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Example Of An Interview Essay

Writing an essay on the topic "Example of an Interview Essay" can be both challenging and
rewarding. The difficulty arises from the need to effectively capture the essence of an interview,
balancing the narrative with the insights gained from the conversation. Crafting an engaging and
informative piece requires careful planning, a keen understanding of the interviewee's perspective,
and the ability to present the information coherently.

One of the challenges is selecting the right interviewee and ensuring that the questions asked are
insightful and probing enough to elicit meaningful responses. The writer must then carefully
transcribe and analyze the interview, identifying key themes, memorable quotes, and relevant
anecdotes. This process demands a high level of attention to detail and the ability to discern the most
significant aspects of the conversation.

Structuring the essay poses another set of challenges. It requires organizing the information in a
logical and compelling manner, ensuring a smooth flow from one point to the next. Balancing direct
quotes, paraphrased content, and the author's own analysis adds complexity to the task. Moreover,
maintaining the essay's coherence while presenting diverse perspectives and insights gained from the
interview requires a skillful hand.

The difficulty is also influenced by the need to strike a balance between providing enough context
for the reader to understand the interviewee's background and keeping the narrative focused and
concise. The essay should convey a sense of the interviewee's personality and experiences without
becoming overly detailed or losing the reader's interest.

Despite the challenges, writing an essay on this topic offers the opportunity to showcase one's ability
to synthesize information, critically analyze responses, and present a coherent narrative. It allows the
writer to engage with real-world perspectives and communicate them effectively to the audience.

In conclusion, while crafting an essay on the topic "Example of an Interview Essay" may be
challenging, it provides a platform for honing various writing skills and sharing valuable insights with
readers. It is a task that requires dedication, attention to detail, and a commitment to presenting the
interviewee's story in a compelling and meaningful way.

For assistance with similar essays or any writing needs, one can explore services like , where professional writers are available to provide support and expertise in
crafting well-structured and engaging essays on a variety of topics.
Example Of An Interview Essay Example Of An Interview Essay
Johann Sebastian Bach Bio Bach Instruments
Although the clavichordf ell into relativeo bscurityb y the end of the nineteenthc en
tury,it had a long and distinguishedh istoryd atingb ack to the late Middle Ages. Bach
biog rapherJ ohann Forkel claimed that the clavichord was Johann Sebastian Bach s
preferred instrument; he was attractedb y its abilityt o communicaten uances and
subtleties, and con sideredi t to be farm ore expressivet han the harpsichord. Bach was
not alone in his admira tion for the clavichord; similar sentiments were expressed by
numerous composers, performers,an d musiclovers over those centuries,m any of whom
are quoted in this vol ume. Intimate c omes to mind as a way of describingt he sound
of a clavichord. At its loud est the sound would be described as soft,a nd its softests
ounds are barely audible.
A Brief Note On District Health Boards And Southern Dhb
On 1 January 2001, District Health Boards (DHBs) were established under the NZ
Public Health and Disability Act 2000 (Kloosterman, 2010). There were a total of 21
districts health boards and Southern DHB is the first board formed as the result of the
combination of two districts, Southland and Otago DHBs (Southern District
Healthboard). SDHB was formed on 1 May 2010 and is responsible for most publicly
funded primary health and hospital services in those two districts with a population of
over 315,000 (Kloosterman, 2010).

This report investigates the biggest fraud case committed by a state employee against a
Government institution in New Zealand (Otago Daily Times, 2008), Otago District
Health Board, which went ... Show more content on ...
Sonnford Solution that was formed by Harford was alleged by the Serious Fraud
Office (SFO) that the company only acted as a front for their well planned fraud
(McDonald, 2009) had charged the company 198 invoices over the six years period
for supposedly insurance type services related to the provisions of IT licenses, services
and support that was never provided by the company to the hospital (Peart, Otago
Health Board fraud investigation: $16.9m siphon went unnoticed for years, 2008).
SFO counsel, Robin Bates, said that Swann and Harford had an agreement where
Harford would prepare the invoices; Swann would sign them off and then pass them to
the board s accounts department for payment. 10% of the amount (in total $1.7 million)
was received by Harford and the remaining 90% ($15.2 million) was given to Computer
South Company which was under Swann s control (Peart, Otago Health Board fraud
investigation: $16.9m siphon went unnoticed for years, 2008). There was also a corrupt
payment charge against Swann and Sew Hoy, the owner of Innovative Systems Limited.
In between 14th January 2000 and 3rd November 2006, Innovative Systems Ltd
received almost $5 million from ODHB for the services and consultancy provided in
which the company paid $757,684.89 to Swann s company. However, there were no
invoices generated by Computer South Ltd and there was no justification for any
payment by Innovative Systems to Computer South (NZPA, 2007).
Hepatitis A Virus Essay

Hepatitis A virus (formerly known as Enterovirus 72) has a long history and it still has a
big impact on human populations in the modern world. From time of the ancient Greek
doctor Hippocrates, Hepatitis A virus (HAV) was noted for causing jaundice. By the 8th
century, it was realized that icteric disease was caused by an infectious agent. Later in
the history, in 1885, it was discovered by scientists that hepatitis could be spread through
blood transfusions. Now, it is well known that the virus is mainly transmitted via fecal
oral route which results from contamination of food and water by fecal matter and direct
contact with infected individuals. Initially another icteric agent, Hepatitis B virus, was
isolated in 1973 ... Show more content on ...
However, later studies that tried to transmit viral hepatitis to non human primates gave
negative results. In the current time, humans are known to be the only host for hepatitis
A virus. Up to date, single human serotype and 4 distinct genotypes of the virus are
detected(2). HAV is noted as being a highly stable virus in high temperature and low pH
Replication of HAV: HAV targets hepatocytes which are cells of main tissue of liver.
The virus is non enveloped as it is released from the host cell via lysis of the host cell
membrane without acquiring a lipid bilayer membrane from the host. Site of replication
for HAV is cytoplasm of the host cell. Upon detection of hepatitis a virus cellular
receptor on the target cell by viral capsid protein(s), the viral capsid undergoes
conformational change releasing its genome into the host cell cytoplasm. Primary event
followed by uncoating process is translation of ss (+) RNA of virus which serves as a,
mRNA, translational template. Genome of HAV is a single stranded (+) RNA
containing 5 nontranslated region (5 NTR), a single large open reading frame (ORF) ,
and a short 3 NTR followed by a poly(A) tail(4). 5 end of the RNA genome contains VPg
protein bound to it. VPg acts as a primer during replication of viral genome. Host cell
mRNA contains 5 cap which is
Contributions Of Industrialization
Industrialization was a time period where the process of manufacturing goods became
easier because of technological innovations. The changes during the Industrial Revolution
contributed to the rise of big business because industries wanted to expand their efforts.
Industrialization assisted manufacturing industries by making production more
mechanized and efficient. Technological innovations due to industrialization caused a
rise of factories and employment opportunities in America. The benefits of
industrialization did not come easy; sacrifices were made which resulted in unfair
conditions for laborers. The rise of big business led to calls for the reform of industry
because monopolies were overthrowing other companies, which is unfair for these
companies. Industrialization led to the rise of big business, however it resulted in
As companies continued to gain high profits from their industrial endeavors, they wanted
to grow bigger and bigger. When companies realized that they were in control of all parts
of their business they could make the most profit; this is known as horizontal and vertical
integration. John D. Rockefeller, co founder of the Standard Oil Company, pursued a
strategy that came to be known as horizontal integration, in which a dominant corporation
buys or forces out most of its competitors (Shi and Tindall 632). Instead of depending
upon the products or services of other firms, known as middlemen, the company owns
everything it needs in
Sergio Ramos Research Paper
Sergio Ramos García, known to some as the best defender in the world, is one of
many elite footballers in Spain. His courage and strength made him the revelation of
La Liga in the 2004/2005 season in La Liga. Afterwards he played for Sevilla, where
he had played since he began in the youth academy. His superior quality was quickly
recognized by one of the top teams in Spain to this day, Real Madrid. They did not let
his talent go to waste and they signed him immediately. Ever since starting his
professional career at Real Madrid, Ramos has been the most essential player in the
defense and has played both as a central defender and as a right back. He is a natural
leader in the team and has always set a high standard for his teammates in terms... Show
more content on ...
He has one very prestigious awards including the UEFA European Under 19
Championship in 2004, the UEFA European Championship in 2008 and 2012, and the
UEFA Super Cup in 2014 and 2016 with Real Madrid and Spain amongst others.
Individually, he has won many more awards such as La Liga Best Defender annually
from 2011 to 2015 and has earned a spot on the UEFA Team of the Year and the FIFA
FIFPro World XI since 2008. Sergio Ramos was and still is one of the most important
parts of the Spanish international team. He is a universal player who is able to play
successfully in multiple positions. Although his main position is right back, he is
actively used as central defender and box to box midfielder. He is a superior ball
winner, has tremendous speed, and is unstoppable in the air. In fact, the majority of his
goals were jumping headers under pressure which only makes him more dangerous in
the 18. Many of his awards come from these relatively calm goals and game winning in
high pressure situations. During his relatively short lived career, Ramos has played
nearly 600 matches in various competitions, club, and international. He is sure to
continue his success in the years to come, and with his level of consistency, he will soon
surpass many of his colleagues in the football world, and earn the title of best player in
African American Student Relationships With Faculty Of...
Theoretical Framework
Similarly, Strayhorn et al (2008) undertook the task of looking at African American
student relationships with faculty of color and the benefits of these relationships.
Through the author s exploration, the theoretical framework of Othermothering emerged
(Strayhorn et al, 2008). According to Strayhorn et al (2008), Othermothering is a pattern
of care that dates back to slavery, where mothers had to entrust the care of their children
to other individuals. This same compassion for others has become the role of some
faculty and administrators in institutions today. According to the authors, African
American students are viewed as family, and the relationships forged go beyond just
caring; a moral and ethical obligation to advocate for African American Students
(Strayhorn et al, 2008). Under this theory, African Americans are motivated to develop
these relationships to help move college students through their experiences successfully.
Moreover, there is a moral need to give back to the community by pushing African
American students to perform at best potential. In this study, the researcher hopes to
explore if this concept of Othermothering exists within African American faculty,
students, and administrators here at South University.


After reviewing the literature, the following sections will be discussed in this literature
review: (a) the status of African American males in higher

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