtually any management strategy.
By virtue of their larger size and more
obvious impacts, incipient epidemic popula-
tions are relatively easy to detect. Because
they have gained access through mass-attack
to healthy, large-diameter trees, their rates of
increase are often between two and four per
year. Typically, when these populations are
first detected, the number of trees involved is
still small (less than 500), and the area they Figure 2. Graphical representation of the pro-
occupy is well defined (Safranyik and Carroll portion of a mountain pine beetle population
2006). Yearly rates of increase can be easily (P) that must be removed in relation to the
assessed through ground and/or aerial surveys yearly rate of increase (R) to suppress popu-
of the number of trees or area infested. To lation growth (P = 1-1/R). The area below the
limit the potential for increase if R = 4, then curve represents treatment levels where sup-
more than 75% of the infested trees must be pression is not possible; treatment levels
treated every year (Fig. 2). If 500 infested above the curve (applied yearly) will suppress
trees were found, then at least 375 stems must populations.

Figure 3. Distribution of lodgepole pine in North America

(adapted from Little 1971).

America (Fig. 3). The mountain pine beetle is

of trees killed annually is often in the millions
and may encompass hundreds of thousands of an ubiquitous component of mature stands
over much of this area. Despite the vastness of
hectares. The rate of increase may not be more
the region in which mountain pine beetle pop-
than that of an incipient epidemic population,
but its sheer size renders most management ulations exist, epidemics normally initiate and
spread from well defined epicentres (Aukema
tactics ineffective. As an example, if an out-
break is spread across 300 000 hectares and Ret al. 2006). Therefore, direct control tactics
= 2 (a conservative rate during peak outbreakaimed at controlling developing epicentres in
the incipient epidemic phase are theoretically
years), then 150 000 hectares of infested trees
amenable to a suppression strategy.
must be harvested in each year just to keep the
infestation static. Logistically, detection and Despite many significant efforts at direct
removal of such a vast number of infested control of mountain pine beetle populations
trees is impossible. during the previous century, most authors con-
cluded that suppression was seldom if ever
3. Trials and Errors: Lessons achieved and, at best, the rate of tree mortality
from the Past was reduced only marginally (Craighead et al.
1931, Amman and Baker 1972, Klein 1978,
Lodgepole pine forests occur over approxi- Amman and Logan 1998). A brief examina-
mately 160 million hectares of western North tion of historical control activities in light of

Figure 4. (a) Historic occurrence of mountain pine beetle epidemics, and (b) cumulative area
of mortality from 1992 to 2003 in western Canada.

the framework proposed above reveals three stand age, stem density, etc.) have facilitated
major shortcomings. effective integrated management efforts over
First, most efforts targeted removal of large areas (Wulder et al. 2005).
infested trees as either a fixed percentage of Interestingly, there is one documented
the total or of the area involved (Klein 1978). example of successful suppression of a moun-
Without assessments of the yearly rate of tain pine beetle population. During the early
increase of a population, the treatment levels 1940s, an incipient epidemic was detected
were most often insufficient. Second, even near Banff, Alberta, Canada. Every tree in the
when a sufficient proportion of a population vicinity of the infestation was assessed over
may have been removed in one year, the two years, and any with evidence of mountain
efforts frequently did not persist in subsequent pine beetle attack was felled and burned.
years (Craighead et al. 1931). Since incipient During the third year, no beetles could be
epidemic populations often have very high found (Hopping and Mathers 1945). Although
rates of increase, and conditions amenable for rates of increase were not considered, it is not
increase typically persist for more than one surprising that such an aggressive and consis-
year, then a single aggressive intervention tent intervention was successful.
may slow the development of an epidemic,
but not prevent it (Fig. 1). Finally, early con- 4. Changing Rules? Altered
trol programmes suffered from the inability to Disturbance Regimes and
accurately detect and delimit increasing popu- Global Warming
lations. As a consequence they were often
abandoned when populations “erupted” in Although mountain pine beetle populations
adjacent unsurveyed jurisdictions (Evenden have erupted several times in the past, the lat-
1944). In recent years, thorough systematic est outbreak that began in the early 1990s has
aerial survey techniques have been developed reached levels that are nearly an order of mag-
that provide accurate, real-time quantification nitude greater than any previously recorded
of the condition of mountain pine beetle pop- (Fig. 4a). Its consistent rate of increase quick-
ulations over the landscape. In addition, incor- ly outstripped the resources available for its
poration of these data into geographic infor- management. Indeed, populations have been
mation systems (GIS) along with detailed for- doubling each year for the past eight to ten
est “inventory” data (e.g. species composition, years such that the cumulative area impacted

comprises well over nine million hectares of large parts of the current epidemic occur in
lodgepole pine forests in western Canada areas that were climatically unavailable prior
alone (Fig. 4b). As outlined above, for an epi- to 1970, despite the presence of susceptible
demic to occur there must be an abundance of host trees (Carroll et al. 2004).
susceptible host trees in combination with a Previous large-scale mountain pine beetle
sustained period of favourable weather. Both epidemics have collapsed as a consequence of
of these conditions have coincided in recent localized depletion of suitable host trees in
years in western North America. Moreover, combination with the adverse effects of cli-
evidence suggests that these conditions have mate (Carroll et al. 2004). Given that the
been exacerbated by anthropogenic activities. occurrence of an adverse weather event suffi-
Virtually all lodgepole pine forests origi- ciently severe and widespread to affect the
nate from stand-replacing wild fires (Smith epidemic is improbable, the current outbreak
1981). However, due to aggressive fire sup- in western Canada is projected to continue
pression, the average yearly area burned in unabated until 2015 when approximately 80%
lodgepole pine in western Canada has of susceptible pine could be killed (Eng et al.
declined to less than 1% of historic levels dur- 2004). Due to the sheer size of the epidemic,
ing the last five decades (Taylor and Carroll efforts to control it have been largely aban-
2004). This dramatic reduction in the rate of doned and redirected toward salvage of dead
disturbance has allowed pine forests to age to stands. However, aggressive tactics aimed at
the extent that nearly 70% of current stands slowing the spread of the outbreak at its
are more than 80 years old – a significantly periphery continue and remain important to
greater proportion than that expected from a minimize the potential spread of the mountain
natural wild-fire regime (Taylor and Carroll pine beetle into new habitats.
2004). Since mountain pine beetles preferen-
tially attack trees more than 80 years old 5. Area-Wide Control:
(Safranyik et al. 1974), fire suppression has Relevance in the Short- and
dramatically increased the amount of suscep- Long-Term
tible trees. In fact, it has been estimated that
there was 3.3 times more susceptible pine at Although the current mountain pine beetle
the start of the present mountain pine beetle epidemic in western North America renders
epidemic than in 1910 (Taylor and Carroll irrelevant any available control tactic, recent
2004). expansion of the epidemic beyond the geo-cli-
In addition to an abundance of suitable matic barrier presented by the Rocky
hosts, climatic conditions have steadily Mountains (Carroll et al. 2004) demands an
improved for mountain pine beetle popula- aggressive area-wide control effort. During
tions in recent years. Historically, the extent 2004, mountain pine beetle infestations were
and severity of epidemics have been limited discovered in the Peace River region of north-
by insufficient summer temperature accumu- eastern British Columbia, Canada (Fig. 5); an
lation and/or minimum winter temperatures area that was historically considered climati-
below a critical mortality threshold (Carroll et cally unsuitable for mountain pine beetle
al. 2004). It has recently been shown that dur- (Safranyik et al. 1974, Carroll et al. 2004).
ing the past three decades relevant climatic Assessments of these infestations revealed
conditions have improved for the beetle over that they originated in 2002 (i.e. did not
large portions of western Canada (Carroll et increase from local populations), most proba-
al. 2004). More importantly, as a consequence bly as a consequence of long-distance disper-
of changing climate, populations have sal from epidemic populations located several
expanded into formerly climatically unsuit- hundred kilometres to the south-west, across
able habitats, especially toward higher eleva- the Rocky Mountains (Fig. 5). The expansion
tions and more northerly latitudes. Indeed, by the mountain pine beetle into this previous-

Figure 5. Distribution of the mountain pine beetle epidemic in western Canada in 2004, and
(inset) the isolated population established east of the Rocky Mountains as a consequence of a
long-distance dispersal event in 2002.

ly unoccupied region is a source of consider- the north-eastern slopes of the Rocky

able concern. Immediately adjacent the Peace Mountains (Fig. 5), (3) the region is almost
River region, lodgepole pine forests intermin- entirely comprised of publicly owned land,
gle and hybridize with jack pine Pinus facilitating an area-wide approach, and (4) the
banksiana Lamb., a species susceptible to state of the beetle population, its distribution
mountain pine beetle (Furniss and Schenk and its rate of increase are extremely well
1969), and a major component of the boreal quantified based upon aerial and ground sur-
forest that encompasses most of northern veys (A.L. Carroll, unpublished). Since this
North America. final aspect is critical to successful area-wide
Several aspects of the Peace River popula- management, it is worthy of further examina-
tion make it amenable to a variety of area- tion.
wide control techniques: (1) it is isolated from Once mountain pine beetle populations
the epidemic to the west. Although additional reach the incipient epidemic state, the number
inputs of beetles into the region via long- of infested trees can be used as a reliable
range dispersal are possible, it has not index of beetle population size (Safranyik
occurred subsequent to the original introduc- 1988). Infested trees display several distinct
tion, and the probability of the occurrence of symptoms (Safranyik and Carroll 2006). The
such an event diminishes yearly as the source most obvious and easiest to detect over large
population to the west declines due to host landscapes by standard analogue (i.e. aerial
depletion, (2) in relative terms the population surveys) or digital (i.e. aircraft- or satellite-
is small, consisting of scattered incipient epi- borne sensor) remote sensing techniques,
demic infestations, and confined to an area of comprises gradual “fading” of foliage from
approximately 2000 square kilometres along green through yellow to reddish brown as

leaves become chlorotic and die (reviewed by traditional detection and monitoring systems
Wulder et al. 2006). have been applied with unprecedented rigour,
Although quantification of the number of thereby providing reliable information on the
infested trees based on crown fading can pro- state of the beetle population and making pos-
vide a simple and accurate indication of the sible an area-wide control programme.
location, size and yearly rate of increase of Although research into novel tactics for
mountain pine beetle infestations, by itself it direct control continues (Borden 1995), the
has limited value in beetle management pro- eruptive nature of mountain pine beetle
grammes due to a significant delay in the requires that any intervention against the
onset of crown fading following attacks. Adult Peace River population be swift and aggres-
beetles disperse, colonize and establish broods sive. Consequently, in the short term the suite
in new trees during mid to late summer of of available area-wide control tactics will be
each year. However, reliable visible signs of limited to conventional techniques such as
foliage fading do not manifest until early sum- aerial and ground surveys to detect infesta-
mer of the year after attack, leaving only an 8- tions, followed by felling and burning, or har-
to 12-week period following detection within vesting and processing. However, to minimize
which to plan and apply control tactics before the probability of continued spread toward the
emergence and dispersal of the next beetle boreal forest, management in the near future
generation. This narrow temporal window must integrate existing operational control
generally precludes application of effective tactics with emerging techniques for
control tactics, particularly in remote and detection/monitoring and novel forms of
inaccessible areas such as the Peace River direct control. For example, advances in
region. remote sensing technology that permit early
In recent years, significant research efforts detection of endemic or small incipient epi-
have focused on developing techniques to demic infestations throughout the region com-
detect infested trees before the onset of visible bined with prompt application of fell and burn
changes to foliage (reviewed by Wulder et al. treatments. Alternatively, if larger incipient
2006), thereby increasing the temporal win- epidemic infestations are detected, aggrega-
dow for direct control efforts. Unfortunately, tion and anti-aggregation pheromones should
reliable differentiation of non-visual stress be deployed to concentrate beetles in accessi-
due to mountain pine beetle attack from other ble stands followed by aggressive sanitation
sources of stress has so far been impractical harvesting (Borden 1995). In the longer term,
with existing technologies. To maximize the management efforts should focus on an area-
time available to access and treat infested wide approach to reduce the susceptibility of
trees, traditional mountain pine beetle man- host trees through silvicultural modification
agement programmes employ a hierarchical of existing pine stands to increase their vigour
approach involving: (1) aerial surveys to and, therefore, resistance to the beetle, and/or
ascertain the location of infestations based on harvest planning or prescribed wild fire to cre-
visual crowns symptoms, (2) systematic ate landscapes with a mosaic of age classes or
ground surveys around identified infestations tree species.
to locate newly colonized trees based upon In spite of the most aggressive efforts,
evidence of attack on the bole (Safranyik and eradication of the Peace River population
Carroll 2006), and (3) prioritization and appli- using conventional approaches to direct con-
cation of treatments based on an integrated trol will be virtually impossible given the
management plan intended to encompass eco- challenges associated with detection and treat-
logical and economical objectives (Hall ment of low-density populations in remote
2004). Given the significant potential for the forested landscapes. Based on the preponder-
Peace River population to expand eastward ance of susceptible hosts (Taylor and Carroll
toward the boreal forest (Carroll et al. 2004), 2004) and the potential for continued

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can be controlled, and its spread limited in the 2003, Kelowna, Canada. Canadian Forest
short term, other tactics may emerge that ulti- Service Information Report BC-X-399,
mately facilitate its eradication. For example, Victoria, Canada.
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A Strategy for an Area-Wide Control
Campaign with an SIT Component to
Establish a Tsetse- (Glossina austeni and
Glossina brevipalpis) Free South Africa


and M. J. B. VREYSEN2

1ARC-OnderstepoortVeterinary Institute (OVI), P/BAG X05,

Onderstepoort 0110, South Africa
2Insect Pest Control Sub-Programme, Joint FAO/IAEA Programme of

Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture, IAEA, Wagramerstrasse 5,

A-1400 Vienna, Austria

ABSTRACT A strategy is proposed to create an area free of Glossina brevipalpis Newstead and
Glossina austeni Newstead in the southern-most tsetse fly belt in the province of KwaZulu-Natal, South
Africa. The concept is based upon an area-wide integrated pest management (AW-IPM) approach that inte-
grates several tsetse suppression techniques, such as insecticide impregnated odour-baited targets, mobile
targets, the sequential aerosol technique (SAT), and the release of sterile insects (sterile insect technique
(SIT)). The prerequisites for the proposed programme are described and include the development of sam-
pling and control tools, ecological studies, entomological field surveys, feasibility studies and the devel-
opment of adequate tsetse rearing capacity. The proposed AW-IPM strategy suggests the division of the
12 000 square kilometre tsetse-infested area into four zones of manageable size and the successive imple-
mentation of four phases (pre-suppression, suppression (population reduction), release of sterile males and
post-eradication activities) in each of these zones following the "rolling carpet principle". Assuming a min-
imum release density of 100 sterile males per square kilometre, tsetse colonies of around 4.5 million pro-
ducing G. brevipalpis females, and 5.5 million G. austeni would be required to sustain the releases. The
entire programme would require an annual budget of USD 3.35 million for the duration of eight years. The
creation of a tsetse fly-free area in South Africa and southern Mozambique would result in significant
improvements to the livelihood of communal farmers owning around 350 000 cattle.

KEY WORDS KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, Glossina austeni, Glossina brevipalpis, tsetse-free area,
area-wide eradication, feasibility, strategy

1. Introduction KwaZulu-Natal province, and are solely

responsible for the cyclical transmission of
Tsetse presence in KwaZulu-Natal, South nagana or African animal trypanosomosis
Africa, represents the southern-most limit of (AAT). It is estimated that 350 000 cattle,
Glossina distribution in Africa. The area con- mostly belonging to communal farmers, are at
sists of several game reserves and conserva- risk of contracting AAT (Kappmeier et al.
tion areas, including surrounding rural cattle 1998).
farming areas. The two tsetse species, A severe outbreak of AAT in 1990 resulted
Glossina austeni Newstead and Glossina bre- in high cattle mortalities in the communal
vipalpis Newstead, inhabit riverine and farming areas. The outbreak was brought
coastal forests in the north-eastern parts of under control by treating cattle with try-
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 309–323.
© 2007 IAEA.

panocidal drugs, combined with tsetse control AW-IPM is therefore a more efficient way
efforts using odour-baited insecticide impreg- of pest control than localized IPM that is
nated targets (Green 1994), as well as pour-on applied on a field-by-field approach. This is
treatment of cattle with pyrethroid insecti- exemplified by the long list of successful AW-
cides (Holmes and Torr 1988). As the area has IPM programmes, some of which have inte-
a well-established diptank network, with a grated the release of sterile insects against
compulsory fortnightly dipping regime for major insect pests of veterinary and agricul-
tick control, the dipping component amitraz (a tural importance with other methods (Klassen
tick-detaching agent) was replaced by the and Curtis 2005). The approach has not only
pyrethroid cyhalothrin. This was applied for been used with great success for pest eradica-
two years only to prevent ticks developing tion (e.g. the New World screwworm
resistance against pyrethroids (Kappmeier et Cochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel) from
al. 1998). The temporary nature of this control the southern USA, Mexico and Central
approach is, however, evident from the cur- America (Wyss 2000), or the tsetse fly G.
rent prevalence of trypanosomosis, which has austeni from Unguja Island, Zanzibar
reverted to the high levels of 1990 (Van den (Vreysen et al. 2000)), it has also been applied
Bossche et al. 2006) recorded before these successfully for pest containment (e.g. the
temporary control measures were instigated pink bollworm Pectinophora gossypiella
(Kappmeier et al. 1998). In 2003, veterinary (Saunders) containment programme in
staff administered more than 10 000 prophy- California (Hennebery 1994)), for pest sup-
lactic doses of trypanocidal drugs to livestock pression (e.g. suppression of the
(R. Bagnall, personal communication). Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata
In 1992, the National Directorate of (Wiedemann) in the Hex River Valley in
Veterinary Services contracted the Agricultur- South Africa (Barnes et al. 2004) and the
al Research Council-Onderstepoort Veterinary Arava/Araba valley in Israel/Jordan (Cayol et
Institute to develop a long-term strategy to al. 2004)), and for the prevention of the estab-
control G. brevipalpis and G. austeni in lishment of an invasive pest in a given area
KwaZulu-Natal. In view of the continuous (e.g. the Mediterranean fruit fly preventive
cost and limitations of the applied approach release programmes in California (Dowell et
(disease surveillance, animal treatment and al. 2000) and Florida (IPRP 2003)).
pyrethroid dipping/pour-on), it has become History confirms that the elimination of
obvious that the only sustainable, long-term tsetse from delimited geographical areas is not
solution to the trypanosomosis problem is to only feasible but also sustainable, provided
completely eliminate the two vector species the control tactics are directed against an
from KwaZulu-Natal. entire tsetse population, i.e. according to the
area-wide concept. Classical examples
2. The Concept include the elimination of Glossina pallidipes
Austen from South Africa in the 1950s by
Area-wide integrated pest management (AW- means of aerial spraying of residual insecti-
IPM) involves the integration of several con- cides (DDT and HCH) (Du Toit 1954), the
trol tactics against an entire insect pest popu- elimination of Glossina morsitans submorsi-
lation within a delimited geographical area tans Newstead, Glossina palpalis palpalis
(Klassen 2005). The theoretical basis of AW- Robineau-Desvoidy, and Glossina tachi-
IPM was defined by Knipling (1972) as: the noides Westwood from 200 000 square kilo-
uniform suppressive pressure applied against metres in northern Nigeria, mainly by the
the total population of the pest for a period of selective spraying of resting sites from the
generations will achieve greater suppression ground and air (1955-78) (Spielberger et al.
than a higher level of suppression on most, but 1977), and the elimination of G. austeni from
not all, of the population each generation. Unguja Island, Zanzibar by integrating the

sterile insect technique (SIT) with other con- tive approach would require continuous vigi-
trol methods (1994-1997) (Vreysen et al. lance, a large permanent work force and the
2000). With the exception of possibly some ever-increasing risk of the development of
parts in Nigeria, all treated areas have tick resistance to pyrethroids.
remained free of the target tsetse species until It seems, therefore, that the only long-term
today. solution to the AAT problem in KwaZulu-
In stark contrast to these successes stand Natal would be the elimination of the entire
the many, small-scale, localized control populations of the two vectors using an area-
efforts, which were mainly based on commu- wide integrated approach, i.e. the removal of
nity participation at the farm or village level, tsetse not only from the communal farming
but which have rarely been sustained (Barret areas but also from the neighbouring game
and Okali 1998). This, despite the availability reserves and conservation areas. Area-wide
of several tsetse suppression methods that can suppression techniques such as the temporary
be applied by the communities and that can aerial application of ultra-low volume non-
achieve significant reductions in tsetse popu- residual insecticides (sequential aerosol tech-
lations, i.e. insecticide-impregnated odour- nique (SAT)) could be combined with com-
baited targets (Vale 1982, Vale et al. 1988), munity-based control tactics in the more
and the use of mobile targets (application of densely populated areas (see section 4.1.). The
residual insecticides as a pour-on on live- sterile insect technique (SIT) could be inte-
stock) (Bauer et al. 1995). A number of tech- grated as the final component of the campaign
nical and sociological reasons have been iden- to eliminate the remaining fly pockets
tified for this lack of sustainability (Vreysen et al. 2000).
(Brightwell et al. 2001). However, most
importantly, none of these programmes was 3. The Requirements
implemented according to the area-wide con-
cept, which resulted in constant invasion pres- AW-IPM programmes with an SIT component
sure from neighbouring tsetse-infested areas. are complex, management intensive and have
It is indeed tempting to assume that in the many interdependent components. An appro-
short term, the most suitable control option in priate strategy can only be developed and
the communal farming areas of KwaZulu- implemented provided several prerequisites
Natal would be intensive disease surveillance have been fulfilled (Vreysen et al., this vol-
combined with a regime of animal treatment ume). As part of the planning phase, a feasibil-
with trypanocidal drugs and tsetse suppres- ity study was carried out to collect all neces-
sion when surveillance shows a rise in try- sary data to develop a suitable control strate-
panosomosis incidence. However, this reac- gy.

3.1. Sampling Tools and Ecological Studies

A basic requirement for tsetse surveys and

ecological studies is the availability of an effi-
cient sampling device. Studies were therefore
carried out to develop a suitable trap to sam-
ple both tsetse species in adequate numbers
(Fig. 1). This was especially challenging for
G. austeni in view of its reluctance to enter
traps that are efficient for other tsetse species.
Sticky panels were the only alternative avail-
Figure 1. The H-trap for sampling Glossina able for sampling and monitoring purposes,
austeni and Glossina brevipalpis. but these are very cumbersome to use and not

Figure 2. Survey data (left) of (a) Glossina austeni and (b) Glossina brevipalpis in KwaZulu-
Natal (Red dots - tsetse absent, Blue - Green - Yellow dots low to high density) and the pres-
ence-absence prediction model (right) indicating the probability of presence of (a) G. austeni
and (b) G. brevipalpis (Shaded polygon: conservation area; Blue areas: lakes and dams; Blue
contours: major marshes; Blue - Green - Yellow - Orange - Brown: low to high probability of
occurrence; Black spots: negative trap catches; Grey in the East: Indian Ocean; Grey in the
North: Mozambique) (Map adapted from AVIA-GIS 2002).

suitable for ecological studies using release- Madubunyi 1990, Vreysen et al. 1996, 1998).
recapture methods (Schönefeld 1988, A new sampling device (H-trap) (Fig. 1) was

therefore developed that was suitable for KwaZulu-Natal, making the creation of an
research, survey and monitoring activities area free of the two vectors an attractive long-
(Kappmeier 2000) and that allowed the col- term solution to the AAT problem.
lection of live flies, a prerequisite for mark-
release-recapture studies (Kappmeier Green 3.3. Suppression Methods
2002). As an example, the trap was used to
collect data on the tsetse flies’ potential to The survey data on relative abundance indi-
negotiate areas of unsuitable habitat located cated that suppression of the native tsetse pop-
between pockets of forests and other suitable ulation, prior to the release of sterile males,
habitat and which could act as natural barriers would be necessary. As such, the appropriate-
between controlled and infested areas. It was ness of various tsetse suppression methods
shown that G. austeni was more confined to was assessed, taking into account local geo-
densely shaded areas but that it still traversed graphical characteristics.
short distances of unsuitable habitat between Stationary attractive devices (e.g. traps and
pockets of vegetation. G. brevipalpis was less insecticide-impregnated targets) (Vale 1982,
confined to the densely shaded areas and was Vale et al. 1988) (Fig. 3) aim to exert a mod-
found to be a much more mobile fly est daily mortality of 2-3%, in addition to the
(Kappmeier Green 2002). natural mortality (Hargrove 1988) on the
female tsetse fly population by attracting them
3.2. Entomological Field Surveys to a device and inducing a landing response
(Green 1993). The flies are killed by contact
The distribution of G. austeni and G. bre- with a lethal dose of insecticides applied to the
vipalpis was determined through entomologi- surface of the target or by heat or starvation
cal field surveys that were conducted from after being guided to a non-return cage of a
1993 until 1999 in north-eastern KwaZulu- trap (Laveissière and Couret 1981, Dransfield
Natal (Kappmeier Green 2002). Fly sampling et al. 1990). The AW-IPM programme against
was done in natural conservation areas (game G. austeni on Zanzibar already highlighted the
reserves) and communal farming areas, using limitations of insecticide-impregnated blue
blue and black cross-shaped XT sticky panels cloth screens to suppress G. austeni in primary
baited with the synthetic ox odour developed forest habitat (Vreysen et al. 1999). Therefore,
for tsetse in South Africa (Kappmeier and an odour-baited insecticide-impregnated tar-
Nevill 1999a). The highest densities of flies get system was developed for the suppression
were found within the game reserves and nat-
ural areas. The resulting field data were used
to develop a satellite-derived probability-of-
presence model (AVIA-GIS 2002, Hendrickx
et al. 2003), which clearly showed that the dis-
tribution of G. austeni is fairly continuous
throughout the central part of north-eastern
KwaZulu-Natal, while the G. brevipalpis pop-
ulation is restricted to two distinct bands (Fig.
2). The model confirmed that G. brevipalpis is
mainly confined to the game reserves and nat-
ural areas whereas this is not necessarily the
case for G. austeni.
The results of the surveys and the subse- Figure 3. An odour-baited insecticide-
quent model clearly indicated that both G. bre- impregnated target developed to control
vipalpis and G. austeni are confined to Glossina austeni and Glossina brevipalpis in
restricted, isolated areas of north-eastern localized areas of KwaZulu-Natal.

of both G. austeni and G. brevipalpis be a practical alternative to the use of insecti-

(Kappmeier and Nevill 1999b) (Fig. 3). The cide-impregnated targets and SAT, as
black-blue-black target was tested against the KwaZulu-Natal has well developed functional
two species in a pilot trial, covering an area of dip facilities at which cattle are regularly pre-
80 square kilometres. Whereas G. austeni sented for examination by an effective provin-
could be effectively controlled with 4-8 tar- cial veterinary service.
gets per square kilometre, these target densi-
ties were insufficient to effectively control G. 3.4. Other Feasibility Studies
brevipalpis (Esterhuizen et al. 2001,
Esterhuizen et al. 2006). In addition to the entomological activities, a
The deployment of these targets could socio-economic study and an environmental
therefore be considered for localized use in impact assessment (EIA) were carried out.
some areas or to create barriers between The data of the socio-economic model clearly
tsetse-free and infested areas to prevent rein- showed significant economic benefits occur-
vasion, but the required high target densities ring from the area-wide tsetse eradication
(especially for G. brevipalpis) precludes their effort with a breakeven point reached during
deployment on a large scale, i.e. it would be the 8th year. A cumulative total net benefit (net
impractical, uneconomical and requiring a present value, taking into account a discount
huge infrastructure. rate of 8%) of USD 51 million and an overall
The SAT relies on the aerial application of benefit to cost ratio of 3.4 would be obtained
non-residual insecticides in ultra-low vol- over a 15-year time frame, not taking into
umes. The goal of SAT is to kill adult tsetse in account additional benefits, such as improved
the first spraying cycle by direct contact and agricultural productivity due to improved
then kill emerging flies in subsequent spray- health of draft animals. As from year nine, the
ing cycles before the emerged flies can project reaches the maintenance phase and
deposit a larvae (Holmes and Torr 1988). The benefits will be fully established; the annual
SAT is a delicate operation and has to be con- benefit to cost ratio fluctuates from 90-493
ducted at night during periods of temperature per USD invested (year nine to year 15).
inversion. Recent advances in satellite-guided Moreover, the project has an internal rate of
navigation systems (e.g. SATLOCK’s Air Star return of 23%, meaning that the discount rate
System), have made the application of these could be almost three times higher than the
insecticides much more accurate and effective estimated value of 8% and the project would
(Cox and Vreysen 2005). The SAT appears to still break even in a 15-year time frame
be the best method for the suppression (possi- (Knight 2006).
ble eradication in certain areas) of the two The EIA was carried out, as South Africa is
species in the natural and commercial game a signatory to the 1992 International Conven-
areas as the vegetation in these areas is not tion to conserve biodiversity. These important
very diversified and the maximum elevation issues cannot be ignored and require an objec-
does not extend beyond 500 metres (Parker tive and balanced approach if practical strate-
2003). In addition, all available evidence to gies are to be formulated.
date suggests that the environmental impact of
SAT is small and temporary (Grant 2001). 3.5. Development of Tsetse Rearing
However, the presence of the many protected Capacities
game areas in KwaZulu-Natal and the opposi-
tion of a strong environmental lobby will Area-wide IPM programmes with an SIT
make this option very challenging in terms of component require large colonies of the target
perceived or real environmental impact. insect to produce sufficient numbers of sterile
In the communal and commercial livestock males for release. Due to the slow reproduc-
farming areas, insecticide-treated cattle may tive capacity of tsetse flies (each female pro-

duces only one offspring every 10 days), seed with an SIT component. KwaZulu-Natal not
colonies of the target species have to be initi- only has high agricultural potential as evi-
ated in the early phases of the programme. denced by the many communal farming areas,
Therefore, membrane adapted colonies of G. but the tsetse-infested area is situated at the
brevipalpis and G. austeni were initiated at the southern-most limit of the tsetse distribution.
Agricultural Research Council-Onderstepoort Except for a limited extension of the fly belt
Veterinary Institute, derived from colonies into Mozambique (Fig. 2), the tsetse-infested
maintained at the Entomology Unit of the area in KwaZulu-Natal is completely isolated
FAO/IAEA Agriculture and Biotechnology from the rest of the tsetse belt. Any area-wide
Laboratory in Seibersdorf, Austria, and the control programme in KwaZulu-Natal would
Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Research therefore require a collaborative agreement
Institute in Tanga, Tanzania. In late 2006, the with Mozambique, and efforts have been ini-
G. austeni colony had 33 000 reproductive tiated to develop a common strategy. In addi-
females that produced approximately 15 000 tion, the total size of the infested area (ca
pupae per week, while the size of the G. bre- 12 000 square kilometres) is small enough to
vipalpis colony was 17 000 reproductive be manageable, it has only two species of
females with a pupal production of about tsetse which are already adapted to artificial
7000 per week. rearing conditions, and the programme can be
Discussions were held with the Nuclear conducted in four consecutive phases, each
Energy Corporation of South Africa treating fairly isolated blocks.
(NECSA), located in Pretoria, to explore pos-
sibilities for the establishment of a large tsetse 4.1. The Strategy
mass-rearing factory. Several abandoned
buildings at NECSA seem to be suitable for Using the data and the results of the various
conversion into such a facility, which would studies, a potential strategy to create an area
reduce significantly the initial investment. free of G. austeni and G. brevipalpis was pro-
The selection of NECSA as a location to posed (Kappmeier Green 2002, 2003). The
establish a mass-rearing facility for tsetse was proposal suggests the division of the total
based on several criteria, i.e. the land area tsetse-infested area of KwaZulu-Natal, which
allows for easy expansion; the environment is comprises around 12 000 square kilometres,
not conducive to the survival of tsetse (no bio- into four Zones, each having a manageable
security needed); temperature and humidity size of 2600-3500 square kilometres, which
are modest, thereby reducing the rearing could be addressed sequentially (Fig. 4). Zone
costs; radiation facilities are present on site; I (2600 square kilometres) contains only G.
large cities are in the vicinity facilitating the brevipalpis, whereas Zone III (3500 square
purchase of supplies and equipment; and an kilometres) is mainly infested with G. austeni
airstrip is available which would facilitate the and Zone II (2200 square kilometres) and
transport of sterile tsetse flies from Pretoria to Zone IV (3000 square kilometres) contain
KwaZulu-Natal (FAO/IAEA 2004). both tsetse species. Each project phase would
include pre-suppression (preparatory activi-
4. Development of an AW-IPM ties), suppression, release of sterile males and
Strategy post-eradication operations (verification).
Each of these phases would be implemented
The data emanating from these studies strong- successively in the four blocks according to
ly suggest that a sustainable solution to the the rolling carpet principle described by
AAT problem in the province of KwaZulu- Hendrichs et al. (2005) (Fig. 5). Control
Natal in South Africa could be found through efforts would begin in Zone I and proceed
the creation of an area free of G. brevipalpis progressively eastwards to Zone II and then
and G. austeni using an AW-IPM approach northwards to Zones III and IV (Fig. 4). The

Figure 4. The areas of KwaZulu-Natal infested with (a) Glossina brevipalpis and (b) Glossina
austeni and the four control zones of the AW-IPM strategy.

four operational activities (pre-suppression, spraying with non-residual insecticides

suppression, release and verification) would (SAT), using fixed-wing aircraft and helicop-
be carried out sequentially in a phased manner ters in the more challenging areas (e.g. valleys
(Fig. 5), with activities occurring simultane- of the Lebombo range). The spraying cycles
ously in the four zones, until all have been in each block will be separated by less than 14
successfully freed of tsetse flies. Available days. The cost to implement these spraying
data indicate that the northern G. brevipalpis cycles is estimated at USD 170/km2. It is
and G. austeni populations extend to only anticipated that this operation will be imple-
about 25 kilometres northwards into Mozam- mented through a contractual agreement with
bique (up to around 26° 15’ S), which is then a private company, which has the necessary
interrupted by a natural fly-free zone before expertise and equipment. Spraying operations
tsetse are once more found (Sigauque et al. in each block will be preceded by several
2000). This extension of the tsetse belt into months of preparatory activities. The budget
Mozambique will have to be incorporated in for the spraying activity is estimated to be on
Zone IV. It is estimated that six years of oper- average USD 480 000 for each zone.
ational field implementation will be needed to
eliminate both tsetse species from KwaZulu- 4.3. Sterile Male Requirements
Natal and southern Mozambique (Fig. 5).
Using the data from the AW-IPM programme
4.2. Population Reduction that eliminated G. austeni from Unguja Island,
Zanzibar, it is estimated that each square kilo-
Reduction of the tsetse population is recom- metre will require 100 sterile males for a total
mended to be done by two or three cycles of of 78 weeks. The total weekly sterile male G.

Figure 5. Temporal diagramme of the control strategy in the four control blocks according to
the rolling carpet principle (Hendrichs et al. 2005).

brevipalpis requirements will therefore be vipalpis and 58 million G. austeni will be

260 000, 200 000 and 300 000 tsetse for Zones needed to cover the total area with 100 sterile
I, II and IV, respectively. For Zones II, III and males per square kilometre and the estimated
IV a total of 200 000, 350 000 and 200 000 budget for this component is USD 2.2 million
sterile male G. austeni will be required per per annum. However, if the sterile male
week, respectively. Taking into account the requirements could be reduced to only 75 ster-
overlap in the various phases and in the differ- ile males per square kilometre (e.g. as a result
ent zones, a colony of 4.5 million G. bre- of very effective suppression), the required
vipalpis and of 5.5 million G. austeni produc- annual budget would be reduced to USD 1.6
ing females will be needed to provide suffi- million.
cient sterile males for the intervention. The
time required to reach the projected colony 4.4. Sterile Male Transport and Dispersal
target sizes will depend on the initial size of
the colony and the production parameters (i.e. The sterile male flies will be transported with
colony growth) (Fig. 6). It will take 41 months light aircraft from Pretoria to KwaZulu-Natal.
to reach a colony size of 5.6 million tsetse It is assumed that (1) each zone can be cov-
with an initial colony of 15 000 producing ered by two releases every week, (2) the total
females and a 16% increase in colony size ferry time is eight hours per week, (3) the dis-
every month (i.e. corresponding to a doubling persal flights can cover 500 square kilometres
time every 5-6 months), whereas with an ini- in one hour and, (4) the cost of each flying
tial colony of 100 000 females and a 25% hour is USD 400. The annual budget for this
increase in size every month (doubling time activity (for four years of releases) is estimat-
every 3-4 months), this target will be reached ed at USD 425 000.
after only 19 months.
The price per sterile male fly was estimat- 4.5. Management and Budget Requirements
ed at USD 0.15 and includes the refurbish-
ment costs of the buildings at NECSA, the Area-wide intervention campaigns with an
equipment, operating costs and local staffing. SIT component are inherently complex with
A total of 59 million sterile male G. bre- many important and essential programme

Figure 6. Colony development with an initial colony size of 15 000, 50 000 and 100 000 pro-
ducing females and assuming a 25% (upper graph) and 16% (lower graph) increase in colony
size every month.

components. Failure to implement one com- Nations (FAO) for the management of the
ponent will jeopardize the entire operation. screwworm programme in Libya, that have
Such programmes usually require a manage- the flexibility but also the responsibility and
ment structure that is politically and financial- accountability for implementing all pro-
ly autonomous and independent of govern- gramme components, would be a prerequisite
ment bureaucracies and politics (Dyck et al. for success (Vreysen et al., this volume). The
2005). Establishment of management struc- annual cost to operate a commission with a
tures like the screwworm commissions (estab- foreign and local director, six rearing special-
lished between the USA and Mexico and the ists, two release experts, two monitoring
Central American countries), or the Screw- experts, and adequate fleet of vehicles, office
worm Emergency Centre for Northern Africa equipment and operating costs, is estimated at
(SECNA) office established by the Food and USD 572 000 (this excludes the national field
Agriculture Organization of the United and rearing staff). The estimated budgets of

the various project components have already lion female G. austeni at the Tsetse and
been indicated above. It is estimated that an Trypanosomiasis Research Institute in Tanga
annual budget of USD 3.35 million would be to provide the required number of sterile
required for the total duration of the pro- males for the eradication campaign on Unguja
gramme (eight years). Island, Zanzibar (Msangi et al. 2000). In
South Africa, first but important steps have
5. Future Challenges and been taken to develop a rearing capacity for
Prospects tsetse, i.e. a thriving seed colony of both
species of tsetse has been established at the
Whereas the benefits of a sustainable tsetse- Agricultural Research Council-Onderstepoort
free area in KwaZulu-Natal are obvious, not Veterinary Institute, initial training has been
all are convinced of its usefulness, and it is provided to key staff, and serious interest has
anticipated that the proposal will face serious been expressed by NECSA to provide facili-
opposition from some sectors of society. ties for the development of a mass-rearing
South Africa is a signatory to the UN complex. However, the lack of an adequate
Convention on Biological Biodiversity, the pool of trained and experienced rearing staff
World Heritage Convention and the Ramsar (both senior and at the technician level), and
Convention. There are eighteen protected the current lack of funding (both for the refur-
areas gazetted within the boundaries of bishment of the building at NECSA and for
KwaZulu-Natal, some of them in the tsetse- the operating costs), remain important bottle-
infested areas, and some with the status of a necks that will have to be removed. In addi-
World Heritage Site. Thus, there is a strong tion, consideration needs to be given to the
environmental lobby in South Africa, which time needed to expand the colony to its
has raised many concerns with respect to the required size (Fig. 6).
removal of tsetse and the preservation of bio- Similarly, the successful implementation
diversity. The use of insecticides is strongly of the field component of the programme will
opposed and there is great concern about the require a sufficient number of skilled and
direct and indirect effects of the applied con- trained personnel in the field. The training
trol techniques on non-target species. component should already be implemented
However, Grant (2003) pointed out that the prior to the start of an eradication programme.
aerial spraying (SAT) of the wetlands in this Another prerequisite for success is the politi-
region is unlikely to present a real threat to the cal willingness to set up independent, flexible
biodiversity of the ecosystems and that the management structures, and to contract pri-
biggest risk for terrestrial biota is the change vate companies for the SAT operations and the
in land use. Therefore, the apparent conflict release of sterile flies.
between those that advocate the preservation The above-mentioned challenges become
of the biodiversity and those who favour meaningless without the political and finan-
socio-economic development is an important cial commitment of the central Government of
one that cannot be ignored. It will require South Africa. Vision and leadership are need-
unbiased scientific analysis and an objective ed to advocate and promote the approach of
and balanced approach if practical strategies creating a tsetse-free area as the most sensible
are to be formulated and implemented. and cost-effective way to solve the AAT prob-
The implementation of the control cam- lem in South Africa (as opposed to an attitude
paign according to the proposed strategy will of resignation and a philosophy of “learning
entail the maintenance of a colony of ten mil- how to live with the problem”). The disease is
lion producing tsetse females. It is well known restricted to only one province in South Africa
that the mass-rearing of tsetse flies is chal- and is consequently not perceived as a nation-
lenging but feasible, as was demonstrated by al priority. The Provincial Department of
the maintenance of a colony of up to one mil- Veterinary Services of KwaZulu-Natal will

therefore have to play a leading role to pro- IAEA, Vienna, Austria.

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S. Jamal, and L. Neves. 2000. The distri- insecticide impregnated screens against
bution of tsetse (Diptera: Glossinidae) and Glossina austeni (Diptera: Glossinidae) on
bovine trypanosomosis in the Matutuine Unguja Island of Zanzibar. Insect Science
District, Maputo Province, Mozambique. and its Application 19: 75-84.
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tsetse flies (Diptera: Glossinidae). Bulletin U. Feldmann. 2000. Glossina austeni
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Cockbill. 1988. Odour-baited targets to ile insect technique. Journal of Economic
control tsetse flies Glossina spp. (Diptera: Entomology 93: 123-135.
Glossinidae), in Zimbabwe. Bulletin of Wyss, J. H. 2000. Screwworm eradication in
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Area-Wide Control of Tsetse and
Trypanosomosis: Ethiopian Experience in
the Southern Rift Valley



1Southern Rift Valley Tsetse Eradication Project (STEP) National

Coordination Office, PO Box 19917, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
2STEP Field Coordination Office, PO Box 474, Awassa, Ethiopia
3Insect Pest Control Sub-Programme, Joint FAO/IAEA Programme of

Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture, International Atomic

Energy Agency, Wagramerstrasse 5, PO Box 100, A-1400 Vienna,

ABSTRACT In 1997, the Ethiopian Government – assisted by the International Atomic Energy
Agency (IAEA) – initiated a project in the Southern Rift Valley called the Southern Tsetse Eradication
Project (STEP). Its long-term objectives are: (1) to create a tsetse-free zone in a 25 000 square kilometre
area under agricultural development, and (2) to develop adequate national capacity for applying the con-
cept of area-wide integrated pest management (AW-IPM) with a sterile insect technique (SIT) component
to other parts of the country affected by the tsetse and trypanosomosis (T and T) problem. This project will
require consistent commitment and inputs by major stakeholders over a period of at least 15 years. The
project was initiated with the collection and evaluation of entomological, veterinary, environmental and
socio-economic baseline data which reconfirmed the presence of only one species, i.e. Glossina pallidipes
Austen, in the main valley, and the positive socio-economic and agro-ecological impact anticipated. This
situation generated international acceptance of the Southern Rift Valley as a high priority area for the con-
trol of T and T and for related sustainable agriculture and rural development. A colony of Glossina pal-
lidipes Austen originating from the Southern Rift Valley was also initiated. In 2002, community-based
tsetse suppression was initiated in localized areas using insecticides on cattle and on blue-black-blue fab-
ric targets that attract tsetse flies. These localized tsetse suppression activities have been expanded to all
operational grids of the 10 500 square kilometre STEP block-1 area. Limited entomological and veterinary
monitoring in 15 sites suggests that the apparent density of G. pallidipes in these localized control sites may
have been reduced by 92%, while the prevalence of trypanosomes in livestock in those areas decreased by
58%. An analysis using geographic information systems (GIS) has indicated that the community-based
tsetse suppression does not cover all of the tsetse-infested areas in the STEP block-1 and it is therefore
assumed that some cattle herds remain with high disease prevalence in areas that were not adequately cov-
ered by the community fly control measures. The operational programme will include the introduction of
a set of implementation rules and regulations conducive to the special needs of an operational AW-IPM
campaign, i.e. an efficient management structure and the provision of adequate financial flexibility.

KEY WORDS Glossina pallidipes, Glossina fuscipes fuscipes, baseline data collection, sterile insect
technique, tsetse-free zone, area-wide IPM

M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 325–335.
© 2007 IAEA.

1. Introduction reduction, high priority is given to the appro-

priate utilization of fertile land areas that are
Ethiopia’s economy is largely based on agri- infested with tsetse. To this end, the decision
culture, which contributes 40-50% to the was made to adopt an area-wide integrated
country’s gross domestic product and pro- pest management (AW-IPM) approach
vides 85-90% of the employment opportuni- involving the release of sterile males in the
ties in the country. Agriculture accounts for final phase (Feldmann 2004, Klassen 2005).
73% of rural incomes and 90% of foreign The project was initiated in 1997 and is called
exchange earnings. Most agricultural products the Southern Tsetse Eradication Project
are provided by integrated crop-livestock sys- (STEP).
tems and the livestock subsector alone con-
tributes 40% of the agricultural production of 2. The Southern Tsetse
the country, excluding draught power and Eradication Project (STEP)
manure and 16% of the country’s total gross
domestic product. 2.1. Project Objectives
Livestock are vital as an energy source for
most agricultural processes as they contribute The project has the following objectives: (1)
to traction, cultivation, transport and to establish capacity at national and regional
threshing. Nevertheless, the economic poten- levels for sustainable removal of the T and T
tial of the livestock subsector is not fully real- constraint by integrating different methods,
ized mainly due to the widespread occurrence including the sterile insect technique (SIT),
of livestock diseases. Among these, tsetse- (2) to introduce and apply these techniques on
transmitted African animal trypanosomosis an area-wide basis to remove the T and T con-
(AAT) causes severe losses and prevents pro- straint from an area of 25 000 square kilome-
ductive agriculture in some 200 000 square tres in the Southern Rift Valley of Ethiopia,
kilometres of western and south-western and (3) to create conditions for reducing pres-
Ethiopia. Trypanosomosis limits the expan- sure on highland resources and promoting
sion of the national herds and farming prac- sustainable agriculture and rural development
tices by denying access to vast woodland and in the Southern Rift Valley.
savannah areas with good grazing and agricul-
tural potential. Consequently, there are high 2.2. Project Area
concentrations of livestock and people in the
Ethiopian highlands, which results in over- The project area comprises about 25 000
grazing and environmentally unfavourable square kilometres of the Southern Rift Valley,
farming practices leading to both soil erosion located between 4° 45’ and 7° 15’ northern lat-
and a progressive decline in average farm itudes and 36° 40’ and 35° 20’ eastern longi-
size. Over the last three decades, various tudes (Fig. 1).
attempts have been made to control tsetse and This fertile lowland area, which is as low
trypanosomosis (T and T) in Ethiopia but as 460 metres above sea level, is surrounded
these were rather fragmented and uncoordi- by highlands that rise to 4200 metres above
nated and lacked the proper policies and sea level. The climate varies between humid
strategies needed to produce significant and and arid and annual precipitation is between
sustainable impact. Indeed, during the past 25 300-700 millimetres in the lowlands and 500-
years, tsetse flies have expanded their distri- 1200 millimetres in the highlands. Average
bution limits and have advanced towards the temperatures range between 11 and 38°C.
tsetse-free highlands by some 200 metres Flora and fauna are abundant both within and
(Kassaye et al. 1995, Vreysen et al. 1999). outside the conservation areas that are situat-
As part of the Government’s programme ed within the project area such as the Nechisar
for sustainable development and poverty National Park.

Figure 1. The Southern Tsetse Eradication Project (STEP) area. The area within the green box
around Lake Abaya represents the 10 500 square kilometre STEP block-1 area.

In the Southern Rift Valley, the creation of ed areas. Furthermore, in the main valley only
a T and T-free zone (FAO 2002) is feasible as Glossina pallidipes Austen has been found,
the target area is confined by high escarp- although Glossina fuscipes fuscipes Newstead
ments in the east, north and west and by vast occurs in the Deme basin; a smaller valley in
arid land in the south, substantially reducing the north-western part of the Southern Rift
the risk of reinvasion from other tsetse-infest- Valley, which is connected with the Omo

River basin in the west. institutions/organizations, and by national

regulatory institutions. A national project
2.3. Approach coordination office, headed by a national
coordinator manages day-to-day activities in
Planning and implementation of project activ- addition to relevant national and regional
ities are based on the AW-IPM concept and capacity building efforts. The mass-rearing
require: (1) flexible management with clear and irradiation facility at Addis Ababa-Kaliti
lines of authority at national and regional is responsible for colony establishment, mass-
level (Dyck et al. 2005), (2) adequate training rearing (including blood collection and diet
and capacity building in management, sterile processing), irradiation of male tsetse flies
male mass-production, sterile male releases, and preparations for release operations. The
and field monitoring, (3) methods develop- regional project coordination office in Awassa
ment and refinement on tsetse mass-rearing, is responsible for the planning, implementa-
suppression, barrier systems, monitoring and tion, monitoring, evaluation and overall coor-
overall quality assurance, and (4) technical dination of field operations. There are also
activities such as baseline data collection, field operation teams located in Arba Minch,
area-wide tsetse suppression, mass-produc- Dilla and Sodo.
tion of tsetse flies, aerial releases of sterile Community awareness is important for
male tsetse flies (Vreysen et al. 2000), and (5) generating acceptance among, and support
entomological and parasitological monitoring. from, the beneficiaries (Dransfield and
In addition, internationally agreed standards Brightwell 2004). This concerns particularly
and procedures (Barclay et al. 2007) will be human resources, without which project staff
followed to verify eradication. would not be in a position to implement the
various activities at the necessary scale. The
2.4. Organizational Structure and Role existing “grass root” regional government
of Stakeholders structures, including the agricultural exten-
sion services at district administrations and in
The project is managed by the Ethiopian the peasant associations, are instrumental in
Science and Technology Commission (ESTC) generating the required awareness and support
in close interaction with the authorities of the in the communities.
Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples
Regional State (SNNPR) and the Oromiya 3. Project Activities and Results
Regional State. Additional technical and
research support is provided by national and 3.1. Capacity Building and Training
international research institutions and mandat-
ed specialized United Nations (UN) agencies. Besides extensive technical training of project
A steering committee, made up of representa- staff, for which IAEA provided substantive
tives of relevant regional agricultural bureaus, support, major emphasis was on awareness
the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, the generation and training of communities. In
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research total, 3444 community members and district
(EIAR), the ESTC, the International Atomic leaders participated in local awareness cours-
Energy Agency (IAEA), the Food and es and in training exercises on community-
Agriculture Organization of the United based tsetse suppression. This aimed to reduce
Nations (FAO) together with the project man- theft and vandalism of traps and targets in the
agement is responsible for providing strategic field, and to obtain labour for tsetse suppres-
administrative and technical policy decisions. sion. The formation of “anti T and T school
It is assisted by a technical advisory commit- clubs” in ten selected schools in the STEP
tee, consisting of representatives of academic, block-1 area generated additional awareness
national and international research and UN and support.

3.2. Baseline Data Collection and Analysis sea level (Vreysen et al. 1999, Vreysen 2000).
In general fly densities were relatively low in
In 1998, field operations were initiated in the the eastern part of block-1 and high in the
10 500 square kilometres of STEP block-1 thicket areas bordering Lake Abaya in the
(Fig. 1). Using 1:50 000 scale topographic west.
maps with a standard universal transverse
Mercator (UTM) grid overlay, this area and its 3.2.2. Parasitological Survey
surroundings were divided into 105 grids of Based on the entomological survey and taking
10×10 square kilometres each. This enabled into account farming practices and habitat
the entomological, parasitological, environ- types suitable for livestock keeping, 61 geo-
mental and socio-economic baseline data col- referenced sites were selected to collect para-
lection to be planned with local stakeholders sitological and serological baseline data dur-
and relevant national and international partner ing the wet season (May-July) of 1999 and the
institutions, including the Faculty of dry season (February-April) of 2000. Blood
Veterinary Medicine and the Departments of samples were examined for the presence of
Geology and Biology of the Addis Ababa trypanosomes using the buffy coat dark
University (AAU), the Ethiopian Animal ground phase contrast technique (Murray et
Health Research Institute of the EIAR, the al. 1977). Sera were also collected for screen-
International Livestock Research Institute ing using an antibody detection enzyme
(ILRI) and the IAEA. linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
(Rebeski et al. 2000) at the Animal Health
3.2.1. Entomological Survey Research Centre of EIAR at Sebeta.
These surveys were carried out in four consec- In 35 of the 61 sampling sites, livestock
utive seasons between September 1998 and were positive for one or more tsetse-transmit-
October 1999 in all 105 UTM grids of block- ted Trypanosoma species. In most of the “pos-
1 at an altitude of up to 2000 metres above sea itive” sites the preceding entomological sur-
level. Between 20 and 25 grids were allocated veys had confirmed the presence of tsetse
to each of five field teams, which deployed 8- flies. However, at few locations infected ani-
25 NG2G traps (Brightwell et al. 1987), bait- mals were found where no tsetse flies had pre-
ed with cattle urine and acetone, in suitable fly viously been detected. This may be due to the
habitats in each grid for 72 hours. All trap tsetse density being below that which is
sites were geo-referenced using hand held detectable by trapping and/or because infected
global positioning system (GPS) units. and animals may have been moved into these
information was gathered from more than sites.
1900 trap sites in different habitat types
(Vreysen 2000). 3.2.3. Environmental Survey
The surveys revealed the presence of G. This was conducted in March 2001-February
pallidipes in the main valley with G. f. 2002 in order to identify and, to a certain
fuscipes being present in the Deme basin extent, quantify the potential direct or indirect
which has an area of 750 square kilometres risks of T and T intervention (Wilson et al.
and represents about 7% of the STEP block-1 2002). Five transects were identified repre-
area. G. pallidipes was sampled in 58 grids senting all land use patterns in the project
while G. f. fuscipes was detected in 13 grids. area.
In eight grids both species were captured. The The findings can be summarized as fol-
apparent density of the G. pallidipes fluctuat- lows: the SIT is not expected to have any
ed between 0.01 and 68.6 flies per trap per direct impact on non-target organisms. The
day. Most of the G. pallidipes flies were known minor impacts of using pyrethroids are
trapped in forests, woody grassland and bush believed to be short-lived. Tsetse intervention
land up to an altitude of 1990 metres above may not be as important in influencing land

Figure 2. Tsetse colony size and pupae production at Kaliti in 2004.

use and land cover changes as other factors. section 3.2.3. Sixty-eight local enumerators,
Tsetse removal in the lowlands is expected to ten supervisors and 15 facilitators, under the
indirectly impact land use both in the high- supervision of a socio-economist, gathered
lands and in the lowlands. In the highlands information from 6754 households using
cropland may contract as people move to the specifically designed questionnaires
lowlands, and some native biodiversity may be (Rutebuka 2006). The data confirmed that
regained, although not fully restored. In the AAT is a major obstacle for mixed crop-live-
lowlands, grazing, cultivation and other forms stock farming systems, with 88% of the 5314
of land use are expected to expand, leading to reported cattle deaths being due to trypanoso-
increased pressure on riparian woodlands. mosis. According to earlier findings (Knight
Unless protective measures are taken, riparian 2001) the break-even point for investments
woodland and bushland are at risk of becom- made for tsetse eradication in the Southern
ing bushland and wooded grassland, respec- Rift Valley would be reached five to six years
tively, bringing along losses in biodiversity. after eradication. The net present value over 12
Additional “knock-on” effects will largely years was estimated at USD million 37.4-53.8,
depend on other factors such as increased while the internal rate of return ranged
access through improved tracks and roads and between 33 and 43%.
migration or settlement measures. The envi- This information was instrumental in
ronmental baseline data collection identified increasing international donor acceptance of
monitoring tools and indicators to help in the Southern Rift Valley as an area with high
assessing the appropriateness of land use after priority for T and T intervention and related
removal of the T and T problem, thus enabling sustainable agricultural and rural
early corrective measures to be taken. The development, e.g. the African Development
study also highlighted the need to integrate the Bank (AfDB) and the United Nations Trust
socio-economic and environmental assess- Fund for Human Security (UNTFHS or Japan
ments. Security Fund).

3.2.4. Socio-Economic Survey 3.3. Tsetse Mass-Rearing

In 2004 a socio-economic survey was carried
out in the same areas/transects as described in Activities at the Kaliti mass-rearing and irra-

Figure 3. Number of cattle treated with insecticides in the periods December 2002-June 2003,
September 2003-June 2004, and July 2004-February 2005.

diation facility were initiated in August 2000 six rearing modules, one irradiation and sterile
following the renovation and equipping of an male module and other facilities. The Tsetse
existing building to function as a temporary and Trypanosomiasis Research Institute at
insectary. A 60Co-Gammacel-220-Excel® irra- Tanga, Tanzania and the Institute of Zoology,
diator was supplied in March 2003 for decon- Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava,
tamination of blood and for insect steriliza- Slovakia, maintained seed colonies of G. pal-
tion. lidipes originating from Tororo, Uganda,
Wild female G. pallidipes were shipped by which, according to field cage experiments,
air or vehicle from Arba Minch to Kaliti showed no mating barriers with G. pallidipes
where the first three generations (F1 to F3) originating from Ethiopia. A colony of G. f.
were kept separate, but pooled as of the 4th fuscipes is also being maintained at the latter
generation. Colony flies were held at 23-24°C institution.
and 75-80% relative humidity and under indi- In December 2000, 14 000 litres of local
rect low illumination (35 lux) at a 12-hour cow blood were collected from the Addis
photo-scoto period. Flies were fed fresh- Ababa abattoir and stored. Following the
frozen cow blood using an in vitro silicon- acquisition of the gamma irradiator in early
membrane feeding system four days a week 2003 all batches of blood were decontaminat-
for about 15 minutes, using quality-tested ed with 1.2-1.5 kGy gamma irradiation and
blood initially imported from Austria. The subjected to routine microbial screening and a
availability of the 60Co-Gammacel enabled 25-30-day bioassay feeding test (Feldmann
locally collected blood to be processed and 1994).
used for fly feeding. Despite some set-backs,
by December 2004 colony size was over 3.4. Tsetse Suppression
44 000 females producing about 10 000 pupae
per week (Fig. 2). STEP initiated community-based tsetse sup-
In parallel, work was initiated on the pression in 2002, initially using traps and sub-
design and construction of a large tsetse facto- sequently insecticide impregnated blue-black-
ry at Addis Ababa-Kaliti that will consist of blue targets supplemented by pour-on and

Figure 4. Number of insecticide-impregnated targets deployed in the periods December 2002-

June 2003, September 2003-June 2004, and July 2004-February 2005.

spray formulations of insecticides on live- block 1 between December 2002 and June
stock. This suppression is underway in local- 2003, September 2003 and June 2004 and July
ized areas of the STEP block-1, of which 2004 through February 2005 were 26 513,
about 20% is inaccessible and with additional 861 783, and 552 869, respectively (Fig. 3).
5-20% located in-between communal land
also not being treated. The ongoing communi- 3.4.2. Insecticide-Impregnated Targets
ty-based tsetse control activities, therefore, Blue-black-blue targets (175 centimetres x 50
are not area-wide and are insufficient to initi- centimetres) made of polyester fabric, and
ate the SIT phase. impregnated with a 0.4-0.6% s.c.-formulation
of deltamethrin were also used to suppress G.
3.4.1. Insecticide-Treated Cattle pallidipes (Leak 1998). The impregnation was
Insecticide-treated cattle that move through done on specially designed tables using a roller
tsetse-infested areas and attract sufficient brush or by soaking the target in a bucket filled
tsetse flies for feeding can be used for tsetse with the insecticide solution. The impregnated
suppression (Leak 1998). About one fifth of targets were then allowed to dry and placed in
the number of cattle in a given herd was ini- a bamboo frame ready for deployment in
tially treated with special insecticide formula- selected sites. The numbers of insecticide-
tions. A 1% ready-to-use pour-on formulation impregnated targets deployed in block 1
of deltamethrin was applied with a T-bar between December 2002 and June 2003,
along the back of the animal at a dose of September 2003 and June 2004 and July 2004
approximately one millilitre per ten kilograms through February 2005 were 7175, 20 343 and
of body weight. This treatment requires that 5728, respectively (Fig. 4). This deployment
the herd be retreated monthly. Alternatively, was done with the assistance of specially
e.c.-formulations of deltamethrin can be dilut- trained community members under the super-
ed to 0.005%, and animals are then sprayed vision of STEP tsetse control personnel.
with knapsack sprayers at intervals of two Annectodal evidence suggests that these
weeks. The number of animals treated in suppression activities resulted in some

Table 1. Results of the tsetse monitoring in (However, caution is needed in interpreting

each of five sites in the Dilla, Sodo and Arba these data as they are from a very limited
Minch area (see Fig. 1 for locations). number of traps and can therefore not be con-
sidered representative for the entire project
Area Monitoring Apparent fly density area) (Table 1).
sites (flies/trap/day)
3.5.2. Trypanosomosis Monitoring
During sup- Forty animals, randomly selected, were sam-
pled for trypanosomosis prevalence at the
Sodo 5 4.10 0.04
same 15 locations as in section 3.5.1.
Arba Minch 5 4.56 0.44
Screening for trypanosomes involved blood
Dilla 5 3.69 0.45
collection from an ear vein with a heparinized
Total 15 4.11 0.31
capillary tube followed by centrifugation. The
packed cell volume (PCV) was used to identi-
fy anaemic animals (i.e. PCV less than 25%),
and the buffy coat was examined for try-
improvements in the performance of their panosomes using the dark ground phase con-
livestock as well as impacting on other trast technique. Trypanosome positive sam-
ectoparasites, including ticks and nuisance ples were stained with Giemsa for species
flies. identification. Infected animals were then
treated with a curative dose of three mil-
3.5. Monitoring ligrams of Berenil® per kilogram body
weight. Results (Table 2) indicate that the
The field teams at Arba Minch, Dilla and PCV values increased from an average of
Wolaitha-Sodo that were supervising the sup- 23.2% pre-control to 27.9% during tsetse
pression activities also took charge of the lim- intervention. Also the prevalence of try-
ited monitoring exercises. panosomosis declined over the same period
from 17.3% to 7.2%, representing a reduction
3.5.1. Tsetse Monitoring of 58%. This is a less drastic decline than that
Each field team placed acetone and cow urine- recorded for fly density, underlining the fact
baited NG2G traps at two monthly intervals that tsetse flies are efficient vectors of try-
for 72 hours at 15 identified locations. The panosomosis even at substantially reduced
tsetse fly apparent densities (flies per trap per population levels. Therefore, a complete
day) was reduced from four to 0.3 flies per removal of the vector using the AW-IPM
trap per day after initiating tsetse suppression. approach will be necessary for complete elim-
ination of trypanosome transmission.
Table 2. Results of the parasitological moni-
toring. 4. Conclusions
During the initial phase of the STEP project
Area Monitoring Disease prevalence (%)
there has been high and consistent govern-
ment commitment at national and regional
During sup- levels in Ethiopia, recruitment and training of
project staff in the laboratory and the field,
Sodo 5 18.0 10.7 emphasis given to strong community partici-
Arba Minch 5 12.0 0.0 pation, involvement of local academia in var-
Dilla 5 22.0 11.0 ious project activities and targeted technical
Total 15 17.3 7.2 and financial support from the IAEA, FAO,
AfDB and the UNTFHS.

Besides expansion of tsetse suppression, using mark-release-recapture studies. The

mass-rearing and other activities, a flexible Deme basin is considered to be a suitable area
management system will need to be imple- for testing and refining these methods in the
mented based on the special needs of an AW- field.
IPM programme with an SIT component. This The Ethiopian authorities, with the support
will be characterized by financial flexibility in of FAO, IAEA and African Union (AU)-Pan
the context of a phased, conditional planning African Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis
and implementation approach with the con- Eradication Campaign, have initiated efforts
sensus of key national and international part- to generate the funding necessary for imple-
ners and stakeholders. An upscaling of the menting all activities planned for the STEP
STEP operational activities in the rearing block-1 area. USD 300 000 available through
facility and the field will require additional the United Nations Fund for International
trained and dedicated staff. Partnership (UNFIP), co-financed by the USA
STEP has established a colony of G. pal- will be used to prepare for and conduct part-
lidipes originating from Arba Minch, located ners’ and donors’ meetings.
in the STEP project area. In addition a back-
up colony of this species originating from 5. References
Tororo, Uganda, is maintained at the Slovak
Academy of Sciences, which also maintains a Barclay, H. J., A. Clift, V. A. Dyck, U.
colony of the second target species, G. f. Feldmann, R. Geiger, J. Hargrove, A. G.
fuscipes. Ongoing research addresses various Luckins, R. Mattioli, and M. J. B. Vreysen.
rearing constraints encountered including 2007. Guidelines for declaring areas free of
pupal sexing and managing the impact of a tsetse flies and tsetse-transmitted African ani-
virus on the productivity of the G. pallidipes mal trypanosomosis. PAAT Technical and
colony. Scientific Series, FAO, Rome, Italy (in
Community-based tsetse suppression has press).
been carried out in about 60%-65% of the Brightwell, R., R. D. Dransfield, C. A.
STEP block-1 area and the very limited mon- Kyorku, T. K. Golder, S. A. Tarimo, and D.
itoring indicated localized reductions in the Mungai. 1987. A new trap for Glossina pal-
apparent fly density and the prevalence of try- lidipes. Tropical Pest Management 33: 151-
panosomosis. It is considered that the use of 159.
the sequential aerosol technique (SAT) will be Dransfield, R. D., and R. Brightwell. 2004.
essential to achieve effective suppression in Community participation in tsetse control:
the 30-40% of the project area where commu- the principles, potential and practice, pp. 533-
nity-based suppression is ineffective. A study 546. In Maudlin, I., P. H. Holmes, and M. A.
will need to be conducted to assess the techni- Miles (eds.), The trypanosomiases. CABI
cal, environmental and economic feasibility of Publishing, Wallingford, UK.
SAT and involve all relevant national stake- Dyck, V. A., J. Reyes Flores, M. J. B. Vreysen,
holders. E. E. Redigor Fernandez, T. Teruya, B.
Other field aspects that need to be Barnes, P. Gomez Riera, D. Lindquist, and
addressed include the introduction of a stan- M. Loosjes. 2005. Management of area-
dardized, representative entomological moni- wide integrated pest management pro-
toring system and the validation of the grammes that integrate the sterile insect tech-
Access-based tsetse information recording nique, pp. 525-546. In Dyck, V. A., J.
and reporting (TIRR) database. Furthermore, Hendrichs, and A. S. Robinson (eds.), Sterile
areas where artificial barrier systems, consist- insect technique. Principles and practice in
ing of a combination of insecticide-impreg- area-wide integrated pest management.
nated targets and insecticide-treated cattle, are Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
required, need to be identified and validated (FAO) Food and Agriculture Organization of

the United Nations. 2002. Report of work- Robinson, R. H. Dwinger, and J. R.

shop on PAAT-PATTEC harmonization, 2-3 Crowther. 2000. Development, standardis-
May 2002, Rome, Italy. http://www.fao. ation and validation of ELISA methods to
org/ag/againfo/programmes/ en/paat/docu- improve the control of trypanosomosis, pp.
ments/workshops/harmonization_work- 11-19. In Proceedings: Animal Trypanoso-
shop.pdf mosis: Diagnosis and Epidemiology. Results
Feldmann, U. 1994. Guidelines for the rearing of an FAO/IAEA Coordinated Research
of tsetse flies using the membrane feeding Programme on the Use of Immunoassay
technique, pp. 449-471. In Ochieng-Odero, J. Methods for Improved Diagnosis of
P. R. (ed.), Techniques of insect rearing for Trypanosomosis and Monitoring Tsetse and
the development of integrated pest and vector Trypanosomosis Control Programmes.
management strategies, Vol. 1. ICIPE Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The
Science Press, Nairobi, Kenya. Netherlands.
Feldmann, U. 2004. The sterile insect tech- Rutebuka, M. A. 2006. Socio-economic base-
nique as a component of area-wide integrated line survey to guide tsetse control and eradi-
pest management of tsetse, pp. 565-582. In cation in the southern rift valley, Ethiopia.
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Don't Let Cacto Blast Us:
Development of a Bi-National Plan to Stop
the Spread of the Cactus Moth Cactoblastis
cactorum in North America



1USDA/APHIS-Plant Protection and Quarantine-Center for Plant

Health Science and Technology, Raleigh, North Carolina 27606, USA
2USDA/ARS-Crop Protection and Management Research Unit, PO Box

748, Tifton, Georgia 31793, USA

3USDA/ARS-Center for Medical, Agricultural, and Veterinary

Entomology, Tallahassee, Florida 32308, USA

4USDA/APHIS-Plant Protection and Quarantine-Emergency and

Domestic Programs, Riverdale, Maryland 20737, USA

5Helmut Zimmermann & Associates, Faerie Glen, PO Box 974, Pretoria

0043, South Africa

ABSTRACT The South American cactus moth Cactoblastis cactorum (Berg) was first detected in the
continental USA on Big Pine Key in southern Florida in 1989. Although it was recognized as a potential
threat to Opuntia-rich areas in the south-western USA and Mexico, actions were not taken to manage its
spread because there are relatively few cactus plants in Florida and the moth was not known to disperse
well over long distances. However, the moth has since spread along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico to the
State of Alabama. In 2000, an initial meeting of assessment was held in Tampa, Florida, with subsequent
planning meetings held in 2002 and 2003 to develop a strategic plan for research, detection, and control.
A pheromone-based trapping system has now been developed and an area-wide management approach
using the sterile insect technique (SIT) is being tested. In 2006, Mexico will begin contributing funds to
help implement a bi-national plan to stop the spread of the cactus moth in North America.

KEY WORDS invasive pest, cactus moth, Cactoblastis cactorum, Opuntia, Lepidoptera, area-wide,

1. Introduction Based on this success, C. cactorum was inten-

tionally introduced to the Caribbean island of
Until its appearance in the continental USA as Nevis in 1957 to control an unwanted com-
an invasive pest, the South American cactus plex of native Opuntia that were replacing
moth Cactoblastis cactorum (Berg), was con- grasses in overgrazed rangeland (Simmonds
sidered the poster child for biological control and Bennett 1966). The cactus moth later dis-
of weeds because of its role in reducing large persed or was intentionally introduced to
populations of exotic Opuntia (prickly pear) other Caribbean islands where it attacks both
cacti in Australia (Dodd 1940) and elsewhere weedy and non-weedy native Opuntia species.
around the world (Julien and Griffiths 1998). It was reported from Montserrat and Antigua
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 337–344.
Published with the permission of © 2007 U.S. Government

in 1960, Grand Cayman in 1970, St. Helena in the cactus moth was reported from
1971, and Ascension in 1973. The cactus Cumberland Island on the southern coast of
moth also spread from Nevis to St. Kitts and the State of Georgia. Hight et al. (2002) found
to the US Virgin Islands (Simmonds and infestations as far north as Folly Island near
Bennett 1966). It was reported from Puerto Charleston, South Carolina, and as far west as
Rico in 1963 (García-Tuduri et al. 1971). The St. George Island, Florida. The current (2005)
cactus moth is currently also present in Haiti, limits of cactus moth distribution along the
the Dominican Republic, the Bahamas, and Atlantic and Gulf coasts are at Bull Island,
Cuba (Zimmerman et al. 2005). South Carolina, and Dauphin Island,
Alabama, respectively (S. Hight, unpub-
2. Detection in the USA lished) (Fig. 1).

C. cactorum was first recorded in the conti- 3. Life Cycle

nental USA in 1989. Habeck and Bennett
(1990) reported the discovery of cactus moth C. cactorum is native to northern Argentina,
adults in the Florida Keys in October 1989. In Uruguay, Paraguay, and southern Brazil
addition, Dickle (1991) collected larvae from (Mann 1969). Larvae are phytophagous and
infested Opuntia stricta (Haworth) Haworth feed on numerous species of prickly pear cacti
in this same area in 1989 and again in May (Opuntia spp.). Adult females lay eggs in a
1990. Between May 1990 and October 1991 vertical chain containing 50-100 eggs that is
collections of cactus moth were made along glued to a cactus pad or cactus spine. Egg
both Florida coasts up to locations approxi- sticks take four to five weeks to develop.
mately 350 kilometres north of the initial Upon eclosion larvae burrow into the cactus
detection site in the Florida Keys. By 1999, pad where they feed gregariously. A cohort of

Figure 1. Detection by year of larval infestations of Cactoblastis cactorum in the continental

USA. Current efforts to limit the spread of the cactus moth are focused along the Gulf Coast
near the western leading edge at Dauphin Island, Alabama.

larvae typically destroys three to four cactus developed and undeveloped areas. Establishment
pads before completing development (Monro of the cactus moth in these areas could have
1975). Fully developed larvae spin cocoons in effects far beyond a simple decrease in the
the litter or between collapsed cactus pads number of Opuntia cacti. For example, in
(Pettey 1948). The cactus moth completes Florida, where cacti are a minor component of
three generations per year in Florida the native flora, there are three species of
(Zimmermann et al. 2004). Opuntia that are limited to local populations
in the Florida Keys and all are being attacked
4. Potential Impacts by the cactus moth (Pemberton 1995). These
same cactus habitats are also shared by rare
Garrett (2004) summarized the potential eco- and endangered insects such as the
nomic impacts from the spread of the cactus Gerstaeckeria cactus weevil Gerstaeckeria
moth in the USA in a white paper for the fasciata Pierce. Other fauna associated with
United States Department of Agriculture- prickly pear cactus and affected by the loss of
Animal Plant Health Inspection Service these host plants include the threatened gopher
(USDA-APHIS). Simonson et al. (2005) pre- tortoise Gopherus polyphemus (Daudin) along
pared a preliminary assessment of impacts the eastern edge of the Florida Everglades and
and risks associated with the spread of the the endangered San Salvador island rock igua-
cactus moth in the USA and Mexico for the na Cyclura rileyi rileyi Stejneger in the
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Bahamas (Zimmermann et al. 2004). Negative
and the Food and Agriculture Organization of impacts such as these are expected to increase
the United Nations (FAO). Currently, prickly as the range of the cactus moth continues to
pear cactus is of minor importance as a expand. Additionally, further westward spread
domestically produced food crop in the USA, could lead the cactus moth into Mexico where
although demand for both fresh and processed prickly pear cactus is a major agricultural
prickly pear pads (nopalitos) and fruit (tunas) commodity and has significantly greater eco-
has been increasing steadily. Production of logical and socio-economic importance
prickly pear cactus for edible use in the USA (Hernández et al., this volume).
is limited largely to California where 70-80%
of the crop is produced from approximately 5. Developing an Action Plan
243 hectares of land.
Most of the commercial value of prickly In order to discuss the cactus moth problem in
pear in agriculture is in the ornamental nurs- the USA, a first meeting for assessment and
ery and landscape industries. In the State of planning was held in Tampa, Florida, in
Arizona this industry has been estimated to September 2000 with scientific experts, regu-
encompass 550 000 plants with a retail value latory officials, and representatives from the
of greater than USD 10 million. Prickly pear conservation community from the USA,
cactus is also important in the south-western Mexico, and South Africa (Mahr et al. 2001).
USA as emergency forage for cattle during Meeting participants unanimously agreed that
periods of drought and is considered integral the cactus moth had the potential to be devas-
to maintaining the quality of wildlife habitat tating to the fragile arid environments in the
for hunting-lease enterprises for animals such USA and Mexico. In July 2002, the FAO and
as the white-tail deer Odocoileus virginianus IAEA hosted a cactus moth consultants meet-
(Boddaert), javelina Peccari tajacu (L.), and ing to review and evaluate the threat of C.
bobwhite quail Colinus virginianus (L.). cactorum to international agriculture and bio-
The greatest value of Opuntia, however, diversity (IAEA 2002). The role that the ster-
lies in the ecological roles they play in native ile insect technique (SIT) could play in
desert ecosystems, adding to wildlife habitat, addressing the cactus moth invasion as a
ecosystem structure, and biodiversity in both model for invasive pests affecting not only

agriculture but the environment also was (1) it could provide a way to protect rare
assessed at these meetings. Furthermore, FAO Opuntia cacti (such as those present in the
and IAEA agreed to support research in mem- Florida Keys) from attack, (2) it could be
ber states for developing the SIT. Subsequent available as an eradication tool in new out-
stakeholder meetings were held in Miami, break areas beyond the leading edges of cur-
Florida, in December 2003 (www.inva- rent infestations, and (3) it could be used to and erect a barrier to prevent or slow the expan-
Mexico City in July 2004 (SAGARPA 2004). sion of the cactus moth’s geographical range
In September 2004, the USDA-APHIS, (Carpenter et al. 2001a). Considering the var-
Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) com- ious control options available for the cactus
mitted to developing a strategic plan to delim- moth, Stiling (2002) concluded that the use of
it, monitor, and mitigate the spread of the cac- SIT:
tus moth in North America. The strategic plan …offers perhaps the only realistic chance of
addresses concerns for: (1) survey and detec- drawing a line in the sand, literally, in Florida,
tion of infestations along and in front of the and trying to prevent further spread of C. cacto-
cactus moth’s westward expanding range, (2) rum into the USA South-West and Mexico.
accurate identification of other Lepidoptera
that feed on prickly pear cacti that may be The USDA-APHIS-PPQ, USDA-ARS,
confused with C. cactorum, (3) regulation of and US Geological Survey have also been
importation and domestic movement of working with Mississippi State University’s
prickly pear cacti plant material, (4) eradica- GeoResources Institute to set up a web-based
tion and containment of known infestations monitoring network (
using a combination of mechanical removal of research/cmdmn/) for federal- and state-man-
infested plants (sanitation), application of aged lands such as wildlife refuges, national
insecticides, and releases of sterile insects, (5) parks and seashores, as well as lands managed
research to refine monitoring and control pro- by non-governmental organizations. These
tocols, (6) outreach activities to increase pub- efforts will complement state departments of
lic awareness, and (7) cooperation with agriculture surveys of nurseries and residential
Mexico regarding cost and information shar- properties using APHIS-PPQ’s Cooperative
ing. Agriculture Pest Survey System, whose public
site is at: napis/. APHIS-
6. Researching Management PPQ’s Center for Plant Health Science and
Tactics Technology (CPHST) has been using a risk
zone mapping program ( to
Scientists from the USDA’s Agricultural analyse cactus moth phenology data and map
Research Service (ARS) have now assembled larval and adult activity to help predict the
a large body of knowledge about the cactus most appropriate times to monitor or survey
moths’ spread in the south-eastern USA for the moth’s various life stages. CPHST has
(Hight et al. 2002, Solís et al. 2004), and its also been developing survey tools using hand-
behaviour and reproductive biology (Hight et held digital data collection systems (personal
al. 2003). They also have moved quickly to digital assistants (PDA)) and global position-
develop trapping protocols and evaluate both ing system (GPS) units to facilitate accurate
natural and synthetic lures (Bloem et al. 2003, data collection and the production of geospa-
2005a), as well as to evaluate control strate- tial maps.
gies using different insecticides (Bloem et al. In 2005, APHIS initiated a cooperative
2005b) and sterile insect releases (Carpenter research effort with ARS to validate the SIT,
et al. 2001a,b, Hight et al. 2005). in combination with sanitation, as a compre-
The SIT could have several applications hensive area-wide control and risk manage-
for suppression of cactus moth populations: ment strategy against C. cactorum, and as a

possible means of establishing a barrier that community began to raise concerns that the
would stop the cactus moth’s westward move- cactus moth might be scrutinized as an exam-
ment. The SIT evaluation involved three sites. ple of non-target effects of classical biological
The site along the leading edge (Dauphin control rather than as an invasive pest, and
Island, Alabama) received sterile insects and a Mexico began to raise concerns about the cac-
sanitation procedure, a second site was only tus moth as an invasive threat to its cactus
sanitized (Okaloosa Island, Florida), and a industry and the biodiversity of its desert
third site was left unchanged (St. George ecosystems (Hernández et al., this volume),
Island, Florida). Sterile cactus moths were did regulatory officials become engaged.
released on Dauphin Island two to three times Once a full assessment of the situation had
per week (500-5000 moths per release) during been made, it became clear that significant
April/May, July/August, and October/November. knowledge gaps existed regarding the moth’s
The sanitation procedure involved the biology and behaviour and very few tools
removal of cactus pads infested with C. cacto- were available to monitor and control its
rum larvae and the removal of all egg sticks spread, and that these would have to be
and pupae that were encountered on a year- researched and developed (Mahr et al. 2001).
long basis. During this period, all three sites Rapid progress by ARS scientists in pro-
were monitored for adult flight activity (wild viding some of the necessary technologies has
and sterile released males) using pheromone- allowed APHIS to proceed with the develop-
baited sticky traps, as well as for C. cactorum ment of a strategic plan for continued research
infestation on sentinel host plants. The SIT and programme implementation. Additionally,
procedure is being evaluated by comparing an agreement between the USDA and
the magnitude of the change in larval infesta- Mexico’s Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería,
tions, wild moth captures, and sterile to wild Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentación
overflooding ratios at each site over the course (SAGARPA) entitled, “Work Programme to
of the study. Establish Management and a Containment
Barrier for the Cactus Moth”, through an
7. Garnering Support for agreement with the North American Plant
Action Protection Organization (NAPPO), provides
joint funding starting in 2006 for a broader bi-
When addressing invasive pest problems, the national implementation programme to
urgency of response is typically determined stop/slow the spread of the cactus moth in
by the perceived value of the commodity at North America.
risk (i.e. the potential impact of the pest) and Unfortunately, controlling the cactus moth
the level of outcry by affected stakeholders. is now a race against time. From 2001-2004,
Although alarm signals were raised by a num- the moth moved westward along the Gulf
ber of scientists about the threat that the cactus Coast of the USA at the rate of 160 kilometres
moth posed to rare Opuntia in the Florida per year, limited largely to Opuntia-bearing
Keys and its likely impact should it spread barrier islands. Dauphin Island, Alabama, is
(Habeck and Bennett 1990, Dickle 1991, the site of the current western-most infestation
Pemberton 1995, Johnson and Stiling 1996, and it is the last barrier island with road access
1998), very few people took notice. Opuntia until Galveston Island in northern Texas.
cacti are not major components of the Florida Although expanded efforts initiated in 2005
landscape, they are of minor agricultural may help prevent the moth from moving fur-
importance throughout the USA, the moth ther west, establishment of a true barrier and
was not historically known to disperse rapid- emergency response to such movement is still
ly, and stakeholders in the western USA where in its infancy. Once the moth reaches the
cacti are much more common have been south-western USA, the density and diversity
largely silent. Not until the biological control of Opuntia cacti increase sharply and Opuntia

distribution from the coastline to the interior Hight, and J. E. Carpenter. 2005b.
becomes more contiguous. Therefore, the cost Laboratory evaluation of insecticides for
of implementing an abatement programme to control of the invasive Cactoblastis cacto-
stop the spread of the cactus moth would also rum (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Florida
increase sharply if the infestation is allowed to Entomologist 88: 395-400.
move westward, and the opportunity to “draw Carpenter, J. E., K. A. Bloem, and S. Bloem.
a line in the sand” would quickly diminish. 2001a. Applications of F1 sterility for
research and management of Cactoblastis
8. Conclusions cactorum (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Florida
Entomologist 84: 531-536.
Given the high number of exotic, potentially Carpenter, J. E., S. Bloem, and K. A. Bloem.
invasive pests entering the USA each year, 2001b. Inherited sterility in the cactus moth
and the limitations on funding and other man- Cactoblastis cactorum (Lepidoptera: Pyrali-
agement resources and tools available to dae). Florida Entomologist 84: 537-542.
address them, assessments of risk must be Dickle, T. S. 1991. Cactoblastis cactorum in
made and action priorities set. However as the Florida (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae: Phycitinae).
cactus moth story illustrates, the perception of Tropical Lepidoptera 2: 117-118.
or actual risk may change over time. It also Dodd, A. P. 1940. The biological campaign
reinforces the fact that the window of oppor- against prickly pear. Commonwealth Prickly
tunity to eradicate or contain a pest is limited. Pear Board, Brisbane, Australia.
Although the potential impact of C. cactorum García-Tuduri, J., L. F. Martorell, and S.
on Opuntia cacti in North America did not Medina-Guad. 1971. Geographical distri-
become a regulatory concern until 2000, more bution and host plant list of the cactus moth,
than ten years after its initial detection, Cactoblastis cactorum (Berg) in Puerto Rico
research has since moved very quickly to pro- and the United States Virgin Islands. The
vide management options. In the span of only Journal of Agriculture of the University of
five years, the irradiation biology of the moth Puerto Rico 55: 130-134.
has been determined, rearing and monitoring Garrett, L. 2004. White paper: economic
methods have been developed, and both field impact from spread of Cactoblastis cactorum
cage and open field trials of the SIT have been in the US. USDA-APHIS-PPQ-CPHST.
conducted. Time will now tell if these efforts
and future support prove successful at manag- ing_pests/cactoblastis/whitepaper.pdf
ing the risk posed by this pest, or whether the Habeck, D. H., and F. D. Bennett. 1990.
line in the sand was drawn too late. Cactoblastis cactorum (Berg) (Lepidoptera:
Pyralidae), a phycitine new to Florida.
9. References Entomology Circular 333.
Hight, S. D., S. Bloem, K. A. Bloem, and J. E.
Bloem, S., J. E. Carpenter, and K. A. Bloem. Carpenter. 2003. Cactoblastis cactorum
2003. Performance of sterile Cactoblastis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae): observations of
cactorum (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) females courtship and mating behaviors at two loca-
in luring males to traps. Florida Entomologist tions on the Gulf Coast of Florida. Florida
86: 395-399. Entomologist 86: 400-407.
Bloem, S., S. D. Hight, J. E. Carpenter, and K. Hight, S. D., J. E. Carpenter, K. A. Bloem, S.
A. Bloem. 2005a. Developing the most Bloem, R. W. Pemberton, and P. Stiling.
effective trap to monitor the geographical 2002. Expanding geographical range of
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cactorum (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Florida dae) in North America. Florida Entomologist
Entomologist 88: 300-306. 85: 527-529.
Bloem, S., R. F. Mizell III, K. A. Bloem, S. D. Hight, S. D., J. E. Carpenter, S. Bloem, and K.

A. Bloem. 2005. Developing a sterile insect 1975. Ecological Society of Australia,

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field studies. Environmental Entomology 34: States: an immigrant biological control agent
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1. IAEA/FAO-BSC/CM, IAEA, Vienna, spread to Mexico. Report to the IAEA, Joint

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Preventive Programme Against the Cactus
Moth Cactoblastis cactorum in Mexico


Plant Health General Directorate, SENASICA - SAGARPA, Guillermo

Pérez Valenzuela 127, Col. del Carmen, Coyoacán México, D.F. 04100

ABSTRACT The importance of the cactus moth Cactoblastis cactorum (Berg) as a successful biolog-
ical control agent against ten Opuntia invaders in 20 countries is widely documented. Nevertheless, this
species has also become a serious threat to the high diversity of both native and cultivated Opuntia species
in many regions of the world. In particular its presence in the Caribbean islands, and its rapidly expanding
range in the south-eastern USA, is an imminent threat to native Opuntia species in Mexico and the south-
western USA. C. cactorum's effective biological control role provides useful information on its expected
impact should it arrive as an exotic invasive species in Mexico and the south-western USA. The cactus
moth is particularly effective in the biological control of small- and medium-sized Opuntia weeds. Mexico
and south-western USA are considered the most important centres of biodiversity for Opuntia. In addition
the agricultural uses of Opuntia spp. are considerable and include forage, vegetables, fruit, cochineal and
value-added medical and cosmetic products. Because of the high ecological importance and significant
representation of Opuntia within production chains in Mexico, it is imperative to pay special attention to
the C. cactorum threat by carrying out a preventive programme throughout the country involving: (1) mon-
itoring and sampling in commercial and wild areas, (2) increasing awareness by the general public and
establishing a regulatory system to prevent the entry and dissemination of cactus moth host materials, and
(3) increasing readiness to be able to implement suppression, containment and eradication actions where
and when required. In furthering these aims, the preventive programme in Mexico has counted on the
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations (FAO) to provide financial and technical support for research and development, training in coun-
tries where the insect is established, and technology transfer. In addition, a bi-national programme between
the USA and Mexico to stop the spread of the cactus moth in North America has been initiated.

KEY WORDS cactus moth, Cactoblastis cactorum, invasive species, Opuntia, prevention, monitor-
ing, Mexico, quarantine

1. Introduction hectares for a green vegetable called “nopali-

tos”, and 100 hectares for cochineal rearing,
Mexico has the highest genetic diversity of all based on a few Opuntia species. In addi-
cactus. Within the Subfamily Opuntioideae tion, wild Opuntia cactus occur in many areas
alone, about 107 Opuntia species have been of the country, where they are used in many
recorded (51 species of Platyopuntia and 56 traditional ways by mainly rural communities.
of Cilyndropuntia), with 38 species being Cactus in Mexico is therefore an important
native to Mexico. It is estimated that about food source for humans, livestock and
150 000 hectares are cultivated for fodder (in wildlife. It is also used as a dye and to prevent
addtion to the three million hectares grown and combat soil erosion. Opuntia species and
wild), about 60 000 hectares for fruit (cactus their cultivation are a great source of employ-
or prickly pear) production (Cervantes- ment, an important component of genetic bio-
Herrera and Gallegos-Vazquez 2003), 10 500 diversity and a host for a wide variety of
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 345–350.
© 2007 IAEA.

Figure 1. Map of the USA, Mexico and Central America, indicating the density of Opuntia
species and the potential of survival of Cactoblastis cactorum.

wildlife. stages is host-specific to Opuntias and it has

The South American cactus moth been used as a highly effective biological con-
Cactoblastis cactorum (Berg) in its larval trol agent against invasive Opuntia species in

many countries including Australia (Dodd a national programme involving phytosanitary

1940, Moran and Zimmermann 1984), South measures to prevent entry of this pest into the
Africa (Pettey 1948) and the Caribbean country.
islands of Antigua, Grand Cayman, Monserrat
and Nevis (Simmonds and Bennett 1966). It 2. The National Preventive
has now also spread to all other islands in the Programme
Greater Antilles and many in the Lesser
Antilles where it is seriously affecting native Invasion of the cactus moth into Mexico
Opuntia species (Zimmerman et al. 2001). would have irreparable ecological, economic
The insect was detected in Florida in 1989 and social effects on the country, a fact recog-
(Habeck and Bennett 1990), and it is now dis- nized by the highest authorities in the
persing westward in the USA towards Texas, Ministry of Agriculture of Mexico
New Mexico, and Arizona, thereby threaten- (SAGARPA). Therefore, rather than waiting
ing vast areas where Opuntias are present, and to respond to the pest presence once it arrives
with the potential to enter also Mexico in the country, the attention of government
(Johnson and Stiling 1998). leaders is focused on preventing the introduc-
In response to the concern expressed by the tion of C. cactorum. Mandatory regulatory
scientific and conservation community in a measures involve two action plans:
meeting in Tampa, Florida in 2000 (Mahr et
al. 2001), the International Atomic Energy 2.1. Preventing the Introduction of
Agency (IAEA) organized in Vienna a meet- Cactus Moth into Mexico
ing with representatives from the Caribbean,
Mexico, South Africa and the USA to raise This involves: (1) risk analysis of the potential
awareness of the seriousness of the situation ecological, economic and social impact, (2) a
and to assess the potential and research and public awareness campaign (book, posters,
development needs of developing the sterile brochures, calendars, articles in journals and
insect technique (SIT) to stop the advance of books, magazines and newspapers, interviews
the pest (IAEA 2002). As a result of this and in radio, broadcasting videos), (3) training on
follow-up meetings with the United States identification and detection for quarantine
Department of Agriculture (USDA), including inspection personnel, university professors
a regional forum with national and interna- and growers (workshops, symposia, meet-
tional partners organized in Mexico City by ings), (4) establishment of a national and
the Plant Health General Directorate of international advisory group, (5) permanent
Mexico and the IAEA (SAGARPA 2004), a monitoring and host sampling in commercial
strategic plan was developed to delimit, mon- and wild areas (Monitoring and sampling
itor and reduce the spread of the cactus moth methods were determined by a technical advi-
in North America. It was also agreed to sup- sory group of the National Preventive
port research in monitoring, application of Programme in 2003). In commercial areas,
insecticides, the SIT, and to regulate the five geo-referenced points per hectare are
importation and domestic movement of cacti selected from which one plant per point is
(K. Bloem et al., this volume). selected for checking. In wild areas, one geo-
The cactus moth is now a recognized quar- referenced point is randomly selected and all
antine pest in Mexico, and therefore the plants are checked within ten metres around
Mexican Government, through the Plant the point; technicians check the points week-
Health General Directorate (Servicio ly), (6) surveillance of possible pathways and
Nacional de Sanidad, Inocuidad y Calidad susceptible host areas, (7) multi-lateral coop-
Agroalimentaria – Secretaría de Agricultura, eration with countries where cactus moth
Ganaderia, Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y occurs, and (8) research and development
Alimentación, SAGARPA), has implemented projects financed by the IAEA.

Stakeholders participating in the preven- Oaxaca, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Sonora,

tive national programme include federal and Guanajuato, Campeche, Yucatán and
state governments, national and international Quintana Roo where many cacti and Opuntia
research institutions and regulatory organiza- species exist and there are many possibilities
tions, commercial and subsistence growers, for the cactus moth to become established.
farmers and ranchers, and the general public.
3. Results
2.2. The National Emergency Response
System Field sampling was undertaken in 20 states
with the highest potential for establishment of
This involves phytosanitary inspection at con- the pest. These were chosen based on the eco-
trol points across Mexico, and implementation nomic, environmental and social importance
of offshore mitigation of pest populations and considering the probability of pest estab-
involving an integrated pest management pro- lishment based on similar prevailing climates
gramme (IPM) that includes: (1) detection and in countries where the pest had become estab-
monitoring surveys, (2) use of the sterile lished. Results until now indicate that the cac-
insect technique developed by the USDA in tus moth is not present in Mexico (28 000
collaboration with the IAEA, (3) cultural commercial hectares were surveyed using
practices, and (4) biological, chemical, and 7500 sampling points). Nevertheless, it is nec-
regulatory control. essary to increase efforts in research and
For the proper operation of this system, the development to help understand the biology
Mexican Official Emergency Regulation of the insect and its host preferences, and to
“NOM-EM-040-FITO-2003” was published develop diagnostic methods for earlier detec-
on 20 May 2003 in the Official Diary of the tion and emergency response1.
Federation. Under this regulation, the system The operational funds provided for the pre-
to prevent the entry, dissemination and estab- ventive programme have been close to 20 mil-
lishment of the cactus moth in the national ter- lion pesos (equivalent to USD 1.8 million).
ritory is enforced. However, since Mexican These came from the federal government,
emergency regulations are valid for six states and growers and have been used for
months only, a new permanent Mexican monitoring and sampling, for organizing
Official Regulation “NOM-084-FITO-2004” training courses for technicians and growers,
was published in the Federal Diary and will be workshops, symposia and expositions, and for
officially established once this regulation has improving public awareness through the dis-
been approved. tribution of posters, brochures, pamphlets,
In accordance with a study carried out by calendars and videos.
the Mexico Biodiversity Commission SAGARPA organized meetings, work-
(CONABIO; Comisión Nacional para el Uso shops, symposia and national and internation-
y Aprovechamiento de la Biodiversidad), this al fora jointly with universities, government
regulation identifies susceptible states in and other agencies, and the FAO/IAEA. Over
Mexico, which are at risk of introduction and 3100 copies of a book entitled: “Biology, his-
establishment of this exotic invasive species tory, threat, surveillance and control of the
(Fig. 1) (Soberón et al. 2001, Zimmermann et cactus moth Cactoblastis cactorum”
al. 2003). In addition, the potential areas of (Zimmerman et al. 2004) and 160 videos enti-
greatest impact are the States of Tamaulipas, tled: “Cactus moth: an economic, social and
Hidalgo and Zacatecas. Besides these states, ecological threat” were distributed to more
the programme is implemented in Baja than 100 national and international, and pub-
California, Baja California Sur, Distrito lic and private institutions (IAEA 2005).
Federal, Estado de México, Jalisco, Nuevo Also implemented have been research and
León, Querétaro, Puebla, San Luis Potosí, technology transfer activities supported by the
1Editorial footnote: An outbreak of cactus moth was detected in 2006 on the Isla Mujeres, Yucatan

IAEA and FAO. These included expert mis- both countries, including the SIT validation
sions to the Caribbean islands to prepare risk trials, which have been ongoing since early
assessment pathways, and joint research with 2005 at four validation sites on islands in
the Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Alabama and Florida (Floyd 2006).
Argentina on the biology and distribution of
the cactus moth, and with USDA’s 5. References
Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS)
to develop mass-rearing and to optimize Cervantes-Herrera, J., and C. Gallegos-
pheromones for detecting and monitoring of Vázquez. 2003. La cadena tuna en
cactus moth. This support also resulted in the Zacatecas, pp. 39-41. In Memoria del IX
development of an economic, social and eco- Congreso Nacional y VII Congreso
logical impact assessment for the USA and Internacional “Conocimiento y Aprovecha-
Mexico (Simonson et al. 2005), and the field- miento del Nopal”. Zacatecas, Zacatecas,
testing of contact insecticides in South México.
Africa. Dodd, A. P. 1940. The biological campaign
against prickly pear. Commonwealth Prickly
4. Conclusions Pear Board Bulletin, Brisbane, Australia.
Floyd, J. P. 2006. Cactoblastis cactorum activ-
As a consequence of the described assess- ities report for March 2006. APHIS-USDA,
ment, awareness and other preparatory activ- USA.
ities, and the mutual interest of Mexico and Habeck, D. H., and F. D. Bennett. 1990.
the USA in preventing C. cactorum from Cactoblastis cactorum Berg (Lepidoptera:
spreading from the south-eastern USA and Pyralidae), a phycitine new to Florida.
Caribbean Islands to vulnerable areas in the Florida Department of Agriculture Consumer
south-western USA and Mexico, SAGARPA Services, Division of Plant Industry. Index
and the USDA have agreed to cooperate in an Entomologist Circular 333.
effort to prevent introduction of the cactus (IAEA) International Atomic Energy Agency.
moth into these areas. These agencies have 2002. Mitigating the threat of Cactoblastis
prepared a bi-national plan to stop the spread cactorum to international agriculture and
of the cactus moth, and to define activities ecological systems and biodiversity. Report
and allocate funds from both countries to and recommendations of a consultants’ group
implement the plan. Activities are focused meeting organized by the Technical Co-oper-
on: risk assessment, public awareness cam- ation Department of the IAEA and the Joint
paigns, management and infrastructure FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques
improvements, surveys and detection meth- in Food and Agriculture, July 2002, Vienna,
ods, identification skills and facilities, Austria. IAEA, Vienna, Austria. http:www-
improved regulatory efforts, control or con-
tainment methods, research and technology df/reports/ Thematic_plan_cactus.pdf.
transfer. (IAEA) International Atomic Energy Agency.
The most important agreements in the bi- 2005. The cactus moth, Cactoblastis cacto-
national plan include the need for national rum: an economic, social and ecological
monitoring, regulatory and awareness strate- threat. Video, DVD, International Atomic
gies, as well as a large-scale field trial at the Energy Agency. IAEA, Vienna, Austria.
front of advance of the pest to validate the Available in English and Spanish, on Cassette
potential use of the SIT combined with sani- and CD. ©IAEA.
tation and other measures within an area- Johnson, D. M., and P. D. Stiling. 1998.
wide approach for containment and eventual Distribution and dispersal of Cactoblastis
eradication. In the meantime the bi-national cactorum (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), an exotic
plan is being implemented with funding from Opuntia-feeding moth, in Florida. Florida

Entomologist 81: 12-22. Preliminary assessment of the potential

Mahr, D., K. Bloem, J. Cuda, and P. Stiling impacts and risks of the invasive cactus moth,
(eds.). 2001. Cactoblastis cactorum in North Cactoblasis cactorum (Berg), in the U.S. and
America: a workshop for assessment and Mexico. Report to the IAEA. IAEA, Vienna,
planning. Florida Entomologist 84: 465-551. Austria.
Moran, V. C., and H. G. Zimmermann. 1984. Soberón, J. S., Golubov, J., and K. J.
The biological control of cactus weeds: Sarukhan. 2001. The importance of
achievements and prospects. Biocontrol Opuntia in Mexico and routes of invasion
News and Information 5: 297-320. and impact of Cactoblastis cactorum
Pettey, F. W. 1948. The biological control of (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Florida Entomolo-
prickly pear in South Africa. Science gist 84: 486-492.
Bulletin, Department of Agriculture of the Zimmerman, H. G., V. C. Moran, and J. H.
Union of South Africa 271: 1-163. Hoffmann. 2001. The renowned cactus
(SAGARPA) Secretaría de Agricultura, moth, Cactoblastis cactorum (Lepidoptera:
Ganadería, Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y Pyralidae): its natural history and threat to
Alimentación. 2004. Cactus moth (Cacto- native Opuntia floras in Mexico and the
blastis cactorum). In Proceedings: Regional United States of America. Florida Entomolo-
Forum Organized by the Plant Protection gist 84: 543-551.
General Directorate of the Government of Zimmerman, H. G., M. S. C. Pérez, J.
Mexico and the IAEA, 27-30 July 2004, Goluvob, M. J. Soberón, and K. J.
Mexico City, Mexico. Dirección General de Sarukhan. 2003. Cactoblastis cactorum,
Sanidad Vegetal (DVSV)/SAGARPA, una nueva plaga de muy alto riesgo para las
Mexico. Opuntias de México. CONABIO,
Simmonds, F. J., and F. D. Bennett 1966. Biodiversitas 33.
Biological control of Opuntia spp. by Zimmermann, H. G., S. Bloem, and H. Klein.
Cactoblastis cactorum in the Leeward 2004. The biology, history, threats, surveil-
Islands (West Indies). Entomophaga 11: 183- lance and control of the cactus moth,
189. Cactoblastis cactorum. ISBN 92-0-108304-
Simonson, S., T. J. Stohlgren, L. Tyler, W. P. 1. IAEA/FAO-BSC/CM, IAEA, Vienna,
Gregg, R. Muir, and L. Garret. 2005. Austria.
Area-Wide Control Tactics for the False
Codling Moth Thaumatotibia leucotreta in
South Africa: a Potential Invasive Species


1USDA/ARS/CPMR, Population Management Research Laboratory, PO

Box 748, Tifton, GA 31793-0748, Georgia, USA
2USDA/APHIS/PPQ/CPHST, Plant Epidemiology and Risk Analysis

Laboratory, 1730 Varsity Drive, Suite 300, Raleigh, NC 27606, North

Carolina, USA
3Citrus Research International, PO Box 212, Citrusdal 7340, South


ABSTRACT The false codling moth Thaumatotibia leucotreta (Meyrick) is a key pest of citrus, stone
fruit, and other crops in many countries throughout continental Africa, including South Africa. There is a
growing awareness that this damaging pest could soon be introduced into other countries including the
USA as a direct result of increased international trade and daily direct flights from African countries. South
Africa currently employs a combination of cultural, chemical, microbial and augmentative biological con-
trol to suppress false codling moth. Augmentative biological control makes use of the egg parasitoid
Trichogrammatoidea cryptophlebiae Nagaraja. However, this integrated programme is not adequate for
effective false codling moth control. The sterile insect technique (SIT) is now being developed as an addi-
tional method for false codling moth suppression in South Africa, but also as a tactic that could be rapid-
ly integrated in an area-wide integrated pest management strategy if false codling moth were to be intro-
duced or become established as an exotic invasive pest in other countries such as the USA. The SIT is
regarded as a host-specific and environment-friendly pest control tactic that is compatible with the appli-
cation of augmentative biological control. However, fully successful integration of the SIT and parasitoid
releases into an effective pest management approach can occur only if the parasitoids do not negatively
impact irradiated insects and their progeny more severely than they affect the wild pest population, and if
the release of irradiated insects does not negatively impact the efficacy of the parasitoids. Therefore,
knowledge of the compatibility of T. cryptophlebiae and the release of irradiated false codling moth is cru-
cial to the evaluation of the combined use of these tactics. The development and combination of these off-
shore integrated pest management strategies in South Africa will develop and/or enhance scientific expert-
ise and infrastructure in that country, reduce wild populations of false codling moth and lower the risk of
its introduction into countries currently free of this pest. In addition, the development of these control tac-
tics and the improved infrastructure (e.g. rearing/irradiation facilities in South Africa) will provide
resources, technology, and strategies for eradicating invasive populations of the false codling moth should
this pest be introduced into new geographical areas.

KEY WORDS false codling moth, Thaumatotibia leucotreta, Cryptophlebia leucotreta,

Trichogrammatoidea cryptophlebiae, invasive species, South Africa, USA, area-wide, augmentative, SIT

1. Introduction 1954, Catling and Aschenborn 1974) and has

also been recorded from the islands of
The false codling moth Thaumatotibia leu- Madagascar, Mauritius, Reunion and St.
cotreta (Meyrick) is indigenous to southern Helena (CIBC 1984). It was first reported as a
Africa and the Ethiopian region (Stofberg pest of citrus in Natal in 1899 and is now con-
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 351–359.
Published with the permission of © 2007 U.S. Government

sidered a key pest of almost all citrus varieties (Stofberg 1954, Georgala 1969). Attack by
in some parts of South Africa (Stofberg 1954). false codling moth generally causes the fruit
False codling moth is an increasingly serious to drop prior to harvest (Georgala 1969).
pest of cotton and maize in tropical Africa However, because larval entries take a few
(Angelini and Labonne 1970, Reed 1974). In days to become visible, larval entries that
addition, false codling moth attacks many occur close to fruit harvest might not be seen
non-commercial hosts belonging to several by packing house fruit graders and infested
different plant families including Anacar- fruit can be packaged for export (Georgala 1969).
diaceae, Gramineae and Euphorbiaceae Adult false codling moths are nocturnal
(Angelini and Labonne 1970). Furthermore, (Stofberg 1954) and females lay between 100-
false codling moth has been successfully 250 eggs in their lifetime (Stofberg 1954,
reared from pomegranate, custard apple, Angelini and Labonne 1970). A sex
guava, peach, avocado, litchi, apricot, plum, pheromone has been identified for false
walnut, acorn, pecan, all sweet varieties of cit- codling moth (Read et al. 1968, Henderson
rus (Stofberg 1954), carambola (Angelini and and Warren 1970, Read et al. 1974, Persoons
Labonne 1970), okra, sorghum heads (Reed et al. 1976), and Hofmeyr and Burger (1995)
1974), macadamia (La Croix and Thindwa developed a controlled release dispenser for
1986), and olive (CIBC 1984). the pheromone. Several different sticky traps
The United States Port Authorities have have been tested successfully and are avail-
reported intercepting false codling moth lar- able for monitoring populations of false
vae from a wide variety of commercial hosts, codling moth (Daiber 1978, Angelini et al.
including citrus, maize, eggplant, cayenne 1980, Newton and Mastro 1989). The adults
pepper, cola nuts and cassava in shipments are also attracted to mercury vapour light traps
arriving from 16 different African countries (Reed 1974).
including South Africa (United States Mass-rearing of false codling moth was
Department of Agriculture (USDA)-Animal originally described by Theron (1947) and
and Plant Inspection Service (APHIS) Port modified by Schwartz (1972). Currently, a
Interception Network records). vigorous colony (about 2.5 million adults per
In South Africa, false codling moth has week or ten million adults per month) is main-
developed some resistance against the pesti- tained at the Ceder Biocontrol insectary in
cides used for its control (principally benzyl- Citrusdal, South Africa. The artificial diet
ureas) (Hofmeyr and Pringle 1998). Other consists of an autoclaved maize meal paste
control tactics, such as orchard sanitation that is inoculated with Rhizhopus sp. fungus.
(Stofberg 1954), pathogens, and biological Developing larvae feed on the biproducts of
control by parasitoids and predators, have the fungal infection. The rearing system is
been successful in reducing pest populations, labour-intensive but effective. The reason for
but additional control is needed to further rearing false codling moth at Citrusdal is sole-
reduce pest populations (Newton 1989). ly to provide host material (eggs) to rear the
False codling moth typically has four to six egg parasitoid Trichogrammatoidea cryp-
non-discrete generations per year in South tophlebiae Nagaraja for augmentative releases
Africa (Stofberg 1954, Georgala 1969) and it against false codling moth populations in cit-
has no documented true diapause (Angelini rus (Newton 1988, 1989, Newton and
and Labonne 1970, Reed 1974). Females lay Odendaal 1990). The current level of para-
individual eggs on fruit (Catling and sitoid production at Ceder Biocontrol is suffi-
Aschenborn 1974) or foliage (Daiber 1978). cient to treat 600-800 hectares of commercial
Newly emerged larvae penetrate the fruit, citrus per month.
where larval development is completed. The development and use of the SIT for
Mature larvae exit the fruit and spin silken suppression of false codling moth was pro-
cocoons near the soil or in bark crevices posed for a number of reasons: (1) as previ-

ously mentioned, the basic infrastructure for ation ranging between 0 and 350 Gy and
mass-rearing false codling moth is already in adults were inbred or outcrossed to fertile
place in South Africa. Apart from the utiliza- counterparts. Results showed that fecundity
tion of the false codling moth colony for egg was not adversely affected by dose of radia-
parasitoid rearing, improved utilization of tion when untreated females were mated to
reared false codling moth (i.e. the use of adult treated males. However, the fecundity of treat-
moths in a programme involving SIT) would ed females mated to either untreated or treat-
improve the cost efficiency of this insectary; ed males declined precipitously as the dose of
(2) theoretical and experimental evidence sug- radiation increased. They also found that the
gests that combined use of the SIT and para- dose at which 100% sterility is achieved for
sitoids can provide pest control that is more treated false codling moth females is 200 Gy
effective than when either tactic is employed (Fig. 1). In addition, Bloem et al. (2003)
separately (Knipling 1992, Carpenter 1993, examined the inherited effects resulting from
2000); (3) the SIT is a species-specific envi- treatment of parental (P) males with selected
ronment-friendly pest control tactic that doses of radiation (0, 100, 150, 200 and 250
would build infrastructure, improve expertise, Gy) on the F1 generation. Decreased F1 fecun-
provide local jobs, and enhance the range of dity (total eggs produced) and fertility (egg
available control options; (4) the development hatch), increased F1 mortality during develop-
of the SIT for false codling moth would pro- ment, and a significant shift in the F1 sex ratio
vide resources and strategies for elimination in favour of males were recorded.
of invasive populations should this pest be More recently, Hofmeyr et al. (2005)
accidentally introduced into the USA, which examined the effect of different release ratios
is a major trading partner of South Africa. of treated (T) to untreated (U) moths on the
incidence of fruit damage and on the compet-
2. Research Gaps and Progress itiveness of treated males in replicated field
to Date cage studies in South Africa. Individual navel
orange trees were enclosed in large mesh
2.1. Development of the SIT for False cages and adult moths treated with either 150
Codling Moth Thaumatotibia leucotreta or 200 Gy were released into the cages at
ratios of 5T:1U and 10T:1U. Results showed
Myburgh (1963), Schwartz (1978) and Du that the number of larval entries as well as the
Toit (1981) conducted preliminary studies on number of F1 progeny per cage decreased sig-
the effects of gamma radiation on false nificantly as the release ratio of treated moths
codling moth in South Africa. However, these increased. In addition, the lowest mean num-
studies did not address the use of inherited ber of fertile F1 adult females and males was
sterility (North 1975, Carpenter 1993, Bloem obtained from the treatment that combined the
et al. 1999), which results in more competitive lower dose (150 Gy) and 10T:1U release ratio.
moths for use in programmes that employ the This treatment also showed the lowest per
SIT. Additionally, no data were published on generation rate of increase (less than 1 from
the possibility of irradiating adults rather than the P to the F1 generation) suggesting that
pupae or on fertility levels when treated males growth in the wild population would have
are crossed to treated females. been prevented if releases of treated moths at
Bloem et al. (2003) recently published data this dose and ratio were maintained in the field.
on the radiation biology and inherited sterility The next step in development of the SIT
of false codling moth. They examined the for false codling moth will be a season-long
effect of increasing doses of gamma irradia- validation under field conditions. A pilot study
tion on the fecundity and fertility of this is scheduled to begin in August 2005 at the
species. Newly emerged adults as well as Hexrivier Blikhuis orchard north of Citrusdal,
mature pupae were treated with doses of radi- South Africa. The 36-hectare orchard is rela-

Figure 1. Effect of radiation dose on false codling moth fecundity (mean number of eggs laid
per mated female) and fertility (mean percentage of eggs that hatched). Males and females
were treated (T) with 0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 and 350 Gy and inbred (T females x T
males) or outcrossed (T females x N males, N females x T males) to untreated (N) adults (Bloem
et al. 2003).

tively isolated from other orchards and, in panoramic irradiator. Treated insects will be
preparation for the SIT pilot, is being man- returned to Citrusdal and released using a
aged with an aggressive sanitation programme modified codling moth release device (Bloem
(that removes all fallen fruit) and with month- and Bloem 2000) mounted on an all-terrain
ly releases of T. cryptophlebiae egg para- vehicle. Release ratios throughout the season
sitoids. The wild false codling moth popula- will be monitored using pheromone-baited
tion is being monitored weekly with traps and extensive fruit sampling at midsea-
pheromone-baited traps. Fruit drop is also son and at harvest will give an indication of
monitored each week at 20 stations located in the effectiveness of the SIT.
close proximity to trap sites.
During the SIT pilot study, bi-weekly 2.2. Combination of SIT and Parasitoids
releases of 1000 false codling moth adults per
hectare will be made for 40-42 weeks. The Interest is not only in developing the SIT as an
moths will be reared at the Ceder Biocontrol area-wide programme to suppress false
insectary in Citrusdal. Newly emerged adults codling moth in South Africa, but in examin-
will be packaged, chilled, and transported to ing the possibility of combining the SIT with
Stellenbosch, South Africa, where they will be releases of the egg parasitoid T. cryptophlebi-
irradiated at a dose of 150 Gy in a 60Co ae. As mentioned above, there is theoretical

and experimental evidence that suggests that the different crosses that would theoretically
combined releases of sterile insects and para- be present in the field under a programme
sitoids can provide pest suppression that is involving the SIT (U females by T males, T
more effective than when either technique is females by U males, T females by T males)
employed separately. In programmes involv- and indicate that further evaluations combin-
ing sterile insect releases for Lepidoptera ing releases of treated moths and parasitoids
pests, both treated males and females are are warranted.
released in the field (Stewart 1984, Bloem and Field cage studies to examine the effec-
Bloem 2000). Because all matings taking tiveness of releasing irradiated false codling
place during SIT operations (including those moth alone or in combination with T. cryp-
involving treated moths) result in the produc- tophlebiae were conducted in 2005. Four
tion of eggs, a potentially large number of treatments were randomly assigned to 15
host eggs may be present in areas under the large-mesh cages containing individual navel
SIT. For control of the codling moth Cydia orange trees with 50 fruits per tree.
pomonella (L.), the combined release of irra- Treatments were: (1) U = control = 10 pairs of
diated insects and Trichogramma spp. egg untreated moths, (2) U + T = untreated moths
parasitoids was first suggested by Nagy plus a 10:1 overflooding ratio of moths treat-
(1973). Field cage experiments conducted by ed with 150 Gy = 100 pairs of treated moths,
Bloem et al. (1998) showed that an additive (3) U + P = untreated moths plus two releases
suppressive effect can be realized when treat- of T. cryptophlebiae parasitoids (approximate-
ed codling moths are released at a 10:1 release ly 3000 parasitoids total per cage), and (4) U
ratio (T:U) together with Trichogramma plat- + T + P = untreated moths plus treated moths
neri Nagarkatti when compared to cages plus parasitoids.
receiving treated moths or egg parasitoids only. Results showed that all treatments signifi-
Carpenter et al. (2004) conducted a labora- cantly reduced the number of larval entries
tory study that examined the acceptability and when compared to cages receiving only
suitability of false codling moth eggs to para- untreated moths. In addition, when treated
sitization by T. cryptophlebiae under no moths and parasitoids were released together,
choice and choice situations. Male and female significantly more parasitoids were produced
false codling moth were treated with 150 or per cage than when cages received only
200 Gy of gamma radiation, inbred or out- untreated moths plus parasitoids. These
crossed to untreated counterparts, and the results suggest that combined field releases of
eggs laid by different crosses offered to T. irradiated false codling moth and T. cryp-
cryptophlebiae as host material. Newly laid tophlebiae would result in rapid parasitoid
(24 hour-old) false codling moth eggs, as population increase, which would have a pos-
well as eggs that were 48 hours and 72 hours itive impact on false codling moth population
old were evaluated. suppression.
Results revealed that all treatments in the
no-choice experiments were acceptable for 3. Benefits of Developing
oviposition and suitable for the development Integrated Pest Management
of T. cryptophlebiae. However, significant dif- Strategies for South Africa and
ferences in the number of parasitized eggs the USA
were detected in the choice situations when
one member of the host cross, particularly the 3.1. South Africa
female, was treated with gamma radiation or
when the egg age was greater than 24 hours. The South African Citrus Growers
These results suggest that T. cryptophlebiae Association has identified false codling moth
would accept, successfully develop in, and as a top research priority. South African
emerge from false codling moth eggs laid by researchers are involved in a multi-faceted

false codling moth research programme that Many federal and state agencies in the
includes the evaluation of new insecticides USA have expressed concern that the false
and improved mating disruption products, codling moth may soon be introduced into the
optimization of biological control using egg USA as a direct result of increased interna-
parasitoids, development of a long-lasting tional trade and daily direct flights from
pheromone dispenser for trap monitoring, as African countries. The USDA-APHIS Port
well as improvements in the potency and Interception Network records indicate that
shelf-life of false codling moth granulovirus- these concerns are well founded. Since 1985,
es. Because the SIT can be easily combined false codling moth has been intercepted more
with all of the control tactics listed above, than 122 times at 19 different ports of entry
there is interest in integrating the SIT as an from 22 host plants originating from 15 differ-
additional tactic to suppress false codling moth. ent African countries. Because false codling
As a result of this research, co-funded by moth attacks so many different host plants
the International Atomic Energy Agency including citrus, stone fruits, corn, cotton, and
(IAEA) under project SAF5007, it is hoped vegetables, and because it would be a quaran-
that the ongoing biological control with egg tine issue for some crops, establishment of
parasitoids can be optimized through the syn- this pest in the USA could result in consider-
ergism of combining it with the SIT as well as able economic losses.
through the increased efficiency in false The development of “offshore” IPM strate-
codling moth/parasitoid rearing operations at gies (i.e. programmes in South Africa), that
the Ceder Biocontrol insectary. It is also combine augmentative biological control with
hoped that through the combined use of both genetic control tactics (such as the SIT),
tactics populations of false codling moth will would reduce pest populations in South Africa
be reduced both inside and outside citrus and thereby reduce the risk that false codling
orchards, thereby reducing pre- and posthar- moth would arrive in South African shipments
vest crop losses, and losses due to rejection of to the USA. Also, this project will develop an
false codling moth infested shipment consign- eradication tool for use against introduced
ments. false codling moth populations and improve
infrastructure (e.g. rearing/irradiation facili-
3.2. United States of America ties) and expertise in South Africa. As a result,
irradiated false codling moth would be readily
A significant proportion of the mission of the available for shipment to the USA for eradica-
USDA-Agricultural Research Service (ARS) tion purposes in the event that the pest invad-
and USDA-APHIS is directed toward dealing ed and became established in this country.
with invasive species and potential emerging
pests. USDA-APHIS research and develop- 4. Conclusions
ment activities are concentrated on preventing
the entry of pests into the USA. However, In this project it is hoped to demonstrate that
despite the success of these efforts, many pest this approach can serve as a model on how to
species still manage to gain entry and many prepare for other potentially invasive lepi-
will become established. While early detec- dopteran pests. A general outline of this
tion of an invading pest is critical, it is equal- approach would be: (1) obtain knowledge on
ly important to have a suppression/eradication the radiation biology of the exotic lepidopter-
plan in place before the pest becomes estab- an pest of concern, (2) assist source countries
lished and well before the geographical range to develop integrated pest management strate-
of the pest begins to expand. Proactive gies that combine augmentative biological
research programmes are necessary to quickly control with genetic control tactics (which
respond to any breach in our exclusion mech- would include the ability to mass-rear the pest
anisms. insect), and (3) develop partnerships between

source countries and pest free countries so Proceedings, Symposium: Management of

that irradiated lepidopteran pests would be Insect Pests: Nuclear and Related Molecular
available for shipment and use in a pro- and Genetic Techniques. International
gramme using the SIT in the event that the Atomic Energy Agency/Food and Agricul-
pest invaded the pest free country. ture Organization of the United Nations, 19-
23 October 1992, Vienna, Austria.
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SIT for the Malaria Vector Anopheles arabi-
ensis in Northern State, Sudan: an Historical
Review of the Field Site


1School of Biological Sciences, Queen Mary, University of London, Mile

End Road, London E1 4NS, UK
2Department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan, The British Museum, Great

Russell Street, London WC1B 3DG, UK

3Tropical Medicine Research Institute, National Centre for Research, PO

Box 1304, Khartoum, Sudan

ABSTRACT It is planned to use the sterile insect technique (SIT) as part of an area-wide integrated
pest management programme to drive Anopheles arabiensis Patton, the major vector of malaria in Sudan,
back from the northern-most edge of its distribution on the Dongola and Abri-Delgo Reaches of the Nile,
close to the border with Egypt. The coincidental location of the field site with Upper and Middle Nubia
provides a wealth of historical information that can, in lieu of direct data, reveal clues to past changes in
vector distribution. Major environmental transitions have occurred across the region since the last glacial
maximum, 18 000 years ago: from hyper-arid desert to tropical grassland, then to semi-desert and back to
tropical desert today. Large wild animals as diverse as giraffe and hippopotamus emerged and receded. In
parallel, human activities and settlement patterns changed markedly with the rise and fall, and rise again,
of the Kingdom of Kush during the Kerma and Kushite periods. These factors will have facilitated the
spread of mosquito populations and then, by 1500 years ago, contributed to their reduction, or demise. The
"saqia" water wheel introduced at the start of medieval times brought an expansion of the human popula-
tion along the Nile and presumably a gradual resurgence in mosquitoes, which continued with occasional
setbacks to the present day. Isolation was almost complete except for limited dispersal downriver via the
Abu Hamed Reach. Evidence of malaria in ancient times has been found in Egypt and neighbouring River
Nile State, but as yet historical indicators in Northern State are limited to the accounts of foreign visitors
and date from 1813. Entomological records are available from about 1908. From these it appears that An.
arabiensis is the only anopheline to have been found between the Second and Fifth Cataracts and that it
has remained limited to the south of Wadi Halfa over the last century with only intermittent forays into
Egypt, where it caused at least two serious malaria outbreaks.

KEY WORDS Anopheles arabiensis, Northern State Sudan, River Nile, mosquito distribution,
Gambiae Control Project

1. Introduction and at low density. Today’s technology great-

ly facilitates the comprehensive and rapid
Amongst the many criteria for judging a field assessment of the target population, even if
site to be suitable for the control of mosqui- starting from very little information, but the
toes using an area-wide integrated pest man- interpretation of results is not always clear-
amgent (AW-IPM) approach with an sterile cut. An historical perspective can help corrob-
insect technique (SIT) component, it is most orate present-day findings, particularly in
desirable to find a single vector population relation to the likely origin and age of the pop-
that is isolated, unstructured, relatively small ulation and its history of reproductive isola-
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 361–372.
© 2007 IAEA.

Figure 1. Geology of Northern State, Sudan.

tion. Other criteria may be judged with more ciated with the human population.
certainty from contemporary data such as the Northern State encompasses Upper and
evidence of actual or potential disease trans- Middle Nubia, the location of the Kushite
mission and a favourable benefit/cost analysis civilisation that rivalled, and for at least 60
for AW-IPM with an SIT component versus years, ruled Pharaonic Egypt. It has a very
alternatives. However, even the assessment of rich and ancient history with many important
these can be influenced by knowledge of past archaeological sites dating back before the
events, particularly since local, national and Neolithic (7000-5000 years ago) and extend-
regional needs must be considered. This paper ing up to and including the medieval Christian
examines historical data relevant to current and Islamic periods. This has generated infor-
research to develop the SIT for control of the mation on human population movement, set-
malaria vector Anopheles arabiensis Patton in tlement patterns, cycles of growth and
Northern State, Sudan. The field site is prima- decline, land use and health, which in addition
rily the Dongola Reach of the Nile, which to data on climate and the environment can be
extends down river from the Fourth to the used to delimit an early history of the vector
Third Cataract (Fig. 1). An. arabiensis is population.
restricted to within a few kilometres of the In the nineteenth century more directly rel-
river by desert and its survival is closely asso- evant information can be gleaned from the

accounts of travellers attracted to the area by As it travels north along the Dongola
an interest in the archaeological sites and from Reach, the Nile passes over sandstone and is
records of military activities (Lewis 1948). In flanked by wide alluvial flood plains that are
the early twentieth century there are entomo- suitable for cultivation of crops. As all agri-
logical and epidemiological records from the culture is based on irrigation and the annual
Wellcome Tropical Research Laboratories in flood, most of the population (around
Khartoum and later the Sudan Medical 567 000) live alongside this stretch of the
Service. Also well documented was the inva- river, particularly within Dongola and
sion of An. arabiensis into Egypt in the early Merowe provinces. Above the Fourth Cataract
1940s, which caused a major outbreak of and below the Third Cataract, the bedrock is
malaria along about 850 kilometres of the crystalline basement; there is little alluvial
Nile (Shousha 1948) and the building of the soil (Stern and Abdelsalam 1996), and there-
Aswan dam which dramatically changed the fore less scope for agriculture and a lower
landscape at the border between Northern population density (Fig. 1).
State and Egypt. These events prompted the Malaria in Northern State accounts for
creation of the Gambiae Control Project, a about one third of all hospital admissions. An.
joint protocol between the Egyptian and arabiensis is the only vector and apparently
Sudanese Ministries of Health to prevent an the only anopheline. It is a member of the
An. arabiensis reinvasion of Egypt. The Anopheles gambiae Giles species complex
records of their survey and control activities, and all but relatively recent records refer to
along with one study in 1986 (Dukeen and An. gambiae. It is, however, safe to assume
Omer 1986), are about the only entomological that these were An. arabiensis, since An. gam-
data from Northern State in the last 50 years, biae sensu stricto is only found in the far
so current studies are essentially starting south of the country. The vector can be found
anew. all year in Dongola and Merowe Provinces,
This paper attempts to provide an overview but its population density changes temporally
of relevant historical data with a few highly in relation to the Nile flood and ambient tem-
speculative inferences on mosquito distribu- perature. Its distribution appears to be highly
tion. More detailed analysis, which may be correlated to human presence and it is there-
possible for certain areas and time periods, is fore more restricted along the Abu Hamed
outside the intended scope and should await Reach and below the Third Cataract than
the outcome of current work on both archaeol- along the Dongola Reach. The Baiyuda desert
ogy and vector biology. A further caveat is prevents immigration from the south and so,
that historical and archaeological studies are apart from human-assisted passive transport,
also limited by data paucity and subject to the only route for this mosquito into Northern
multiple, perhaps controversial, interpreta- State is downriver via the difficult terrain
tions. above the Fourth Cataract.
Just downriver from the Fourth Cataract, a
2. Present and Future dam is being built across the island of Merowe
(Mirowy) to provide hydroelectric power and
The Republic of Sudan is the largest country should be fully operational by 2008. An area
in Africa, covering 2.5 million square kilome- of 711 square kilometres is expected to be
tres. Northern State is located in the north- under water creating a lake extending along
western corner, bordered by Libya and Egypt, the western Abu Hamed Reach. The lake
occupying nearly one fifth of the country. It is shore will be rocky desert terrain unsuitable
very arid, almost entirely desert, rainfall is rare for agriculture and human habitation. It is
and the temperature is high throughout the therefore likely to pose a significant barrier to
year, reaching 47ºC in summer months, but mosquito migration or dispersal downriver
can get as low as 7ºC at night in the winter. and should complete the isolation of the

Northern State vector population. However, Dongola Reach (Fig. 2) (Petit-Maire et al.
after the dam is completed there are plans to 2000, Hoelzmann et al. 2001, Adams 2002).
create large irrigation channels running in par- Hunter gatherers started to change to a more
allel with the Nile all the way from Merowe to pastoral way of life and livestock herding had
Dongola. These projects are going to dramati- appeared by the start of the Neolithic (7000
cally transform Northern State and while the years ago). In the northern Dongola Reach
benefits are clear there is a risk they will exac- there was considerable occupation along the
erbate the malaria situation. banks of the Nile palaeochannels that flowed
to the east of the present day river, close to the
3. 18 000-3500 Years Ago Kerma and Seleim Basins and the Wadi-al-
Khowi. These sites followed a loose settle-
Given the extreme environment and near ment pattern across a wide area, rather than
absence of human population, it is highly discrete densely populated centres, which
improbable that mosquitoes were present developed and intensified over the next 2000
along the Dongola Reach 18 000 years ago, years (Fig. 3). One well-preserved settlement
but the environment will have become pro- near Kerma was dated at 6500 years ago
gressively more suitable up to 10 000 years (Honegger 2001). Domestic livestock first
later. A close association with humans, such as appeared in the Wadi Howar around 4200 BC.
found today, would have facilitated the pres- Over the next 1000 years the Lower Wadi
ence of the vector on the Dongola Reach Howar was to remain fairly densely populated
between 7000 and 3500 years ago. Up until as settlement to the west increased, in particu-
the second millennium BC the population was lar along the Middle Wadi Hower and Djebel
probably not isolated and an origin in the Tageru and in the West Nubian Palaeolake
region of the south-western frontier with pres- basin, allowing links between the Nile valley
ent day Chad was at least as probable as one and Chad basin (Hoelzmann et al. 2001,
in central Sudan. By the first millennium BC Edwards 2004).
the environment was becoming more similar Environmental conditions will almost cer-
to today, the human population had declined tainly have permitted migration of mosquitoes
and it is likely that mosquito populations were including An. arabiensis to the Dongola
not sustained. Thereafter recolonization Reach and to Egypt before this time, but the
would have to have been downriver via the more contiguous series of human settlements
Abu Hamed Reach. along the Wadi Howar and up to Kerma will
The earliest known presence of humans in have provided an even more favourable route.
the north-western part of Sudan dates back at The source of the Wadi Howar (also known as
least 300 000 years, however by 18 000 years the Yellow Nile) was in the border region of
ago, the whole area was hyper-arid desert present day Chad. This could have been the
(Petit-Maire et al. 2000, Hoelzmann et al. origin of an early Dongola Reach An. arabien-
2001, Adams 2002) with presumably only a sis population and even of some present day
small population along the river margins (Fig. mosquito populations in Egypt. Much less is
2). The flow of the Nile was substantially less known of human settlements along the Wadi
than today and seasonally may have been el-Melik, the southern Dongola Reach and the
completely dry in places. As the desert reced- Abu Hamed Reach, although work in the lat-
ed, small pockets of humans were living close ter two areas is ongoing, so alternative or
to the Second Cataract between 15 000 and additional migration routes cannot yet be
9000 years ago (Garcea 2004). About 3000 excluded.
years later almost all of Northern State was By about 4200 years ago the lower Wadi
tropical grassland. The Sahara started to Howar was drying up and the focus of settle-
expand again, and by the later Holocene, trop- ment moved westwards. Cultural divergence
ical semi-desert was encroaching on the with the northern Dongola Reach population

Figure 2. Changing vegetation patterns across northern Sudan from 18 000 years ago to the
present day.

increased, indicating a marked reduction in ronment was mainly lightly wooded

contact (Jesse 2004). The latter was growing, savannah; intensive agriculture had increased
primarily around a more urbanized centre at and there was a strong emphasis on livestock
Kerma and by 4000 years ago had become the management. A wide range of large wild ani-
substantial Kingdom of Kush. This was prob- mals was still present including giraffe, hip-
ably the earliest major kingdom in sub- popotamus, lions and antelope (Edwards
Saharan Africa and extended along at least 2004).
700 kilometres of the Nile to encompass both Sizable mosquito populations could easily
Middle and Lower Nubia. The era is known as have been sustained at this time, but probably
the Kerma Period and lasted over 1000 years. relatively isolated from populations outside the
The settlement patterns while still extended, region as the surrounding area was becoming
became denser and mostly followed the semi-desert (Fig. 2) and the wadis to the south
Hawawiya, Alfreda and Seleim Nile pale- were no longer flowing into the Nile. The only
ochannels (Welsby 2001) (Fig. 3). The envi- available migration or dispersal route for mos-

Figure 3. Settlement patterns in northern Sudan during the Kerma and Kushite Periods (adapt-
ed from Welsby 2001 and Edwards 2004).

quitoes from this time onwards will have been provided protection.
down the river Nile. There was human settle-
ment further south in the Letti Basin and in the 4. 3500-1500 Years Ago
vicinity of the Fourth Cataract. As mentioned
before, most of the Abu Hamed Reach appears By about 3500 years ago the Egyptians had
inhospitable, particularly at the Fourth conquered Kerma state, with the destruction
Cataract end, but it was nevertheless densely of Kerma itself and were to dominate the area
occupied at various times, including during the for over 400 years. The expansion of the
Kerma Period. Without mechanical devices to desert was by now approaching its present day
assist irrigation, the seasonally dry riverbeds boundary. Where they have recently been
between the numerous islands actually made it studied in detail, settlements adjacent to the
a more suitable location for cultivating crops Seleim Basin and Wadi-al-Khowi were found
than some ostensibly richer areas further to have been disappearing as the palaeochan-
downriver. The rocky terrain will also have nels dried up, with new sites appearing along

the bank of the present day Nile channel. The tlements were eclipsed. Jebel Barkel remained
major population centre became the Pharaonic of religious importance, but other sites con-
site at Kawa. Much less is known about the tracted or disappeared. In the Northern
rural population in the period under Egyptian Dongola Reach the main focus may have
control and for several centuries after, but moved back to Kerma. Archaeological sites in
clearly the population diminished substantial- the desert indicate that links with Meroe were
ly and the settlement pattern changed to a maintained across the Baiyuda rather than
small number of disconnected population cen- upriver. Throughout the Kushite Period it
tres. This pattern is still evident during the seems unlikely that conditions had become
Kushite revival, which was to follow in the any more favourable for mosquitoes along the
first millennium BC (Fig. 3) (Welsby 2001). Dongola Reach. The increasingly harsh envi-
Lower Nubia, which has been more extensive- ronment will only have been partly mitigated
ly studied, had become largely depopulated by human activities, since despite a period of
and was not farmed for about 1000 years increased size the population was divided into
(Edwards 2004). Therefore by 2800 years ago, isolated pockets. This situation probably
with a much reduced human population, locat- remained into the middle of the first millenni-
ed in pockets perhaps tens of kilometres apart, um AD only starting to change as human set-
few if any large wild animals and a semi- tlement patterns altered with the introduction
desert environment, mosquito populations of the saqia water wheel (Edwards 2004).
would have been fractured and greatly dimin- The end of the Kushite civilization brought
ished, perhaps absent altogether. a transition to two new kingdoms along the
After the collapse of the Egyptian New Nile in Nubia during the period 1650 to 1450
Kingdom, the Kingdom of Kush re-emerged years ago: Nobadia, extending from the First
to form an empire that survived for over 1000 to the Third Cataract, and Makuria on the
years, including over half a century when Dongola Reach. The major urban centres at
Kushite Kings conquered and ruled Egypt as Kawa and Kerma had disappeared, but there
the 25th Dynasty. The Kushite Period can be was significant occupation in the Letti Basin,
divided into the Napatan and the Meroitic and especially at Old Dongola, which was to
depending on the location of political power. become the capital of medieval Makuria. This
Napata lies downriver from the Fourth period also saw an expansion of settlement in
Cataract, encompassing Jebel Barkal, Sanam the Fourth Cataract and further upstream
and Abu Dom (present day Merowe and (Edwards 2004).
Kareima). Meroe lies between Shendi and
Atbara, to the north of Khartoum. On the 5. 1500-200 Years Ago
Dongola Reach other important sites for
Napatan occupation were in the Letti Basin, Human population density and settlement pat-
Kerma, Tabo on Argo island and Kawa proba- terns along the Dongola Reach changed dra-
bly the biggest covering 40 hectares (estimat- matically in medieval times. A major factor
ed 6200-7800 people) (Fig. 3) (Edwards 2004, was the introduction of the saqia water wheel,
Welsby 2004). Below the Third Cataract there which along with changing farming practices
was a thin scatter of settlements, which were and new multi-harvest crops contributed to
probably short-term and mainly existed to the expansion of the population into areas that
maintain links with Egypt (Edwards 2004). had been largely uninhabitable since the
Therefore, despite a probable increase in the Kerma Period. The Kingdom of Nobadia con-
size of the human population it was still main- trolled Lower and Middle Nubia between the
ly concentrated in specific sites located far Third and First Cataracts with a population in
apart. the order of 4000 divided into about 40 settle-
With the shift of power to Meroe in the ments, with perhaps as many as 20 people per
later first millennium BC many Napatan set- square kilometre towards the south end of the

Batn-el-Hajar (Edwards 2004). The much bet- of the area is relatively poor for the first mil-
ter agricultural resources along the Dongola lennium AD, but there are records of several
Reach will have sustained a much larger pop- periods of a decade or so, when the Nile level
ulation. The Makuria Kingdom’s main popu- was very low, other periods of high Nile
lation centre lay at Old Dongola. Further (Adams 2001), and some years when ice
north, settlements developed the west bank, formed on the Nile in Egypt, particularly in
where there had been limited human activity the ninth and tenth centuries. From 1300 to
previously. This new settlement pattern was 1522 the Nile floods were generally good.
becoming more and more like the continuous After this and up to part way through the eigh-
settlement that exists along both banks today. teenth century Nile levels and humidity were
There was also settlement along the western higher, but there were some droughts affecting
part of the Abu Hamed Reach above the the whole of Sudan in the late seventeenth
Fourth Cataract. The occupation of the Nile century. In the eighteenth and nineteenth cen-
banks expanded and by the early eighth centu- turies the climate in general became more arid
ry the two kingdoms unified under the King of bringing more droughts, but interspersed with
Makuria (Edwards 2004). some heavy and destructive floods, with a
From about 1500 years ago, humans were very wet period in the 1790s (Nicholson 1978,
progressively creating conditions that were Edwards 2004).
likely to facilitate expansion of mosquito pop- The data available over the last 500 years
ulations along the length of the Dongola is quite detailed and could be used to make a
Reach, whereas for the previous 1000 years more in-depth analysis of the likely impact on
it’s likely that any population would have mosquito populations than the superficial
been small and isolated, with little or no scope account presented here. Nevertheless, it is
for recolonization from neighbouring human clear that as with any mosquito at the edge of
settlements or from outside the region. It its species distribution, numbers will have
would seem more likely that a species such as fluctuated dramatically and the population
An. arabiensis, which is less well adapted to structure will have been disrupted with suc-
survival alongside humans than for example cessive contractions and expansions along
Culex quinquefasciatus Say, would have dis- parts of the Nile within Northern State, but it
appeared altogether. For perhaps the past 1700 does not appear likely to have been eradicated
years the only route into the Dongola Reach from the area altogether at any point. The
for mosquitoes was downriver and this human population will have endured famine
remains the situation today, with the possible and conflict associated with major floods and
exception of passive transport facilitated by droughts, and other major upheavals caused
the railway to Wadi Halfa and Kareima, com- by political changes such as the expansion of
pleted in the early twentieth century, and mod- the Funj Sultanate as far north as the Third
ern day transport. Cataract and the expansion of the Ottoman
In medieval times, the western Abu Hamed Empire south (Edwards 2004). Nevertheless,
Reach was extensively occupied, which the contiguous human settlement pattern
would have increased the likelihood of mos- along the Dongola Reach was maintained and
quito reinvasion downriver. Therefore became progressively more continuous, facil-
whether or not An. arabiensis had disappeared itating a more extended and presumably more
previously, it was almost certainly present homogenous mosquito population.
along the Dongola Reach for most of the last A more difficult question is the extent to
1500 years. The biggest setbacks for both which the Dongola Reach An. arabiensis pop-
humans and mosquitoes during this time were ulation was isolated. The key is the Fourth
mainly associated with floods and droughts, Cataract and the western end of the Abu
although major conflicts and social change Hamed Reach, which was densely populated
were still to occur. The environmental history during the Kerma Period around 2500-1500

BC, and again in the post-Meroitic and also been adopted by the Gambiae Control
medieval periods, between AD 350-1500. The Project. King (1908) was perhaps the first to
population levels in the period in between are record An. arabiensis in Northern State in
uncertain as work in the area is still underway. 1906 and 1907.
Continuity of occupation up to the present day From around 1918, outbreaks of malaria in
is probable. The absence of human settlement Egypt at Nag Hammadi, Armant and Kom-
would be a strong indication of a period of Ombo were associated with the introduction
isolation. Human occupation does not howev- of sugarcane. Few deaths were recorded and
er necessarily mean that mosquito migration the incidence progressively declined with lit-
was possible, since amongst other factors, the tle or no intervention. This could have been
nature and size of the settlement and the pre- due to Anopheles pharoensis Theobald, but a
vailing wind and Nile level will all affect the malaria epidemic in 1919-20 was thought
likelihood. This again merits a more detailed more likely to be due to An. arabiensis. This
analysis, but will have to await the results followed heavy rains in the area around Ed
from the current Merowe Dam archaeological Derr about 80 kilometres into Egypt (Fig. 4)
salvage project. and resulted in about 1000 deaths. The most
detailed documented invasion of Egypt by the
6. Last 200 Years vector started in 1942 reaching Asyut, 850
kilometres downriver from the border. It
Malaria in Egypt has been confirmed from caused a malaria epidemic estimated to have
over 5000 years ago and is thought to have resulted in over 10 000 deaths within two
been widespread (Cerutti et al. 1999). Direct years. An extensive and well-executed control
evidence for malaria in Northern State before programme successfully eradicated it from
the last 200 years does not yet exist. In neigh- Egypt by early 1945 (Shousha 1948). Further
bouring River Nile State, a Kushite, post- control activities removed it from the Wadi
Meroitic and medieval cemetery at Gabati Halfa area between Saras and Faras by early
near Atbara, shows mortality patterns associ- 1996 (Lewis 1948).
ated with anaemia that suggest malaria was An. arabiensis was not controlled again in
present there (Judd 2005). Similar studies are the vicinity of Wadi Halfa or further south
in progress within Northern State. Lewis until 1951, and was not found north of Ferka
(1948) provided evidence for malaria-like ill- (120 kilometres south from the border) until
ness in Dongola in the early nineteenth centu- late 1950, when it appeared at Aneiba in
ry gleaned from the literary accounts of trav- Egypt and then in neighbouring villages. It
ellers to the area. The earliest was 1813 was again controlled with DDT and larvicid-
described by Burkhardt (1819) in the Dongola ing oil. Thereafter, it was decided to maintain
area of a fever which occurred in epidemics, a control programme using oil between Saras
but not every year and which was often fatal. and Aneiba. In 1954, the Sudanese and
Entomological records confirming the pres- Egyptian Ministries of Health agreed a joint
ence of An. arabiensis first became available programme to control An. arabiensis south of
after the founding of the Wellcome Tropical Wadi Halfa (Shousha 1948, Lewis 1956). This
Research Laboratories at Gordon Memorial was to be the forerunner to the Gambiae
College, Khartoum, in 1902 under the first Control Project, which started in 1970. The
director Dr Andrew Balfour. In the beginning objectives of this control programme were to
medical, entomological and sanitation work in monitor and maintain an An. arabiensis-free
Khartoum took priority and then expeditions zone, the “Red Zone”, from Aswan in Egypt
to the south. Many of the difficulties encoun- upriver to a point well inside Sudan and
tered in this early field work were overcome through control activities further upriver (the
in 1907, by outfitting a boat as a floating lab- “Yellow” and “Green” Zones) to try and
oratory (D’Arcy 1999), and this approach has extend it. In 1970 the northern-most limit of

Figure 4. Northern distribution of Anopheles arabiensis over the last 100 years.

An. arabiensis was judged to be Akasha and tii (Theobald) and Anopheles coustani
by 1996 this had been pushed back close to Laveran merit attention since they have come
Abri (Fig. 4). close to the border. An interesting observation
All historical entomological records for is that four of these species are found in other
Northern State indicate An. arabiensis is the parts of Sudan; An. pharoensis in particular is
only anopheline, and therefore the only malar- relatively common south of Khartoum
ia vector present, with the exception of reports (Shousha 1948, Lewis 1956, Cope et al.
of An. pharoensis just south of Wadi Halfa at 1995). If these species are indeed absent from
Abka and Anopheles multicolor Cambouliu Northern State, or present only periodically in
and Anopheles d’thali Patton a little further small numbers, it would be of interest to
north at Faras. Two others, Anopheles sergen- determine the degree of genetic differentiation

between the Egyptian and Sudanese popula- Egypt and most probably also the Dongola
tions, since it is conceivable that their separa- Reach. Other mosquitoes found today in both
tion dates back to the Kerma Period or before, countries may also have receded from the
when the environment was much more Northern State area and some, such as An.
favourable for migration along the Nile. pharoensis, may never have re-established a
Two important components of research and significant presence. Within the last 1500
development for the use of the SIT are popu- years An. arabiensis became established again
lation studies on the target and an understand- in Northern State, almost certainly from
ing of its relationship with other species like- upriver, and despite many bottlenecks main-
ly to be affected by its suppression or eradica- tained a continuous presence reaching as far
tion. Other potential vectors are the most as the Second Cataract, with only intermittent
immediate concern. The fact that they appear incursions into Egypt. A more detailed inves-
to be absent is a major advantage to the proj- tigation may throw more light on the factors,
ect, but there is clearly some merit in knowing frequency and duration of likely bottlenecks
why they are absent and how easily that situa- during the last 1500 years and the extent to
tion might change. which the population has been supplemented
Present day population studies increasing- by migration or dispersal downriver along the
ly rely on the use of molecular markers, but as Abu Hamed Reach.
with most approaches the data can often have
multiple interpretations. Preliminary studies 8. References
based on analysis of microsatellite DNA data
suggest that the Northern State An. arabiensis Adams, J. M. (ed.). 2002. Global land envi-
population is isolated by the desert and partly ronments since the last interglacial.
by the western stretch of the Abu Hamed
Reach. Analysis of mitochondrial DNA, how- Adams, W. Y. 2001. Meinarti II. The early and
ever gives a different picture. This is easily classic Christian phases. Archaeopress,
resolved if it is assumed that the isolation is Oxford, UK.
sufficiently recent to only show up with the Burkhardt, J. L. 1819. Travels in Nubia.
more rapidly-evolving microsatellite DNA. eBooks@Adelaide 2004. http://etext.library.
This interpretation appears therefore to be
consistent with the inferences made from the bia/
historical data. Despite being highly specula- Cerutti, N., A. Marin, E. R. Massa, and D.
tive, the scenario proposed for past changes in Savoia. 1999. Immunological investigation
the vector population, does provide an inter- of malaria and new perspectives in pale-
esting perspective that may prove more useful opathological studies. Bollettino-Societa
as further analysis of the present day popula- Italiana Biologia Sperimentale (Napoli)/
tion becomes available and as archaeological Bulletin of the Italian Society of Biology 75:
studies continue in Northern State, particular- 17-20.
ly at the present time around the Fourth Cope, S. E., A. M. Gad, and S. M. Presley.
Cataract. 1995. New record of the malaria vector
Anopheles sergentii in the southern Nile
7. Conclusions Valley of Egypt. Journal of the American
Mosquito Control Association 11: 145-146.
It is suggested that An. arabiensis was absent D’Arcy, P. F. 1999. Laboratory on the Nile: a
from Northern State 18 000 years ago, but history of the Wellcome Tropical Research
between 8000 and 3500 years ago it migrated Laboratory. Pharmaceutical Products Press,
from any of several diverse locations to estab- Haworth Press Inc., Binghamton, NY, USA.
lish a presence in the Dongola Reach and Dukeen, M. Y. H., and S. M. Omer. 1986.
spread further into Egypt. It then receded from Ecology of the malaria vector Anopheles

arabiensis Patton (Diptera: Culicidae) by the near Dongola. Sudan Record and Notes 29:
Nile in northern Sudan. Bulletin of 218-220.
Entomological Research 76: 451-467. Lewis, D. J. 1956. The anopheline mosqui-
Edwards, D. N. 2004. The Nubian past: an toes of the Sudan. Bulletin of
archaeology of the Sudan. Routledge, Entomological Research 47: 475-494.
London and New York, UK and USA. Nicholson, S. 1978. Climatic variations in the
Garcea, E. 2004. The Palaeolithic and Sahel and other African regions during the
Mesolithic, pp. 20-24. In Welsby, D. A., and past five centuries. Journal of Arid
J. R. Anderson (eds.), Sudan ancient treas- Environments 1: 3-24.
ures. The British Museum, London, UK. Petit-Maire, N., P. Bouysse, J. L. de
Hoelzmann, P., B. Keding, H. Berke, S. Beaulieu, G. Boulton, P. Kershaw, O.
Kropelin, and H-J. Kruse. 2001. Litsitsyna, T. Partrige, U. Pflaumann, H.
Environmental change and archaeology: Schultz, J. Soons, B. van Vliet-Lanoe,
lake evolution and human occupation in the and G. Zhengtang. 2000. Geological
Eastern Sahara during the Holocene. records of the recent past, a key to the near
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, future world environments. Episodes 23:
Palaeoecology 169: 193-217. 230-246.
Honegger, M. 2001. Evolution de la société Shousha, A. T. 1948. Species eradication. The
dans le bassin de Kerma (Soudan) des eradication of Anopheles gambiae from
derniers chasseurs-cueilleurs au premier upper Egypt 1942-1945. Bulletin of the
royaume de Nubie. Bulletin de la Société World Health Organization 1: 309-352.
Française d’ Égyptologie 152: 12-27. Stern, R. J., and M. G. Abdelsalam. 1996.
Jesse, F. 2004. The Wadi Howar, pp. 53-60. In The origin of the Great Bend of the Nile
Welsby, D. A., and J. R. Anderson (eds.), from SIRC/XSAR imagery. Science 274:
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Integrated Management of Rice Stem Borers
in the Yangtze Delta, China

Z-R. ZHU1, J. CHENG1, W. ZUO1, X-W. LIN1, Y-R. GUO2,

Y-P. JIANG2, X-W. WU2, K. TENG2, B-P. ZHAI3, J. LUO3,
X-H. JIANG4 and Z-H. TANG5

1Instituteof Insect Sciences, Zhejiang University, and the National Key

Laboratory of Rice Biology, 268 Kaixuan Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang
310029, China
2Shanghai Agricultural Technical Extension and Service Center, 628

Wuzhong Road, Shanghai 201102, China

3College of Plant Protection, Nanjing Agricultural University, 1 Weigan,

Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210096, China

4Zhejiang General Station of Plant Protection, 131 Qiutao Bei Lu,

Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310020, China

5Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, Shanghai Institutes for

Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 300 Fenglin Road,

Shanghai 200032, China

ABSTRACT The rice striped stem borer Chilo suppressalis (Walker), the yellow stem borer
Scirpophaga incertulas (Walker), and the pink stem borer Sesamia inferens (Walker) are the most injuri-
ous insect pests of rice in the Yangtze Delta, one of the country's rice "bowls" and a region undergoing
rapid economic development. In recent years, the population densities of C. suppressalis and S. inferens,
and associated yield losses and costs of control have reached the highest recorded levels. This is attributed
to the combination of a large-scale shift from pure double cropping to single-double mixed cropping, the
increased yield potential of new varieties, and the development of high levels of resistance of stem borers
to dimehypo, triazophos, and other insecticides. The risk of resistance developing to the few current very
effective insecticides (e.g. fipronil), coupled with the harmful effects of such insecticides on freshwater
shrimps, crabs and honey bees makes it imperative that researchers and farmers explore and implement
alternative approaches to relying on insecticides. The indigenous nature of the agroecosystem and the char-
acteristics of local dispersal between habitats suggest that an area-wide approach is probably the best way
to achieve the objectives of managing rice stem borers in such a way that their density is kept below eco-
nomic injury thresholds, while protecting the rural environment and the health of farmers. Components of
the current integrated management approach include: (1) ploughing and irrigating the fallow rice paddy in
early spring to kill overwintering larvae and pupae, (2) postponing and synchronizing seeding and trans-
planting dates of rice to reduce the opportunity of oviposition by overwintered moths, (3) use of stem borer
mid-resistant varieties of rice, (4) use of C. suppressalis pheromone and highly effective light traps to trap
and kill moths, (5) not spraying of insecticides during the first 30 days after transplanting, and using micro-
bial insecticides in mildly damaged fields and fipronil in highly damaged fields, and (6) providing better
communication and information to farmers for using control techniques properly. This IPM approach is
very promising, and if implemented on an area-wide basis will lead to much improved control of the stem

KEY WORDS integrated pest management, area-wide, rice, stem borers, Yangtze Delta

M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 373–382.
© 2007 IAEA.
374 Z-R. ZHU ET AL.

1. Introduction tural production, including material and

labour inputs, are rising. However, as one of
The Yangtze Delta of China is one of the the most densely populated countries in the
largest rice-producing regions in the world. It world, rice production for food security is still
has been called the “big rice bowl” for many the national policy in China. Therefore, main-
years. Many biological constraints limit the taining and increasing rice unit yields remain
attainment of potential yields. Rice stem bor- the main objective of the agricultural sector,
ers have a long history of being the most inju- and management of stem borer pests is one of
the most important measures to achieve this.
rious insect pests of rice, with the rice striped
stem borer Chilo suppressalis (Walker), the This article summarizes the current situa-
yellow stem borer Scirpophaga incertulas tion, general strategy, the main measures to
(Walker), and the pink stem borer Sesamia control stem borers in the Yangtze Delta, and
inferens Walker, being the main species proposes improvements towards an area-wide
involved (Khan et al. 1991, Cheng et al. approach.
The Yangtze Delta is also one of most rap- 2. Occurrence of Rice Stem
idly developing regions of China. Agricultural Borers and Main Causes
land is being converted to industrial uses, and
farmers are becoming factory employees In recent years, population densities of C. sup-
since the opening-to-the-world policy started pressalis and S. inferens, crop losses and costs
in the 1980s. Meanwhile, the costs of agricul- of control have reached highest recorded lev-

Figure 1. Diagram indicating the main factors causing outbreaks of the rice stem borers in the
Yangtze Delta in China.

els. Most likely, the reasons for such high pop- all newly emerged adult moths from different
ulation densities can be attributed to one or a overwintering periods can find rice fields at a
combination of the factors shown in Fig.1. suitable growth stage for oviposition.

2.1. Diversification and Enhancement of 2.3. Increased Yield Potential of New

Overwintering Habitats for Rice Stem Varieties
Hybrid japonica rice, the super high-yield
hybrid and conventional indica rices are all
Since industrialization of the Yangtze Delta
relatively tall plants, have a large stem diame-
region, cultivation of winter crops has fallen,
and the proportion of fallow lands has ter and inner antrum, and high ratios of nitro-
gen to carbon. All of these encourage stem
increased significantly. Meanwhile, the types
borers to bore, grow, survive, and reproduce
of winter crops have also diversified and now
(Zhu et al. 2002). Hybrid japonica rice (e.g.
include rape, green manure, wheat or barley,
Hanyou xiangchen, Mingyou 55 and Bayou
fish-feeding grasses, vegetables, and others.
161) is more susceptible to damage by stem
The survival of overwintering stem borer lar-
borers (Fig. 2), probably because of the longer
vae is normally significantly higher in fallow
heading period (average seven days) com-
and wheat fields and lower in manured fields
pared with indica varieties (average around
due to early ploughing during the pupation
five days), which increases the possibility of
period from April to mid May (Jiang et al.
boring by early-stage stem borers.
2002a,b). The tools used for harvesting the
Stem borer-tolerant high-yielding hybrid
rice crop are also an important factor influenc-
and conventional rice varieties are widely
ing stem borer larval survival during winter.
grown in the Yangtze Delta and yield reduc-
Normally, the higher the rice stubble remain-
tions by stem borers in tolerant varieties are
ing over winter, the higher the larval survival.
lower. However, on a regional scale, this helps
In addition, winter temperatures in recent
stem borer populations to accumulate, and
years in the region were frequently higher
therefore increases the risk of damage to other
than the average for the last 50 years, and
types of rice and other crops, e.g. the water oat
minimum winter temperatures in the afore-
mentioned habitats were higher than the (wild rice) Zizania spp., an aquatic vegetable
which serves as a host plant for stem borers,
super-cooling points of stem borer larvae.
and likewise increases the pressure to apply
This implies that survival of overwintering
chemical insecticides. However, given the
larvae, even the younger larvae, was little
important role of high-yield rice varieties for
affected. These are some of the main factors
national food security, their large-scale culti-
increasing the number of overwintering larvae
in the region. vation is unavoidable, and hence development
of effective measures for management of stem
2.2. Shift from Double to Single-Double borers is a matter of urgency.
Mixed Cropping Systems
2.4. Development of High Levels of
Since the 1980s, the cropping system in the Resistance to Insecticides by Stem Borers
Yangtze Delta has shifted significantly from
only double-cropping to a single-double The resistance of S. incertulas to the two neu-
mixed cropping system (Cheng et al. 1998). In rotoxic insecticides monomehypo (monosul-
such a mixed system, the sowing date of rice tap) and dimehypo, has been reported to be as
varies from late April to early June, and the high as at 40-243 fold, i.e. the need to increase
transplanting date therefore varies from early 40-243 times the amount of insecticides to get
May to late June. Directly-sown rice is plant- the same 50% kill of insects (Su et al. 1996,
ed from early May to mid June. Thus almost Zhu et al. 1987, Li et al. 2001, Jiang et al.
376 Z-R. ZHU ET AL.

2002a, Jiang 2004). The lowest level was fold), the level in the southern fringe of the
detected as 21.4 fold in the mulberry area of region (i.e. on the east coast of Zhejiang
Jiaxing, North Zhejiang, where the neurotoxic Province) is 40-fold (Jiang 2004), and may be
insecticides are not recommended for use due as high as 203-fold (Qu et al. 2003).
to their high toxicity to mulberry-raised silk- Fipronil is one of the most effective insec-
worms Bombyx mori (L.). These data confirm ticides developed in the last decade to control
the fact that the two insecticides have very rice stem borers. Nevertheless, there is a high
low effectiveness for controlling stem borers risk of resistance to this compound also devel-
in the Yangtze Delta region. oping in rice stem borers. The resistant levels
Triazophos, an organophosphate insecti- of some striped stem borer populations in
cide, has been one of the main insecticides locations in the Zhejiang Province was detect-
used for large-scale control of rice stem borers ed as high as 3.1-fold. Also, there are strong
in China since the early 1990s. Recently, it possibilities that this insecticide has harmful
was reported that the field efficacy of this effects on fresh-water shrimps, crabs, and
insecticide had decreased significantly, and honey bees, which are the other main sources
that the rice stem borer had developed resist- of income for Zhejiang farmers. Additionally,
ance. Thus, Peng et al. (2001) reported that the high price of these insecticides increases
rice stem borers in Gaochun, Jiangsu Province the costs of rice production for farmers. All of
had developed 23-fold resistance to tria- these factors require researchers, local techni-
zophos. Although the level of resistance of C. cal extension staff and farmers to explore and
suppressalis to triazophos in the central implement alternative approaches to the cur-
Yangtze Delta region is still low (around 5- rent reliance on insecticides.

Figure 2. Comparison of different damage levels (whitehead) caused by stem borers to three
varieties of rice in fields of Songjiang and Fengxian counties, Shanghai, China.

3. Area-Wide Strategy for 3.2. Components of the Area-Wide

Management of Rice Stem Management Approach
The main components of the area-wide rice
3.1. Rationale for an Area-Wide Strategy stem borer management approach are outlined
in Fig. 3.
The nature of the local agro-ecosystems and
the characteristics of dispersal of rice stem 3.2.1. Rice Paddy Management to Increase
borers among habitats suggest that an area- Pupal Mortality in Early Spring
wide approach is probably the best way to Field investigations have shown that the sur-
achieve the objectives of managing these vival of larvae during winter (November-
pests in ways that reduce their densities to February) was very high, and that most mor-
below economically damaging thresholds tality occurred during the pupation period
while maintaining the rural environment and around late April to May. Thus, the mortality
safeguarding the health of farmers. Also, the of overwintering larvae of S. incertulas and C.
national policy of improving food safety suppressalis from January to April in the peri-
requires an area-wide approach to the design od 2001 to 2004 in Nanhui County, Shanghai,
and implementation of rice pest management ranged from nil to 33% and from 0.9 to
programmes. Addressing large-scale multiple- 16.7%, respectively while the values
source pollution caused by agricultural chem- increased abruptly to 95 and 89%, respective-
icals (fertilizers and pesticides), is the main ly during the pupation period in late April.
challenge for restarting clean-food production Therefore, flooding and ploughing during late
in the Yangtze Delta region. Effective control April and May to kill the overwintering stem
of stem borers and reductions in chemical borer was recommended to farmers and local
insecticide applications are the main ways of extension stations.
addressing this challenge. Fields growing the first-season rice should

Figure 3. Diagram showing the main technical components of the area-wide rice stem borer
management approach.
378 Z-R. ZHU ET AL.

be ploughed and flooded immediately, partic- not lower than early sown/transplanted rice.
ularly between the peak period of pupation The highest yield was harvested from the rice
and the beginning of emergence of the first sown on 25 May. Therefore, sowing on 20
generation of moths. However, fields planned May and transplanting on 16 June were recom-
for growing single-season rice or winter crops mended to avoid damage by rice stem borers.
or fields left fallow and planned as seedling Directly-sown rice: The experiment with
nurseries of second season rice, should be different sowing dates for directly-sown rice
flooded as deeply as possible to ensure sub- (hybrid japonica rice: Hanyou Xiangqing)
mergence of all stubs, and kept so for at least showed that with delayed sowing, the percent-
three days to kill the overwintering stem bor- age deadheart caused by the first generation of
ers. all three species of stem borers decreased
Additionally, straw with a high density of (sampled on 3 July). However, the percentage
active overwintering stem borers should be deadheart caused by second-generation stem
used as livestock feed, bedding, or other pur- borers generally increased with the postpone-
poses before emergence of moths takes place. ment of the sowing date, with the lowest per-
centage deadheart occurring around 20 May;
3.2.2. Improved Rice Cultivation Practices the lowest percentage of whitehead by S.
Normally, overwintered stem borer moths in incertulas of the third generation was also
the Yangtze Delta emerge around early to mid around 20 May. This implies that the optimal
May. If they cannot find suitable host plants sowing date for this type of cultivation could
for oviposition, populations of these moths be 20-25 May.
would certainly be reduced in the following
generation. 3.2.3. Use of Stem Borer Semi-Resistant Rice
Transplanted rice: In the single-season Germ-Plasm
rice cropping area, a 4-year field experiment Semi-resistant rice germ-plasm and varieties
in Changshu, Jiangsu Province indicated that can reduce populations of rice stem borers
postponing the sowing date from 10 May to through non-preference for oviposition,
20 May could reduce the oviposition of first reduction of boring success rate, larval and
generation stem borers by as much as 80% in pupal survival and emergence. Such semi-
the seedling bed, as well as the level of dam- resistant rice germ-plasm or varieties have
age in transplanted fields. A similar experi- quantitative trait loci for stem borer resistance
ment during 2002 in Shanghai, showed corre- and the characteristic is normally stable (Papst
sponding reductions of 81 and 70%, respec- et al. 2004). For long-term use, introgression
tively, and grain yield increases of 27% when of quantitative resistance into high yielding
sowing and transplanting were carried out on rice varieties is particularly necessary.
20 May and 20 June, compared with sowing
on 5 May. Such cultivation techniques could 3.2.4. Trapping with Pheromone-Baited and
be extended to the area of single-season rice Light Traps
cropping with no effect on grain yield poten- There is evidence of significant positive cor-
tial due to the possible negative effect of relations between the numbers of C. suppres-
lower photosynthesis in late season. salis moths caught in pheromone traps and the
The densities of S. incertulas and C. sup- density of egg masses in seedling beds, the
pressalis in seedlings sown in seedbeds at 7- percentage of damaged sheaths, and the per-
day intervals on different dates between 5 centage of whitehead (Jiao et al. 2002). The
May and 26 May, decreased gradually with percentages of brownish leaf sheath, dead-
each delay of sowing. Similar trends were heart and whitehead decreased respectively by
found in the percentages of plants damaged by 71, 57 and 44% in plots with the C. suppres-
stem borers. The percentage of whitehead in salis pheromone baited traps at a density of 25
the late sown/transplanted rice, however, was traps per hectare as compared with the chem-

ical control plots in a large-scale field experi- tion and population dynamics in rice paddy
ment in Lujiang County of the Anhui Province fields due to unsynchronized sowing and
located in the mid Yangtze River region (Su et transplanting dates should be improved. After
al. 2003). Additionally, in the future, the syn- collection and processing of the necessary
ergistic effect of stem borer sex pheromone information, the occurrence, timing, density
and rice plant volatiles may be one practical and damage forecasts, as well as recommen-
way to interrupt stem borer mating and host- dations for controlling stem borers should be
finding behaviour. announced immediately through proper and
Other studies have also shown that certain effective channels for the different types of
types of light traps can reduce damage to rice cropping systems. After interventions, the
plants by as much as 80% (Yang et al. 2004). relics of stem borer populations should be
This resulted from the lower density of monitored so that any needed secondary
ovipositing female moths and eggs and hence, action can be taken.
of damaging larvae. In paddy fields treated There are several pathways and delivery
with frequency-vibration light traps, the num- systems to disseminate pest warnings and
ber of insecticide applications was reduced to management recommendations. Printed pest
two and the quantity of insecticide applied information notes, local newspapers, cable
was reduced to 2.1 kg/ha, thereby reducing broadcasts, etc. have been the main ones
the cost of pest control over the whole rice employed since the establishment of pest fore-
growing season by USD 17/ha. cast stations at district and county levels in the
1960s. Due to the popularization of television
3.2.5. Improved Insecticide Management in the early 1990s and particularly of cable TV
In the double-cropping rice region, cessation since the late 1990s, the amount of visual and
of the practice of spraying insecticide within active information presented in TV pro-
30 days of transplanting rice can be highly grammes has increased, and the efficiency of
effective for conserving the local non-harmful delivery improved. Information boards,
invertebrates in rice fields and thereby posters distributed by pesticide companies
increasing the food supply for and populations and vendors are also very common and effec-
of predators. Similar effects were also found tive.
for egg and larval parasitoids of stem borers In a comparison of different information
(Jiang et al. 1999) and planthoppers (Zhu et al. delivery tools in Jiaxing in North Zhejiang
2004b, c), and predators of planthoppers (Zhu Province, announcements of application tim-
et al. 2004a). ing and types of insecticides through cable
To reduce the development of resistance to broadcasts plus a paper note were the most
fipronil in C. suppressalis, the number of effective, while broadcasts or paper notes
fipronil applications in a rice-growing season alone made no significant difference (Zhu and
should be restricted to two, while applications Cheng 1998).
of triazophos should be restricted to between Recommendations for the control of rice
two and three. Alternatively, the application of stem borers should vary according to the geo-
different types of insecticides is recommend- graphical distribution of the pests, in order to
ed. Because of its high toxicity to shrimps, avoid overuse of insecticides in low-risk sites
crabs and honeybees, the use of fipronil in rice and loss of control in high-risk sites.
fields near shrimp- and crab-raising pools and Therefore, fine scale spatial maps for informa-
honey-source crops should be restricted. tion dissemination through TV programmes or
web sites are important and they can be easily
3.2.6. Improved Public Information understood by farmers.
Access to information on the dynamics of Based on the current outbreaks and analy-
emergence of stem borers in the diverse over- sis of the causes of rice stem borer populations
wintering habitats, and on changes in oviposi- in the Yangtze Delta, an interprovincial col-
380 Z-R. ZHU ET AL.

Figure 4. Flow chart of techniques used in the area-wide integrated management of rice stem
borers in China.

laborative project was set up for the regional approach, including overwintering habitat
ecological management of rice stem borers. management, cropping systems management
The main measures for managing these pests and a forecast-decision making system, are
effectively involve three strategies: (1) man- interacting and targeting the same objectives,
agement of overwintering habitats, (2) man- i.e. improving rice production through control
agement of cropping systems, and (3) a fore- of stem borers. Enhancing rice varieties and
cast-decision making system (Fig. 4). Results adjusting cropping patterns can assist in
from the first year of the project (which will avoiding damage by stem borers, while the
be reported elsewhere) were very promising, use of pheromone and light traps can reduce
and if implemented on an area-wide basis will their populations. Such a “push and pull”
lead to much improved control of the stem approach conducted area-wide would certain-
borers. ly be highly effective in controlling stem bor-
4. Discussion Organization of this approach should be
improved. Distribution of rice varieties with
For managing rice stem borers in the Yangtze moderate levels of resistance to stem borers
Delta region, an area-wide pest management and with high quality and yield potential
approach is both necessary and potentially should be coordinated through the seed com-
effective. The main components of the panies. Decisions on optimal ploughing times,

the allocation of irrigation water for flooding insecticides, and (7) providing better commu-
to increase the mortality of overwintered lar- nication and information to farmers for using
vae and pupae, sowing and transplanting control techniques properly. These compo-
dates, etc., have been made by local extension nents belong to three interacting categories:
agencies at the township level. Farmers usual- (1) overwintering habitat management, (2)
ly buy suitable insecticides from dealers and cropping system management, and (3) a fore-
sales representatives located in villages. In cast-decision making system. The implemen-
this way, local dealers’ recommendations for tation of this approach is ongoing and early
insecticides strongly influence farmers’ deci- results attest to its effectiveness, although fur-
sions. However, both the way that information ther information delivery and technical refine-
is delivered and the type of information pro- ments are required.
vided should be improved. Information on the
occurrence and control of rice stem borers 6. Acknowledgements
could be both improved and simplified by
releasing group messages through mobile Research was financially supported by the
phone companies. Additionally, farmer train- Zhejiang Provincial, Shanghai Municipal and
ing on the essential knowledge needed for Jiangsu Provincial Departments of Science
pest recognition and on the techniques for pest and Technology through the Yangtze Delta
management would further encourage farmers Key Project (2004E60055) to J.A.C., and by
to use new techniques within the framework the National Natural Science Foundation of
of area-wide pest management. Such technical China (grants 30070501, 30370935 and
and organizational steps have now been 30571259) and the National Key Basic
designed and will be emphasized in future Research Scientific Foundation (NKBRSF
implementation of the project. Project 2002CB111403-3) to Z.R.Z. The
authors thank Jim Dargie for his valuable
5. Conclusions English editing of the manuscript.

The combination of a regional-scale shift 7. References

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Management of Cotton Insect Pests in


Tajik Agrarian University, 146 Rudaki avenue, Dushanbe 734017,


ABSTRACT Cotton is a major crop in many irrigated areas in Tajikistan and its cultivation is severe-
ly hampered by several species of cutworms, especially the turnip moth Agrotis segetum Schiff and the
cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner). The population dynamics of these two species is
described as it relates to their impact on cotton cultivation and the importance of other crops, as well as
weeds, is also described. The paper indicates ways that an understanding of phenology can be used to man-
age the insect pests. Based on this understanding an area-wide approach is suggested that will lead to
improved control using less insecticide.

KEY WORDS Helicoverpa armigera, Agrotis segetum, phenology, planting times, cotton, irrigation,

1. Introduction ment since it is only at these locations that the

plants on which they feed grow in sufficient
The total area of Tajikistan is 143 100 square quantities. These species of cutworm account
kilometres, of which only 780 000 hectares for 23.9% of the total number. They are play-
are suitable for irrigation. Most of the irrigat- ing a central role in determining the inter-
ed land is concentrated in river valleys. One species relationships and interdependencies
such valley is the Vakhsh Valley, with a total between the main and diverse groups of
area of 1 479 000 hectares, of which 243 100 organisms on irrigated land that feed on
hectares are irrigated. More than 30% of the insects due to their high number of genera-
country’s irrigated land is located in this val- tions and diversity of their developmental
ley. During the period covered by the research periods which serve as prey for useful insects.
reported here, industrial crops occupied Despite their species diversity only four
153 116 hectares of this land, of which cotton species of cutworms are pests causing eco-
was cultivated on 84 149 hectares. nomic damage to agricultural crops, including
Ninety two different species of cutworm cotton, and of these, the turnip moth Agrotis
(Noctuidae) belonging to nine subfamilies segetum Schiff and the cotton bollworm
have been found in this area. As virgin land is Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) cause most
reclaimed for agricultural crops on the floor of damage to cotton and other crops on irrigated
the valley, overwintering and propagation land in Tajikistan.
sites shrink, especially for monovoltine
species, and these are therefore now on the 2. Dynamics and Control of
verge of extinction. However, for polyvoltine Agrotis segetum in Cotton
species of cutworm, which produce three to
seven generations over the spring-summer First generation A. segetum larvae attack the
and autumn periods, oases and irrigated land seedlings of cotton plants. However, in many
are the main sites for breeding and develop- cases the control measures that were devel-
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 383–391.
© 2007 IAEA.

Figure 1. Dynamics of the flight of moths from overwintering generations of winter cutworm
at five-day intervals according to (1) a computer simulation, and as sampled (2) on cotton
plants, (3) on vegetables, (4) in orchards and vegetables, and (5) in gardens.

oped – namely seed dusting or soil applica- between the appearance of seedlings and the
tions with pesticides before sowing – were formation of 6-8 leaves. This period can be
based primarily on the application of pesti- divided into two stages as regards the nature
cides over large areas of cotton-growing land of the damage inflicted. In the first stage, the
without taking into account the biology of the larvae gnaw right through the seedlings’ root
pest and related agroecological characteris- collar and the plants die. This leads to crop
tics. However, studies of the ecology of this destruction and reduced yields. As the root
species of cutworm have shown that, under collar grows tougher and 4-5 true leaves
the conditions in the Vakhsh Valley, the flight appear, larvae in weed-free fields feed on cot-
of moths from overwintered generations of ton plant leaves and sometimes gnaw off the
this species begins 10-15 days before cotton growing point and the root system; however,
plant seedlings appear (Fig. 1). this does not affect the final harvest under nor-
The females’ intensive egg-laying period mal plant development conditions.
occurs in April and continues for more than 10 The most dangerous period for damage to
days. During this period, weeds and cotton cotton crops by A. segetum larvae begins dur-
plants are beginning to sprout in most fields. ing the last 10 days of May when the larvae
The females lay their eggs on the soil, guided mature “en masse”. This period lasts a maxi-
by a response to substances secreted by plants mum of 10 days during which the actual dam-
during seed development and by the root sys- age to cotton plants depends on many factors
tem of perennial weeds. including: the stage of plant development, the
The population dynamics and density dis- degree of weed infestation and the proximity
tribution of first generation A. segetum larvae of cotton plantations to alfalfa fields.
in cotton fields depend on the extent to which Therefore, when inspecting fields, account
cotton sowing coincides with the mass-flight must be taken of the number of damaged cot-
of moths and their egg-laying, and by the ton plants since even when the density of lar-
number of broad-leaved weeds that attract vae is high, they do not always inflict eco-
these pests. nomic damage, especially if weeds are present
Due to their low resistance to damage by (Table 1).
larvae, the critical period for cotton plants is With an average monthly temperature of

Table 1. Population dynamics and damage caused by winter cutworms in relation to crops pre-
ceding cotton.

Inspection Preceding Area1 Sowing Total cotton Damage Larvae per Total weeds Damage
date crop date plants per (%) square metre per square (%)
square metre (no.) metre

25-May Cotton 33 3 April 13.0 ± 2.0 0.0 0.4 ± 0.1 0.8 ± 0.2 100
Alfalfa 32 3 April 12.0 ± 1.5 0.0 0.8 ± 0.2 5.0 ± 0.9 37.4
Rape 14 6 April 14.0 ± 1.9 0.0 7.2 ± 1.3 18.0 ± 2.0 39.0

30-May Cotton 16 8 April 15.0 ± 1.4 0.0 0.8 ± 0.2 2.8 ± 0.6 33.3
Rape 10 9 April 18.0 ± 1.1 5.5 8.4 ± 1.2 14.0 ± 4.0 50.0
Rape 12 11 April 17.0 ± 1.5 5.8 12.0 ± 2.0 24.0 ± 5.0 58.3


over 7°C in January, 10°C in February, and infested fields with high A. segetum larval
12°C in March, the development of first gen- populations and after weeding in the last 10
eration cutworms outpaces that of the cotton days of May, the number of damaged cotton
plants, especially if temperatures during the plants can increase by a factor of 15 to 35,
sowing period in the first 10 days of April do especially in fields that are heterogeneous or
not exceed 13°C. Under such conditions, where plants are underdeveloped. Therefore,
damage to crop seedlings from more mature the level of development of larvae on each
larvae is over 50% if the plants are at the stage plot must also be determined before weeding.
where they have grown two or three true To reduce the damage caused by winter
leaves in the last 10 days of May. In weed- cutworm larvae, the following adjustments to

Figure 2. Variations in overwintering larval populations of the Turnip moth in various parts of
Tajikistan's cotton zone. (1) cotton, (2) vegetables, (3) alfalfa, and (4) corn.

the technique and schedule for tending cotton reproduction and development during the sea-
crops are recommended: (1) when thinning son in cotton-based agrosystems.
out seedlings, first remove underdeveloped Reproduction of cotton bollworm moths in
plants, and (2) if the field has not been weed- cotton fields is crucially dependent on the
ed before the last 10 days of May and there is availability of food plants, and on the pests’
a high density of larvae, weeding should be initial development prior to the budding of
delayed for several days to allow most of the cotton plants. Certain types of weeds act as
more mature larvae to finish feeding on the significant resources during initial land recla-
weeds and enter the pupal stage. mation along the verges of irrigation canals,
The ecology and the economic damage reservoirs and vacant lands, and in the cotton
thresholds of the pest should also be taken into fields. Depending on the technique used to
account when implementing any control or cultivate the crop, these plants, played a major
eradication measure. The threshold for eco- role in regulating larval populations and the
nomic damage by A. segetum in early cotton damage they inflicted in cotton fields. Until
sowings in the last 10 days of May (weed- the mid 1960s, the borders on each side of
free) when more mature larvae predominate is open reservoirs were several tens of metres
approximately one larvae per square metre, wide and each reservoir extended for tens of
while it is three to seven larvae per square kilometres through various farms. Gradually,
metre in fields with weeds, and 0.3 to 0.5 lar- with the use of intensive cotton cultivation
vae per square metre in sown fields. techniques, these areas were used for cultiva-
The times proposed in the recommenda- tion of the crop and on newly reclaimed land,
tions for applying soil pesticides before sow- these structures are now non-existent. As a
ing are not ecologically viable for controlling result, weed growth and development now
first generation larvae in cotton crops. This is coincide with those of cotton seedlings in
because 45-50 days elapse from the time the these areas.
pesticides are applied to the time when the During the egg-laying period, H. armigera
pests begin to inflict heavy damage and their are attracted to fully-formed plants that are
toxicity to the larvae falls over this time peri-30-40 centimetres high, and not to seedlings.
od. Weeds begin to sprout during mass-flight of
In summary, the system used to control moths from overwintered generations of boll-
damage from the winter cutworm must take worms and their egg-laying in the fields in the
into account the developmental period of first last 10 days of April and at the beginning of
generation pests, the sowing schedule and May. The developing stages of weeds do not
developmental stage of the cotton, pest- attract moths for egg-laying and therefore the
attracting weeds and thresholds of economic significance of weeds as a source of food for
damage. When these factors are taken into H. armigera gradually decreases. In addition,
account, the damage caused by larvae in fields remaining small patches of weeds along irri-
can be controlled with minimal pesticide use. gation canals are generally destroyed in April-
It has been established that fields sown with May by agronomic and chemical measures, so
vegetables and alfalfa are areas where over- that by the time the cotton bollworm lays its
wintering cutworm populations are abundant eggs, the broad-leaved weeds have complete-
(Fig. 2). ly disappeared. Therefore, weeds have long
since lost their significance for the reproduc-
3. Dynamics and Control of tion and development of first-generation H.
Helicoverpa armigera in Cotton armigera in the Vakhsh Valley.
Chickpeas also have no practical signifi-
In managing the damage caused by H. cance for the development and reproduction
armigera, it is important to take account of the of the cotton bollworm in this zone. Melons
agroecological factors which affect their and gourds, particularly pumpkin and marrow,

which were previously considered as develop- and does not lead to a large pest population in
ment sites for first-generation H. armigera, cotton fields. High pest populations on cotton
have also lost their significance owing to the plants can only arise from the offspring of first
increased cultivation of other crops in the cot- generation moths, no earlier than mid June.
ton agroecosystem. Nowadays, even if pump- Therefore, it can be assumed that cotton plants
kin and marrow are grown in kitchen gardens are colonized by moths that emerged from
or on specialized vegetable farms, they are pupae of overwintered generations which
planted late and therefore begin to flower ended up 30-40 centimetres deep in the soil as
when the flight of moths from overwintered a result of autumn ploughing and that com-
generations is coming to an end. pleted their development at a relatively low
Of the other host plants that occupy second temperature. However, it is also possible that
place in terms of area after cotton, alfalfa is they migrated from other foothills or moun-
important. This crop begins to grow in the tainous areas of the country where their popu-
Vakhsh Valley at the end of February, begin- lations developed on maize, tobacco and
ning of March, and many cotton pests and tomatoes and, in the spring, their reactivation
their predators develop on it. In the spring, by began much later.
the time of mass-flight and egg-laying of Although there is a major H. armigera
moths from overwintered generations, the flight during the period of mass-budding of
alfalfa is harvested for green fodder for live- cotton plants from 16 to 25 June, this is not
stock and, during harvesting the equipment due to overwintered populations since temper-
pulverizes all the green material. As a result, atures in the Vakhsh Valley in April-June
almost all members of the species are killed exclude the possibility of pupae diapausing
and removed from the fields. for so long. Also, since their reactivation
Of all of the plants cultivated in crop rota- (according to the data in the literature) begins
tions with cotton during development of the in mid March, the greatest risk for cotton
first generation, the cotton bollworm current- crops is from moths emerging in the second
ly finds partial refuge only in maize and toma- half of June. At this time, the scale of crop col-
to fields. At the time of mass-flight of the onization and the density of the larvae are sev-
moths of overwintered generations, the maize eral times greater than in the first half of the
has not yet formed cobs and therefore the month. It is precisely at this time that serious
pests lay their eggs on the leaves near the damage to the reproductive structures by lar-
growing point. The hatched larvae then pene- vae must be prevented. The fourth five-day
trate into the channels and continue to devel- period in June is a particularly critical time
op but their numbers in April and May are because first and second instar larvae, which
never very significant. Depending on a farm’s are the most sensitive to control measures,
desirable crop rotation, maize is sown over an predominate in most fields.
area of 80-200 hectares and tomatoes over 6- The distribution of and damage caused by
7 hectares. Generally speaking, the area of pest larvae are also linked to the topography
small patches with first generation bollworms of the area (Fig. 3).
for all farm crops does not exceed 8-10% of On farms where the fields are bowl-
the entire cotton field agroecosystem. shaped, bollworm eggs and larvae are found
Thus, the majority of moths from the in large numbers in the strip that is 20-30
pupae of overwintered generations emerge metres from the beginning of the rows from
and realize their potential before the cotton the edge, decreasing sharply beyond that. In
plants bud. However, a proportion of this gen- these areas, the physiological state of the cot-
eration emerges late and can therefore fully ton plants is better due to the more intense
realize its reproductive potential in cotton accumulation of organic matter, the bushes are
crops at the end of May. Quantitatively, this more developed and much higher than those
proportion of the population is not significant growing below this strip. In level fields, the

Figure 3. Population dynamics of the first generation of cotton bollworms on various terraces
of variety 6445 cotton crops. (1) Kalandarov State Farm, (2) Guliston State Farm, and (3)
Turkmenistan State Farm.

plants develop uniformly and the accumula- everywhere will increase subsequently. In
tion of reproductive structures proceeds such years, females may simultaneously lay
almost identically over the entire field. eggs at the plants’ growing point on high-,
Accordingly, moths in these areas lay their low-, and medium-height cotton bushes alike.
eggs uniformly on plants over the entire field. This generation reproduces intensively in the
During egg-laying fine staple varieties of cot- second third of July and mass-hatching of lar-
ton attract moths more than medium staple vae follows from 17 to 22 July. It is during this
varieties. Since the latter are sown much later period that the bollworms are most sensitive
than the former or when replanting instead of to the effects of pesticide control measures.
the former, their reproductive structures As mentioned earlier, fine staple varieties
appear after mass egg-laying of first genera- are more attractive to egg-laying females than
tion pests. medium staple varieties. However, this
In the Vakhsh Valley, the population process can be affected by various agronomic
dynamics of second generation H. armigera in measures carried out at different times in
cotton plantations varies, with the greatest fields with different varieties during the sec-
number of bollworms being found in fields on ond generation’s development period. For
the fifth terrace where the density of the pest example, the quality with which the top
in unfavourable years is almost the same as in foliage of the cotton plants is removed has a
years of mass-reproduction on other terraces. significant effect on reducing the numbers of
In years of mass-reproduction, the pest popu- and damage caused by this and subsequent
lation within each farm is 3-6 times greater generations of cotton bollworm. When cotton
than in less favourable years. A characteristic sowing times are optimal and the set of repro-
feature of flights with a high number of sec- ductive structures is good on each node of the
ond generation bollworms is that population bush in fine staple varieties, removal of top
increases are already noticeable in the first ten foliage begins on 15 July and is finished with-
days of July, and on the basis of such observa- in 6-8 days. By adopting a judicious approach
tions it can be predicted that populations to this practice, the harmful activity of the

Figure 4. The influence of agricultural techniques on the second-generation cotton bollworm

population. (1) after irrigation, (2) before irrigations, and (3) with top foliage removal.

bollworm can be averted and one pesticide to prevent increased numbers of and damage
treatment can be eliminated in most fields to cotton caused by cotton bollworms during
(Fig. 4). Top foliage removal can also be ben- the intensive egg-laying period, lengthy irri-
eficial in fine staple varieties if it is carried out gation over large areas should be avoided. In
when the larvae have not yet gone more than fields without irrigation, all parts of the plant,
2-4 centimetres down the plant from where especially the leaves and the buds at the grow-
the eggs were laid. This usually coincides ing point, become limp. This slows down
with the onset of the mass-appearance of first oviposition of eggs on those plants and, in
instar larvae and the occurrence of a single most cases, the eggs that are laid and the lar-
second instar larvae. If larvae begin to trans- vae that hatch, die.
form “en masse” into second and third instars, In order to cluster the pests and take time-
then the effectiveness of this technique in ly measures to control them, irrigation in large
reducing cotton bollworm damage and num- cotton fields should be carried out in small
bers is practically zero. In the Vakhsh Valley, patches during the period of intense egg-lay-
16 to 22 July is considered to be the most ing.
effective time to remove top foliage in crops Based on a comprehensive study of the life
that were sown early or at the optimal time. cycle of cutworms and the development of
Irrigation of the vegetation also signifi- cotton plants, a precise area-wide pest control
cantly influences the development of first and plan has been developed and implemented
second generations of the pest (Fig. 4). (Fig. 5).
Increasing irrigation times accelerates the In this plan, instead of the traditional meas-
metabolic activity of plants which in turn ures and schedules for protecting crops that
leads to intensive secretion of various aromat- had no ecological basis, it is recommended to
ic substances that attract moths, even from implement basic control measures during the
other habitats, to lay eggs. Therefore, in order periods of vulnerability to cutworm damage.

Figure 5. Diagram displaying the different development phases of cotton and cutworms and
proposed schedules for integrated control.

4. Conclusions major cotton pests in this valley are A. sege-

tum and the H. armigera. Cultural control
Through the judicious use of several cultural involves the removal of the top foliage at the
and phenological approaches implemented on appropriate times and this together with the
an area-wide basis it will be possible to sub- use of the right varieties and seeding at the
stantially reduce the use of insecticides for right times can substantially reduce damage
cotton growing in the Vakhsh Valley. The caused by these pests.
Insecticidal Wound Treatment of Livestock
on Isla de la Juventud, Cuba: an Efficient
Suppression Method of New World
Screwworm Cochliomyia hominivorax Prior
to the Release of Sterile Insects


and M. J. B. VREYSEN3

1Av. Presa Penitas no. 277, Colonia Electricistas Fraccionamiento, Las

Palmas, CP 29040, Tuxtla Gutièrrez, Chiapas, Mexico
2Instituto de Medicina Veterinaria,Calle 12 Nro. 355 entre 15 y 17

Plaza, CP 10400, La Habana, Cuba

3Insect Pest Control Sub-Programme, Joint FAO/IAEA Programme of

Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture, IAEA, Wagramerstrasse 5,

A-1400 Vienna, Austria

ABSTRACT A two-year pilot trial was conducted on the Isla de la Juventud, Cuba to assess the effect
of insecticidal treatment of wounds of livestock on the wild New World screwworm Cochliomyia
hominivorax (Coquerel) population. On average, 338 921 and 369 622 animals were inspected every month
in 2001 and 2002, respectively out of a total livestock population of 86 000. The average monthly infesta-
tion rate (number of positive screwworm myiasis cases as a proportion of total animals inspected) declined
from 0.058 during the first quarter of the programme to 0.005 in the last quarter, i.e. a statistically signifi-
cant reduction of 92%. The trial demonstrated that a systematic animal inspection programme coupled with
insecticidal wound treatment can effectively suppress New World screwworm. The impact of the suppres-
sion programme on the adult fly population, sampled using vertical sticky traps, was less clear. Fly sam-
pling data from the southern part of the island – an area with very few livestock – indicated little impact
and the dynamics of the fly population showed a seasonal pattern. In the north, the fly population remained
stable and fairly low in 2001 due to the insecticidal treatment of wounds, but increased in 2002, possibly
as a result of migration from the south in the aftermath of a hurricane that created unfavourable conditions
in the south. The paper argues that a systematic wound treatment programme, possibly combined with a
dense adult fly trapping network should be implemented in screwworm area-wide integrated pest manage-
ment (AW-IPM) programmes well before the release of sterile insects. This will enable the sterile males to
compete effectively with the wild males and exploit the inverse-density dependence of the sterile insect
technique (SIT). In countries with low labour costs, this strategy will make AW-IPM programmes with an
SIT component more cost-effective.

KEY WORDS New World screwworm, Cochliomyia hominivorax, insecticides, wound treatment,
vertical sticky trap, myiasis, Isla de la Juventud, Cuba

1. Introduction and causes primary myiasis in pre-existing

wounds. This larval habitat is obligatory and
The New World screwworm Cochliomyia in the field, larvae can only develop on living
hominivorax (Coquerel) is an obligate parasite animals (Spradbery 1994). The larvae from a
of warm blooded animals including humans, single oviposition can kill smaller animals and
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 393–403.
© 2007 IAEA.

multiple infections can kill mature cattle horses and humans. Ninety two percent of all
(Krafsur et al. 1987), e.g. 1.3 million cattle myiasis cases were due to New World screw-
died in 1934 in the south-eastern USA as a worm. The Government of Cuba signed an
result of screwworm infestation (Dove 1937). agreement with the Food and Agriculture
The fly has a very high reproductive rate and Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to
females can oviposit up to 400-450 eggs at 3- develop a national eradication programme
4 days intervals on the dry edge of wounds or which would be initiated with a pilot trial on
body orifices. The eggs hatch after 12-20 the Isla de la Juventud followed by an island-
hours, the larvae migrate immediately to the wide effort (Vargas-Terán et al. 2005). The
wound and start feeding superficially on the estimated cost to eradicate the New World
wound fluids. The second and third instar lar- screwworm from Cuba was USD 62.5 million
vae burrow deeply into the host tissue for over a period of four years.
feeding. Mature larvae leave the animal and In 2000, a suppression trial was initiated
pupate in the soil and the entire life cycle can on the Isla de la Juventud with the objective of
be a short as 21 days under optimal tempera- assessing the effects of systematic insecticidal
ture conditions (Spradbery 1994). wound treatments and adult fly trapping on
The New World screwworm has been native New World screwworm. Economic
eliminated from the southern USA, Mexico, losses on this small island were estimated at
Central America and Panama, using an area- USD 4.3 per animal per year, or close to USD
wide integrated pest management (AW-IPM) 400 000 for the entire island (FAO 1998). The
approach that included the release of sterile Instituto de Medicina Veterinaria implement-
insects. In the Darien gap of Panama, a buffer ed the programme and the International
zone of 30 000 square kilometres was created Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) provided
through the weekly release of 40-50 million technical assistance through a Technical
sterile males to protect the screwworm-free Cooperation project. The data from this two-
countries from reinvasion from South year suppression trial are presented in this
America. The annual direct benefits of this paper.
campaign to the livestock industry were esti-
mated at USD 896 million, USD 328 million 2. Materials and Methods
and USD 87.8 million for the USA, Mexico
and Central America, respectively (Wyss 2.1. Study Area
As well as in South America, New World The Isla de la Juventud, called Isla de Pinos
screwworm continues to be a significant ani- until 1978, is the largest and most western
mal and human health problem in Cuba, island in the Archipiélago de los Canarreos. It
Hispaniola (Haiti and Dominican Republic), has a surface area of 2419 square kilometres,
Jamaica and Trinidad-Tobago. Since 1996, a maximum elevation of 303 metres and is
efforts have been undertaken to eradicate the separated from Cuba by the 100 kilometres-
pest from Jamaica, but the programme was wide Batabanó’s gulf (Gort et al. 1994). The
beset by various difficulties and little progress northern part of the island contains mainly
was made until 2005 (Vreysen et al., this vol- pine groves and savannah areas whereas the
ume). In view of their geographical location most prominent feature in the south is the
and increased global trade, these countries Ciénaga de Lanier marshland, a protected area
continue to pose a significant threat to the that contains a high number of endemic plant
screwworm-free countries in the region. species, and constitutes an important nesting
Cuba is the largest screwworm-infested site for various chelonian, amphibian, crus-
territory in the Caribbean and from 1995 to tacean and fish species.
2003, 88 985 New World screwworm cases According to a livestock census in 2001,
were reported in cattle, swine, sheep, goats, there were 86 124 domestic livestock of which

Figure 1. Map of Cuba and the Isla de la Juventud, indicating the trap locations in the north
(open points) and in the south (solid points) (Map of Cuba reproduced with permission from

the majority were cattle (34 770), followed by cians on the island and 21 of these staff were
pigs (21 161), sheep and goats (9883), and engaged full-time in the pilot project. The pro-
horses (1364). Wildlife such as deer (2500) tected areas in the south were managed by the
and jutia conga Capromys pilorides (Say) are National Company for the Protection of Flora
likewise abundant whereas wild pigs, mon- and Fauna and its personnel collaborated with
keys and feral domestic animals are common the project and reported any myiasis case
in the protected areas (Rivero 1999). immediately.
Taking into consideration the distribution
and abundance of livestock, the existing net- 2.3. Implementation of the Trial
work of roads, accessibility, and topographi-
cal features, the entire island was divided into
The efficient collaboration of all stakeholders,
four operational blocks, each subdivided into
including the livestock farmers and animal
ten zones. Four laboratories were established
and pet owners ensured the smooth imple-
on the island to ensure correct and timely mentation of the pilot trial. Project personnel
identification of the collected samples. distributed more than 15 000 sampling kits to
the livestock owners and to personnel of the
2.2. Logistics collaborating organizations. Each kit con-
tained forceps for the removal of larvae from
There were 50 veterinarians and 103 techni- the wounds, plastic vials with alcohol to pre-

Figure 2. (upper) The monthly number of animals inspected for wounds and New World screw-
worm infestations on the Isla de la Juventud (December 2000-December 2002), and (lower),
the monthly number of wounds treated with insecticides.

serve the larvae, a sachet of insecticide pow- (Mackley and Brown 1984). Each week, 25 to
der (coumaphos), an instruction leaflet and a 125 traps were deployed in easily accessible
data sheet. All samples were sent to one of the areas (i.e. mainly along existing roads) in the
four laboratories for species identification and northern half of the island and between 25 to
the results compiled in a database Epi Info 6 175 traps in the southern half. The traps were
(CDC 2005). checked at least every two days, depending on
Daily visits were made to sites which were the location. The traps were used to monitor
known to have high infestation levels and all the adult population and acted as an addition-
animals in each site were inspected, larvae al suppression tool.
removed from wounds and all wounds (infest-
ed and non-infested) treated with insecticides. 2.4. Data Analysis
The correct treatment of a wound will kill for
seven to ten days any ovipositing female. The percentage infestation was defined as the
Most of the inspection sites were located in number of animals infested expressed as a
the northern half of the island. proportion of the total animals inspected. Data
Adult sampling was done with triangular on monthly percentage infestations were
vertical sticky traps (dimensions 30 centime- analysed per quarter, and data on weekly fly
tres x 30 centimetres x 42.5 centimetres) catches of the northern and southern part of
(Welch 1994, Welch and Garcia 1997) baited the island were analysed per month. To nor-
with the chemical attractant swormlure-4 malize the data, monthly percentage infesta-

Figure 3. The monthly number of screwworm cases (open points) and the percentage infesta-
tion (solid points) on the Isla de la Juventud from December 2000 to December 2002.

tion data were arcsine transformed and week- post-parturition (11.0%), by ear tags (8.7%)
ly fly catch data log (n + 0.01) transformed. and branding (6.8%) and others (less than
All data were analysed by single factor 2%). Cattle were mostly affected (59.8%) fol-
ANOVA and Tukey’s HSD test was used to lowed by pigs (31.1%), whereas birds, lambs,
separate the means at P < 0.05. Comparison of dogs, goats and horses were much less infest-
pairs of data sets of number of animals ed.
inspected and wounds treated were analysed From December 2000 to December 2002, a
by a paired t-test. total of 2022 New World screwworm myiasis
cases were found (i.e. an average of 80.8 ±
3. Results 49.8 cases per month). Most of the cases
(99%) were found in the northern half of the
3.1. Myiasis and Percentage Infestation island, where livestock was abundant. The
percentage infestation was 0.104% in the first
Over a period of 25 months (December 2000 month, December 2000 (Fig. 3). The ANOVA
to December 2002), a total of 8 841 432 ani- analysis showed significant temporal differ-
mals were inspected, on average 338 921 and ences in the average quarterly percentage
369 622 per month in 2001 and 2002, respec- infestation (F = 6.48, d.f. = 17, P < 0.001),
tively (t = 0.35, d.f. = 11, P = 2.57) (Fig. 2, with significantly less animals infested in
upper). During the same period, a total of quarters 3 and 4 of 2001 and quarters 3 and 4
56 525 wounds were treated with insecticides, of 2002 (P < 0.05, Tukey HSD) as compared
which represents an average of 2261 wounds with the first quarter (data for December 2000
treated per month (Fig. 2, lower). The number were included in the first quarter 2001 for the
of wounds treated in the first year did not analysis) of the project. The percentage infes-
change significantly from that in the second tation was not significantly different in the
year (n = 2141 for 2001 and n = 2390 for first and second quarters of 2002 than in the
2002) (t = 0.53, d.f. = 11, P = 2.20). Larvae first quarter. This increase in screwworm myi-
were most frequently found in the navel area asis cases was likewise reflected in the adult
(24.8%), in wounds caused by barbed wire trap data. The average percentage infestation
(23.8%), from bites (16.5%), in the vulva area in the last quarter of 2002 was 0.005%, which

Figure 4. The average weekly catch (male and female flies/trap/week) of New World screw-
worm in the northern (upper graph) and southern (lower graph) half of the Isla de la Juventud
from February 2001 to December 2002.

represents a 92% reduction as compared with versus 0.57 females/trap/week (north) (F =

the first quarter of 2001. 12.18, d.f. = 92, P < 0.001). In 2002, howev-
er, average weekly male and female catches
3.2. Sampling Adult New World Screwworm were similar in the north and south, i.e. 0.18
Cochliomyia hominivorax Flies males/trap/week (south) versus 0.12
males/trap/week (north) (F = 0.0002, d.f. = 90,
During the pilot trial, a total of 7143 and P > 0.05), and 1.31 females/trap/week (south)
11 241 adult New World screwworm flies versus 0.85 females/trap/week (north) (F =
were trapped in the northern and southern 0.11, d.f. = 90, P > 0.05) (Fig. 4). In both parts
parts of the island, respectively. In 2001, aver- of the island, the sticky traps caught signifi-
age weekly male and female catches were sig- cantly more females than males, i.e. 88.1%
nificantly higher in the south than in the north, and 87.1%, respectively (χ2, P < 0.001).
i.e. 0.28 males/trap/week (south) versus 0.07 The temporal fluctuations in the average
males/trap/week (north) (F = 9.93, d.f. = 92, P weekly catches of male and female flies were
< 0.01), and 1.7 females/trap/week (south) considerable, especially in the south. Weekly

catches in the northern part of the island were zone so that natural dispersal of the popula-
not significantly correlated with those of the tion occurs only within this area (Klassen
south (for females: r = 0.24, d.f. = 21, P > 0.05 2005).
and for males: r = 0.04, d.f. = 21, P > 0.05) Even in the early days of the screwworm
and therefore the data were analysed and pre- programme in the USA, it became rapidly
sented separately (Fig. 4). clear that:
The average weekly female catch varied
…an effective surveillance programme carried
significantly with time, both in the south (F =
out well in advance of the release of sterile flies,
37.92, d.f. = 22, P < 0.001) and the north (F = was a vital part of a successful eradication pro-
15.79, d.f. = 22, P < 0.001). In the south, the gramme (Meyer 1994).
highest female catches were in April-June
2001 (range 2.80-4.29 females/trap/week) and This need prompted the development of an
2002 (range 2.17-3.73 females/trap/week). In effective adult screwworm suppression tool
the north, the highest average female catches that could reduce populations to levels where
were in May-July 2001 (range 0.68-1.11 sterile males could effectively compete with
females/trap/week) and February-April 2002 the native male flies. The final result was the
(range 1.74-2.29 females/trap/week). The ver- screwworm adult suppression system
tical sticky traps caught the least females in (SWASS), which contained a powerful attrac-
September 2001 and October-December 2002 tant (swormlure) (Mackley and Brown 1984),
in the north, and in December 2001 and a food-bait as a short range attractant, and an
October-December 2002 in the south (Fig.4). insecticide to kill the adult flies feeding on the
The temporal fluctuations in the average mixture (Snow et al. 1982). In dry areas of the
weekly trap catch of the males were less than southern USA and northern Mexico, the
in the females but the ANOVA showed signif- SWASS pellets were dispersed by aircraft for
icant temporal changes, both in the south (F = four to ten weeks at a rate of 0.18 kg/km2
17.47, d.f. = 22, P < 0.001) and the north (F = (Snow et al. 1982). This short period was suf-
8.28, d.f. = 22, P < 0.001). ficient to reduce screwworm populations by
The weekly catch of males was highly sig- up to 90% (Coppedge et al. 1978). As the
nificantly correlated with those of females, eradication programme progressed towards
both in the north (r = 0.89, d.f. = 18, P < the more humid, tropical areas of southern
0.001) and in the south (r = 0.93, d.f. = 18, P Mexico and Central America, the swormlure
< 0.001), indicating a similar trap response. lost much of its attractiveness and the SWASS
became less effective (Spradbery 1994).
4. Discussion Together with the high cost (Snow et al. 1982)
and concerns about environmental pollution
The SIT was an essential part of the AW-IPM (Spradbery 1994), SWASS was finally aban-
programme that eradicated the New World doned and intensive treatment of animal
screwworm from the USA, Mexico and wounds with insecticides that killed oviposit-
Central America (Wyss 2000). This pro- ing females became the prime suppression
gramme emphasized IPM, which is a sustain- tactic.
able approach to managing pests by the inte- This two-year pilot trial, demonstrated that
gration of biological, cultural, physical and a systematic, properly executed animal
chemical tools in a way that minimizes eco- inspection programme, (on average more than
nomic, health, and environmental risks 330 000 animals were inspected each month
(National IPM Network 2001), and AW, for a total livestock population of 86 000 ani-
which is the application of control tactics mals), where every wound detected was con-
against an entire pest population within a sistently treated with insecticides, could sig-
delimited geographical area, with a minimum nificantly reduce screwworm infestations in
size large enough or protected by a buffer livestock. The 92% reduction of the average

monthly percentage infestation from the first by the insecticidal wound treatment pro-
to the last quarter is testimony to the efficacy gramme, and this is illustrated in the seasonal,
of the approach. However, it should be noted natural dynamics of the screwworm popula-
that the hurricanes that passed over the island tion (Fig. 4).
could have contributed to some reduction of In the north, adult screwworm catches
the population. remained fairly low in 2001 as a result of the
Many screwworm eradication programmes insecticidal wound treatment, with average
have in the past relied on “the number of weekly catches not exceeding 1.11
screwworm cases” to monitor programme females/trap/week and 0.12 males/trap/week.
progress. Vreysen (2005) and Vreysen et al. In November 2001, a category four hurricane
(this volume) have cautioned this approach (Michelle) passed over the island which
especially in those programmes where farm- destroyed much of the vegetation in the south
ers were requested to inspect their animals and and left large areas flooded for several weeks.
report cases to the programme (passive sam- This created unfavourable conditions for the
pling). The fluctuations in reported cases were screwworm population and most likely stimu-
likely more related to farmer collaboration lated fly migration to the north, which was
and reporting efficiency than actual variations much less affected by the hurricane. This
in the pest population density. Only when the might explain the increase in average weekly
same number of animals are inspected in each fly catches in the north between December
time unit, does the number of screwworm 2001 and March 2002, whereas in the south,
cases measure progress. The data presented in the fly population only recovered from the
this paper corroborate the above observations, impact of the hurricane as of March 2002. On
as exemplified by the following case in point: 19 and 30 September 2002, two hurricanes
from February to May 2001, the number of (category one and two) passed over the island,
screwworm cases declined from 147 to 135 affecting the north and south equally. Average
cases, which is a reduction of only 8%, where- weekly fly catches remained extremely low in
as the percentage infestation was reduced the following months as did the number of
from 0.05 to 0.034%, i.e. a reduction of 32%. screwworm cases.
This again demonstrates the importance of The traps were not deployed along a regu-
presenting and analysing screwworm case lar grid, and hence the trapping data might
data as a proportion of inspected animals to have been biased. Nevertheless, the data col-
allow accurate data interpretation. lected were an important indicator of pro-
Progress was also monitored through the gramme progress and provided valuable com-
trapping of adult flies. However, the effect of plementary information on screwworm popu-
the suppression programme was less clear lation dynamics (Vreysen 2005). The spatial
from the fly trapping data than from the per- complexities of the often highly aggregated
centage myiasis infestation (monthly total fly screwworm populations could be more effi-
catches were nevertheless, significantly corre- ciently analysed both in space and time using
lated with the monthly percentage infestation geo-referenced data collection (using Global
(r = 0.55 d.f. = 21, P < 0.05)). This was most Position System (GPS)) and geographic infor-
likely related to the spatial characteristics of mation systems (GIS)-based analyses (Cox
the suppression programme, i.e. most of the and Vreysen 2005, Cox, this volume).
livestock were present in the north, where On average, 75 and 84 sticky traps were
most of the cases (99%) were also found. deployed every week in the southern and
Livestock were largely absent in the south northern parts of the island, respectively.
with the only animals present being wildlife These sticky traps caught more than 16 000
and small pets belonging to fishermen and the females during the trial. Although no data
staff of the national park. Consequently, the were available on absolute wild fly densities,
fly population in the south was little affected this high number of trapped females seems to

indicate that these traps (Welch and Garcia screwworm population, following an AW-
1997) show potential as an additional suppres- IPM approach.
sion tactic for New World screwworm. The The pilot trial was carried out in prepara-
traps are cheap, easy to handle and deploy and tion of the release of sterile insects on the
the odour bait (swormlure-4), while not very island. The data from the suppression phase of
effective for sampling gravid females (Guillot the project, which was planned to last only six
et al. 1977a,b) is a good attractant for young months but was implemented for two years,
females (Coppedge et al. 1977). The vertical indicate that the release of sterile insects
sticky trap (baited with swormlure-4) is a new would have been the next logical step in order
design, and field tests in Costa Rica indicated to achieve eradication. Due to a variety of rea-
its superior performance for catching male sons, some political, the programme never
and female flies (871 flies trapped) as com- received the necessary follow-up and the
pared with the standard wind-oriented-trap release of sterile insects was never imple-
(Broce et al. 1977) (11 flies trapped) (Welch mented. This is very unfortunate as the pilot
1994). Sterile screwworm flies released suppression programme succeeded in creating
around the mass-rearing facility in Tuxtla optimal conditions for the sterile males to
Guttièrez, Mexico (as part of biosecurity compete effectively with the native males.
measures) were sampled up to five kilometres Initiating systematic wound treatment possi-
from the rearing facility with the wind-orient- bly combined with a dense trapping network
ed-trap but up to 30 kilometres with the verti- before initiating the release of sterile males,
cal sticky trap (R. Garcia, unpublished). would make the SIT component of screw-
Although the deployment of many traps over worm AW-IPM programmes more cost-effec-
large surface areas is labour intensive and tive, especially in countries with low labour
logistically demanding, it will probably be costs.
cost-effective in those countries with low
labour costs. Each young wild female fly that 6. References
is trapped will be equal to three to five
wounds not becoming infested, preventing the Broce, A. B., J. L. Goodenough, and J. R.
potential development of 800 to 1200 larvae. Coppedge. 1977. A wind oriented trap for
screwworm flies. Journal of Economic
5. Conclusions Entomology 70: 413-416.
(CDC) Centers for Disease Control and
In most operational screwworm programmes, Prevention. 2005.
suppression using insecticidal wound treat- EPIINFO/Epi6/ei6.htm
ment was usually initiated simultaneously Coppedge, J. R., E. Ahhrens, J. L.
with the release of sterile insects, masking the Goodenough, F. S. Guillot, and J. W.
relative contribution of each control tactic to Snow. 1977. Field comparisons of liver
the progress of the campaign. The data from and new chemical mixture as attractants for
this pilot trial have shown that a properly the screwworm fly. Environmental Ento-
implemented insecticidal wound treatment mology 6: 66-68.
programme can reduce New World screw- Coppedge, J. R., J. L. Goodenough, A. B.
worm myiasis considerably. Due to the lack of Broce, F. H. Tannahill, J. W. Snow, M. M.
livestock there was no suppression of the Crystal, and H. D. Petersen. 1978.
screwworm population in the south, which in Evaluation of the screwworm adult sup-
view of the high mobility of the fly and the pression system (SWASS) on the Island of
small size of the island must have created the Curaçao. Journal of Economic Entomology
possibility of flies migrating to the north. 71: 579-584.
Suppression would have been improved had Cox, J. St. H., and M. J. B. Vreysen. 2005.
the control tactics been applied on the entire Use of geographic information systems and

spatial analysis in area-wide integrated pest rax. Journal of Economic Entomology 77:
management programmes that integrate the 1264-1268.
sterile insect technique, pp. 453-477. In Meyer, N. L. 1994. History of the Mexico-
Dyck, V. A., J. Hendrichs, and A. S. United States screwworm eradication pro-
Robinson (eds.), Sterile insect technique. gram. Vantage Press, New York, USA.
Principles and practice in area-wide inte- National IPM Network. 2001.
grated pest management. Springer,
Dordrecht, The Netherlands. tion.htm
Dove, W. E. 1937. Myiasis of man. Journal of Rivero, G. M. 1999. Conozca Cuba. Flora y
Economic Entomology 30: 29-39. Fauna. Instituto Cubano del libro, Ciudad
(FAO) Food and Agriculture Organization of de La Habana, Cuba.
the United Nations. 1998. Pérdidas Snow, J. W., J. R. Coppedge, A. B. Broce, J.
económicas del gusano barrenador del L. Goodenough, and H. E. Brown. 1982.
ganado en Cuba y análisis del beneficio- Swormlure: development and use in detec-
costo del programa de erradicación. La tion and suppression systems of adult
Habana, Cuba. screwworm (Diptera: Calliphoridae).
Gort, A. S., T. Escobar, J. Izquierdo, M. Bulletin of the Entomological Society of
Correoso, and N. Singh. 1994. Isla de la America 28: 277-284.
Juventud, su naturaleza. Instituto Cubano Spradbery, J. P. 1994. Screw-worm fly: a tale
del libro, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba. of two species. Agricultural Zoology
Guillot, F. S., J. R. Coppedge, J. L. Reviews 6: 1-61.
Goodenough, T. S. Adams, and E. Vargas-Terán, M., H. C. Hofmann, and N. E.
Ahrens. 1977a. Behaviour and reproduc- Tweddle. 2005. Impact of screwworm
tive status of native female screwworm eradication programmes using the sterile
attracted to a host. Annals of the insect technique, pp. 629-650. In Dyck, V.
Entomological Society of America 70: 588- A., J. Hendrichs, and A. S. Robinson (eds.),
590. Sterile insect technique. Principles and
Guillot, F. S., J. R. Coppedge, J. L. practice in area-wide integrated pest man-
Goodenough, E. Ahrens, and T. S. agement. Springer, Dordrecht, The
Adams. 1977b. Reproductive status of Netherlands.
female screwworms captured from hosts or Vreysen, M. J. B. 2005. Monitoring sterile
in traps. The Southwestern Entomologist 2: and wild insects in area-wide integrated
49-52. pest management programmes, pp. 325-
Klassen, W. 2005. Area-wide integrated pest 361. In Dyck, V. A., J. Hendrichs, and A. S.
management and the sterile insect tech- Robinson (eds.), Sterile insect technique.
nique, pp. 39-68. In Dyck, V. A., J. Principles and practice in area-wide inte-
Hendrichs, and A. S. Robinson (eds.), grated pest management. Springer,
Sterile insect technique. Principles and Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
practice in area-wide integrated pest man- Welch, J. B. 1994. Developing new trapping
agement. Springer, Dordrecht, The techniques for New World screwworm
Netherlands. (NWS) in Central America. Report on
Krafsur, E. S., J. Whitten, and J. Novy. 1987. Project SCN/INT/001(MUL), Cooperative
Screwworm eradication in North and Agreement No. 58-6240-3-F089. USDA-
Central America. Parasitology Today 3: ARS, San Jose, Costa Rica.
131-137. Welch, J. B., and R. R. Garcia. 1997. Field
Mackley, J. W., and H. E. Brown. 1984. comparisons of three swormlure-4 baited
Swormlure-4: a new formulation of the traps for primary screwworm (Diptera:
swormlure-2 mixture as an attractant for Calliphoridae). SADA-ARS.
adult screwworms, Cochliomyia hominivo- Wyss, J. H. 2000. Screw-worm eradication in

the Americas – overview, pp. 79-86. In Tan, International Symposium on Fruit Flies of
K. H. (ed.), Proceedings: Area-Wide Economic Importance, 28 May-5 June
Control of Fruit Flies and Other Insect 1998, Penang, Malaysia. Penerbit
Pests. International Conference on Area- Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang,
Wide Control of Insect Pests, and the 5th Malaysia.
Section 5

and Regulation
Area-Wide Integrated Pest Management
Programmes and Agricultural Trade:
Challenges and Opportunities for Regulatory
Plant Protection


Center for Plant Health Science and Technology, Plant Epidemiology and
Risk Analysis Laboratory, USDA/APHIS/PPQ,1730 Varsity Drive, Suite
300 Raleigh, NC 27606, USA

ABSTRACT The Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS
Agreement) entered into force for all member countries in 2000. It states that measures to protect human,
animal and plant health or life shall be based on international standards where possible. These measures
shall be based on a scientific risk assessment and should be implemented only to the extent necessary to
achieve an appropriate level of protection. The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) is the
international standard setting body for protecting plant health identified in the SPS Agreement. Both inter-
national treaties make provision for control of pests at regional levels (regionalization) and for identifica-
tion of pest free areas. The IPPC provides guidance to countries, in the form of international standards, on
the implementation of pest free areas and pest risk analysis (including systems approaches and other risk
management measures). These standards can contribute to area-wide integrated pest management (AW-
IPM) programmes for two main reasons. First, when AW-IPM programmes are implemented according to
IPPC standards, trading partners should be prepared to recognize the results of a successful AW-IPM pro-
gramme as meeting requirements, for example, of a pest free area or an area of low pest prevalence.
Second, these standards provide scientific and technical guidance for the design and operation of key com-
ponents of AW-IPM programmes. Therefore, countries that implement AW-IPM programmes that are in
accordance with IPPC standards are better positioned to take advantage of liberalized trade while main-
taining their phytosanitary security.

KEY WORDS agricultural trade, sanitary and phytosanitary measures, area-wide integrated pest man-
agement, International Plant Protection Convention

1. Introduction In the context of this paper, the term “pest”

refers to:
The purpose of this paper is to address the Any species, strain or biotype of plant, animal or
relationship between area-wide integrated pathogenic agent injurious to plants or plant
pest management (AW-IPM) programmes, products (FAO 1997a).
agricultural trade and the application of phy- Such programmes often are applied over
tosanitary measures by importing and export- large geographic areas often for extended
ing countries. AW-IPM programmes may be periods of time, but may also be applied on
differentiated from more conventional pest smaller scales (e.g. greenhouses, production
control programmes (e.g. localized integrated units, etc.). The goal of such programmes may
pest management programmes) in that they be suppression, prevention, containment or
incorporate systematically applied pest man- eradication of a particular pest (Hendrichs et
agement strategies to reduce pest populations. al. 2005). While many other considerations
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 407–415.
Published with the permission of © 2007 U.S. Government

(economic, biological, environmental, social, developing countries have had mixed results
political, etc.) will affect the decision to use, taking advantage of the liberalized trade envi-
and the ultimate success of AW-IPM pro- ronment. One potential barrier to agricultural
grammes, the focus of this paper is to discuss trade for many countries are measures
their role in relation to agricultural trade. imposed by importing countries to protect
human, animal or plant life and health – or
2. Area-Wide Pest Management sanitary and phytosanitary measures (Henson
and Loader 2001, Huang 2004).
The decision to undertake an AW-IPM pro-
gramme may be influenced by many factors, 3.1. The Agreement on the Application of
including feasibility, economics, biology of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
the organism, the area over which manage-
ment may occur and the demand for and rela- The Agreement on the Application of Sanitary
tive benefits of undertaking such a pro- and Phytosanitary Measures, or SPS Agreement,
gramme. Benefits of area-wide pest manage- is a subsidiary agreement of the WTO. It sets
ment are linked to efficiency and effectiveness out rights and obligations for members of the
gains that are possible when applying similar WTO with respect to sanitary and phytosani-
phytosanitary measures over large, usually tary measures that may be implemented for
environmentally similar areas. The nature of protecting human, animal or plant life and
the benefits is in turn linked to epidemiologi- health. The SPS Agreement provides a frame-
cal and/or economic factors. Such benefits work to ensure that measures are applied only
may include reduction in pesticide use, to the extent necessary to protect health and
reduced impacts on the environment, that the measures are technically justified. In
increased production and quality, increased the same vein, the agreement maintains that
food security, increased income for producers such measures should not be implemented
and reduced costs over time for managing arbitrarily or as disguised barriers to trade.
serious pests. An additional benefit of area- Annex A of the SPS Agreement defines the
wide pest management may be increased scope of SPS measures (Fig. 1) (WTO 1994).
opportunities for trade from areas where pest
populations are drastically reduced, contained 3.1.1. Provisions of the Sanitary and Phy-
or eradicated leading to areas of low pest tosanitary Agreement
prevalence or pest free areas. The role of area- The SPS Agreement contains several key pro-
wide pest management in agricultural trade is visions that define rights, obligations and
poised to grow as the volume of agricultural responsibilities of members in designating
trade and the awareness of the risks of accom- SPS measures at the national level. Provisions
panying pests moving to new areas continue that are particularly applicable to AW-IPM
to increase (Griffin 2000). programmes include: (1) risk assessment, (2)
harmonization, (3) equivalence, (4) least trade
3. Agricultural Trade restrictive (minimal impact), (5) appropriate
level of protection, (6) regionalization, (7)
Agricultural trade has increased steadily since area freedom, and (8) low prevalence.
the World Trade Organization (WTO) provid- Article 2 (Basic Rights and Obligations) of
ed for a global, liberalized trade framework in the SPS Agreement states that members shall
the 1990s. As of 2000, the global value of ensure that any sanitary or phytosanitary
agricultural trade exports was approximately measure is applied only to the extent neces-
USD 275 000 million (USDA 2002). Developed sary to protect human, animal or plant life or
countries such as Australia, Canada, countries health, is based on scientific principles and is
of the European Community, Japan and the not maintained without sufficient scientific
USA account for the majority of trade, while evidence.

Figure 1. Definition of a Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) measure from Annex A of the
Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (WTO 1994).

This means that measures should be tech- as equivalent alternative measures that
nically justified and based on available scien- achieve the same level of protection that differ
tific information (see also Articles 3 and 5) from their own measures (WTO 1994).
(WTO 1994). Article 5 (Assessment of Risk and
Article 3 (Harmonization) of the SPS Determination of the Appropriate Level of
Agreement states that measures should be Sanitary or Phytosanitary Protection) address-
based on international standards or that meas- es the application of risk assessment in deter-
ures that deviate from standards should be mining appropriate SPS measures.
technically justified. Members can use inter- Importantly, it states that risk assessments
national standards as the basis for their nation- used for determining SPS measures should be
al regulations and know that those measures based on methods developed by relevant
cannot be challenged under the SPS international organizations and take into
Agreement. The agreement identifies the account available scientific evidence. It is also
internationally recognized standard-setting important to note that measures, which devi-
bodies as: (1) the Codex Alimentarius ate from standards, as defined in Article 3,
Commission for food safety and human should be based on risk assessment.
health, (2) the Office Internationale des Furthermore, Article 5 states that members
Epizooties (OIE) for animal health, and (3) should implement measures only to achieve
the International Plant Protection Convention an appropriate level of protection, and that
(IPPC) for plant health. these measures should be the “least trade
International standards developed by these restrictive” possible. The SPS Agreement
organizations incorporate available scientific allows for measures that are more stringent
information and assess the risks associated than those defined by standards, but these
with a given situation. As such, any measure measures should be fully justified by a risk
based on a standard is by default considered to assessment (WTO 1994).
be technically justified (WTO 1994). Article 6 (Adaptation to Regional
Article 4 (Equivalence) of the SPS Conditions, Including Pest or Disease-Free
Agreement states that members should accept Areas and Areas of Low Pest or Disease

Prevalence) discusses the provisions for provision for a national plant protection serv-
regionalization, pest free areas and areas of ice that is responsible for performing certain
low pest prevalence. These concepts are sig- key functions including: (1) phytosanitary
nificant for AW-IPM programmes as they pro- certification, (2) establishment of an official
vide for the recognition of pest free areas and contact point, (3) surveillance, (4) implemen-
areas of low pest prevalence – the goal of AW- tation of appropriate phytosanitary measures,
IPM programmes (WTO 1994). (5) conducting treatments and certifying
exports, (6) exchanging scientific and techni-
3.2. The International Plant Protection cal information, (7) developing and observing
Convention standards, (8) recognition of equivalence, (9)
conducting eradication programmes, and (10)
As stated above, the SPS Agreement identifies recognition of pest free areas and areas of low
the IPPC as the international standard setting pest prevalence (FAO 1997a).
body for plant health. The IPPC is an interna-
tional treaty with its own signatories, or con- 3.2.1. International Standards for Phytosanitary
tracting parties. It originally entered into force Measures
in 1952; it was amended in 1979 and the 1979 Contracting parties receive guidance on meet-
text entered into force in 1991. More recently, ing these provisions through the use of inter-
in 1997, the text was revised again largely to national standards developed under the aus-
meet expectations set forth in the SPS pices of the IPPC. International Standards for
Agreement. The 1997 amendments created a Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) are devel-
secretariat, the Commission on Phytosanitary oped under the guidance of the ICPM. The
Measures and formalized standard-setting as ICPM (comprised of contracting parties to the
part of the IPPC’s mission. The 1997 text will IPPC and members of the Food and
enter into force after the amendments have Agriculture Organization of the United
been accepted by two-thirds of the contracting Nations (FAO)) decides which ISPMs should
parties to the IPPC (currently 137 countries). be developed as part of the work programme.
Until this happens, the Commission on An expert panel is formed to draft the stan-
Phytosanitary Measures operates as the dard, ensuring that the best scientific expertise
Interim Commission on Phytosanitary is incorporated into the standard. The
Measures (ICPM). Standards Committee reviews and revises the
The purpose of the IPPC is to secure com- draft standard, which is then sent to all mem-
mon and effective action to prevent the spread bers of the ICPM for comment. After another
of plant pests and to promote measures for review by the Standards Committee, the draft
their control. Although the IPPC has a clear standard can be submitted to the ICPM for
relationship to the SPS Agreement and to agri- adoption. To date there have been over 20
cultural trade, its scope is not limited to trade. standards adopted. It should be noted that
The scope of the IPPC applies to protecting all although priorities for new standards are
plants including wild flora from plant pests. determined by the ICPM by consensus, topics
Plant pests include any organism that may may be suggested by individual members
affect plant health, including diseases and (countries), regional plant protection organi-
weeds (FAO 1997a). To achieve this goal of zations, international organizations (e.g.
protecting plant health, the text of the IPPC International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA),
sets forth rights, obligations and responsibili- WTO) or other organizations such as interna-
ties of contracting parties, including pest risk tional non-governmental organizations.
analysis, harmonization, equivalence, mini- There are three general types of standards:
mal impact, regionalization, pest free areas reference, concept and specific. Reference
and areas of low pest prevalence. According standards include the ISPM No. 5 (Glossary
to the IPPC, contracting parties should make of Phytosanitary Terms) (FAO 2001) and

ISPM No. 1 (Principles of Plant Quarantine as requirements, for example, of a pest free area
Related to International Trade) (FAO 1995). or an area of low pest prevalence. This means
Concept standards include ISPMs such as that such programmes will meet criteria for
ISPM No. 4 (Requirements for the pest risk management as defined in the pest
Establishment of Pest Free Areas) and ISPM risk analysis standards (ISPM Nos. 2, 11 and
No. 6 (Guidelines for Surveillance). The pest 14) so that exporting countries can more fully
risk analysis standards (ISPMs No. 2 benefit from their AW-IPM programmes
Guidelines for Pest Risk Analysis, No. 11 through enhanced trade opportunities. At the
Guidelines for Pest Risk Analysis for same time, importing countries should be pre-
Quarantine Pests Including Analysis of pared to consider and recognize such pro-
Environmental Risks and Living Modified grammes as pest risk management options,
Organisms) are also concept standards. according to the principles of harmonization
Specific standards address specific pests or and equivalence (WTO 1994, FAO 1997a).
commodities. Currently, ISPM No. 15 Second, these standards provide scientific
(Guidelines for Regulating Wood Packaging and technical guidance for the design and
Material in International Trade) (FAO 2002b) operation of key components of AW-IPM pro-
is the only specific standard; however, several grammes. This guidance covers many of the
commodity and pest specific standards are in key elements that are integral components of
various stages of development. all AW-IPM programmes. For example, ISPM
No. 6 (Guidelines for Surveillance) provides
3.2.2. Standards and Area-Wide Pest Management valuable information on how surveillance pro-
Of the standards that have been developed to grammes should be designed and executed,
date, several have direct implications for area- and covers basic sampling techniques (FAO
wide pest management programmes. These 1997b). The pest risk analysis standards
include: (1) ISPM No. 3 Guidelines for the address how biological information on pests
Export, Shipment, Import and Release of should be gathered and analysed. Although
Biological Control Agents and other the design of AW-IPM programmes does not
Beneficial Organisms (Revised) (FAO necessarily include a risk assessment compo-
2005a), (2) ISPM No. 6 Guidelines for nent, there is considerable overlap in the type
Surveillance, (3) ISPM No. 4 Requirements of information needed to make accurate
for the Establishment of Pest Free Areas, (4) judgements (FAO 1996a, FAO 2004). ISPM
ISPM No. 22 Guidelines for Areas of Low No. 14 provides extensive guidance on the
Pest Prevalence, (5) ISPM No. 9 Guidelines integrated use of different types of pest risk
for Pest Eradication Programmes, (6) ISPM management options to reduce pest risk. A
No. 10 Guidelines for Pest Free Places of national plant protection organization could
Production and Pest Free Production Sites, (7) accept the use of an AW-IPM approach for a
ISPM No. 2 Guidelines for Pest Risk specific pest to implement a phytosanitary
Analysis, (8) ISPM No. 11 Guidelines for Pest measure, either independently (if it reduced
Risk Analysis for Quarantine Pests Including risk to an acceptable level) or combined with
Analysis of Environmental Risks and Living other phytosanitary measures as part of a sys-
Modified Organisms, and (9) ISPM No. 14 tems approach (e.g. treatments, seasonal ship-
The Use of Integrated Measures in a Systems ping, etc.) as necessary (FAO 2002a). Finally,
Approach for Pest Risk Management. several standards discuss eradication, pest
These standards can contribute to AW-IPM freedom and low pest prevalence – all poten-
programmes for two main reasons. First, tial outcomes of AW-IPM. They provide both
when AW-IPM programmes are implemented scientific and technical guidance as to how
according to these standards, trading partners such programmes may be developed, the
should be prepared to recognize the results of types of information that should be gathered
a successful AW-IPM programme as meeting and analysed, the requirements for certain

procedures (e.g. surveillance) and how pest ucts. Likewise, market forces and food safety
freedom can be officially recognized by other standards are leading to acceptance of lower
countries (FAO 1996b, 1998, 1999, 2005b). and lower levels of pesticide residues (maxi-
Each of these standards can contribute signif- mum residue limits) in food, with a concomi-
icantly to AW-IPM programmes. However, it tant reduction in the reliance on certain pesti-
is important to note that these standards are cides in the field.
not meant to be used alone; rather, each one of Concurrently, it is becoming widely recog-
these standards builds upon others to form a nized that the operational standard of “Probit-
comprehensive system for plant protection. 9” for quarantine treatments is not a technical-
Similarly, the successful implementation of ly justifiable requirement for many, if not
standards relies heavily on all countries most, pests. Probit-9 security refers to the
actively participating in the standards process. level of efficacy of a phytosanitary treatment
All countries – when exporting and importing and converts to 32 surviving individuals for
– should accept phytosanitary measures that every one million individuals treated (Follet,
are based on standards, including AW-IPM this volume). For more than 50 years, it has
programmes where appropriate. More to the been assumed that this level of security was
point, all countries should also actively partic- sufficiently protective, especially for fruit fly
ipate in the development of new standards. pests. However, as pest risk analysis continues
For instance, a country, or group of countries, to evolve, it has become evident that for many
can recommend priorities for the development pests, Probit-9 may be too stringent of a
of new standards to the ICPM. This is espe- requirement; in some cases, Probit-9 may not
cially important for certain pests that are the afford enough security. In either case, nation-
target of AW-IPM programmes, where the al plant protection organizations are re-evalu-
development of a specific international stan- ating the need for Probit-9 security and AW-
dard could add scientific and technical guid- IPM programmes may prove to be suitable
ance and provide valuable impetus to a given alternatives to long used point of origin-, in
programme. transit- or post-entry quarantine treatments
(Liquido et al. 1997).
4. Other Trade Considerations
5. Implications for AW-IPM
It should also be noted that other factors relat- Programmes
ed to agricultural trade could play a pivotal
role in whether a country decides to invest its Evidence exists that countries can benefit sig-
resources in AW-IPM programmes. The adop- nificantly when AW-IPM programmes are
tion of the Montreal Protocol, requiring the implemented for the purpose of enhancing
reduction in use or elimination of ozone trade opportunities, thus meeting require-
depleting substances, may lead to decreased ments of standards. Chile eradicated
future availability of methyl bromide, an Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata
important quarantine treatment (UNEP 2000). (Wiedemann) from most of its territory inte-
Although the use of methyl bromide for quar- grating the sterile insect technique (SIT) and
antine purposes is exempted from the proto- benefited through increased trading opportu-
col, there is still a desire on the part of many nities with the USA and many other countries
countries to scale back their use of methyl (Liquido et al. 1997, Mumford 2002). Other
bromide. In the absence of suitable alterna- countries that have initiated AW-IPM pro-
tives, the application of AW-IPM approach for grammes for the purpose of increasing trade
a specific pest, involving the area-wide rather opportunities (and reducing phytosanitary
than local integration of phytosanitary meas- requirements on exports) include Argentina,
ures, will become increasingly important to Australia, Brazil, Mexico and South Africa
countries wishing to trade agricultural prod- (Liquido et al. 1997, Mumford 2002). Most of

these programmes are for fruit fly pest sup- programmes. There is a growing understand-
pression, containment or eradication, but ing of the biological and epidemiological
other major quarantine pests, such as codling aspects of such programmes. Likewise, there
moth Cydia pomonella (L.) have also been is a better understanding of the importance of
targeted (IAEA 2004). evaluating the economics and socio-political
Nonetheless, it should be noted that not all implications of these programmes (Dyck et
pests are suitable targets for AW-IPM pro- al. 2005). As our experience continues to
grammes (and in particular where the objec- grow, we will develop a clearer understand-
tive is eradication), even when there could be ing of the costs and benefits of such pro-
clear benefits with regard to trade. As men- grammes. This will lead to improved deci-
tioned at the beginning, many factors will sion-making with regard to when, and under
affect the decision to undertake such a pro- what circumstances, to undertake AW-IPM
gramme. Importantly, social, political, biolog- programmes. These programmes represent a
ical, physical and economic considerations, in significant commitment of resources in the
addition to trade opportunities, must be taken form of time, money and expertise; in some
into account before deciding to aim for area- cases, however, this commitment of resources
wide pest management. These factors must may prove to be a valuable and wise invest-
also be considered in determining whether the ment.
goal of a programme might be suppression,
prevention, containment or eradication 6. Conclusions
(Myers et al. 1998, Hendrichs et al. 2005).
AW-IPM programmes may be resource- All of the factors identified above – increased
intense, require long-term commitment from a agricultural trade, increased risks for the
wide range of interest groups (growers, movement of pests, requirements for reduced
exporters, governments, researchers, etc.) and pesticides residues and for international har-
may run for several years or more. Even high- monization, evolving science – are leading
ly successful programmes can be expensive national plant protection organizations to
for long periods of time. Costs of eradication rethink phytosanitary requirements and seek
of Mediterranean fruit fly from California in alternative solutions to reducing pest risk.
1975 are estimated at USD 328 million, with This means the need for AW-IPM pro-
continuing costs for prevention, survey and grammes, rather than local IPM approaches,
detection (Mumford 2002). The present will likely increase in the future. However,
Mediterranean Fruit Fly Preventive Release complacency is not an option for anyone
Programme in California’s Los Angeles basin, involved in these programmes. Scientists and
is the result of a conversion from a reactive to researchers must understand the political,
a proactive approach with a significant reduc- social and economic factors that may nega-
tion of cost, is another example of an AW-IPM tively or positively affect AW-IPM pro-
programme using the SIT. Myers et al. (1998) grammes. At the same time, decision makers
examined historical eradication and suppres- and regulatory officials need to be open to
sion programmes, including benefit/cost alternative pest risk management strategies,
analyses. It was determined that, in some including the wider application of AW-IPM
cases, eradication was an expensive choice programmes as stand-alone measures or as
and the relative benefits of some eradication parts of systems approaches. By looking
programmes were not worth the costs. toward the horizon, instead of business as
However, in others cases the benefit/cost ratio usual, all countries can benefit from enhanced
of eradication programmes is highly agricultural trade while assuring phytosani-
favourable (Dyck et al. 2005). tary security. The judicious implementation of
Over the past 50 years, a wealth of infor- AW-IPM programmes will play a vital and
mation has been accumulated on AW-IPM continuing role in this process.

7. References sites, Publication no. 10. Secretariat of the

International Plant Protection Convention,
Dyck, V. A., J. Hendrichs, and A. S. Robinson FAO, Rome, Italy.
(eds.). 2005. Sterile insect technique: (FAO) Food and Agriculture Organization of
Principles and practice in area-wide integrat- the United Nations. 2001. International
ed pest management. Springer, Dordrecht, standards for phytosanitary measures.
The Netherlands. Glossary of phytosanitary terms, Publication
(FAO) Food and Agriculture Organization of no. 5. Secretariat of the International Plant
the United Nations. 1995. International Protection Convention, FAO, Rome, Italy.
standards for phytosanitary measures. (FAO) Food and Agriculture Organization of
Principles of plant quarantine as related to the United Nations. 2002a. International
international trade, Publication no. 1. standards for phytosanitary measures. The
Secretariat of the International Plant use of integrated measures in a systems
Protection Convention, FAO, Rome, Italy. approach for pest risk management, Publica-
(FAO) Food and Agriculture Organization of tion no. 14. Secretariat of the International
the United Nations. 1996a. International Plant Protection Convention, FAO, Rome,
standards for phytosanitary measures. Italy.
Guidelines for pest risk analysis, Publication (FAO) Food and Agriculture Organization of
no. 2. Secretariat of the International Plant the United Nations. 2002b. International
Protection Convention, FAO, Rome, Italy. standards for phytosanitary measures.
(FAO) Food and Agriculture Organization of Guidelines for regulating wood packaging
the United Nations. 1996b. International material in international trade, Publication
standards for phytosanitary measures. no. 15. Secretariat of the International Plant
Requirements for the establishment of pest Protection Convention, FAO, Rome, Italy.
free areas, Publication no. 4. Secretariat of (FAO) Food and Agriculture Organization of
the International Plant Protection Conven- the United Nations. 2004. International
tion, FAO, Rome, Italy. standards for phytosanitary measures.
(FAO) Food and Agriculture Organization of Guidelines for pest risk analysis for quaran-
the United Nations. 1997a. New revised tine pests including analysis of environmen-
text of the International Plant Protection tal risks and living modified organisms,
Convention. FAO, Rome, Italy. Publication no. 11. Secretariat of the
(FAO) Food and Agriculture Organization of International Plant Protection Convention,
the United Nations. 1997b. International FAO, Rome, Italy.
standards for phytosanitary measures. (FAO) Food and Agriculture Organization of
Guidelines for surveillance, Publication no. the United Nations. 2005a. International
6. Secretariat of the International Plant standards for phytosanitary measures.
Protection Convention, FAO, Rome, Italy. Guidelines for the export, shipment, import
(FAO) Food and Agriculture Organization of and release of biological control agents and
the United Nations. 1998. International other beneficial organisms (revision adopted
standards for phytosanitary measures. at the 7th session of the ICPM, April 2005),
Guidelines for pest eradication programmes, Publication no. 3. Secretariat of the Interna-
Publication no. 9. Secretariat of the tional Plant Protection Convention, FAO,
International Plant Protection Convention, Rome, Italy.
FAO, Rome, Italy. (FAO) Food and Agriculture Organization of
(FAO) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 2005b. International
the United Nations. 1999. International standards for phytosanitary measures.
standards for phytosanitary measures. Guidelines for areas of low pest prevalence
Guidelines for the establishment of pest free (adopted at the 7th session of the ICPM, April
places of production and pest free production 2005), Publication no. 22. Secretariat of the

International Plant Protection Convention, in Food and Agriculture and FAO/IAEA

FAO, Rome, Italy. Agriculture and Biotechnology Laboratory,
Griffin, R. L. 2000. Trade issues and area-wide Seibersdorf. IAEA, Vienna, Austria.
pest management, pp. 49-53. In Tan, K. H. Liquido, N. J., R. L. Griffin, and K. W. Vick
(ed.), Proceedings: Area-Wide Control of (eds.). 1997. Quarantine security for com-
Fruit Flies and Other Insect Pests. modities: current approaches and potential
International Conference on Area-Wide strategies. Proceedings of joint workshops of
Control of Insect Pests, and the 5th the Agricultural Research Service and the
International Symposium on Fruit Flies of Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.
Economic Importance, 28 May-5 June 1998, USDA-ARS, PWA Tropical Fruit and
Penang, Malaysia. Penerbit Universiti Sains Vegetable Research Laboratory, Hilo,
Malaysia, Pulau Penang, Malaysia. Hawaii, USA.
Hendrichs, J., M. J. B. Vreysen, W. R. Mumford, J. 2002. Economic issues related to
Enkerlin, and J. P. Cayol. 2005. Strategic quarantine in international trade. European
options in the use of the sterile insect tech- Review of Agricultural Economics 29: 329-
nique, pp. 563-600. In Dyck, V. A., J. 348.
Hendrichs, and A. S. Robinson (eds.), Sterile Myers, J., A. Savoie, and E. van Randen.
insect technique. Principles and practice in 1998. Eradication and pest management.
area-wide integrated pest management. Annual Review of Entomology 43: 471-491.
Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. (UNEP) United Nations Environmental
Henson, S., and R. Loader. 2001. Barriers to Programme. 2000. The Montreal protocol
agricultural exports from developing coun- on substances that deplete the ozone layer.
tries: the role of sanitary and phytosanitary UNEP, Nairobi, Kenya.
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102. Agriculture. 2002. US agricultural trade.
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cations/ WRS0406/WRS0406.pdf (WTO) World Trade Organization. 1994.
(IAEA) International Atomic Energy Agency. The agreement on the application of sanitary
2004. Insect pest control newsletter 63. Joint and phytosanitary measures. WTO, Geneva,
FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques Switzerland.
Systems Approaches as Phytosanitary
Measures: Techniques and Case Studies


USDA/APHIS, Policy and Program Development, Risk Analysis Systems,

4700 River Road, Unit 117, Riverdale, Maryland 20737, USA

ABSTRACT The development of export strategies for horticultural products considered to be hosts of
quarantine pests follows a logical series of steps. The foundation for the process is the completion of a
commodity plant pest risk assessment that satisfies the needs of the national plant protection organization
of the importing country. After identifying the significant pests, a set of proposed mitigation measures is
designed. Regulatory officials are increasingly using systems approaches to supplement or substitute for
direct postharvest treatments in developing export strategies. The components of systems approaches can
be divided into a series of five categories of measures: field and production measures, preharvest measures,
postharvest measures, inspection and certification measures, and shipping and distribution measures. The
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), working with the national plant protection organizations
of other countries, has used the systems approach concept to develop quarantine strategies for both the
domestic movement and the importation of fruit fly host commodities. The Mexican fruit fly Anastrepha
ludens (Loew) programme in the Texas citrus production area of the lower Rio Grande River Valley is an
example of a domestic systems approach. USDA allows the importation of papayas from Central America
when produced in accordance with a systems approach that primarily targets the Mediterranean fruit fly
Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann). Systems approaches are groups of integrated pest risk management meas-
ures designed to provide importing countries with adequate phytosanitary security while facilitating trade
in situations where direct postharvest commodity treatment is undesirable, not feasible or non-existent, or
imported products are marginal hosts of the quarantine pest produced in a low-pest prevalence area.

KEY WORDS systems approach, quarantine, pest free areas, import and export, Ceratitis capitata,
Anastrepha ludens

1. Introduction identifying the significant pests, a set of pro-

posed mitigation measures is designed. The
The development of export strategies for hor- efficacy of the proposed measures should be
ticultural products considered to be hosts of documented and a benefit/cost analysis (for-
quarantine pest hosts follows a logical series mal or informal) should be conducted. The
of steps. The foundation for the process is the end product is a written proposal or workplan
completion of a commodity plant pest risk that clearly indicates pests of concern, the pro-
assessment (PRA) that satisfies the needs of posed measures and the respective roles and
the national plant protection organization responsibilities of the exporting and importing
(NPPO) of the importing country. The PRA NPPOs, growers and other concerned parties.
should assess the risk of all pests that may be It is the responsibility of the importing
quarantine significant including “hitchhiker” NPPO to ensure that proposed pest risk man-
or contaminating pests, i.e. pests that are car- agement measures provide them with phy-
ried by a commodity and, in the case of plants tosanitary security to their satisfaction. This
and plant products, does not infest those usually requires that the exporting NPPO pro-
plants or plant products (FAO 2002b). After vides documentation as to the efficacy of the
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 417–423.
Published with the permission of © 2007 U.S. Government

proposed risk management measures. vest, (4) inspection: these measures include
Documentation typically includes some or inspections for the pest as well as certification
all of the following: (1) trapping data, usually that the commodity has undergone all required
at least one year’s worth of data; for those sys- treatments and may include both preshipment
tems where a pest free area, production site and port of entry inspection, and (5) ship-
freedom or low pest prevalence is employed ping/distribution: these measures again rely
as a component of the systems approach, (2) on the pest biology and host commodity phe-
research reports and/or published research nology, but in this case they are applied in the
papers providing evidence for the efficacy of importing country.
the systems approach components, and (3) What follows in the next several sections
empirical data, e.g. from field-test or pilot of this paper is by no means an exhaustive list
studies of the systems approach. of all of the possible measures to be used in
designing an export systems approach for fruit
2. Systems Approaches fly host material. Rather it is intended as a
sampling, to give the reader an idea of the
The mitigation measures used to facilitate breadth of techniques available. Indeed, the
exports of commodities, particularly quaran- strength of the systems approach is in its flex-
tine-significant fruit fly hosts, have tradition- ibility and the ability to adapt and adopt a
ally involved postharvest direct treatments broad variety of measures as available and as
such as cold treatment or fumigation. required.
Regulatory officials are increasingly using
systems approaches to supplement or substi- 3. Field and Production
tute for direct postharvest treatments in devel- Measures
oping export strategies. Systems approaches
are defined as: Among the field measures are trapping for pur-
The integration of different pest risk manage- poses of detection, delimiting and for monitor-
ment measures, at least two of which act inde- ing (IAEA 2003, USDA 2003). Trapping can
pendently, and which cumulatively achieve the be combined with capture thresholds which
appropriate level of phytosanitary protection when reached, trigger a pest control response.
(FAO 2002a).
These trapping and trigger measures are critical
The concept of systems approaches for the establishment and maintenance of pest
evolved from the need to consider pre- and free areas, pest free production sites and areas
postharvest biological factors affecting the of low pest prevalence (i.e. an area, whether all
level of infestation of commodities before, of a country, part of a country, or all or parts of
during and after production, processing and several countries, as identified by the compe-
shipping (Jang and Moffit 1994, NPB 2002). tent authorities, in which a specific pest occurs
Jang and Moffit (1994) proposed dividing at low levels and which is subjected to effective
the components of systems approaches into a surveillance, control or eradication measures)
series of five categories of measures: (1) field (FAO 1996, 1999, and 2002a). Similar moni-
or production: measures to reduce the pest toring and management measures may be
population in the field, (2) preharvest: meas- required in designated buffer zones surround-
ures that rely on the infestation biology of the ing free areas and production sites. Fruit cutting
pest and or commodity pest phenology to may be used to supplement trapping by detect-
reduce the likelihood of pest infestation of the ing fruit fly larvae (USDA 2003). In the event
commodity prior to shipment, (3) postharvest: that fruit cutting reveals a larval find, fruit may
measures that not only include traditional be stripped and ground treatments applied.
direct treatments, but also handling proce- Trapping and accompanying triggers may
dures such as culling, sorting, grading and be used inside and outside pest free growing
packing applied as the name implies, posthar- structures such as screenhouses and glasshous-

es. USDA has prescribed this approach for sev- production area.
eral commodities, for example, screenhouse-
grown tomatoes from Central and South 5. Postharvest Measures
Field treatments may include bait or cover Direct commodity treatments are the most obvi-
sprays applied to the commodity during the ous form of postharvest measures. Examples of
growing season, either as a routine production direct commodity treatments include fumiga-
practice or in response to trap captures. These tion, pesticides, irradiation, cold treatment, hot
treatments may also be applied outside the pro- water immersion, heated air or radio frequency,
duction field to preferred wild hosts or in shade to name a few (Sharp and Hallman 1994).
trees where fruit flies might rest. Lure-and-kill Other measures that may be considered
devices (i.e. bait stations), may be used in the postharvest measures include requiring that all
production fields or in buffer zones surround- packinghouse openings be covered with insect-
ing production areas. proof screening. The exporter may be required
The sterile insect technique (SIT) may be to safeguard the fruit to prevent infestation dur-
used before or during the growing season or in ing movement from the field to the packing-
response to trap captures (USDA 2003). house to the export port. Packinghouse activi-
Biological control activities from classical bio- ties may be limited to daylight hours. This
logical control to augmentation or conservation measure is actually directed not toward fruit
approaches may also be employed (Hopper flies, but rather against hitchhiker or contami-
2003). nating pests. Culling or grading of export fruit
Other, perhaps less commonly used fruit fly may be required to remove fruit with defects
management measures include the aforemen- (Jang and Moffit 1994). For example, bananas
tioned use of pest free growing structures, such imported into the continental USA must be free
as screenhouses or glasshouses; limiting pro- from cuts and cracks (CFR 2005a). Export fruit
duction sites to a certain altitude above which may be limited to a certain stage of maturity
fruit flies are not known to occur; requiring that is either not susceptible or less susceptible
quarantine road stations and signage to prevent to fruit flies (Armstrong 1994).
the movement of infested host material into
free areas; fruit bagging; and, requiring that 6. Shipping and Distribution
export production sites register with the export- Measures
ing NPPO.
The export season may be limited to coincide
4. Preharvest Measures with times when fruit fly hosts are either
unavailable or not susceptible in the importing
Examples of preharvest measures include: (1) region. Similarly, distribution of the commodi-
exclusion of other fruit fly hosts from the pro- ty may be limited geographically in the import-
duction areas and buffer zones, (2) removal of ing country or region to reduce the likelihood
mature or overripe fruit, especially fallen fruit that fruit flies could find suitable host plants.
from the production areas, (3) removal of shade Shipment size may be limited to reduce the
trees that act as fruit fly resting sites during thelikelihood that fruit flies will enter in sufficient
heat of the day from production areas and numbers for pairs to mate. Shipments may be
buffer zones, (4) requiring the exclusive use of limited to refrigerated containers.
resistant or less susceptible varieties of the
commodity, (5) prohibiting harvest after a spe- 7. Inspection and Certification
cific date or when trapping triggers indicate Measures
unacceptably high populations of fruit flies,
and (6) prohibiting, through regulation, the Inspection and certification measures include
movement of fruit fly host material into the the obvious postharvest and port of entry

inspections by the exporting and importing The five production areas are under feder-
NPPOs, respectively, as well as postharvest al regulation that requires that once fruit fly
and port of entry fruit cutting. Other inspec- trapping triggers are reached, the fruit must be
tion and certification measures include requir- treated, most commonly by fumigation,
ing a phytosanitary certificate with an addi- before it can be shipped out of regulated areas
tional declaration stating, for example, ship- to other citrus producing states in the USA
ment or production area freedom from fruit (CFR 2005b). The objective is to conduct an
flies, or production of the commodity in area-wide management programme to sup-
accordance with specific regulations or agree- press wild Mexican fruit fly populations to
ments. capture levels below the quarantine trigger in
The importing and exporting NPPOs may these five production areas The target com-
agree to a pre-clearance programme where all modity for this programme is citrus, but a
phytosanitary inspections are conducted prior lengthy list of commodities is regulated
to export. For the importing NPPO, this has including apple, apricot, avocado, calamondin
the advantage of keeping risk offshore. For orange, cherimoya, citron, custard apple,
the export growers, the advantage is in know- grapefruit, guava, Japanese plum, lemon
ing the phytosanitary status of their product (except Eureka, Lisbon, and Villa Franka cul-
before paying shipping costs. tivars), lime (except sour limes), mamey,
Other measures include audit inspection mandarin orange (tangerine), mango, nec-
visits by the importing NPPO, requiring pack- tarine, peach, pear, plum, pomegranate, prune,
inghouse registration, labeling or box colour plum, pummelo, quince, rose apple, sour
requirements for limited distribution pro- orange, sapote, sapodilla, yellow chapote,
grammes, compliance agreements between Spanish plum, ciruela, and sweet orange.
packinghouses and the export NPPOs and There are three major components of the
workplans signed by both the exporting and Texas programme: (1) a preventive sterile fly
importing NPPOs. release programme, (2) a detection and delim-
itation trapping programme, and (3) bait spray
8. Case Studies treatments around wild fly detections.
The sterile fly release programme current-
8.1. Mexican Fruit Fly Anastrepha ly consists of the release of 30 million flies per
ludens Programme in the Lower Rio week. The release is scheduled to increase to
Grande River Valley, Texas 150 million flies per week this year. The cur-
rent release rate translates to about 240 flies
The domestic fruit fly quarantine systems per hectare per week and that will quadruple
approach in the lower Rio Grande River this year to about 1000 flies per hectare per
Valley is at once both a domestic and an inter- week.
national area-wide fruit fly control pro- Detection trapping is conducted at a densi-
gramme. The systems approach measures are ty of two traps per square kilometre. Traps are
designed to impact the domestic movement of placed according to an overlaying grid. Those
citrus fruit in the USA, but at least some of the sections of a grid that do not contain host
measures are applied on both sides of the material, rangeland for example, are not
Texas-Mexico border. The primary target pest trapped. When a wild fly is detected in a trap
of this programme is the Mexican fruit fly sprays are applied in a 250-metre radius
Anastrepha ludens (Loew). The protocol area around the detection. The spray treatments
includes five production areas in three coun- consist of two options: either a spinosad bait
ties of the lower Rio Grande River Valley, spray applied every seven to ten days for 60
Hidalgo, Cameron, and Willacy counties. days or a malathion bait spray applied every
These three counties comprise the major cit- ten to 14 days for 60 days. Fruit cutting is ini-
rus production area in Texas. tiated for 60 days within that 250-metre

Figure 1. Mexican fruit fly Anastrepha ludens captures in Texas by year (R. Vlasik, unpub-

radius, and finally a delimiting survey is con- systems approach are the poor host status of
ducted by placing an additional six traps the commodity, low prevalence of the pest in
around the detection. export production areas, the requirement for
Over the ten-year period from 1992 to specific resistant cultivars of the Solo type,
2002, fruit fly captures ranged from a low of limiting export fruit to specific stages of
21 flies to a high of 1342 (R. Vlasik, unpub- maturity and a hot water dip treatment.
lished). As illustrated in Fig. 1, fruit fly cap- In addition to those measures, the systems
tures varied considerably in the ten-year peri- approach calls for trapping at a rate of one trap
od from 1992 to 2002. per hectare beginning at least one year prior to
Despite these fluctuations, quarantine trig- harvest and continuing through completion of
ger levels of wild Mexican fruit fly captures harvest. The traps are serviced weekly and if
are reached in some or all of the five produc- the capture rate exceeds seven Mediterranean
tion areas in most seasons (R. Vlasik, person- fruit flies per trap per week, then remedial
al communication). Although quarantine trig- action must be taken to reduce the fly popula-
gers are reached in most seasons, the Mexican tion. The national ministry of agriculture must
fruit fly programme is still considered a suc- keep records of fruit fly finds for each trap. If
cess since, in most years, fruit fly populations the average trap catch exceeds 14
are kept below quarantine triggers until late Mediterranean fruit flies per trap per week,
spring, which is after most of the commercial importations of papayas from that production
fruit has been harvested. Delaying triggers area must be halted until the rate of capture
until the bulk of the harvest is completed drops to an average of seven or fewer flies per
reduces mandatory fumigations and the costs trap per week.
incurred by growers. Cultural components of the systems
approach include removal, burial or destruc-
8.2. Papayas from Central America tion of any culled, fallen or greater than half
ripe fruit from the production area beginning
A second example of a systems approach used at least 30 days prior to harvest. Half ripe is
to facilitate export of fruit fly host material is defined as more than one quarter of the fruit
the case of fresh papaya fruit imported into the surface having turned yellow.
USA from Central America (CFR 2005c). The Prior to packing, fruit is treated by hot
primary target pest for this programme is the water immersion at 49 °C for 20 minutes
Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata When packed, papayas must be less than half
(Wiedemann). The major components of this ripe and appear to be free of all injurious

insect pests. Papayas must be safeguarded increasing number of other import pro-
from exposure to fruit flies from harvest to grammes.
export, including fly-proof packaging. The
package containing the papayas must not con- 10. References
tain any other fruit, including papayas not
qualified for importation into the USA. The Armstrong, J. W. 1994. Commodity resist-
papayas are prohibited from entering Hawaii ance to infestation by quarantine pests, pp.
and the shipping cartons must be clearly 199-211. In Sharp, J. L., and G. J. Hallman
marked to indicate this restriction. All activi- (eds.), Quarantine treatments for pests of
ties must be supervised by plant health offi- food plants. Westview Press, San Francisco,
cials of the national ministry of agriculture. CA., USA.
All shipments must be accompanied by a phy- (CFR) Code of Federal Regulations Title 7 –
tosanitary certificate issued by the national Agriculture. 2005a. Part 318.13-4i.
ministry of agriculture stating that the papayas Administrative instructions: conditions gov-
were grown, packed, and shipped in accor- erning the movement of green bananas from
dance with these conditions. Hawaii. United States Government Printing
Office, Washington, DC., USA.
9. Conclusions (CFR) Code of Federal Regulations Title 7 –
Agriculture. 2005b. Part 301.64 Subpart –
Systems approaches are groups of integrated Mexican fruit fly quarantine and regulations.
pest risk management measures designed to United States Government Printing Office,
provide importing countries with adequate Washington, DC., USA.
phytosanitary security while facilitating trade (CFR) Code of Federal Regulations Title 7 –
in situations where direct postharvest com- Agriculture. 2005c. Part 319.56-2w
modity treatment is undesirable, not feasible Administrative instructions: conditions gov-
or non-existent or imported products are mar- erning the entry of papayas from Central
ginal hosts of the quarantine pest produced in America and Brazil. United States
a low-pest prevalence area. The components Government Printing Office, Washington,
of systems approaches may be grouped into a DC., USA.
series of five categories of measures (Jang and (FAO) Food and Agriculture Organization of
Moffit 1994): (1) field or production meas- the United Nations. 1996. International
ures, (2) preharvest measures, (3) postharvest standards for phytosanitary measures.
measures, (4) inspection, and (5) shipping and Requirements for the establishment of pest
distribution measures. These measures may free areas, Publication no. 4. Secretariat of
take various forms from traditional field and the International Plant Protection Conven-
postharvest treatments to SIT, to less com- tion, FAO, Rome, Italy.
monly used measures like pest free growing (FAO) Food and Agriculture Organization of
structures and restricted shipping seasons. the United Nations. 1999. International
Whatever measures are chosen, the successful standards for phytosanitary measures.
design and implementation of systems Requirements for the establishment of pest
approaches as phytosanitary measures free places of production and pest free pro-
requires close cooperation between the duction sites, Publication no. 10. Secretariat
NPPOs of the importing and exporting coun- of the International Plant Protection Conven-
tries. The USA, in cooperation with its trading tion, FAO, Rome, Italy.
partners, has successfully employed systems (FAO) Food and Agriculture Organization of
approaches to facilitate the safe movement of the United Nations. 2002a. International
quarantine pest host commodities both inter- standards for phytosanitary measures. The
nationally and domestically as evidenced by use of integrated measures in a systems
the examples discussed above, as well as an approach for pest risk management,

Publication no. 14. Secretariat of the Francisco, CA., USA.

International Plant Protection Convention. (NPB) National Plant Board. 2002.
FAO, Rome, Italy. Preventing the introduction of plant
(FAO) Food and Agriculture Organization of pathogens into the United States: the role and
the United Nations. 2002b. International application of the “systems approach”. A sci-
standards for phytosanitary measures. entific review coordinated by The National
Glossary of phytosanitary terms, Publica- Plant Board for The United States
tion no. 5. Secretariat of the International Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant
Plant Protection Convention. FAO, Rome, Health Inspection Service Plant protection
Italy. and Quarantine. USDA, APHIS,
Hopper, K. R. 2003. USDA-ARS research on Washington, DC., USA. http://www.nation-
biological control of arthropods. Pest alplantboardor/systems%20approach.html
Management Science 59: 643-653. Sharp, J. L., and G. J. Hallman (eds.). 1994.
(IAEA) International Atomic Energy Agency. Quarantine treatments for pests of food
2003. Trapping guidelines for area-wide plants, Westview Press, San Francisco, CA.,
fruit fly programmes. IAEA/FAO-TG/FFP, USA.
IAEA, Vienna, Austria. (USDA) United States Department of
Jang, E. B., and H. R. Moffit. 1994. Systems Agriculture. 2003. Guidelines for fruit fly
approaches to achieving quarantine security, systems approach to support the movement
pp. 225-237. In Sharp, J. L., and G. J. of regulated articles between Mexico and the
Hallman (eds.), Quarantine treatments for United States. USDA, Washington, DC.,
pests of food plants. Westview Press, San USA.
Postharvest Phytosanitary Radiation
Treatments: Less-Than-Probit 9, Generic
Dose, and High Dose Applications


USDA/ARS, Pacific Basin Agricultural Research Centre, PO Box 4459,

Hilo, Hawaii 96720, USA

ABSTRACT With world trade in agricultural commodities increasing, the introduction of exotic
insects into new areas where they become pests will increase. Interest in the use of irradiation as a phy-
tosanitary treatment for agricultural commodities is growing worldwide, particularly since International
Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) and Codex Alimentarius standards now endorse and facilitate trade
based on this disinfestation method. Irradiation is broadly effective against insects and mites at doses that
do not compromise quality of most commodities. Unlike other disinfestation techniques, irradiation does
not need to kill the pest immediately to provide quarantine security, and therefore live – but not viable or
sterile – insects may occur with the exported commodity making inspection for the target pests redundant.
Generic irradiation treatments are being developed to control broad groups of insects or insects in all com-
modities, and will expedite new trade in agricultural products. High dose or default dose treatments are
also being used by determining an irradiation dose at the upper limit of what is believed to control the
insect groups that infest a commodity without specific data for the quarantine species of concern. For quar-
antine insects on poor or rarely infested hosts, or that are effectively managed as a result of effective pre-
harvest area-wide pest management for export under a systems approach, the probit 9 standard for quaran-
tine treatment efficacy – 99.9968% mortality – can be replaced by risk-based less-than-probit 9 approach-
es that reduce the severity of the quarantine treatment and the number of insects required for testing dur-
ing treatment development. The availability of generic and high dose treatments makes irradiation an
attractive option compared with other quarantine treatments.

KEY WORDS irradiation, postharvest, quarantine, phytosanitary treatments, agricultural trade, IPPC,
probit 9, generic dose, high dose

1. Introduction essentially zero (Follett and Neven 2006).

Quarantine or phytosanitary treatments such
World trade in agricultural commodities con- as heat, cold, irradiation, and fumigation dis-
tinues to grow. As agricultural trade is increas- infest host commodities of insect pests before
ing, the risk of introducing exotic insects into they are exported to areas where the pests do
new areas where they may become plant pests not occur. Whereas development of heat, cold,
will increase. The establishment of new pests and fumigation treatments involves generat-
can be costly due to increased crop damage, ing data for each commodity and pest combi-
control programmes, and quarantine restric- nation, irradiation treatments are developed
tions on trade. Quarantine treatments or sys- for a pest species irrespective of fruit (or veg-
tems eliminate, sterilize, or kill regulatory etable) host. This is possible because ionizing
pests in exported commodities to prevent their radiation penetrates commodities quickly, and
introduction and establishment into new areas. most commodities can tolerate irradiation at
As exclusion is the goal for quarantine pests, doses that kill the pest (Morris and Jessup
the tolerance for the pest in the commodity is 1994, Thomas 2001). The development of
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 425–433.
Published with the permission of © 2007 U.S. Government

heat, cold and fumigation treatments, on the maturity. The United States Department of
other hand, involves finding a balance Agriculture (USDA) has used 99.9968% effi-
between killing the pest and minimizing the cacy as the basis for approving many quaran-
adverse effects of the treatment process on tine treatments, particularly for tephritid fruit
quality of each commodity (Paull 1994). flies. A probit 9 treatment usually provides
Unlike other disinfestation techniques, adequate quarantine security, and developing
irradiation does not need to kill the pest imme- the treatment frequently proves to be the
diately to provide quarantine security, and quickest and most easily accepted method for
therefore live (but not viable or sterile) insects overcoming phytosanitary restrictions (Follett
may occur with the exported commodity mak- and Neven 2006).
ing inspection for the target pests redundant as To achieve probit 9 mortality at the 95%
a confirmation of treatment application and confidence level, a minimum of 93 613
efficacy. This places an added level of impor- insects must be tested with no survivors after
tance on the certification procedures for irra- exposure to the treatment. Quantitative meth-
diation facilities and proper documentation ods have been developed to calculate the num-
accompanying export shipments confirming ber of test insects and confidence limits for
treatment at approved doses. It also places an other levels of precision and treatment effica-
added responsibility on researchers to ensure cy, with and without survivors (Couey and
that the minimum absorbed dose approved for Chew 1986). Although probit 9 testing seems
each quarantine pest has an adequate margin like a comfortable level of safety, given a
of safety. Irradiation technology is not univer- highly-infested commodity or a high enough
sally accepted as a phytosanitary treatment volume of infested commodity imports, even
(Follett and Neven 2006). However, irradia- probit 9 security could be overwhelmed
tion as a phytosanitary measure is now (Mangan et al. 1997, Powell 2003). Other
approved internationally by the International countries (Japan, Australia, New Zealand)
Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) (FAO accept quarantine treatment efficacy at
2003) and Codex Alimentarius and can no 99.99% (at the 95% confidence level), which
longer be used as a non-tariff trade barrier by is obtained by treating 29 956 insects with no
any importing country. Herein, several recent survivors (Couey and Chew 1986). Japan
developments in the application of irradiation requires a total of 30 000 individuals in three
and risk management are discussed that to four trials (Sproul 1976), New Zealand
should expand the use of the technology requires three replicates of 10 000 test insects,
worldwide and facilitate trade in agricultural and Australia accepts a cumulative total of
commodities, particularly fresh commodities. 30 000 treated insects with no survivors
(Heather and Corcoran 1992).
2. Less-Than-Probit 9
Treatments 2.2. Alternative Approaches

2.1. Probit 9 Treatments In certain cases, less-than-probit 9 numbers of

insects may be acceptable during quarantine
Postharvest commodity treatments for pests treatment development if the potential eco-
requiring a high degree of quarantine security nomic and environmental impact of the pest
are commonly referred to as probit 9 treat- should it be introduced is low. For example,
ments. The reference originates from the sta- irradiation treatment with a dose of 300 Gy
tistical method (probit analysis) used for was accepted for the mango seed weevil
deriving the dose response relationship. A Sternochetus mangiferae (F.) (USDA/APHIS
response at the probit 9 level results in 2002), a monophagous pest of mangos, based
99.9968% efficacy. The required response on evidence for the weevil’s limited potential
may be mortality, sterility, or prevention of impact on US agriculture (Follett and

Gabbard 2000), and cumulative data from quarantine treatment is still extremely small
several studies with a few thousand insects (1.7 x 10-6). In this case, a probit 9 treatment
showing prevention of adult emergence from provides a high level of overkill and a less
the fruit at this dose and sterilization at lower severe treatment might be developed that pro-
doses (Seo et al. 1973, Heather and Corcoran vides adequate quarantine security while min-
1992, Follett 2001). imizing any negative effects of the treatment
Irradiation negatively affects commodity on commodity quality. Low infestation rate at
quality in some cases. Lowering the irradia- harvest can also be the result of effective pest
tion dose may reduce the undesirable effects management before harvest and/or the harvest
on the commodity. Landolt et al. (1984) point- of climacteric fruit (those that continue to
ed out that the probit 9 standard may be too ripen after harvest) at a less susceptible or
stringent for commodities that are rarely non-preferred maturity stage. An additional
infested or are poor hosts, and hence a less advantage to using the less-than-probit 9
severe postharvest treatment might still pro- approach is that fewer insects may be needed
vide quarantine security. The less-than-probit during research to develop quarantine treat-
9 or alternative treatment efficacy approach ments, which would make new treatments
measures risk as the probability of a mating available on a more timely basis (Follett and
pair or reproductive individual surviving in a McQuate 2001).
shipment. This will be a function of many bio- The less-than-probit 9 approach fits with
logical, operational, and environmental fac- the systems approach where multiple proce-
tors (Vail et al. 1993, Yamamura and dures are used to cumulatively provide quar-
Katsumata 1999, Follett and Neven 2006). antine security (Jang and Moffitt 1994). For
The main quantitative argument for deviating example, in Hawaii the main quarantine pest
from probit 9 treatment efficacy is low infes- of avocados is the oriental fruit fly Bactrocera
tation rate of the commodity, resulting from dorsalis (Hendel), although avocado is a poor
poor host status, early harvesting, or effective host (Liquido et al. 1995b). Use of irradiation
preharvest pest suppression. alone to provide quarantine security for orien-
A number of quarantine pest commodity tal fruit fly requires a dose of 150 Gy for pro-
systems are amenable to the less-than-probit 9 bit 9 mortality (Follett and Armstrong 2004),
approach (Liquido et al. 1995a, Follett and and this irradiation dose causes dark vascular
McQuate 2001). For example, nectarines are streaking of the fruit flesh. A systems
an inherently poor host for the codling moth approach against oriental fruit fly might be
Cydia pomonella (L.). Only three live codling developed for avocados, that includes a less-
moths (larvae) were found infesting 326 625 than-probit 9 irradiation dose if quarantine
packed nectarines sampled from packinghous- security is maintained and fruit quality prob-
es in the San Joaquin Valley of California for lems are reduced. An irradiation dose of 80
an infestation rate of 9.2 x 10-6 (Curtis et al. Gy will kill more than 99% of oriental fruit
1991). In an average shipment of 16 000 kilo- flies (Follett and Armstrong 2004), and dark-
grams (89 600 fruits), the probability of one or ening of the avocado flesh is less severe at this
more mating pairs surviving after a probit 9- dose. This treatment dose could be integrated
level quarantine treatment is 1.7 x 10-10. The with other components for sequential mortali-
actual mortality level required from a quaran- ty providing quarantine security. Other com-
tine treatment to prevent a mating pair of ponents of the systems approach for avocados
codling moths in a single shipment of nec- might include effective pest suppression in
tarines with 95% confidence is 77.74% (probit orchards and surroundings through the inte-
5.65). Hypothetically, if 100 shipments gration of monitoring and control measures
arrived at the same location the probability of including protein bait sprays, male annihila-
one or more codling moth mating pairs sur- tion, etc., as well as poor host status, early har-
viving in nectarines after a probit 9-level vest, fruit cutting and inspection, limited dis-

Table 1. Range of radiation doses predicted to control various arthropod pest groups1.

Pest group Required response Dose range (Gy)

Hemiptera Sterilize adult or prevent generation turnover 50-250

Thrips Sterilize actively reproducing adult 150-350
Tephritid fruit flies Prevent adult emergence from eggs/larva 50-150
Bruchid seed weevils Sterilize actively reproducing adult 70-300
Curculionid weevils Sterilize actively reproducing adult 80-150
Scarab beetles Sterilize actively reproducing adult 50-150
Stored product beetles Sterilize actively reproducing adult 50-250
Stored product moths Sterilize actively reproducing adult 100-600
Lepidopteran borers Prevent adult emergence from eggs/larva 100-250
Sterilize adults from late pupae 200-400
Mites Sterilize actively reproducing adult 200-400

1Modified from Hallman (2001) and FAO (2003)

tribution period (winter months), and limited (flies), Coleoptera (beetles), Hemiptera (true
geographic area for distribution (i.e. to non- bugs) tend to be less radiotolerant than
fruit fly supporting area) (Follett and Neven Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies), although
2006). there is considerable variation among the
species that have been tested within these
3. Generic Doses groups (Bakri et al. 2005). Estimates for
Hemiptera (scales, mealybugs, aphids and
A “generic” quarantine treatment is one that whiteflies) and Thysanoptera (thrips) are
provides quarantine security for a broad group based on a small number of studies. Two of
of pests. From a regulatory standpoint, gener- the most radiotolerant insects are the Indian
ic can also refer to a treatment for a pest on all meal moth Plodia interpunctella (Hübner)
commodities it infests. A generic treatment for and the Angoumois grain moth Sitrotroga
a group of insects could be applied at many cerealella (Olivier), both stored products
taxonomic levels, e.g. to all Diptera (flies), or pests (Ignatowicz 2004). The Angoumois
to flies in the family Tephritidae (fruit flies), grain moth reproduced at 500 but not at 600
or to tephritid fruit flies in the genus Gy (Ignatowicz 2004). Most insects are con-
Bactrocera. A generic irradiation dose is rec- trolled at doses below 300 Gy. Several species
ommended after information has accumulated of mites have been tested and they appear to
on effective quarantine irradiation doses for a be relatively tolerant of ionizing radiation.
wide range of insects within the taxon or for Theoretically, the high dose in the range could
the important economic pests within the taxon be used as a generic dose for each pest group
(Bakri and Hendrichs 2004, Follett and Neven in Table 1. However, the dose ranges are often
2006). Irradiation is the ideal technology for estimates from limited data or from a limited
developing generic treatments because it is sample of species within the group.
effective against most insects and mites at Initially, development of the generic dose
dose levels that do not affect the quality of concept has focused on tephritid fruit flies.
most commodities (Bakri and Hendrichs The International Consultative Group on Food
2004). Irradiation (ICGFI) was the first group to for-
Arthropod groups vary in their tolerance to malize a recommendation for generic irradia-
irradiation (Table 1). Among insects, Diptera tion treatments (ICGFI 1991). In 1986, based

on irradiation data for several tephritid fruit generic irradiation treatments for a broad
fly species and a limited number of other group of insects. Similarly, New Zealand pre-
insect pests, they proposed a dose of 150 Gy pared a rule to allow import of tropical fruits
for fruit flies and 300 Gy for other insects. from Australia using generic irradiation treat-
Adoption of the 150 Gy dose for fruit flies ments of 150 Gy for fruit flies, 250 Gy for
was blocked by research suggesting three other insects, and 300 Gy for mites (Corcoran
tephritid fruit fly species in Hawaii required and Waddell 2003).
higher irradiation doses to prevent adult emer- These regulatory actions paved the way for
gence from infested fruit (Seo et al. 1973, formal adoption of generic irradiation doses
Hallman and Loaharanu 2002). Based on the by USDA-APHIS. Research was conducted
data presented by Seo et al. (1973), the demonstrating that 150 Gy was sufficient to
USDA-Animal Plant Health Inspection control melon fly, Mediterranean fruit fly, and
Service (APHIS) approved irradiation doses oriental fruit fly and that the approved doses
of 210, 225 and 250 Gy, respectively for the could be lowered (Follett and Armstrong
melon fly Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillet), 2004). Subsequently, a generic dose for
the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata tephritid fruit flies of 150 Gy was proposed to
(Wiedemann), and the oriental fruit fly B. dor- USDA-APHIS based on data for 17 species of
salis, for exporting fruits and vegetables from Anastrepha, Bactrocera, Ceratitis, and
Hawaii (USDA/APHIS 1997). Rhagoletis fruit flies (Follett and Hallman,
The generic dose concept has been applied unpublished). In 2005, USDA-APHIS pub-
only on a limited scale to irradiation treatment lished a proposed rule recommending generic
for fruits exported from Hawaii to the US doses of 150 Gy for tephritid fruit flies and
mainland. After a rambutan shipment from 400 Gy for all insects except pupa and adult
Hawaii to California was interrupted in 1997 Lepidoptera and mites (USDA/APHIS 2005).
due to the presence of surface pests (thrips, This rule by the US Government is a water-
mites, and mealybugs), the California shed event for promoting the use of irradiation
Department of Food and Agriculture reviewed as a phytosanitary treatment in international
studies from Japan (Dohino et al. 1994, agricultural trade. Previously, the Internation-
Kumagai and Dohino 1995, Dohino et al. al Plant Protection Convention had adopted
1996) on surface pests and established a and published guidelines for the use of irradi-
generic treatment dose of 400 Gy for all sur- ation as a phytosanitary treatment, establish-
face pests. In 2001, the USDA-APHIS con- ing a standard under which countries can
vened a meeting to establish treatment proto- negiotiate trade in irradiated commodities
cols for a new commercial irradiation facility (FAO 2003). Adoption of generic irradiation
in Hawaii, and approved generic irradiation doses for tephritid fruit flies and other insect
doses of 250 Gy for any species of Tephritidae groups by other countries is anticipated.
(fruit flies) and Thysanoptera (thrips); and
400 Gy for any species of Coccidae (soft 4. High Dose Approach
scales), Pseudococcidae (mealybugs), and
immature Lepidoptera (moths) infesting eight Use of an irradiation dose at the upper limit of
fruits being exported to the US mainland. In what is believed to control the insect groups
this case, the doses for non-fruit fly pests were that infest a commodity without specific data
established based on information from studies for the quarantine species of concern is termed
in Japan and Hawaii on a limited number of the “high dose” or “default dose” approach.
species within each taxa (Dohino et al. 1994, The high dose approach is a conservative vari-
1996, 1997, Follett and Lower 2000, Hara et ation on generic doses. For most types of
al. 2001, Yalemar et al. 2001, Jacobsen and quarantine treatments, an ultra-severe regimen
Hara 2003). This was the first time the regula- could be devised that is universally lethal to
tory authority of any country allowed use of insects. In many cases, this treatment would

also likely be detrimental to commodity qual- absorbed dose of 600 Gy without exceeding 1
ity. A high dose approach is practical for irra- kGy would be difficult. Also, doses above 600
diation because most commodities do not suf- Gy adversely affect the quality of many fresh
fer significant loss of quality at doses that con- commodities (Kader 1986, Morris and Jessup
trol phytosanitary insect pests. 1994).
Recently, the high dose approach was used Another approach would be to set the
to expedite trade in sweet potatoes from generic dose for insects at a dose lower than
Hawaii to the US mainland. Sweet-potato 600 Gy and exclude any species or insect
growers in Hawaii are unable to ship their groups found to tolerate a dose above this
product to California and the US mainland level (Follett and Armstrong 2004, Follett and
without a quarantine treatment because of the Griffin 2006). USDA-APHIS used this
presence of three quarantine pests. West approach in its proposed rule recommending a
Indian sweet potato weevil Euscepes postfas- generic irradiation dose of 400 Gy for insects
ciatus (Fairmaire), and sweet potato vine excluding Lepidoptera pupae and adults, and
borer Omphisa anastomosalis (Guenee), are mites (USDA/APHIS 2005). The 400 Gy
federal quarantine pests, and sweet potato generic dose reduces the problem of exceed-
weevil Cylas formicarius elegantulus ing the 1 kGy limit during commercial treat-
(Summers) is a quarantine pest for California. ment.
An irradiation treatment of 400 Gy for sweet
potatoes was published based on preliminary 5. Conclusions
data on radiation tolerance of the insect pests
and a recommendation for a high dose based The availability of generic and high dose
on the literature for insects related to the sweet treatments makes irradiation an attractive
potato pests (USDA/APHIS 2004). The 400 option compared with other quarantine treat-
Gy dose is believed to control most species of ments. Developing irradiation treatments for
Coleoptera and Lepidoptera. This was the first taxonomic groups or guilds of insects and
time APHIS considered the high dose groups of commodities rather than for individ-
approach for controlling a pest complex until ual pests and commodities helps avoid unnec-
research is completed to confirm a lower dose. essary research, and regulatory and trade bot-
Recent research indicates the dose to control tlenecks. An International Database of Insect
the sweet potato pests can be reduced to 150 Disinfestation and Sterilization (IDIDAS)
Gy (Follett 2006). developed by the International Atomic Energy
Theoretically, a universal irradiation dose Agency and the Food and Agriculture
could be set for all insects. As reported above, Organization of the United Nations (Bakri et
the most radiation-tolerant insect species al. 2005, IAEA/FAO 2005) contains radiotol-
known is the Angoumois grain moth that suc- erance information for many Coleoptera (79
cessfully reproduced after irradiation treat- species, mainly curculionids), Lepidoptera
ment at a dose of 500 Gy but not at 600 Gy (72 species, mainly pyralids and tortricids),
(Ignatowicz 2004). If this is indeed the most and other pest groups. Information could be
tolerant insect, irradiation treatment with a gleaned from the database to set additional
minimum absorbed dose of 600 Gy should generic doses although the majority of the
control any insect. studies referenced in the database for individ-
A limiting factor for the practical use of a ual species were not designed for quarantine
generic treatment at 600 Gy in the USA is the purposes and lack the large-scale tests needed
1000 Gy (1 kGy) maximum allowed dose for to confirm the efficacy of an irradiation dose.
fresh produce set by the US Food and Drug Data for other important regulatory arthropod
Administration. With typical dose uniformity groups such as Thysanoptera, Hemiptera, and
ratios at commercial irradiation facilities of Acari is limited. Before generic treatments
1.5-3.0, treatment to achieve a minimum below 400 Gy can be recommended for a

wider range of insect groups, information bug, Pseudococcus comstocki (Kuwana)

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Tools for the Trade: the International
Business of the SIT


1InterconnectConsulting, Suite 17, 24-28 Saint Leondard's Road

Windsor, SL4 3BB, UK
2Biologika Consulting, Travessa do Terreirinho 11, 2ºD 1100-600

Lisbon, Portugal

ABSTRACT Historically the sterile insect technique (SIT) as part of area-wide integrated pest man-
agement (AW-IPM) programmes has been developed and implemented primarily by the public sector. With
rising demand for the SIT, government production facilities have sold sterile insects to other governments
to use in their own programmes. Although this trend is not conducive to commercial approaches, gradual-
ly new private production and markets are emerging. Commercial considerations, such as protection of
intellectual property and elimination of below real-cost sterile insect supplies, are necessary for the SIT to
thrive in the new model of using the technique for other than emergency programmes funded by govern-
ments. Furthermore, as the range of stakeholders involved in decisions about pesticide use and alternatives
expands, benefit/cost analysis can be employed as a persuasive means for calculating the indirect benefits
of using sterile insects, such as reduced environmental impacts. Recently, a model business plan for sterile
insect production facilities was developed, drawing particularly on international experience with one pest
species (the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann)). The plan includes a financial spread-
sheet and other decision-making tools for managers to evaluate various options in the context of their spe-
cific location and potential markets. Progress also has been made in the area of harmonization of regula-
tion of production, shipment and release of sterile insects through guidance from the International Plant
Protection Convention (IPPC). Such global agreements are important as the SIT evolves into an increas-
ingly international business.

KEY WORDS SIT, commercial, business plan, benefit/cost analysis, contingent valuation, IPPC,
Mediterranean fruit fly, sterile insect production facilities

1. Decision-Making for the SIT: ic impact. However, unlike the use of pesti-
Early Experiences cides, the “business” (both in terms of
research and development and field applica-
The sterile insect technique (SIT) has been tion) of the SIT has remained in public hands
part of area-wide integrated pest management for much of the history of this approach to
programmes (AW-IPM) in more than 25 coun- pest control, and this has influenced decision-
tries since the concept was developed in the making to date.
1950s (Dyck et al. 2005). The insect pests Decisions about investment, for example,
controlled in some large-scale programmes have been overwhelmingly governmental or
include New World screwworm Cochliomyia intergovernmental, albeit always influenced
hominivorax (Coquerel), codling moth Cydia by the “pay off” to the private sector or, espe-
pomonella (L.), pink bollworm Pectinophora cially in the case of controlling animal and
gossypiella (Saunders), onion fly Delia anti- human disease vectors, to society at large.
qua (Meigen), one species of tsetse fly Many programmes have also responded to
Glossina austeni Newstead and at least seven emergency situations (e.g. a new incursion of
species of fruit flies with significant econom- a quarantine pest) and were aimed at eradicat-
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 435–448.
© 2007 IAEA.

ing a population of an exotic pest species remains to be done since even among the rela-
(Hernandez et al., this volume, K. Bloem et tively well-studied fruit fly pests, there are a
al., this volume, Suckling et al., this volume). number of injurious species that have hardly
Even when attempting to eradicate a long- been addressed (ole-MoiYoi and Lux 2004).
established species, programmes were While international experience provides a key
designed with a particular time frame for com- contribution to these technical decisions, in
pletion. The use of continual releases of ster- general many decisions must be both species-
ile insects for the purpose of suppressing a and location-specific and therefore considered
population, or for exclusion as a preventive on a case-by-case basis.
measure, is relatively new (Hendrichs et al.
2005). This huge market potential for using 1.2. Operational Decisions
sterile insects as a replacement for insecti-
cides requires a different approach to invest- Many operational and technical decisions are
ment decisions. The range of decisions closely linked. The decision whether to eradi-
required for selection of and implementation cate or suppress a population is one example.
of the SIT is examined below. Insights into the pathways of introduction of
the target pest will influence decisions about
1.1. Technical Decisions control strategies (Hendrichs et al. 2005). If
new populations are repeatedly introduced,
Technical decisions arise in all phases: the eradication efforts could seem futile until there
selection of a target species, the production of is a parallel improvement in quarantine meas-
sterile insects, genetic traits that can be linked ures. If despite improvements in quarantine
to sex selection, development of economical measures, pest introductions still repeatedly
artificial diets, levels of mating compatibility occur, then preventive releases could be the
and quality control, etc. This is also true for preferred strategy.
packaging and shipping sterile insects, storing On decisions regarding eradication and sup-
and releasing them, monitoring the results of pression, Geier (1970) expressed the frustrat-
release, and demonstrating the outcome in pop- ing conflict between technical and operational
ulation control. objectives by stating that:
When sterile insects have not previously …as specialists [our] course is determined for
been considered as part of an AW-IPM pro- us, not by the guidelines of our trade, but by
gramme for a particular pest insect, informa- the terms of reference that govern our opera-
tion about the biology of the pest will deter-
mine the outcome on the initial decision of In some cases, projects that began with
whether to further consider the technique. A eradication as the goal had to adjust midstream
list of characteristics that need to be assessed to a strategy of suppression due to operational
has recently been developed (IAEA 2007). challenges and the cost of simply demonstrat-
The scientific community working on these ing that eradication had been achieved. There
technical issues has matured and grown over is a growing literature on operational deci-
the past decades. Hendrichs (1996) noted that sions, both successes and failures, and interna-
the community of fruit fly researchers had tional symposia on fruit flies of economic
increased from no more than 30 individuals in importance and conferences on area-wide con-
the 1950s and 1960s to over 300 in the 1990s. trol have contributed significantly to getting
While these professionals are not all working these issues documented (Tan 2000) as well as
on research directly supporting the SIT, a clear recent books (this volume, Dyck et al. 2005).
trend is emerging. As an example, the Tephritid
Workers Database (www. shows 1.3. Political Decisions
at time of publication over 700 fruit fly experts
from more than 65 countries. However, much The political decisions related to applying the

SIT in an AW-IPM programme sometimes may therefore become a political decision

reflect necessary judgements regarding the related to the impact on trade. However, tech-
socio-economic situation of the country or nical and operational realities will ultimately
region, rather than simply “politics”. dictate the outcome.
Mumford (2000) distinguishes the subjective
components of these decisions by explaining 1.4. Investment Decisions
why the same data may not always result in
the same decision. Some of these subjective With increased use, and by benefiting from
issues are related to the variability inherent in technological advances and research, the SIT
the perception of risk. The country’s stated – has become more efficient and operational
or implied – acceptable level of risk should costs have decreased. However, the technique
influence decisions regarding pest control. remains management intensive and complex
Choice of limits for externalities to be taken (Vreysen et al., this volume). When applied on
into account, and preferences on time horizon an area-wide basis, it must deal with adjoining
for return on investment may reflect attitudes urban and non-commercial areas, besides
of society at large more than a quarantine per- those with direct commercial benefits. It
spective. In fact, there are few purely objec- requires complex coordination among numer-
tive elements (e.g. numbers of the target pest ous stakeholders including growers and grow-
found in traps) to form the basis of sound ers’ organizations, public authorities (region-
decision-making. One can well imagine that al, national and international), private compa-
this subjectivity with respect to so many phy- nies, and teams of experts (Vreysen et al., this
tosanitary measures explains why it has taken volume). Finally, and despite the decrease in
the contracting parties to the International costs over the past years, AW-IPM pro-
Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) some grammes using sterile insects still require a
years to develop and gain endorsement for an high initial capital investment for the mass-
international standard on the efficacy of phy- production component unless an existing
tosanitary measures (FAO 2004, 2005a). source of sterile insects can be secured.
The political dimension often blurs into In the earlier conceptual model, the initial
investment decisions. For example, after a capital investment for sterile insect
successful eradication of the New World production, therefore, has been drawn almost
screwworm on the island of Curaçao, the USA entirely from public funds. Gardiner (2005)
began a lengthy programme to eliminate the indeed argues that the initial capital costs must
pest from its territory. In 1966, the Secretary be at least partially supported by a grant of
of Agriculture of the USA was criticized for public funds in order for such an endeavour to
bending to political pressure when, as no survive the delay in accrual of benefits.
screwworms were found in the USA for sever- More recently, the demand for supplies of
al months, he declared the pest eradicated. sterile insects for commercial operations,
This led to a change in its status to an “exotic especially in the case of plant pests such as
pest”, so that future control was financed fruit flies, has led several groups to consider
entirely by the federal government rather than private financing of new production facilities.
by the industry and state governments. In fact, However, it is impossible for decisions to be
numerous cases requiring control occurred taken on investment in this sector until gov-
from 1966 until 1982, calling in question the ernment-run facilities reconsider their own
earlier declaration of eradication (Klassen 2000). pricing of sterile insects that have been pro-
Today, eradication “by fiat” rather than by vided ad hoc to numerous external projects to
fact would be impossible due to scrutiny from date. Otherwise, a commercial operation may
trade partners, if nothing else. The same polit- find itself either directly “under bid” or sim-
ical pressures, however, are at play. The ply facing the perception that costs, and there-
choice between suppression and eradication fore prices, are lower than what is actually the

case (Bassi et al., this volume). er scale suppression efforts or no application

Beyond the production phase, basic of the SIT at all.
research will continue to be the domain of The experience of preparing the model
government-based research agencies and uni- business plan indicates that much useful infor-
versities. Applied research, however, can mation regarding actual costs of production of
attract a broader range of partners (Enkerlin sterile insects is either not routinely collected
1996). Also, the present policy of some inter- from, or possibly not even recorded by, gov-
national and national organizations to leave ernment-run production facilities. There has
intellectual property unprotected may not been no reason in the past for government-run
encourage innovation by others, facilitate con- facilities to share this information beyond
trol over the use of the developments, or pro- what is required for internal budgetary report-
tect from pirating of intellectual property. ing. Therefore, investment decisions are par-
Some United Nations agencies have taken a ticularly challenging whether considering
different approach that secures protection of only sterile insect production or the develop-
intellectual property, while encouraging com- ment of a “full service” SIT management compa-
mercialization under terms that satisfy the ny.
basic principles of that body (IAEA 2007). The Food and Agriculture Organization of
the United Nations (FAO) and the
1.5. Information Needs for Decision- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Making are beginning to coordinate this type of infor-
mation through their Joint FAO/IAEA
Technical decisions for operational pro- Programme of Nuclear Techniques in Food
grammes need to be supported by various and Agriculture (FAO/IAEA 2000).
types of data including: (1) information about
the existing population (delimitation, density, 1.6. Challenges to Informed Decision-
seasonal fluctuations, etc.), (2) information Making in the International Business of
about the host population, including non-com- the SIT
mercial hosts that could serve as reservoirs,
(3) predictions from simulation modelling The range of decisions to be made in the inter-
using field data, and (4) information about the national business of sterile insect production
quality and performance of the sterile insects. poses a special challenge. Access to timely,
However, for investment decisions these comprehensive and accurate information is
need to be linked to market studies. During key to the success of emerging business mod-
the preparation of a model business plan els. Some of this information may be available
(IAEA 2007) for a sterile insect production in the near future, but only if the operators of
facility, the collection of market information those facilities are informed about what type
was hampered by the lack of published data of data will be useful and choose to record and
and variation in reporting. Information on share it. As discussed above, those facilities
trapping regimes and counts, initial efforts to that were set up for one purpose, such as erad-
reduce the population, ratio of sterile to wild ication of a national threat, may not even take
insects and other issues affecting release num- capital costs into account when estimating
bers is often not directly available. Also, many production costs, which de facto turn into
programmes appear to be optimistic in esti- market prices when excess production is sold
mates without reporting on known limitations externally. Exceptions will be those govern-
such as upcoming change in governments. ment-run facilities that are moving towards
Furthermore, unknown limitations can alter full-cost reporting and recovery, or possibly,
market estimates from eradication campaigns single project facilities for which all costs
– lasting years and requiring millions of ster- must be captured in a publicly available budget.
ile insects – down to pilot programmes, small- There may be no motivation for private

business to share information about actual access to such information. This source also
production levels, costs, sales, pricing, etc. should provide more true market projections,
Therefore, increasing involvement of private as the users are the markets. A proposed set of
businesses for profit suggests that this type of data for users to provide annually, to reflect
information, so useful for verification or what is actually released, is outlined in Table
development of new tools, will be even hard- 1.
er to come by in the future. Regardless of the approach taken, the actu-
It would seem that there are two options al requirements for information should not be
for addressing this lack of information for use onerous. Some data, such as that under “type
by the entire community. If the issue of pro- of insect”, may be available elsewhere. The
tecting intellectual property for an internation- directory of facilities within the International
al public good is resolved, the international Database on Insect Disinfestation and
bodies supporting countries using the SIT may Sterilization (IDIDAS) continues to be devel-
contractually require this exchange of infor- oped (
mation as a component of any technical assis- Other information worth collating for
tance or support provided. Alternatively, future research and analysis includes: actions
users/buyers of sterile insects – rather than the taken by the national plant protection organi-
producers – may be asked to contribute their zations, such as pre-release verification of
information on actual numbers of sterile sterility or post-release monitoring; and feasi-
insects delivered and released, pricing, etc., bility studies, benefit/cost analyses or other
thus allowing an analysis of the most critical policy decision materials that lend themselves
final outcome data. This makes sense, as it to ex-post review. Also, some of these issues
will be the users who can most benefit from were discussed at the 7th Session of the

Table 1. Proposed data for annual reporting by users of sterile insects

Nature of project time scale (short term, multiple year, on going), pur-
pose (ie. eradication, suppression, preventative, pest
free area), target host(s) (animal, crop and/or wild
hosts), target area (distinguish primary and buffer
areas), and participants (ie. private association, pub-
lic sector, mixed, etc)
Type of insect scientific name, strain (e.g. genetically-linked traits),
sex (male or mixed sexes), life stage shipped
Source production facility supplying, any alternative suppli-
Total number and method of shipping whether imported or supplied domestically, noting
the circumstances for any loss of an entire shipment
Total number, timing and method for release frequency and duration of releases (e.g. weekly num-
bers by season, or on going); aerial, ground releases
– with which equipment, etc.
Costs including any contractual parameters regarding qual-
ity assurance or other factors that affect the true cost
of the sterile insects released

Treatments prior to release e.g. pesticide applications to lower initial population


Interim Commission on Phytosanitary decade (described below). Fixed and variable

Measures (ICPM) in relation to producing a costs were based on available data from oper-
uniform certificate for movement of all living ating facilities. Decision makers may alter the
organisms entering a country for the purpose capacity of the facility, the sales target propor-
of pest control (i.e. those covered by the tion of that capacity, and time from the start of
revised International Standards for construction until full capacity is reached.
Phytosanitary Measures 3 (FAO 2005b)), as a Other variables to set include interest rates,
more targeted document than the phytosani- labour inflation rate, planned profit (in per-
tary certificate. If such a template is devel- centage of sales rate) and opportunity cost as
oped, it should reflect these information needs well as the discount rate. The model can either
to avoid duplication and facilitate sharing (in accept a set maximum competitive price
that case, mandatory) information through (USD per million sterile males), or generate
public channels. the proposed price based on the other parame-
2. Financial Decision-Making The model is quick to use and permits
Tools application of stochastic software (in this
case, the Crystal BallTM program). Although
One of the primary outcomes of the model it operates in Excel® without capturing the
business plan (IAEA 2007) was the develop- variability, the addition of this element is gen-
ment of a generic financial spreadsheet to sup- erally appreciated by any seasoned investor
port decisions on pricing of the product, rea- who wants to know the risks as well as the
sonable profit objectives, and the impact of best-case scenario.
local labour costs related to production of Other financial tools include a regression
sterile Mediterranean fruit flies. However, the of construction costs for Mediterranean fruit
overall framework of the spreadsheet could be fly facilities (Fig. 1), a graph of cash versus
adapted to any species with adequate informa- loan options for financing, and a demonstra-
tion. tion of the impact of estimating costs for ster-
The model reflected a ten-year time frame, ile insect production based on weekly versus
beginning with the construction of the produc- quarterly production runs. The regression of
tion facility. Capital outlay was based on a capital costs is an approximate guide for the
regression of all the real examples of the past cost of new facilities based on production

Figure 1. Capital costs of sterile Mediterranean fruit fly facilities built between 1991 and 2006.
Adjusted for inflation using GDP (chained) price index (US Treasury, May 2006). If not adjusted for
inflation, R2= 0.8752.

capacity. As with the financial spreadsheet, enormously among these four scenarios.
this is only to indicate an international norm; The first scenario is essentially what the
diversion from the regression line may be original proposal concluded. The third and
legitimate but warrants explanation since a fourth scenarios impose a series of assump-
number of components for construction of tions from the model business plan onto the
such a facility will have similar costs, regard- Slovakian situation, with the fourth scenario
less of location. Since there is still a scarcity using a lower capital cost for construction
of data for such a tool to be reliable, it should based on the international data (Table 2). For
be recalculated with each new facility. full information on assumptions tested, see
Annex 1 in IAEA (2007).
2.1. Projections and Evaluation of One factor that was easily tested was the
Assumptions cost of labour (scenario 2, which included
other assumptions from the generic model). In
The financial model was tested on a proposed the model business plan, cost of labour was
facility for production of Mediterranean fruit found to be one of the most sensitive parame-
flies in Slovakia. This was to be a joint ven- ters in terms of affecting the total cost, second
ture between a private company and the only to the cost of insect diet and well ahead
Government of Slovakia, which generously of sales target as a proportion of production
shared the business proposal. The model made capacity, the third most important factor
it easy to compare various assumptions. The affecting cost. Much of the labour will be
four scenarios tested resulted in breakeven minimum wage earners who are trained in the
points ranging from year three to year six. many low skill level jobs associated with ster-
More importantly, the average cost per million ile insect production. The Slovakian proposal
sterile male Mediterranean fruit flies varied showed the cost of this labour as static (no
from USD 222 to USD 309, as compared to an increase in minimum wage) over the time pro-
estimated USD 344 in the model business jected. In scenario 2, the cost of labour was set
plan (IAEA 2007). While this entire range of to match the level of Portugal, simply as
costs falls below the likely acceptable price another member of the European Union with
per million (USD 375 per million sterile lower wages, which required an increase of
males was used), clearly the profit will vary the rate of over 19%/year. In fact, in the four

Table 2. Summary of assumptions applied and results of various scenarios in application of

the financial model to the case of Slovakia.

Assumptions Capacity/ Labour Profit level Average Net present 10-year

applied production inflator cost1 value cumulative
(million per profit
week) USD million

Scenario 1 1000/1000 – 69% 222 42.858 68.091

Scenario 2 1000/1000 ~20% 44% 260 33.027 51.063
Scenario 3 1132/1000 ~20% 11% 337 8.849 16.135
Scenario 4 1132/1000 ~20% 22% 309 18.024 28.736
Model 1100/ 972 6% 10% 344 6.535 12.856
Business Plan

1Average cost (in USD million) is shown per one million male Mediterranean fruit flies sold. Cost should not be
confused with price charged.

years to date since running that scenario, the et al. 2001). Whether applied to eradication or
increase was closer to 9%. This new data now suppression programmes, such analyses pro-
allows the manager to alter the assumption vide consistency, objectivity, flexibility,
with accurate historic data and to see the inclusiveness and comprehensiveness at the
financial impacts of that change. decision-making stage.
Consistency and objectivity are ensured by
2.2. Application of the Financial Spreadsheet permitting the same approach to be taken
when comparing the overall balance of bene-
The spreadsheet was also employed in the fits and costs of the SIT integrated in different
business plan for a new sterile Mediterranean approaches, including conventional ones. The
fruit fly production facility that is being built direct and indirect benefits and costs of each
in Bahia, Brazil. The projected cost for this option can be quantified and compared using
facility is approximately USD 4.5 million, the same methodology.
with USD 1.34 million committed by the When analysing the potential of the use of
national Ministry of Science and Technology sterile insects within an AW-IPM programme,
and other resources from the State decision makers and stakeholders are faced, as
Governments of Bahia and Pernambuco demonstrated above, not simply with the
(Wonghon 2005, Malavasi et al., this volume). choice of whether to proceed or not but sever-
The facility will produce 100 million sterile al scenarios from which to select. Benefit/cost
males per week for release over 11 000 analyses provide the flexibility required to
hectares of mango produced for export to the evaluate these options. For example, whether
USA and Japan. Much credit for the success to use imported sterile flies, to use imported
of this fund-raising was given to the model eggs for insect production or to build a local
(A. Malavasi, personal communication). The rearing facility. Different time horizons can
purpose of the model is to provide transparen- also be analysed and returns calculated for dif-
cy and an international context, and not to ferent periods. Costs of sterile insects, pro-
promote sterile insect production that cannot gramme areas, host ranges, host maturation
be sustained. times, intensity of damage, and discount rates
The tools described above are intended to can all be varied to analyse the viability of
support decision-making regarding invest- projects.
ment in the production of sterile insects. Different economic indices, such as net
Decisions about the investment necessary for benefits and net present value can also be used
an entire SIT operation – whether this to estimate likely economic success.
includes construction of a production facility Additionally, recent economic analyses have
or purchase of sterile insects – can be support- been developed using probabilistic models,
ed by the use of benefit/cost analysis. with Monte Carlo simulation, to account for
the uncertainty in many elements. These mod-
3. Benefit/Cost Analysis as a els provide information on the likelihood of
Tool success of a project given, for instance, uncer-
tainty about the intensity of damage or control
3.1. Use of Benefit/Cost Analysis for SIT levels achieved (Larcher-Carvalho and
Mumford 2002).
To further assist public entities and/or private
organizations and companies that are consid- 3.2. Stakeholder Model to Enhance the
ering investment in the production or release Analysis
of insects, benefit/cost analyses represent a
valuable quantification and planning tool Incorporating a stakeholder model provides
(Enkerlin and Mumford 1997, Mumford useful information for programme planning.
1997, Larcher-Carvalho et al. 2001, Mumford By identifying the key stakeholders (public

sion on the Madeira Islands, the health and

authorities, private organizations, farmers,
environmental costs of using organophos-
consumers, civil society), and analysing their
phate pesticides were also calculated (IAEA
interests and the potential impact the pro-
2005). These costs correspond, to a great
gramme may have on these, the study of the
extent, to the indirect benefits, which derive
programme’s viability is strengthened
mostly from the reduction in pesticide use.
(Lindquist 2000). It indicates potential sup-
Therefore, quantifying the indirect benefits
porters (governmental authorities and
corresponds to quantifying the indirect costs
research institutes) and potential opponents
of pesticide otherwise known as pesticide
(pesticide industry, farmers outside pro-
gramme area). It also becomes possible to
Pesticides are inputs for an economic
apportion the different classes of benefits to
activity – agriculture – and use the environ-
different stakeholders, and thus the inclusion
ment as a sink for pollution. The costs of using
of different interests in the decision-making
the environment in this way are called exter-
process. Such a model would assists, for
nalities since they represent a cost of an eco-
example, in identifying possible sources of
nomic activity, which is not included in the
funding and partnerships that could be put in
price of the product (Pimentel, this volume). It
place. A further advantage of benefit/cost
is very important to quantify these externali-
analyses is that they are comprehensive, i.e.
ties to ensure that activities that are costly to
technical, commercial, regulatory, social and
society as a whole are not encouraged even if
ecological factors can be taken into account.
the private benefits are high (Pretty et al.
Costs of the SIT in AW-IPM are becoming
2000). For that reason, several methods have
more clearly defined as the number of pro-
been used to quantify pesticide externalities.
grammes around the world increases, but still
Since all have advantages and disadvantages,
need to be evaluated in relation to the opera-
for the Madeira economic analysis two of
tional choices made. Amongst the direct ben-
these approaches were followed (IAEA 2005).
efits, the key elements include higher control
The first (the financial method) attributed a
effectiveness, reduction in residual losses (i.e.
financial cost to the externalities of pesticides,
losses despite control), access to new markets
while the second estimated people’s willing-
and increased market value of commodities.
ness to pay for food without pesticides using
3.3. Indirect Benefits as Part of a the contingent valuation method.
Comprehensive Economic Analysis
3.3.1. Financial Method
Direct benefits do not provide the full picture, The financial method consisted of extensive
and therefore the more recent inclusion of interviewing of local experts and farmers to
indirect benefits in the analyses permits those collect data on the costs incurred by society
interested in investing to understand the full when dealing with the externalities caused by
potential. While difficult to estimate accurate- pesticides. This approach does not value the
ly, their inclusion allows a better understand- externality but uses society’s expenditure in
ing of the overall costs and benefits and the dealing with that externality as a proxy
relative distribution of public and private (Pretty et al. 2000).
returns to be made. Indirect benefits consist Using this method, the indirect benefits
mainly of reduced environmental and health quantified included the costs incurred by pub-
costs, but can also include more intangible lic and private authorities in monitoring pesti-
benefits, such as the societal value of scientif- cides in the environment (water and soil) and
ic capacity-building and of nature conserva- in food, and the treatment or prevention costs
tion. incurred in restoring the environment and
For example, in analysing the SIT pro- human health. One important element was the
gramme for Mediterranean fruit fly suppres- cost of managing waste, such as pesticide

container recycling programmes. The results people want is to analyse how they respond
of such analysis can assist public authoritieswhen presented with choices regarding goods
not directly involved with projects, such as and services. A positive preference will show
environmental ministries, in deciding how in the form of a willingness to pay for them.
much the use of sterile insects would enhance This is one way of representing the value of
their environmental policies. They also goods and services and thus allows an estima-
inform water management authorities on tion of benefits. Based on this method, a sur-
potential benefits for their own operations. vey was conducted to quantify the maximum
Since the tightening of European Union legis- amount respondents would be willing to pay
lation regarding pesticides in drinking water for organic and locally produced fruits and
has increased monitoring expenses, the indi- targeted two groups of people: the local com-
rect benefits analysis informs water authori- munity and tourists.
ties of the large savings that could be made The willingness to pay for organic prod-
through reduced pesticide use. ucts represents the value people are willing to
Alongside the reduction (or elimination) pay for fruits with lower pesticide residues
of these costs on the Madeira Islands were and for more environmentally friendly pro-
added the benefits arising from the opportuni-duction systems. The values of the willing-
ness to pay for fruit produced locally, reflects
ties created for organic farming (or integrated
pest management), and for preserving the tra- the value given to fruit quality (respondents
ditional agricultural landscapes.associated locally produced fruit with better
Quantification of these benefits assists min- quality), and also to the social, environmental
istries of agriculture and European institu- and economic values attributed to fruit pro-
duction on Madeira.
tions, which finance the preservation of tradi-
tional agricultural infrastructures, in estab- Consumers’ willingness to pay for organic
lishing whether the SIT is worthwhile. This and locally produced fruit may be used by
quantification may also be relevant to envi- national authorities to inform policy and deci-
ronmental organizations, which, in Madeira, sion-making regarding, for instance, support
advocate the establishment of agricultural for local production. Tourists’ willingness to
reserves. pay for these products provides information
to the tourist industry on the benefits they
In terms of health costs, the acute effects
of pesticides on farmers and their household could collect by supporting agricultural
members, their impact on consumers’ health, development projects. This is particularly
important in Madeira due to the large role the
as well as the costs incurred to restore public
health, were also considered in the Madeira tourist industry plays in the regional econo-
case study. These data will be important for my.
decision-making by health authorities and As highlighted by Mumford (2004), the
consumer associations. uncertainty associated with the calculation of
Social benefits of know-how and capacity indirect benefits is high. However, the combi-
building in the scientific technical arenas nation of techniques, rigorous data collection
brought about by the programme are another methods and probabilistic analysis, increases
important class of benefits. These benefits confidence in the results. Benefit/cost analy-
may be captured in the form of added prestige ses incorporating the valuation of indirect
by education ministries and science and tech- benefits constitute an important instrument
nology institutions. for project appraisal. They are equally impor-
tant for developing partnerships and raising
3.3.2. Contingent Valuation contributions from public and private institu-
This method is based on the assumption that tions and organizations, which are indirect
what people want should be the basis for ben- beneficiaries. The values obtained also pro-
efit measurement. One way to identify what vide an important guideline to establish cost

recovery schemes for such projects. These new ISPMs should be important
new tools in furthering the international busi-
4. New Tools/New Trade: ness of the SIT because of their legal status
International Standards to and wide application. They complement exist-
Facilitate SIT Application ing and upcoming manuals for more specific
standard operating procedures, e.g. the manu-
The use of sterile insects in AW-IPM for pest al for product quality control and shipping
species of fruit flies will be facilitated by two procedures for sterile mass-reared tephritid
endorsed and one proposed International fruit flies (FAO/IAEA/USDA 2003).
Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
(ISPMs), which are developed and endorsed 5. Conclusions
by contracting parties to the IPPC: (1) ISPM
No. 22 Requirements for the Establishment of Increased opportunities for using sterile insects
Areas of Low Pest Prevalence (FAO 2005c), in AW-IPM programmes have been sparked by
(2) ISPM no. 26 Requirements for the increasingly stringent regulatory constraints on
Establishment and Maintenance of Pest Free pesticide use, greater demand for high quality,
Areas for Tephritid Fruit Flies (FAO 2006), safe food, rigorous phytosanitary require-
and (3) Guidelines for the Establishment of ments, and higher levels of awareness of envi-
Areas of Low Pest Prevalence for Fruit Flies ronmental issues. These programmes provide a
(Tephridtidae) (Draft ISPM submitted in 2007 viable alternative to continual pesticide use in
for adoption by the Commission of the control of particular plant or animal insect
Phytosanitary Measures). pests. There is a trend towards more commer-
Guidance for the use of sterile insects is cial demand for sterile insects for the purpose
now included under ISPM No. 3, Guidelines of suppression rather than eradication, and
for the Export, Shipment, Import and Release thereby as a replacement for pesticide use. The
of Biological Control Agents and Other final decision to integrate sterile insects
Beneficial Organisms (FAO 2005b). This for- depends on numerous technical, operational,
merly excluded any organism that was not political and financial decisions that rely on
self-replicating and was directed at “exotic” timely and accurate information. While infor-
species rather than those that had become mation resources have improved, there is still a
established. Although this standard does not dearth of detailed data. The SIT has remained
enter into much detail in relation to sterile publicly controlled for much of its history,
insects, many countries have based their despite private sector involvement in all
national legislation on the original ISPM No. aspects of the approach. As a result, most gov-
3, which began as an FAO Code of Conduct. ernment-run production facilities do not have,
The revision of ISPM No. 3 to extend interna- or are not accustomed to sharing, the historic
tional harmonization of rules around shipment financial information that could contribute to a
of beneficial organisms to include sterile generic model.
insects should reduce the possibility of barri- Nevertheless, a model business plan (IAEA
ers to transport and transit of sterile insects 2007) does provide some simple tools for deci-
due to individual country legislation or regu- sion-making, primarily regarding sterile insect
lation variability. This ISPM also helps to production. Based on sterile Mediterranean
address the issue faced by many countries of fruit fly production, a financial planning model
having legislation and/or regulations written is available to support full cost recovery,
explicitly for biological control agents that appropriate pricing and other management
subsequently were applied inappropriately to decisions. The simple tools presented in that
sterile insects (e.g. the need to maintain an model business plan can contribute to the suc-
organism in quarantine for more than one gen- cess of sterile insect production and budgeting
eration). for AW-IPM programmes.

Benefit/cost analysis is another useful tool the United Nations. 2004. ICPM expert
that can predict the likelihood of success given working group on efficacy of phytosanitary
the time horizon and range of stakeholders measures. Report on 2nd meeting, 19-21 July
selected by the analyst. Indirect benefits such 2004. FAO, Rome, Italy.
as human health and environmental impacts, (FAO) Food and Agriculture Organization of
maintenance of agricultural landscapes or the United Nations. 2005a. Report on the
tourism, the value of non-commercial fruit standards committee 6th meeting. 25-29
consumption or other factors may be included. April 2005. FAO, Rome, Italy.
Some new international phytosanitary stan- (FAO) Food and Agriculture Organization of
dards for the use of sterile insects are appearing the United Nations. 2005b. International
from the IPPC. Barriers will be avoided with standards for phytosanitary measures.
harmonized guidance for issues ranging from Guidelines for the export, shipment, import
establishment of a pest free area for tephritid and release of biological control agents and
pests to the paperwork required for transport of other beneficial organisms (revision adopted
beneficial organisms, including sterile insects. at the 7th session of the ICPM, April 2005),
These new international standards complement Publication no. 3. Secretariat of the
more detailed standard operating procedures International Plant Protection Convention,
that hold no legal status, but are crucial to effi- FAO, Rome, Italy.
cient production and release of sterile insects. (FAO) Food and Agriculture Organization of
The tools presented in this paper all require the United Nations. 2005c. International
assumptions that were based on international standards for phytosanitary measures.
information. These assumptions should be con- Requirements for the establishment of areas
sidered when applying the tools to a specific of low pest prevalence, Publication no. 22.
programme or project to avoid false conclu- Secretariat of the International Plant
sions. The SIT has become an international Protection Convention, FAO, Rome, Italy.
business with commercial considerations mak- (FAO) Food and Agriculture Organization of
ing these decision-making tools an increasing- the United Nations. 2006. International
ly valuable resource. standards for phytosanitary measures.
Establishment of pest free areas for fruit flies
6. References (Tephritidae), Publication no. 26. Secretariat
of the International Plant Protection
Dyck, V. A., J. Hendrichs, and A. S. Robinson Convention, FAO, Rome, Italy.
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management. Springer, Dordrecht, The International Atomic Energy Agency.
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Press, Florida, USA. 314-D4-00CT07603, IAEA, Vienna, Austria.
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Economic Entomology 90: 1066-1072. uct quality control and shipping procedures
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html Penang, Malaysia. Penerbit Universiti Sains
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Privatizing the SIT: a Conflict Between
Business and Technology?


Plant Protection Division, ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij, Private Bag

X5026, Stellenbosch 7599, South Africa

ABSTRACT A programme to suppress the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann)
using the sterile insect technique (SIT) has been in operation in South Africa since 1999. After a difficult
start, the Hex River Valley SIT Pilot Project covering 10 000 hectares of table grapes has been regarded as
a success. Two other fruit production areas have since joined the area-wide integrated pest management
programme (AW-IPM) that includes an SIT component. There is wide acceptance in the fruit industry that
integrating the SIT for the development of fruit fly-free areas or fruit fly-low prevalence areas under a sys-
tems approach, are essential to remain competitive on the international fruit export market. Due to insuffi-
cient government funding to fully sustain this AW-IPM programme, and in the absence of capital invest-
ment for the production of sterile insects, economic realities ultimately compelled the AW-IPM programme
to privatize its sterile fruit fly production and distribution operations in 2003. SIT Africa (Pty) Ltd thereby
became the first commercial Mediterranean fruit fly sterile insect production company in the world, albeit
a very small one. This development, at a time when the existence of the entire programme was seriously
threatened by economic considerations, probably saved the programme from an early demise. However,
economic, operational and cultural factors existing in the programme present a number of dilemmas with
respect to the long-term success and expansion of the SIT in South Africa. Without economies of scale, the
quest for commercial survival of the small production facility has the potential to create a conflict between
what is good for business and what is good for the SIT. In order to sustain the SIT in South Africa, a mid-
dle road needs to be found where neither the sterile insect technology nor business viability is compro-

KEY WORDS sterile insect technique, Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata, privatization, fund-
ing, economic factors, operational factors, cultural factors, conflicts of interest

1. Introduction the Hex River Valley SIT Pilot Project, cover-

ing 10 000 hectares of table grapes, was initi-
South Africa’s main deciduous fruit-produc- ated with the goal of cost-effectively sup-
ing area, the Western Cape, is host to two pressing Mediterranean fruit fly in the area.
species of tephritid fruit flies of economic Despite a number of constraints, the pilot
importance, the Mediterranean fruit fly project achieved its goal. Further details are
Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) and the Natal provided by Barnes et al. (2004).
fruit fly Ceratitis rosa Karsch. Mediterranean A small rearing facility in Stellenbosch
fruit fly tends to dominate in many fruit pro- produces 8.5 million sterile Mediterranean
duction areas, with Natal fruit fly more pre- fruit fly males per week. These flies are
dominant in the milder, coastal areas. The use released by ground every week in three dis-
of the sterile insect technique (SIT) in the tinct fruit production areas – the Hex River
establishment of fruit fly-free areas has been Valley, the Elgin/Grabouw/Vyeboom/Villiers-
well documented in the literature (e.g. Dowell dorp area, and the Riebeek Valley area. The
et al. 2000, Reyes et al. 2000, Dyck 2004, total area of fruit in the SIT areas is approxi-
Nigg et al. 2004, Dyck et al. 2005). In 1999 mately 18 000 hectares. However, sterile flies
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 449–456.
© 2007 IAEA.
450 B. N. BARNES

are released almost exclusively in home gar- Before discussing the economic, opera-
dens and backyards on farms and in the urban tional and cultural factors, it is necessary to
areas at a density of 2000 to 4000 flies per outline the funding of the Mediterranean fruit
hectare, with the intention of reducing wild fly fly AW-IPM programme in South Africa.
populations before they move to the commer-
cial orchards and vineyards towards ripening 2. Funding the Programme
and harvest.
Although the current AW-IPM programme From 1999 to 2003, the Hex River Valley SIT
focuses exclusively on suppression of Pilot Project was funded by a combination of
Mediterranean fruit flies, there is increasing government and non-governmental organiza-
acceptance in the deciduous fruit industry that tions (Barnes et al. 2004). The main project
to remain competitive on international fruit contributor was the International Atomic
export markets, the SIT is a necessity in order Energy Agency (IAEA) by way of the provi-
to create fruit fly-free areas. The intention in sion of equipment, training and technical sup-
South Africa is to expand the AW-IPM pro- port. A formal SIT partnership between the
gramme to the point where the area covered by Agricultural Research Council (ARC) (a
the SIT is large enough to justify the imple- parastatal organization) and the Deciduous
mentation of quarantine measures, which are Fruit Producer’s Trust covered the costs of
necessary for the creation of Mediterranean producing sterile Mediterranean fruit flies.
fruit fly-free areas. Wider area freedom The Hex River Valley growers purchased ster-
including from the Natal fruit fly will only be ile flies at a subsidized rate and financed all
possible once certain mass-rearing issues for field operations including the release of sterile
this species have been addressed. In the mean- flies. The contribution of the national govern-
time, SIT pilot projects for two other key fruit ment was through involvement of ARC
pests, codling moth Cydia pomonella (L.), and Infruitec-Nietvoorbij in which management of
false codling moth Thaumatotibia leucotreta the project was vested. Limited and irregular
(Meyrick), have recently been started. grants were made available by the Western
The SIT is becoming an increasingly Cape Department of Agriculture.
important facet in fruit production in South The pilot project was always under severe
Africa. However, the key constraint in the fruit financial constraints. The aforementioned
fly AW-IPM programme has been inadequate organizations were therefore unable to finan-
funding. After appeals for sustained govern- cially sustain the programme. In an unfavourable
ment funding for the programme were unsuc- economic climate, capital investment was also
cessful, other funding sources had to be inves- not forthcoming. The continuation of the pro-
tigated. The unsustainability of a subsequent gramme was thus in jeopardy. Privatization
funding partnership ultimately gave rise to the was seen as the only means of maintaining it,
privatization of sterile fruit fly production and and so in 2003 the production and distribution
distribution. of sterile male Mediterranean fruit flies was
A number of economic, operational and commercialized with the formation of a pri-
cultural factors are impacting on the success of vate company, SIT Africa (Pty) Ltd This step
the SIT and on the business of producing and probably saved the programme from demise.
distributing sterile Mediterranean fruit flies in Up to the time of writing the government
South Africa. These factors can give rise to has not financially supported SIT Africa (Pty)
potential conflicts of interest between business Ltd. The full costs of the SIT are currently
and technology in this young, small, priva- borne by the fruit growers. Growers purchase
tized AW-IPM programme. While circum- the sterile Mediterranean fruit flies from SIT
stances will not always give rise to such con- Africa (Pty) Ltd under contract, and SIT area
flicts, other AW-IPM programmes considering coordinators, contracted by the company,
privatization should bear these issues in mind. facilitate sterile fly release, trapping, and ster-

ile/wild fly identification. Growers also pur- programmes are usually co-funded by local
chase and apply their own fruit fly bait. They and national governments together with the
are supplied with trap catch data for the whole fruit industry, ensuring a viable and sustain-
production area and are advised on baiting and able funding base.
orchard/vineyard sanitation interventions on Notwithstanding a certain amount of
their particular farms. SIT Africa (Pty) Ltd national and provincial government assistance
contracts technical expertise in the SIT from during the pilot project phase, insufficient
the ARC, and an ongoing promotional cam- government support after commercialization
paign is aimed at bringing more areas into the has significantly limited the success of the
programme. programme, and restricted its much-needed
roll-out to other production areas.
3. Economic Factors
Influencing the Programme 3.2. Lack of Private Investment

A number of factors have impacted on the Efforts to raise private venture capital within
economic viability of the Mediterranean fruit South Africa to support a commercial SIT
fly AW-IPM programme in South Africa. company have so far been unsuccessful. The
SIT is largely unknown outside of the
3.1. Absence of Government Investment deciduous fruit industry. It is a very young
technology in South Africa, and there are no
The SIT is implemented using the AW-IPM local, economically successful models that
concept. With certain exceptions such as the can be used to entice potential investors and to
onion fly Delia antiqua Meigen, which is demonstrate that they will get the required
released over small plots of up to six hectares return on investment. The economic environ-
(Loosjes 2000), the SIT is usually most effec- ment in South Africa has been harsh during
tively conducted over thousands rather than the past 5-10 years, further discouraging
hundreds of hectares. An AW-IPM programme potential investors from risking capital in a
with an SIT component is a management- and largely unknown technology.
cost-intensive operation, which needs to be
wholly or largely administered by a financial- 3.3. Fruit Industry Economics
ly-sound agent that can drive the programme
and assume overall responsibility for its fund- The South African deciduous fruit industry
ing and management. Costly quarantine meas- has suffered a series of negative economic
ures, which are a government responsibility, influences over the past few years: (1) consec-
are also often associated with a large-scale utive years of adverse climatic conditions
programme. (e.g. drought, warm winters) have taken their
Export fruit industries are high value oper- toll on the size and quality of the crop, (2) a
ations. Multiplier effects ensure that a thriving strong South African rand which has appreci-
fruit industry brings prosperity to the region. ated in value relative to major international
Successful AW-IPM programmes involving currencies, (3) volatile and difficult marketing
the SIT therefore benefit not only the growers conditions, (4) shrinking traditional markets,
in any fruit production area, but also the eco- (5) rising fuel prices and input costs, and (6)
nomic well-being of everyone in the region stiff competition from competing fruit-pro-
and thus the country at large. As a result such ducing countries. All these factors have nega-
programmes around the world are typically tively affected the export crop size and quali-
driven by government and have a large com- ty and fruit sales on export markets, thus neg-
ponent of government funding – protection of atively affecting producer income (Faure
high income-generating agricultural industries 2003, Lombard 2005).
is invariably an excellent investment. These The past few years have thus been a very
452 B. N. BARNES

bad time to sell the SIT to fruit growers. The by the facility. The difference in price equates
aforementioned factors have also reduced the to the cost of eclosion and delivery. Sterile
ability of the deciduous fruit industry to fund Mediterranean fruit flies in South Africa
research and development projects, and to therefore cost about four times as much as
contribute more widely to the implementation sterile flies offered by larger Mediterranean
of larger initiatives such as the AW-IPM pro- fruit fly facilities around the world.
gramme. In these circumstances it is difficult Until such time as demand rises above
to persuade growers to adopt a new and little- about ten million sterile males per week, thus
understood technology that may initially be requiring a larger facility, production costs
more expensive even if more cost effective in will remain high due to a lack of economies of
the long term. The money to buy relatively scale. However, it is unrealistic to think that
expensive sterile fruit flies, and to appoint demand for sterile Mediterranean fruit flies in
people to dedicated fruit fly SIT posts, is in South Africa will reach levels where signifi-
short supply. cant economies of scale will be realized. The
maximum demand in South Africa has been
3.4. Lack of Economies of Scale in the estimated at between 69 million and 76 mil-
Rearing Facility lion per week (Badenhorst 2001), whereas it is
generally accepted that favourable economies
The SIT Africa Medfly Rearing Facility, of scale are realized from approximately 100
located in Stellenbosch, was commissioned in million sterile males per week.
1999 as a pilot facility to produce sterile In order to successfully implement the SIT
Mediterranean fruit flies for the Hex River in any area, the cost should be no more than
Valley SIT Pilot Project. Its estimated maxi- the cost of conventional control. Locally-pro-
mum output was judged at the time to be eight duced sterile Mediterranean fruit flies will
million sterile males per week, though likely remain relatively expensive in South
demand was only five million per week. In Africa unless a much larger market for sterile
reality this target was never met due to a vari- flies (including foreign markets) justifies a
ety of circumstances (Barnes et al. 2004). larger facility. Expensive flies are difficult to
Since then, due to improved quality manage- sell during the best of economic times, and
ment and improved genetic sexing strains of even more so in a harsh economic climate.
the Mediterranean fruit fly, the current
demand for seven million sterile males per 4. Operational Factors
week can be comfortably and routinely met. Influencing the Programme
Maximum output is now estimated to be 10-
12 million sterile males per week. In this context, operational factors refer to
The small size of the rearing facility result- implementation of the SIT in the field, as well
ed in very poor economies of scale and very as to certain business aspects concerned with
expensive sterile Mediterranean fruit flies. the production and sale of sterile flies to clients.
Growers paid between USD 1150-1300/mil-
lion flies (Rand 7100-8100) at the time of 4.1. Fragmented Expansion of the SIT
writing. The lower price is in effect the pro- Suppression Areas
duction cost, and applies to the Hex River
Valley where farmers pay for the collection of Following on the Hex River Valley Pilot
the sterile pupae from the SIT Africa (Pty) Ltd Project, it was originally planned to expand
facility and release them after emergence. The the area covered by the release of sterile
higher price applies to the Elgin/ insects in a logical, systematic manner by tak-
Grabouw/Vyeboom/Villiersdorp and Riebeek ing the SIT to adjacent production areas and
Valley areas, for which the sterile flies are thus increasing the contiguous area. In the
emerged and transported to the release areas absence of greater government sponsorship

whereby growers do not have to pay the full growers without adequate knowledge of the
cost of the SIT, the commercial programme sterile insect technology state that they “want
can only be expanded to production areas sterile flies” as a “quick-fix” to solve their
where there are sufficient growers in a con- fruit fly problem.
tiguous area that are prepared to pay for the
SIT. As a result, and with the economic factors 4.4. Difficulties with the Management of
mentioned above, use of the SIT in the Small Areas
Western Cape has evolved in a fragmented
patchwork of relatively small areas receiving With the fragmented manner in which the use
sterile fruit flies. Commercialization in South of the SIT has evolved in South Africa, there
Africa has not benefited from economies of are a number of relatively small areas under
scale in the production of sterile insects, and sterile insect releases, in most cases each
also not from the application of the SIT over a being further subdivided into a number of
single, large area. smaller areas. For example, the Elgin/
Grabouw/Vyeboom/Villiersdorp area is divid-
4.2. Different Funding Mechanisms ed up into three smaller sub-areas, and the
Riebeek Valley area into four such sub-areas.
Partly due to cultural differences between While each area has its own coordinator and
groups of growers in different production field staff, management and communication
areas (see below), growers tend to have differ- within a group of smaller sub-areas is more
ent views on the mechanisms by which they complex and responsibilities also become
are prepared to pay for the various compo- fragmented. There is a greater risk of certain
nents of SIT implementation. In one area the key procedures being overlooked, with a con-
necessary funds are raised through a levy on sequent negative impact on the success of the
all growers in the area and are managed on programme.
their behalf by a grower trust organization. In
other areas the involvement of all growers has 5. Cultural Factors Influencing
not been achieved and participating growers the Programme
have signed individual contracts with SIT
Africa (Pty) Ltd. Privatization has thus result- The Western Cape deciduous fruit industry is
ed in differential payment mechanisms, which spread over an area of approximately 50 000
are not in the best interests of an AW-IPM square kilometres, and incorporates at least 15
approach. separate fruit growing areas of varying sizes.
Fruit growers in these areas come from differ-
4.3. Need to Maximize Sales of Sterile Flies ent backgrounds, have different cultures and
home languages, grow many different kinds
Any private company needs to ensure a posi- of fruit crops, and have a diverse outlook on
tive cash flow and ultimately show a profit. In fruit farming practices. On the other hand,
a private sterile insect production facility, businessmen are also necessarily involved
business reasoning dictates that sales of sterile with a commercial AW-IPM programme, and
flies need to be maximized. In the drive to get understandably they tend to look at a pro-
more clients, there can be a temptation to start gramme using the SIT through other eyes. All
releasing sterile flies in areas that are unsuit- these factors also have an impact on the ulti-
able geographically for SIT integration, where mate success of SIT application.
fruit production practices are not ideal for its
application, or where prerequisites for starting 5.1. Lack of Coordination between Growers
the SIT have not been met. This will most
likely happen in a small company with cash Being an area-wide technology, the SIT
flow under pressure. This is exacerbated when requires a significant degree of grower coop-
454 B. N. BARNES

eration and coordination within the area. large production area?”. This tends to retard the
However, fruit growers normally tend to act acceptance of SIT where growers in effect have
independently in pest management activities to fund the programme.
and seldom if ever cooperate on or coordinate
these activities on an area-wide basis. This 6. The Conflicts and Dangers
contributes to the fragmentation of areas
where the SIT is established, and presents a The biggest potential conflict in a private
risk to the area-wide strategy. company in this field may be a temptation to
make decisions that will benefit the business,
5.2. Lack of Technical Knowledge on the but which do not take into account the tech-
SIT nology underpinning the SIT. For example, a
drive by the company to market sterile insects
Most growers lack knowledge on the more to new clients mainly with the intention of
technical aspects of the SIT and often have boosting income, but without considering the
unrealistic expectations of the conditions technical requirements essential for successful
under which it works and what it can deliver. application, would be a real threat to the suc-
The result is often suboptimal or even total cess of the programme. The same would apply
lack of implementation of necessary proce- to any decision to cut expenditure, which
dures to the detriment of the SIT. This can be would, for example, compromise sterile insect
addressed by adequate technology transfer production. Company managers may be
and public relations exercises, but with a tempted to play down or ignore unpopular
resource-poor programme these interventions advice from technical experts. Requests for
are often inadequate. sterile insects as a quick-fix for their problems
Likewise, businessmen involved in a com- by growers with little knowledge of these
mercial company will in most cases not have technical requirements will exacerbate this
technical knowledge or training in pest man- threat. If sterile insects are released without
agement practices, and even less so in SIT considering the technical requirements for the
technology. They may not appreciate the tech- SIT, there is a serious danger of the technolo-
nical requirements and complexity involved, gy failing in that area. This will lead to grow-
nor the need to follow certain essential and ers losing faith in the technique and proclaim-
well-established SIT procedures. Their atten- ing that it does not work. This could be the
tion tends to be focused more on business death knell for the SIT in the whole region.
management and financial matters, and mak- A further danger is that without a large,
ing the books balance. financially sound organization driving the
SIT, growers will have to fully fund the oper-
5.3. Different Expectations of Different ation. If the sterile insects are as or more
Growers expensive than conventional control, this is
likely to result in resistance by many growers
Some fruit growers produce fruit for the export to implement the SIT, promoting the develop-
market, some for the canning and dried fruit mar-ment of a patchwork of small areas.
kets, and an increasing number for the organic Implementation on an area-wide basis will be
market. Some have farms that are fairly isolated slowed, with detrimental effects on the effica-
from other orchards or vineyards. Some grow cy of the SIT, its reputation, and the goal of
fruit that is less susceptible to fruit fly (e.g.creating pest free areas.
apples) than other growers with more susceptible
fruit (e.g. stone fruit). This has led to a call for 7. Conclusions
differential prices for sterile fruit flies, e.g. “Why
should I pay the same for my isolated apple In South Africa, insufficient government
orchard as others who grow stone fruit within a funding to fully sustain an AW-IPM pro-

gramme with an SIT component, the absence turn will unjustifiably give the technique a
of government investment in the commercial bad name. Equally, training of SIT coordina-
company SIT Africa (Pty) Ltd, together with tors and advisors in business principles will
an economic crisis in the deciduous fruit likely promote innovation.
industry has necessitated a radical departure Company decision-makers should under-
from the manner in which such programmes stand the area-wide concept of pest manage-
are normally funded and operated. In effect, ment in general, and the SIT principles in par-
responsibility for funding the programme has ticular, and acknowledge that certain technical
fallen entirely on deciduous fruit growers. In requirements and procedures are essential to
addition, economic, operational and cultural success.
factors in South Africa have significantly A change in mindset amongst fruit growers
reduced the speed and extent to which the SIT is needed, specifically to embrace the area-
for Mediterranean fruit fly suppression has wide concept of pest management. This will
developed and expanded. necessitate greater grower cooperation and
Under privatization, potential conflicts of coordination within production areas. The
interest between what is good for business and manner in which growers pay for the SIT
what is good for the technology can easily components should also be reviewed. In an
arise, and more so in a resource-poor pro- area-wide programme it is essential that all
gramme. The causes of these potential con- growers in specified areas buy into the pro-
flicts should be addressed and managed gramme. Payment for sterile flies should be
before they exert an influence on the pro- through a single agency (e.g. a grower organ-
gramme. It is essential that company business- ization), preferably through a levy on each
men seriously consider the advice of technical and every grower in that area, and not
experts. between the sterile fly production company
In the context of the South African pro- and individual growers.
gramme, a sound financial basis is essential. If The conflicts that have been discussed are
government is to be approached again to more likely to be more of a problem in small,
fully support the SIT and the creation of fruit resource-poor programmes and less likely to
fly-free areas, the total, inclusive cost of fruit occur in larger, better-funded programmes.
flies to the country should first be calculated
to emphasize the importance of these pests. 8. References
This should include the value of markets that
may be lost due to the presence of fruit flies in Badenhorst, P. L. U. 2001. A joint venture
South Africa, and the value of new markets between the Deciduous Fruit Producers’
that will be gained by having a fruit fly-free area. Trust and the Agricultural Research Council
All role-players and beneficiaries, includ- – Sterile Insect Technique (SIT). Request for
ing SIT Africa (Pty) Ltd, the fruit industry, IDC to participate in the project. Report to
exporters and government, should adopt a the Industrial Development Corporation of
long-term vision for the AW-IPM using sterile South Africa. IDC South Africa, Sandown,
insects in South Africa, especially with regard South Africa.
to the ultimate objective and benefits of the Barnes, B. N., D. K. Eyles, and G. Franz.
SIT and its expansion to new areas. If a suc- 2004. South Africa’s fruit fly SIT pro-
cessful commercial enterprise is to be sus- gramme – the Hex River Valley pilot project
tained over time, the technical integrity must and beyond, pp. 131-141. In Barnes, B. N.
not be compromised. Failure of the technique (ed.), Proceedings, Symposium: 6th Interna-
in any area because, for example, of market- tional Symposium on Fruit Flies of Eco-
ing sterile flies to areas or growers where this nomic Importance, 6-10 May 2002,
was not technically justified, will likely lead Stellenbosch, South Africa. Isteg Scientific
to the failure of the SIT in that area. This in Publications, Irene, South Africa.
456 B. N. BARNES

Dowell, R. V., I. A. Siddiqui, F. Meyer, and E. March: 54-55.

L. Spaugy. 2000. Mediterranean fruit fly Loosjes, M. 2000. The sterile insect technique
preventative release programme in southern for commercial control of the onion fly, pp.
California, pp. 369-375. In Tan, K. H. (ed.), 181-184. In Tan, K. H. (ed.), Proceedings:
Proceedings: Area-Wide Control of Fruit Area-Wide Control of Fruit Flies and Other
Flies and Other Insect Pests. International Insect Pests. International Conference on
Conference on Area-Wide Control of Insect Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, and the
Pests, and the 5th International Symposium 5th International Symposium on Fruit Flies of
on Fruit Flies of Economic Importance, 28 Economic Importance, 28 May-5 June 1998,
May-5 June 1998, Penang, Malaysia. Penang, Malaysia. Penerbit Universiti Sains
Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Malaysia, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.
Pinang, Malaysia. Nigg, H. N., S. E. Simpson, and J. L. Knapp.
Dyck, V. A. 2004. Principles and practice of 2004. The Caribbean fruit fly-free zone pro-
using the sterile insect technique to control gramme in Florida, USA, pp. 179-182. In
plant insect pests around the world – an Barnes, B. N. (ed.), Proceedings, Sympo-
update, pp. 684. In Guo, Y. (ed.), Procee- sium: 6th International Symposium on Fruit
dings: 15 International Plant Protection
th Flies of Economic Importance, 6-10 May
Congress, 11-16 May 2004, Beijing, Peoples’ 2002, Stellenbosch, South Africa. Isteg
Republic of China. Foreign Language Press, Scientific Publications, Irene, South Africa.
Beijing, Peoples’ Republic of China. Reyes, J., G. Santiago, and P. Hernández.
Dyck, V. A., J. Hendrichs, and A. S. Robinson 2000. The Mexican fruit fly eradication pro-
(eds.). 2005. Sterile insect technique. gramme, pp. 377-380. In Tan, K. H. (ed.),
Principles and practice in area-wide integrat- Proceedings: Area-Wide Control of Fruit
ed pest management. Springer, Dordrecht, Flies and Other Insect Pests. International
The Netherlands. Conference on Area-Wide Control of Insect
Faure, J. C. 2003. The need for partnerships in Pests, and the 5th International Symposium
the fruit industries. South African Fruit on Fruit Flies of Economic Importance, 28
Journal 2: 3. May-5 June 1998, Penang, Malaysia.
Lombard, M. 2005. Sour grapes for Cape table Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau
grape industry. Farmer’s Weekly, 95010, 25 Pinang, Malaysia.
Private Sector Investment in Mediterranean
Fruit Fly Mass-Production and SIT
Operations – The “Sheep” of the Private
Sector Among the “Wolves” of the Public


1Bio-BeeSde Eliyahu Ltd, Kibbutz Sde Eliyahu, Bet Shean Valley, 10810
2Division for Asia and the Pacific, Department of Technical

Cooperation, International Atomic Energy Agency, Wagramerstrasse 5,

PO Box 100, A-1400 Vienna, Austria

ABSTRACT Since the first large-scale use of the sterile insect technique (SIT) against the
Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) in southern Mexico in the 1970s, the fruit industry
has been the major beneficiary and sometimes a financial contributor to the technological development of
Mediterranean fruit fly SIT. Until recently, the involvement of the private sector in the “SIT package” was
limited to the commercialization of traps, lures, attractants and insecticides, and occasionally the provision
of specific services such as complementary suppression or monitoring, or the transport, emergence, feeding
and release of sterilized flies, however not the mass-production of sterile males. Assessment in 2000 of the
potential market for supplying sterile male Mediterranean fruit flies in the Mediterranean basin, and more
recently the development of a model business plan for insect rearing facilities, generated some interest
from the private sector to invest in the mass-production of the Mediterranean fruit fly. Since then, three
private companies have been established namely InSecta Ltd in the UK, SIT Africa Ltd in South Africa,
and Bio-Fly Ltd in Israel. Bio-Fly Ltd was established as the result of a bottom-up approach in which all
stakeholders, i.e. grower communities, government institutions, supranational organizations and the private
sector were consulted to quantify the needs for sterile flies, to identify the most suitable private partner,
and to construct the facility with all the technical support available from the various stakeholders. Based
upon these recent experiences, it was found that the sustainability and expansion of these companies in the
near future will depend largely on: (1) the plans and capabilities of competing government-funded facili-
ties to supply sterile flies at semi-subsidized prices to meet a growing demand in the Mediterranean region,
(2) an increasing demand for environment-friendly pest control methods due to consumer pressure and
more stringent laws regulating pest levels and insecticide residues, (3) the awareness of the end-users and
beneficiaries of the availability of a cost-effective SIT technology for integration with other environment-
friendly technologies available on the market, (4) national policies promoting and facilitating an area-wide
approach to pest control and the transfer of SIT know-how, and (5) to some extent, the licensing of tech-
nology and the outsourcing of the management of existing mass-rearing infrastructure from government
institutions to the private sector.

KEY WORDS commercialization, Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata, SIT package, rearing,
private sector, public good

M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 457–472.
© 2007 IAEA.

1. Introduction ing, transport, release, monitoring) has been,

until recently, focused on limited aspects of
Since the concept of the sterile insect tech- the technique.
nique (SIT) was developed in the 1950s The present paper reviews the involvement
(Knipling 1955), it has been applied against of the private sector in the commercialization
several key insect pests, mainly Diptera and of the SIT package for Mediterranean fruit fly
Lepidoptera that cause damage to crops or control and analyses the factors that led to the
transmit diseases to animals and humans establishment of Israel’s first commercial
(Dyck et al. 2005). Mediterranean fruit fly rearing facility, Bio-
Commercial losses have always been the Fly Ltd.
major driving force behind the technical
development of the SIT for a given insect 2. Fruit and Vegetable Industry
pest. The largest SIT programme ever imple- and the Funding of SIT
mented worldwide was the New World screw- Operations
worm Cochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel)
eradication programme, which over five A sustainable source of funding for SIT activ-
decades eradicated this pest from North and ities as part of area-wide integrated pest man-
Central America (Wyss 2000), reaching agement (AW-IPM) programmes for fruit flies
Panama in 2001 (Vargas-Terán et al. 2005). is obviously a key to their success. Though the
This programme was launched following lob- fruit and vegetable industries (Fig. 1, lower,
bying by the cattle industry in Florida, which right) are the major beneficiaries, the govern-
was facing yearly losses of about USD 20 mil- ments or supranational authorities have fund-
lion due to this pest (Klassen and Curtis ed the vast majority of these programmes in
2005). the past. These often powerful industries (for
Tephritid fruit flies account for major eco- example in the USA) lobby successfully for
nomic losses in the most valuable crops governmental involvement and stress that
worldwide. The Mediterranean fruit fly area-wide interventions are the responsibility
Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) is undoubted- of the government and are fully covered by
ly the most important tephritid pest of eco- their taxes. However, in a few cases the fruit
nomic significance in most temperate, sub- and vegetable industries (i.e. local grower
tropical and tropical countries, where it communities) have partially or entirely fund-
attacks over 300 wild and cultivated host ed the cost of the operations. In the Hex River
plants (Liquido et al. 1991). Since the first Valley of South Africa, the Mediterranean
large-scale use of the SIT against the fruit fly suppression programme has been
Mediterranean fruit fly in southern Mexico largely funded from the very first day by the
(Hendrichs et al. 1983), the technology has growers (Barnes et al. 2004, Barnes, this vol-
been further developed and fine-tuned to ume). The AW-IPM programme in Patagonia,
address the concerns of the fruit industry Argentina, which resulted in the region
worldwide. To date the SIT for Mediterranean recently being declared free of the
fruit fly has reached a stage of development Mediterranean fruit fly (USDA 2005), has
and knowledge of insect ecology, biology, been partially funded through taxes imposed
genetics and behaviour rarely encountered for on fruit exports from the region (Guillén and
any other insect pest species. However, Sánchez, this volume). In the Arava Valley of
although the private sector has been the major Israel, the local grower association has been
beneficiary and sometimes a financial contrib- increasingly involved in the funding of the
utor to the technological development of Mediterranean fruit fly suppression pro-
Mediterranean fruit fly SIT, its commercial gramme since its inception in 1998 and now
involvement in the implementation of the var- cover large parts of its operating costs. The
ious components of the “SIT package” (rear- very successful programme to eradicate the

Figure 1. (upper, left) Servicing of a Multilure® trap baited with Biolure®, Aqaba in Jordan,
(upper, right) adult flies ready for ground release produced by Bio-Fly Ltd, Sde Eliyahu in
Israel, (lower, left) preparing for loading a chilled adult release container aboard the aircraft,
Arava Valley in Israel, and (lower, right) citrus ready for export to Europe displayed by the
owner of a commercial packing house, Batra region in Israel. (Photos from Ilan Mizrahi for
the IAEA, reproduced with permission).

Mexican fruit fly Anastrepha ludens (Loew) quickly identified the potential benefits that
and the West Indian fruit fly Anastrepha obli- could be obtained by integrating the SIT in
qua (Macquart) from various states in north- large AW-IPM fruit fly programmes launched
western Mexico (Reyes et al. 2000) has been by national or supranational authorities, they
funded equally by growers’ associations, state also realized that some components of the
governments, and the federal government. implementation of the SIT package were more
This formula is increasingly being used for amenable for private sector involvement than
other programmes (Enkerlin 2005). others, and these have been part of many SIT
operations (Table 1). In this respect, the out-
3. Commercialization of the comes of Coordinated Research Projects
Mediterranean Fruit Fly (CRP), a mechanism used by the Joint Food
Ceratitis capitata SIT Package and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations/International Atomic Energy Agency
The involvement and contribution of the pri- (FAO/IAEA) Division of Nuclear Techniques
vate sector in the commercialization of the SIT in Food and Agriculture to research and devel-
package has been guided by some basic busi- op components of the SIT (Klassen et al. 1994),
ness rules such as the need for minimum initial as well as FAO/IAEA consultants’ meetings,
investment in infrastructure and research and have contributed to raising the private sector’s
development, a prompt return on investment interest (FAO/IAEA 2000). In addition, some
and maximum profits generated in the long large area-wide fruit fly control programmes,
term. While the fruit and vegetable industries such as the Programa Moscamed in Mexico,
Table 1. Overview of the involvement of the private sector in the various components of SIT

Component of the Involvement of the private sector References

SIT package

Monitoring opera- Outsourcing of field monitoring activities to Y. Roessler, personal commu-

tions individual contractors with their own vehicles nication
Off-the-shelf GIS equipment (GPS units, GIS Cox and Vreysen 2005
software, bar code readers, data loggers)
Trapping Commercialization of new traps Ros et al. 2000, FAO/IAEA
Lures, attractants and Commercialization of new attractant Heath et al. 1997, Epsky et al.
insecticides 1999, Katsoyannos et al. 1999
Commercialization of trimedlure, food attrac- FAO/IAEA 2003
tants and dichlorvos (DDVP)
Complementary sup- Commercialization of organically certified Peck and McQuate 2000, Revis
pression methods product for bait spray applications et al. 2004
Outsourcing of aerial bait applications to spe- Roessler 1989
cialized pesticide treatment companies
Production, steriliza- Establishment of commercial Mediterranean Barnes et al. 2004, Vreysen et
tion and shipment fruit fly rearing facilities (InSecta Ltd, SIT al. 2006, Barnes et al., this vol-
Africa Ltd, Bio-Fly Ltd) ume
Outsourcing of Mediterranean fruit fly pupae R. Argiles, personal communi-
sterilization cation
Outsourcing of shipment of Mediterranean Cayol et al. 2004
fruit fly pupae to air cargo companies
Outsourcing of shipment of Mediterranean Cáceres et al. 2007
fruit fly eggs to other AW-IPM programmes
Fly emergence, feed- Outsourcing operations of Anastrepha spp. at Leal Mubarqui 2005
ing and packing release centres or emergence facilities
Outsourcing emergence, feeding and packing Cayol et al. 2004
for ground and/or aerial release operations
Sterile insect release Development of new chilled adult release Tween 2004, Tween and
machines Rendón, this volume
Outsourcing of aerial release operations to air- Dowell et al. 2000, Cayol et al.
companies 2004

have adopted an action plan to involve the pri-1, upper, left) to obtain feedback on the effec-
vate sector in all stages of the programme tiveness of the various suppressive activities
(Enkerlin 1996). The Programa Moscamed in and SIT operations is one of the major compo-
Guatemala has also attempted to privatize part nents of all AW-IPM programmes (Vreysen
of its operations (see section 3.5). 2005). In most of these operations the person-
nel carrying out the trapping and fruit sam-
3.1. Monitoring pling are government employees; however, in
some cases these activities have been out-
Monitoring pest populations in the field (Fig. sourced to the private sector. In the

Mediterranean fruit fly suppression pro- guidelines for fruit fly AW-IPM programmes
gramme in Israel, for example, only the field (IAEA 2003) facilitated the international har-
supervisors are government staff, assuring the monization and recognition of trapping
quality of field monitoring activities carried results, but also the acceptance of fewer but
out by many individual contractors all work- standardized traps worldwide, hence support-
ing with their own vehicles (Y. Roessler, per- ing the involvement of the private sector.
sonal communication). In other programmes,
the maintenance of the fleet of government- 3.3. Lures, Attractants and Insecticides
owned field vehicles is outsourced, or these
are even rented. Since the mid 1990s, AW- Lures, attractants and insecticides are also of
IPM programmes that integrate the release of major importance for fruit fly AW-IPM pro-
sterile insects are increasingly making use of grammes. Since the development of some of
geographic information systems (GIS) as a these products, the agrochemical industry has
decision support tool for the planning and provided and further developed various for-
day-to-day implementation of their field oper- mulations of lures such as trimedlure (liquid,
ations, for the spatial analysis and manage- silicon-plug type), a Mediterranean fruit fly
ment of the field data, and for assessing pro- male attractant, as well as of the fruit fly food
gramme progress (Cox and Vreysen 2005). attractants such as NuLure used in liquid bait
Although specific data management systems traps, and insecticides such as dichlorvos (2,2-
were developed for the field operations, the dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate or DDVP).
main items of equipment (global positioning A major breakthrough, complementing the
units (GPS), GIS software, bar code readers, development of genetic sexing strains that
data loggers) are available commercially and allowed the release of only sterile males was
do not warrant specific investment by the pri- the development and validation through an
vate sector. FAO/IAEA coordinated research project of a
Mediterranean fruit fly female attractant
3.2. Traps (Heath et al. 1997, IAEA 1998). This synthet-
ic attractant was tested and validated through
During the early days of applying the SIT this international research network (Epsky et
against the Mediterranean fruit fly, it was not al. 1999, Katsoyannos et al. 1999) and has
rare for programmes to develop their own been commercialized under the name
locally-made trap components such as inserts Biolure®. It is now utilized in most
or wire hangers of Jackson traps, or modified Mediterranean fruit fly AW-IPM programmes
traps, as illustrated by the Maghreb-Med-type that use sterile males from a genetic sexing
trap used in northern Africa in the early 1990s strain (Franz 2005) such as the Arava/Araba
(FAO/IAEA 1993, Katsoyannos 1994). The project in Israel/Jordan (Cayol et al. 2004).
research and development efforts that were
initiated in the late 1980s to compare and stan- 3.4. Suppression Methods
dardize trap types and trapping materials for
Mediterranean fruit fly AW-IPM programmes, In many cases, Mediterranean fruit fly AW-
(Katsoyannos 1994, IAEA 1996), contributed IPM programmes require the use of comple-
to making the market attractive for investment mentary control tactics such as the bait appli-
by the private sector considering the number cation technique to suppress the original wild
of potential customers for the same trap type. population to levels low enough for the sterile
Through these efforts, traps such as the males to effectively compete and/or to control
Tephri® (Ros et al. 2000) and the MultiLure® major outbreaks. In some programmes that
traps (Fig. 1, upper, left) were developed and include aerial operations, only the aircraft
since then, became commercially available. services are provided by private companies to
Furthermore, the publication of trapping carry out aerial bait applications; in other

cases companies specialized in aerial pesti- plying sterile male Mediterranean fruit flies in
cide applications provide all components of the Mediterranean basin (FAO/IAEA 2000),
the suppression package (Roessler 1989). as well as the development of a model busi-
The increasingly stringent restrictions on ness plan for insect rearing facilities (IAEA
the use of organophosphate insecticides such 2007), generated renewed interest from the
as malathion and the need for environment- private sector in this field. In 2000, InSecta
friendly control tactics for integration with the Ltd was established in the UK. This company
SIT (Peck and McQuate 2000) has encour- offers assessment services for fruit fly control,
aged the agrochemical industry to develop sterile Mediterranean fruit flies, and integrat-
and commercialize an organically certified ed pest control programmes for several other
product named GF-120® based on spinosad insect pests. In 2003, SIT Africa Ltd was
that replaces the traditional fruit fly bait for- established in South Africa to produce and
mulation (protein and organophosphate) distribute sterile male Mediterranean fruit
(Revis et al. 2004). Since its commercializa- flies (Vreysen et al. 2006, Barnes, this vol-
tion, this product, which is compatible with an ume). This company took over an existing
environment-friendly programme, has been small rearing facility that was originally
registered for fruit fly control in an increasing established by the government with IAEA
number of countries notably through the lob- support for the Mediterranean fruit fly sup-
bying of users of sterile Mediterranean fruit pression programme in the Hex River Valley
flies. (Barnes et al. 2004). The facility was handed
over to the SIT partnership formed by the
3.5. Production and Sterilization Deciduous Fruit Producer’s Trust and the
Agricultural Research Council and the origi-
The mass-rearing of sterile male nal capital investment by SIT Africa Ltd was
Mediterranean fruit flies that meet interna- therefore limited. In 2004, Bio-Bee Sde
tionally agreed quality control standards Eliyahu Ltd, the main producer of biological
(FAO/IAEA/USDA 2003) is obviously at the control agents in Israel, decided to construct
core of Mediterranean fruit fly AW-IPM with the first Mediterranean fruit fly mass-rearing
an SIT component. Most of the large facility in the eastern Mediterranean region
Mediterranean fruit fly rearing facilities under the name of Bio-Fly Ltd (see section 4).
worldwide have been financed and are operat- Sterilization of male pupae requires invest-
ed by government or supranational institu- ing in the purchase, accreditation and mainte-
tions (IDIDAS 2004), although construction nance of a gamma irradiator or, as recently
and some of the related services, for example proposed for some programmes, an X-ray
the processing of agricultural subproducts to machine. Considering the additional costs
be used as bulk ingredients in the larval diet, involved and the regulatory aspects of the
the recycling of spent diet, or the disposal of accreditation process, programmes such as the
waste, have been outsourced to the private Mediterranean fruit fly suppression pro-
sector. The first attempt to involve the private gramme in Valencia, Spain, are outsourcing
sector in mass-rearing operations took place the irradiation of pupae to specialized private
in the Programa Moscamed in Guatemala, companies (R. Argiles, personal communica-
where the management of the fly production tion). In Israel, in order to limit its initial
facility in El Pino was outsourced in 1996 to investment, Bio-Fly Ltd outsourced the irradi-
the company Bio-Systems (C. Cáceres, per- ation process to the Hadassa Hospital during
sonal communication). Unfortunately, the 2005-2006. However, in view of the negative
attempt was not successful and the manage- impact on fly quality of the extra handling of
ment of the facility returned once more to the pupae between the rearing facility and the
government. hospital, as well as problems associated with
Assessment of the potential needs for sup- the limited access to the irradiator, Bio-Fly

Ltd acquired its own Gammacell-220® at the National Fruit Fly Campaign has outsourced
end of 2006. the operation of five Mexican fruit fly
Anastrepha ludens (Loew) and West Indian
3.6. Shipment fruit fly Anastrepha obliqua (Macquart)
release centres in Mexico (Leal Mubarqui
Shipment of Mediterranean fruit fly pupae 2005). For some small- to medium-scale pro-
from the production to the adult emergence grammes, the additional construction and
sites or release centres is a critical aspect of operation costs of a dedicated emergence
area-wide control programmes as quality con- facility would represent, in the short term, an
trol standards need to be respected to preserve unbearable financial investment. In Israel, the
the quality of the sterile insects (FAO/ small-scale programmes launched in 2005 in
IAEA/USDA 2003, FAO 2007). Most sterile the Batra and Besor regions (see section 4)
fruit fly transboundary shipments are carried outsource the emergence, feeding and packing
out by air cargo companies as was the case for for ground releases of about three million ster-
the weekly provision of sterile male ile males weekly to Bio-Fly Ltd. Since its ini-
Mediterranean fruit fly pupae from the El tiation in 1997, the Araba Valley project in
Pino facility in Guatemala to the Arava/Araba Jordan has outsourced all emergence and aer-
project during 1997-2005 (Cayol et al. 2004). ial release operations to the Arava Medfly
However, some mass-rearing facilities direct- Eradication Programme (AMEP-Israel)
ly transport the sterile insects to their cus- (Cayol et al. 2004).
tomers; for example, the El Pino facility uses
its own ground and air transport fleet to deliv- 3.8. Release of Sterile Insects
er eggs to the Moscamed mass-rearing and
sterilization facility in Mexico and to trans- The release of sterile insects, a major compo-
port pupae to the various release centres nent of SIT application as part of
(Cáceres et al. 2007). Since 2005, Bio-Fly Ltd Mediterranean fruit fly AW-IPM, can be car-
delivers its weekly shipments directly to the ried out from the ground or aerially, and
various projects and sites that release sterile requires release equipment, release vehicles
males in Israel. (ground or aircraft), GPS guidance
equipment, as well as the services to carry out
3.7. Fly Emergence, Feeding and Packing the release operations (FAO 2007). All or part
of these components have often been out-
The emergence, feeding and packing of sterile sourced to the private sector.
male Mediterranean fruit fly adults prior to For example the chilled adult release
their release (Fig. 1, upper, right and lower, machine originally used for sterile
left) is done at release centres or emergence Mediterranean fruit fly release in southern
facilities which must operate strictly in accor- California in 1975-76 was a modified version
dance with specific quality control standards of a system developed by the United States
(FAO/IAEA/USDA 2003, FAO 2007) to Department of Agriculture (USDA) for the
ensure the field efficiency of the released US-Central America Screwworm Eradication
adults. These release centres usually operate Programme (FAO 2007). Research has
independently, though in close collaboration focused on various ways to improve release
with the mass-rearing operations to avoid a systems and operations (Villaseñor 1985,
potential conflict of interest between the pro- Vargas et al. 1995, Salvato et al. 2003), or
ducer and the recipient. Considering the addi- through new designs for the chilled adult
tional infrastructure and manpower required release machine using frozen carbon dioxide
for adult emergence, some programmes have rather than mechanical refrigeration (Tween
opted to outsource these operations complete- 2004, Tween and Rendón, this volume). These
ly to the private sector, e.g. the Mexican efforts have resulted in several different sys-

tems (such as bags, various boxes, and free national and international actors.
adult release), as well as designs of machines
for chilled adult release being commercially 4.1. Growing Market for Sterile Mediter-
available. Since the release machines are often ranean Fruit Flies in the Middle East: an
not patented and need to be adapted to fit the Historical Perspective
specific type of aircraft used in the different
programmes, private companies are often In 1994, a panel of experts evaluated the
reluctant to market the machines unless they potential of the SIT as an additional control
are also awarded the contract for the releases. tactic to suppress and/or eradicate the
While some large programmes like the Mediterranean fruit fly in the Middle East,
Programa Moscamed lease a dedicated air including countries such as Cyprus, Syria,
fleet for releases, some others such as the Los Lebanon, Israel, Jordan and the Territories
Angeles Basin Preventative Release Under the Jurisdiction of the Palestinian
Programme (Dowell et al. 2000) outsource the Authority (TUJPA) (FAO/IAEA 1995). In
entire aerial release operations to private com-1995-1996, an economic evaluation was con-
panies that have permanently modified air- ducted of three alternative strategies (bait
crafts to fit the chilled adult release machines.
application technique for suppression, SIT for
The limited scale of operations of smaller pro- suppression, and SIT for eradication) for the
grammes such as Madeira-Med (Dantas et al. control of the Mediterranean fruit fly in the
2004) and originally the Arava/Araba pro- Middle East. This study concerned Israel,
gramme in Israel/Jordan (Cayol et al. 2004) Jordan, the TUJPA (Enkerlin and Mumford
often does not justify the purchase of an air- 1997), Lebanon and Syria (IAEA 2001). In
craft hence the outsourcing of aerial release 1997, the IAEA supported a pilot study to
operations. In Israel, following a few years of eradicate the Mediterranean fruit fly from the
outsourced operations, this proved not to be Arava/Araba Valley in Israel/Jordan (Roessler
cost-effective in the long term and AMEP- et al. 2000, Cayol et al. 2004) and in 2001,
Israel purchased an already-modified aircraft Israel, Jordan and the TUJPA were awarded a
in 2005. In South Africa’s Hex Valley, in view USD 2.5 million United States Agency for
of the small areas involved, releases are no International Development-Middle East
longer carried out by air; instead they are car-Regional Cooperation (USAID-MERC) grant
ried out only by ground, concentrating on hot to control the Mediterranean fruit fly (Cayol
spot and host areas in the surroundings of the et al. 2004). From 1997 to 2005 the project
grape fields. relied on the import of sterile male pupae from
the El Pino facility in Guatemala. However,
4. Establishment of a the increasing shipping duration between
Commercial Mediterranean Guatemala and Israel, notably following addi-
Fruit Fly Facility in Israel tional restrictions after 11th September 2001,
resulted in lower sterile to wild male ratios in
The establishment of the first commercial the Arava/Araba Valley that reduced the effec-
Mediterranean fruit fly production facility in tiveness of the SIT operations.
the Middle East was the result of a thorough
process in which all the actors, i.e. growers’ 4.2. Seeking and Convincing a Reliable
communities, government institutions, supra- Commercial Partner
national organizations and private sector were
consulted. Throughout the process, a bottom- In view of the increased shipment duration
up approach was adopted to quantify the from Guatemala in 2001-2002, the increasing
needs, to identify the most suitable private loss of shipments, as well as the potential
partner, and to build the facility with all the increasing sterile fly demand in the region, the
technical support available from the various USAID-MERC project management commit-

tee concluded that the only way to ensure a 2005. In November 2005, the facility was cer-
sustainable supply of sterile flies to the proj- tified ISO-9001 for the production of
ects in the long term was to seek private Mediterranean fruit fly.
investment to establish a commercial rearing Since 2005, Bio-Fly Ltd has supplied ster-
facility in the region. It was agreed that the ile male pupae to the Arava/Araba
private partner should have a good knowledge Mediterranean fruit fly suppression project in
of the regional limitations and constraints, and Israel/Jordan, as well as ready-for-ground-
preferably with experience in biological con- release sterile male adults to the Bata pilot
trol methods. project (220 hectares of mainly mangos and
Bio-Bee Sde Eliyahu Ltd, a company that avocado orchards) next to the Sea of Galilee,
had mass-produced beneficial arthropods for and to the Besor pilot project (1000 hectares
biological pest control since 1983, and bum- of citrus) in the Western Negev.
blebees Bombus spp. for natural pollination Compared with the other commercial
since 1991, was soon identified as the most Mediterranean fruit fly rearing facilities, Bio-
suitable business partner in the region. IAEA, Fly Ltd remains, at the time of publication, the
with the financial support of the USAID, pro- first facility established in response to a
vided assistance to Bio-Bee Sde Eliyahu Ltd demand from existing operational SIT pro-
through the Israeli Plant Protection and grammes and which was not originally based
Inspection Services to better understand the on existing facilities.
technology involved, to visit other rearing
facilities and operational programmes in Latin 5. Commercial Mediterranean
America and in Southern Europe, to prepare Fruit Fly Rearing Facilities: Is
its own business plan, and finally to design its the Private Sector Here to Stay?
future rearing facility.
In 2004, the management of Bio-Bee Sde Two decades passed between the development
Eliyahu Ltd established Bio-Fly Ltd, a daugh- of the concept of the SIT and its first large-
ter company that aimed at a weekly produc- scale use against the Mediterranean fruit fly in
tion of ca 150-200 million sterile male the 1970s in southern Mexico (Klassen and
Mediterranean fruit fly pupae in the medium Curtis 2005). The next two decades experi-
term. From a business perspective, the deci- enced an increasing demand for sterile
sion to establish Bio-Fly Ltd was founded on Mediterranean fruit flies but the private
the foreseen shortage of sterile Mediterranean sector’s interest in mass-rearing operations
fruit fly pupae in the Mediterranean region was only manifested in 2000 with the estab-
due to the expected shift from pesticide-based lishment of the first private company, InSecta
control methods to integrated area-wide SIT Ltd in the UK. In only five years, three private
application caused by the ban of organophos- companies decided to invest in this field.
phates in the European Union (IAEA 2007). Their sustained interest and long-term expan-
sion in the market will largely be influenced
4.3. Construction and Operation of the by: (1) the plans and capabilities of competing
Bio-Fly Ltd Rearing Facility: a Success government-funded facilities to supply sterile
Story in Record Time flies at semi-subsidized prices to meet a grow-
ing demand in the Mediterranean Region, (2)
The establishment of Bio-Fly Ltd facilities an increasing demand for environment-friend-
with an initial weekly production capacity of ly pest control methods due to consumer pres-
ca 20 million male pupae was completed in sure and more stringent laws regulating pest
record time. While the groundbreaking took levels and insecticide residues, (3) the aware-
place in November 2004, the facility opened ness of the end-users and beneficiaries of the
in March 2005 and the first sterile flies were availability of a cost-effective SIT technology
delivered to the Arava programme in May for integration with other environment-friend-

ly technologies available on the market, (4) Hemisphere and in southern Europe as

national policies promoting and facilitating an demonstrated by the recent establishment of a
area-wide approach to pest control and the government-funded rearing facility in
transfer of SIT know-how, and (5) to some Valencia, Spain.
extent, the licensing of technology and the Rearing facilities owned by the public sec-
outsourcing of the management of existing tor have the obvious advantage for the end-
mass-rearing infrastructure from government user that the pupae can be sold at cost or at a
institutions to the private sector. very low subsidized price, which does not
reflect the capital cost. Consequently, main-
5.1. Commercializing Sterile Insects ver- taining the price of the sterilized pupae artifi-
sus Pesticides: a Radically Different cially low through government subsidies will
Approach encourage few, if any, private companies to
face a governmental competitor which is not
Conventional Mediterranean fruit fly control obliged to secure a return-on-investment from
based on a farm-by-farm approach relies on the price of the final product (for production
the use of pesticides that can be purchased from Bio-Fly Ltd, the concealed capital cost
directly by growers from agrochemical com- represents ca 22% of the price per million
panies. Bio-Bee Sde Eliyahu Ltd is using the sterilized pupae). As a result, as long as no
same business approach for the commercial- commercial facilities are established that can
ization of beneficial arthropods for biological provide sterile male pupae on demand, some
pest control, which in Israel are often sold to small to medium AW-IPM programmes, aim-
individual growers for use in greenhouses. ing at controlling the Mediterranean fruit fly
The commercialization of sterile in a single valley for example, will never be
Mediterranean fruit fly pupae/adults for use in launched. Thus, in some cases, the current sit-
AW-IPM programmes is a radically different uation perpetuates the use of conventional
approach. The sterile insect pupae could be control methods with their known detrimental
partially seen as a “public good” that cannot environmental impact.
or will not be sold to individual growers since
they will resist paying for the large indirect 5.3. Would Sterile Insect Availability
benefits. Within an AW-IPM approach and Stimulate a Wider SIT Application?
considering the dispersal capability of the
pest, it would be extremely difficult and not There has been a “chicken and egg” situation
technically sound for the growers to purchase in relation to the establishment of mass-rear-
flies individually. Hence a new kind of part- ing facilities: should the offer (i.e. sterile male
nership is needed to get individual growers pupae commercially available) be driven by
organized into associations to identify and the demand (i.e. needs of operational pro-
raise funds for the purchase and use of the grammes) or vice-versa (i.e. would the avail-
sterile insects. ability of sterile flies encourage a wider initi-
ation of SIT applications)? For some years,
5.2. Is Public Sector Investment in Mass- this dilemma has delayed private sector
Rearing Beneficial to the End-Users? investment in mass-rearing operations, lead-
ing to radically different business approaches.
When most large-scale Mediterranean fruit fly Some potential investors considered that
control programmes were launched, commer- future customers (i.e. existing/future opera-
cial rearing facilities were absent and the rear- tional programmes) must commit financial
ing facilities were built using funding from resources prior to the establishment of the
the government for the initial capital invest- commercial rearing facility, thus limiting the
ment and often for the recurrent running costs. original risk from the investor’s side. The
This situation still prevails in the Western major difficulty with this approach is that the

future customers would rightly request to sterile pupae sold by government-funded

assess the capability of the company to pro- facilities outside their domestic SIT-based
duce Mediterranean fruit fly pupae in line programme.
with the international quality control stan-
dards (FAO/IAEA/USDA 2003) prior to com- 5.5. Sustainability of Commercial Rearing
mit financial resources. Other investors Facilities: the Need for Market Diversifi-
accepted that the facilities should first be cation
established, preferably in the vicinity of exist-
ing operational programmes, and that, in the In order to generate the required return-on-
medium term, the demonstrated capability of investment to ensure their long-term sustain-
the new company to produce pupae in line ability, commercial rearing facilities need to
with quality control standards and its capacity diversify their market. This can be done by
to adjust to a growing demand would suffice providing services other than only producing
to generate the establishment of new or sterile pupae. In that respect and as mentioned
expanded operational field programmes in the earlier, Bio-Fly Ltd is providing ready-for-
region concerned. ground-release sterile male adults, vertically
The trend towards increased application of integrating the product with services, and sav-
the SIT as part of a suppression strategy ing the customers the need to establish an
(Hendrichs et al. 1995), which entails the con- adult emergence facility. Commercial rearing
tinuing release of sterile insects and thus a facilities should build-in the capacity to pro-
permanent demand for sterile insects, has vide general expertise in the field of
reduced the investment risk that has been Mediterranean fruit fly AW-IPM. This
inherent in eradication programmes. This approach was already adopted by the fruit and
changed framework is starting to tip the bal- vegetable industries in some countries where
ance towards encouraging, to a certain degree, exporters support the farmers with technical
the commercialization of the mass-production advice and transfer of more efficient technolo-
of sterile insects. gies to increase quality and yields of the prod-
ucts that they buy and commercialize.
5.4. Can Commercial Rearing Facilities Targeting other potential customers in the
Withstand Competition from the Public region is another option. Bio-Fly Ltd is ideal-
Sector? ly located in the Mediterranean basin to be
able to supply sterile flies and services to
Large government-funded rearing facilities Mediterranean fruit fly AW-IPM programmes
such as El Pino in Guatemala, which export in southern Europe and in northern Africa. In
their production at low cost across continents, order to allow the business of the SIT to oper-
represent a major threat or deterrent to private ate confidently in a wide range of markets, it
investment into sterile insect production. For is imperative to have harmonized internation-
obvious reasons, if a subsidized mass-rearing al regulations for trade and transport of sterile
facility were to be established by the public insects as well as quality (FAO/IAEA/USDA
sector in the Middle East, the current cus- 2003, FAO 2005).
tomers of Bio-Fly Ltd would preferably pur- A diversification of the pest species that
chase a cheaper product of equal quality rather are mass-reared can result from some invest-
than a relatively expensive product, a situation ment in research and development to develop
that would eventually destroy the original new products. For example, it is obvious that
investment of Bio-Fly Ltd Should the private the first commercial company to master the
sector be here to stay in commercial sterile mass-rearing of the olive fruit fly Bactrocera
Mediterranean fruit fly production, a fair mar- oleae (Gmelin), a major pest in the
ket competition would need to be established Mediterranean basin, will generate maximum
by including the capital cost in the price of profits. Bio-Fly Ltd is also considering pro-

viding research and development services to (ed.), Proceedings, Symposium: 6th

the Israeli Plant Protection and Inspection International Symposium on Fruit Flies of
Services on exotic fruit fly pests which could Economic Importance, 6-10 May 2002,
in the near future threaten the national fruit Stellenbosch, South Africa. Isteg Scientific
and vegetable industries, such as the Publications, Irene, South Africa.
polyphagous peach fruit fly Bactrocera zona- Cáceres, C., E. Ramírez, V. Wornoayporn, S.
ta (Saunders) and the Asian fruit fly M. Islam, and S. Ahmad. 2007. A protocol
Bactrocera invadens Drew, Tsuruta, and for storage and long-distance shipment of
White, recently introduced into sub-Saharan Mediterranean fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae)
Africa and rapidly expanding its geographical eggs. I. Effect of temperature, embryo age
distribution (Lux et al. 2003, Mwatawala et al. and storage time on survival and quality.
2004, Drew et al. 2005). Florida Entomologist 90: 103-109.
Cayol, J. P., Y. Roessler, M. Weiss, M.
6. Conclusions Bahdousheh, M. Omari, M. Hamalawi,
and A. Almughayyar. 2004. Fruit fly con-
During the past five decades, the private sec- trol and monitoring in the Near East: shared
tor has invested in nearly all components of concern in a regional transboundary prob-
the Mediterranean fruit fly SIT package. lem, pp. 155-171. In Barnes, B. N. (ed.),
However, the development of commercial Proceedings, Symposium: 6th International
mass-rearing facilities remains the major cor- Symposium on Fruit Flies of Economic
nerstone for larger privatized SIT operations Importance, 6-10 May 2002, Stellenbosch,
and for wider SIT use by small to medium South Africa. Isteg Scientific Publications,
AW-IPM programmes. This requires a gradual Irene, South Africa.
change in the mindset of potential AW-IPM Cox, J. St. H., and M. J. B. Vreysen. 2005.
programme managers and government institu- Use of geographic information systems and
tions to first investigate the availability or spatial analysis in area-wide integrated pest
establishment of commercial suppliers before management programmes that integrate the
investing in a new public sector infrastructure. sterile insect technique, pp. 453-477. In
In turn, commercial companies need to adjust Dyck, V. A., J. Hendrichs, and A. S.
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Tephritidae). An annotated world list. trol. Elsevier, New York, NY., USA.
Miscellaneous Publications of the Roessler, Y., E. Ravins, and P. J. Gomes.
Entomological Society of America 77: 1-52. 2000. Sterile insect technique (SIT) in the
Lux, S. A., R. S. Copeland, I. M. White, A. Near East – a transboundary bridge for
Manrakhan, and M. K. Billah. 2003. A development and peace. Crop Protection 19:
new invasive fruit fly species from the 733-738.
Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) group detected Ros, J. P., I. Escobar, F. J. García Tapia, and
in East Africa. Insect Science and its G. Aranda. 2000. Pilot experiment to con-
Application 23: 355-361. trol medfly, Ceratitis capitata (Wied.)
Mwatawala, M. W., I. M. White, A. P. (Diptera: Tephritidae) using mass trapping
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Section 6

Pilot Programmes
Assessment of the Sterile Insect Technique to
Manage Red Palm Weevil Rhynchophorus
ferrugineus in Coconut


Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture, Vellayani - 695522,

Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

ABSTRACT The red palm weevil Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Olivier is one of the most destructive
internal borers of coconut palms in India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and the Philippines. Recently, this pest has
spread to countries in the Persian Gulf and some areas of the Mediterranean basin where it is a serious men-
ace to date palms. Management of this pest using conventional methods is not effective due to the difficul-
ty of detecting early infestations. Trials were therefore conducted to assess the possibility of eventually
including the sterile insect technique (SIT) to target populations at low densities as part of future integrat-
ed management of this pest. The steps taken included the adoption of a new mass-rearing method for wee-
vils using coconut petioles, determination of the sterilization dose at 15 Gy, a new relative method for esti-
mating population levels of red palm weevils, and finally field release and recapture studies using
pheromone traps. This paper deals with the results of these attempts to develop the SIT for use against the
red palm weevil on Poothuruth Island near Dalavapuram Island in Kerala.

KEY WORDS red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus, integrated management, sterile insect
technique, coconut palm, date palm, release-recapture studies, Kerala

1. Introduction The entire study was conducted in two

phases: (1) through initial laboratory studies
The red palm weevil Rhynchophorus ferrug- to determine the optimal dose of radiation for
ineus Olivier is one of the most destructive sterilizing insects, and (2) trial releases of
pests of palms and particularly of coconut in sterile male weevils in a coconut garden to
the world (Ghosh 1911, Brand 1917, ascertain the effectiveness of the method in
Leefmans 1920, Viado and Bigornia 1949). the field. The laboratory studies were con-
The pest invades palms by making holes on ducted at the Department of Entomology,
the palm, tunnels inside and feeds on the inner College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Kerala,
contents. Since it remains inside the palms, while the field trials took place on Poothuruth
the detection of an infestation is very difficult, Island in Dalavapuram, Kollam District,
and the inevitable delay in detection of weevil Kerala, India.
attack leads to permanent debility of the
palms. It has therefore become important to 2. Mass-Rearing of Red Palm
develop alternative and economic methods of Weevil
pest management to control this pest.
Consideration was given to using the sterile Substantial numbers of adult weevils need to
insect technique (SIT) for eventual inclusion be reared to develop and apply the SIT, and
into an area-wide integrated pest management mass-rearing of red palm weevils requires
(AW-IPM) approach to counteract attacks of specific techniques due to the internal feeding
the red palm weevil. habit of the pest and its long life cycle.
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 475–485.
© 2007 IAEA.

Cannibalism is another major obstacle in nerable to dominant lethal mutations when

obtaining the required numbers of insects for exposed to gamma radiation (Ramachandran
sterilization. The insect is routinely reared in 1998). Irradiation was carried out in a gamma
the laboratory on coconut petioles or on the radiation chamber (model 900) with a capaci-
stems of coconut, sugarcane (Rahalkar et al. ty of one litre and at a dose rate of 1 Gy/16
1972) and other palms (Rananavare et al. seconds, which was ascertained by Fricke
1975). The insect can also be successfully dosimetry. Ten adult weevils were each
reared on an artificial diet (Rahalkar et al. placed in a plastic container and irradiated at
1978). However, in all these cases, the per- doses of 15, 16, 17, 18 and 20 Gy. Further
centage of adults recovered from eggs is very studies revealed that 15 Gy was the optimal
low, and both the mechanical injury and the sterilizing dose (Krishnakumar and
cost involved are high. Hence, these methods Maheswari 2004).
were not suitable for the rearing component of
the SIT trial. Steps were therefore taken to 4. Population Estimation Model
develop suitable culturing and rearing tech- for Red Palm Weevil
niques for R. ferrugineus, and the individual
rearing method in cells proved satisfactory for 4.1. Survey of Red Palm Weevil-Infested
mass-rearing (Krishnakumar and Maheswari Coconut Plantations
A survey was conducted during 2000-2001 in
3. Laboratory Studies red palm weevil-infested coconut plantations
in four selected districts of Kerala, i.e.
Male red palm weevils were irradiated imme- Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam, Kottayam and
diately after their emergence from cocoons, Alappuzha. This involved both interviews
since their sperm remains immature and vul- with farmers and direct observation. The sur-

Table 1. The number of red palm weevil individuals of each life stage present in three types of
infested palms (n = 25 for each type) that were dissected from different red palm weevil infest-
ed-coconut plantations of Kerala during 2000-2001.

Type of Development stage

Prepupae Adults
Instar Instar Instar Instar Instar Instar Instar Instar Instar

Crown 2.22 1.09 9.96 1.78 1.72 3.93 14.29 14.29 19.97 29.91 2.96
infestation (1.79)1 (1.45) (3.31) (1.67) (1.65) (2.22) (3.91) (3.91) (4.58) (5.56) (1.99)

Stem 0.72 2.50 2.57 0.56 6.73 9.76 13.83 12.10 19.34 19.97 3.75
infestation (1.31) (1.88) (1.89) (1.25) (2.78) (3.28) (3.85) (3.62) (4.51) (4.58) (2.18)

Bole 4.48 4.36 3.75 1.28 8.98 10.56 12.54 26.56 9.96 12.91 6.18
infestation (2.34) (2.32) (2.18) (1.51) (3.16) (3.40) (3.68) (5.25) (3.31) (3.73) (2.68)

0.55 0.68 0.55 0.39 0.69 0.65 0.63 0.91 1.05 0.43 0.28

1The figures in brackets indicate the √x +1 transformed value


Table 2. The estimated number of red palm weevils for each of the different life stages in
Poothuruth Island near Dalavapuram, Ashtamudi Lake in the Kollam district of Kerala, India.

Type of Number Estimated number of weevils for each of the different life stages
infestation of palms
infested Adult Prepupae IX VIII VII VI V IV III II
and pupae Instar Instar Instar Instar Instar Instar Instar Instar

6 18 180 120 84 84 24 12 12 60 6

5 20 100 100 60 56 40 42 5 12 12

5 30 65 50 135 52 55 54 10 20 25
Total 16 68 345 270 279 192 119 108 27 92 43

vey revealed the presence of three different For the sterile insect release trial, an area with
types of infestation by red palm weevil, name- natural boundaries of at least one kilometre
ly: (1) crown infestation, (2) stem infestation, was needed to prevent migration of weevils
and (3) bole infestation. The crown-infested from released spots to the surrounding areas
palms showed specific signs of attack by red and vice versa. For this experiment, an island
palm weevil like yellowing or browning of named “Poothuruth Island” near Dalava-
their inner leaves, holes with chewed-up puram, was selected. This island is separated
fibres and toppling of crowns. However, in by three kilometres from the mainland in all
these palms, there were no signs of attack on directions. It is a typical island on the
the trunk or in the bole. In the case of stem and Ashtamudi Lake in the Kollam district of
bole infestations, holes with oozing of red flu- Kerala, having an area of two hectares and a
ids were seen only on the trunk and bole total of 460 palms. A field survey of the entire
respectively. area of the island showed that 16 palms were
To count the number of life stages present infested with red palm weevil, of which six
in the three types of infested palms, 25 plants were crown infested and five each were stem
from each type were dissected from different and bole infested.
regions of the surveyed plantations. Mean val- The estimated number of different life
ues for the number of different life stages stages of red palm weevil in the island was
present in the infested palms were determined, calculated by multiplying the number of
rounded to a whole number and kept as ratings palms infested by the rating corresponding to
for the number of specific life stages of the that life stage (Table 2).
weevil. The average values recorded are
shown in Table 1. 5. Release of Sterile Insects
4.2. Estimation of Populations of Red For the sterile insect release trial, the number
Palm Weevil of adults and the possible number of weevils
to emerge from pupae were taken into
The red palm weevil is capable of flying about account. At the beginning of the releases the
900 metres in one flight (Kalshoven 1951). total numbers of adults together with the num-

Table 3. Number of sterile male red palm weevils (first generation) released based upon the
estimated population density of wild weevils in Poothuruth Island near Dalavapuram,
Ashtamudi Lake in the Kollam district of Kerala.

Number of Estimated wild weevil population Number of sterile

release males released
Total Females Males

1st 68+345= 413 206.5 206.5 2065

2nd 270 135.0 135.0 1350
3rd 279 139.5 139.5 1395
4th 192 96.0 96.0 960
5th 119 59.5 59.5 595
6th 108+27 = 135 67.5 67.5 675
7th 92+43 = 135 67.5 67.5 675
Total 1543 771.5 771.5 7715

ber estimated to emerge from pupae were into the next larval instar. This will maximize
found to be 413. Since the sex ratio in red the possibility that newly emerged females
palm weevil is 1:1 (Ramachandran 1998), the would mate with released sterile males. Sterile
possible number of males at the initial stage of male weevils were released in the field after
release was assumed to be 206. Since earlier making a ‘V’-shaped notch in the right elytra
studies had shown that the optimal sterile to for identification. Table 3 shows the numbers
wild male ratio was 10:1 (Maheswari et al. of sterile males released in the first genera-
2003), 2065 sterile red palm weevil males tion.
were initially released.
The prepupal and pupal periods of the red 6. Trapping of Weevils
palm weevil are respectively 13 ± 1.5 and 17.5
± 1.0 days and adult weevils attain sexual Before releasing the sterile insects, five
maturity as soon as they emerge from pheromone traps, baited with the aggregation
cocoons. Since the total life cycle of the insect pheromone Ferrolure, were set in the field
is 92-127 days, an average of 15 days was randomly. After release, female weevils were
selected as the release interval. In this time collected in the traps along with the different
interval, each individual will have developed types of males (i.e. wild and sterilized males).

Table 4. Average number of female red palm weevils captured per trap together with native,
sterilized males, or both during each 20-day period after release.

Females trapped with Days after release

0-20 21-40 41-60 61-80 81-100 101-120 121-140

Native males 1.8 1.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0

Sterilized males 0.0 0.8 1.4 1.6 3.6 2.4 2.0
Native and sterilized males 4.2 4.8 2.4 2.2 1.4 1.0 0.6
Total 6.0 7.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 3.4 2.6

Table 5a. Number of eggs oviposited by native female palm weevils, before and after the
release of sterile insects in each 20-day period after release.

Females trapped Number of eggs oviposited during indicated periods (days) after release

0-20 21-40 41-60 61-80 81-100 101-120 121-140

Before release of sterile males 176.9 161.3 128.8 102.3 121 154 121
With native males 162.1 159.7 131.4 104.9 --- --- ---
With sterilized males --- 161.5 129.6 103.3 116 96 102
With native and sterilized males 158.6 161.1 129.8 105.8 149 122 112
Critical difference --- 2.1 1.8 3.5 --- --- ---

Table 5b. The rate of sterility induced in the native female palm weevil population (as indicat-
ed by the percentage egg hatch) before and after the release of sterile insects in each 20-day
period after release.

Females trapped Percentage egg hatch during indicated periods (days) after release

0-20 21-40 41-60 61-80 81-100 101-120 121-140

Before release of sterile males 78.5 74.6 71.4 73.4 78.8 79.1 65.0
With native males 76.2 70.9 68.3 68.4 --- --- ---
With sterilized males --- 26.4 18.9 2.1 --- --- ---
With native and sterilized males 61.3 45.3 39.7 34.5 39.6 35.2 32.5
Critical difference 3.1 3.9 3.7 5.4 --- --- ---

Insects were observed on alternate days and shows the number of female red palm weevils
the data were pooled at 20-day intervals for that were trapped with different categories of
assessment. Sterile insects collected in the males after the first generation release of ster-
traps were re-released while wild males were ile males. Observations at 20 days after
killed and wild females were brought to the release indicated that out of 30 female weevils
laboratory for studies on egg viability. Table 4 trapped, 21 were trapped with both types of

Table 6. Estimated number of female red palm weevil present on the island as indicated by mat-
ing status (with native or sterile males) on indicated days after release of sterile males.

Females mated with Estimated number of females on indicated days after release of sterile males

0-20 21-40 41-60 61-80 81-100 101-120 121-140

Native males 61.8 27.0 7.0 4.8 --- --- ---

Sterilized males --- 15.4 48.8 38.4 42.8 47.6 51.9
Native males and 144.5 92.6 83.7 52.8 32.7 17.5 15.6
sterilized males

Table 7. Age specific life table and reproductive rate1 of red palm weevil (values are derived
from ten pairs of adults).

X lx dxf dx 100 qx Sx Surviving


Expected eggs 1852 Mortality 296 15.98 0.84 15562

I instar 1556 Cannibalism 793 50.96 0.49 763
II instar 763 Cannibalism 212 27.78 0.72 551
III instar 551 Cannibalism 131 23.59 0.78 430
IV instar 430 Cannibalism 114 26.51 0.72 306
V instar 306 Cannibalism 97 31.69 0.68 209
VI instar 209 Cannibalism 82 39.23 0.60 127
VII instar 127 Cannibalism 11 8.66 0.91 116
VIII instar 116 Cannibalism 5 4.31 0.95 111
IX instar 111 Cannibalism 3 2.70 0.97 108
Prepupae 108 Fungus and virus 7 15.42 84.58 91
Pupae 91 Fungus and virus 8 8.80 81.20 75
Adult 75 Fungus and virus --- --- 1.00 75

1Ten pairs produce a progeny of 75, one pair produces 7.5 progeny (multiplication rate can be rounded to 8)
2Viable eggs

male weevils, nine were trapped with normal mal males before field release. At 100 days
males alone and there were no females after release, the viability of eggs oviposited
trapped with sterilized males alone. As the by females trapped with sterilized males alone
study progressed, with increasing total num- was nil. However, those trapped with both cat-
egories of males had nearly a 50% egg hatch.
bers of released sterile insects in the field, the
proportion of females trapped with normal From this study, it can be inferred that females
males decreased while the numbers trapped trapped with native males possibly only mated
with sterilized males increased steadily. with native males, those trapped with steril-
ized males mated only with sterilized males,
7. Egg Viability of Females and females trapped with both categories may
Trapped with Different have mated with both type of males.
Categories of Males From these results, the proportion of
females in the whole population that mated
The female weevils trapped were brought to with a particular type of male could be derived
the laboratory and kept separately in screw- from:
capped glass bottles to assess the fecundity Number of females of the whole population
and viability of eggs. Pooled data from seven mated with a particular type of male insect of
observations were considered as seven repli- the whole population = (Number of females
cates and the data were subjected to statistical trapped with particular type of male / Total
number of females trapped) X (Total female
analysis. Table 5 shows the percentage egg
population at the time of release)
viability from females trapped with different
categories of males. The results indicated that Using this formula, the different propor-
up to 100 days after release, the viability of tions of female weevils on Poothuruth Island
eggs oviposited by the weevils trapped with that mated with different categories of males
wild males alone was similar to that with nor- were calculated. The results are shown in

Table 8. Population development as revealed by trap catches of female palm weevils after
seven release sessions (first generation release).

Females mated with Trap catches on day 100 after the release of sterile males

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th

release release release release release release release

Native males (x 8) 494 216 56 38 --- --- ---

Sterilized males (x 0) --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Native and sterilized males (x 4) 578 370 335 211 130 70 62
Total 578 370 335 211 130 70 62

Table 6. eggs oviposited by all ten pairs recorded. The

eggs were kept inside moistened filter paper
8. Assessment of Reproductive on petri dishes, hatched and their mortality
Rate recorded. The hatched grubs were transferred
to fresh coconut petioles (10 x 5 centimetres)
Every insect has a particular innate capacity to at a density of 20 grubs per petiole by making
multiply. The number of progeny produced by small holes on the petiole using a sharp-point-
a particular insect species depends on its ed auger. This was carried out to create artifi-
reproductive rate. To determine the reproduc- cially the field conditions of cannibalism.
tive rate of the red palm weevil, a laboratory Feed changes were carried out each three
study was conducted involving ten pairs of days. The number of larvae surviving at each
freshly emerged adult beetles. Each pair was feed change and subsequently between each
kept in a screw-capped glass bottle and scrap- instar was also observed. Based on these stud-
ings of coconut petiole provided as an egg lay- ies, the reproductive rate of weevils was cal-
ing medium. The number of eggs oviposited culated using the indices according to Morris
each day was counted and the total number of and Miller (1954):

Table 9. Number of sterile male red palm weevils (second generation) released based upon the
estimated population density of wild weevils in Poothuruth Island near Dalavapuram,
Ashtamudi Lake in the Kollam district of Kerala.

Number of Estimated wild weevil population Number of sterile

release males released
Total Females Males

8th 1072.4 536.2 536.2 5362

9th 586.4 293.2 293.2 2932
10th 390.8 195.4 195.4 1954
11th 249.6 124.8 124.8 1248
12th 130.8 150.4 150.4 1504
13th 70.0 35.0 35.0 350
14th 62.4 31.2 31.2 312
Total 2562.4 1366.2 1366.2 13 662

Table 10. Average number of female red palm weevils captured per trap together with native,
sterilized males, or both during each 20-day period after release (second generation release).

Females trapped with Days after release

0-20 21-40 41-60 61-80 81-100 101-120 121-140

Native males 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Sterilized males 5.2 4.4 4.8 3.0 4.0 0.8 0.6
Native and sterilized males 0.8 0.6 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.4
Total 6.0 5.0 5.0 3.2 4.2 1.2 1.0

x = the age interval; lx = the number surviving at ductive rate can be fixed as eight. Since the
the beginning of the stage noted in the x column; dx sex ratio is 1:1, it can be inferred that one pair
= the number dying within the age interval stated of weevils can produce a progeny of four
in the x column; dxf = mortality factor; 100 qx =
percentage mortality; and Sx = survival rate with- males and four females.
in the stage mentioned in the x column
9. Expected Population Growth
The age-specific life table of red palm in the Next Generation
weevil is presented in Table 7. From ten pairs
of adult weevils, a progeny of 75 was pro- Expected population growth in the next gener-
duced. Therefore, one pair of weevils was able ation was calculated by multplying the num-
to produce 7.5 weevils and hence the repro- ber of females by the reproductive rate. The

Table 11a. Number of eggs oviposited by native female palm weevils, before and after the
release of sterile insects in each 20-day period after release (second generation release).

Females trapped Number of eggs oviposited during indicated periods (days) after
0-20 21-40 41-60 61-80 81-100 101-120

With native males 0.0 0.0 --- --- --- ---

With sterilized males 156.2 151.5 148.7 156.3 124.0 129.3
With native and sterilized males 161.6 139.4 137.7 --- --- ---

Table 11b. The rate of sterility induced in the native female palm weevil population (as indi-
cated by the percentage egg hatch) before and after the release of sterile insects in each 20-
day period after release (second generation release).

Females trapped Percentage egg hatch during indicated periods (days) after release

0-20 21-40 41-60 61-80 81-100 101-120

With native males --- --- --- --- --- ---

With sterilized males --- --- --- --- --- ---
With native and sterilized males 38.9 37.5 32.4 --- --- ---

Table 12. Estimated number of female red palm weevils present on the island as indicated by
mating status (with native or sterile males) on indicated days after release of sterile males (sec-
ond generation release).

Females mated with Estimated number of females on indicated days after release of sterile males

0-20 21-40 41-60 61-80 81-100 101-120 121-140

Native males --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Sterilized males 464.7 258.0 187.6 117.0 143.2 23.3 18.7
Native males and 71.5 35.2 7.8 7.8 7.2 11.7 12.5
sterilized males

reproductive rate was eight for the females 10. Conclusions

mated with wild males alone, but it was zero
for females mated with sterilized males alone Using the new relative method of population
because the hatching percentage became nil estimation and lifespan assessment discussed
after 100 days. For females mated with both above to guide the release of sterile insects,
types of males it was four, because the hatch- led to a reduced red palm weevil population.
ing percentage was 50% in females mated This new method has definite advantages over
with both types of males. the old mark-release method. In the mark-
The expected population growth on the release method, the population of adult wee-
island in the second generation is shown in vils could only be assessed, and the method
Table 8. Based on these assessments, releases does not facilitate the assessment of the exact
of sterile insects were carried out for the sub- time interval between two releases; also, it is
sequent generations and the observations were impossible to calculate the number of insects
repeated as in the case of first generation to be used for further releases.
release. The results of release-recapture stud- The progress of the release programme
ies on sterile red palm weevils on the island could be more accurately predicted with the
during second and third generations are new method, whereas only egg viability
shown in Tables 9-14. assessment is possible by the existing meth-

Table 13. Population development as revealed by trap catches of female palm weevils after
seven release sessions (second generation release).

Females mated with Trap catches on day 100 after the release of sterile males

8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th

release release release release release release release

Native males (x 8) --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Sterilized males (x 0) --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Native and sterilized males (x 4) 286 35.2 7.82 --- --- --- ---
Total 286 35.2 7.82 --- --- --- ---

Table 14. Number of sterile male red palm weevils (third generation) released based upon the
estimated population density of wild weevils in Poothuruth Island near Dalavapuram,
Ashtamudi Lake in the Kollam district of Kerala.

Number of Estimated wild weevil population Number of sterile

release males released
Total Females Males

15th 286.0 143.0 143.0 1430

16th 35.2 17.6 17.6 176
17th 7.8 3.9 3.9 39
Total 329.0 164.5 164.5 1645

ods. The number of generations of releases weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Oliv.).

required in an infested area can also be esti- Insect Environment 9: 26-27.
mated in the relative method. The release and Krishnakumar, R., and P. Maheswari. 2004.
recapture studies are continuing on the island, Preliminary studies of gamma irradiation on
enabling further validation and subsequent the development of red palm weevil,
standardization of the results. Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Oliv.). Insect
In this experimental case, only the SIT was Environment 9: 175-176.
used against the red palm weevil. Leefmans, S. 1920. De palmsnuitkever
Nevertheless, in view of the cost of mass-rear- Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Oliv.). Medede-
ing weevils, it most likely will be a compo- lingen Instituut voor Plantenziekten. No 43.
nent of an AW-IPM strategy. When the weevil Maheswari, P., R. Krishnakumar, and T. K.
population is low, the SIT can be an effective Dongre. 2003. Sterile insect technique to
method of management of the pest. However, control red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus fer-
with higher weevil populations, suppression rugineus (Oliv.) in coconut, pp. 109-110. In
methods of pest management such as Proceedings: National Symposium on Bio-
pheromone traps and chemical control meas- Management of Insect Pests, 29-31 March
ures should be carried out to reduce pest pop- 2003, Tamil Nadu, India. Annamalai
ulation before initiating SIT releases. University, Tamil Nadu, India.
Morris, R. F., and C. A. Miller. 1954. The
11. References development of life tables for the spruce bud-
worm. Canadian Journal of Zoology 32: 283-
Brand, E. 1917. Coconut red weevil, some 301.
facts and fallacies. Tropical Agriculture 49: Rahalkar, G. W., M. R. Harwalkar, and H. D.
22-24. Rananavare. 1972. Development of red
Ghosh, C. C. 1911. Life history of Indian palm weevil (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus
insects. 3. The rhinoceros beetle Oryctes rhi- Oliv.) on sugarcane. Indian Journal of
noceros and the red palm weevil Entomology 34: 213-215
Rhynchophorus ferrugineus. Indian Entomo- Rahalkar, G. W., A. J. Tamhanker, and K.
logical Services 2: 193-204. Shantaram. 1978. An artificial diet for
Kalshoven, L. G. E. 1951. Pests of crops in rearing red palm weevil (Rhynchophorus fer-
Indonesia. P. T. Ichtiar Baru-Van Hoeve, rugineus Oliv.). Journal of Plantation Crops
Jakarta. (Revised and translated by P. A. Van 6: 61-64.
der Lann). Ramachandran, C. P. 1998. Effect of gamma
Krishnakumar, R., and P. Maheswari. 2003. radiation on various stages of red palm wee-
A new mass rearing technique for red palm vil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Oliv..

Journal of Nuclear Agriculture and Biology Journal of Plantation Crops 3: 65-67.

3: 218-221. Viado, G. B. S., and A. E. Bigornia. 1949. A
Rananavare, H. D., K. Shantaram, M. R. biological study of the Asiatic palm weevil
Harwalker, and G. W. Rahalkar. 1975. Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Oliv.
Method for laboratory rearing of red palm (Curculionidae: Coleoptera). Philippines
weevil (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Oliv.). Agriculture 33: 1-27.
Area-Wide Suppression of Invasive Fire Ant
Solenopsis spp. Populations


S. M. VALLES1 and D. H. OI1

1USDA/ARS, Center for Medical, Agricultural, and Veterinary

Entomology, Fire Ant Unit, 1600 SW 23rd Drive, Gainesville, Florida

32608, USA
2Current address: Entomology and Nematology Department, University

of Florida, PO Box 110620, Bldg. 970 Natural Area Drive, Gainesville,

FL 32611-0620, USA

ABSTRACT The fire ants Solenopsis invicta Buren and Solenopsis richteri Forel were inadvertently
introduced into the USA early in the 1900s and currently inhabit over 150 million hectares in Puerto Rico
and twelve southern states from Texas to Virginia. Imported fire ants have also become established in iso-
lated sites in Arizona, California, Maryland, and New Mexico. The large numbers and potent sting of fire
ants have resulted in significant medical, agricultural, and environmental impacts. The population densi-
ties in the USA are five to ten times higher than in South America, most likely due to their escape from
natural enemies. Recently, biological control agents have become available in the USA, e.g. Pseudacteon
spp. decapitating fly parasitoids and a microsporidian pathogen Thelohania solenopsae Knell, Allen &
Hazard, setting the stage for integrated fire ant management. An area-wide fire ant management project
proposal was funded by United States Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Services head-
quarters to demonstrate control of fire ant populations over large areas using commercially available insec-
ticide baits and self-sustaining biological control agents. Untreated, bait control and integrated pest man-
agement (IPM) demonstration sites (120 hectares and periphery) were set up in each of five states (Florida,
Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Carolina and Texas). The control and IPM sites both had bait (hydramethyl-
non and methoprene) applications, but only the IPM site had biological control agents released around the
periphery. After 3.5 years, decapitating fly parasites have been established at the demonstration sites. The
microsporidian pathogen is established in all sites except Mississippi. Fire ant populations have been
reduced by 85-99% in the IPM demonstration sites as compared to untreated areas of the same sites.
Environmental assessment has demonstrated that bait toxicants do affect non-target ant species but do not
affect the arthropod species richness. Educational outreach activities resulted in informative brochures, the
establishment of a programme web site, videos, and general information on fire ants. The research compo-
nent has responded with additional biological control organisms and better pathogen detection methods.

KEY WORDS fire ants, Solenopsis invicta, Solenopsis richteri, baits, Pseudacteon spp., Thelohania
solenopsae, area-wide, integrated pest management

1. Introduction Imported fire ants have also become estab-

lished in isolated sites in Arizona,
The fire ants Solenopsis invicta Buren and California, Maryland, and New Mexico
Solenopsis richteri Forel were inadvertent- (Fig. 1) (Callcott and Collins 1996, CFR
ly introduced into the USA in the early 2001). They have recently widened their
1900s and currently inhabit over 150 mil- invasive character through accidental
lion hectares in Puerto Rico and twelve importation and establishment in Australia,
southern states from Texas to Virginia. China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 487–496.
Published with the permission of © 2007 U.S. Government

Figure 1. Present fire ant infestation in the USA and potential infestation based on an ecolog-
ical model using temperature as limiting factor for fire ant development.

1.1. Economic Impact This highly aggressive ant reduces populations

of native ants, other insects, and destroys many
Fire ant colonies (single queen), can contain up small animals including endangered species
to 250 000 workers and reach infestation rates (Porter and Savignano 1990). The economic
of over 130 mounds per hectare (Tschinkel impact of fire ants to the US economy is esti-
1988). More recently, multiple-queen colonies mated at more than USD 5500 million annual-
have proliferated in the southern states with ly in damage, medical treatments, and control
even greater nest and population densities (Fig. 2) (Pereira et al. 2002).
(Macom and Porter 1996). The fire ants’ large
numbers, resource requirements, aggressive 1.2. Chemical Control
behaviour, and potent sting have resulted in
many negative interactions with humans and Several mound drenches have been developed
the ecosystem. The fire ant is an opportunistic for fire ant control, but are impractical on a
omnivore that affects agriculture in many large scale. The most effective and environ-
ways. The ant damages germinating seeds and mentally safe method of control is the use of
root systems of row crops (Shatters and Vander toxic baits. Toxic bait development by the
Meer 2000), negatively affects citrus (Adams chemical industry has primarily focused on the
1986), and causes USD 67 million in annual lucrative urban/homeowner market, thus few
losses to cattle producers in Texas alone (Barr companies have pursued registration of baits
and Drees 1996). More than 30% of the human for use in agricultural settings. Even when
population in infested areas is stung each year available, toxic baits are expensive and their
and because venom hypersensitivity occurs in non-specific nature adversely impacts non-tar-
1% of the population, hundreds of thousands of get native ant species, as well as the environ-
people may require medical attention each year ment. Chemical treatment strategies alone are
(deShazo et al. 1999). To date around 80 peo- not a viable option for large tracts of land (pas-
ple have died in the USA due to fire ant stings. tures).

Figure 2. Pie chart showing the percentage of annual fire ant economic impact on the US econ-
omy by state. Total impact is estimated at more than USD 5500 million per year for cost of
treatment, damage to property, medical treatments, and all other costs.

1.3. Biological Control cause direct mortality, but most important may
be the reduction of foraging and consequent
Fire ant densities in the USA are five to ten weakening of fire ant colonies (Mehdiabadi
times those normally found in their native and Gilbert 2002). Microsporidian pathogens
South American homeland. Thus, it appears Thelohania solenopsae Knell, Allen & Hazard
that fire ants in the USA have escaped the and Varimorpha invictae Jouvenaz & Ellis are
effects of numerous natural enemies that were also very host-specific. They cause chronic
left behind in South America (Porter et al. diseases in workers and reproductives. T.
1992, Porter et al. 1997). Over the past two solenopsae causes slow colony death
decades the United States Department of (Williams et al. 1999), and infected ants are
Agriculture (USDA) has actively pursued the more susceptible to the insecticide hydram-
identification, importation, and release of ethylnon (Valles and Pereira 2003).
selected biological control agents (Williams et
al. 2003), such as microsporidian pathogens 2. Area-Wide Suppression of
and decapitating Pseudacteon spp. flies (Porter Fire Ants
et al. 2004, Vazquez et al. 2006). These biolog-
ical control agents are important stressors to With the availability of self-sustaining biologi-
fire ant populations and can impact them over cal control agents and effective toxic baits, the
wide areas. Pseudacteon spp. flies are very Fire Ant Unit applied for and received compet-
host-specific (Porter and Gilbert 2004), com- itive funding for development of an integrated
pleting their development within the fire ant pest management (IPM) system for area-wide
heads and causing them to fall off. The flies suppression of fire ants through a USDA-

Agricultural Research Service (ARS) head- 2.2. Programme Management Plan

quarters-funded programme entitled “Crop
Protection and Quarantine”. The objective of The area-wide project for fire ant population
this programme is to promote the integration of suppression in pastures is coordinated by a
biological, genetic, cultural, physical, and management team composed of scientists
chemical control technologies into effective, from the USDA-ARS, the USDA-Animal
economical, and sustainable IPM systems and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)
area-wide suppression programmes so that (Gulfport Plant Protection Station, Gulfport,
they can be transferred to customers as effec- MS), land grant universities, and state agen-
tive management programmes to insect and cies. USDA-ARS scientists provide the cen-
mite problems. tral leadership in directing major activities
associated with executing the project in the
2.1. Goal and Potential Benefits five diverse locations chosen for this demon-
stration. State members of the management
The overall goal of the project is to maintain team are charged with the development of the
low fire ant populations with reduced need for within-state infrastructure needed to carry out
bait toxicants by using available self-sustaining the complex pre- and post-treatment assess-
fire ant biological control agents in conjunction ments required for evaluation of project suc-
with bait toxicants (Pereira 2004). Anticipated cess.
benefits include: (1) demonstration of practical
and long-term area-wide control of fire ant 2.3. Demonstration Site Methodology
populations, (2) quantification of regional dif-
ferences in treatment frequency to maintain Demonstration sites were established in pas-
fire ant control, (3) development of decision- tures in Florida, Mississippi, Oklahoma,
making tools for efficient timing of bait toxi- South Carolina, and Texas. All sites were
cant treatments, (4) reduced pesticide risk, (5) established in improved pastures with multi-
sustained fire ant population reduction, (6) ple queen fire ant populations (S. invicta),
increased farm worker safety, (7) lower live- except in Mississippi where single queen
stock production costs, (8) establishment of black (S. richteri) and hybrid (Vander Meer et
ongoing partnerships with land managers that al. 1985) fire ant populations were present.
foster even broader area-wide fire ant manage- Each demonstration site consisted of a central
ment in the future, (9) transfer of area-wide area of between 60-120 hectares where fire
management technology to state agencies and ant populations were controlled with the bait
to federal, state, and private land managers, combination mentioned below, and a sur-
(10) providing a model area-wide fire ant man- rounding area that received no bait treatment.
agement programme that can be utilized The surrounding areas served as negative con-
beyond pastures and the cattle industry, (11) trols and as the sites for establishment of bio-
restoring the ecological balance toward the logical control agents. Thus, two types of sites
native fauna, and (12) providing a better under- were established in each state: (1) the IPM site
standing of the economics of fire ants in the where biological control agents were estab-
cattle industry. To determine if any of these lished and the bait combination was used (Fig.
potential benefits are being realized requires 3), and (2) the control site where only the bait
measurement of fire ant populations, monitor- combination was used.
ing the environmental impact of fire ants and At each of the sites, sampling plots were
the effects of their control on native ant fauna, marked both in the bait-treated area and in the
developing educational materials on fire ant surrounding untreated area. These plots con-
control options, and assessing the economic sisted of 500 square metre circular areas, with
impact associated with fire ants and the bene- the centre permanently marked on the soil and
fits of fire ant control. geo-referenced using a global positioning sys-

Figure 3. Schematic drawing (not to scale) of IPM demonstration site with its different com-
ponents. All bait applications were done by aircraft.

tem. Several measurements were taken in 2.3.2. Bait Treatments

these plots in order to monitor the fire ant pop- A combination of baits containing hydram-
ulation, the presence and spread of the fire ant ethylnon and methoprene (1:1) was chosen for
pathogen T. solenopsae, the decapitating flies, use in the demonstration sites to take advantage
and the non-target arthropod population. of two different modes of action. This combina-
tion has been tested extensively with excellent
2.3.1. Population Assessment results in Texas (Barr 2002). Hydramethylnon
Fire ant population monitoring was done using offers a much quicker effect on the fire ant pop-
two techniques: (1) mound counts and rating, ulation with mortality occurring within a week
and (2) ant activity monitoring lures. Active fire or so but without much residual effect.
ant mounds found in the sampling plots were Methoprene causes a decrease in reproductive
scored using a population index rating system potential without immediate effect on the fire
(Lofgren and Williams 1982). The population ant population. The combination of the two
index rating varied from one to ten. A pre-estab- active ingredients provides for a quick but last-
lished bait treatment threshold of 50 mounds ing effect on the fire ant population.
per hectare with a population index higher than Importantly, these products are registered for
seven was used to trigger application of the bait grazed cattle pastures and could be later adopt-
combination. Ant activity was monitored by ed by farmers. They also have little impact on
deploying ten pieces of processed meat sausage the non-target fauna in the demonstration sites,
in each of the sampling plots. After 30-60 min- which is important since the rebound of the nat-
utes, these food lures were observed for the ural population of arthropods, including com-
presence of fire ants or other ants. The fire ant peting native ant populations, is an expected
population was estimated using the number of result of the fire ant management programme.
ants per lure and the percentage of lures with All bait applications were done using air-
fire ants. craft (Fig. 3). After the initial treatment no fur-

ther applications were done until the population oratory. Of special interest was the presence
threshold of 50 mounds per hectare was and number of native ants that could impact
reached or surpassed. Baits were applied at a fire ant reinfestation rates. Insects, arthropods
rate of 1.7 kilogram of 1:1 hydramethylnon and and other small animals that fell into the pitfall
methoprene mixture per hectare. Four weeks traps were tabulated by morphospecies.
after bait application, the fire ant populations
were assessed to determine the effectiveness of 3. Results
the bait application.
3.1. Research Component
2.3.3. Biological Control Establishment
The decapitating flies were released at the IPM The research component of the area-wide proj-
sites either as adult flies (Pseudacteon tricus- ect is not critical to the project’s success, but if
pis Borgmeier) distributed over partially exca- successfully implemented the results would
vated mounds or in laboratory-parasitized ants facilitate the attainment of project goals. One
returned to their mother colonies (Pseudacteon example is given on improved pathogen detec-
curvatus Borgmeier, Pseudacteon litoralis tion.
Borgmeier). The total numbers of parasitized A major component of the red imported fire
ants released at each site were approximately ant (S. invicta) area-wide project was augmen-
4000-6000. Decapitating flies were considered tation with the microsporidian pathogen, T.
established at a location when active flies were solenopsae. Evaluations to detect successful
observed hovering over disturbed fire ant spread of this pathogen were limited to micro-
mounds in the spring or summer after surviv- scopic examination of macerated ants for the
ing a winter in the field. Initially, fly presence presence of the characteristic spore stage.
was monitored just in the release areas, but Unfortunately, this method is labour intensive
after clear indication of establishment, fly and cannot detect incipient infections because
presence was monitored at increasing dis- of the absence of spores. In order to improve
tances from the release sites. detection of all stages of infection of T.
T. solenopsae inoculations were made with- solenopsae in fire ants, a multiplex polymerase
in active fire ant mounds by introducing chain reaction (PCR) method was developed.
approximately three grams of live, T. solenop- Oligonucleotide primers were designed to
sae-infected brood per mound in areas where unique areas of the 16S rDNA gene of T.
the microsporidian was not yet established at solenopsae and a region of the Gp-9 gene of S.
the start of the demonstration project invicta. Multiplex PCR resulted in sensitive
(Mississippi and South Carolina). Worker ant and specific detection of T. solenopsae infec-
samples were subsequently returned to the lab- tion of S. invicta. The T. solenopsae-specific
oratory, macerated, and examined for T. primer pair only amplified DNA from T.
solenopsae spores using a phase contrast solenopsae and did not result in amplification
microscope (Williams et al. 1999). T. solenop- products from DNA preparations from unin-
sae was considered established when spores fected S. invicta. The Gp-9 specific primers
were found in samples more than six months recognized and amplified DNA from monogy-
after inoculation. ne and polygyne S. invicta social forms, but not
from T. solenopsae, and, as such, served as a
2.3.4. Environmental Assessment positive control verifying successful DNA
The environmental effect of the fire ant control preparation. Multiplex PCR detected T.
programme was assessed by monitoring the solenopsae in all S. invicta life stages. T.
surface-active arthropod population using pit- solenopsae could be detected in workers with
fall traps. In the spring and fall of each year, only ten spores if the T. solenopsae-specific
four traps were deployed in each sampling plot primer was used. Multiplex PCR detection of
for 48-72 hours, and then processed in the lab- T. solenopsae offers the advantages of a posi-

tive control, a single PCR amplification, detec- by high use of the web site.
tion of all developmental stages of T. solenop-
sae, and increased sensitivity and specificity 3.3. Environmental Impact
compared with microscopy (Valles et al. 2003).
Pitfall traps were used to evaluate the environ-
3.2. Educational Activities mental impacts of treatments at the demonstra-
tion sites on the abundance of non-target ants
The objective of the educational component is and the species richness of other surface-active
to educate the public on fire ant biology, arthropods. For the Florida sites the results
impact and control, including chemical and were mixed concerning non-target ant abun-
biological control agents. A web site (http:// dance. The IPM site usually had more native for the project was ants in the plots treated with fire ant baits than
created and updated continuously with new in the untreated surrounding plots, while at the
information. Educational videos describing the control site it was generally the reverse, but
fire ant disease caused by T. solenopsae and the this was not consistent over time. The number
decapitating flies were produced and distrib- of non-target ant species in the areas treated by
uted both via the web site and in a compact baits was about 20% lower at both Florida IPM
disc playable on any computer or other players and control sites, but again this trend was not
attached to a television monitor. Also consistent over time. The species richness of
brochures explaining the project concept and non-ant arthropods collected in the pitfalls did
objectives, as well as the biological control not differ between plots treated with baits and
agents were produced and distributed by direct surrounding untreated plots.
mailing, insertion in trade magazines, and Preliminary evaluation based on these data
direct distribution to the public on several indicates that the bait treatments did not affect
occasions, including state agricultural fairs. All the overall richness of arthropod morphos-
these materials have been used in conjunction pecies, although there is evidence, though not
with slide shows and other public presentations always consistent, for a modest reduction in
on the project and its various components. the richness and abundance of non-target ants.
Public interest in all these materials has In the 2005-2006 season, the data for all five
been enormous, and their response to the infor- sites will be assembled in order to compare
mation on the biological control agents, espe- sites with and without fire ant biological con-
cially the decapitating flies, has been very trol agents.
good. Part of the video describing the parasitic
decapitating fly was the subject of a very posi- 3.4. Economic Assessment
tive article by a nationally syndicated colum-
nist. This article caused a huge influx of Economic surveys were prepared by an agri-
requests to the project web site, requiring it to cultural economic team from the Texas A&M
be moved to a more robust server. At agricul- University and sent to the farmers involved in
tural fairs where the decapitating flies were the demonstration sites as well as the
displayed, the public showed great curiosity researchers in each state. These surveys
and support for the research and use of these assessed the impact of the fire ant pests on
flies to control fire ants. It is anticipated that farm activities, as well as the costs and benefits
the web site will continue to be maintained of the area-wide IPM project. These surveys
after the project formally ends, in order to pro- are being analysed, and the data obtained so far
vide continuity to current and future users of have been used to estimate the economic
the technology. The educational component of impact of fire ants on the US agriculture and on
the area-wide project has been very successful the economy of individual states. Estimated
as indicated by the high level of public knowl- impacts in Texas and Florida represent approx-
edge of fire ants, the individual projects, and imately 50% of the impact of fire ants in the

USA, with the rest divided among the other 4.4. Restored Ecological Balance among
infected states. The estimated value for Native Ants, Birds, and Wildlife
California assumes the infestation is not eradi-
cated. No effects have been observed on the abun-
dance of other arthropods. However, this may
4. Measures of Success change after a longer period with low fire ant
Evaluation of the following expected outcomes The current demonstration sites will contin-
three years after project implementation can ue to be monitored, but under a less intensive
serve as a measure of project success: regime. This is possible because of the infor-
mation gathered from the intense monitoring
4.1. Release and Spread of Biological of the sites during the first three years of the
Control Agents project.

Decapitating flies have been released and 4.5. Increased Farm Worker Safety and
established in all states where the area-wide Reduced Pesticide Risk
project has been implemented, and in several
other locations throughout the USA. Three Decreased fire ant populations and the use of
decapitating fly species have been released and low-risk bait toxicants increases farm worker
others will be soon. safety and decreases pesticide risk; however,
direct assessment has not been made.
4.2. Sustained Fire Ant Control
5. The Future
Fire ant populations at the demonstration sites
have been maintained at less than 20% of pre- The area-wide project has entered the last three
treatment levels throughout the project dura- years of its expected duration. A new protocol
tion, and farmers are aware of a noticeable has been developed to expand the project from
decrease in the fire ant population. Results in the initial demonstration sites to other smaller
Florida and Texas indicate that the IPM sites in areas under different land use. Current
approach provides advantages over the pesti- sites were all established on improved, grazed
cide-only approach. In Florida, fire ant control pastures under cattle production. New demon-
averaged 88% where the IPM approach was stration sites will be established on “high
used as compared to only 71% where fire ants value” properties where fire ant control is high-
were controlled only by chemical pesticides. In ly desirable and represents a high economic,
Texas, plots with high decapitating fly popula- environmental, and/or aesthetic value (e.g.
tions had decreased fire ant populations as parks, poultry farms, hunting clubs, natural
compared to plots with low or no decapitating areas, military facilities, urban horticulture,
fly presence. etc.). The objective is to expand the area-wide
A simplified method for evaluation of fire concept to other customers besides cattle farm-
ant populations has been developed using food ers and to demonstrate that the concept of
lures. This method makes fire ant control over using biological controls in combination with
an area easier, less costly, and more efficient. toxic bait applications can be used in many dif-
ferent situations. This will take what has been
4.3. Lower Livestock Production Costs learned from the large-scale area-wide pro-
gramme on pastures to properties and owners
Area-wide project economists have not yet that have a high probability of continuing the
been able to estimate benefit/cost ratios for the fire ant IPM programme after project funding
project, mainly due to the short duration of the expires. It is expected that these properties will
project. serve as examples for neighbouring property

owners, and thus create a knowledge base on Callcott, A-M. A., and H. L. Collins. 1996.
fire ant management and biological control that Invasion and range expansion of red import-
will provide for continuing expansion of inter- ed fire ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in
est in fire ant IPM in different regions in the North America from 1918-1995. Florida
USA. Entomologist 79: 240-251.
(CFR) Code of Federal Regulations. 2001.
6. Conclusions Imported fire ant federal register, July 2,
2001. 7CFR 301.81, USA.
This demonstration has enabled the implemen- deShazo, R. D., D. F. Williams, and E. S.
tation of IPM for fire ants over large areas, over Moak. 1999. Fire ant attacks on residents in
a sustained length of time, and in diverse areas health care facilities: a report of two cases.
of the USA. A significant part of fire ant IPM Annals of Internal Medicine 131: 424-429.
has been the dissemination of self-sustaining Lofgren, C. S., and D. F. Williams. 1982.
parasites and pathogens in the infested areas. Avermectin B1a: highly potent inhibitor of
For the most part these biological control reproduction by queens of the red imported
agents have become established and spread as fire ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Journal
anticipated or at an even greater rate and popu- of Economic Entomology 75: 798-803.
lation density. In South America, fire ant popu- Macom, T. E., and S. D. Porter. 1996.
lations are five to ten times lower than in the Comparison of polygyne and monogyne red
USA without the use of pesticides. If intro- imported fire ant (Hymenoptera: Formici-
duced natural enemies of the fire ant are half as dae) population densities. Annals of the
effective in the USA as in South America, this Entomological Society of America 89: 535-
would lead to a reduction of fire ant popula- 543.
tions in the USA by 40-45%. This would sig- Mehdiabadi, N. J., and L. E. Gilbert. 2002.
nificantly reduce pesticide use for fire ant con- Colony level impacts of parasitoid flies on
trol and diminish the human impact of fire ants, fire ants. Proceedings of the Royal Society of
as well as their negative effects on agriculture London B Biological Sciences 269: 1695-
and the environment. While at this point in time 1699.
results with biological control agents are not Pereira, R. M. 2004. Areawide suppression of
dramatic, they are very encouraging for the fire ant populations in pastures: project
long-term future (10-20 years), as additional update. Journal of Agricultural and Urban
biological control agents are released. Entomology 20: 123-130.
Pereira, R. M., D. F. Williams, J. J. Becnel,
7. References and D. H. Oi. 2002. Yellow head disease
caused by a newly discovered Mattesia sp. in
Adams, C. T. 1986. Agricultural and medical populations of the red imported fire ant,
impact of the imported fire ants, pp. 48-57. Solenopsis invicta. Journal of Invertebrate
In Lofgren, C. S., and R. K. Vander Meer Pathology 81: 45-48.
(eds.), Fire ants and leaf cutting ants: biolo- Porter, S. D., and L. E. Gilbert. 2004.
gy and management. Westview Press, Assessing host specificity and field release
Boulder, CO., USA. potential of fire ant decapitating flies
Barr, C. L. 2002. Broadcast baits for fire ant (Phoridae: Pseudacteon), pp. 152-176. In
control. Texas Cooperative Extension B- Van Driesche, R. G., and R. Reardon (eds.),
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Barr, C. L., and B. M. Drees. 1996. Final predators used for classical biological con-
report of the Texas cattle producer’s survey: trol: a guide to best practice. FHTET-2004-
impact of red imported fire ants on the Texas 03, USDA Forest Service, Morgantown,
cattle industry. Texas Agricultural Extension West Virginia, USA.
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Invasion of polygyne fire ants decimates Williams. 2003. Detection of Thelohania

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A Cultural Method for the Area-Wide
Control of Tarnished Plant Bug Lygus lineo-
laris in Cotton


Southern Insect Management Research Unit, USDA/ARS, 141

Experiment Station Road, Stoneville, Mississippi, USA

ABSTRACT In the mid-southern region of the USA, a method involving one application to marginal
areas near roads, fields, and ditches of an herbicide that selectively kills key spring broadleaf hosts of the
tarnished plant bug Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois) was developed and implemented in four 23
square kilometre areas. Overall mean numbers of tarnished plant bug adults and nymphs were significant-
ly lower in treated-area cotton. The average reductions in overall mean numbers of plant bugs in the treat-
ed areas were 45.5 and 47% for adults and nymphs, respectively, from 1999-2001. Economists at
Mississippi State University conducted an analysis of the programme used on over 8400 hectares of cot-
ton in 1999-2001, and demonstrated that the technology produced savings of USD 14.59/ha in insecticide
costs (herbicide application included). An environmental impact study conducted by Louisiana State
University, detected no to extremely low levels of herbicide residue in run-off water from conducting the
programme. Research is currently being conducted to investigate the use of a fungal entomopathogen, ster-
ile males, and parasitoids to augment or replace the use of herbicides.

KEY WORDS tarnished plant bug, Lygus lineolaris, cotton, marginal areas, early season wild host
plant, area-wide suppression, herbicides

1. Introduction likely remain as the primary pest of cotton in

this area. Additional insecticide applications
The tarnished plant bug Lygus lineolaris to control plant bugs will reduce benefits that
(Palisot de Beauvois) is a serious pest of cot- growers have derived from boll weevil eradi-
ton that is becoming more resistant to insecti- cation and control of lepidopteran pests with
cides, requiring growers to use increasingly transgenic cotton. Insecticides are damaging
higher levels of chemicals to achieve the same to the environment and make other control
level of control. Populations in the delta of tactics, e.g. biological control using natural
Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi, have enemies, more difficult. For these reasons, a
become resistant to pyrethroid insecticides, non-insecticidal control method for this insect
with lower levels of resistance to a cyclodiene is urgent.
and several organophosphate insecticides The delta region of the mid-southern USA
(Snodgrass and Elzen 1995, Pankey et al. is intensively farmed and only a small area of
1996, Snodgrass 1996, Hollingsworth et al. the land is undisturbed by agricultural prac-
1997). Within a few years, insecticides may tices. Snodgrass et al. (1991) estimated that
no longer be effective against this pest. When marginal areas near roads, fields, and ditches
eradication of the boll weevil Anthonomus undisturbed by agriculture comprised only
grandis Boheman is completed in the mid- 2.4% of the land in a 6.4 square kilometre area
southern region of the USA, plant bugs will of Washington County, Mississippi. In these
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 497–504.
Published with the permission of © 2007 U.S. Government
498 C. A. ABEL ET AL.

marginal areas, broadleaf weeds are abundant contain mecoprop, 2,4-D, and dicamba and
and are utilized for food and reproduction by are effective in killing broadleaf weeds,
tarnished plant bugs in the winter and spring. thereby reducing reproduction of tarnished
Snodgrass et al. (1984) identified 169 host plant bugs in treated marginal areas
species representing 36 plant families in the (Snodgrass et al. 2005). These herbicides do
mid-southern USA. As these weeds senesce, not have activity on graminaceous weeds.
adult plant bugs move into cotton and other The marginal areas of the remaining two test
crops (Tugwell et al. 1976, Snodgrass et al. sites (controls) did not receive the early-sea-
1984). son herbicide application each year. In 1999
Management of wild hosts in marginal and 2000, the same treated and control test
areas with herbicides could be economically sites were used. The two treated test sites
feasible because of the small acreage were located near Tribbett and Hollandale in
involved. In addition, farmers in the mid- Washington County, Mississippi, while the
southern USA in the mid 1990s widely adopt- two control test sites were near Holly Ridge
ed a weed control programme in which winter in Washington County and Kenlock in
and spring weeds are controlled in commer- Sunflower County. The site near Tribbett was
cial fields with herbicides, mainly in used as a control site in 2001, while the sec-
February. This farming practice further ond control site was located near Choctaw in
restricts plant bugs in early season to the wild Bolivar County. The two treated test sites in
host plants available in the marginal areas not 2001 were located near Arcola and Holly
treated by the growers. Ridge in Washington County. The chosen
A large experiment was conducted in 1999, treated and control areas had similar environ-
2000, and 2001 to determine whether numbers ments, e.g. size and composition of marginal
of tarnished plant bugs found in cotton could areas, cropping systems, farming practices
be reduced by suppression of early season used, etc.
broadleaf wild host plants found in marginal Cotton fields in all four test areas were
areas near the cotton fields with a single her- identified in May of each year and their loca-
bicide application. The herbicide application tion marked on aerial maps of the test areas
used in the experiment was found to be very obtained from the Geographic Information
effective in reducing numbers of wild host Satellite Center at the Delta Research and
plants and plant bug populations in marginal Extension Center, Stoneville, Mississippi.
areas (Snodgrass et al. 2005). Results from the Each of the test sites was divided into quad-
experiment showing the effect of the herbicide rants for sampling purposes. Approximate
treatment on plant bugs found in cotton grown field size was established by determining row
within treated areas are reported herein. width and number in each field and by meas-
uring field length with a vehicle odometer.
2. Materials and Methods Sample fields were chosen at random each
week from those found in each quadrant of
The experiment was conducted during each each test area. Each week 15 to 20 fields were
of three years using four, 23 square kilometre sampled from each of the four test sites. A
areas that were approximately square in total of 157, 185, and 212 fields were avail-
shape. In two of the test sites each year, a sin- able in the four test sites for sampling in
gle application of Trimec® (PBI/Gordon 1999, 2000, and 2001, respectively.
Corp., Kansas City, MO.) in 1999 or Strike Sampling was by sweep net, and each sam-
3TM (Agriliance, LLC, St. Paul, MN.) in 2000 ple was ten sweeps with a standard (38 cen-
and 2001 was applied to most marginal areas timetre) sweep net that was swept back and
with wild host plants during the first two forth across a single row of cotton. The num-
weeks of April 1999 and first two weeks of ber of samples taken per field was determined
March 2000 and 2001. These herbicides both by field size and varied from ten in small

Table 1. Weekly mean numbers of tarnished plant bug adults and nymphs found in cotton grown
over three years in 23 square kilometre areas of the Mississippi Delta in which broad leaf
weeds in marginal areas were either left untreated or treated with a herbicide in March or

Mean1 (± SE)/10 sweeps

June Untreated Treated Cv Trt F P>F Trt x Yr F P>F

1st Week 0.23 ± 0.06 0.14 ± 0.05 6.48 1.33 0.27 0.97 0.39
2nd Week 0.13 ± 0.03 0.08 ± 0.03 4.39 1.82 0.25 0.56 0.59
3rd Week 0.13 ± 0.03 0.10 ± 0.02 3.61 0.58 0.46 3.28 0.05
4th Week 0.20 ± 0.04 0.08 ± 0.05 6.48 3.18 0.16 1.36 0.34

1st Week 0.17 ± 0.04 0.09 ± 0.04 4.68 3.27 0.13 1.00 0.43
2nd Week 0.25 ± 0.06 0.17 ± 0.06 8.27 1.06 0.37 0.32 0.76
3rd Week 0.35 ± 0.09 0.18 ± 0.09 10.52 2.29 0.21 0.31 0.76
4th Week 0.57 ± 0.17 0.27 ± 0.17 15.11 2.50 0.15 0.60 0.58

1Means are data from 1999, 2000, and 2001 combined over years and treatment by sample week. The
means are based on samples from 30 or more fields for each treatment in each week of each year.

fields to 100 in large fields. Numbers of tar- The following three analyses of variance
nished plant bug adults and nymphs captured (ANOVA) were performed: (1) data for each
were recorded in the field. Sampling began year were analysed separately by sample
during the first week in June and ended during week and year, (2) data for all three years
the last week in July. were combined by sample week using years
An agricultural economist from the Delta as additional replication, and (3) data were
Branch Experiment Station, Mississippi State combined by treatment over all sample weeks
University, Stoneville, Mississippi, compiled and years. All analyses were performed with
insecticide use and cost data for plant bug PROC MIXED (SAS Institute 1999). In the
control using information obtained each data analyses by sample week and year, com-
growing season from growers in the treated parisons of means for plant bugs found in the
and untreated sites. These data were used to treated and control areas used a P value based
calculate the average per hectare costs for on the error estimate from the ANOVA.
plant bug control in cotton grown in the con- Declaring significance at P # 0.05 is equiva-
trol and treated sites. The authors kept records lent to using a least significant difference
of the amount of herbicide used, application comparison of the means.
equipment used, and labour costs. The number
of hectares of marginal areas treated was cal- 3. Results
culated based on the amount of herbicide used
and the application rate. The total cost of the In 1999, the mean number of plant bugs for all
herbicide treatment was calculated by the sample weeks found in cotton grown in the
agricultural economist each year, using the treated test sites (0.06 per sample) was three-
Mississippi State Budget Generator (Laughlin fold lower than the overall mean number
1999). found for plant bugs in cotton grown in the
Experimental design in each year was control test sites (0.18 per sample), although
completely random with two replicates per significantly higher numbers of plant bugs
treatment and several levels of subsampling. were found in the control sites in the third and
500 C. A. ABEL ET AL.

fourth weeks of July. In 2000, although the of plant bugs found each week in cotton in the
overall mean number of plant bugs found in treated and control areas were consistent from
cotton grown in the treated sites (0.17 per year to year (Table 1).
sample) was 1.5-fold lower than in the control Analysis of data combined by treatment
sites (0.25 per sample), no significant differ- over all sample weeks in all three years
ences were found in any week between num- showed that the mean numbers of nymphs,
bers of plant bugs found in cotton grown in adults, and total plant bugs collected in cotton
treated sites as compared to numbers of plant were significantly lower in the treated test
bugs found in cotton grown in control sites. In sites than the control test sites (Table 2).
2001, significantly higher mean numbers of Adults, nymphs, and total plant bugs averaged
plant bugs were found in cotton grown in the 45.5, 47.0, and 46.1% lower per sample,
control sites during three weeks of July. respectively, in the cotton from the treated
However, mean numbers of plant bugs for all areas.
sample weeks in 2001 were similar in the cot- Total costs for the herbicide applications
ton grown in the treated (0.31 per sample) and were USD 6469, USD 6206 and USD 6411 in
control (0.39 per sample) sites. 1999, 2000, and 2001, respectively (Table 3).
Results from analysis of data combined Totals of 314, 273, and 202 hectares of mar-
over years by treatment (Table 1) showed no ginal areas with wild hosts were estimated to
significant differences in mean numbers of have been treated to protect an estimated
plant bugs from cotton in the treated and con- 2409, 3320, and 2702 hectares of cotton
trol test areas among sample weeks. However, grown in the treated sites during the three
in every case, the mean number found in the years. Expressed as a percentage of the 4664
cotton from the treated areas was lower than hectares found in two 23 square kilometres
the mean number from cotton in the control treated areas, 6.7, 5.9, and 4.3% of the total
areas. The coefficient of variation (CV) (Table areas were treated in 1999, 2000, and 2001,
1), which indicated the degree of precision respectively.
with which the treatments were compared (it The average costs per hectare for tarnished
expresses experimental error as a percentage plant bug control with insecticides were lower
of the mean), was consistent and less than 7% for cotton growers in the treated sites in all
through the first week in July. In the remain- three years (Table 4). Growers in the treated
der of July, it increased to its highest percent- sites spent USD 15.98, USD 19.29, and USD
age (15.1%) in the fourth sample week of July. 8.50 less per hectare in 1999, 2000, and 2001,
The year-by-treatment interaction was only respectively, than did growers in the control
significant for one week (the third sample sites. The net savings in plant bug control
week in June), indicating that mean numbers costs in the treated sites were USD 32 027,

Table 2. Overall mean numbers of tarnished plant bugs found in cotton grown over three years
in 23 square kilometre areas of the Mississippi Delta in which broad leaf weeds in marginal
areas were either left untreated or treated with a herbicide in March or April.

Mean1 (± SE)/10 sweeps

Untreated Treated F P>F

Adults 0.20 ± 0.03 0.11 ± 0.03 66.82 0.01

Nymphs 0.04 ± 0.01 0.02 ± 0.01 13.35 0.05
Both 0.25 ± 0.03 0.13 ± 0.03 56.23 0.02

1The means are for all sample weeks by treatment in 1999, 2000, and 2001

Table 3. Cost in USD for treatment of marginal areas near fields, roads, and ditches in the
Mississippi Delta with a single herbicide application in March or April. The totals in the table
are for treatment of the marginal areas found in two 23 square kilometre areas in each year.

Year Labour Herbicide Equipment Total cost Marginal areas Cotton areas Treatment cost
cost1 cost2 cost3 treated protected per hectare cot-
(hectares) (hectares) ton

1999 2009 3589 871 6469 314 2409 2.69

2000 2217 3173 816 6206 273 3320 1.87
2001 2560 3214 637 6411 202 2702 2.37

1The areas were treated each year using two permanent and one or two temporary employees of the
Southern Insect Management Research Unit, USDA-ARS, Stoneville, MS. Labour costs varied from USD
40 to USD 54 per hour.
2 Trimec® (1999) or Strike 3TM (2000 and 2001) were the herbicides used
3 Calculated using the Mississippi State Budget Generator for development of cost of production estimates
(Laughlin 1999). A description of the application equipment and herbicide rates used is found in Snodgrass
et al. (2005).

USD 57 847, and USD 16 556 in the three sites could have been the result of the herbi-
years of the study. cide treatment, not higher insecticide use in
the treated sites. Growers in the treated sites
4. Discussion spent an average of USD 14.59 less per
hectare on plant bug control over the three
The herbicide treatment greatly reduced num- years of the study as compared to growers in
bers of wild hosts and the opportunity for the control sites. This was a considerable sav-
short-range migration of adult plant bugs pro- ings in costs, because an estimated average of
duced on them into cotton in the treated sites USD 35 477 in net savings (herbicide applica-
in June and July. This reduction helped to tion included) in the treated sites was found
lower numbers of plant bugs found in cotton per year over the three years of the study.
in the treated sites, and indicated that short- The treatment of marginal areas with a her-
range migration from wild hosts is important bicide, combined with the control of winter
in infestation of cotton by plant bugs. Several and spring weeds in fields by growers, pro-
authors (Tugwell et al. 1976, Cleveland 1982, duced relatively large areas where few wild
Anderson and Schuster 1983, Snodgrass et al. hosts were available to tarnished plant bugs
1984, Fleischer and Gaylor 1987) have listed during March-June. However, the presence of
wild hosts on which plant bugs can build up other crops that flowered prior to cotton and
and be available to move into cotton in the were plant bug reproductive hosts may have
south-eastern USA. However, movement influenced the results of the current study.
studies among wild hosts, or between wild Laboratory experiments and field observations
hosts and crops have not been done. by agricultural consultants suggest that corn is
The lower numbers of tarnished plant bugs an important reproductive host during June
found in cotton in the treated test sites was (Abel and Snodgrass 2003). However, only
reflected in insecticide control costs. These one small field of corn was grown in the test
costs were lower and fewer applications were sites during the three years of the study. In all
made in cotton grown in the treated test sites three years, about equal amounts of soybeans
in all three years (Table 4). This is important were grown in the treated and untreated sites.
because it showed that the lower numbers of The importance of soybeans as a tarnished
plant bugs found in cotton in the treated test plant bug host is not known and no estimates
502 C. A. ABEL ET AL.

Table 4. Grower costs and savings in USD for tarnished plant bug control with insecticides in
cotton grown in 23 square kilometre areas of the Mississippi Delta in which broad leaf weeds
in marginal areas were controlled with a herbicide in March or April, as compared to the cost
of plant bug control in cotton grown in untreated 23 square kilometre areas.

Treated areas Untreated areas

Year No. Mean no. Mean No. Mean no. Mean Cost per Insecticide Net sav-
growers applica- cost per growers applica- cost per hectare cost ings3
tions hectare1 tions hectare difference savings2

1999 6 0.9 22.50 14 1.7 38.48 15.98 38 496 32 027

2000 18 3.1 57.95 4 3.8 77.24 19.29 64 053 57 847
2001 11 5.5 93.09 9 7.0 101.59 8.50 22 967 16 556
Mean 12 3.2 57.85 9 4.2 72.44 14.59 41 839 35 477

1Includes insecticide application and material costs

2Cost per hectare difference in insecticides used in cotton for plant bug control in the check areas as com-
pared to the treated areas multiplied by the number of hectares of cotton protected
3Insecticide cost savings in the treated areas minus total cost of the early season herbicide treatment

of their possible contribution to the overall 6.8% at 150 Gy and 0% at 400 Gy. Eggs from
populations found in cotton can be made. untreated females mated with F1 male progeny
Additional research is therefore needed to averaged 58.9% eclosion for the untreated
understand the impact of corn and soybean on control compared with 18.5 and 0.9% for the
the population dynamics of the pest within the 100 and 200 Gy groups, respectively. Egg-to-
treated areas. adult development in those groups averaged
The authors are currently working with sci- 38.4, 5.4, and 0.1%, respectively. Females
entists in the United States Department of were more susceptible to the effects of radia-
Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service tion than males. Hatch of eggs from F1 female
(USDA-ARS) Southern Insect Management progeny mated to untreated males averaged
Research Unit, Stoneville, Mississippi on the 61.8, 21.0, 3.7, and 0% for dosages of 0, 50,
development of the use of the sterile insect 100, and 200 Gy, respectively, and egg-to-
technique (SIT), parasitoids, and ento- adult development averaged 39.4, 5.5, 0.1, and
mopathogens that could be applied to augment 0% for those treatments, respectively.
or replace the use of herbicides for the area- Mortality in the 50 and 100 Gy groups was
wide programme. With respect to the first, tar- similar to the untreated control, but fell abrupt-
nished plant bugs were administered dosages ly at 150 to 200 Gy and again at 400 Gy. The
of 0, 50, 100, 150, 200, and 400 Gy of gamma effectiveness of the lower dosages in lowering
radiation from a 137Cs source. Reductions in egg hatch and egg-to-adult development has
egg hatch and egg-to-adult development in stimulated further study into the competitive-
both irradiated parents and their F1 progeny ness of irradiated tarnished plant bugs and
were proportional to the dosage received. Egg their potential efficacy in the field.
hatch averaged 58.9% in untreated parents and Preliminary work on the tarnished plant
fell to 35.5 and 4.6% when males were treated bug parasitoid Anaphes iole Girault, has exam-
with 150 and 400 Gy, respectively. Egg-to- ined parasitism rates of plant bug eggs in a
adult development was more severely cur- dozen host plants (L. Williams, personal com-
tailed than egg hatch, with untreated groups munication). Parasitism rates in spring weed
averaging 36.0% development compared with hosts ranged from 60 to 85%, while parasitism

in cotton was around 90%. These results sug- cost savings for tarnished plant bug control of
gest that A. iole has the potential to suppress USD 14.59 per hectare. Future research will
plant bugs in the spring and summer, especial- attempt to improve the efficiency of the pro-
ly as part of an area-wide programme. gramme. Research will be conducted to deter-
Augmentative releases of A. iole might mine the influence of non-cotton crop hosts on
increase suppression of plant bugs on spring the population dynamics of the tarnished plant
hosts that remain after burn-down, as well as bug. This research will help determine the
in cotton. impact that non-cotton hosts have on the effec-
Other research (J. Leland, personal com- tiveness of the area-wide programme.
munication), may provide the most promising Research will also be conducted to develop
method to augment or replace the use of herbi- other methods, e.g. the sterile insect technique
cides in the area-wide programme. Leland and and biological control, to augment or replace
Snodgrass (2004) described the prevalence the use of herbicides in the programme.
and distribution of natural Beauveria bassiana
(Balsamo) Vuillemin infections in tarnished 6. Acknowledgements
plant bug populations from wild host plants in
Mississippi. This work led to the discovery of The authors thank Eugene Burriss, Roger
20 new B. bassiana isolates that were charac- Leonard, and Donald Cook, Lousiana State
terized and compared to the commercial B. University; Scott Stewart, University of
bassiana isolate (GHA) for pathogenicity to Tennessee; Gus Lorenz, Jeremy Green, and
plant bugs and beneficial insects, in vitro spore Tina Teague, University of Arkansas; and,
production, tolerance to solar radiation, and Fred Cooke, James Robbins, and Jeff Willers,
germination at high temperature. Ten of the Mississippi State University, for their collabo-
new isolates were significantly more patho- ration on this project. They also thank Donny
genic than B. bassiana (GHA), and several Adams, Charles Lanford, Arnell Patterson,
were over ten times more pathogenic. One iso- and John Cambell (USDA-ARS) for their
late was better able to germinate at high tem- technical assistance, and Debbie Boykin
peratures. Thus far, some isolates have shown (USDA-ARS) for her assistance with statisti-
high pathogenicity to tarnished plant bug and cal analyses.
Lygus hesperus Knight, have low pathogenici-
ty to some non-target organisms, are prolific 7. References
spore producers, produce low mycotoxins lev-
els, and are more tolerant to artificial sunlight Abel, C. A., and G. L. Snodgrass. 2003.
and high temperatures. Laboratory production Tarnished plant bug development in field
of spores was sufficient to initiate field trials in corn, pp. 949-953. In Adamczyk, J. J. (ed.),
2004 and will be expanded to conduct field tri- Proceedings: Beltwide Cotton Production
als in Mississippi, California, and Arkansas in and Research Conference, 6-10 January
2005. In the future, this pathogen may be use- 2003, Nashville, Tennessee. National Cotton
ful for tarnished plant bug control in the area- Council, Memphis, TN., USA. www.cot-
wide programme.
Anderson, R. A., and M. F. Schuster. 1983.
5. Conclusions Phenology of the tarnished plant bug on nat-
ural host plants in relation to populations in
The area-wide approach developed and tested, cotton. Southwestern Entomology 8: 131-
proactively removing key spring broadleaf 136.
hosts during the critical spring period, effec- Cleveland, T. C. 1982. Hibernation and host
tively suppressed the build-up of tarnished plant sequence studies of tarnished plant
plant bug populations before they move into bugs, Lygus lineolaris, in the Mississippi
cotton growing areas, and resulted in average delta. Environmental Entomology 11: 1049-
504 C. A. ABEL ET AL.

1052. version 8. SAS Institute, Cary, NC., USA.

Fleischer, S. J., and M. J. Gaylor. 1987. Snodgrass, G. L. 1996. Pyrethroid resistance in
Seasonal abundance of Lygus lineolaris field populations of the tarnished plant bug
(Heteroptera: Miridae) and selected preda- (Heteroptera: Miridae) in cotton in the
tors in early season uncultivated hosts: impli- Mississippi Delta. Journal of Economic
cations for managing movement into cotton. Entomology 89: 783-790.
Environmental Entomology 167: 379-389. Snodgrass, G. L., and G. W. Elzen. 1995.
Laughlin, D. H. 1999. Cotton planning budg- Insecticide resistance in tarnished plant bug
ets. Agricultural Economics Report No. 96. populations in the Mississippi Delta.
Mississippi State University, Mississippi Southwestern Entomology 20: 317-323.
State, MS., USA. Snodgrass, G. L., W. P. Scott, and J. W. Smith.
Leland, J. E., and G. L. Snodgrass. 2004. 1984. Host plants and seasonal distribution
Prevalence of naturally occurring Beauveria of the tarnished plant bug (Hemiptera:
bassiana in Lygus lineolaris populations Miridae) in the Delta of Arkansas, Louisiana,
from wild host plants of Mississippi. Journal and Mississippi. Environmental Entomology
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P. Tugwell. 1997. Response of Arkansas dance of early-season wild host plants and
populations of tarnished plant bugs bollworm and tobacco budworm populations
(Heteroptera: Miridae) to insecticides, and (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in an intensively
tolerance differences between nymphs and cropped area of the mid-Delta of Mississippi.
adults. Journal of Economic Entomology 90: Journal of Entomological Science 26: 9-16.
21-26. Snodgrass, G. L., W. P. Scott, C. A. Abel, J. T.
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and E. Burris. 1996. Toxicity of acephate, Tarnished plant bug (Heteroptera: Miridae)
cypermethrin, and oxamyl to tarnished plant populations near fields following early sea-
bugs in vial bioassays and cage studies on son herbicide treatment. Environmental
cotton, pp. 882-887. In Dugger, P., and Entomology 34: 705-711.
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Use of the Sterile Insect Technique Against
Aedes albopictus in Italy: First Results of a
Pilot Trial



1Medicaland Veterinary Entomology Department, Centro Agricoltura

Ambiente "G.NICOLI", Via Argini Nord 3351, 40014 Crevalcore, Italy
2ENEA - Italian National Agency For New Technologies, Energy and the

Environment-Scientific Unit of Biotechnologies, Section of Sustainable

Development of Agro-Industry, Rome, Italy
3DISTA, University of Bologna, Viale G. Fanin 42, 40127 Bologna, Italy

ABSTRACT In Europe, the mosquito Aedes albopictus (Skuse) is widespread in Italy, Albania and
most probably in neighbouring Montenegro. Recent introductions have also been reported in France, Spain
and southern Switzerland. In Italy, the species is currently recognized as the most noxious mosquito, thus
requiring the implementation of intensive control programmes. Ae. albopictus is also a potential vector of
human diseases, which has raised the issue of whether eradication campaigns are called for. This species
is particularly suitable for application of the sterile insect technique (SIT) because of its urban-related dis-
tribution, recent introduction, low active dispersal potential, low population density which may be main-
tained by conventional control measures, and ease of mass-rearing. In 1999, a programme was initiated that
focused on the application of the SIT against Ae. albopictus. A pilot rearing facility, targeted at the produc-
tion of up to 20 000 male pupae per week has been established. Blood feeding is performed with a thermo-
statically controlled device using defibrinated bovine blood, egg hatching is stimulated with a nutrient
broth culture, and egg counts conducted automatically. Larval density and larval diet are still being inves-
tigated in order to improve productivity, the separation of males is currently conducted at the pupal stage
using calibrated metal sieves, and irradiation studies are performed at the 60Co plant Calliope, Italian
National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and the Environment in Rome. During the summer of
2004, eight weekly sterile male pupal releases were organized in Rimini to evaluate sterile male perform-
ances in the field against a natural population. A significant difference was observed in the release area
compared with the control area when the effects on egg fertility and egg density were cumulated. It is
planned to continue the programme on a larger scale to improve rearing efficiency and obtain a prelimi-
nary benefit/cost evaluation.

KEY WORDS Aedes albopictus, Asian tiger mosquito, SIT, pilot release, Italy, rearing

1. Introduction France in 1999 (Schaffner and Karch 1999),

in Belgium in 2000 (Schaffner et al. 2004), in
The Asian tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus Montenegro in 2001 (Petric et al. 2003) and in
(Skuse) has invaded several countries in Switzerland in 2003 (Flacio et al. 2004).
recent years, mainly due to passive transporta- Other countries have already been invaded or
tion in used tyres (Reiter and Sprenger 1987). are about to be so in the Middle East, Africa
In Europe, the species was first recorded in and the Americas.
Albania in 1979 (Adhami and Murati 1987), In Italy, establishment appears to have
in Italy in 1990 (Sabatini et al. 1990), in been rapid, mainly due to passive transporta-
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 505–515.
© 2007 IAEA.

Figure 1. The correlation between automatic egg counting versus human direct counting
(Equation: Human direct counting = 345.5 + 0.67Digital analysis, r = 0.979).

tion of adults inside vehicles, and the species iasis (Dirofilaria immitis Leidy and
is currently found in twelve regions (Urbanelli Dirofilaria repens Railleiet and Henry), and
et al. 2000, Romi 2001). other arboviruses like Sindbis, Chikungunya,
In its area of origin (Asia), Ae. albopictus West Nile and Rift Valley (Cancrini et al.
is known to be an important vector of many 1992, Mitchell 1995). Finally, this species can
arboviruses including yellow fever and also be a serious nuisance because of its high
dengue. Moreover, it is also capable of trans- anthropophily and painful bite.
mitting indigenous arboviruses in newly The species is mainly found in urban and
invaded areas (Shroyer 1986), as well as filar- peri-urban areas where it develops in man-

Figure 2. Digital egg counting standard error versus human direct counting at different egg
densities (Y = 66.49 x - 0.909, R2= 0.948).

made water containers. This “island” distribu- (Bellini et al. 2002). Eggs were laid on filter
tion and the mosquito’s low active dispersal paper placed inside black plastic containers
capability make it a potential candidate for the containing water, removed daily from the adult
application of the sterile insect technique cages, left to dry in the climate chamber for 24
(SIT) as a complement to other control tactics hours and then placed in a closed plastic box
already being implemented. with a saturated solution of K2SO4. Using this
In 1999, a project financed by local funds method, eggs could be kept alive for a few
(see acknowledgements) was started to inves- months. When needed, the filter papers with
tigate the feasibility of applying the SIT the eggs were put directly in water. Larvae
against Ae. albopictus in Italy. were fed on crushed dry cat food (Friskies®
Adults) and kept in plastic larval trays contain-
2. Mosquito Rearing ing dechlorinated aerated water.

2.1. Adult Maintenance 2.2. Egg Counting

The colony used for the experiments originat- In order to rear larvae at fixed densities a
ed from field-collected eggs from Desenzano method for automatic and rapid egg counting
del Garda (in the Province of Brescia), in the must be available. Eggs are black and laid
north of Italy in 1993, and has been routinely individually on a white paper substrate in vari-
mixed with wild specimens collected from able densities. By using an open source image
other areas in northern Italy. Mosquitoes were processing and analysis programme (ImageJ,
kept in an insectary under standard laboratory United States National Institute of Health) it
conditions (27 ± 1°C, 85% relative humidity, was possible to achieve satisfactory egg count-
15 hour scotophase). Adults were kept perma- ing accuracy by scanning eggs on the filter
nently in plexiglas cages (50 x 50 x 60 cen- paper. The correlation between the digital
timetres) with a supply of 10% sucrose solu- analysis data and conventional direct counting
tion to which they had constant access. was satisfactory (Fig. 1), as was the standard
Females were also provided with fresh error distribution of the egg density range in
mechanically defibrinated bovine blood using current use (2000-4000 eggs per paper) (Fig.
a special temperature control apparatus 2).

Figure 3. Percentage of Aedes albopictus eggs hatched at different nutrient broth concentra-

2.3. Egg Hatching

Ae. albopictus eggs are generally difficult to

hatch. Methods were therefore tested to stan-
dardize egg hatching in order to obtain a suf-
ficiently precise and synchronized number of
L1 larvae from a known number of eggs. A
nutrient broth culture was evaluated in order
to deoxygenate the water (Barbosa and Peters
Figure 4. The production of Aedes albopictus
1969, Novak and Shroyer 1978).
pupae at different larval densities.
Hermetically sealed glass jars (1 litre vol-
ume) with 700 millilitres of dechlorinated tap
water containing 200-500 Ae. albopictus eggs per tray than with 100, 500, 750, 1250 and
were used to which nutrient broth at different 1500 larvae per tray (Bellini et al. 2002).
concentrations was added. L1 larval counts Following observations made by Teng and
were made 24 hours after egg immersion. Five Apperson (2000) and Briegel (2003), larger
trials were carried out at the same temperature trays (41 x 31 x 11 centimetres) containing
(27 ± 1°C). The results are illustrated in Fig. 3. three litres of water with a higher larval densi-
The broth had a strong stimulatory effect ty and a new larval diet are being evaluated.
on egg hatching at all the concentrations test- Some recent results on the effect of larval den-
ed with a consistently high percentage of sity on pupal production using the conven-
hatching. As there appeared to be no signifi- tional diet are summarized in Fig. 4.
cant difference between the effects obtained Attempts to improve the larval diet
with different concentrations, 1 g/litre is cur- involved adding dried brewer’s yeast to the
rently used. Having observed that the broth standard diet. The dose was fixed at 2.5 mil-
had negative effects on larval development, ligrams per larva of Friskies® Adults + 1.5
young larvae were removed from the hatching milligrams per larva of yeast. As with the
solution. Further investigation is underway to standard method, 10% was given on day one,
find a way to avoid filtration of L1 larvae by 45% on day two and 45% on day five. Results
reducing the broth concentration or changing are summarized in Fig. 5. A clear increase in
its composition.

2.4. Larval Density

Studies on larval density were conducted in

rectangular white plastic trays (30 x 21 x 8
centimetres) containing 2.5 litres of dechlori-
nated water. Larvae were provided with stan-
dard larval food (Friskies® Adults dry cat
food), throughout their development, at a
fixed concentration of 4 milligrams per larva,
of which 10% was given on day one, 45% on
day two and 45% on day five. Evidence
obtained from previous studies regarding
pupal production (in relation to the initial
number of L1 larvae), and larval development Figure 5. Mean (± SE) percentage pupation
time (calculated from the period between egg using different larval diets at a density of 1500
immersion and pupation), suggested that bet- larvae per litre (trays with three litres of
ter results would be achieved with 1000 larvae water).

Figure 6. Size of female and male pupae of Aedes albopictus in relation to different larval rear-
ing densities.

pupal production was achieved when a densi- technique (Ansari et al. 1975a).
ty of 1500 larvae per litre was used. Experiments are planned to check whether
exposure to B. t. israelensis during the
2.5. Pupal Sexing larval/pupal stage has any negative effect on
adult males (Zahiri and Mulla 2005).
Considering previous findings on several mos- Separated male pupae are collected for radia-
quito species and personal observations tion while non-separated male and female
regarding pupal size and sex in Ae. albopictus pupae are reintroduced into the colony. Current
(Fig. 6), attention was focused on the sieving average male pupal productivity is ca 15-25%
technique to achieve sex separation (McCray (based on the initial number of L1 larvae), with
1961, Sharma et al. 1972, Sharma et al. 1974). the presence of females ranging from 1-3%.
The metal sieves used (Giuliani®) have a Tests are presently being conducted with the
round stainless steel frame (diameter 20 cen- aim of increasing male productivity (harvest-
timetres and height six centimetres), support- ing pupae at 36 hours instead of 24 hours from
ing a square mesh. Trials were conducted with the beginning of pupation), and reducing the
1250, 1400 and 1500 micron sieves tested proportion of females in the released material
independently or in succession. Currently, (shortening the time of sieving, testing sieves
pupae are collected once per production cycle with a rectangular mesh, etc.).
at a fixed time approximately 24 hours after
the beginning of pupation to better exploit pro- 2.6. Pupal Irradiation
terandry. Pupae are processed together with
larvae by being placed in water at 35°C with Irradiation is performed with a 60Co source
the sieve for 4-5 minutes. To make it easier to (Calliope) at the Italian National Agency for
separate residual larvae from male pupae, one New Technologies, Energy and the
part per million of Bacillus thuringiensis Environment (ENEA), Rome by exposing
israelensis (de Barjac 1980) is added to the pupae in water using a special plexiglas
container to kill the larvae (but not the pupae, device. External dimensions are 41 x 60 x 3
as they do not feed) used to transport pupae to centimetres (six stacked trays 41 x 10 x 3 cen-
the radiation source instead of using the ice timetres each), allowing the radiation of 20 000

Table 1. Mean longevity of male Aedes ness were assessed in 40 x 40 x 40 centimetre

albopictus exposed to increasing doses of cages under laboratory conditions. Egg fertili-
radiation (100 individuals per cage, 27 ± 1°C, ty was assessed by standard conditioning of
85% relative humidity, 15 hours scotophase). the eggs and application of the hatching
method as described above.
Gy Longevity of irradiated males (days)
The current dose employed for the field
pilot studies is 80 Gy, given at a dose rate of
No. of
Test 186 Gy/hour, which results in complete male
Mean SD Newman sterility and good competitiveness in cage
-Keuls studies. Further studies are in progress to eval-
uate the possibility of reducing the dose of
Control 4 35.3 2.3 a
radiation and to obtain greater insight into the
60 3 22.2 1.8 ab
effect of colonization on the field fitness of
80 4 16.4 6.9 ab
sterile males.
100 4 13.1 3.6 b
Male longevity was affected by radiation at
110 1 16.2 --- ab
all the doses tested, but not to such an extent
as to preclude the planning of weekly releases
(Table 1). Surprisingly, 110 Gy gave higher
pupae per session. The height of the trays has longevity than 100 Gy, and similar longevity
now been reduced from ten to five centimetres to that obtained at 80 Gy.
in order to increase the number of pupae. Tests to establish the optimal radiation
Dose response studies were conducted in dose were conducted prior to the use of the
the range of 60-110 Gy at dose rates of 186, nutrient broth technique, thus making the
462, and 1190 Gy/hour. Male longevity, male results difficult to interpret (see low egg
sterility, possible male fertility recovery and hatching in control, Table 2). However, at
sterile male versus fertile male competitive- present, 80 Gy is considered the minimum

Table 2. Fertility (% egg hatch) following irradiation of male Aedes albopictus pupae at dif-
ferent doses (462 Gy per hour if not specified). Competition cages contained 50 sterile males,
50 fertile males and 50 virgin females. Sterile males cages contained 50 sterile males and 50
virgin females.

Eggs hatch (%)

Number of Test Newman- Competitiveness

Gy Mean SD
replicates Keuls index

Control 0 4 34 27 a -
Competition cages 60 2 24 20 ab 0.70
80 3 23 21 ab 0.74
100 3 27 27 ab 0.63
110 1 12 8 bc 1.41
Sterile male cages 60 3 2 3 c -
80 4 1 2 c -
100 4 0 1 c -
110 1 0 0 c -
60 (1190 Gy/h) 1 3 3 c -
80 (1190 Gy/h) 1 0 0 c -

Table 3. ANOVA on estimated number of F1 progeny (i.e. no. eggs x egg hatch) in the sterile
male release area as compared to the untreated control area.

Mean SD n Diff. SD t df P

Release area 36.21 13.53

Control area 56.77 26.84 9 -20.55 24.72 -2.49 8 0.037

acceptable sterilizing dose although males ties (larvicide and source reduction) were
showed some residual fertility. The relation- conducted on the whole urban area by opera-
ship between radiation sensitivity and pupal tors who were not informed about the experi-
age is currently being investigated (Table 2). mental location. Pupae were placed in plastic
Competitiveness studies in cages showed jars on the ground at 40-45 fixed sites in shad-
that the performance of irradiated males was ed environments. It is estimated that 50 000
reduced compared with normal males of the adults emerged from a total of 65 000 pupae.
same age (Table 2). No clear relationship was This corresponds to 100-1000 males per
evident between radiation dose and competi- hectare per week. Egg monitoring was con-
tiveness in the range of doses tested. Again ducted using standard ovitraps (Bellini et al.
surprisingly, the competitiveness of males 1996), from two weeks before the beginning
irradiated with 110 Gy seemed better than of releases to two weeks after the releases
those irradiated at lower doses. Further inves- ended. In each release and control area, 20
tigation is needed in order to clarify the rela- ovitraps were positioned at fixed sites and
tionships between (1) pupal age and sensitivi- checked weekly. Field-collected eggs were
ty to radiation in the context of a large-scale processed regularly to check fertility levels.
mass rearing, and (2) sterile male competitive- Fig. 7 shows the data collected during the
ness in greenhouses and different radiation trial. A slight, but continuous reduction in the
protocols. fertility of eggs collected in the release area
Female longevity was also reduced by was recorded, while egg fertility remained
radiation (data not shown), but females were quite steady in the control area throughout the
still able to take several blood meals with whole season. In the release area, egg fertility
complete suppression of fecundity at the test- had increased to a level similar to that of the
ed doses of 70-75 Gy. Therefore the release of control area by two weeks after the end of the
females, while having an obvious negative releases. The trend in the number of field-col-
effect on the efficiency of the SIT and there- lected eggs show fluctuations during the sea-
fore needs to be reduced to a minimum, is not son, tending to increase late in the summer in
an interfering factor in the assessment of field the control area, as is usual, while remaining
release efficacy. quite stable at a lower level in the release
3. Pilot Field Test 2004 Comparing the average number of F1
progeny (number of eggs x egg hatch) pro-
During the summer of 2004, a pilot field test duced in the release and control areas over the
was conducted in the centre of Rimini, north- whole season, a significant reduction was
ern Italy, where the species is well estab- recorded in the release area (Table 3). Despite
lished. Eight weekly releases were imple- the low number of sterile males released and
mented during the period 16 June-4 August in the small size of the release area with a pre-
an area of ten hectares, while a similar area sumable high immigration of mated females,
was used as a control. Regular control activi- this positive result encourages continuation of

Figure 7. Number of eggs (lower) and their fertility (upper) collected in sterile male-treated
and untreated control areas (Rimini in 2004). Arrows show the beginning and the end of the

the programme. Most of these studies were conducted in

the 1970s although at a scale not large enough
4. Considerations for the Future to be cost-effective and some programmes
suffered from political problems. However,
Integrated application of the SIT for Ae. new technologies make the SIT approach
albopictus has not been attempted in the past, more feasible and of high potential for future
although studies of this nature have been application.
made on several other mosquito species Although positive, the results reported here
including Aedes aegypti (L.) which is a close- need to be confirmed through a larger trial,
ly related species and may be taken as a use- conducted in a more isolated urban area. Field
ful example (McCray 1961, Weidhaas and investigations should aim at evaluating: (1)
Schmidt 1963, White 1966, Barbosa and the number of sterile males to be released, (2)
Peters 1969, Jacob and Bevier 1969, Ansari et the period covered by the releases, (3) the dis-
al. 1975b, Seawright et al. 1975, Curtis et al. persal of sterile males and thus the spatial dis-
1976, Grover et al. 1976, Lorimer et al. 1976, tribution of the release stations, as well as (4)
McDonald et al. 1977, Ogah and Juma 1977, both the costs and benefits in comparison with
Hagen and Grunewald 1990). conventional control methods.

With respect to mass-rearing techniques, Organization/Vector Biology and Control

further work is needed on the following 75.560. WHO, Geneva, Switzerland.
aspects: (1) decreasing the nutrient broth con- Barbosa, P., and T. M. Peters. 1969. A com-
centration or changing the broth type in order parative study of egg hatching techniques for
to avoid negative effects on larval develop- Aedes aegypti. Mosquito News 29: 548-551.
ment and to eliminate L1 filtration, (2) Bellini, R., M. Carrieri, G. Burgio, and M.
improving the rearing efficiency by increasing Bacchi. 1996. Efficacy of different ovitraps
larval density through introducing new larval and binomial sampling in Aedes albopictus
diets, (3) increasing pupal production by siev- surveillance activity. Journal of the American
ing at 30-36 hours after the start of pupation Mosquito Control Association 12: 632-636.
instead of at 24 hours, (4) improving sexing Bellini, R., A. Medici, M. Carrieri, M.
accuracy by testing new types of sieves or Calvitti, U. Cirio, and S. Maini. 2002.
alternative methods (e.g. near-infrared spec- Applicazione della tecnica del maschio ster-
troscopy), (5) improving sterile male compet- ile nella lotta contro Aedes albopictus in
itiveness by reducing the radiation dose Italia: ottimizzazione delle fasi di allevamen-
(which may be feasible by exploiting the to massale e sessaggio, pp. 993-998. In
pupal age-radiation sensitivity relationship), Proceedings: Atti XIX Congresso Nazionale
(6) developing larger cages or a greenhouse Italiano Entomologia, 10-15 June 2002,
for colony maintenance, (7) irradiating adult Catania, Italy. Tipografia Solaris, Sondrio,
males instead of pupae, and (8) screening new Italy.
insect growth regulators for their sterilizing Briegel, H. 2003. Physiological basis of mos-
effect. quito ecology. Journal of Vector Ecology 28:
5. Acknowledgements Cancrini, G., V. Raineri, and A. Della Torre.
1992. Aedes albopictus quale possibile vet-
This project was supported by grants from the tore di dirofilariosi canina ed umana in Italia.
Italian Ministry for Instruction, University Parasitologia 34 (Suppl.): 13.
and Research, ASL (Local Health Unit) Curtis, C. F., K. K. Grover, S. G. Suguna, D.
Brescia, and the Municipalities of Desenzano K. Uppal, K. Dietz, H. V. Hagarwal, and S.
del Garda and Rimini, Hera Rimini. The J. Kazmi. 1976. Comparative field cage
authors thank two anonymous reviewers and tests of the population suppressing efficiency
James Dargie for their important suggestions of three genetic control systems for Aedes
to improve the quality of the paper. aegypti. Heredity 36: 11-29.
Flacio, E., P. Lüthy, N. Patocchi, F. Guidotti,
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israelensis and Bacillus sphaericus on ovipo- Vector Ecology 30: 155-162.
Area-Wide Integrated Control of Oriental
Fruit Fly Bactrocera dorsalis and Guava
Fruit Fly Bactrocera correcta in Thailand



1Department of Agricultural Extension, Irradiation for Agricultural

Development Section, Paholyothin Road, Chatujak, Bangkok 10900,
2Mahidol University, Fruit Fly Molecular Genetic Laboratory,

Department of Biotechnology, 272 Rama VI Road, Rajdhavee, Bangkok

10400, Thailand
3Insect Pest Control Sub-Programme, Joint FAO/IAEA Programme of

Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture, IAEA, Wagramerstrasse 5,

A-1400 Vienna, Austria

ABSTRACT Two tephritid species namely the oriental fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel and the
guava fruit fly Bactrocera correcta Bezzi are considered to be the key insect pests of fruit production in
Thailand, causing yield loss and quality degradation. This leads to poor commercialization in domestic
markets and quarantine restrictions from importing countries. A decade of effective cooperation between
Thailand's Department of Agricultural Extension (DOAE), the International Atomic Energy Agency
(IAEA), and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has resulted in the imple-
mentation of an area-wide integrated fruit fly management programme which includes a sterile insect tech-
nique (SIT) component. The programme consists of two distinctive pilot areas with associations of small-
scale mango growers covering 70 square kilometres in the Ratchaburi (western) and Pichit (northern)
Provinces. The ongoing programme is aimed at controlling B. dorsalis and B. correcta through monitor-
ing, orchard sanitation, selective application of bait sprays, and the release of sterile flies. Both species are
mass-reared and sterilized at a facility located in Pathumthani Province following standard operational pro-
cedures described in this paper. The average weekly production during the mango season is 20 million B.
dorsalis and 10 million B. correcta. After sterilization the pupae are transported weekly to the pilot areas,
reared to the adult stage and ground-released at fixed release sites. Quality of the released sterile flies is
monitored through the use of a trapping network to measure their distribution and abundance, whilst the
success of the control is monitored using periodic fruit sampling to assess the percentage infestation. The
integrated approach has been effective in controlling fruit flies by reducing damage from over 80% before
programme implementation to an average of less than 3.6% in Ratchaburi Province in the past five years
(2000 to 2004). Meanwhile, in Pichit Province where the control programme has been carried out for only
two years (2003 and 2004), the infestation has been reduced from 42.9 to 15.5%. This preharvest suppres-
sion, combined with postharvest risk mitigation measures, has opened the possibility for exports of mango
produced in these selected pilot areas to some of the most stringent and lucrative markets such as Japan.
An economic feasibility study conducted in 2002 clearly shows that fruit fly control in Thailand using an
integrated area-wide approach with an SIT component could be expanded to other production areas with
significant economic returns.

KEY WORDS mango, oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis, guava fruit fly, Bactrocera correcta,
suppression, sterile insect technique, male annihilation technique, mass-rearing, ground release, economic
feasibility, grower organization, Thailand

M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 517–526.
© 2007 IAEA.

Figure 1. Maps of the pilot areas at Paktor district, Ratchaburi Province (34 square kilome-
tres) and Sak Lak district, Pichit Province (36 square kilometres) where oriental fruit fly
Bactrocera dorsalis and guava fruit fly Bactrocera correcta are suppressed using an AW-IPM
approach with an SIT component.

1. Introduction metres) which is a lowland mango-producing

area involving the association of many small
Cooperation between Thailand’s Department growers, surrounded by an area with cultiva-
of Agricultural Extension (DOAE), the tion of field crops such as sugarcane, rice and
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), corn. The damage caused by the oriental fruit
and the Food and Agriculture Organization of fly decreased from over 82% in 1987 before
the United Nations (FAO), started in 1991 to the implementation of the area-wide integrat-
control the oriental fruit fly Bactrocera dor- ed pest management programme (AW-IPM) to
salis (Hendel), a major pest of fruits in 30, 26, 21, 18, 17 and 9% respectively in the
Thailand. The oriental fruit fly causes losses following six years (i.e. 1988-1993). From
of several million USD annually to the fruit 1994 to 2001, the damage was reduced further
industry, resulting from significant yield to an average of less than 4% (Sutantawong et
reduction and market restrictions. Widespread al. 2004). Since the start of the programme the
insecticide applications to control fruit flies DOAE set up an oriental fruit fly rearing and
are often carried out on a calendar basis. sterilization facility in Pathumthani Province,
Concerns about environmental pollution, with an average weekly production of 10 mil-
undesirable chemical residues and the preser- lion sterile flies.
vation of biodiversity demand new insecti- In 2002, a second AW-IPM pilot project
cide-minimizing strategies and technologies using the SIT was launched in an area of 36
for combating fruit flies. square kilometres in Pichit Province located
Among biologically-based methods, the 450 kilometres north-west of Bangkok. An
sterile insect technique (SIT) is the most tar- infestation level of over 40% occurred in this
get-specific, non-disruptive pest control area every year due to the oriental fruit fly and
method (Enkerlin et al. 2003). The DOAE the guava fruit fly Bactrocera correcta Bezzi.
implemented the first pilot project in Paktor The small mango growers in this province are
District, Ratchaburi Province (7.2 square kilo- well organized and are working in close col-

Figure 2. Oriental and guava fruit fly production from 2000 to 2004 for integration in the pilot
control areas in Ratchaburi and Pichit Provinces.

laboration with the DOAE to implement the and aluminum sheet cages (40 (width) x 180
AW-IPM pilot project. Simultaneously, the (length) x 175 (height) centimetres), and ply-
first small operational area in Ratchaburi wood cages (62 x 91 x 120 centimetres) covered
Province was expanded from 7.2 to 34 square with an insect screen (Vargas 1984). Each cage
kilometres (Fig. 1). Since 2003, both pests are contains 100 000 and 56 000 adults, respective-
controlled in these areas by integrating the ly. The temperature of the adult rearing room is
SIT with monitoring and control methods kept at 26 ± 2°C, relative humidity (RH) at 65-
such as bait sprays and orchard sanitation. 70% and light intensity at 2000 Lux with a
This paper focuses on project activities 12:12 (L:D) light cycle. The adult flies are fed
during the period 2000 to 2004 and discusses on an artificial diet consisting of a 3:1 volumet-
the major findings of an economic analysis ric mixture of granulated sugar and yeast
prepared for the on-going area-wide suppres- hydrolysate (MP Biomedicals, Irvine, CA.,
sion using the SIT in the selected pilot areas USA). Water is supplied to the cages by
and for other commercial mango production polypropylene bottles placed over a filter paper.
areas in Thailand. On the 10th day after adult eclosion, perforated
bottles are placed into the cage for female
2. Activities and Results oviposition during the day, and removed from
the cages for egg collection by rinsing using
2.1. Mass-Rearing water (Vargas 1989, Sutantawong et al. 2004).
Adults of the breeding colony are kept for 15
Oriental and guava fruit flies are being mass- days to produce eggs, and then replaced with
reared in separate rooms and sterilized at the newly-emerged adults.
Pathumthani facility, which has currently a The collected eggs are seeded directly into a
maximum rearing capacity of 40 million pupae wheat bran-based diet composed of 26% wheat
per week. Two models of rectangular bran, 12% granulated sugar, 3.6% instant dry
oviposition cages have been used: stainless steel yeast, 0.1% sodium benzoate, 0.1% methyl-p-

Figure 3. Various aspects of the ground release method used for fruit flies in Thailand, (left)
loading of boxes at the adult holding and emergence facility in Wang Tob Sai sub-district,
Pichit province, (middle, upper) weekly transport of sterile adult flies to release sites using a
refrigerated truck, and (middle, lower and right) stationary release devise.

hydroxybenzonate, 0.2% acetic acid and 58% tal fruit fly pupae produced were around 715,
water by weight, prepared using a 1000 litre 810, 280, 782 and 935 million, respectively. For
capacity industrial mixer (Sutantawong et al. the guava fruit fly, which has now been pro-
2004). Approximately 120 000 eggs are seeded duced for two years (2003 and 2004), pupae
on the fibreglass tray (Model Fiber Glass®) production was 291 and 157 million, respec-
containing seven kilograms of diet per tray. The tively (Fig. 2).
trays are placed on a trolley and covered with a Two days before emergence, pupae are
cloth sheet for egg hatch and larval initiation. marked with two grams of fluorescent dye pow-
Six days after the eggs have been seeded, the der per litre and then sterilized in a 60Co
trays with diet are transferred to a room kept at Gammacell 220 source with doses of 90 and 80
22 ± 2°C and 70% RH and remain there until Gy for the oriental fruit fly and guava fruit fly,
the larvae leave the diet and fall into a metal tray respectively. They are then close-packed in nar-
filled with sawdust where they pupate. After 24 row 400 millilitre polyethylene bags and kept in
hours, the pupae are separated from the sawdust polystyrene containers with ice packs during
with a mechanical sifting device and placed into shipment to target areas. Between 2002 and
pupal trays held on racks and stored in the pupal 2004, percentage male sterility for the oriental
storage room at 20 ± 1 or 25 ± 1°C. fruit fly was 98.1, 99.4, 99.9% respectively, and
Quality control tests, conducted for every for the guava fruit fly it was 99.0% in 2003 and
production batch, include: (1) egg hatch (%), 99.8% in 2004.
(2) pupal weight (milligram), (3) emergence The high variability encountered in pupae
(%), (4) flight ability (%) and (5) sex ratio, all production was the result of unstable conditions
tests following the international throughout the rearing process. The average
FAO/IAEA/USDA fruit fly quality control production during the mango season was kept at
manual (FAO/IAEA/ USDA 2003). 20 million of B. dorsalis and 10 million B. cor-
During the period 2000 to 2004, the total recta pupae per week. The facility has renewed
amount of larval diet prepared for rearing both the colony strain once in the past two years in
flies were 109, 107, 36, 194 and 232 tons per order to assure competitiveness under field con-
year, respectively, while total numbers of orien- ditions.

Figure 4. The temporal and spatial dynamics of the oriental fruit fly population sampled with geo-referenced Steiner traps in Pichit
province, Thailand. Number of captured flies in the trapping network were represented weekly as fly per trap per day (the solid points

indicate the location and the size of the points is proportional with the size of the trap sample).

Figure 5. Number of wild oriental fruit flies sampled per trap per day before (2002) and dur-
ing integrated area-wide SIT application (2003-2004) in (upper graph) the core area and in
(lower graph) the buffer zone in Pichit Province.

2.2. Sterile Fly Releases of the container and the pupae placed in plas-
tic 800 cubic centimetre boxes (approximate-
Weekly shipments of sterile pupae are carried ly 36 000 pupae per box) (Fig. 3).
out using a refrigerated truck and pupae are At the release facility, sterile pupae are
delivered directly to the emergence and hold- incubated at room temperature (26-27°C), and
ing facilities near pilot areas. Upon arrival at after emergence, sterile adults are taken in the
these facilities, the bags of pupae are taken out boxes to the field for release. Fixed release

Table 1. Ratio of average captured wild male Bactrocera correcta and Bactrocera dorsalis in
the core area and the buffer zone of the project area in Ratchaburi and Pichit in 2002-2004.

Province Ratio Bactrocera correcta : Bactrocera dorsalis

2002 2003 2004
Core area Buffer zone Core area Buffer zone Core area Buffer zone

Ratchaburi 3.4:1 No data 0.7:1 0.5:1 0.3:1 0.3:1

Pichit 1.5:1 1.4:1 1.1:1 1:1 0.9:1 1:1

Figure 6. Number of wild guava fruit flies sampled per trap per day before (2002) and after
releasing sterile flies as part of an integrated area-wide pest management programme (2003-
2004) (upper graph) in the core area and (lower graph) in the buffer zone in Pichit.

sites are uniformly distributed in a grid-like removed from the trap, identified and record-
pattern throughout the release areas using ed into a GIS (Figs. 4, 5 and 6).
global positioning system (GPS) and geo- Based on data collected in 2002 from cap-
graphic information systems (GIS) technolo- tured flies, it was found that the ratio of orien-
gies. During the critical months (October to tal:guava fruit flies in the core area (i.e.
March), 2000 sterile oriental fruit flies and mango orchards) of Ratchaburi Province was
1000 sterile guava fruit flies are released per reduced from 3.4:1 in 2002 to 0.7:1 in 2003
hectare. and to 0.3:1 in 2004. In Pichit Province they
fell from 1.5:1 in 2002 to 1.1:1 and to 0.9:1 in
2.3. Monitoring Activities 2003 and 2004, respectively as shown in Table
1. The target ratio of sterile males to wild
Steiner traps baited with methyl eugenol and males was set taking into account the strategic
insecticide are placed for monitoring through- objective of the project, which is area-wide
out the release areas at a density of one trap population suppression rather than eradica-
per square kilometre (IAEA 2003) in careful- tion.
ly selected sites. Traps are distributed in a Fruit evaluation was done throughout the
grid-like array by using GPS and GIS. All the release area. Mangoes with signs of infesta-
traps are inspected weekly. The flies are tion were collected and maintained in plastic

Figure 7. Percentage of mangoes infested by the oriental and the guava fruit fly in pilot areas
under area-wide integrated control in 2000-2004.

boxes to observe fruit fly emergence and to populations was evaluated by weekly trapping
assess fruit damage. After years of effort, the and transforming the trap catch into number
percentage infestation in Ratchaburi Province of flies per trap per day (Figs. 5 and 6). The
has been reduced to an average of less than third MAT cycle was finalized at the end of
3.6% in the past five years (2000-2004). The January, after which sterile fly releases were
effort has paid good dividends to a number of routinely carried out since mid February 2002.
small mango growers. After two years under Other integrated control methods applied
the control programme in Pichit Province, the along with the SIT included cutting wild
percentage of fruit infested has been reduced hosts, orchard sanitation, applying baits and
from 43% in 2002 to 15.5% in 2004, as shown implementing a monitoring network.
in Table 2 and Fig. 7.
3. Economic Assessment
2.4. Male Annihilation
An economic analysis, done retrospectively
The male annihilation technique (MAT), was and also projected over 14 years (2001 to
applied area-wide to reduce populations of 2014), predicted, for an AW approach, a ben-
wild male oriental and guava fruit flies prior efit/cost ratio of 7.5:1 and a net benefit of
to implementing the SIT in Pichit Province in USD 7.5 million for the mango growers of
2002. The field plan consisted basically of Paktor, Ratchaburi Province compared to a
three MAT cycles for male population sup- benefit/cost ratio of 2:1 and a net benefit of
pression followed by weekly sterile fly releas- USD 0.17 million for the low-input conven-
es. MAT blocks were prepared by using wood tional control method (Enkerlin 2001).
fibreboard squares (4.5 x 4.5 x 0.9 centime- Furthermore, an economic assessment for cur-
tres) impregnated with approximately 10 mil- rent areas and areas proposed for expansion
lilitres of a solution containing 75% methyl was conducted by Knight (2002) using a prob-
eugenol, 20% malathion and 5% xylene. abilistic approach and Monte Carlo simulation
Ground distribution was done by hanging four modelling. Results show that economic
MAT blocks per hectare per month over returns were favourable for all but one of the
urban, commercial, non-commercial and wild mango producing provinces in Thailand
host areas. The efficacy of the MAT blocks in (Table 3). For the provinces with positive eco-
reducing male B. dorsalis and B. correcta nomic returns and given the parameters and

Table 2. Percentage of mangoes infested by the oriental and guava fruit fly after implementing
an integrated control programme that included the release of sterile flies in 2000-2004 in
Ratchaburi and 2002-2004 in Pichit.

Year Ratchaburi Pichit

No. of sampled fruits % infested fruits No. of sampled fruits % infested fruits

1987 No data 82.01 --- ---

2000 1727 1.32 --- ---
2001 209 5.62 --- ---
2002 403 5.52 119 42.9
2003 2316 1.53 871 19.7
2004 2956 4.23 2856 15.5

1Conventional control
2Release of sterile oriental fruit flies only
3Release of sterile oriental and guava fruit flies, integrated with other related methods

range of values used for the calculations, the mangoes from Pichit where growers are better
most likely benefit/cost ratio values range organized, apply good agricultural practices
between 1.26 and 2.47 and the most likely net and produce higher quality mangoes. This
present value (NPV) between USD 0.98 and achievement has encouraged mango produc-
28.02 million. (Table 3) (Knight 2002). Thus ers in other areas to adopt application of the
expansion to other potential areas appears to SIT as part of an area-wide integrated fruit fly
be economically viable. management programme.
This programme is one of an increasing
4. Conclusions
Mango growers in the pilot area of Paktor, Table 3. Net present value (NPV) and
Ratchaburi Province exported about 240 and benefit/cost ratio (BCR) of the pilot AW-IPM
300 tons of mango respectively in 2003 and project areas in Ratchaburi and Pichit
2004 to countries where a fly-free certificate provinces and predicted NPV and BCR values
derived from a probabilistic and Monte Carlo
is not required (such as Canada, Malaysia,
simulation model of six other areas proposed
Singapore). However, further expansion of
for expansion.
export from other mango production areas in
Thailand can only be realized when issues
related to pesticide residues and fruit quality
Province NPV BCR
are resolved. In addition, more than 2000 tons (USD million)
of mango production from the Pichit area has
been exported to countries such as Japan only Phichit 0.98 1.26
after attaining compliance using postharvest Ratchaburi 5.72 2.21
treatment and a phytosanitary certificate. As Phetchaburi 41.48 3.11
results indicate, infestation levels at the Pichit Khon Kaen -1.99 0.93
area are substantially higher than in the Phitsanulok 14.80 2.03
Ratchaburi area. This is mainly due to the fact Prachuap Khiri Khon 8.38 2.06
that the implementation of an area-wide IPM Chacheksao 22.02 1.52
programme in Pichit started only in 2003. Uthai Thani 13.43 2.47
Nevertheless, the Japanese market prefers

number of examples of the routinely integrat- Economic feasibility, control projects,

ed use of the SIT for the effective suppression farmer organization and Bactrocera dorsalis
of fruit flies. Nevertheless, substantial complex control study. Research Institute
improvement and economics of scale are for Subtropics, Okinawa, Japan. http://www.
needed in order to apply cost-effectively the
SIT on a larger scale. The basic requirements (FAO/IAEA/USDA) Food and Agriculture
for scaling up the programme from a pilot to a Organization of the United Nations/
nationwide project are available. However, International Atomic Energy Agency/
this is a politically and logistically complex United States Department of Agriculture.
procedure that requires government commit- 2003. FAO/IAEA/USDA manual for prod-
ment, grower organization, and continous uct quality control and shipping procedures
international technical cooperation. for sterile mass-reared tephritid fruit flies.
Version 5.0. IAEA, Vienna, Austria. http://
5. Acknowledgements
The authors wish to gratefully acknowledge (IAEA) International Atomic Energy
the Joint FAO/IAEA Division and the Agency. 2003. Trapping guidelines for
Division of Asia and Pacific of the IAEA area-wide fruit fly programmes. IAEA/FAO-
Department of Technical Cooperation for their TG/FFP, IAEA, Vienna, Austria.
commitment and strong support to the project. Knight, J. 2002. Areawide integrated control
In addition, the efficient technical support of fruit flies: preparation of an economic
from all recruited experts is much appreciated. assessment for an up-scaled SIT programme
Finally, the project could not have been suc- against the oriental fruit fly in Thailand
cessfully implemented without the coopera- (THA/5/046). Report to the IAEA. IAEA,
tion and active involvement of the many Vienna, Austria.
growers and programme staff who broadly Sutantawong, M., W. Orankanok, W. R.
understand the concept and who have ren- Enkerlin, V. Wornoayporn, and C.
dered support in many ways, resulting in tan- Cáceres. 2004. The sterile insect technique
gible achievements. for control of the oriental fruit fly,
Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) in mango
6. References orchards of Ratchaburi Province, Thailand,
pp. 223-232. In Barnes, B. N. (ed.), Pro-
Enkerlin, W. R. 2001. An economic assess- ceedings, Symposium: 6th International
ment for oriental fruit fly control using the Symposium on Fruit Flies of Economic
sterile insect technique (SIT) in Thailand: a Importance, 6-10 May 2002, Stellenbosch,
case study for the mango production areas of South Africa. Isteg Scientific Publications,
Paktor District. Report to the IAEA. IAEA, Irene, South Africa.
Vienna, Austria. Vargas, R. I. 1984. Alternative egg collection
Enkerlin, W. R., A. Bakri, C. Cáceres, J. P. system for mass production of Mediter-
Cayol, V. A. Dyck, U. Feldmann, G. Franz, ranean fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae).
A. Parker, A. Robinson, M. Vreysen, and Journal of Economic Entomology 77: 1064-
J. Hendrichs. 2003. Insect pest interven- 1069.
tion using the sterile insect technique: cur- Vargas, R. I. 1989. Mass production of tephri-
rent status on research and on operational tid fruit flies, pp. 141-151. In Robinson, A.
programs in the world, pp. 11-24. In Recent S., and G. Hooper (eds.), World crop pests
trends on sterile insect technique and area- 3B, Fruit flies: their biology, natural enemies
wide integrated pest management. and control. Elsevier, New York, USA.
Establishment of a Mediterranean Fruit Fly
Ceratitis capitata, Fruit Fly Parasitoids, and
Codling Moth Cydia pomonella Rearing
Facility in North-Eastern Brazil


M. L. Z. COSTA4 and J. M. M. WALDER4

1Biofabrica Moscamed Brasil, Quadra D 13 Lote 15, Juazeiro, Bahia -

48900-000, Brazil
2Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura Tropical, Rua Embrapa, s/nº., Cruz

das Almas, BA - 44380-000, Brazil

3Embrapa Semi-Árido, BR 428, Km 152, Zona Rural - Caixa Postal 23,

Petrolina, PE - 56302-970, Brazil

4Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura - CENA/USP, Laboratório

de Irradiação de Alimentos e Radioentomologia, Av. Centenário 303,

São Dimas, Caixa Postal 96, Piracicaba, SP - 13400-970, Brazil

ABSTRACT The Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) is a major pest of fruit crops
worldwide and its presence in many countries poses a threat for production and export. The methodology
that has been integrated in many countries to contain, to eradicate, or to suppress Mediterranean fruit fly
populations is the sterile insect technique (SIT). Besides the Mediterranean fruit fly, Anastrepha fruit fly
species of quarantine importance are also important pests affecting fruit crops in Brazil. Parasitoids that are
natural enemies of fruit flies will be mass-reared, together with Mediterranean fruit fly and Anastrepha
species in the facility that is being established in Juazeiro, Bahia with the objective of suppressing fruit
flies in the expanding commercial fruit production areas in the São Francisco river region. To take advan-
tage of the availability of a large complex of buildings, the facility will eventually also produce sterile
codling moth Cydia pomonella (L.), a pest recently introduced into southern Brazil, where it threatens the
continuously growing apple and pear industries. The production of sterile Mediterranean fruit flies and
sterile codling moths, as well as sterile host larvae for natural enemy production, will use gamma radiation
as the sterilization method. The area-wide integrated pest management (AW-IPM) approach, including the
release of these beneficial insects in the field, is the most effective means to control (suppress or in some
situations even eradicate) such pests. The consumption of fresh fruits has increased worldwide and produc-
tion in Brazil, either for domestic or export markets, has been intensified in the last decade. As food safety
is becoming a major concern for consumers, the use of environment-friendly technologies such as the SIT
will be increasingly required. The final clients for the sterile flies and moths will be the fruit growers. The
foreseen weekly production of 200 million sterile Mediterranean fruit flies and 10 million
Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmed) wasps will be released in the tropical fruit-growing areas of
northern Brazil: Bahia, Pernambuco (São Francisco Valley), Ceará, north of Minas Gerais and north of
Espirito Santo. The sterile codling moths would be sent by air to the apple and stone fruit production areas
in the south of Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, where this pest species is still confined to
urban areas and hence amenable to eradication.

KEY WORDS Ceratitis capitata, Anastrepha spp., Cydia pomonella, Diachasmimorpha longicauda-
ta, area-wide control, sterile insect technique, Brazil, São Francisco river valley

M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 527–534.
© 2007 IAEA.

1. Introduction 2005). In the last 20-30 years, the federal and

some state governments have developed many
The sterile insect technique (SIT) is used in irrigation programmes in the semi-arid north-
many countries as part of an area-wide inte- eastern part of Brazil focusing on the produc-
grated pest management (AW-IPM) approach tion of tropical, subtropical, and temperate
to control (suppress, contain, prevent or erad- fruit crops. As a result of such actions, the
icate) the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis north-eastern region is the largest producer in
capitata (Wiedemann) and other fruit fly the country of mangos, table grapes, melons,
pests. This expanding use has proven success- bananas, Antilles cherry, and guavas. The cul-
ful in protecting critical production areas from tivated area is continuously increasing and at
Mediterranean fruit fly infestation and embar- the end of 2004 there were, for example,
gos on fresh fruit exports worth thousands of 68 455 hectares of mangos in the whole of
millions of USD. The SIT is incorporated into Brazil, of which about 20 000 hectares are in
fruit fly control programmes to minimize the the São Francisco Valley (Brazilian Fruits
continuous use of insecticides, protect the Yearbook 2005). Most of the citrus production
environment, and meet food safety standards. (800 000 hectares, as well all 35 000 hectares
Fruit fly rearing facilities are in operation in of apples) is concentrated in the southern
Argentina, Australia, Chile, Guatemala, states of Brazil.
Israel, Mexico, Peru, the Philippines, Brazil exports annually around USD 400
Portugal, South Africa, Thailand, Tunisia, and million in fresh fruits (850 000 tons, which is
the USA (Hawaii and Texas). Others are being only 2% of total production), and USD 1100
planned or under construction in Costa Rica million in concentrated juices to Canada,
and Spain, and now in Brazil (Dyck et al. Japan, and the USA, and to countries in the
2005). The Okinawa melon fly Bactrocera European Union (EU) and in the South Cone
cucurbitae (Coquillett) mass-rearing facility Free Trade Agreement (Mercosur) (Brazilian
in Japan is now producing low numbers of Fruits Yearbook 2005).
insects sufficient to maintain a continuous To a large extent, the fresh products export
preventive release programme in the south- market requires some type of quarantine treat-
ern-most islands of the Okinawa archipelago ment. Fortunately, however, large fruit pro-
that are susceptible to reinfestation since this ducing areas in north-eastern Brazil are
pest was eradicated from that country deemed “low prevalence” in terms of pests
(Koyama et al. 2004). In these programmes, and diseases, especially fruit flies. The very
the SIT has proven to be successful in the sup- low humidity, high air temperature, and lack
pression, containment, prevention or eradica- of host availability year-round keep fruit fly
tion of fruit flies (Wong et al. 1992, Hendrichs populations low. However, in areas where the
1996, Barry et al. 2003, Hendrichs et al. harvest time for mangos was extended from
2005). Other sterile insect factories are in the original 2-3 months to 6-8 months due to
operation to combat lepidopteran pests, improvements in technology, wild fly popula-
screwworms, and tsetse flies (Dyck et al. tions can now increase dramatically in a few
2005). months. It is exactly in such areas of the North
East that the integration of the SIT for sup-
2. Fruit Production in Brazil pression is both required and highly feasible.
The new agricultural frontier represented
Brazil is one of the largest fruit producers in in the semi-arid North East is a consequence
the world (38 million tons in 2004), being first of four main factors: (1) improved infrastruc-
in oranges (18.3 million tons in 2004), second ture developed through governmental support,
in papayas (1.7 millions tons in 2003) and (2) high technology such as computer-con-
seventh in mangos (925 000 tons in 2003; also trolled irrigation, hormone and physiological
second in exports) (Brazilian Fruits Yearbook control of blossoming, IPM techniques, and

advanced postharvest processes, (3) positive flies (SIT) for suppressing or eradicating med-
environmental factors such as good soil, clean fly is feasible in the north-eastern fruit pro-
water, low relative humidity, high ambient duction areas of Brazil (Enkerlin et al. 2002).
temperature, and long periods of sunlight, and In addition the report states that:
(4) a new generation of young entrepreneurs.
...this environment-friendly technology, comple-

3. History of the Project

mented by minimum use of organic bait to lower
wild fly populations, is an important addition to
the technologies supporting Brazilian agricul-
At the end of 2000, a group of researchers ture. The introduction of this IPM component
opens the door to other pest control tools such
proposed the implementation of a as fruit fly parasitoids and expanded use of ster-
Mediterranean fruit fly rearing facility in ile insects to control other fruit fly species of
north-eastern Brazil to the Federal economic importance.
Government of Brazil in response to demands
from the private sector for better (i.e. econom- Following these recommendations, the
ically feasible and environment-friendly) Mediterranean fruit fly rearing facility work-
technologies to control key fruit fly pests in ing group carried out studies to define the best
this region. During 2001, the Plant Protection legal framework for creating the new entity.
Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, Special attention was given to its format in
Livestock and Food Supply called a series of order to avoid inflexibility and excessive
meetings to bring together different stake- bureaucracy, and to enable the establishment
holders with an interest in the rearing facility. of alliances with the federal and state govern-
A Mediterranean fruit fly rearing facility ments, international organizations and the pri-
working group was created by the Ministry of vate sector. In November 2002, the Biofábrica
Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply to Moscamed Brasil (Mediterranean Fruit Fly
carry out studies to assess the feasibility of a Facility Brazil) was formally created as a
facility. In January 2002, the Ministry of social organization attached to the Ministry of
Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply, and
called for an international mission to visit organized with an administration council with
potential sites for the facility, make a first federal, state and private representatives, and
evaluation of its feasibility, and recommenda- an executive board with three executive direc-
tions concerning the size and numbers of ster- tors.
ile flies to be produced by the facility. The In January 2003, a technical group was
mission from the International Atomic Energy created by the Biofábrica Moscamed Brasil to
Agency (IAEA), the United States establish the technical parameters for the rear-
Department of Agriculture (USDA) and ing facility on premises obtained from the
Instituto de Sanidad y Calidad Agropecuaria Government of the State of Bahia. This group
in Mendoza, Argentina (ISCAMEN) recom- from the Food and Agriculture Organization
mended that the facility should be sited in the of the United Nations (FAO), IAEA and
São Francisco Valley (Juazeiro-Petrolina) in USDA defined the baselines for the facility
the centre of the largest fruit production area including the basic drawings, rearing flow,
of the country and also equidistant from most and technical specifications in terms of power
other fruit producing areas in north-eastern and water requirements, air conditioning, and
Brazil. This site was also selected because of other utilities. Its general conclusions
the availability of an empty cotton processing (Cáceres et al. 2003) were:
plant that ironically was shut down due to the
collapse of cotton production in the region The building site in the State of Bahia located in
the city of Juazeiro is ideal if the entire 5-
because of heavy infestation by the boll wee- hectares facility could be devoted to the rearing
vil. The mission concluded that construction plant. This dedicated use would simplify man-
of a mass-rearing facility to produce sterile agement and provide adequate space for all pro-

posed activities with some space for expansion. retain its current markets, bring new fruit pro-
As built, the location and buildings would pro- duction areas into export markets, and reduce
vide an excellent site close to all services, but the use of insecticides, it is mandatory that
with a great deal of isolation. Most of the cov-
ered buildings are in very good condition and there be low or no fruit fly populations present.
the warehouses would be excellent structures to To achieve these aims, it will be necessary to
contain an insulated inner building where the apply the SIT against the Mediterranean fruit
rearing would take place. The covered struc- fly and expand its use to other fruit flies and
tures would provide shade from the sun and pro-
other agricultural pests.
tection from the rain. Air conditioning and other
support equipment would also be protected from The objective of applying the SIT in Brazil
the elements and air temperatures would be will admittedly be suppression of the
much reduced, minimizing air conditioning Mediterranean fruit fly. Eradication might be
needs and costs. The other numerous buildings reached in some ecologically isolated islands
could be used as warehouse space, offices, qual-
ity control, cafeteria, methods development, and (called irrigation districts), that are, in general,
other support activities. tens of kilometres apart. However, all fruit pro-
duction areas in the country contain multiple
An engineering company was then con- fruit fly species. Therefore, even though the
tracted with resources from the Ministry of suppression or selected eradication of the
Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply. It Mediterranean fruit fly is the most important
prepared the master plan for the facility with first step, the need to control the other pest
inputs from the technical personnel in the pro- species will also be important. That is why it is
gramme and two visits to the El Pino planned to have, in a second phase, a facility
Mediterranean fruit fly mass-rearing facility for mass-rearing the parasitoid
in Guatemala. During the planning phase in Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmed) for
2003, the executive board and administration augmentative releases, in combination with
council raised government funds for the nec- sterile flies.
essary modifications to the existing facilities. An outbreak of codling moth Cydia
In 2004, a Technical Cooperation project was pomonella (L.) in southern Brazil is a threat to
approved by the IAEA to support the the apple industry in the region. Although a
Brazilian government in implementing the control programme is underway using mainly a
SIT component. Funds from the Ministry of host removal strategy, which has to a large
Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply and extent been a success in confining the outbreak
the Ministry of Science and Technology to four urban areas (Kovaleski et al., this vol-
became available in the middle of 2004 and ume), the use of the SIT for final eradication is
construction was initiated late that year. The highly recommended. For this reason, and
first building for the installation of the admin- because of wider biosecurity considerations
istration began to operate in April 2005, and it (codling moth cannot become established
is planned that the rearing unit will start its where the facility is located due to high tem-
operations in early 2006. peratures and lack of hosts), a small to medi-
um-sized colony of C. pomonella is planned in
4. SIT Application in Selected the same complex, as a second phase to be ini-
Areas of Brazil tiated in the middle of 2006.
The SIT is not an easy technology to apply
The increasingly expanding fruit crop growing and needs careful planning and continuous
areas in the Brazilian semi-arid north-eastern supervision. Hence, in addition to providing
region need an innovative solution for the fruit sterile males for the private sector, the pro-
fly problem since importing countries have gramme could also provide a “total package”
imposed quarantine and sanitary barriers for that would include monitoring fruit fly densi-
the fresh fruit market. Although Brazil exports ties in the field, processing, retrieving, and
to the EU, Japan, and the USA, in order to storing information, chemical control when

necessary to reduce populations prior to releas- ing for the trapping services. The proposal now
es of sterile males, and public relation and – which is supported by the industry – is to
extension activities. have Biofábrica Moscamed Brasil manage the
Regarding the SIT per se, a key element to trapping operations since these provide essen-
the success of the programme is the design, tial information for use of the SIT and for the
construction, and operation of a sterile fly other control measures that are needed.
mass-rearing facility capable of producing suf- The integrated area-wide approach, funda-
ficient sterile insects of good quality and at rea- mental for a successful programme, is the con-
sonable cost, in combination with efficient SIT cept to be applied and a public dissemination
programme implementation and support to campaign to explain the concept and its opera-
growers, the public and government. Since a tion will be essential to have large, middle and
high degree of responsiveness to clients’ needs small growers join the programme. The broad
promotes sustainability, the initial focus of the acceptance of, and participation in, the fruit fly
programme is on effectiveness and cost effi- management programme is largely expected
ciency unless other mitigating issues take because a low prevalence of fruit fly popula-
precedence. Factors such as the environment, tions is one of the requirements to export man-
public health, public and political opinion, and gos into the USA and Japan, and the EU also
the future direction of plant health regulations now requires new processes for fruit produc-
could influence the use of the SIT, even if the tion.
initial cost efficiency is less than optimal. After the government allocates the seed
money to build the facility, the operation is
5. Plans and Concept expected to be sustainable within a few years.
An additional source of funding could be the
The initial kick-off for the programme was the export of sterile Mediterranean fruit flies.
positive political decision by the Federal Although a large number of sterile Mediter-
Government of Brazil, especially the Ministry ranean fruit flies are being produced in other
of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply, mass-rearing facilities around the world,
with strong support from the Government of demand is still larger than this production
the State of Bahia. Providing the plant site was capacity. In addition, Biofábrica Moscamed
the first step, followed by the building process Brasil production can be destined for local use
that required a large investment. The federal in future area-wide IPM projects involving the
and state governments are responsible for all SIT in other regions of Brazil. For example, the
funds earmarked for the building phase El Pino mass-rearing facility in Guatemala
(around USD 4.5 million), with the fruit indus- exports millions of flies per week to California
try providing the essential political support to and Florida in the USA and also to Israel in the
the government agencies. After the operation is past. Argentina, Mexico, Portugal, and USA
initiated, industry – through the growers asso- mass-rearing facilities in Texas and Hawaii
ciations and cooperative farms – will gradually have also supplied other users. Modest
compensate the Biofábrica Moscamed Brasil amounts of profit obtained from such transac-
for the services being delivered to the farms, tions reduce plant production costs. The ability
which will encompass monitoring and releases to ship pupae long distances and the technolo-
of sterile males. gy under development for shipping
Presently, in most fruit production areas, the Mediterranean fruit fly eggs to international
trapping system in place is grower-operated clients, adds greatly to plant utility, financial
with different arrangements in place according viability, and overall cost effectiveness.
to the region and always supervised directly by
the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and 6. Strategic Alliances
Food Supply or by the state plant protection
agencies. Hence the growers are already pay- A key aspect for a fruit fly management pro-

gramme that includes the SIT is to have short-term expert visits and training for the
alliances in the national and international are- newly-hired personnel. Two professionals
nas. The federal and state governments are the from EMBRAPA and CENA were trained for
natural national alliances. These are key part- three months in the rearing, irradiation and
ners since, amongst others, the importation of quality control aspects of the Mediterranean
biological material from foreign sources fruit fly temperature sensitive lethal (tsl)
requires permits and federal government genetic sexing strains at the FAO/IAEA
approval, the transshipment of flies from one Agriculture and Biotechnology Laboratory,
state to another requires state government col- Seibersdorf in Austria. Additionally, through
laboration, and the development of technical the El Pino Mediterranean Fruit Fly Facility in
alliances with other international entities is Guatemala, the United States Department of
dependent on federal and state government Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Protection
participation. Within these, the Ministry of Service (USDA-APHIS) has systematically
Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply, the provided technical assistance since the begin-
Ministries of Science and Technology and of ning of the project, with directors’ visits to
National Integration, and the state govern- Brazil, and Brazilian professionals visiting
ments through the agencies for plant protec- Guatemala for training and obtaining informa-
tion in Bahia, Pernambuco, and Ceará are par- tion on the facility in order to design and pre-
ticularly critical for the success of the pro- pare the operational aspects of the Biofábrica
gramme. Moscamed Brasil. Finally, ISCAMEN,
Important support for research and devel- Argentina, has given technical advice and sent
opment is provided by two research centres, sterile Mediterranean fruit flies for prelimi-
the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corpora- nary tests in Brazil.
tion (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa
Agropecuária (EMBRAPA)), i.e. Embrapa 7. Research and Development
Cassava and Fruits, and Embrapa Tropical Component
Semi-Arid. Other important partners are the
Centre for Nuclear Energy in Agriculture The Biofábrica Moscamed Brasil is the first
(CENA) and the Institute of Biosciences of facility in Brazil to produce sterile insects on
the University of São Paulo (USP). These a large scale and, as a result, there is a small
have helped the Biofábrica Moscamed Brasil critical mass of trained personnel in the coun-
implementation since the beginning, includ- try. There is however, no information regard-
ing in planning, training, carrying out applied ing the effectiveness of the SIT under semi-
research, and permanent overseeing. arid conditions. A set of experiments and
In the industry, the Biofábrica Moscamed large-scale field tests were planned and are
Brasil has the support from three major grow- being carried out to answer basic questions
er associations, the Fruit and Vegetables concerning the mating competitiveness of tsl
Export Association of São Francisco Valley strain VIENNA 8 (Franz 2005), sterile males
(Valexport), the Brazilian Fruit Institute competing with wild males for wild females,
(IBRAF) and the Brazilian Papaya Export dispersion and longevity of sterile males
Association (BRAPEX). The private sector under semi-arid conditions and related topics.
has also contributed financial and political In collaboration with the Agricultural
support. Research Service (ARS) of USDA, the
The IAEA/FAO, as international organiza- University of Tessaly in Greece, and the Joint
tions have also given support. This included FAO/IAEA Programme, one staff member is
supporting the first mission to define the site leading a group in EMBRAPA to answer these
of the plant in 2001, and a current Technical questions with financial support from the
Cooperation Project that covers the endow- Bank of Nordeste.
ment of a 60Co irradiator, and the costs of Large pilot tests are also planned for two

Table 1. Production and basic biological data of the VIENNA 8 genetic sexing strain colony at
USP-CENA, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil.

Generation1 Eggs2 Egg Number of Male Female Sex error in Sex error in
(month/year) (ml) viability pupae viability viability brown pupae white pupae
(%) (x 1000) (%) (%) (%) (%)

F10 (Dec/04) 12.5 24.7 48 63.1 85.1 1.18 0.00

F11 (Jan/05) 19.1 77.2 1257 84.9 80.3 0.30 0.00
F12 (Feb/05) 64.3 75.8 1680 76.9 86.6 0.85 0.18
F13 (Mar/05) 52.2 63.8 1430 83.5 90.7 0.50 0.00
F14 (Apr/05) 98.2 71.6 1390 83.1 89.6 0.26 0.08
F15 (May/05) 243.5 68.3 3240 n.a. n.a n.a n.a

1The VIENNA 8 pupae received from the FAO/ IAEAAgriculture and Biotechnology Laboratory were from gen-
eration F9 (Carlos Cáceres, personal communication)
2Not all collected eggs were used for pupal production

mango areas – 3000 and 5000 hectares – gamma sterilization are being applied under
where the Mediterranean fruit fly is historical- laboratory conditions (FAO/IAEA/USDA
ly reported as being of economic importance. 2003). After six generations the strain shows
Sterile males will be brought from ISCAMEN good quality and stability (Table 1), enabling
and released in the experimental areas after a colony expansions to be planned for subse-
detailed survey and following suppression quent generations.
measures taken when the feral population is USP-CENA will be responsible for main-
high. For these pilot tests, partnerships were taining the original strain imported from the
established with EMBRAPA, the Bahia FAO/IAEA Agriculture and Biotechnology
Animal and Plant Protection Agency Laboratory and transferring it to the
(ADAB), and the University of south-western Biofábrica Moscamed Brasil when the mass-
Bahia (Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da rearing process starts. Also the tests for
Bahia (UESB)) to have good entomological improving the local diet and the quality con-
and logistical support to carry them out. trol of the rearing will be supervised by USP-
At the USP-CENA laboratories, the CENA.
VIENNA 8 strain received from the
FAO/IAEA Agriculture and Biotechnology 8. Conclusions
Laboratory in December 2004 was success-
fully adapted to a larval diet, which was The location of the Biofábrica Moscamed
developed in 2002 with local ingredients Brasil in the São Francisco Valley is right in
(Walder 2002). This diet contains sugarcane the centre of mango and many other fruit pro-
bagasse as a bulking agent, wheat germ and duction farms. This close proximity to produc-
brewer yeast as protein sources, sugar and tion areas should promote more private sector
wheat flour as phagostimulants and carbohy- interest and commitment. Private sector
drate sources, an antibiotic as bacterial investment would be enhanced if the
growth inhibitor, sodium benzoate to avoid Mediterranean fruit fly rearing facility was an
fungal growth and hydrochloric acid as pH integral part of the community where the
regulator. The rearing protocol is very similar stakeholders live and work, since local produc-
to that recommended by Cáceres (2002). ers and public sector officials are in a better
Studies using several quality tests including position to support the plant and resolve any

problems that might arise locally or regionally. species amenable to large scale rearing for
the sterile insect technique, pp. 427-451. In
9. References Dyck, V. A., J. Hendrichs, and A. S.
Robinson (eds.), Sterile insect technique.
Barry, J. D., T. E. Shelly, D. O. McInnis, and Principles and practice in area-wide integrat-
J. G. Morse. 2003. Potential for reducing ed pest management. Springer, Dordrecht,
overflooding ratios of sterile Mediterranean The Netherlands.
fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) with the use Hendrichs, J. 1996. Action programmes
of ginger root oil. Florida Entomologist 86: against fruit flies of economic importance:
29-33. session overview, pp. 513-519. In
Brazilian Fruits Yearbook. 2005. Santa Cruz McPheron, B., and G. Steck (eds.), Fruit fly
do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. pests: a world assessment of their biology
Cáceres, C. 2002. Mass rearing of temperature and management. St. Lucie Press, Florida,
sensitive genetic sexing strains in the USA.
Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata). Hendrichs, J., M. J. B. Vreysen, W. R.
Genetica 116: 107-116. Enkerlin, and J. P. Cayol. 2005. Strategic
Cáceres, C., J. Porro, P. Rendón, and G. options in using sterile insects for area-wide
Tween. 2003. Technical specification for integrated pest management, pp. 563-600. In
the medfly production plant in Brazil. Dyck, V. A., J. Hendrichs, and A. S.
Juazeiro, Bahia, Brazil. Report to the IAEA, Robinson (eds.), Sterile insect technique.
BRA/5/057, Vienna, Austria. Principles and practice in area-wide integrat-
Dyck, V. A., J. Hendrichs, and A. S. Robinson ed pest management. Springer, Dordrecht,
(eds.). 2005. Sterile insect technique. Prin- The Netherlands.
ciples and practice in area-wide integrated Koyama, J., H. Kakinohana, and T.
pest management. Springer, Dordrecht, The Miyatake. 2004. Eradication of the melon
Netherlands. fly, Bactrocera curcubitae, in Japan: impor-
Enkerlin, W., P. Rendón, P. G. Riera, and G. tance of behavior, ecology, genetics, and
Tween. 2002. Medfly rearing facility feasi- evolution. Annual Review of Entomology
bility study for northeast of Brazil. Brasília, 49: 331-349.
D. F., Brazil. Report to the IAEA, BRA/5/ Walder, J. M. M. 2002. Produção de moscas-
057. IAEA, Vienna, Austria. das-frutas e seus inimigos naturais: associ-
(FAO/IAEA/USDA) Food and Agriculture ação de moscas estéreis e controle biológico,
Organization of the United Nations/ pp. 181-188. In Parra, R. P. (ed.), Controle
International Atomic Energy Agency/ biológico no Brasil: parasitóides e preda-
United States Department of Agriculture. dores. Editora Manole, Barueri, Sao Paulo,
2003. FAO/IAEA/USDA manual for prod- Brazil.
uct quality control and shipping procedures Wong, T. T. Y., M. M. Ramadan, J. C. Herr,
for sterile mass-reared tephritid fruit flies. and D. O. McInnis. 1992. Suppression of
Version 5.0. IAEA, Vienna, Austria. a Mediterranean fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) population with concurrent par-
dex.html asitoid and sterile fly releases in Kula, Maui,
Franz, G. 2005. Genetic sexing strains in Hawaii. Journal of Economic Entomology
Mediterranean fruit fly, an example for other 85: 1671-1681.
Pilot Mediterranean Fruit Fly Ceratitis capi-
tata Rearing Facility in Tunisia: Constraints
and Prospects



1Unité de Production des Mâles Stériles de la Cératite, Centre National

des Sciences et Technologies Nucléaires, Technopole Sidi Thabet, Tunis
2020, Tunisie
2Laboratoire de Biochimie, Université Tunis El Manar, Faculté des

Sciences Naturelles de Tunis, Tunis 2092, Tunisie

3Laboratoire d’Entomologie, Institut National de Recherche

Agronomique de Tunis, Rue Hédi Karray, Ariana 2080, Tunisie

4Direction de la Protection et du Contrôle des Produits Agricoles,

Ministère de l'Agriculture, 30 Rue Alain Savary, Tunis 1002, Tunisie

5Joint FAO/IAEA Programme of Nuclear Techniques in Food and

Agriculture, FAO/IAEA Agriculture and Biotechnology Laboratory,

Seibersdorf, A-2444, Austria

ABSTRACT The Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) mass-rearing facility, locat-
ed at the Centre National des Sciences et Technologies Nucléaires, Sidi Thabet, northern part of Tunisia,
was specifically designed for rearing genetic sexing strains of this species. Rearing operations were initi-
ated in 2004 to supply sterile males for a pilot project to control the Mediterranean fruit fly in 5800 hectares
of citrus plantations in the Cap Bon peninsula. The peninsula contains the largest growing area in Tunisia
for citrus destined for export. The project is supported by the Tunisian Government, the International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
During the first year of operations, fly production was unstable due to fluctuations in the environmental
conditions, the lack of regular supply of essential larval diet ingredients, and the frequent breakdown of
some essential equipment. As a result, the numbers of flies produced was reduced and/or the quality of the
sterile males impaired. These problems were solved through the fine-tuning of all rearing procedures,
adjustments to the environmental control system, and the introduction of quality control procedures con-
sistent with those described in the FAO/IAEA/USDA manual for each procedure and phase involved in the
production of sterile male adults. By the end of 2004, an average of six million sterile pupae were produced
per week. Further improvements and adjustments in all the rearing steps and protocols are necessary to
obtain the maximal sterile pupae capacity of 12 million per week.

KEY WORDS Ceratitis capitata, Mediterranean fruit fly, mass-rearing, quality control, genetic sex-
ing, sterile males, Tunisia

1. Introduction es are not readily available. Infestation rates in

fruit in orchards treated with conventional
The Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata broad-spectrum insecticides are around 10%,
(Wiedemann) is a major problem for fruit pro- but this can increase to 55% for areas without
duction in Tunisia although data on exact loss- chemical treatment (Knight 2001). The Cap
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 535–543.
© 2007 IAEA.

Bon, with a total surface area of 300 000 Biotechnology Laboratories in Seibersdorf,
hectares, has 186 000 hectares of cultiviable Austria, and then shipped by air to the fly
land of which 14 000 hectares are planted with emergence and release centre at Tozeur (Cayol
citrus. This makes the Cap Bon the main citrus and Zarai 1999). The results from this trial con-
production area in Tunisia, contributing to 80% firmed that systematic releases of only sterile
of the total national production. Ninety eight males induced sterility in the wild population
percent of the citrus area is cultivated with the and were able to reduce the density of the wild
cultivar “Maltaise”, that is mostly destined for population. The project likewise demonstrated
export. New local regulations and the increas- that considerable savings could be made using
ing demand of foreign export markets for fresh the male-only strain as compared to the release
commodities without pesticide residues, makes of conventional bisexual strains.
the use of the sterile insect technique (SIT), as In 2001-2002, the Tunisian Government
a component of an area-wide integrated pest together with citrus growers initiated a project
management (AW-IPM) approach of this pest, supported by the IAEA and the FAO, with the
an attractive option. main objective of suppressing the Mediter-
The SIT for the control or suppression of ranean fruit fly through an integrated area-wide
the Mediterranean fruit fly was tested for the approach in commercial citrus production and
first time in Tunisia in the 1970s through a export areas and thereby reducing insecticide
joint project between the Tunisian Government applications against this pest. In the first phase
and the United States Department of of this project, a small-scale rearing facility
Agriculture (USDA) (Cheikh and Ben Salah was established at the Centre National des
1975). This pilot project used releases of a con- Sciences et Technologies Nucléaires (CNSTN)
ventional bisexual strain that was reared in a in the Sidi Thabet technopole to provide a reli-
small rearing facility at the Institut National de able local source of sterile flies for release in a
Recherche Agronomique de Tunis (INRAT). commercial citrus orchard. The 300 square
Sterile insect releases were carried out in a 600 metre facility, specifically designed to rear the
hectare pilot area in northern Tunisia (Ghar el tsl genetic sexing strain of the Mediterranean
Melh), but due to inefficient distribution of the fruit fly (Franz 2005), has a production capac-
sterile flies, insufficient geographic isolation of ity of 10-12 million of sterile male pupae per
the target area, and the absence of an effective week. The facility was constructed in 2001-
buffer zone between the target area and the sur- 2002 and rearing operations were initiated in
rounding areas with non-commercial hosts, February 2004. The flies produced in the facil-
this project did not lead to the successful con- ity were used for integrated fly suppression
trol of the Mediterranean fruit fly population. operations in a 5300 hectare pilot area near
During the early 1990s, Tunisia participated Hammamet located in the Cap Bon peninsula.
in a regional feasibility study, co-funded by the The main control area consisted of 2500
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), hectares of citrus and 2800 hectares as a buffer
and the Food and Agriculture Organization of zone to prevent the immigration of fertile
the United Nations (FAO), that assessed the female insects into the core area. The sched-
potential of controlling the Mediterranean fruit uled release density of 1000 sterile male flies
fly in the Maghreb region through an integrat- per hectare per week demands a stable produc-
ed pest management approach with an SIT tion of at least six million sterile male pupae
component (Buyckx 1994). During ten consec- per week.
utive months, an experimental project was con-
ducted in the mountain oases in southern 2. Materials and Methods
Tunisia to assess the field effectiveness of a
genetic sexing strain that carried a temperature 2.1. Fly Strain
sensitive lethal (tsl) gene. The pupae were pro-
duced at the FAO/IAEA Agriculture and The VIENNA 8 genetic sexing strain of the

Mediterranean fruit fly that carries a tempera- al. 2004). A certain proportion of pupae from
ture sensitive lethal (tsl) gene is the strain pro- this mother colony are subjected to a selection
duced in the rearing facility at Sidi Thabet. In process so that only males and females emerg-
addition to the tsl mutation that makes the ing from pupae with the correct pupal colour
females sensitive to temperatures above 32°C are returned to the mother colony. Eggs from
(Franz and Kerremans 1994, Willhoeft et al. the mother colony are used to initiate an
1996), the females carry a second mutation amplification process for three to four genera-
resulting in white pupae (wp) – this in contrast tions to build up a large colony, from which
to the male pupae that are brown. The rearing the resulting male pupae are sterilized for sub-
of such a genetic sexing strain requires the sequent releases. In such a filter rearing sys-
maintenance of two parallel lines of produc- tem, no insects that have been through this
tion: (1) the first one is dedicated to the main- amplification process are returned to the
tenance of the colony, and (2) the second one mother colony, and therefore there is no accu-
for the production of males (Cáceres et al. mulation of undesirable genotypes in the
2000). In the male production process, the tsl colony (Cáceres et al. 2004). The mother
selectable marker is used to separate the sexes colony provides sufficient offspring to sustain
at the embryo stage by killing the females itself and also to provide surplus eggs for the
through exposure to high temperature. The wp system of unidirectional amplification. At the
selectable marker is used to monitor the end of amplification phase sufficient eggs are
genetic stability of the strain: emergence of produced for thermal treatment and elimina-
males from white pupae or females from tion of the female embryos to produce only
brown pupae is indicative of the degree of male flies for sterilization and field release.
breakdown of the genetic sexing strain (Franz
et al. 1996). 2.3. Facility Description

2.2. Production System The rearing facility at Sidi Thabet has two
egging rooms that contain the cages for the
To prevent the accumulation of undesirable amplifying colonies and separate areas for the
genotypes that would result in the genetic different larval rearing stages, separation of
breakdown of the strain, a filter rearing sys- the pupation medium, pupal synchronization,
tem was introduced that maintains a small quality control, washing, and diet disposal.
mother colony under relaxed conditions and The adult rearing cages were locally designed
low insect densities in the cages (Cáceres et based upon the specifications for rearing the

Table 1. Climatic conditions of the different Mediterranean fruit fly rearing rooms of the rear-
ing facility in Sidi Thabet, Tunisia.

Room type Surface area Temperature Relative humidity

(square metres) (°C) (%)

Egging 20 23 60-70
Larval initiation, male-only colony 10 30 80
Larval initiation, injection and release 10 25 80
Larval maturation 15 22 80-85
Larval collection 20 18 85
Pupae maturation 15 20 65-70

Figure 1. The weekly percentage rearing efficiency (± SD) of the genetic sexing strain VIEN-
NA 8 of the Mediterranean fruit fly maintained in the rearing facility at Sidi Thabet, Tunisia in
2004, expressed as pupal recovery per eggs seeded. Weekly percentage efficiency was calcu-
lated by averaging the daily pupal recovery for each week. The top line (pupal recovery of
0.16) indicates the expected value for the VIENNA 8 strain.

VIENNA 8 strain (Cáceres et al. 2004). The 400 millilitres of eggs daily for the three
colony is maintained in 24 cages that produce amplification streams. The eggs are seeded on

Figure 2. Total numbers of male-only pupae of Mediterranean fruit fly shipped to the release
and emergence centre in Cap Bon during 2004 (bars) and the percentage of white pupae (line)
within these shipments.

Figure 3. Emergence of sterile male Mediterranean fruit flies in 2004 after irradiation of
pupae with 100 Gy. The minimum value accepted for emergence is 60% (line with solid trian-

the larval diet that is based on wheat bran as tion of male pupae was selected to measure
described by Tanaka et al. (1969). The rearing the stability of the production process.
area for the larval stage, either for male-onlyRearing efficiency was quantified by measur-
or colony production, is divided into differenting the egg to pupae survival (i.e. recovery of
rooms with specific environments for each pupae from a given number of eggs that were
development stage as specified in Table 1. transferred to the larval diet). During the first
There are common rooms for the larval matu- seven months of mass production (April-
ration and collection stages. Mature larvae areOctober 2004), the average weekly rearing
collected every 24 hours in specific pans that efficiency (i.e. the daily recovery averaged
contain sawdust as the pupation medium. over a week) fluctuated from a maximum of
Pupae are separated from the pupation medi- 0.15 to a minimum of 0.06 (Fig. 1). These
um 24 hours after pupation and then each two rearing efficiency values deviated consider-
litres of pupae are put into a pupae maturationably from the recovery value of 0.16 estab-
tray. Forty eight to 24 hours before adult lished as the expected efficiency for the genet-
emergence, pupae are dyed with a fluorescent ic sexing strain VIENNA 8 (Cáceres et al.
powder (DayGlo®) and bagged after two 2000). The suboptimal recovery values could
hours of hypoxia. The mature male pupae are mainly be attributed to: (1) the substitution of
then irradiated at a minimum dose of 100 Gy hydrochloric acid by citric acid, which is less
before being shipped to the packing and efficient in preventing microbial development
release centre. in the larval diet, (2) the use of locally-pur-
chased wheat bran or barley bagasse of irreg-
3. Results ular quality, and (3) suboptimal climatic con-
ditions due to frequent breakdowns in the air
3.1. Efficiency of Male-Only Pupal conditioning system.
Production Significant improvements in production
were observed from October 2004 onwards
Since sterile male pupae are the final product when appropriate larval ingredients were used
delivered to the field operations, the produc- and the environmental control problems were

Figure 4. Flight ability of sterile male Mediterranean fruit flies in 2004 after irradiation of
pupae with 100 Gy. Line with solid diamonds indicate the minimum accepted value.

fixed. Under more stable production condi- only production system was on average 7.94 ±
tions it was possible to reach acceptable val- 0.96 milligram, and emergence and flight abil-
ues of recovery (86% of the expected efficien- ity for male-only production after irradiation
cy for this strain) (Fig. 1). increased during the year, becoming more sta-
In February 2004, shipments of sterile ble thereafter at levels above acceptable
Mediterranean fruit fly pupae to the emer- means (FAO/IAEA/USDA 2003) (Fig. 2, 3
gence and release centre near the pilot field and 4).
site in Cap Bon were initiated. Due to the fre-
quent interruptions in fly production, the num- 4. Discussion
ber of sterile male pupae delivered per ship-
ment between week 1 and 32 fluctuated Production at the Tunisian Mediterranean fruit
between 0.5 and 4.5 million. fly pilot rearing facility has the potential to
Improvements of the rearing efficiency meet the sterile fly needs for the selected pilot
resulted in a more stable fly production as of area. In the last two months of 2004, suitable
week 34 in 2004 and an average of 6 million rearing conditions were established with
sterile male pupae were shipped per week to acceptable quality control values and the
the project site. Of these, an average of 98% facility produced on average 6 million sterile
were males (Fig. 2). male pupae per week (Fig. 2), which is only
half of the facility production potential.
3.2. Quality Control During the period reported, 98% of the deliv-
ered pupae were male flies with acceptable
The procedures used to monitor the quality of values of quality as shown in Table 2 and Fig.
all development stages were those described 3 and Fig. 4. Unstable production during the
in FAO/IAEA/USDA (2003). Summaries of early stages was due to several constraints,
the results of the quality control test for the e.g. lack of or low quality of the local larval
first year of production (Table 2) show these diet ingredients, deficient environmental con-
to be satisfactory. Pupal weight for the male- trol and rearing equipment breakdown. This

Table 2. Average values for the main quality control parameters at the Mediterranean fruit fly
rearing facility for sterile male-only production located in Sidi Thabet, Tunisia.

Parameter Average SD Acceptable mean1 Minimum1

Pupal weight (milligrams) 7.94 0.96 7.2 6.7

Proportion of males (%) 98.14 2.75 99.0 95.0
Emergence rate (%) 78.49 10.76 70.0 60.0
Proportion of male flyers (%) 69.09 14.82 65.0 53.0

1As defined in the “FAO/IAEA/USDA manual for product quality control and shipping procedures for sterile
mass-reared tephritid fruit flies” (FAO/IAEA/USDA 2003)

confirms that mass-rearing of insects is an nance. Some of the production breakdowns,

industrial operation that requires stable sup- especially at the beginning, were due to the
plies of good quality dietary ingredients for failure of the environmental conditioning sys-
larvae and adults, as well as appropriate and tem, which caused female mortality in the
stable environmental rearing conditions adult and larval stages. In the filter rearing
(Vargas et al. 1983, Schwarz et al. 1985). system the number of females available is
Diet quality had a direct impact on the pro- almost the exact number required for each
duction profile. The most important factors amplification colony. Therefore, any break-
that determine the quality of the diet are the down during the amplification process can
physical characteristics, which are mainly lead to lack of eggs for male-only production
defined by the type and characteristics of the until the size of each amplification stream is
bulking agent. Bulking compounds must pro- re-established (Cáceres et al. 2004).
vide a suitable structure for the larval medium The main conclusion is that the integrated
to allow uniform distribution of the other use of the SIT for suppression of the
nutritive ingredients and to serve as larval Mediterranean fruit fly, in the Cap Bon region
feeding substrate. Lack of these characteris- of Tunisia compares favourably with the cur-
tics affects the normal development of larvae rent control methods employed when consid-
or can induce larval mortality, resulting in ering the economics (Knight 2001). This
poor quality and low numbers of insects encouraged the search for potential markets
(Singh 1977, Vargas et al. 1983, Vargas and that might justify the development of a large-
Mitchell 1987, Vargas 1989). This happened scale production facility. The Tunisian author-
when the imported wheat bran was replaced ities and the private fruit industry
by barley bagasse, although it was reported (Groupement Interprofessionel des Fruits) are
that the latter was an efficient bulking ingredi- willing to expand the SIT project to the com-
ent for rearing Mediterranean fruit flies on a mercial fruit production area of Cap Bon and
large laboratory scale (Cheikh and Ben Salah to enlarge its application.
1977). Also, the local wheat bran tested did
not have the desirable characteristics and gave 5. Conclusions
unsatisfactory results. Thus, until a suitable
local bulking agent is identified, it is essential Results indicated that the establishment of a
to continue using imported wheat bran. control programme with an SIT component in
As females are sensitive to high tempera- Tunisia for suppression of Mediterranean fruit
tures during their entire life cycle (Cáceres et fly based on the regular release of good qual-
al. 2000), stable environmental conditions are ity sterile insects, locally produced at compet-
required particularly for the colony mainte- itive cost, could be achievable. Preliminary

results obtained at the Tunisian Mediterranean Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang,
fruit fly pilot rearing facility have shown that Malaysia.
industrial production of sterile insects in Cáceres, C., J. P. Cayol, W. R. Enkerlin, G.
Tunisia is possible at a reasonable cost. At Franz, J. Hendrichs, and A. S. Robinson.
present, the Tunisian Government through the 2004. Comparison of Mediterranean fruit fly
Centre National des Sciences et Technologies (Ceratitis capitata) (Tephritidae) bisexual and
Nucléaires is investing around USD 200 000 genetic sexing strains: development, evalua-
per year to maintain the operation of the facil- tion and economics, pp. 367-381. In Barnes,
ity. This means that due to the low rearing B. N. (ed.), Proceedings, Symposium: 6th
efficiency, the cost per million of sterile pupae International Symposium on Fruit Flies of
is on average USD 750, which is much higher Economic Importance, 6-10 May 2002,
than the cost of USD 480 per million under Stellenbosch, South Africa. Isteg Scientific
stable production of at least eight million per Publications, Irene, South Africa.
week and in relation to the cost reported for Cayol, J. P., and M. Zarai. 1999. Field releas-
other facilities (Hendrichs et al. 2002). es of two genetic sexing strains of the
Further efforts are therefore needed to stabi- Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata
lize production and reduce operational costs. Wied.) in two isolated oases of Tozeur
The success of the SIT pilot project in the Cap Governorate, Tunisia. Journal of Applied
Bon peninsula is of high importance since it Entomology 123: 613-619.
could be used as reference to facilitate the Cheikh, M., and H. Ben Salah. 1975.
implementation of large scale integrated SIT Suppression of the Mediterranean fruit fly in
programmes in Tunisia for the suppression of Tunisia with released sterile insects. Journal
Mediterranean fruit fly. of Economic Entomology 68: 237-243.
Cheikh, M., and H. Ben Salah. 1977. Elevage
6. References massif de la mouche Méditerranéenne des
fruits Ceratitis capitata (Wied.). Formules et
Buyckx, E. J. 1994. Unfecundated dates, hosts disponibilités locales des produits de base.
of the Mediterranean fruit fly (Diptera: Annales de l’Institut National de la Recherche
Tephritidae) in the oases of Tozeur, Tunisia. Agronomique de Tunisie 50. Tunis, Tunisie.
Proceedings: IOBC/WPRS International (FAO/IAEA/USDA) Food and Agriculture
Open Meeting Working Group on Fruit Flies Organization of the United Nations/
of Economic Importance, 14-16 October International Atomic Energy Agency/
1993, Lisbon, Portugal. IOBC/WPRS United States Department of Agriculture.
Bulletin 17: 25-37. 2003. FAO/IAEA/USDA manual for product
Cáceres, C. 2001. Requirements for construc- quality control and shipping procedures for
tion of pilot and large medfly facilities to rear- sterile mass-reared tephritid fruit flies.
ing temperature sensitive lethal genetic sex- Version 5.0. IAEA, Vienna, Austria. http://
ing strain (TUN5020). Report to the IAEA.
IAEA, Vienna, Austria. ml
Cáceres, C., K. Fisher, and P. Rendón. 2000. Franz, G. 2005. Genetic sexing strains in
Mass rearing of the Medfly temperature sen- Mediterranean fruit fly, an example for other
sitive lethal genetic sexing strain in species amenable to large scale rearing for the
Guatemala, pp. 543-550. In Tan, K. H. (ed.), sterile insect technique, pp. 427-451. In
Proceedings: Area-Wide Control of Fruit Dyck, V. A., J. Hendrichs, and A. S.
Flies and Other Insect Pests. International Robinson (eds.), Sterile insect technique.
Conference on Area-Wide Control of Insect Principles and practice in area-wide inte-
Pests, and the 5th International Symposium on grated pest management. Springer,
Fruit Flies of Economic Importance, 28 May- Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
5 June 1998, Penang, Malaysia. Penerbit Franz, G., and P. Kerremans. 1994.

Requirements and strategies for the develop- Singh, P. 1977. Artificial diets for insects, mites,
ment of genetic sex separation systems with and spiders. IFI/Plenum Data, New York,
special reference to the Mediterranean fruit USA.
fly Ceratitis capitata, pp. 113-122. In Tanaka, N., L. F. Steiner, K. Ohinata, and R.
Calkins, C. O., W. Klassen, and P. Liedo Okamoto. 1969. Low-cost larval rearing
(eds.), Fruit flies and the sterile insect tech- medium for mass-production of oriental and
nique. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FT., USA. Mediterranean fruit flies. Journal of
Franz, G., P. Kerremans, P. Rendón, and J. Economic Entomology 62: 967-968.
Hendrichs. 1996. Development and appli- Vargas, R. I. 1989. Mass production of tephri-
cation of genetic sexing systems for the tid fruit flies, pp. 141-152. In Hooper, G., and
Mediterranean fruit fly based on a tempera- A. S. Robinson (eds.), Fruit flies, their biolo-
ture sensitive lethal, pp. 185-191. In gy, natural enemies, and control. World crop
McPheron, B. A., and G. J. Steck (eds.), Fruit pests, 3B. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Nether-
fly pests: a world assessment of their biology lands.
and management. St Lucie Press, Delray Vargas, R. I., and S. Mitchell. 1987. Two arti-
Beach, FL., USA. ficial larval diets for rearing Dacus latifrons
Hendrichs, J., A. S. Robinson, J. P. Cayol, and (Diptera: Tephritidae). Journal of Economic
W. Enkerlin. 2002. Medfly areawide sterile Entomology 80: 1337-1339.
insect technique programmes for prevention, Vargas, R. I., H. Chang, and D. L. Williamson.
suppression or eradication: the importance of 1983. Evaluation of a sugar cane bagasse lar-
mating behavior studies. Florida Entomol- val diet for mass production of the
ogist 85: 1-13. Mediterranean fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae)
Knight, J. 2001. Cost/benefit economic analy- in Hawaii. Journal of Economic Entomology
sis of SIT for controlling medfly in the Cap 76: 1360-1362.
Bon area (TUN5020). Report to the IAEA. Willhoeft, U., G. Franz, and D. O. McInnis.
IAEA, Vienna, Austria. 1996. Towards the application of genetic sex-
Schwarz, A. J., A. Zambada, D. H. S. Orozco, ing in tephritid fruit fly SIT programs, pp.
J. L. Zavala, and C. O. Calkins. 1985. 179-184. In McPheron, B. A., and G. J. Steck
Mass production of the Mediterranean fruit (eds.), Fruit fly pests: a world assessment of
fly at Metapa, Mexico. Florida Entomologist their biology and management. St. Lucie
68: 467-477. Press, Delray Beach, FL., USA.
Section 7

Operational AW-
IPM Programmes
Progress of Boll Weevil Anthonomus grandis
Eradication in the United States of America,


USDA/APHIS, 4700 River Road, Unit 138, Riverdale, MD 20737-1236,


ABSTRACT The boll weevil Anthonomus grandis Boheman eradication programme in the USA
began in 1983 to rid the Cotton Belt of this pest. To date, the boll weevil has been eradicated from nearly
5.3 million hectares of cotton in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama,
Kansas, California, Arizona, and portions of Tennessee, Mississippi, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana,
Oklahoma, Texas, and New Mexico; as well as from the neighbouring regions of Caborca, the Mexicali
Valley and Sonoita in Mexico. The programme is currently operating in the remaining 1.42 million hectares
of cotton in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Texas.
As of this writing, 100% of the US Cotton Belt is involved in boll weevil eradication, with nearly 80% hav-
ing completed eradication and the remaining 20% nearing eradication. Nationwide eradication in the USA
is expected by 2008. The remarkable environmental and economic benefits realized within the eradicated
regions make boll weevil eradication one of the most important agricultural programmes in the history of
the USA.

KEY WORDS Anthonomus grandis, cotton, area-wide eradication, USA, environmental and econom-
ic benefits

1. Introduction and Louisiana (Parencia 1978, Perkins 1980).

This experiment used an area-wide integrated
The boll weevil Anthonomus grandis control approach including chemical treat-
Boheman, a native of Mexico and Central ment, release of sterile male weevils, mass-
America, was first introduced into the USA trapping, and cultural control. Based on this
near Brownsville, Texas, about 1892 (Hunter experiment, a special study committee of the
and Hinds 1905). By 1922, the pest had spread National Cotton Council of America conclud-
into cotton-growing areas of the USA from ed that it was technically and operationally
the eastern two thirds of Texas and Oklahoma feasible to eliminate the boll weevil from the
to the Atlantic Ocean. Northern and western USA.
portions of Texas were colonized by the boll Subsequent discussions among federal and
weevil between 1953 and 1966 (Newsom and state research agencies, extension and regula-
Brazzel 1968). tory officials, and grower organizations led to
In view of the economic and environmen- a decision by the United States Department of
tal problems posed by the boll weevil and its Agriculture (USDA) in 1977 to conduct two
control, and in recognition of the technical additional area-wide boll weevil eradication
advances developed during more than 80 trials in Mississippi, and in North Carolina
years of research, a cooperative boll weevil and Virginia. The success of these three-year
eradication experiment was initiated in 1971 boll weevil eradication trials, initiated in 1978
in southern Mississippi and parts of Alabama on 14 528 hectares in North Carolina and
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 547–558.
Published with the permission of © 2007 U.S. Government

Figure 1. The boll weevil eradication zones in (upper, left) Tennessee, (upper, right) Arkansas,
(lower, left) Mississippi, and (lower, right) Missouri.

Virginia, and on 12 950 hectares in (Davich and Lindquist 1962). Feeding, dip-
Mississippi, led to the cooperative boll weevil ping, or fumigation with various sterilizing
eradication programme in the USA (USDA chemicals was tried along with irradiation
1991). (Haynes 1963, Lindquist et al. 1964, Davich
The use of pheromone-baited traps for et al. 1969, Gassner et al. 1974, Earle and
detection, along with sound cultural practices Leopold 1975, Haynes et al. 1975, McHaffey
and timely insecticide treatments, represented and Borkovec 1976, Borkovec et al. 1978),
the overall strategy for boll weevil with similar results and drawbacks.
eradication. Although, extensive work had The cooperative boll weevil eradication
been devoted to make the sterile male tech- programme began in southern North Carolina
nique a part of boll weevil eradication, it was (6000 hectares) and South Carolina (28 000
evident in the 1980s that pheromone traps and hectares) in 1983, after the successful three-
the cultural and chemical control methods year boll weevil eradication trial in North
were simpler, more reliable, more effective, Carolina and Virginia. The programme
and cheaper than sterile males (McKibben et expanded into Georgia (116 500 hectares),
al. 2001). Irradiation was one of the first Florida (43 000 hectares) and south-eastern
methods used to sterilize boll weevils, and it Alabama (25 000 hectares) in 1987, and into
was the last method to be tried. Doses of irra- middle Tennessee (4500 hectares) in 1994
diation large enough to produce sterility (Brazzel 1989, Cousins 1991, Grefenstette
caused unacceptably high levels of mortality 1996). Between 1987 and 2000, boll weevil

eradication was completed in North Carolina, Louisiana: the programme started in the
South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and Red River Zone (27 000 hectares) in 1997
Alabama (excluding the north-western por- (Fig. 2, upper, left), and expanded into the
tion), and the middle part of Tennessee. remainder of the State of Louisiana, referred
The programme also began in the Imperial to as the North East Zone (220 000 hectares)
Valley of California (24 300 hectares) in 1983, in 1999.
western Arizona in 1985 (28 300 hectares), Oklahoma: the programme began in 1998
the central part of Arizona in 1988 (170 000 and included the entire cotton-growing area
hectares), the Mexicali Valley of Mexico in (100 000 hectares) of the State of Oklahoma
1988 (65 000 hectares), and the Sonoita cotton (Fig. 2, upper, right).
region of Mexico in 1988 (2600 hectares). In Texas: the programme began in the
1991, boll weevil eradication was successful- Southern Rolling Plains (89 000 hectares) in
ly completed in southern California, Arizona, 1994 (Fig. 2, lower, left). The programme was
and north-western Mexico. expanded in 1996 into the Rolling Plains
Environmental and economic benefits real- Central (243 000 hectares) and South
ized as a result of the success of the boll wee- Texas/Winter Garden (263 000 hectares)
vil eradication programme in the South East Zones. In 1999, it expanded again into the El
and the South West (Carlson et al. 1989, Paso/Trans Pecos (20 000 hectares), Western
USDA 1991, Haney et al. 1996), led to pro- High Plains (324 000 hectares), Permian
gramme expansion into the rest of the US Basin (283 000 hectares), North West Plains
Cotton Belt: (223 000 hectares), and Northern Rolling
Tennessee: the programme began in Plains (142 000 hectares) Zones (El-Lissy et
Region I (70 000 hectares) of West Tennessee al. 1996, 2000). In 2001, the programme
in 1998 (Brumley 1999), and expanded into expanded into the Southern High
Regions II and III (140 000 hectares) in 2000 Plains/Caprock (460 000 hectares), Northern
(Fig. 1, upper, left). High Plains (223 000 hectares), and Southern
Mississippi: after a brief pause, the pro- Blacklands (40 000 hectares) Zones (Smith et
gramme restarted in Region IV (28 000 al. 2002). In 2002, it expanded again into the
hectares) and began in Region III (162 000 Upper Coastal Bend Zone (76 000 hectares)
hectares) in 1997. It then expanded into (Allen et al. 2003). In 2004, the programme
Region II (91 000 hectares) in 1998 (Brumley expanded into the St. Lawrence Zone (61 000
1999), and finally into Region I (243 000 hectares) and the Panhandle Zone (15 000
hectares) in 1999 (Fig. 1, lower, left). hectares) (Allen et al. 2005). In 2005, the pro-
Missouri: the programme began in 2001 gramme started in he Northern Blacklands
and included the entire cotton-growing area (40 000 hectares) and the Lower Rio Grande
(164 000 hectares) of the State of Missouri Valley (100 000 hectares) Zones, which are
(Fig. 1, lower, right). the final two cotton-growing areas in the USA
Arkansas: the programme started in the to join the eradication effort.
South West Zone (2500 hectares) in 1997 New Mexico: the programme started in the
(Fig. 1, upper, right) in conjunction with the South Central New Mexico and Luna County
Louisiana Red River programme, expanded (13 000 hectares) Zones in 1998 (Fig. 2,
into the South East Zone (120 000 hectares) in lower, right) and expanded into the Pecos
1999, the Central Zone (86 000 hectares) in Valley Zone (6000 hectares) in 2000. The Lea
2000, the North East Ridge Zone (55 000 County (7000 hectares) programme began in
hectares) in 2001, and into Poinsett County 2001 as part of the Western High Plains of
(10 000 hectares) in 2002 (Kiser et al. 2002). Texas, along with the Roosevelt/Curry pro-
In 2003, the programme expanded again into gramme in conjunction with the North West
the North East Delta (120 000 hectares) (Kiser Plains Zone of Texas.
and Catanach 2005). This report provides a summary of boll

weevil eradication in 2004/2005, as well as an Global Positioning System (GPS) in the early
expected time frame for nationwide eradica- to mid 1990s. Currently, all active eradication
tion in the USA. zones are using differentially-corrected GPS
units in the same or similar manner as
2. Materials and Methods described previously (El-Lissy et al. 1996, El-
Lissy and Moschos 1999). Additionally, each
The operational success of the boll weevil field is identified with a unique number to
eradication programme hinges on three sepa- provide for accurate data management.
rate, yet interdependent components includ-
ing: mapping, detection, and control. 2.2. Detection

2.1. Mapping All eradication zones use the boll weevil

pheromone trap as the primary tool of detec-
Mapping is one of the first phases of operation tion (El-Lissy and Grefenstette 2002).
in any eradication zone. Mapping identifies Barcode systems are utilized in the same or
the exact location of each cotton field and similar manner as described previously (El-
defines the surrounding environment. The Lissy et al. 1996, El-Lissy and Moschos 1999)
methodology of mapping used in boll weevil to assist programme managers in collecting
eradication evolved from hand-drawn cotton and managing all trapping information. Field
fields on topographic county maps in the mid personnel are equipped with hand-held scan-
1980s, to aerial photos in the late 1980s, to the ners programmed to read the barcodes and

Figure 2. The boll weevil eradication zones in (upper, left) Louisiana, (upper, right) Oklahoma,
(lower, left) Texas, and (lower, right) New Mexico.

store relevant information regarding each trap defoliation. In north-western Mexico, traps
and corresponding field. Trapping informa- were also placed at a density of one trap per
tion is transmitted daily to the database for 65 hectares and inspected bi-weekly begin-
data analysis, quality assurance, and ning at planting and until defoliation.
reporting. Unique regional, ecological and Kansas: boll weevil traps were placed at a
environmental differences across the US rate of one trap per field shortly after planting
Cotton Belt have resulted in slight variations and inspected bi-weekly until harvest or a
in trapping density and placement. killing freeze.
Arkansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and
2.2.1. Post-Eradication Zones Texas: traps were placed at approximately
Post-eradication zones include the cotton-pro- one trap per eight hectares and inspected
ducing areas that have already completed boll weekly throughout the growing season.
weevil eradication. Trapping in post-eradica-
tion zones is designed to provide early warn- 2.2.2. Active Eradication Zones
ing of any reintroduction of boll weevils Tennessee: traps were placed around the
through natural migration or artificial move- perimeter of all cotton fields, approximately
ment. Early detection allows an immediate 60 metres apart (averaging one trap per 0.4-
response in containing and eradicating the 0.8 hectares), at or shortly after planting and
reintroduced population before it becomes inspected weekly through harvest or a killing
established. The plan is to continue post-erad- freeze.
ication trapping until nationwide eradication Mississippi: traps were placed at planting,
is complete, at which time a reduced but still approximately 105 metres apart, around the
effective trapping density will be employed perimeter of each field (averaging one trap per
for long-term protection. 0.8-2 hectares), in all regions, baited and
South East: in Florida, Georgia, North inspected weekly through harvest or a killing
Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and most freeze.
of Alabama, traps were placed at approxi- Missouri: traps were placed around the
mately one trap per eight hectares in mid June perimeter of all cotton fields, approximately
(pre-bloom growth stage) and inspected bi- 105 metres apart (averaging one trap per 1.6
weekly through November (defoliation and hectares), at or shortly after planting (2nd
harvesting). In Arkansas, Louisiana, week of April) and inspected weekly (begin-
Mississippi, and Tennessee traps were also ning May 6) through harvest or a killing
placed at one trap per 4-8 hectares, and freeze.
inspected weekly and season-long (planting Arkansas: traps were placed around the
though harvesting). perimeter of all cotton fields shortly after
South West: in southern California planting at approximately 90 metres apart
(Imperial Valley), traps were strategically (averaging one trap per 1.2 hectares), and
placed along major highways and interstates inspected weekly through harvest or a killing
(All American Canal, I-8, and Highway 98) at freeze.
one trap every eight kilometres and inspected Louisiana: traps were placed at planting,
monthly. In Arizona, boll weevil traps were approximately 45 metres apart, around the
placed around all cotton fields in southern perimeter of each field (averaging one trap per
Arizona (within 80 kilometres of Mexico) and 0.8 hectares), and inspected weekly through
the south-eastern counties at one trap per 16 harvest or a killing freeze.
hectares. In central and western Arizona, traps Oklahoma: traps were placed at one trap
were placed at a density of one trap per 65 per two hectares at planting and inspected
hectares. All traps in Arizona were deployed weekly through harvest or a killing freeze.
at planting and inspected bi-weekly until Texas: traps were placed approximately

Figure 3. The boll weevil eradication programme in the USA, 2005.

150 metres apart around the perimeter of each (Lloyd et al. 1972).
field (averaging one trap per 2-3 hectares) in
all eradication zones and inspected weekly 2.3.3. Chemical Control
until harvest or a killing freeze. Season-long phase: a single aerial application
New Mexico: traps were placed at a rate of of malathion (ultra-low-volume) is made,
one trap per two hectares and inspected sea- beginning at the pinhead-square growth stage,
son-long. to fields that had reached the treatment crite-
ria (action threshold). The 2004 season-long
2.3. Control action threshold for treatment was a trap catch
of 1-2 adult boll weevils per field (16 hectares
The control part of the eradication programme or less) in all active zones.
consists of cultural, mechanical, and chemical Diapause phase (2005): in the Rio Grande
control. Valley and the Northern Blacklands of Texas,
weekly aerial applications with malathion
2.3.1. Cultural Control ultra low volume (ULV) begins on June 15
Time frames for uniform cotton planting and and July 15, respectively, and continue until
harvesting, as organized by growers, local cotton fields are defoliated and harvested.
agricultural extension services, and in some In 2004, malathion (Fyfanon® ULV) was
cases state regulatory agencies, are key com- used at a rate of 731 ml/ha in Arkansas,
ponents of cultural control in providing the Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee at 1168
necessary host-free period. In some states ml/ha in Louisiana, and 877 ml/ha in
such as Arkansas and Texas, growers were Oklahoma, Texas, and New Mexico. All air-
offered a rebate to destroy crop residues as craft were equipped with differentially-cor-
soon as possible after harvest in an effort to rected GPS instruments for documentation
reduce overwintering populations and insecti- and quality control purposes in the same man-
cide treatments. ner as described previously (El-Lissy et al.
2.3.2. Mechanical Control Fields located within close proximity of
Although the primary function of the trap is sites designated as environmentally sensitive,
detection, an indirect benefit of trapping, or near permanent obstacles, were treated with
especially in low weevil populations, is that it high-clearance ground equipment. Mist-blow-
removes a percentage of the population ers mounted on pick-up trucks were also used

to provide accurate placement of insecticide (APHIS). In 2004, there were no weevils

on corners and edges of fields, and under detected or acres treated by the programme or
power lines or other obstacles, where air- producers in the entire States of Arizona
planes had less accessibility. (123 000 hectares), California (372 000
hectares), or in North West Mexico (24 000
3. Results and Discussion hectares).

To date, the boll weevil has been eradicated 3.1.3. Kansas

from nearly 5.3 million hectares of cotton in With the support of cotton producers in
Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Kansas, programme activities are coopera-
Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Kansas, tively carried out by the Kansas Department
California, Arizona, and portions of of Agriculture and USDA-APHIS. There were
Tennessee, Mississippi, Missouri, Arkansas, no weevils captured or fields treated in the
Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas, and New entire State of Kansas (36 000 hectares) in
Mexico (Fig. 3), as well as from the neigh- 2004.
bouring regions of the Mexicali Valley,
Sonoita, and Caborca in Mexico. 3.1.4. Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma, and New
3.1. Post-Eradication Zones Post-eradication programme activities in
Arkansas are carried out by the Arkansas Boll
3.1.1. South East Weevil Eradication Foundation headquartered
All post-eradication programme activities in in Little Rock, Arkansas. In Texas and eastern
Alabama, Georgia, Florida, and South New Mexico, the programme is implemented
Carolina are carried out by the Southeastern by the Texas Boll Weevil Eradication
Boll Weevil Eradication Foundation (SEB- Foundation headquartered in Abilene, Texas.
WEF), headquartered in Montgomery, In Oklahoma, the programme is implemented
Alabama. In Virginia and North Carolina, the by the Oklahoma Boll Weevil Eradication
state agriculture departments carry out the Organization, headquartered in Hobart,
post-eradication activities with support from Oklahoma. In South Central New Mexico, the
SEBWEF. In 2004, there were no weevils programme is implemented by the New
detected or plants treated by the programme or Mexico Boll Weevil Eradication Control
producers in the entire States of Alabama, Committee, headquartered in Las Cruces,
Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South New Mexico. In 2004, no weevils were cap-
Carolina, and Virginia. Further, there were no tured or fields treated by the programme or
weevils captured in zones that have not yet producers in the cotton-growing areas of erad-
been declared eradicated, including eradica- icated zones in Arkansas (2500 hectares),
tion zones totalling over 1.2 million hectares New Mexico (35 000 hectares), Oklahoma
in, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and (102 000 hectares) or Texas (1 844 000
Tennessee. hectares). A seasonal total of 346 weevils
were captured in the Southern Rolling Plains
3.1.2. South West of Texas, presumably from migration and arti-
Post-eradication programme activities in ficial movement from neighbouring zones that
southern California are carried out by the had just started eradication in 2004.
Imperial County Commissioner of Agriculture
in El Centro; in Arizona by the Arizona 3.2. Active Eradication Zones
Cotton Research and Protection Council in
Phoenix, Arizona; and, in Mexico by Sanidad In 2004, the programme was implemented on
Vegetal in cooperation with the USDA’s approximately 1.4 million hectares of cotton
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri,

New Mexico, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and 99.9% compared to 1999; in the Central Zone,
Texas. Nationwide, the overall boll weevil it was reduced by 99.9% as compared to 2000;
populations in all active zones remained sig- in the North East Ridge Zone, it was reduced
nificantly lower than in the years when the by 99.3% as compared to 2001; and in the
programme began in each zone. North Delta Zone, it was reduced by 83.4% as
compared to 2003 (Kiser and Catanach 2005)
3.2.1. Tennessee (Table 1).
The 2004 season-long mean number of wee-
vils captured per trap per week in all active 3.2.5. Louisiana
zones (88 000 hectares) was significantly less The 2004 season-long mean number of wee-
than in the years when the programme started vils captured per hectare per month in the Red
in each zone. The 2004 season-long mean in River Zone was reduced by 99.9% as com-
Region I was reduced by 68.1% as compared pared to 1997. In the North East Zone, the
to 1998; in Region II, it was reduced by 48.8% mean was reduced by 99.7% as compared to
as compared to 2000; and in Region III, it was 1999 (Table 1). The combined active area in
reduced by 46.7% as compared to 2000 (Ron these two zones was 141 000 hectares.
Seward, personal communication) (Table 1).
3.2.6. Oklahoma
3.2.2. Mississippi The 2004 season-long mean number of wee-
The 2004 season-long mean number of wee- vils captured per trap per week in the state-
vils captured per trap per week in all active wide active zone (11 000 hectares) was signif-
zones (49 000 hectares) was significantly less icantly less than in the first year of the pro-
than in the years when the programme started gramme. The 2004 season-long mean was
in each zone. The 2004 season-long mean in reduced by 99.7% compared to 1998 (Bill
Region I was reduced by 99.9% compared to Massey, personal communication) (Table 1).
1999; in Region II, it was reduced by 99.9%
compared to 1998; and in Region III, it was 3.2.7. Texas
reduced by 99.6% as compared to 1997 The 2004 season-long mean number of wee-
(Farrell Boyd, personal communication) vils captured per trap per week in all active
(Table 1). zones (610 000 hectares) was significantly
less than in the years when the programme
3.2.3. Missouri started in each zone. The 2004 season-long
The 2004 season-long mean number of wee- mean in El Paso/Trans Pecos (EP/TP) was
vils captured per trap per week in all active reduced by 99.96% as compared to the mean
zones (123 000 hectares) was significantly in 1999; in the Northern High Plains (NHP), it
less than the first year of the programme. The was reduced by 99.99% as compared to 2001;
2004 season-long mean in Region I was in the Northern Rolling Plains (NRP), it was
reduced by 82.4% compared to 2001; and in reduced by 99.99% as compared to 1999; in
Region II, it was reduced by 79.4% compared the Permian Basin (PB), it was reduced by
to 2001 (Dewey Wayne King, personal com- 99.7% as compared to 1999; in the Rolling
munication) (Table 1). Plains Central (RPC), it was reduced by
99.9% as compared to 1996; in the Southern
3.2.4. Arkansas Blacklands (SBL), it was reduced by 96.1% as
The 2004 season-long mean number of wee- compared to 2001; in the Southern High
vils captured per trap per week in all active Plains/Caprock (SHPC), it was reduced by
zones (240 000 hectares) was significantly 99.99% compared to 2001; in the South
less than in the years when the programme Texas/Winter Garden (ST/WG), it was
started in each zone. The 2004 season-long reduced by 94.8% compared to 1996; in the
mean in the South East Zone was reduced by Upper Coastal Bend (UCB), it was reduced by

Table 1. Percentage reduction in the mean number of weevils captured per trap in the 2004
season as compared with the first year of the programme in each active eradication zone.

State Eradication Zone Year First Year 2004 Percentage

Programme Mean Mean Reduction

Tennessee Region I 1998 1.50 0.077 94.86

Region II 2000 0.16 0.001 99.19
Region III 2000 0.06 0.001 97.84

Mississippi Region I 1999 2.50 0.001 99.96

Region II 1998 2.00 0.000 99.99
Region III 1997 13.80 0.005 99.96

Missouri Region I 2001 19.50 3.430 82.41

Region II 2001 6.30 1.300 79.37

Arkansas Southeast Zone 1999 5.54 0.001 99.99

Central Zone 2000 15.66 0.029 99.81
Northeast Ridge Zone 2001 8.70 0.081 99.10
North Delta Zone 2003 9.58 0.260 97.27

Louisiana Red River Zone 1997 0.05 0.000 99.92

Northeast Zone 1999 0.85 0.000 99.99

Oklahoma State-Wide 1998 1.70 0.023 98.65

Texas El Paso/Trans Pecos (EP/TP) 1999 0.21 0.000 99.86

Northern High Plains (NHP) 2001 0.89 0.000 99.99
Northern Rolling Plains (NRP) 1999 18.54 0.000 99.99
Permian Basin (PB) 1999 9.99 0.018 99.82
Rolling Plains Central (RPC) 1996 16.99 0.003 99.98
Southern Blacklands (SBL) 2001 13.68 0.188 98.62
Southern High Plains (SHP) 2001 1.16 0.000 99.98
St Lawrence 2004 3.56 0.361 89.86
South Texas/Winter Garden 1996 12.82 0.210 98.36
Upper Coastal Bend (UCB) 2002 18.22 0.301 98.35
Western High Plains (WHP) 1999 18.20 0.000 99.99

New Mexico Pecos Valley 2000 10.00 0.000 99.99

Lea County 2001 10.30 0.000 99.99

90.9% compared to 2002; and in the Western weevils captured per trap per week in the
High Plains (WHP), it was reduced by Pecos Valley (1400 hectares) and Lea County
99.99% compared to 1999 (Table 1). (607 hectares) was significantly less than pre-
vious years. The 2004 mean in the Pecos
3.2.8. New Mexico Valley was reduced by 99.97% as compared to
The 2004 season-long mean number of adult 2000; and in Lea County, it was reduced by

99.99% as compared to 2001 (Table 1). tating pest. The operational success of the pro-
gramme is entirely due to the tireless efforts of
3.3. Programme Expansion in 2005 grower organizations, including the
Southeastern Boll Weevil Eradication
In 2004, cotton producers in the Upper Foundation, Mississippi Boll Weevil
Blacklands (40 000 hectares) and Lower Rio Management Corporation, Arkansas Boll
Grande Valley (101 000 hectares) Zones in Weevil Eradication Foundation, Louisiana
Texas approved referenda to join the eradica- Department of Agriculture and Forestry,
tion programme. As a result, all cotton-grow- Texas Boll Weevil Eradication Foundation,
ing regions of the USA are either involved in Oklahoma Boll Weevil Eradication
active eradication, or have already completed Organization, South Central New Mexico
the programme. Boll Weevil Control Committee, Pecos Valley
Boll Weevil Control Committee, Arizona
4. Conclusions Cotton Research and Protection Council,
Imperial County Commissioner of
The boll weevil eradication programme has Agriculture, and Kansas Department of
eliminated this plant pest in eradicated areas, Agriculture. The leadership of the National
resulting in higher yields and a dramatic Cotton Council and technical and operational
reduction in the overall use of insecticides. A support of the extension service, state agricul-
number of studies conducted in several cot- ture departments, and USDA continues to play
ton-producing regions have all concluded a an instrumental role in the success of boll
positive economic return and environmental weevil eradication in the USA.
benefits resulting from boll weevil
eradication. Carlson et al. (1989) found that 6. References
the programme led to a reduction in pesticide
costs of about USD 74/ha/year in its early Allen, C. T., L. W. Patton, L. E. Smith, and R.
years of operation in the South East. More O. Newman. 2003. Status of boll weevil
recently, Tribble et al. (1999) estimated the eradication in Texas, pp. 1340-1345. In
annual net benefit of the programme in the Proceedings: Beltwide Cotton Production
State of Georgia to be at least USD 220/ha. and Research Conference. National Cotton
Bryant et al. (1997) estimated increased yields Council of America, Nashville, TN., USA.
of at least 2.5 kg/ha and a reduction in the cost Allen, C. T., L. W. Patton, L. E. Smith, and R.
of insecticides used of at least USD 111/ha in O. Newman. 2005. Texas boll weevil erad-
Arkansas. Larson et al. (2000) estimated ication report, pp. 1196-1205. In Proceedings:
increased revenues from cotton lint and seeds Beltwide Cotton Production and Research
of USD 143/ha/yr and a decline in insecticide Conference. National Cotton Council of
costs of USD 42/ha/year in Tennessee. These America, New Orleans, LA., USA.
remarkable and sustainable environmental Borkovec, A. B., C. W. Woods, and P. H.
and economic benefits, realized within the Terry. 1978. Boll weevil: chemosterilization
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programmes in US history. Brazzel, J. R. 1989. Boll weevil eradication –
an update, pp. 218-220. In Proceedings:
5. Acknowledgements Beltwide Cotton Production and Research
Conference. National Cotton Council of
The nationwide boll weevil eradication pro- America, Nashville, TN., USA.
gramme exemplifies an unsurpassed effort by Brumley, J. 1999. Boll weevil eradication pro-
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ding the US cotton industry of its most devas- Zones, pp. 814-816. In Proceedings:

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America, Orlando, FL., USA. Rummel, R. Smathers, E. King, C. Bare, F.
Bryant, K. J., D. R. Johnson, W. C. Carter, G. Busse, N. Niehues, and J. Hayes.
Robertson, and G. M. Lorenz. 1997. 1996. Boll weevil eradication status in Texas,
Economic returns of boll weevil eradication pp. 831-839. In Proceedings: Beltwide
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1989. Economic returns to boll weevil erad- D. Dippel, J. R. Coppedge, F. Carter, J.
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Washington, D.C., USA. 1083. In Proceedings: Beltwide Cotton
Cousins, S. E. 1991. Progress in the United Production and Research Conference.
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Davich, T. B. 1969. Sterile male technique for tion by hypobarometric distillation. Journal
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Regional Management Strategy for Cotton
Bollworm Helicoverpa armigera in China

K. M. WU

State Key Laboratory for Biology of Plant Diseases and Insect Pests,
Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,
West Yuanmingyuan Road, Beijing 100094, China

ABSTRACT Cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) is one of the most important insect
pests in cotton, corn and vegetables in China. Transgenic cotton that expresses a gene derived from the bac-
terium Bacillus thuringiensis (Berliner) (Bt) has been deployed for combating cotton bollworm since 1997,
and in 2005 its use had expanded to 3.3 million of the total 5.1 million hectares used for cotton production
in China. The area-wide integrated pest management (AW-IPM) tactics associated with the planting of Bt-
cotton have resulted in dramatic reductions in insecticide use and the occurrence of the pest in the country
has been controlled effectively. Susceptibility of H. armigera field populations to the Bt-insecticidal pro-
tein Cry1Ac was monitored from 1997 to 2005. The results indicate that field populations are still suscep-
tible to Cry1Ac protein and that a shift toward resistance among H. armigera populations is not apparent.
The natural refuges derived from the mixed planting system of Bt-cotton, with non-Bt-corn, soybean and
peanut, on single small-scale family holdings, possibly in combination with migration of the pest, play an
important role in delaying the evolution of cotton bollworm resistance

KEY WORDS Bt-cotton, China, Helicoverpa armigera, area-wide management, resistance manage-

1. Introduction 15 applications by the end of the 1970s.

Insecticide input increased even more rapidly
Since 1984, China has become one of the in the 1980s, and in the early 1990s many fields
largest producers of cotton in the world. An received in excess of 30 applications of chemi-
area of 4-6 million hectares under cotton culti- cal insecticides per year. Some cotton insect
vation in China meets 20% of the annual world- pest populations in China increased rapidly
wide demand for cotton. On an agro-ecological after insecticide treatments. Insect pest popula-
basis, these cotton-growing areas can be tions gradually became resistant to many insec-
grouped into three major regions: the ticides and thus control became difficult or
Changjiang River Region, the Yellow River impossible in some areas. By the mid 1990s,
Region, and the Northwestern Region (Fig. 1). the combination of insecticide resistance and
The climate in these regions varies greatly in resurgence of cotton bollworm Helicoverpa
terms of rainfall, temperature, and length of the armigera (Hübner) and other pests had become
growing season, affecting significantly pest a major threat to cotton production in China
populations (Wu and Guo 2005). (Xia 1994).
In the middle of the 20th century, protection Facing many serious problems caused by
of cotton from insect pests relied solely on cotton bollworm, in recent years China has con-
chemical insecticides. These chemicals were ducted a substantial body of research and devel-
used intensively and often on fixed schedules. opment on the regional management of cotton
Insecticide input increased from zero or a few bollworm associated with Bt-cotton deploy-
applications per season in the early 1950s to 10- ment, and this is summarized in this review.
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 559–565.
© 2007 IAEA.
560 K. M. WU

Figure 1. Geographic regions of cotton production in China. Changjiang River Region (CRR),
Yellow River Region (YRR), and Northwestern Region (NR).

2. Regional Population groups: the tropical, subtropical, temperate,

Dynamics of Helicoverpa and Xinjiang geotypes (Wu and Guo 2005).
armigera Their adaptive zones are respectively in
southern China, the middle and lower
H. armigera completes three to four genera- Changjiang River Region, which includes the
tions in the Yellow River Region and the Provinces of Sichun, Hunan, Hubei and
Northwestern Region and four to six genera- Zhejiang, Yellow River Region, which
tions in the Changjiang River Region annual- includes Henan, Hebei and Shandong
ly. Rainfall during cotton growth is an impor- Provinces, and the Xinjiang Uygur
tant climatic factor influencing the regional Autonomous Region and Gansu Province (Wu
population dynamics of the pest during a sea- and Guo 2005). Damage to cotton by larvae of
son. Especially in the Changjiang River the temperate zone geotype can extend into
Region, high levels of rainfall early in the sea- areas of north-eastern China such as Liaoning
son drastically inhibit H. armigera population and Jilin Provinces by long-distance, faculta-
development, which usually reaches outbreak tive migration during the East Asia summer
status in later generations that occur during monsoon (Feng et al. 2004, 2005).
the drought season. The pest status of cotton In consideration of the regional population
bollworm comprises a suite of four physiolog- dynamics associated with its migratory behav-
ical, behavioural, and ecological characteris- iour, a national monitoring system was estab-
tics that enable the insect to survive in unsta- lished in the late 1990s. The visual examina-
ble habitats and in turn to colonize and exploit tion of cotton plants every three to five days
agricultural systems successfully: polyphagy, during the cotton growing season was con-
high mobility, high fecundity, and facultative ducted in most planting locations to obtain
diapause (Fitt 1989). information on the population dynamics of
The populations of H. armigera in all of eggs and larvae, and adult densities of cotton
China can be divided into four regional bollworm are monitored daily by means of

Figure 2. The increase in the total cotton and Bt-cotton planting area in China from 1998 to

light and pheromone traps. Forecasting of pest cotton area of 5.1 million hectares in that year.
occurrences in crops has been standardized Bt-cotton has been planted exclusively in
across all growing regions and is used to pro- most cotton-growing areas of the Yellow
vide timely information to farmers. The area- River Region since 2000.
wide control strategy against the pest in over- On the basis of field evaluations, Bt-cotton
wintering areas has been carried out to reduce is highly efficient in resisting the insect (Wan
its damage in the immigratory zone (Wu and et al. 2005), and in recent years, the regional
Guo 2005). occurrence of cotton bollworm in northern
China has decreased drastically due to the
3. Bt-Cotton Deployment and large-scale deployment of Bt-cotton (Fig. 3).
its Ecological Consequences A continuous resistance-monitoring pro-
gramme of H. armigera to commonly used
Field trials of H. armigera-resistant transgenic insecticides was undertaken for assessing the
cotton were conducted in the early 1990s in impact of Bt-cotton planting on evolution of
China. Cry1A cotton and Cry1A+CpTI cotton the pest resistance in Bt-cotton planting
were approved formally for planting by the regions. The bioassay results showed that the
Chinese government in 1997 and 1999, average resistance levels in field populations
respectively. Planting of insect-resistant trans- of H. armigera to lambda-cyhalothrin, phox-
genic cotton was limited to the Yellow River im and endosulfan decreased drastically after
Region before 1999, and then extended to the cultivation of Bt-cotton. This significant
Northwestern Region and the Changjiang increase in insect susceptibility to insecticides
River Region subsequently. By 2003, Bt-cot- is expected to result in reductions in insecti-
ton had been planted in (1) Hebei, Shandong cide application for H. armigera control in Bt-
and Henan Provinces, (2) Shanxi Province in cotton. It can therefore be concluded that Bt-
the Yellow River Region, (3), Anhui, Jiangsu cotton is playing an important role in the long-
and Hubei Provinces in the Changjiang River term management of H. armigera by increas-
Region, and (4) Xinjiang in the Northwestern ing the potential for natural and chemical con-
Region. Plantings of Bt-cotton totalled less trol of the pest (Wu et al. 2005).
than 0.1 million hectares in 1997, but A number of studies on the influence of Bt-
increased rapidly to 3.3 million hectares by cotton on the structure and diversity of arthro-
2005 (Fig. 2). This represents 65% of the total pod communities have been carried out in
562 K. M. WU

Figure 3. Seasonal peak density (number of larvae per 100 plants) of Helicoverpa armigera
larvae during 1998-2005 in Bt-cotton and conventional cotton fields (Langfang, Hebei
Province). Values shown are means ± one standard error.

recent years to assess the ecological conse- without refuge populations, pest resistance to
quences in cotton ecosystems (Liu et al. 2002, Bt could evolve rapidly with widespread use
Men et al. 2003). The results showed that of Bt-crops. The need to implement resistance
planting Bt-cotton can increase the stability of management strategies to delay the develop-
arthropod diversity in cotton ecosystems and ment of pest resistance to Bt-toxins in Bt-
benefit cotton pest management. crops is therefore widely recognized.
The most promising strategy entails the use
4. Resistance Management of of plants with a high dose of toxin in combi-
Helicoverpa armigera to Bt- nation with the maintenance of refuge crops
Cotton that produce Bt-susceptible insects within the
pest population (Burd et al. 2003). In the
The greatest threat to the continued efficacy of USA, the Environmental Protection Agency
Bt-cotton against H. armigera is evolution of requires that each farm sets aside some land
resistance in this pest. Continuous monocul- for non-Bt-producing cotton (Gould et al.
ture of varieties that express Bt-toxins is like- 2002). In Australia, the government and
ly to select the insect intensively for resist- farmer groups have decided to restrict Bt-cot-
ance, particularly when Bt-toxin levels ton to 30% of the land, leaving a large refuge
decrease as the plants age (Gould 1998). Field for susceptible bollworms (Gould et al. 2002).
studies in China demonstrate that about 5- Although this strategy seems reasonable, it is
20% of naturally occurring H. armigera lar- difficult to implement in the Yellow River
vae can survive on Bt-cotton toward the end of Region and the Changjiang River Region
the growing season (Wan et al. 2005). This because of the challenges associated with edu-
indicates that Bt-cotton does not maintain a cating and monitoring more than ten million
high dose relative to the tolerance of H. farmers in China.
armigera. Simulation studies and some exper- In the Yellow River Region and the
imental data (Gould 1998) have shown that, Changjiang River Region the cropping system

is quite different from the large-scale farming refugia in corn, soybean, peanut, and other
in the USA and Australia. Mixed plantings of crops may be a major factor that contributes to
cotton, corn, soybean, and peanut are com- the maintenance of H. armigera susceptibility
mon. In general, wheat is the main host of to Bt-cotton after several years of large-scale
first-generation H. armigera larvae, and cot- commercialization. In addition, gene flow
ton, corn, peanut, and soybean are the major arising from migration of cotton bollworms
host plants of subsequent generations. In the over a large area may also be an important
Yellow River Region, it has been reported factor in delaying the evolution of Bt-resist-
(Wu et al. 2002) that the host crops of H. ance (Li et al. 2004).
armigera are planted annually on approxi-
mately 14 million hectares in the proportions 5. Strategies for Integrated
of 5, 55, 15, 15 and 10% for cotton, corn, Control of Helicoverpa armigera
peanut, soybean and other crops, respectively. in Bt-Cotton
Field trials indicate that both soybean and
peanut can supply refuges for the second and With high egg densities, potentially damaging
third generations of cotton bollworm (Wu et bollworm larval densities may develop in
al. 2002). As the most abundant crop, corn is transgenic cotton. Because of the extremely
planted widely, but it has a long sowing period high bollworm egg densities that may occur in
from April to June in the Yellow River northern China, the control of cotton boll-
Region. The varied planting time for corn in worm in Bt-cotton fields in some years is still
this region increases the overlap between the essential. Control thresholds for H. armigera
moth oviposition period and the occurrence of in conventional cotton were investigated in
corn in the silk stage, which could serve as the different planting areas of China using egg
refuge for the third and fourth generations of density as an indicator (Zhu et al. 2000). Since
H. armigera (Wu and Guo 2004). A planting the Bt-protein only acts on larvae, egg density
system consisting of wheat, soybean (peanut), is not a reliable standard for H. armigera con-
corn, and Bt-cotton can supply refuges for trol in Bt-cotton fields. Through field evalua-
cotton bollworm throughout the year. tion in Hebei Province, a yield loss model on
Adequate provision of refuges on an area- larval damage in late season in Bt-cotton was
wide basis, and successful production of sus- established (Wu and Guo 2005). Under the
ceptible insects will increase the probability condition of a 3% yield loss caused by the
that a rare resistant homozygote will mate bollworm, the economic threshold is defined
with a susceptible individual to produce het- as 13 larvae per hundred plants in Bt-cotton in
erozygous progeny susceptible to Cry1Ac. northern China.
This strategy has been recommended for areas Biological control is a good option to com-
where farmers exclusively grow cotton with- plement the integrated control of the pest.
out natural refugia from other crops (Wu and There are two ways of utilizing natural ene-
Guo 2004). mies of insect pests in agricultural systems.
Resistance/susceptibility monitoring is an One is to preserve existing predators and par-
integral tool for managing resistance. The sus- asitoids, and another is to mass-rear natural
ceptibility of H. armigera field populations to enemies for augmentative releases to regulate
the Bt-insecticidal protein Cry1Ac was moni- the population density of the target insect pest.
tored from 1997 to 2004 in China (Li et al. The egg parasitoid Trichogramma spp., and
2004). The results indicate that the field pop- the larval parasitoid Campoletis chloridae
ulations sampled are still susceptible to Uchida, play a major role in the natural con-
Cry1Ac protein and that a shift toward resist- trol of H. armigera. In addition, lacewings
ance among H. armigera populations is not (Chrysopa spp.), minute flower bugs (Orius
apparent. This suggests that H. armigera spp.), lady beetles, paper-net wasps (such as
resistance genes are still rare and the existing Polistes antennalis Perez), and various
564 K. M. WU

species of spiders are all important predators more rapidly.

of the bollworm. Second-generation Bt-cotton varieties,
The practice for insect pest control in cot-which express different Bt-endotoxins are
ton has demonstrated that preservation and now available in the USA and Australia
augmentation of existing predators and para- (Jackson et al. 2003). The increased level of
sitoids by means of rational application of control gained by two Bt-gene cotton varieties
insecticides and planting type can effectively can be valuable in delaying the evolution of
decrease population densities of cotton aphid Bt-cotton resistance to cotton bollworm.
and cotton bollworm. Another approach to Undoubtedly, the major change in future man-
increase the impact of natural enemies is to agement of the insect will rely heavily on the
use selective pesticides instead of broad-spec- introduction of such second transgenic cotton
trum insecticides. In general, pyrethroids are varieties.
highly toxic to natural enemies, and their use As one of the largest cotton producing
countries in the world, China will face the
is therefore restricted to the late period of cot-
ton growth. H. armigera overwinters as dia- challenges from the cotton bollworm pest in
pausing pupae in the soil of cotton and corn the long term. A national management strate-
gy will have to take into account regional
fields. Irrigation in winter and early spring can
kill most pupae in the field, which is thought migration, overwintering areas, and the exis-
to be an effective method to decrease popula- tence of alternative hosts of the pest, for any
tion density in the next season. control to be sustainable. Bollworm popula-
tion control in the main overwintering areas in
6. Challenges and Future the southern Yellow River Region will drasti-
Developments cally decrease its occurrence in both the north-
ern Yellow River Region and in north-eastern
Great success has been obtained in recent China, and will be for the benefit of the man-
years with the planting of Bt-cotton for con- agement of this pest in the entire country.
trol of cotton bollworm in China and the AW-
IPM tactics associated with the planting of Bt- 7. References
cotton have resulted in dramatic reductions in
insecticide use. The main challenge in the Burd, A. D., F. Gould, J. R. Bradley, J. W. Van
near future is the evolution of resistance in Duyn, and W. J. Moar. 2003. Estimated
this pest to Bt-cotton. However, more than a frequency of non-recessive Bt resistance
hundred Bt-cotton varieties have been bred genes in bollworm, Helicoverpa zea
and commercialized by many companies (Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in eastern
since 1998, with different expression levels of North Carolina. Journal of Economic
Cry1Ac protein. To decrease the numbers of Entomology 96: 137-142.
pest larvae surviving in Bt-cotton fields, the Feng, H., K. Wu, D. Cheng, and Y. Guo.
Chinese government issued a special regula- 2004. Northward migration of Helicoverpa
tion in 2004 for stopping poor quality Bt-cot- armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and other
ton entering the market. moths in early summer observed with radar
Bt-corn commercialization in China is in northern China. Journal of Economic
another important factor in relation to the Entomology 97: 1874-1883.
resistance of Bt-cotton to insect pests. Feng, H, K. Wu, Y. Ni, D. Cheng, and Y. Guo.
Although Bt-corn is not grown in China, its 2005. High-altitude windborne transport of
commercialization is currently under consid- Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noc-
eration by the Chinese government. If the tuidae) in mid-summer in northern China.
government decides to commercialize Bt- Journal of Insect Behavior 18: 335-350.
corn, a key refuge for cotton bollworm will be Fitt, G. P. 1989. The ecology of Heliothis
lost and resistance to Bt-cotton may evolve species in relation to agroecosystems. Annual

Review of Entomology 34: 17-52. 2005. Seasonal expression profiles of insec-

Gould, F. 1998. Sustainability of transgenic ticidal protein and control efficacy against
insecticidal cultivars: integrating pest genet- Helicoverpa armigera for Bt cotton in the
ics and ecology. Annual Review of Yangtze River Valley of China. Journal of
Entomology 43: 701-726. Economic Entomology 98: 195-201.
Gould, F., N. Blair, M. Reid, T. L. Rennie, J. Wu, K., and Y. Guo. 2004. Evaluation of
Lopez, and S. Micinski. 2002. Bacillus maize as a refuge for management of resist-
thuringiensis toxin resistance management: ance to Bt cotton by Helicoverpa armigera
stable isotope assessment of alternate host (Hübner) in the Yellow River cotton farming
use by Helicoverpa zea. Proceedings of the region of China. Crop Protection 23: 523-
National Academy of Sciences USA 99: 530.
16581-16586. Wu, K., and Y. Guo. 2005. The evolution of
Jackson, R. E., J. R. Bradley, and J. W. Van cotton pest management practices in China.
Duyn. 2003. Field performance of trans- Annual Review of Entomology 50: 31-52.
genic cotton expressing one or two Bacillus Wu, K., Y. Guo, and S. Gao. 2002. Evaluation
thuringiensis endotoxins against bollworm, of the natural refuge function for
Helicoverpa zea (Boddie). Journal of Cotton Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera:
Science 7: 57-64. Nocutuidae) within Bacillus thuringiensis
Li, G., K. Wu, F. Gould, H. Feng, Y. He, and transgenic cotton growing areas in northern
Y. Guo. 2004. Frequency of Bt resistance China. Journal of Economic Entomology 95:
genes in Helicoverpa armigera populations 832-837.
from the Yellow River cotton-farming region Wu, K., W. Mu, G. Liang, and Y. Guo. 2005.
of China. Entomologia Experimentalis et Regional reversion of insecticide resistance
Applicata 112: 135-143. in Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera:
Liu, W., F. Wan, and J. Guo. 2002. Structure Noctuidae) is associated with the use of Bt
and seasonal dynamics of arthropods in cotton in northern China. Pest Management
transgenic Bt cotton fields. Acta Ecologica Science 61: 491-498.
Sinica 22: 729-735. Xia, J. 1994. Strategy of area wide pest man-
Men, X., F. Ge, X. Liu, and E. N. Yardim. agement for outbreak of cotton bollworm.
2003. Diversity of arthropod communities in Acta Gossypii Sinica 6: 1-8.
transgenic Bt cotton and non-transgenic cot- Zhu, J., A. Mao, and T. Zhong. 2000. Studies
ton agroecosystems. Environmental on the damage and economic threshold of
Entomology 32: 270-275. cotton bollworm to cotton. Acta Gossypii
Wan, P., Y. Zhang, K. Wu, and M. Huang. Sinica 12: 202-204.
Integrated Systems for Control of the Pink
Bollworm Pectinophora gossypiella in Cotton


USDA/ARS, Western Cotton Research Laboratory, Phoenix, Arizona

85040, USA

ABSTRACT The pink bollworm Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) is a major pest of cotton
Gossypium spp. in the growing areas of the south-western USA and in many other cotton-producing areas
of the world. High chemical control costs, excessive economic losses, secondary pest problems, and envi-
ronmental and social considerations have suggested the need for ecologically oriented pink bollworm man-
agement strategies. Extensive research over the years has produced monitoring, biological control, cultur-
al, behavioural, genetic and host plant resistance methods that can be integrated into effective pink boll-
worm management systems. Pink bollworm moth mobility necessitates integrated pest management (IPM)
implementation over large geographical areas. Local uncoordinated efforts have not reduced the econom-
ic status of the pink bollworm in any area where it is an established pest. The cotton-growing areas
involved in the south-western USA present a wide range of pink bollworm population densities, in cotton
production methods, and social and environmental considerations. Tailor-made systems for targeted man-
agement areas with the selection of IPM components based on pink bollworm population density, crop pro-
duction methods, and economic feasibility are the most likely to succeed as long-term population suppres-
sion programmes. The breakthrough in host-plant resistance through transformation of the gene from
Bacillus thuringiensis (Berliner) subsp. kurstaki (Bt) into cotton varieties for the production of insect toxic
crystalline protein provided the framework for efficient pink bollworm population management. The suc-
cess of area-wide pink bollworm management is highly dependent on participation by all segments of the
agricultural community in the planning, site selection, implementation, and assessment phases of the pro-
gramme. A highly effective extension-education communication programme is an essential component.
The outstanding performance of Bt-cotton and pheromone behavioural control for pink bollworm, and the
availability of historically-proven effective pink bollworm population suppression technologies (cultural
controls, crop residue destruction, water management, planting dates, and sterile moth release), encouraged
formulation of a multi-agency and transboundary pink bollworm eradication plan. The eradication pro-
gramme was initiated in 2001-2002 in the El Paso/Trans Pecos area of Texas, in South Central New Mexico
and in Chihuahua, Mexico. The results of area-wide suppression have been exceptionally encouraging and
provide promising expectations for the other infested areas of the south-western USA and north-western
Mexico. The pink bollworm population has been reduced to levels that can be targeted for sterile pink boll-
worm releases to pursue the goal of eradication.

KEY WORDS Pectinophora gossypiella, area-wide IPM, Bt-cotton, transboundary eradication,

south-western USA, north-western Mexico

1. Introduction India about 1906-1907. It was introduced into

the Western Hemisphere between 1911 and
The pink bollworm Pectinophora gossypiella 1913 in cottonseed shipped from Egypt to
(Saunders) was described by W. W. Saunders Brazil, Mexico, the West Indies, and the
in 1842 from specimens damaging cotton in Philippine Islands (USDA-APHIS 1977).
India. Its exact origin remains unknown Infestations in the USA first occurred in
(Ingram 1994). The pink bollworm apparently Texas cotton in 1917 and the source was
reached Egypt in infested cottonseed from traced to cottonseed shipped from Mexico to
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 567–579.
Published with the permission of © 2007 U.S. Government

Control tactic Early season Mid season Late season Post season

Natural mortality + - - +
Natural enemies + + + -
Planting date + - - -
Heat units + + + -
Plant phenology + + + -
Host plant resistance (transgenic cotton) + + + -
Mating disruption (pheromone) + + - -
Sampling (pheromone traps) + + + -
Models + + + -
Augmentative biological control + + + -
Chemical control (pin-head) + + - -
Resistance management + + - -
Sterile insect release + + + -
Crop rotation + - - -
Irrigation timing (stimulate emergence) + - - -
Plant growth regulators - - + -
Irrigation cutoff - - + -
Defoliation - - + -
Stalk cutting/shredding - - - +
Plough down date - - - +
Winter irrigation - - - +

Figure 1. Seasonal pink bollworm (PBW) population dynamics, cotton plant phenology and
some available control tactics for the different phases of the cotton season.

Texas oil mills (Spears 1968) in 1916. The were suppressed through cooperative federal,
Texas infestation and one in Louisiana in 1919 state, and industry programmes. Termination
were eradicated (USDA-APHIS 1977). of the efforts in 1963 resulted in spread to the
Reinvasions in 1936 in the lower Rio Grande Imperial and Palo Verde Valleys of California
Valley of Texas, eventually spread by the mid in 1965. Pink bollworm moths were detected
1950s to other areas in Texas, New Mexico, in the high desert areas as early as 1967 and in
Oklahoma, Arizona, Arkansas, and Louisiana. the San Joaquin Valley most years thereafter,
Infestations were reported in eastern Arizona but established populations have not occurred
in 1926 and at intervals thereafter in other (Henneberry and Naranjo 1998). The partial
parts of the state. The Arizona infestations explanation appears related to extensive cul-

Figure 2. Cotton planting date management to maximize pink bollworm emergence in the
spring before host material is available.

tural control, pink bollworm pheromone mon- cable to early-, mid-, late- and post-season
itoring and treatment, and a sterile moth periods of the cotton growing season (Fig. 1).
release system initiated in 1968. The tactics focus on weak links in pink boll-
Cotton growers in Arizona and southern worm biology and/or optimum periods of cot-
California have experienced economic losses ton phenology for the most efficient control
from the pink bollworm due to reduced yields, action. Although all the tactics are important,
low lint quality, and increased costs of insec- those currently being implemented with pink
ticides (Burrows et al. 1982). Chemical con- bollworm eradication as a goal (Anonymous
trol has been heavily relied on, but has not 2001) are summarized below.
provided a long-term solution for the pink
bollworm problem. Focus on attacking local- 2.1. Biological Control, Natural Control,
ized insect populations on a farm-by-farm Cultural Control and Sampling
basis has given way to area-wide suppression
and management with increasing awareness Natural enemies abound in cotton fields and
of the limitations of attacking local infesta- their impact and role in management systems
tions that represent only a small part of the with minimal insecticide use is only begin-
total pest population (Knipling 1979). ning to be quantified and understood. Also,
pink bollworm moth emergence before host
2. Integrated Pest Management material is available (suicidal emergence),
(IPM) Components for Area- low reproductive capability and adverse high
Wide Pink Bollworm soil temperatures’ impact on the first pink
Population Suppression or bollworm generation, are all contributing fac-
Eradication tors to environmentally acceptable manage-
ment systems for pink bollworm population
Research by numerous scientists and summa- suppression (Henneberry and Naranjo 1998).
rized by Henneberry and Naranjo (1998), has Thus, pink bollworm sex pheromone-baited
identified pink bollworm control tactics appli- moth traps, sampling, monitoring of natural

Figure 3. Pink bollworm (PBW) larvae per cotton boll in 1989 prior to the integrated pest
management programme using gossyplure mating disruption and chemical control and for six
years following initiation of the programme (data from Antilla et al. 1996).

enemies, and accumulated heat-unit mediated 40 years using conventional control.

planting dates to exploit suicidal pink boll-
worm emergence are essential pink bollworm- 2.2.1. Bt-Cotton Trials in Arizona
IPM components (Fig. 2). The first field trials using Bt-cotton for pink
bollworm control were conducted at
2.2. Host Plant Resistance Maricopa, Arizona (Wilson et al. 1992,
Wilson et al. 1994). Live larvae recovered
Transgenic cotton, the most recent break- from bolls, and percentage seed damage were
through in host-plant resistance, has become the reduced 97-99% compared with non-Bt-cot-
key pink bollworm-IPM component that sup- tons. The Bt-lines tested were also highly
ports and melds other components of the sys- resistant to other lepidopteran cotton insects,
tem into a functioning, highly effective man- but not plant bugs or thrips. Beneficial insect
agement system. The successful development populations were not affected. Evaluation of
of cotton plants carrying the gene controlling improved transgenic cotton lines and a com-
the production of a Bacillus thuringiensis mercial cultivar NuCOTN 33B® (Flint et al.
(Berliner) subsp. kurstaki (Bt-cotton) toxic pro- 1995, Flint et al. 1996, Flint and Parks 1999),
tein was reported in 1989 (Gasser and Fraley verified the high efficacy pink bollworm con-
1989). Cotton growers in Arizona enthusiasti- trol results. The registration of Bt-cotton by
cally accepted Bt-cotton costs and more than the United States Environmental Protection
60% of the cotton area in Arizona since 1997 Agency (EPA, Washington, D.C.) in 1996 sig-
has been Bt-cotton types (Ellsworth and Jones nalled the beginning of a remarkable change
2001). Bt-cotton production has resulted in in cotton pest management for western cotton
reductions in overall area-wide pink bollworm growers, particularly with regard to pink boll-
populations in Arizona (Carrière et al. 2003); a worm. Resistance to Bt-cotton and the ramifi-
phenomenon that has not occurred over the last cations of the effect on Bt performance in all

its formulations used in agriculture were of disruption. Readers are encouraged to read
concern (Mellon and Rissler 1998). that publication for early research and results.
Resistance management plans have been A more recently developed pink bollworm-
required as part of the registrations. The refu- ROPE® slow release pheromone formulation
gia/high-dose resistance management plan (Shin-Etsu Chemical Industry Co., Ltd,
mandates that non-Bt-cotton plant refugia are Tokyo, Japan) (Flint et al. 1985, Flint et al.
grown in close proximity to Bt-cotton vari- 1995) was used in pheromone behavioural
eties. In theory, susceptible pink bollworm control efforts in large-scale demonstration
developed in the refugia mate with toxin- trials under low pink bollworm population
resistant individuals that survive in the Bt-cot- densities in the Imperial and Coachella
ton. Progeny produced by the matings are Valleys in California and the Mexicali Valley,
expected to have low or moderate Bt-toxin Mexico (Staten et al. 1987a,b), and in Arizona
resistance and should not be able to survive on from 1990 to 1995 following establishment of
the high-toxin-level Bt-plants (Gould 1986). a pink bollworm population dynamics data-
base in 1989 (Antilla et al. 1996). Over the six
2.2.2. Commercial Bt-Cotton Production in years of the latter study, pink bollworm larval
Arizona infestations in cotton bolls were progressively
Transgenic cotton with the Bollgard® gene reduced from around 23% in 1989 to less than
(Monsanto Co., St. Louis, MO) was first 1% in 1995. Infestations were below the 5-
planted commercially for lint production in 10% economic threshold for the entire treat-
Arizona in 1996 (Flint and Parks 1999). A ment programme (Fig. 3). Conventional
summary of the eight-year history of the Bt insecticide use was reduced from over 89 000
performance for pink bollworm control and thousand cumulative hectares treated per sea-
Bt-resistance management (Dennehy et al. son before behavioural control was imple-
2004) showed that pink bollworm infestations mented compared to less than 1000 cumula-
have been smaller than 0.1% compared to tive hectares treatment on year six of the pro-
pink bollworm infestations that develop annu- gramme. Costs of pink bollworm control were
ally to more than economic levels of 5-10% in reduced from historic amounts of USD 173 or
non-Bt-cottons. However, laboratory strains more/ha to USD 70/ha.
have been selected for high levels of Bt-resist-
ance (Bartlett 1995, Patin et al. 1999, Sims et 2.4. Bt and Mating Disruption Integration
al. 2001, 2002; also see Dennehy et al. 2004 in Pink Bollworm Management
for references).
The outstanding performance of Bt-cotton and
2.3. Mating Disruption pheromone behavioural control for pink boll-
worm and the availability of historically-
Behavioural control with gossyplure is based proven effective population suppression using
on the concept that permeation of the other technologies (cultural controls, crop
pheromone material into the atmosphere of residue destruction and plough-down, water
cotton fields results in the disruption of moth management, planting dates to provoke suici-
communication, the inhibition of male moth dal emergence, and sterile release) encour-
orientation and the prevention or reduction of aged formulation of a multi-agency pink boll-
mating (Shorey 1976). Cardé and Minks worm eradication plan (Anonymous 2001).
(1995) reviewed the pink bollworm sex The long-term objective is to eradicate the
pheromone chemistry, and early mating dis- pink bollworm in stepwise programmes in
ruption research with dispensers ranging from western Texas, southern New Mexico and
steel planchets, polyethylene hollow fiber Chihuahua, Mexico, western New Mexico
plastic laminate flakes, rope, encapsulated and and Arizona, California and northern Mexico,
other formulations for pink bollworm mating respectively, while continuing to prevent pink

Table 1. Mean numbers of pink bollworm male moths caught in gossyplure-baited traps at the
Irrigated Desert Research Station, Brawley, California and in commercial cotton fields in
Imperial Valley, California, from 1989 to 1994.

One year before No. male moths per trap per night2
Month mandatory1 Years following short-season programme
1 2 3 4 5

Irrigated Desert Research Station

March to Range 0.01 - 255.1 0.0 - 26.7 0.0 - 29.0 0.0 - 7.4 0.0 - 0.01 0.0 - <0.01
August Mean ± SE 9.3 ± 41.6 4.6 ± 4.4 5.8 ± 4.7 1.5 ± 1.2 <0.01 ± 0.03 <0.01 ± 0.04

Commercial Cotton Fields

April to Range 2.6 - 7.9 0.1 - 9.6 0.1 - 5.9 0.1 - 1.8 0.0 - 1.4 0.0 - 0.2
September Mean ± SE 2.7 ± 1.1 2.7 ± 1.5 1.5 ± 0.9 0.7 ± 0.3 0.3 ± 0.2 0.04 ± 0.02

1Chemical crop termination mandated on 1 September 1989

2Lingren live traps at the Irrigated Desert Research Station, Delta traps in commercial fields
3Fifteen male moths caught with 20 traps during the cotton season
4Three male moths caught with 12 traps during the cotton season

bollworm establishment in California’s San component of the eradication strategy with

Joaquin Valley. The major IPM programme potential benefit to Bt-resistance management
components are area-wide short-season cul- (Carrière et al. 2001). Typically, 90% of the
tural control strategies and Bt-cotton to reduce total upland yield-producing cotton bolls pro-
overall populations, and integration with duced are set by 15 September and over 95%
pheromone behavioural control and judicious of the diapause larvae mature in immature
use of chemical control as needed to complete bolls on plants after 15 September (Fig. 1).
the management system. The final phase of Removal of late-season immature cotton bolls
the programme focuses on the potential of reduces host material for development of the
eradication with sterile pink bollworm moth diapause population (Kittock et al. 1973). In
releases that are highly effective under low the Imperial Valley of California establishing
population densities. The Bt-cotton IPM com- the earliest cotton planting date as 1 March
ponent is considered essential, since in-season and 1 September as the dates for defoliant or
or follow-up pheromone behavioural control plant growth regulator application, with 1
and sterile pink bollworm release methods are November established for cotton stalk
most effective at low population levels. destruction and plant residue plough-down
(Chu et al. 1996), resulted in a pink bollworm
2.5. Cultural Control and Short-Season moth trap catch decline each year for four
Management years following initiation of the programme
(Table 1). Fewer pink bollworm larvae per
Overwintering pink bollworm diapause popu- boll occurred during each season (Table 2).
lations are particularly vulnerable to suppres- Numbers of diapause larvae were reduced
sion strategies, providing a weak link that can over 90% (Table 3). Cotton yields and quality
be manipulated in support of the implementa- increased, and the need for insecticidal control
tion of an area-wide suppression strategy of pink bollworm decreased. Average lint
(Henneberry and Naranjo 1998), and a vital yield of 5.7 bales per hectare in 1989 prior to

Table 2. Mean number of pink bollworm larvae per 100 incubated immature cotton bolls from
the Irrigated Desert Research Station and in commercial cotton fields in Imperial Valley,
California, from 1989 to 1992.

Month One year before

mandatory1 short- No. Larvae/100 incubated bolls in year
1 2 3

Irrigated Desert Research Station

June 1.3 --- --- ---

July 22.4 1.2 4.3 0.0
Aug 19.4 73.4 12.1 0.0
Mean ± SE 14.4 ± 6.6 37.3 ± 36.1 8.2 ± 3.9 0.0

Commercial Cotton Fields

June --- 2.0 0.0 ---

July 22.9 1.1 0.3 2.5
August 89.5 14.9 2.7 12.5
September 91.6 27.2 25.3 0.0
Mean ± SE 68.0 ± 22.6 11.3 ± 6.2 7.1 ± 6.1 5.0 ± 1.5

1Chemical crop termination mandated on 1 September 1989

--- No samples taken

programme initiation increased to 6.7 bales releases in field cage tests. Early field studies
per hectare in 1993 and to 6.9 bales per with sterile moth releases for suppressing
hectare in the third year (1994) following pro-
gramme initiation. The mean percentage of
Table 3. Estimated1 mean numbers of dia-
cotton classified as top lint grade was 54%
pause pink bollworm larvae in commercial
during 1984 to 1988 and increased from 90 to
99% between 1990 and 1994. cotton fields before and after short-season
cotton production in Imperial Valley,
2.6. Sterile Pink Bollworm Moth Release California, from 1989 to 1992.

Sterile pink bollworm release as a component

No. larvae per %
of pink bollworm IPM has a long history
hectare Reduction
beginning with the concept as conceived and
implemented by Knipling (1979). The devel- Pre-programme 95 000 ---
opment of an artificial diet (Vanderzant and
Reiser 1956) and mass-rearing technology Year of programme
(Richmond and Ignoffo 1964) were essential 1 42 000 56.0
accomplishments before sterile pink boll- 2 300 93.0
worm release could be considered feasible. 3 200 83.0
Early work by Graham (1972) demonstrated
radiation-induced pink bollworm sterility and 1All immature green cotton bolls collected from four
Richmond and Graham (1970, 1971) demon- metres of cotton row in ten areas of each field. All
strated reproductive suppression with sterile bolls dissected and larvae held to determine diapause.

Figure 4. Mean number of pink bollworm (PBW) larvae per cotton boll (lower graph) before
sterile moth releases, (middle and upper graph) ratios of sterile to native moths and larvae per
boll during releases and for three months following the last release.

established populations were only partially releases were made by hand in cotton plots
successful or failed (Henneberry and Keaveny from January 1981 to April 1982. Reduced
1985). However, sterile pink bollworm moth boll infestations occurred when ratios of
releases in cotton plots on an isolated island released sterile to St. Croix males averaged
(St. Croix) in the Caribbean, verified the 72:1. Infestations increased when the sterile to
effectiveness of the technique for reducing St. Croix male ratios averaged 20:1. However,
established infestations (Henneberry and the 20:1 released sterile to St. Croix male ratio
Keaveny 1985). Sterile pink bollworm moth apparently had some population suppression

Figure 5. Yearly male pink bollworm (PBW) trap catches in 1995 and 1996 in Arizona prior
to extensive Bt-cotton production and from 1997 to 2004 when greater than 60% of the cotton
grown were Bt-cultivars (Data from the Arizona Cotton Protection Research Council, 600 to
1000 traps per year in 24 cotton growing areas of the state).

effect, since larval infestations increased from Mexico (El-Lissy et al. 2003). Pink bollworm
about one larva per boll to 3.7 larvae per boll pheromone was applied only to non-Bt-cotton,
during the two months immediately after the or Bt-cotton with embedded non-Bt-refuges
last release of sterile insects (Fig. 4). (95:5 ratio). Bt-cotton was 44, 37, and 58% of
The sterile-moth release component of the the cotton production in the El Paso/Trans
eradication trial has not yet been implemented Pecos, South Central New Mexico, and
as part of the programme. The high ratios of Chihuahua, Mexico areas, respectively. Male
sterile release to native moths required to start moth catches were reduced 84, 91 and 95%
a downward trend in population clearly under- per trap and pink bollworm larval infestations
lines the necessity for continuing efficiency of were 0.81, 0.45, and 0.30 per boll, respective-
the other cultural, biological, and Bt-host- ly, in the areas described. The results were
plant resistance components of the pro- exceptionally encouraging and provide prom-
gramme (Fig. 5). ising expectations for the remainder of the
programme in other infested areas of the
2.7. Pink Bollworm Eradication Progress south-western USA and Mexico. After three
years of the eradication programme, the pink
The eradication programme was initiated in bollworm is no longer an economic pest in the
2001-2002 in approximately 22 300 hectares El Paso/Trans Pecos cotton zone of the target-
of cotton in the El Paso/Trans Pecos area of ed eradication area. The population has been
Texas, 10 500 hectares in South Central New reduced to levels that can be targeted for ster-
Mexico and 32 400 hectares in Chihuahua, ile moth releases to pursue the goal of eradica-

tion (Smith et al. 2004). of selective chemicals only when infestations

threaten economic losses, appear as pro-
3. Discussion gramme-compatible actions. The natural
enemy IPM component is facilitated through
The pink bollworm eradication effort is a for- conservation by judicious chemical approach-
midable undertaking. The necessary technolo- es, economic threshold decision-making,
gies to achieve eradication are in place, and pheromone behavioural control and heat unit-
the Bt-component must continue to be effec- mediated planting to obtain maximum benefit
tive to move the programme forward on from suicidal emergence. These approaches
schedule. The Bt-refugia/high dose strategy is melded with the short-season cultural tech-
heavily relied upon to prevent or delay resist- niques to reduce overwintering survival pro-
ance development. Experience and perform- vide year round area-wide, ecologically-ori-
ance of the Bt-refugia system suggest that the ented pink bollworm population suppression
concept is working, but validation and quan- that has been demonstrated effective, econom-
tification of the refugia impact remain undoc- ical, and grower acceptable.
umented. The “high dose” for pink bollworm
remains undefined (This high dose strategy 4. References
suggests that the amount of toxic protein is
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Pulling Out the Evil by the Root: the Codling
Moth Cydia pomonella Eradication
Programme in Brazil


1Embrapa Uva e Vinho, Estação Experimental de Vacaria, Caixa Postal

1513, CEP 95200-000, Vacaria, RS, Brazil
2Imperial College London, Silwood Park, Ascot SL5 7PY, UK

ABSTRACT Since the codling moth Cydia pomonella (L.) was detected in parts of the Brazilian apple
growing area a series of surveillance and control actions have been carried out. Firstly, a trapping survey
determined the extent to which the pest had spread in Brazil. Pheromone traps were set up and serviced
during one season throughout the temperate fruit growing region, at ports of entry and in the main south-
ern commercial centres (São Paulo, Florianópolis, Santos, Curitiba). This trapping demonstrated that only
urban areas within four municipalities were affected: Vacaria, Bom Jesus, Caxias do Sul and Lages. Except
for the last, the affected municipalities are important apple growing regions, with more than 3000 hectares
of apples each. In 1998/1999, a pilot project of population suppression was undertaken in these affected
areas, applying lure-and-kill (male annihilation). This technique proved to be highly efficient in reducing
codling moth populations. Results encouraged the elaboration of a series of scientific projects and the
development of a plan to eradicate the codling moth from Brazil. The programme has several components:
(1) commercial apple orchards adopted detection trapping to identify any new invasion event, (2) removal
of host and potential host trees in urban areas and replacement by non-host trees in many cases adopted as
an alternative to direct population suppression in the urban areas, and (3) the potential use of the sterile
insect technique (SIT) in certain areas. The host tree removal campaign led to a significant decrease in
codling moth populations as evidenced by the decrease in the number of catches in pheromone-baited traps
used for monitoring. The main constraints to the development of the eradication programme were bureau-
cratic and legislative. Lack of funds and of national legislation on semiochemicals jeopardized effective
actions. In this report, updated data are presented on codling moth population dynamics in four infested
areas as well as an overall evaluation of the survey and control activities carried out thus far.

KEY WORDS Cydia pomonella, codling moth, SIT, host availability, lure-and-kill, eradication,
Brazil, apple, host removal, biological invasion

1. Historical Background males were trapped at the same location.

In January 1993, traps were set up in other
The codling moth Cydia pomonella (L.) is a municipalities near Vacaria, but no moths
quarantine pest of apples in Brazil. Given its were trapped. At that time, pheromone traps
importance in other apple growing countries, were not available in Brazil and had to be
efforts to monitor for possible incursions start- imported from Chile. Only in 1997-1998 did
ed in the 1980s, using a few traps which traps become available and could be deployed
invariably returned zero catches. In 1991, a at the appropriate time of the season, in early
single pheromone-baited trap was deployed in September.
a domestic orchard in the urban area of The programme faced several early obsta-
Vacaria, Rio Grande do Sul. One male codling cles, such as lack of understanding about the
moth was caught and again in 1992, two importance of preventing the colonization and
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 581–590.
© 2007 IAEA.

Figure 1. Delimiting survey of Cydia pomonella in the three southern states of Brazil and São
Paulo. (left) Municipalities where traps were deployed indicating major apple growing regions
(red circles), minor apple growing areas (green circles) and points of entry of fresh fruits from
Uruguay, Argentina and Chile (arrows), and (right) uninfested (black circles) and infested
municipalities (red circles).

spread of a new apple pest in Brazil. This was followed with researchers, control officials
turned around by the dynamism of apple and growers joining efforts to prevent the
growers who, aware of the importance of the establishment and spread of a new pest. This
codling moth in other countries, provided paper presents an overview of the codling
financial support to official actions to prevent moth control programme in Brazil since
its establishment. The plant protection actions detection of the pest in the urban area of Bom
of the Ministry of Agriculture were improved, Jesus, as well as forthcoming activities.
and the inspection of imported temperate
fruits became routine at all ports of entry. 2. Detection Trapping
Now, 15 years after the first detection of C.
pomonella in Brazil, the programme is quoted Detection trapping was initiated during the
throughout the country as an example to be 1980s, with a few traps baited with codling

Figure 2. Population dynamics of the codling moth in Lages, Santa Caterina, Brazil, as indi-
cated by weekly male catches in pheromone-baited traps (1997-2000).

Table 1. Number of traps deployed in the urban areas of the four municipalities affected by the
codling moth in Brazil.

Period Vacaria Lages Bom Jesus Caxias do Sul

1998/1999 to 2003/2004 4001 400 1001 1801

2004/2005 400 1700 200 400
2005/2006 1100 1700 400 550

1Incomplete data due to lack of traps in some years

moth sex pheromone. The first male was 3. Population Dynamics

caught in October 1991. Another two males
were caught in the same domestic orchard in In Brazil, adult codling moths are first trapped
October 1992. In January 1993, the number of in September and the population peaks from
traps was increased to 32 but no males were late October to mid December. Laboratory
caught. In 1994-1995, a network of detection observations corroborate these data on the
traps was deployed in the field, ranging from onset and peak of adult emergence and also
the southernmost region of the country to São indicate that 95% of field-collected larvae
Paulo (Fig. 1). enter diapause which may last for up to two
Four municipalities were defined as affect- years (Fig. 2).
ed: three in the state of Rio Grande do Sul This univoltine pattern differs from that
(Vacaria, Bom Jesus and Caxias do Sul) and described in other South American countries,
one in the state of Santa Catarina (Lages). where the pest is bivoltine. A possible expla-
Monitoring in urban areas of affected munici- nation is the shorter photoperiod during sum-
palities was carried out with synthetic mer, due to the lower latitude of the Brazilian
pheromone-baited traps (Table 1). apple growing area compared with more
With the establishment of integrated fruit southerly regions in South America. Thus,
production, detection trapping was adopted as regardless of the adopted methodology an
an obligatory action throughout the 30 000 eradication programme should concentrate
hectares of commercial apple production. actions from October to January.
Growers are in charge of trap deployment and
service and they receive training on codling 4. Lure-and-Kill Pilot Project
moth identification. They are also instructed
to bring to Embrapa Uva e Vinho, in Vacaria, The delimiting survey demonstrated that the
any trapped individuals that may resemble the codling moth was restricted to four urban
codling moth. areas. The use of chemical control was
In commercial areas located less than 30 deemed unacceptable due to the potential haz-
kilometres from urban areas where the ard it could present. There were few alterna-
codling moth was detected, a density of one tives: the sterile insect technique was not
trap per five hectares is adopted. In other areas available in Brazil, nor were pheromone-
the recommendation is one trap per ten based techniques due to lack of registered
hectares. To date, there are no records of materials.
codling moth males being trapped in Brazilian Brazil did not have a specific legislation
commercial apple orchards. Inspection proce- for pheromones and their registration had to
dures are submitted to external audits by the follow the same procedures adopted for pesti-
Plant Protection Service in the states of Santa cides. However, in 1998, the Ministry of
Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul. Agriculture of Brazil responded to the prob-

Figure 3. Cydia pomonella population density in the urban area of Vacaria, Rio Grande do
Sul, Brazil, 1997-2006 as revealed through trap catches. In 1998-1999, lure-and-kill was
applied throughout the urban area and partially in 2000-2001. In 2002-2003 host plant
replacement was initiated and in 2005-2006, only 0.6% of the original host plants remained in
the urban area.

lem and allowed an urgent importation of clear that lure-and-kill itself would not be suf-
pheromone dispensers which were used to ficient to prevent further population build up.
attract males to paper panels impregnated Lure-and-kill was applied a second time in
with naled, an organophosphate with long Vacaria during 2000-2001 and in Bom Jesus
residual effect. in 2003-2004 in those locations identified as
The technique was applied throughout the having high infestation levels. Difficulties in
urban areas of Vacaria and Bom Jesus and in registration of pheromone-based techniques
part of the urban area of Lages. Results were and high costs led the working group involved
immediately positive and promising. In 1998- in the programme to focus on a second tech-
1999, the population density of C. pomonella nique, the removal and replacement of host
in Vacaria and Bom Jesus was reduced to less plants from urban areas.
than 5% of that observed in 1997-1998.
Nevertheless, in 1999-2000, there were nei- 5. Host Plant Replacement
ther funds nor pheromone dispensers avail-
able and the control operations could not be It was hypothesized that the elimination of
continued. The codling moth population den- host plants from urban areas would reduce the
sity increased in that season, although not to codling moth population. Activities were
the levels observed in 1997-1998, but it was started in Lages in 2001 and in Vacaria in

Table 2. Number of host plants and potential host plants removed and the estimated number
remaining in the urban areas of the four affected municipalities.

Municipality Urban area Trees replaced Trees remaining Trees removed

(hectares)1 (no.) (no.) (%)

Lages 12 000 34 500 200 99.4

Vacaria 6000 16 020 600 96.4
Bom Jesus 1000 1700 300 85.0
Caxias do Sul 60 000 37 609 22 391 62.7
Total 89 829 23 491 86.9

1Approximate values

Figure 4. Number of codling moth males per trap from 1997-1998 to 2005-2006 in Vacaria.
Few traps were used for monitoring in 2001-2002 and 2002-2003. For this reason, data are
not included in this graph.

2002. In Vacaria, the replacement of host munication media such as local radio stations
plants occurred centripetally to avoid the dis- and newspapers was crucial for the success of
persal of codling moth from the urban area to the campaign. Residents became aware of the
orchards located nearby. In both areas, the importance of the apple crop in nearby areas
work was supported by apple growers and the and of the negative impact that codling moth
Ministry of Agriculture of Brazil, with both establishment would have on the economy of
groups allocating personnel, funds, and equip- the region.
ment to the campaign mainly during the apple The impact of host removal on trap catches
off-season. The number of trees removed and was immediate and long-lasting. Taking
replaced and the estimated number of remain- Vacaria as an example, after the onset of
ing trees is summarized in Table 2. actions to eradicate host plants in 2002, the
At this point the cooperation of mass-com- highest codling moth population density

Figure 5. Number of codling moth males per trap from 1997-1998 to 2005-2006 in Lages.

Figure 6. Number of codling moth males per trap from 1997-1998 to 1998-1999 and from
2003-2004 to 2005-2006 in Bom Jesus.

decreased from approximately two males per (September 1999 to March 2002), the popula-
trap per week in 1997-1998 to 0.02 males per tion density increased following the suspen-
trap per week in 2005-2006 (Fig. 3). Similar sion of lure-and-kill actions. During the spring
results were observed in Bom Jesus, Lages of 2002, host trees were replaced by non-host
and Caxias do Sul (see section 6). trees in the urban area of Vacaria. The impact
of this action was promptly realized in greatly
6. Monitoring reduced trap catches in subsequent years (Fig.
Monitoring in commercial and urban areas of Lages had the highest initial codling moth
the temperate fruit growing region of Brazil density, with almost 40 males per trap during
had been conducted since the early 1990s, but the 1997-1998 season (Fig. 5). A partial appli-
1997-1998 can be considered as the starting cation of lure-and-kill was accomplished in
point of systematic monitoring. 1998-1999 but the population density was
The four areas showed different population high during the next five seasons of monitor-
densities at the beginning of the systematic ing, with mean densities close to or higher
monitoring in 1997 (Figs. 4-7). In 1998-1999, than 20 males per trap. In 2003, almost 30 000
lure-and-kill was applied in the urban areas of host plants were replaced by non-host trees in
Vacaria, Bom Jesus and Lages. In Vacaria, Lages. As was observed in Vacaria, this action
20 000 killing panels were set up in the urban had a profound impact on the population, with
area. These inverted V-shaped panels had an a marked reduction in abundance.
internal surface covered with stick. The paper In Bom Jesus, Rio Grande do Sul, lure-
panel and adhesive surface were dipped in an and-kill was applied during the spring of
organophosphate insecticide. After insecticide 1998-1999. Trapping data show that although
impregnation, a pheromone dispenser was the population density at the beginning of the
attached to the system with a pin. The impact programme was very high it was reduced to
of lure-and-kill during the 1998-1999 season almost undetectable levels in 2004-2005 and
was clear: the codling moth population was to zero in 2005-2006 (Fig. 6).
reduced to almost undetectable levels. It is During the same period, the codling moth
reasonable to suppose also that monitoring was monitored in Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande
traps may have been affected by the presence do Sul. In this municipality, suppression
of a large number of pheromone dispensers in actions were not undertaken until 2004-2005
killing panels. In the three subsequent seasons when host tree removal was initiated. Actions

Figure 7. Number of male codling moths per trap from 1997-1998 to 1998-1999 and from
2004-2005 to 2005-2006 in Caxias do Sul.

in Caxias do Sul were delayed because it is a 8. Benefit/Cost Analysis

much larger urban area and the fact that agri-
culture plays a much less important role in the The first assessment of benefits and costs
economy of the municipality. In 2005-2006, associated with C. pomonella eradication in
the population density was markedly reduced Brazil indicated that if the no action scenario
(Fig. 7). Here, since a significant proportion was chosen, the codling moth would become
of city residents did not agree with the established in commercial orchards and lead
replacement of host plants, other techniques to control costs much higher than those esti-
may have to be employed to ensure eradica- mated for an eradication programme based on
tion, such as the SIT. host plant replacement and lure-and-kill
(Kovaleski et al. 2001).
7. External Quarantine Actions A spreadsheet model was produced by
Mumford (2005) to provide a basis for a ben-
In 2004, after several meetings involving the efit/cost analysis for codling moth eradication
Brazilian and Argentinean plant protection in Brazil based on data from Kovaleski et al.
agencies, an inspection protocol was imple- (2005) and interviews with growers and offi-
mented in the packinghouses in Argentina that cials involved in the monitoring and eradica-
market fresh apples and pears to Brazil. They tion. The model is a stochastic simulation
had to be able to demonstrate that fruits origi- model based on best estimates of parameters
nated from areas of low codling moth preva- likely to affect the values of production and
lence or, in cases in which they did not, that control of codling moth host crops (apple,
growers had adopted effective control meth- pear and quince) in the three southern states of
ods. This decreases the risk of new invasion Brazil, and the options and costs of eradica-
events as Argentina is the main supplier of tion in the four affected urban areas in Brazil.
fresh pears to Brazil. Also, an inspection rou- Fig. 8 illustrates an output. The potential loss-
tine of pome and stone fruit shipments from es to the fruit industry in Brazil if eradication
all other countries was established at borders, or containment is not achieved in the urban
airports and ports. areas are very significant, with an estimated

Figure 8. (upper) An example simulation iteration for spread beginning around five years from
present (SC: Santa Catarina, RS: Rio Grande do Sul, PR: Paraná), and (lower) the frequency
distribution of net present values (NPV) of commercial losses over 15 years at 10% discount
rate (adapted from Mumford (2005)).

net present value (over 15 years) for losses bers of remaining host trees (less than 5%)
and costs of up to USD 113 million. and SIT in areas with over 5% of remaining
The pathways for reinvasion from host trees. It was estimated that the cost of
Argentina have been eliminated to the degree eradication, assuming spread into orchard
practical through border quarantine and pack- areas did not occur for 3-7 years, would range
ing house inspections for Argentine apple from USD 0.286 million to USD 0.644 mil-
exports. Intensive monitoring has shown no lion, with a mean of USD 0.452 million
spread to commercial orchards in 15 years of (Mumford 2005). If SIT were used for the
infestation in four urban areas of Brazil. control of codling moth in the four infested
Substantial progress has been made in two of areas of Brazil, it is estimated that the num-
the urban areas to remove host trees. bers of sterile moths required would range
Eradication appears to be technically feasible, from 1-1.5 million per week considering that
with further host tree removal and replace- releases would be directed only against relic
ment, lure-and-kill in areas with small num- moths. This assumes two years of further host

tree removal and concentration of the infesta- mass-rearing facility in Osoyoos, Canada will
tions within the smallest areas of highest host be undertaken. Costs and benefits associated
density. Under these scenarios, no infestations with the importation of sterile insects will be
or costs occur in commercial orchards. compared with those associated with estab-
However, without further host tree removal lishing a mass-rearing facility in Juazeiro,
the likelihood of spread into commercial Brazil (Malavasi et al., this volume).
orchards is significant. Under this scenario,
costs range from a minimum over USD 0.8 10. Acknowledgements
million (in simulations with no spread to com-
mercial orchards), to a mean of around USD Thanks are due to the International Atomic
1.5 million (with some impact on commercial Energy Agency and the Food and Agriculture
orchards), and a maximum cost of over USD Organization of the United Nations for sup-
100 million in simulations with extensive porting research and participation in the
infestations occurring in commercial orchards Coordinated Research Project on the codling
(Mumford 2005). moth. Thanks are also due to the Ministério da
Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento,
9. Conclusions Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária,
Associação Brasileira de Produtores de Maçã
The codling moth is both an interesting issue (ABPM), Associação Gaúcha de Produtores
for scientific investigation in the field of inva-de Maçã (Agapomi), Secretaria de Agricultura
sion biology and a unique opportunity for do Rio Grande do Sul, Companhia Integrada
plant protection agencies to take action to pre- de Desenvolvimento Agrícola de Santa
vent establishment of a significant new pest. Catarina.
Results obtained thus far are promising and
apple growers have agreed to continue invest- 11. References
ing in codling moth eradication, so as to
declare Brazil a codling moth-free country Kovaleski, A., J. F. S. Protas, and R. L.
like Japan. Much practical work was neces- Sugayama. 2001. Traça-da-maçã, Cydia
sary, with many setbacks, to secure the credi- pomonella (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), pp. 31-
bility of an eradication programme in the eyes 38. In Histórico e impacto das pragas intro-
of growers and technicians. This is particular- duzidas no Brasil. Editora Holos, Ribeirão
ly difficult in a country like Brazil with a lim- Preto, Brazil.
ited tradition in plant protection. Fortunately, Kovaleski, A., H. Thistlewood, and J. F. S.
growers are organized in associations and are Protas. 2005. Bionomics and population
aware of the direct and indirect costs that the dynamics of the codling moth in urban areas
establishment of a new pest would cause as a background for suppression actions
them. Currently, the codling moth eradication employing behavioural and genetic control
programme is a major concern for growers. It methods in Brazil – An historical approach of
has been demonstrated that eradication is the codling moth issue in Brazil and evalua-
technically feasible and cost-effective. The tion of costs and benefits associated to its
increase in the trapping effort in urban areas eradication, pp. 31-35. In Proceedings:
aims to define hot spots clearly and rapidly. Improvement of Codling Moth SIT to
The next step will be the application of the Facilitate Expansion of Field Application.
SIT, mainly in Caxias do Sul, an industrial Third Research Coordination Meeting, Joint
municipality where the eradication pro- FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques
gramme has been facing difficulties. An in Food and Agriculture, 16-20 September
analysis of the technical and economic feasi- 2005, Mendoza, Argentina. IAEA-314-D4-
bility of importing sterile males from the RC876, IAEA, Vienna, Austria.
Okanagan-Kootenay Sterile Insect Release Mumford, J. D. 2005. Economic analysis of

the role of the sterile insect technique for pomonella) in Brazil. Report to the
management of codling moth (Cydia FAO/IAEA. IAEA, Vienna, Austria.
Suppression of the Codling Moth Cydia
pomonella in British Columbia, Canada
Using an Area-Wide Integrated Approach
with an SIT Component



1USDA/APHIS/PPQ, Center for Plant Health Science and Technology,

Plant Epidemiology and Risk Analysis Laboratory, 1730 Varsity Drive,
Suite 300, Raleigh, NC 27606, USA
2Formerly with: Okanagan-Kootenay Sterile Insect Release Program,

272 Dawson Ave, Penticton, British Columbia, V2A3N6, Canada

3Okanagan-Kootenay Sterile Insect Release Program, 272 Dawson Ave,

Penticton, British Columbia, V2A3N6, Canada

4USDA/ARS, Crop Protection and Management Unit, PO Box 748,

Tifton, GA 31793, USA

ABSTRACT Since 1994, the codling moth Cydia pomonella (L.) has been the subject of an area-wide
suppression programme in the pome fruit producing areas of the south-central part of British Columbia
based primarily on the sterile insect technique (SIT). The programme was initially implemented with erad-
ication as its ultimate goal, but since no quarantine measures were implemented, at the end of the 1998
growing season, the objective of the programme became area-wide suppression. The present article sum-
marizes the progress of the codling moth programme since the shift from an eradication to a suppression
objective was made and the benefits achieved in terms of reductions in insecticide applications and crop
losses. It also discusses new research that could benefit this and future area-wide programmes for codling
moth, and presents some thoughts to consider for furthering the long-term sustainability of the programme.

KEY WORDS Lepidoptera, codling moth, Cydia pomonella, AW-IPM, suppression, pome fruit, SIT,
gamma radiation

1. Introduction Columbia, infestations of codling moth were

first reported from Victoria in 1900, and by
The codling moth Cydia pomonella (L.) is 1916 codling moth was a serious pest in the
considered the key pest of apple and pear in Okanagan and Similkameen Valleys some 600
the fruit growing valleys of southern British kilometres away (Marshall 1951). Codling
Columbia (Fig. 1, upper), and in most regions moth typically completes two generations per
of the world where pome fruit is grown year in British Columbia (Madsen and Vakenti
(FAO/IAEA 2000). Codling moth originated 1973). After eggs are laid singly on the fruit or
in Asia Minor and has been an important pest leaves of host trees, the emerging larvae bur-
of apple and pear in North America for more row into the developing fruit rendering it
than 200 years (Beers et al. 1993). In British unmarketable. Traditionally, well-timed appli-
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 591–601.
Published with the permission of © 2007 U.S. Government

Figure 1. Map indicating (upper) the project area in British Columbia and (lower) the differ-
ent treatment zones.

cations of pesticides have been used to kill the 1962, Proverbs and Newton 1962a,b), devel-
larvae before they penetrate the fruit. opment of an inexpensive agar-free meridic
To delay the development of insecticide diet (Brinton et al. 1969), design of a waxed
resistance as well as to deal with concerns paper rotating oviposition cage (Proverbs and
about excessive pesticides in the environment, Logan 1970), and design and testing of
several attempts have been made to develop ground-release devices to distribute irradiated
and use the sterile insect technique (SIT) as and chilled adults in the orchard (McMechan
part of an integrated approach against codling and Proverbs 1972). The OKSIR programme
moth (Bloem et al. 2005a and references currently uses all of these components with
therein). However, only in British Columbia only very slight modifications (Dyck et al.
did the research lead to an actual implementa- 1993, Bloem and Bloem 2000). The research
tion programme – the Okanagan-Kootenay conducted by Proverbs and his group over a
Sterile Insect Release (OKSIR) programme. 15-year period culminated in a three-year
Research on the SIT for codling moth pub- (1976-1978) pilot project. This project
lished by the Canadian entomologist M. D. demonstrated that eradication of codling moth
Proverbs and his colleagues included data on was possible by integrating the SIT with
sterilization with gamma radiation (Proverbs insecticides (Proverbs et al. 1982).

Currently, the fruit growing regions in 2. Change in Programme

British Columbia include about 4664 hectares Objectives
of commercial fruit tree production, as well as
several urban centres containing abundant Following several benefit/cost studies (see
backyard fruit and ornamental trees that are Dyck et al. 1993 for references), DeBiasio
hosts of codling moth. The tree fruit industry (1988) developed the initial implementation
in the Okanagan Valley consists of 1800 farms plan for eradication. The DeBiasio plan had
that generate 5000 on-farm jobs and 2500 jobs three phases that would be completed over
in packinghouses and supporting industries. eight years. Phase one (sanitation) would
The industry generates USD 173 million in reduce wild populations over two years using
revenue and USD 777 million in economic conventional controls with the objective of
activity per year (BCFGA 2006). maximizing laboratory-to-wild overflooding
The current OKSIR programme was ratios once releases of irradiated codling moth
launched in 1992, the mass-rearing facility were initiated. Phase two (release) concentrat-
was built in 1993, and the first releases of irra- ed on releases of irradiated male and female
diated adults took place during the 1994-grow- codling moths for three years. Two zones,
ing season. The area-wide programme has each of about 4000 hectares, would be treated
continued yearly operations in orchards, urban sequentially and urban host trees would be
centres and other potential host areas for ten included in the programme. DeBiasio (1988)
years. Proverbs et al. (1982) summarized the assumed that the isolation of the valleys
research conducted during development of the would prevent reinfestation following eradi-
SIT, Dyck et al. (1993) discussed the history cation, and suggested that releases of irradiat-
and politics of implementing the OKSIR pro- ed insects would need to continue indefinitely
gramme, and Bloem and Bloem (2000) along the USA-Canada border, considered to
reviewed the period between its inception be the only plausible route for reinfestation
(1992) and the end of 1997. Bloem and Bloem (phase three: prevention).
(2000) include data on the construction and The OKSIR programme roughly followed
operation of the mass-rearing facility, as well the DeBiasio plan from 1994 to 1997 (see
as information on yearly activity schedules, review by Bloem and Bloem 2000 for depar-
target overflooding ratios, issues of insect tures from original plan); however, an internal
quality, by-law enforcement in orchard and review at the end of 1996 recommended that
urban areas, and address the programme costs the treatment area be divided into three (rather
from construction to public outreach activities. than two) treatment zones. Zone 1 in the south
The OKSIR programme has evolved from an (2600 hectares), zone 2 in the central portion
eradication programme to a sustainable area- (1800 hectares) and zone 3 in the north (1000
wide suppression programme during the last hectares) of the Okanagan, Similkameen and
seven years (1998-2005). In this paper, the Shushwap Valleys (OKSIR 1996) (Fig. 1,
progress made since 1997 is reviewed and the lower).
changes in philosophy and approach that have A change in management structure and
taken place during these years are described. personnel occurred at the end of 1997. An
In addition, the results obtained by the pro- assessment after the first year under new man-
gramme are summarized and a review provid- agement concluded that ongoing area-wide
ed of how well the results have met stakehold- suppression rather than eradication was a
er expectations. Finally, a brief summary of more feasible and achievable long-term objec-
recent research that could improve the field tive for the OKSIR programme. This decision
performance of irradiated codling moth is was made by the programme’s Board of
included, and conclusions drawn with respect Directors following a number of considera-
to the future outlook envisaged for the OKSIR tions: (1) a technical advisory committee con-
programme beyond 2006. cluded that despite the success to date in zone

Figure 2. Yearly number of codling moths produced at the mass-rearing facility in Osoyoos,
BC., Canada (1998-2004).

1, eradication would not be achieved through- insecticide sprays, codling moth mating dis-
out the entire area because of the scale ruption, and tree banding (e.g. trees banded
involved and the limited human and and with corrugated cardboard strips that trap
financial resources available, (2) this commit- mature larvae seeking a cocooning site; later
tee also believed that a quarantine programme the strips are removed and destroyed along
would be necessary to ensure no codling moth with the larvae). As the size of the treatment
reinfestation should the SIR programme area increased, releases of irradiated codling
achieve eradication, and (3) the Federal moths were reduced in zone 1. These reduc-
Government of Canada, under whose jurisdic- tions were made in several ways including:
tion a quarantine area would operate indicated (1) fewer moths per hectare, (2) releases once
that no plans were in place to operate a quar- rather than twice per week, (3) releases for
antine programme. only one half of the season, (4) no releases in
Since the start of the 1999 season, orchard orchards that had reported no codling moth
and urban programme operations were direct- damage or trap captures in four or more years.
ed toward this revised goal. In general terms, Zone 1 orchards continued to be extensively
full-scale (i.e. 1800-2500 irradiated moths per monitored for the presence of codling moth
hectare per release, and releases twice weekly hot spots. When found, hot spots were treated
for 20 weeks per season) moth releases in with complementary control measures includ-
zone 1 continued every year until 2002, when ing fruit stripping, pesticide sprays, and tree
releases were expanded into zones 2 and 3. banding to reduce overwintering populations.
Even as the size of the treatment area
increased from 2600 hectares in zone 1 to 3. Programme Results 1998-
include the additional 2800 hectares in zones 2004
2 and 3, orchard and urban sanitation, codling
moth control using complementary tactics, 3.1. Codling Moth Rearing
and outreach and education efforts continued
throughout the entire treatment area. The OKSIR mass-rearing facility located in
The sanitation phase for commercial apple the town of Osoyoos proved to be extremely
and pear orchards in zones 2 and 3 began in well suited for rearing codling moth. The esti-
1998 using a combination of well-timed mated weekly output for the facility was 5.3

Figure 3. Percentage of orchards in zone 1 with no codling moth damage at harvest (1998-

million moths per week (Dyck et al. 1993). codling moths at a cost of USD 2.94 per 1000
However, actual production numbers insects. This difference in the cost of produc-
increased from 8.3 to 14.2 million adults per ing (but not releasing) 1000 insects translates
week between 1994-1997 (Bloem and Bloem into a 48% reduction in operating costs for the
2000). By 2004, the facility was routinely pro- facility in ten years.
ducing 16.3 million moths per week, which Yearly production totals (in millions of
represents a doubling of the rearing efficiency codling moths) achieved by the facility
in ten years and a tripling of the estimated between 1998 and 2004 are shown in Fig. 2.
weekly production output. Strict adherence to Due to budgetary constraints that included
process control, unrelenting attention to sani- funding the purchase and implementation of
tation as well as staff experience, facility mating disruption in zones 2 and 3, the rearing
improvements and higher egg densities on the facility was only operated at 50% capacity in
diet were the main reasons for this increased 2000 and 2001 and in 2004 the release season
output. was shortened from 20 to 10 weeks and, as
In addition, through gradual refinements in such, the period of full-scale production also
process control, the programme realized sig- was shortened.
nificant reductions in the cost of rearing. For
example, full-scale production in 1994 3.2. Field Operations
required the preparation of 31 584 litres of
diet per week. This amount of diet yielded an From 1995-1997, the decline in the wild
average of 8.3 million codling moths per week codling moth population in zone 1 was dra-
at a cost of USD 5.62 per 1000 insects. In matic. The percentage of orchards that
comparison, in 2004 the OKSIR programme showed no detectable level of codling moth
was at full production capacity for ten weeks damage at harvest increased steadily from
during which time they prepared an average of 42% in 1995 to 91% at the end of 1997
37 224 litres of diet per week. Adult moth pro- (Bloem and Bloem 2000). Data on the per-
duction per week averaged 16.4 million centage of orchards in zone 1 with no

Figure 4. Sales of organophosphate insecticides (in kilogram) in zone 1 from 1991 to 2004
(data provided by BC. Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection).

detectable damage at harvest for the period growers located in the zone 1 treatment area
covering 1998-2004 are presented in Fig. 3. from 1991-2004 is shown in Fig. 4 where the
Despite the many changes in the OKSIR pro- majority of organophosphates are purchased
gramme after 1997, this percentage has been for use against codling moth. During 2003-
maintained between 81-95%. While overall 2004 sales appeared to be slightly higher than
damage levels at the end of 2004 were eco- for 2001-2002, suggesting that codling moth
nomically acceptable to orchardists in the reinfestation was gradually manifesting itself
zone 1 treatment area, the proportion of in zone 1.
orchards with no detectable damage at harvest
dropped slightly (from 88% to 81%), requir- 3.4. Host Tree Removal
ing that corrective chemical control measures
be used in hot spots. This reality has been a An integral part of the OKSIR programme is
disappointment to many zone 1 growers who the removal of infested host trees from urban
have been spray-free for many years. The rea- areas and public lands as well as those in
sons for the decline can likely be ascribed to a derelict and abandoned orchards. From 1994
combination of lower release numbers and to 2004, the numbers of trees removed under
covering only half the season, the shift to a the direction of the programme totalled
non-area-wide release approach, and subopti- 24 627, 67 890 and 26 418 for zones 1, 2 and
mal monitoring by growers and programme 3, respectively (Table 1). While tree removal
staff alike arising, in the latter case, from undoubtedly reduced the codling moth wild
reduction in staffing levels. population, an accurate quantification of this
benefit is difficult to make.
3.3. Insecticide Use
3.5. Urban Compliance
The significant decline in the total amount of
organophosphate insecticides (azinphos- From 1995-1999 the OKSIR programme
methyl, phosalone and phosmet) purchased by adopted a policy of “zero tolerance” for

Table 1. Number of codling moth host trees removed by the OKSIR programme in the three
treatment zones by year.

OKSIR programme host tree removal data

Year(s) Treatment areas Total
Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3

1994-1998 17 555 37 983 94 55 632

1999 1715 11 664 2230 15 609
2000 1169 5273 10 124 16 566
2001 989 4002 2561 7552
2002 1127 3821 3024 7972
2003 1243 4055 4129 9427
2004 849 1092 4256 6197
Total 24 627 67 890 26 418 118 955

codling moth-infested fruit in all urban and News releases and radio clips reminded grow-
non-commercial orchard properties. Property ers of compliance and spray requirements, as
owners were encouraged to remove all fruit did the Ministry of Agriculture’s information
from their trees or to remove the trees entire- network. Packinghouses and local field-men
ly. Incentive programmes for homeowners provided weekly updates to interested grow-
included discounts on replacement fruit pur- ers. Urban and non-commercial stakeholders
chased at packinghouses or on the purchase of also received information by mail outlining
replacement non-host trees. Removal of the zero tolerance policy and its compliance
infested fruit and application of pesticide dates. Radio and newspaper advertising, pre-
sprays also were acceptable forms of compli- sentations to school and community groups,
ance (Bloem and Bloem 2000). and information booths at shopping malls,
The zero tolerance policy was abandoned garden centres and agricultural fairs also were
when the programme’s overall objective part of the outreach campaign (Bloem and
switched from eradication to area-wide sup- Bloem 2000). Although the programme still
pression. However, backyard growers are still proactively communicates with its various
urged to keep their properties free of codling stakeholder groups, the public relations budg-
moth. When low codling moth infestation lev- et has been reduced from USD 86 400 in 1995
els are detected, backyard growers are to USD 30 250 per year and all outreach and
allowed to remove only the infested fruit. communications activities are now the
Non-commercial orchards that are found har- responsibility of the public information offi-
bouring infestation levels above 2% require cer hired by the programme since 1999.
stripping of all fruit.
4. Supporting Research
3.6. Communications
Bloem et al. (1997) investigated the possibili-
From 1995-1997, the OKSIR programme ty of mass-rearing codling moth through dia-
maintained an aggressive communication pause to increase the use and overall efficien-
campaign that was coordinated by a privately cy of the OKSIR mass-rearing facility. The
contracted public relations firm. Commercial objective was to find methods to rear large
growers received information by mail four numbers of additional codling moths during
times per year providing programme updates. the winter months and store them at low tem-

perature until needed. Bloem et al. (1997, evening temperatures were high, and were
1998) reported that adults reared through dia- independent of the sampling method used for
pause were comparable to standard-reared evaluation. Bloem et al. (2004) also showed
moths when adult longevity, adult weight and that the reduction in field performance due to
mating ability were measured in the laborato- radiation was greater when males had been
ry. Furthermore, Bloem et al. (1998) exam- reared through standard rearing, suggesting
ined the field quality of diapaused and stan- that diapause might attenuate some of the neg-
dard-reared codling moth by conducting ative effects of treatment with gamma radia-
large-scale release-recapture studies that fol- tion.
lowed OKSIR programme standard operating Finally, because of the demonstrated
procedures. These authors found that the pro- potential of codling moth SIT, the Food and
portion of recaptured diapaused codling Agriculture Organization of the United
moths was significantly higher than that of Nations (FAO) and the International Atomic
standard-reared moths treated with the same Energy Agency (IAEA) are sponsoring a five-
high dose of gamma radiation (330 Gy) irre- year Coordinated Research Project (CRP)
spective of the time of year when field trails entitled “Improvement of Codling Moth SIT
were conducted. The authors concluded that to Facilitate Expansion of Field Application”.
diapaused codling moths had higher “field Scientists from ten countries including
quality” than standard-reared moths. Canada and the OKSIR programme, as well as
However, Bloem et al. (1998) and Bloem and Armenia, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Czech
Bloem (2000) cautioned that mass-rearing Republic, South Africa, Switzerland, Syria,
through diapause was more expensive and and the USA are conducting basic and applied
less efficient than rearing through standard research in an effort to expand the knowledge
protocols and suggested that more “methods base for the application of this environmental-
development” for large-scale diapause rearing ly friendly technology. The research group
was needed before it could be fully imple- meets every 18 months to share results and
mented. discuss additional ways to cooperate and con-
Bloem et al. (1999a,b, 2001) investigated tinue to expand knowledge and refine tech-
the effect of substerilizing doses of gamma nologies to improve the delivery of area-wide
radiation on laboratory-reared codling moths programmes against this key pest. Some of the
and documented their positive impact on topics being investigated include the develop-
codling moth performance and competitive- ment of a codling moth male-only strain
ness. This body of work included studies in (Marec et al. 2005), the mobility of different
large field cages to assess direct damage to codling moth strains (Bloem et al. 2006a,b),
fruit, pheromone-mediated field dispersal the effect of combining codling moth SIT with
using pheromone-baited as well as female- other complementary pest control tactics, and
baited traps, and male competitiveness for vir- the compatibility of codling moth strains from
gin females under field situations. These different geographic regions. As part of this
encouraging results obtained prompted addi- CRP, codling moth compatibility studies were
tional research that compared the field quality conducted between laboratory-reared codling
of diapaused and standard-reared codling moth from Canada and wild codling moth in
moths treated with substerilizing doses of South Africa (Bloem et al. 2005b).
gamma radiation (150 and 250 Gy) (Bloem et Codling moth is the key pest in pome fruit
al. 2004). Here, again, field performance of in South Africa and South African growers are
released males was significantly improved by interested in using the SIT against this pest.
rearing through diapause and by lowering the Because the fruit growing seasons in these
dose of radiation used to treat the insects. countries occur opposite one another, the
These effects were observed in spring when OKSIR programme could rear and ship
temperatures were cool and in summer when codling moth to South Africa during the win-

ter when the mass-rearing facility is underuti- pest management tactics, and inconsistent
lized. Small cage and release-recapture stud- short- and long-term technical directives.
ies were conducted in 2003 to examine the Timely detection and management of very
mating compatibility of these two strains. low codling moth wild populations remains an
Data from the small cage and the field studies ongoing challenge, particularly in zone 1
showed that Canadian codling moth males where releases have been scaled back. In addi-
were equally attracted to calling Canadian and tion, regulatory and enforcement obstacles,
South African codling moth females despite such as the unregulated movement of codling
the fact that the Canadian codling moths had a moth infested fruit, wood, and packing bins,
transport time (from Canada to South Africa) continue to seriously impact OKSIR pro-
of 48 hours and were between one to two days gramme operations in all treatment zones.
old at the time of transport. Field data also Nevertheless, key stakeholders continue to
showed that Canadian codling moth females support the suppression programme. For
and males were more active than South example, zone 1 growers, who have been
African codling moths at low field tempera- enjoying the benefits of effective and environ-
tures (Bloem et al. 2005b). These results indi- ment-friendly codling moth control for many
cate that laboratory-reared codling moths years, are a positive influence on growers in
from Canada are fully compatible with wild newer treatment areas. As conventional pest
codling moths in South Africa and, therefore, control methods continue to become more
could be used for SIT studies in South Africa. expensive, less effective and less tolerated,
This work is continuing and will be further there is an ever-increasing need to improve
tested in 2006 in a season-long field trial in and refine the SIT technology for the OKSIR
South Africa using moths purchased from the programme, and to implement this improved
OKSIR programme under IAEA project technology where appropriate in other pome
SAF/5/007. fruit growing areas around the world. The
OKSIR programme is poised to play a crucial
5. Future Outlook role in this endeavour as it refines its long-
term strategy for programme delivery in the
After ten years of operation, the OKSIR pro- years to come.
gramme continues to struggle with its long-
term financial, political, and operational 6. References
demands including how to deal with and
respond to the needs of its broad constituent (BCFGA) British Columbian Fruit Growers
group. The stakeholders include the Association. 2006.
Governments of Canada, British Columbia, Beers, E. H., J. F. Brunner, M. J. Willett, and
and five regional districts that represent 14 G. M. Warner (eds.). 1993. Orchard pest
municipalities, organic and conventional management. A resource book for the Pacific
growers and their organizations, nurseries, Northwest. Good Fruit Grower, Yakima,
packinghouses, farm suppliers, scientists, and WA., USA.
homeowners. Additional challenges to the Bloem, K. A., and S. Bloem. 2000. Sterile
assessment and comparison of programme insect technique for codling moth eradication
results from one year to the next have arisen in British Columbia, Canada, pp. 207-214. In
because modifications to programme delivery Tan, K. H. (ed.), Proceedings: Area-Wide
are constantly being made. Examples of such Control of Fruit Flies and Other Insect Pests.
modifications include non-standardized wild International Conference on Area-Wide
codling moth field monitoring and damage Control of Insect Pests, and the 5th
assessments at harvest, varied rates and sched- International Symposium on Fruit Flies of
ules for field delivery of irradiated codling Economic Importance, 28 May-5 June 1998,
moth, non-systematic use of complementary Penang, Malaysia. Penerbit Universiti Sains

Malaysia, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) trans-hemispheric

Bloem, S., K. A. Bloem, and L. S. Fielding. compatibility studies, pp. 41-47. In
1997. Mass-rearing and storing codling Proceedings: Improvement of Codling Moth
moth larvae in diapause: a novel approach to SIT to Facilitate Expansion of Field
increase production for sterile insect release. Application. Second Research Coordination
Journal of the Entomological Society of Meeting, Joint FAO/IAEA Division of
British Columbia 94: 75-81. Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture,
Bloem, S., K. A. Bloem, and A. L. Knight. 8-12 March 2004, Stellenbosch, South
1998. Assessing quality of mass-reared Africa. IAEA-314-D4-RC876, IAEA,
codling moths (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) Vienna, Austria.
using field release-recapture tests. Journal of Bloem, S., J. E. Carpenter, and S. Dorn.
Economic Entomology 91: 1122-1130. 2006a. Mobility of mass-reared diapaused
Bloem, S., K. A. Bloem, J. E. Carpenter, and and non-diapaused Cydia pomonella: effect
C. O. Calkins. 1999a. Inherited sterility in of mating status and treatment with gamma
codling moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae): radiation. Journal of Economic Entomology
effect of substerilizing doses of radiation on 99: 699-706.
insect fecundity, fertility and control. Annals Bloem, S., J. E. Carpenter, and S. Dorn.
of the Entomological Society of America 92: 2006b. Mobility of mass-reared diapaused
222-229. and non-diapaused Cydia pomonella: effect
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C. O. Calkins. 1999b. Inherited sterility in lengths of cold storage. Journal of Economic
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field competitiveness. Environmental Carty. 1969. Artificial diet for mass produc-
Entomology 28: 669-674. tion of the codling moth, Carpocapsa
Bloem, S., K. A. Bloem, J. E. Carpenter, and pomonella (Lepidoptera: Olethreutidae). The
C. O. Calkins. 2001. Season-long releases Canadian Entomologist 101: 577-584.
of partially sterile males for control of DeBiasio, D. 1988. Codling moth sterile insect
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Economic Entomology 97: 1891-1898. pp. 285-297. In Proceedings, Symposium:
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Eradication of the Australian Painted Apple
Moth Teia anartoides in New Zealand:
Trapping, Inherited Sterility, and Male


and S. L. WEE1

PO Box 51, Lincoln, New Zealand
2HortResearch,PO Box 92169, Auckland, New Zealand
3Biosecurity New Zealand, PO Box 24, Lincoln, New Zealand

ABSTRACT The incursion of the native Australian painted apple moth Teia anartoides Walker into
Glendene, West Auckland in May 1999, prompted an area-wide eradication programme by the New
Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Biosecurity Authority. The Australian painted apple moth is
a polyphagous pest of horticulture and plantation forestry and threatened New Zealand's native vegetation.
The economic and ecological impact of the moth's incursion was estimated at NZD 50-350 million
(approximately USD 30.5-212.9 million) over 20 years if no action was taken to eradicate the insect. The
eradication programme (1999-2006) used a combination of tactics, including the first use of the sterile
insect technique (SIT) in New Zealand. The SIT component was added to the eradication programme in
2002 but releases started in 2003 as an end game tactic once the pest population was brought down to ca
1% of the population level in 2001-2002, as indicated by trap catches. The aerial spray programme using
Bacillus thuringiensis (Berliner), subsp. kurstaki (Btk) accompanied by release of sterile males drove the
wild population to extinction, with overflooding ratios up to 100:1 based on trapping data. Sterility was
assessed from the egg hatch of the F1-F3 generations and competitiveness examined using emergence rates
and wind tunnel flight performance. When males exposed to 100 or 160 Gy mated with non-irradiated
females, there was no significant effect on female egg production, but a lower egg hatch was observed for
both doses. When F1 and F2 offspring were outcrossed to fertile moths, 100 Gy irradiation gave relatively
similar inherited sterility levels to 160 Gy, with full mortality achieved at the F3 generation. The lowest
effective dose of radiation needed to induce inherited sterility is likely to offer the best competitiveness and
mating success of the released males, representing a potential trade-off between sterility and competitive-
ness. Subsequently, the induced dominant lethal mutations carried by the released males (when mated to
wild females), will be inherited through the surviving F1 proportion of the progeny. Moth emergence rate
was not affected at 100 Gy, but the response to seek and mate with wild calling females in the wind tun-
nel was reduced by 33%. The use of wind tunnel for quality assurance in integrated pest management pro-
grammes is discussed.

KEY WORDS Australian painted apple moth, Teia anartoides, eradication, aerial spray, trapping, Btk,
sterile insect technique, fitness, wind tunnel

1. Introduction 54.7 million) eradication programme in

Auckland, New Zealand since 1999 (Suckling
The Australian painted apple moth Teia anar- et al. 2002, 2005). Female painted apple
toides Walker has been the target of a large- moths are flightless, and ballooning larvae are
scale (NZD 90 million equivalent to USD the main means of dispersal in this species. It
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 603–615.
© 2007 IAEA.

has reached its widest host range in Auckland was also used to define the area occupied by
(Stephens et al. 2007). The insect was consid- the pest, and host removal was used where
ered to have potential for significant econom- possible. Insecticides applied from the ground
ic and ecological damage in New Zealand to host trees (e.g. Acacia mearnsii) included
because its host range includes plants of chlorpyrifos, deltamethrin and the insecticidal
importance to horticulture and forestry, as pathogen Bacillus thuringiensis (Berliner),
well as to natural ecosystems. Estimates of subsp. kurstaki (Btk), which was also aerially
NZD 50-350 million (approximately USD applied on a regular basis from January 2003
30.5-212.9 million) of costs over 20 years onwards (Charles et al. 2005, Richardson et
were developed (Self 2003), and a response al. 2005). The sterile insect technique (SIT)
was mounted in mitigation. was proposed as part of an end game strategy,
once densities had been lowered with other
1. 1. Operational Aspects of the Eradica- tactics (Suckling 2003).
tion Programme In New Zealand, the SIT has the advantage
of meeting the stringent requirements of the
The eradication programme operated by the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Act (1996), which seriously limits the applica-
Biosecurity Authority (“Biosecurity New tion of many technologies with potential value
Zealand”), has included a pheromone trapping for eradication (Suckling 2003), such as exot-
programme based on caged female moths, in ic organisms (e.g. insect pathogens), or unreg-
order to map the distribution of the pest, from istered pesticides. The SIT had the advantage
June 2001 onwards. The use of geographic that the mass-rearing was already underway to
information systems (GIS) proved invaluable provide female moths for the surveillance
for tracking the population spatially (ground trapping programme.
finds and trap catches), as well as for manag- Male moth trap catches well outside the
ing the response (aerial spray flight lines and known area of breeding populations raised
releases of sterile insects). Although the questions about moth dispersal, since it was
pheromone has been identified (El-Sayed et possible that the infested area was much wider
al. 2005), it is highly unstable and virgin than had been thought. A dispersal study was
females have been used to bait traps through- therefore undertaken, using marked irradiated
out this programme. The female moths were males, after it was shown that the progeny of
mass-reared for this purpose, and trap arrays males irradiated at 160 Gy were essentially
of up to 2000 geo-referenced traps were serv- sterile by the F2 generation (Suckling et al.
iced weekly (Suckling et al. 2005). There was 2002, Wee et al. 2005). Released moths dis-
concern at one point about bioterrorism persed up to five kilometres, and 17% of irra-
through deliberate spread of the organism, and diated males released were recaptured
a solution was demonstrated which involved (Suckling et al. 2005). This indicated that irra-
sterilizing females by irradiation, since this diated insects were sufficiently fit for field
had no effect on male catch (Suckling et al. recapture, and therefore a full programme of
2006). sterile insect release was proposed.
The geographic area of the infestation was Subsequently, releases of a total of around
relatively small, ca 12 000 hectares (Fig. 1). 350 000 male moths irradiated as pupae at 100
Trap spacing varied from 1500 metres around Gy were made from January 2003 until April
the periphery, to 500 and 250 metres spacing 2004 (Suckling et al. 2005). The lower dose
in the central zone. By 2002, a male catch in a was chosen in an attempt to increase the field
trap was followed immediately by the deploy- competitiveness, while work was being done
ment of a higher density network of traps in to quantify the difference in competitiveness
order to locate the breeding population. from the two doses.
A targeted programme of ground searches Importantly, the information on recaptures

Figure 1. Distribution of Australian painted apple moth trap catches, in relation to the spray zone at the 15th aerial application of Btk in west
Auckland New Zealand (solid black lines). Wild moth catches (light to dark blue circles) expressed as general linear model residuals scaled to the
observed catch rate corrected for trap location, distance from larval finds, and time of catch over the 2001-2002 period (courtesy D. Baird,
AgResearch) with the locations of the final 19 catches of male painted apple moth in 2003 (red circles). SIT recaptures (pink circles) tended to clus-

ter within one kilometre at the three release sites shown.


was used to assist with the development and pression in the F1 generation (Bloem et al. 2001).
use of a decision-support tool for managers of A range of radiation doses produced differ-
the eradication programme, to estimate chang- ent levels of inherited sterility in T. anartoides
ing confidence levels in the success of the (Suckling et al. 2002). A 100 Gy treatment
eradication programme over time (Kean and was projected to give 80% sterility of the F1
Suckling 2005). This model relies on sterile generation and more than 99.5% sterility in
moth recaptures for the best quality estimate the F2 generation. The few viable individuals
of trap efficiency, and takes into account from the F1 or F2 generation would carry the
weather, the relative competitiveness of irra- inherited sterility into the population which,
diated insects, insect development rate, spatial when crossed with wild-type insects, would
deployment of trapping effort, duration of later lead to eradication of the target popula-
trapping effort in the absence of any recent tion. Suckling et al. (2004a) showed that
wild catches and other factors. Further work exposure of 6-day old pupae to 100 Gy did not
has examined the cost effectiveness of release increase wing deformities (which at even a
strategies (Wee et al. 2006) and ways of low level would correlate with an effect on the
improving sterile insect quality (Stephens et flying ability of adult males).
al. 2006). The work reported here was instigated to
The work reported here outlines the trap- determine the impact of irradiation on male
ping programme used for catching both wild competitiveness; female fecundity and fertili-
and released males since 2001, and looks at ty were assessed as well as the inherited
the occurrence of catches over time and space, genetic damage, expressed as mortality in the
as part of the operational programme from F1 and F2 generations (inherited sterility).
2001. The releases were continued until May
2004, they were terminated, fifteen months 2. Materials and Methods
after the last catch. Subsequent trap catches
are still under forensic biosecurity examina- 2.1. Trapping
tions of various kinds.
Pheromone traps were deployed at 500 metres
1.2. Competitiveness spacing, baited with virgin females (Suckling
et al. 2005), and operated weekly from 2001
Competitiveness of the irradiated insects is a until 2006, although only the period immedi-
key requirement for the success of the SIT ately before the Btk spraying operations and
(Lance and McInnes 2005, Itô and Yamamura then the SIT component is presented here. The
2005). The application of irradiation should phenology of T. anartoides was determined
not diminish the longevity or significantly from a subsample of 102 traps in 2001/02, but
impair the ability of treated insects to fly, mate in the 2002/03 year all traps were included
and transfer sperm. The lowest effective irra- due to the scarcity of wild moths, after densi-
diation dose to achieve sterility is more likely ties fell dramatically. A generalized linear
to optimize the mating competitiveness of the model with Poisson errors was fitted to the
released insects (i.e. maximizing mating with weekly counts of moths caught in the traps (D.
the target population), representing a potential Baird, personal communication). The compo-
trade-off between sterility and competitive- nents to the model were a smoothing spline on
ness. With the codling moth Cydia pomonella the distance from the trap to the closest larval
(L.), as with Lepidoptera in general, a high find, which modelled the dispersion of the
radiation dose resulted in complete sterility male moths, a factor for the week of the catch,
but considerably reduced competitiveness, but allowing for a changing population of male
the application of a lower dose yielded partial- moths. The fitted values from this model were
ly sterile insects of superior competitiveness, subtracted from the observed catches to give a
which were more effective in population sup- residual. This was fitted with Genstat® ver-

Figure 2. Pheromone trap catch of the Australian painted apple moth from June to May in
2001/02 (Btk aerial campaign commenced in January 2002) and 2002/03 (SIT commenced 17
January 2003). There was a minimum of 100 traps for each data point.

sion 8 (Payne 2005). High residual values released weekly from paper bags from 17
from the model indicated spatial and temporal January 2003 until April 2004 (Suckling et al.
hot spots of trap catch. 2005). Males were released at four main loca-
tions in Auckland, using a single release point
2.2. Release Programme but after 2005 multiple release points were
used a few hundred metres apart from single
Male moths were irradiated as pupae (below), nearby trap catches.
dyed with fluorescent powder, emerged and
2.3. Irradiation of Insects

Male and female Australian painted apple

moth pupae were obtained from the quaran-
tine facility in Mount Albert Research Centre,
HortResearch, Auckland. The colony was
established from field-collected insects, and
reared on an artificial diet (Charles et al.
2006). Six-day old male pupae were irradiated
using 1.25 MeV gamma rays from a 60Co
source. Larvae were separated by sex during
rearing. The pupae were irradiated for 5015
seconds, giving a dose of 100 Gy, or 8024 sec-
onds, resulting in 160 Gy (Wee et al. 2005).
Figure 3. Log-linear change of Australian
painted apple moth trap catches over time as 2.4. Female Fecundity and Fertility
a function of the previous year (2002/03 com-
pared to 2001/02) due to the aerial Btk spray- Newly emerged males were mated singly with
ing programme, prior to the commencement untreated females for each treatment dose.
of the releases of sterile moths in Auckland, Total eggs laid (fecundity) and hatch rate (fer-
New Zealand. tility) per female per treatment were assessed

Figure 4. Dispersal distances (metres) and directions of sterile male Australian painted apple
moth, released and recaptured (n = 2145) in Auckland from 17 January to 9 May 2003.

with 12 to 54 replicates for each cross, (L:D), and 60% relative humidity. Daily
depending on survival rates. Egg counts were observations were made to ascertain insect
transformed using log10(n+1), and the pro- development and mortality. The total number
portion of eggs that hatched was angular- of larvae that pupated and the number of
transformed (Anscombe 1948) and analysed pupae that successfully emerged as adults
using one-way ANOVA, with mean compar- were recorded daily. Data from each develop-
isons using Tukey’s test (P < 0.05). mental stage (egg-larval-pupal mortality for
F1 to F2, and egg mortality at F3 generations)
2.5. Post-Embryonic Mortality were corrected using Abbott’s formula to
account for control mortality (Abbott 1925).
All possible crosses of emerging F1 adults Subsequently, the cumulative mortality at dif-
were made according to the number of surviv- ferent life stages was calculated as the product
ing insects in each line, and were conducted as of the proportional survivorship of each stage.
described above (between nine and 33 Results were pooled for reciprocal crosses
emerged F1 adults of each gender from each with no significant difference.
treatment were outcrossed to wild-type). The
total number of eggs oviposited per female 2.6. Male Flight Ability
(fecundity) and the number of eggs that
hatched (fertility) were counted for each treat- A perspex flight tunnel (50 x 50 x 50 centime-
ment. tres) operating at a wind speed of 25-30
All larvae that hatched for each female cm/sec under fluorescent light was used to
from each cross were counted to obtain fertil- determine the flight ability of male moths
ity data. Neonates from each P and F1 cross (Suckling et al. 2004a). Comparisons of treat-
were reared at 25 ± 2°C, a photoperiod of 16:8 ed and untreated males were done weekly as

Figure 5. Comparison of the last catches of wild and dyed released male Australian painted
apple moth in Auckland from 17 January to 16 May 2003.

part of the quality assurance programme. A placed at the downwind area, and their
single calling female (1-2-day old) was placed responses to the calling female were observed
in a small wire-mesh cage (4 centimetres for six minutes. Similar procedures were
diameter x 5 centimetres height) with a sticky repeated for control males, with 128 replicates
lid, which was then placed on a sticky base of groups of males for each treatment. Flight
(18 x 19 centimetres) in the upwind area. At a ability expressed as arrival success was
distance of 130 centimetres from the upwind defined as when a male moth responded to the
source, ten newly emerged (1-2-day old) irra- female pheromone plume by flying in “zig-
diated males were released from a plastic tube zag” anemotaxis and successfully landed on

Figure 6. Effect of 100 and 160 Gy gamma radiation of male pupae on female egg production
and F1 egg hatch of the Australian painted apple moth Teia anartoides. Bars show SE.

Figure 7. Cumulative Abbott's corrected mortality at different life stages of Australian paint-
ed apple moth Teia anartoides, irradiated as male pupae at 100 and 160 Gy.

the sticky base (female source) within the The population in 2002/03 was much
stipulated time. Numbers of successful male lower, and showed a 100-fold decline in catch
arrivals were noted for each replicate. A sim- to ca 1% of that in the previous year, over sev-
ple flight ability ratio was derived by dividingeral months (301 days) that led up to the
the mean arrival success of irradiated males releases of irradiated moths in January 2003
by that of untreated males. (Fig. 3). This was likely to be predominantly
due to the applications of Btk (Charles et al.
3. Results 2005, Richardson et al. 2005), although some
areas such as Waikumete Cemetery had heavy
3.1. Population Assessment from Trap vegetation cover with less efficacy, evident as
Catches the region with the last catches of wild males
(Fig. 1). The relative catch compared to the
The map (Fig. 1) shows a solid core where same week in the previous year shows how
there was a breeding population that generat- quickly the population dropped (Fig. 2).
ed moth catches, followed by circles indicat-
ing significance of the catch outwards indicat- 3.2. Phenology
ed as residuals from the generalized linear
model. The area within the aerial spray zone The phenology of painted apple moth was
(the solid black line, approximately 12 000 assessed in a geo-referenced grid of 102 traps
hectares) can be compared with the spatial from June 2001 to May 2002 and assessed
distribution of the final 19 catches of male from all traps in the second year (Fig. 2). In
moths (red circles), that occurred between 17 the first year of trapping, the population
January 2003 and 9 May 2003, and also the showed evidence of several apparently dou-
recaptures of sterile males. bling generations of increase, before the

2005) was not met later in the season.

3.3. Effect of Gamma Radiation on

Fecundity and Fertility

There was no significant difference between

the fecundity of females mated with males
from the two radiation treatments or the con-
trols (F = 0.650, d.f. = 2, 88, P > 0.05) (Fig.
6). However, the percentage of F1 egg hatch
Figure 8. Arrival success of control and irra- (fertility) decreased significantly with increas-
diated (100 Gy) males, flown separately to a ing radiation dose (F = 44.06, d.f. = 2, 88, P <
calling virgin female in a flight tunnel. Bars 0.001) (Fig.6).
(SE) topped with different letters were signifi-
cantly different at P = 0.01, Student's t-test 3.4. Post-Embryonic Mortality
(128 replicates of each treatment; each repli-
cate consisted of 10 males). The cumulative mortality for the post-embry-
onic development stages from the F1 to the F3
generations was calculated for the partially
effect of the regular aerial Btk spray pro- sterile P males (irradiated as pupae at 100 and
gramme, started in January 2002, began to 160 Gy) and their progeny (Fig. 7). For 160
measurably reduce the moth population after Gy, the cumulative F1 egg mortality was twice
one generation by May 2002 (Fig. 2). A total that calculated for insects treated at 100 Gy.
of more than 9300 male moths were caught in By the end of the F1 pupal stage, more than
the first 35 weeks of trapping from June 2001 90% cumulative mortality was recorded at
onwards (Suckling et al. 2005). 160 Gy (Fig. 7). Beginning from the egg stage
Recaptures have been reported elsewhere of the F2 generation, the cumulative percent-
in detail (Suckling et al. 2005), and this infor- age mortality for both male and female lines
mation has been used in a model of trap effi- reached 99% (Abbott’s corrected). These
ciency and therefore the success of the eradi- results were used to choose 100 Gy for the
cation effort (Kean and Suckling 2005). operational programme.
There was no overwhelming evidence of a
directional component to overall released 3.5. Male Flight Ability
male dispersal (Fig. 4), although individual
release points could expect some effect of Both irradiated and control males exhibited
topographic features, and local wind condi- similar behavioural responses to the calling
tions would likely play a large part in a given females. Responding males initiated wing
catch. Geographic bias is obvious as appar- activation, followed by take-off and flying
ently reduced catches in the south-eastern upwind via zig-zag anemotaxis towards the
quadrant which includes the harbour at females. At the up-wind end, upon arriving at
Hobsonville, so cannot be compared with the females, males would be stuck on either
catch in traps present at other quadrants. This the sticky base or the sticky lid of the cage.
leaves room for further analysis at greater The irradiated males showed 27.0 ± 1.8%
resolution. arrival success (334 out of 1236 males tested)
The estimated ratio of substerile to wild compared to 40.9 ± 1.9% in the untreated con-
males caught varied with weekly catch (Fig. trols (504 out of 1233 males tested) (t = 5.34,
5), but was frequently over 100:1, as can be P < 0.001) (Fig. 8). In terms of irradiated/non-
seen by comparison of the axes. The tempera- irradiated male competitiveness, the simple
ture flight threshold of 17ºC (Suckling et al. competitiveness ratio showed that irradiated

males were approximately 66% as successful their progeny under laboratory conditions
as the untreated males. These values were tied (Wee et al. 2005), suggesting that this param-
to the fixed duration of the bioassay, but eter was not a useful measure of competitive-
would be expected to remain constant over ness. Flight and mating competitiveness were
time. therefore used in routine quality assurance
(Stephens et al. 2006).
4. Discussion The flight ability of groups of sterile males
treated at 100 Gy was only 66% of that of
The population of the Australian painted groups of untreated males (with over 1200
apple moth was dramatically reduced by vari- males tested per treatment). The estimate of
ous measures, including delimitation using the flight ability of irradiated males tested as a
virgin female-baited traps, ground searches, 1:1 pair with untreated males was even lower
habitat removal, and aerial application of Btk. (32%), although the sample size was also
The population reduction was an essential lower (83 males per treatment) (Suckling et al.
precursor to the SIT component of the pro- 2004b). Hence it is not clear whether the infe-
gramme, and it is clear that the combination of rior performance of irradiated males in a com-
these measures was effective in reducing the petitive situation was really half of that of irra-
wild moth population as shown by trap catch- diated males alone, although reduced flight
es in the treated areas, although in some areas ability of irradiated males was statistically
heavy vegetation cover affected deposition significant in both experiments. The more rep-
and impeded the spray programme resentative estimate of flight ability is likely
(Richardson et al. 2005). Sterile releases to be from the larger sample size, given that
began with declining catches of wild moths, simultaneous arrival of sterilized and wild
and only very few were subsequently caught, males at a female would be rare. Some degree
enabling overflooding ratios in excess of of reduced competitiveness of males is
100:1 to be achieved. Whether the contribu- inevitable in return for the associated inherit-
tion of the releases to eradication was signifi- ed sterility described above. However, it
cant compared to the Allee effect acting at remains unclear whether the increased com-
such a low insect density (Allee 1938) is petitiveness associated with lower irradiation
unclear, although overflooding was readily doses is “sufficient” as a trade-off to lower
achieved at an insect density numbering less inherited sterility. Population suppression
than six catches in 12 months to May 2006. As depends on both mating competitiveness (of
an ongoing case study in mid 2006, it faces treated and F1 males), and the survival of
operational and scientific challenges similar potential non-sterile progeny. Modelling the
to other programmes. impact of lower levels of inherited sterility
Mortality from irradiation treatment of may offer the best approach to optimizing this
male pupae accumulated across several life trade-off.
stages up to the F3 generation, but the biggest While the irradiated males showed a lower
effect was on eggs at the F1 and F2 genera- arrival success, presumably indicating a
tions. The level of inherited sterility at the reduced ability to seek a female in the field,
dose chosen for the field programme (100 Gy) their ability to copulate was not affected
was capable of providing nearly complete (Sucking et al. 2004b). Generally, it is thought
cumulative sterility of all progeny by the F3 that total sperm transfer is positively correlat-
generation. ed with copulation duration in insects. In the
In general, sterilizing doses do not alter the Mediterranean flour moth Ephestia kuehniella
lifespan of adult moths (Snow et al. 1972, Lu Zeller, total time in copula was dose (irradia-
et al. 2002), and a related study on the tion) and sperm volume-dependent (i.e. the
Australian painted apple moth showed no higher the treatment dose and the lower the
effect on the longevity of irradiated males or sperm number, the longer the total time in

copula) (Koudelová and Cook 2001). analysis is underway to determine point of

Irradiated males tended to copulate for longer origin of these catches (R. Frew, personal
than did untreated controls in gamma irradiat- communication). This type of new forensic
ed cabbage looper Trichoplusia ni (Hübner) biosecurity tool appears to have potential and
(Holt and North 1970). work is underway to extend the validation
This study used wind tunnel flight success using another species of moth. Two mtDNA
as a surrogate for competitiveness estimates in haplotypes have been identified (K. F.
the field. Irradiated males showed significant- Armstrong, personal communication), but
ly reduced ability to arrive at calling females their frequency in Australia requires more
compared to untreated males. However, other work to assist interpretation. The response to
experiments showed that upon arrival, they the catches has been to recommence the
did not show a lower probability of mating releases of irradiated moths during 2005 and
compared to untreated males. This, together to increase trap density around each catch, but
with the lack of other differences in mating no other control tactics have been deployed.
behaviour, suggest that flight success may be The use of this approach against the
an adequate surrogate for the probability of Australian painted apple moth has highlighted
mating of irradiated males, and thereby intro- the potential of the SIT in New Zealand to
gression of inherited sterility into the popula- eradicate other exotic insect pests in the
tion. It can therefore be concluded that wind future. In addition, sterile recapture informa-
tunnel assessment is a valuable tool for quali- tion can be used to assess the effectiveness of
ty assurance, and can provide useful insights the surveillance grid (Kean and Suckling
into the competitiveness of irradiated males in 2005). This programme has introduced the
the implementation of the SIT. concept of “boutique” SIT, referring to a
The recapture rate from field releases of small-scale programme where only a few
fluorescent dye-marked 100 Gy-treated males thousand sterile insects are released each
in a trapping grid was also used to assess the week, targeted at the eradication of well
programme (Kean and Suckling 2005). Field delimited, small populations. There are con-
recaptures of irradiated males indicated dis- siderable social advantages of the SIT over
persal up to ten kilometres from the release aerial spraying and other interventions in an
point (Suckling et al. 2005), indicating a sur- urban setting, including the lack of inconven-
prising level of flight capacity. ience to the public (Dowell et al. 2000).
Further work is underway on this and other
5. Conclusions areas of terrestrial plant biosecurity research
in New Zealand under the heading “Better
The eradication of Australian painted apple Border Biosecurity”.
moths has been considered to be successful in
West Auckland, with no breeding populations 6. Acknowledgements
located since 2003, or males in this area
trapped since January 2004. Formal eradica- This work was funded by the Ministry of
tion in this area was declared in 2006 Agriculture and Forestry Biosecurity New
( Zealand and the Foundation for Research,
6pam.htm). However, the simultaneous use of Science and Technology, most recently
multiple eradication tactics prevents quantifi- through an unencorporated joint venture
cation of the contribution of the sterile releas- called “Better Border Biosecurity”
es. The more recent catches of several males ( The authors would like to
(May, August, October, November and thank J. Laban (National Radiation
December 2005 and May 2006) in other parts Laboratory, Christchurch) for insect irradia-
of the city appears to be due to a separate tion. The New Zealand Plant Protection
incursion, although isotopic and mtDNA Society is gratefully acknowledged for per-

mission to reproduce material published in K. Mori, and S. Fielder. 2005. Identifica-

Volume 57 of New Zealand Plant Protection. tion of the sex pheromone of the first
Dr David Baird (AgResearch) fitted the gen- Australian tussock moth, Teia anartoides: a
eralized linear model to wild moth trap catch- thermally labile diverse pheromone blend.
es to estimate the residuals in Genstat®. Journal of Chemical Ecology 31: 633-659.
Holt, G. G., and D. T. North. 1970. Effects of
7. References gamma irradiation on the mechanisms of
sperm transfer in Trichoplusia ni. Journal of
Abbott, W. 1925. A method for computing the Insect Physiology 16: 2211-2222.
effectiveness of an insecticide. Journal of Itô, Y., and K. Yamamura. 2005. Role of pop-
Economic Entomology 18: 265-267. ulation and behavioural ecology in the sterile
Allee, W. C. 1938. The social life of animals. insect technique, pp. 177-208. In Dyck, V. A.,
Norton, New York, USA. J. Hendrichs, and A. S. Robinson (eds.),
Anscombe, F. J. 1948. The transformation of Sterile insect technique. Principles and prac-
Poisson, binomial and negative binomial tice in area-wide integrated pest manage-
data. Biometrika 35: 246-254. ment. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
Bloem, S., K. A. Bloem, J. E. Carpenter, and Kean, J. M., and D. M. Suckling. 2005.
C. O. Calkins. 2001. Season-long releases Estimating the probability of eradication of
of partially sterile moths for control of painted apple moth from Auckland. New
codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), Zealand Plant Protection 58: 7-11.
(Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in Washington Koudelová, J., and P. A. Cook. 2001. Effect
apples. Environmental Entomology 30: 763- of gamma radiation and sex-linked recessive
769. lethal mutations on sperm transfer in
Charles, J. G., D. J. Allan, A. Chhagan, and L. Ephestia kuehniella (Lepidoptera: Pyrali-
E. Jamieson. 2005. Effectiveness of Foray dae). Florida Entomologist 84: 172-182.
48B over time after application against the Lance, D. R., and D. O. McInnes. 2005. Bio-
painted apple moth. New Zealand Plant logical basis of the sterile insect technique,
Protection 58: 17-23. pp. 69-94. In Dyck, V. A., J. Hendrichs, and
Charles, J. G., A. Chhagan, and J. Kean. A. S. Robinson (eds.), Sterile insect tech-
2006. Developmental parameters and vol- nique. Principles and practice in area-wide
tinism of the painted apple moth, Teia anar- integrated pest management. Springer,
toides Walker (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) in Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
New Zealand. New Zealand Entomologist Lu, D. G., X. H. Liu, J. G. Hu, E. D. Wang, Q.
29: 27-36. L. He, and Y. J. Li. 2002. Cotton boll-
Dowell, R. V., I. A. Siddiqui, F. Meyer, and E. worm, Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera:
L. Spaugy. 2000. Mediterranean fruit fly Noctuidae): large scale rearing and the effect
preventative release programme in Southern of gamma radiation on selected life history
California, pp. 369-375. In Tan, K. H. (ed.), parameters of this pest in China, pp. 23-27.
Proceedings: Area-Wide Control of Fruit In Proceedings: Evaluation of Lepidoptera
Flies and Other Insect Pests. International Population Suppression by Radiation
Conference on Area-Wide Control of Insect Induced Sterility. Final Research Coordina-
Pests, and the 5th International Symposium tion Meeting, Joint FAO/IAEA Division of
of Fruit Flies of Economic Importance, 28 Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture,
May-5 June 1998, Penang, Malaysia. 28-30 May 1998, Penang, Malaysia. IAEA-
Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau TECDOC-1283, IAEA, Vienna, Austria.
Pinang, Malaysia. Payne, R. W. (ed.). 2005. The guide to
El-Sayed, A. M., A. R. Gibb, D. M. Suckling, GenStat® release 8 - part 2: statistics, by the
B. Bunn, D. Comesky, K. A. Moss, L. A. GenStat committee. VSN International,
Manning, S. P. Foster, B. Morris, T. Ando, ISBN 1-904375-16-2.

Richardson, B., M. K. Kay, M. O. Kimberley, by irradiation. New Zealand Plant Protection

J. G. Charles, and B. A. Gresham. 2005. 55: 7-11.
Evaluating the benefits of dose-response Suckling, D. M., R. Pedley, and S. L. Wee.
bioassays during aerial pest eradication oper- 2004a. Pupal age affects efficacy of irradia-
ations. New Zealand Plant Protection 58: 12- tion on painted apple moth Teia anartoides.
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Self, M. 2003. Biosecurity: the implications for Suckling, D. M., S. L. Wee, and R. Pedley.
international forestry trade, pp. 59-63. In 2004b. Assessing competitive fitness of irra-
Mason, E. G., and C. J. Perley (eds.), diated painted apple moth Teia anartoides
Proceedings, Conference: The Australian and (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae). New Zealand
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Teia anartoides (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) 118.
Area-Wide Management of the Formosan
Subterranean Termite Coptotermes for-
mosanus in New Orleans' French Quarter

A. R. LAX1, F. S. GUILLOT1 and D. R. RING2

1USDA/ARS/Southern Regional Research Center, 1100 Robert E. Lee

Boulevard, New Orleans, Louisiana 70179, USA
2Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, PO Box 25100

Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70894, USA

ABSTRACT The Formosan subterranean termite Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki is an invasive

species estimated to cause annually USD 1000 million in damage in the USA including the costs of pre-
ventive and remedial treatments and structural repair. The termite is also known to infest living trees that
line New Orleans' boulevards. Subsequent loss of these century-old trees is aesthetically unacceptable as
their value is inestimable. Populations of the termite are estimated to have increased 35-fold in the French
Quarter of New Orleans during the last decade of the 20th century. Traditional termite control practices
used highly toxic chemicals that rapidly killed the insects, or were highly repellent to them. In both cases,
such liquid chemical treatments surrounding a structure served to protect it but with no appreciable effect
on the size of the termite population. Common wall construction and other unique architectural features in
the French Quarter complicate traditional termite treatments using liquids. An area-wide treatment pro-
gramme was initiated in 1998 using population-reducing strategies. The area-wide approach of treating all
properties within 15 blocks of the French Quarter was designed to reduce infestations of structures through
population suppression. The area-wide approach has since been extended to an additional 47 blocks.
Populations in the original treatment area have been significantly reduced compared with surrounding
areas not receiving area-wide management. Some impediments to the successful conduct of this area-wide
termite management programme include: (1) common walls that make treatment difficult, (2) construction
practices that provide ready access to termites, (3) ample moisture, and (4) failure to treat all structures on
a property because of long-held industry practices. Improved detection and more thorough treatments by
pest management professionals should lead to improved area-wide termite control.

KEY WORDS Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus, population management,

area-wide termite management

1. Introduction in eleven southern states including Hawaii,

where it was introduced much earlier, proba-
The Formosan subterranean termite bly through sandalwood trade with the Far
Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki is an inva- East. Damage caused by this termite is esti-
sive species believed to have entered the mated at approximately USD 1000 million per
mainland USA in military shipments from the year including both treatment and repair costs.
Pacific realm during and after World War II. This termite species also readily infests living
The initial sites where the termite was discov- trees and causes structural failures of the main
ered during the mid 1960s were Charleston, trunk and large branches, which result in loss
South Carolina, New Orleans and Lake of the aesthetic quality of the trees and collat-
Charles, Louisiana, and Galveston, Texas eral damage to structures and vehicles. Nests
(Beal 1987, LaFage 1987). Since these early located in the voids of infested trees may also
introductions the termite has been discovered serve as reservoirs for the termites to attack
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 617–626.
Published with the permission of © 2007 U.S. Government
618 A. R. LAX ET AL.

nearby structures or other trees. termite colony. Individual queens are known
Until recently, the termite control para- to survive longer than 20 years (Zhong 2003).
digm was to protect structures from attack by Supplementary reproductive individuals may
applying a chemical barrier. This either also contribute to the rapid increase in indi-
repelled the termites, causing them to search viduals in a colony. The termite has essential-
elsewhere for a food source or so rapidly ly three requirements for survival: a food
killed individuals penetrating the chemical source, moisture and appropriate tempera-
barrier that a behavioural repellency was tures. Removal of any of the three essential
established, again forcing the foraging indi- factors results in death of the colony.
viduals to forage elsewhere. Such approaches While the Formosan subterranean termite
provided a measure of protection from termite is a subterranean termite, when isolated above
structural attack but had little impact on ter- ground with sufficient moisture, it can survive
mite populations thus allowing the termites to in aerial carton nests without contact with the
attack nearby structures or continue foraging soil. It is speculated that repellent soil treat-
until a “crack” in the barrier could be discov- ments can isolate a colony within a structure
ered. by disrupting the colony’s contact with the
ground. Treatment of a colony within a struc-
1.1. Formosan Subterranean Termite ture using liquid termiticides has been sus-
Biology pected to cause the splitting of the colony into
two independent groups rather than eliminat-
As with other subterranean termite species, ing the colony depending on the treatment and
the Formosan subterranean termite colony is the availability of moisture. Their large forag-
comprised of multiple castes including work- ing territories and the termites’ ability to
ers, soldiers and reproductive individuals. establish successful above-ground nests, cou-
Workers are the largest of these classes and pled with the rapid reinvasion of vacated ter-
are responsible for foraging, nest building, ritory by a neighbouring colony, requires the
cellulose consumption and feeding nest mates. elimination of all colonies simultaneously to
During the spring, reproductive adults under- prevent reinfestation of a treated property
take dispersal flights, drop to the ground and (Messenger and Su 2005), particularly in
lose their wings, and upon selection of a suit- tightly packed urban areas such as the French
able mate and nesting location may establish a Quarter.
new colony. It is estimated that such colonies
require approximately five years before reach- 2. Structural Protection
ing full maturity, i.e. to produce further repro-
ductive individuals. During the first few 2.1. Repellent Chemicals
years, populations of the newly formed
colonies are low and foraging is confined to a Chemical treatments of the soil surrounding a
minimal area. These small colonies are diffi- structure formed the basis for structural pro-
cult to detect and control with current tech- tection of homes from termite damage since
nologies. the beginning of the 20th century (Randall and
As the colony size increases, the foraging Doody 1934, Potter 1997). From the early
territory greatly expands. Excavations have 1950s through the late 1980s, cyclodiene
demonstrated that colonies may extend 100 compounds prevailed as the most used insec-
metres (King and Spink 1969). Population ticides for structural protection against ter-
estimates of a mature colony vary, but mature mites. They were effective in protecting struc-
Formosan subterranean termite colonies are tures because of their longevity in the soil and
estimated to number from several hundred because they could be cheaply applied to the
thousand to several million individuals; about soil. However, concerns about the effects of
ten times the number in a native subterranean these chlorinated hydrocarbons on the envi-

ronment and on human health led to their termites at monitoring sites distal to perime-
withdrawal from the marketplace in 1988. ter-applied barrier bands using a non-repellent
Since then organophosphates and chemical. Other researchers have reported
pyrethroids formed the basis of termite con- similar results (Waite et al. 2004), and EPA
trol products. These products were either has approved a perimeter plus limited direct
“fast-killing” insecticides or were themselves treatment application label for one of the non-
repellent to the termites and thus a continuous repellent liquid chemicals to control subter-
soil barrier prevented the termites from enter- ranean termites. Since the approval for this
ing a structure. However, members of a label is so recent, data concerning the effec-
colony that did not come into contact with the tiveness of this treatment approach on termite
insecticide were simply directed to forage for populations surrounding such a structure are
a source of food that was unprotected from not available. Recent research has cast some
such a barrier. Thus, although structures were doubt on the ability of one such non-repellent
protected from termite assault by these chem- chemical to affect the entire colony of the
ical barriers, colony populations were largely Formosan subterranean termite (Osbrink and
unaffected. Disruption of the chemical barrier Lax 2003).
through landscaping or construction activities,
degradation of the barrier itself, or bridges of 2.3. Baits
untreated material inadvertently placed over
the chemical barrier could then allow the Termite baits are cellulose materials laced
remaining population to enter and attack the with a slow acting non-repellent toxin that
structure. On the other hand, when applied to when ingested can be taken back to the colony
the soil of an infested structure, such repellent and shared with nest mates through feeding
barriers could prevent any termites that had and trophallaxis. The earliest bait systems for
created a nest within the walls or attics of the the control of subterranean termites were
structure from returning to the soil; they could arsenic dust or mirex-treated wood blocks
also entrap the colony within the structure if a (Esenther and Gray 1968, Esenther and Beal
source of moisture was available. Organo- 1974). These were shown to reduce termite
phosphate termiticides have recently been populations but were never incorporated into
removed from the market as a result of the commercially viable products. Later bait for-
Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) mulations included slow acting metabolic
Food Quality Protection Act re-registration inhibitors (stomach poisons) or relatively
review, leaving pyrethroids as the main class slow acting inhibitors of the insect nervous
of repellent barrier chemicals. system. Other active ingredients include
insect growth regulators such as the chitin
2.2. Non-Repellent Liquid Chemicals synthesis inhibitor, hexaflumuron (Su and
Scheffrahn 1998, Su 2003a). Extensive field
Several new termiticides have recently been trials using these chitin synthesis inhibitor-
introduced which are marketed as “non-repel- containing baits have demonstrated popula-
lent” to the termites. Termites are believed to tion reduction or “functional elimination” (Su
readily penetrate such chemical barriers and and Scheffrahn 1998, Su 2003b) of the treated
ingest or contaminate their cuticles with the termite colony.
toxins. On returning to the nest, the chemicals In several of the bait strategies termite pop-
are spread to nest mates through mutual ulations are monitored by placing untreated
grooming or feeding others. The initial con- cellulose (usually wood blocks) in a regular
cept was that such chemicals could provide pattern surrounding a structure. These moni-
population reduction because of their slow tors are checked on a regular schedule (usual-
spread throughout the colony. Potter and ly monthly) for the presence of termites. If ter-
Hillery (2002) have reported success in killing mites are present, the wood blocks are
620 A. R. LAX ET AL.

replaced or supplemented with a toxin-con- plish area-wide population management of

taining cellulose substrate that the termites termites rather than protecting individual
consume and distribute through the colony. In structures. In the integrated management
addition to the monitoring/baiting stations scheme, emphasis is given to the use of
within the soil, above-ground bait stations advanced termite detection technologies and
may be placed in the vicinity of a termite the application of population reducing treat-
infestation when it is discovered within a ments to remove the termite pressure in the
structure. In such instances, active ingredient area. Certainly other termite management
is added immediately upon installation of the strategies are incorporated into the scheme
station. When sufficient toxin has been intro- including improved construction practices,
duced into the colony the population is elimi- the use of pressure-treated wood, moisture
nated. Thus baits protect structures through management and physical devices to exclude
colony elimination and ultimately through termites. However, the centrepiece of the
population reduction of the termites in the sur- area-wide management concept is large-scale
rounding areas, rather than merely by protect- termite population reduction.
ing a single structure, which would allow the
colony to discover nearby unprotected food 3.1. Formosan Subterranean Termite
sources. Populations in New Orleans

2.4. Physical Barriers Climatic factors in the New Orleans area are
quite favourable to the Formosan subter-
There are several physical barriers, such as ranean termite. Once introduced into the ports
stainless steel mesh, thin metal termite in and around New Orleans, infestations
shields, a pyrethroid-laced vapour barrier, and increased steadily and spread undiscovered
basaltic particle barriers that can help prevent until 1967. Researchers with the Louisiana
termite entry into the structure (Yates et al. State University Agricultural Center
2000, Wege et al. 2003). These are installed (LSUAC) have been monitoring the relative
beneath a structure or incorporated into the population of the termite in New Orleans’
structure during construction but have no French Quarter since 1989. During the ensu-
direct effect on the colony’s population and ing decade populations of the termite
merely cause termites to search elsewhere for increased rapidly with a 35-fold increase in
a food source. light trap captures being noted from 1989-
1999 (Henderson 2000). During this time
3. Integrated Area-Wide increased swarms and termite damage were
Management noted even in properties having repellent ter-
miticide barriers, although it is estimated that
When only chemical or physical barrier treat- only around 20% of the properties within the
ments were available, there was little opportu- French Quarter had been treated.
nity for area-wide termite management with- Because of the increased presence of the
out the application of huge volumes of long- termite and the damage that it was causing,
lived toxins over large areas. With vast areas and because of the historic nature of the
untreated, the termite populations simply French Quarter, the US Congress established
found new sources of food including untreat- a research programme in 1997 to develop new
ed homes or trees. Only with the advent of the technologies to control the termite and to
newer chemicals that could achieve termite demonstrate the effectiveness of products
population reduction was an area-wide man- already available on the market. The approach
agement approach possible. Reducing termite chosen for the latter was an integrated area-
populations within an area rather than merely wide pest management strategy. The United
repelling colonies makes it possible to accom- States Department of Agriculture-Agricultural

Figure 1. New Orleans French Quarter test area. The original 15 block treatment area (Area
1) is outlined near the centre of the figure. The test area was expanded in 2002 to include the
second bold line and includes all blocks surrounding the original treatment area and extends
to the Mississippi River constituting Area 2. The third treatment area was initiated in 2004 and
is indicated by hatching (Area 3). Small squares indicate the placement of in-ground monitors
while alate traps were located at each intersection within the French Quarter. Area 4 compris-
es the Mississippi River Levee and Area 5 is comprised of the remaining blocks.

Research Service (USDA-ARS) in New Commencing in 1997, property owners

Orleans led the development of the area-wide within a 15 square block area in the heart of
strategy within the French Quarter to reduce the French Quarter were notified through
the termites’ density and thereby lessen the town hall style meetings, the news media and
threat of further damage to structures through through direct contact letters to begin enrol-
a comprehensive programme of inspection ment in the programme. Cooperators launched
and area-wide treatment. the programme through educational efforts to
Cooperation was established among explain the treatment options and to obtain
LSUAC, the New Orleans Mosquito and citizen cooperation. Standard commercial pest
Termite Control Board, and local pest man- control contracts were established between
agement professionals to provide a non-repel- the property owners and pest control opera-
lent liquid or monitoring/baiting treatment to tors, while payments were made with funds
every property within the treatment area. To provided by the programme. Enrolment
establish area-wide management, only those reached 100% of the properties within two
treatments that were believed to have popula- years. The greatest impediment to enrolment
tion-reducing effects were allowed to be was making contact with property owners or
applied to properties enrolled into the pro- managers since many of them were located
gramme. Independent monitors of two types out of town or country.
were established in both treated and untreated Since the inception of the programme the
areas to determine population densities: in- treated area has been twice expanded, increas-
ground traps and alate sticky traps (Fig. 1). ing from 15 centrally located square blocks to
622 A. R. LAX ET AL.

Figure 2. Typical city block within New Orleans' French Quarter. Note that many of the build-
ings share walls and there are numerous trees in courtyards.

encompass 47 square blocks largely spanning 3.2. Physical Impediments to Establishing

the entire French Quarter. All of the properties Area-Wide Management
within these areas have been treated using
population reducing treatment technology. In New Orleans’ French Quarter is one of the
addition to the complete treatment of struc- most heavily termite-infested areas in the con-
tures within the French Quarter, bait treat- tinental USA, and its architectural styles and
ments have been established in the construction contribute both to the rapid build-
Mississippi River levee and along heavily up of termite populations and to making treat-
infested railroad tracks between the French ment to mitigate the termites more difficult.
quarter and the levee (Fig. 1). Throughout the roughly 78 square blocks that
Regular meetings are held with citizens to comprise the French Quarter, most buildings
report progress and to continue to solicit their on each block are connected to one another
assistance in rapid identification of areas of through shared common walls (Fig. 2).
termite outbreaks so that immediate remedial A large majority of the buildings date to
control treatments can be initiated. In addi- early to mid 19th century constructions of
tion, programme participants meet regularly sandstone brick and lime mortar which wick
with participating pest management profes- the plentiful moisture available in New
sionals to ensure compliance with the pro- Orleans’ subtropical climate up from the
gramme guidelines and to reinforce the notion ground and into the upper storeys of the prop-
of termite control through area-wide popula- erties. Frequently, wooden structural beams
tion management, a major shift in manage- were directly inserted within the multiple
ment paradigm for many of the operators. course brick walls, thus providing moisture

directly into the beam. Many properties have among pest management professionals and
flat roofs and parapet walls that retain mois- until recently no protocols even existed for
ture and allow the attic beams to remain such treatment. This situation certainly con-
moist. Frequently the structures lack crawl tributed to the rapid build-up of termite popu-
spaces or attic access to allow for thorough lations and until area-wide management was
traditional termite inspections. implemented, these termite populations had
The common wall construction prevents neither been considered nor targeted for treat-
liquid termiticides from being applied in a ment.
continuous band into the soil surrounding the
structure; it also prevents the typical place- 3.3. Effect of Area-Wide Management on
ment of in-ground baiting stations at the pre- Termite Populations within the French
scribed (approximately 300 centimetres) spac- Quarter
ing interval. The multiple course brick con-
struction also makes difficult the application To assess the effectiveness of the area-wide
of liquid termiticides to all possible voids population management programme in the
within the walls and thereby prevents a com- French Quarter, two methods were used to
plete chemical treatment of the structures. estimate populations. Sticky traps established
Moreover, the physical connection of many of at every intersection within the French
the structures within a block allows termites Quarter were used to monitor alates through-
infesting one property direct access to other out the lifetime of the programme.
properties within that block without having to Statistically significant reductions in alate
travel through the subtending soil. Thus, even population densities were noted in the first
complete and proper soil treatments as typi- two treatment areas when compared with pop-
cally applied would never have the opportuni- ulations of the untreated areas within the
ty to contact and thereby control such aerial French Quarter (Guillot et al. 2005). As
colonies. shown in Table 1, differences were also
Many properties within the French Quarter detected in the frequencies of in-ground mon-
also have central courtyards containing itoring stations that were infested when com-
planters with large living trees that are them- paring treated versus untreated areas. The fre-
selves susceptible to termite attack and ter- quency of visits by termites to in-ground mon-
mite population build-up. These planters often itoring stations within the areas treated for
have irrigation systems that provide a constant greater than two years (Areas 1 and 2) was
source of moisture for the termites even in also reduced by approximately 50%, while no
times of periodic drought (Fig. 2). Treatment reduction was noted in the untreated or newly
of trees for termites has never been traditional treated areas (Areas 3, 4 and 5) (Table 1).
A 50% reduction in the alate populations
Table 1. Percentage ground monitoring sta- was noted in Areas 1 and 2 after a period of
tions visited by termites in each French two years (Fig. 3). It should be noted that it
Quarter area. Declines in termite populations takes approximately a full year for all proper-
over the four years are highly significant for ties to be enrolled within the programme and
only Areas 1 and 2. for treatment to be completed. Furthermore, it
must also be noted that control may take
longer to achieve particularly with the bait
Year Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Area 5
2001 6.45 8.33 6.25 n.a. 10.35 Prior to bait placement, termites must be
2002 5.17 5.43 5.66 22.9 6.88 detected within the monitoring stations and
2003 2.26 7.04 7.59 36.8 9.04 only then is the toxin applied. While some bait
2004 3.20 4.94 9.01 33.2 8.99 stations are discovered by termites almost
immediately after installation, it may take
624 A. R. LAX ET AL.

Figure 3. Alate captures in each of the zones in the French Quarter by year (1998-2004).
Downward arrows indicate the initiation of treatments. Note the decline in alate captures in
each of the treatment zones after two years. Treatments in Areas 3 and 4 were initiated in 2004
while Area 5 remains untreated.

many months for termites in the area to mani- ment professionals were using less than the
fest themselves in the ground monitors. ideal number of bait station placements
Moreover, the bait toxins are also designed to because of the common wall issues and inabil-
be slow acting to enable the toxin to spread ity to install the stations.
throughout the colony; thus the time to
achieve control is expected to be longer than 4. Conclusions
with direct application of liquid termiticides.
The results to date also indicate that while the During the course of this programme, commu-
termite population has been significantly nication with the industry termite control pro-
reduced within the first two years of treat- fessionals has improved and the programme is
ment, it has remained fairly stable at that level now targeting courtyard planters and out-
even after additional years of continued mon- buildings within the French Quarter that were
itoring. routinely untreated previously. The industry
To understand the residual levels of ter- has also accepted the notion that treatment of
mites within the treated zones, an extensive detected infestation with above-ground bait
inspection programme has begun using stations is imperative for population manage-
infrared cameras, microwave motion detec- ment of the Formosan subterranean termite.
tors and acoustic devices in addition to thor- With improved inspections and continued
ough traditional visual inspections for the area-wide treatment, further declines in the
presence of termites. Rigorous inspection of termite population to less than 10% of its ini-
the trees within courtyards in the French tial level are expected.
Quarter has also been included. Furthermore, Termite population monitoring and treat-
during the course of these inspections it ment will need to be maintained to prevent
became readily apparent that the pest manage- reinvasion and rapid increases in the termite

population. Pest management professionals Louisiana. Annals of the Entomological

are expected to continue to provide this serv- Society of America 62: 537-542.
ice through commercial contracts with proper- La Fage, J. P. 1987. Practical considerations
ty owners. It is anticipated that monitoring/ of the Formosan subterranean termite in
baiting and non-repellent treatments will form Louisiana: a 30-year-old problem, pp. 37-42.
the backbone of the continuing programme, In Research Extension Series. College of
while research continues in an effort to dis- Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources,
cover new long-term and sustainable treat- University of Hawaii, Cooperative
ments such as effective biological control Extension Service 083, Hawaii, USA.
agents which could be incorporated into the Messenger, M., and N-Y. Su. 2005. Colony
programme. characteristics and seasonal activity of the
Formosan subterranean termite (Isoptera:
5. References Rhinotermitidae) in Louis Armstrong Park,
New Orleans, Louisiana. Journal of
Beal, R. H. 1987. Introduction of Coptotermes Entomological Science 40: 268-279.
formosanus Shiraki to the continental United Osbrink, W. L. A., and A. R. Lax. 2003.
States, pp. 48-53. Research Extension Effect of tree treatments on the occurrence
Series. College of Tropical Agriculture and of Formosan subterranean termites,
Human Resources, University of Hawaii, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki (Isoptera:
Cooperative Extension Service, Hawaii, Rhinotermitidae) in independent monitors.
USA. Journal of Economic Entomology 96: 117-
Esenther, G. R., and R. H. Beal. 1974. 125.
Attractant-mirex bait suppresses activity of Potter, M. F. 1997. Termites, pp. 233-333. In
Reticulitermes. Journal of Economic Moreland, D. (ed.), Handbook of pest con-
Entomology 67: 85-88. trol, 8th Edition. GIE Publishing Co.,
Esenther, G. R., and D. E. Gray. 1968. Cleveland, OH., USA.
Subterranean termite studies in southern Potter, M. F., and A. E. Hillery. 2002.
Ontario. Canadian Entomologist 100: 827- Exterior-targeted liquid termiticides: an
834. alternative approach to managing subter-
Guillot, F. S., D. R. Ring, A. R. Lax, and D. ranean termites (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae)
Boykin. 2005. Impact of area-wide man- in buildings. Sociobiology 39: 373-405.
agement on alate densities of the Formosan Randall, M., and T. C. Doody. 1934. Poison
subterranean termite (Isoptera: Rhinotermi- dusts. I. Treatments with poisonous dusts,
tidae) in New Orleans’ French Quarter, pp. 463-476. In Kofoid, C. A. (ed.), Termites
U.S.A, pp. 171-178. In Lee, C-Y., and W. H. and termite control. University of California
Robinson (eds.), Proceedings: 5th Interna- Press, Berkeley, CA., USA.
tional Conference on Urban Pests, 10-13 Su, N-Y. 2003a. Overview of the global distri-
July 2005, Perniagaan Ph’ng, Malaysia. P bution and control of the Formosan subter-
and Y Design Network, Penang, Malaysia. ranean termite. Sociobiology 41: 7-16.
Henderson, G. 2000. Practical considerations Su, N-Y. 2003b. Baits as a tool for population
of the Formosan subterranean termite in control of the Formosan subterranean ter-
Louisiana: a 50-year- old problem. mite. Sociobiology 41: 177-192.
Document No. IRG/WP-00-10330. The Su, N.-Y., and R. H. Scheffrahn. 1998. A
International Research Group on Wood review of subterranean termite control prac-
Preservation. http://www.louisianafamilies. tices and prospects for integrated pest man-
org/Subjects/termites/paper1.htm agement programmes. Integrated Pest
King, E. G., and W. T. Spink. 1969. Foraging Management Reviews 3: 1-13.
galleries of the Formosan subterranean ter- Wege, P. E., W. D. McClellan, A. F. Bywater,
mite, Coptotermes formosanus, in and M. F. Hoppe. 2003. ImpasseTM
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Barrier: new pre-construction termite barrier Yates, J. R., J. K. Grace, and J. N. Reinhardt.
technology. Sociobiology 41: 169-176. 2000. Installation guidelines for the basaltic
Waite, T. D., R. E. Gold, and H. N Howell. termite barrier: a particle barrier to
2004. Field studies of exterior-only applica- Formosan subterranean termites.
tions with fipronil for the post-construction Sociobiology 35: 1-16.
control of interior populations of subter- Zhong, J., and L. Liu. 2003. Experience with
ranean termites (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae). Coptotermes formosanus in China (Isoptera:
Sociobiology 43: 221-229. Rhinotermitidae). Sociobiology 41: 17-26.
A Multi-Institutional Approach to Create
Fruit Fly-Low Prevalence and Fly-Free
Areas in Central America



1International Atomic Energy Agency, Department of Technical

Cooperation, 16 calle 3-38, Zona 10, Ciudad de Guatemala 01010,

2Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería, Aptdo.70-3006, Barreal,

Heredia, Costa Rica

3Ministerio Agropecuario y Forestal, Km 3.5 Carretera a Masaya, con-

tiguo al Gaucho, Managua, Nicaragua

4Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Alimentación, 16 calle 3-38,

Zona 10, Ciudad de Guatemala, 01010, Guatemala

5Ministerio de Desarrollo Agropecuario, Aptdo. Postal 5390, Zona 5,

Río Tapia, Tocumén, Panamá

6Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería, Cantón El Matasano,

Zoyapango, San Salvador, El Salvador

7Secretaría de Agricultura y Ganadería, Av. La FAO, Boulevard

Miraflores, Edificio 3, piso 3, Tegucigalpa, Honduras

8Insect Pest Control Sub-Programme, Joint FAO/IAEA Programme of
Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture, IAEA, Wagramerstrasse 5,
A-1400, Vienna, Austria

ABSTRACT New approaches to facilitate fruit and vegetable exports, through the establishment of
fruit fly-low prevalence and fly-free areas, were used in Central America and Panama, by implementing an
area-wide integrated pest management approach (AW-IPM), including in some cases a sterile insect tech-
nique (SIT) component. These included: (1) the establishment of multi-institutional strategic alliances;
instead of the historical isolated efforts scattered throughout the region; involving four international organ-
izations, two donor government institutions and the Ministries of Agriculture of El Salvador, Costa Rica,
Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama joining efforts under the umbrella of a regional technical
cooperation project coordinated by the International Atomic Energy Agency, (2) the selection of naturally
isolated medium-sized pilot areas for intervention where application of fruit fly AW-IPM with a SIT com-
ponent could be technically and economically feasible. Thereafter, several isolated fruit fly-low prevalence
or fly-free areas could be merged to increase the area under fruit fly control, instead of the traditional
approach of fruit fly suppression or eradication on a country or region-wide basis, and (3) a focus on
exports, with application in the pilot areas of a package of procedures which included the key elements
required for exporting fruits and vegetables from fruit fly-low prevalence and fly-free areas, instead of
focusing only on applying the technology per se in the field. In this approach, the industry played an impor-
tant role. Outcomes included: (1) the establishment of a number of fruit fly-low prevalence and fly-free
areas in each of the participating countries, (2) involvement of the fruit and vegetable industry which has
invested around USD 150 million to export fresh pepper and red tomato from the areas of low fruit fly-
prevalence in Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica that were established through a systems
approach, and (3) exports of papaya from the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) fly-

M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 627–640.
© 2007 IAEA.

free area in the Department of Peten, Guatemala, without undergoing quarantine treatment. Major con-
straints to be overcome for future sustainability include: (1) strengthening alliances among the internation-
al organizations and donors since these are still fairly weak, (2) improving coordination between govern-
ments and stakeholders, (3) reducing the drastic turnover of civil servants in the national plant protection
organizations, which affects continuity, and (4) overcoming insufficient funding from public and private
sectors to be able to extend actions to larger or new areas.

KEY WORDS Mediterranean fruit fly, West Indian fruit fly, Mexican fruit fly, area-wide integrated
pest management, sterile insect technique, strategic alliances, pilot areas, areas of low pest prevalence, pest
free areas, industry

1. Introduction the area-wide application of SIT by the United

Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
For the past decade, countries in Central (UNDP 1970), and the fly invaded the three
America have been affected by low interna- neighbouring countries of Honduras, El
tional prices for coffee, banana and sugarcane Salvador, and Guatemala, reaching southern
and there is no indication that this situation Mexico in 1977.
will improve. The governments of these coun- Since then, over 20 projects have been
tries and Panama have therefore been seeking implemented focusing on the Mediterranean
new alternatives for international trade fruit fly including: its taxonomy, temporal and
through production and export of non-tradi- spatial distribution, determination of its hosts,
tional fruits and vegetables. To assist them in use of biological control and implementation
this task, support was provided by the of pilot scale mass-rearing. Moreover, over 18
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), initiatives were funded or presented for fund-
through a regional project RLA/5/045, to ing by national and international institutions
establish fruit fly-low prevalence and fruit fly- for regional eradication of this pest, and in
free areas using an area-wide integrated pest recent years these have been extended to
management (AW-IPM) approach that includ- cover native Anastrepha fruit flies. These
ed in some cases the sterile insect technique institutions include: the Instituto
(SIT), and by strengthening the countries’ Interamericano de Cooperación para la
phytosanitary frameworks. Agricultura (IICA), IAEA, the Food and
After the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis Agriculture Organization of the United
capitata (Wiedemann) was found in Costa Nations (FAO), the Secretaría de Agricultura
Rica in 1955, many efforts were made to erad- Ganadería, Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y
icate it from Central America and Panama. Alimentación of México (SAGARPA),
The first of these was by the United States OIRSA, the UNDP, the United States Agency
Department of Agriculture (USDA) at the for International Development (USAID) and
request of the Government of Costa Rica, and USDA (Vo et al. 2003).
focused on the transfer of methodologies for In spite of these efforts, the entities
monitoring and control using ground protein involved did not succeed in achieving a single
bait sprays (Salas 1958). In the 1960s, the fruit fly-low prevalence or fly-free area in
Mediterranean fruit fly had spread into Central America except for the Mediterranean
Nicaragua, and the IAEA and the Organismo fruit fly-free area of Peten in Guatemala and
Internacional Regional de Sanidad preventing the establishment of the
Agropecuaria (OIRSA) launched a pilot proj- Mediterranean fruit fly in Belize. This was
ect to eradicate it through the integrated use of achieved through a containment programme
the SIT (Rhode 1970). However, this failed managed since the late 1970s by the
due to lack of support and understanding of Governments of Guatemala, Mexico and the

USA to prevent the spread of this pest into Cooperation Project (TCP/072) for establish-
Mexico and the USA. The main obstacles that ing Mediterranean fruit fly-free areas in
prevented success with these efforts included: Belize, Costa Rica and Panama, (4) the
(1) unaligned phytosanitary policies among USDA, the MAGA and the SAGARPA
the countries, (2) lack of clear regional agri- through the “Programa Moscamed” to main-
cultural goals, (3) isolated and duplicated tain the Department of Peten, in northern
projects in the region, and (4) lack of a holis- Guatemala, and the border between
tic approach to solving the problem. Guatemala and Mexico free of Mediterranean
Consequently, a new approach was pro- fruit fly.
posed to overcome earlier constraints and
increase the likelihood of establishing fruit 3. Strategic Approach for a
fly-low prevalence or fly-free areas. This Succesful and Sustainable
involved the integration of three main ele- Project
ments: (1) a project based on developing
multi-institutional strategic alliances, (2) the The strategy focused on demonstrating the
use of pilot areas as a territorial strategy for technical and operational feasibility of estab-
suppression/eradication of fruit flies, and (3) alishing fruit fly-low pest prevalence areas
focus on promoting export of fruits and veg- (FF-ALPP) and fruit fly-pest free areas (FF-
etables. PFA) to promote fruit and vegetable exports
and the viability of sustaining them through
2. Multi-Institutional Strategic the resulting economic and social benefits to
Alliances ministries of agriculture, national plant pro-
tection organizations and the fruit and veg-
In order to coordinate efforts and overcome etable industries.
constraints arising from working in isolation, According to FAO’s Glossary of
the following strategy was implemented. The Phytosanitary Terms (FAO 2001) an ALPP is:
Ministries of Agriculture of Costa Rica, El An area, whether all of a country, or all or parts
Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua of several countries, as identified by the compe-
and Panama joined resources and efforts with tent authorities, in which a specific pest occurs
IICA, FAO, OIRSA, USDA and SAGARPA. at low levels and which is subject to effective
surveillance, control or eradication measures.
This initiative was coordinated by an IAEA-
employed full-time regional manager, and the A PFA is:
establishment of a Regional Coordination An area in which a specific pest does not occur
Group (RCG) with representatives of the as demonstrated by scientific evidence and in
National Plant Protection Organization which, where appropriate, this condition is
being officially maintained.
(NPPO) of each country. In addition to the
resources provided by the ministries of agri- Implementation was based on an AW-IPM
culture and private sector stakeholders, the approach. In some cases the SIT was a major
RCG effectively coordinated the financial and component to achieve the desired levels of
in-kind contributions provided by (1) the pest control (Tween 1993). In others, where
IAEA through a Regional Technical populations occurred naturally at low levels,
Cooperation Project (RLA/5/045) for estab- only marginally attacked the relevant host, or
lishing fruit fly-low prevalence and fly-free did not exist, the approach taken was through
areas in Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, certification of the phytosanitary status by
Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama, (2) the means of an effective surveillance system.
USAID through the “Mitch funds” for estab- Exports from FF-ALPP would then be done
lishing Mediterranean fruit fly-free areas in El under a systems approach (USDA 1997) to
Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua, (3) the assure negligible level of risk of moving live
FAO contributions through a Technical pests.

This strategic approach is quite different fully aware of the potential benefits that can
from a country or region-wide fruit fly sup- be derived from the project, the industry
pression, containment or eradication effort, would contribute not only to sustain the proj-
which requires a different level of financial ect but also to gradually expand the areas from
commitment, infrastructure and phytosanitary where fruits and vegetables could be exported.
framework. By using pilot areas, the human It was also expected that governments would
and financial resources and infrastructure to act more decisively to implement policies that
develop and sustain FF-ALPP and FF-PFA encouraged trade of agricultural products
was minimized compared to taking a country within and from the region.
or region-wide approach. Additionally, project
objectives were aligned with the sanitary and 4. Pilot Areas
phytosanitary regulations of the US-Central
American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA); 4.1. Target Pests
with the US-Panama free trade negotiations,
and with the goals of the Regional Council for The list of target fruit fly species considered
Agricultural Cooperation in Central America of economic importance in the region was
and Panama (CORECA) and of the Regional determined. These are: Mediterranean fruit
International Committee for Health in fly, West Indian fruit fly Anastrepha obliqua
Agriculture and Livestock for Central (Macquart), Mexican fruit fly Anastrepha
America (CIRSA), which are the bodies that ludens (Loew), guava fruit fly Anastrepha
set up regional agricultural and phytosanitary striata (Schiner), sapote fruit fly Anastrepha
policies. serpentina (Wiedemann), and to a minor
Thus, it was expected that once it became degree the South American fruit fly

Figure 1. Pilot Mediterranean fruit fly-pest free areas established from 2001 to 2004 and fruit
fly-low pest prevalence and fly-free areas in progress.

Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann), which is already established.

is not the same aggressive biotype that occurs
in South America (Hernandez-Ortiz 2004). 5.1. Preparatory Activities for the
Establishment of FF-ALPP or FF-PFA
4.2. Selection of Pilot Areas
Activities were aimed at conducting baseline
From the outset, it was evident that the infra- studies to support the establishment of the
structure and financial resources available specific pilot FF-ALPP or FF-PFA. The first
were not adequate to suppress or eradicate action was to gather and analyse existing data
even one species of fruit fly if it occurred at to determine and recommend to governments
high population levels, even when present the specific areas for intervention through the
only during certain periods in the year. In project. Secondly, actions were aimed at
addition, it was necessary to select suitable preparing technical and economic feasibility
areas in which all steps required for exporting studies for each of the pilot areas that were
fruits and vegetables (from detection of the initially selected. Thereafter, the same studies
pest to the phytosanitary negotiations for were undertaken for the additional areas
export) could be transferred to the countries selected by the governments. Moreover, a
during the project lifespan (four years). public information programme was prepared
Therefore, it was decided to select areas in for the entire region, which included commu-
which fruit fly populations were relatively nication strategies for the pilot areas.
low throughout the year, regardless of whether
fruits and vegetables were produced commer- 5.2. Establishment of FF-ALPP or FF-PFA
cially. Accordingly, one naturally isolated
medium-sized area (20 000 to 40 000 hectares) Activities focused on building the technical
was selected in each country. capacity of national staff who were trained
Fortunately, previous studies had clearly both in situ through ad hoc training courses,
demonstrated that the distribution of fruit flies and through hands-on training within opera-
was not uniform throughout the Central tional programmes using AW-IPM with an
American region (OIRSA 1987), and seasonal SIT component in Argentina, Chile,
fluctuations of each fruit fly species showed a Guatemala, Mexico and Peru. In addition,
similar year-round pattern. Moreover, high-level officials from ministries of agricul-
although they differed among countries, the ture and national plant protection organiza-
major hosts for each species of fruit fly were tions visited countries using FF-PFA and/or
well known. Hence, sufficient baseline data FF-ALPP as the core measure in a systems
were available in 2001 to select at least one approach for exporting fruit fly hosts to fly-
feasible area in each country to establish free countries or areas within countries such
either an FF-ALPP or an FF-PFA (Fig. 1). as Chile, Mexico and the USA. Also, the
heads of national fruit fly programmes were
5. Focusing on Exports trained in leadership and management of AW-
IPM projects with an SIT component, as well
Activities carried out in the pilot areas not as in using strategic planning and logical
only addressed field aspects (e.g. surveillance frameworks for planning and evaluating these
and control), but also included all phytosani- projects. Special training was given for using
tary actions needed to ensure the export of geographic information systems (GIS) and
commodities produced in FF-ALPP or FF- global positioning system (GPS) technologies
PFA. Therefore, the project focused both on for developing accurate field databases on the
the needed critical actions prior the develop- occurrence of target fruit flies in each country.
ment of the FF-ALPP or FF-PFA, and those Particular attention was given to developing
that are essential once a FF-ALPP or FF-PFA fruit fly identification capabilities and on

training for preparing public information pro- these areas. Thus, in 2003, the industry active-
grammes. In the case of Costa Rica, attention ly joined the project, being convinced about
was given to transferring the know-how for the possibility of establishing FF-PFA and FF-
establishing and managing the mass-rearing ALPP and the likelihood of exporting from
and sterilization of the West Indian fruit fly. these areas.

5.3. Maintenance of FF-ALPP or FF-PFA 6. Outcomes and Perspectives

Activities were directed towards preparing a After four years of activities, and with the
phytosanitary framework for export of horti- exception of El Salvador, one pilot
cultural products. This involved provision of Mediterranean fruit fly-free area has been
assistance to develop national phytosanitary established in each of the participating coun-
standards and regulations for establishing FF- tries. Based on this experience the govern-
ALPP and FF-PFA and preparing official ments have selected additional areas to estab-
quarantine resolutions to recognize and vali- lish FF-ALPP and/or FF-PFA (Fig. 1).
date them based on the standards of the The presence of fruit flies in the pilot and
International Plant Protection Convention additional areas was determined through a
(IPPC). surveillance programme conducted in a man-
Assistance was also provided to prepare ner consistent with the definition contained in
and implement the protocols for emergency the FAO Glossary of Phytosanitary Terms
actions in case of fruit fly outbreaks, pest risk (FAO 2002). The traps used for surveillance
analyses were prepared for mangosteen and were Jackson traps (Scentry Biologicals Inc.
litchi, and support was given for a pest risk Billings, MT 59102, USA) baited with trimed-
analysis on tomato from Honduras, all of them lure (two to four weeks rebaiting interval) to
prepared by the Fundación Hondureña de target Mediterranean fruit fly males. This
Investigación Agrícola (FHIA 2004a,b). trapping system is the standard trap recom-
Moreover, under the project, work plans were mended to demonstrate the presence or
developed to export papaya without quarantine absence of this pest. In addition, Multilure®
treatment from the Mediterranean fruit fly-free traps (i.e. McPhail type) (Better Trap Inc.
area in Peten, Guatemala, and to export sever- Fresno, CA 93727, USA) baited with
al species of peppers and red tomatoes from BioLure® (ammonium acetate, putrescine and
Central America to the USA through a systems trimethylamine) (Suterra LLC Bend, OR
approach from a FF-ALPP. 97702, USA) were used to target female flies
(four to six weeks rebaiting interval). This
5.4. Role of Industry in the Development female-biased attractant is a powerful tool to
of FF-PFA or FF-ALPP detect low numbers of Mediterranean fruit
flies (IAEA 2003). The presence of
Meetings were held and visits made by experts Anastrepha fruit fly populations was deter-
on trade of horticultural products considered to mined by Multilure® traps baited with torula
be fruit fly hosts. These meetings were aimed yeast (one to two weeks rebaiting interval)
at advising the governments and industry on (Scentry Biologicals Inc. Billings, MT 59102,
the procedures for negotiating exports of fruits USA) (IAEA 2003). Traps were serviced at
and vegetables from FF-ALPP and Mediter- weekly intervals. Trap density is indicated in
ranean fruit fly-free areas to fruit fly-free the sections below dedicated to each country.
countries. In addition, officials from the Fruit fly populations were expressed using the
USDA who visited the pilot areas supported fly per trap per day (FTD) index (IAEA 2003).
the goal of exporting fruit and vegetables from Although there is currently no internation-
FF-PFA and from FF-ALPP through the estab- al value for determining the level of fruit fly-
lishment of a systems approach specific for low prevalence, for the purpose of this project

the level of low prevalence requested by the used for producing mango, cantaloupe and
USA for export of fruits (mango, papaya, watermelon. This area has potential for grow-
oranges and avocado) from Central America ing star fruit Averroha carambola L., pitahaya
and Mexico through postharvest treatments Hylocereus undatus Britton & Rose, guava,
and/or a systems approach was equal to or less orange and other tropical fruits. In 2003, a sur-
than 1.0 FTD. veillance programme was established with a
Areas were considered as fruit fly-free total of 375 traps placed in areas where fruit fly
after one year of zero captures. Once declared hosts are present using a density of two traps
as fruit fly-free, a detection was considered an per square kilometre of hosts for Mediterranean
outbreak if it was consistent with the defini- fruit fly and one trap per square kilometre of
tion contained in FAO’s Glossary of hosts for other fruit flies. Results from the
Phytosanitary Terms (FAO 2002): inspections of 40 500 traps carried out during
An isolated pest population, recently detected 2003-2005 demonstrated that the West Indian
and expected to survive for the immediate future. fruit fly was the major pest of concern, with
population densities surpassing 2.0 FTD during
6.1. Costa Rica April, May and June (end of the hot-dry season
and beginning of the rainy season). The
The selected pilot area of Los Inocentes in the Mediterranean fruit fly and other species of
Province of Guanacaste was declared official- Anastrepha fruit flies of economic importance
ly free of Mediterranean fruit fly by the occurred at low prevalence levels (less than
Ministry of Agriculture in 2003. The 0.01 FTD) all year round, and Mediterranean
Government of Costa Rica notified the World fruit fly populations were usually higher in
Trade Organization (WTO) about the estab- towns and villages.
lishment of this area. The area encompasses At present, the Ministry of Agriculture con-
around 40 000 hectares with more than 10 000 tinues trapping against all fruit flies of econom-
hectares of commercial orange and grapefruit ic importance, and it is foreseen that the eradi-
orchards grown by a private company that cation programme will start once the West
produces fruit juice. The rest of the area Indian fruit fly mass-rearing facility is fully
includes a national park of forest and dry trop- operational. Since 2003, the project has sup-
ical forest where there are no fruit fly hosts ported the Ministry of Agriculture’s efforts to
present. In 2001, surveillance was established upgrade and modify a laboratory for mass-rear-
in fruit fly host areas using a total of 300 traps ing and sterilization of this fruit fly, the main
and a trap density of two traps per square kilo- pest of mangoes in the region. The Ministry of
metre of hosts for Mediterranean fruit fly Agriculture is acquiring a Gamacell-220®
detection and one trap per square kilometre of source through a cost-sharing agreement with
hosts for other fruit flies. Results from 17 000 the IAEA. The sterile flies produced will be
trap inspections out during 2001-2003 demon- used to start the eradication of fruit flies from
strated that the Mediterranean fruit fly was the peninsula of Nicoya. It is envisioned that
absent and that the prevalence of other fruit this laboratory will have a catalytic effect in the
flies of economic importance was low (less region for controlling Anastrepha fruit flies.
than 0.01 FTD). In 2004, several Mediter- In addition, since 2004, the project has sup-
ranean fruit fly outbreaks were detected ported the development of several FF-ALPP in
around the juice facility but the pest was erad- the Central Valley to export pepper and red
icated each time through implementation of tomato through a systems approach. Activities
an emergency action plan. are supported by the National Commission of
In 2003, the Government selected an addi- Agricultural Production in Protected
tional area, the Peninsula of Nicoya, consisting Environments, which is investing over USD 50
of 500 000 hectares. Although most of the area million in the initiative. Agreement to export
is used for cattle farming, 2000 hectares are these commodities to the USA requires

approval of the USDA, which is foreseen to was the major pest reaching levels of 2.0 FTD.
occur in 2005-2006. Occurrence of the other fruit flies, although
variable, did not surpass 1.0 FTD. It is fore-
6.2. El Salvador seen that in early 2006 a programme of
ground bait sprays will be launched for popu-
The selected area in San Juan Opico, lation suppression and to prepare the area for
Department of La Libertad, never reached the an eventual eradication of the fruit flies.
status of an FF-PFA due to its high In 2004, the sugarcane industry of San
Mediterranean fruit fly population densities, Juan Opico launched a project to produce and
which usually reached levels of 3.0 FTD dur- export bell peppers and red tomato through a
ing several months each year. The area systems approach. Using previous data gath-
encompasses more than 10 000 hectares, ered for this area, the project supported this
including over 500 hectares of oranges and initiative by carrying out complementary sur-
tangerines, which are sold on the local market. veillance procedures in 2004 to develop a FF-
Citrus groves are scattered within a zone of ALPP. The industry has invested over USD 15
1000 hectares of coffee plantations, and in million in building the infrastructure to export
most of the area there are several species of these commodities. It is expected that negoti-
major fruit fly hosts. Surveillance was set up ations for exporting these commodities to the
in 1997 (before the project was launched) USA will be completed successfully in 2005-
using a total of 30 traps placed in areas with 2006.
fruit fly hosts and using a density of 0.3 traps
per square kilometre of hosts for Mediter- 6.3. Guatemala
ranean fruit fly and 0.2 traps per square kilo-
metre of hosts for other fruit flies. Results The selected pilot area in the Municipalities of
from 8600 trap inspections carried out during Quetzaltenango and Totonicapan, in the west-
1997-2002 demonstrated that Mediterranean ern highlands (over 2500 metres high), is free
fruit fly populations were always high (more of Mediterranean fruit fly and Anastrepha
than 1.0 FTD). However, Anastrepha fruit fly fruit flies. The area encompasses more than
populations were usually under 1.0 FTD. 50 000 hectares, including over 400 hectares
From the beginning, the NPPO was informed producing peaches and apples that are sold in
about this risk, but at the request of the local the local market. In 2001, surveillance was set
citrus industry it insisted on selecting this area up with a total of 60 traps placed in areas with
as a pilot for intervention. fruit fly hosts using a density of 0.8 traps per
When the limitations of the selected area to square kilometre of hosts for Mediterranean
become an FF-PFA were realized in 2003, the fruit fly and 0.4 traps per square kilometre of
NPPO proposed the Island of Espiritu Santo, hosts for other fruit flies. Results from 6700
Department of Usulutan for developing a FF- trap inspections carried out during 2001-2004
PFA. This island has an area of about 3000 demonstrated absence of the Mediterranean
hectares, is isolated by swamps and it has fruit fly except for three outbreaks that were
coconut, banana and cashew as major crops. detected and eradicated in 2004; since then
All of the target fruit flies are present, and in there have been no Mediterranean or
2003, surveillance was initiated with a total of Anastrepha fruit fly detections. Since these
24 traps placed in areas with presence of fruit activities are supported by peach and apple
fly hosts using a density of 0.8 traps per producers and because the border with
square kilometre of hosts for Mediterranean Mexico is nearby, the Ministry of Agriculture
fruit fly and 0.4 traps per square kilometre of of Guatemala is negotiating with its Mexican
hosts for other fruit flies. The results of 2600 counterpart for permission to export peaches
trap inspections carried out during 2003-2004 from these areas into Mexico.
demonstrated that the West Indian fruit fly In 2004, at the request of the industry, the

Ministry of Agriculture established four FF- break was detected in the urban area of the
ALPPs in the Departments of Guatemala and small port of Trujillo (one square kilometre),
Jalapa which qualify for the export of pepper near the northern edge of the free area. By
and red tomato to the USA through a systems early 2005, that outbreak had not been eradi-
approach. The project is supporting and work- cated, and thus jeopardizing the Mediter-
ing closely with the industry in these areas, ranean fruit fly-free status of the valley.
and negotiations for exporting these com- Once the Mediterranean fruit fly outbreak
modities to the USA are foreseen to be com- is eliminated the next step would be to eradi-
pleted in 2005-2006. cate the Mexican fruit fly, the West Indian
In 2000, the Department of Peten was fruit fly and the guava fruit fly. The possibili-
established by the Moscamed Programme ty of doing so is based on the low prevalence
(Guatemala-Mexico-USA) as a Mediterranean of all fruit flies of economic importance.
fruit fly-free area. In April 2005, based on a Thus, the establishment of a fruit fly-free area
bilateral work plan prepared by the project, is feasible in this vast fertile valley.
the papaya growers of the department began
exporting this commodity to the USA. 6.5. Nicaragua

6.4. Honduras The selected pilot area, the Island of Ometepe

(on Lake Cocibolca), in the Department of
The selected pilot area in the valley of the Rivas, was declared officially free of
river Aguan, Departments of Yoro and Mediterranean fruit fly by the Ministry of
Colon, was declared officially free of Agriculture in 2003. The area covers more
Mediterranean fruit fly by the Ministry of than 30 000 hectares, including over 5000
Agriculture in 2003. The area covers around hectares of banana and 500 hectares of coffee.
400 000 hectares, including more than 25 000 In 2000 (before the project was launched),
hectares with oranges for fresh fruit domestic surveillance was set up with a total of 425
and regional markets, and grapefruit for con- traps placed in areas with fruit fly hosts using
centrated juice. There are also 40 000 a density of 1.5 traps per square kilometre of
hectares of different commodities such as oil hosts for Mediterranean fruit fly and 0.3 traps
palm, banana, pineapple and cocoa. Also, per square kilometre of hosts for the other
coffee, avocado and mango are grown to a fruit flies. Results of 71 400 trap inspections
minor degree. In 2001, surveillance was carried out during 2000-2003 demonstrated
implemented with a total of 700 traps placed that the Mediterranean fruit fly was not natu-
in areas with fruit fly hosts using densities of rally present, that the prevalence of the guava
1.7 traps per square kilometre of hosts for fruit fly and sapote fruit fly was low (0.01
Mediterranean fruit fly and 0.3 traps per FTD) and that the West Indian fruit fly could
square kilometre of hosts for the other fruit reach population levels of 0.5 FTD. In 2003,
flies. Results of 43 000 trap inspections car- four outbreaks of Mediterranean fruit fly
ried out during 2001-2003 indicated the occurred in Moyogalpa, a small town that sur-
absence of the Mediterranean fruit fly. At rounds the main harbour of the island, but the
present (2005), results of 58 000 trap inspec- pest was eliminated by implementing an
tions carried out from 2001 to early 2005 emergency action plan.
indicated that this pest is not present. Other The experience gained in Ometepe provid-
fruit flies of economic importance occurred ed the Ministry of Agriculture (with the sup-
at low prevalence, with total captures of the port of the producers who had been exporting
six economic fruit fly species barely reach- mango to the USA since 1999 from the north
ing 0.25 FTD, and the Mexican fruit fly of Lake Xolotlan, between the Departments of
being responsible for 0.20 FTD of that value. Leon and Managua, through hot water quaran-
In late 2004, a Mediterranean fruit fly out- tine treatment) with the confidence to develop

Figure 2. Fruit fly-low pest prevalence areas (FF-ALPP) planned for production and export of
bell pepper and tomato, through a systems approach based on an FF-ALPP and pest free grow-
ing structure, Valley of Sebaco, Nicaragua. (upper, left) Location of the FF-ALPP, (upper,
right) greenhouse frame, (lower, left) first plantation and (lower, right) bell pepper fruits pro-

a FF-PFA in that area. The area covers around West Indian fruit fly, which is the main pest of
40 000 hectares, of which more than 4000 mango, reaches a maximum level of 1.5 FTD
hectares of rice and corn (by irrigation) and only during June and July. During the rest of
around 1000 hectares of mango, papaya, can- the year, this pest occurs at low prevalence
taloupe and watermelon. Also there are a few levels (between 0.05 and 0.7 FTD). During
scattered avocado and orange groves. The these ten years, the annual occurrence of the
area has exceptionally favourable conditions guava fruit fly was negligible (less than
for becoming fruit fly-free since it has only 0.0001 FTD).
two small towns (less than 2000 inhabitants), Based on these data, and under the frame-
one road going across the area, a large airstrip work of the regional project, the Ministry of
(not in use), no more than five species of fruit Agriculture and the industry launched an
fly hosts and a very low density of wild host eradication programme in 2004 based on
trees (one host tree per 50 square kilometres). ground insecticide-bait sprays. After 12 week-
Records of 25 000 trap inspections during ly bait spray treatments, and an intensive sur-
the last ten years of trapping (1994-2003) veillance programme in areas with fruit fly
supervised by the Ministry of Agriculture and hosts using 14 traps per square kilometre of
USDA using a total of 52 traps located in 600 hosts for the Mediterranean fruit fly and seven
hectares of a mango and a density of 87 traps traps per square kilometre of hosts for other
per square kilometres of hosts for fruit flies, and with traps inspected weekly for
Mediterranean fruit fly and for other fruit seven months (around 5200 trap inspections),
flies, indicated that the Mediterranean fruit fly fruit fly populations were eradicated from this
never reached a level of 0.05 FTD, while the area. Based on these results and considering

that the area has enough water resources to number of traps was increased to 180 using a
irrigate over 10 000 hectares throughout the density of 2.7 traps per square kilometre of
year, the Ministry of Agriculture, the industry, host area. Results from 22 140 trap inspec-
USAID and USDA developed a three-year tions carried out during 2001-2004 demon-
plan starting in late 2005 to strengthen current strated the absence of the Mediterranean fruit
public outreach, quarantine activities and fly but the presence of the West Indian fruit
emergency plans to keep the area free of fruit fly and the guava fruit fly. However, unlike
flies in order to further develop agriculture with Mediterranean fruit fly, trapping is not
through expansion of the area planted with reliable for these species, and so their levels
mango and papaya. are still unknown. The absence of
The resulting successes in Ometepe Island Mediterranean fruit fly in this area is not sur-
(2000-2003) and in the northern Lake prising, since except for the small (25 square
Xolotlan area (2004-2005), culminated in kilometres) Valley of Anton situated 25 kilo-
early 2005 in another industry/Ministry of metres east of Churuquitas, extensive trapping
Agriculture initiative for establishing a FF- (0.01 traps per square kilometre) by the
ALPPs in the Sebaco Valley, Department of Ministry of Agriculture in different periods
Matagalpa, and on the south-eastern area of since 1985 had shown that most of the region,
Lake Cocibolca, Department of Rio San Juan. from the central part to the eastern border of
Data gathered by the Ministry of Agriculture Panama with Colombia, had failed to result in
during the period 2003-2005 through a sur- captures.
veillance programme using a total of 50 traps In 2003, at the request of the mango indus-
placed in areas with fruit fly hosts, using a try of the Pensinsula of Azuero, which
density of 0.2 traps per square kilometre of demanded a fruit fly-free area to boost mango
hosts for the Mediterranean fruit fly and the exports, the Ministry of Agriculture decided to
same for other fruit flies, indicated that it is select the peninsula for establishing an area
feasible to develop a fruit fly-free area in both free of several species of fruit flies. Azuero is
places. an area of 650 000 hectares mostly dedicated
In Sebaco Valley, the industry has invested to livestock. However, in the north-eastern
USD 50 million to produce bell pepper and part of the peninsula, in a zone called Arco
red tomato for export through a systems Seco, there is a government irrigation project
approach including pest-free growing struc- of 10 000 hectares aimed at producing differ-
tures (Fig. 2). Negotiations for exporting these ent fruits and vegetables such as mango,
commodities to the USA are foreseen to be papaya, star fruit, pitahaya and bell pepper.
successfully concluded in 2005-2006. Since 1995, the Ministry of Agriculture
had been operating a trapping network of 200
6.6. Panama Jackson and McPhail traps on a bi-weekly
basis in the peninsula of Azuero. This activity
The selected pilot area of Las Churuquitas in stopped in 2001 after six years of collecting
the Province of Coclé is in the process of data that the Ministry of Agriculture had used
being declared officially free of to determine the absence of the Mediterranean
Mediterranean fruit fly by the Ministry of fruit fly. However, these activities were not
Agriculture. The area covers about 30 000 conclusive for the project since they were nei-
hectares, of which more than 2000 hectares ther permanent nor of the required technical
are oranges for fresh local consumption. Also, quality. Therefore, with the support of the
there are 3000 hectares of coffee. In 2001, sur- project, the Ministry of Agriculture started
veillance was established with a total of 25 fruit fly surveillance in 2003 with a total of
traps placed in areas with fruit fly hosts using 300 traps placed in areas with fruit fly hosts
a density of 0.1 traps per square kilometre of using a density of one trap per square kilome-
hosts for Mediterranean fruit fly. In 2003, the tre of hosts for Mediterranean fruit fly and 0.5

traps per square kilometre of hosts for other This technical advisory group is presently
fruit flies. After a year of consistently preparing OIRSA’s regional vision for man-
improved trapping (i.e. over 95% of traps agement of fruit flies of economic importance
were serviced using high quality lures), the in Central America.
absence of the Mediterranean fruit fly was When the regional project was initiated,
confirmed, while the prevalence of the West representatives of the NPPOs of Honduras
Indian fruit fly was established at 1.5 FTD. and Belize participated in the RCG as associ-
Since Azuero is characterized by extensive ated participants because these countries were
cattle farms with only a few clustered fruit not Member States of the IAEA. However,
orchards, if the government and industry once the project generated results, the
decide to eradicate the West Indian fruit fly Governments of Honduras and Belize decided
from this area, the establishment of a fruit fly- to become a Member State.
free area is highly feasible.
7. Constraints
6.7. Belize
A major external limitation for the sustainabil-
Under the multi-institutional project alliance, ity of the project is that with the exception of
Belize was supported through FAO’s the IAEA and USDA-APHIS in Guatemala,
Technical Cooperation Project TCP/072. The which have strongly supported the project, the
exotic fruit fly detection network was alliances among international organizations
strengthened as well as the emergency have, despite the project, been fairly weak.
response capabilities. This was done through Various factors are negatively influencing the
training of plant protection staff in deploy- possibility of a more solid future partnership.
ment and operations of trapping networks, One is competition among international
population suppression methods, fruit fly organizations for the relatively limited inter-
identification and the supply of trapping mate- national funds available, which affects the
rials and equipment. In 2004, this capacity potential commitment that these organizations
building allowed Belize to maintain its status may have towards the project. Another factor
of a Mediterranean fruit fly-free country by is that even though project partners share
eradicating an outbreak that occurred in the common goals, they envision different ways
southern part of the country, in an area near of achieving the goals, thereby opening the
the border with Guatemala. prospect that funds and efforts could be dupli-
cated and wasted.
6.8. Additional Outcomes Analysis of the constraints within the
national plant protection organizations run-
As a result of the public relations activities, ning the project in the different countries was
the ministry of agriculture set up a regional made possible through the development of a
public information group aimed at developing model by IICA with support of the IAEA
and implementing a uniform framework for (IICA 2003). The model evaluates the level of
public information activities to improve the institutional capability that the national plant
management of national fruit fly programmes protection organizations have to implement
and eventually, a regional fruit fly pro- and effectively sustain pest suppression and
gramme. eradication projects without active support
The high level of integration and experi- from international organizations. It enables
ence gained by members of the RCG on dif- precise diagnosis of the national plant protec-
ferent approaches for dealing with fruit flies in tion organizations’ weaknesses and strengths,
Central America has resulted in OIRSA set- thereby making it possible to predict potential
ting up a fruit fly technical advisory group setbacks that would affect future project
coordinated by the same members of the RCG. actions. This in turn enables major institution-

al constraints to be addressed before embark- area concerned), are both low-cost and appro-
ing on these projects. priate to demonstrate the benefits of fruit fly
Application of the model in 2004 revealed AW-IPM with an SIT component. They are also
that coordination between the ministries of preferable to venturing a priori into extensive,
agriculture and the industry for operating sup- costly and unfeasible fruit fly eradication proj-
pression and eradication activities is still not ects.
well developed. Also it was realized that the
rapid turnover of civil servants in the national 9. References
plant protection organizations could lead to
loss of the technical capacity that was built up (IICA) Inter-American Institute for
through the project. Finally it was found that in Cooperation on Agriculture. 2003.
most of the countries there is insufficient fund- Estudio de la capacidad institucional de los
ing for operating the national plant protection ONPF de los países de Centroamérica para
organizations, much less for implementing enfocar el proyecto RLA/5/045 de una man-
emergency action plans or for extending on- era sostenible e integrada. Informe Final.
going actions to larger areas. IAEA, Vienna, Austria.
When taking into account all these con- (FAO) Food and Agriculture Organization of
straints, the outcomes of this project are very the United Nations. 2001. International
significant: with a very low budget, each partic- standards for phytosanitary measures.
ipating country learned how to establish, nego- Glossary of phytosanitary terms, Publication
tiate and maintain FF-PFAs and FF-ALPPs. In no. 5. Secretariat of the International Plant
the future the industry will have to play an Protection Convention, FAO, Rome, Italy.
increasing role in co-financing the expansion of (OIRSA) Central America Regional
these area-wide phytosanitary projects. Organization for Animal and Plant
Sanitary Protection. 1987. Distribución
8. Conclusions geográfica y monitoreo de poblaciones de
mosca del Mediterráneo en Centro América
Enhancing exports of non-traditional fruits and y Panamá. Informe diciembre 1987, San
vegetables as a viable alternative to traditional Salvador, El Salvador.
tropical crops can be achieved by establishing (FHIA) Fundación Hondureña de
FF-PFA and FF-ALPP as the core phytosanitary Investigación Agrícola. 2004a. Importation
measure integrated within a systems approach. of litchi, Litchi chinensis from Central
As described for the different pilot areas in America into the United States. Qualitative,
the various Central American countries, any pathway-initiated pest risk assessment. Final
attempt to establish these areas through an AW- Report. IAEA, Vienna, Austria.
IPM approach with an SIT component can be (FHIA) Fundación Hondureña de
successful if: (1) the ministries of agriculture Investigación Agrícola. 2004b. Importa-
are the driving forces of any initiative, (2) the tion of mangosteen, Garcinia mangostana
industry is convinced of the potential benefits from Central America into the United States.
that these areas can bring and is an active part- Qualitative, pathway-initiated pest risk
ner in the activities, and (3) there are alliances assessment. Final Report. IAEA, Vienna,
between technical and financing organizations Austria.
present in the region and they commit to work Hernandez-Ortiz V., J. A. Gomez-Anaya, A.
together sharing a common vision. Sanchez, B. A. McPheron, and M. Aluja.
Pilot projects establishing FF-ALPP and FF- 2004. Morphometric analysis of Mexican
PFA, in which a comprehensive package of pro- and South American populations of the
cedures is effectively applied (from suppressing Anastrepha fraterculus complex (Diptera:
or eradicating the pest to negotiating a work Tephritidae) and recognition of a distinct
plan for exporting fruit and vegetables from the Mexican morphotype. Bulletin of

Entomological Research 94: 487-499. 307-310. In Aluja, M., and P. Liedo (eds.),
(IAEA) International Atomic Energy Agency. Fruit flies: biology and management.
2003. Trapping guidelines for area-wide Springer-Verlag, New York, NY., USA.
fruit fly programmes. IAEA/FAO-TG/FFP, (UNDP) United Nations Development
IAEA, Vienna, Austria. Programme. 1970. Report of a scientific
Rhode, R. H. 1970. Application of the sterile- panel on the eradication in Central America of
male technique in Mediterranean fruit fly the Mediterranean fruit fly. DP/SF/310 REG
suppression. A follow-up experiment in 62, San Jose, Costa Rica. UNDP, New York,
Nicaragua, pp. 43-50. In Proceedings, Panel: USA.
Sterile-Male Technique for Control of Fruit (USDA) United States Department of
Flies. Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Atomic Agriculture. 1997. Quarantine security for
Energy in Food and Agriculture, Panel of commodities: current approaches and poten-
experts, 1-5 September 1969, Vienna, tial strategies. Proceedings of Joint
Austria. STI/PUB/276, IAEA, Vienna, Workshops of the Agricultural Research
Austria. Service and the Animal and Plant Health
Salas, F. L. A. 1958. Informe sobre el estudio Inspection Service. Agricultural Research
de la mosca del Mediterráneo en Costa Rica. Service, Beltsville, MD., USA.
In Publicaciones de la Universidad de Costa Vo, T., W. Enkerlin, C. E. Miller, G. Ortiz, and
Rica. Serie Agronomía No. 1. Editorial J. Perez. 2003. Economic analysis of the
Universitaria, San Jose, Costa Rica. suppression/eradication of the Mediterranean
Tween, G. 1993. Fruit fly control and eradica- fruit fly and other fruit flies in Central
tion program management: factors influenc- America and Panama. USDA-APHIS,
ing action criteria and program design, pp. Riverdale, Maryland, USA.
The Fruit Fly Exclusion Programme in Chile


Servicio Agricola y Ganadero - Chile, Av. Bulnes 140, Santiago, Chile

ABSTRACT For Chile, the export of fresh fruit is an important component of the national economy.
The annual export volume reaches up to 200 million boxes and represents an annual income of over USD
1900 million. An important comparative advantage for this industry is the absence of the different genera
of major tephritid fruit flies. In order to maintain the condition of Chile as a fruit fly-free country, it is nec-
essary to maintain a permanent exclusion programme, which contains active preventive elements that
begin internationally through joint work with neighbouring countries, continues at the border level through
a strict inspection system and concludes at the national level with a nationwide, multi-target detection sys-
tem, oriented to the most important fruit fly species. Additionally, the preventive use of releasing
Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) sterile males in northern Chile and southern Peru
helps to keep the pest free status, even in the area of highest risk in Chile.

KEY WORDS Chile, area-wide, fruit fly-free, exclusion, SIT, preventive releases, Mediterranean fruit
fly, Ceratitis capitata

1. Introduction was determined that the Mediterranean fruit

fly was present only in the province of Arica,
1.1. National Fruit Fly Programme at the northern border of Chile with Peru
(Harris and Olalquiaga 1991, Olalquiaga and
As a result of the national fruit fly programme Lobos 1993). That situation remained until
conducted by the Servicio Agricola y 1995, when the sterile insect technique (SIT)
Ganadero, Chile is a country free of the most was added to the control programme, resulting
economically important fruit flies. In fact, in the pest being eradicated from Arica and
none of the species of the tephritid pest genera the whole Chilean territory was ascertained as
Ceratitis, Bactrocera, Anastrepha, Dacus and fruit fly-free (MAG/SAG 1995, Esparza
Toxotrypana exist in the country. This area- Duque 1999). A severe reinfestation occurred
wide programme operates by means of the in Arica in 2000, which was finally eradicated
Fruit Fly National Detection System, which in 2004.
includes detection activities focusing primari-
ly on the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis 1.2. Protecting the Fresh Fruit Export
capitata (Wiedemann), but also covering the Industry
remaining genera. Even though the main com-
ponent of the detection system is oriented to For the Chilean fresh fruit export industry, this
adult detection by trapping, it also involves internationally-recognized absence of major
fruit sampling. In spite of this pest free status, fruit fly pests is an important advantage,
five species of Rhagoletis fruit flies are pres- because there is no need to apply postharvest
ent in Chile, only two of which might have treatments or any other restriction measure to
potential economic importance and all exclu- export products. As a result, Chile has devel-
sively associated with Solanaceae hosts oped a huge fruit industry, whose export rev-
(Table 1). enues in 2004 reached up to USD 1900 mil-
Detection activities began in 1963 when it lion. This fact has encouraged Chile to under-
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 641–651.
© 2007 IAEA.
Table 1. The distribution and hosts of Rhagoletis species known to occur in Chile (Frias 1992,
Gonzalez 1999).

Species Host Distribution

Rhagoletis tomatis Foote Tomato Found in La Chimba, II Region,

recently detected in III Region1
Rhagoletis nova (Schiner) Chilean pepino III – XI Regions1
Rhagoletis conversa (Brethes) Weeds (Solanum nigrum, III – XI Regions1
Solanum tomatillo)
Rhagoletis penela Foote Weeds of the Solanum genus IX Region1
Rhagoletis brncici Frias Unknown VII Region1

1See Fig. 1 showing the different regions in Chile

take continuously a major effort to maintain ventive release programme of sterile Mediter-
the fly-free phytosanitary condition. ranean fruit flies, integrated with bait spraying
Since Chile is currently (2005) the only (Lobos 1995). The use of the SIT began as a
fruit fly-free country in Latin America, it con- containment measure (Hendrichs et al. 2005)
tinuously faces the potential threat of fruit and successfully progressed towards achiev-
flies, mainly the Mediterranean fruit fly, ing eradication of the Mediterranean fruit fly
invading its territory. However, the country (MAG/SAG 1995). After eradication, the SIT
has some important natural advantageous fea- continues to be applied as part of the preven-
tures that hamper the natural spread of these tive strategy (Hendrichs et al. 2005).
pests. These include the Andes range to the Additionally, through bi-national agree-
east of the country, thousands of square kilo- ments, cooperative work is done with
metres of desert in the north, the Pacific Argentina and Peru to create fly-free areas in
Ocean to the west and finally an extremely relevant provinces in these neighbouring
cold, sub-polar climate in the south (Fig.1). countries to serve as buffer zones. These have
This isolation has led officials of the national been beneficial for all parties, and currently,
plant protection organization (NPPO) to there are advanced discussions to sign a simi-
believe that passive spread through smuggling lar agreement with Bolivia.
and hidden fruit in passengers’ baggage are
the most likely source of fruit fly entries. 1.4. Emergency Response Plan
Because of that, Chile has a very strict quaran-
tine system with border control stations at Despite these stringent measures, almost
every point of entry. every year some Mediterranean fruit flies are
detected somewhere in the country. To address
1.3. Preventive Release Programme this, Chile follows an emergency response
plan (SAG 2001), which is approved by its
The only exception to this isolated nature of trading partners and is activated upon detec-
Chile with respect to fruit flies is Arica tion of any fruit fly stage. Depending on the
Province on the border with Peru, which is number of flies trapped, a different response is
separated from Peru by only a few kilometres initiated:
of non-host habitat. In this border area, which (1) If one fly is captured (male or virgin
is mainly desert but has some “green spots” female) an intense survey is undertaken,
that allow flies to rest and feed, the Servicio including high density trapping, with traps
Agricola y Ganadero currently applies a pre- deployed in a grid of 64 square kilometres (8

x 8 kilometres) as well as systematic fruit

sampling at every property. The survey lasts
for two insect cycles, calculated according a
scientifically validated day-degree-model
(Tassan et al. 1982).
(2) If two or more adult specimens or one
inseminated female or immature stages are
captured, the Servicio Agricola y Ganadero
undertakes an eradication campaign, which
includes an intensive monitoring programme
involving both trapping and sampling in a 196
square kilometre area. Additional control
activities are applied such as fruit stripping,
soil drenches and toxic bait spraying in an
area within a 200 metre radius around each
detection site. Also, regulated areas are estab-
lished for 7.2 kilometres around every detec-
tion spot.
Obviously the main goals of the Servicio
Agricola y Ganadero are to minimize the risk
of passive spread and maximize the chances
of early detection. For the latter, about 9000
lure-baited traps are deployed along the coun-
try and additionally fruit sampling is per-
formed regularly.

2. The Regular Detection

The main goal of the regular detection system
is to detect early any entry of exotic fruit flies.
It extends from the border with Peru (18°
south latitude) to the very south of Chile (47°
south latitude, XI Region), and includes every
town and city in that area, as well as rural
areas that have fruit fly hosts. Based on stan-
dardized operational procedures, it consists of
a trapping network, supplemented by fruit
sampling. The traps and attractants used are
presented in Table 2.

2.1. Trap Deployment in Urban Areas

The standard trapping grid within urban areas

covers 1000 hectares and includes 52 traps, of
which 40 are baited with trimedlure, ten with
hydrolyzed protein, one with methyl eugenol
and one with cuelure. Trap densities are one
Figure 1. Map of Chile. trap per 25 hectares for trimedlure-; one per
Table 2. Target fruit fly species and attractants used in the Chilean detection system.

Target species Attractant Trap model

Ceratitis capitata (males) trimedlure (TML) Jackson, Steiner

Ceratitis capitata (females) protein hydrolysate, BioLure McPhail, Multilure
Anastrepha spp. and others protein hydrolysate McPhail
Bactrocera spp. (mostly dorsalis methyl eugenol Steiner
Bactrocera spp. (mostly cuelure Steiner

100 hectares for protein- and one per 1000 square must have one protein-baited trap,
hectares for cuelure- and methyl eugenol-bait- which will be relocated inside the assigned
ed traps. Traps are deployed in grids, accord- area (100 hectares). In every 10 squares there
ing to the scheme shown in Fig. 2. are one methyl eugenol- and one cuelure-bait-
The total area is covered by a grid each ed trap. Additionally, fixed traps that are not
composed of squares of one square kilometre. relocated are placed in high-risk areas.
Each grid square is divided into four sub-
squares each of 25 hectares. Every sub-square 2.2. Trap Deployment in Rural Areas
must have one trimedlure-baited trap, which
will be relocated four times a year, but always The trap lines for surveillance in rural areas
inside the assigned area (25 hectares). Every are located along roads and in commercial

Figure 2. Scheme of trap deployment in urban areas using one square kilometre grid squares.

orchards according to the scheme presented in Table 3. Number of hectares for each single
Table 3. The average density of the traps trap in relation to the used attractant and risk
deployed in Chile is given in Table 4. level in rural areas.

3. Details of the Response Plan Trap attractant High-risk Medium- Low-risk

area risk area area
Upon fruit fly detection, the response plan,
which has been approved by most of the trimedlure 50-100 100-150 150-300
Servicio Agricola y Ganadero’s commercial methyl-eugenol 1000 1500 2000
counterparts, is triggered (SAG 2001). To cuelure 1000 1500 2000
date, only Mediterranean fruit flies have been protein 150 300 500
detected repeatedly in Chile and these have
been eradicated on every occasion. The fol-
lowing is a description of the response plan
for this pest. point. No control activities or quarantine reg-
ulations are set up. Survey activities last for
3.1. Single Detection two continuous insect cycles. Three zones are
defined: (1) area A, the core area, is a four
A single detection is defined as one adult spec- square kilometre area surrounding the detec-
imen caught in a trap (male or unmated tion point. Forty trimedlure traps plus 20 pro-
female) within an area of 2.25 kilometre tein traps are placed in the square grid where
radius during one insect generation. Upon the specimen was caught and ten protein traps
detection, a delimitation trapping grid is set in the remaining three squares of the core
up, covering 64 square kilometres (8 x 8 kilo- area, (2) area B, which is immediately outside
metres) around the detection site. Additionally area A, is a one kilometre wide buffer zone in
systematic fruit sampling is conducted on which 20 trimedlure traps per square kilome-
every property within 200 metres around that tre are placed, and (3) area C, a second buffer

Table 4. Number of traps baited with the attractants trimedlure, proteine, cuelure and methyl-
eugenol deployed per region.

Region Attractant Total

trimedlure protein cuelure methyl-eugenol

I 1041 176 28 17 1262

II 331 98 6 6 441
III 228 101 10 10 349
IV 356 88 9 10 463
V 2111 683 128 129 3051
R.M. 2590 563 52 60 3265
VI 440 125 12 12 589
VII 104 48 6 0 158
VIII 130 44 10 0 184
IX 68 23 0 0 91
X 109 107 0 0 216
XI 10 5 0 0 15
Total 7518 2061 261 244 10 084

Figure 3. Delimitation trapping grid after a single Mediterranean fruit fly detection. The grid
contains a core area (A) and two buffer zones (B and C).

zone, extending two kilometres from area B Five different zones are defined from the
and where ten trimedlure traps per square detection site to seven kilometres away
kilometre are placed. The scheme in Fig. 3 according to the scheme in Fig. 4 and the trap
explains the delimitation trapping grid and densities in Table 6.
Table 5 the trap density for single detections.
3.2.2. Control Activities
3.2. Multiple Detection In order to achieve eradication in the shortest
time possible, a working area of 200 metres
This is defined when one inseminated female, around every detection site is defined and the
a multiple detection of males or uninseminat- following activities conducted: (1) toxic bait
ed females, or immature stages of the insect spraying: a mixture of a protein attractant and
are found. a pesticide (malathion) is applied for adult
control, (2) fruit stripping: all fruit on every
3.2.1. Survey tree within the working area (200 metres
Following a multiple detection, the eradica- around the detection) is destroyed, (3) and soil
tion phase begins and the delimitation drench: diazinon to kill immatures is sprayed
trapping grid is extended up to 196 square under the projection of the canopy of every
kilometres. Detection activities last for three fruit tree in the working area.
life cycles (Tassan et al. 1982). Besides the
trapping network, systematic fruit sampling is 3.2.3. Quarantine Regulations
conducted in an area with an 800 metre radius A regulated area is set up 7.2 kilometres
around the detection site. around every detection site. Fruit without

Figure 4. Delimitation trapping grid after multiple Mediterranean fruit fly detection.

quarantine treatment is not allowed to leave McPheron, University of Pennsylvannia,

the area. Safeguard measures are implemented which determine the different haplotypes (Mc
for fruit to be stored within the regulated area. Pheron et al. 1994, 1995). This technique has
All the quarantine regulations last three life been used since 2000, and to date no similar
cycles (Tassan et al. 1982). haplotypes in areas under eradication pro-
grammes have been encountered. Therefore, it
4. DNA Analysis can be concluded that in all cases, eradication
of each outbreak was successful. This also
The DNA of every specimen found is means that the outbreaks originate due to con-
analysed to determine the most likely origin tinuous introductions from different geo-
of a Mediterranean fruit fly introduction. It is graphical areas. Also, the technique made it
based on the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) possible to determine the highest risk path-
restriction fragment length polymorphism ways for entry of the fly (Meixner et al. 2002).
(RFLP) technique using four markers devel- The most commonly detected haplotypes are
oped for the Mediterranean fruit fly by Bruce AABB, BBBB and AACB. Peru or countries

Table 5. Summary of trap deployment in the different areas of the delimitation grid in Chile.

Area Size (hectares) No. of trimedlure- Traps per square No. of protein- Total
baited traps kilometre baited traps

A 400 160 40 50 210

B 1200 240 20 01 240
C 4800 480 10 01 480
Total 6400 880 501 930

1These trap numbers do not include the traps deployed in the regular programme

Table 6. Number of traps deployed in the different areas of the delimitation trapping grid after
multiple detection.

Area Size (hectares) No. of trimedlure- Traps per square No. of protein- Total
baited traps kilometre baited traps

A 400 160 40 50 210

B 1200 240 20 01 240
C 4800 480 10 01 480
D 8000 640 8 01 640
E 5200 208 4 01 208
Total 19 600 1728 501 1778

1These trap numbers do not include the traps deployed in the regular programme.

of the South American Pacific basin are the (CPIE), located in the Lluta valley of Arica
most likely source for AABB, while Province. The sterile males are released in the
Argentina is the most likely source for BBBB Tacna valley in Peru and in Arica Province in
and AACB. While AAAA and AAAB are Chile (MAG/SAG 2003). Periodic quality
sometimes detected, these haplotypes are not control activities are implemented based on
known to occur in South America. This means standardized procedures described in a quality
that the source of introduction is more distant control manual (FAO/IAEA/USDA 2003) to
than only the neighbouring countries ensure that the material meets international
(Sheppard et al. 1992, McPheron et al. 1994, standards.
1995, Steck et al. 1996). As Peru and Argentina also mass-rear and
release sterile insects, bi-national agreements
5. Use of the Sterile Insect for joint work in border areas help to reduce
Technique the risk of accidental introductions to Chile
and also benefit the partner countries. The
5.1. Lluta Mass-Rearing Facility strain released is the VIENNA 7/Toliman,
which is a genetic sexing strain that carries a
In Arica Province, the SIT is used as a con- temperature sensitive lethal (tsl) gene (Franz
tainment, eradication or preventive control 2005). Both air and ground releases are con-
tactic. The insects are mass-reared at the ducted twice a week.
Centro de Producción de Insectos Estériles As Arica is currently free of the

Table 7. Operational parameters of the SIT component in Arica Province.

Strain Release density Release frequency Rearing centre Release method

VIENNA 7 /Toliman 2500 flying sterile Twice a week CPIE1 (50 million Air
males per hectare male pupae per

1Centro de Producción de Insectos Estériles.


Mediterranean fruit fly, Chile uses the SIT as three adult flies were detected, triggering the
a containment or preventive strategy response plan on that date. The control activi-
(Hendrichs et al. 2005). Details of its use are ties described above were applied against all
shown in Table 7. insect stages and after three theoretic cycles
without detection, eradication was declared on
5.2. Mediterranean Fruit Fly Ceratitis 15 November 2005. The mitochondrial DNA
capitata Outbreaks in 2005 haplotype was AACB which is fairly common
haplotype in South America but not in Central
Up to May 2005, three Mediterranean fruit fly America.
outbreaks have been detected in Chile. In all The fact that all three outbreaks belonged
cases the response plan was triggered and to different haplotypes suggests that there was
populations eventually dropped to zero. no relation between the incursions. It also
Eradication will be officially declared for each demonstrates that the pest was not able to
case when three life cycles without detection spread from the established regulated areas.
are completed. The following are the specific
details of the current situation relating to out- 6. Conclusions
breaks of Mediterranean fruit fly in Chile:
Estación Central, Metropolitan Region: Since the fruit industry in Chile plays an
between 30 December 2004 and 11 March important role in the Chilean economy, keep-
2005, 41 adults and 14 larval sites were ing the fruit fly-free status of the country is a
detected. The quarantine trigger was met on 3 government priority. This is facilitated by the
January 2005, with control activities including fact that Chile has very good natural barriers,
toxic bait spray, fruit stripping and soil drench which makes it impossible for the pest to fly
being applied against all the insect stages. directly from neighbouring countries.
After completion of three life cycles without However, among the difficulties faced by
detection, eradication was declared on 2 Chile is the fact that the pest is widespread in
December 2005. The mitochondrial DNA the remaining countries of the region. For
haplotype was BBBB which is a fairly com- this reason, the risk of entry is permanent.
mon haplotype in many populations world- Given the above, the national control strategy
wide. However, it is not present in Peru and in operates beyond the borders through bi-
many populations in Central America. The national agreements with neighbouring coun-
presence of the BBBB haplotype in Argentina tries, at frontiers by means of a strict quaran-
could suggest an origin for this outbreak. tine inspection system, and within the coun-
Rancagua, VI Region: between 14 March try through a highly sensitive detection sys-
and 26 April 2005, 100 adult flies and 19 lar- tem able to detect early any specimen that
val sites were detected. The quarantine trigger manages to enter the country. Upon fruit fly
was met on 15 March 2005 and control activ- detection, the response plan is triggered and
ities as above applied against all the insect area-wide control measures as well as regu-
stages. To date, two months without detection lated areas are applied. The actions last for
have elapsed and according to historic tem- three theoretical life cycles after the last
peratures, the estimated date to proclaim erad- detection. In Arica Province, located at the
ication will occur around mid January 2006. border with Peru, the SIT is included for pre-
The mitochondrial DNA haplotype was ventive control. Mitochondrial DNA analy-
AAAB. This may indicate a different origin ses demonstrated that new pathways are
than the above as the AAAx haplotype has not jeopardizing Chile´s Mediterranean fruit fly-
been found in Argentina. The AAAx haplo- free status. Nevertheless, all introductions
type is found in many parts of Central were of different origin rather than one out-
America. break that managed to spread and infest other
Los Andes, V Region: on 22 March 2005, regions.

7. References Ganadero, publicación miscelánea No. 1.

Servicio Agricola y Ganadero, Santiago,
(FAO/IAEA/USDA) Food and Agriculture Chile.
Organization of the United Nations/ (MAG/SAG) Ministerio de Agricultura/
International Atomic Energy Agency/ Servicio Agricola y Ganadero. 1995.
United States Department of Agriculture. Chile: a medfly-free country. Pamphlet.
2003. FAO/IAEA/USDA manual for prod- Government of Chile, Santiago, Chile.
uct quality control and shipping procedures (MAG/SAG) Ministerio de Agricultura/
for sterile mass-reared tephritid fruit flies. Servicio Agricola y Ganadero. 2003.
Version 5.0. IAEA, Vienna, Austria. Evaluacion de la metodologia integrada de control del la mosca del Mediterrano
dex.html (Ceratitis capitata) en la provincia de Arica,
Esparza Duque, E. 1999. The Chile-Peru fruit I region. Imp. L. Flores V., Santiago, Chile.
fly eradication program. Comuniica 4: 8-14. McPheron, B. A., G. E. Gasparich, H-Y. Han,
Franz, G. 2005. Genetic sexing strains in G. J. Steck, and W. S. Sheppard. 1994.
Mediterranean fruit fly, an example for other Mitochondrial DNA restriction map for the
species amenable to large-scale rearing for Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata.
the sterile insect technique, pp. 427-451. In Biochemical Genetics 32: 25-33.
Dyck, V. A., J. Hendrichs, and A. S. McPheron, B. A., W. S. Sheppard, and G. J.
Robinson (eds.), Sterile insect technique. Steck. 1995. Genetic research and the ori-
Principles and practice in area-wide integrat- gin, establishment, and spread of the
ed pest management. Springer, Dordrecht, Mediterranean fruit fly, pp. 93-107. In
The Netherlands. Morse, J. G., R. L. Metcalf, J. R. Carey, and
Frias, D. 1992. Aspectos de la biología evolu- R. V. Dowell (eds.), The medfly in
tiva de especies de Tephritidae (Diptera) de California: defining critical research.
distribución Chilena. Acta Entomológica University of California, Center for Exotic
Chilena 17: 69-79. Pest Research, Riverside, USA.
Gonzalez, J. 1999. Guía para la identificación Meixner, M. D., A. B. McPheron, J. G. Silva,
de Tephritidae de Chile y reconocimiento de G. E. Gasparich, and W. S. Sheppard.
géneros de importancia cuarentenaria. 2002. The Mediterranean fruit fly in
Servicio Agricola y Ganadero, Santiago, California: evidence for multiple introduc-
Chile. tions and persistent populations based on
Harris, E. J., and G. Olalquiaga. 1991. microsatellite and mitochrondrial DNA vari-
Occurrence and distribution patterns of ability. Molecular Ecology 11: 891-899.
Mediterranean fruit fly (Diptera: Olalquiaga, G., and C. Lobos. 1993. La
Tephritidae) in desert areas in Chile and mosca del mediterráneo en Chile, introduc-
Peru. Environmental Entomology 20: 174- ción y erradicación. Servicio Agrícola y
178. Ganadero, Chile.
Hendrichs, J., M. J. B. Vreysen, W. R. (SAG) Servicio Agricola y Ganadero. 2001.
Enkerlin, and J. P. Cayol. 2005. Strategic Plan de emergencia para moscas de la fruta.
options in using sterile insects for area-wide Servicio Agricola y Ganadero, Santiago,
integrated pest management, pp. 563-600. In Chile.
Dyck, V. A., J. Hendrichs, and A. S. Sheppard, W. S., G. J. Steck, and B. A.
Robinson (eds.), Sterile insect technique. McPheron. 1992. Geographic populations
Principles and practice in area-wide integrat- of the medfly may be differentiated by mito-
ed pest management. Springer, Dordrecht, chondrial DNA variation. Experientia 48:
The Netherlands. 1010-1013.
Lobos, C. 1995. Guía para la detección de Steck, G. J., G. E. Gasparich, H-Y. Han, B. A.
moscas de la fruta. Servicio Agrícola y McPheron, and W. S. Sheppard. 1996.

Distribution of mitochondrial DNA haplo- 1982. Mediterranean fruit fly life cycle esti-
types among Ceratitis capitata populations mations for the California eradication pro-
worldwide, pp. 291-296. In McPheron, B. gram, pp. 564-570. In Cavalloro, R. (ed.),
A., and G. J. Steck (eds.), Fruit fly pests: a Proceedings, Symposium: Fruit flies of
world assessment of their biology and man- Economic Importance, CEC/IOBC Interna-
agement. St Lucie Press, Florida, USA. tional Symposium, 16-19 November 1982,
Tassan, R. L., K. S. Hagen, A. Cheng, T. K. Athens, Greece. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam,
Palmer, G. Felaciano, and T. L. Bough. The Netherlands.
Expansion of the National Fruit Fly Control
Programme in Argentina


Servicio Nacional de Sanidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria (SENASA), Av.

Paseo Colon 367, Capital Federal, Código Postal C1063ACD,
República Argentina

ABSTRACT In the Patagonia and Cuyo regions of Argentina, which specialize in temperate fruit pro-
duction, the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) occurs mainly in urban areas.
Nevertheless, its presence has represented a phytosanitary barrier for exporting fresh fruits to countries free
of the pest or with active control programmes. As a result of more than ten years of successful integrated
area-wide application of the sterile insect technique (SIT) against this pest, the phytosanitary status of these
two regions was redefined, thereby allowing exports without postharvest treatments to previously closed
markets. In the north-eastern and north-western regions of Argentina that are mainly citrus-growing areas,
there are two main fruit fly species: the Mediterranean fruit fly and the South American fruit fly Anastrepha
fraterculus (Wiedemann). In these regions they are present in urban areas, in commercial orchards and in
wild host areas. Growers using traditional methods based exclusively on insecticides applied as air or
ground sprays actively control these pests. Even so, about 143 000 tons of citrus are lost every year in these
regions due to fruit fly pests. The gross value of this lost production is estimated at USD 37 million annu-
ally. Against this background and within the framework of the National Plant Health Programme, the
National Agri-Food and Animal Health and Quality Service (El Servicio Nacional de Sanidad y Calidad
Agroalimentaria - SENASA) has made the expansion of the fight against these pests a priority. The expand-
ed programme plans to become comprehensive, extending suppression of the pest to these other major fruit
production regions by applying the area-wide concept, and integrating and adapting different technologies
to each particular regional condition. The programme will incorporate the use of the SIT over an addition-
al 90 000 hectares. The main economic impact of the expanded programme is expected to be felt in the cit-
rus-growing areas of the north-eastern region, Monte Caseros (Corrientes) - Colón (Entre Ríos), where
56 200 hectares are used for the production of oranges and tangerines by 2400 growers. In this important
production area (932 000 tons of citrus), direct benefits will include increased revenues from the higher
volumes and quality of fruit produced due to the absence of damage by fruit flies; these are estimated from
the fourth year of the initiation of the expanded programme at USD seven million per year. Reduced sur-
veillance and control costs coupled with reduced environmental impacts arising from lower insecticide use
will be additional advantages.

KEY WORDS Anastrepha fraterculus, South American fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata, Mediterranean
fruit fly, Argentina, area-wide, suppression, fly-free areas, areas of low prevalence

1. Current Situation ent is the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis

capitata (Wiedemann), while in La Rioja
1.1. Cuyo and Patagonia Region province and other fruit-growing areas, the
South American fruit fly Anastrepha fratercu-
The presence of fruit flies in Argentina varies lus (Wiedemann) can also be detected (Fig. 1).
in different parts of the country. In the Control strategies also vary with the region
provinces of Neuquen and Rio Negro concerned. In the citrus-growing areas, sup-
(Patagonia region), as well as Mendoza and pression actions are the exclusive responsibil-
San Juan (Cuyo region), the only species pres- ity of fruit growers, while in Patagonia and
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 653–660.
© 2007 IAEA.

pest free and/or low prevalence areas (FAO

1996, 2001, 2005) based on the concept of
area-wide integrated pest management (AW-
IPM). Since the early 1990’s, the control strat-
egy implemented through PROCEM has been
based on integrated use of the sterile insect
technique (SIT), cultural and chemical con-
trols, and a strict quarantine system (Aruani et
al. 1996, De Longo et al. 2000).
The regions of Patagonia and Cuyo spe-
cialize in producing temperate fruits, mainly
pome fruits (apple, pear, grape, and quince)
and stone fruits (peach, plum, apricot, nec-
tarines, cherry). Due to the climatic conditions
and structure of the industry in these regions,
and because of the biological characteristics
of C. capitata, it is the only fruit fly pest
species present. Although occurring mainly in
some urban areas, the presence of this fly has
represented a phytosanitary barrier for exports
to countries free of the pest or with active con-
trol programmes. However, successful area-
wide control actions in Patagonia and Cuyo
carried out over the last ten years, have result-
ed in pest free and low prevalence areas (De
Longo et al. 2000, Enkerlin 2001). They have
paved the way to overcome the need for
Figure 1. Map of Argentina showing the cur- postharvest treatments to export fresh fruits
rent fruit fly control situation. (1) Regions from these regions to C. capitata-free coun-
under official fruit fly programme containing tries (Acevedo 2004, USDA 2005, FAO 2006,
pest free areas (Patagonia, Malargüe and El IAEA 2006).
Sosneado Valley, and Uco Valley (Mendoza
province)), low-prevalence areas (rest of 1.2. North-Eastern and North-Western Regions
Mendoza, Bermejo Valley (La Rioja
province)), and areas under control (rest of La In the north-eastern and north-western regions
Rioja; San Juan province), and (2) regions to of Argentina (Fig. 1), which are mainly citrus
be included in the expanded programme, i.e. areas, C. capitata and A. fraterculus cause sig-
NOA (north-western region) (Catamarca, nificant losses in orchards unless actively con-
Tucumán, Salta and Jujuy provinces) and trolled by growers who use traditional meth-
NEA (north-eastern region) (Entre Ríos, ods based exclusively on insecticides applied
Corrientes and Misiones provinces, and as air or ground sprays. The high levels of
northern part of the province of Buenos fruit damage registered every year in the
Aires). north-eastern and north-western regions, in
spite of the use of these environment-
Cuyo (Mendoza, San Juan and La Rioja) these unfriendly methods, demonstrate the impor-
are implemented by the National Control and tance of addressing the problem at a regional
Eradication Programme (PROCEM). This level.
programme is jointly funded by growers and In the case of the main sweet citrus-pro-
the government and aims to establish fruit fly ducing areas (oranges and tangerines) that are

located in the Corrientes and Entre Ríos approach to pest control throughout the
provinces of the north-eastern region, the national territory, involving implementation
average damage caused by the pest is 13%. In of the area-wide concept and adapting differ-
addition to the direct economic impacts in the ent technologies to each particular condition.
areas concerned, such levels imply high risks It will enforce actions that have been imple-
of reinfestation of protected regions under mented for years in Patagonia and Cuyo
pest free or low prevalence status like regions, and will expand control into new
Patagonia and Cuyo through trade of infested areas like the north-eastern and north-western
citrus into these regions. regions, where fruit flies have a direct impact
In the north-eastern region, the fruit-grow- on citrus production.
ing area that is most affected by fruit flies For the 56 000 hectares of citrus in the
stretches from Monte Caseros (in Corrientes Monte Caseros area, the programme repre-
province) to Colón (in Entre Ríos province). It sents a change of strategy, moving from
includes more than 56 200 hectares and 2400 chemical control at an orchard level to biolog-
growers who produce 954 000 tons of ical control at a regional level by integrating
oranges, tangerines and grapefruits for com- the SIT. This technological change has the
mercial markets. Due to fruit fly pests, about objective of reducing the damage from 13 to
143 000 tons of produce are lost every year 0.5% and ensuring the environmental and
with a gross value estimated at USD 37 mil- commercial sustainability of suppression
lion. This direct damage of the pests (without through reduced use of insecticide sprays.
considering the indirect damage they cause) The SIT will also be incorporated into con-
justifies expanding the integrated area-wide trol activities undertaken in new areas of San
programme to control the problem. Juan and La Rioja provinces, the aim being to
bring all growing areas in those provinces
2. National Fruit Fly Control under area-wide control.
and Eradication Programme In the remaining areas under production
(PROCEM) with fruit fly hosts to be included in the
expanded national programme (e.g. Salta,
Against the above background and within the Jujuy, Tucumán and Catamarca provinces,
framework of the National Plant Health Misiones, north-eastern Corrientes and north-
Programme, SENASA has declared the fight ern Buenos Aires), a phytosanitary and eco-
against fruit flies as a priority. logical survey will be carried out as an initial
The aims of the expanded national pro- step to obtain detailed knowledge of the fruit
gramme are: (1) to reduce fruit fly populations fly pests in each area and their relationship
in the citrus-growing areas in the north-east- with the environment. The programme will
ern region of Argentina, to levels where fruit also improve current control measures carried
damage is reduced to 0.5% and maintained at out by growers by incorporating surveillance
this level over the long term, (2) to improve and phytosanitary emergency response sys-
control of the pests by establishing a surveil- tems, training and technology transfer.
lance and phytosanitary emergency response The expanded programme will also supply
system, and by providing validation methods the regions of Patagonia and Cuyo with more
and technological training in the areas under tools to maintain their pest free and low preva-
control in the north-western region of lence area status by strengthening the quaran-
Argentina, north-eastern Corrientes-Misiones tine protection system and implementing phy-
provinces, and northern part of Buenos Aires tosanitary emergency plans. As it expands into
province, and (3) to ensure maintenance of the new areas and the prevalence of fruit flies
pest free and low prevalence areas of decreases, the level of pressure of the pest on
Patagonia and Cuyo regions. the free or low prevalence areas is expected to
The programme takes an integrated decrease and an improved phytosanitary sta-

Figure 2. Current (left) and future (right) areas under integrated SIT application.

tus obtained. Valley, and on another 10 000 hectares in La

Rioja province (departments of Capital,
2.1. Proposal to Expand the SIT Area Sanagasta, Castro Barros and Arauco) (Fig.
2). Expanding the area covered by the SIT in
At present, about 160 000 hectares are sub- Argentina will increase the number of sterile
jected to the releases of sterile Mediterranean Mediterranean fruit flies required from 140
fruit flies males in the regions of Patagonia, million at present to 300 million sterile male
and the provinces of Mendoza, San Juan and pupae per week.
La Rioja. The expanded programme will In addition, in preparation of the imple-
incorporate an additional 90 000 hectares mentation of the SIT against A. fraterculus
bringing a total of 250 000 hectares under (Ortíz 1999), studies have also been underway
integrated management with an SIT compo- to develop an understanding of the genetics of
nent in Argentina. In Monte Caseros this pest (Lifschitz et al. 1999, Basso et al.
(Corrientes) and Colón (Entre Ríos), sterile 2003), its ecology (Segura et al. 2006), and to
males will be released over 70 000 hectares confirm mating compatibility among popula-
out of which 56 200 hectares are citrus areas tions from the relevant regions in Argentina
and the rest urban and suburban areas. In San (Alberti et al. 2002, Petit-Marty et al.
Juan province, the SIT will be integrated over 2004a,b). Unlike studies among A. fraterculus
additional 10 000 hectares in the Tulum populations from other regions of South

Table 1. Projected increase (tons) in commercialized fruit production and estimated reduction
in fruit volume affected by fruit flies as a result of the project.

Fruit Production Present situation Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 and


811 311 811 311 896 414 922 918 927 709

Production affected
121 018 121 018 35 914 9410 4619
by fruit flies

Total production 932 329 932 329 932 329 932 329 932 329

America (Vera et al. 2006), all these studies able release infrastructure will be used.
indicate that Argentinean A. fraterculus popu- Aerial distribution of sterile Mediterranean
lations belong to a single biological species. fruit flies at a density of 1200 flying males per
As a result, mass-rearing systems have been hectare per week (equivalent to 1700 pupae
developed and established (Jaldo et al. 2001) per hectare per week) will be carried out dur-
for future A. fraterculus SIT integration into ing 52 weeks per year over the 70 000
these area-wide programmes. hectares of the Monte Caseros-Colón area. In
To ensure more effective pest control, it the 10 000 hectares of the Tulum Valley (San
will first be necessary to improve the chemi- Juan) and the 10 000 hectares of Capital,
cal control to suppress pest populations. Prior Sanagasta, Castro Barros and Arauco (La
to initiating the SIT, 12 aerial bait sprays with Rioja), the density was established at 1000
NuLure (500 cc/ha) and malathion 100E (100 flying males per hectare per week, equivalent
cc/ha) will be carried out in the north-eastern to 1400 male pupae per hectare per week, to
region during the first three months. In La be released also aerially during 36 weeks per
Rioja and San Juan, such suppression will be year. During the release of sterile males, addi-
carried out over three months using ground tional chemical control will be conducted at
sprays in urban and suburban areas. The pro- hot spots to control outbreaks of the pest.
gramme will supply sprayers (200 litres In the rest of the north-eastern region
capacity) and chemicals such as malathion (Bella Vista and Saladas, Misiones and north-
110E, which will be applied in doses of 0.75 eastern Corrientes), in the fruit growing area
litres/15 ha, and hydrolyzed protein in doses of San Pedro (Buenos Aires province), and in
of 3 litres/15 ha. the north-western region, chemical control by
The necessary sterile Mediterranean fruit the growers will be accompanied by surveil-
fly pupae for application of the SIT will be lance and phytosanitary emergency response
provided by the insectary in Mendoza systems and strongly supported by the nation-
province. This mass-rearing facility, which al programme through training and technolo-
currently meets the total demand of the coun- gy transfer.
try, will be replaced by a new facility in
Mendoza, increasing the weekly production of 2.2. Economic Analysis of the Expanded
sterile male pupae to a minimum of 300 mil- Programme
lion. The programme will have a new fly
emergence and release centre in Concordia The total cost of the expanded programme is
(Entre Ríos) and another one in Monte estimated at USD 57 million for the five years
Caseros. In La Rioja and San Juan, the avail- of execution. Half of this will be funded by

Table 2. Projected increase in income (USD) Table 3. Projected reduction in surveillance

generated by the expanded programme. and control costs as a result of the project.

Year 4 and Area (hectares) Number of Cost

Year 2 Year 3
onwards sprays (USD/hectare)

Income 5 000 000 6 600 000 7 000 000 34 270 15 392

15 400 6 218
3900 0 60
2630 0 0
the Agricultural Services Programme (PROS-
AP) of the Secretariat of Agriculture, Current annual cost: USD 17 025 040 (USD 303/
Livestock, Fisheries and Food (SAGPyA), hectare)
with the other 50% coming from national and Annual cost after the 4th year: USD 8 900 000 (USD
provincial governments and the private sector. 158/hectare)
The main economic impact of the expanded Annual Benefit: USD 8 200 000 (USD 146/hectare)
programme is expected to be in the citrus
growing areas of the north-eastern region, regional income from the 4th year of the
Monte Caseros (Corrientes)-Colón (Entre expanded programme of USD 7 million per
Ríos), where 56 200 hectares are used for year (Table 2).
growing oranges and tangerines by 2400 In addition, reduced surveillance and con-
growers. Fruit flies currently reduce total pro- trol costs (Table 3), and environmental
duction by about 13% and the expanded pro- impacts due to lower chemicals applied (Table
gramme is expected to reduce these losses to 4) are expected.
5, 1 and 0.5% in the second, third and fourth
year, respectively (Table 1). 3. Conclusions
In this important productive area (932 000
tons of citrus), direct benefits will be The national fruit fly programme in Argentina
expressed through (1) increased revenues, (2) has created the human, regulatory and physi-
reduced control costs, and (3) reduced use of cal infrastructure to effectively manage fruit
chemicals. flies on an area-wide basis. Over ten years of
Increased revenues will be obtained from integrated application of the SIT against C.
higher volumes of commercialized good qual- capitata have demonstrated the effectiveness
ity fruit (absence of damage by fruit flies). Byof the approach. They culminated in the offi-
the fourth year of the project, an increase of cial recognition by trading partners of pest
around 116 000 tons of commercialized fruit free or low prevalence phytosanitary status of
is expected from the region (Table 1). important fruit growing areas of Patagonia
Considering present sales values, this and Cuyo. Stakeholders in other fruit produc-
increment would generate an additional ing regions are demanding the expansion of
the national programme to their areas to also
benefit from an area-wide approach to fruit fly
Table 4. Projected reduction in costs due to control. Feasibility assessments indicate that
decreased use of malathion (litres per year) as expanding the approach to other fruit produc-
a result of the project. tion areas has considerable potential and
would result in important economic benefits.
Current annual malathion use 83 900 However, the complexities in these new areas
Annual use from the 4 year 16 000 are significantly larger, including an addition-
Reduction in malathion use 67 900 al pest species (A. fraterculus), a warmer cli-
mate with more pest generations per year, and

pest presence not only in orchards and urban Vienna, Austria.

areas, but also in surrounding non-commercial (FAO) Food and Agriculture Organization of
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Acevedo, F. 2004. El valle de Uco fue declara- the International Plant Protection Conven-
do área libre de la mosca del Mediterráneo. 8 tion, FAO, Rome, Italy.
de septiembre 2004, Los Andes, Mendoza, (FAO) Food and Agriculture Organization of
Argentina. the United Nations. 2001. International
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Alberti, A. C., M. S. Rodriguero, P. Gómez- Glossary of phytosanitary terms, Publication
Cendra, B. O. Saidman, and J. C. Vilardi. no. 5. Secretariat of the International Plant
2002. Evidence indicating that Argentinean Protection Convention, FAO, Rome, Italy.
populations of Anastrepha fraterculus (Dip- (FAO) Food and Agriculture Organization of
tera: Tephritidae) belong to a single biologi- the United Nations. 2005. International
cal species. Annals of the Entomological standards for phytosanitary measures.
Society of America 95: 505-512. Requirements for the establishment of areas
Aruani, R., A. Ceresa, J. C. Granados, G. of low prevalence, Publication no. 22.
Taret, P. Peruzzotti, and G. Ortíz. 1996. Secretariat of the International Plant
Advances in the national fruit fly control and Protection Convention, FAO, Rome, Italy.
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530. In McPheron, B. A., and G. J. Steck the United Nations. 2006. Una historia de
(eds.), Fruit fly pests: a world assessment of éxito en Patagonia. Los métodos no agre-
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Basso, A., A. Sonvico, L. A. Quesada-Allue, 2006, FAO, Rome.
and F. Manso. 2003. Karyotypic and newsroom/es/news/2006/1000225/index.
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Ceratitis capitata (Wied.), strain SEIB 6-96, Jaldo, H. E., M. Gramajo, and E. Willink.
in Mendoza, Argentina, pp. 351-359. In Tan, 2001. Mass rearing of Anastrepha fratercu-
K. H. (ed.), Proceedings: Area-Wide Control lus (Diptera: Tephritidae): a preliminary
of Fruit Flies and Other Insect Pests. strategy. Florida Entomologist 84: 716-718.
International Conference on Area-Wide Lifschitz, E., F. Manso, and A. Basso. 1999.
Control of Insect Pests, and the 5th Karyotype study of the South American Fruit
International Symposium on Fruit Flies of Fly Anastrepha fraterculus (Wied.) in
Economic Importance, 28 May-5 June 1998, Argentina, pp. 21-24. In The South Ameri-
Penang, Malaysia. Penerbit Universiti Sains can fruit fly, Anastrepha fraterculus (Wied.):
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The Augmentative Biological Control
Component in the Mexican National
Campaign Against Anastrepha spp. Fruit



Campaña Nacional Moscas de la Fruta, DGSV-SENASICA-SAGARPA,

Central Poniente 14, Col. Centro, 30700 Tapachula, Mexico

ABSTRACT The Mexican Government launched the National Campaign Against Fruit Flies in 1992,
in order to create free and low prevalence areas of native fruit flies of economical importance belonging to
the genus Anastrepha Schiner. The campaign uses an area-wide integrated pest management approach that
includes the use of environment-friendly strategies to suppress or eradicate fruit flies, such as the applica-
tion of selective toxic baits, the use of the sterile insect technique (SIT), and the release of the endopara-
sitoid Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead). Fifty million parasitized pupae, produced in the
Moscafrut facility in the State of Chiapas, are sent weekly via commercial flights to several states of the
country (i.e. Michoacán, Sinaloa, Nayarit and Aguascalientes), in accordance with a national technical
plan. In these areas the parasitoid releases are made by air or from the ground, and focused on Anastrepha
spp. host trees located in marginal areas (including backyard orchards), with the objective of preventing
fruit fly populations from moving into commercial orchards. Release densities fluctuate between 1500-
2500 parasitoids per hectare, depending on the ecological complexity of the area. Apparently, the effect of
the releases has been similar in control areas, showing high rates in the percentage of parasitism reached
in Anastrepha species (e.g. 33.5-64.7% in the State of Nayarit), and notable reductions in the flies per trap
per day indices (e.g. 39% in the State of Michoacán and 41% in the State of Sinaloa). These data show the
impact that augmentative area-wide releases of parasitoids can have on fruit fly populations. By carrying
out these actions in association with other control measures, the presence of fruit flies inside commercial
orchards was greatly reduced, and consequently, their control made easier.

KEY WORDS augmentative biological control, parasitoids, fruit flies, Anastrepha ludens, Anastrepha
obliqua, Anastrepha striata, Anastrepha serpentina, Diachasmimorpha longicaudata, Mexico, area-wide
management, grower associations

1. Introduction above 10 million tonnes/year. It is estimated

that these flies attack more than 30 fruit
Tephritid fruit flies are one of the greatest species growing in commercial orchards (i.e.
problems affecting fruit crops worldwide. In citrus, mango, guava, peaches, etc.), as well as
Mexico, the presence of the native genus more than 60 fruit species grown on a minor
Anastrepha Schiner represents one of the most scale in backyard orchards (Gutiérrez et al.
important problems because of the great num- 1995).
ber of commercial fruits they attack. Fruit The Mexican campaign against fruit flies
flies affect an area of 1.3 million hectares began in 1992, under a national plan with a
(which represents 9.5% of the national agri- 12-year time frame. This plan considers the
cultural area), with a fruit production estimate suppression, containment or eradication from
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 661–670.
© 2007 IAEA.

Mexico of the four most economically and which attacks at least 14 species of the genus
quarantine important fruit fly species (i.e. Bactrocera (=Dacus) (Wharton and Gilstrap
Anastrepha ludens (Loew), Anastrepha obli- 1983). This parasitoid was selected for aug-
qua (Macquart), Anastrepha serpentina mentative releases because it has shown a
(Wiedemann) and Anastrepha striata high capacity to adapt to the different environ-
(Schiner)), in order to develop free or low- ments where it has been introduced (Jirón and
prevalence areas of these pests. To reach this Mexsón 1989, Aluja et al. 1990, Eskafi 1990,
goal, the country was divided into three work- Baranowski et al. 1993, Ovruski et al. 2000),
ing regions, which were defined by their agro- reaching in most cases the highest percent of
ecological characteristics, the number of fruit natural parasitism in relation to other para-
fly species present in each region, and the size sitoid species, including native ones, with
of the fruit-growing areas. In addition, a mass- which it competes (López et al. 1999). In
rearing facility was built to produce 300 mil- addition, efficient methods for mass-rearing
lion sterile Anastrepha spp. flies and 50 mil- and augmentative releases have been devel-
lion parasitoids per week (Reyes et al. 2000). oped, and nowadays they are available in sev-
The technical plan is based on the integration eral parts of the world (Sivinski 1996).
of different technologies and strategies that Different laboratory studies have shown that
have been applied using an area-wide D. longicaudata attacks successfully the com-
approach. These are: (1) the use of specific plex of Anastrepha species of economic
lures and baits to detect and monitor fruit fly importance in Mexico (Cancino et al., unpub-
populations, (2) the use of cultural practices aslished).
mechanical control to destroy host fruits, (3) For other potential candidates for augmen-
the application of selective toxic baits through tative biological control, such as Fopius
aerial or ground applications, (4) the use of arisanus Sonan or Diachasmimorpha krausii
the sterile insect technique (SIT) against A. (Fullaway), there is no experience with
ludens and A. obliqua, (5) the establishment Anastrepha species in Mexico, although from
of quarantine procedures, and (6) the release the laboratory studies of Zenil et al. (2004) it
of the fruit fly parasitoid Diachasmimorpha is known that Anastrepha fruit flies are not as
longicaudata (Ashmead) in specific regions good hosts for F. arisanus as Ceratitis capita-
and periods. ta (Wiedemann). Nevertheless, ongoing
On a tripartite basis and through various research is assessing various native para-
agreements, the organization and operation of sitoids with the aim of complementing and
the Mexican fruit fly campaign involves the reinforcing this augmentative biological con-
participation and support of (1) the Federal trol programme.
Mexican Government as the supervisor and The biology of D. longicaudata is well
driving unit, (2) the support of the government researched (Ashley et al. 1976, Lawrence et
of the states where the campaign is carried al. 1976, 1978, Lawrence 1981, Leyva 1982,
out, and (3) the participation of the growers, Lawrence 1988a, 1988b), its mass-rearing
who are the field operators of the campaign (Wong and Ramadan 1992, Cancino and Yoc
through the establishment of associations or 1994, Cancino 2000, Cancino et al. 2002), and
plant health committees. its performance as a natural enemy of fruit
flies (Ovruski et al. 1996, Montoya 1999,
2. Selection of Montoya et al. 2000a, Montoya et al. 2003).
Diachasmimorpha longicaudata This knowledge led to the proposal to use this
for Augmentative Biological species as a primary candidate for an augmen-
Control of Fruit Flies tative area-wide release programme. Since
natural rates of parasitism in fruit flies are
D. longicaudata is a solitary fruit fly endopar- extremely low (this is one of the reasons aug-
asitoid native to the Indo-Australian region, mentative biological control is needed), and

since parasitoid releases are performed on described by Cancino (2000).

hosts of Anastrepha species of economic
importance, the risk to non-target species was 4. Augmentative Biological
considered practically non-existent. From Control of Fruit Flies
work on mass-rearing (see section 3), it was
known that even at very high densities of par- Augmentative biological control is defined as
asitoids per cage, or a high ratio of parasitoid the release of large numbers of natural ene-
to larvae (e.g. 4:1) (Montoya et al. 2000a), the mies in the field, with the aim of suppressing
percentage parasitism never reaches 100%. a pest population in a short period of time
(Greathead and Waage 1983). Augmentative
3. Mass-Rearing of releases of parasitoids against fruit flies have
Diachasmimorpha longicaudata been tested by several authors (Wong et al.
1991, 1992, Burns et al. 1996, Sivinski et al.
Since 1995, the Moscafrut facility located in 1996, Montoya et al. 2000b), who concluded
Metapa de Dominguez, Chiapas, Mexico, has that this kind of strategy offers a good alterna-
produced each week 50 million pupae para- tive to suppress fruit fly populations if it is
sitized by D. longicaudata (De la Torre et al. used in an appropriate way. According to
1995). This parasitoid is mass-reared on third Montoya and Cancino (2004), the augmenta-
instar (eight day-old) larvae of A. ludens pro- tive biological control approach for fruit flies
duced in the Moscafrut facility. These are must be confined to those specific circum-
irradiated at 45 Gy to avoid the emergence of stances and conditions where it is most effi-
adult flies from non-parasitized pupae when cient. The main conditions are: (1) areas with
the releases of parasitoids are being made in organic fruit production, (2) areas such as
the field (Cancino et al. 2002). The irradiated canyons and inaccessible areas where there
larvae, plus the retained diet of A. ludens lar- are important quantities of host fruits, (3) mar-
vae, are placed in cassette-type containers ginal areas (i.e. backyard orchards) where
covered with mesh, which are inserted in producers are not going to implement control
mesh-covered cages (30 x 30 x 41 centime- actions, and (4) areas and seasons where cli-
tres) with an aluminium frame. In these cages matic conditions (e.g. high precipitation)
the larvae are exposed to adult parasitoids at could make bait spray applications inefficient.
a rate of two larvae per parasitoid female. All these conditions are common in tropical
Adult parasitoids are fed with crystallized countries where commercial exploitation of
honey, and are kept in these cages for ten fruits and vegetables is appropriately carried
days. After two hours of exposure, the host out.
larvae are collected and placed in containers In order to obtain the optimal performance
with vermiculite to allow pupation. Fourteen of mass-reared parasitoids once released in
days later, the pupae are ready to be packed the field, Cancino and Montoya (2004) point-
and sent to different destinations for field ed out that the key parasitoid attributes that
releases. must be taken into consideration are: (1)
A quality control system to evaluate the longevity, (2) flight capacity, (3) search
process of the mass-rearing is performed for capacity, and (4) a wide range of adaptations
each production lot. The key parameters to different climatic conditions. These attrib-
under constant evaluation are: (1) weight and utes are highly correlated with the quality
volume of host larvae, (2) host mortality after control parameters from the mass-rearing
exposure, (3) weight and volume of pupae, process (i.e. weight and volume of the pupae,
and (4) percentage parasitoid viability and percentage emergence), and for the final prod-
percentage emergence (Planta Moscafrut/ uct, longevity with and without food.
DGSV/SAGARPA 2000). The full rearing In addition to the previously cited studies
process of D. longicaudata has been showing that mass-releases of parasitoids can

Table 1. Weekly mean and total amount (in millions) of Diachasmimorpha longicaudata-para-
sitized pupae of Anastrepha ludens sent to different release areas during 2004 and 2005.

Release zone 2004 2005

Weekly No. of Weekly No. of Total
mean weeks Total mean weeks

Aguascalientes 3.28 16 52.49 3.46 8 27.69

Culiacán 8.81 51 449.11 9.42 8 75.38
Mazatlán 8.92 52 464.02 9.30 8 74.44
Michoacán 5.07 51 258.34 5.66 8 45.28
Morelos 2.01 19 38.27 1.00 8 8.02
Tepic 10.30 51 525.45 10.37 8 82.95
Zacatecas 5.98 32 191.38 7.66 8 61.26

successfully suppress fruit fly populations, flies move into commercial orchards. The
Barclay (1987) and Knipling (1992) argued releases are focused mainly on Anastrepha
that the integration of this kind of biological spp. host trees located in marginal areas that
control with the SIT could produce synergistic had been previously identified as fruit fly
effects because two different stages of the fly reservoirs (i.e. backyard orchards, wild host
population (i.e. immature and adult stages) trees, canyons).
would be simultaneously attacked. According Packing and release procedures of para-
to these authors, and under the circumstances sitoids in most places follow those described
described by Montoya and Cancino (2004), by Montoya et al. (2000b). Parasitized fly
the benefits of using augmentative biological pupae are packed in paper bags with sucrose as
control against fruit flies could be substantial. food, at a density of approximately 2500 pupae
per bag. Bagged pupae are placed in dark
4.1. Field Strategies of Parasitoid Mass- rooms at ca 25°C and 65 ± 5% relative humid-
Releases in Mexico ity for five to six days, until both males and
females have emerged. The average emergence
The destinations and amounts of pupae para- is around 60% (equivalent to about 1500 para-
sitized by D. longicaudata are determined sitoids per bag), but this depends on the care
according to a yearly national plan and sent via taken and the environmental conditions during
commercial flights to several states of the handling and packing. The female:male sex
country. These are shown in Table 1 and Fig. 1. ratio is approximately 2:1. Parasitized pupae
This plan is derived from industry require- can also be packed in plastic aerial release con-
ments and/or availability of biological materi- tainers (PARC) (plastic boxes of 60 x 49 x 33
al produced in the Moscafrut facility. In the centimetres, with mesh on the sides and top to
work zones, parasitoids are released in specif- allow ventilation), using two paper bags at a
ic areas where the environmental, biological density of 40 000 pupae per box. Parasitoid
and social conditions are considered to be ade- releases are made mainly by air, using Cessna
quate. In some rural locations there is strong 206-type aircraft if available, and when the dis-
social opposition to aerial bait sprays outside tribution of host trees is considered uniform.
of commercial areas because of potential dam- Otherwise, if the host trees are distributed
age to human health and the local environ- mainly in backyard orchards in small urban
ment. In these places the parasitoid release places, parasitoids are released using ground
help to suppress fruit fly populations before release-systems. Release densities fluctuate

Figure 1. Release densities of the parasitoid Diachasmimorpha longicaudata in the different

control areas in Mexico.

between 1500-2500 parasitoids per hectare. sition zone” (zone between high and low
The impact of parasitoids on fruit fly popu-lands) of this state, at a density of 1500 para-
lations is assessed comparing areas with and sitoids per hectare. The transition zone is
located near a neo-volcanic mountain range,
without releases, or historical data for the same
place, and is determined through (1) the trap- has an altitude of 600-1200 metres above sea
ping system (i.e. flies per trap per day or FTD level and average maximum and minimum
indices) using McPhail traps or multilure traps temperatures of 33°C and 18°C, respectively.
baited with liquid protein (ten millilitres of The annual average rainfall is 700 millime-
bait, 235 millilitres of water, and five grammestres. This zone has a total of 800 producers
of borax per trap), and (2) fruit sampling, distributed over 14 counties (i.e. Nuevo
where fruit infestation levels are determined Urecho, Parácuaro, Apatzingán, Zirecuarétiro,
(number of larvae per fruit and per kilogram) Peribán, Buenavista, Tancítaro, etc.) and con-
as well as the percentage parasitism. tains 970 hectares of peaches, 625 hectares of
Percentage parasitism is estimated by dividing mango, 517 hectares of guava and 57 hectares
the total number of parasitoids emerged by the of sweet citrus. Surrounding these areas, there
total number of Anastrepha spp. flies and par- are 2500 hectares of marginal or backyard
asitoids emerged (Wong et al. 1991). Each fruit production, with a high number of fruit fly
sample collected must be around 400-3000 hosts, such as creole mango, Mexican hog
grams in weight, depending on fruit size and plum, hog plum, citrus, chicozapote, mamey,
availability. papaya, caimito, coffee, guava, etc.
Due to its great ecological and host fruit fly
4.2. Results of the Parasitoids Release diversity, it is possible to find fruit fly popula-
Programmes tions all year round in this transition zone.
According to trapping records, A. ludens is the
4.2.1. Michoacán State most common and important species captured,
Ground releases are used to disperse the para- with 89% of all individuals sampled. The sec-
sitoids in the State of Michoacán in the “tran- ond one is A. obliqua (6%), followed by A.

Figure 2. Number of fruits monitored, number of larvae detected and percentage parasitism by
Diachasmimorpha longicaudata in (upper left) sour orange, (upper right) grapefruit, (lower
left) mango and (lower right) guava in the transition zone of Michoacán, Mexico in 2004.

striata (3%) and A. serpentina (2%). D. long- densities of creole mango, guava, hog plumb,
icaudata is currently released in this area at a chicozapote, and citrus. The percentage para-
density of 1500 parasitoids per hectare, main- sitism reported for these areas varied between
ly focused on marginal and backyard 5 and 21% in 2004, but with the integration of
orchards, with a total release surface of 1500 other strategies, the reduction in the FTD
hectares. The highest average percentage par- index was 41 and 42% for the south of Sinaloa
asitism was found in creole mango (34.3%), and Nayarit, respectively. During 2003, the
followed by guava (20.5%), sour orange percentage parasitism in the State of Nayarit
(14.9%) and grapefruit (14.8%) (Fig. 2). The varied between 33.5 and 64.7%, and the reduc-
ratio of females to males in emerged para- tion in the FTD index was 46%.
sitoids from fruits is around 3:1. The use of In 2002, the average parasitism in the State
integrated pest management approaches, of Chiapas was higher than 30% on the four
including mechanical and/or chemical control economically-important Anastrepha species,
in specific areas, resulted in a reduction in the with maximum levels reaching 72.1, 77.5, 38.1
FTD index of 39 and 42.7% for 2004 and and 54.5% for A. serpentina, A. ludens, A.
2005, respectively. obliqua and A. striata, respectively, and a
reduction of 68.6% of the FTD index was
4.2.2. Other States recorded.
In the south of Sinaloa State and in the north of In the guava production area (ca 10 000
Nayarit State (Mazatlán-Tepic area in Fig. 1), hectares) located in the States of
ground releases are used to disperse the para- Aguascalientes and Zacatecas, the FTD
sitoids at a density of 2000 parasitoids per indices are now below 0.01, with a very low
hectare over 10 800 hectares. Here, the host number (0.00023) of larvae per fruit, after an
trees are located mainly in backyard orchards integrated pest management programme,
in small towns, where it is possible to find high which included chemical control, releases of

sterile insects and parasitoids. these larvae had remained in the field. On the
other hand, it is known (Montoya et al.
5. Discussion 2000a), that parasitoids inflict a higher per-
centage of mortality on fruit fly larvae than
Integration of augmentative biological control observed from the percentage parasitism. It
as a component of a national programme can be assumed that parasitoids are able to
against fruit flies is confronted by different find and parasitize an important proportion of
challenges. One of the most important is the those larvae not removed from the field
assessment of the benefit/cost ratio when through mechanical control or fruit sampling,
using natural enemies (Montoya and Cancino and which also had a high probability to reach
2004). This is because the environmental and the reproductive stage. This has more rele-
social benefits associated with augmentative vance in those locations where chemical con-
biological control are not easy to quantify. trol is either inefficient or is not an adequate
The social concerns about intensive and option to suppress fruit fly populations.
extensive sprays of insecticides (as in fruit fly
control), represents in some circumstances a 6. Conclusions
strong barrier to advance the goal of establish-
ing fruit fly-free or low-prevalence areas. The results presented demonstrate the impact
Parasitoid releases help in an environment- of augmentative releases of parasitoids on
friendly manner with this task. fruit fly populations when such releases are
The effect of released parasitoids was sim- focused on hosts of fruit flies in marginal
ilar in all areas under control, where an impor- areas. They also reinforce the value of a strat-
tant reduction of the FTD indices was noted. egy that uses this kind of integrated approach
In most cases, the FTD indices correlated well within an area-wide context, and on a region-
with the percentage of parasitism recorded al level. By carrying out the actions described,
(e.g. Michoacán and south of Sinaloa). It is the presence of fruit flies of economic impor-
evident therefore that parasitoids effectively tance inside commercial orchards can be
reduce fruit fly populations. In some release greatly reduced, and consequently, fruit fly
areas, however, the great diversity of host control and management becomes easier.
fruits represents a formidable challenge to
parasitoids, since some fruits (particularly the 7. Acknowledgements
largest ones such as grapefruit and other
citrus), serves as a refuge for the pest. In such The authors thank Salvador Flores and
larger fruit, parasitoids cannot reach the larvae Francisco Diaz-Fleisher (Campaña Nacional
with their ovipositors and consequently they Moscas de la Fruta DGSV-SAGARPA) for
only have a minor impact on fruit fly popula- their assistance.
tions. The opposite is observed in small fruits
such as creole mango, some kinds of guava 8. References
and hog plum, where the highest percentages
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The Hawaii Area-Wide Fruit Fly Pest
Management Programme: Influence of
Partnerships and a Good Education

R. F. L. MAU1, E. B. JANG2 and R. I. VARGAS2

1University of Hawaii at Manoa, Department of Plant and

Environmental Protection Sciences, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, USA

2USDA/ARS, Pacific Basin Agricultural Research Center, Hilo, Hawaii

96720, USA

ABSTRACT In 1999, the United States Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service

(USDA-ARS) launched the Hawaii Area-wide Fruit Fly Pest Management (HAW-FLYPM) programme. Its
aim was to suppress populations of the melon fly Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillet), Mediterranean fruit
fly Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), and oriental fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) to levels below eco-
nomic thresholds while reducing the use of organophosphate insecticides. The programme was carried out
on farms in demonstration sites of less than 5000 hectares each on the islands of Hawaii, Maui, and Oahu.
The goals involved developing and integrating biologically-based pest control technologies into a compre-
hensive management package that would be economically viable, environmentally sensitive and sustain-
able. The technologies included: field sanitation, protein bait sprays and/or traps, male annihilation with
male lures and attractants, and if needed, augmentative parasitoid releases, and sterile insect releases.
Although many of these technologies were developed in Hawaii by the USDA-ARS, they had never been
packaged and transferred to Hawaiian farmers. Aside from the technical issues that underpin a successful
area-wide integrated pest management (AW-IPM) programme, attention was given to the development of
partnerships to address the large number of non-technical issues that arise. This was accomplished through
individuals and institutions that were knowledgeable and willing to assist with key aspects of the pro-
gramme such as: grower and community-based education on fruit flies (University of Hawaii), regulatory
issues related to implementation of the programme and to subsequent registration of any new technologies
(Hawaii Department of Agriculture), and industry (Dow AgroSciences, Better World Manufacturing,
United Agricultural Products, etc.), who provided products already on the market for use by growers.
Finally, in addition to scientists, an advisory group was created to guide the programme. The HAW-
FLYPM's educational programme targeted growers and community backyard growers, and utilized the
"logic model" approach to organize, plan, execute and evaluate farmer and community educational pro-
grammes state-wide. The logic model approach was an outcome-driven rather than activity-based method
that employed a linear sequence to develop relationships between programme inputs, outputs and out-
comes. This model was used extensively to transfer sustainable, science-based technologies to suppress
tephritid fruit fly pests, and served as a "blueprint" for ensuring that programme elements were planned,
delivered and executed on a timely basis. The team approach brought enormous success, including six
national awards. Systematic, and continuous application of the three tactics (sanitation, GF-120 (spinosad)
bait spray, and trapping with lures), resulted in sustained reductions in melon fly and Mediterranean fruit
fly populations that in turn led to significant reductions in crop damage and high economic impacts. The
programme's success also led to renewed interest in fruit fly programmes in Hawaii, which hopefully will
translate into continued opportunities for additional partnerships to reduce the impact of these pests on
Hawaiian agriculture.

KEY WORDS fruit fly, area-wide, IPM, melon fly, Mediterranean fruit fly, education, logic model,

M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 671–683.
© 2007 IAEA.
672 R. F. L. MAU ET AL.

1. Introduction researchers from the US Pacific Basin

Agriculture Research Center had developed
The melon fly Bactrocera cucurbitae many of the overarching strategies that are
(Coquillett), Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis used today for the detection, suppression and
capitata (Wiedemann), the oriental fruit fly eradication of the tephritid fruit fly species
Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel), and the so- (especially the Mediterranean fruit fly, orien-
called Malaysian (solanaceous) fruit fly tal fruit fly and melon fly), that had become
Bactrocera latifrons (Hendel), have acciden- established in Hawaii over the last 100 years.
tally become established in Hawaii (Vargas et These researchers were responsible for the
al. 2003). These flies attack over 400 different development of such seminal technologies as
host fruits and inhibit the development of a low-cost diets for mass-rearing (Tanaka et al.
diversified tropical fruit and vegetable indus- 1969, Vargas 1989), attractants for several
try. They require that commercial fruits under- fruit fly species (Beroza et al. 1961,
go quarantine treatment prior to export, and in Cunningham 1989), early demonstrations of
Hawaii they provide a breeding reservoir for the effectiveness of the sterile insect technique
introduction into other parts of the world. (SIT) against fruit flies (Gilmore 1989), and
Present fruit fly control measures in Hawaii more recently, augmentative biological con-
rely heavily on the application of organophos- trol strategies against fruit flies (Wong et al.
phate insecticides to crops. In 1999, a five- 1991, Harris et al. 2000). Although these early
year area-wide integrated pest management discoveries have subsequently been refined
(AW-IPM) programme was funded to manage and improved by many researchers, the basic
fruit flies in Hawaii (Vargas et al. 2003). This technologies have remained the same.
programme integrated two or more control While credit must be given to those pio-
components (field sanitation, protein bait neers in Hawaii who set the stage for area-
sprays, male annihilation, sterile insects, and wide fruit fly control, the presence of planta-
parasitoids), into comprehensive packages tion agriculture in the form of sugarcane and
that are economically viable, environmentally pineapple overshadowed any strong move-
acceptable, and sustainable. It has resulted in ment to apply the Hawaii-based technologies
area-wide suppression of fruit flies and in in their backyard. Instead, they were demon-
reduced use of organophosphate insecticides, strated outside the State of Hawaii, being uti-
as well as providing the impetus for further lized by others in other states and countries,
growth and development of diversified agri- resulting among others, in the successful erad-
culture in Hawaii. ication of the melon fly and oriental fruit fly
from Okinawa, Japan (Koyama et al. 1984,
2. Partnerships Kuba et al. 1996), the eradication of the Asian
papaya fruit fly Bactrocera papayae Drew &
Aside from the technical issues that form the Hancock from Queensland, Australia
basis of any successful area-wide programme, (Cantrell et al. 2002), and the multiple eradi-
significant attention must be paid to pro- cations of the Mediterranean fruit fly from
gramme organization and in particular, to the California (Penrose 1996). However, the
development of partnerships to deal with the decline of both sugarcane and pineapple pro-
large numbers of non-technical issues that duction in Hawaii has led to renewed interest
arise. The recent experience with the Hawaii in diversifying agriculture on the island, and
Area-wide Fruit Fly Pest Management pro- with it, the resurgence of the fruit fly issue due
gramme (HAW-FLYPM) is a good example of to the impact of these pests on production and
the critical need to develop partnerships when trade, and the fact that they are a source for
attempting to set up such a programme. introduction to fly-free states.
United States Department of Agriculture- The HAW-FLYPM programme was
Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS) launched in 1999-2000 to suppress fruit fly

pests using improved control technologies the programme. The local partnership met fre-
and, if successful, to spur increased awareness quently, and although often not in complete
of the need for state-wide suppression or erad- agreement, understood the need for consensus
ication programmes. In assessing the opportu- decision-making as a key to programme suc-
nities for success (or failure) of a programme cess. The sharing of common goals was evi-
of such magnitude, and mindful of previous dent in the flexibility that was needed to
pilot tests that had failed to move fruit fly con- ensure the continuation of various programme
trol in Hawaii forward, it was recognized by elements, being able to deal with cross-agency
all concerned that for success, this programme administrative rules and regulations, and mak-
would have to develop a broad-based coali- ing the programme work in spite of technical
tion of stakeholders from diverse and interde- problems.
pendent backgrounds on agricultural issues in
Hawaii. 3. Selection of Fruit Fly Species
The first challenge was to gather a local and Demonstration Sites
“team” of stakeholders who could share a
common goal and vision for a successful fruit Since the four fruit fly pest species affect dif-
fly programme in Hawaii. This was accom- ferent crop groups, it was decided to under-
plished through a series of frank discussions take the suppression programmes by pest
with individuals and institutions with knowl- species. Melon fly caused the greatest overall
edge and know-how on key activities and losses throughout the year to solanaceous,
issues. These included: grower training, coop- cucurbit and melon crops, and therefore it was
erative extension and community-based edu- the first pest targeted. These crops are com-
cation on fruit fly issues (University of monly grown in adjacent, sequential plots on
Hawaii), technical issues involved with area- each farm and are planted throughout the year
wide control (USDA-ARS and USDA- because of the mild climate on the Hawaiian
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Islands. Mediterranean fruit fly suppression
(APHIS)), regulatory issues including regis- was undertaken at the same time because of
tration of any new technology developed the strong, continuing requests by growers.
(Hawaii Department of Agriculture), as well This is a serious pest of persimmons, which
as private sector entities that could provide are harvested in the autumn, but it also devel-
products already on the market or in the ops on uncultivated fruits that are found
process of development for use by the grow- throughout the year. Suppression of
ers (Dow AgroSciences, Scentry Biologicals Mediterranean fruit fly could only be under-
Inc., Better World Manufacturing, United taken at the same time as melon fly suppres-
Agricultural Products, etc.). sion because of the voluntary assistance of
The importance of creating such alliances persimmon growers.
is frequently underestimated, and like any Since it was already known that the pro-
large programme of this type, the group had gramme could not effectively cover the whole
successes as well as failures. Central to the state, demonstration sites were chosen for rea-
identification of key partners are certain sons ranging from ease of implementation, farm
behavioural traits that help to develop the size, and political realities. Three sites were
overall partnership team. These include the chosen on three islands and although not in total
sharing of common programme goals, will- agreement, the local partners with the concur-
ingness to communicate, listen and be flexi- rence of the core team identified sites on the
ble, ability to develop consensus and most Waimea region on the Big Island of Hawaii, the
importantly, mutual trust among team mem- Kula area of Maui and at Ewa, Oahu as primary
bers. In addition to the local partnerships, a suppression sites to start the programme (Fig.
“core” management team and secondary tech- 1). Secondary suppression sites were also cho-
nical advisory group were set up to help guide sen, but these are not reported on here. The
674 R. F. L. MAU ET AL.

Figure 1. The islands of Hawaii, Maui and Oahu indicating the location of the suppression
zones. The primary demonstration zones were at Waimea, Kula, and Ewa. The additional sites
are secondary zones to which programme activities are being transferred.

decision to select these sites turned out to be for- tephritid fruit fly pests and reduced use of
tuitous and added to the credibility of the even- organophosphate insecticides.
tual success of the programme. Decisions The logic model is a series of if-then rela-
regarding the order of flies (melon fly and tionships that, when established, can assure
Mediterranean fruit fly) to control first and the achievement of targeted outcomes. For exam-
individual technologies to be used also played a ple, if fly population baseline levels are used
large role in the success of the programme. at the start of the programme and the impact
Often the determination of which species to of fruit fly suppression tactics on reducing fly
start with in a multiple species control pro- numbers is clearly demonstrated, then farmers
gramme as complex as the HAW-FLYPM pro- will learn the value of the pest management
gramme becomes one of the keys to success tactic. The plan was initiated by establishing
since early failure could have had a negative long-term outcomes (impacts), with the fol-
psychological impact on those involved and lowing questions being asked to establish
jeopardize the future activities of a multi-year each outcome: (1) What does success look
effort. Fortunately, the success of the melon fly like?, (2) What are the ultimate goals?, and (3)
control programme allowed the programme to Who are the target audiences?
be continued and eventually extended for two Intermediate and short-term outcomes
additional years. were established as logical, benchmark steps
towards long-term pursuits (Fig. 2), with
4. Education Planning and observable or measurable indicators that rep-
Outreach resent achievement of each outcome being
used for evaluation purposes.
The logic model approach was used to organ- Outputs (activities and participation), were
ize, plan, execute and evaluate farmer and selected to assist targeted audiences and
community educational programmes state- achieve programme outcomes. Much research
wide (Taylor-Powell et al. 1996, 2000, and time was invested in understanding the
Mayeske and Lambur 2001). This is an target audiences. Assumptions were made
outcome-driven rather than activity-based about the characteristics of adult learners,
planning method, with a linear sequence being these being autonomous, self-directed, rele-
used to establish direct relationships between vance-oriented individuals who took responsi-
programme inputs, outputs and outcomes, and bility for their learning and enjoyed coopera-
implementation schedules to track programme tive learning environments. Based on these
progress. This plan, which targeted commer- assumptions, sequential outputs for achieving
cial and community backyard growers, con- programme outcomes were formulated. These
tributed to the successful suppression of were workshops, meetings, presentations,

Figure 2. The Hawaii Area-wide Fruit Fly Pest Management programme (HAW-FLYPM) out-
come-based programme logic model that was used for the suppression programme. HAW-
FLYPM = Hawaii Area-wide Fruit Fly Pest Management, USDA = United States Department
of Agriculture, ARS = Agricultural Research Service, UH = University of Hawaii, CES =
Cooperative Extension Service, CTAHR = College of Tropical Agriculture and Human
Resources, ITV = Interactive Television Conference.
676 R. F. L. MAU ET AL.

demonstrations, publications, broadcast infor- and evaluation benchmarks are not shown in
mation, and developing and strengthening Fig. 2, they were included in the annual sched-
cooperator and community groups. The final ule. Benchmark evaluation periods were May
step was to assemble programme inputs and December of each year. Significant activ-
(resources); these were technical know-how, ities such as benchmark observations,
equipment, software technology, computers, surveys, interviews, testimonials, advisory
materials, staff, and collaborative partnerships. committee meetings, annual baselines, and a
A five-year outreach education plan was public relations plan were key components of
devised (Fig. 2) (Mau et al. 2003b). Seven the schedule.
threaded outcomes were chosen, one of the Sustainability was one of the main goals of
most important being empowered participants the programme. An important measure of the
who could make informed decisions based on success of the outreach programme is whether
retained knowledge and skills. This effective commercial and community growers can sus-
transfer of knowledge and skills would help to tain fruit fly suppression after government
assure sustainability of the HAW-FLYPM funding ends. Demonstrations by respected
suppression programme. farmers were solicited and basic suppression
Adult education methods were used. practices (farm hygiene, male annihilation and
Outreach educational media were developed food bait treatments), were combined into an
to ensure that targeted audiences were sup- easy-to-remember 1-2-3 method. Farmer
ported. Four important types of outputs were demonstration results and farmer testimonials
established early in the educational pro- convinced their peers to evaluate and adopt
gramme. One was the HAW-FLYPM video, the programme. Communication among farm-
which provided an overview about the sup- ers about programme success was important
pression programme in lay terms for commer- for the credibility of the programme in each
cial and community cooperators (Mau et al. demonstration region.
2003a). Another was a series of brochures that To assure hands-on learning, participants
described the suppression programme, the signed agreements that specified their respon-
identification and life cycle of the four target- sibilities in exchange for project support.
ed species of fruit flies and suppression ele- They were required to perform suppression
ments. These brochures included colour pho- work on their farms, and in this way they
tographs and described in lay terms the impor- experienced the impacts of each of the sup-
tance of species monitoring, male lures, male pression tactics and adopted or adapted these
annihilation, protein baits, and biological con- to meet their needs. HAW-FLYPM provided
trol. A third was an internet web site, created all the materials including traps, lures, and
to provide ready access to information and GF-120 fruit fly food bait according to an
updates (, and agreed schedule. Participants were resupplied
the fourth was a colourful newsletter which as needed and project personnel monitored
was published monthly for cooperators and fruit fly populations on farms and provided
partners who did not have internet access. this information back to them. Farmer suc-
Other teaching materials were created and dis- cesses were monitored through bi-weekly
tributed as needed. crop infestation surveys, which were also
Since evaluation began during programme valuable to gain insights on programme sus-
planning, measurement benchmarks were tainability.
incorporated into every component of HAW-
FLYPM outreach to ensure achievement of 5. Outcomes of the Programme
programme outcomes. The benchmark sur-
veys also helped to produce accountability Suppression programmes were implemented
reports to stakeholders and policy makers. on the islands of Hawaii, Maui, and Oahu.
Although the programme’s educational The melon fly, Mediterranean fruit fly and

Figure 3. Population monitoring of melon fly Bactrocera cucurbitae with cuelure-baited traps
at Kamuela (Hawaii), Kula (Maui), and Ewa (Oahu) from May 2000 to December 2004.

oriental fruit fly were the predominant species honeydew melon, cantaloupe, Korean melon,
on each, and B. latifrons occurred at low pop- zucchini, kabocha squash and pumpkin.
ulation densities on all three. The first demon-
stration project was initiated on Hawaii Island 5.1. Use of a Geographic Information
in the Waimea region. The 3800 hectare- System (GIS) for Data Management
demonstration zone (cucurbits and melons)
was surrounded by pastures and was charac- Seasonal population densities of the four fruit
terized by homes and a small town that sepa- fly species were monitored to establish pre-
rated two farming zones. The second imple- and post-implementation baselines.
mentation zone (4400 hectares) (cucurbits, Monitoring grids were established using glob-
melons, tomatoes, and persimmons) was at al positioning system (GPS) handsets and
Kula on Maui Island. This zone was charac- geographical information systems (GIS) soft-
terized by clustered, small farms (ca 7-10 ware technology (ArcInfo® 8.1; ESRI, 380
hectares) that were surrounded by wild fruit New York St., Redlands, CA 92373-8100). A
fly hosts. Central Oahu was the third imple- GIS was used for each of the three areas to
mentation zone. This zone encompassed more assist with the complex, multi-function tasks
than 1600 hectares of farmland that were adja- of an IPM programme aimed at multiple fly
cent to large suburban residential, industrial species (Mau et al. 2003c), enabling pro-
and city areas. Intensively grown fruiting veg- gramme personnel to: (1) visually follow the
etables and melon crops included watermelon, impact of the IPM tactics on fruit fly densities
678 R. F. L. MAU ET AL.

throughout the implementation zones, (2) Kula on Maui Island encompasses several
define and/or delimit suppression areas using types of host crops located at different eleva-
a structured grid that could be overlaid on var- tions. Melon fly is the predominant species at
ious geographical maps and/or land use areas, lower elevations, while the Mediterranean fruit
(3) monitor fruit fly populations based on trap fly is a pest of tree fruits that are grown at high-
captures within the grid areas, and (4) identify er elevations. The GIS maps were helpful in
the location of host crops and alternative host visualizing portions of the zone where growers
“refugia” breeding areas and the complex of may not be successful in implementing fruit fly
flies and parasitoids emerging from these hosts. suppression tactics. Also, the technology
allowed comparisons between time periods.
5.2. Implementation of Monitoring Systems
5.3. Suppression Results
Relative numbers of each fruit fly species
were determined bi-weekly throughout the The impacts of step-wise implementation of
grid using strategically placed traps baited fruit fly suppression tactics are obvious from
with specific male lures that included trimed- examining Fig. 3, Table 1 (melon fly suppres-
lure, cuelure, methyl eugenol and a mixture of sion) and Fig. 4, Table 2 (Mediterranean fruit
latilure plus cade oil. Protein-(Solulys) baited fly suppression). Although not specifically
traps were also used to monitor female popu- shown on Fig. 3, growers plow and rotavate
lations. Population densities were expressed cucurbit and melon fields within one week
as flies per trap per day. Fly numbers at each after final harvest, and this combination of
trap’s geographical coordinates were logged, sanitation with GF-120 (spinosad) bait sprays
transferred into the GIS, and superimposed and male annihilation trapping with cuelure
over other maps (land use, grids, etc). Maps was quite effective in reducing pest popula-
for each fruit fly species were constructed. tions.
This gave the team detailed, sequential infor- Persimmon at Kula, Maui was the only
mation about how well the fly suppression Mediterranean fruit fly-impacted crop used to
programme was progressing. demonstrate the effectiveness of the suppres-
As an example, the implementation zone at sion programme. Here, the impact of combin-

Table 1. Summary of impact of melon fly area-wide control at infestation data collection farms
on Hawaii, Maui, and Oahu Islands.

Impact of area-wide programme on melon fly population in targeted area

Peak melon fly population Reductions due to programme

Suppression area Before pro- Population in Melon fly infestation. Organophosphate

is total contiguous gramme in 2004 Pre-programme to reduction in usage
programme zone 2000 flies/trap/day mean for 2004 for melon fly control

Waimea, Hawaii 12 (baseline) 0.52 (grid) > 20 to < 2% 100%

46 hectares (none used now)

Kula, Maui 100 (baseline) > 5 (baseline) > 40 to < 5 % 90%

100 hectares

Ewa, Oahu 135 (baseline) 7 (baseline) >30 to < 6 % 90%

405 hectares

Figure 4. Population monitoring of Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata with trimedlure-
baited traps at Kula, Maui and Hawaii from January 2000 to July 2005.

ing field sanitation with weekly spot applica- islands, the development and use of the spin-
tions of GF-120 (spinosad) bait sprays to the osad bait spray GF-120 was an important
crop and nearby hosts and adult trap annihila- development (Prokopy et al. 2003) for area-
tion tactics on fly populations, is clearly wide melon fly control. Impacts occurred with
depicted. Sanitation was limited only to dis- respect to overall suppression of field popula-
posal of infested and fallen fruit during the tions, with decreases in both melon fly infes-
week after final harvest. tations on commercial farms and in crop-
At this point, it can be stated with confi- directed sprays of organophosphate insecti-
dence that the HAW-FLYPM collaborative cides (Table 1). One large grower reflected on
partnership has been very successful. At the the programme’s success by saying that prior
three demonstration sites on the three separate to adopting the programme, melon flies

Table 2. Summary of Mediterranean fruit fly area-wide control on persimmon farms at Kula,

Impact of area-wide programme on Mediterranean fruit fly population in targeted area

Peak Mediterranean fruit fly population Reductions due to programme

Commerical area
under suppression Before programme Current population in Mediterranean fruit fly infesta-
in 2000 2004 tion
flies/trap/day flies/trap/day

Kula, Maui 100 (baseline) > 5 (baseline) > 40 to < 5 %

100 hectares
680 R. F. L. MAU ET AL.

Table 3. Estimated benefits to a zucchini farmer applying the suppression programme (Adapted
from Table 5, McGregor 2004, unpublished report).

Benefits USD/hectare

Returns from adopting the suppression programme

Increase sales - marketable yield increased by 10 125 kg/ha (infestation < 5%

10 125
compared with 40%) at USD 1/kg
Improved quality resulting from a reduction in fruit fly damage (adds to USD
0.11/kg price to 13 608 kilogram)
Improved labour productivity in harvesting and sorting (estimated 7.1 hours
improvement in labour productivity per 1000 kilogram)
Cost of previous insecticide cover spraying programme (380 litres mixture per
week at each USD 62.5/ha/week; labour at 1 hour/week at each USD 15; equip- 2884
ment time at USD 40/hour)

Total benefit from adopting the suppression programme 18 602

Costs of applying the suppression programme

1. Monitoring (and male annihilation)

20 buckets at each USD 1, replaced every 12 months 49
20 cuelure traps and killing agent at each 80 c, replaced every 9 months 52
Killing agent assumed 50 c 25
Labour assumed two hours per month 474
Total cost monitoring 600

2. Sanitation
Estimated an additional 0.5 hour per week at harvesting time 158
1.5 hours to mow/rotovate and bury, using USD 40/hour imputed hire rate
(50% attributed to sanitation)
Total cost sanitation 232

3. Protein bait spray

0.6175 litre GF-120 concentrate per acre per week around perimeters of fields
on roosting plants for total farm area of 1.6 hectare at each USD 22.37/litre
Application one person hour per week, shared amongst four bearing hectares 104
Total cost bait spray 1877

Total estimated cost of adopting the suppression programme 2709

Benefits minus costs to the farmer from adopting the suppres-

15 893
sion programme

Table 4. Estimated net benefit to a persimmon farmer applying the suppression programme
(Adapted from Table 9, McGregor 2004, unpublished report).

Benefits from applying the suppression programme

Increased revenue USD/hectare
Before adoption of the programme, marketable production 771 kilogram (50%
grade 1; 50% grade 2)
grade 1 386 kilogram at each USD 4.44/kg 4231
grade 2 386 kilogram at each USD 2/kg 1907
After adoption of the programme, marketable production 998 kilogram (70%
grade 1; 30% grade 2)
grade 1 699 kilogram at each USD 4.44/kg 7667
grade 2 299 kilogram at each USD 2/kg 1477
Total 9144
Total increase in revenue 3006
Reduction in harvesting and sorting cost per kilogramme
Harvesting with < 5% damage estimated eight hours to harvest 454 kilogram
Harvesting with 35% damage estimated 11 hours to harvest 454 kilogram
Savings per 454 kilogram is three hours - for 998 kilogram the gain in labor effi-
ciency is 6.6 hours at each USD 6/hour
Total 131
Previous cost of applying cover insecticide spray
Cover spray application of insecticide during fruiting season ( Malathion, Nulure)
Materials -7.58 litres each) 247
Labour for application 60 hours 1152
Total 1433

Total Benefit 4570

Costs of applying the suppression programme

2 Biolure traps at USD 7 per trap plus three chemical release packages and sticky
cards that are replaced four times a year at USD 2.50 per charge
Labour for recharging and monitoring (20 minutes/trap/month) at USD 8/hour 94
Total 178
Mass trapping
30 x Biolure traps plus rechargeables 1260
Labor for recharging (0.12 hrs/trap) at USD 8/hr 284
Total 1544
Estimated an additional 0.5 hour per week for 10 weeks 99
Total 99
Protein bait spray
7.58 litres GF-120 spot sprayed on trees for 10 weeks at USD 22.43/ litre 420
Application - four hours per crop 80
Total bait spray 500
Total estimated cost of adopting the “1-2-3” programme 2321
Benefits minus costs of applying the “1-2-3” programme 2249
682 R. F. L. MAU ET AL.

reduced his marketable yields of cantaloupe team effort, the USDA Secretary Group
from 243 cases per hectare to 24 cases per Honor Award for creating an effective area-
hectare. Now, he and nearly all of the other wide suppression programme for fruit flies in
growers involved in the programme have min- Hawaii, and most recently, by the IPM team
imized melon fly losses in fruiting vegetables, award from the Entomological Society of
usually to less than 5%. America Foundation. The programme’s suc-
cess has also stimulated renewed interest in
5.4. Economic Benefits fruit fly programmes in Hawaii that hopefully
will translate into continued opportunities for
In order to determine the benefit of the fruit additional partnerships to be formed and suc-
fly suppression programme, an independent cesses to be fulfilled.
economist was contracted to perform an inter-
im analysis of the programme. His benefit/cost 7. References
analysis on the impacts of the melon fly pro-
gramme on zucchini, and the Mediterranean Beroza, M., N. Green, S. I. Gertler, L. F.
fruit fly programme on persimmon Steiner, and D. H. Miyashita. 1961. New
(McGregor 2004), are shown in Tables 3 and attractants for the Mediterranean fruit fly.
4. Farmer gains from both programmes were Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
significant. Clearly, the programmes against 9: 361-365.
the melon fly and Mediterranean fruit fly have Cantrell, B., B. Chadwick, and A. Cahill.
been highly successful and they are now being 2002. Fruit fly fighters: eradication of the
completely transferred to participants. papaya fruit fly. CSIRO publishing. Victoria,
5.5. Current Focus Cunningham, R. T. 1989. Male annihilation,
pp. 345-351. In Robinson, A. S., and G.
Currently, the focus is on suppressing the ori- Hooper (eds.), World crop pests, 3B. Fruit
ental fruit fly on smallholder fruit farms on flies, their biology, natural enemies and con-
Hawaii and Oahu. A papaya area-wide trol. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
demonstration project at Puna, Hawaii is in its Gilmore, J. E. 1989. Sterile insect technique:
first phase of operation with the goal of har- overview, pp. 353-363. In Robinson, A. S.,
vesting more and better quality mature fruit. and G. Hooper (eds.), World crop pests, 3B.
Pre-suppression population baseline levels are Fruit flies, their biology, natural enemies and
being assessed and wild hosts are being char- control. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The
acterized. Netherlands.
Harris, E. J., R. C. Bautista, and J. P. Spencer.
6. Conclusions 2000. Utilization of the egg-larval parasitoid,
Fopius (Biosteres) arisanus, for augmenta-
The success of the HAW-FLYPM programme tive biological control of tephritid fruit flies,
has been better than expected. Together with a pp. 725-732. In Tan, K. H. (ed.), Proceedings:
fruit fly project in Central America (Reyes et Area-Wide Control of Fruit Flies and Other
al., this volume), it can serve as a model for Insect Pests. International Conference on
fruit fly control activities in other tropical Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, and the
regions of the world, that have to address the 5th International Symposium on Fruit Flies of
presence of multiple pest species. Effective Economic Importance, 28 May-5 June 1998,
partnerships and high level teamwork have Penang, Malaysia. Penerbit Universiti Sains
been critical in the successful area-wide Malaysia, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.
approach. This was acknowledged and recog- Koyama, J., T. Teruya, and K. Tanaka. 1984.
nized by receipt of the Federal Laboratory Eradication of the oriental fruit fly from the
Consortium Technology Transfer Award for Okinawa Islands by male annihilation.

Journal of Economic Entomology 77: 468- pp. 551-554. In McPheron, B. A., and G. J.
472. Steck (eds.), Fruit fly pests: a world assess-
Kuba, H., T. Kohama, H. Kakinohana, M. ment of their biology and management. St
Yamagishi, K. Kinjo, Y. Sokei, T. Lucie Press, USA.
Nakasone, and Y. Nakamoto. 1996. The Prokopy, R. J., N. W. Miller, J. C. Piñero, J. D.
successful eradication programs of the melon Barry, L. C. Tran, L. K. Oride, and R.
fly in Okinawa, pp. 543-550. In McPheron, Vargas. 2003. Effectiveness of GF-120 fruit
B. A., and G. J. Steck (eds.), Fruit fly pests: a fly bait spray applied to border area plants for
world assessment of their biology and man- control of melon flies (Diptera: Tephritidae).
agement. St Lucie Press, USA. Journal of Economic Entomology 96: 1485-
Mau, R. F. L., J. S. Sugano, and D. Hamasaki. 1493.
2003a. Prescription for fruit fly suppression Tanaka, N., R. Okamoto, and D. L.
(videotape). University of Hawaii, College of Chambers. 1969. Low costs larval rearing
Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources. medium for mass-production of oriental and
Video Series No. 164, Hawaii, USA. Mediterranean fruit flies. Journal of
Mau, R. F. L., J. S. Sugano, and E. Jang. Economic Entomology 62: 967-968.
2003b. Farmer education and organization in Taylor-Powell, E. 2000. Using the logic model
the Hawaii area-wide fruit fly pest manage- for program planning and evaluation.
ment programme, pp. 47-57. In Recent trends University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI.,
on sterile insect technique and area-wide inte- USA.
grated pest management – economic feasibil- Taylor-Powell, E., S. Steele, and M. Douglah.
ity, control projects, farmer organization and 1996. Planning a program evaluation.
Bactrocera dorsalis complex control study. University of Wisconsin, Program
Research Institute for the Subtropics, Development and Evaluation Unit, Madison,
Okinawa, Japan. WI., USA.
Mau, R. F. L., E. Jang, R. Vargas, M. Y. Chou, /evaluation/evallogicmodel.html
C. Chan, and J. S. Sugano. 2003c. Vargas, R. I. 1989. Mass production of tephri-
Implementation of a geographic information tid fruit flies, pp. 141-152. In Robinson, A. S.,
system with integrated control tactics for and G. Hooper (eds.), World crop pests, 3B.
area-wide fruit fly management, pp. 23-33. In Fruit flies, their biology, natural enemies and
Ho, C. C., C. C. Tzeng, L. M. Hsu, J. T. Yang, control. Elsevier Science Publishers,
and S. C. Wang (eds.), Proceedings: Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Workshop on Plant Protection Management Vargas, R. I., E. B. Jang, and L. M.
for Sustainable Development: Technology Klungness. 2003. Area-wide pest manage-
and New Dimension, 4 September 2003. ment of fruit flies in Hawaiian fruits and veg-
Plant Protection Society of the Republic of etables, pp. 37-46. In Recent trends on sterile
China, Taichung, Taiwan. insect technique and area-wide integrated
Mayeske, G., and M. Lambur. 2001. How to pest management – economic feasibility,
design better programs: a staff centered control projects, farmer organization and
stakeholder approach to program logic mod- Bactrocera dorsalis complex control study.
eling. Journal of Extension 30. http://www. Research Institute for the Subtropics, 2001june/tt2.html Okinawa, Japan.
McGregor, A. M. 2004. An economic evalua- Wong, T. T. Y., M. M. Ramadan, D. O.
tion of the Hawaii area-wide pest manage- McInnis, N. Mochizuchi, J. I. Nishimoto,
ment program: an interim report. Trade and and J. C. Herr. 1991. Augmentative releas-
Development Office, Suva, Fiji. es of Diachasmimorpha tryoni to suppress a
Penrose, D. 1996. California’s 1993/1994 Mediterranean fruit fly population in Kula
Mediterranean fruit fly eradication program, Maui, Hawaii. Biological Control 1: 2-7.
Area-Wide Management of Fruit Flies in



1New South Wales Department of Primary Industries, Gosford

Horticultural Institute, Locked Bag 26, Gosford, NSW, Australia 2250

2New South Wales Department of Primary Industries, Locked Bag 21,

Orange, NSW, Australia 2800

3Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Western Australia, 3 Baron-

Hay Court, South Perth, WA, Australia 6151

4Department of Primary Industries Victoria, 621 Burwood Hwy,

Knoxfield, VIC, Australia 3502

5Primary Industries and Resources South Australia, SA Research and

Development Institute, GPO Box 397, Adelaide, SA, Australia 5001

ABSTRACT Parts of Australia have endemic populations of pest species of fruit flies while in other
parts exotic species have become established. There are also some areas that are free from pest fruit flies
and are maintained free from fruit flies using area-wide integrated pest management (AW-IPM) principles.
In addition to these, Australian horticultural production, as a whole, is at risk from incursions of other pest
fruit fly species. AW-IPM of fruit flies has been practised in Australia for many years when protecting
areas, which have only marginal opportunities for fruit fly establishment. In recent years research on AW-
IPM in other areas has commenced with the desired outcome being to set up systems assuring fruit fly-sen-
sitive trading partners' freedom from fruit fly infestations in imported produce. The success of AW-IPM
programmes is highly dependent on monitoring for fruit flies, appropriate and quick response to incursions
and an active participation by all growers and the rest of the community in the area under the AW-IPM pro-
gramme. This paper describes AW-IPM tools currently in use in Australia at national, regional and small-
er area levels. Fruit fly mitigation methods such as trapping, trap arrays, border inspections, community
awareness programmes as well as the male annihilation technique (MAT), the sterile insect technique
(SIT), baiting and postharvest treatments are discussed.

KEY WORDS Australia, Tephritidae, Ceratitis capitata, Bactrocera spp., area-wide management,
quarantine, sterile insect technique, male annihilation technique

1. Introduction cucumis (French), Bactrocera musae (Tryon),

Bactrocera jarvisi (Tryon) and Bactrocera
There are about eighty species of tephritid aquilonis (May). The Queensland fruit fly B.
fruit flies that are native to Australia and that tryoni is by far the most destructive of these
infest mainly native fruit and vegetables native Australian fruit fly species. Another,
(Drew 1989) but, of these, six are classed by non-native species, now established in parts of
the Horticultural Policy Council (HPC) as Western Australia, which arrived in Australia
pests of horticultural significance (HPC in the 1890s – the Mediterranean fruit fly
1991). These are Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt), Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) – is just as
Bactrocera neohumeralis (Hardy), Bactrocera damaging and it, too, is a critical quarantine
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 685–697.
© 2007 IAEA.

pest (Fig. 1). are free from Mediterranean fruit fly. Hence
The distribution of these flies in Australia quarantine restrictions are in place on trade
is such that not all pest species inhabit the between the eastern and western parts of
same region. Quarantine restrictions are Australia. South Australia, midway between
placed among states, and in the case of fruit the east and west coasts, is fruit fly-free but
fly-free areas also within states, to protect does have detections of both species, and
them from pest fruit fly species that are not actively eradicates each incursion (HPC
present there. For example, Tasmania, to the 1991).
southeast of Australia, is classified as free Mediterranean fruit fly is now well estab-
from pest fruit flies, mainly due to the limita- lished in parts of Western Australia and
tions of cold climate. Fruit fly host produce nowhere else in Australia. It is a most destruc-
exported to Tasmania from the rest of tive pest in Western Australia. On the other
Australia is either prohibited or allowed entry hand, the Queensland fruit fly is just as
following various quarantine requirements destructive but is restricted to the east coast of
such as a postharvest desinfestation treatment Australia. Programmes such as advice on
approved by the Department of Primary cover sprays, correct use of pesticides, public
Industries, Water and Environment (DPIWE education, the sterile insect technique (SIT),
2005). Western Australia is free from the male annihilation technique (MAT), road-
Queensland fruit fly, while the eastern states side vehicle inspections and fruit fly baiting

Figure 1. Distribution of Queensland fruit fly Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) and Mediterranean
fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) in Australia.

and trapping are underway to reduce the nized as free from pest fruit flies by other states
impact of pest fruit flies on commercial and of Australia and by some of our trading part-
backyard horticulture. ners such as New Zealand and the USA. This
Extensive trade and travel, both commer- area comprises most of the horticultural pro-
cial and private, from Western Australia to the duction areas in southern New South Wales,
central areas of Australia (South Australia and northern Victoria and eastern South Australia
the Northern Territory), and the east (Fig. 2). Being within a Fruit Fly Exclusion
(Tasmania, Victoria, New South Wales, Zone is financially and environmentally bene-
Queensland, and the Australian Capital ficial to fruit and vegetable growers, packers
Territory), and from east to west, mean that and exporters in this region in that produce is
both Mediterranean fruit fly and Queensland marketed without needing to apply either long-
fruit fly are serious threats to the states in term cold disinfestation schedules or chemical
which they are absent. Protocols for declara- postharvest treatments (TriState 2003).
tion of pest fruit fly outbreaks have been set A code of practice for actions against
up so that affected production regions and Queensland fruit fly describing these condi-
importing authorities are notified. tions and actions, has been compiled by the
Standing Committee on Agriculture and
2. Fruit Fly Exclusion Zone Resource Management (SCARM 1996), and
agreed upon by most national states and some
There are horticultural production areas situat- overseas trading partners. A Mediterranean
ed between the east and west coasts of fruit fly code of practice is in the final stages of
Australia that have area freedom from fruit approval. These describe rules for the declara-
flies. The Fruit Fly Exclusion Zone is recog- tion of an outbreak, quarantine distances and

Figure 2. Map showing the Fruit Fly Exclusion Zone, comprising much of the horticultural
production areas in southern New South Wales, northern Victoria and eastern South Australia.

conditions for reinstatement of area freedom. 4. Tools for Area-Wide

Management of Fruit Flies
3. Protection from External
Incursions 4.1. Monitoring

Australia also protects its shores from exotic The presence (and absence) of pest fruit fly
pest fruit fly species. The Australian species is monitored by the national trapping
Government has issued signage, pamphlets grid. More than 25 000 traps have been
and compulsory quarantine declaration forms deployed throughout Australia (Smith 2000).
alerting travellers about the risk of bringing in These traps include a toxicant (such as mald-
fresh fruit and vegetables and the penalties for ison or dichlorvos) and a male lure (cuelure,
doing so. It also has set up a national trapping methyl eugenol or capilure). Generally traps
grid for fruit flies at all major ports. The grid are placed out on a 400 metre grid in areas of
is administered by personnel from each state high risk of fruit fly incursion such as cities
and territory government and reports are sent with airports and shipping terminals, and
to the Australian Government. Protocols for towns near horticultural production areas. In
declaration of pest fruit fly outbreaks have production areas under incursion risk, traps
also been set up so that affected production are placed on a one kilometre grid. Other
regions and importing authorities are notified. towns and villages in moderate risk areas have
All commercial produce is inspected on two or more traps of each lure type, depending
arrival and samples taken for analysis of pos- on the size of the built-up area. These traps are
sible infestation. Some produce is prohibited examined on a weekly basis in high fruit fly
from some countries due to the presence of prevalence seasons (e.g. from November to
quarantine pests in the country of origin, May in the Fruit Fly Exclusion Zone), and
while others are allowed to enter following once a fortnight in cooler seasons. Generally,
certification of area freedom status or of the officers of the State Department of Primary
correct application of postharvest quarantine Industries carry out the duties of collecting the
treatment or area-wide integrated pest man- insects from the traps, replacing damaged
agement (AW-IPM) of pest fruit flies. traps, recharging with new lure and replacing
Principles of AW-IPM of fruit flies are them on the use-by date. Insects recovered
practised in Australia (1) at the national level, from these traps are packaged and posted to
where actions are taken to protect the entire central identification institutions in each state
country from entry of exotic fruit fly species, or territory.
(2) at the individual state or territory level to The protection of the Fruit Fly Exclusion
protect their production from non-endemic Zone from incursions of all pest fruit flies can
fruit fly species, (3) at local areas or regions to be used as a model for AW-IPM on a large
protect their area freedom from fruit flies sta- area basis. The Fruit Fly Exclusion Zone, cov-
tus, and (4) even at the single-farm level. ering an area of about 185 000 square kilome-
Tools used to implement AW-IPM vary tres (Bull 2004) is a region recognized by all
with the size of the area being protected. They Australian states, the Federal Government of
vary also with the type of constituent in these Australia and some overseas trading partners
areas. For instance, areas populated predomi- as being free from species of tephritid fruit
nantly with growers and their orchards need flies of quarantine significance. This region
applications of different strategies than those comprises about 70% of Australia’s fresh cit-
with a mixture of townships, growers and rus production as well as table grapes, pome
other businesses. Often town people do not fruit, stone fruit, tomatoes and other fruit and
see or understand the benefits of fruit fly con- vegetables. Due to its being free from fruit
trol in their region and AW-IPM of fruit fly is flies, it enjoys favourable market access to
therefore more difficult to implement. other Australian states and other desirable

export markets such as the USA. Exports of for Mediterranean fruit fly monitoring.
fresh fruit and vegetables from this area are However, Tephri and McPhail-type traps bait-
sought-after by markets due to the lack of fruit ed with Biolure® are also effective. Jackson
flies and the consequent zero need for posthar- traps have also been used in sterile insect
vest treatments such as fumigation with release programmes because of the ease of
methyl bromide or several weeks’ storage at - counting captured flies.
0.5 to 3°C.
The Fruit Fly Exclusion Zone is closely 4.2. Community Awareness
monitored by state and federal regulatory
authorities that use a sophisticated grid system There are several community-targetted pro-
of fruit fly traps, bar code and bar code read- grammes relating to the dangers of allowing
ers, and an internet-based recording and exotic pests and diseases into Australia and
reporting system. There are about 3000 sites the adverse effects on Australian agriculture,
within the Fruit Fly Exclusion Zone being the environment and the community.
monitored for fruit flies (TriState 2003). Most Australian customs and quarantine officials
sites comprise two traps – one with cuelure screen over 90% of incoming passenger bag-
and the other with capilure – although some gage, 100% of international mail and 100% of
have an additional methyl eugenol trap. incoming sea containers for illegal and acci-
There are several triggers that require dif- dental products which may be host to exotic
ferent responses. If two flies are caught in the pests and diseases (Fullam 2004). This aware-
Fruit Fly Exclusion Zone within 400 metres of ness programme is designed to minimize the
each other within two weeks, then supplemen- introduction of pests and infested produce.
tary traps are required to be deployed and a Another awareness programme,
search of fruit for larvae (within the 200 metre “Quarantine Domestic” is designed to mini-
outbreak zone). These traps are both cuelure- mize the movement of pests between states.
and protein-based traps, and these techniques Community awareness programmes about
are designed to find a potential epicentre. If a fruit flies in particular are concentrated on
threshold number of pest fruit flies – five travel in and through regions in Australia with
males for Queensland fruit fly or three male area-freedom status and on travel between
Mediterranean fruit fly (or one gravid female, islands to the north of Australia close to Papua
or one larva in a fruit) – are detected within a New Guinea and Indonesia. The latter is
specified period (generally two weeks) of through the Federal Government initiative, the
each other, then an outbreak is declared and Northern Australia Quarantine Strategy.
eradication commences. Several action steps Again taking the Fruit Fly Exclusion Zone
are initiated such as (1) deployment of supple- as an example, community awareness is given
mentary traps (16 extra male traps within 200 high priority. Road signage is one of the
metres of the outbreak site and 16 McPhail strategies used to reduce the amount of fruit
traps baited with protein solution to capture fly-infested fruit entering the Fruit Fly
female flies, with all supplementary traps Exclusion Zone. Large signs are in place in
emptied twice a week), (2) placement of South Australia, Victoria and New South
restriction zones around the detection site Wales on all primary and secondary roads into
(restricting the movement into and out of the the Fruit Fly Exclusion Zone. Signs are high-
restriction zone), (3) release of sterile fruit ly visible and indicate a fine (Fig. 3) for ille-
flies, (4) notification of landowners, gally carrying fruit fly hosts (fruit and toma-
Australian states and trading partner govern- toes) into or through the region. On many of
ments, and (5) the implementation of posthar- the major roads, sites for safe disposal of such
vest treatments. goods are supplied. Disposal rates (Fig. 3)
In Western Australia the Lynfield trap bait- increased by 50% when fines were displayed
ed with capilure/trimedlure is the most used on the signs (Dominiak et al. 1999). An eval-

Figure 3. Precautionary road signs on highway into the Fruit Fly Exclusion Zone (FFEZ) in
New South Wales, a strategy to reduce the amount of fruit fly-infested fruit entering the FFEZ
(Photos from B. Dominiak, NSW DPI, reproduced with permission).

uation of the effects of road signage on limit- Fly Exclusion Zone. South Australia operates
ing the entry of fruit fly host material (Ernst & four permanent sites on major highways from
Young 1999), based on roadblock data, con- New South Wales and Victoria (to limit the
firmed its effectiveness in informing travellers entry of Queensland fruit fly from the east)
of their responsibilities to dispose of host pro- and on the Eyre Highway from Western
duce before entering the Fruit Fly Exclusion Australia (against incursions of
Zone. Current estimates are that one vehicle in Mediterranean fruit fly from the west). Two of
2000 carries infested fruit in normal dry years. these, one on the west and the other on the east
However, this doubles in wet years; overall, of South Australia’s horticultural production
about 6-12% of traffic carries fruit, depending area, are manned 24 hours a day, 365 days a
on the site (Dominiak et al. 2000). year. The other two are manned during peak
The other aspects of community awareness traffic periods. Victoria and New South Wales
include media campaigns, community service used permanent roadblocks up to the 1980s,
announcements, and the distribution of infor- but found them to be too expensive for the
mation to travellers via motels and tourist benefits gained. They now deploy random
information centres, and education kits. As roadblocks. At some roadblock sites, trav-
with road signage these, too, assist in limiting ellers are asked to stop and to answer a ques-
incursions, but also educate the community of tionnaire regarding their carrying fruit and are
the benefits of area freedom. given a chance to hand over the produce with-
An education officer is stationed within the out penalty. The roadblock operators have the
Fruit Fly Exclusion Zone with responsibility to power to search vehicles for hidden fruit and
develop and implement a community aware- spot fines may be issued at some sites.
ness programme. This targets television adver- Currently trucks are inspected only at some
tising, radio announcements, print media adver- sites.
tising, Fruit Fly Exclusion Zone maps, a web In Western Australia there are permanent
site for fruit flies and a school education kit. 24 hour roadblocks where all traffic in Eucla
Manned roadblocks have also been set up in the south and Kununurra in the north is
in some situations on roads entering the Fruit inspected.

4.3. Climatic Aspects ture remains attractive as long as the protein

degrades and produces ammonia. In dry areas
Some Western Australian growing areas in the such as the Fruit Fly Exclusion Zone, the bait
south of the state have winter temperatures spray dries out within 24 hours and is no
unfavourable to Mediterranean fruit fly devel- longer attractive to Queensland fruit fly. Most
opment resulting in lower fruit fly populations spray schedules are seven days apart and this
with most attacks occurring in towns. In the may need to be reviewed. Baits sprays are
Kimberley region in the far north, area free- likely to be more effective in larger towns
dom is maintained at Kununurra. The high with a core humidity not influenced by the dry
temperatures and humidity during the wet sea- rural surrounds. Towns with low-cost water
son help maintain this area freedom, as supplies also use more water and create
Mediterranean fruit fly does not prefer them. favourable environments for bait pro-
This is demonstrated at Broome, on the south- grammes.
ern edge of the Kimberley region, where Outbreaks of exotic fruit fly species have
Mediterranean fruit fly populations drop to occurred in Australia from time to time.
very low levels during the wet season. Queensland fruit fly invaded Western
Australia in the late 1980s and spread through
4.4. Cover Sprays several Perth suburbs (Sproul et al. 1992). The
Asian papaya fruit fly Bactrocera papayae
Cover sprays are generally more toxic than Drew & Hancock entered the Cairns region of
bait sprays. In some states it is becoming Far North Queensland in the 1990s (Cantrell
increasingly difficult to access private proper- et al. 2002). Both species have been eradicat-
ty generally, and there is increasing public ed. A significant eradication tool used in these
resistance to the application of cover and bait programmes was the male annihilation tech-
sprays. Cover sprays of contact insecticides, nique (MAT), where caneite blocks impreg-
which target adult fruit flies, must be reap- nated with pesticide (generally malathion),
plied after heavy rain. A delay in application and male parapheromone lure (methyl
may result in fruit infestation. Cover sprays of eugenol for Asian papaya fruit fly and cuelure
systemic insecticides are designed to kill eggs and SIT for Queensland fruit fly), were dis-
and early larvae near the fruit surface. tributed throughout outbreak areas. Caneite
However, if adverse weather delays applica- MAT blocks are also used when outbreaks of
tion, the larvae may crawl further into the fruit Queensland fruit fly, or any other pest fruit fly
and the sprays may be ineffective. The chem- species, enter the Fruit Fly Exclusion Zone
icals used in cover sprays are fenthion and (SCARM 1996).
dimethoate and these are under increased
scrutiny by regulators. In the future it is likely 4.6. Sterile Insect Technique (SIT)
that there may be additional limitations placed
on the use of these pesticides. In Eastern Australia the SIT involves the
In Western Australia fruit flies are con- release of sterile Queensland fruit fly to con-
trolled with insecticide baiting, cover spraystain, suppress or eradicate Queensland fruit
or a combination of both. The organophos- fly outbreaks in fruit production areas. The
phate insecticides fenthion, dimethoate and New South Wales Department of Primary
triclorfon are still widely used. Industries (NSW-DPI) maintains the Fruit Fly
Production Facility (which commenced pro-
4.5. Fruit Fly Baits, Traps and Male duction at the Elizabeth Macarthur
Annihilation Technique Agricultural Institute in 1996), and is part of
collaboration between New South Wales,
Bait sprays are based on a protein attractant Victoria and South Australia, which together
and a pesticide, usually malathion. The mix- form the Tri-State Fruit Fly Committee. The

facility produces up to 15 million Queensland (IPHRWG) (ICA 2003). The range of activi-
fruit fly pupae per week, which are sterilized ties covered by ICAs adds up to effectively
by gamma irradiation at the Australian creating area freedom for that orchard or pro-
Nuclear Science and Technology Organiza- duction area.
tion, Lucas Heights. Dyed sterile fly pupae are The following techniques can be used, or
couriered by plane to Narrandera, which is in are under consideration for use within the ICA
the Fruit Fly Exclusion Zone and then taken to system:
the NSW-DPI release facility at Yanco for
rearing out to adult stage. Pupae are also sent, 4.7.1. Containment
at times, to several Victorian towns, Adelaide Fruit fly host crops can be grown in fruit fly
for eradication of incursions from South endemic areas under exclusion barriers. Such
Australia, and Alice Springs in the Northern barriers include insect-proof netting applied to
Territory. Adult sterile flies are ground the whole crop or to separate trees or even to
released from refrigerated trucks in towns, vil- individual fruit. This technique is currently
lages and orchards, and efficacy is measured under consideration in Australia by the
using data from the national fruit fly trapping IPHRWG for adding to the list of approved
grid. ICA treatments.
In Western Australia, the SIT is being
investigated as a replacement for area-wide 4.7.2. Preharvest Insecticide Treatment and
baiting schemes for maintaining Mediter- Inspection
ranean fruit fly at low levels. Initial trials have For interstate movement of stone fruit (apri-
been carried out in country towns with good cots, cherries, nectarines, peaches and plums)
success. The protocol involves a period of ICA-21 can be used. The procedure is a com-
baiting in spring followed by sterile male bination of fenthion sprays followed by 100%
release for one to three months in summer. destructive examination of one in every 100
VIENNA 7/99mix (Robinson et al. 1999) packages or cartons of product. Similar, but
genetic sexing strain flies are produced in slightly different treatments exist for straw-
Western Australia to internationally accepted berries (ICA-11), lychees (ICA-14), custard
quality control standards (FAO/IAEA/USDA apples (ICA-18), mangoes (ICA-19), and
2003, Smallridge and Hopkins 2003). They tomatoes, chillies and capsicums (ICA-26).
are irradiated in nitrogen to maintain compet- Area-wide treatments, which reduce fruit fly
itiveness. Barriers to increased uptake of the populations to below detectable limits, have
SIT include the cost of sterile flies produced been trialled in areas in the south-west of
in a small facility, the technical and manageri- Western Australia. For example, areas south
al skills required for successful SIT imple- of Donnybrook/Manjimup in Western
mentation, the need for cooperation between Australia have been shown to be free from the
growers, and the unforgiving nature of the Mediterranean fruit fly following the imple-
technique. mentation of monitoring, but no proposals
have yet been approved.
4.7. Interstate Certification Assurance
4.7.3. Climatic Zone Freedom
The Interstate Certification Assurance (ICA) Some areas in Australia have been designated
scheme has been set up to govern the move- as having “climatic zone freedom for fruit
ment of fruit in Australia. Plant health certifi- fly”. This facility is allowed under ICA-23-1.
cation adopted by the ICA is accepted by all For example ICA-accredited growers and
Australian states and territories. Any business packers can export stone fruit from the Young
that wishes to use ICA treatments must be reg- region in southern New South Wales, to
istered and accredited by the Interstate Plant Victoria and the Fruit Fly Exclusion Zone.
Health Regulation Working Group Fruit can be exported if there are no fruit flies

found in standardized monitor-trap systems ature, (2) high temperature forced air for man-
set up on accredited orchards. goes – 46.5°C for 20 minutes, or 47°C for 15
minutes pulp temperature, (3) vapour heat for
4.7.4. Preharvest Insecticide Treatment mangoes: 46.5°C for 20 minutes, or 47°C for
Preharvest treatments are approved only for 15 minutes pulp temperature.
capsicum, chilli, kiwi and pome fruit, straw- Methyl bromide fumigation for Mediter-
berry and tomato. They involve application of ranean fruit fly and Queensland fruit fly:
dimethoate or fenthion at a concentration and all host-susceptible fruits can be treated at the
frequency approved by the Department of rates given below, which vary depending on
Primary Industries/Agriculture in the export- the temperature of the produce to be treated.
ing state for the control of Queensland fruit The rates for two hour fumigations are: (1) 10-
fly. Monitoring for female Queensland fruit 14.9°C at 48 g/m3, or (2) 15-20.9°C at 40
fly using a liquid yeast autolysate in a g/m3, or (3) 21-25.9°C at 32 g/m3, or (5) 26-
McPhail trap can be used to identify when the 31.9°C at 24 g/m3. This treatment may not be
flies are not active and when sprays are not available in the future as the production and
required. Monitoring traps should be spaced use of methyl bromide is in the process of
on a 400 metre grid and examined weekly by being phased out due to its adverse effects on
a person accredited to recognize fruit flies. If the ozone layer (UNEP 2000).
monitoring is not done then spraying must be Postharvest cold treatment for Queens-
undertaken at the rate and frequency recom- land fruit fly: the produce is held at one of the
mended by the department. temperature/time combinations indicated
below. The rates are: (1) 0 ± 0.5°C for at least
4.7.5. Non-Host Status 14 days, or (2) 1 ± 0.5°C for at least 16 days,
Hard skinned fruit such as mangosteens and or (3) 1.5 ± 0.5°C for at least 18 days, or (5)
pineapples can be naturally unable to host 2.5 ± 0.5°C for at least 22 days.
fruit flies or they can be harvested at maturi- Citrus pesticide and waxing treatment
ties that are unable to host fruit flies such as for Queensland fruit fly: citrus may be treat-
papaya (ICA-06), limes (ICA-15) and bananas ed with a flood spray of Rogor® (dimethoate
(ICA-16). 400 g/litre) and Panoctine® (guazatine at 400
g/litre) at the rates of 0.1 litre/100 litres and
4.7.6. ICA Postharvest Quarantine Treatments 1.3 litre/1000 litres, respectively. A non-
For movement of fruit fly host produce within recovery foam citrus gleam wax may be
Australia, a series of Interstate Certification applied after this treatment but must always
Assurance procedures has been set up when a be the last treatment applied to the fruit.
postharvest treatment is used as the only
option, or the last option, available for trade. 5. Australian AW-IPM Research
The following examples illustrate this option: and Development for Fruit Fly
Postharvest insecticide treatments for Pests
Mediterranean fruit fly: (1) fenthion dipping
(tomatoes, avocado, tamarillo and mango) – 5.1. Research Background
full immersion of the fruit in 412.5 mg/litre
fenthion for 1 minute, (2) fenthion flood In April 2001, a workshop sponsored by
spraying (capsicum, tomatoes, mango, and Horticulture Australia Limited identified area-
tamarillo) – flood spraying the fruit with wide management of fruit flies in endemic
412.5 mg/litre fenthion at 16 litres/min/m2. areas as a priority area for research into fruit
Postharvest heat treatments for fly control options. To scope the opportuni-
Mediterranean fruit fly: (1) hot water dip- ties, Horticulture Australia Limited funded a
ping treatment for mangoes – 46.5°C for 20 consultant to conduct a feasibility study on
minutes; or 47°C for 15 minutes pulp temper- AW-IPM in late 2001. He visited nine candi-

date districts throughout Australia and identi- benefits expected or achieved, especially the
fied the five most appropriate districts for the major benefits resulting from market access.
utilization of AW-IPM as: Corindi, Young, Reliability of AW-IPM system in meet-
Narromine and Orange in New South Wales, ing future market access conditions: the
and the Central Burnett in Queensland. system used to achieve a low rate of infesta-
Candidate districts were assessed for their tion needs to be reliable, so that the approved
feasibility for successful AW-IPM by several market access conditions can be met year after
criteria (Jorgensen 2002): year. Sudden loss of market access is very dis-
Local climatic conditions adverse to ruptive to orderly marketing. Applied treat-
fruit fly infestation for at least part of the ments such as bait sprays and male annihila-
year: natural control of fruit fly by low tem- tion technique are generally quite reliable.
perature provides an important basis for an Low winter temperatures are moderately reli-
AW-IPM. Low temperatures can reduce the able. Quarantine measures to prevent the entry
size and the spread of fruit fly populations. of fruit fly into small quarantine districts are
Major local crops harvested when fruit likely to have low reliability.
fly infestation rate is low: crops harvested in
winter, or when fruit fly populations are other- 5.2. AW-IPM Research and Development
wise low, are least likely to be infested with Areas in Australia
fruit flies.
Major local crops poor or non-hosts for 5.2.1. Gayndah-Mundubbera, Queensland (A.
fruit flies: some crops are unable to host fruit Lloyd, personal communication)
fly infestation due to inherent physical or bio- Orchards: (1) maintain existing protein bait-
logical barriers to infestation. Crops such as ing in citrus and improve control in other
most pineapple cultivars are resistant to fruit crops, (2) introduced male annihilation tech-
flies due to their impenetrable skin. Cherry nology at ten MAT cuelure cups per hectare in
tomatoes also resist oviposition because their all orchards, three times per year, and (3)
skins are tough and smooth. grower participation entirely voluntary.
Few uncontrolled sites of fruit fly breed- Town areas: (1) no previous fruit fly treat-
ing: the presence in a district of few sites ments – heavy infestation in backyard fruit,
where fruit flies are not controlled reduces the (2) introduced year-round MAT and baiting of
risk of infestation of commercial crops. backyard fruit trees and encourage disposal of
Uncontrolled sites include untreated orchards, fallen fruit, and (3) year-round trapping and
urban areas, feral hosts and native host areas. backyard fruit collection.
Level of community support for area-
wide management: support from all sectors 5.2.2. Corindi, New South Wales (A. Jessup,
of the community, including growers of all unpublished)
host fruit, townspeople, local authorities and Within plantation: (1) protein baiting in har-
state governments, facilitates achieving maxi- vest season (October – March), (2) cuelure
mum control of fruit flies. traps on 400-metre grid, (3) MAT caneite
Level of technical skills and support: blocks at four blocks per hectare, (4) strategic
Growers with a high level of technical skill in cover sprays with dimethoate based on trap
pest management, plus the support of research captures, (5) removal of fruit fly hosts within
and extension staff, and one-on-one consult- plantation (peaches), and (6) larval searches in
ants, are needed to establish and maintain blueberries and raspberries throughout the
area-wide management of fruit flies. year.
Benefit to district from area-wide man- Areas surrounding plantation: (1)
agement of fruit flies: the strength of grower perimeter protein baiting, (2) perimeter place-
and community support for area-wide man- ment of MAT caneite blocks every 20 metres,
agement will be dependent on the financial (3) cuelure traps in bush surrounding planta-

tion (20 traps), (4) sites of feral fruit fly hosts replacement of malathion (approved in 2005),
(removal or cover spray), and (5) larval and (4) quarantine treatment developed using
searches of native and feral fruit. cold storage as back-up in case of uncontrol-
lable outbreaks.
5.2.3. Manjimup, Western Australia (C. P. F.
de Lima, personal communication) 5.3.3. Manjimup, Western Australia
Within town of Manjimup: Lynfield traps The following results were obtained:
with capilure and malathion on a 400 metre Zone 1 – Orchards: (1) no Mediterranean
grid. fruit flies trapped over harvesting period in all
Town perimeter (1.5 kilometres from orchards more than two kilometres from the
edge of town): Lynfield traps with capilure town boundary with a 400 metre trap grid
and malathion 400 metres apart. Orchard from November 2003 to May 2004, (2) no fly
trapping (Lynfield traps with capilure and trapped in Manjimup orchards (one kilometre
malathion) on one kilometre grid within trap grid) for ten years from November 1994
orchard areas. Additional traps on a 400 to June 2004, and (3) no hosts and over 20
metre grid were deployed from November continuous days below 3°C in winter give
2003 to May 2004 (harvest period for pome environmental control.
and stone fruit) in all orchards outside two Zone 2 – Perimeter: less than 0.002 flies
kilometres from the town boundary. per trap per week in 400 metre grid 1.5 kilo-
metres outside town boundary.
5.3. Results Zone 3 – Town: three flies per trap per
week from November 2003 to May 2004.
5.3.1. Gayndah-Mundubbera, Queensland
The following results were obtained: (1) 6. Conclusions
community education and awareness pro-
grammes implemented showing town people As a result of trial AW-IPM strategies tested in
the impact of fruit flies in their gardens on New South Wales and Queensland, there have
nearby commercial orchards, (2) for 2004 been significant reductions in the numbers of
season, flies trapped in commercial orchards fruit fly trapped in orchards where the MAT
fell by about 90%, and (3) town infestations and protein baits were used. In Corindi, New
were 61% prior to AW-IPM and fell to 26% South Wales it was necessary to cover spray
within five months. From May to September when the number of flies trapped caused con-
2004 no backyard infestations have been cern to growers. Cover spray applications
found. were reduced from about 12-15 times a season
to 4-5 times. Although there are flies in the
5.3.2. Corindi, New South Wales township of Manjimup in Western Australia
The following results were obtained: (1) the and in very small numbers in a trap line placed
combination of perimeter baiting with MAT 1.5 km from the township, there have been no
caneite blocks reduced the ratio of the num- flies trapped within nearby orchards in the ten
ber of flies trapped outside the plantation years from November 1994.
perimeter to that inside the plantation from From discussions with the scientists
1:1 at the start of the programme (September involved, it appears that there are three major
1998) to 3:1 by March 1999, and to 12:1 by factors, which have significant impact on the
November 2002, (2) reduced number of success of AW-IPM programmes. Firstly the
applications of dimethoate from every seven size of the natural fruit fly population in that
to every 21 days (studies showed extended area affects the type of fruit fly management
anti-fruit fly efficacy in blueberries), (3) new, strategy that is used. AW-IPM under very high
organically-certified toxicant for protein baits fruit fly populations may be too difficult to
(GF120-active ingredient spinosad) tested for achieve without the need for heavy cover

spray use and very strict control of fruit fly inspection historical data as a tool to monitor
host material entering the area. Both tech- the entry of hosts of Queensland fruit fly
niques are costly to the community or to the Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) (Diptera:
environment and would only be used where Tephritidae) into a fruit fly free area.
benefits outweigh those costs. AW-IPM would Australian Journal of Experimental
be more achievable in areas where fruit fly Agriculture 40: 763-771.
survival is marginal or restricted to short (DPIWE) Department of Primary Industries,
warm periods such as in Manjimup where Water and Environment. 2005. Plant
winter temperatures are lethal to fruit flies. In quarantine manual Tasmania Issue 3-02-1.
these cases “softer” fruit fly control options Government of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania,
can be used to reduce populations to negligi- Australia.
ble levels (i.e. to non-detectable levels or Drew, R. A. I. 1989. The tropical fruit flies
complete eradication). (Diptera: Tephritidae: Dacinae) of the
The second aspect with major impact on Australasian and Oceanian regions. Memoirs
the success of AW-IPM is farmer and urban of the Queensland Museum 26: 1-521.
householder compliance with fruit fly man- Ernst & Young. 1999. TriState fruit fly com-
agement strategies employed by the pro- munity awareness assessment. Annual
gramme. Fruit flies are quite highly mobile Review 1998/99. NSW Agriculture, Orange,
betweens orchards and around towns so full NSW, Australia.
regional compliance is ideal. (FAO/IAEA/USDA) Food and Agriculture
Thirdly is the cost of AW-IPM and who Organization of the United Nations/
should pay for it. This question resulted in a International Atomic Energy Agency/
review carried out recently (Bull 2004). United States Department of Agriculture.
Among several recommendations, was the 2003. FAO/IAEA/USDA manual for prod-
desirability for maintenance of area freedom uct quality control and shipping procedures
in the Fruit Fly Exclusion Zone to be funded for sterile mass-reared tephritid fruit flies.
50:50 between government (national, state Version 5.0. IAEA, Vienna, Austria. http://
and local) and industry. At present, in New
South Wales, there is negligible local govern- ml
ment and industry investment. Negotiations Fullam, G. 2004. Australian quarantine
are currently underway. arrangements at the border. Australian
Journal of Emergency Management 19: 77-
7. References 79.
(HPC) Horticultural Policy Council. 1991.
Bull, R. 2004. Review of Queensland fruit fly The impact of fruit flies on Australian horti-
control funding and management in NSW. culture. HPC Industry Report No. 3, ISBN 0
New South Wales Department of Primary 642 16110 0, Canberra, ACT, Australia.
Industries, Orange, NSW, Australia. (ICA) Interstate Certification Assurance.
Cantrell, B., B. Chadwick, and A. Cahill. 2003. Guidelines for the operation of the
2002. Fruit fly fighters: eradication of the Interstate Certification Assurance Scheme.
papaya fruit fly. SCARM Report 81. CSIRO NSW Department of Primary Industries,
Publishing, Collingwood VIC, Australia. Orange, NSW, Australia. http://www.agric.
Dominiak, B., I. Barchia, D. Cruickshank, M. au/reader/pe-ica/ica-guide.pdf
Coates, and A. Jessup. 1999. TriState fruit Jorgensen, K. 2002. Area-wide management
fly roadblock and community awareness. of fruit fly in endemic areas – a feasibility
Annual Review 1998/99. NSW Agriculture, study. Report to Horticulture Australia on
Orange, NSW, Australia. Project AH01016. Horticulture Australia
Dominiak, B., M. Campbell, G. Cameron, Ltd, Sydney, Australia.
and H. Nicol. 2000. Review of vehicle Robinson, A. S., G. Franz, and K. Fisher.

1999. Genetic sexing strains in the medfly, 177. In Price, N. S., and I. Seewooruthun
Ceratitis capitata: development, mass rear- (eds.), Proceedings, Symposium: Indian
ing and field application. Trends in Ocean Commission Regional Fruit Fly
Entomology 2: 81-104. Symposium, 5-9 June 2000, Flic en Flac,
(SCARM) The Standing Committee on Mauritius. Indian Ocean Commission,
Agriculture and Resource Management. Mauritius.
1996. Code of practice for management of Sproul, A. N., S. Broughton, and N. Monzu.
Queensland fruit fly. Canberra, ACT, 1992. Queensland fruit fly eradication cam-
Australia. paign. Department of Agriculture Western
Smallridge, C. J., and D. C. Hopkins. 2003. Australia, Perth, WA, Australia.
Eradication of small outbreaks of medfly in (TriState) TriState Fruit Fly Strategy
South Australia using sterile insect tech- Steering Committee. 2003. Managing
nique. In Proceedings: Quality Assurance in fruit fly: a discussion paper exploring issues
Mass-Reared and Released Fruit Flies for relating to the future of the TriState Fruit Fly
Use in SIT Programmes. Third Research Exclusion Zone. NSW Department of
Coordination Meeting, Joint FAO/IAEA Primary Industries, Orange, NSW, Australia.
Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and (UNEP) United Nations Environmental
Agriculture, 19-23 May 2003, Perth, Programme. 2000. The Montreal Protocol
Western Australia. IAEA, Vienna, Austria. on substances that deplete the ozone layer.
Smith, E. S. C. 2000. Internal and external Ozone Secretariat, Nairobi, Kenya. http://
fruit fly quarantine in Australia, pp. 171-
Five Years of Mosquito Control in Northern


Ecodevelopment S. A., N. Rissio, PO Box 697, 57001 Thessaloniki,


ABSTRACT A total of 8500 hectares were treated with larvicides against several species of mosqui-
toes in an area of 25 000 hectares of agricultural land with 11 500 hectares of Ramsar Convention-protect-
ed wetlands in the plain of Nestos (Prefecture of Kavala, northern Greece). Temephos, diflubenzuron and
Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis (de Barjac) were used as larvicides. Detailed ecological mapping
of vegetation using geographic information systems (GIS) was used to predict potential breeding sites. This
allowed a more environmentally-friendly application of insecticides resulting in only 77% of the area being
treated using helicopter and ultra-light motorized aircraft. The results, as determined by personal inter-
views, are satisfactory: 98% considered the mosquito problem large or unbearable before the beginning of
the control project while 67% considered it small or non-existent after its implementation.

KEY WORDS mosquito abatement, larviciding, Ochlerotatus caspius, mapping, GIS, aerial spraying

1. Introduction richest area nowadays in terms of wetlands in

Greece, about 70% of its original wetlands
Greece has a long history of mosquito-born were lost during the previous century
diseases (malaria, dengue fever), and there is (Psilovikos 1990). However, the gradual
scientific evidence that some inhabitants have increase in arable land and the recent emer-
contracted West Nile virus (Hubalek 1999). gence of environmental ethics in the form of
Rice fields, extended wetlands close to human wetland restoration and protection have exac-
settlements (e.g. 15 000 hectares of rice fields erbated the mosquito nuisance problem. For a
15 kilometres from Thessaloniki, the second country with an economy largely based on
largest city of Greece with one million inhab- tourism, the mosquito problem has serious
itants), in combination with favourable tem- implications. Furthermore, every year 40-50
peratures and misuse of irrigation water and imported malaria cases are recorded in
liquid wastes provide ideal mosquito breeding Greece, and the recent emergence of West
conditions along the 15 000 kilometre coastal Nile virus (a mosquito-born disease) around
zone of Greece. the Mediterranean basin also poses a threat to
Especially in northern Greece where the public health (Gratz 2000).
majority of wetlands and rice fields are locat- Ecodevelopment S.A., a pest control com-
ed, inhabitants and visitors suffer from an pany established nine years ago, specializes in
unbearable mosquito nuisance for more than mosquito control. Starting with a successful
five months every year (May-September) and project involving eight municipalities and
counts of 150-200 mosquito bites per 15 min- 15 000 hectares of rice fields situated 15 kilo-
utes are not unusual (Ecodevelopment 1997). metres west of Thessaloniki, Ecodevelopment
During the 1960s, malaria was eradicated in has expanded its activities, offering mosquito
Greece using DDT (aerial applications) and control services to 11 of the 52 prefectures of
wetland draining. In Macedonia alone, the Greece ranging from the protected wetlands
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 699–707.
© 2007 IAEA.

Figure 1. Mosquito control projects currently implemented in Greece.

of Rhodopi through the rice fields of dominated by Arthrocnemum fruticosum (L.)

Thessaloniki to the arid environments of the Moquin-Tandon, Salicornia europea L.,
islands of Cyclades (Fig. 1). Aeluropus littoralis (Gouan) Parlatore, Juncus
The project in the Prefecture of Kavala maritimus Lamarck and Scirpus maritimus L.,
presented in this paper has been implemented vegetation that creates highly suitable mos-
since 2000 (with an interruption in 2003), and quito breeding sites.
constitutes a case study in itself in terms of During the summer of 2004, 2150
difficulty and complexity since it comprises a hectares of rice fields scattered in 586 individ-
wide multitude of mosquito breeding sites in ual parcels of on average 3.7 hectares, consti-
irregularly scattered fragments of urban agri- tuted the most important mosquito breeding
cultural and natural environments. sites. Abandoned agricultural land comprising
232 fields of about 850 hectares received
2. The Project Area occasional irrigation creating the second most
productive breeding site. In addition, 1-2% of
The project is implemented in the plain of the the total surface of 6500 hectares of corn
Nestos river in a coastal area of 25 000 fields were poorly drained resulting in about
hectares of agricultural land irrigated by the 100 hectares of stagnant water producing at
waters of the river. Within this area, Nestos least one mosquito generation per season.
forms an extensive delta with 11 500 hectares Finally surplus water and misuse of water
of Ramsar Convention-protected wetlands. resulted in a wide variety of potential breed-
About 1500 hectares of these wetlands are ing sites in urban and peri-urban environ-

Figure 2. Species composition in 2002 as determined by the "human bait" method that uses an
aspirator to collect mosquitoes that land on a human leg within a certain period of time (usu-
ally 15 minutes).

ments comprising nine villages, surrounded richiardii Ficalbi 4%, and Culex spp. and
by rice fields and other cultivations, with a other species 6%.
total population of about 25 000 inhabitants.
4. Equipment and Personnel
3. Species Composition
The main spraying applications (larviciding)
Fig. 2 shows the composition of the mosquito were conducted by one Hiller UE-12E heli-
species in 2002 as determined by the human copter, an ultra-light motorized aircraft (Air
bait method. The method uses an aspirator to Creation BUGGY 582 SL with FUN 18QC
collect mosquitoes that land on a human leg wing) and one low-volume fan sprayer unit
within a certain period of time (usually 15 mounted on a Unimog 4 x 4 vehicle. Minor
minutes). Ten sampling sites were set up applications were conducted by two conven-
mainly around human settlements to record tional spraying units mounted on 4 x 4 vehi-
mosquito nuisance and were visited on a cles. For various spot treatments mainly in
weekly basis. urban and peri-urban environments, knapsack
In total, 21 mosquito species could be sprayers and granule applicators were used.
identified. Ochlerotatus caspius Pallas was Adulticiding, only used in cases where
clearly the dominant species (42%) followed emergence of adults was recorded, was per-
by Ochlerotatus detritus Haliday (11%) and formed by one ultra low volume cold fog gen-
Ochlerotatus vexans Meigen (5%) while 27% erator, mounted on a 4 x 4 vehicle.
were unidentified Ochlerotatus spp. speci- The personnel, who were employed full-
mens. Anopheline species contributed 6% time during the project, consisted of two pilots
(Anopheles sacharovi Favre, Anopheles and two technicians for the aerial team, two
pseudopictus Grassi, Cocquillettidia ground spraying technicians, six sampling

Figure 3. General map of the Nestos plain presenting the main mosquito breeding sites.

technicians performing also minor spraying different abatement approaches: natural, agri-
applications and one project manager. cultural, peri-urban and urban. In each, pre-
liminary inspections were undertaken to deter-
5. Insecticides mine all potential breeding sites. Then, perma-
nent larval sampling sites were set up, which
Three different larvicides were used in accor- were sampled on a weekly basis. A total of
dance with the type of breeding site: Bacillus 1235 sampling sites were established and
thuringiensis subsp. israelensis (de Barjac) checked weekly: 311 in the natural environ-
(Vectobac® SL), temephos (Abate® 50 EC, ment, 818 on agricultural land and 106 in the
Abate® 1 SG) and diflubenzuron (Dudim® 10 peri-urban system. In the urban environment,
WP). Vectobac® was used exclusively in the and after having checked 2320 private proper-
natural environment (2-3 litres/ha), Abate® 50 ties, 1096 potential breeding sites were record-
EC in the rice fields (150-300 ml/ha), while ed the majority of which (737) were open
Abate® 1 SG (5-10 kg/ha) and Dudim® 10 cesspools. In addition, educational leaflets
WP (1 kg/ha) were used in urban and peri- were distributed to local people with informa-
urban breeding sites. Malathion (Fyfanon® tion on how to restrict mosquito breeding on
44EW) was used as adulticide (0.25-0.5 their own properties and complaints of mos-
litres/ha). quito nuisance were recorded. Buffer zones
were drawn on a general map of the area
6. Development of a Control around each village at distances of 1.5, 3 and
Strategy 4.5 kilometres. These buffer zones helped to
set spraying priorities which largely depend
The Kavala plain was initially divided into on the dispersal abilities of the main mosquito
four different types of environment, reflecting genera in the application area (Fig. 3).

Figure 4. Example of a digitized orthophoto map that indicates all potential breeding sites in
an urban system.

All potential breeding sites were mapped scale (0 = no larvae present, * = 1-7, ** = 8-
and digitized on orthophotomaps using 14, *** = 15-21 and **** = more than 21
ArcGIS® 8.3. Twenty three maps were then larvae per sample) and site characteristics
developed: six maps at a scale of 1:15 000 for were recorded daily on record sheets. These
the natural system, four maps at a scale of data were then used to delimit areas for
1:30 000 for the agricultural system, four ground and aerial spraying and afterwards
maps at a scale of 1:20 000 for the peri-urban entered into Access ® databases, which
system and nine maps at a scale of 1:5000 for could be integrated with the ArcGIS® data.
the urban system (Fig. 4). These maps were
distributed to both air and ground personnel as 8. Ecological Mapping
operational working documents.
Ecological mapping in mosquito control is a
7. Sampling Method method to delimit and identify potential
breeding sites in coastal wetlands. The
Each sampling site was checked for mosqui- method was initially introduced in France
to larvae on a weekly basis. Water samples (Gabinaud 1975), and adapted to the compara-
were collected from flooded sites on a 5-10 ble Greek Mediterranean conditions (Eco-
metre transect and analysed on-site using a development 2002), and is now successfully
dip net of around 16 centimetres diameter applied to the majority of the main coastal
with a mesh size of about 200 micrometres. areas of Greece. The method uses the vegeta-
Data on genus (Ochlerotatus, Anopheles, tion as an index of oviposition site preference
Culex), developmental stage (1st-4th larval of gravid Ochlerotatus (Aedes) spp. females.
instar, nymphs), abundance using a 5-grade Distribution of plant species in a littoral zone

Figure 5. An example of ecological mapping: one of the six maps displaying the different veg-
etation types in the project zone.

mainly depends on their tolerance to salinity spraying efforts can be saved: when larvae are
and duration of inundation. These ecological sampled in one polygon, the presence of lar-
factors also determine the preference of vae in the rest of the polygons of the same
Ochlerotatus spp. females for oviposition. colour is highly probable. It is therefore not
Thus, vegetation distribution patterns can necessary to check each polygon of the same
reflect the egg-laying patterns of Ochlerotatus colour and also, excessive spraying of non-
spp. females (Babinot 1982). In total 20 dif- productive areas is avoided.
ferent vegetation types were distinguished In the present case, ecological mapping
according to their dependence on water and was used to characterize 1313 hectares of
salinity tolerance (Fig. 5). Each vegetation coastal wetlands into 3200 vegetation poly-
type was labelled with its most characteristic gons and establish 311 sampling sites. Factors
plant species using a different colour. The that influenced the delimitation of the sam-
final output is a map of various vegetation pling sites were uniformity of vegetation
types with different colours, each correspon- (dominance of a vegetation type or a series of
ding to a specific Ochlerotatus spp. oviposi- related types), physical borders and accessi-
tion potential. bility.
The benefit of such a method is that one
can more or less predict the mosquito 9. Larval Productivity
(Ochlerotatus spp.) potential of an area before
the breeding season and organize promptly the Record keeping enabled the development of
control operation in terms of equipment, sampling site productivity maps according to
insecticides and personnel. Moreover, once the total abundance of Ochlerotatus spp. lar-
the abatement begins, many sampling and vae recorded at each sampling site during

Figure 6. Example of a larval productivity map. Sampling sites are classified on a five-grade
scale, according to the total abundance (sum of asterisks) recorded during a 12-week period
in the summer of 2004.

2004 (Fig. 6). spp. and Culex spp. were observed, respec-
From 1313 hectares of ecologically- tively. The data on larval productivity in the
mapped potential breeding sites in 2004 (a agricultural system are still under evaluation
very dry year), production of mosquito larvae and will be presented elsewhere.
was recorded in only 657 hectares, limiting In general, the productivity of individual
the spraying applications to the minimum nec- rice fields varied considerably, between one to
essary. In 95% of these sites, Ochlerotatus five generations per season, in contrast to the
spp. larvae were recorded (629 hectares), natural ecosystem where both levels and vari-
while in 23 and 20% of the sites Anopheles ations in productivity were lower (one to two

Table 1. Total sprayed surface area (hectares) in relation to the type of breeding site and appli-
cation equipment.

Rice fields Abandoned Natural Total Percentage

fields ecosystem

HILLER helicopter 3950 484 703 5137 60.4

Ultra Light 903 175 316 1394 16.4
UNIMOG 4 x 4 477 1149 348 1974 23.2
Total 5330 1808 1367 8505
Percentage 62.7 21.3 16.0

Figure 7. Results of a survey (comprising 180 questionnaires) conducted in 2004 to assess the
severity of the mosquito problem before and after the implementation of the project.

generations). 12. Conclusions

10. Spraying Applications O. caspius is the most important nuisance
species in the area. Detailed mapping of the
In total 8505 hectares were treated with larvi- target area, delimitation of breeding sites,
cides using temephos and diflubenzuron in record keeping and continuous communica-
agricultural land and B. t. israelensis in the tion with local people can ensure the continu-
natural environment. 76.8% of the sprayed ing success of the project as well as the public
area was aerially treated (Table 1). acceptance required for its viability.
Ecological mapping is a valuable tool when
11. Evaluation of Results dealing with sensitive natural environments,
saving both labour and insecticides. From a
In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the total of 11 500 hectares of wetlands only 1313
project, a survey in the form of questionnaires hectares were identified as potential breeding
(personal interviews) was conducted in 2000 sites. From this area, only 50% was found to
(200 interviews) and 2004 (180 interviews). be productive in 2004, thereby limiting the
According to the results, 80% of local people spraying application to the absolute minimum
considered the problem of mosquitoes the necessary. The majority of local people ques-
most serious environmental issue in the area tioned considered the mosquito problem cru-
among others such as aerial pollution, envi- cial for their environment, are satisfied with
ronmental degradation, misuse of agricultural the results of the project and are willing to
pesticides, etc. Moreover, the local communi- participate financially for its continuation.
ty fully supported the project, 88% being will-
ing to participate financially to ensure its con- 13. References
tinuation. Also, 98% considered the mosquito
problem a large or unbearable problem before Babinot, M. 1982. Promontoire oriental du
the beginning of the control project while Grand Rhône (embouchûre). Etude de la
67% considered it moderate, small or non végétation et cartographie écologique des
existent after its implementation (Fig. 7). aires culicidogènes à Aedes (O.) caspius en

milieu instable. Thèse. Université d’Aix- Thèse. Université des Sciences et Techniques
Marseille III, Marseille, France. du Languedoc, Languedoc, France.
Ecodevelopment S. A. 1997. Mosquito control Gratz, N. 2000. Is Europe at risk from emerg-
in the rice fields of Thessaloniki plain. Final ing and resurging vector-borne disease? pp.
report of the mosquito control program exe- 49-56. In Proceedings: 13th European SOVE
cuted in the Thessaloniki prefecture in 1997. Meeting, September 2000, Antalya, Turkey.
Thessaloniki, Greece. DTP, Ankara, Turkey.
Ecodevelopment S. A. 2002. Ecological map- Hubalek, Z., and J. Halouzka. 1999. West
ping for mosquito control in the large wet- Nile Fever – a re-emerging mosquito-borne
lands of northern Greece. Program for devel- viral disease in Europe. Emerging Infectious
opment and industrial research and technolo- Diseases 5: 545-556.
gy (PAVET, code no:111). Ministry of Psilovikos, A. 1990. Changes in Greek wetlands
Development, Greece. during the twentieth century: the cases of the
Gabinaud, A. 1975. Écologie de deux Aedes Macedonian Island waters and of the river
halophiles du littoral méditerranéen français deltas of the Aegean and Ionian coasts, pp.
Aedes (Ochlerotatus) caspius (Pallas, 1771), 179-205. In Gerakis, P. A. (ed.), Proceedings:
Aedes (Ochlerotatus) detritus (Haliday, 1833) Conservation and Management of Greek
(Nematocera, Culicidae). Utilisation de la Wetlands. Proceedings of the Thessaloniki
végétation comme indicateur biotique pour Workshop, 17-21 April 1989, World Wildlife
l’établissement d’une carte écologique. Fund, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki,
Application en dynamique des populations. Thessaloniki. IUCN, Thessaloniki, Greece.
The Carribean Amblyomma variegatum
Eradication Programme: Success or Failure?


R. E. PACER2 and C. S. EDDI3

1FAO - Caribbean Amblyomma Programme, PO Box W1572, Woods

Centre, Antigua
2USDA, American Embassy, Santo Domingo, Unit 5527, APO AA 34041
3Animal Production and Health Division, FAO, Viale delle Terme di

Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy

ABSTRACT The tropical bont tick Amblyomma variegatum F. was introduced into Guadeloupe in the
mid 1700s and into Antigua about 100 years later. It was mainly restricted to these islands until the mid
1970s, when the tick spread rapidly, coincident with the introduction and expansion of the cattle egret
(Bubulcus ibis L.) population. Thereafter, the tick became established on 18 islands. In late 1994, an erad-
ication programme, the Caribbean Amblyomma Programme (CAP), was initiated using a strategy based on
applications every two weeks of the pour-on acaricide, flumethrin (Bayticol®), for a minimum period of
24 to 30 months. Farmers were made responsible for regular treatment of their livestock. The strategy was
reinforced through intensive public information programmes. A tropical bont tick surveillance programme
was carried out and data entered into a customised database "TickINFO". Progress was slower than origi-
nally foreseen, but St. Kitts and St. Lucia (November 2001), Anguilla and Montserrat (February 2002), and
Barbados and Dominica (February 2003) were certified provisionally tropical bont tick-free following
defined periods of surveillance. Unfortunately, St. Kitts, St. Lucia and Dominica have all had reinfestations
or recrudescences of the tick since being certified. In 2004, with the increase in spread of the tick, St Kitts
was decertified. St Vincent qualifies for certification, as ticks have not been seen for two years. Three CAP
islands remain infested: Antigua, Nevis and St. Maarten/St. Martin. The four islands in the French West
Indies programme also remain infested. Three of the four islands under the jurisdiction of the USA remain
tropical bont tick-free. St Croix, however, became reinfested again in 2000 and remains so up to 2005. The
major conclusions drawn from the programme are discussed in the context of successes and failures, and
include administrative and financial management issues, the technical design and methodology and the
future of the programme. Notably, if additional funding is not available within a few months to continue
and conclude eradication activities, then it is recommended that a tick management strategy is adopted,
with full cost recovery.

KEY WORDS tropical bont tick, Amblyomma variegatum, eradication, Caribbean, flumethrin, cattle

1. Introduction L., the tick spread rapidly. During the period

1970-1990, the tick became established on 18
The tropical bont tick Amblyomma variega- islands (Table 1 and Fig. 1). It was estimated
tum F. was introduced into Guadeloupe in the that if it, and its associated diseases, heartwa-
mid 1700s and into Antigua about 100 years ter and dermatophilosis, became widely estab-
later. It spread to Marie Galante quickly, but lished throughout their potential range in the
thereafter it was mainly restricted to these Americas, potential losses of USD 762 mil-
islands until the mid 1970s. Thereafter, coin- lion annually could occur to the livestock
cident with the introduction and expansion of industry.
the population of cattle egrets, Bubulcus ibis Pegram and colleagues (2000c) presented
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 709–720.
© 2007 IAEA.

Figure 1. Map of the Caribbean showing the status of the tropical bont tick (TBT) eradication

a general introduction to the Caribbean some serious financial, administrative and

Amblyomma Programme (CAP), its history, technical constraints that have impacted nega-
and the initial progress towards the eradica- tively on its original progress and successes.
tion of the tropical bont tick. Subsequently,
progress was reported in several international 2. Programme Methodology
symposia and papers (Pegram et al. 2000b,
Phillip 2000, Pegram et al. 2002, Pegram and In late 1994, the A. variegatum eradication
Eddi 2003, Pegram et al. 2003, 2004). This programme was initiated, with the Food and
paper reviews further progress and identifies Agriculture Organization of the United

Table 1. Islands involved in tropical bont tick eradication programmes in the Caribbean
Community and Common Market (CARICOM) (Caribbean Amblyomma Programme), the
French West Indies, and USA territories.

Island or group Year of Current activity Tropical Comments on status

(Authority) infestation Bont Tick

United States of America (USDA)

Puerto Rico 1974 / 92 S and Q - Eradicated / remains free

Vieques 1981 S and Q - Eradicated / remains free
Culebra 1986 S and Q - Eradicated / remains free
St. Croix (USVI) 1967 / 87 E + Reinfested in 2000

CARICOM and Associated States/Islands (CAP)

Anguilla 1982 E - Certified provisionally free - 2002

Antigua 1865 E + Process of eradication
and Barbuda S - Not infested / remains free
British Virgin Islands S - Not infested / remains free
Barbados 1990 S and Q -* Certified provisionally free - 2003
Dominica 1993 S and Q -* Certified provisionally free - 2003
Grenada S - Not infested / remains free
Montserrat 1980 S and Q - Certified provisionally free - 2002
St. Kitts 1978 E, S and Q ± Reinfested and decertified - 2004
and Nevis 1977 E + Process of eradication
Montserrat 1980 S and Q - Certified provisionally free - 2002
St. Lucia 1973 S and Q -* Certified provisionally free - 2001
St. Vincent S - Reinfested in 2000 / Now free
Trinidad & Tobago S - Confirmed tick-free in 2001

Netherlands Antilles (CAP)

Saba S - Not infested / remains free

St. Eustacius S - Not infested / remains free
St. Maarten 1978 E + Process of eradication

French West Indies (FWI)

Guadeloupe ca 1700 E + All FWI territories remain tick -

Marie Galante ca 1700 E +
Les Desirade 1982 E +
Martinique 1948 E +
St. Martin 1978 E + CAP assumed responsibility in

* Tropical bont tick status: periodic reports of "hot spots" that require treatment
E = eradication, S = surveillance, Q = quarantaine

Nations (FAO) providing the lead technical was responsible for overall operational and
role. The CAP Regional Coordination Unit technical management, training, and supervi-

Table 2. Public awareness and training materials used in the tropical bont tick programme.

Theme Activities and Items Comments

General and Brochures, clocks, calendars, calculators, General materials and specifics for
“Be Aware” diaries, document conference cases, key rings, meetings of the Amblyomma
posters, T-shirts, watches Programme Council
Sponsorship for cricket and football (polo
shirts and CAP logo)
Animal handling video and field manuals
Radio and TV programmes
School and TV quizzes / competitions
Promotional DVDs, CDs, and videos

“Pour-it-On” Training video and supporting print materials Training package co-funded by
(posters, brochures) Bayer
Coffee mugs

“Tick Watch” Training videos and supporting print materials Training package co-funded by
and “Keep Tick identification field kits in a Fanny Pack Bayer. Different sub-themes used in
Looking” Tick identification video, manual and field aids tick-infested and tick-free islands

sion of the regional database. The unit also ogists and national coordinators. In 2000, a
served as the secretariat for the Amblyomma revised version was based on the double bino-
Programme Council that met annually. mial nested probability function (Beal 1971)
to take account of the heterogeneity of live-
2.1. Eradication of Tropical Bont Tick stock management systems in the Caribbean
islands. Prevalence rates were determined for
In the tick-infested countries, the project strat- both properties and animals. In addition to
egy was based on the application of the acari- intensive quantitative surveillance, training
cide every two weeks, flumethrin (Bayticol®) was provided in participatory epidemiological
pour-on, for a minimum period of 24-30 methods to enhance the quality and quantity
months. Farmers were made responsible for of data generated. This was particularly
regular treatment of their livestock, and the rewarding in islands with a very low preva-
strategy was reinforced through an intensive lence.
public information campaign using various
media and services to ensure sensitization of 2.3. Public Information Campaigns
farmers and the general public. Government
animal health personnel were responsible for A wide variety of techniques, activities and
training, monitoring compliance, and surveil- materials was used to increase awareness of
lance. the programme among livestock owners and
the general public. The programme adopted
2.2. Surveillance for the Tropical Bont themes that covered the main field activities,
Tick including the initial awareness campaign “Be
Aware”, the tick eradication activities “Pour-
The surveillance protocol was developed in it-On”, and for tick surveillance “Tick Watch”
participatory workshops during 1998-1999 and “Keep Looking”. These themes, and a
that included field staff as well as epidemiol- summary of activities and items produced, are

Table 3. Components and functions of TickINFO 4 and GIS.

Component Function and Outputs

Village data Lists all villages with geographic coordinates

Farmer data Registration of all animal owners and livestock with specific locality coordinates
Visit data Compilation of tropical bont tick surveillance data, and update of census data
Summary analysis Facilitates selection criteria for analysis and standardized reporting
Includes export facility for GIS analysis and mapping
Provides standardized quarterly reports with zonal and species prevalence rates
E-mail transmission facility
Upload facility to CaribVET website
File data Facilitates safe filing and back-up of all data
Random contacts Generates a random list of farmers for surveillance purposes

shown in Table 2. The national programme in St. Kitts

(Phillip 2000) was considered a model from
2.4. Database Management the onset in 1995. Blanket treatment was ter-
minated in five of the seven parishes within 36
Following tropical bont tick surveillance months, and by 2001 it was believed that only
activities, all data were entered into a cus- one tick-infested property remained (Fig. 2).
tomized database, “TickINFO”(Unpublished). St. Kitts was granted “tropical bont tick provi-
The TickINFO database was programmed in sional-free” status in November 2001.
Microsoft Access® to process and analyse A. Immediately thereafter, a series of events had
variegatum surveillance data. It was devel- serious detrimental impact on the programme,
oped by CAP and the Centre de Coopération
Internationale en Recherche Agronomique
pour le Développement-Département d’
Elevage et Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays
Tropicaux (CIRAD-EMVT) with continuous
feedback from national database managers to
enhance adaptability and acceptability. The
database was used both in the private and pub-
lic sectors in Guadeloupe and Martinique and
in the CARICOM veterinary departments of
the Lesser Antilles. Key components and
functions of the current version of TickINFO
4 and GIS, which is linked with ArcView® 8.4
to facilitate mapping outputs, are summarized
in Table 3.

3. Results and Discussion

It was realized in 2000 that several islands had
taken considerably longer than originally pro-
jected to attain the goal of tropical bont tick
eradication. Several technical, administrative, Figure 2. Progressive decline and reinvasion
and management factors contributed to the delay. of tropical bont tick in St. Kitts.

including major senior staff changes in pro- to certification of provisional freedom from
gramme management. the tropical bont tick was also deficient.
One paradoxical factor was that, due to the However, both of these technical considera-
initial success of the eradication programme tions may have been influenced previously by
and increased confidence in rearing livestock, political and economic factors during project
cattle numbers increased almost four fold. formulation and in the initial stages of imple-
Unfortunately, little attention was paid to cat- mentation.
tle maintenance or confinement and markets For the purpose of this discussion, and an
for beef had declined distinctly. This, coupled understanding of the proposed new pathway
with a parallel decline in the sugar industry, for attaining certification for provisional free-
led to increased numbers of free-roaming dom from the tropical bont tick, the original
livestock and inadequate quarantine at a criti- technical model for eradication is briefly
cal time. The subsequent rapid spread of the reviewed. In the Caribbean, the only hosts for
tropical bont tick through 2003 and 2004 the tick other than domestic livestock, and
resulted in St. Kitts being decertified from its rarely dogs and donkeys, are the cattle egret
provisionally-free status in November 2004 and the small Indian mongoose Herpestes
(Fig. 2). auropunctatus (Hodgson). Studies in
In Antigua, a major setback was identified Guadeloupe showed that almost 95% of lar-
soon after the implementation of the national vae, 97% of nymphs and of 100% adults feed
programme. Livestock numbers had been on domestic hosts.
grossly underestimated at the time of the ini- Two computer simulation scenarios for
tial launch of the eradication efforts in 1997: tick eradication strategies were developed
cattle by 25% and small ruminants by some based on the following scientific data: (1) the
400%. There were also many animals free- total accumulated maximum survival period
roaming or stray that had not been registered. for eggs, larvae, nymphs and adults was 46
Consequently, management deficiencies and months. A treatment programme of 48 months
financial constraints led to a suspension of all would be required, and (2) the survival period
field activities in 2000. A new philosophy and of adult ticks was only 20 months, and theo-
strategy was then developed for livestock in retically therefore, 24 months of intensive
general as an essential prerequisite for any treatment might suffice.
possible resumption of eradication activities. This second scenario, which was consid-
These included the compulsory registration of ered cost-effective, had been adopted for the
all livestock owners, tagging of all livestock, eradication strategy. Unfortunately, it made
and the branding of cattle. Data were recorded two important, but erroneous, assumptions:
in the database “Intertrace” (PAN Livestock (1) that all tick stages would concentrate with-
2003) and in most respects the current system in the hosts grazing area or range, and (2) that
is on parity with that practised within the all livestock would graze within that range,
European Union (EU). and be treated every two weeks.
The latter assumption was based on expe-
3.1. Technical and Scientific Factors riences in Puerto Rico where the intensive
treatment duration of two years was deemed
The underlying technical issues that emerged successful in eliminating tropical bont tick
during the critical analysis of the problems in foci. It had been assumed that it would work
2000-2002 were based on the following throughout the Caribbean, but there are at
observations and analysis: (1) the programme least two reasons why this may not be so.
eradication strategy, with only 24 months of Firstly, A. variegatum had not become well
treatment, was conceptualized using a simula- established in Puerto Rico at the time inten-
tion model with defective assumptions, (2) the sive treatment programmes were implement-
duration of post-treatment surveillance prior ed. It was most unlikely that A. variegatum

immatures had become adapted to feral hosts. eggs.

In contrast, in most other Caribbean islands Animals such as mongooses may also play
the tick had been present for at least 10-15 a role in moving ticks among farms and graz-
years and was well adapted and established ing areas. They may support tropical bont tick
before intensive treatment programmes were immature populations that may emerge as
implemented. adults after the completion of the two year
Secondly, a further factor influencing the treatment programme (Corn et al. 1996). In
widespread dispersion of the tick was related 2001, the project carried out a small survey
to livestock management systems. In Puerto for tropical bont ticks on cattle egrets on St.
Rico, most livestock are kept commercially Kitts, but no ticks were found on 50 birds cap-
and maintained in enclosed or fenced com- tured.
mercial properties. Thus, all stages of ticks It can be concluded that within the CAP
would be exposed to hosts that have been islands, the mandatory treatment period
treated with acaricide. It is also known that should have been a minimum of four years
immature stages of A. variegatum are known and not two years. Notably, potential donors
to survive longer in bush scrublands than on had raised this critical issue during the project
well-managed pastures. formulation and review before the implemen-
In contrast, in the other Caribbean islands tation of the programme in 1994. Moreover,
very few livestock are managed commercially the tropical bont tick-free surveillance period
except on government farms. The majority are should have been a minimum of 15-18 months
free ranging. In some islands, for example after the cessation of island-wide treatments,
Antigua and Nevis, there is a high proportion rather than six months as had also been adopt-
of feral livestock. In these situations, there ed from the Puerto Rico experiences. These
could well be small pockets of residual infes- rather complex and varied management fac-
tations of A. variegatum that are not exposed tors undoubtedly contributed to the prolonged
to acaricide-treated animals, due to larvae and persistence of infestations of tropical bont tick
nymphs feeding on non-domestic small rumi- in the Caribbean islands.
nant hosts for periods of up to two years. Table 4 summarizes representative tropical
Drought and other factors influence the graz- bont tick surveillance data for 1999-2004 for
ing areas of domestic animals, especially Barbados, Nevis, St. Kitts and St. Lucia.
goats, and as such, untreated or infrequently From 2000 onwards, a critical analysis of
treated hosts may pick up residual adults some tick surveillance data led to the need to devel-
24-48 months after the original deposition of op a more stringent pathway to attain certifi-

Table 4. Animal and farm tick prevalence (%) for selected Carribean islands and years.

Island 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Barbados Animal 0.05 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00

Farm n.c.1 1.00 0.30 0.09 0.27 0.00
Nevis Animal 0.11 n.c. 0.10 0.19 0.12 0.04
Farm n.c. n.c. 1.61 1.72 1.31 0.71
St. Kitts Animal 0.28 0.10 0.05 0.21 0.16 0.76
Farm n.c. 0.28 0.17 0.67 0.50 n.c.
St. Lucia Animal 0.13 0.09 0.02 0.10 0.02 0.04
Farm n.c. 1.95 0.24 0.52 0.72 0.12

1n.c. = not calculated


Figure 3. Original (upper) and revised (lower) pathway to obtain the Certificate of Provisional Freedom (CPF) from tropical bont tick.

cation of provisional freedom, concurrently longed, intensive use of a pyrethroid acaricide

with the obvious need for prolonged treat- may lead to resistance problems. During the
ment, and an extended period of surveillance 10-year period of application, there were only
after the cessation of treatment. The original two minor cases, both in government dairies
eradication pathway to demonstrate certifica- that had been using Bayticol® for several
tion of provisional freedom is outlined in Fig. years for control of Boophilus microplus
3 (upper) and the current pathway in Fig. 3 (Canestini) before the implementation of the
(lower). Both pathways show the shortest tick eradication programme. In both cases, in
route possible under the set conditions. In the St. Kitts and in St. Lucia, after laboratory con-
new pathway, if the treatment period ends firmation of resistance, a switch to amitraz for
before 30 June, the period of surveillance after between six and 12 months resolved the prob-
treatment must include two third quarters and lem. No resistance problems were encoun-
will be longer than if treatment ends at 30 tered with A. variegatum. The second problem
June (i.e. 15 months). envisaged was the disruption of enzootic sta-
Surveillance for the tropical bont tick bility to anaplasmosis and babesiosis follow-
should continue indefinitely after the award of ing intensive control of the vectors. Only in
Certificate of Provisional Freedom according St. Kitts following the cessation of intensive
to protocols and using a variety of surveil- treatment in 1998 and 1999, did a few cases of
lance techniques, including participatory babesiosis occur, and most of these were treat-
methods. Ultimately, recognition of complete ed successfully with Imizol®.
freedom from the tick will depend on demon-
stration that the region is free, rather than an 3.2. Administrative and Management
individual island. Factors
The new quantitative surveillance protocol
introduced in 2000 assumed that it was sur- The complexity of operating an eradication pro-
veying the tropical bont tick population, while gramme in several countries within a multi-
in fact it was only sampling that part of the donor and multi-organizational framework,
parasitic population feeding on the livestock with many conflicting, often incompatible
host at the time of sampling. In cooler, dry agreements, and the need for maximum opera-
seasons, this method is very misleading as the tional flexibility was a major challenge through-
greater part of the tick population at that time out the eradication programme.
is not in a parasitic phase where it can be sam- There are several critical issues to be learnt
pled, but in a terrestrial phase where it will be from this programme, although they are not
undetected. A quantitative surveillance proto- necessarily new. Many of them were reviewed
col requires that the likelihood of tick detec- during the presentations at an international con-
tion be spread evenly throughout the sampling ference convened in 1998 (Lindquist 2000).
frame, which in this case is the livestock hold- Other relevant features were considered and
ing. However, some ticks may survive in adapted from former large-scale eradication and
small refuges where either livestock are not control programmes, including screwworm in
being treated with acaricide through inacces- North Africa, and tick control and eradication
sibility or owner neglect, or they are using a efforts in Africa, Australia, and the USA
feral host, which similarly is untreated. Thus, (Pegram et al. 2000a). Wilson (1996) also
by necessity, this method of surveillance reviewed historical tick and tick-borne disease
focuses only on the parasitic phases of the eradication programmes in Zimbabwe and con-
tick. sidered the implications for the proposed tropi-
Two other technical factors that were of cal bont tick eradication programme for the
concern during the formulation and donor Caribbean.
review phases had a more positive outcome. Critical issues and constraints, include the
Firstly, there was a suggestion that if pro- following: (1) programmes should be managed

independent of political and institutional bod- tion and implementation of such cooperative
ies; that is, managed by an autonomous body. agreements, Wyss (2000) makes a very perti-
Lindquist (2000) noted that: nent observation, emphasizing the importance
...some programmes have failed not because of of interpersonal relations during execution:
inappropriate technologies, but because of con- Experience has shown that the best agreement
flicting political and institutional agendas. with the wrong mixture of people may not work as
well as a bad agreement with the right mixture of
(2) full support of producers and producer people.
associations is essential, (3) appropriate legisla-
tion must be in place, agreed upon and imple- 3.3. Funding Issues
mented, (4) defined goals are essential as well
as standard systems to monitor compliance and The original cost estimates were grossly under-
verify status, and (5) research should not be estimated. In 1995, CAP recalculated costs for
carried out within the area of eradication or a conventional approach using public service
suppression. (government) delivery and concluded that it
However, several key lessons contributed was prohibitively expensive particularly for
positively to the initial successes. The positive manpower and transportation. For example, in
lessons are as follows: (1) the public informa- Antigua alone about USD 5 million were
tion and social marketing aspects of the pro- required, whereas in the project document only
gramme, including education and communica- USD 500 000 had been allocated. Notably, in
tion, are very important, (2) the important role 1988 the proposed USDA/United States
played by the Amblyomma Programme Agency for International Development
Council as an independent body and the flexi- (USAID) pilot project for Antigua was valued
bility of “informal ad hoc working groups” as at USD 4.8 million. It was then decided to
approved by the Amblyomma Programme change the approach with much greater
Council, (3) the continuous informal contact involvement of livestock owners to make them
and meetings, particularly between the main responsible for the mandatory treatment.
technical and donor institutions, for example Serious funding problems occurred periodical-
the USDA and the CAP-Regional Coordination ly throughout the programme.
Unit, (4) the commitment and support of the Two other issues impacted on effective
Ministry of Agriculture of the participating implementation. Some agencies managed their
governments, (5) the positive response and own funds independently and staff inputs were
compliance of most of the target livestock own- not always complementary or compatible, and
ers, and (6) the use of only proven technical continuity was often a problem. Secondly, the
methods. question arose: was there a conflict of interests
The main conclusion to be drawn from between the major donors/partners? The EU
these experiences is that international collabo- and FAO perceived the eradication of the trop-
ration is a valuable tool in the implementation ical bont tick as having livestock development
of multi-donor, multi-institutional funded pro- potential, that is, to rid the region of a pest that
grammes. However, rather than a multitude of limits livestock production. In contrast, the
individual, potentially incompatible agree- USDA perceived the tick as a major potential
ments being made, a single multi-organization- risk to the livestock industry in the USA. The
al agreement is essential to synchronize and contrasting philosophies complicated the
harmonize operations under the leadership of a implementation and approach, and the sourcing
single technical implementing agency. of complementary funding.
Democracy can be ensured through a body
such as the Amblyomma Programme Council, 3.4. The Future?
but it should be empowered with some legally
acceptable authority. In describing the prepara- There is inadequate funding for 2005 to con-

tinue the eradication programme on Antigua identification, implementation of livestock

and to support surveillance and database man- database(s) and, in several cases, attain provi-
agement on other islands. Both USDA and sional tropical bont tick-free status. Those
FAO continue to seek additional funding to achievements could still lead to total eradica-
complete the eradication by 2009, but if it is tion if adequate funding becomes available in
not found by the end of the year, then the erad- the near future. The importance of public
ication efforts must be terminated and the pro- information campaigns and legislation was
gramme may need to revert to a tick manage- demonstrated during the project. However,
ment programme. It is recommended that if a increased government support, particularly to
tropical bont tick management strategy is to ensure implementation of the legislation, is
be adopted on all islands, then full cost recov- required to guarantee full compliance by all
ery for acaricides and a stronger application of parties.
the existing legislation, must be enforced to
minimize further spread of the tick. 5. References
4. Conclusions Beal, V. C. 1971. The use of the double bino-
mial in animal disease work. Unpublished
International collaboration is a valuable tool Working Paper, United States Department of
in the implementation of multi-donor, multi- Agriculture, Washington, DC., USA.
institutional funded programmes. Nevertheless, Corn, J. L., N. Barre, G. I. Garris, and V. F.
rather than several individual, conflicting Nettles. 1996. Potential impact of wildlife
agreements being made, a single multi-organi- on the tropical bont tick eradication program
zational agreement is considered essential to in the Caribbean. Annals of the New York
synchronize and harmonize operations under Academy of Sciences 791: 77-84.
the leadership of a single technical imple- Lindquist, D. A. 2000. Pest management
menting agency. In order to achieve the final strategies: area-wide and conventional, pp.
goal of tropical bont tick eradication in the 13-19. In Tan, K. H. (ed.), Proceedings: Area-
Caribbean, various aspects of the programme Wide Control of Fruit Flies and Other Insect
including administrative, management, politi- Pests. International Conference on Area-
cal and technical, require better harmoniza- Wide Control of Insect Pests, and the 5th
tion. The time-lapse experienced between International Symposium on Fruit Flies of
decision-making and actual funding has been Economic Importance, 28 May-5 June 1998,
a major challenge throughout. Penang, Malaysia. Penerbit Universiti Sains
The original time frame, activities and Malaysia, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.
budget indicated for the various phases of the PAN Livestock Services. 2003. InterTrace: an
project were markedly underestimated and integrated livestock population database sys-
required several readjustments in respect of tem. Reading, UK.
specific situations in each island. Moreover, Pegram, R. G., and C. Eddi. 2003. Progress
revision of the treatment and surveillance pro- towards the eradication of Amblyomma var-
tocols was required taking into consideration iegatum from the Caribbean, pp. 273-281. In
the life cycle of the tick and the different ani- Jongejan, F., and W. R. Kaufman (eds.),
mal management systems in the Caribbean. Proceedings: 4th International Conference on
On a positive note, the project highlighted Ticks and Tick-Borne Pathogens, July 2002,
the fact that under an informal umbrella of the Alberta, Canada. Kluwer Academic
Amblyomma Programme Council, a cross- Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
section of islands in the region was able to Pegram, R. G., J. W. Hansen, and D. D.
work together and overcome considerable Wilson. 2000a. Past and present tick control
constraints to attain the various intermediate programmes. Why they succeed or fail?
goals, including farmer registration, animal Annals of the New York Academy of

Sciences 916: 179-185. Pegram, R. G., L. Indar, R. J. Holmes, and C.

Pegram, R. G., D. D. Wilson, and J. W. Eddi. 2003. Models for minimizing or elim-
Hansen. 2000b. Eradication and surveil- inating risks of dangerous pests: the
lance of the tropical bont tick in the Caribbean Amblyomma program, pp 30-46.
Caribbean: an international approach. Annals In Klassen, W., W. Colon, and W. I. Lugo
of the New York Academy of Sciences 916: (eds.), Challenges and opportunities in pro-
546-554. tecting the Caribbean, Latin America and the
Pegram, R. G., E. F. Gersabeck, D. D Wilson, United States from invasive species, July
and J. W. Hansen. 2000c. Progress in the 2003, Grenada. Caribbean Food Crops
eradication of Amblyomma variegatum Society, St. Croix.
Fabricius, 1794 (Ixodoidea, Ixodidae) from Pegram, R. G., L. Indar, C. Eddi, and J.
the Caribbean, pp. 123-129. In Tan, K. H. George. 2004. The Caribbean Amblyomma
(ed.), Proceedings: Area-Wide Control of program: some ecological aspects impacting
Fruit Flies and Other Insect Pests. on its success. Annals of the New York
International Conference on Area-Wide Academy of Sciences 1026: 302-311.
Control of Insect Pests, and the 5th Phillip, K. St. C. 2000. Tropical bont tick
International Symposium on Fruit Flies of (Amblyomma variegatum) eradication in the
Economic Importance, 28 May-5 June 1998, Caribbean. Annals of the New York
Penang, Malaysia. Penerbit Universiti Sains Academy of Sciences 916: 320-325.
Malaysia, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. Wilson, A. 1996. Appropriate strategies for the
Pegram, R. G., E. F. Gersabeck, D. D. Wilson, control or eradication of ticks and tick-borne
and J. W. Hansen. 2002. Eradication of the diseases. Annals of the New York Academy
tropical bont tick in the Caribbean: “Is the of Sciences 791: 54-63.
Caribbean Amblyomma programme in cri- Wyss, J. H. 2000. Screwworm eradication in
sis?” Annals of the New York Academy of the Americas. Annals of the New York
Sciences 969: 297-305. Academy of Sciences 916: 186-193.
Section 8

Lessons Learned
Lessons from Area-Wide Integrated Pest
Management (AW-IPM) Programmes with
an SIT Component: an FAO/IAEA


1Insect Pest Control Sub-Programme, Joint FAO/IAEA Programme of

Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture, IAEA, Wagramerstrasse 5,

A-1400 Vienna, Austria
2Latin America Section 1, Division for Latin America, Department of

Technical Cooperation, IAEA, Wagramerstrasse 5, A-1400 Vienna,

3Asia and the Pacific Section 2, Division for Asia and the Pacific,

Department of Technical Cooperation, IAEA, Wagramerstrasse 5, A-

1400 Vienna, Austria

ABSTRACT Area-wide integrated pest management (AW-IPM) programmes that integrate the release
of sterile insects are complex and very management intensive undertakings. Their success depends upon
continuous interactions between essential components of the system of pest suppression. Although there
are many AW-IPM programmes that very effectively incorporate the release of sterile insects, success can-
not be taken for granted. From an analysis of successful programmes and those beset with difficulties, sev-
eral essential technical and managerial prerequisites for success were extracted. Technical requirements
included: the availability of high-quality baseline data to develop an appropriate strategy, adequate com-
petitiveness and mating compatibility between the strain used for release and that of the target population,
persistence of the quality of the release strain, and sound monitoring. On the managerial side, the prereq-
uisites of success were: commitment of all stakeholders, adequate funding, a flexible and independent man-
agement structure with dedicated full-time staff, independent peer reviews and consistency in the imple-
mentation of critical programme components taking into account differences in local ecological, socio-eco-
nomic and political conditions.

KEY WORDS area-wide integrated pest management, sterile insect technique, competitiveness, mon-
itoring, management

1. Introduction agement intensive and requires the coordinat-

ed involvement of local stakeholders and
Area-wide integrated pest management (AW- national and/or regional authorities, it results
IPM) entails the integration of various control in sustainable long-term pest control
tactics against an entire insect pest population (Lindquist 2000). The AW-IPM approach is
within a delimited geographical area (Klassen proactive, i.e. action is taken before a pest
2005). This approach is undoubtedly the most population reaches damaging levels, and aims
rational available against major insect pests of at protecting agriculture and/or human health
agricultural and medical importance. in an entire area. This strategy stands in stark
Although the approach is area-bound, man- contrast to the more traditional approaches of
M.J.B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson and J. Hendrichs (eds.), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests, 723–744.
© 2007 IAEA.

localized pest management, where a pest screwworm flies (Meyer 1994) and 2500 mil-
problem is addressed on a field-by-field or lion sterile Mediterranean fruit flies Ceratitis
household-by-household basis in a more reac- capitata (Wiedemann). Improved diets, devel-
tive way, and the pest is not suppressed in sur- opment of genetic sexing strains and automa-
rounding areas that are economically unim- tion of segments of the rearing process have
portant such as wild hosts, abandoned crops resulted in more and better quality sterile
and backyards (Klassen 2005). Mediterranean fruit flies (Enkerlin 2003), and
The sterile insect technique (SIT), which have made the SIT for these flies competitive
interferes with the reproduction of a pest, has with more conventional pest control methods
become a significant component of many AW- (Hendrichs et al. 2002).
IPM campaigns against selected insect pests. Despite being complex and management
The SIT relies on the production of large num- intensive, most AW-IPM programmes with an
bers of the target insect in specialized produc- SIT component have yielded remarkable
tion centres, the sterilization of one or both of achievements against selected insect pests
the sexes, and the systematic and sustained (Table 1). Undoubtedly, the importance and
release in the natural habitat in numbers large application of the SIT as part of AW-IPM
enough to outcompete the wild pest popula- approaches will continue to increase in the
tion. Simple theoretical models developed by future. Unfortunately, complications have sur-
E. F. Knipling in the 1950s demonstrated that faced during implementation of some pro-
the sustained, sequential release of large num- grammes (e.g. the New World screwworm
bers of sterile male insects could drive a target eradication campaign on Jamaica between
insect population to extinction within a few 1999 and 2004), or even before activities
generations (Knipling 1955). The concept was reached the operational phase, e.g. the ill-
first demonstrated on the island of Curaçao, fated Mediterranean fruit fly programme in
Netherlands Antilles in 1954, with the elimi- Egypt (Fischer 1997) and various tsetse
nation of the New World screwworm fly research and development projects in different
Cochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel) after sub-Sahara African countries. It is not the
only six months of sterile male releases objective of this paper to review the many
(Baumhover et al. 1955, Baumhover 2002). successful AW-IPM programmes with an SIT
These encouraging results stimulated a bigger component as these are well documented in
programme in Florida, USA, which ultimate- the literature (Dyck et al. 2005a), but rather to
ly culminated in the largest and most success- provide a comparative analysis of several suc-
ful SIT-based eradication campaign ever cessful and troubled programmes from which
undertaken against a major insect pest, i.e. the some lessons and essential prerequisites for
elimination of the New World screwworm success are extracted.
from the southern USA, Mexico and Central
America (1957-2002) (Wyss 2000). 2. FAO/IAEA Support to AW-
The SIT is not a stand-alone technique and IPM Programmes that
is used concomitantly with several comple- Integrate the Release of Sterile
mentary methods within an integrated pest Insects
management (IPM) system. In addition to
eradication, the technique can also be used for As an independent, intergovernmental, sci-
suppression, containment and prevention ence and technology-based organization, the
(Hendrichs et al. 2005). Moreover, a series of role of the International Atomic Energy
technological improvements have reduced the Agency (IAEA) in the field of agriculture is to
overall cost of the SIT component and opti- support its Member States in implementing
mized rearing procedures (Tween 2004), mak- projects that yield tangible socio-economic
ing possible the weekly production and impact and contribute to sustainable develop-
release of 500 million sterile New World ment through peaceful applications of nuclear

Table 1. Examples of past and ongoing successful AW-IPM programmes that integrate the SIT
to suppress, contain, prevent or eradicate important insect pests.

Pest species Target area Date Control strategy

New World screwworm North and Central America 1958-2001 Eradication
Cochliomyia hominivorax Panama - Colombia border 2002-present Containment
(Coquerel) Libya 1988-1992 Eradication
Tsetse fly Glossina austeni Unguja Island (Zanzibar) 1994-1997 Eradication
Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis Israel/Jordan 1997-present Suppression
capitata (Wiedemann) Madeira (Portugal) 1995-present Suppression
South Africa 1997-present Suppression
Spain 2003-present Suppression
Tunisia 2001-present Suppression
Patagonia (Argentina) 1992-2006 Eradication
Mendoza (Argentina) 1992-present Eradication
Chile 1992-1995 Eradication
Chile-Peru border 1996-present Containment
Mexico 1978-1982 Eradication
Mexico-Guatemala 1998-present Containment
Los Angeles Basin (USA)1 1980-1996 Eradication
Los Angeles Basin (USA) 1996-present Prevention
Florida (USA)2 1998-present Prevention
South Australia1 1946-present Eradication
Oriental fruit fly Bactrocera dor- Thailand 1987-present Suppression
salis Hendel
Mexican fruit fly Anastrepha north-western Mexico 1991-present Eradication
ludens (Loew) Mexico-California border 1960-present Prevention
Mexico-Texas border 1984-2002 Prevention
Mexico-Texas border 2003-present Eradication
Melon fly Bactrocera cucurbitae Okinawa (Japan) 1982-1994 Eradication
Queensland fruit fly Bactrocera south-eastern Australia 1996-present Containnent
tryoni (Froggatt)
Codling moth Cydia pomonella (L.) British Columbia (Canada) 1994-present Suppression
Pink bollworm Pectinophora California (USA) 1969-2000 Containment
gossypiella (Saunders)
south-western USA/northern 2001-present Eradication
False codling moth Thaumatotibia South Africa 2004-present Suppression
leucotreta (Meyrick)
Painted apple moth Teia anar- New Zealand 1999-present Eradication
toides Walker
1Not continuous but short, intermittent outbreaks 2 Previously eradication of several outbreaks

science. The mandate of the Food and of factors conducive to programme success or
Agriculture Organization of the United failure.
Nations (FAO) includes the provision of assis-
tance in the area of food, agriculture and nutri- 3. Prerequisites for Success and
tion through the collection, analysis, interpre- Lessons Learned
tation, dissemination and exchange of infor-
mation; the delivery of advice on policies, The successful implementation of AW-IPM
laws and standards; and the provision of tech- campaigns with an SIT component, depends
nical assistance and the mobilization of sup- on complex and effective interactions
port, in partnership with governments, private between its major components, i.e. baseline
industry, financial institutions and non-gov- data collection, pre-release population sup-
ernmental organizations, for agricultural, pression, mass-rearing of the target insect,
forestry, fisheries and rural development. sexual sterilization, handling procedures and
Both IAEA and FAO respond directly to the field release operations, monitoring pro-
priorities, needs and interests of their Member gramme progress, quality control of sterile
States, with support being provided through insects, public relations, etc.
the following two major and complementary The scale of these programmes can vary
mechanisms: (1) FAO/IAEA Coordinated from a few square metres (e.g. whitefly con-
Research Projects (CRPs), and (2) Technical trol in greenhouses (Calvitti et al. 2000)) to
Cooperation Projects (TCPs). CRPs are inter- several 100 square kilometres (e.g. the SIT-
national research networks designed to devel- based AW-IPM programme against the tsetse
op, improve and/or validate methodologies fly Glossina austeni Newstead on Unguja
related to the use of nuclear science and its Island, Zanzibar (Vreysen et al. 2000)) or to
applications. When and where a given tech- several million square kilometres (e.g. the
nology is validated for use under field condi- New World screwworm campaign in the USA,
tions, then upon request from Member States, Mexico and Central America (Wyss 2000)).
it may be transferred through one or more Considerable funds are usually needed and
IAEA or FAO TCPs. From 1995 to 2005, programme delays or failure cause significant
about USD 36 million and USD 5 million economic losses. Consequently, after defining
worth of assistance was provided to support the strategic approach, e.g. suppression, con-
SIT-based AW-IPM programmes in Member tainment/prevention or eradication (Hendrichs
States through TCPs (largely IAEA) and et al. 2005), each campaign requires the devel-
CRPs, respectively. opment of an appropriate strategy and corre-
The assistance given through these mecha- sponding thorough and detailed operational
nisms in areas related to SIT and AW-IPM has planning well before it is initiated.
been aimed mainly at: feasibility assessments A critical analysis of various successful
and baseline data collection, development of and a few troubled AW-IPM programmes
local capacity in support of implementing involving the SIT has allowed some major
AW-IPM programmes with an SIT compo- technical, managerial, logistical and strategic
nent, supplying specific equipment, providing requirements to achieve success to be identi-
training and expertise, promoting internation- fied.
al coordination of supranational programmes,
and developing improved rearing and quality 3.1. Technical Requirements
assurance/management procedures.
The direct and indirect application of these 3.1.1. Collection of Baseline Data and
two mechanisms by the organizations to sup- Development of an Appropriate Strategy
port the implementation of AW-IPM pro- Before implementing an AW-IPM pro-
grammes has provided valuable data and gramme, especially one that integrates the
experience suitable for analysis and extraction release of sterile insects, essential data on the

distribution, density and dynamics of the tar- this long, often frustrating, but necessary
get population must be collected. As each pest detailed planning (FAO 1992). This generated
population in a given target area is unique, a sound operational (action) plan consisting
control strategies should be developed that are of: (1) intensive monitoring to assess the dis-
adapted to the ecological, topographic and tribution of the infestation and to prevent its
technical characteristics of each situation. It is spread to neighbouring areas and countries,
therefore unwise to directly transfer control (2) extensive training to improve local expert-
techniques and technologies that have proven ise, and (3) employment of foreign consult-
their effectiveness under specific conditions ants and experts to assist with the collection
to a different geographical area. and/or analysis of a variety of data on the New
In the programme throughout the Okinawa World screwworm in Libya, including mating
Archipelago of Japan, that successfully imple- compatibility studies to assess the possibility
mented the SIT against the melon fly of using the strain being mass-reared in
Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett), knowl- Mexico for implementing the SIT (FAO
edge of population ecology was seen as an 1992). In both the melon fly programme in
essential prerequisite (Koyama et al. 2004). Okinawa and the New World screwworm pro-
Before the SIT activities were implemented, gramme in Libya, these preliminary studies
accurate data collected on the number of wild and planning exercises were considered to be
male melon flies on the target islands were vital to success.
analysed using relatively simple mathematical The availability of a good set of baseline
methods such as the Petersen index, the nega- data is, on the other hand, no guarantee that a
tive and positive Jackson method or modified sound action programme will be developed.
versions thereof (Itô 1973, Hamada 1976, Itô At the start of the AW-IPM campaign against
and Koyama 1982). These studies were car- the tsetse fly Glossina pallidipes Austen in the
ried out in various vegetation types in view of Southern Rift Valley of Ethiopia (Alemu et al.,
the extreme differences in the densities of the this volume), entomological data on the spa-
fly populations, e.g. on average 7.04 wild tial and temporal variations in the distribution
males per hectare in subtropical rain forests and density of the tsetse populations were effi-
and on average 622 wild males per hectare in ciently collected with five field teams over an
villages with cultivated fields (Itô and area of 10 000 square kilometres during a
Koyama 1982). These data were complement- period of one year (Vreysen et al. 1999).
ed by studies on the mating behaviour of wild Considerable time elapsed, however, between
and mass-reared strains and on some genetic the collection of the data and the development
aspects of the wild population (Koyama et al. of a strategy during which unavoidable
1986, 2004). As a result, accurate data on the changes occurred in pest population distribu-
total number of fruit flies on each of the tion and land use patterns. This highlights the
islands was available, which was critical to need for a timely analysis of the data after col-
develop a strategy for meeting the lection to allow proper programme initiation
suppression, rearing and release requirements and implementation.
(Koyama et al. 1982). The baseline data collection exercise in the
In spite of being an emergency pro- Mediterranean fruit fly programme in Egypt
gramme, the New World screwworm eradica- (1984-1986) provides an example of data col-
tion programme in Libya was preceded by an lected that were never properly used. During
intensive and detailed planning phase, deemed the initial years of the programme, an exten-
essential for the development of the control sive and efficient network of 8000 fly traps
strategy and corresponding detailed opera- that covered 95% of all agricultural areas was
tional plans. The field director, D. A. set up and data were collected on a weekly
Lindquist commented later that the pro- basis. After one year, detailed and accurate
gramme would have never succeeded without field data on fly population distribution and

farmer participation would be adequate to

suppress the indigenous population. Pre-pro-
gramme collection of baseline data on popula-
tion densities, the importance of feral dogs in
the ecosystem as hosts, etc., might have per-
suaded the managers to develop of a some-
what different, but possibly more efficient,
control strategy.

3.1.2. Competitiveness of Sterile Males and

Back-Up Strains
Insects tend to lose their field competitiveness
Figure 1. Field cage to conduct studies on the after being mass-reared for a number of gen-
mating behaviour and mating compatibility of erations; therefore procedures need to be in
insect pests. place to monitor the extent of relevant
changes. Most progress in developing proto-
cols to measure competitiveness of mass-
dynamics were available from most areas. reared males when competing with wild males
However, its processing and in-depth analysis for wild females has been made with tropical
was never completed; the data were never fruit flies. For these species, field cage tests
published and/or made available to the scien- (Fig. 1) have been developed that use standard
tific community (Hendrichs 1986). procedures for assessing the most appropriate
The New World screwworm eradication parameters (FAO/IAEA/USDA 2003). These
programme in Jamaica was initiated in 1999 tests ensured that the Mediterranean fruit fly
with little data available on spatial and sea- strain selected for mass-rearing and release
sonal fluctuations in the density of the native was fully compatible and competitive with the
population. With only historical screwworm target population in eradication or suppression
case data (Rawlins and Chen Sang 1984) and programmes in, for example Patagonia
results from limited ecological or behavioural (Argentina) (Cayol et al. 1999), the Hex River
studies available, the programme started on Valley (South Africa) (Barnes et al. 2004) and
the premise of the “infallibility of the SIT in the Arava/Araba Valley (Israel/Jordan)
against New World screwworm”. This was (Cayol et al. 2004).
understandable in view of a history of The importance of conducting these stud-
decades-long successful use of the SIT in ies prior to embarking on an operational pro-
eliminating screwworm populations. The gramme was exemplified in the case of the
Jamaica programme was considered to be a South American fruit fly Anastrepha fratercu-
“turnkey” operation that applied an “off-the- lus (Wiedemann). Mating barriers were
shelf” technology package, but that failed in revealed between strains of this species from
an important component – effective suppres- different geographical areas in South America
sion of the native population through the con- indicating that, unlike the Mediterranean fruit
tinuous treatment of wounds. Consequently, fly, different strains of A. fraterculus will have
protocols such as release densities established to be reared to apply the SIT against different
and developed for New World screwworm geographical populations (Vera et al. 2006).
programmes in Mexico and Central America In addition to field cage studies, innovative
were simply transferred to Jamaica (Grant et developments such as the introduction of the
al 2000). The key assumptions were that: (1) filter rearing system have been instrumental in
the New World screwworm population on improving and maintaining the quality of the
Jamaica would be similar in many ways to male-only strain of the Mediterranean fruit
populations on the mainland, and that (2) fly. In this approach, a mother colony is main-

tained under “relaxed rearing” and optimized understandably, based upon the provider’s
environmental conditions. Eggs are derived own needs and priorities. These releases were
from this mother colony on a regular basis for initiated with a strain originating from Costa
large colony development. This reduces the Rica that had been mass-reared for seven
accumulation of genetic changes induced by years, followed by a strain from Panama that
mass-rearing over time because all of the had been maintained under laboratory condi-
mass-reared insects are released and none of tions for six years. The development of a
these are returned to the mother colony Jamaican strain was only taken into consider-
(Fisher and Cáceres 2000, Cáceres et al. ation in 2003. In addition, the compatibility
2004). between the strain selected for release and that
Prolonged mass-rearing of New World of the target population was assessed only in
screwworm was found to induce quantitative small, overcrowded cages in a laboratory; a
and qualitative changes in the profile of their method hardly appropriate to predict mating
cuticular hydrocarbons (Pomonis and interactions in the field.
Mackley 1985, Pomonis 1989). The exact
composition of these chemicals is essential for 3.1.3. Quality Assurance of Sterile Insects
a New World screwworm male to recognize a As mentioned before, the capability of sterile
female for mating. Rearing-induced changes insects to successfully compete with wild
in this composition can lead to asymmetric males for wild females is of prime importance
mating patterns in which wild males select for the success of AW-IPM programmes with
only wild females, whereas sterile males may an SIT component. When sterile insects are
mate at random both with wild and sterile purchased from outside the programme, a
females (Hammack 1987). In small-cage mat- contract should therefore be elaborated which
ing studies with wild and mass-reared strains includes specifications for quality assurance
of New World screwworm in Cuba and of the sterile flies, both in the laboratory and
Jamaica, very high mating preferences (96- in the field. This assessment, using mutually
100%) of wild males for wild females were agreed procedures, should be carried out reg-
observed (García 2002). Moreover, recently ularly by both the supplier and the end-user
developed mathematical models have indicat- and periodically checked by independent
ed that twice as many sterile insects may be experts. A penalty clause should be included
required to compensate for this mating imbal- in the contract that would be applied in case
ance (Vreysen et al. 2006). the quality of the sterile flies is below the
To minimize the risk of rapid reduction in agreed standard, or when the required number
quality, New World screwworm strains for of sterile insects is not supplied according to
mass-rearing have traditionally been devel- the agreed schedule.
oped from wild material collected in the target In this respect, most progress has been
zone, and strain replacement was routinely made with tephritid fruit flies and standard
done approximately every two years in New quality tests are now used in control pro-
World screwworm programmes in the USA grammes worldwide (FAO/IAEA/USDA
and Mexico (Marroquin 1994). These proce- 2003). This greatly facilitates taking correc-
dures, crucial for the success of earlier New tive measures in case mean values are
World screwworm programmes applying the obtained which deviate from the expected
SIT, were neglected for the eradication pro- mean values stated in the manual.
gramme on Jamaica. The programme man- The importance of routinely using stan-
agers on Jamaica had, however, no influence dardized quality control tests was exemplified
on the selection of the strain used for mass- during long-distance shipments of
rearing and release. This decision was made Mediterranean fruit flies from Guatemala to
unilaterally by the provider of the sterile Israel for use in the Arava/Araba programme
males (outside the programme) and was, (Cayol et al. 2004). Due to increasingly strin-

Figure 2. Quality control data for sterile Mediterranean fruit fly pupae shipped from El Pino,
Guatemala to Sapir Centre, Israel, showing a decrease in flight ability (open circles) as a result
of increased duration of hypoxia (black circles).

gent air-freight regulations, the durations of the shipped flies decreased significantly with
shipments of Mediterranean fruit fly pupae time (Fig. 3).
from Guatemala to Israel were greatly extend-
ed. Through quality control data routinely col- 3.1.4. Monitoring Programme Progress
lected from samples taken prior to shipment Careful, systematic and continuous monitor-
and after the arrival of pupae in Israel, a sig- ing is an essential component of any AW-IPM
nificant decrease in flight ability of emerged programme and certainly one with a SIT com-
males was identified (Fig. 2). ponent (Vreysen 2005). It has been argued
In the New World screwworm eradication that a control campaign can be carried to suc-
programme in Jamaica, a procurement con- cess without an intense monitoring pro-
tract was established between the provider of gramme. This may be true if the programme
the sterile male screwworm flies and the progresses according to expectations, but this
Government of Jamaica, but the non-delivery is rarely the case. An efficient monitoring pro-
of pupae for extended periods during two gramme enables early detection of problems
labour strikes in the mass-rearing facility and their swift rectification before substantial
(Dyck et al. 2005b), and the unfortunate case damage occurs or irretrievable time is lost. A
of an unirradiated shipment that resulted in combination of suitable parameters needs to
the release of fertile New World screwworms be selected, which, in the case of programmes
were, to the writers’ knowledge, never proper- that integrate the release of sterile insects,
ly considered for compensation. Also, the include the ratio of sterile to wild insects and
provider of the sterile flies remained reluctant the percent of insects in the native population
to support induced sterility and other field with induced sterility (Vreysen 2005).
studies essential for assessing the quality of Examples of excellent monitoring compo-
the released sterile flies. The programme man- nents incorporated into successful AW-IPM
agers on Jamaica were assured that the assess- campaigns are: (1) the eradication of New
ment of the quality control parameters in the World screwworm from Libya, (2) the elimi-
rearing facility and in the dispersal centre in nation of the tsetse fly G. austeni from Unguja
Jamaica would be sufficient indicators of fly Island, Zanzibar, and (3) the removal of the
quality. However, an analysis of one of the melon fly from Okinawa, Japan.
relevant quality control parameters (the aver- In Libya, the monitoring consisted of three
age pupal weight), indicated that the quality of components: (1) extensive animal surveil-

Figure 3. The average weight of sterile New World screwworm pupae of consignments received
on Jamaica from 1999 to 2004.

lance (Fig. 4, upper, left) by 94 field teams ovarian age and to assess whether they had
which inspected 16 and 30 million animals for mated with a sterile or a fertile male. This sys-
infested wounds in 1990 and 1991, respective- tematic monitoring programme provided
ly; (2) trapping adult screwworm flies weekly data sets on the apparent density of
throughout the infested area to assess the both the wild and sterile fly populations, ster-
degree of uniformity of releases of sterile flies ile to wild male ratios at each fixed monitor-
(Fig. 4, lower, right), and to determine the ing site, the rate of induced sterility in the
proportion of sterile to wild insects. Particular native female population, and the age compo-
attention was given to those traps that did not sition of the female fly population (Vreysen et
contain sterile flies to assess if the traps were al. 2000). The entomological component was
operating properly, if their location was suit- accompanied by regular monitoring of the
able and whether the dispersal of sterile flies incidence of trypanosomes in livestock (Dyck
was done adequately in that area, and most et al. 2000).
importantly, (3) the collection of egg masses A combination of complementary methods
from deliberately-wounded sentinel animals was likewise used to evaluate the melon fly
to determine the ratio of sterile to fertile egg eradication programme in Okinawa, Japan,
masses, which is the most direct indicator of i.e. the trapping of adult flies, the assessment
the SIT’s effectiveness (Fig. 4, lower, left) of morphological abnormalities in the testes to
(FAO 1992). distinguish sterile from wild male flies and to
A similarly intensive field-monitoring pro- determine sterile to wild male ratios, an
gramme was implemented during the G. inspection of host fruits for larvae, and the
austeni eradication campaign on Unguja hatchability of eggs (on an experimental basis
Island of Zanzibar. More than 500 sticky because the method is labour intensive)
panel traps were maintained permanently at (Koyama et al. 2004).
55 fixed monitoring sites distributed over the In all three programmes, the monitoring
entire island in various vegetation types dur- was executed in strict compliance with the
ing the main eradication campaign. Fly sam- plan, i.e., routinely, rigorously and without
ples were analysed on a weekly basis, indige- interruption. Thus the monitoring component
nous flies discriminated from sterile flies and provided programme managers with up-to-
all wild female flies dissected to determine date information at all times, which was indis-

Figure 4. Monitoring and suppression methods in AW-IPM programmes against the New
World screwworm: (upper, left) inspection of cattle for screwworm-infested wounds, (upper
right) insecticide treatment of wounds, (lower, left) animal with artifical wounds in sentinel pen
to collect egg masses to assess the rate of induced sterility in the native screwworm population
(Photo from P. Spradbery, reproduced with permission), and (lower, right) a wind-oriented trap
to assess the distribution of sterile males and the ratio of sterile to fertile insects.

pensable for taking timely corrective actions, ficult. This was unfortunate because the
and overall for the smooth implementation of demonstration of a significant decrease in pest
programme activities. population density is essential to maintain the
Consistency in the methods used for data support of major stakeholders early in a pro-
collection before, during and after programme gramme.
implementation is also very important for The New World screwworm programme
analysing programme operations (IAEA on Jamaica did not place sufficient emphasis
2003). The difficulty created when this rule is on the systematic collection of various kinds
violated, is illustrated by trapping in the of field data needed to monitor programme
Mediterranean fruit fly programme in the progress, and this deficiency was not ade-
Araba valley (Rössler et al. 2000). Here quately corrected even though the programme
Steiner traps were used to collect the baseline did not advance according to expectations.
data, but the traps were replaced by Jackson, Programme evaluation was based solely on
Tephri® and International Pheromone the number of positive screwworm cases
McPhail traps in the later phases of the pro- reported, a parameter influenced more by the
gramme (Cayol et al. 2004), which made the willingness of the livestock owners to dili-
assessment of the effectiveness of the AW- gently collect larvae from wounds and submit
IPM operations in the first year extremely dif- these samples to the programme than by the

effect of the SIT on the ratio of sterile to fer- and human resources. In addition, this legal
tile egg masses. Despite some sporadic sam- body was exempt from the usual bureaucratic
pling of egg masses at the beginning of the rules, and the roles and responsibilities of all
programme (Robinson et al. 2000), systemat- staff (senior, middle-level, technical, adminis-
ic collection of information on mating fre- trative, etc.) were established before the pro-
quencies (i.e. the rate of induced sterility) of gramme was initiated. All staff members were
the sterile males with native female flies was employed full-time. Each major supervisory
never attempted, even when it became clear activity was jointly managed by two profes-
that the programme was in dire straits. It was sional counterparts, one from each country. As
always assumed that the released sterile a consequence, the primary ownership of the
insects would perform adequately and their programme was vested in the commission,
potentially inferior competitiveness was not rather than in the agricultural ministries of the
questioned. As a result, by the end of 2004 and governments of the countries involved.
after several years of sterile insect releases, Nevertheless, the latter were sufficiently
the crucial question of whether the released involved so that emergency needs for addi-
sterile male flies were capable of locating vir- tional finances, personnel, facilities, etc. could
gin females and transferring their sterile be met without costly delays. Also livestock
sperm at the desired frequency still remained owners from the countries involved were rep-
unanswered. resented on the commission, and their influ-
ence was very positive and vitally important.
3.2. Management and Logistical Prerequisites A different, but similarly efficient manage-
ment structure was established by the Director
3.2.1. A Flexible and Independent Management General of the FAO for the New World screw-
Structure worm eradication programme in Libya, i.e.
The organizational structures of most success- the Screwworm Emergency Centre for North
ful large-scale AW-IPM programmes with a Africa (SECNA). Established to operate out-
SIT component had management components side the formal bureaucracy inherent to an
with a high degree of political and financial international organization, SECNA received
autonomy, as well as considerable freedom special authority to implement the eradication
from government regulation and bureaucratic programme and maintain the flexibility need-
intervention (Dyck et al. 2005b). Good exam- ed to meet unforeseen difficulties. This facili-
ples include the New World screwworm erad- tated rapid decision-making and greatly expe-
ication commissions, which were established dited all operations including procurement,
initially between Mexico and the USA (Meyer direct communication with donors, countries
1994) and subsequently involved the various at risk and other organizations. A director
countries in Central America. The legal from FAO and a co-director from Libya head-
authorities and managerial arrangements were ed the SECNA field programme and were
based on precedents learned at great cost in responsible for all field activities, including
the cooperative Mexico-USA programme management of all resources, programme
(1947-1954) to eradicate foot and mouth dis- strategy and its implementation (FAO 1992).
ease, which had appeared in Mexico and This flexible and efficient management unit
threatened to spread into the USA. Thus, was essential to the success of the operational
although one high-level representative each of programme, and it was able to draw on the
the secretary of agriculture of Mexico and of strong support of the IAEA. Planning for this
the USA served on the screwworm commis- campaign had been led by the FAO/IAEA
sion, the commission had essentially complete Joint Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food
responsibility for and control of the eradica- and Agriculture, which also took responsibili-
tion campaign. Also, the commission was ty for genetic comparison of Libyan and
fully accountable for all financial, physical release strains to assure their compatibility,

for other specialized studies, recruitment of gramme. In addition, the Ministry of

experts, etc. (Lindquist et al. 1993). Training Agriculture’s regulations hindered the timely
of many Libyan personnel in advance of the employment of temporary field technicians in
campaign had been organized and funded by accordance with the changing needs of the
the Technical Cooperation Department of the programme. This constraint was at the root of
IAEA. Construction of traps and development suboptimal surveillance of the animals and
of other specialized equipment, procurement collection of egg masses on the island.
of the attractant (swormlure), etc. were Similarly, the Mediterranean fruit fly pro-
accomplished by the FAO/IAEA Agriculture gramme in Egypt suffered from many admin-
and Biotechnology Laboratory at Seibersdorf, istrative problems such as changing leader-
Austria. ship, the lack of full-time staff and the estab-
Other examples of efficient, independent lishment of an independent management
management structures are the Programa structure. In addition, the two senior managers
Moscamed, a cooperative agreement between of the programme had conflicting views on
Mexico, the USA and Guatemala to contain the programme approach, i.e. one advocated a
the Mediterranean fruit fly, and the Arava research approach whereas the other favoured
Medfly Eradication Programme (AMEP) in a management and technology transfer
Israel. The Programa Moscamed is operated approach. Most of the senior programme staff
jointly by the plant protection organizations of had a research background and lacked the nec-
these countries through a special commission. essary “get-the-job-done” attitude. The pro-
This commission has a management structure gramme director was not stationed at the pro-
that is independent, manages its own budget gramme headquarters but at a research insti-
of ca USD 40 million per year, and retains full tute in another city, which resulted in lack of
authority for all final decisions pertaining to delegation, contradicting orders being issued,
operations. In Israel, AMEP was established and considerable delays in programme imple-
with full-time employees in charge of sterile mentation. Moreover, several senior staff con-
fly handling, release and monitoring. stantly voiced open doubts about the feasibil-
Although the growers largely fund this organ- ity of the programme and were convinced that
ization, it is independent in its day-to-day the strategy developed and especially, the use
managerial and technical decisions regarding of the SIT, was not the correct approach. All
field operations. The Mediterranean fruit fly these problems contributed to insufficient
control programme of Patagonia, largely support, postponement of important decisions,
funded by a private sector organization internal fights for control of funds and ulti-
(Fundación Barrera Zoofitosanitaria Patagóni- mately resulted in the premature closure of the
ca (FUNBAPA)), is another example of an project (Hendrichs 1986).
effective management structure with stake- Following the Pan African Tsetse and
holder involvement. Trypanosomiasis Eradication Campaign
In contrast, the Jamaica New World screw- (PATTEC) initiative, many African nations
worm eradication programme’s management have or are planning to embark on large-scale
structure lacked full-time staff and the same area-wide programmes to create tsetse-free
degree of independence enjoyed by the above zones with the ultimate aim to eliminate the
programmes, and this tended to compromise disease trypanosomosis. Most of the current
its effectiveness and efficiency. The Jamaican programmes are implemented under existing
Ministry of Agriculture operated the pro- government ministries and all suffer from
gramme and staffed it with government civil restrictive rules and regulations, exhaustive
servants with many other responsibilities and bureaucracies, inflexibility, low staff salaries
duties within the Veterinary Services (and hence, morale), etc.: all contributing to
Division. Thus, these technical officers were the slow and ineffective implementation of
unable to give undivided attention to the pro- most of these programmes.

3.2.2. Continuity in Implementation of all and this occurred in the New World screw-
Essential Programme Components worm eradication programme in Jamaica.
AW-IPM programmes, especially those that Continuity in vital components of the pro-
include the release of sterile insects, have sev- gramme was not sustained for any period
eral interdependent components; failure to longer than three months between July 2002
adequately implement one component has and December 2003. The programme suffered
drastic implications for the success of the numerous setbacks, especially in 2003 when,
entire programme. Consistency in the imple- in 27 out of 52 weeks, substantial inadequa-
mentation of all components is therefore cies occurred in the receipt, quality or disper-
indispensable for success. sal of sterile pupae/flies, or in the field com-
In the New World screwworm eradication ponent (Dyck et al. 2005b). Such inconstancy
programme in Libya, the systematic releases is disastrous in area-wide campaigns against
of sterile males were combined with an effi- pests, such as the New World screwworm or
cient field surveillance programme. Not one various fruit flies, which have the capacity to
interruption occurred in weekly releases of ca reproduce explosively and disperse widely.
40 million sterile flies per week over the
25 000 square kilometres of infested area, and 3.2.3. Resources, Manpower and Institutional
the field teams travelled daily through their Capacity
designated zones to inspect all livestock on a After developing an appropriate intervention
15-21 day-rotation basis (FAO 1992). This strategy, a realistic budget must be prepared to
regular, uninterrupted inspection of animals provide sufficiently for contingencies and for
facilitated treatment of all wounds (albeit at essential obligations that must be made before
intervals longer than the 5-7 days required for programme operations are initiated. For cam-
larvae to mature), and to efficient suppression paigns anticipated to last two or three years,
of the native New World screwworm popula- full funding needs to be available in a dedicat-
tion. In addition, it allowed the collection of ed account for all programme components for
very accurate data on the density and distribu- the entire life of the programme, including
tion of the screwworm population (see para- salaries, sterile flies, aircraft time, insecti-
graph 3.1.4. on monitoring) (FAO 1992). cides, monitoring activities, public informa-
In the tsetse programme in Zanzibar, regu- tion, programme review, outside experts, etc.
lar aerial releases of sterile male G. austeni Of course this is not possible for all phases of
were initiated in August 1994 and terminated a major long-term programme such as the
in December 1997. Not one of these regular complete removal of the screwworm from the
release flights was omitted, nor was a day of USA, Mexico and Central America, which
field monitoring activities missed. required more than 40 years.
On the other hand, between 2001 and Sufficient expertise in terms of the biology
2003, 18 of 51 scheduled shipments of sterile of the target insect, the management of opera-
Mediterranean fruit fly pupae from Guatemala tional AW-IPM programmes and the SIT com-
to Israel failed to arrive because of the ponent, needs to be assembled before embark-
increased rerouting or cancellations of flights ing on a programme. Gaps in knowledge and
in the aftermath of September 11, 2001. This in overall institutional capacity need to be
highlighted the lack of alternative production identified on a timely basis and remedial
sources of sterile male flies (Cayol et al. 2004) training provided. Ample equipment and
and paved the way for the establishment of a logistics need to be at the disposal of the pro-
commercial Mediterranean fruit fly rearing gramme, including office space, computers,
facility in the Middle East (Bassi et al., this vehicles, traps, sentinel animals, and suffi-
volume). cient back-up systems for all essential pro-
Lack of continuity in implementing all pro- gramme components (e.g. a back-up fly dis-
gramme components can be very detrimental, persal chamber, an adequate stock of essential

spare parts, and back-up release aircraft). opinion and consequently, efforts to attract
Skilled personnel with expertise in the proper additional funding from the international
maintenance and repair of essential pro- community never materialized. In addition,
gramme components must be included in the there was insufficient provision for opera-
core team. Contingency plans must be devel- tional funds to cover local expenditures,
oped to cope with bad weather, hurricanes, which forced the conversion of convertible
and lapses in availability of sterile insects and currency funds into local currency, depleting
insecticides, etc. The programme must be further the overall budget (Hendrichs 1986).
shielded from the category of contingencies
from which recovery would be difficult or 3.2.4. The Relevance and Importance of
impossible. Stakeholders
An example of a programme that suffered Before embarking on an area-wide suppres-
from inadequate back-up systems and contin- sion or eradication programme, a firm com-
gency plans is the New World screwworm mitment from all directly affected stakehold-
eradication programme in Jamaica. Only one ers is required. This should be formalized in a
dispersal centre was available that could han- document that outlines the specific role and
dle only two shipments of pupae per week. responsibility of each party. In addition, since
Each week, only 36 hours were available for the collaboration of the beneficiaries (e.g. the
maintenance and repairs. Consequently, livestock holders and growers) is required, a
releases were disrupted for six weeks during certain degree of organization among these is
August-September 2003, when the centre’s essential.
refrigeration system did not function. In addi- The apple and pear growers of the
tion, the number of mechanics available for Okanagan-Kootenay Sterile Insect Release
maintenance and repair of the “chill fly unit”, (OKSIR) programme against the codling
the release machines and the facilities were moth in British Columbia, Canada were the
insufficient; these deficiencies proved to be initial driving force behind the programme.
very disruptive for the programme. The federal and provincial governments fund-
Relatively small programmes, such as the ed only the initial capital costs of the codling
Mediterranean fruit fly suppression pro- moth rearing facility. Therefore, to cover the
gramme in the Hex River Valley, South Africa yearly operating costs, an SIT parcel tax was
and the Arava/Araba Valley, Israel/Jordan levied on commercial apple and pear growers,
have suffered from insufficient funds to allow and a mil rate tax was levied on all rural and
for adequate back-ups of expensive compo- urban property owners (Bloem and Bloem
nents of the programme such as the release 2000).
aircraft. Although regular maintenance was The AMEP in Israel is funded by the grow-
planned well in advance and contingency ers of the valley through fees paid to the
solutions were put in place (e.g. ground Plants Production and Marketing Board of
releases of sterile insects and ground bait Israel, as well as by the Regional Council of
spray applications), unexpected maintenance the Arava Valley and by the Ministry of
needs of the aircraft often caused disruption in Agriculture. AMEP reports regularly to all its
sterile fly dispersal for sometimes several stakeholders on the progress made in suppres-
weeks. In some cases, these operational bot- sion of the Mediterranean fruit fly and, occa-
tlenecks allowed the wild fly population to sionally, on problems encountered in the field.
build-up, and this threat required drastic and Corrective measures can therefore be taken
costly countermeasures. for the benefit of the programme with majori-
The budget of the troubled Mediterranean ty support of the stakeholders. Such measures
fruit fly project in Egypt proved to be under- include authorization of AMEP teams to do
estimated according to some senior staff. The supplementary bait spray applications in lim-
project director was, however, of a different ited areas, and phytosanitary measures to be

implemented by the growers. cially; consequently, it created little pro-

The Mediterranean fruit fly control pro- gramme ownership. A steering committee was
gramme of Patagonia was set up in 1997 fol- established amongst all local and internation-
lowing a request of growers in the region. The al stakeholders and chaired by the national
programme is funded by the growers as well director of the programme. However, each of
as through fees collected for each ton of veg- the stakeholders involved in the programme
etable and fruit commodities leaving the area always advanced their own interests with
under sterile release. Additional fees charged inadequate consensus building, and conse-
for fumigation of commodities entering the quently some of the committee’s recommen-
area are also returned to the programme, dations were not necessarily helpful to the
which retains day-to-day decision making for programme.
implementation of the field operations.
The table grape producers of the Hex River 3.2.5. Data Analysis and Feedback Mechanisms
Valley in South Africa requested the initiation All field data have to be collected efficiently
of the Mediterranean fruit fly suppression pro- in accordance with a strict schedule, and
gramme. It is largely funded through fees transferred in a timely manner to the responsi-
charged on exports of Mediterranean fruit fly- ble staff for entry into a database. The data
free table grapes from the region (Barnes et al. require proper analysis both in space and time,
2004). This budget provides fully for the cost and have to be displayed in formats that allow
of field operations and personnel. The pro- easy interpretation by programme managers,
gramme is managed through a partnership of i.e. tables, graphs and maps. Efficient feed-
the Pest Management Division of the back mechanisms have to be established
Agricultural Research Council-Infruitec- between programme managers and field
Nietvoorbij – a parastatal body with a man- teams, the release centre, the release crews
date to conduct research, technology develop- and the mass-rearing facility so that the neces-
ment and transfer – and the Hex Valley sary adjustments to the various programme
Research Services Trust, which represents the components can be made in a timely manner.
deciduous fruit growers. However, since the Ideally all this information should be made
growers themselves implement field activi- available on a web site, allowing continuous
ties, they make technical decisions on day-to- access to all staff and key stakeholders inde-
day implementation. In the past, this has pendent of their location. Such a system is
resulted in some wrong decisions, which led operated by the Programa Moscamed in
Barnes (2004) to conclude that: Guatemala and southern Mexico, integrating
…the overall success of the project would information from numerous field centres over
almost certainly have been greater had the proj- vast areas and across a border into a consoli-
ect been adequately funded and managed by a dated and standardized report that is continu-
single agency. ously updated as new data become available.
A private company is now managing the Another efficient data management system
sterile male production and release (Barnes, was developed for the programme against G.
this volume). austeni on Unguja Island, Zanzibar. Data
The livestock producers on Jamaica have from both the field and the rearing facility,
an economic stake in the New World screw- including data on quality control assessment
worm eradication programme, but the pro- of the sterile males, were collated on a week-
gramme was mainly started with funding from ly basis and made available to all staff and
the USA to eradicate this pest from the last stakeholders. Data were analysed in greater
infested areas in the northern hemisphere. The depth every three months. Daily contact
Jamaica Agricultural Society, which repre- between the field and rearing facility was
sents the farmers, was never deeply involved maintained by all possible means of commu-
in the programme, nor did it contribute finan- nication, including HF radio. These weekly

and quarterly analysis reports were critical for mals in the target area.
the decision-making process (Vreysen et al. Increasingly, area-wide programmes must
2000). be conducted by the rules of the urban rather
The SIT programme against the New than rural settings and meet the concerns of
World screwworm in Jamaica relied strongly urbanites who lack empathy for agricultural
on the participation of the farmers, who were producers and who abhor pesticides applica-
requested to check their animals for wounds, tions, destruction of backyard fruit, etc. A
collect any screwworm larva found in collec- sense of outrage can be readily evoked by
tion tubes, treat the wounds and submit the involuntary exposure to sprays, mandatory fee
samples to the local veterinary clinics in the levies, quarantines, destruction of host trees,
parishes. The programme experienced fre- plants, or fruit and the right of trespass by pro-
quent delays in the submission of samples to gramme officials (Sandman 1987). It is there-
the veterinary clinics and in their transfer to fore critically important to mount a vigorous
the identification laboratory. This delayed and thorough public outreach programme well
data analysis in turn impeded the provision of in advance of programme operations to fore-
useful feedback from the management to the stall or at least mitigate outrage by well-mean-
field and dispersal crews. Since “reported ing but ill-informed people (Klassen 1989).
screwworm cases” was the only data that was Clearly the public relations component is not
systematically collected, proper analysis of an option that can be terminated when funds
the programme’s progress was very difficult, become scarce (Dyck et al. 2005c).
if not impossible, and this led to uneducated In the New World screwworm eradication
guesses and wild assumptions. programme on Jamaica, public outreach cam-
Problems in SIT-based AW-IPM pro- paigns were funded so inadequately that they
grammes cannot be solved without collecting could be implemented only sporadically. In
data relevant to the problem, and assumptions addition, at the beginning of the programme
are rarely an adequate substitute for measure- an inaccurate message was delivered, i.e. that
ments. The availability of geographical infor- the sterile flies alone would eliminate the
mation systems (GIS) makes the spatial analy- screwworm and there was little need for help
sis, interpretation and display of data easier from the people. Only later, was more impor-
and their potential should be better exploited tance given to preventive wound treatment of
in AW-IPM programmes (Cox and Vreysen animals in order to reduce the local wild pop-
2005, Cox, this volume). ulation.
These public relations campaigns need to
3.2.6. Public Relations solicit support during the entire programme to
AW-IPM programmes require public aware- create constant awareness and understanding
ness and education and cannot be conducted among all affected individuals. Insufficient
in an information vacuum (Bloem and Bloem communication between the management of
2000). They require support and participation the codling moth suppression programme in
of the government, the general public and the British Columbia, Canada and the growers
farmer community (Dyck et al. 2005c). resulted in the latter initially gaining the mis-
Bottom-up support from local communities is taken perception that the programme was fail-
indispensable. For example, fruit fly and moth ure from its outset. Insufficient public infor-
control programmes rely on farmers and back- mation during the pre-release phase resulted
yard owners to eliminate infested host materi- in high expectations among the growers who
al, mosquito control programmes need the did not understand the principle governing the
support of rural and urban communities to effectiveness of the SIT. Consequently, many
remove any container with stagnant water, and growers stopped applying control measures,
screwworm programmes require the participa- which resulted in population densities too
tion of farmers in the surveillance of all ani- high for the SIT to cause a downward trend

(Bloem and Bloem 2000). In view of this members independent of the management of
experience, a very thorough effective public the programmes. This is the case for the
relation effort was developed as a result of Programa Moscamed in Guatemala-Mexico,
which codling moth is now being effectively where a group of international experts reviews
suppressed (S. Bloem et al., this volume). all programme components on a regular basis
During the development of these public and proposes recommendations or corrective
relation campaigns, the cultural characteris- measures relevant to strategic, managerial and
tics and peculiarities of people in local com- technical issues. A similar review mechanism
munities need to be taken into account. exists for the Mediterranean fruit fly preven-
Evidence that the general public will do little tive programme in the Los Angeles Basin of
to assist the programme needs to be countered California.
through the employment of additional field
staff from these communities to fill that antic- 4. Conclusions
ipated gap. For example, in screwworm erad-
ication programmes, cultural determinants of There are many lessons to be learned from
the attitudes of the public and farmers towards more than 50 years of successfully releasing
animals have to be understood and taken into sterile insects as part of AW-IPM pro-
account. In the Jamaica programme, the pre- grammes. The analysis provided in this paper
vailing behaviour of physically abusing pets indicates that success cannot be taken for
and livestock created small wounds, which granted and that no programme can be fail-
served as oviposition sites for New World proof, despite such a long history of success-
screwworm flies, generated ideal and persist- ful SIT implementation. This technology can-
ent opportunities for the fly population to sus- not be transferred “off-the-shelf”, and thus has
tain itself. The public education activities to be adapted to the ecology and socio-eco-
were largely insufficient to change this atti- nomics of each situation, as problems encoun-
tude. Therefore the employment of more per- tered are often not related to the SIT per se,
manent and/or temporary field staff to proac- but rather to the management and logistics of
tively screen animals and treat all wounds implementation. This is not surprising since
with insecticide – rather than relying heavily AW-IPM programmes that include the sterile
on farmer participation – ameliorated this insect technique are technically complex and
problem. management intensive with several interde-
pendent components that require timely, con-
3.2.7. Independent Programme Reviews sistent and thoughtful implementation. Well in
Any pest intervention programme should ben- advance of mounting an area-wide campaign,
efit from regular peer reviews by independent both a strategic and more detailed operational
experts to provide constructive criticism, plan need to be formulated and the commit-
solve disagreements, balance conflicting ment of all stakeholders needs to be assured.
views between the different stakeholders and To facilitate realistic planning, appropriate
keep the programme managers focussed. Any baseline data must be collected. The key
programme manager or staff member closely strategic objective needs to be defined such as
involved in an operational programme and suppression or eradication (Hendrichs et al
engulfed in day-to-day problems becomes 2005). An analytical mindset is essential both
vulnerable to forming biased, subjective for planning and for leading and managing an
views. Independent external reviews can be ongoing programme. Some key questions are:
instrumental in removing such bias and broad- (1) what needs to happen in order to reach the
ening the perspective of programme staff. strategic goal?, (2) are the key processes being
Large operational tephritid fruit fly control monitored and the data being collected that
programmes usually have an international sci- will inform whether the things that need to
entific technical advisory committee with happen are, in fact, happening?, (3) what

could go wrong that would be very difficult to available on mating behaviour, breeding
overcome, and likely result in failure?, and (4) structures and genetic relationships between
what measures are in place to guard against populations, more efficient AW-IPM pro-
such potentially disastrous developments? grammes can be developed and implemented
These key questions should be asked when in which SIT can play a significant role
examining the following technical issues: (1) (Krafsur 1998, Robinson and Hendrichs
competitiveness of sterile males and back-up 2005). The risk of failure can be minimized
strains, (2) quality assurance of sterile insects, provided a series of prerequisites, outlined in
and (3) monitoring programme progress. this paper are met. Especially, in AW-IPM
Similarly these same questions should be programmes with an SIT component, more
asked when considering the following man- efforts have to be undertaken to estimate mat-
agement and logistical issues: (1) is the pro- ing frequencies to assess the impact of the
gramme management structure sufficiently released sterile insects on population suppres-
flexible and independent?, (2) is there a high sion.
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Author Index
Abel, C. A. 497 de la Rocque, S. 221
Aboset, G. 325 de Lima, C. P. F. 685
Aksoy, S. 137 de Simone, A. 95
Alemu, T. 325 Desquesnes, M. 221
Alphey, L. S. 51, 119 Devorshak, C. 407
Annunziata, L. 95 Dhouibi, M. H. 265
Armsworth, C. 275 Dominiak, B. 685
Arthur, S. 591 Dueben, B. D. 163
Atkinson, P. W. 61
Azeredo-Espin, A. M. L. 183 Eddi, C. S. 709
El Sayed, B. B. 361
Bakonyi, T. 193 El-Lissy, O. 547
Bancha, B. 325 Enkerlin, W. R. 517, 627
Barnes, B. N. 449 Epton, M. J. 119
Barrington, A. M. 603 Esquivel, H. 627
Bassi, Y. 457
Baxter, I. 275 Feldmann, U. 325
Bekele, K. 325 Flinn, P. W. 239
Bellini, R. 505 Floyd, J. 337
Bello, A. 345 Follett, P. A. 425
Ben Salah, H. 535 Fresia, P. 183
Bertin, S. 175 Fugger, R. 591
Bloem, K. 337 Fukova, I. 103
Bloem, S. 337, 351, 591
Bonizzoni, M. 175 Garcia, R. 393
Bourtzis, K. 125 Gasperi, G. 175
Bouyer, J. 221 Gerardo-Abaya, J. 723
Burnip, G. M. 603 Gewehr, S. 699
Gil Morales, T. 393
Cáceres, C. 535 Gomez-Simuta, Y. 163
Calvitti, M. 505 Gomulski, L. M. 175
Campo, C. 627 González, G. 345
Cancino, J. 661 Gonzalez, J. 641
Carpenter, J. 337, 351, 591 Gore, J. 497
Carrieri, M. 505 Grefenstette, B. 547
Carro, X. 627 Guglielmino, C. R. 175
Carroll, A. L. 297 Guillén, D. 653
Cayol, J. P. 457, 723 Guillot, F. S. 617
Celli, G. 505 Guo, Y-R. 373
Charles, J. G. 603 Gutierrez, J. M. 661
Cheng, J. 373
Chhagan, A. 603 Hagstrum, D. W. 239
Chinvinijkul, S. 517 Handler, A. M. 73, 85
Costa, M. L. Z. 527 Hendrichs, J. 3
Cox, J. St. H. 199 Henneberry, T. J. 567
Craig, N. L. 61 Hernandez, J. 627
Cuisance, D. 221 Hernández, J. 345


Hight, S. 337 Milano, A. 95

Hofmeyr, H. 351 Miller, E. 119
Holler, T. C. 163 Miller, T. A. 119
Horn, C. 73, 85 Montoya, P. 661
Howse, P. 275 Morrison, N. I. 119
Hubalek, Z. 193 Mourelatos, S. 699
M’Saad Guerfali, M. 535
Iatrou, G. 699 Mukhitdinov, S. M. 383
Mumford, J. 581
Jang, E. B. 671
Jessup, A. J. 685 Nascimento, A. S. 527
Jiang, X-H. 373 Neven, L. G. 103
Jiang, Y-P. 373 Nowotny, N. 193
Joshi, R. C. 257
O’Brochta, D. A. 61
Kapitano, B. 325 Oi, D.H. 487
Kappmeier Green, K. 309 Olson, S. 163
Kean, J. M. 211 Orankanok, W. 517
Kenmore, P. 3
Kiflom, M. 325 Pacer, R. E. 709
Kolodziejek, J. 193 Pane, A. 95
Kovaleski, A. 581 Paranhos, B. J. 527
Krishnakumar, R. 475 Pegram, R. G. 709
Pereira, R. M. 487
Larcher-Carvalho, A. 435 Phillips, T. W. 239
Lax, A. R. 617 Piakis, N. 699
Leopold, R. A. 149 Pimentel, D. 35
Lin, X-W. 373 Pitts, K. E. 247
Lockhart, C. 709 Podleckis, E. V. 417
Loussaief, F. 535 Polito, L. C. 95
Luo, J. 373 Porter, S. D. 487
Lussy, H. 193 Potgieter, F. T. 309
Lyra, M. L. 183
Quinlan, M. M. 435
Maheswari, P. 475
Maini, S. 505 Raies, A. 535
Makee, H. 113 Reed, C. R. 239
Malacrida, A. R. 175 Rendón, P. 229
Malavasi, A. 527 Reyes, J. 627
Malcolm, C. A. 361 Ring, D. R. 617
Marec, F. 103 Robinson, A. S. 3
Mau, R. F. L. 671
Mauro, U. 95 Saccone, G. 95
McCluskey, A. 591 Salgado, E. 627
Medici, A. 505 Salvemini, M. 95
Mediouni, J. 265 Sánchez, H. 345
Mekonnen, S. 325 Sánchez, R. 653
Mendez, L. 393 Santiago, G. 661
Méndez, W. 627 Schetelig, M. F. 85

Scolari, F. 175 Vargas, R. I. 671

Seidel, B. 193 Vasquez, T. 119
Serrano, E. 393 Vreysen, M. J. B. 3, 309, 393, 723
Sibert, A. 221
Simmons, G. S. 119 Walder, J. M. M. 527
Sitilob, P. 517 Wall, R. 247
Smallridge, C. J. 685 Wee, S.L. 211, 603
Snodgrass, G. L. 497 Weiss, B. L. 137
Staten, R. T. 119 Weissenböck, H. 193
Steinberg, S. 457 Welsby, D. A. 361
Stephens, A. E. A. 211, 603 Wilsmore, A. J. 709
Suckling, D. M. 211, 603 Wimmer, E. A. 85
Woldeyes, G. 325
Tafesh, N. 113 Wood, S. 591
Tang, Z-H. 373 Woods, B. 685
Teal, P. E. A. 163 Wu, K. M. 559
Teng, K. 373 Wu, X-W. 373
Thanaphum, S. 517
Tomkins, A. 685 Yuval, B. 175
Torres, T. T. 183
Troncoso, P. 641 Zenil, M. 661
Tween, G. 229 Zhai, B-P. 373
Zhu, Z-R. 373
Valles, S. M. 487 Zimmermann, H. 337
van Huis, A. 285 Zimowska, G. J. 73
Vander Meer, R. K. 487 Zuo, W. 373
Subject Index
A African animal trypanosomosis (AAT) 138, 222,
309, 326
abandoned agricultural land 700 African Development Bank (AfDB) 330
abandoned crops 724 African Programme for Onchocerciasis Control
abandoned orchards 596 205, 208
Abate 702 agar 168-171
Abri-Delgo 361 agar-free meridic diet 592
Abu Hamed Reach 361-371 agar-water diet 236
abundance 247, 248, 517 agarose gel 88, 90
Ac 76, 81, 83 aggregation pheromones 298, 305, 478
Ac element 65, 69 aggressive behaviour 488
acacia 266 AgNav® navigation equipment 232
Acacia mearnsii 604 Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and
acaricide 25, 709, 712, 715, 717 Phytosanitary Measures 407-409, 415
accessory gland 168, 172, 175, 176 Agricultural Research Council-Onderstepoort
accidental release 51, 119, 121 Veterinary Institute 310
Accipiter gentilis 195 agricultural commodities 425, 426, 432
accumulated heat-unit mediated planting dates agricultural extension services 552
570 agricultural industries 451
acetic acid 115, 520 agricultural intensification 4
acetone 329, 333 agricultural productivity 5
acorn 352 Agricultural Research Council (ARC) 450, 462
acrylic paint 223 Agricultural Research Council-Infruitec-
active ingredient 170 Nietvoorbij 737
activity-based planning 674 Agricultural Research Service 349
Addis Ababa University (AAU) 329 agricultural trade 425, 429
adult emergence 583 agriculture 723-726, 733-736, 741-743
adult flight activity 341 Agrilus planipennis 35, 42
adult longevity 598 agroecological management 199, 206
adult swarms 286 agroecological factors 386
adulticiding 701 agroecosystems 5-7, 15, 373
Aedes aegypti 13, 63, 69, 70, 128, 135, 152, 158, Agrotis segetum 383
512-514 Aguascalientes 661, 664, 666
Aedes albopictus 23, 505, 507-510, 11, 513-515 air circulation 232
Aeluropus littoralis 700 air conditioning 229, 230, 234, 539
Aequorea aequorea 106 air flow 234
aeration 240, 242, 245, 246 airports 587
aeration fans 242 airspeeds 235
aerial bait sprays 664 airstrip 315
aerial maps 498 Alabama 22, 39, 43, 337, 338, 341, 349, 547-
aerial release operations 460, 463, 464 553
aerial release technologies 229 alate populations 623
aerial releases 328 alate sticky traps 621
aerial spraying 310, 319, 613, 699, 703 Albania 505
aerial survey techniques 302 albendazole 206
aerial surveys 300, 304, 305 Alberta 302
Africa 505 alfalfa 384-387


Alfuy virus 194 annual crops 23

Algeria 194, 292 Anopheles arabiensis 21, 69, 203, 204, 361, 362,
Algiers 292 370, 371
all-terrain vehicle 354 Anopheles coustani 370
Allee effect 612 Anopheles d’thali 370
allozyme 186 Anopheles gambiae 52, 61-81, 128, 363, 372
alluvial flood plains 363 Anopheles merus 69
alluvial soil 363 Anopheles multicolor 370
almond moth 130, 132 Anopheles pharoensis 369
alpha-Proteobacteria 139 Anopheles sergentii 370, 371
alternative hosts 21 Anopheles stephensi 52, 57
aluminum phosphide 239 Anopheline mosquitoes 55, 59
ambient temperature 230, 235, 249 Anoplophora glabripennis 35, 42
Amblyomma Programme Council 712, 718, 719 antelope 365
Amblyomma variegatum 25, 709, 719, 720 Anthonomus grandis 15, 152, 204, 497, 547, 557
amino acid sequence 88 anthropogenic activities 303
amino acids 19, 65-68 anthropophily 506
amplification 88, 537, 538, 541 anti-aggregation pheromones 305
ampullariid 257, 263 anti-pathogenic products 141
anaemia 369 antibiotic 533
anaemic animals 333 antibiotic resistance 55, 63
analytical model 212, 216 antibiotics 53, 128, 140, 141
Anaphes iole 502 antibody detection enzyme linked immunosor-
Anaplasma 126 bent assay (ELISA) 329
anaplasmosis 717 antigenic variation 139
Anastrepha 527, 641, 644 Antigua 337, 347, 709-719
Anastrepha fraterculus 631, 639, 653, 659, 660, Antilles cherry 528
728, 744 antimicrobial peptides 141-143
Anastrepha ludens 55, 163, 166, 167, 172, 231, antrum 375
238, 417, 420, 421, 459, 463, 630, 661, 662, Anuraphis maidiradicis 41
668, 669 aphid-resistant varieties 40
Anastrepha obliqua 163-166, 172, 459, 463, APHIS-PPQ’s Center for Plant Health Science
630, 662 and Technology (CPHST) 340
Anastrepha serpentina 168, 630, 661, 662 APHIS-PPQ’s Cooperative Agriculture Pest
Anastrepha striata 168, 630, 661, 662 Survey System 340
Anastrepha suspensa 79, 163, 164, 168-173 Apis mellifera 152, 158, 159, 162
Andes 642, 649 apparent fly density 333, 334
anemotaxis 609, 611 apple 43, 420, 454, 581, 587, 591, 594, 654
aneuploid 96, 128 applied research 438, 532
Angiostrongylus (Parastrongylus) cantonensis apricot 352, 420, 654
259 aquatic crops 257, 258
Angola 138 aquatic food web 7
Angoumois grain moth 428, 430 aquatic plants 259, 260
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Arabian Peninsula 292
(APHIS) 37, 553 arable land 4
Animal and Plant Protection Agency (ADAB) Arava Medfly Eradication Programme (AMEP-
533 Israel) 463
animal treatment 310, 311 Arava/Araba Valley 458, 459, 463, 464, 728,
annealing temperature 88 736

Arba Minch 328, 331, 333, 334 357, 661-664, 667, 672, 682
arboviruses 506, 514 augmentative releases 352, 563, 662, 663, 667,
ArcGIS® 703 669, 670
ArcInfo® 677 aureomycin 266, 267
ArcView® 713 Australia 21, 25, 257, 260, 264, 347, 349, 408,
area freedom 408, 420, 450 412, 426, 429, 431, 487, 528, 562-564, 672, 682,
area-wide fruit fly control 672 685-697
area-wide integrated pest management (AW- Australian painted apple moth 25, 603-615
IPM) 85, 139, 149, 200, 309, 310, 325, 326, 393, Australian plague locust 290
394, 402, 407, 435, 447, 458, 527, 528, 628, Australian sheep blowfly 68
685, 688 Austria 193, 194, 195
area-wide suppression 211, 567, 569, 572 auto-tra gene 99
areas of low pest prevalence 418 autocidal biological control 119, 120, 123
Argentina 21, 257, 258, 264, 338, 412, 528- 532, autocidal effector genes 122
631, 642, 648, 649, 653-660 autoclaved maize 352
Arica 641, 642, 648-650 autoconfusion 20, 275, 276
Arizona 39, 43, 119, 121, 347, 487, 547, 549, autodissemination 20, 275, 277, 279, 281
551, 553, 556 automatic aeration controllers 242
Arizona Cotton Research and Protection automation 724
Council 553, 556 autonomous 66
Arkansas 39, 497, 503, 504, 547-558 autoregulation 98, 99, 100
arsenic dust 619 autosomal marker genes 105
Arthrocnemum fruticosum 700 autosomes 96, 105
arthropod diversity 562 average pupal weight 730
artificial diet 114, 121, 265-269, 352, 436, 476, Averroha carambola 633
484, 573, 607 avocado 352, 420, 427, 432, 633, 635, 636
artificial movement 551, 553 AW services 11
artificial rearing conditions 315 awareness 328, 712
Ascension 338 Awassa 325, 328
Asia Minor 591 Azadiracta indica 260
Asian fruit fly 468 azinphosmethyl 596
Asian papaya fruit fly 691
Asian tiger mosquito 505 B
Asiatic rice borer 275
aspirator 701 babesiosis 717
assortative mating 53 Bacillus thuringiensis 55, 120, 265, 559, 565,
Aswan dam 363 567, 570, 577, 579, 603, 604
asymmetric mating patterns 729 Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis 509, 515, 699,
asynchronous rice planting 7 702
Athalia rosae 153, 159, 161 back-up release aircraft 736
attacin 142, 143 back-up systems 735, 736
attractant 22, 396, 399, 401, 402, 457, 460, 461, backyard 13, 450, 671, 672, 674, 687, 694, 695,
470, 734 724
attribute information 200 backyard fruit 593
Auckland 603-615 backyard orchards 661, 663, 664, 666
audits 583 bacterial growth inhibitor 533
augers 229-234 bacteriocytes 140
augmentation 419 Bactrocera 641, 644
augmentative biological control 18, 351, 356, Bactrocera aquilonis 685

Bactrocera correcta 23, 517, 518, 522 baseline data collection 726, 727
Bactrocera cucumis 685 basic science 17
Bactrocera cucurbitae 429, 528, 671, 672, 677, Bata pilot project 465
725, 727, 743 Bayticol® 709, 712, 717
Bactrocera dorsalis 23, 76, 427, 517, 518, 522, Beauveria bassiana 503, 504
526, 671, 672, 683 behavioural control 567, 571, 572, 576
Bactrocera invadens 468 behavioural repellency 618
Bactrocera jarvisi 685 behavioural responses 611
Bactrocera latifrons 672 Belgium 505, 514
Bactrocera musae 685 Belize 628, 629, 638
Bactrocera neohumeralis 685 bell pepper 164, 636, 637
Bactrocera oleae 128, 467 Bella Vista 657
Bactrocera papayae 691 beneficial arthropods 465, 466
Bactrocera tryoni 68, 685, 686, 696 beneficial gene 64
Bactrocera zonata 468 beneficial insects 5, 19, 73, 74, 278
baculovirus 76 beneficial organisms 20, 22, 411, 414, 445, 446
bagging 265, 266, 271 beneficial parasites 38
Bahamas 338, 339 beneficial transgene 64
Bahia 442, 527, 529-534 benefit/cost analyses 20, 22, 362, 413, 417, 435,
bait 419, 420 442, 446, 587, 682
bait spray applications 663 benefit/cost ratio 240, 314, 524, 525, 667
bait spray treatments 420 benefit/cost studies 593
bait spraying 642, 643, 646 benzyl-ureas 352
bait sprays 165, 517, 519 Berenil® 333
bait stations 279, 419, 620, 623, 624 berry moth 275
Baiyuda desert 363 Besor pilot project 465
Baja California 43 biconical traps 222
balanced lethal strains 105, 113 bidirectional cytoplasmic incompatibility 127,
balancer chromosome 78 128
ballooning larvae 603 big rice bowl 374
banana 261, 528, 628, 634, 635 bimodal 177
Banff 302 binary expression 86, 87, 91
Bangladesh 257, 260 Binodoxys indicus 157, 161
bar code 689 binomial 213
bar code readers 460, 461, 689 bins 239-246
Barbados 709, 711, 715 Bio-Bee Sde Eliyahu Ltd 462, 465, 466
barbed wire 397 Bio-Fly Ltd 457-467
barcode 550 bio-pesticides 16, 20, 22, 150
barcode scanners 202 bio-security 315
bark 298, 299, 306, 307 bioassay 261, 262, 331, 561, 612
bark beetles 306, 307 biodegradable 278
bark crevices 352 biodegradable paper 230
barley 12, 40, 375 biodiversity 15, 21, 32, 257, 261, 314, 319, 330,
barley bagasse 539, 541 339, 341, 343, 518
barrier 221, 222, 227, 340, 341 bioeconomic simulation model 286
barrier systems 328, 334 Biofábrica Moscamed Brasil 529, 531-533
barrier treatments 289 bioinformatics 63, 68
baseline data 20-22, 26, 325, 328, 329, 330, 335, biological characteristics 654
631 biological control 5, 6, 11, 12, 21, 22, 27, 28, 31,

73-76, 79-82, 95, 150, 161, 162, 266, 269, 345, Brazilian Papaya Export Association
346, 350-352, 356, 357, 419, 423, 563, 655, 672, (BRAPEX) 532
676, 682, 683 Brazzaville 12
biological control agents 258, 411, 414, 487, breakdowns 539, 541
489, 490, 493-495 breakeven point 314, 441
biological material 532 breeding 285, 286, 288
BioLure® 177, 459, 461, 632, 644, 689 breeding population 604, 610
biopathogens 275 breeding season 704
biopesticide 290 breeding sites 14, 699-706
biosecurity 530, 603, 604, 606, 613, 615 brewer yeast 533, 508
biosynthesis 140 British Columbia 24, 297, 303, 306, 307, 591-
biotechnology 95 593, 599-601, 725, 736, 738, 740
bioterrorism 604 broad-spectrum insecticides 5, 265, 271, 535,
biotin 140 564
biotype 12, 631 broadleaf weeds 498
birds 397 broth concentration 508, 513
birth 213 brown plant hopper 38
bisexual releases 53, 103, 104 brownish leaf sheath 378
bisexual strain 536 Brugia malayi 129, 133
bivalents 108, 113-117 Bt-cotton 559, 561-564
bivoltine 583 Bt-endotoxins 564
blackberries 164 Bt-resistance 563
blanket treatment 713 Bt-toxin 562
blastoderm 152-154 bubonic plague 11
Blochmannia 139 Bubulcus ibis 25, 709
blowfly 247-255 Buchnera 139
bobwhite quail 339 Buenos Aires 654, 655, 657
bole 298, 305, 476, 477 buffer zone 394, 399, 418, 419, 536, 642, 645
bole infestation 477 646, 702
Bolivar County 498 buffy coat 329, 333
Bolivia 642 buffy coat dark ground phase contrast technique
boll weevil 15, 24, 35, 38, 39, 43-45, 204, 497, 329
547, 548-558 Bull Island 338
Bom Jesus 581-586 bumblebees 152, 465
Bombus 152, 465 Burkina Faso 221, 222, 227, 228
Bombyx mori 105, 110, 111, 113, 376 Burma (Myanmar) 130
Boophilus 11 burning 299, 305
Boophilus microplus 717 bush land 329
borax 665 business models 438
border control 642 business plan 22, 26, 457, 462, 465, 470
borders 587
botanicals 289, 290 C
Botswana 21, 30
bottleneck 177 cabbage looper 76, 613
braconid wasps 150 Cacipacore virus 194
branding 397, 714 Cactoblastis cactorum 21, 31, 104, 109, 337,
Brazil 23, 25, 338, 412, 442, 448, 527-534, 581- 338, 342-350
590 cactus moth 21, 22, 31, 104, 337-350
Brazilian Fruit Institute (IBRAF) 532 cactus pad 338

cactus spine 338 CcdsxF protein 99

cade oil 678 CcdsxM protein 98, 99, 102
Cadra (Ephestia) cautella 130 Cctra gene 98, 99, 100
caimito 665 CctraF protein 98, 99
Cairo 292, 295 cDNA subtraction 88, 91, 92
calamondin 420 cDNA transcripts 88
calcium cyanamide 260 Ceder Biocontrol 352, 354, 356
Calco Red 266, 267 cell deformation 151
calendar-based fumigation 243, 245 cellularization 85-93
California 13, 25, 27, 28, 31, 39, 43, 164, 165, cellulose consumption 618
230, 238, 487, 494, 503, 531 Central America 37, 211, 394, 399, 402, 547
California Department of Food and Agriculture Central Europe 193-195
164, 429 Central Valley of California 119, 120
calling behaviour 168 Centre de Coopération Internationale en
calling female 609 Recherche Agronomique pour le
camellia seed cake 260 Développement-Département d’ Elevage et
camels 37 Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux
Campoletis chloridae 563 (CIRAD-EMVT) 713
Canada 24, 31 Centre de Recherche sur les Trypanosomoses
caneite blocks 691, 694, 695 Animales (CRTA) 222
cannibalism 476, 480, 481 Centre for Nuclear Energy in Agriculture
canning 454 (CENA) 532
cantaloupe 633, 636, 677, 682 Centre National des Sciences et Technologies
canyons 235, 663, 664 Nucléaires (CNSTN) 536
Cap Bon peninsula 535, 536, 542 Centro de Producción de Insectos Estériles
capacity building 328, 444 (CPIE) 648
capilure 688, 689, 695 Ceratitis 95-102, 641, 644, 650, 651
capital cost 441 Ceratitis capitata 13, 43, 52, 58-60, 79, 82, 85-
capital investment 437 97, 101-102, 104, 111, 125, 127, 149, 154, 163,
Capromys pilorides 395 164, 171-175, 180-182, 204, 211, 229, 277-280,
carambola 352 412, 417, 421, 429, 433, 449, 457- 459, 469,
Caribbean 183, 394 471, 472, 527, 528, 534, 535, 542, 543, 627,
Caribbean Amblyomma Programme (CAP) 710 628, 641, 644, 650, 651, 653, 659, 671, 672,
Caribbean fruit fly 79, 163, 164, 166, 171 679, 724, 725, 741
Carnoy’s fixative 115 Ceratitis rosa 449
carob moth 265-273 cereal aphids 12, 27
carp 262, 263 cereal grains 36
carrion 249 cereals 266
cashew 634 Certificate of Provisional Freedom 716, 717
cassava 12, 31, 352 certification 417-420
cassava mealybug 12, 31 certification measures 417, 419, 420
catalytic triad 66, 67 certification of area freedom 688
Catamarca 654, 655 certification procedures 426
cattle egret 25, 709, 715 Cessna 206 Beechcraft Baron 230
cattle tick 11 Cessna 208, 231
cattle tick fever 11 Cessna Grand Caravan 231, 235
cattle urine 329 cesspools 702
Caxias do Sul 581, 583, 584, 586, 587, 589 Chad 364
cayenne 352 Chagas 140, 146

Chagas’ disease 131 citron 420

Changjiang River Region 559-562 citrus 43, 46, 164, 351, 352, 355-359, 417, 420,
charged particle technology 275 488, 535, 536, 653-658, 661, 665-667
Charleston 338, 617 citrus canker 13
chemical barrier 618, 619 citrus industry 164
chemical control 5, 530, 567-570, 572, 583, 655, Citrusdal 351-354
657, 666, 667 class II elements 63, 65
chemical pollution 41 classical biological control 341
chemical toxicity 152 clean-food production 377
chemical treatment 547 climacteric fruit 427
cherimoya 420 climate chamber 507
cherry 654 clones 88, 90, 153
Chiapas 37, 661, 663, 666-669 clusters 194
chickpeas 386 60Co 331
chicozapote 665, 666 60Co irradiator 270
Chihuahua 43, 567, 571, 575 60Co source 509, 607
Chikungunya 506 co-dominant markers 186
Chile 42, 43, 183, 528, 581, 582, 631, 641- 645, Coccidae 429, 432
647, 648-651 Cochliomyia hominivorax 14, 35, 37, 55, 57, 61,
chilled adult release machine 463 149, 154, 160, 183, 184, 188-191, 204, 211, 231,
chilled adult technology 230-232 310, 393, 402, 435, 458, 724, 725, 742, 743
chilled adults 592 cocoa 635
chilling 154, 155, 157, 158, 161 coconut 475, 476, 481, 484, 634
Chilo suppressalis 275, 373, 374, 381, 382 coconut palm 475
chimerism 153 cocooning site 594
China 7, 36, 37, 373-382, 487, 559-565 cocoons 339, 352, 476, 478
Chios 176-179, 181 Codex Alimentarius 425, 426
chitin synthesis inhibitor 619 Codex Alimentarius Commission 409
chlorinated hydrocarbons 618 codling moth 21, 24, 25, 28, 30, 103-118, 150,
chloroform 115 211, 214-219, 266, 268, 272-281, 351-359, 413,
chlorpyrifos 604 427, 431, 433, 435, 447, 450, 527, 530, 581-601,
chlortetracycline 121, 122 606, 614
Chortoicetes terminifera 290 codling moth damage 594, 595
chromomere 116 codling moth eradication 581, 583, 585, 587,
chromosomal analysis 114-116 589
chromosomal damage 62 coffee 628, 634, 635, 637, 665
chromosomal rearrangements 61-63 cola nuts 352
chromosome 128 cold 425, 426, 433
chromosome aberrations 54 cold fog generator 701
chromosome deletions 96 cold hardening 156, 158
chromosome markers 18 cold temperature 106
Chrysopa 563 cold treatment 418, 419, 693
chute 230, 231 Coleoptera 128, 428, 430, 431
Chymomyza costata 156, 161 Colinus virginianus 339
Ciénaga de Lanier marshland 394 Collembola 126
Cilyndropuntia 345 Colón 653, 655-658
Cimex lectularius 152 colonization 42, 298, 307, 510, 581
ciruela 420 colony regeneration 153
citric acid 539 colour sorting 113

commercial areas 583 contamination 105

commercial hosts 352 contingency plans 736
commercial orchards 450, 587-589, 661, 664, contingent valuation 435, 443, 444
667 contour maps 203
commercial rearing facility 465, 466 contracting parties 410, 437, 445
commercial SIT 451 control costs 653, 658
commercialization 3, 17, 22, 457-460, 462, 466- control protocols 340
468, 471, 563, 564 control strategies 199, 201, 202
Commission on Phytosanitary Measures 410 conventional control 452, 454
commissions 318 conventional cotton 562, 563
communal farming areas 309, 311, 313, 315, conventional pest control 724
320 cooling rate 151, 152, 153, 161
communication 718 cooling regimes 156
communication campaign 597 cooling system 231, 232
communication strategies 631 cooperative boll weevil eradication programme
community awareness 685, 689, 690, 696 548
community participation 311, 320 cooperative extension 673, 675
community-based 14, 21 Coordinated Research Project (CRP) 598
community-based education 671, 673 coordination 453-455
community-based tsetse control 332 copper sulphate 260
comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) 108 Coptotermes formosanus 24, 617, 625, 626
compatibility 149 copulation duration 612
competition 52, 57, 298, 451 copulatory success 168, 173
competitive ability 19 core area 536, 645, 646
competitiveness 53, 55, 59, 85, 92, 119-121, corn 35, 36, 40-47, 356, 559, 563, 564, 636
123, 129, 166, 168, 171, 172, 175, 176, 179, corn earworm 271
211-219, 278, 353, 510, 511, 513, 514, 598, 600, corn leaf aphid 41
603, 604, 606, 611-613, 615 corn pests 40
competitiveness ratio 611 corn root aphid 41
competitors 299 corn rootworm complex 40, 41
Complex Object Parametric Analyser and Sorter corn rotation 41
(COPAS) 52 corn-on-corn 40
compressor 230 Corrientes 653-658
computer models 247 corrugated cardboard strips 594
computing power 207 cost effective 168, 452
conceptual model 437 cost efficiency 229, 531
Concordia 657 cost of labour 441
conditional lethal 73, 119-123 cost recovery 444, 445
conditionally lethal strains 122 cost effectiveness 199, 207, 222
confidence levels 606 Costa Rica 401, 402, 528, 627-629, 632, 633,
confusion 275, 280 640, 729
conservation approaches 419 costs and benefits 512
conservation areas 309, 311, 313 costs of control 373, 374
consistency 442 cotton 35, 38-47, 221, 222, 352, 356, 358, 383-
construction costs 440 391, 559-565
contact insecticides 291, 349 cotton aphid 564
containment 119, 120, 237, 340, 341, 345, 349, cotton belt 222
407, 413, 528, 628, 630, 642, 648, 649, 661, cotton boll weevil 152
724-726 cotton bollworm 559-565, 383, 386-389

cotton pest management 562, 565 Cuyo 653-655, 658

cotton producers 119 cyclodiene 497, 618
coumaphos 396 Cyclura rileyi rileyi 339
country elevators 239, 240, 245 Cydia nigricana 277, 281
courtship 179, 275, 276 Cydia pomonella 24, 103, 110, 113-118, 150,
cover sprays 419, 686, 691, 694 211, 266, 275, 355, 413, 427, 435, 450, 527, 530,
Cowdria 126 581, 582, 584, 589, 590-600, 606, 614
crabs 373, 376, 379 cyhalothrin 310
Cre-loxP system 77 Cylas formicarius elegantulus 430, 431
creole mango 665-667 Cyprus 464, 469
crop 451 cytogenetic marker 113, 114
crop insurance 287, 295 cytogenetics 62, 103, 105, 108, 110
crop losses 259, 374 cytoplasm 151, 152
crop production 35, 36, 43, 45 cytoplasmic incompatibility 18, 19, 30, 125-
crop rotation 21, 32, 38, 40, 41, 387 137, 143-148
cross-mobilization 76, 77 Czech Republic 193, 194
crown fading 305
crown infestation 476, 477 D
Cry1A cotton 561
Cry1A+CpTI cotton 561 Dacus 641
cryobanking 157 daily mortality 249
cryogen 150 Dakar 292
cryogenics 20, 229-233, 235, 237 Darien gap 394
cryopreservation 149-162 data dictionaries 200
cryoprotectant 151-153, 156, 161, 162 data loggers 460, 461
cryoprotective agent 153, 155 data management 461
Cryptolestes ferrugineus 241, 242, 246 data-driven decision-making 240
Cryptophlebia leucotreta 351, 357-359, 450 database 396, 436, 571, 631, 709, 712-714, 719,
Crystal BallTM program 440 737
crystallized honey 663 datasets 201, 204, 206, 207
Cuba 338, 393-395, 397, 399, 401-403, 729 date oases 266
cucurbitacin 41 date palm 475
cuelure 677, 678, 680, 688, 689, 691, 694 dates 265, 266, 271
Culex pipiens 19, 30, 125, 133-135, 194 Dauphin Island 338, 341
Culex quinquefasciatus 130, 368 day-degree development 249
culling 418, 419 day-degree-model 643
cultivation 326, 330, 363 DayGlo® 236, 539
cultural characteristics 739 DDT 12, 310, 369
cultural control 547, 552 deadheart 378
cultural practices 6, 15, 21, 23, 548, 662 decapitating Pseudacteon spp. flies 489, 491-
Cumberland Island 338 495
cumulative mortality 608, 611 dechlorinated aerated water 507
cumulative sterility 612 dechlorinated water 508
Curaçao 724 deciduous fruit 449, 450-453, 455
custard apple 352, 420 deciduous fruit growers 737
cut-and-paste 75 deciduous fruit industry 450-453, 455
cuticle 20, 275, 278, 279 Deciduous Fruit Producer’s Trust 450, 462
cuticular hydrocarbons 729, 743 decision support tool 204
cutworm 383-386, 389, 390 decision-making 20, 435, 437, 438, 440, 442,

443-446 developmental genes 88

decision-support software 239-241 developmental stage 703
decision-support tool 606 devitrification 151, 152
default dose 425, 429 Devon 251
defibrinated bovine blood 505, 507 Diabrotica barberi 40
defoliation 551 Diabrotica undecimpunctata howardi 40
Degenerate Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Diabrotica virgifera 40
87 Diabrotica virgifera zea 40
degenerate primers 88 Diachasmimorpha longicaudata 527, 530, 661-
degree of isolation 222 664, 668-670
dehumidification 234 diapause 39, 41, 149, 156-159, 249, 352, 572,
dehydration 151, 154 573, 583, 597, 598, 600
delay in mating 275, 277 diapause rearing 598
deletions 187 diarrhoea 249
Delia antiqua 435, 451 diazinon 646
delimitation 438 dicamba 498
delimiting 418, 421 dichlorvos 460, 461, 688
delimiting survey 421, 582, 583 dieldrin 290
Delta traps 269 diet disposal 537
deltamethrin 332, 604 differentially-corrected GPS 291, 550, 552
Deme basin 327, 329, 334 diffusion 221-228
Democratic Republic of Congo 12, 138 diffusion coefficient 223-226
demographic stochasticity 213, 214 diffusion model 221-225, 227
demography 202 diffusion parameters 222
demonstration sites 487, 490, 491, 493, 494, diflubenzuron 699, 702, 706
671, 673, 679 Dilla 328, 333
Dendroctonus ponderosae 20, 297 dimehypo 373, 375
dengue 13, 23, 506, 699 dimethoate 691-695
density 183, 438, 727, 728, 731, 732, 735, 742 dimethyl sulphoxide 151-154
density-dependent factors 226 diphtheria 75
dermatophilus 25 dipping 548, 556, 558
Derris elliptica 260 diptank 310
desert 361-367, 371, 372 Diptera 128, 134, 428, 431-433, 458, 468-472
desert ecosystems 339, 341 diptericin 142
desert locust 285-296 direct and indirect benefits 442
Desert Locust Control Committee 291, 293, 295 direct benefits 443, 653, 658
Desert Locust Control Organization for East direct commodity treatments 419
Africa (DLCO-EA) 293 direct-seeded rice 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 375,
Desert Locust Information Service (DLIS) 293 378
desiccation 152, 156, 159 Dirofilaria immitis 506
detection 297, 299, 301, 305, 337, 338, 340, 342, Dirofilaria repens 506
418, 420, 421, 548, 550-552, 672 disability-adjusted life years 138
detection and delimitation trapping programme disaster management 287
420 discount rate 440, 442
detection methods 349 disease distributions 201
detection point 645 disease incidence 247, 248
detection trapping 581, 582, 583 disease prevalence 201
development rate 606 disease risk 204, 206
development time 268 disease surveillance 310, 311

disease transmission 139, 362 dsxM protein 98

dishabituation 276 DTS-5 75
disinfestation 425, 426, 430, 432, 433 duck pasturing 260
dispensers 571 ducks 262, 264
dispersal 16, 19, 120, 187, 189, 191, 211-215, DUP99B 176
219-228, 265, 266, 269-272, 317, 361, 363, 365, dye 345
371, 373, 377, 399, 505, 507, 512, 514, 585, dynamics 727, 728
598, 603, 604, 608, 611, 613
dispersal centre 730, 736 E
dispersal characteristics 222
dispersal flights 317, 618 ear tags 397
dispersed chromatin body 117 early detection 643
dispersion 532 early harvest 427
displacement 221, 225, 226 early warning systems 20
dissection 115 eclosion 452
distribution 52, 54, 183, 186, 189, 309, 313, 315, Ecodevelopment 699, 707
323, 517, 524, 536, 541, 727, 732, 735, 744 ecological damage 604
Diuraphis noxia 12, 40 ecological data 222
diversity 4 ecological mapping 699, 703-707
DNA hybridization 76 ecological studies 309, 311, 312, 322
DNA sequencing 257 ecological survey 655
dogs 397, 714 economic analysis 519, 524
domestic orchard 581, 583 economic benefits 314, 547, 549, 556
dominant conditional lethal 103-105, 113, 114, economic damage thresholds 386
118 economic impact 289, 339, 653, 655, 658
dominant lethal mutation 52, 119, 120, 476 economic importance 630, 633, 635, 638
dominant lethality 86 economic indices 442
dominant marker 52 economic returns 517, 524
dominant selectable marker 54 economic threshold 5, 8, 9, 243, 571, 576
Dominican Republic 338, 394 economic value 3, 17, 26
Dongola Reach 362-364, 367, 368, 371, 372 economically damaging thresholds 377
donkeys 714 economics 17, 24, 26, 28, 31, 35, 46
dormancy 149, 150, 156, 160 economies of scale 449, 452, 453
dormant flies 236 ecosystems 4-7, 15, 21-23
dose response 426, 510 Ectomyelois ceratoniae 265, 268, 272, 273
double binomial nested probability function 712 education 594, 718
double-cropping 375, 379 education kits 690
double-strand breaks 66 educational component 493
doublesex 96, 99, 101, 102 educational programme 40
dried fruit 454 effective mating 171
Drosophila 52-60 effectiveness 52, 58, 531, 532, 658
Drosophila hydei 63, 69, 70, 75, 82 effector gene 86
Drosophila mauritiana 63, 76 egg clusters 260
Drosophila melanogaster 18, 75, 82, 85, 86, 89, egg counting 506, 507
92, 93, 106, 154, 155, 158-162 egg hatch 107, 114, 249, 505, 508, 510, 513
Drosophilidae 87 egg membranes 155
drought 259, 299, 451 egg monitoring 511
DsRed2 107 egg parasitoid 351-354
dsxF protein 98 egg stage 611

egg viability 479, 480, 483 80

egg-laying patterns 704 enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) 106
egg-to-adult development 502 enhanced yellow fluorescent protein 79, 80
eggplant 352 enhancer-promoter 86
eggs 507, 508, 510-512, 514 enhancers 87, 92
Egypt 288, 292, 295, 361-372, 724, 727, 734, EntostatTM 275-280
736, 742 Entre Ríos 653-658
Ehrlichia 126 enumerators 330
ejaculates 179 environment 202, 285, 287, 289, 373, 377, 408,
El Paso/Trans Pecos 567, 575 443, 527-529, 531, 592, 599
El Pino 229, 236, 237, 462-464, 467, 530-532 environment-friendly 5
El Salvador 627-629, 632, 634, 639 environment-friendly control tactics 462
electrical load 231, 232 environmental contamination 163
electromagnetic sensors 200 environmental data 201, 206
electrostatic powders 20, 275, 278, 279 environmental degradation 706
elevators 239-246 environmental effect 492
elimination 61, 62, 724, 730 environmental impact 21, 289, 290, 314, 321,
eLocust 289 435, 446
elongated chromatin body 117 environmental impact assessment (EIA) 289,
elytra 478 314
embryo 126, 128, 132, 134 environmental pollution 518
embryo-specific 86, 92 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 240,
embryogenesis 53, 87, 88, 91, 96, 105, 106, 143 562
embryonic development 155 environmental risks 399, 411, 414
embryonic injection 129 environmentally friendly production systems
embryonic lethality 85-93 444
embryonic sterility 85 enzootic 194
embryos 106-108, 151-162 enzootic stability 717
emerald ash borer 35, 42 eosinophilic meningoencephalitis 259
emergence 39, 230, 234, 236, 237, 378, 379, Ephestia kuehniella 105, 110, 113, 118, 612, 614
457, 460, 463, 467, 536, 537-541, 663, 664, 667 Epi Info 396
emergence towers 234, 237 epicentres 301
Emergency Centre for Locust Operations epidemic 297-305, 369
(ECLO) 293 epidermal tissues 248
Emergency Prevention System (EMPRES) 289, Epidinocarsis lopezi 12, 31
295 Epiphyas postvittana 276
emigration 299 equilibration time 153
Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária equilibrium freezing 150-154
(EMBRAPA) 532 equivalence 408-411
encephalitis 193-195 eradication 3, 12, 14, 15, 21, 24-32, 37-39, 43-
end game strategy 604 47, 231, 237, 238, 340, 345, 349, 394, 399, 400-
endangered species 150, 488 402, 407, 410-415, 436-438, 442, 445, 447, 527,
endemic 298-300, 305 528, 530, 534, 547-558, 591-594, 597, 599, 600,
endemic plant species 394 642-651, 661, 669, 672, 673, 682, 683, 709-714,
endemic populations 299, 300 717-720, 724-744
endosulfan 260, 561 escape 54, 56
endosymbiont 142, 145, 146 Escherichia coli 139, 143, 145
England 247, 251-253, 255 establishment 425, 582, 583, 585, 589
enhanced cyan fluorescent protein (ECFP) 79, 1,2-ethanediol 152, 155

ethanol 115, 185 fallen fruit 679

Ethiopia 21, 325-335 fallow lands 375
Ethiopian highlands 326 false codling moth 21, 351-359
Ethiopian Science and Technology Commission FAO Code of Conduct 445
(ESTC) 328 FAO Commission for Controlling the Desert
ethylene dibromide 165 Locust in the Western Region (CLCPRO) 292
ethylene glycol 151, 158 FAO/IAEA Agriculture and Biotechnology
eukaryotes 65 Laboratory 52, 55, 532, 533, 734
Euphorbiaceae 352 FAO/IAEA Coordinated Research Projects 726
Eurasian blackbirds 193 farm hygiene 676
Europe 11, 23, 25 farm-by-farm 569
European cherry fruit fly 129, 130, 134 farm-by-farm control 37
European corn borer 41, 43 farmer associations 14
European Union (EU) 441, 444, 528 farmer collaboration 400
Euscepes postfasciatus 430, 431 farmer field schools 14, 16, 27, 32
Euseius finlandicus 156 farmer participation 728, 739
evaluation 199, 202, 204, 206, 207 farms 450, 451, 454
Everglades 339 fat body 143
evolution 139, 142, 146 feasibility 529, 534
Ewa 673, 674, 677, 678 feasibility assessments 726
ewe strikes 247, 251 feasibility study 20, 311, 536, 631
Excel® 440 fecundity 212-214, 219, 265, 267, 269, 272, 353,
excision 63, 66, 69, 70, 77, 82 354, 357, 560, 606-608, 611
exclusion 425, 641, 643, 645, 647, 649, 651 feed supplement 262
ExoSex AutoconfusionTM 275, 276 feedback mechanisms 737
exotic fruit fly detection network 638 feeding 457, 460, 463
exotic insects 42 felling 299, 305
exotic invasive species 345, 348 female longevity 511
exotic organisms 604 female mimics 276, 277
exotic pest 436, 437 female-lethal constructs 56
exotic species 12, 31 female-specific 95, 96, 98, 99
export 411, 414, 627-637, 653, 654, 659 fenoxycarb 163, 164, 166
export fruit industries 451 fenthion 691, 692, 693
export market 449, 450, 451, 454, 689 feral hosts 694, 715
export production sites 419 feral population 533
export strategies 417, 418 Ferrolure 478
exported commodity 425, 426 fertility 211-213, 219, 265, 269, 272, 353, 354,
expression 86, 87, 88, 90-93 357, 505, 510-512, 606-608, 611
expression vehicles 131 fertility recovery 510
extension activities 531 fertilization chamber 179
extension staff 376 fertilizers 40, 377
extinction 187, 724 field cage studies 166, 353, 355
field cages 266, 270
F field competitiveness 270, 271, 728
field performance 120
facultative diapause 560 field populations 61, 69
facultative larvae 37 field release operations 726
faecal consistency 249 field surveys 290
fall armyworm 41 field teams 727, 731, 735, 737

field-by-field 3, 5, 7, 8, 15, 16, 24, 26, 724 fly emergence and release centre 657
field cage tests 728 fly quality 229, 230, 234
figs 164 fly-free certificate 525
filariasis 506 fly-free date 39
filter rearing system 55-57, 728 flying ability 606
filtration 508, 513 folate 140
financial method 443 Folly Island 338
financial tools 440 food 723, 726, 733, 741-743
fine staple varieties 388, 389 food aid 287
fipronil 290, 296, 373, 376, 379 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
fire ant 152, 158, 487-496 Nations (FAO) 4, 35, 149, 289, 394, 402, 598,
fire suppression 297, 303 628, 710-711, 726
fish-feeding grasses 375 food losses 36
fitness 51, 52, 55, 57-59, 73, 74, 76, 79, 137, food lures 491, 494
141, 145 food prices 5
fixation 115 Food Quality Protection Act 619
fixed monitoring sites 202 food safety 377, 409, 412, 527, 528
fixed-wing aircraft 316 food security 35, 408
flanking DNA 65, 66 food source 345
flanking sequences 66 food supply 35, 36, 43
flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) 140 food webs 6
Flaviviridae 194 food-bait 399
flavivirus 193-195 forecast 20, 247, 253, 254
fleece 248-250 forecast-decision making system 380, 381
fleece humidity index 250 forestry 603, 604, 613, 615
fleece length 249 Forestry Biosecurity Authority 603, 604
flesh fly 156 forests 329
flexible release container 230 Formosan subterranean termite 24, 617-624, 625
flight ability 158, 540 fossil energy 41
flight attitudes 235 founder effect 185
flight capacity 663 Fourth Cataract 363, 366-368, 371
flight period 300 fragmentation 221, 454
flight tunnel 169-171 fragmented chromatin body 117
flooding 377, 381 France 194, 505, 514
Florida 13, 15, 22, 27, 28, 37, 42-47, 164, 165, free ranging 715
167, 173, 230, 232, 238, 257, 258, 337-343, 347, free riders 3, 13, 14
349, 350, 487, 490, 493-496, 531, 534, 547-549, free-roaming livestock 714
551, 553 free-roaming animals 25
Florida Keys 338-341 freezing 150-154, 156, 158-162
FLP recombinase 68 French Quarter 24, 617, 618, 620-625
flumethrin 709, 712 frequency-vibration light traps 379
fluorescent dye 52 fresh fruit export 641, 528
fluorescent marker 52, 55, 236 fresh fruit market 530
fluorescent powder 75, 539 fresh-frozen cow blood 331
fluorescent protein 52, 59 freshwater mollusc 257
fluorimeter 279 Fricke dosimetry 476
fluorimetric assay 278-280 FRT site 77
fly dispersal chamber 735 FRT/FLP recombinase system 77
fly emergence 230, 234 Fruit and Vegetables Export Association of São

Francisco Valley (Valexport) 532 gene transfer 73, 74, 82

fruit bagging 419 gene-drive systems 53
fruit cutting 418, 420, 427 gene-driving mechanisms 142
fruit damage 353, 358, 524, 654, 655 GENEPOP 186, 191
fruit evaluation 523 generalized linear model 606, 610, 614
fruit fly baiting 686 generic dose 22, 425, 428-431
Fruit Fly Exclusion Zone 687-692, 696, 697 generic model 441, 445
fruit fly hosts 631-637 generic treatment 428-430
Fruit Fly National Detection System 641 genetic background 106
fruit fly parasitoid 662, 669 genetic biodiversity 345
fruit fly resting sites 419 genetic breakdown 537
fruit fly-free 641, 642, 649 genetic control 61, 62, 65, 70, 356, 358
genetic damage 606
fruit fly-free area 449, 450, 455, 628, 632, 635,
637, 638, 686 genetic differentiation 178, 183, 186-188, 191,
fruit fly-free country 641, 642 370
fruit fly-low prevalence 627-639 genetic diversity 345
fruit growers 450, 452-455, 653 genetic drift 150
fruit industry 449-458 genetic information 194
fruit quality 444, 525 genetic load 62
genetic manipulation 131
fruit sampling 354, 460, 517, 641, 643, 645, 646,
665, 667 genetic marker 51, 52, 54, 56, 59, 64, 68
fruit stripping 594, 643, 646, 649 genetic polymorphism 185
FTD index 666 genetic sexing 17, 18, 51-64, 74, 113, 114, 118,
fuel prices 451 130, 133
full-time staff 723, 734 genetic sexing strains 17, 103-105, 107, 109,
fumigant 165 110, 452, 461, 470, 532, 534, 724, 741, 742
genetic stability 158, 537
fumigation 12, 239-245, 271, 418-420, 425, 426,
432, 548, 556, 557, 689, 693 genetic sterilization 51, 52, 55, 56
functional elimination 619 genetic structure 184, 186, 191
fungal colonization 298 genetic studies 289
fungal contamination 267 genetic traits 436
fungal entomopathogen 277 genetic transformation 17, 18, 62, 69, 70, 125,
fungal growth 533 131, 140, 142, 146
fungal spores 298 genetic variability 18, 183, 185-190
genome 61-70, 74, 76, 78, 80, 82, 108, 110, 128-
G 130, 133, 135, 137, 140, 145
genome sequence 129, 194, 195
gallery forests 222, 227 genomic DNA 185
Galveston 617 genomic identification 257
Galveston Island 341 genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) 108
Gambiae Control Project 361, 363, 369 genomic position effects 73, 79
game reserves 309, 311, 313 genomic sequencing 150
gametes 52, 153 genomic stability 65
gamma radiation 353, 355, 476, 484, 591, 592, genomics 62
598, 600, 601 genotype 40, 176, 177, 180, 186, 187
Gammacel-220® irradiator 331, 463, 633 geo-climatic barrier 303
gene expression 74, 81, 137, 140, 143, 147 geo-referenced traps 604
gene flow 26, 178, 184-186, 189-191, 563 geo-statistics 202
gene pool 11 geographic information systems (GIS) 11, 199,

229, 289, 302, 461, 523, 604, 631 good agricultural practices 525
geographic isolation 536 gopher tortoise 339
geographic origins 257 Gopherus polyphemus 339
Geographical Assessment of Bancroftian Gordon Memorial College 369
Filariasis (RAGFIL) 205 gossyplure 570-572, 577, 578
geographical barriers 186 gourds 386
geographical differentiation 185 government funding 449-451, 454
geographical maps 678 government investment 451, 455
geographical range 340, 342 Government of Slovakia 441
Georgia 39, 338, 547-549, 551, 553, 556-558 GPS guidance equipment 463
geotypes 560 GPS-guided systems 20
germ-line 52, 59, 65, 66, 74, 103, 105, 106, 128 grading 418, 419
137, 140 grain 239, 240-246
germ-plasm 152-154 grain moisture 241
Gerstaeckeria cactus weevil 339 grain scouting 245
Gerstaeckeria fasciata 339 grain temperature 241, 243
GERUD 176-178 grain yield 36-378
GF-120 (spinosad) bait sprays 462, 678, 679 graminaceous weeds 498
Giemsa 333 Gramineae 352
giraffe 361, 365 Grand Cayman 338, 347
GIS modelling 201 granulated sugar 519
GIS software 460, 461 granule applicators 701
glasshouses 418, 419 grape 654
Global Alliance for the Elimination of grapefruit 43, 420, 633, 635, 655, 666, 667
Lymphatic Filariasis 205 gravid females 401
global positioning system (GPS) 199, 232, 285, gravity 229, 230, 232, 234
291, 329, 340, 461, 523, 550, 631 Great Britain 248
global warming 302, 306 Great Plains 40
Glossary of Phytosanitary Terms 410, 414, 629, Greater Antilles 347
632, 633, 639 Greece 699-701, 703, 705, 707
Glossina austeni 21, 144, 147, 279, 309, 311, green bug 12, 40, 46
313, 320, 322, 323, 435, 725, 726, 744 green fluorescent protein (GFP) 74, 141, 142
Glossina brevipalpis 144, 309, 311, 320, 322 green manure 375
Glossina fuscipes fuscipes 137, 145, 325, 327 green revolution 5, 6
Glossina morsitans centralis 21 greenhouse 16, 28, 150, 407, 726, 741
Glossina morsitans morsitans 222 gregarious behaviour 286, 290, 296
Glossina morsitans submorsitans 222, 310 gregarious form 286
Glossina pallidipes 310, 325, 327, 334, 727 gregarious phase 288
Glossina palpalis gambiensis 221-223, 225, gregarization 288, 289
227, 228 gregarization biotopes 289
Glossina palpalis palpalis 12, 310 grid 642-648
Glossina tachinoides 222, 227, 228, 310 gross domestic product 326
glycerine 265-267 ground bait sprays 634
glycerol 151, 157 ground releases 648
glycoproteins 139 ground sprays 653, 654, 657
goats 394, 395, 397 ground surveys 304, 305
golden apple snail 257-264 ground transport 230, 234
gonads 152, 154 ground-release devices 592
Gonatocerus ashmeadi 157 ground-truthing 20

grower associations 459, 661 Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act
grower cooperation 453, 455 604
grower organizations 437, 547, 556 HCH 310
grower training 673 head involution defective (hid) 86
grower trust organization 453 heartwater fever 25
growers 437, 450-455 heat 425, 426
growing point 384, 387-389 heating, ventilation and air conditioning
growing season 559, 560, 562 (HVAC) 229, 234
Guadeloupe 709, 711, 713, 714 helicopter 316, 699, 701, 705
Guatemala 149, 229, 235-238, 460, 462-464, Helicoverpa armigera 76, 383, 386, 559-565
Helicoverpa zea 76, 271, 272
467, 470, 471, 528, 530-532, 627, 628-632, 634,
Hemiptera 128, 428, 430
635, 638, 725, 729, 730, 734, 735, 737, 739, 744
guava 352, 420, 528, 630, 633, 635-637, 661, heparinized capillary tube 333
665-667 herbicide tolerance 55
herbicides 262, 497, 498, 501-503
guava fruit fly 168, 517-520, 524, 525, 630, 635,
636, 637 Hermes 61, 63, 65-70, 74, 76, 77, 83
Guinean riparian forest 222 Herpestes auropunctatus 714
Gulf Coast 338, 341, 342 Hertfordshire 251
Gulf of Mexico 41 Herves 61, 63, 65, 66, 68, 69, 76, 81
Gulfport Plant Protection Station 490 Hessian fly 39, 40, 43, 44, 46
gypsy moth 11, 32 heterochromatic 105, 106, 113, 116, 117
heterochromatin 106, 108
H heterogametic 104, 108, 113
heterozygosity 176, 186-188, 191
H-trap 311, 312 heterozygotes 53
habitat composition 202 heterozygous 121
habitat removal 612 Hex River Valley 449, 450, 452, 455, 458, 462,
habituation 275, 276 468, 728, 736, 737, 740
Habrobracon hebetor 266, 273 Hex River Valley Pilot Project 449, 450, 452,
haemocoel 153 455
haemolymph 126, 140, 142, 143 Hex Valley Research Services Trust 737
Haiti 338, 394 hexaflumuron 619
hand-held ultra low volume sprayers 287 Hexrivier Blikhuis orchard 353
handling 52, 56, 120, 229, 230, 233, 234, 237 hibernal quiescence 156
handling procedures 726 high density trapping 642
haploid 128 high dose 425, 428-430
haplotype 185, 189, 647, 648, 649, 651 hind femur 290
haplotype diversity (Hs) 185 hippopotamus 361, 365
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium 186-188 Hispaniola 394
harmonization 408-411, 413 historical data 201, 286, 289, 362, 363, 371, 442
harvest 39, 352, 354, 384 hitchhiker 417, 419
harvesting 297, 299, 305, 551, 552 hobo 61, 65, 66, 68-71, 75-77, 81, 83
hAT elements 61, 65, 66, 68, 69, 71 hog plum 665, 667
hatch rate 269 Homalodisca coagulata 157
hatchability 259 home gardens 450
Hawaii 258, 260, 262, 425, 427, 429-431, 433, homogametic 104, 108, 113
528, 531, 534, 671-683 homologous recombination 145
Hawaii Area-wide Fruit Fly Pest Management homozygote 187, 563
Programme (HAW-FLYPM) 672, 675 homozygous 86, 121, 122

Honduras 627-629, 632, 635, 638 hydramethylnon 487, 489, 491, 492, 496
honey bee 5, 152-154, 158, 159, 373, 376 hydrochloric acid 533, 539
honeydew melon 677 hydrolyzed protein 643, 657
Hong Kong 487 Hylocereus undatus 633
hopper bands 286, 288 Hymenoptera 128, 132
hopper control 288 hypermobility 67
horizontal gene transfer 53 hypoxia 539
horizontal transfer 127, 132, 133, 145
hormone supplement therapy 163-168 I
horses 394-397
Horticultural Policy Council (HPC) 685 ice crystals 151
horticulture 603, 604 identification 583
Horticulture Australia Limited 693 Illinois 41, 44
host animal 249 image processing 507
host availability 528 Imizol® 717
host distribution 202 immature stages 643, 646
host fruits 662, 663, 667 immigrants 10
host maturation 442 immigration 19, 249, 251, 511, 536
host plant replacement 584-587 immune system 131, 142
host population 438 immunofluorescence 88, 89, 128
host preferences 348 immunoglobulin 66
host range 63-65, 258, 442 Imperial County Commissioner of Agriculture
host removal 530, 581, 585 553, 556
host resistance 11 Imperial Valley 549, 572, 573, 576, 577
host susceptibility 247, 248 import 411, 414
host trees 298, 299, 303, 305, 581, 586, 588, improved diets 724
591, 593, 596, 597, 661, 664, 666 in situ hybridizations 88, 90
host-free period 552 in vitro fertilization 149, 152-154
host-parasite interactions 248 in vitro silicon-membrane feeding system 331
host-plant resistance 6, 567, 570, 575 in-ground traps 621
host-specific 489 inaccessible areas 663
hosts 138, 140, 142, 143, 145 inbreeding 52, 55
hot spot 204, 242, 594, 596, 657 incipient epidemic 297-305
hot water dip treatment 421 incipient infections 492
hot water immersion 419, 421 incursion 435, 581, 685, 688, 690, 692
hot water quarantine treatment 635 India 7, 13, 32, 130, 257, 260, 475, 477, 484
house fly 39, 76, 83, 155, 159 Indian mongoose 714
household-by-household 724 Indiana 41
human African trypanosomosis 137-139 Indian meal moth 428
human health 5, 6, 13, 23, 26, 257-259, 409, indica rices 375
443, 446 indicators 674
humidity 248-250, 691 indirect benefits 442-444, 446
Hungary 193-195 Indonesia 7, 38, 45, 47, 475, 484
hurricane 393, 400 induced sterility 730-733
husbandry 247, 248, 254 inducible female-specific lethal 55
hybrid corn 41 industrialization 375
hybrid japonica rice 375, 378 infallibility of the SIT 728
hybrid rice 260 infections 137-139, 142-146
hybrids 54 infectious diseases 199, 200

infestation 38, 39, 43, 240, 246, 265, 266, 271, instability 56
727 instar larvae 667
infestation levels 396, 665 Institut National Agronomique de la Tunisie 266
infestation rates 535 Institut National de Recherche Agronomique de
infestations 338, 340, 341 Tunis (INRAT) 536
infested trees 299-305 Instituto de Sanidad y Calidad Agropecuaria in
infested wounds 185 Mendoza, Argentina (ISCAMEN) 529
inflation rate 440 Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la
infrastructure 349, 657, 658 Agricultura (IICA) 628
inheritance 185, 189 insurance schemes 287
inherited sterility 19, 103, 109-113, 118, 120- integrated crop-livestock systems 326
123, 211, 212, 215, 219, 353, 357, 358, 603, 606, integrated pest control (IPC) 5
612, 613, 615 integrated pest management (IPM) 3, 5, 229
inhibition of courtship 275, 276 integration 73-75, 77-82
inhibitors of the insect nervous system 619 intellectual property 22, 435, 438, 439
initial investment 459, 462 interchromomere pattern 116
inorganic farmers 262 interest rates 440
insect behaviour 204 Interim Commission on Phytosanitary Measures
insect growth regulators (IGRs) 290, 513 (ICPM) 410, 440
insect invaders 42 internal feeding habit 475
insect pathogens 604 internal rate of return 314
insect population growth 243, 245 international advisory group 347
insect quality 593 International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
insect release methodologies 229 149, 345, 347, 394, 450, 598
insect vectors 138 international business 435, 437-439, 441, 443,
insect-proof screening 419 445-447
Insecta 155, 161 International Code of Conduct on the
InSecta Ltd 457, 460, 462, 465 Distribution and Use of Pesticides 6, 29
insecticidal wound treatment 37, 393, 400, 401 International Consultative Group on Food
insecticide resistance 10, 38, 41, 265, 559, 565 Irradiation (ICGFI) 428
insecticide sprays 594, 655 international coordination 726
insecticide storage 287 International Database of Insect Disinfestation
insecticide treatments 548, 552 and Sterilization (IDIDAS) 430
insecticide-impregnated targets 21, 139, 311, international donors 289
332, 334 international fruit export markets 450
insecticide-treated cattle 332, 334 International Livestock Research Institute
insecticides 5-7, 10, 12, 15, 21, 24, 35, 36, 38, (ILRI) 329
39, 40, 41, 43, 187, 189, 251, 255, 340, 342, 356, International Pheromone McPhail traps 732
373, 375, 376, 379, 381, 382, 393, 396, 397, International Plant Protection Convention
399, 457, 460- 462, 497, 500, 502, 504, 528, (IPPC) 22, 42, 44, 407, 409, 425, 426, 437, 632
530, 559, 561, 564, 565, 569, 653, 654, 667 International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) 260
inseminated female 643, 646 international standards 407, 409, 410, 414
insemination 152, 153, 158, 159, 161, 162 International Standards for Phytosanitary
insertion 114, 118 Measures (ISPMs) 22, 29, 410, 440, 445, 446
insertion domain 66, 67 international trade 351, 356, 411, 414, 415, 628
insertions 187 interpolation procedures 203
inspection 393, 396, 399, 417-420, 422, 423, interpopulation variability 187
425-427, 429, 433 interrelations 286
inspection protocol 587 Interstate Certification Assurance 692, 693, 696

interviews 476 Jackson traps 461, 632, 689

intracellular ice formation 151, 161 Jamaica 394, 724, 728-739, 742, 743
intracellular water 151 Jamaica Agricultural Society 737
inundation 704 Japan 43, 45, 258, 260-262, 264, 426, 429, 431,
invasion 165, 311, 363, 369, 581, 587, 589 432, 528, 530, 531, 534, 672, 683
invasive Opuntia species 346 Japanese encephalitis virus 193-195
invasive pest 337, 341 Japanese plum 420
invasive populations 351, 353 javelina 339
invasive species 15, 21-23, 28, 29, 32, 35, 41, Jordan 459, 461, 463-465, 469, 470
42, 44, 45, 257, 258, 351, 356, 617 Juarez Valley 120
inverse PCR 91 Juazeiro 589
inversely density-dependent 213 Jujuy 654, 655
inversion 77, 78 jumping DNA 63
investment 435-438, 442, 449-451, 455, 457, jumpstarter 78, 79
459, 461-463, 465-467, 469, 471 Juncus maritimus 700
iodine 35 jutia conga 395
ionizing radiation 37, 52, 61, 62, 425, 428, 432 juvenile hormone 163, 165-168, 173
iron 35 juvenile hormone mimics 166
irradiated moths 610, 613
irradiated-line incompatibility 212 K
irradiated-lineage 211, 212, 214, 215, 218
irradiation 51, 53, 56, 57, 328, 330, 331, 419, kabocha squash 677
425, 426-433, 539, 540 Kaliti 328, 330, 331
irradiation biology 342 Kansas 547, 551, 553, 556
irrigated land 383 karyotype 105, 108, 110, 114
irrigation 383, 386, 389, 528, 530, 699, 700 Kawa 367, 372
irrigation districts 530 Kerala 475-478, 481, 484
Isla de la Juventud 393-403 Kerma 361, 364- 372
Island of Espiritu Santo 634 kernel 242, 245
Island of Ometepe 635 Khapra beetle 12
Island of Principe 12 Khartoum 361, 363, 367, 369, 370, 372
isolated infestations 236 Kiev medium 153
isolated populations 39 Kingdom of Kush 361, 365, 367
isolation 18, 186, 188, 189, 191, 361, 363, 369, Kinshasa 12
371, 593 knapsack sprayers 701
isopod 126, 128, 132 Knipling, E.F. 14, 211
isotropic random walk 225 Korean melon 677
isozyme 184, 185 Koutango virus 194
Israel 194, 195, 457, 458-466, 469, 470, 528, Kraft paper 266, 267
531 Kula area 673
Israeli Plant Protection and Inspection Services Kushite 361, 362, 366, 367, 369
465, 468 KwaZulu-Natal 21, 309-319, 320, 322
Italian National Agency for New Technologies,
Energy and the Environment (ENEA) 509 L
Italy 194, 505, 507, 511, 513
La Rioja 653-657
J lacewings 563
lactic acetic orcein 115
Jackson method 727, 742 lady beetles 563

Lages 581-586 life stages 477

Lake Charles 617 lifespan 52, 53, 158, 221, 224, 226, 612
Lake Cocibolca 635, 637 light brown apple moth 276
lambda-cyhalothrin 561 light trap captures 620
lambs 397 light traps 373, 378-381
land grant universities 490 lime 420
land use 201, 204, 221, 319, 329, 330, 727 linkage disequilibrium 186, 187
Landsat 201, 208 linkage groups 63
Landsat Thematic Mapper 222 linotte 79, 80
large-scale farming 563 lions 365
large-scale field tests 532 lipoic acid 140
larvae 393-397, 401 Lipolexis scutellaris 157, 161
larval density 128, 505, 508, 513 liquid CO2 232
larval development 508, 513 liquid helium 155
larval diet 267, 268, 271, 462, 505, 508, 535, liquid nitrogen 150-162
539, 540, 543 liquid protein 665
larval feeding stages 249 liquid termiticides 618, 623-625
larval food 508 litchi 352
larval sampling 702 livestock systems 4
larval stage 539 Lluta valley 648
larval surveys 21 Lobesia botrana 275
larval trays 268 local ingredients 533
larval tunnelling 298 local outbreaks 286
larvicide 511 localized pest management 724
larviciding 369, 699, 701 loci 176-178, 180
Las Churuquitas 637 locust 11, 20
laser micro-dissection 109 Locust and Other Migratory Pests Group 293
latilure 678 locust incidence 289
leakiness 100 lodgepole pine 297, 301, 303, 304, 306, 307
Lebanon 464, 469, 470 logic model 671, 674, 675, 683
Lebombo range 316 logical framework 631
legislation 718, 719 logistic regression 250
leks 175 Long Island 39
lemon 420 long-distance dispersal 303, 304
Lepidoptera 103-111, 119, 120, 122, 123, 128, long-horned beetle 35, 42
132, 211-213, 215, 217, 219, 276, 277, 428, 429- long-term commitment 7
431, 433, 458, 591, 600, 601, 606, 614, 615 long-term storage 149, 150
lepidopteran pests 211, 212, 497 longevity 74, 120, 122, 123, 158, 237, 532, 606,
less-than-probit 9 425, 426, 427 612, 615, 663
Lesser Antilles 347, 713 longitudinal questionnaire survey 251
lesser grain borer 242 Los Angeles Basin Preventative Release
lethal alleles 62 Programme 464
lethality 52, 53, 57, 58, 85-93, 104, 106, 107, Los Inocentes 633
128 Louisiana 497, 504, 547, 549-556, 617, 620, 625
Libya 37, 45, 183, 190, 191, 363, 727, 730, 733, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center
735 (LSUAC) 620
life cycle 86, 141, 248, 249, 299, 307, 394, 475, low altitude flying 235
478, 646, 647, 649, 676 low pest prevalence 407, 408, 410, 411, 414, 418
life history 248 low prevalence 408

low skill level jobs 441 Maltaise 536

low-cost diets 672 mamey 420, 665
low-prevalence areas 662 management 325, 326, 328, 334, 335
low-volume fan sprayer 701 management intensive 723, 724, 739
lowland rice 257, 261, 262 management practices 260, 261, 263
Lucilia cuprina 68 management structure 26, 318, 593
Lucilia sericata 247, 248, 255 mandarin 177, 420
lure-and-kill 20, 275, 278, 419, 581, 583-588 mango 420, 528, 531, 633, 635-637, 661, 665-
lures 276, 457, 460, 461, 638 667, 669
Lutte Biologie Contre les Locustes et les mango seed weevil 426, 431
Sautériaux (LUBILOSA) 290 Mansonella ozzardi 126, 132
Lydella thompsoni 157, 158 mapping 109, 550, 699, 703, 704, 706, 707
Lygus hesperus 503 Mapping Malaria Risk in Africa (MARA) 205
Lygus lineolaris 497, 503, 504 marginal areas 497-502, 661, 663, 664, 667
Lymantria dispar 11 Marie Galante 709, 711
lymphatic filariasis 205, 208, 209 mariner 63, 69, 70, 74, 76, 82
Lynfield trap 689 mark-release-recapture 221, 222, 265, 266
Lysiphelbus japonica 157 marker 113-115, 117
marker gene 64
M marker genes 140
markers 647
macadamia 352, 358 market projections 439
Macedonia 699 market value 443
Madagascar 351 marketing conditions 451
Madeira 443, 444, 447 marking 75, 82
Madeira-Med 464 Martinique 711, 713
maggots 248 Maryland 487
Maghreb 287, 289, 292, 536 masculinization 98, 100
Maghreb-Med-type trap 461 mass-attack 298-300
maize 352, 387 mass-rearing 51-53, 55-57, 328, 330, 334, 457,
malaria 12, 21, 27, 32, 361-364, 369-372, 699 462, 463, 465-468, 662, 663, 726, 728-730, 737
malathion 39, 165, 420, 462, 471, 524, 552, 646, mass-trapping 26, 547
657, 658, 691, 695, 702 Massachusetts 11
Malaysian (solanaceous) fruit fly 672 mate location 277
maldison 688 maternal inheritance 185
male annihilation technique (MAT) 427, 524, mathematical models 729
671, 672, 676, 678, 680, 682, 686 mating 212-215
male dispersal 611 mating ability 120, 598
male fertility 510 mating barriers 18, 331, 728
male longevity 510 mating behaviour 727, 728, 740
male sterility 510 mating compatibility 18, 436, 656, 660, 723,
male-determining factor 95, 96 727, 728
male-only strain 536, 598, 728 mating competitiveness 53, 55, 59, 158, 532,
male-specific 96, 98, 99 606, 612
Mali 222 mating disruption 16, 20, 21, 24, 120, 275, 276-
Mallard ducks 262 278, 281, 356, 568, 570, 571, 576
Mallorca 279 mating frequencies 733, 740
malnutrition 35, 37 mating inhibitors 43
Malpighian tubule cells 114-116 mating patterns 19

mating preferences 729 methyl-p-hydroxybenzonate 519

mating systems 186 Mexicali Valley 547, 549, 553
Maui 671, 673, 674, 676-679, 683 Mexican fruit fly 55, 163, 165, 166, 417, 420-
Mauritania 285, 288, 292, 295 422, 459, 463, 471, 628, 630, 635
Mauritius 351 Mexican fruit fly campaign 662
maximum residue limits 412 Mexican hog plum 665
Mayetiola destructor 39 Mexican Official Emergency Regulation 348
McPhail 665, 689, 693 Mexican rootworm 40
McPheron, Bruce 647 Mexico 12, 22, 25, 31, 37-39, 41, 45, 149, 211,
mechanical control 662, 667 345-350, 393, 394, 399, 401, 402, 412, 457-459,
mechanical engineering 237 463, 465, 470, 472, 528, 531, 547, 549, 550-556,
mechanical failure 150 628, 629, 631, 633-635, 661-669
mechanical removal 340 Mexico Biodiversity Commission 348
mechanical stimulation 290 Michoacán 661, 664-667
mecoprop, 2,4-D 498 micro-injection 126
media campaigns 690 microbial development 539
Mediterranean basin 265 microbial growth 168
Mediterranean flour moth 105, 113, 612 microhabitat 249
Mediterranean fruit fly 13, 17-19, 43, 52-60, 79, microorganisms 20
82, 85, 87, 89, 91, 93, 95, 96, 104, 129, 130, 133, microsatellite DNA 371
149, 155, 161, 163-168, 171-173, 175-182, 204, microsatellite polymorphisms 189
211, 229-235, 237, 238, 277-280, 412, 413, 417, microsatellites 175-177, 180, 183, 185, 186,
421, 429, 431, 433, 449-452, 455-472, 527-543, 189, 190
627-630, 632-638, 640-642, 646, 647, 649-651, Microsoft Access® 713
653, 657, 671-674, 676, 678, 679, 682, 683, 724, microsporidian pathogens 489
725, 727, 728, 730, 732, 734-737, 739, 741, 742 Middle East 23, 464, 467, 505
Mediterranean Fruit Fly Preventive Release midge 155
Programme 310, 413 midgut 137, 140-143, 145-147
medium staple varieties 388 migration 188, 189, 289, 363-365, 369, 371,
melon fly 429, 431, 528, 534, 671-674, 676-679, 551, 553, 559, 560, 563, 564
682, 683, 725, 727, 730, 731, 742, 743 migrations 286
melons 386, 528 migratory behaviour 560
Member States 724, 726 migratory birds 194, 195
membrane permeability 151 milk gland 139, 140
Mendoza 653, 654, 656, 657, 659 Millennium Development Goals 4
mercury vapour light traps 352 minimum absorbed dose 426, 430
Merowe 363, 364, 367, 369 minimum wage earners 441
metabolic activity 231 Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food
metabolic heat 234 Supply 529, 530, 531, 532
metaldehyde 260, 261 Ministry of Science and Technology 530
Metapa de Dominguez 663, 669 Minos 63, 69, 74-77, 81
metaphase 108 minute flower bugs 563
Metarhizium anisopliae var. acridum 290 mirex-treated wood blocks 619
methods development 598 Misiones 654, 655, 657
methoprene 163-166, 170, 171, 487, 491, 492 Mississippi 39, 41, 487, 490, 492, 497-504, 547-
methyl bromide 271, 412, 689, 693 549, 551-558
methyl eugenol 523, 524, 643-645, 678, 688, Mississippi River 41
689, 691 Mississippi River levee 621, 622
methyl paraben 265, 266, 267 Mississippi State University 340, 497, 499, 503,

504 Moscamed Programme 635

Missouri 39, 547-549, 551-555 mosquito abatement 699
mist-blowers 552 mosquito control 699-701, 703, 705, 707
Mitch funds 629 mosquito netting 266
mites 125, 128, 425, 428-430 mosquito nuisance 699, 702
mitigation 604 moulds 240
mitochondrial 183-186, 189-191 Mount Albert Research Centre 607
mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) 184, 371 mountain pine beetle 20, 297-307
mitotic synchrony 128 mountainous terrain 235, 236
mixed-sex release 121 Mozambique 309, 312, 315, 316, 323
mobile dispensers 276, 277, 279 mtDNA analysis 613
mobile targets 309, 311 mulberry 376
mobility 7, 63-67, 77, 78, 560, 598 multi-temporal analysis 202
model 10, 17, 19, 20, 29 MultiLure® 459, 461, 632
model business plan 435, 438, 440, 441, 445, multiple castes 618
447 multiple detection 646, 648
Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectro-radiome- multiple mating 175, 176, 180
ter (MODIS) 202 multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 492
molecular markers 109, 183, 184, 186, 190, 191, multipurpose rearing facilities 23
371 multispectral sensor data 201
monitoring 165, 199-209, 325, 328, 330, 333- municipalities 581-584
335, 340, 342, 345, 347-349, 418, 436, 443, 444, Murray Valley encephalitis virus 194
457, 458, 460, 461, 468, 470, 472, 530, 531, Musca domestica 39, 61, 63, 70, 76, 83, 154,
560-563, 581, 583, 585-588, 596, 599, 643, 676, 155, 162
677-681, 723, 726, 727, 730-732, 734, 735, 740- mutagenesis 52, 55, 62, 65, 69
742, 744 mutant 62, 67, 149, 150, 158, 161, 176, 179
monitoring grids 677 mutant allele 86
monitoring protocols 165 mutant lines 149
monoclonal antibodies 141 mutation 52, 54, 56, 61, 62, 66, 67, 73, 74, 75,
monoculture 562 98, 105, 113, 114, 118, 171, 537
monogamy 175 mutual grooming 619
monogyne 492, 495 mycopesticides 285, 289, 290
monomehypo 375 mycotoxins 503
monovoltine 383 myiasis 20, 183, 393-395, 397, 400-402
Monserrat 347
monsoon 560 N
Monte Carlo simulation 249, 442, 524, 525
Monte Caseros 653, 655-658 N60g11 104, 106, 107
Montenegro 505, 514 nagana 138, 309
Montreal Protocol 412, 415 naled 584
Montserrat 337 Nasonia vitripennis 156, 161
Morocco 194 Natal 351
morphospecies 492, 493 Natal fruit fly 449, 450
mortality 213, 223-227, 297-303, 425-427, 432, national alliances 532
663, 667 National Control and Eradication Programme
mortality factors 289 (PROCEM) 654
Mos1 63 National Cotton Council of America 547, 556-
Mos1 mariner 76 558
Moscafrut facility 661, 663, 664 National Directorate of Veterinary Services 310

national food security 375 newsletter 676

national parks 340 NG2G traps 329, 333
national plant protection organization (NPPO) Nicaragua 627-629, 635, 636, 640
289, 411, 417, 628, 629, 631, 638, 639, 642 Niclosamide 260, 263
native ants 488, 492-494 nicotinamide 140
native host 694 Nigeria 310, 311, 323
natural barriers 313 Nilaparvata lugens 6, 38
natural control 5 Nile 361-369, 371, 372
natural ecosystems 257, 258, 604 nitrogen 150-156, 158-162
natural enemies 7, 12, 16, 17, 21, 28, 31, 32, 36, nitrogen fertilizer 41
38, 41, 265, 266, 298, 299, 487, 489, 495, 496, Noctuidae 383
563, 564, 568, 569-570, 662, 663, 667 nocturnal 352
natural refugia 563 non-Bt-corn 559
natural resources 35, 44 non-Bt-refuges 575
natural wild-fire regime 303 non-chemical controls 36, 37
navel 397 non-chemical methods 260
navigation 20, 21, 229, 231-233, 235, 237 non-commercial areas 437
navigation systems 314 non-commercial hosts 352, 438, 536
Nayarit 661, 666 non-cotton hosts 503
Near East 265 non-crop damage 257, 258
near-infrared spectroscopy 513 non-detectable levels 43
Nebraska 41, 44, 47 non-governmental organizations 340, 450
Nechisar National Park 326 non-host 236
nectarine 420, 427, 431, 654 non-host trees 581, 586
negative binomial 250 non-insecticidal control 497
Neolithic 362, 364 non-interbreeding populations 183
neonates 212, 213, 608 non-repellent chemical 619
nested PCRs 88 non-residual insecticides 311, 314, 316
Nestos 699, 700, 702 non-target fauna 491
net benefit 524, 442 non-target organisms 141, 260, 329
net present value (NPV) 314, 330, 441, 442, 588 non-target species 21, 663
Neuquen 653 non-technical issues 671, 672
neurotoxic insecticides 375, 376 nopalitos 339, 345
Nevis 22, 337, 338, 347, 709, 711, 715 North American Plant Protection Organization
New Mexico 39, 119, 120, 347, 487, 547, 549, (NAPPO) 18, 341
550-556 North Carolina 24, 39, 547-549, 551, 553
New Orleans 24, 617, 619-623, 625 North West Plains 549
New Orleans Mosquito and Termite Control North Wyke 251
Board 621 Northern Australia Quarantine Strategy 689
New World screwworm 14, 15, 18, 35, 37, 44, northern corn rootworm 40, 41, 46
45, 54, 55, 57, 59, 61, 149, 155, 160, 183-191, Northern goshawk 195
204, 211, 231, 310, 393, 394, 396-402, 435, 437, Northern High Plains 549, 554, 555
458, 724-739, 741-743 Northern Rolling Plains 549, 554, 555
New World screwworm eradication commis- Northern State 361-364, 368-371
sions 733 Northwestern Region 559-561
New York 39, 45, 46 Notch gene 104, 106
New Zealand 25, 28, 32, 426, 429, 603-605, Notch60g11 75
607, 613-615 Nubia 361, 362, 365, 367, 371, 372
news releases 597 Nuclear Energy Corporation of South Africa

(NECSA) 315 orange 177, 420, 528, 633-637, 653-655, 658

nucleotide divergence 186 orchard 535, 592-594, 597, 599, 653, 654, 659,
nucleotide diversity 185 661, 663, 664, 666, 667, 669
nucleotide sequence 185 orchard level 655
null alleles 186, 187 orchard sanitation 352, 517, 519, 524
nullo 86-88, 92, 93 organic farming 444
NuLure 461, 657 organic fruit 663
nutrient broth 505, 507, 508, 510, 513 organic insecticides 5
nutrition 128, 726 organic market 454
nymphal bands 286 organic products 444
nymphs 286, 290 organic rice 262, 264
Organisation Commune de Lutte Antiacridienne
O et de Lutte Antiaviare (OCLALAV) 293
Organismo Internacional Regional de Sanidad
Oahu 671, 673, 674, 676-678, 682 Agropecuaria (OIRSA) 628
oases 265, 266, 536, 542 organophosphate 584, 586, 619
objectivity 442 organophosphate insecticide 376, 497, 586, 596
Ochlerotatus caspius 699 organophosphate pesticides 443
Odocoileus virginianus 339 oriental fruit fly 427, 429, 431, 517, 518, 520-
odour-baited insecticide impregnated targets 310 522, 526, 671, 672, 677, 682
off-the-shelf 728, 739 oriental rat flea 11
Office Internationale des Epizooties (OIE) 409 Orius spp. 563
offshore mitigation 348 ornamental nursery 339
Ohio 41 ornamental trees 593
oil palm 635 Oromiya Regional State 328
oil suspension 290 orthophotomaps 703
Okaloosa Island 341 Orthoptera 128
Okanagan Valley 593 osmotic damage 152
Okanagan-Kootenay Sterile Insect Release osmotic dehydration 151
(OKSIR) programme 592, 736 osmotic disequilibrium 151
Okinawa 672, 682, 683, 727 osmotic shrinkage 152
Oklahoma 39, 40, 487, 490, 547, 549, 550-556 Osoyoos 594
okra 352 Ostrinia nubilalis 41
OKSIR mass-rearing facility 594, 597 outbreak 38, 54, 165, 297-303, 306, 307, 340,
Oligonucleotide primers 492 363, 530, 560, 565, 633, 635, 638, 647, 649,
Omo River 327 657, 687-689, 691, 695, 697
Omphisa anastomosalis 430, 431 outbreak prevention 285, 287, 288, 294
onion fly 435, 451, 456 outcome 671, 674, 675
oocytes 153, 162 outcome-driven 671, 674
ooplasm 153 outputs 671, 674, 676
operational costs 437 outrage factors 13
operational sex ratio 176 outreach 593, 594, 597
operculum 259 outreach activities 340
opportunistic omnivore 488 ovarian maturity 165
optimal dose 211 ovaries 154, 158, 161, 249
optimal release strategies 19 overflooding 19
Opuntia 21, 337-350 overflooding ratios 593, 603, 612
Opuntia stricta 338 overgrazing 326
Opuntioideae 345 overkill 427

overwintered generations 384, 386, 387 parasitic nematode infestation 249

overwintering areas 561, 564 parasitic phase 717
overwintering larvae 373, 375, 377 parasitic wasps 40
overwintering populations 594 parasitism 266
overwintering stem borer larvae 375 parasitism rates 502
ovine cutaneous myiasis 247-249, 251, 253, 255 parasitized eggs 355
oviposition 168, 237, 355, 357, 373, 375, 378, parasitoid releases 661, 663, 664, 667
379, 519, 563, 703, 704 parasitoids 7, 12, 16, 18, 22, 23, 43, 156, 157,
oviposition cage 267, 268, 271, 519, 592, 601 232, 351-358, 379, 530, 534, 563, 564, 661-670,
oviposition site 703 672, 678
ovipositions 250, 251 paratransformation 131
ovipositors 667 paratransgenesis 131
ovitraps 511, 513, 514 paratransgenic approach 140
ovulin 176 parthenogenesis 126, 127, 133
ownership 13 parthenogenetic development 125
oxygen 234 partially sterile males 212, 219
ozone depleting substances 412 participatory epidemiological methods 712
partnerships 671-673, 676, 682
P passive sampling 400
passive spread 642, 643
pachytene 113-117 passive transport 363, 368, 505
pachytene stage 114 Patagonia 653-656, 658, 659, 728, 734, 737
packaging 436 patchy distribution 201
packed cell volume (PCV) 333 paternity assignments 177
packing 43, 418, 421, 459, 460, 463, 469 pathogenicity 503
packing house inspections 588 pathogens 36, 41, 74, 352
packinghouse 419, 420, 427, 587, 593, 597, 599 pathways 347, 349
paddy weeding 262, 263 pea moth 277, 281
painted apple moth 204 Peace River region 303-305
Pakistan 257, 260 peach fruit fly 468
Pan African Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis peaches 164, 352, 420, 654, 661, 665
Eradication Campaign (PATTEC) 222, 320, 734 peanut 40, 559, 563
Panama 15, 37, 394, 458, 627-630, 637, 640 pear 420, 591, 594, 654
panmitic population 184, 186, 189 peasant associations 328
panoramic irradiator 354 pecan 352
pantothenate 140 Peccari tajacu 339
papaya 261, 421, 528, 627, 632, 633, 635-637, Pectinophora gossypiella 25, 77, 103, 119, 123,
665 271, 277, 310, 435, 567, 577
paper bag delivery system 229, 230 peer reviews 723, 739
paper bags 230, 234 Peninsula of Nicoya 633
paper-net wasps 563 Pensinsula of Azuero 637
Paraguay 338 pepper 352, 632, 634
parameters 587 peptide 96, 176
parapheromone lure 691 percentage infestation 396, 397, 400
parasite 393 perception of risk 437
parasite abundance 247, 248 perennial weeds 384
parasite viability 140 performance 438
parasites 74, 137-139, 143, 147, 150, 152, 159, performance indicators 268, 269
162, 277 peri-urban environments 700-703

periods of drought 285 pheromone monitoring 569

permeabilization 155, 160 pheromone monitoring traps 120
permeation 152 pheromone plume 609
Permian Basin 549, 554, 555 pheromone trapping programme 604
permissive 86 pheromone traps 39, 378, 382, 475, 478, 484,
permissive conditions 103, 105, 106 561, 606
persimmon 673, 678, 679, 681, 682 pheromone-baited moth traps 569
personal digital assistant (PDA) 200, 340 pheromone-baited trap 354, 548, 581
Peru 528, 631, 641-643, 647-650 Philippine Rice Research Institute 257, 260
pest control response 418 Philippines 7, 257-264, 475, 485, 528
pest forecast stations 379 phosalone 596
pest free area 24, 42, 407, 408, 410, 411, 414, phosmet 596
417, 418, 422 phosphine 243, 245
pest free production sites 411, 414, 418, 422 photoperiod 583
pest intervention 201 photosynthesis 378
pest introductions 436 phoxim 561
pest resistance 163, 561, 562 phylogenetic analysis 193-195
pest risk analysis 407, 410-412, 414 phylogenetic distance 87
pest risk assessment (PRA) 417 phylogenetic relationships 257
pest tolerance 3, 17 phylogenetic trees 193, 194
pest-resistant plants 11 physical barriers 620
pesticide container recycling 443 phytopathogenic ophiostomoid fungi 298
pesticide externalities 443 phytophages 150
pesticide residues 412, 444, 525 phytosanitary barrier 653, 654
pesticide resistance 5 phytosanitary certificate 410, 420, 422, 525
pesticide sprays 594, 597 phytosanitary emergency plans 655
pesticides 35-38, 40, 46, 54, 120, 275, 279, 377, phytosanitary emergency response system 655
384, 386, 408, 412, 419, 435, 443, 444, 583, phytosanitary framework for export of horticul-
592, 646 tural products 632
pet owners 395 phytosanitary inspection 348, 420
Peten 628, 629, 632, 635 phytosanitary measures 347, 407-412, 414, 415,
Petersen index 727 437, 440, 445, 446
petioles 475, 476, 481 phytosanitary policies 629, 630
phagostimulants 533 phytosanitary protection 409
Phanerotoma flavitestacea 266 phytosanitary restrictions 426
phase contrast 115 phytosanitary security 417, 422
phase contrast microscope 492 phytosanitary standards 632
Phenacoccus manihoti 12, 31 phytosanitary status 629, 653, 655, 658
phenology 21, 340, 418, 606, 610 phytosanitary treatment 425, 426, 429, 431-433
phenotype 95, 99, 100, 105, 125, 127, 141, 143, phytosanitation 22
145 phytotoxicity 260
phenotypic testing 153 Pichit 517- 525
phenylacetonitrile 290 piggyBac 63, 68, 74, 76, 78-80, 82, 106, 110, 111
pheromonal communication 290 pilot areas 627-632, 639
pheromone 20, 22, 120, 163-173, 265, 266, 269, pilot programmes 3, 23
270-373, 378-382, 604, 606, 607, 609, 614 pine forests 297, 301, 303, 304, 307
pheromone calling 163-166, 169-171 pineapple 635, 672
pheromone dispensers 584, 586 pinhead-square growth stage 552
pheromone lure 275 pink bollworm 25, 77, 103, 110, 119-123, 271,

273, 277, 310, 321, 435, 567-579 Pomacea glauca 257

pink bollworm population suppression 567, 569, Pomacea haustrum 257
576 Pomacea paludosa 257
pink stem borer 373, 374 pome fruit 113, 591, 598, 599, 654
Pinus contorta var. latifolia 297 pomegranate 265-267, 269-271, 352, 420
pitahaya 633, 637 poor host status 427
pitfall traps 492, 493 poor hosts 427, 431
plague suppression 288 Poothuruth 475, 477, 478, 480, 481, 484
plagues 285-296 population collapse 299
plant health committees 662 population control 436
Plant Health General Directorate of Mexico 347 population density 176-178, 584, 585-587
plant protection agencies 587, 589 population dynamics 289, 293, 379, 382-385,
plant quarantine 411, 414 388, 400, 560
plantation agriculture 672 population ecology 727, 742
planthoppers 7, 379 population models 10, 19, 211, 212, 215, 218,
Plants Production and Marketing Board of Israel 220
736 population processes 297-299
plasmid 75, 77, 87, 106, 107, 140 population reduction 37
plasmid DNA 65 Population Reference Bureau (PRB) 36
plastic aerial release containers (PARC boxes) population structure 185, 186, 191
234 population studies 371
plastic films 266 population suppression 130
Platyopuntia 345 Porcellio dilatatus 128
pleiotropic 106 port of export 43
Plodia interpunctella 428 ports 581, 582, 587
plough-down 571, 572 ports of entry 581, 582
ploughing 373, 375, 377, 380, 381 Portugal 12, 31, 435, 441, 447, 528, 531
plum 164, 352, 420, 654 position effect 53
point of entry 642 positive externalities 13
poisoning 5 post-embryogenesis 77
Poisson 213 post-epidemic 298, 299
Polistes antennalis 563 postharvest 37, 43, 271, 425-427, 429, 431-433,
political pest 286 529, 641, 653, 654
pollination 465 postharvest losses 4
polyandry 176, 180 postharvest measures 417, 419, 422
polyethylene glycol 155 postharvest quarantine treatment 688, 693
polygyne 492, 495 postharvest treatments 417, 418, 422, 525, 633,
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 76, 125, 647 685, 687, 689
polymorphic information content 176-178 potent sting 487, 488
polymorphism 69, 177, 180, 184-187, 190 pour-on 21, 25, 310, 311, 320, 331, 332
Polypedi1um vanderplanki 155 praziquantel 206
polyphagous 175, 179 pre-intervention 201
polyphagy 560 preblastoderm nuclei 153
polyploid nuclei 114, 115, 116 precipitation 663
polysaccharides 168 precocene II 165, 172
polyvoltine 383 predation 277
Pomacea bridgesii 257 predators 7, 18, 38, 150, 156, 157, 277, 352, 379,
Pomacea camena 257 563, 564
Pomacea canaliculata 257, 263, 264 preharvest 517

preharvest insecticide treatment 692, 693 pronotum 223

preharvest losses 4 protection from termite structural attack 618
preharvest measures 417, 419, 422 protein 35, 163, 168-172, 249
premiums 287 protein attractant 646
pressure-treated wood 620 protein bait sprays 427, 628, 671, 672
Pretoria 315, 317, 322 protein baits 676
prevalence 138, 143, 144, 146, 325, 333, 334, protein hydrolysate 168, 644
417, 418, 421, 422, 587 protein-based traps 689
prevention 407, 413, 528, 593, 724-726, 742 Proteobacteria 126
preventive 4, 7, 10, 20 proterandry 509
preventive control 287, 292 protohaeme 140
preventive release programme 420, 528, 642 proventriculus 143
preventive releases 436, 641 Proverbs, M. D. 592, 600, 601
prickly pear cacti 337-340, 342, 343 Province of Brescia 507
primer 88 provisionally-free status 714
primer sequences 186 prune 420
primodial germ cells 152 Pseudacteon curvatus 492, 496
priority area 222 Pseudacteon litoralis 492
private company 441, 450, 453, 454 Pseudacteon spp. 487, 489
private investment 451, 459, 461, 463, 465, 467, Pseudacteon tricuspis 492, 496
469, 471 Pseudococcidae 429, 431, 432
private sector 12, 23, 435, 445, 446, 457-469, pseudogenes 140
529, 530, 532, 533, 658 public awareness 340, 347-349
privatization 449, 450, 453, 455 public dissemination campaign 531
proactive research 356 public good 3, 13, 14, 457, 466
probabilistic approach 524 public health 6, 11, 13, 14, 26, 32, 531, 699
probabilistic models 442 public information 13, 15, 379
probability of mating 613 public information campaign 712
probability-of-presence model 313 public information programme 631
probit 9 412, 425-427, 432 public relations 25, 454, 726, 738, 741
probit analysis 426 Puerto Rico 25, 338, 342, 487, 711, 714, 715
process control 595 pummelo 420
processing 299, 305 pumpkin 386, 387, 677
production levels 158 Puna 682
production measures 417, 418, 422 pupae survival 539
production site freedom 418 pupal irradiation 509
profit 439-441 pupal production 508, 509, 513
progeny 52, 54, 56, 104-106, 110, 114, 115, 117, pupal size 509
175-177, 179, 180 pupation 508, 509, 513, 663, 668
Programa Moscamed 204, 230, 232, 235, 459, pupation medium 537, 539
460, 462, 464, 629, 734, 737, 739 pyrethroid dipping 310
programme effectiveness 207 pyrethroids 310, 329, 497, 564, 619
programme managers 729-731, 737, 739, 740 pyridoxine 140
programme organization 672
programme planning 442 Q
programme progress 400
programmed cell death 75, 83 quality 5, 18, 20, 23, 27-29, 120, 436, 438, 444-
project appraisal 444 446, 723, 724, 726, 728-730, 735, 737, 740, 742
promoter 52, 86-88, 92, 96, 100, 106, 107 quality assurance 328, 551, 603, 609, 612, 613,

726, 729, 740 Onchocerciasis (REMO) 205

quality control 62, 436, 445, 446, 520, 526, 535,rat lungworm parasite 259
537, 540-542, 663, 668, 726, 729, 730, 737, 742 Ratchaburi 517-526
quality control standards 462, 463, 467 rate of increase 10, 299-302, 304, 305, 353
quality management 452 rates of parasitism 662
quantitative methods 426 real time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)
quarantine 12, 38, 43, 85, 164, 165, 425-433, 195
517, 527, 528, 530, 581, 587, 588, 591, 594, 628,real-time quantification 302
632, 635, 637, 640, 642, 645-649, 654, 655, 662 rearing efficiency 538-540, 542
quarantine distances 687 recapture rate 224
Quarantine Domestic 689 recaptures 604-606, 610, 611, 613
quarantine facility 607 recession area 20, 287, 288, 291
quarantine inspection 347 recession periods 285, 286, 294
quarantine measures 436, 450, 451 recessive mutant 105
quarantine pest 411-414, 426, 427, 430, 435, 581 recolonization 189, 364, 368
quarantine pest hosts 417 recombinant DNA 51, 55-57, 62, 73
quarantine road stations 419 recombination 62, 63, 66, 71, 77-83, 105, 185
quarantine treatment 672 Reconnaissance and Management Systems for
quarantine trigger 420, 421 the Environment of Schistocerca (RAMSES)
queen 488, 490 289
Queensland 672 recreational values 297
Queensland fruit fly 68, 685-693, 696, 697 recruitment 249, 251
Quetzaltenango 634 recrystallization 151
quince 420, 654 red flour beetle 242
red fluorescent protein (DsRed) 74
R red palm weevil 23, 475-485
Red Sea 289, 292, 296
rabbit 222 red tomatoes 632
Rabensburg virus 193, 194 reference standards 410
radiation 51-54, 85, 86, 92, 119-122, 139 refractoriness 19, 52, 53
radiation biology 353, 356, 357 refrigerated truck 520, 522
radiation dose 510, 511, 513 refrigeration system 736
radiation facilities 315 refuge 562-565, 667, 717
radiation induced translocations 114 refuge populations 562
radiation sensitivity 511, 513 refugia 8, 9, 10, 11, 17, 24, 678
radiation-sterilization 51 Regional Council for Agricultural Cooperation
radiation-sterilized insects 85 in Central America and Panama (CORECA)
radio clips 597 630
radio frequency 419 Regional Council of the Arava Valley 736
radula 259 Regional International Committee for Health in
rainfall 247, 249, 250, 285, 289, 293, 559, 560 Agriculture and Livestock for Central America
Ramsar Convention 319 (CIRSA) 630
random amplified polymorphic DNA poly- regional level 654, 655
merase chain reaction (RAPD-PCR) 185 regional management 559, 561, 563, 565
random integrations 74 regionalization 407, 408, 410
random mutation 56 regulatory agencies 552
random walk 19 regulatory authorities 16
rape 375 regulatory concerns 106
Rapid Epidemiological Mapping of regulatory framework 16, 18, 20, 22

regulatory organizations 348 resistance 38-41, 44, 53-55, 139, 142, 145, 146,
Rehovot 175-179 373, 375, 376, 378-382, 717
reinfestation 240, 528, 593, 594, 596, 655 resistance genes 563-565
reintroduction 551 resistance management 11, 559, 562, 565
reinvasion 15, 327, 588 resistance management strategies 562
release 119, 120, 121, 123, 411, 413, 414, 457- resistance-monitoring 561
459, 460, 461, 463-465, 467-469, 471, 472, 567, resistant cultivars 40, 46, 421
572-575, 577, 578 resource-poor programme 454, 455
release centre 536, 539, 540, 737 response plan 642, 645, 649
release crews 737 resting sites 310
release density 536, 728 restriction fragment length polymorphism
release interval 478 (RFLP) 184, 647
release of insects with a dominant lethal muta- restrictive conditions 86, 103-105, 113
tion” (RIDL) 119, 120 Retalhuleu 236
release point 223, 226, 265, 270-272, 607, 613 return-on-investment 466, 467
release population 54 Reunion 351
release procedures 664 revenues 653, 658
release ratio 271 Rhagoletis 429, 641, 642
release ratios 353, 354 Rhagoletis brncici 642
release-recapture methods 312 Rhagoletis cerasi 129, 132, 134
release-recapture studies 475, 598, 599 Rhagoletis conversa 642
relic moths 588 Rhagoletis nova 642
remating 168, 173, 175-182 Rhagoletis penela 642
remobilization 74, 76-81 Rhagoletis tomatis 642
remote sensing (RS) 199, 222, 227, 289, 294 Rhizhopus sp. 352
repellent soil treatments 618 Rhodnius prolixus 131
repetitive DNA sequences 108 Rhopalosiphum maidis 41
reporting 551 Rhynchophorus ferrugineus 23, 475, 484, 485
reporting efficiency 400 Rhyzopertha dominica 241, 242, 246
repressible system 56 riboflavin 140
reproductive capacity 73, 74 ribosomes 98
reproductive individuals 618 rice 6, 7, 12, 16, 17, 21, 27, 31, 32, 257-264, 636
reproductive isolation 361 rice brown planthopper 6
reproductive potential 18, 491 rice fields 699-702, 705, 707
reproductive rate 258, 394 rice pest management 377
reproductive success 168, 172, 173 rice pests 259
reproductive system 168 rice striped stem borer 373, 374, 381
Republic of Congo 12 rice stubble 375
research and development 371 Rickettsia 126, 133
research networks 726 RIDL constructs 121, 122
reservoirs 139, 438 RIDL technology 122
residual effect 584 Rimini 505, 511-513
residual fertility 19, 511 Rio Grande do Sul 581, 583, 584, 586, 588, 589
residual infestations 715 Rio Grande River Valley 417, 420
residual insecticides 310, 311, 314, 316 Rio Grande Valley 549, 552, 556, 568
residual losses 443 Rio Negro 653
residual water 151 riparian woodlands 330
residue levels 37 risk analysis 347
residues 518, 525 risk assessment 349, 407-409, 411

risk management 426 sandalwood trade 617

risk mapping 19 sanitary barriers 530
risk mitigation 517 sanitation 5, 24, 265, 271, 340, 341, 349, 352,
risk zone mapping program 340 354, 451, 593-595, 671, 672, 678-681
risk-analysis decision-support software 240 sanitation harvesting 297, 299, 305
risks 339, 343 Santa Catarina 583, 588, 589
river basin 224, 227 São Francisco Valley 527-529, 533
riverine forests 222 São Paulo 581-583
riverine tsetse 19, 221, 222, 227, 228 sapodilla 420
RNAi 95, 98-101 sapote 420
16S rRNA gene 125 sapote fruit fly 168, 630, 635
road signage 689, 690 sapwood 298
roadblock 690, 696 saqia water wheel 367
roadside vehicle inspections 686 Sarcophaga crassipalpis 156, 161
Rocky Mountains 303, 304 satellite images 289, 293
rolling carpet principle 309, 315, 317 Satellite pour l’Observation de la Terre (SPOT)
Rolling Plains Central 549, 554, 555 201
Romania 194 SATLOCK’s Air Star System 314
Roosevelt/Curry programme 549 sawdust 520, 539
rootworm attractant 41 sawfly 153, 156, 159, 161, 162
rose apple 420 SCARE 176, 178, 179
rotation 40, 41 Schistocerca gregaria 285, 294-296
row crops 488 Schistocerca Warning Management System
Royston 251 (SWARMS) 289
rural development 325, 326, 330 Schistosoma mansoni 206-208
Russia 194 Schistosomiasis Control Initiative 206
Russian wheat aphid 12, 40, 44 Schizaphis graminum 12, 40
rusty grain beetle 242 Scirpophaga incertulas 373, 374
Scirpus maritimus 700
S scouring 249
screenhouses 418, 419
Sahel 286, 287, 292 screwworm adult suppression system (SWASS)
Saladas 657 401
sales rate 440 Screwworm Emergency Centre for North Africa
Salicornia europea 700 (SECNA) 733
saline 153 screwworm infestation 394
salinity 704 Sea of Galilee 465
Salmonella 139 search capacity 663
Salta 654, 655 season-long validation 353
sampling 345, 347, 348, 568, 569 seasonal fluctuations 438
sampling device 311, 312 Sebaco Valley 637
sampling frames 202 Second Cataract 364, 371
sampling methods 240, 244 secondary pests 5, 7
sampling techniques 411 Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Desarrollo
San Joaquin Valley 427, 568, 572 Rural, Pesca y Alimentación (SAGARPA) 341
San Juan 653-657 Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries
San Juan Opico 634 and Food (SAGPyA) 658
San Pedro 657 seed dusting 384
San Salvador island rock iguana 339 seed money 531

seedlings 259-262, 264, 383-386 sexual sterilization 726

selectable marker 105 shearing 247, 249, 251
selective pesticides 564 sheep 37, 38, 247-251, 254, 255
selective toxicity 36 shelf-life 149, 150, 156, 157
self-replicating 445 shell morphology 257
selfish DNA 53 shipment 411, 414
semi-resistant rice germ-plasm 378 shipping 436, 445, 446
seminal fluid 153, 158, 176 shipping and distribution measures 417, 419,
semiochemical 18, 28, 43, 275, 279, 280, 289, 422
290 shipping procedures 445, 446
Senegal 292 Shistosoma haematobium 206
sensory imbalance 276 shizonts 152
sensory receptors 276 short-range migration 501
sensory stimulation 276 short-season varieties 39
sentinel animals 731, 735 shrimps 373, 376, 379
sentinel host plants 341 sieves 505, 509, 513
sequential aerosol technique (SAT) 21, 202, 311, sieving technique 509
334 silk stage 563
sequential release 724 silkworm 105, 110, 111, 113, 152-154, 161, 162
serendipity 86, 93 similarity index (F) 186
Sergeant (Sr2) 52 Similkameen Valleys 591
serum 155 simple sequence repeats 175-177, 186
Servicio Agricola y Ganadero 641, 642, 643, simulation modelling 438
645, 650 Sinaloa 661, 666, 667
Sesamia inferens 373, 374 Sindbis 506
sex chromatin body 113-116 single detection 645
sex chromosomes 103-105, 108, 110, 111 single-double mixed cropping 373, 375, 381
sex determination 18, 74, 95-99, 101, 102, 125, single-season rice 378
128 single-sex release 121
sex determination memory function 99 SIT Africa (Pty) Ltd 449-452, 457, 460, 462
sex pheromone 352, 357, 358, 583 SIT Africa Medfly Rearing Facility 452
sex ratio 114, 212-214 SIT package 457-460, 468
sex selection 436 Sitrotroga cerealella 428
sex separation 51, 52, 58, 509 skin secretions 248
sex-heterochromatin 115 sleeping sickness 137, 145-147
sex-lethal gene (Sxl) 96 Slovak Academy of Sciences 331, 334
sex-limited expression 52 Slovakia 194, 441
sex-linked chromosomal translocation 62 slow-acting insecticide 275
sex-linked conditionally lethal system 121 small growers 531
sex-linked markers 105 snail attractant 261
sex-specific 96, 98, 99, 101, 102, 105 snail density 259, 261
sexing accuracy 513 social benefits 667
sexing strain 62-64, 121 socio-economic development 319
sexual compatibility 176, 180 socio-economic impact 724
sexual competitiveness 168, 171, 172, 175 socio-economic importance 339
sexual dimorphism 96, 97 socio-economic situation 437
sexual maturity 164-166, 168 socio-economic study 314
sexual receptivity 176, 181 socio-economic survey 330
sexual selection 179-181 Sodalis glossinidius 137, 139, 146

sodium benzoate 519, 533 Southern Tsetse Eradication Project (STEP) 326,
Sodo 328, 333, 335 327
software costs 207 sowing date 375, 378
soil drench 643, 646, 649 sowing period 563
soil erosion 41, 326, 345 sowing schedule 386
soil infertility 41 soybean 559, 563
soil insecticides 41 soybeans 266
soil maps 290 Spain 25, 462, 466, 528
Solanaceae 641 spatial analysis 199-209, 461, 468
Solanum nigrum 642 spatial and temporal distribution 201
Solanum tomatillo 642 spatial asynchrony 17
soldiers 618 spatial datasets 207
Solenopsis invicta 152, 158, 487, 495, 496 spatial deployment 606
Solenopsis richteri 487 spatial disease models 207
solid state circuitry 229, 232 spatial distribution 512
solitarious form 285 spatial modelling 206
solitarious stage 286 spatial models 20
solute concentration 151 spatial resolution 201
somatic nuclei 65, 66, 68 spatial simulation model 213
somatic tissues 114 spatial tools 199-207
somatic transpositions 66 species barriers 64
Sonoita cotton region 549 species composition 202, 302
Sonora 43 species richness 487, 493
sorghum 12, 40, 352 spectral resolution 201
sorting 418 sperm 52, 53, 57, 86, 175-182, 476
sour orange 666 sperm competition 120, 175, 179, 180
South Africa 21, 31, 194, 309-311, 313-315, sperm receptivity 120
317, 319-323, 347, 349, 350-359, 412, 457, 458, sperm storage 179, 182
462, 464, 468, 471, 528 sperm transfer 120, 153, 175, 181, 612, 614
South African Citrus Growers Association 355 spermathecae 179
South America 25, 183, 185, 394, 648, 649 spermatocytes 108
South American cactus moth 337 spermatogenesis 128
South American fruit fly 630, 653, 659, 660, spermatophore 153
728, 744 spiders 564
South Carolina 39, 338, 487, 490, 492, 547-549, Spinosad® 165, 420, 462
551, 553, 617 Spodoptera exigua 154, 155
South Cone Free Trade Agreement (Mercosur) Spodoptera frugiperda 41, 76
528 spores 492
South Korea 258, 262, 264 spot fines 690
South Texas/Winter Garden 549, 554, 555 spray zone 605, 610
Southern Blacklands 549, 554, 555 spraying 11, 30, 285, 287, 288, 290, 292, 293,
southern corn rootworm 40 699, 701-706
Southern High Plains/Caprock 549, 554 spraying cycle 314
Southern hybridization 76 spread 297, 299, 301, 303, 305, 306, 581, 582,
Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples 588, 589
Regional State (SNNPR) 328 springtails 125, 126
Southern Rift Valley 21, 325-327, 330, 335, 727, sprouts 261
744 SPS Agreement 407-410
Southern Rolling Plains 549, 553 Sri Lanka 475

St. Croix 574 stochastic simulation model 587

St. George Island 338, 341 stochastic software 440
St. Helena 338, 351 stomach poisons 619
St. Kitts 338, 709, 711, 713-715, 717 stone fruit 43, 454, 654
St. Lucia 709, 711, 715, 717 storage technology 149, 150, 158
stakeholder model 442 Stored Grain Advisor Pro (SGA Pro) 241
stakeholders 6, 7, 13-17, 21-23, 25, 26, 325, 328, stored products pests 428
329, 334, 395, 435, 437, 442, 443, 446, 673, stored-grain insects 239, 240, 246
676, 723, 732, 736, 737, 739, 740 strain integrity 76
stalks 39 strain replacement 729
stand age 302 strategic alliances 531
stand-alone technique 724 strategy 309-311, 313, 315-317, 319-323, 723,
stand-replacing wild fires 303 725-728, 733-735
standard 437, 445, 446, 726 Strike 3TM 498, 501
standard operating procedures 445, 446, 517, strike incidence 247, 250-254
598, 643 strike risk 254
standard universal transverse Mercator (UTM) strike-risk warning system 247, 253
329 247, 253
standardized procedures 648 stripping 165
Standards Committee 410 sub-Saharan Africa 195, 365
Standing Committee on Agriculture and subclades 194
Resource Management (SCARM 1996) 687 subcortical herbivore 298
star fruit 633, 637 subsidies 7, 14, 23
stationary attractive devices 313 substerility 269
steam-distillation 262 substerilizing dose 270, 598, 600
steering committee 737 substitutions 187
Steiner traps 732 substructuring 184, 185, 187
Stellenbosch 354, 449, 452, 455, 456 suburban 656, 657
stem density 302 sucrose 168, 169, 173, 265-267, 507
stem infestation 477 suction 229, 231, 234
sterile fly distribution 236, 237 Sudan 21, 138, 143, 147, 361-372
sterile insect production 435, 437, 438, 440-442, Sudan Medical Service 363
445, 447 sugar 168, 169, 171, 533
sterile insect technique (SIT) 51, 61, 85, 103, sugar agar diet 168
137, 139, 163, 183, 200, 211, 229, 275, 277, 325, sugarcane 369, 476, 484, 533, 672
347, 361, 419, 435, 457, 458, 471, 528, 592, suicidal emergence 569, 571, 576
627, 641, 653, 743 Sunflower County 498
sterile insects 15, 16, 18, 19-23, 25, 27, 29 supercooling 151
sterile male releases 328 suppression 3, 10, 11, 14-19, 21, 24-30, 32, 62,
sterile to wild overflooding ratios 341 103, 104, 109-111, 237, 238, 325, 328, 331-334,
sterility 130, 137, 139, 211, 212, 215, 216, 219, 393-397, 399, 400-403, 407, 413, 436-438, 442,
220, 265, 269, 272, 273, 603, 606, 612, 613, 443, 445, 447, 457, 458, 460-462, 464, 465, 467,
614, 615 472, 528, 530, 533, 534, 536, 541-543, 591, 593,
sterilization 119, 120, 122 597, 599, 600, 661, 670, 672-676, 678-683, 723-
sterilizing dose 511, 612 728, 732, 735-740, 742
Sternochetus mangiferae 426 surface pests 429
sticky panels 311, 313, 323 surface to volume ratio 151
sticky traps 352 surface waters 41
stochastic model 251 surface-active arthropod population 492

Suriname 257 Tampa 337, 339, 347

surveillance 137-139, 310, 311, 347, 348, 350, Tanga 315, 319, 331
399, 410-414, 653, 655, 657, 658, 709, 711-715, tangerine 420, 634, 653-655, 658
717, 719, 720 Tanzania 315, 331
survey 340, 676 target area 536
survival 42, 46, 65, 151, 152, 155, 156, 159, target ratio 523
160-162, 237, 249, 375, 377, 378, 382 target site 79, 80
susceptibility 559, 561, 563 target site duplications 63-65
sustainability 531, 655, 676 targets 139
sustainable agriculture 325, 326 tarnished plant bug 497, 499-504
sustainable development 724 taro 259-262
swarms 285-294, 620 Tasmania 686, 687, 696
SWASS pellets 399 Tc elements 76
Swaziland 194 technical advisory committee 739
sweep net 498 technical alliances 532
sweeps 498-500 technical assistance 439
sweet citrus 665 Technical Cooperation Projects 726
sweet potato vine borer 430 technical requirements 454, 455
sweet potato weevil 430 technology transfer 345, 348, 349, 454, 655, 657
sweet potatoes 430, 431, 433 Teflon® 232
Switzerland 505, 513, 514 Teia anartoides 25, 204, 603, 609, 610, 614, 615
swormlure-4 396, 401, 402, 734 temephos 699, 702, 706
Sxl gene 99 temperature inversion 314
Sxl protein 96, 97 temperature sensitive 54, 58
symbiont 19, 137, 139-143, 145-147 temperature sensitive lethal (tsl) 54, 62, 75, 83,
symbiosis 129, 132 171, 236, 532, 536, 537, 648
symbiotic bacteria 131, 133 temporal resolution 201
synchronous rice planting 7 temporary field technicians 734
synergistic effects 664 Tennessee 39, 503, 504, 547-549, 551-556, 558
syngamy 153 Tephri® 461, 689
synthetic insecticides 36 tephritid fruit flies 164, 165, 168, 172, 204, 458,
synthetic ox odour 313 470, 641, 650, 661, 685, 688, 696
Syria 464 Tephritid Workers Database 436
systemic insecticide 299 Tephritidae 428, 429, 431-433
systems approach 22, 411, 414, 417, 418, 420- terminal elevators 239, 240, 242, 245
423, 425, 427, 627, 629, 631-637, 639 terminal inverted repeat sequences 63-66, 68,
75, 77
T termite baits 619
termite control 617-619, 621, 622, 624, 625
T and T-free zone 327 termites 126
T-cell receptor genes 66 terrestrial phase 717
T(W;Z) translocations 105 Territories Under the Jurisdiction of the
table grapes 528 Palestinian Authority (TUJPA) 464
Tacna valley 648 tetO 121, 122
tagging 714 tetracycline 53, 55, 75, 81, 86, 87, 92, 121, 125
Taiwan 257, 258, 260, 487 tetracycline repressible transactivator protein
Tajikistan 383, 385, 387, 389, 391 121
take-off 611 Texas 39, 40, 119, 120, 341, 347, 487, 488, 490,
Tam3 76, 83 491, 493-495, 528, 531, 547, 549-558, 617

Thailand 23, 27, 32, 258, 259, 261, 528 transcripts 98, 99, 101
Thailand's Department of Agricultural transformants 90, 106
Extension 517, 518 transformation 66, 73-76, 79-83, 86, 87, 93, 137,
Thaumatotibia leucotreta 21 140-142, 145, 146
Thelohania solenopsae 487, 489, 496 transformation markers 18
thermocouples 240 transformation vector 86
Thessaloniki 699, 700, 707 transformer 96, 98-102
thiamine 140 transgene 53, 55, 56, 58, 64, 73-83, 85-87, 91,
thiazole 140 92, 100, 106-109, 113, 131, 140
Third Cataract 362, 363, 367, 368 transgene expression 73, 74, 79, 81
threshing 326 transgene-based sterility 86
threshold 5, 7-9 transgenesis 52, 58-60, 103, 105-111, 113
Thysanoptera 428-431, 433 transgenic 85-87, 92, 95, 98, 100, 102-111, 139,
tick eradication 711-714, 717, 719 140, 143, 147
tick-free 11 transgenic approach 85, 86
TickINFO 709, 713 transgenic arthropods 18, 29, 31
timber losses 297 transgenic cotton 497, 559, 561, 563-565
timing of the fumigation 240 transgenic insect strains 73, 80-82
to “turn” the grain 241 transgenic strain 56, 73, 74, 79-81, 150
tobacco 387 transinfection 127
tomato 164, 387 transit 43
top-down approach 3, 16 translocation 54, 56, 61-63, 96, 114, 118
topographic data 201 translocation breakpoint 62
topographic features 611 transmission 139-141, 144, 146
Tororo 331, 334 transnational problem 286
total net benefit 314 transplanted rice 259-262, 378
total pest population 3, 7, 10, 14, 17 transplanting dates 373, 379, 381
totipotent nuclei 153, 162 transport 120, 315, 317, 326, 457, 458, 463, 467
Totonicapan, 634 transposable element 53, 55, 62-66, 68-70, 73-
tourism 699 75, 81, 82, 110, 140
toxic baits 488, 489, 661, 662 transposase 61, 63, 65-70, 74, 75, 77-81
toxic chemicals 163 transposase-dependent mechanism 65
toxic resin 298 transposition 61, 63-71, 73, 75, 77
toxicity 55 transposon 53, 55, 75-78, 81, 82
Toxotrypana 641 transshipment 532
tra 95, 96, 98-100 trap captures 594
tra protein 96, 98, 99 trap catch data 451
traction 326 trap catches 584-586
trade 3, 5, 22, 24-27, 29 trap deployment 583
trade barrier 426 trap efficiency 606, 611
trading opportunities 412 trapping 418-421, 423, 547, 550-552, 641-643,
trading partners 642 645-648
traditional markets 451 trapping data 418
trail masking 276, 277 trapping grid 613, 643, 645-648, 688, 692
training 328, 333, 655, 657 trapping network 517, 521, 643, 646
training courses 348 traumatic insemination 153
trait loci 378 treatment of wounds 728, 732
transactivator 86, 87 tree banding 594
transcription 98, 100-102 trehalose 155

Tri-State Fruit Fly Committee 691 Turdus merula 193

triatomine bugs 140 turnip moth 383, 385
triazophos 373, 376, 379, 382 turnkey 728
Tribolium castaneum 242 Tuxtla Gutiérrez 37, 149
tributaries 221, 224-226
Trichiocampus populi 156 U
Trichogramma 150, 156, 159, 563
Trichogramma cordubensis 156, 159 Uganda 138, 143, 146, 195, 331, 334
Trichogramma kaykai 127 ultra-light motorized aircraft 701
Trichogramma platneri 355 ultra-low-volume 552
Trichogramma spp. 355 UN Convention on Biological Biodiversity 319
Trichogrammatoidea cryptophlebiae 351, 352 undesirable genotypes 537
Trichoplusia ni 63, 69, 76, 81, 613, 614 Unguja 21, 139, 144, 147, 725, 726, 730, 731,
triclorfon 691 737
Trimec® 498, 501 unidirectional cytoplasmic incompatibility 127,
trimedlure 279, 460, 461, 632, 643-648, 678, 128
679, 689 Unimog 701, 705
Trinidad-Tobago 394 uninseminated females 646
Tripoli Zoo 38 United Nations Development Programme
Trogoderma granarium 12 (UNDP) 628
trolleys 267, 268 United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security
trophallaxis 619 330
trophozoites 152 United States Agency for International
tropical bont tick 25, 709-720 Development (USAID) 628
trypanocidal drugs 309-311 United States Department of Agriculture
Trypanosoma brucei brucei 138 (USDA) 36, 426, 463, 489, 529, 547
Trypanosoma brucei gambiense 137, 146, 147 United States Department of Agriculture-
Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense 137, 146 Animal Plant Health Inspection Service
Trypanosoma congolense 138 (USDA-APHIS) 339
Trypanosoma cruzi 131, 140 United States Department of Agriculture-
Trypanosoma vivax 138 Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS)
trypanosomes 137-139, 142, 144-146, 325, 329, 340
333 United States Environmental Protection Agency
trypanosomosis 12, 31, 309-311, 322, 323, 325- (EPA) 570
327, 329, 330, 331, 333-335 United States Port Authorities 352
Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Research Institute Universidad Nacional de Tucumán 349
315, 319, 331 University of São Paulo 532
tsetse fly 221, 227, 228 University of Tessaly 532
tsetse information recording and reporting univoltine 583
(TIRR) 334 unsynchronized sowing 379
tsetse mass-rearing factory 315 upsurge elimination 288
tsetse surveys 311 upsurge prevention 288
tsetse-free zone 325 upsurges 285-289, 291, 292, 294, 295
tTA 121, 122 upwind 609, 611
Tucumán 654, 655 urban 653-657, 659
Tulum Valley 656, 657 urban areas 450, 581, 583, 584, 586-589, 593,
tunas 339 643, 644, 653, 654, 659
Tunisia 38, 194, 265, 266, 271-273, 528, 535- urban setting 13, 25, 26, 613
539, 541-543 Uruguay 183-189, 191, 338

US Cotton Belt 547, 549, 551 virgin female-baited traps 612

US Food and Drug Administration 430 virgin females 604, 606
US Geological Survey 340 Virginia 39, 40, 487, 495, 547, 548, 551, 553
US Virgin Islands 338 vitamin 19, 35, 140
US-Central America Screwworm Eradication vitamin B1 140
Programme 463 vitamin B2 140
US-Central American Free Trade Agreement vitamin B6 140
(CAFTA) 630 vitrification 150-152, 155, 159, 161, 162
USA 11, 12, 15, 22, 24, 25, 27-33, 35-47, 211, volatiles 169-172
345-347, 349, 394, 399, 402, 528, 530, 531, 534, vulgarone B 261, 262, 264
562-565, 724-726, 729, 733-735, 737, 743, 744 vulva 397
Usutu virus 193, 194, 195
W chromosome 103-106, 108, 109, 113, 114,
Vacaria 581, 583-586 116-118
vacuum probe 239, 241-243, 245 Wadi el-Melik 364
vacuum sampling 241 Wadi Halfa 361, 368-370
Vakhsh Valley 383, 384, 386-389, 391 Wahlund effect 187
Valencia 462, 466 Waimea region 673, 677
valley of the river Aguan 635 Wales 247, 251, 253, 255
Varimorpha invictae 489 walnut 352
vascular streaking 427 War of Independence 39
Vectobac® 702 warm winters 451
vector control 139 warm-blooded animals 37
vector distribution 201, 204, 209 Washington County 497, 498
vector distribution models 201 water oat 375
vector species 310 watermelon 633, 636, 677
vector stabilization 73, 78, 80, 81 watershed quality 297
vector-borne diseases 11 waxed paper 592
vectors 73-81, 83 waxing treatment 693
vegetable exports 627, 629 weather data 247, 251, 253, 254
vegetables 375, 384-386, 559 web-based monitoring network 340
vegetation indices 201 weed infestation 384
vegetation type 704 weeding 385, 386
vehicle-mounted ultra low-volume sprayers 287 weeds 383-386
Venezuela 257 Wellcome Tropical Research Laboratories 363,
venom hypersensitivity 488 369
venture capital 451 West Africa 221, 228
verification 315, 316 West Indian fruit fly 163, 165, 166, 168, 459,
vermiculite 663 463, 628, 630, 632-638
vertebrate blood 140 West Indian sweet potato weevil 430
vertical sticky trap 393, 396, 399, 401 West Nile virus 193-195, 699
viability 73-76, 79, 663 Western Cape 449, 450, 453
Victoria 591 Western Cape Department of Agriculture 450
VIENNA 8 genetic sexing strain 536 western corn rootworm 40, 41
VIENNA7/TOLIMAN 99 strain 236 Western Hemisphere 37, 466
Vietnam 7, 258, 259, 261 Western High Plains 549, 555
vineyards 450, 454 wetlands 699, 700, 703, 704, 706, 707

wheat 12, 20, 35, 39-41, 43, 44, 46, 375 wounds 393-397, 399, 401
wheat bran 265-267, 269, 271, 519, 539, 541 wp selectable marker 537
wheat bran-based diet 519 WZ/ZZ type 104
wheat flour 533
wheat germ 266, 533 X
white pupae (wp) 537
white-tail deer 339 X-ray machine 462
whitefly 726, 741 X:A ratio 96, 101
whitehead 376, 378 Xenopsylla cheopsis 11
whitetail deer 37 XX embryos 95, 96, 98-100
WHO’s Public Health Mapping and GIS XY embryos 97, 98-100
Programme 207 xylene 524
Wigglesworthia glossinidia 139, 145, 146
wild fires 297, 303 Y
wild hosts 8, 9, 14, 724
wild-type 51, 55, 56, 121, 141, 606, 608 Y chromosome 54, 95, 96, 98, 102
wild-type allele 62, 105 Yangtze Delta 373-381
wildlife composition 297 Yaounde virus 194
wildlife refuges 340 yeast 519
wind conditions 611 yeast hydrolysate 519
wind drift 234 yellow chapote 420
wind-oriented-trap 401 yellow fever 13, 23, 506
wing activation 611 Yellow River Region 559-564
wing deformities 606 yellow stem borer 373, 374, 382
winter crops 375, 378 yellow sticky traps 41
Wolbachia 125-135, 137-139, 143-148 Yersinia 139
Wolbachia pipientis 19, 125, 132-135 yolk 154, 155
wooded savannah 365
woody grassland 329 Z
wool length 249, 250
World Food Summit 4, 29 Z chromosome 105, 108, 113, 114, 116-118
World Health Assembly 12 Zacatecas 664, 666
World Health Organization (WHO) 12, 137 Zanzibar 139, 144, 147, 725, 726, 730, 731, 735,
World Heritage Convention 319 737, 744
World Heritage Site 319 zero tolerance 7, 596, 597
world trade 425 Zizania 375
World Trade Organization (WTO) 22, 408, 633 zoonosis 137
wound fluids 394 zucchini 677, 680, 682
wound treatment 393, 400, 401 zygote 129, 143
“If major advances are to be made in coping
with most of the major arthropod pest
problems, then the tactics and strategies for
managing such insects, ticks and mites must change.
They must change from the current, limited scale,
reactive, broad-spectrum measures to preventive measures
that are target-pest specific and rigidly applied on an area-
wide basis.”

E. F. Knipling on the occasion of receiving the World Food Prize on 12 October 1992.

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