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English Word Translated Word

Active listening Aktivno slušanje

Advocate Pobornik
Allergen Alergen
Alveolus Alveola
Anaemia Anemija
Anesthesia Anestezija

Ankyloglossia “tongue-tie” Ankiloglosija "sapet jezik"

Antenatal Prenatalni
Antibody Antitijelo
Anticipatory guidance Anticipatorno vođenje
Antigen Antigen
Antioxidants Antioksidansi
Areola Areola
Artificial baby/infant milk Dojenačka formula
Assisted Reproductive Medicinski potpomognuta oplodnja (MPO)
Technology (ART)
Axilla Pazuho
Baby-Friendly Hospital Inicijativa Rodilište-prijatelj djece
Initiative (BFHI)

Bariatric surgery Barijatijska operacija

Bioavailable Bioraspoloživ

Blood glucose Glukoza u krvi

Body Mass Index (BMI) Indeks tjelesne mase
Bonding Bliskost
Breast abscess Apsces dojke
Breast cancer Rak dojke
Breast compression Kompresija dojke
Breast pump Pumpica za izdajanje
Breast shells Prsne školjke
Breastfeeding Dojenje
Breastmilk substitutes Nadomjestak za majčino mlijeko
Canalisation Stvaranje kanala
Candida Kandida
Casein Kazein
Celiac disease Celijakija

Cesarean section Carski rez

Child-feeding Hranjenje djeteta
Cleft lip Rascjep usne
Cleft palate Rascjep nepca
Clinical Competencies for the Kliničke kompetencije za praksu IBCLC savjetnica
Practice of IBCLCs
Code of Professional Conduct Kodeks profesionalnog ponašanja (IBLCE)

Colic Kolika
Colostrum Kolostrum
Complementary food Dohrana
Complementary/alternative Komplementarne/alternativne terapije
Congenital infection, Prirođena infekcija, malformacija
Conjunctivitis Konjuktivitis
Contraception Kontracepcija
Creamatocrit Creamatocrit
Credential Uvjerenje
Cross-nursing, wet nursing Dojenje tuđeg djeteta
Cystic fibrosis Cistična fibroza
Dancer hand position Hvat plesačeve ruke
Detailed Content Outline Detaljan pregled sadržaja (IBLCE)
Diarrhoea Proljev
Donor milk Donirano majčino mlijeko
Down Syndrome Downov sindrom
Ductules Mliječni kanalići
Dummy/pacifier/teat Duda varalica
Dyad Dijada
Dysphoric milk ejection reflex Disforični refleks otpuštanja mlijeka

Eczema Ekcem

Engorgement Nabreknuće
Epidural anesthesia Epiduralna anestezija

Erythematous Eritematozni
Ethnicity Etnicitet
Evidence-based care Njega utemeljena na dokazima
Exclusive breastfeeding Isključivo dojenje
Exogenous Egzogeni
Expressed breastmilk Izdojeno mlijeko
Failure to thrive Slabo napredovanje
Family-centered care Skrb usmjerena na obitelj

Fibrocystic disease Fibrocistična bolest dojke

Flange Prirubnica
Foremilk Kolostrum
Foremilk-hindmilk imbalance Neravnoteža između prvog i zadnjeg mlijeka

Formula Adaptirano mlijeko

Frenulum Frenulum
Full-term milk Zrelo mlijeko
Galactagogue Galaktogog
Galactagogues Galaktogozi
Galactocele Galaktocela
Galactopoiesis Galaktopoeza
Galactose Galaktoza
Galactosemia Galaktozemija
Gastroenteritis Gastroenteritis
Gavage feeding Hranjenje majčinim mlijekom putem sonde
Gender identity Rodni identitet
Geopolitical Geopolitički
Gestational age Gestacijsko doba
Gestational diabetes Gestacijski dijabetes
Gripe water Vodica protiv grčeva
Half-life Vrijeme poluraspada
Hindmilk Zadnje mlijeko

Homeostasis Homeostaza

Hormone Hormon
Human lactation Humana laktacija
Human milk Humano mlijeko
Human milk bank Banka humanog mlijeka
Human milk fortifiers Pojačivači humanog mlijeka
Hyperalimentation Hiperalimentacija
Hyperbilirubinemia Hiperbilirubinemija
Hyperprolactinemia Hiperprolaktinemija
Hypoallergenic formula Hipoalergeno adaptirano mlijeko
Hypoglycemia Hipoglikemija
Hypothermia Hipotermija
IBCLC certificants IBCLC certificirani savjetnici
Immunoglobulin Imunoglobulin
Induced lactation Inducirana laktacija

International Board of Međunarodni odbor za laktacijske savjetnike (IBLCE)

Lactation Consultant
Examiners (IBLCE)
Inverted nipple Uvučena bradavica
Involution Involucija
Jaundice Žutica

Kosher food Kosher hrana

Lactase Laktaza
Lactation Laktacija
Lactation Amenorrhea Metoda laktacijske amenoreje (LAM)
Method (LAM)
Lactation, induced Laktacija, inducirana
Lactiferous ducts Mliječni kanali
Lactobacillus bifidus Lactobacillus bifidus
Lactoferrin Laktoferin
Lactogenesis Laktogeneza
Lactose Laktoza
Lactose intolerance Netolerancija na laktozu
Large for gestational age Veliko za gestacijsku dob (LGA)
Latch Prihvat bradavice
Late preterm infant Kasno nedonošče
lip/tongue tie release Uklanjanje frenuluma
Lipid solubility Topljivost lipida
Low birth weight Niska porođajna težina
Macrosomia Makrosomija
Mammary duct ectasia Proširenje mliječnih kanalića

Mammary gland Mliječna žlijezda

Mammography Mamografija
Mastitis Mastitis
Mature milk Zrelo mlijeko
Menstrual periods, Menstruacija
Midwife Primalja
Milk ejection reflex (MER), Refleks otpuštanja mlijeka (MER)
“let down”
Milk expression Izdajanje
Milk transfer Prijenos mlijeka
Multigravida Multigravida
Multiparous Višerotkinja
Nappies, “diapers” Pelene
Necrotizing enterocolitis Nekrotizirajući enterokolitis
Neonatal Neonatalni
NICU (neonatal intensive care Jedinica intenzivne neonatalne skrbi
Nipple bleb/milk blister Mliječni blister
Nipple shield Štitnik za bradavice
Non-nutritive sucking Nenutritivno sisanje
Obstetrician Porodničar
Oedematous Otečen
Oestrogen Estrogen
Oligosaccharide Oligosaharid
Over-supply Preobilno stvaranje mlijeka
Oxytocin Oksitocin

Pacing, pace feeding Izmjenjivanje sisanja i pauze

Palate, hard, soft Nepce, tvrdo, meko

Parenteral Parenteralna prehrana

Parity Paritet
Pasteurization Pasterizacija
Pathogen Patogen
Pathologic Patološki
Peer-reviewed Recenzirano

Penicillin Penicilin
Peripartum mood disorder Poremećaji raspoloženja u trudnoći
Pertussis Hripavac

Phenylketonuria Fenilketonurija
Placenta Posteljica

Polycythaemia Policitemija
Postpartum Postpartalno razdoblje
Postpartum depression (PPD) Postporođajna depresija (PPD)

Postpartum hemorrhage Poslijeporodno obilno krvarenje

Preconception Prije začeća
Preeclampsia Preeklampsija
Preemie Prijevremeno rođeno dijete
Premature infant Nedonošče
Prenatal Prenatalno
Primigravida Primigravida
Primiparous Prvorotkinja
Progesterone Progesteron
Prolactin Prolaktin
Prospective cohort study Prospektivno kohortno istraživanje
Psychosocial Psihosocijalno
Race Rasa
Raynaud's phenomenon Raynaudov fenomen
Reflux Refluks
Re-lactation Relaktacija
Respiratory syncytial virus Respiratorni sincicijski virus (RSV)
Reverse pressure softening Obrnuto omekšavanje pritiskom
Rickets Rahitis
Rooting Refleks traženja usnama

Rotavirus Rotavirus
Sanctioned Sankcioniran
Scope of Practice (IBLCE) Opseg prakse (IBLCE)

Secretory immunoglobin A Sekretorni imunoglobulin A (sIgA)

Sheehan’s syndrome Sheehanov sindrom

Skin-to-skin, “Kangaroo Koža na kožu

Small for gestational age Maleno za gestacijsku dob (SGA)
Social services Socijalna skrb
Social support Društvena podrška
Solid foods Kruta hrana
Staphylococcus aureus Zlatni stafilokok
Streptococcal Streptokokna
Striae- “stretch marks” Strije
Sucking, nutritive Nutritivno sisanje
Sudden infant death Sindrom iznenadne dojenačke smrti (SIDS)
syndrome (SIDS)
Supplemental nursing system Nadomjesni sustav za dojenje
Supplementation, Nadohrana
supplementary feeds
Suppress lactation Suzbiti laktaciju
Switch nursing Dojenje prebacivanjem djeteta s jedne dojke na drugu

Tandem nursing Tandemsko dojenje

Teething Nicanje zubića
Thyroid Štitnjača
Torticollis Tortikolis

Transitional milk Prijelazno mlijeko

Type 1 Diabetes Dijabetes tip 1

Type 2 Diabetes Dijabetes tip 2

Universal precautions Opće mjere opreza
Vaccine/Immunization Cijepljenje/Imunizacija
Vacuum extraction Vakuum ekstrakcija
Vegan Vegan
Vegetarian Vegetarijanac
Vertical transmission Vertikalna transmisija
Weaning Odvikavanje od dojenja
Wet nurse Zamjenska dojilja
Whey Sirutka
World Health Organization Globalna strategija za prehranu dojenčadi i male djece Svjetske
Global Strategy for Infant zdravstvene organizacije
and Young Child Feeding
Communication technique with the listener concentrating on what is being said and then paraphrasing and repeating
it back to the sender to confirm understanding.
A person who supports a particular policy or person.
A substance that causes an allergic response.
A small sac in the mammary gland where milk is secreted and stored.
A decrease of red blood cells in the blood.
Use of medicine to prevent the feeling of pain or another sensation during surgery or other procedures that might be
The presence of a lingual frenulum that changes the appearance or function of the infant’s tongue.
Referring to the period of time from human conception to the beginning of the labor process.
A protein formed by the body after exposure to harmful substances. Part of the human immune response.
A proactive counseling technique that focuses on potential outcomes.
A substance that stimulates antibody production.
A molecule that inhibits the oxidation of other molecules which may prevent or delay some types of cell damage.
Pigmented skin surrounding the nipple
Manufactured nutrition designed for feeding to infants/children.
Use of any artificial means in which to conceive.

The space under the shoulder, underarm area.

A global program launched by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund
(UNICEF) in 1991 to encourage and recognize hospitals and birthing centers that offer an optimal level of care for
infant feeding and mother/baby bonding.
Surgery performed to assist with weight loss in patients who are obese. Usually involves reduction in size of the
stomach or other organs.
The ease at which a nutrient/medication is absorbed and used by the body. Blocked duct “plugged milk duct” A
condition in which a milk duct is obstructed.
Sugar that comes from food intake that the bloodstream carries to all the cells in the body to supply energy.
A measure of body fat based on weight in relation to height.
A close relationship between two or more people.
An infection involving a localized area of the breast.
Cells in the breast which grow out of control and may form a tumor.
A gentle massage of the breast to encourage milk flow.
A mechanical device used to extract breastmilk from a breast.
A plastic device placed over the nipple area to both protect painful nipples and encourage nipple eversion.
The direct act of feeding a newborn/child with milk from the breast.
Any substance used for infant/child nutrition where breastmilk would normally be recommended.
The formation of canals or channels in a tissue.
A type of fungal infection.
A phosphoprotein which is the principle protein in milk.
An immune reaction of the digestive system that damages the small intestine and interferes with the absorption of
nutrients from food.
The delivery of a baby through a surgical incision in the mother's abdomen and uterus.
The act of providing nourishment to an infant or child.
A congenital split in the upper lip on one or both sides of the center.
A congenital split in the roof of the mouth.
The responsibilities/activities that are part of the IBCLC practice.

An IBCLE document which informs both IBCLCs and the public of the minimum standards of acceptable conduct,
exemplifies the commitment expected of all holders of the IBCLC credential, provides IBCLCs with a framework
for carrying out their essential duties, and serves as a basis for decisions regarding alleged misconduct.

A condition of a newborn with crying for long periods of time with no apparent reason.
The first breast milk that is produced, distinguished from mature milk.
Food offered along with breast milk.
Therapies considered non-traditional or outside of convention that may or may not be used together with
conventional medicine.
An infection or malformation that was acquired during fetal development.

Inflammation of the eye.

Methods used to prevent pregnancy.
Machine used to determine the fat content of breastmilk.
a document proving a person's qualifications to perform.
Breastfeeding an infant that is not one’s own.
An inherited disease that causes fibrous scar tissues in the lungs, digestive system, sweat glands.
Technique for giving cheeks/jaw support to a hypotonic nursing infant.
A list of disciplines in which IBCLC certificants are expected to have detailed knowledge.

A pathologic condition involving frequent watery stools.

Breastmilk offered/donated to another for their use.
A chromosomal disorder causing developmental delays and other health problems.
Small ducts in the mammary glands.
An artificial nipple used for the infant to suck on.
Addressing the Mother and the Baby as one unit.
The experience of negative emotions immediately preceding the milk ejection reflex.

Inflammation of the skin with redness, itching and oozing which can crust or harden. Empowerment - Process of
becoming self-actualized.
A swelling of the breast due to an increase in blood and lymph supply.
Medicine is injected through catheter into the epidural space of the spinal canal to block pain in a region of the
A descriptor used for a reddened area of the body.
A social group that has common national or cultural traditions.
Making use of the current best evidence to assess, evaluate and plan.
The act of feeding breastmilk only.
Coming from outside the body.
Breastmilk that is expressed to be used at some other time.
A condition where an infant/child has insufficient growth including weight loss, or is not gaining appropriately.
Care this is focused not solely on individual members of the family group, but treating each as an integral part of
client care.
A non-pathologic condition of the breast where the breasts have a "lumpy" texture.
A part of a breast pump that sits on the breast/nipple.
The lower fat breastmilk obtained at the start of a feeding.
A condition where there is an over-supply of foremilk in which the infant becomes full on the lower fat/higher
lactose content milk, unable to access and ingest the higher fat content milk at the end of a feeding.
Manufactured food designed and marketed for feeding to babies. Frenotomy,
A band of tissue that supports/restricts the movement of the tissue it is attached to.
Milk which is produced at full term gestation, that is suitable in nutrients for a full-term baby.
A substance that is used to encourage milk production i.e. herbs, foods.
A substance used to help increase breastmilk production in nursing mothers.
A benign cyst located in the mammary glands, usually containing milk.
The process by which the breastmilk supply is maintained by the body.
A simple sugar found in breastmilk.
A condition in which a newborn is unable to completely digest the sugar galactose in breastmilk.
Inflammation of the stomach and intestines.
A way to provide breastmilk directly to a baby's stomach through tube placed through the nose
The self-identification of gender: male, female or non-binary, regardless of biological sex characteristics.
Politics as it relates to particular geographical areas.
A measure of length of a pregnancy which starts from the last menstrual period (LMP)
A condition develops during pregnancy that causes elevated glucose levels.
Complimentary therapy used to treat the symptoms of colic.
Period of time required for the concentration or amount of drug in the body to be reduced by one-half
The milk towards the end of a feeding which is typically higher in fat content. Human immunodeficiency virus
(HIV) A retrovirus that causes HIV infection.
Any self-regulating process by which biological systems maintain stability while adjusting to conditions that are
optimal for survival.
A chemical messenger that is produced and released by the endocrine system.
The process by which milk is produced within the body as well as the time in which a human lactates.
The milk produced by a human.
A facility that collects and processes breastmilk for distribution.
Substance added to breastmilk to enhance the nutrients.
Feeding a newborn intravenously.
A condition of excess bilirubin in the blood.
An excess of prolactin in the body.
An infant formula that is less likely to cause an allergic reaction compared to others.
A condition that occurs when blood sugar (also called blood glucose) levels are too low.
An abnormal decrease in body temperature.
Those who maintain an active IBCLC certificate.
Also known as antibodies, see antibody.
The process of stimulating the mammary glands to produce milk when a person has not had the benefits of the
hormones of pregnancy.
Independent international certification body conferring IBCLC credential.

A condition in which the nipple is retracted both at rest and when stimulated.
The return of mammary glands or uterus to a state before pregnancy and lactation
A medical condition with yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes, arising from excess of the pigment bilirubin
in the blood.
Food prepared in accordance with Jewish Dietary Laws.
Enzyme the body secretes to convert lactose in breastmilk to a usable sugar.
The process of producing milk and feeding that milk to a child.
A natural birth control method that relies on exclusively breastfeeding for up to six months postpartum.

The process of stimulating the mammary glands to produce milk, without having been pregnant.
Ducts that converge and form a branched system connecting the nipple to the lobules of the mammary gland.
Primary healthy bacteria in the breastfed child’s gastrointestinal tract.
A protein that binds with iron in the gut.
The initiation of milk production in the body.
The main carbohydrate in human milk.
The inability to digest milk sugar, leading to gastrointestinal upset.
A baby with a weight larger than the 90th percentile at birth.

Attachment of the baby’s mouth to the breast.

An infant born between 34-37 weeks gestation.
A simple incision or snipping of the frenulum
The ability of a substance to dissolve in lipids, fats, or oils.
An infant who weighs less than 2500 grams at birth.
A newborn who's significantly larger than average, often specified as greater than 4000 grams.
A benign condition in which a milk duct becomes enlarged and fills with fluid, usually found in perimenopausal
Radiography used to image breast tissue.
A painful inflammation of breast tissue.
The milk produced after colostrum stops, containing a different balance of nutrients.
The process in which a woman discharges blood and other materials from the lining of the uterus at intervals of
about one lunar month from puberty until menopause, except during pregnancy.
A person trained to assist women in childbirth.
A normal reflex in a lactating woman elicited by tactile stimulation of the nipple, resulting in release of milk from
the glands of the breast.
Use of rhythmic compression of the breast to release milk.
The movement of milk from mother to baby.
A women who has been pregnant more than once.
Having given birth to more than one full term infant.
Cloth or paper material used to wrap around an infant’s genitals and bottom to absorb stool and urine.
Inflammation of the intestinal tract causing tissue to die.
Newborn status from birth to 28 days of life.
Special care unit in a hospital for ill infants.

A small benign cyst clogging an opening on the nipple.

A plastic/silicone device placed over the nipple during breastfeeding to assist with latch.
The act of sucking that does not involve transfer of milk, such as sucking on a teat.
A doctor who specializes in pregnancy, childbirth, and a woman's reproductive system.
A descriptor used for a swollen area of the body.
The primary female sex hormone responsible for development and regulation of the female reproductive system.
A carbohydrate in breastmilk.
A condition occurring when a woman is producing more milk than her infant needs.
A hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland that acts on organs in the body (including the breast and uterus)
and as a chemical messenger in the brain, controlling key aspects of the reproductive system, including childbirth
and lactation, and aspects of human behaviour.
Controlled feeding method involving removing the nipple from the infant to allow for rest and breathing breaks.
The upper part of the mouth that the tongue can press up against, the soft palate occurring toward the back of the
Feeding through an intravenous tube bypassing the usual process of eating and digestion.
The number of times a female has carried pregnancies to a viable gestational age.
The process of heating a substance so that harmful substances are eliminated.
A substance able to cause an illness.
A condition caused by a disease process.
The process of subjecting an author's scholarly work, research, or ideas to the scrutiny of others who are experts in
the same field to assure quality and scientific accuracy.
An antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections.
Emotional and/or mental disorder during pregnancy and after birth comprising a variety of diagnoses.
An infection of the respiratory system leading to a severe cough caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. Also
called whooping cough.
A genetic condition that causes an amino acid called phenylalanine to build up in the body.
An organ that develops during pregnancy which attaches to the mother’s uterus, connects to the fetus by the
umbilical cord and provides nutrients and oxygen to the fetus.
A state in which the volume of red blood cells is abnormally elevated.
The period beginning immediately after the birth of a child and extending for approximately six weeks.
Depression that occurs after a woman has given birth. It may appear as much as twelve months after birth.

Excessive bleeding after childbirth.

Occurring before conception of a fetus.
A condition in pregnancy where the patient develops high blood pressure. swelling, and protein in the urine.
A baby born prematurely.
An infant born before 37 weeks of age.
The time during pregnancy before birth.
A woman pregnant for the first time.
A woman who has given birth to one full term infant.
A hormone produced in the body that, among other things, helps develop the mammary glands.
A hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland that contributes to milk production.
A study that follows a group of similar individuals (cohorts) over time to compare outcomes.
Viewing both the psychological and social arenas together when assessing the human condition.
A group of people sharing a common ancestry, traits and genes.
A syndrome in which there is severe constriction of blood flow to the nipples.
A condition in which stomach contents back up in to the esophagus causing pain.
The process of resuming breastfeeding after a period of no breastfeeding or very little breastfeeding.
A severe respiratory illness particularly harmful to infants.

A technique used to soften the areola, by reducing oedema.

A disease process related to lack of vitamin D intake.
An infant reflex where the infant searches for the nipple and makes a sucking movement when the face or lips are
A virus that causes a severe gastrointestinal illness.
To impose a penalty upon.
A document listing the activities for which IBCLC certificants are educated and in which they are authorised to
The most important immunoglobulin in milk, not only in concentration but also in biologic activity.

A condition where the pituitary gland and its function is adversely impacted by blood loss and hypovolemic shock
during or after childbirth.
Type of care in which an infant is placed prone, on an adult’s bare chest, to encourage well-being and stability.

A baby with a weight smaller than the 10th percentile at birth.

A variety of agencies that assist its members on a community/local level.

A situation in which a person has a network of helpful people and organisations close by.
Any solid substance (as opposed to liquid) that is used as a source of nourishment.
A bacteria can cause a variety of infections.
Any type of infection caused by the streptococcus group of bacteria.
Areas of the skin which have been over distended causing visible markings.
The process where a child transfers milk while sucking.
The sudden unexplained death of an infant.

A liquid nutrition delivery system using tubing enabling feeding at the breast.

The method of giving additional fluids to a breastfed baby.

The use of interventions to prevent or decrease milk production.

A system of nursing to promote increased milk supply, in which the child is frequently switched from one breast to
The condition in which two or more siblings of differing ages, nurse at the same time.
A state of being when an infant’s teeth start to appear, often causing discomfort.
A gland which produces hormones that regulate the body’s metabolism.
A condition in which the infant’s neck is persistently turned to one side which may cause breastfeeding challenges.

The milk produced when colostrum is changing into mature milk.

Disease where immune system attacks and destroys insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas leaving the body is
unable to produce insulin.
A condition where the body does not use insulin properly.
Guidance on how to control infection through a set of standard protocols.
A substance given in order to promote immunity to a disease/virus.
A method of birth in which a suction device is placed on the foetal head to help with delivery.
A person who does not eat or use animal products.
A person who does not eat meat, fish, or poultry.
An infectious process passed from a woman to the infant during the childbirth process.
Transition of the infant from dependence on breastmilk to other sources of nutrition.
A woman who feeds another woman’s child at her breast.
A protein in milk.
A document produced to "improve, through optimal feeding, the nutritional status, growth and development,
health, and thus the very survival of infants and young children." WHO, UNICEF published
English Word
Active listening
Ankyloglossia “tongue-tie”
Anticipatory guidance
Artificial baby/infant milk
Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)

Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI)

Bariatric surgery


Blood glucose
Body Mass Index (BMI)
Breast abscess
Breast cancer
Breast compression
Breast pump
Breast shells
Breastmilk substitutes
Celiac disease

Cesarean section
Cleft lip
Cleft palate
Clinical Competencies for the Practice of IBCLCs

Code of Professional Conduct (IBLCE)

Complementary food
Complementary/alternative therapies
Congenital infection, malformation
Cross-nursing, wet nursing
Cystic fibrosis
Dancer hand position
Detailed Content Outline (IBLCE)
Donor milk
Down Syndrome
Dysphoric milk ejection reflex
Epidural anesthesia
Evidence-based care
Exclusive breastfeeding
Expressed breastmilk
Failure to thrive

Family-centered care
Fibrocystic disease

Foremilk-hindmilk imbalance

Full-term milk
Gavage feeding
Gender identity
Gestational age
Gestational diabetes
Gripe water

Human lactation
Human milk
Human milk bank
Human milk fortifiers
Hypoallergenic formula
IBCLC certificants
Induced lactation

International Board of Lactation Consultant

Examiners (IBLCE)
Inverted nipple
Kosher food
Lactation Amenorrhea Method (LAM)
Lactation, induced
Lactiferous ducts
Lactobacillus bifidus
Lactose intolerance
Large for gestational age (LGA)
Late preterm infant
lip/tongue tie release
Lipid solubility
Low birth weight
Mammary duct ectasia
Mammary gland
Mature milk
Menstrual periods, menstruation
Milk ejection reflex (MER), “let down”
Milk expression
Milk transfer
Nappies, “diapers”
Necrotizing enterocolitis
NICU (neonatal intensive care unit)
Nipple bleb/milk blister
Nipple shield
Non-nutritive sucking


Pacing, pace feeding

Palate, hard, soft

Peripartum mood disorder
Postpartum depression (PPD)
Postpartum hemorrhage
Premature infant
Prospective cohort study
Raynaud's phenomenon
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
Reverse pressure softening
Scope of Practice (IBLCE)
Secretory immunoglobin A (sIgA)
Sheehan’s syndrome

Skin-to-skin, “Kangaroo care”

Small for gestational age (SGA)
Social services
Social support
Solid foods
Staphylococcus aureus
Striae- “stretch marks”
Sucking, nutritive
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
Supplemental nursing system (SNS)
Supplementation, supplementary feeds
Suppress lactation
Switch nursing
Tandem nursing
Transitional milk
Type 1 Diabetes
Type 2 Diabetes
Universal precautions
Vacuum extraction
Vertical transmission
Wet nurse

World Health Organization Global Strategy for

Infant and Young Child Feeding
Translated Word

aktiv lytning

ankyloglossi "stramt tungebånd "
proaktiv vejledning

assisteret reproduktions teknologi (ART)

Spædbarnsvenlige initiativ

bariatrisk kirurgi


body mass index (BMI)

sectio caesarea - medical term (Kaisersnit =
laymans term)

kliniske kompetencer i IBCLC praksis

kodex for professionel adfærd (IBLCE)


komplementær/alternativ behandling
medfødt infektion, misdannelse
udstyr til måling af brystmælkens fedt indhold
kvalifikationer, der er dokumenteret
at amme en anden kvindes barn
cystisk fibrose
detaljeret indholdsfortegnelse (IBCLE)
Downs syndrom
små mælkegange
dysforisk nedløbsrefleks


evidensbaseret omsorg
at amme udelukkende (eksklusiv amning - research
udmalket brystmælk

manglende trivsel

familieorienteret omsorg
fibrocystisk sygdom

ubalance i formælken/eftermælken
mælkens sammensætning ved termin
gestationel diabetes
sukkervand (kamillete) Used in Denmark.


human laktation
berigelses produkter til kvindemælk
parenteral ernæring
hypoallergen modermælksserstatning
IBCLC certificerede

induceret laktation
International Board of Lactation Consultant
Examiners (IBLCE)
indadvendt brystvorte

kosher mad
Lactation Amenorrhea Method (LAM)
laktation, induceret

lactobacillus bifidus
laktose intolerance
large for gestational age (LGA)
barnet får fat om bystet
sen præmaturt barn
læbe/tungebånds klip
lav fødselsvægt

ectasia ductus mammae

moden mælk

menstruationer, menstruation

nekrotiserende enterokolitis
neonatal afdeling
mælkeblæne på brystvorten
at sutte uden mælkeoverførsel



afpasning, afpasset amning

gane, hård, blød


graviditets-,fødsels- og efterfødselsreaktion



postpartum depression
postpartum blødning

præmaturt barn
prospektivt kohortestudie
Raynauds syndrom
respiratorisk syncytial-virus (RS-Virus)
at blødgøre brystvorten ved at presse ødem væk


rammer for det professionelle praksisfelt

sekretorisk immunglobulin A (sIgA)

Sheehans syndrom

hud-mod-hud, kænguru-metoden
small for gestational age (SGA)
sociale netværk
fast føde
staphylococcus aureus
striae- "stræk mærker"
at sutte med mælkeoverførsel
pludselig uventet spædbarnsdød (Vuggedød)
tilskud, supplerende måltider
at amme skiftevis fra begge bryster i samme måltid
at få tænder


Type 1-diabetes
Type 2-diabetes
universale forholdsregler
vertikal transmission
en amme

Verdenssundhedsorganisationens (WHO) global

strategy for spædbørns og småbørns ernæring

Blocked duct-plugged milk duct = tilstoppede

Frenotomy = frenulotomi
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) = human
Communication technique with the listener concentrating on what is being said and then paraphrasing and
repeating it back to the sender to confirm understanding.
A person who supports a particular policy or person.
A substance that causes an allergic response.
A small sac in the mammary gland where milk is secreted and stored.
A decrease of red blood cells in the blood.
Use of medicine to prevent the feeling of pain or another sensation during surgery or other procedures that
might be painful.
The presence of a lingual frenulum that changes the appearance or function of the infant’s tongue.
Referring to the period of time from human conception to the beginning of the labor process.
A protein formed by the body after exposure to harmful substances. Part of the human immune response.
A proactive counseling technique that focuses on potential outcomes.
A substance that stimulates antibody production.
A molecule that inhibits the oxidation of other molecules which may prevent or delay some types of cell
Pigmented skin surrounding the nipple
Manufactured nutrition designed for feeding to infants/children.
Use of any artificial means in which to conceive.
The space under the shoulder, underarm area.
A global program launched by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's
Fund (UNICEF) in 1991 to encourage and recognize hospitals and birthing centers that offer an optimal level
of care for infant feeding and mother/baby bonding.
Surgery performed to assist with weight loss in patients who are obese. Usually involves reduction in size of
the stomach or other organs.
The ease at which a nutrient/medication is absorbed and used by the body. Blocked duct “plugged milk
duct” A condition in which a milk duct is obstructed.

Sugar that comes from food intake that the bloodstream carries to all the cells in the body to supply energy.
A measure of body fat based on weight in relation to height.
A close relationship between two or more people.
An infection involving a localized area of the breast.
Cells in the breast which grow out of control and may form a tumor.
A gentle massage of the breast to encourage milk flow.
A mechanical device used to extract breastmilk from a breast.

A plastic device placed over the nipple area to both protect painful nipples and encourage nipple eversion.
The direct act of feeding a newborn/child with milk from the breast.
Any substance used for infant/child nutrition where breastmilk would normally be recommended.
The formation of canals or channels in a tissue.
A type of fungal infection.
A phosphoprotein which is the principle protein in milk.
An immune reaction of the digestive system that damages the small intestine and interferes with the
absorption of nutrients from food.

The delivery of a baby through a surgical incision in the mother's abdomen and uterus.
The act of providing nourishment to an infant or child.
A congenital split in the upper lip on one or both sides of the center.
A congenital split in the roof of the mouth.

The responsibilities/activities that are part of the IBCLC practice.

An IBCLE document which informs both IBCLCs and the public of the minimum standards of acceptable
conduct, exemplifies the commitment expected of all holders of the IBCLC credential, provides IBCLCs
with a framework for carrying out their essential duties, and serves as a basis for decisions regarding alleged
A condition of a newborn with crying for long periods of time with no apparent reason.
The first breast milk that is produced, distinguished from mature milk.
Food offered along with breast milk.
Therapies considered non-traditional or outside of convention that may or may not be used together with
conventional medicine.
An infection or malformation that was acquired during fetal development.
Inflammation of the eye.
Methods used to prevent pregnancy.
Machine used to determine the fat content of breastmilk.
a document proving a person's qualifications to perform.
Breastfeeding an infant that is not one’s own.
An inherited disease that causes fibrous scar tissues in the lungs, digestive system, sweat glands.
Technique for giving cheeks/jaw support to a hypotonic nursing infant.
A list of disciplines in which IBCLC certificants are expected to have detailed knowledge.
A pathologic condition involving frequent watery stools.
Breastmilk offered/donated to another for their use.
A chromosomal disorder causing developmental delays and other health problems.
Small ducts in the mammary glands.
An artificial nipple used for the infant to suck on.
Addressing the Mother and the Baby as one unit.
The experience of negative emotions immediately preceding the milk ejection reflex.
Inflammation of the skin with redness, itching and oozing which can crust or harden. Empowerment -
Process of becoming self-actualized.
A swelling of the breast due to an increase in blood and lymph supply.
Medicine is injected through catheter into the epidural space of the spinal canal to block pain in a region of
the body.
A descriptor used for a reddened area of the body.
A social group that has common national or cultural traditions.
Making use of the current best evidence to assess, evaluate and plan.
The act of feeding breastmilk only.
Coming from outside the body.
Breastmilk that is expressed to be used at some other time.
A condition where an infant/child has insufficient growth including weight loss, or is not gaining
Care this is focused not solely on individual members of the family group, but treating each as an integral
part of client care.
A non-pathologic condition of the breast where the breasts have a "lumpy" texture.
A part of a breast pump that sits on the breast/nipple.
The lower fat breastmilk obtained at the start of a feeding.

A condition where there is an over-supply of foremilk in which the infant becomes full on the lower
fat/higher lactose content milk, unable to access and ingest the higher fat content milk at the end of a feeding.
Manufactured food designed and marketed for feeding to babies. Frenotomy,
A band of tissue that supports/restricts the movement of the tissue it is attached to.
Milk which is produced at full term gestation, that is suitable in nutrients for a full-term baby.
A substance that is used to encourage milk production i.e. herbs, foods.
A substance used to help increase breastmilk production in nursing mothers.
A benign cyst located in the mammary glands, usually containing milk.
The process by which the breastmilk supply is maintained by the body.
A simple sugar found in breastmilk.
A condition in which a newborn is unable to completely digest the sugar galactose in breastmilk.
Inflammation of the stomach and intestines.
A way to provide breastmilk directly to a baby's stomach through tube placed through the nose
The self-identification of gender: male, female or non-binary, regardless of biological sex characteristics.
Politics as it relates to particular geographical areas.
A measure of length of a pregnancy which starts from the last menstrual period (LMP)
A condition develops during pregnancy that causes elevated glucose levels.
Complimentary therapy used to treat the symptoms of colic.
Period of time required for the concentration or amount of drug in the body to be reduced by one-half
The milk towards the end of a feeding which is typically higher in fat content. Human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV) A retrovirus that causes HIV infection.
Any self-regulating process by which biological systems maintain stability while adjusting to conditions that
are optimal for survival.
A chemical messenger that is produced and released by the endocrine system.
The process by which milk is produced within the body as well as the time in which a human lactates.
The milk produced by a human.
A facility that collects and processes breastmilk for distribution.
Substance added to breastmilk to enhance the nutrients.
Feeding a newborn intravenously.
A condition of excess bilirubin in the blood.
An excess of prolactin in the body.
An infant formula that is less likely to cause an allergic reaction compared to others.
A condition that occurs when blood sugar (also called blood glucose) levels are too low.
An abnormal decrease in body temperature.
Those who maintain an active IBCLC certificate.
Also known as antibodies, see antibody.
The process of stimulating the mammary glands to produce milk when a person has not had the benefits of
the hormones of pregnancy.

Independent international certification body conferring IBCLC credential.

A condition in which the nipple is retracted both at rest and when stimulated.
The return of mammary glands or uterus to a state before pregnancy and lactation
A medical condition with yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes, arising from excess of the pigment
bilirubin in the blood.
Food prepared in accordance with Jewish Dietary Laws.
Enzyme the body secretes to convert lactose in breastmilk to a usable sugar.
The process of producing milk and feeding that milk to a child.
A natural birth control method that relies on exclusively breastfeeding for up to six months postpartum.
The process of stimulating the mammary glands to produce milk, without having been pregnant.
Ducts that converge and form a branched system connecting the nipple to the lobules of the mammary
Primary healthy bacteria in the breastfed child’s gastrointestinal tract.
A protein that binds with iron in the gut.
The initiation of milk production in the body.
The main carbohydrate in human milk.
The inability to digest milk sugar, leading to gastrointestinal upset.
A baby with a weight larger than the 90th percentile at birth.
Attachment of the baby’s mouth to the breast.
An infant born between 34-37 weeks gestation.
A simple incision or snipping of the frenulum
The ability of a substance to dissolve in lipids, fats, or oils.
An infant who weighs less than 2500 grams at birth.
A newborn who's significantly larger than average, often specified as greater than 4000 grams.
A benign condition in which a milk duct becomes enlarged and fills with fluid, usually found in
perimenopausal women.
Radiography used to image breast tissue.
A painful inflammation of breast tissue.
The milk produced after colostrum stops, containing a different balance of nutrients.
The process in which a woman discharges blood and other materials from the lining of the uterus at intervals
of about one lunar month from puberty until menopause, except during pregnancy.
A person trained to assist women in childbirth.
A normal reflex in a lactating woman elicited by tactile stimulation of the nipple, resulting in release of milk
from the glands of the breast.
Use of rhythmic compression of the breast to release milk.
The movement of milk from mother to baby.
A women who has been pregnant more than once.
Having given birth to more than one full term infant.
Cloth or paper material used to wrap around an infant’s genitals and bottom to absorb stool and urine.
Inflammation of the intestinal tract causing tissue to die.
Newborn status from birth to 28 days of life.
Special care unit in a hospital for ill infants.
A small benign cyst clogging an opening on the nipple.
A plastic/silicone device placed over the nipple during breastfeeding to assist with latch.
The act of sucking that does not involve transfer of milk, such as sucking on a teat.
A doctor who specializes in pregnancy, childbirth, and a woman's reproductive system.
A descriptor used for a swollen area of the body.
The primary female sex hormone responsible for development and regulation of the female reproductive
A carbohydrate in breastmilk.
A condition occurring when a woman is producing more milk than her infant needs.
A hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland that acts on organs in the body (including the breast and
uterus) and as a chemical messenger in the brain, controlling key aspects of the reproductive system,
including childbirth and lactation, and aspects of human behaviour.
Controlled feeding method involving removing the nipple from the infant to allow for rest and breathing
The upper part of the mouth that the tongue can press up against, the soft palate occurring toward the back
of the mouth.
Feeding through an intravenous tube bypassing the usual process of eating and digestion.
The number of times a female has carried pregnancies to a viable gestational age.
The process of heating a substance so that harmful substances are eliminated.
A substance able to cause an illness.
A condition caused by a disease process.
The process of subjecting an author's scholarly work, research, or ideas to the scrutiny of others who are
experts in the same field to assure quality and scientific accuracy.
An antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections.
Emotional and/or mental disorder during pregnancy and after birth comprising a variety of diagnoses.
An infection of the respiratory system leading to a severe cough caused by the bacterium Bordetella
pertussis. Also called whooping cough.
A genetic condition that causes an amino acid called phenylalanine to build up in the body.
An organ that develops during pregnancy which attaches to the mother’s uterus, connects to the fetus by the
umbilical cord and provides nutrients and oxygen to the fetus.
A state in which the volume of red blood cells is abnormally elevated.
The period beginning immediately after the birth of a child and extending for approximately six weeks.

Depression that occurs after a woman has given birth. It may appear as much as twelve months after birth.
Excessive bleeding after childbirth.
Occurring before conception of a fetus.

A condition in pregnancy where the patient develops high blood pressure. swelling, and protein in the urine.
A baby born prematurely.
An infant born before 37 weeks of age.
The time during pregnancy before birth.
A woman pregnant for the first time.
A woman who has given birth to one full term infant.
A hormone produced in the body that, among other things, helps develop the mammary glands.
A hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland that contributes to milk production.
A study that follows a group of similar individuals (cohorts) over time to compare outcomes.
Viewing both the psychological and social arenas together when assessing the human condition.
A group of people sharing a common ancestry, traits and genes.
A syndrome in which there is severe constriction of blood flow to the nipples.
A condition in which stomach contents back up in to the esophagus causing pain.
The process of resuming breastfeeding after a period of no breastfeeding or very little breastfeeding.
A severe respiratory illness particularly harmful to infants.
A technique used to soften the areola, by reducing oedema.
A disease process related to lack of vitamin D intake.
An infant reflex where the infant searches for the nipple and makes a sucking movement when the face or
lips are stroked.
A virus that causes a severe gastrointestinal illness.
To impose a penalty upon.
A document listing the activities for which IBCLC certificants are educated and in which they are authorised
to engage.
The most important immunoglobulin in milk, not only in concentration but also in biologic activity.
A condition where the pituitary gland and its function is adversely impacted by blood loss and hypovolemic
shock during or after childbirth.
Type of care in which an infant is placed prone, on an adult’s bare chest, to encourage well-being and
A baby with a weight smaller than the 10th percentile at birth.
A variety of agencies that assist its members on a community/local level.
A situation in which a person has a network of helpful people and organisations close by.
Any solid substance (as opposed to liquid) that is used as a source of nourishment.
A bacteria can cause a variety of infections.
Any type of infection caused by the streptococcus group of bacteria.
Areas of the skin which have been over distended causing visible markings.
The process where a child transfers milk while sucking.
The sudden unexplained death of an infant.
A liquid nutrition delivery system using tubing enabling feeding at the breast.
The method of giving additional fluids to a breastfed baby.
The use of interventions to prevent or decrease milk production.
A system of nursing to promote increased milk supply, in which the child is frequently switched from one
breast to another.
The condition in which two or more siblings of differing ages, nurse at the same time.
A state of being when an infant’s teeth start to appear, often causing discomfort.
A gland which produces hormones that regulate the body’s metabolism.
A condition in which the infant’s neck is persistently turned to one side which may cause breastfeeding
The milk produced when colostrum is changing into mature milk.
Disease where immune system attacks and destroys insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas leaving the
body is unable to produce insulin.
A condition where the body does not use insulin properly.
Guidance on how to control infection through a set of standard protocols.
A substance given in order to promote immunity to a disease/virus.
A method of birth in which a suction device is placed on the foetal head to help with delivery.
A person who does not eat or use animal products.
A person who does not eat meat, fish, or poultry.
An infectious process passed from a woman to the infant during the childbirth process.
Transition of the infant from dependence on breastmilk to other sources of nutrition.
A woman who feeds another woman’s child at her breast.
A protein in milk.
A document produced to "improve, through optimal feeding, the nutritional status, growth and
development, health, and thus the very survival of infants and young children." WHO, UNICEF published
English Word Translated Word
Active listening Actief luisteren

Advocate Pleitbezorger
Allergen Allergeen
Alveolus Melkalveolus
Anaemia Bloedarmoede/ Anaemie
Anesthesia Narcose
Ankyloglossia “tongue-tie” Ankyloglossie/ te korte tongriem
Antenatal Prenataal
Antibody Antilichaam
Anticipatory guidance Anticiperende begeleiding
Antigen Antigeen
Antioxidants Antioxidanten
Areola Tepelhof
Artificial baby/infant milk Kunstvoeding
Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Geassisteerde voortplantingstechnieken
Axilla Oksel
Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI)

Bariatric surgery Bariatrische chirurgie

Bioavailable Biologische beschikbaarheid

Blood glucose Bloedsuiker

Body Mass Index (BMI) Body Mass Index (BMI)
Bonding Hechten
Breast abscess Borst abces
Breast cancer Borstkanker
Breast compression Borstcompressie
Breast pump Kolfapparaat
Breast shells Tepelvormers
Breastfeeding Borstvoeding
Breastmilk substitutes Vervangingsmiddelen voor moedermelk
Canalisation Kanalisatie
Candida Candida
Casein Casëine
Celiac disease Coeliakie
Cesarean section Keizersnede
Child-feeding Kindervoeding
Cleft lip Lip schisis
Cleft palate Palatoschisis
Clinical Competencies for the Practice of Beroepsprofiel Lactatiekundige IBCLC
Code of Professional Conduct (IBLCE) Gedragscode voor IBCLC's (IBLCE)

Colic Darmkrampen
Colostrum Colostrum
Complementary food Aanvullende voeding
Complementary/alternative therapies Complementaire / alternatieve therapieën
Congenital infection, malformation Congenitale infectie, afwijking
Conjunctivitis Conjunctivitis
Contraception Anticonceptie
Creamatocrit Moedermelkvet analysator
Credential Getuigschrift
Cross-nursing, wet nursing Zogen van andermans kind
Cystic fibrosis Taaislijmziekte
Dancer hand position Houding met ondersteuning van de kin door de
Detailed Content Outline (IBLCE) Gedetailleerd overzicht van onderwerpen (IBLCE)

Diarrhoea Diarree
Donor milk Donormelk
Down Syndrome Syndroom van Down
Ductules Ductuli / gangetjes
Dummy/pacifier/teat Fopspeen
Dyad Dyade / koppel
Dysphoric milk ejection reflex Dysforische toeschietreflex
Eczema Eczeem
Engorgement Stuwing
Epidural anesthesia Periduraal anaesthesie
Erythematous Erythemateus
Ethnicity Etniciteit
Evidence-based care Evidence based practice
Exclusive breastfeeding Exclusieve borstvoeding
Exogenous Exogeen
Expressed breastmilk Afgekolfde moedermelk
Failure to thrive Failure to thrive / Groeiachterstand
Family-centered care Gezinsgerichte zorg
Fibrocystic disease Fibrocysteuze aandoening
Flange Borstschild
Foremilk Voormelk
Foremilk-hindmilk imbalance Disbalans voor- en achtermelk

Formula Kunstvoeding / flesvoeding

Frenulum Tongriem /Frenulum
Full-term milk Moedermelk van een voldragen baby
Galactagogue Galactogoog
Galactagogues Galactogogen
Galactocele Galactocele
Galactopoiesis Galactogenese
Galactose Galactose
Galactosemia Galactosemie
Gastroenteritis Gastro-enteritis
Gavage feeding Sondevoeding
Gender identity Genderidentiteit
Geopolitical Geopolitiek
Gestational age Zwangerschapsduur
Gestational diabetes Zwangerschap diabetes
Gripe water Middel tegen darmkrampjes
Half-life Halfwaardetijd
Hindmilk Achtermelk

Homeostasis Homeostase
Hormone Hormoon
Human lactation Menselijke lactatie
Human milk Moedermelk
Human milk bank Moedermelkbank
Human milk fortifiers Moedermelkversterker / Breast milk fortifier
Hyperalimentation Hyperalimentatie
Hyperbilirubinemia Hyperbilirubinemie
Hyperprolactinemia Hyperprolactinemie
Hypoallergenic formula Hypoallergene kunstvoeding / flesvoeding
Hypoglycemia Hypoglycemie
Hypothermia Hypothermie
IBCLC certificants IBCLC-gecertificeerd lactatiekundigen
Immunoglobulin Immunoglobine
Induced lactation Geïnduceerde lactatie
International Board of Lactation Consultant International Board of Laction Consultant
Examiners (IBLCE) Examiners (IBLCE)
Inverted nipple Ingetrokken tepel
Involution Involutie
Jaundice Geelzucht
Kosher food Koshere voeding
Lactase Lactase
Lactation Lactatie
Lactation Amenorrhea Method (LAM) Lactatie Amenorroe Methode (LAM)
Lactation, induced Lactatie, geïnduceerde
Lactiferous ducts Melkgangen
Lactobacillus bifidus Lactobacillus bifidus
Lactoferrin Lactoferrine
Lactogenesis Lactogenese
Lactose Lactose
Lactose intolerance Lactose intolerantie
Large for gestational age (LGA) Macrosomie
Latch Aanleggen
Late preterm infant Laat prematuur kind
lip/tongue tie release Klieven van tongriem / lipbandje
Lipid solubility Oplosbaarheid in lipiden
Low birth weight Lage geboortegewicht
Macrosomia Macrosomie
Mammary duct ectasia Melkkanaal verwijding
Mammary gland Borst
Mammography Mammografie
Mastitis Borstontsteking / mastitis
Mature milk Rijpe moedermelk
Menstrual periods, menstruation Ongesteldheid, Menstruatie

Midwife Verloskundige
Milk ejection reflex (MER), “let down” Toeschietreflex
Milk expression Afkolven van melk
Milk transfer Overdracht van melk
Multigravida Multigravida
Multiparous Multipara
Nappies, “diapers” Luiers
Necrotizing enterocolitis Necrotiserende enterocolitis
Neonatal Neonataal
NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) Neonatale Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
Nipple bleb/milk blister Tepelblaar / Melkblaar
Nipple shield Tepelhoedje
Non-nutritive sucking Sabbelen
Obstetrician Obstetricus
Oedematous Oedeem
Oestrogen Oestrogene
Oligosaccharide Oligosaccharide
Over-supply Overvloedige melkproductie / Hyperlactatie
Oxytocin Oxytocine

Pacing, pace feeding Temporiseren, Temporiseren van de voeding

Palate, hard, soft Palatum, harde, zachte
Parenteral Parenterale
Parity Pariteit
Pasteurization Pasteurisatie
Pathogen Pathogeen
Pathologic Pathologisch
Peer-reviewed Peer-reviewed

Penicillin Penicilline
Peripartum mood disorder Peripartum psychische stoornis
Pertussis Kinkhoest
Phenylketonuria Fenylketonurie
Placenta Placenta

Polycythaemia Polycytemie
Postpartum Kraambed
Postpartum depression (PPD) Postpartum depressie
Postpartum hemorrhage Haemorrhagia postpartum
Preconception Preconceptie
Preeclampsia Preëclampsie
Preemie Prematuurtje
Premature infant Prematuur kindje
Prenatal Prenataal
Primigravida Primigravida
Primiparous Primipara
Progesterone Progesteron
Prolactin Prolactine
Prospective cohort study Prospectief cohortonderzoek
Psychosocial Psychosociaal
Race Ras
Raynaud's phenomenon Fenomeen van Raynaud
Reflux Reflux
Re-lactation Relactatie
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) Respiratoir syncytieel virus (RSV)
Reverse pressure softening Reverse pressure softening
Rickets Rachitis
Rooting Zoekreflex
Rotavirus Rotavirus
Sanctioned Een sanctie opleggen / straffen
Scope of Practice (IBLCE) Praktijkkader voor international gecertificeerde
lactatiekundigen IBCLC (IBLCE)
Secretory immunoglobin A (sIgA) Secretoire immunoglobine A (sIgA)
Sheehan’s syndrome Syndroom van Sheehan
Skin-to-skin, “Kangaroo care” Huid-op-huid contact, kangoeroeën
Small for gestational age (SGA) Small for Gestational Age (SGA)/ Laag
Social services Maatschappelijke dienstverlening
Social support Sociale hulp
Solid foods Vaste voeding
Staphylococcus aureus Stafylococcus aureus
Streptococcal Streptokokken
Striae- “stretch marks” Zwangerschapsstriemen
Sucking, nutritive Zuigen, nutritief
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) Wiegendood
Supplemental nursing system (SNS) Borstvoedingshulpset
Supplementation, supplementary feeds Bijvoeding, Aanvullende voedingen
Suppress lactation Lactatie remmen
Switch nursing Wisselvoeden
Tandem nursing Tandemvoeden
Teething Tandjes krijgen
Thyroid Schildklier
Torticollis Torticollis / Gedraaide nek
Transitional milk Overgangsmelk
Type 1 Diabetes Diabetes Type 1
Type 2 Diabetes Diabetes Type 2
Universal precautions WIP-Richtlijnen (Werkgroep Infectie Preventie)
Vaccine/Immunization Vaccinaties / immunisaties
Vacuum extraction Vacuumextractie
Vegan Veganist
Vegetarian Vegatariër
Vertical transmission Verticale transmissie
Weaning Spenen
Wet nurse Min / zoogvrouw
Whey Melkwei
World Health Organization Global Strategy De mondiale strategie voor zuigelingen en
for Infant and Young Child Feeding kindervoeding van de
Communication technique with the listener concentrating on what is being said and then paraphrasing and repeating
confirm understanding.
A person who supports a particular policy or person.
A substance that causes an allergic response.
A small sac in the mammary gland where milk is secreted and stored.
A decrease of red blood cells in the blood.
Use of medicine to prevent the feeling of pain or another sensation during surgery or other procedures that might be
The presence of a lingual frenulum that changes the appearance or function of the infant’s tongue.
Referring to the period of time from human conception to the beginning of the labor process.
A protein formed by the body after exposure to harmful substances. Part of the human immune response.
A proactive counseling technique that focuses on potential outcomes.
A substance that stimulates antibody production.
A molecule that inhibits the oxidation of other molecules which may prevent or delay some types of cell damage.
Pigmented skin surrounding the nipple
Manufactured nutrition designed for feeding to infants/children.
Use of any artificial means in which to conceive.
The space under the shoulder, underarm area.
A global program launched by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNI
and recognize hospitals and birthing centers that offer an optimal level of care for infant feeding and mother/baby bon
Surgery performed to assist with weight loss in patients who are obese. Usually involves reduction in size of the stom
The ease at which a nutrient/medication is absorbed and used by the body. Blocked duct “plugged milk duct” A cond
Sugar that comes from food intake that the bloodstream carries to all the cells in the body to supply energy.
A measure of body fat based on weight in relation to height.
A close relationship between two or more people.
An infection involving a localized area of the breast.
Cells in the breast which grow out of control and may form a tumor.
A gentle massage of the breast to encourage milk flow.
A mechanical device used to extract breastmilk from a breast.
A plastic device placed over the nipple area to both protect painful nipples and encourage nipple eversion.
The direct act of feeding a newborn/child with milk from the breast.
Any substance used for infant/child nutrition where breastmilk would normally be recommended.
The formation of canals or channels in a tissue.
A type of fungal infection.
A phosphoprotein which is the principle protein in milk.
An immune reaction of the digestive system that damages the small intestine and interferes with the absorption of nu
The delivery of a baby through a surgical incision in the mother's abdomen and uterus.
The act of providing nourishment to an infant or child.
A congenital split in the upper lip on one or both sides of the center.
A congenital split in the roof of the mouth.
The responsibilities/activities that are part of the IBCLC practice.
An IBCLE document which informs both IBCLCs and the public of the minimum standards of acceptable conduct, e
expected of all holders of the IBCLC credential, provides IBCLCs with a framework for carrying out their essential d
decisions regarding alleged misconduct.
A condition of a newborn with crying for long periods of time with no apparent reason.
The first breast milk that is produced, distinguished from mature milk.
Food offered along with breast milk.
Therapies considered non-traditional or outside of convention that may or may not be used together with conventiona
An infection or malformation that was acquired during fetal development.
Inflammation of the eye.
Methods used to prevent pregnancy.
Machine used to determine the fat content of breastmilk.
a document proving a person's qualifications to perform.
Breastfeeding an infant that is not one’s own.
An inherited disease that causes fibrous scar tissues in the lungs, digestive system, sweat glands.
Technique for giving cheeks/jaw support to a hypotonic nursing infant.

A list of disciplines in which IBCLC certificants are expected to have detailed knowledge.

A pathologic condition involving frequent watery stools.

Breastmilk offered/donated to another for their use.
A chromosomal disorder causing developmental delays and other health problems.
Small ducts in the mammary glands.
An artificial nipple used for the infant to suck on.
Addressing the Mother and the Baby as one unit.
The experience of negative emotions immediately preceding the milk ejection reflex.
Inflammation of the skin with redness, itching and oozing which can crust or harden. Empowerment - Process of bec
A swelling of the breast due to an increase in blood and lymph supply.
Medicine is injected through catheter into the epidural space of the spinal canal to block pain in a region of the body.
A descriptor used for a reddened area of the body.
A social group that has common national or cultural traditions.
Making use of the current best evidence to assess, evaluate and plan.
The act of feeding breastmilk only.
Coming from outside the body.
Breastmilk that is expressed to be used at some other time.
A condition where an infant/child has insufficient growth including weight loss, or is not gaining appropriately.
Care this is focused not solely on individual members of the family group, but treating each as an integral part of clie
A non-pathologic condition of the breast where the breasts have a "lumpy" texture.
A part of a breast pump that sits on the breast/nipple.
The lower fat breastmilk obtained at the start of a feeding.
A condition where there is an over-supply of foremilk in which the infant becomes full on the lower fat/higher lactos
access and ingest the higher fat content milk at the end of a feeding.
Manufactured food designed and marketed for feeding to babies. Frenotomy,
A band of tissue that supports/restricts the movement of the tissue it is attached to.
Milk which is produced at full term gestation, that is suitable in nutrients for a full-term baby.
A substance that is used to encourage milk production i.e. herbs, foods.
A substance used to help increase breastmilk production in nursing mothers.
A benign cyst located in the mammary glands, usually containing milk.
The process by which the breastmilk supply is maintained by the body.
A simple sugar found in breastmilk.
A condition in which a newborn is unable to completely digest the sugar galactose in breastmilk.
Inflammation of the stomach and intestines.
A way to provide breastmilk directly to a baby's stomach through tube placed through the nose
The self-identification of gender: male, female or non-binary, regardless of biological sex characteristics.
Politics as it relates to particular geographical areas.
A measure of length of a pregnancy which starts from the last menstrual period (LMP)
A condition develops during pregnancy that causes elevated glucose levels.
Complimentary therapy used to treat the symptoms of colic.
Period of time required for the concentration or amount of drug in the body to be reduced by one-half
The milk towards the end of a feeding which is typically higher in fat content. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV
Any self-regulating process by which biological systems maintain stability while adjusting to conditions that are opti
A chemical messenger that is produced and released by the endocrine system.
The process by which milk is produced within the body as well as the time in which a human lactates.
The milk produced by a human.
A facility that collects and processes breastmilk for distribution.
Substance added to breastmilk to enhance the nutrients.

Feeding a newborn intravenously.

A condition of excess bilirubin in the blood.
An excess of prolactin in the body.
An infant formula that is less likely to cause an allergic reaction compared to others.
A condition that occurs when blood sugar (also called blood glucose) levels are too low.
An abnormal decrease in body temperature.
Those who maintain an active IBCLC certificate.
Also known as antibodies, see antibody.
The process of stimulating the mammary glands to produce milk when a person has not had the benefits of the hormo
Independent international certification body conferring IBCLC credential.

A condition in which the nipple is retracted both at rest and when stimulated.
The return of mammary glands or uterus to a state before pregnancy and lactation
A medical condition with yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes, arising from excess of the pigment bilirubin in
Food prepared in accordance with Jewish Dietary Laws.
Enzyme the body secretes to convert lactose in breastmilk to a usable sugar.
The process of producing milk and feeding that milk to a child.
A natural birth control method that relies on exclusively breastfeeding for up to six months postpartum.
The process of stimulating the mammary glands to produce milk, without having been pregnant.
Ducts that converge and form a branched system connecting the nipple to the lobules of the mammary gland.
Primary healthy bacteria in the breastfed child’s gastrointestinal tract.
A protein that binds with iron in the gut.
The initiation of milk production in the body.
The main carbohydrate in human milk.
The inability to digest milk sugar, leading to gastrointestinal upset.
A baby with a weight larger than the 90th percentile at birth.
Attachment of the baby’s mouth to the breast.
An infant born between 34-37 weeks gestation.
A simple incision or snipping of the frenulum
The ability of a substance to dissolve in lipids, fats, or oils.
An infant who weighs less than 2500 grams at birth.
A newborn who's significantly larger than average, often specified as greater than 4000 grams.
A benign condition in which a milk duct becomes enlarged and fills with fluid, usually found in perimenopausal wom
Radiography used to image breast tissue.
A painful inflammation of breast tissue.
The milk produced after colostrum stops, containing a different balance of nutrients.
The process in which a woman discharges blood and other materials from the lining of the uterus at intervals of abou
puberty until menopause, except during pregnancy.
A person trained to assist women in childbirth.
A normal reflex in a lactating woman elicited by tactile stimulation of the nipple, resulting in release of milk from the
Use of rhythmic compression of the breast to release milk.
The movement of milk from mother to baby.
A women who has been pregnant more than once.
Having given birth to more than one full term infant.
Cloth or paper material used to wrap around an infant’s genitals and bottom to absorb stool and urine.
Inflammation of the intestinal tract causing tissue to die.
Newborn status from birth to 28 days of life.
Special care unit in a hospital for ill infants.
A small benign cyst clogging an opening on the nipple.
A plastic/silicone device placed over the nipple during breastfeeding to assist with latch.
The act of sucking that does not involve transfer of milk, such as sucking on a teat.
A doctor who specializes in pregnancy, childbirth, and a woman's reproductive system.
A descriptor used for a swollen area of the body.
The primary female sex hormone responsible for development and regulation of the female reproductive system.
A carbohydrate in breastmilk.
A condition occurring when a woman is producing more milk than her infant needs.
A hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland that acts on organs in the body (including the breast and uterus) a
in the brain, controlling key aspects of the reproductive system, including childbirth and lactation, and aspects of hum
Controlled feeding method involving removing the nipple from the infant to allow for rest and breathing breaks.
The upper part of the mouth that the tongue can press up against, the soft palate occurring toward the back of the mo
Feeding through an intravenous tube bypassing the usual process of eating and digestion.
The number of times a female has carried pregnancies to a viable gestational age.
The process of heating a substance so that harmful substances are eliminated.
A substance able to cause an illness.
A condition caused by a disease process.
The process of subjecting an author's scholarly work, research, or ideas to the scrutiny of others who are experts in th
and scientific accuracy.
An antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections.
Emotional and/or mental disorder during pregnancy and after birth comprising a variety of diagnoses.
An infection of the respiratory system leading to a severe cough caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. Also c
A genetic condition that causes an amino acid called phenylalanine to build up in the body.
An organ that develops during pregnancy which attaches to the mother’s uterus, connects to the fetus by the umbilica
and oxygen to the fetus.
A state in which the volume of red blood cells is abnormally elevated.
The period beginning immediately after the birth of a child and extending for approximately six weeks.
Depression that occurs after a woman has given birth. It may appear as much as twelve months after birth.
Excessive bleeding after childbirth.
Occurring before conception of a fetus.
A condition in pregnancy where the patient develops high blood pressure. swelling, and protein in the urine.
A baby born prematurely.
An infant born before 37 weeks of age.
The time during pregnancy before birth.
A woman pregnant for the first time.
A woman who has given birth to one full term infant.
A hormone produced in the body that, among other things, helps develop the mammary glands.
A hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland that contributes to milk production.
A study that follows a group of similar individuals (cohorts) over time to compare outcomes.
Viewing both the psychological and social arenas together when assessing the human condition.
A group of people sharing a common ancestry, traits and genes.
A syndrome in which there is severe constriction of blood flow to the nipples.
A condition in which stomach contents back up in to the esophagus causing pain.
The process of resuming breastfeeding after a period of no breastfeeding or very little breastfeeding.
A severe respiratory illness particularly harmful to infants.
A technique used to soften the areola, by reducing oedema.
A disease process related to lack of vitamin D intake.
An infant reflex where the infant searches for the nipple and makes a sucking movement when the face or lips are str
A virus that causes a severe gastrointestinal illness.
To impose a penalty upon.
A document listing the activities for which IBCLC certificants are educated and in which they are authorised to enga

The most important immunoglobulin in milk, not only in concentration but also in biologic activity.
A condition where the pituitary gland and its function is adversely impacted by blood loss and hypovolemic shock du
Type of care in which an infant is placed prone, on an adult’s bare chest, to encourage well-being and stability.
A baby with a weight smaller than the 10th percentile at birth.

A variety of agencies that assist its members on a community/local level.

A situation in which a person has a network of helpful people and organisations close by.
Any solid substance (as opposed to liquid) that is used as a source of nourishment.
A bacteria can cause a variety of infections.
Any type of infection caused by the streptococcus group of bacteria.
Areas of the skin which have been over distended causing visible markings.
The process where a child transfers milk while sucking.
The sudden unexplained death of an infant.
A liquid nutrition delivery system using tubing enabling feeding at the breast.
The method of giving additional fluids to a breastfed baby.
The use of interventions to prevent or decrease milk production.
A system of nursing to promote increased milk supply, in which the child is frequently switched from one breast to a
The condition in which two or more siblings of differing ages, nurse at the same time.
A state of being when an infant’s teeth start to appear, often causing discomfort.
A gland which produces hormones that regulate the body’s metabolism.
A condition in which the infant’s neck is persistently turned to one side which may cause breastfeeding challenges.
The milk produced when colostrum is changing into mature milk.
Disease where immune system attacks and destroys insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas leaving the body is u
A condition where the body does not use insulin properly.
Guidance on how to control infection through a set of standard protocols.
A substance given in order to promote immunity to a disease/virus.
A method of birth in which a suction device is placed on the foetal head to help with delivery.
A person who does not eat or use animal products.
A person who does not eat meat, fish, or poultry.
An infectious process passed from a woman to the infant during the childbirth process.
Transition of the infant from dependence on breastmilk to other sources of nutrition.
A woman who feeds another woman’s child at her breast.
A protein in milk.
A document produced to "improve, through optimal feeding, the nutritional status, growth and development, health,
infants and young children." WHO, UNICEF published 2003.
English Word Translated Word
Active listening
écoute active
Advocate défenseur
Allergen allergène
Alveolus alvéole
Anaemia anémie
Anesthesia anesthésie
Ankyloglossia “tongue-tie” ankyloglossie (frein de langue court)
Antenatal prénatal
Antibody anticorps
Anticipatory guidance conseil préventif
Antigen antigène
Antioxidants antioxydant
Areola aréole
Artificial baby/infant milk lait artificiel pour bébé/nourrisson
Assisted Reproductive Technology technologie de reproduction assistée
Axilla aisselle

Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative

Initiative Hôpitaux amis des bébés
Bariatric surgery
chirurgie bariatrique
Bioavailable biodisponible
Blocked duct “plugged milk duct” canal lactifère bloqué
Blood glucose glucose sanguin
Body Mass Index (BMI) indice de masse corporelle (IMC)
Bonding attachement
Breast abscess abcès
Breast cancer cancer du sein
Breast compression compression du sein
Breast pump tire-lait
Breast shells boucliers
Breastfeeding allaitement
Breastmilk substitutes substitut du lait maternel
Canalisation formation de canaux
Candida Candida
Casein caséine
Celiac disease
maladie cœliaque
Cesarean section césarienne
Child-feeding alimentation de l'enfant
Cleft lip fente labiale
Cleft palate fente palatine
Clinical Competencies for the Practice Compétences cliniques pour la pratique

Code of Professional Conduct (IBLCE)

Code de déontologie (IBLCE)
Colic colique
Colostrum colostrum
Complementary food aliment complémentaire
Complementary/alternative therapies
thérapies complémentaires/parallèles
Congenital infection, malformation infection, malformation congénitale
Conjunctivitis conjonctivite
Contraception contraception
Creamatocrit Creamatocrit
Credential titre de compétence
Cross-nursing, wet nursing allaitement partagé
Cystic fibrosis fibrose kystique
Dancer hand position position de la main en « DanCer »
Detailed Content Outline (IBLCE) Sommaire détaillé du contenu (IBLCE)
Diarrhoea diarrhée
Donor milk don de lait
Down Syndrome syndrome de Down
Ductules canalicules
Dummy/pacifier/teat sucette/suce/tétine
Dyad dyade
Dysphoric milk ejection reflex réflexion d'éjection du lait dysphorique
Eczema eczéma
Empowerment autonomisation
Engorgement engorgement
Epidural anesthesia anesthésie péridurale
Erythematous érythémateux
Ethnicity ethnie
Evidence-based care soin fondé sur des données probantes
Exclusive breastfeeding allaitement exclusif
Exogenous exogène
Expressed breastmilk lait exprimé
Failure to thrive retard de croissance
Family-centered care soins axés sur la famille
Fibrocystic disease maladie fibrokystique
Flange coupole
Foremilk lait de début de tétée
Foremilk-hindmilk imbalance déséquilibre entre le lait de début de
tétée et le lait de fin de tétée
Formula préparation lactée
Frenotomy frénotomie
Frenulum frein
Full-term milk lait pour bébé à terme
Galactagogue galactagogue
Galactagogues galactagogues
Galactocele galactocèle
Galactopoiesis galactopoïèse
Galactose galactose
Galactosemia galactosémie
Gastroenteritis gastroentérite
Gavage feeding alimentation par gavage
Gender identity identité de genre
Geopolitical géopolitique
Gestational age âge gestationnel
Gestational diabetes diabète de grossesse
Gripe water eau anticolique
Half-life demi-vie
Hindmilk lait de fin de tétée
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) virus de l'immunodéficience humaine
Hormone hormone
Human lactation allaitement maternel
Human milk lait maternel
Human milk bank banque de lait maternel
Human milk fortifiers fortifiants du lait maternel
Hyperalimentation hyperalimentation
Hyperbilirubinemia hyperbilirubinémie
Hyperprolactinemia hyperprolactinémie
Hypoallergenic formula préparation lactée hypoallergénique
Hypoglycemia hypoglycémie
Hypothermia hypothermie
IBCLC certificants IBCLC certifiés
Immunoglobulin immunoglobuline
Induced lactation
lactation provoquée
International Board of Lactation Comité international de certification des
Consultant Examiners (IBLCE) consultant(e)s en lactation (IBLCE)
Inverted nipple mamelon invaginé
Involution involution
Jaundice ictère
Kosher food aliment kasher
Lactase lactase
Lactation lactation
Lactation Amenorrhea Method (LAM) méthode de l’allaitement maternel et de
l’aménorrhée (MAMA)
Lactation, induced lactation, provoquée
Lactiferous ducts canaux lactifères
Lactobacillus bifidus Lactobacillus bifidus
Lactoferrin lactoferrine
Lactogenesis lactogenèse
Lactose lactose
Lactose intolerance intolérance au lactose
Large for gestational age (LGA) gros par rapport à l'âge gestationnel
Latch prise du sein
Late preterm infant bébé peu prématuré
lip/tongue tie release frénotomie
Lipid solubility liposolubilité
Low birth weight faible poids à la naissance
Macrosomia macrosomie
Mammary duct ectasia ectasie des canaux lactifères
Mammary gland glande mammaire
Mammography mammographie
Mastitis mastite
Mature milk lait mature
Menstrual periods, menstruation
cycle menstruel, menstruations
Midwife sage-femme
Milk ejection reflex (MER), “let down”
réflexion d'éjection du lait
Milk expression expression du lait
Milk transfer transfert du lait
Multigravida multigravide
Multiparous multipare
Nappies, “diapers” couches
Necrotizing enterocolitis entérocolite nécrosante néonatale
Neonatal néonatal
NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) unité de soins intensifs néonatals
Nipple bleb/milk blister ampoule de lait
Nipple shield téterelle
Non-nutritive sucking succion non nutritive
Obstetrician obstétricien
Oedematous œdème
Oestrogen œstrogène
Oligosaccharide oligosaccharide
Over-supply surproduction

Pacing, pace feeding
Palate, hard, soft palais dur, mou
Parenteral parentéral
Parity parité
Pasteurization pasteurisation
Pathogen pathogène
Pathologic pathologique
évalué par les pairs
Penicillin pénicilline
Peripartum mood disorder
Phenylketonuria phénylcétonurie
Polycythaemia polyglobulie
Postpartum post-natal
Postpartum depression (PPD) dépression post-partum
Postpartum hemorrhage hémorragie post-partum
Preconception avant la grossesse
Preeclampsia prééclampsie
Preemie prématuré
Premature infant bébé prématuré
Prenatal prénatal
Primigravida primigeste
Primiparous primipare
Progesterone progestérone
Prolactin prolactine
Prospective cohort study étude de cohorte prospective
Psychosocial psychosocial
Race race
Raynaud's phenomenon phénomène de Raynaud
Reflux reflux
Re-lactation relactation
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) virus respiratoire syncytial (VRS)
Reverse pressure softening assouplissement par contre-pression
Rickets rachitisme
Rooting fouissement
Rotavirus rotavirus
Sanctioned sanctionné
Scope of Practice (IBLCE) Cadre de pratique (IBCLC)
Secretory immunoglobin A (sIgA) immunoglobuline sécrétoire (IgAs)
Sheehan’s syndrome
syndrome de Sheehan
Skin-to-skin, “Kangaroo care” peau à peau, « soins kangourou »
Small for gestational age (SGA) petit par rapport à l'âge gestationnel
Social services services sociaux
Social support soutien social
Solid foods aliment solide
Staphylococcus aureus Staphylococcus aureus
Streptococcal streptococcique
Striae- “stretch marks” vergetures
Sucking, nutritive tétée, nutritive
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) syndrome de mort subite du nourrisson
Supplemental nursing system (SNS) dispositif d'aide à l'allaitement (DAL)
Supplementation, supplementary feeds
supplémentation, suppléments
Suppress lactation suppression de la lactation
Switch nursing tétées alternées
Tandem nursing allaitement en tandem
Teething poussée dentaire
Thyroid thyroïde
Torticollis torticolis
Transitional milk lait de transition
Type 1 Diabetes
diabète de type 1
Type 2 Diabetes diabète de type 2
Universal precautions précautions universelles
Vaccine/Immunization vaccin/vaccination
Vacuum extraction accouchement assisté par ventouse
Vegan végétalien
Vegetarian végétarien
Vertical transmission transmission verticale
Weaning sevrage
Wet nurse nourrice
Whey lactosérum
World Health Organization Global
Strategy for Infant and Young Child Stratégie mondiale pour l’alimentation
Feeding du nourrisson et du jeune enfant
Communication technique with the listener concentrating on what is being said and then paraphrasing and repeating
the sender to confirm understanding.
A person who supports a particular policy or person.
A substance that causes an allergic response.
A small sac in the mammary gland where milk is secreted and stored.
A decrease of red blood cells in the blood.
Use of medicine to prevent the feeling of pain or another sensation during surgery or other procedures that might be
The presence of a lingual frenulum that changes the appearance or function of the infant’s tongue.
Referring to the period of time from human conception to the beginning of the labor process.
A protein formed by the body after exposure to harmful substances. Part of the human immune response.
A proactive counseling technique that focuses on potential outcomes.
A substance that stimulates antibody production.
A molecule that inhibits the oxidation of other molecules which may prevent or delay some types of cell damage.
Pigmented skin surrounding the nipple
Manufactured nutrition designed for feeding to infants/children.

Use of any artificial means in which to conceive.

The space under the shoulder, underarm area.
A global program launched by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNI
1991 to encourage and recognize hospitals and birthing centers that offer an optimal level of care for infant feeding an
mother/baby bonding.
Surgery performed to assist with weight loss in patients who are obese. Usually involves reduction in size of the stom
other organs.
The ease at which a nutrient/medication is absorbed and used by the body.
A condition in which a milk duct is obstructed.
Sugar that comes from food intake that the bloodstream carries to all the cells in the body to supply energy.
A measure of body fat based on weight in relation to height.
A close relationship between two or more people.
An infection involving a localized area of the breast.
Cells in the breast which grow out of control and may form a tumor.
A gentle massage of the breast to encourage milk flow.
A mechanical device used to extract breastmilk from a breast.
A plastic device placed over the nipple area to both protect painful nipples and encourage nipple eversion.
The direct act of feeding a newborn/child with milk from the breast.
Any substance used for infant/child nutrition where breastmilk would normally be recommended.
The formation of canals or channels in a tissue.
A type of fungal infection.
A phosphoprotein which is the principle protein in milk.
An immune reaction of the digestive system that damages the small intestine and interferes with the absorption of nu
The delivery of a baby through a surgical incision in the mother's abdomen and uterus.
The act of providing nourishment to an infant or child.
A congenital split in the upper lip on one or both sides of the center.
A congenital split in the roof of the mouth.

The responsibilities/activities that are part of the IBCLC practice.

An IBCLE document which informs both IBCLCs and the public of the minimum standards of acceptable conduct, e
the commitment expected of all holders of the IBCLC credential, provides IBCLCs with a framework for carrying ou
essential duties, and serves as a basis for decisions regarding alleged misconduct.
A condition of a newborn with crying for long periods of time with no apparent reason.
The first breast milk that is produced, distinguished from mature milk.
Food offered along with breast milk.

Therapies considered non-traditional or outside of convention that may or may not be used together with conventiona
An infection or malformation that was acquired during fetal development.
Inflammation of the eye.
Methods used to prevent pregnancy.
Machine used to determine the fat content of breastmilk.
A document proving a person's qualifications to perform.
Breastfeeding an infant that is not one’s own.
An inherited disease that causes fibrous scar tissues in the lungs, digestive system, sweat glands.
Technique for giving cheeks/jaw support to a hypotonic nursing infant.
A list of disciplines in which IBCLC certificants are expected to have detailed knowledge.
A pathologic condition involving frequent watery stools.
Breastmilk offered/donated to another for their use.
A chromosomal disorder causing developmental delays and other health problems.
Small ducts in the mammary glands.
An artificial nipple used for the infant to suck on.
Addressing the Mother and the Baby as one unit.
The experience of negative emotions immediately preceding the milk ejection reflex.
Inflammation of the skin with redness, itching and oozing which can crust or harden.
Process of becoming self-actualized.
A swelling of the breast due to an increase in blood and lymph supply.
Medicine is injected through catheter into the epidural space of the spinal canal to block pain in a region of the body.
A descriptor used for a reddened area of the body.
A social group that has common national or cultural traditions.
Making use of the current best evidence to assess, evaluate and plan.
The act of feeding breastmilk only.
Coming from outside the body.
Breastmilk that is expressed to be used at some other time.
A condition where an infant/child has insufficient growth including weight loss, or is not gaining appropriately.
Care this is focused not solely on individual members of the family group, but treating each as an integral part of clie
A non-pathologic condition of the breast where the breasts have a "lumpy" texture.
A part of a breast pump that sits on the breast/nipple.
The lower fat breastmilk obtained at the start of a feeding.
A condition where there is an over-supply of foremilk in which the infant becomes full on the lower fat/higher lactos
milk, unable to access and ingest the higher fat content milk at the end of a feeding.
The food
procedure in designed
which and marketed
the lingual frenulumfor
is feeding
cut. It isto babies.
done when the frenulum seems unusually short or tight (ankl

A band of tissue that supports/restricts the movement of the tissue it is attached to.
Milk which is produced at full term gestation, that is suitable in nutrients for a full-term baby.
A substance that is used to encourage milk production i.e. herbs, foods.
A substance used to help increase breastmilk production in nursing mothers.
A benign cyst located in the mammary glands, usually containing milk.
The process by which the breastmilk supply is maintained by the body.
A simple sugar found in breastmilk.
A condition in which a newborn is unable to completely digest the sugar galactose in breastmilk.
Inflammation of the stomach and intestines.
A way to provide breastmilk directly to a baby's stomach through tube placed through the nose
The self-identification of gender: male, female or non-binary, regardless of biological sex characteristics.
Politics as it relates to particular geographical areas.
A measure of length of a pregnancy which starts from the last menstrual period (LMP)
A condition develops during pregnancy that causes elevated glucose levels.
Complimentary therapy used to treat the symptoms of colic.
Period of time required for the concentration or amount of drug in the body to be reduced by one-half
The milk towards the end of a feeding which is typically higher in fat content.
Any self-regulating process by which biological systems maintain stability while adjusting to conditions that are opti

A retrovirus that causes HIV infection.

A chemical messenger that is produced and released by the endocrine system.
The process by which milk is produced within the body as well as the time in which a human lactates.
The milk produced by a human.
A facility that collects and processes breastmilk for distribution.
Substance added to breastmilk to enhance the nutrients.
Feeding a newborn intravenously.
A condition of excess bilirubin in the blood.
An excess of prolactin in the body.
An infant formula that is less likely to cause an allergic reaction compared to others.
A condition that occurs when blood sugar (also called blood glucose) levels are too low.
An abnormal decrease in body temperature.
Those who maintain an active IBCLC certificate.
Also known as antibodies, see antibody.
The process of stimulating the mammary glands to produce milk when a person has not had the benefits of the hormo

Independent international certification body conferring IBCLC credential.

A condition in which the nipple is retracted both at rest and when stimulated.
The return of mammary glands or uterus to a state before pregnancy and lactation
A medical condition with yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes, arising from excess of the pigment bilirubin in
Food prepared in accordance with Jewish Dietary Laws.
Enzyme the body secretes to convert lactose in breastmilk to a usable sugar.
The process of producing milk and feeding that milk to a child.

A natural birth control method that relies on exclusively breastfeeding for up to six months postpartum.
The process of stimulating the mammary glands to produce milk, without having been pregnant.
Ducts that converge and form a branched system connecting the nipple to the lobules of the mammary gland.
Primary healthy bacteria in the breastfed child’s gastrointestinal tract.
A protein that binds with iron in the gut.
The initiation of milk production in the body.
The main carbohydrate in human milk.
The inability to digest milk sugar, leading to gastrointestinal upset.

A baby with a weight larger than the 90th percentile at birth.

Attachment of the baby’s mouth to the breast.
An infant born between 34-37 weeks gestation.
A simple incision or snipping of the frenulum
The ability of a substance to dissolve in lipids, fats, or oils.
An infant who weighs less than 2500 grams at birth.
A newborn who's significantly larger than average, often specified as greater than 4000 grams.
A benign condition in which a milk duct becomes enlarged and fills with fluid, usually found in perimenopausal wom
Radiography used to image breast tissue.
A painful inflammation of breast tissue.
The milk produced after colostrum stops, containing a different balance of nutrients.
The process in which a woman discharges blood and other materials from the lining of the uterus at intervals of abou
month from puberty until menopause, except during pregnancy.
A person trained to assist women in childbirth.
A normal reflex in a lactating woman elicited by tactile stimulation of the nipple, resulting in release of milk from the
the breast.
Use of rhythmic compression of the breast to release milk.
The movement of milk from mother to baby.
A women who has been pregnant more than once.
Having given birth to more than one full term infant.
Cloth or paper material used to wrap around an infant’s genitals and bottom to absorb stool and urine.
Inflammation of the intestinal tract causing tissue to die.
Newborn status from birth to 28 days of life.
Special care unit in a hospital for ill infants.
A small benign cyst clogging an opening on the nipple.
A plastic/silicone device placed over the nipple during breastfeeding to assist with latch.
The act of sucking that does not involve transfer of milk, such as sucking on a teat.
A doctor who specializes in pregnancy, childbirth, and a woman's reproductive system.
A descriptor used for a swollen area of the body.
The primary female sex hormone responsible for development and regulation of the female reproductive system.
A carbohydrate in breastmilk.
A condition occurring when a woman is producing more milk than her infant needs.
A hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland that acts on organs in the body (including the breast and uterus) a
chemical messenger in the brain, controlling key aspects of the reproductive system, including childbirth and lactation
aspects of human behaviour.
Controlled feeding method involving removing the nipple from the infant to allow for rest and breathing breaks.
The upper part of the mouth that the tongue can press up against, the soft palate occurring toward the back of the mo
Feeding through an intravenous tube bypassing the usual process of eating and digestion.
The number of times a female has carried pregnancies to a viable gestational age.
The process of heating a substance so that harmful substances are eliminated.
A substance able to cause an illness.
A condition caused by a disease process.
The process of subjecting an author's scholarly work, research, or ideas to the scrutiny of others who are experts in th
to assure quality and scientific accuracy.
An antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections.
Emotional and/or mental disorder during pregnancy and after birth comprising a variety of diagnoses.
An infection of the respiratory system leading to a severe cough caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. Also c
whooping cough.
A genetic condition that causes an amino acid called phenylalanine to build up in the body.
An organ that develops during pregnancy which attaches to the mother’s uterus, connects to the fetus by the umbilica
provides nutrients and oxygen to the fetus.
A state in which the volume of red blood cells is abnormally elevated.
The period beginning immediately after the birth of a child and extending for approximately six weeks.
Depression that occurs after a woman has given birth. It may appear as much as twelve months after birth.
Excessive bleeding after childbirth.
Occurring before conception of a fetus.
A condition in pregnancy where the patient develops high blood pressure. swelling, and protein in the urine.
A baby born prematurely.
An infant born before 37 weeks of age.
The time during pregnancy before birth.
A woman pregnant for the first time.
A woman who has given birth to one full term infant.
A hormone produced in the body that, among other things, helps develop the mammary glands.
A hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland that contributes to milk production.
A study that follows a group of similar individuals (cohorts) over time to compare outcomes.
Viewing both the psychological and social arenas together when assessing the human condition.
A group of people sharing a common ancestry, traits and genes.
A syndrome in which there is severe constriction of blood flow to the nipples.
A condition in which stomach contents back up in to the esophagus causing pain.
The process of resuming breastfeeding after a period of no breastfeeding or very little breastfeeding.
A severe respiratory illness particularly harmful to infants.
A technique used to soften the areola, by reducing oedema.
A disease process related to lack of vitamin D intake.
An infant reflex where the infant searches for the nipple and makes a sucking movement when the face or lips are str
A virus that causes a severe gastrointestinal illness.
To impose a penalty upon.
A document listing the activities for which IBCLC certificants are educated and in which they are authorised to enga
The most important immunoglobulin in milk, not only in concentration but also in biologic activity.
A condition where the pituitary gland and its function is adversely impacted by blood loss and hypovolemic shock du
Type of care in which an infant is placed prone, on an adult’s bare chest, to encourage well-being and stability.

A baby with a weight smaller than the 10th percentile at birth.

A variety of agencies that assist its members on a community/local level.
A situation in which a person has a network of helpful people and organisations close by.
Any solid substance (as opposed to liquid) that is used as a source of nourishment.
A bacteria can cause a variety of infections.
Any type of infection caused by the streptococcus group of bacteria.
Areas of the skin which have been over distended causing visible markings.
The process where a child transfers milk while sucking.

The sudden unexplained death of an infant.

A liquid nutrition delivery system using tubing enabling feeding at the breast.

The method of giving additional fluids to a breastfed baby.

The use of interventions to prevent or decrease milk production.
A system of nursing to promote increased milk supply, in which the child is frequently switched from one breast to a
The condition in which two or more siblings of differing ages, nurse at the same time.
A state of being when an infant’s teeth start to appear, often causing discomfort.
A gland which produces hormones that regulate the body’s metabolism.
A condition in which the infant’s neck is persistently turned to one side which may cause breastfeeding challenges.
The milk produced when colostrum is changing into mature milk.
Disease where immune system attacks and destroys insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas leaving the body is u
produce insulin.
A condition where the body does not use insulin properly.
Guidance on how to control infection through a set of standard protocols.
A substance given in order to promote immunity to a disease/virus.
A method of birth in which a suction device is placed on the foetal head to help with delivery.
A person who does not eat or use animal products.
A person who does not eat meat, fish, or poultry.
An infectious process passed from a woman to the infant during the childbirth process.
Transition of the infant from dependence on breastmilk to other sources of nutrition.
A woman who feeds another woman’s child at her breast.
A protein in milk.
A document produced to "improve, through optimal feeding, the nutritional status, growth and development, health,
the very survival of infants and young children." WHO, UNICEF published
glossia or "tongue-tie").
English Word Translated Word
Active listening aktives Zuhören

Advocate 1. Fürsprecher 2. Anwalt

Allergen Allergen
Alveolus Alveole
Anaemia Anämie
Anesthesia Anästhesie
Ankyloglossia “tongue-tie” Ankyloglossie
Antenatal pränatal
Antibody Antikörper
Anticipatory guidance vorausschauende Beratung
Antigen Antigen
Antioxidants Antioxidans
Areola Areola
Artificial baby/infant milk künstliche Säuglingsnahrung
Assisted Reproductive Assistierte
Technology (ART) Reproduktionstechniken /
künstliche Befruchtung
Axilla Achselhöhle
Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative Babyfreundliches
Initiative (BFHI) Krankenhaus
Bariatric surgery bariatische Operation
Bioavailable bioverfügbar
Blocked duct “plugged milk 1. verstopfter Milchgang 2.
duct” Milchstau
Blood glucose Blutzucker
Body Mass Index (BMI) Body Mass Index
Bonding Bonding
Breast abscess Brustabszess
Breast cancer Brustkrebs
Breast compression Brustkompression
Breast pump Brustpumpe / Milchpumpe
Breast shells 1. Brustwarzenschoner 2.
Breastfeeding stillen
Breastmilk substitutes Muttermilchersatzprodukt
Canalisation Fistelbildung
Candida Candidose
Casein Kasein
Celiac disease Zöliakie
Cesarean section 1. Sectio 2. Kaiserschnitt
Child-feeding füttern
Cleft lip Lippenspalte
Cleft palate Gaumenspalte
Clinical Competencies for klinische Kompetenzstandards
the Practice of IBCLCs für die Praxis für IBCLCs

Code of Professional Verhaltenskodex für IBCLCs

Conduct (IBLCE)

Colic Kolik
Colostrum Kolostrum
Complementary food Beikost
Complementary/alternative Komplementärmedizin /
therapies alternative Therapien
Congenital infection, kongenitale Infektion,
malformation Fehlbildung
Conjunctivitis Konjunktivitis
Contraception Empfängnisverhütung
Creamatocrit Krematokrit
Credential 1. Qualifikation 2.
Cross-nursing, wet nursing Ammenstillen
Cystic fibrosis Mukoviszidose
Dancer hand position Dancer-Hand-Position
Detailed Content Outline detaillierte Inhaltsübersicht
Diarrhoea Durchfall
Donor milk Spenderinnenmilch
Down Syndrome Down Syndrom / Trisomie 21
Ductules Milchgängchen
Dummy/pacifier/teat Beruhigungssauger / Schnuller
Dyad Dyade / Mutter-Kind- Paar
Dysphoric milk ejection dysphorischer
reflex Milchspendereflex
Eczema Ekzem
Engorgement Brustdrüsenschwellung
Epidural anesthesia Epiduralanästhesie
Erythematous erythematös
Ethnicity ethnische Zugehörigkeit
Evidence-based care evidenzbasierte Pflege
Exclusive breastfeeding ausschließliches Stillen
Exogenous exogen
Expressed breastmilk abgepumpte Muttermilch /
Failure to thrive Gedeihstörung
Family-centered care familienzentrierte Pflege
Fibrocystic disease fibrozystische Mastopathie
Flange Brusthaube
Foremilk Vordermilch
Foremilk-hindmilk Vordermilch-Hintermilch-
imbalance Ungleichgewicht
Formula künstliche Säuglingsnahrung
Frenotomy Frenotomie
Frenulum Frenulum
Full-term milk nach voll ausgetragener
Schwangerschaft gebildete
Galactagogue Glactogogum
Galactagogues Galactogoga
Galactocele Galaktozele
Galactopoiesis Galaktopoese
Galactose Galaktose
Galactosemia Galaktosämie
Gastroenteritis Gastroenteritis
Gavage feeding Sondenernährung
Gender identity Geschlechtsidentität
Geopolitical geopolitisch
Gestational age Gestationsalter
Gestational diabetes Gestationsdiabetes
Gripe water frei verkäufliches Mittel zur
Linderung von Koliken im
deutschsprachigen Raum nicht
Half-life Halbwertszeit
Hindmilk Hintermilch

Homeostasis Homöostase
Hormone Hormon
Human lactation Humanlaktation
Human milk Muttermich / Frauenmilch
Human milk bank 1. Frauenmilchbank 2.
Human milk fortifiers human milk fortifier
Hyperalimentation parenterale Ernährung
Hyperbilirubinemia Hyperbilirubinämie
Hyperprolactinemia Hyperprolaktinämie
Hypoallergenic formula hypoallergene
Hypoglycemia Hypoglykämie
Hypothermia Hypothermie
IBCLC certificants zertifizierte IBCLC
Immunoglobulin Immunglobulin
Induced lactation induzierte Laktation
International Board of International Board of
Lactation Consultant Lactation Consultant
Examiners (IBLCE) Examiners (IBLCE)
Inverted nipple 1. invertierte Brustwarze 2.
Involution Involution
Jaundice Gelbsucht
Kosher food koscheres Essen
Lactase Laktase
Lactation Laktation
Lactation Amenorrhea Laktationsamenorrhö-Methode
Method (LAM) (LAM)
Lactation, induced induzierte Laktation
Lactiferous ducts Milchgänge
Lactobacillus bifidus Lactobazillus bifidus
Lactoferrin Laktoferrin
Lactogenesis Laktogenese
Lactose Laktose
Lactose intolerance Laktoseintoleranz
Large for gestational age LGA (large for gestational
(LGA) age)
Latch Ansaugen
Late preterm infant spätes Frühgeborenes
lip/tongue tie release Frenulotomie
Lipid solubility Fettlöslichkeit
Low birth weight geringes Geburtsgewicht
Macrosomia Makrosomie
Mammary duct ectasia Milchgangsektasie
Mammary gland Brustdrüse
Mammography Mammographie
Mastitis 1. Mastitis 2. Brustentzündung
Mature milk reife Muttermilch
Menstrual periods, Menstruation
Midwife Hebamme
Milk ejection reflex (MER), Milchspendereflex
“let down”
Milk expression Milchgewinnung
Milk transfer Milchtransfer
Multigravida 1. Multigravida 2. Plurigravida
Multiparous Mehrgebärende
Nappies, “diapers” Windeln
Necrotizing enterocolitis nekrotisierende Enterokolitis
Neonatal neonatal
NICU (neonatal intensive Neugeborenenintensivstation
care unit)
Nipple bleb/milk blister Milchbläschen
Nipple shield Stillhütchen / Saughütchen
Non-nutritive sucking nonnutritives Saugen
Obstetrician Geburtshelfer
Oedematous ödematös
Oestrogen Östrogen
Oligosaccharide Oligosaccharid
Over-supply Überangebot / zuviel Milch
Oxytocin Oxytozin

Pacing, pace feeding

Palate, hard, soft Gaumen, hart, weich
Parenteral parenteral
Parity Parität
Pasteurization Pasteurisierung
Pathogen Pathogen
Pathologic pathologisch
Peer-reviewed peer-reviewed

Penicillin Penizillin
Peripartum mood disorder peripartale
Pertussis 1. Keuchhusten 2. Pertussis
Phenylketonuria Phenylketonurie
Placenta Plazenta

Polycythaemia Polyzythämie
Postpartum postpartum / postpartal
Postpartum depression postpartale Depression
Postpartum hemorrhage postpartale Blutung
Preconception präkonzeptionell
Preeclampsia Präeklampsie
Preemie Frühchen
Premature infant Frühgeborenes
Prenatal pränatal
Primigravida Esrtschwangere
Primiparous Erstgebärende
Progesterone Progesteron
Prolactin Prolaktin
Prospective cohort study prospektive Kohortenstudie
Psychosocial psychosozial
Race ethnische Zugehörigkeit, der
Begriff "Rasse" wird im
Deutschen nicht auf Menschen
Raynaud's phenomenon Raynaud Phänomen
Reflux Reflux
Re-lactation Relaktation
Respiratory syncytial virus Respiratorisches Synzytial-
(RSV) Virus (RSV)
Reverse pressure softening Reverse Pressure Softening
Rickets Rachitis
Rooting Suchreflex
Rotavirus Rotavirus
Sanctioned sanktioniert
Scope of Practice (IBLCE) Geltungsbereich für die Praxis
von durch das Internationale
Gremium zertifizierte Still-
und Laktationsberater/innen
Secretory immunoglobin A sekretorisches Immunglobulin
(sIgA) a (sIgA)
Sheehan’s syndrome Sheehan-Syndrom
Skin-to-skin, “Kangaroo Haut-zu-Haut-Kontakt,
care” "Känguru-Pflege"
Small for gestational age SGA (small for gestational
(SGA) age)
Social services soziale Dienste
Social support soziale Unterstützung
Solid foods feste Nahrung
Staphylococcus aureus Staphylococcus aureus
Streptococcal Streptokokken
Striae- “stretch marks” 1.Striae 2. Dehnungsstreifen
Sucking, nutritive nutritives Saugen
Sudden infant death Plötzlicher Kindstod (SIDS)
syndrome (SIDS)
Supplemental nursing system Brusternährungsset
Supplementation, Zufütterung
supplementary feeds
Suppress lactation die Laktation unterdrücken
Switch nursing Wechselstillen
Tandem nursing Tandemstillen
Teething Zahnen
Thyroid Schilddrüse
Torticollis Schiefhals
Transitional milk Übergangsmilch
Type 1 Diabetes Typ 1 Diabetes
Type 2 Diabetes Typ 2 Diabetes
Universal precautions generelle
Vaccine/Immunization Impfung
Vacuum extraction Saugglocke
Vegan Veganer
Vegetarian Vegetarier
Vertical transmission vertikale Transmission
Weaning Abstillen
Wet nurse Ammenstillen
Whey Molke
World Health Organization Weltgesundheitsorganisation:
Global Strategy for Infant Globale Strategie zur
and Young Child Feeding Säuglings- und
Communication technique with the listener concentrating on what is being said and then paraphrasing and repeating
A person who supports a particular policy or person.
A substance that causes an allergic response.
A small sac in the mammary gland where milk is secreted and stored.
A decrease of red blood cells in the blood.
Use of medicine to prevent the feeling of pain or another sensation during surgery or other procedures that might be
The presence of a lingual frenulum that changes the appearance or function of the infant’s tongue.
Referring to the period of time from human conception to the beginning of the labor process.
A protein formed by the body after exposure to harmful substances. Part of the human immune response.
A proactive counseling technique that focuses on potential outcomes.
A substance that stimulates antibody production.
A molecule that inhibits the oxidation of other molecules which may prevent or delay some types of cell damage.
Pigmented skin surrounding the nipple
Manufactured nutrition designed for feeding to infants/children.
Use of any artificial means in which to conceive.

The space under the shoulder, underarm area.

A global program launched by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNI
recognize hospitals and birthing centers that offer an optimal level of care for infant feeding and mother/baby bonding
Surgery performed to assist with weight loss in patients who are obese. Usually involves reduction in size of the stom
The ease at which a nutrient/medication is absorbed and used by the body.
A condition in which a milk duct is obstructed.

Sugar that comes from food intake that the bloodstream carries to all the cells in the body to supply energy.
A measure of body fat based on weight in relation to height.
A close relationship between two or more people.
An infection involving a localized area of the breast.
Cells in the breast which grow out of control and may form a tumor.
A gentle massage of the breast to encourage milk flow.
A mechanical device used to extract breastmilk from a breast.
A plastic device placed over the nipple area to both protect painful nipples and encourage nipple eversion.

The direct act of feeding a newborn/child with milk from the breast.
Any substance used for infant/child nutrition where breastmilk would normally be recommended.
The formation of canals or channels in a tissue.
A type of fungal infection.
A phosphoprotein which is the principle protein in milk.
An immune reaction of the digestive system that damages the small intestine and interferes with the absorption of nu
The delivery of a baby through a surgical incision in the mother's abdomen and uterus.
The act of providing nourishment to an infant or child.
A congenital split in the upper lip on one or both sides of the center.
A congenital split in the roof of the mouth.
The responsibilities/activities that are part of the IBCLC practice.

An IBCLE document which informs both IBCLCs and the public of the minimum standards of acceptable conduct, e
expected of all holders of the IBCLC credential, provides IBCLCs with a framework for carrying out their essential d
decisions regarding alleged misconduct.
A condition of a newborn with crying for long periods of time with no apparent reason.
The first breast milk that is produced, distinguished from mature milk.
Food offered along with breast milk.
Therapies considered non-traditional or outside of convention that may or may not be used together with conventiona

An infection or malformation that was acquired during fetal development.

Inflammation of the eye.

Methods used to prevent pregnancy.
Machine used to determine the fat content of breastmilk.
a document proving a person's qualifications to perform.

Breastfeeding an infant that is not one’s own.

An inherited disease that causes fibrous scar tissues in the lungs, digestive system, sweat glands.
Technique for giving cheeks/jaw support to a hypotonic nursing infant.
A list of disciplines in which IBCLC certificants are expected to have detailed knowledge.

A pathologic condition involving frequent watery stools.

Breastmilk offered/donated to another for their use.
A chromosomal disorder causing developmental delays and other health problems.
Small ducts in the mammary glands.
An artificial nipple used for the infant to suck on.
Addressing the Mother and the Baby as one unit.
The experience of negative emotions immediately preceding the milk ejection reflex.

Inflammation of the skin with redness, itching and oozing which can crust or harden. Empowerment - Process of bec
A swelling of the breast due to an increase in blood and lymph supply.
Medicine is injected through catheter into the epidural space of the spinal canal to block pain in a region of the body.
A descriptor used for a reddened area of the body.
A social group that has common national or cultural traditions.
Making use of the current best evidence to assess, evaluate and plan.
The act of feeding breastmilk only.
Coming from outside the body.
Breastmilk that is expressed to be used at some other time.
A condition where an infant/child has insufficient growth including weight loss, or is not gaining appropriately.
Care this is focused not solely on individual members of the family group, but treating each as an integral part of clie
A non-pathologic condition of the breast where the breasts have a "lumpy" texture.
A part of a breast pump that sits on the breast/nipple.
The lower fat breastmilk obtained at the start of a feeding.
A condition where there is an over-supply of foremilk in which the infant becomes full on the lower fat/higher lactos
and ingest the higher fat content milk at the end of a feeding.
Manufactured food designed and marketed for feeding to babies.
The procedure in which the lingual frenulum is cut. It is done when the frenulum seems unusually short or tight (ankl
A band of tissue that supports/restricts the movement of the tissue it is attached to.
Milk which is produced at full term gestation, that is suitable in nutrients for a full-term baby.

A substance that is used to encourage milk production i.e. herbs, foods.

A substance used to help increase breastmilk production in nursing mothers.
A benign cyst located in the mammary glands, usually containing milk.
The process by which the breastmilk supply is maintained by the body.
A simple sugar found in breastmilk.
A condition in which a newborn is unable to completely digest the sugar galactose in breastmilk.
Inflammation of the stomach and intestines.
A way to provide breastmilk directly to a baby's stomach through tube placed through the nose
The self-identification of gender: male, female or non-binary, regardless of biological sex characteristics.
Politics as it relates to particular geographical areas.
A measure of length of a pregnancy which starts from the last menstrual period (LMP)
A condition develops during pregnancy that causes elevated glucose levels.
Complimentary therapy used to treat the symptoms of colic.

Period of time required for the concentration or amount of drug in the body to be reduced by one-half
The milk towards the end of a feeding which is typically higher in fat content. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV
Any self-regulating process by which biological systems maintain stability while adjusting to conditions that are opti
A chemical messenger that is produced and released by the endocrine system.
The process by which milk is produced within the body as well as the time in which a human lactates.
The milk produced by a human.
A facility that collects and processes breastmilk for distribution.

Substance added to breastmilk to enhance the nutrients.

Feeding a newborn intravenously.
A condition of excess bilirubin in the blood.
An excess of prolactin in the body.
An infant formula that is less likely to cause an allergic reaction compared to others.

A condition that occurs when blood sugar (also called blood glucose) levels are too low.
An abnormal decrease in body temperature.
Those who maintain an active IBCLC certificate.
Also known as antibodies, see antibody.
The process of stimulating the mammary glands to produce milk when a person has not had the benefits of the hormo
Independent international certification body conferring IBCLC credential.

A condition in which the nipple is retracted both at rest and when stimulated.

The return of mammary glands or uterus to a state before pregnancy and lactation
A medical condition with yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes, arising from excess of the pigment bilirubin in
Food prepared in accordance with Jewish Dietary Laws.
Enzyme the body secretes to convert lactose in breastmilk to a usable sugar.
The process of producing milk and feeding that milk to a child.
A natural birth control method that relies on exclusively breastfeeding for up to six months postpartum.

The process of stimulating the mammary glands to produce milk, without having been pregnant.
Ducts that converge and form a branched system connecting the nipple to the lobules of the mammary gland.
Primary healthy bacteria in the breastfed child’s gastrointestinal tract.
A protein that binds with iron in the gut.
The initiation of milk production in the body.
The main carbohydrate in human milk.
The inability to digest milk sugar, leading to gastrointestinal upset.
A baby with a weight larger than the 90th percentile at birth.

Attachment of the baby’s mouth to the breast.

An infant born between 34-37 weeks gestation.
A simple incision or snipping of the frenulum
The ability of a substance to dissolve in lipids, fats, or oils.
An infant who weighs less than 2500 grams at birth.
A newborn who's significantly larger than average, often specified as greater than 4000 grams.
A benign condition in which a milk duct becomes enlarged and fills with fluid, usually found in perimenopausal wom
Radiography used to image breast tissue.
A painful inflammation of breast tissue.
The milk produced after colostrum stops, containing a different balance of nutrients.
The process in which a woman discharges blood and other materials from the lining of the uterus at intervals of abou
until menopause, except during pregnancy.
A person trained to assist women in childbirth.
A normal reflex in a lactating woman elicited by tactile stimulation of the nipple, resulting in release of milk from the

Use of rhythmic compression of the breast to release milk.

The movement of milk from mother to baby.
A women who has been pregnant more than once.
Having given birth to more than one full term infant.
Cloth or paper material used to wrap around an infant’s genitals and bottom to absorb stool and urine.
Inflammation of the intestinal tract causing tissue to die.

Newborn status from birth to 28 days of life.

Special care unit in a hospital for ill infants.

A small benign cyst clogging an opening on the nipple.

A plastic/silicone device placed over the nipple during breastfeeding to assist with latch.
The act of sucking that does not involve transfer of milk, such as sucking on a teat.
A doctor who specializes in pregnancy, childbirth, and a woman's reproductive system.
A descriptor used for a swollen area of the body.
The primary female sex hormone responsible for development and regulation of the female reproductive system.
A carbohydrate in breastmilk.
A condition occurring when a woman is producing more milk than her infant needs.
A hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland that acts on organs in the body (including the breast and uterus) a
the brain, controlling key aspects of the reproductive system, including childbirth and lactation, and aspects of human
Controlled feeding method involving removing the nipple from the infant to allow for rest and breathing breaks.
The upper part of the mouth that the tongue can press up against, the soft palate occurring toward the back of the mo
Feeding through an intravenous tube bypassing the usual process of eating and digestion.
The number of times a female has carried pregnancies to a viable gestational age.
The process of heating a substance so that harmful substances are eliminated.
A substance able to cause an illness.
A condition caused by a disease process.
The process of subjecting an author's scholarly work, research, or ideas to the scrutiny of others who are experts in th
and scientific accuracy.
An antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections.
Emotional and/or mental disorder during pregnancy and after birth comprising a variety of diagnoses.

An infection of the respiratory system leading to a severe cough caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. Also c
A genetic condition that causes an amino acid called phenylalanine to build up in the body.
An organ that develops during pregnancy which attaches to the mother’s uterus, connects to the fetus by the umbilica
oxygen to the fetus.
A state in which the volume of red blood cells is abnormally elevated.
The period beginning immediately after the birth of a child and extending for approximately six weeks.
Depression that occurs after a woman has given birth. It may appear as much as twelve months after birth.

Excessive bleeding after childbirth.

Occurring before conception of a fetus.
A condition in pregnancy where the patient develops high blood pressure. swelling, and protein in the urine.
A baby born prematurely.
An infant born before 37 weeks of age.
The time during pregnancy before birth.
A woman pregnant for the first time.
A woman who has given birth to one full term infant.
A hormone produced in the body that, among other things, helps develop the mammary glands.
A hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland that contributes to milk production.
A study that follows a group of similar individuals (cohorts) over time to compare outcomes.
Viewing both the psychological and social arenas together when assessing the human condition.
A group of people sharing a common ancestry, traits and genes.

A syndrome in which there is severe constriction of blood flow to the nipples.

A condition in which stomach contents back up in to the esophagus causing pain.
The process of resuming breastfeeding after a period of no breastfeeding or very little breastfeeding.
A severe respiratory illness particularly harmful to infants.

A technique used to soften the areola, by reducing oedema.

A disease process related to lack of vitamin D intake.

An infant reflex where the infant searches for the nipple and makes a sucking movement when the face or lips are str
A virus that causes a severe gastrointestinal illness.
To impose a penalty upon.
A document listing the activities for which IBCLC certificants are educated and in which they are authorised to enga

The most important immunoglobulin in milk, not only in concentration but also in biologic activity.

A condition where the pituitary gland and its function is adversely impacted by blood loss and hypovolemic shock du
Type of care in which an infant is placed prone, on an adult’s bare chest, to encourage well-being and stability.

A baby with a weight smaller than the 10th percentile at birth.

A variety of agencies that assist its members on a community/local level.

A situation in which a person has a network of helpful people and organisations close by.
Any solid substance (as opposed to liquid) that is used as a source of nourishment.
A bacteria can cause a variety of infections.
Any type of infection caused by the streptococcus group of bacteria.
Areas of the skin which have been over distended causing visible markings.
The process where a child transfers milk while sucking.
The sudden unexplained death of an infant.

A liquid nutrition delivery system using tubing enabling feeding at the breast.

The method of giving additional fluids to a breastfed baby.

The use of interventions to prevent or decrease milk production.

A system of nursing to promote increased milk supply, in which the child is frequently switched from one breast to a
The condition in which two or more siblings of differing ages, nurse at the same time.
A state of being when an infant’s teeth start to appear, often causing discomfort.
A gland which produces hormones that regulate the body’s metabolism.
A condition in which the infant’s neck is persistently turned to one side which may cause breastfeeding challenges.
The milk produced when colostrum is changing into mature milk.
Disease where immune system attacks and destroys insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas leaving the body is u
A condition where the body does not use insulin properly.
Guidance on how to control infection through a set of standard protocols.

A substance given in order to promote immunity to a disease/virus.

A method of birth in which a suction device is placed on the foetal head to help with delivery.
A person who does not eat or use animal products.
A person who does not eat meat, fish, or poultry.
An infectious process passed from a woman to the infant during the childbirth process.
Transition of the infant from dependence on breastmilk to other sources of nutrition.
A woman who feeds another woman’s child at her breast.
A protein in milk.
A document produced to "improve, through optimal feeding, the nutritional status, growth and development, health,
infants and young children." WHO, UNICEF published 2003.
English Word Translated Word

Active listening Ενεργητική ακρόαση

Advocate Συνήγορος
Allergen Αλλεργιογόνο
Alveolus Κυψελίδα
Anaemia Αναιμία
Anesthesia Αναισθησία
Αγκυλογλωσσία (βραχύς χαλινός
Ankyloglossia “tongue-tie”
Προγεννητικός (κατά την εμβρυϊκή
Antibody Αντίσωμα
Anticipatory guidance Προληπτική καθοδήγηση
Antigen Αντιγόνο
Antioxidants Αντιοξειδωτικά
Areola Θηλαία άλω
Artificial baby/infant milk Τεχνητό βρεφικό γάλα
Assisted Reproductive Tεχνολογία υποβοηθούμενης
Technology (ART) αναπαραγωγής
Axilla Μασχάλη
Πρωτοβουλία για φιλικά προς τα βρέφη
Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative
νοσοκομεία (Baby-Friendly Hospital

Bariatric surgery Βαριατρική χειρουργική

Bioavailable Βιοδιαθέσιμος

Blocked duct “plugged milk duct” Aποφραγμένος γαλακτοφόρος πόρος

Blood glucose Γλυκόζη αίματος

Body Mass Index (BMI) Δείκτης μάζας σώματος (ΒΜΙ)
Bonding Δεσμός
Breast abscess Απόστημα μαστού
Breast cancer Καρκίνος μαστού
Breast compression Mάλαξη στήθους
Breast pump Θήλαστρο
Breast shells Κοχύλια στήθους
Breastfeeding Θηλασμός
Breastmilk substitutes Υποκατάστατα μητρικού γάλατος

Canalisation Καναλοποίηση (σχηματισμός καναλιών)

Candida Κάντιντα (μύκητας)

Casein Καζεΐνη

Celiac disease Κοιλιοκάκη

Cesarean section Καισαρική τομή
Child-feeding Παιδική σίτιση
Cleft lip Χειλεοσχιστία (Λαγόχειλος)
Cleft palate Υπερωιοσχιστία (Λυκόστομα)
Κλινικές δεξιότητες για την πρακτική των
Clinical Competencies for the
Πιστοποιημένων Συμβούλων Γαλουχίας
Practice of IBCLCs

Κώδικας επαγγελματικής διαγωγής για

Code of Professional Conduct
Πιστοποιημένους Συμβούλους Γαλουχίας
Colic Κωλικός
Colostrum Πρωτόγαλα (πύαρ)
Complementary food Συμπληρωματική τροφή
Complementary/alternative Συμπληρωματικές/εναλλακτικές
therapies θεραπείες
Congenital infection,
Συγγενής λοίμωξη, διαμαρτία
Conjunctivitis Επιπεφυκίτιδα
Contraception Αντισύλληψη
Κρεματοκρίτης (συσκευή προσδιορισμού
Creamatocrit περιεκτικότητας λίπους στο μητρικό
Credential Πιστοποιητικό

Cross-nursing, wet nursing Θετός θηλασμός (θηλασμός από τροφό)

Cystic fibrosis Κυστική ίνωση

Θέση θηλασμού "πιάσιμο χορευτή"
Dancer hand position
(Dancer hand)
Αναλυτικός πίνακας περιεχομένων
Detailed Content Outline (IBLCE)
Diarrhoea Διάρροια
Donor milk Γάλα δότη
Down Syndrome Σύνδρομο Down
Ductules Μικροί πόροι
Dummy/pacifier/teat Πιπίλα
Dyad Δυάδα

Dysphoric milk ejection reflex Δυσφορικό αντανακλαστικό εκροής

Eczema ΄Εκζεμα

Empowerment Eνδυνάμωση
Engorgement Συμφορητική διόγκωση
Epidural anesthesia Επισκληρίδιος αναισθησία
Erythematous Ερυθηματώδης
Ethnicity Εθνικότητα
Evidence-based care Φροντίδα βασισμένη στην τεκμηρίωση

Exclusive breastfeeding Αποκλειστικός θηλασμός

Exogenous Εξωγενής
Expressed breastmilk Αντλημένο μητρικό γάλα
Failure to thrive Στασιμότητα (αποτυχία) ανάπτυξης
Family-centered care Οικογενειακή φροντίδα
Fibrocystic disease Ινοκυστική νόσος
Flange Χοάνη
Foremilk Αρχικό γάλα

Foremilk-hindmilk imbalance Ανισορροπία αρχικού-τελικού γάλατος

Formula Παρασκεύασμα βρεφικού γάλατος

Frenotomy Εκτομή χαλινού
Frenulum Χαλινός
Full-term milk Μητρικό γάλα τελειόμηνου
Galactagogue Γαλακταγωγός ουσία
Galactagogues Γαλακταγωγά
Galactocele Γαλακτοκήλη
Galactopoiesis Γαλακτοποίηση
Galactose Γαλακτόζη
Galactosemia Γαλακτοζαιμία
Gastroenteritis Γαστρεντερίτιδα
Gavage feeding Σίτιση με ρινογαστρικό καθετήρα
Gender identity Ταυτότητα φύλου
Geopolitical Γεωπολιτικός
Gestational age Ηλικία κύησης
Gestational diabetes Διαβήτης κύησης
Μίγμα βοτάνων καταπραϋντικό για
Gripe water
κολικούς (gripe water)
Half-life Χρόνος ημίσειας ζωής
Hindmilk Τελικό γάλα
Human immunodeficiency virus
Ιός ανθρώπινης ανοσοανεπάρκειας (HIV)

Homeostasis Ομοιόσταση

Hormone Ορμόνη
Human lactation Ανθρώπινη γαλουχία
Human milk Ανθρώπινο γάλα
Human milk bank Τράπεζα ανθρώπινου γάλατος
Human milk fortifiers Ενισχυτές ανθρώπινου γάλατος
Hyperalimentation Υπερσίτιση
Hyperbilirubinemia Υπερχολερυθριναιμία
Hyperprolactinemia Υπερπρολακτιναιμία
Υποαλλεργικό παρασκεύασμα βρεφικού
Hypoallergenic formula
Hypoglycemia Υπογλυκαιμία
Hypothermia Υποθερμία
IBCLC certificants Kάτοχοι τίτλου IBCLC
Immunoglobulin Ανοσοσφαιρίνη

Induced lactation Πρόκληση γαλουχίας

International Board of Lactation Διεθνές Συμβούλιο Εξεταστών

Consultant Examiners (IBLCE) Συμβούλων Γαλουχίας (IBLCE)

Inverted nipple Ανεστραμμένη θηλή

Involution Υποστροφή
Jaundice Ίκτερος
Φαγητό Κόσερ (σύμφωνα με εβραϊκή
Kosher food
Lactase Λακτόζη
Lactation Γαλουχία
Lactation Amenorrhea Method
Μέθοδος αμηνόρροιας μέσω γαλουχίας
Lactation, induced Προκλητή γαλουχία
Lactiferous ducts Γαλακτοφόροι πόροι
Lactobacillus bifidus Λακτοβάκιλλος bifidus
Lactoferrin Λακτοφερρίνη
Lactogenesis Γαλακτογένεση
Lactose Λακτόζη
Lactose intolerance Δυσανεξία στη λακτόζη

Large for gestational age (LGA) Μεγάλο νεογνό για την ηλικία κύησης

Latch Σύλληψη θηλής (προσκόλληση)

Late preterm infant Όψιμα πρόωρο βρέφος
lip/tongue tie release Eκτομή χαλινού χείλους/γλώσσας
Lipid solubility Λιποδιαλυτότητα
Low birth weight Χαμηλού βάρους γέννησης
Macrosomia Μακροσωμία
Mammary duct ectasia Πορεκτασία
Mammary gland Μαστικός αδένας
Mammography Μαστογραφία
Mastitis Μαστίτιδα
Mature milk Ώριμο γάλα

Menstrual periods, menstruation Έμμηνος περίοδος, εμμηνορυσία

Midwife Μαία
Milk ejection reflex (MER), “let Αντανακλαστικό εκροής γάλατος,
down” "καθόδου"
Milk expression Άμελξη μητρικού γάλατος
Milk transfer Μεταφορά γάλατος
Γυναίκα με περισσότερες από μία
Multiparous Πολύτοκος
Nappies, “diapers” Πάνες
Necrotizing enterocolitis Νεκρωτική εντεροκολίτιδα
Neonatal Νεογνικός
NICU (neonatal intensive care
Μονάδα εντατικής νοσηλείας νεογνών
Nipple bleb/milk blister Φυσαλίδα γάλατος
Nipple shield Ασπίδα θηλής (ψευδοθηλή)

Non-nutritive sucking Μη διατροφική απομύζηση (πιπίλισμα)

Obstetrician Μαιευτήρας
Oedematous Οιδηματώδης
Oestrogen Οιστρογόνο
Oligosaccharide Ολιγοσακχαρίτης
Over-supply Υπερπαραγωγή

Oxytocin Ωκυτοκίνη

Ελεγχόμενη σίτιση ακολουθώντας το

Pacing, pace feeding
ρυθμό του βρέφους (pacing)
Palate, hard, soft Υπερώα, σκληρή, μαλακή
Parenteral Παρεντερικός
Parity Αριθμός τοκετών
Pasteurization Παστερίωση
Pathogen Παθογόνο
Pathologic Παθολογικός

Peer-reviewed Σύστημα κριτών

Penicillin Πενικιλλίνη
Peripartum mood disorder Διαταραχές διάθεσης στη λοχεία

Pertussis Κοκκύτης

Phenylketonuria Φαινυλκετονουρία

Placenta Πλακούντας

Polycythaemia Πολυκυτταραιμία
Postpartum Μετά τον τοκετό
Postpartum depression (PPD) Επιλόχειος κατάθλιψη
Postpartum hemorrhage Αιμορραγία μετά τον τοκετό
Preconception Πριν τη σύλληψη
Preeclampsia Προεκλαμψία
Preemie Πρόωρο
Premature infant Πρόωρο βρέφος
Prenatal Προγεννητικός
Primigravida Γυναίκα σε πρώτη εγκυμοσύνη
Primiparous Πρωτοτόκος
Progesterone Προγεστερόνη
Prolactin Προλακτίνη
Prospective cohort study Προοπτική μελέτη κοορτής
Psychosocial Ψυχοκοινωνικός
Race Φυλή
Raynaud's phenomenon Φαινόμενο Raynaud
Reflux Γαστροοισοφαγική παλινδρόμηση
Re-lactation Επαναγαλακτισμός

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) Αναπνευστικός συγκυτιακός ιός

Tεχνική ανακούφισης οιδήματος μέσω

Reverse pressure softening ανάστροφης πίεσης (reverse pressure
Rickets Ραχίτιδα
Rooting Αντανακλαστικό αναζήτησης
Rotavirus Ροταϊός
Sanctioned Υποβαλλόμενος σε κυρώσεις.
Eύρος επαγγελματικής πρακτικής
Scope of Practice (IBLCE)
κατόχων τίτλου IBCLC (IBLCE)

Secretory immunoglobin A (sIgA) Εκκριτική ανοσοσφαιρίνη Α (sIgA)

Sheehan’s syndrome Σύνδρομο Sheehan

Δέρμα με δέρμα, "φροντίδα τύπου

Skin-to-skin, “Kangaroo care”

Small for gestational age (SGA) Μικρό νεογνό για την ηλικία κύησης

Social services Κοινωνικές υπηρεσίες

Social support Κοινωνική υποστήριξη
Solid foods Στερεές τροφές
Staphylococcus aureus Χρυσίζων σταφυλόκοκκος
Streptococcal Στρεπτοκοκκικός
Striae- “stretch marks” Ραγάδες
Sucking, nutritive Διατροφική απομύζηση
Sudden infant death syndrome Σύνδρομο αιφνιδίου βρεφικού θανάτου
Supplemental nursing system
Σύστημα συμπληρωματικής σίτισης (SNS)
Supplementation, supplementary Χορήγηση συμπληρώματος,
feeds συμπληρωματικές σιτίσεις
Suppress lactation Καταστολή γαλουχίας

Switch nursing Θηλασμός με συχνές εναλλαγές στήθους

Tandem nursing Παράλληλος θηλασμός (tandem nursing)

Teething Οδοντοφυΐα
Thyroid Θυρεοειδής
Torticollis Ραιβόκρανο
Transitional milk Μεταβατικό γάλα

Type 1 Diabetes Σακχαρώδης διαβήτης τύπου 1

Type 2 Diabetes Σακχαρώδης διαβήτης τύπου 2

Universal precautions Καθιερωμένες προφυλάξεις
Vaccine/Immunization Εμβολιασμός/ανοσοποίηση
Σικυουλκός (αναρρόφηση μέσω
Vacuum extraction
συσκευής κενού)
Vegan Αυστηρά χορτοφάγος (vegan)
Vegetarian Χορτοφάγος
Vertical transmission Κάθετη μετάδοση
Weaning Απογαλακτισμός
Wet nurse Τροφός
Whey Oρός γάλακτος
World Health Organization Global Παγκόσμια στρατηγική για τη σίτιση
Strategy for Infant and Young βρεφών και μικρών παιδιών του
Child Feeding Παγκόσμιου Οργανισμού Υγείας
Communication technique with the listener concentrating on what is being said and then paraphrasing and repeating it back t
confirm understanding.
A person who supports a particular policy or person.
A substance that causes an allergic response.
A small sac in the mammary gland where milk is secreted and stored.
A decrease of red blood cells in the blood.
Use of medicine to prevent the feeling of pain or another sensation during surgery or other procedures that might be painful.

The presence of a lingual frenulum that changes the appearance or function of the infant’s tongue.

Referring to the period of time from human conception to the beginning of the labor process.

A protein formed by the body after exposure to harmful substances. Part of the human immune response.
A proactive counseling technique that focuses on potential outcomes.
A substance that stimulates antibody production.
A molecule that inhibits the oxidation of other molecules which may prevent or delay some types of cell damage.
Pigmented skin surrounding the nipple
Manufactured nutrition designed for feeding to infants/children.

Use of any artificial means in which to conceive.

The space under the shoulder, underarm area.

A global program launched by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in 1991
recognize hospitals and birthing centers that offer an optimal level of care for infant feeding and mother/baby bonding.

Surgery performed to assist with weight loss in patients who are obese. Usually involves reduction in size of the stomach or ot

The ease at which a nutrient/medication is absorbed and used by the body.

A condition in which a milk duct is obstructed.

Sugar that comes from food intake that the bloodstream carries to all the cells in the body to supply energy.
A measure of body fat based on weight in relation to height.
A close relationship between two or more people.
An infection involving a localized area of the breast.
Cells in the breast which grow out of control and may form a tumor.
A gentle massage of the breast to encourage milk flow.
A mechanical device used to extract breastmilk from a breast.
A plastic device placed over the nipple area to both protect painful nipples and encourage nipple eversion.
The direct act of feeding a newborn/child with milk from the breast.
Any substance used for infant/child nutrition where breastmilk would normally be recommended.

The formation of canals or channels in a tissue.

A type of fungal infection.

A phosphoprotein which is the principle protein in milk.

An immune reaction of the digestive system that damages the small intestine and interferes with the absorption of nutrients f
The delivery of a baby through a surgical incision in the mother's abdomen and uterus.
The act of providing nourishment to an infant or child.
A congenital split in the upper lip on one or both sides of the center.
A congenital split in the roof of the mouth.

The responsibilities/activities that are part of the IBCLC practice.

An IBCLE document which informs both IBCLCs and the public of the minimum standards of acceptable conduct, exemplifies th
expected of all holders of the IBCLC credential, provides IBCLCs with a framework for carrying out their essential duties, and se
decisions regarding alleged misconduct.
A condition of a newborn with crying for long periods of time with no apparent reason.
The first breast milk that is produced, distinguished from mature milk.
Food offered along with breast milk.

Therapies considered non-traditional or outside of convention that may or may not be used together with conventional medic

An infection or malformation that was acquired during fetal development.

Inflammation of the eye.

Methods used to prevent pregnancy.

Machine used to determine the fat content of breastmilk.

a document proving a person's qualifications to perform.

Breastfeeding an infant that is not one’s own.

An inherited disease that causes fibrous scar tissues in the lungs, digestive system, sweat glands.

Technique for giving cheeks/jaw support to a hypotonic nursing infant.

A list of disciplines in which IBCLC certificants are expected to have detailed knowledge.

A pathologic condition involving frequent watery stools.

Breastmilk offered/donated to another for their use.
A chromosomal disorder causing developmental delays and other health problems.
Small ducts in the mammary glands.
An artificial nipple used for the infant to suck on.
Addressing the Mother and the Baby as one unit.

The experience of negative emotions immediately preceding the milk ejection reflex.

Inflammation of the skin with redness, itching and oozing which can crust or harden. Empowerment - Process of becoming sel

Ρrocess of becoming self-actualized.

A swelling of the breast due to an increase in blood and lymph supply.
Medicine is injected through catheter into the epidural space of the spinal canal to block pain in a region of the body.
A descriptor used for a reddened area of the body.
A social group that has common national or cultural traditions.
Making use of the current best evidence to assess, evaluate and plan.

The act of feeding breastmilk only.

Coming from outside the body.
Breastmilk that is expressed to be used at some other time.
A condition where an infant/child has insufficient growth including weight loss, or is not gaining appropriately.
Care this is focused not solely on individual members of the family group, but treating each as an integral part of client care.
A non-pathologic condition of the breast where the breasts have a "lumpy" texture.
A part of a breast pump that sits on the breast/nipple.
The lower fat breastmilk obtained at the start of a feeding.
A condition where there is an over-supply of foremilk in which the infant becomes full on the lower fat/higher lactose content
access and ingest the higher fat content milk at the end of a feeding.
Manufactured food designed and marketed for feeding to babies. Frenotomy,

A band of tissue that supports/restricts the movement of the tissue it is attached to.
Milk which is produced at full term gestation, that is suitable in nutrients for a full-term baby.
A substance that is used to encourage milk production i.e. herbs, foods.
A substance used to help increase breastmilk production in nursing mothers.
A benign cyst located in the mammary glands, usually containing milk.
The process by which the breastmilk supply is maintained by the body.
A simple sugar found in breastmilk.
A condition in which a newborn is unable to completely digest the sugar galactose in breastmilk.
Inflammation of the stomach and intestines.
A way to provide breastmilk directly to a baby's stomach through tube placed through the nose
The self-identification of gender: male, female or non-binary, regardless of biological sex characteristics.
Politics as it relates to particular geographical areas.
A measure of length of a pregnancy which starts from the last menstrual period (LMP)
A condition develops during pregnancy that causes elevated glucose levels.

Complimentary therapy used to treat the symptoms of colic.

Period of time required for the concentration or amount of drug in the body to be reduced by one-half
The milk towards the end of a feeding which is typically higher in fat content.

Α retrovirus that causes HIV infection.

Any self-regulating process by which biological systems maintain stability while adjusting to conditions that are optimal for sur

A chemical messenger that is produced and released by the endocrine system.

The process by which milk is produced within the body as well as the time in which a human lactates.
The milk produced by a human.
A facility that collects and processes breastmilk for distribution.
Substance added to breastmilk to enhance the nutrients.
Feeding a newborn intravenously?? Overeating
A condition of excess bilirubin in the blood.
An excess of prolactin in the body.
An infant formula that is less likely to cause an allergic reaction compared to others.

A condition that occurs when blood sugar (also called blood glucose) levels are too low.
An abnormal decrease in body temperature.
Those who maintain an active IBCLC certificate.
Also known as antibodies, see antibody.

The process of stimulating the mammary glands to produce milk when a person has not had the benefits of the hormones of p

Independent international certification body conferring IBCLC credential.

A condition in which the nipple is retracted both at rest and when stimulated.
The return of mammary glands or uterus to a state before pregnancy and lactation
A medical condition with yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes, arising from excess of the pigment bilirubin in the blood.

Food prepared in accordance with Jewish Dietary Laws.

Enzyme the body secretes to convert lactose in breastmilk to a usable sugar.

The process of producing milk and feeding that milk to a child.

A natural birth control method that relies on exclusively breastfeeding for up to six months postpartum.

The process of stimulating the mammary glands to produce milk, without having been pregnant.
Ducts that converge and form a branched system connecting the nipple to the lobules of the mammary gland.
Primary healthy bacteria in the breastfed child’s gastrointestinal tract.
A protein that binds with iron in the gut.
The initiation of milk production in the body.
The main carbohydrate in human milk.
The inability to digest milk sugar, leading to gastrointestinal upset.

A baby with a weight larger than the 90th percentile at birth.

Attachment of the baby’s mouth to the breast.

An infant born between 34-37 weeks gestation.
A simple incision or snipping of the frenulum
The ability of a substance to dissolve in lipids, fats, or oils.
An infant who weighs less than 2500 grams at birth.
A newborn who's significantly larger than average, often specified as greater than 4000 grams.
A benign condition in which a milk duct becomes enlarged and fills with fluid, usually found in perimenopausal women.
Radiography used to image breast tissue.
A painful inflammation of breast tissue.
The milk produced after colostrum stops, containing a different balance of nutrients.
The process in which a woman discharges blood and other materials from the lining of the uterus at intervals of about one lun
puberty until menopause, except during pregnancy.
A person trained to assist women in childbirth.

A normal reflex in a lactating woman elicited by tactile stimulation of the nipple, resulting in release of milk from the glands of
Use of rhythmic compression of the breast to release milk.
The movement of milk from mother to baby.

A women who has been pregnant more than once.

Having given birth to more than one full term infant.

Cloth or paper material used to wrap around an infant’s genitals and bottom to absorb stool and urine.
Inflammation of the intestinal tract causing tissue to die.
Newborn status from birth to 28 days of life.

Special care unit in a hospital for ill infants.

A small benign cyst clogging an opening on the nipple.

A plastic/silicone device placed over the nipple during breastfeeding to assist with latch.

The act of sucking that does not involve transfer of milk, such as sucking on a teat.

A doctor who specializes in pregnancy, childbirth, and a woman's reproductive system.

A descriptor used for a swollen area of the body.
The primary female sex hormone responsible for development and regulation of the female reproductive system.
A carbohydrate in breastmilk.
A condition occurring when a woman is producing more milk than her infant needs.

A hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland that acts on organs in the body (including the breast and uterus) and as a
messenger in the brain, controlling key aspects of the reproductive system, including childbirth and lactation, and aspects of h

Controlled feeding method involving removing the nipple from the infant to allow for rest and breathing breaks.

The upper part of the mouth that the tongue can press up against, the soft palate occurring toward the back of the mouth.
Feeding through an intravenous tube bypassing the usual process of eating and digestion.
The number of times a female has carried pregnancies to a viable gestational age.
The process of heating a substance so that harmful substances are eliminated.
A substance able to cause an illness.
A condition caused by a disease process.
The process of subjecting an author's scholarly work, research, or ideas to the scrutiny of others who are experts in the same fi
quality and scientific accuracy.
An antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections.
Emotional and/or mental disorder during pregnancy and after birth comprising a variety of diagnoses.

An infection of the respiratory system leading to a severe cough caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. Also called who

A genetic condition that causes an amino acid called phenylalanine to build up in the body.
An organ that develops during pregnancy which attaches to the mother’s uterus, connects to the fetus by the umbilical cord a
nutrients and oxygen to the fetus.
A state in which the volume of red blood cells is abnormally elevated.
The period beginning immediately after the birth of a child and extending for approximately six weeks.
Depression that occurs after a woman has given birth. It may appear as much as twelve months after birth.
Excessive bleeding after childbirth.
Occurring before conception of a fetus.
A condition in pregnancy where the patient develops high blood pressure. swelling, and protein in the urine.
A baby born prematurely.
An infant born before 37 weeks of age.
The time during pregnancy before birth.
A woman pregnant for the first time.
A woman who has given birth to one full term infant.
A hormone produced in the body that, among other things, helps develop the mammary glands.
A hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland that contributes to milk production.
A study that follows a group of similar individuals (cohorts) over time to compare outcomes.
Viewing both the psychological and social arenas together when assessing the human condition.
A group of people sharing a common ancestry, traits and genes.
A syndrome in which there is severe constriction of blood flow to the nipples.
A condition in which stomach contents back up in to the esophagus causing pain.
The process of resuming breastfeeding after a period of no breastfeeding or very little breastfeeding.

A severe respiratory illness particularly harmful to infants.

A technique used to soften the areola, by reducing oedema.

A disease process related to lack of vitamin D intake.

An infant reflex where the infant searches for the nipple and makes a sucking movement when the face or lips are stroked.
A virus that causes a severe gastrointestinal illness.
To impose a penalty upon.

A document listing the activities for which IBCLC certificants are educated and in which they are authorised to engage.

The most important immunoglobulin in milk, not only in concentration but also in biologic activity.

A condition where the pituitary gland and its function is adversely impacted by blood loss and hypovolemic shock during or aft

Type of care in which an infant is placed prone, on an adult’s bare chest, to encourage well-being and stability.

A baby with a weight smaller than the 10th percentile at birth.

A variety of agencies that assist its members on a community/local level.

A situation in which a person has a network of helpful people and organisations close by.
Any solid substance (as opposed to liquid) that is used as a source of nourishment.
A bacteria can cause a variety of infections.
Any type of infection caused by the streptococcus group of bacteria.
Areas of the skin which have been over distended causing visible markings.
The process where a child transfers milk while sucking.

The sudden unexplained death of an infant.

A liquid nutrition delivery system using tubing enabling feeding at the breast.

The method of giving additional fluids to a breastfed baby.

The use of interventions to prevent or decrease milk production.

A system of nursing to promote increased milk supply, in which the child is frequently switched from one breast to another.

The condition in which two or more siblings of differing ages, nurse at the same time.

A state of being when an infant’s teeth start to appear, often causing discomfort.
A gland which produces hormones that regulate the body’s metabolism.
A condition in which the infant’s neck is persistently turned to one side which may cause breastfeeding challenges.
The milk produced when colostrum is changing into mature milk.

Disease where immune system attacks and destroys insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas leaving the body is unable to

A condition where the body does not use insulin properly.

Guidance on how to control infection through a set of standard protocols.
A substance given in order to promote immunity to a disease/virus.

A method of birth in which a suction device is placed on the foetal head to help with delivery.

A person who does not eat or use animal products.

A person who does not eat meat, fish, or poultry.
An infectious process passed from a woman to the infant during the childbirth process.
Transition of the infant from dependence on breastmilk to other sources of nutrition.
A woman who feeds another woman’s child at her breast.
A protein in milk.

A document produced to "improve, through optimal feeding, the nutritional status, growth and development, health, and thu
of infants and young children." WHO, UNICEF published 2003.
I'm not sure if there is another scientific term in greek.
Τhe word creamatocrit does not exist in greek
Ι'm not sure what is the difference between 81 and 82

This word does not exist in greek.

Hyperalimentation is overeating or over feeding as far as I know. Intravenous feeding is called parenteral feeding.
this word does not exist in greek.

this word does not exist in greek.

English Word
Active listening


Ankyloglossia “tongue-tie”



Anticipatory guidance

Artificial baby/infant milk
Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)
Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI)

Bariatric surgery


Blood glucose

Body Mass Index (BMI)

Breast abscess
Breast cancer
Breast compression
Breast pump
Breast shells
Breastmilk substitutes

Celiac disease

Cesarean section

Cleft lip
Cleft palate
Clinical Competencies for the Practice of
Code of Professional Conduct (IBLCE)


Complementary food
Complementary/alternative therapies

Congenital infection, malformation

Cross-nursing, wet nursing

Cystic fibrosis

Dancer hand position

Detailed Content Outline (IBLCE)

Donor milk
Down Syndrome
Dysphoric milk ejection reflex


Epidural anesthesia

Evidence-based care
Exclusive breastfeeding
Expressed breastmilk
Failure to thrive

Family-centered care

Fibrocystic disease

Foremilk-hindmilk imbalance



Full-term milk



Gavage feeding

Gender identity

Gestational age

Gestational diabetes

Gripe water




Human lactation

Human milk
Human milk bank
Human milk fortifiers
Hypoallergenic formula


IBCLC certificants
Induced lactation

International Board of Lactation Consultant

Examiners (IBLCE)
Inverted nipple


Kosher food

Lactation Amenorrhea Method (LAM)

Lactation, induced

Lactiferous ducts

Lactobacillus bifidus
Lactose intolerance
Large for gestational age (LGA)
Late preterm infant
lip/tongue tie release
Lipid solubility
Low birth weight

Mammary duct ectasia

Mammary gland
Mature milk

Menstrual periods, menstruation

Milk ejection reflex (MER), “let down”

Milk expression
Milk transfer
Nappies, “diapers”

Necrotizing enterocolitis
NICU (neonatal intensive care unit)
Nipple bleb/milk blister
Nipple shield

Non-nutritive sucking





Pacing, pace feeding

Palate, hard, soft





Peripartum mood disorder




Postpartum depression (PPD)

Postpartum hemorrhage

Premature infant


Prospective cohort study


Raynaud's phenomenon



Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)

Reverse pressure softening

Scope of Practice (IBLCE)

Secretory immunoglobin A (sIgA)

Sheehan’s syndrome

Skin-to-skin, “Kangaroo care”

Small for gestational age (SGA)

Social services

Social support

Solid foods

Staphylococcus aureus

Striae- “stretch marks”

Sucking, nutritive
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
Supplemental nursing system (SNS)

Supplementation, supplementary feeds

Suppress lactation
Switch nursing

Tandem nursing




Transitional milk
Type 1 Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes
Universal precautions
Vacuum extraction

Vertical transmission


Wet nurse
World Health Organization Global Strategy
for Infant and Young Child Feeding
Translated Word (Hungarian)
aktív hallgatás

támogató, pártoló
alveólus, tejmirigy
anémia, vérszegénység
anesztézia, érzéstelenítés

ankyloglossia, lenőtt nyelv, nyelvlenövés, rövid nyelvfék

antenatális, szülés előtti


preventív tanácsadás

areola, mellbimbóudvar, bimbóudvar

mesterséges baba-/csecsemőtej
asszisztált reprodukciós technológia (ART)
axilla, hónalj
Bababarát Kórház Kezdeményezés (BFHI)

súlycsökkentő műtét

bioelérhetőség, biológiai hozzáférés


testtömegindex, TTI/BMI
a mell masszírozása
anyatejhelyettesítő tápszer



IBCLC laktációs szaktanácsadók klinikai kompetenciái

IBCLC laktációs szaktanácsadók szakmai viselkedési kódexe


kiegészítő táplálék
kiegészítő/alternatív terápiák

kongenitális infekció/veleszületett fertőzés, malfomáció/rendellenesség

konjunktivitisz, kötőhártya-gyulladás
(hivatalos) igazoló iratok
cross-nursing: nincs magyar megfelelője, barátnők vagy családon belüli
anyák szoptatják a babát; wet nursing: szoptatós dajkaság
cisztás fibrózis

DanCer kéztartás, Dancer kéztartás

IBLCE vizsga törzsanyaga

donor tej
diszfóriás tejleadó reflex


epidurális érzéstelenítés

bizonyítékokon alapuló ellátás
kizárólagos szoptatás
lefejt anyatej
fejlődésben, gyarapodásban történő megállás; nem megfeelő gyarapodás
(Failure to Thrive/FTT)
családközpontú ellátás

fibrocisztás betegség

harang, tölcsér
előtej (NEM: első tej!)
előtej-utótej aránytalanság


frenulum, nyelvfék

terminusra szült anya teje

galaktogógum, tejserkentő, tejszaporító

galaktogógum, tejserkentő, tejszaporító

(nazogasztrikus) szondás táplálás

nemi identitás

gesztációs kor

gesztációs diabétesz, terhességi cukorbetegség

Gripe Water
felezési idő

utótej (NEM: hátsó tej!)



humán laktáció

humán tej, női tej

anyatejgyűjtő állomás, tejbank
anyatejet dúsító anyagok
hipoallergén tápszer


minősített IBCLC laktációs szaktanácsadó
indukált laktáció

Nemzetközi Laktációs Szaktanácsadói Vizsgabizottság (IBLCE)

befelé forduló mellbimbó

sárgaság, ikterusz

kóser étel

laktáció, szoptatás
laktációs amenorrhea módszer (LAM)

laktáció, indukált


Lactobacillus bifidus
gesztációs korához képest nagy súlyú (LGA) (újszülött)
ráharapás, mellretapadás
késői koraszülött
ajak-/nyelvfék bemetszése
zsírban oldhatóság, lipofilitás
alacsony születési súly
makroszómia, magzati túlnövekedés


masztitisz, mellgyulladás
érett tej


tejleadó reflex, let-down reflex

fejés, a tej fejése


nekrotizáló enterokolitisz
neonatális, újszülött-, újszülöttkori,
újszülött intenzív osztály (NICU)

non-nutritív szopás

szülész, szülészorvos




igény szerinti pótlás (paced bottle feeding)

szájpadlás, kemény, lágy




patogén, kórokozó
patológiás, kóros
lektorált, szakértői értékelés

szülés körüli hangulatzavarok
pertussis, szamárköhögés


placenta, méhlepény

posztpartum, szülés utáni

szülés utáni depresszió (PPD)

szülés utáni vérzés, posztpartum hemorrágia (PPH)

fogamzás előtti

koraszülött csecsemő
prenatális, szülés előtti


prospektív kohorsz vizsgálat





respiratorikus/légúti szinciciális vírus (RSV), légúti óriássejtes vírus

puhító nyomás (reverse pressure softening)

szankcionál, szankcionálás
az IBCLC laktációs szaktanácsadók tevékenységi szabályzata

szekretoros IgA


bőrkontaktus, kengurumódszer

gesztációs korához képest kis súlyú (SGA) (újszülött)

szociális szolgáltatások

szociális támogatás

szilárd táplálék

Staphylococcus aureus
Streptococcális, Streptococcus(ok) okozta (fertőzések), Streptococcus

szopás, nutritív
bölcsőhalál (SIDS)
SNS, szoptanít

kiegészítés, táplálékkiegészítő, kiegészítő táplálás

a tej elapasztása,
nincs pontos magyar megfelelője: a mell gyakori váltogatása (switch
tandem szoptatás




átmeneti tej
1-es típusú diabétesz

2-es típusú diabétesz

Általános Óvintézkedések (ÁÓ)
vákuum extrakció

vertikális transzmisszió

elválasztás, elválasztódás

dajka, szoptatós dajka

tejsavó, savó
a WHO Csecsemő- és kisgyermektáplálási globális stratégiája
Communication technique with the listener concentrating on what is
being said and then paraphrasing and repeating it back to the sender to
confirm understanding.
A person who supports a particular policy or person.
A substance that causes an allergic response.
A small sac in the mammary gland where milk is secreted and stored.
A decrease of red blood cells in the blood.
Use of medicine to prevent the feeling of pain or another sensation during
surgery or other procedures that might be painful.
The presence of a lingual frenulum that changes the appearance or
function of the infant’s tongue.
Referring to the period of time from human conception to the beginning
of the labor process.
A protein formed by the body after exposure to harmful substances. Part
of the human immune response.
A proactive counseling technique that focuses on potential outcomes.
A substance that stimulates antibody production.
A molecule that inhibits the oxidation of other molecules which may
prevent or delay some types of cell damage.
Pigmented skin surrounding the nipple
Manufactured nutrition designed for feeding to infants/children.
Use of any artificial means in which to conceive.
The space under the shoulder, underarm area.
A global program launched by the World Health Organization (WHO)
and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in 1991 to encourage
and recognize hospitals and birthing centers that offer an optimal level of
care for infant feeding and mother/baby bonding.
Surgery performed to assist with weight loss in patients who are obese.
Usually involves reduction in size of the stomach or other organs.
The ease at which a nutrient/medication is absorbed and used by the
body. Blocked duct “plugged milk duct” A condition in which a milk duct
is obstructed.
Sugar that comes from food intake that the bloodstream carries to all the
cells in the body to supply energy.
A measure of body fat based on weight in relation to height.
A close relationship between two or more people.
An infection involving a localized area of the breast.
Cells in the breast which grow out of control and may form a tumor.
A gentle massage of the breast to encourage milk flow.
A mechanical device used to extract breastmilk from a breast.
A plastic device placed over the nipple area to both protect painful
nipples and encourage nipple eversion.
The direct act of feeding a newborn/child with milk from the breast.
Any substance used for infant/child nutrition where breastmilk would
normally be recommended.
The formation of canals or channels in a tissue.
A type of fungal infection.
A phosphoprotein which is the principle protein in milk.
An immune reaction of the digestive system that damages the small
intestine and interferes with the absorption of nutrients from food.
The delivery of a baby through a surgical incision in the mother's
abdomen and uterus.
The act of providing nourishment to an infant or child.
A congenital split in the upper lip on one or both sides of the center.
A congenital split in the roof of the mouth.
The responsibilities/activities that are part of the IBCLC practice.

An IBCLE document which informs both IBCLCs and the public of the
minimum standards of acceptable conduct, exemplifies the commitment
expected of all holders of the IBCLC credential, provides IBCLCs with a
framework for carrying out their essential duties, and serves as a basis for
decisions regarding alleged misconduct.

A condition of a newborn with crying for long periods of time with no

apparent reason.
The first breast milk that is produced, distinguished from mature milk.
Food offered along with breast milk.
Therapies considered non-traditional or outside of convention that may or
may not be used together with conventional medicine.
An infection or malformation that was acquired during fetal
Inflammation of the eye.
Methods used to prevent pregnancy.
Machine used to determine the fat content of breastmilk.
a document proving a person's qualifications to perform.
Breastfeeding an infant that is not one’s own.

An inherited disease that causes fibrous scar tissues in the lungs, digestive
system, sweat glands.
Technique for giving cheeks/jaw support to a hypotonic nursing infant.
A list of disciplines in which IBCLC certificants are expected to have
detailed knowledge.
A pathologic condition involving frequent watery stools.
Breastmilk offered/donated to another for their use.
A chromosomal disorder causing developmental delays and other health
Small ducts in the mammary glands.
An artificial nipple used for the infant to suck on.
Rubber cap used for the baby to suck on to soothe her/him.
Addressing the Mother and the Baby as one unit.
The experience of negative emotions immediately preceding the milk
ejection reflex.
Inflammation of the skin with redness, itching and oozing which can
crust or harden. Empowerment - Process of becoming self-actualized.
A swelling of the breast due to an increase in blood and lymph supply.
Medicine is injected through catheter into the epidural space of the spinal
canal to block pain in a region of the body.
A descriptor used for a reddened area of the body.
A social group that has common national or cultural traditions.
Making use of the current best evidence to assess, evaluate and plan.
The act of feeding breastmilk only.
Coming from outside the body.
Breastmilk that is expressed to be used at some other time.
A condition where an infant/child has insufficient growth including
weight loss, or is not gaining appropriately.
Care this is focused not solely on individual members of the family
group, but treating each as an integral part of client care.
A non-pathologic condition of the breast where the breasts have a
"lumpy" texture.
A part of a breast pump that sits on the breast/nipple.
The lower fat breastmilk obtained at the start of a feeding.
A condition where there is an over-supply of foremilk in which the infant
becomes full on the lower fat/higher lactose content milk, unable to access
and ingest the higher fat content milk at the end of a feeding.
Manufactured food designed and marketed for feeding to babies.
A band of tissue that supports/restricts the movement of the tissue it is
attached to.
Milk which is produced at full term gestation, that is suitable in nutrients
for a full-term baby.
A substance that is used to encourage milk production i.e. herbs, foods.

A substance used to help increase breastmilk production in nursing

A benign cyst located in the mammary glands, usually containing milk.
The process by which the breastmilk supply is maintained by the body.
A simple sugar found in breastmilk.
A condition in which a newborn is unable to completely digest the sugar
galactose in breastmilk.
Inflammation of the stomach and intestines.
A way to provide breastmilk directly to a baby's stomach through tube
placed through the nose
The self-identification of gender: male, female or non-binary, regardless
of biological sex characteristics.
Politics as it relates to particular geographical areas.
A measure of length of a pregnancy which starts from the last menstrual
period (LMP)
A condition develops during pregnancy that causes elevated glucose
Complimentary therapy used to treat the symptoms of colic.
Period of time required for the concentration or amount of drug in the
body to be reduced by one-half
The milk towards the end of a feeding which is typically higher in fat
content. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) A retrovirus that causes
HIV infection.
Any self-regulating process by which biological systems maintain
stability while adjusting to conditions that are optimal for survival.
A chemical messenger that is produced and released by the endocrine
The process by which milk is produced within the body as well as the
time in which a human lactates.
The milk produced by a human.
A facility that collects and processes breastmilk for distribution.
Substance added to breastmilk to enhance the nutrients.
Feeding a newborn intravenously.
A condition of excess bilirubin in the blood.
An excess of prolactin in the body.
An infant formula that is less likely to cause an allergic reaction
compared to others.
A condition that occurs when blood sugar (also called blood glucose)
levels are too low.
An abnormal decrease in body temperature.
Those who maintain an active IBCLC certificate.
Also known as antibodies, see antibody.
The process of stimulating the mammary glands to produce milk when a
person has not had the benefits of the hormones of pregnancy.
Independent international certification body conferring IBCLC
A condition in which the nipple is retracted both at rest and when
The return of mammary glands or uterus to a state before pregnancy and
A medical condition with yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes,
arising from excess of the pigment bilirubin in the blood.
Food prepared in accordance with Jewish Dietary Laws.
Enzyme the body secretes to convert lactose in breastmilk to a usable
The process of producing milk and feeding that milk to a child.
A natural birth control method that relies on exclusively breastfeeding for
up to six months postpartum.
The process of stimulating the mammary glands to produce milk, without
having been pregnant.
Ducts that converge and form a branched system connecting the nipple to
the lobules of the mammary gland.
Primary healthy bacteria in the breastfed child’s gastrointestinal tract.
A protein that binds with iron in the gut.
The initiation of milk production in the body.
The main carbohydrate in human milk.
The inability to digest milk sugar, leading to gastrointestinal upset.
A baby with a weight larger than the 90th percentile at birth.
Attachment of the baby’s mouth to the breast.
An infant born between 34-37 weeks gestation.
A simple incision or snipping of the frenulum
The ability of a substance to dissolve in lipids, fats, or oils.
An infant who weighs less than 2500 grams at birth.
A newborn who's significantly larger than average, often specified as
greater than 4000 grams.
A benign condition in which a milk duct becomes enlarged and fills with
fluid, usually found in perimenopausal women.
Radiography used to image breast tissue.
A painful inflammation of breast tissue.
The milk produced after colostrum stops, containing a different balance
of nutrients.
The process in which a woman discharges blood and other materials from
the lining of the uterus at intervals of about one lunar month from puberty
until menopause, except during pregnancy.
A person trained to assist women in childbirth.
A normal reflex in a lactating woman elicited by tactile stimulation of the
nipple, resulting in release of milk from the glands of the breast.
Use of rhythmic compression of the breast to release milk.
The movement of milk from mother to baby.
A women who has been pregnant more than once.
Having given birth to more than one full term infant.
Cloth or paper material used to wrap around an infant’s genitals and
bottom to absorb stool and urine.
Inflammation of the intestinal tract causing tissue to die.
Newborn status from birth to 28 days of life.
Special care unit in a hospital for ill infants.
Projection of the mammary gland with small outlets of the milk ducts through which baby obtains milk.
Rubber cap on a feeding bottle from which a baby nurses.
A small benign cyst clogging an opening on the nipple.
A plastic/silicone device placed over the nipple during breastfeeding to
assist with latch.
The act of sucking that does not involve transfer of milk, such as sucking
on a teat.
A doctor who specializes in pregnancy, childbirth, and a woman's
reproductive system.
A descriptor used for a swollen area of the body.
The primary female sex hormone responsible for development and
regulation of the female reproductive system.
A carbohydrate in breastmilk.
A condition occurring when a woman is producing more milk than her
infant needs.
A hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland that acts on organs in
the body (including the breast and uterus) and as a chemical messenger in
the brain, controlling key aspects of the reproductive system, including
childbirth and lactation, and aspects of human behaviour.

Controlled feeding method involving removing the nipple from the infant
to allow for rest and breathing breaks.
The upper part of the mouth that the tongue can press up against, the soft
palate occurring toward the back of the mouth.
Feeding through an intravenous tube bypassing the usual process of
eating and digestion.
The number of times a female has carried pregnancies to a viable
gestational age.
The process of heating a substance so that harmful substances are
A substance able to cause an illness.
A condition caused by a disease process.
The process of subjecting an author's scholarly work, research, or ideas to
the scrutiny of others who are experts in the same field to assure quality
and scientific accuracy.
An antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections.
Emotional and/or mental disorder during pregnancy and after birth
comprising a variety of diagnoses.
An infection of the respiratory system leading to a severe cough caused
by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. Also called whooping cough.
A genetic condition that causes an amino acid called phenylalanine to
build up in the body.
An organ that develops during pregnancy which attaches to the mother’s
uterus, connects to the fetus by the umbilical cord and provides nutrients
and oxygen to the fetus.
A state in which the volume of red blood cells is abnormally elevated.
The period beginning immediately after the birth of a child and extending
for approximately six weeks.
Depression that occurs after a woman has given birth. It may appear as
much as twelve months after birth.
Excessive bleeding after childbirth.
Occurring before conception of a fetus.
A condition in pregnancy where the patient develops high blood pressure.
swelling, and protein in the urine.
A baby born prematurely.
An infant born before 37 weeks of age.
The time during pregnancy before birth.
A woman pregnant for the first time.
A woman who has given birth to one full term infant.
A hormone produced in the body that, among other things, helps develop
the mammary glands.
A hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland that contributes to
milk production.
A study that follows a group of similar individuals (cohorts) over time to
compare outcomes.
Viewing both the psychological and social arenas together when
assessing the human condition.
A group of people sharing a common ancestry, traits and genes.
A syndrome in which there is severe constriction of blood flow to the
A condition in which stomach contents back up in to the esophagus
causing pain.
The process of resuming breastfeeding after a period of no breastfeeding
or very little breastfeeding.
A severe respiratory illness particularly harmful to infants.
A technique used to soften the areola, by reducing oedema.
A disease process related to lack of vitamin D intake.
An infant reflex where the infant searches for the nipple and makes a
sucking movement when the face or lips are stroked.
A virus that causes a severe gastrointestinal illness.
To impose a penalty upon.
A document listing the activities for which IBCLC certificants are
educated and in which they are authorised to engage.
The most important immunoglobulin in milk, not only in concentration
but also in biologic activity.
A condition where the pituitary gland and its function is adversely
impacted by blood loss and hypovolemic shock during or after childbirth.

Type of care in which an infant is placed prone, on an adult’s bare chest,

to encourage well-being and stability.
A baby with a weight smaller than the 10th percentile at birth.
A variety of agencies that assist its members on a community/local level.

A situation in which a person has a network of helpful people and

organisations close by.
Any solid substance (as opposed to liquid) that is used as a source of
A bacteria can cause a variety of infections.
Any type of infection caused by the streptococcus group of bacteria.

Areas of the skin which have been over distended causing visible
The process where a child transfers milk while sucking.
The sudden unexplained death of an infant.
A liquid nutrition delivery system using tubing enabling feeding at the
The method of giving additional fluids to a breastfed baby.
The use of interventions to prevent or decrease milk production.
A system of nursing to promote increased milk supply, in which the child
is frequently switched from one breast to another.
The condition in which two or more siblings of differing ages, nurse at
the same time.
A state of being when an infant’s teeth start to appear, often causing
A gland which produces hormones that regulate the body’s metabolism.

A condition in which the infant’s neck is persistently turned to one side

which may cause breastfeeding challenges.
The milk produced when colostrum is changing into mature milk.
Disease where immune system attacks and destroys insulin-producing
beta cells in the pancreas leaving the body is unable to produce insulin.
A condition where the body does not use insulin properly.
Guidance on how to control infection through a set of standard protocols.
A substance given in order to promote immunity to a disease/virus.
A method of birth in which a suction device is placed on the foetal head
to help with delivery.
A person who does not eat or use animal products.
A person who does not eat meat, fish, or poultry.
An infectious process passed from a woman to the infant during the
childbirth process.
Transition of the infant from dependence on breastmilk to other sources of
A woman who feeds another woman’s child at her breast.
A protein in milk.
A document produced to "improve, through optimal feeding, the
nutritional status, growth and development, health, and thus the very
survival of infants and young children." WHO, UNICEF published
English Word Translated Word
Active listening Mendengarkan dengan aktif

Advocate Advokat
Allergen Alergen
Alveolus Alveolus
Anaemia Anemia
Anesthesia Anestesi
Ankyloglossia “tongue-tie” Tali lidah pendek
Antenatal Antenatal
Antibody Antibodi
Anticipatory guidance Panduan antisipatif
Antigen Antigen
Antioxidants Antioksidan
Areola Areola
Artificial baby/infant milk Susu formula bayi
Assisted Reproductive Teknologi Reproduksi Berbantu
Technology (ART)
Axilla Ketiak
Baby-Friendly Hospital Rumah Sakit Sayang Bayi
Initiative (BFHI)
Bariatric surgery Operasi bariatrik
Bioavailable Ketersediaan hayati

Blood glucose Gula darah

Body Mass Index (BMI) Indeks Massa Tubuh
Bonding Ikatan
Breast abscess Abses payudara
Breast cancer Kanker payudara
Breast compression Kompresi payudara
Breast pump Pompa ASI
Breast shells Pelindung payudara
Breastfeeding Menyusui
Breastmilk substitutes Pengganti ASI
Canalisation Kanalisasi
Candida Kandida
Casein Kasein
Celiac disease Penyakit celiac
Cesarean section Operasi caesar
Child-feeding Pemberian makan pada anak
Cleft lip Celah lidah
Cleft palate Celah rongga mulut
Clinical Competencies for the Kompetensi Klinis untuk Praktik
Practice of IBCLCs bagi IBCLC
Code of Professional Conduct Kode Perilaku Profesional

Colic Kolik
Colostrum Kolostrum
Complementary food Makanan Pendamping ASI
Complementary/alternative Terapi alternatif/komplementer
Congenital infection, Infeksi bawaan, malformasi
Conjunctivitis Konjungtivitis
Contraception Kontrasepsi
Creamatocrit Krematokrit
Credential Kredensial
Cross-nursing, wet nursing Ibu susuan
Cystic fibrosis Fibrosis kistik
Dancer hand position Posisi tangan penari
Detailed Content Outline Garis Besar Konten yang
(IBLCE) Terperinci
Diarrhoea Diare
Donor milk Donor ASI
Down Syndrome Sindrom Down
Ductules Duktus
Dummy/pacifier/teat Empeng
Dyad Hubungan
Dysphoric milk ejection reflex Disforia saat refleks ASI mengalir

Eczema Eksim
Engorgement Pembengkakkan
Epidural anesthesia Anestesi Epidural
Erythematous Eritematosa
Ethnicity Etnik
Evidence-based care Pelayanan berbasis bukti
Exclusive breastfeeding Menyusui eksklusif
Exogenous Eksogen
Expressed breastmilk ASI perah
Failure to thrive Gagal tumbuh
Family-centered care Pusat pelayanan keluarga
Fibrocystic disease Penyakit fibrokistik
Flange Corong
Foremilk ASI awal
Foremilk-hindmilk imbalance Ketidakseimbangan ASI awal dan
ASI akhir
Formula Formula
Frenulum Frenulum
Full-term milk ASI matang
Galactagogue Galaktogog
Galactagogues Galaktogog
Galactocele Galaktokel
Galactopoiesis Galaktopoiesis
Galactose Galaktosa
Galactosemia Galaktosemia
Gastroenteritis Flu perut
Gavage feeding Pemberian makan melalui selang
Gender identity Identitas gender
Geopolitical Geopolitik
Gestational age Usia kehamilan
Gestational diabetes Diabetes kehamilan
Gripe water Gripe water
Half-life Waktu paruh
Hindmilk ASI akhir

Homeostasis Homeostasis
Hormone Hormon
Human lactation Laktasi manusia
Human milk ASI manusia
Human milk bank Bank ASI
Human milk fortifiers Fortifikasi ASI (HMF)
Hyperalimentation Hiperalimentasi
Hyperbilirubinemia Hiperbilirubin
Hyperprolactinemia Hiperprolaktinimea
Hypoallergenic formula Formula Hypoalergenik
Hypoglycemia Hipoglikemia
Hypothermia Hipotermia
IBCLC certificants Pemegang sertifikat IBCLC
Immunoglobulin Imunoglobulin
Induced lactation Induksi laktasi
International Board of Badan Internasional untuk Penguji
Lactation Consultant Konsultan Laktasi
Examiners (IBLCE)
Inverted nipple Puting datar
Involution Involusi
Jaundice Ikterus
Kosher food Makanan Kosher
Lactase Laktosa
Lactation Laktasi
Lactation Amenorrhea Metode Amenorea Laktasi (MAL)
Method (LAM)
Lactation, induced Induksi laktasi
Lactiferous ducts Duktus laktiferus
Lactobacillus bifidus Laktobasilus bifidus
Lactoferrin Laktoferin
Lactogenesis Laktogenesis
Lactose Laktosa
Lactose intolerance Intoleransi laktosa
Large for gestational age Besar untuk Masa Kehamilan
Latch Pelekatan
Late preterm infant Bayi prematur akhir
lip/tongue tie release Pelepasan tali lidah/bibir
Lipid solubility Kelarutan dalam lemak
Low birth weight Berat lahir rendah
Macrosomia Makrosomia
Mammary duct ectasia Ektasia saluran ASI
Mammary gland Kelenjar susu
Mammography Mamografi
Mastitis Mastitis
Mature milk ASI matang
Menstrual periods, Menstruasi
Midwife Bidan
Milk ejection reflex (MER), Refleks ASI mengalir
“let down”
Milk expression Pemerahan ASI
Milk transfer Penyaluran ASI
Multigravida Multigravida
Multiparous Multipara
Nappies, “diapers” Popok
Necrotizing enterocolitis Enterokolitis nekrotikans
Neonatal Neonatal
NICU (neonatal intensive care Unit Perawatan Intensif Neonatal
unit) (NICU)
Nipple bleb/milk blister Puting melepuh
Nipple shield Pelindung putting
Non-nutritive sucking Hisapan tidak bergizi
Obstetrician Dokter kandungan
Oedematous Edema
Oestrogen Estrogen
Oligosaccharide Oligasakarida
Over-supply Pasokan berlebih
Oxytocin Oksitosin

Pacing, pace feeding Menjarakkan waktu menyusui

Palate, hard, soft Langit-langit mulut, keras, lembut
Parenteral Parenteral
Parity Paritas
Pasteurization Pasteurisasi
Pathogen Patogen
Pathologic Patologis
Peer-reviewed Ulasan sejawat

Penicillin Penisilin
Peripartum mood disorder Depresi saat atau sesudah
kehamilan/Depresi Postpartum
Pertussis Pertusis

Phenylketonuria Fenilketonuria
Placenta Plasenta

Polycythaemia Polisitemia
Postpartum Postpartum
Postpartum depression (PPD) Depresi Postpartum

Postpartum hemorrhage Pendarahan setelah persalinan

Preconception Prekonsepsi
Preeclampsia Preeklamsia
Preemie Prematur
Premature infant Bayi prematur
Prenatal Prenatal
Primigravida Primigravida
Primiparous Primipara
Progesterone Progesteron
Prolactin Prolaktin
Prospective cohort study Studi Kohort Prospektif
Psychosocial Psikososial
Race Ras
Raynaud's phenomenon Fenomena Raynaud
Reflux Refluks
Re-lactation Relaktasi
Respiratory syncytial virus Infeksi virus saluran pernapasan
Reverse pressure softening Melunakkan payudara dengan
tekanan balik
Rickets Rakhitis
Rooting Refleks mencari putting/rooting
Rotavirus Rotavirus
Sanctioned Diberikan sanksi
Scope of Practice (IBLCE) Lingkup Praktik (IBLCE)
Secretory immunoglobin A Sekretori imunoglobin A (sIgA)
Sheehan’s syndrome Sindrom Sheehan
Skin-to-skin, “Kangaroo care” Kontak kulik ke kulit "Perawatan
Metode Kangguru - PMK"
Small for gestational age Kecil untuk Masa Kehamilan
Social services Dinas pelayanan sosial
Social support Dukungan sosial
Solid foods Makanan padat
Staphylococcus aureus Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
Streptococcal Streptokokus
Striae- “stretch marks” Gurat peregangan/selulit
Sucking, nutritive Menghisap
Sudden infant death syndrome Sindrom kematian bayi mendadak
Supplemental nursing system Alat suplementasi menyusui (SNS)
Supplementation, Suplementasi
supplementary feeds
Suppress lactation Penekanan laktasi
Switch nursing Menyusui bergantian payudara
Tandem nursing Menyusui tandem
Teething Tumbuh gigi
Thyroid Tiroid
Torticollis Tortikolis/leher miring
Transitional milk ASI transisi
Type 1 Diabetes Diabetes tipe 1

Type 2 Diabetes Diabetes tipe 2

Universal precautions Tindakan pencegahan universal
Vaccine/Immunization Vaksin/imunisasi
Vacuum extraction Ekstraksi vakum
Vegan Vegan
Vegetarian Vegetarian
Vertical transmission Transmisi vertikal
Weaning Menyapih
Wet nurse Ibu susuan
Whey Whey
World Health Organization Badan Kesehatan Dunia (WHO)
Global Strategy for Infant and Strategi Global untuk Pemberian
Young Child Feeding Makan pada Bayi dan Anak
Communication technique with the listener concentrating on what is being said and then paraphrasing and repeating
confirm understanding.
A person who supports a particular policy or person.
A substance that causes an allergic response.
A small sac in the mammary gland where milk is secreted and stored.
A decrease of red blood cells in the blood.
Use of medicine to prevent the feeling of pain or another sensation during surgery or other procedures that might be
The presence of a lingual frenulum that changes the appearance or function of the infant’s tongue.
Referring to the period of time from human conception to the beginning of the labor process.
A protein formed by the body after exposure to harmful substances. Part of the human immune response.
A proactive counseling technique that focuses on potential outcomes.
A substance that stimulates antibody production.
A molecule that inhibits the oxidation of other molecules which may prevent or delay some types of cell damage.
Pigmented skin surrounding the nipple
Manufactured nutrition designed for feeding to infants/children.
Use of any artificial means in which to conceive.

The space under the shoulder, underarm area.

A global program launched by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNI
encourage and recognize hospitals and birthing centers that offer an optimal level of care for infant feeding and mothe
Surgery performed to assist with weight loss in patients who are obese. Usually involves reduction in size of the stom
The ease at which a nutrient/medication is absorbed and used by the body. Blocked duct “plugged milk duct” A cond
is obstructed.
Sugar that comes from food intake that the bloodstream carries to all the cells in the body to supply energy.
A measure of body fat based on weight in relation to height.
A close relationship between two or more people.
An infection involving a localized area of the breast.
Cells in the breast which grow out of control and may form a tumor.
A gentle massage of the breast to encourage milk flow.
A mechanical device used to extract breastmilk from a breast.
A plastic device placed over the nipple area to both protect painful nipples and encourage nipple eversion.
The direct act of feeding a newborn/child with milk from the breast.
Any substance used for infant/child nutrition where breastmilk would normally be recommended.
The formation of canals or channels in a tissue.
A type of fungal infection.
A phosphoprotein which is the principle protein in milk.
An immune reaction of the digestive system that damages the small intestine and interferes with the absorption of nu
The delivery of a baby through a surgical incision in the mother's abdomen and uterus.
The act of providing nourishment to an infant or child.
A congenital split in the upper lip on one or both sides of the center.
A congenital split in the roof of the mouth.
The responsibilities/activities that are part of the IBCLC practice.

An IBCLE document which informs both IBCLCs and the public of the minimum standards of acceptable conduct, e
commitment expected of all holders of the IBCLC credential, provides IBCLCs with a framework for carrying out the
serves as a basis for decisions regarding alleged misconduct.
A condition of a newborn with crying for long periods of time with no apparent reason.
The first breast milk that is produced, distinguished from mature milk.
Food offered along with breast milk.

Therapies considered non-traditional or outside of convention that may or may not be used together with conventiona

An infection or malformation that was acquired during fetal development.

Inflammation of the eye.

Methods used to prevent pregnancy.
Machine used to determine the fat content of breastmilk.
a document proving a person's qualifications to perform.
Breastfeeding an infant that is not one’s own.
An inherited disease that causes fibrous scar tissues in the lungs, digestive system, sweat glands.
Technique for giving cheeks/jaw support to a hypotonic nursing infant.
A list of disciplines in which IBCLC certificants are expected to have detailed knowledge.

A pathologic condition involving frequent watery stools.

Breastmilk offered/donated to another for their use.
A chromosomal disorder causing developmental delays and other health problems.
Small ducts in the mammary glands.
An artificial nipple used for the infant to suck on.
Addressing the Mother and the Baby as one unit.
The experience of negative emotions immediately preceding the milk ejection reflex.

Inflammation of the skin with redness, itching and oozing which can crust or harden. Empowerment - Process of bec
A swelling of the breast due to an increase in blood and lymph supply.
Medicine is injected through catheter into the epidural space of the spinal canal to block pain in a region of the body.
A descriptor used for a reddened area of the body.
A social group that has common national or cultural traditions.
Making use of the current best evidence to assess, evaluate and plan.
The act of feeding breastmilk only.
Coming from outside the body.
Breastmilk that is expressed to be used at some other time.
A condition where an infant/child has insufficient growth including weight loss, or is not gaining appropriately.
Care this is focused not solely on individual members of the family group, but treating each as an integral part of clie
A non-pathologic condition of the breast where the breasts have a "lumpy" texture.
A part of a breast pump that sits on the breast/nipple.
The lower fat breastmilk obtained at the start of a feeding.
A condition where there is an over-supply of foremilk in which the infant becomes full on the lower fat/higher lactos
access and ingest the higher fat content milk at the end of a feeding.
Manufactured food designed and marketed for feeding to babies. Frenotomy,
A band of tissue that supports/restricts the movement of the tissue it is attached to.
Milk which is produced at full term gestation, that is suitable in nutrients for a full-term baby.
A substance that is used to encourage milk production i.e. herbs, foods.
A substance used to help increase breastmilk production in nursing mothers.
A benign cyst located in the mammary glands, usually containing milk.
The process by which the breastmilk supply is maintained by the body.
A simple sugar found in breastmilk.
A condition in which a newborn is unable to completely digest the sugar galactose in breastmilk.
Inflammation of the stomach and intestines.
A way to provide breastmilk directly to a baby's stomach through tube placed through the nose
The self-identification of gender: male, female or non-binary, regardless of biological sex characteristics.
Politics as it relates to particular geographical areas.
A measure of length of a pregnancy which starts from the last menstrual period (LMP)
A condition develops during pregnancy that causes elevated glucose levels.
Complimentary therapy used to treat the symptoms of colic.
Period of time required for the concentration or amount of drug in the body to be reduced by one-half
The milk towards the end of a feeding which is typically higher in fat content. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV
HIV infection.
Any self-regulating process by which biological systems maintain stability while adjusting to conditions that are opti
A chemical messenger that is produced and released by the endocrine system.
The process by which milk is produced within the body as well as the time in which a human lactates.
The milk produced by a human.
A facility that collects and processes breastmilk for distribution.
Substance added to breastmilk to enhance the nutrients.
Feeding a newborn intravenously.
A condition of excess bilirubin in the blood.
An excess of prolactin in the body.
An infant formula that is less likely to cause an allergic reaction compared to others.
A condition that occurs when blood sugar (also called blood glucose) levels are too low.
An abnormal decrease in body temperature.
Those who maintain an active IBCLC certificate.
Also known as antibodies, see antibody.
The process of stimulating the mammary glands to produce milk when a person has not had the benefits of the hormo
Independent international certification body conferring IBCLC credential.

A condition in which the nipple is retracted both at rest and when stimulated.
The return of mammary glands or uterus to a state before pregnancy and lactation
A medical condition with yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes, arising from excess of the pigment bilirubin in
Food prepared in accordance with Jewish Dietary Laws.
Enzyme the body secretes to convert lactose in breastmilk to a usable sugar.
The process of producing milk and feeding that milk to a child.
A natural birth control method that relies on exclusively breastfeeding for up to six months postpartum.

The process of stimulating the mammary glands to produce milk, without having been pregnant.
Ducts that converge and form a branched system connecting the nipple to the lobules of the mammary gland.
Primary healthy bacteria in the breastfed child’s gastrointestinal tract.
A protein that binds with iron in the gut.
The initiation of milk production in the body.
The main carbohydrate in human milk.
The inability to digest milk sugar, leading to gastrointestinal upset.
A baby with a weight larger than the 90th percentile at birth.

Attachment of the baby’s mouth to the breast.

An infant born between 34-37 weeks gestation.
A simple incision or snipping of the frenulum
The ability of a substance to dissolve in lipids, fats, or oils.
An infant who weighs less than 2500 grams at birth.
A newborn who's significantly larger than average, often specified as greater than 4000 grams.
A benign condition in which a milk duct becomes enlarged and fills with fluid, usually found in perimenopausal wom
Radiography used to image breast tissue.
A painful inflammation of breast tissue.
The milk produced after colostrum stops, containing a different balance of nutrients.
The process in which a woman discharges blood and other materials from the lining of the uterus at intervals of abou
puberty until menopause, except during pregnancy.
A person trained to assist women in childbirth.
A normal reflex in a lactating woman elicited by tactile stimulation of the nipple, resulting in release of milk from the

Use of rhythmic compression of the breast to release milk.

The movement of milk from mother to baby.
A women who has been pregnant more than once.
Having given birth to more than one full term infant.
Cloth or paper material used to wrap around an infant’s genitals and bottom to absorb stool and urine.
Inflammation of the intestinal tract causing tissue to die.
Newborn status from birth to 28 days of life.
Special care unit in a hospital for ill infants.

A small benign cyst clogging an opening on the nipple.

A plastic/silicone device placed over the nipple during breastfeeding to assist with latch.
The act of sucking that does not involve transfer of milk, such as sucking on a teat.
A doctor who specializes in pregnancy, childbirth, and a woman's reproductive system.
A descriptor used for a swollen area of the body.
The primary female sex hormone responsible for development and regulation of the female reproductive system.
A carbohydrate in breastmilk.
A condition occurring when a woman is producing more milk than her infant needs.
A hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland that acts on organs in the body (including the breast and uterus) a
messenger in the brain, controlling key aspects of the reproductive system, including childbirth and lactation, and asp

Controlled feeding method involving removing the nipple from the infant to allow for rest and breathing breaks.
The upper part of the mouth that the tongue can press up against, the soft palate occurring toward the back of the mo
Feeding through an intravenous tube bypassing the usual process of eating and digestion.
The number of times a female has carried pregnancies to a viable gestational age.
The process of heating a substance so that harmful substances are eliminated.
A substance able to cause an illness.
A condition caused by a disease process.
The process of subjecting an author's scholarly work, research, or ideas to the scrutiny of others who are experts in th
quality and scientific accuracy.
An antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections.
Emotional and/or mental disorder during pregnancy and after birth comprising a variety of diagnoses.

An infection of the respiratory system leading to a severe cough caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. Also c

A genetic condition that causes an amino acid called phenylalanine to build up in the body.
An organ that develops during pregnancy which attaches to the mother’s uterus, connects to the fetus by the umbilica
nutrients and oxygen to the fetus.
A state in which the volume of red blood cells is abnormally elevated.
The period beginning immediately after the birth of a child and extending for approximately six weeks.
Depression that occurs after a woman has given birth. It may appear as much as twelve months after birth.

Excessive bleeding after childbirth.

Occurring before conception of a fetus.
A condition in pregnancy where the patient develops high blood pressure. swelling, and protein in the urine.
A baby born prematurely.
An infant born before 37 weeks of age.
The time during pregnancy before birth.
A woman pregnant for the first time.
A woman who has given birth to one full term infant.
A hormone produced in the body that, among other things, helps develop the mammary glands.
A hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland that contributes to milk production.
A study that follows a group of similar individuals (cohorts) over time to compare outcomes.
Viewing both the psychological and social arenas together when assessing the human condition.
A group of people sharing a common ancestry, traits and genes.
A syndrome in which there is severe constriction of blood flow to the nipples.
A condition in which stomach contents back up in to the esophagus causing pain.
The process of resuming breastfeeding after a period of no breastfeeding or very little breastfeeding.
A severe respiratory illness particularly harmful to infants.

A technique used to soften the areola, by reducing oedema.

A disease process related to lack of vitamin D intake.

An infant reflex where the infant searches for the nipple and makes a sucking movement when the face or lips are str
A virus that causes a severe gastrointestinal illness.
To impose a penalty upon.
A document listing the activities for which IBCLC certificants are educated and in which they are authorised to enga
The most important immunoglobulin in milk, not only in concentration but also in biologic activity.

A condition where the pituitary gland and its function is adversely impacted by blood loss and hypovolemic shock du
Type of care in which an infant is placed prone, on an adult’s bare chest, to encourage well-being and stability.

A baby with a weight smaller than the 10th percentile at birth.

A variety of agencies that assist its members on a community/local level.

A situation in which a person has a network of helpful people and organisations close by.
Any solid substance (as opposed to liquid) that is used as a source of nourishment.
A bacteria can cause a variety of infections.
Any type of infection caused by the streptococcus group of bacteria.
Areas of the skin which have been over distended causing visible markings.
The process where a child transfers milk while sucking.
The sudden unexplained death of an infant.

A liquid nutrition delivery system using tubing enabling feeding at the breast.

The method of giving additional fluids to a breastfed baby.

The use of interventions to prevent or decrease milk production.

A system of nursing to promote increased milk supply, in which the child is frequently switched from one breast to a
The condition in which two or more siblings of differing ages, nurse at the same time.
A state of being when an infant’s teeth start to appear, often causing discomfort.
A gland which produces hormones that regulate the body’s metabolism.
A condition in which the infant’s neck is persistently turned to one side which may cause breastfeeding challenges.
The milk produced when colostrum is changing into mature milk.
Disease where immune system attacks and destroys insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas leaving the body is u

A condition where the body does not use insulin properly.

Guidance on how to control infection through a set of standard protocols.
A substance given in order to promote immunity to a disease/virus.
A method of birth in which a suction device is placed on the foetal head to help with delivery.
A person who does not eat or use animal products.
A person who does not eat meat, fish, or poultry.
An infectious process passed from a woman to the infant during the childbirth process.
Transition of the infant from dependence on breastmilk to other sources of nutrition.
A woman who feeds another woman’s child at her breast.
A protein in milk.
A document produced to "improve, through optimal feeding, the nutritional status, growth and development, health,
survival of infants and young children." WHO, UNICEF published
English Word Translated Word
Active listening ascolto attivo
Advocate una persona che fa advocacy (this is practi
Allergen allergene
Alveolus alveolo (also: acino)
Anaemia anemia
Anesthesia anestesia
Ankyloglossia “tongue-tie” anchiloglossia
Antenatal prenatale
antenatal (prenatal) breastfeeding class incontro di accompagnamento alla nascita su
Antibody anticorpo
Anticipatory guidance guida preventiva
Antigen antigene
Antioxidants antiossidanti
Areola areola
Artificial baby/infant milk formula (used to be "latte artificiale", but
Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) procreazione medicalmente assistita (PMA)
Axilla ascella
Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) Iniziativa Opsedale Amico dei Bambini
Bariatric surgery chirurgia bariatrica
Bioavailable adj: biodisponibile (noun: biodisponibilità)
Blocked duct “plugged milk duct” dotto ostruito
Blood glucose glicemia (livello di glucosio nel sangue)
Body Mass Index (BMI) indice di massa corporea (BMI)
Bonding legame (usually between mother and baby:
Breast abscess ascesso mammario
Breast cancer cancro al seno, tumore al seno, carcinoma
Breast compression compressione del seno
Breast pump tiralatte, mastosuttore
Breast shells copricapezzoli
Breastfeeding allattamento (in the past allattamento al se
Breastmilk substitutes sostituto del latte materno
Canalisation canalizzazione
Candida candida
Casein caseina
Celiac disease celiachia
Cesarean section taglio cesareo (NOT "parto cesareo")
Child-feeding alimentazione dei bambini
Cleft lip labioschisi
Cleft palate palatoschisi
Clinical Competencies for the Practice of IBCLCCompetenze cliniche per la pratica delle IBC
Code of Professional Conduct (IBLCE) Codice di Condotta Professionale per IBCLC
Colic coliche
Colostrum colostro
Complementary food cibi complementari
Complementary/alternative therapies terapie complementarie/alternative (I would s
Congenital infection infezione congenita
Congenital malformation malformazione congenita
Conjunctivitis congiuntivite
Contraception contraccezione, metodo anticoncezionale
Creamatocrit crematocrito
Credential credenziale
Cross-nursing allattare il bambino di un’altra madre per u
wet nursing baliatico
Cystic fibrosis fibrosi cistica
Dancer hand position presa Dancer (modo particolare di sostenere
Detailed Content Outline (IBLCE) Schema dettagliato dei contenuti
Diarrhoea diarrea
Donor milk latte donato
donor milk (fresh frozen, fresh raw, heat trea latte donato per una banca del latte (rispettivamente: congelato fresco, fresco, p
Down Syndrome sindrome di Down
Ductules piccoli dotti
Dummy/pacifier/teat ciuccio (NOT succhiotto)
Dyad diade
Dysphoric milk ejection reflex riflesso di emissione di latte disforico
Eczema eczema, dermatite
Empowerment empowerment (there is no translation, so th
Engorgement ingorgo
Epidural anesthesia anestesia epidurale
Erythematous eritematoso
Ethnicity etnia, origine etnica
Evidence-based care assistenza basata sulle prove di efficacia
Exclusive breastfeeding allattamento esclusivo
Exogenous esogeno
Expressed breastmilk latte spremuto (if by hand), latte tirato (if
Failure to thrive arresto della crescita
Family-centered care assistenza centrata sulla famiglia
Fibrocystic disease malattia fibrocistica
Flange flangia
Foremilk primo latte, latte iniziale
Foremilk-hindmilk imbalance squilibrio fra primo e secondo latte
Formula formula
Frenotomy frenulotomia (if lingual: Frenulotomia lingua

Frenulum frenulo
Full-term milk latte per neonato a termine
Galactagogue galattogogo
Galactagogues galattogoghi
Galactocele galattocele (cisti benigna contenente un flui
Galactopoiesis galattopoiesi (termine in disuso, ora chiamat
Galactose galattosio
Galactosemia galattosemia
Gastroenteritis gastroenterite
Gavage feeding alimentazione con sonda nasogastrica
Gender identity identità di genere
Geopolitical geopolitico
Gestational age età gestazionale
Gestational diabetes diabete gestazionale
Gripe water gocce anti-coliche (if you mean something t
Half-life emivita
Hindmilk latte terminale, secondo latte
Homeostasis omeostasi
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) virus di immunodeficienza umana (HIV)
Hormone ormone
Human lactation lattazione umana
Human milk latte umano
Human milk bank banca del latte umano
Human milk fortifiers fortificanti di latte umano
Hyperalimentation iperalimentazione, sovralimentazione
Hyperbilirubinemia iperbilirubinemia
Hyperprolactinemia iperprolattinemia
Hypoallergenic formula formula ipoallergenica
Hypoglycemia ipoglicemia
Hypothermia ipotermia
IBCLC certificants consulenti accreditate IBCLC
Immunoglobulin immunoglobulina
Induced lactation lattazione indotta
International Board of Lactation Consultant ExEnte Internazionale degli Esaminatori dei Co
Inverted nipple capezzolo introflesso
Involution involuzione
Jaundice iperbilirubinemia (less formally: ittero)
Kosher food cibo kosher
Lactase lattasi
Lactation lattazione
Lactation Amenorrhea Method (LAM) metodo dell’amenorrea lattazionale (LAM)
Lactation, induced lattazione indotta
Lactiferous ducts dotto lattifero, dotto mammario
Lactobacillus bifidus lactobacillus bifidus
Lactoferrin lattoferrina
Lactogenesis lattogenesi
Lactose lattosio
Lactose intolerance intolleranza al lattosio
Large for gestational age (LGA) (neonato) grande per età gestazionale (LGA)
Latch attacco (al seno), presa del bambino sul sen
Late preterm infant neonato late-preterm (the English term is
lip/tongue tie release frenulotomia (if lingual: Frenulotomia lingua
lip tie release frenulectomia labiale (if lip)
Lipid solubility liposolubilità
Low birth weight basso peso alla nascita
Macrosomia macrosomia
Mammary duct ectasia ectasia di un dotto mammario
Mammary gland ghiandola mammaria
Mammography mammografia
Mastitis mastite
Mature milk latte maturo
Menstrual periods, menstruation mestruazioni
Midwife ostetrica
Milk ejection reflex (MER), “let down” riflesso di emissione di latte
Milk expression spremitura del latte
Milk transfer trasferimento di latte
Multigravida multigravida
Multiparous multipara
Nappies, “diapers” pannolini
Necrotizing enterocolitis enterocolite necrotizzante
Neonatal neonatale
NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) TIN (Terapia Intensiva Neonatale) also calle
Nipple bleb/milk blister vescica sul capezzolo
Nipple shield paracapezzolo
Non-nutritive sucking suzione non nutritiva
Obstetrician Ginecologo (can also be "medico ostetrico",
Oedematous edematoso
Oestrogen estrogeno
Oligosaccharide oligosaccaride
Over-supply iperproduzione, produzione eccessiva
Oxytocin ossitocina
Pacing, pace feeding alimentazione osservando i segnali del bamb
Palate, hard, soft palato, duro, molle
Parenteral parenterale
Parity parità
Pasteurization pastorizzazione
Pathogen patogeno
Pathologic patologico
Peer-reviewed peer review
Penicillin penicillina
Peripartum mood disorder disturbo dell'umore perinatale
Pertussis pertosse
Phenylketonuria fenilchetonuria
Placenta placenta
Polycythaemia policitemia
Postpartum post-parto
Postpartum depression (PPD) depressione post-parto
Postpartum hemorrhage emorragia post-parto
Preconception preconcezionale
Preeclampsia preeclampsia (or "gestosi")
Preemie bambino pretermine, bambino prematuro
Premature infant bambino pretermine, bambino prematuro
Prenatal prenatale
Primigravida primigravida
Primiparous primipara
Progesterone progesterone
Prolactin prolattina
Prospective cohort study Studio prospettico di coorte
Psychosocial psicosociale
Race etnia
Raynaud's phenomenon sindrome di Raynaud
Reflux reflusso (reflusso gastroesofageo)
Re-lactation rilattazione (riattivazione della lattazione,
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) virus respiratorio sinciziale
Reverse pressure softening pressione inversa (in this context, the "soft
Rickets rachitismo
Rooting riflesso di ricerca, riflesso di rooting
Rotavirus rotavirus
Sanctioned sanzionato
Scope of Practice (IBLCE) Ambito di competenza per IBCLC
Secretory immunoglobin A (sIgA) IgA secretoria
Sheehan’s syndrome sindrome di Sheehan
Skin-to-skin, “Kangaroo care” pelle a pelle, contatto pelle a pelle
“Kangaroo care” mamma canguru, marsupioterapia
Small for gestational age (SGA) piccolo per età gestazionale
Social services servizi sociali
Social support rete di sostegno
Solid foods cibi solidi, alimenti solidi
Staphylococcus aureus stafilococco aureo
Streptococcal streptococco
Striae- “stretch marks” smagliature
Sucking, nutritive suzione nutritiva
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) sindrome della morte improvvisa del lattant
Supplemental nursing system (SNS) dispositivo di alimentazione supplementare
Supplementation supplementazione
supplementary feeds pasti supplementari
Suppress lactation sopprimere la lattazione
Switch nursing alternare più volte i seni (cambiare spesso
Tandem nursing allattamento in tandem (allattamento di du
Teething dentizione
Thyroid tiroide
Torticollis torcicollo
Transitional milk latte di transizione (delle prime 1-3 settima
Type 1 Diabetes diabete del Tipo I
Type 2 Diabetes diabete del Tipo II
Universal precautions Precauzioni universali
Vaccine vaccino
Immunization vaccinazione
Vacuum extraction parto strumentale con ventosa
Vegan vegano
Vegetarian vegetariano
Vertical transmission trasmissione verticale
Weaning - stopping breastfeeding smettere di allattare
Weaning - introducing solids introduzione di cibi solidi
Wet nurse balia
Whey siero del latte
World Health Organization/UNICEF Global StraLa Strategia Globale per l'alimentazione de
Communication technique with the listener concentrating on what is being said and then paraphrasing and repeating it back t
A person who supports a particular policy or person.
A substance that causes an allergic response.
A small sac in the mammary gland where milk is secreted and stored.
A decrease of red blood cells in the blood.
Use of medicine to prevent the feeling of pain or another sensation during surgery or other procedures that might be painful.
The presence of a lingual frenulum that changes the appearance or function of the infant’s tongue.
Referring to the period of time from human conception to the beginning of the labor process.
We are moving away from the concept of "breastfeeding class" (focus on teaching) to "meeting about breastfeeding" (opportu
A protein formed by the body after exposure to harmful substances. Part of the human immune response.
A proactive counseling technique that focuses on potential outcomes.
A substance that stimulates antibody production.
A molecule that inhibits the oxidation of other molecules which may prevent or delay some types of cell damage.
Pigmented skin surrounding the nipple
Manufactured nutrition designed for feeding to infants/children.
Use of any artificial means in which to conceive.
The space under the shoulder, underarm area.
A global program launched by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in 1991
Surgery performed to assist with weight loss in patients who are obese. Usually involves reduction in size of the stomach or o
The ease at which a nutrient/medication is absorbed and used by the body.
A condition in which a milk duct is obstructed.
Sugar that comes from food intake that the bloodstream carries to all the cells in the body to supply energy.
A measure of body fat based on weight in relation to height.
A close relationship between two or more people.
An infection involving a localized area of the breast.
Cells in the breast which grow out of control and may form a tumor.
A gentle massage of the breast to encourage milk flow.
A mechanical device used to extract breastmilk from a breast.
A plastic device placed over the nipple area to both protect painful nipples and encourage nipple eversion.
The direct act of feeding a newborn/child with milk from the breast.
Any substance used for infant/child nutrition where breastmilk would normally be recommended.
The formation of canals or channels in a tissue.
A type of fungal infection.
A phosphoprotein which is the principle protein in milk.
An immune reaction of the digestive system that damages the small intestine and interferes with the absorption of nutrients
The delivery of a baby through a surgical incision in the mother's abdomen and uterus.
The act of providing nourishment to an infant or child.
A congenital split in the upper lip on one or both sides of the center.
A congenital split in the roof of the mouth.
The responsibilities/activities that are part of the IBCLC practice.
An IBCLE document which informs both IBCLCs and the public of the minimum standards of acceptable conduct, exemplifies t
A condition of a newborn with crying for long periods of time with no apparent reason.
The first breast milk that is produced, distinguished from mature milk.
Food offered along with breast milk.
Therapies considered non-traditional or outside of convention that may or may not be used together with conventional medi
An infection or malformation that was acquired during fetal development.

Inflammation of the eye.

Methods used to prevent pregnancy.
Machine used to determine the fat content of breastmilk.
a document proving a person's qualifications to perform.
Breastfeeding an infant that is not one’s own.

An inherited disease that causes fibrous scar tissues in the lungs, digestive system, sweat glands.
Technique for giving cheeks/jaw support to a hypotonic nursing infant.
A list of disciplines in which IBCLC certificants are expected to have detailed knowledge.
A pathologic condition involving frequent watery stools.
Breastmilk offered/donated to another for their use.
atte (rispettivamente: congelato fresco, fresco, pastorizzato, da più campioni)
A chromosomal disorder causing developmental delays and other health problems.
Small ducts in the mammary glands.
An artificial nipple used for the infant to suck on.
Addressing the Mother and the Baby as one unit.
The experience of negative emotions immediately preceding the milk ejection reflex.
Inflammation of the skin with redness, itching and oozing which can crust or harden. Empowerment - Process of becoming se
Process of becoming self-actualized.
A swelling of the breast due to an increase in blood and lymph supply.
Medicine is injected through catheter into the epidural space of the spinal canal to block pain in a region of the body.
A descriptor used for a reddened area of the body.
A social group that has common national or cultural traditions.
Making use of the current best evidence to assess, evaluate and plan.
The act of feeding breastmilk only.
Coming from outside the body.
Breastmilk that is expressed to be used at some other time.
A condition where an infant/child has insufficient growth including weight loss, or is not gaining appropriately.
Care this is focused not solely on individual members of the family group, but treating each as an integral part of client care.
A non-pathologic condition of the breast where the breasts have a "lumpy" texture.
A part of a breast pump that sits on the breast/nipple.
The lower fat breastmilk obtained at the start of a feeding.
A condition where there is an over-supply of foremilk in which the infant becomes full on the lower fat/higher lactose conten
Manufactured food designed and marketed for feeding to babies.
The procedure in which the lingual frenulum is cut. It is done when the frenulum seems unusually short or tight (anklyoglossia

A band of tissue that supports/restricts the movement of the tissue it is attached to.
Milk which is produced at full term gestation, that is suitable in nutrients for a full-term baby.
A substance that is used to encourage milk production i.e. herbs, foods.
A substance used to help increase breastmilk production in nursing mothers.
A benign cyst located in the mammary glands, usually containing milk.
The process by which the breastmilk supply is maintained by the body.
A simple sugar found in breastmilk.
A condition in which a newborn is unable to completely digest the sugar galactose in breastmilk.
Inflammation of the stomach and intestines.
A way to provide breastmilk directly to a baby's stomach through tube placed through the nose
The self-identification of gender: male, female or non-binary, regardless of biological sex characteristics.
Politics as it relates to particular geographical areas.
A measure of length of a pregnancy which starts from the last menstrual period (LMP)
A condition develops during pregnancy that causes elevated glucose levels.
Complimentary therapy used to treat the symptoms of colic.
Period of time required for the concentration or amount of drug in the body to be reduced by one-half
The milk towards the end of a feeding which is typically higher in fat content.
Any self-regulating process by which biological systems maintain stability while adjusting to conditions that are optimal for su
A retrovirus that causes HIV infection.
A chemical messenger that is produced and released by the endocrine system.
The process by which milk is produced within the body as well as the time in which a human lactates.
The milk produced by a human.
A facility that collects and processes breastmilk for distribution.
Substance added to breastmilk to enhance the nutrients.
Feeding a newborn intravenously.
A condition of excess bilirubin in the blood.
An excess of prolactin in the body.
An infant formula that is less likely to cause an allergic reaction compared to others.
A condition that occurs when blood sugar (also called blood glucose) levels are too low.
An abnormal decrease in body temperature.
Those who maintain an active IBCLC certificate.
Also known as antibodies, see antibody.
The process of stimulating the mammary glands to produce milk when a person has not had the benefits of the hormones of
Independent international certification body conferring IBCLC credential.
A condition in which the nipple is retracted both at rest and when stimulated.
The return of mammary glands or uterus to a state before pregnancy and lactation
A medical condition with yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes, arising from excess of the pigment bilirubin in the blood.
Food prepared in accordance with Jewish Dietary Laws.
Enzyme the body secretes to convert lactose in breastmilk to a usable sugar.
The process of producing milk and feeding that milk to a child.
A natural birth control method that relies on exclusively breastfeeding for up to six months postpartum.
The process of stimulating the mammary glands to produce milk, without having been pregnant.
Ducts that converge and form a branched system connecting the nipple to the lobules of the mammary gland.
Primary healthy bacteria in the breastfed child’s gastrointestinal tract.
A protein that binds with iron in the gut.
The initiation of milk production in the body.
The main carbohydrate in human milk.
The inability to digest milk sugar, leading to gastrointestinal upset.
A baby with a weight larger than the 90th percentile at birth.
Attachment of the baby’s mouth to the breast.
An infant born between 34-37 weeks gestation.
A simple incision or snipping of the frenulum

The ability of a substance to dissolve in lipids, fats, or oils.

An infant who weighs less than 2500 grams at birth.
A newborn who's significantly larger than average, often specified as greater than 4000 grams.
A benign condition in which a milk duct becomes enlarged and fills with fluid, usually found in perimenopausal women.
Radiography used to image breast tissue.
A painful inflammation of breast tissue.
The milk produced after colostrum stops, containing a different balance of nutrients.
The process in which a woman discharges blood and other materials from the lining of the uterus at intervals of about one lun
A person trained to assist women in childbirth.
A normal reflex in a lactating woman elicited by tactile stimulation of the nipple, resulting in release of milk from the glands o
Use of rhythmic compression of the breast to release milk.
The movement of milk from mother to baby.
A women who has been pregnant more than once.
Having given birth to more than one full term infant.
Cloth or paper material used to wrap around an infant’s genitals and bottom to absorb stool and urine.
Inflammation of the intestinal tract causing tissue to die.
Newborn status from birth to 28 days of life.
Special care unit in a hospital for ill infants.
A small benign cyst clogging an opening on the nipple.
A plastic/silicone device placed over the nipple during breastfeeding to assist with latch.
The act of sucking that does not involve transfer of milk, such as sucking on a teat.
A doctor who specializes in pregnancy, childbirth, and a woman's reproductive system.
A descriptor used for a swollen area of the body.
The primary female sex hormone responsible for development and regulation of the female reproductive system.
A carbohydrate in breastmilk.
A condition occurring when a woman is producing more milk than her infant needs.
A hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland that acts on organs in the body (including the breast and uterus) and as a
Controlled feeding method involving removing the nipple from the infant to allow for rest and breathing breaks.
The upper part of the mouth that the tongue can press up against, the soft palate occurring toward the back of the mouth.
Feeding through an intravenous tube bypassing the usual process of eating and digestion.
The number of times a female has carried pregnancies to a viable gestational age.
The process of heating a substance so that harmful substances are eliminated.
A substance able to cause an illness.
A condition caused by a disease process.
The process of subjecting an author's scholarly work, research, or ideas to the scrutiny of others who are experts in the same
An antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections.
Emotional and/or mental disorder during pregnancy and after birth comprising a variety of diagnoses.
An infection of the respiratory system leading to a severe cough caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. Also called who
A genetic condition that causes an amino acid called phenylalanine to build up in the body.
An organ that develops during pregnancy which attaches to the mother’s uterus, connects to the fetus by the umbilical cord a
A state in which the volume of red blood cells is abnormally elevated.
The period beginning immediately after the birth of a child and extending for approximately six weeks.
Depression that occurs after a woman has given birth. It may appear as much as twelve months after birth.
Excessive bleeding after childbirth.
Occurring before conception of a fetus.
A condition in pregnancy where the patient develops high blood pressure. swelling, and protein in the urine.
A baby born prematurely.
An infant born before 37 weeks of age. ??Difference between this and preemie???
The time during pregnancy before birth.
A woman pregnant for the first time.
A woman who has given birth to one full term infant.
A hormone produced in the body that, among other things, helps develop the mammary glands.
A hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland that contributes to milk production.
A study that follows a group of similar individuals (cohorts) over time to compare outcomes.
Viewing both the psychological and social arenas together when assessing the human condition.
A group of people sharing a common ancestry, traits and genes.
A syndrome in which there is severe constriction of blood flow to the nipples.
A condition in which stomach contents back up in to the esophagus causing pain.
The process of resuming breastfeeding after a period of no breastfeeding or very little breastfeeding.
A severe respiratory illness particularly harmful to infants.
A technique used to soften the areola, by reducing oedema.
A disease process related to lack of vitamin D intake.
An infant reflex where the infant searches for the nipple and makes a sucking movement when the face or lips are stroked.
A virus that causes a severe gastrointestinal illness.
To impose a penalty upon.
A document listing the activities for which IBCLC certificants are educated and in which they are authorised to engage.
The most important immunoglobulin in milk, not only in concentration but also in biologic activity.
A condition where the pituitary gland and its function is adversely impacted by blood loss and hypovolemic shock during or aft
Type of care in which an infant is placed prone, on an adult’s bare chest, to encourage well-being and stability.

A baby with a weight smaller than the 10th percentile at birth.

A variety of agencies that assist its members on a community/local level.
A situation in which a person has a network of helpful people and organisations close by.
Any solid substance (as opposed to liquid) that is used as a source of nourishment.
A bacteria can cause a variety of infections.
Any type of infection caused by the streptococcus group of bacteria.
Areas of the skin which have been over distended causing visible markings.
The process where a child transfers milk while sucking.
The sudden unexplained death of an infant.
A liquid nutrition delivery system using tubing enabling feeding at the breast.
The method of giving additional fluids to a breastfed baby.

The use of interventions to prevent or decrease milk production.

A system of nursing to promote increased milk supply, in which the child is frequently switched from one breast to another.
The condition in which two or more siblings of differing ages, nurse at the same time.
A state of being when an infant’s teeth start to appear, often causing discomfort.
A gland which produces hormones that regulate the body’s metabolism.
A condition in which the infant’s neck is persistently turned to one side which may cause breastfeeding challenges.
The milk produced when colostrum is changing into mature milk.
Disease where immune system attacks and destroys insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas leaving the body is unable to
A condition where the body does not use insulin properly.
Guidance on how to control infection through a set of standard protocols.
A substance given in order to promote immunity to a disease/virus.

A method of birth in which a suction device is placed on the foetal head to help with delivery.
A person who does not eat or use animal products.
A person who does not eat meat, fish, or poultry.
An infectious process passed from a woman to the infant during the childbirth process.
Transition of the infant from dependence on breastmilk to other sources of nutrition.

A woman who feeds another woman’s child at her breast.

A protein in milk.
A document produced to "improve, through optimal feeding, the nutritional status, growth and development, health, and th
he sender to confirm understanding.

ty for exchange of info)

o encourage and recognize hospitals and birthing centers that offer an optimal level of care for infant feeding and mother/baby bonding.

commitment expected of all holders of the IBCLC credential, provides IBCLCs with a framework for carrying out their essential duties, and
ilk, unable to access and ingest the higher fat content milk at the end of a feeding.
not lactogenesis III ?? --> lattogenesi III

also called nutrizione enterale

never seen the term used, unless referred to a specific brand of medicine
month from puberty until menopause, except during pregnancy.

hemical messenger in the brain, controlling key aspects of the reproductive system, including childbirth and lactation, and aspects of huma

d to assure quality and scientific accuracy.

provides nutrients and oxygen to the fetus.

oduce insulin.

the very survival of infants and young children." WHO, UNICEF published 2003.
ding and mother/baby bonding.

ing out their essential duties, and serves as a basis for decisions regarding alleged misconduct.
nd lactation, and aspects of human behaviour.
English Word Translated Word
Active listening アクティブリスニング

Advocate 擁護者 代弁者

Allergen アレルゲン
Alveolus 腺房
Anaemia 貧血
Anesthesia 麻酔
Ankyloglossia “tongue-tie” 舌小帯短縮症
Antenatal 出生前
Antibody 抗体
Anticipatory guidance 予後に焦点をあて対応を準備するためのカウンセリ
Antigen 抗原
Antioxidants 抗酸化物質
Areola 乳輪
Artificial baby/infant milk 人工乳
Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) 生殖補助技術
Axilla 腋下
Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) 赤ちゃんにやさしい病院運動

Bariatric surgery 肥満外科手術

Bioavailable 生体利用可能な

Blood glucose 血糖
Body Mass Index (BMI) 肥満度指数(BMI)
Bonding ボンディング きずな
Breast abscess 乳房膿瘍
Breast cancer 乳癌
Breast compression 乳房圧迫(乳汁の流れを良くするために母親が自ら
Breast pump 搾乳機
Breast shells ブレストシェル
Breastfeeding 母乳育児 授乳する
Breastmilk substitutes 母乳代用品
Canalisation 導管
Candida カンジダ
Casein カゼイン
Celiac disease セリアック病
Cesarean section 帝王切開
Child-feeding 子どもに食事を与える、もしくは授乳をすること

Cleft lip 口唇裂

Cleft palate 口蓋裂
Clinical Competencies for the Practice of IBCLCの業務における臨床能力
Code of Professional Conduct (IBLCE) IBCLCの職務行動規範

Colic コリック 臍疝痛

Colostrum 初乳
Complementary food 補完食
Complementary/alternative therapies 補完代替療法
Congenital infection, malformation 先天性感染症 先天性奇形
Conjunctivitis 結膜炎
Contraception 避妊法
Creamatocrit クリマトクリット(母乳中に脂質がしめる割合)

Credential 資格証明書
Cross-nursing, wet nursing もらい乳
Cystic fibrosis 嚢胞性繊維症
Dancer hand position ダンサーハンドポジション
Detailed Content Outline (IBLCE) IBCLCが習得しているべき詳細内容概要(IBLCE)

Diarrhoea 下痢
Donor milk ドナーミルク
Down Syndrome ダウン症
Ductules 乳管
Dummy/pacifier/teat おしゃぶり
Dyad 母と子の一対
Dysphoric milk ejection reflex 不快性射乳反射
Eczema 湿疹

Engorgement 乳房緊満
Epidural anesthesia 硬膜外麻酔
Erythematous 紅斑
Ethnicity 民族性
Evidence-based care 科学的根拠に基づくケア
Exclusive breastfeeding 母乳だけで育てる
Exogenous 外因性の
Expressed breastmilk 搾母乳
Failure to thrive 発育不良
Family-centered care ファミリーセンタードケア(家族中心のケア)

Fibrocystic disease 線維嚢胞症

Flange フランジ
Foremilk 前乳
Foremilk-hindmilk imbalance 母乳過分泌による前乳‐後乳のアンバランス

Formula 人工乳
Frenulum 小帯
Full-term milk 正期産の母乳
Galactagogue 乳汁分泌促進物質
Galactagogues 母乳分泌を促進するもの
Galactocele 乳瘤
Galactopoiesis 乳汁産生維持の仕組み
Galactose ガラクトース
Galactosemia ガラクトース血症
Gastroenteritis 胃腸炎
Gavage feeding 経管栄養
Gender identity 性同一性
Geopolitical 地政学
Gestational age 在胎週数
Gestational diabetes 妊娠糖尿病
Gripe water 腹痛止めの水薬
Half-life 半減期
Hindmilk 後乳

Homeostasis 恒常性 ホメオスタシス

Hormone ホルモン
Human lactation 人の乳汁分泌
Human milk 人乳
Human milk bank 母乳バンク
Human milk fortifiers 母乳強化物質
Hyperalimentation 高カロリー輸液療法
Hyperbilirubinemia 高ビリルビン血症
Hyperprolactinemia 高プロラクチン血症
Hypoallergenic formula 牛乳アレルギー用人工乳
Hypoglycemia 低血糖
Hypothermia 低体温
IBCLC certificants IBCLC有資格者
Immunoglobulin 免疫グロブリン
Induced lactation 乳汁分泌誘発

International Board of Lactation Consultant ラクテーション・コンサルタント資格試験国際評議会

Examiners (IBLCE)
Inverted nipple 陥没乳頭
Involution 退縮 復古
Jaundice 黄疸
Kosher food カシュルート(ユダヤ教の戒律で定められた食事)

Lactase 乳糖分解酵素
Lactation 乳汁分泌
Lactation Amenorrhea Method (LAM) 授乳性無月経法(LAM)
Lactation, induced 乳汁分泌誘発
Lactiferous ducts 乳管
Lactobacillus bifidus ビフィズス菌
Lactoferrin ラクトフェリン
Lactogenesis 乳汁生成
Lactose 乳糖
Lactose intolerance 乳糖不耐症
Large for gestational age (LGA) 在胎不当過大児(LGA)
Latch 吸いつく
Late preterm infant 後期早産児
lip/tongue tie release 舌小帯の簡易的切除
Lipid solubility 脂溶性
Low birth weight 低出生体重児
Macrosomia 巨大児
Mammary duct ectasia 乳管拡張症
Mammary gland 乳腺
Mammography マンモグラフィー
Mastitis 乳腺炎
Mature milk 成乳
Menstrual periods, menstruation 月経期間

Midwife 助産師
Milk ejection reflex (MER), “let down” 射乳反射

Milk expression 搾乳
Milk transfer 乳汁移行
Multigravida 経産婦
Multiparous 経産
Nappies, “diapers” オムツ
Necrotizing enterocolitis 壊死性腸炎
Neonatal 新生児
NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) NICU(新生児集中治療室)
Nipple bleb/milk blister 乳頭にできた水疱
Nipple shield 乳頭保護器 ニップルシールド
Non-nutritive sucking 非栄養的吸啜
Obstetrician 産婦人科医
Oedematous 浮腫の
Oestrogen エストロゲン
Oligosaccharide オリゴ糖
Over-supply 過分泌
Oxytocin オキシトシン

Pacing, pace feeding 時間授乳

Palate, hard, soft 口蓋、硬、軟
Parenteral 経静脈の 非経口の
Parity 出産歴
Pasteurization 低温殺菌法 パスツーリゼーション
Pathogen 病原体
Pathologic 病的な
Peer-reviewed ピアレビュー 査読

Penicillin ペニシリン
Peripartum mood disorder 周産期気分障害
Pertussis 百日咳

Phenylketonuria フェニルケトン尿症
Placenta 胎盤

Polycythaemia 多血症
Postpartum 出産直後 産後
Postpartum depression (PPD) 産後うつ病
Postpartum hemorrhage 分娩時大量出血
Preconception 妊娠前
Preeclampsia 妊娠中毒症
Preemie 早産児
Premature infant 早期産児
Prenatal 出生前
Primigravida 初産婦
Primiparous 正期産児の母親
Progesterone プロゲステロン
Prolactin プロラクチン
Prospective cohort study 前向きコホート研究
Psychosocial 心理社会的な
Race 人種
Raynaud's phenomenon レイノー現象
Reflux 反射
Re-lactation 母乳復帰
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) RSウイルス
Reverse pressure softening リバース・プレッシャー・ソフトニング
Rickets くる病
Rooting 探索反射
Rotavirus ロタウイルス
Sanctioned 制裁される
Scope of Practice (IBLCE) IBCLCの業務範囲(IBLCE)
Secretory immunoglobin A (sIgA) 分泌型免疫グロブリンA(sIgA)
Sheehan’s syndrome シーハン症候群

Skin-to-skin, “Kangaroo care” 肌と肌を触れ合わせる接触 カンガルーケア

Small for gestational age (SGA) 在胎不当過小児(SGA)

Social services 地域社会サポートサービス
Social support ソーシャルサポート
Solid foods 固形食
Staphylococcus aureus 黄色ブドウ球菌
Streptococcal 連鎖球菌の
Striae- “stretch marks” 妊娠線など皮膚伸展によってできた皮膚線条

Sucking, nutritive 吸啜する

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) 乳幼児突然死症候群(SIDS)
Supplemental nursing system (SNS) チューブ式直接授乳補足器具(SNS)
Supplementation, supplementary feeds 補足 補足栄養
Suppress lactation 分泌抑制
Switch nursing 切り換え授乳(乳汁分泌を促進するために行うもの

Tandem nursing タンデム授乳
Teething 萌歯
Thyroid 甲状腺
Torticollis 斜頸
Transitional milk 移行乳
Type 1 Diabetes 1型糖尿病

Type 2 Diabetes 2型糖尿病

Universal precautions 標準的感染予防策
Vaccine/Immunization ワクチン / 予防接種
Vacuum extraction 吸引分娩
Vegan 動物性食品を食べない完全菜食主義者
Vegetarian 菜食主義者
Vertical transmission 垂直感染
Weaning 乳離れ 卒乳
Wet nurse 乳児に乳を与える乳母
Whey ホエイ
World Health Organization Global Strategy for 乳幼児の栄養に関する世界的な運動戦略
Infant and Young Child Feeding

20.Blocked duct: 乳管閉塞

93.Human Immunodeficiency virus(HIV): ヒト免
疫不全ウイルス エイズウイルス
Communication technique with the listener concentrating on what is being said and then paraphrasing and repeating
to confirm understanding.
A person who supports a particular policy or person.
A substance that causes an allergic response.
A small sac in the mammary gland where milk is secreted and stored.
A decrease of red blood cells in the blood.
Use of medicine to prevent the feeling of pain or another sensation during surgery or other procedures that might be
The presence of a lingual frenulum that changes the appearance or function of the infant’s tongue.
Referring to the period of time from human conception to the beginning of the labor process.
A protein formed by the body after exposure to harmful substances. Part of the human immune response.
A proactive counseling technique that focuses on potential outcomes.

A substance that stimulates antibody production.

A molecule that inhibits the oxidation of other molecules which may prevent or delay some types of cell damage.
Pigmented skin surrounding the nipple
Manufactured nutrition designed for feeding to infants/children.
Use of any artificial means in which to conceive.
The space under the shoulder, underarm area.
A global program launched by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNI
encourage and recognize hospitals and birthing centers that offer an optimal level of care for infant feeding and mothe
Surgery performed to assist with weight loss in patients who are obese. Usually involves reduction in size of the stom

The ease at which a nutrient/medication is absorbed and used by the body. Blocked duct “plugged milk duct” A cond
milk duct is obstructed.
Sugar that comes from food intake that the bloodstream carries to all the cells in the body to supply energy.
A measure of body fat based on weight in relation to height.
A close relationship between two or more people.
An infection involving a localized area of the breast.
Cells in the breast which grow out of control and may form a tumor.
A gentle massage of the breast to encourage milk flow.

A mechanical device used to extract breastmilk from a breast.

A plastic device placed over the nipple area to both protect painful nipples and encourage nipple eversion.
The direct act of feeding a newborn/child with milk from the breast.
Any substance used for infant/child nutrition where breastmilk would normally be recommended.
The formation of canals or channels in a tissue.
A type of fungal infection.
A phosphoprotein which is the principle protein in milk.
An immune reaction of the digestive system that damages the small intestine and interferes with the absorption of nu
The delivery of a baby through a surgical incision in the mother's abdomen and uterus.
The act of providing nourishment to an infant or child.

A congenital split in the upper lip on one or both sides of the center.
A congenital split in the roof of the mouth.
The responsibilities/activities that are part of the IBCLC practice.

An IBCLE document which informs both IBCLCs and the public of the minimum standards of acceptable conduct, e
commitment expected of all holders of the IBCLC credential, provides IBCLCs with a framework for carrying out the
and serves as a basis for decisions regarding alleged misconduct.
A condition of a newborn with crying for long periods of time with no apparent reason.
The first breast milk that is produced, distinguished from mature milk.
Food offered along with breast milk.
Therapies considered non-traditional or outside of convention that may or may not be used together with conventiona
An infection or malformation that was acquired during fetal development.
Inflammation of the eye.
Methods used to prevent pregnancy.
Machine used to determine the fat content of breastmilk.

a document proving a person's qualifications to perform.

Breastfeeding an infant that is not one’s own.
An inherited disease that causes fibrous scar tissues in the lungs, digestive system, sweat glands.
Technique for giving cheeks/jaw support to a hypotonic nursing infant.
A list of disciplines in which IBCLC certificants are expected to have detailed knowledge.

A pathologic condition involving frequent watery stools.

Breastmilk offered/donated to another for their use.
A chromosomal disorder causing developmental delays and other health problems.
Small ducts in the mammary glands.
An artificial nipple used for the infant to suck on.
Addressing the Mother and the Baby as one unit.
The experience of negative emotions immediately preceding the milk ejection reflex.
Inflammation of the skin with redness, itching and oozing which can crust or harden. Empowerment - Process of bec
A swelling of the breast due to an increase in blood and lymph supply.
Medicine is injected through catheter into the epidural space of the spinal canal to block pain in a region of the body.
A descriptor used for a reddened area of the body.
A social group that has common national or cultural traditions.
Making use of the current best evidence to assess, evaluate and plan.
The act of feeding breastmilk only.
Coming from outside the body.
Breastmilk that is expressed to be used at some other time.
A condition where an infant/child has insufficient growth including weight loss, or is not gaining appropriately.
Care this is focused not solely on individual members of the family group, but treating each as an integral part of clie

A non-pathologic condition of the breast where the breasts have a "lumpy" texture.
A part of a breast pump that sits on the breast/nipple.
The lower fat breastmilk obtained at the start of a feeding.
A condition where there is an over-supply of foremilk in which the infant becomes full on the lower fat/higher lactos
unable to access and ingest the higher fat content milk at the end of a feeding.
Manufactured food designed and marketed for feeding to babies. Frenotomy,
A band of tissue that supports/restricts the movement of the tissue it is attached to.
Milk which is produced at full term gestation, that is suitable in nutrients for a full-term baby.
A substance that is used to encourage milk production i.e. herbs, foods.
A substance used to help increase breastmilk production in nursing mothers.
A benign cyst located in the mammary glands, usually containing milk.
The process by which the breastmilk supply is maintained by the body.
A simple sugar found in breastmilk.
A condition in which a newborn is unable to completely digest the sugar galactose in breastmilk.
Inflammation of the stomach and intestines.
A way to provide breastmilk directly to a baby's stomach through tube placed through the nose
The self-identification of gender: male, female or non-binary, regardless of biological sex characteristics.
Politics as it relates to particular geographical areas.
A measure of length of a pregnancy which starts from the last menstrual period (LMP)
A condition develops during pregnancy that causes elevated glucose levels.
Complimentary therapy used to treat the symptoms of colic.
Period of time required for the concentration or amount of drug in the body to be reduced by one-half
The milk towards the end of a feeding which is typically higher in fat content. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV
causes HIV infection.
Any self-regulating process by which biological systems maintain stability while adjusting to conditions that are opti
A chemical messenger that is produced and released by the endocrine system.
The process by which milk is produced within the body as well as the time in which a human lactates.
The milk produced by a human.
A facility that collects and processes breastmilk for distribution.
Substance added to breastmilk to enhance the nutrients.
Feeding a newborn intravenously.
A condition of excess bilirubin in the blood.
An excess of prolactin in the body.
An infant formula that is less likely to cause an allergic reaction compared to others.
A condition that occurs when blood sugar (also called blood glucose) levels are too low.
An abnormal decrease in body temperature.
Those who maintain an active IBCLC certificate.
Also known as antibodies, see antibody.
The process of stimulating the mammary glands to produce milk when a person has not had the benefits of the hormo

Independent international certification body conferring IBCLC credential.

A condition in which the nipple is retracted both at rest and when stimulated.
The return of mammary glands or uterus to a state before pregnancy and lactation
A medical condition with yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes, arising from excess of the pigment bilirubin in
Food prepared in accordance with Jewish Dietary Laws.

Enzyme the body secretes to convert lactose in breastmilk to a usable sugar.

The process of producing milk and feeding that milk to a child.
A natural birth control method that relies on exclusively breastfeeding for up to six months postpartum.
The process of stimulating the mammary glands to produce milk, without having been pregnant.
Ducts that converge and form a branched system connecting the nipple to the lobules of the mammary gland.
Primary healthy bacteria in the breastfed child’s gastrointestinal tract.
A protein that binds with iron in the gut.
The initiation of milk production in the body.
The main carbohydrate in human milk.
The inability to digest milk sugar, leading to gastrointestinal upset.
A baby with a weight larger than the 90th percentile at birth.
Attachment of the baby’s mouth to the breast.
An infant born between 34-37 weeks gestation.
A simple incision or snipping of the frenulum
The ability of a substance to dissolve in lipids, fats, or oils.
An infant who weighs less than 2500 grams at birth.
A newborn who's significantly larger than average, often specified as greater than 4000 grams.
A benign condition in which a milk duct becomes enlarged and fills with fluid, usually found in perimenopausal wom
Radiography used to image breast tissue.
A painful inflammation of breast tissue.
The milk produced after colostrum stops, containing a different balance of nutrients.
The process in which a woman discharges blood and other materials from the lining of the uterus at intervals of abou
from puberty until menopause, except during pregnancy.
A person trained to assist women in childbirth.
A normal reflex in a lactating woman elicited by tactile stimulation of the nipple, resulting in release of milk from the
Use of rhythmic compression of the breast to release milk.
The movement of milk from mother to baby.
A women who has been pregnant more than once.
Having given birth to more than one full term infant.
Cloth or paper material used to wrap around an infant’s genitals and bottom to absorb stool and urine.
Inflammation of the intestinal tract causing tissue to die.
Newborn status from birth to 28 days of life.
Special care unit in a hospital for ill infants.
A small benign cyst clogging an opening on the nipple.
A plastic/silicone device placed over the nipple during breastfeeding to assist with latch.
The act of sucking that does not involve transfer of milk, such as sucking on a teat.
A doctor who specializes in pregnancy, childbirth, and a woman's reproductive system.
A descriptor used for a swollen area of the body.
The primary female sex hormone responsible for development and regulation of the female reproductive system.
A carbohydrate in breastmilk.
A condition occurring when a woman is producing more milk than her infant needs.
A hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland that acts on organs in the body (including the breast and uterus) a
messenger in the brain, controlling key aspects of the reproductive system, including childbirth and lactation, and asp
Controlled feeding method involving removing the nipple from the infant to allow for rest and breathing breaks.
The upper part of the mouth that the tongue can press up against, the soft palate occurring toward the back of the mo
Feeding through an intravenous tube bypassing the usual process of eating and digestion.
The number of times a female has carried pregnancies to a viable gestational age.
The process of heating a substance so that harmful substances are eliminated.
A substance able to cause an illness.
A condition caused by a disease process.
The process of subjecting an author's scholarly work, research, or ideas to the scrutiny of others who are experts in th
assure quality and scientific accuracy.
An antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections.
Emotional and/or mental disorder during pregnancy and after birth comprising a variety of diagnoses.
An infection of the respiratory system leading to a severe cough caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. Also c
A genetic condition that causes an amino acid called phenylalanine to build up in the body.
An organ that develops during pregnancy which attaches to the mother’s uterus, connects to the fetus by the umbilica
nutrients and oxygen to the fetus.
A state in which the volume of red blood cells is abnormally elevated.
The period beginning immediately after the birth of a child and extending for approximately six weeks.
Depression that occurs after a woman has given birth. It may appear as much as twelve months after birth.
Excessive bleeding after childbirth.
Occurring before conception of a fetus.
A condition in pregnancy where the patient develops high blood pressure. swelling, and protein in the urine.
A baby born prematurely.
An infant born before 37 weeks of age.
The time during pregnancy before birth.
A woman pregnant for the first time.
A woman who has given birth to one full term infant.
A hormone produced in the body that, among other things, helps develop the mammary glands.
A hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland that contributes to milk production.
A study that follows a group of similar individuals (cohorts) over time to compare outcomes.
Viewing both the psychological and social arenas together when assessing the human condition.
A group of people sharing a common ancestry, traits and genes.
A syndrome in which there is severe constriction of blood flow to the nipples.
A condition in which stomach contents back up in to the esophagus causing pain.
The process of resuming breastfeeding after a period of no breastfeeding or very little breastfeeding.
A severe respiratory illness particularly harmful to infants.
A technique used to soften the areola, by reducing oedema.
A disease process related to lack of vitamin D intake.
An infant reflex where the infant searches for the nipple and makes a sucking movement when the face or lips are str
A virus that causes a severe gastrointestinal illness.
To impose a penalty upon.
A document listing the activities for which IBCLC certificants are educated and in which they are authorised to enga
The most important immunoglobulin in milk, not only in concentration but also in biologic activity.
A condition where the pituitary gland and its function is adversely impacted by blood loss and hypovolemic shock du
Type of care in which an infant is placed prone, on an adult’s bare chest, to encourage well-being and stability.

A baby with a weight smaller than the 10th percentile at birth.

A variety of agencies that assist its members on a community/local level.
A situation in which a person has a network of helpful people and organisations close by.
Any solid substance (as opposed to liquid) that is used as a source of nourishment.
A bacteria can cause a variety of infections.
Any type of infection caused by the streptococcus group of bacteria.
Areas of the skin which have been over distended causing visible markings.

The process where a child transfers milk while sucking.

The sudden unexplained death of an infant.
A liquid nutrition delivery system using tubing enabling feeding at the breast.
The method of giving additional fluids to a breastfed baby.
The use of interventions to prevent or decrease milk production.
A system of nursing to promote increased milk supply, in which the child is frequently switched from one breast to a

The condition in which two or more siblings of differing ages, nurse at the same time.
A state of being when an infant’s teeth start to appear, often causing discomfort.
A gland which produces hormones that regulate the body’s metabolism.
A condition in which the infant’s neck is persistently turned to one side which may cause breastfeeding challenges.
The milk produced when colostrum is changing into mature milk.
Disease where immune system attacks and destroys insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas leaving the body is u
A condition where the body does not use insulin properly.
Guidance on how to control infection through a set of standard protocols.
A substance given in order to promote immunity to a disease/virus.
A method of birth in which a suction device is placed on the foetal head to help with delivery.
A person who does not eat or use animal products.
A person who does not eat meat, fish, or poultry.
An infectious process passed from a woman to the infant during the childbirth process.
Transition of the infant from dependence on breastmilk to other sources of nutrition.
A woman who feeds another woman’s child at her breast.
A protein in milk.
A document produced to "improve, through optimal feeding, the nutritional status, growth and development, health,
survival of infants and young children." WHO, UNICEF published
English Word Translated Word
Active listening
능동적 청취
Advocate 주창자
Allergen 알레르기 항원
Alveolus 꽈리
Anaemia 빈혈

Ankyloglossia “tongue-tie” 설소대단축증
Antenatal 산전의
Antibody 항체
Anticipatory guidance 예상 지침
Antigen 항원

Areola 젖꽃판, 유륜
Artificial baby/infant milk 인공 아기/영아 분유
Assisted Reproductive Technology
(ART) 보조 생식 기술
Axilla 겨드랑이

Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative

아기에게 친근한 병원 만들기 운동

Bariatric surgery
비만대사 수술

생체이용 가능한
Blood glucose 혈당
Body Mass Index (BMI) 체질량 지수
Bonding 유대
Breast abscess 유방 농양
Breast cancer 유방암
Breast compression 유방 압축
Breast pump 유축기
Breast shells 함몰 유두 교정기, 유방 덮개
Breastfeeding 모유 수유
Breastmilk substitutes 모유 대용식
Canalisation 관형성
Candida 칸디다
Casein 카제인

Celiac disease
Cesarean section 제왕절개술
Child-feeding 아동 섭식
Cleft lip 구순열
Cleft palate 구개열
Clinical Competencies for the Practice
of IBCLCs 국제인증수유상담가의 임상 업무 적격

Code of Professional Conduct (IBLCE)

전문직 행위 규약 (국제 수유상담가 시험원)
Colic 산통
Colostrum 초유, 첫젖
Complementary food 보완식

Complementary/alternative therapies
보완/대체 치료
Congenital infection, malformation 선천성 감염, 기형
Conjunctivitis 결막염
Contraception 피임
Creamatocrit 모유 지방 측정기
Credential 자격증명서
Cross-nursing, wet nursing 교차수유
Cystic fibrosis 낭성섬유증
Dancer hand position 댄서 손 위치

Detailed Content Outline (IBLCE)

상세 내용 개요 (국제 수유상담가 시험원)
Diarrhoea 설사
Donor milk 기증 모유
Down Syndrome 다운 증후군
Ductules 세관
Dummy/pacifier/teat 노리개 젖꼭지
Dyad 두사람 관계, 양자 관계
Dysphoric milk ejection reflex 불쾌 모유사출 반사

Engorgement 울혈

Epidural anesthesia
경막외 마취
Erythematous 홍반
Ethnicity 민족
Evidence-based care 증거에 기초한 진료
Exclusive breastfeeding 완전 모유수유
Exogenous 외인성
Expressed breastmilk 유축 모유
Failure to thrive 성장장애

Family-centered care
가족 중심 진료
Fibrocystic disease 섬유낭병
Flange 유축기 깔대기
Foremilk 초기유

Foremilk-hindmilk imbalance
초기유-후기유 불균형
Formula 조제분유
Frenulum 소대, 주름띠
Full-term milk 만삭 모유
Galactagogue 최유제
Galactagogues 최유제들
Galactocele 젖낭종
Galactopoiesis 젖생산
Galactose 갈락토오스
Galactosemia 갈락토스혈증
Gastroenteritis 위장염
Gavage feeding 튜브 영양공급
Gender identity 성별 정체성
Geopolitical 지정학적
Gestational age 임신주수
Gestational diabetes 임신당뇨
Gripe water 산통 완화를 위한 보조 치료 음료
Half-life 반감기


Hormone 호르몬
Human lactation 젖분비, 수유
Human milk 모유
Human milk bank 모유은행
Human milk fortifiers 모유강화제
Hyperalimentation 정맥내 영양법
Hyperbilirubinemia 고빌리루빈혈증
Hyperprolactinemia 고프로락틴혈증
Hypoallergenic formula 저알레르기성 조제분유
Hypoglycemia 저혈당증
Hypothermia 저체온증
IBCLC certificants 국제인증수유상담가 자격증 소지자
Immunoglobulin 면역글로불린
Induced lactation
유도 젖분비
International Board of Lactation
Consultant Examiners (IBLCE) 국제 수유상담가 시험원(IBLCE)
Inverted nipple 함몰유두
Involution 퇴축


Kosher food
유태법을 따라 준비한 정결한 음식 (코셔식)
Lactase 젖당분해효소
Lactation 수유

Lactation Amenorrhea Method (LAM)

수유 무월경법 (LAM)
Lactation, induced 유도 수유
Lactiferous ducts 젖샘관
Lactobacillus bifidus 분지유산간균
Lactoferrin 락토페린
Lactogenesis 젖생성
Lactose 유당
Lactose intolerance 유당불내성
Large for gestational age (LGA) 재태령에 비해 큰 태아
Latch 젖물기
Late preterm infant 후기 조산아
lip/tongue tie release 구순/설소대 박리
Lipid solubility 지질용해도
Low birth weight 저출생체중
Macrosomia 거구증

Mammary duct ectasia

Mammary gland 유선
Mammography 유방조영술
Mastitis 유선염
Mature milk 성숙유

Menstrual periods, menstruation

Midwife 산파

Milk ejection reflex (MER), “let down”

Milk expression 유축
Milk transfer 모유전달
Multigravida 다임신부
Multiparous 다분만
Nappies, “diapers” 기저귀
Necrotizing enterocolitis 괴사성 소장대장염
Neonatal 신생아의
NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) 신생아 중환자실
Nipple bleb/milk blister 유두수포
Nipple shield 유두보호개
Non-nutritive sucking 비영양성 빨기
Obstetrician 산과의사
Oedematous 부종성

Oligosaccharide 올리고당류
Over-supply 과잉공급

Pacing, pace feeding 속도조절 수유

Palate, hard, soft

구개, 경, 연
Parenteral 비경구 혈관 영양법
Parity 출산력
Pasteurization 저온살균
Pathogen 병원체
Pathologic 병리학적

동료 심사를 거친
Penicillin 페니실린
Peripartum mood disorder 분만전후 기분장애

Phenylketonuria 페닐케톤뇨증

Polycythaemia 적혈구증가증
Postpartum 산후
Postpartum depression (PPD) 산후 우울증
Postpartum hemorrhage 산후 출혈
Preconception 수태전
Preeclampsia 자간전증
Preemie 조산아
Premature infant 조산아
Prenatal 산전의
Primigravida 초임부
Primiparous 초산의
Progesterone 프로게스테론
Prolactin 프로락틴
Prospective cohort study 전향코호트연구
Psychosocial 심리사회적
Race 인종
Raynaud's phenomenon 레이노 증후군
Reflux 역류
Re-lactation 재수유
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) 호흡기세포융합바이러스
역압연화 (부종감소로 젖꽃판을 부드럽게 하는
Reverse pressure softening
Rickets 구루병

Rotavirus 로타 바이러스
Sanctioned 제재를 받은
국제인증수유상담가의 업무 범위 (
Scope of Practice (IBLCE)
Secretory immunoglobin A (sIgA) 분비성 면역글로불린 A (sIgA)

Sheehan’s syndrome
시한 증후군
Skin-to-skin, “Kangaroo care” 피부대 피부, "캉가루식 돌보기"
Small for gestational age (SGA) 재태연령에 비해 작은
Social services 사회봉사 기관
Social support 사회적 지원
Solid foods 고형식
Staphylococcus aureus 포도상구균
Streptococcal 연쇄상구균의
Striae- “stretch marks” 줄, 선-"스트레치 마크"
Sucking, nutritive 영양성 흡철

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

영아 돌연사 증후군
Supplemental nursing system (SNS) 보충수유 장치

Supplementation, supplementary feeds

Suppress lactation 수유 억제

Switch nursing
교대 수유 (양쪽가슴에서 번갈아가며 수유)
Tandem nursing 일렬수유
Teething 생치
Thyroid 갑상선
기운목, 사경
Transitional milk 이행유

Type 1 Diabetes
제1형 당뇨병
Type 2 Diabetes 제2형 당뇨병
Universal precautions 보편적 예방조치
Vaccine/Immunization 예방접종
Vacuum extraction 진공분만
Vegan 완전채식주의자
Vegetarian 채식주의자
Vertical transmission 수직감염
Weaning 이유
Wet nurse 유모
Whey 유장
World Health Organization Global
Strategy for Infant and Young Child 세계보건기구 영아와 유아 섭식을 위한 국제
Feeding 전략
Communication technique with the listener concentrating on what is being said and then paraphrasing and
repeating it back to the sender to confirm understanding.
A person who supports a particular policy or person.
A substance that causes an allergic response.
A small sac in the mammary gland where milk is secreted and stored.
A decrease of red blood cells in the blood.
Use of medicine to prevent the feeling of pain or another sensation during surgery or other procedures that might
be painful.
The presence of a lingual frenulum that changes the appearance or function of the infant’s tongue.
Referring to the period of time from human conception to the beginning of the labor process.
A protein formed by the body after exposure to harmful substances. Part of the human immune response.
A proactive counseling technique that focuses on potential outcomes.
A substance that stimulates antibody production.

A molecule that inhibits the oxidation of other molecules which may prevent or delay some types of cell damage.
Pigmented skin surrounding the nipple
Manufactured nutrition designed for feeding to infants/children.

Use of any artificial means in which to conceive.

The space under the shoulder, underarm area.
A global program launched by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund
(UNICEF) in 1991 to encourage and recognize hospitals and birthing centers that offer an optimal level of care for
infant feeding and mother/baby bonding.
Surgery performed to assist with weight loss in patients who are obese. Usually involves reduction in size of the
stomach or other organs.
The ease at which a nutrient/medication is absorbed and used by the body. Blocked duct “plugged milk duct” A
condition in which a milk duct is obstructed.
Sugar that comes from food intake that the bloodstream carries to all the cells in the body to supply energy.
A measure of body fat based on weight in relation to height.
A close relationship between two or more people.
An infection involving a localized area of the breast.
Cells in the breast which grow out of control and may form a tumor.
A gentle massage of the breast to encourage milk flow.
A mechanical device used to extract breastmilk from a breast.
A plastic device placed over the nipple area to both protect painful nipples and encourage nipple eversion.
The direct act of feeding a newborn/child with milk from the breast.
Any substance used for infant/child nutrition where breastmilk would normally be recommended.
The formation of canals or channels in a tissue.
A type of fungal infection.
A phosphoprotein which is the principle protein in milk.
An immune reaction of the digestive system that damages the small intestine and interferes with the absorption of
nutrients from food.
The delivery of a baby through a surgical incision in the mother's abdomen and uterus.
The act of providing nourishment to an infant or child.
A congenital split in the upper lip on one or both sides of the center.
A congenital split in the roof of the mouth.

The responsibilities/activities that are part of the IBCLC practice.

An IBCLE document which informs both IBCLCs and the public of the minimum standards of acceptable
conduct, exemplifies the commitment expected of all holders of the IBCLC credential, provides IBCLCs with a
framework for carrying out their essential duties, and serves as a basis for decisions regarding alleged misconduct.
A condition of a newborn with crying for long periods of time with no apparent reason.
The first breast milk that is produced, distinguished from mature milk.
Food offered along with breast milk.
Therapies considered non-traditional or outside of convention that may or may not be used together with
conventional medicine.
An infection or malformation that was acquired during fetal development.
Inflammation of the eye.
Methods used to prevent pregnancy.
Machine used to determine the fat content of breastmilk.
a document proving a person's qualifications to perform.
Breastfeeding an infant that is not one’s own.
An inherited disease that causes fibrous scar tissues in the lungs, digestive system, sweat glands.
Technique for giving cheeks/jaw support to a hypotonic nursing infant.

A list of disciplines in which IBCLC certificants are expected to have detailed knowledge.
A pathologic condition involving frequent watery stools.
Breastmilk offered/donated to another for their use.
A chromosomal disorder causing developmental delays and other health problems.
Small ducts in the mammary glands.
An artificial nipple used for the infant to suck on.
Addressing the Mother and the Baby as one unit.
The experience of negative emotions immediately preceding the milk ejection reflex.
Inflammation of the skin with redness, itching and oozing which can crust or harden. Empowerment - Process of
becoming self-actualized.
A swelling of the breast due to an increase in blood and lymph supply.
Medicine is injected through catheter into the epidural space of the spinal canal to block pain in a region of the
A descriptor used for a reddened area of the body.
A social group that has common national or cultural traditions.
Making use of the current best evidence to assess, evaluate and plan.
The act of feeding breastmilk only.
Coming from outside the body.
Breastmilk that is expressed to be used at some other time.
A condition where an infant/child has insufficient growth including weight loss, or is not gaining appropriately.
Care this is focused not solely on individual members of the family group, but treating each as an integral part of
client care.
A non-pathologic condition of the breast where the breasts have a "lumpy" texture.
A part of a breast pump that sits on the breast/nipple.
The lower fat breastmilk obtained at the start of a feeding.
A condition where there is an over-supply of foremilk in which the infant becomes full on the lower fat/higher
lactose content milk, unable to access and ingest the higher fat content milk at the end of a feeding.
Manufactured food designed and marketed for feeding to babies. Frenotomy,
A band of tissue that supports/restricts the movement of the tissue it is attached to.
Milk which is produced at full term gestation, that is suitable in nutrients for a full-term baby.
A substance that is used to encourage milk production i.e. herbs, foods.
A substance used to help increase breastmilk production in nursing mothers.
A benign cyst located in the mammary glands, usually containing milk.
The process by which the breastmilk supply is maintained by the body.
A simple sugar found in breastmilk.
A condition in which a newborn is unable to completely digest the sugar galactose in breastmilk.
Inflammation of the stomach and intestines.
A way to provide breastmilk directly to a baby's stomach through tube placed through the nose
The self-identification of gender: male, female or non-binary, regardless of biological sex characteristics.
Politics as it relates to particular geographical areas.
A measure of length of a pregnancy which starts from the last menstrual period (LMP)
A condition develops during pregnancy that causes elevated glucose levels.
Complimentary therapy used to treat the symptoms of colic.
Period of time required for the concentration or amount of drug in the body to be reduced by one-half
The milk towards the end of a feeding which is typically higher in fat content. Human immunodeficiency virus
(HIV) A retrovirus that causes HIV infection.
Any self-regulating process by which biological systems maintain stability while adjusting to conditions that are
optimal for survival.
A chemical messenger that is produced and released by the endocrine system.
The process by which milk is produced within the body as well as the time in which a human lactates.
The milk produced by a human.
A facility that collects and processes breastmilk for distribution.
Substance added to breastmilk to enhance the nutrients.
Feeding a newborn intravenously.
A condition of excess bilirubin in the blood.
An excess of prolactin in the body.
An infant formula that is less likely to cause an allergic reaction compared to others.
A condition that occurs when blood sugar (also called blood glucose) levels are too low.
An abnormal decrease in body temperature.
Those who maintain an active IBCLC certificate.
Also known as antibodies, see antibody.
The process of stimulating the mammary glands to produce milk when a person has not had the benefits of the
hormones of pregnancy.

Independent international certification body conferring IBCLC credential.

A condition in which the nipple is retracted both at rest and when stimulated.
The return of mammary glands or uterus to a state before pregnancy and lactation
A medical condition with yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes, arising from excess of the pigment bilirubin
in the blood.

Food prepared in accordance with Jewish Dietary Laws.

Enzyme the body secretes to convert lactose in breastmilk to a usable sugar.
The process of producing milk and feeding that milk to a child.

A natural birth control method that relies on exclusively breastfeeding for up to six months postpartum.
The process of stimulating the mammary glands to produce milk, without having been pregnant.
Ducts that converge and form a branched system connecting the nipple to the lobules of the mammary gland.
Primary healthy bacteria in the breastfed child’s gastrointestinal tract.
A protein that binds with iron in the gut.
The initiation of milk production in the body.
The main carbohydrate in human milk.
The inability to digest milk sugar, leading to gastrointestinal upset.
A baby with a weight larger than the 90th percentile at birth.
Attachment of the baby’s mouth to the breast.
An infant born between 34-37 weeks gestation.
A simple incision or snipping of the frenulum
The ability of a substance to dissolve in lipids, fats, or oils.
An infant who weighs less than 2500 grams at birth.
A newborn who's significantly larger than average, often specified as greater than 4000 grams.
A benign condition in which a milk duct becomes enlarged and fills with fluid, usually found in perimenopausal
Radiography used to image breast tissue.
A painful inflammation of breast tissue.
The milk produced after colostrum stops, containing a different balance of nutrients.
The process in which a woman discharges blood and other materials from the lining of the uterus at intervals of
about one lunar month from puberty until menopause, except during pregnancy.
A person trained to assist women in childbirth.
A normal reflex in a lactating woman elicited by tactile stimulation of the nipple, resulting in release of milk from
the glands of the breast.
Use of rhythmic compression of the breast to release milk.
The movement of milk from mother to baby.
A women who has been pregnant more than once.
Having given birth to more than one full term infant.
Cloth or paper material used to wrap around an infant’s genitals and bottom to absorb stool and urine.
Inflammation of the intestinal tract causing tissue to die.
Newborn status from birth to 28 days of life.
Special care unit in a hospital for ill infants.
A small benign cyst clogging an opening on the nipple.
A plastic/silicone device placed over the nipple during breastfeeding to assist with latch.
The act of sucking that does not involve transfer of milk, such as sucking on a teat.
A doctor who specializes in pregnancy, childbirth, and a woman's reproductive system.
A descriptor used for a swollen area of the body.

The primary female sex hormone responsible for development and regulation of the female reproductive system.
A carbohydrate in breastmilk.
A condition occurring when a woman is producing more milk than her infant needs.
A hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland that acts on organs in the body (including the breast and
uterus) and as a chemical messenger in the brain, controlling key aspects of the reproductive system, including
childbirth and lactation, and aspects of human behaviour.
Controlled feeding method involving removing the nipple from the infant to allow for rest and breathing breaks.
The upper part of the mouth that the tongue can press up against, the soft palate occurring toward the back of the
Feeding through an intravenous tube bypassing the usual process of eating and digestion.
The number of times a female has carried pregnancies to a viable gestational age.
The process of heating a substance so that harmful substances are eliminated.
A substance able to cause an illness.
A condition caused by a disease process.
The process of subjecting an author's scholarly work, research, or ideas to the scrutiny of others who are experts
in the same field to assure quality and scientific accuracy.
An antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections.
Emotional and/or mental disorder during pregnancy and after birth comprising a variety of diagnoses.
An infection of the respiratory system leading to a severe cough caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis.
Also called whooping cough.
A genetic condition that causes an amino acid called phenylalanine to build up in the body.
An organ that develops during pregnancy which attaches to the mother’s uterus, connects to the fetus by the
umbilical cord and provides nutrients and oxygen to the fetus.
A state in which the volume of red blood cells is abnormally elevated.
The period beginning immediately after the birth of a child and extending for approximately six weeks.
Depression that occurs after a woman has given birth. It may appear as much as twelve months after birth.
Excessive bleeding after childbirth.
Occurring before conception of a fetus.
A condition in pregnancy where the patient develops high blood pressure. swelling, and protein in the urine.
A baby born prematurely.
An infant born before 37 weeks of age.
The time during pregnancy before birth.
A woman pregnant for the first time.
A woman who has given birth to one full term infant.
A hormone produced in the body that, among other things, helps develop the mammary glands.
A hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland that contributes to milk production.
A study that follows a group of similar individuals (cohorts) over time to compare outcomes.
Viewing both the psychological and social arenas together when assessing the human condition.
A group of people sharing a common ancestry, traits and genes.
A syndrome in which there is severe constriction of blood flow to the nipples.
A condition in which stomach contents back up in to the esophagus causing pain.
The process of resuming breastfeeding after a period of no breastfeeding or very little breastfeeding.
A severe respiratory illness particularly harmful to infants.

A technique used to soften the areola, by reducing oedema.

A disease process related to lack of vitamin D intake.
An infant reflex where the infant searches for the nipple and makes a sucking movement when the face or lips are
A virus that causes a severe gastrointestinal illness.
To impose a penalty upon.
A document listing the activities for which IBCLC certificants are educated and in which they are authorised to
The most important immunoglobulin in milk, not only in concentration but also in biologic activity.
A condition where the pituitary gland and its function is adversely impacted by blood loss and hypovolemic shock
during or after childbirth.
Type of care in which an infant is placed prone, on an adult’s bare chest, to encourage well-being and stability.
A baby with a weight smaller than the 10th percentile at birth.
A variety of agencies that assist its members on a community/local level.
A situation in which a person has a network of helpful people and organisations close by.
Any solid substance (as opposed to liquid) that is used as a source of nourishment.
A bacteria can cause a variety of infections.
Any type of infection caused by the streptococcus group of bacteria.
Areas of the skin which have been over distended causing visible markings.
The process where a child transfers milk while sucking.

The sudden unexplained death of an infant.

A liquid nutrition delivery system using tubing enabling feeding at the breast.

The method of giving additional fluids to a breastfed baby.

The use of interventions to prevent or decrease milk production.
A system of nursing to promote increased milk supply, in which the child is frequently switched from one breast
to another.
The condition in which two or more siblings of differing ages, nurse at the same time.
A state of being when an infant’s teeth start to appear, often causing discomfort.
A gland which produces hormones that regulate the body’s metabolism.
A condition in which the infant’s neck is persistently turned to one side which may cause breastfeeding
The milk produced when colostrum is changing into mature milk.
Disease where immune system attacks and destroys insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas leaving the body
is unable to produce insulin.
A condition where the body does not use insulin properly.
Guidance on how to control infection through a set of standard protocols.
A substance given in order to promote immunity to a disease/virus.
A method of birth in which a suction device is placed on the foetal head to help with delivery.
A person who does not eat or use animal products.
A person who does not eat meat, fish, or poultry.
An infectious process passed from a woman to the infant during the childbirth process.
Transition of the infant from dependence on breastmilk to other sources of nutrition.
A woman who feeds another woman’s child at her breast.
A protein in milk.
A document produced to "improve, through optimal feeding, the nutritional status, growth and development,
health, and thus the very survival of infants and young children." WHO, UNICEF published
English Word Translated Word in Polish
Active listening aktywne słuchanie

Advocate adwokat
Allergen alergen
Alveolus pęcherzyki mleczne
Anaemia anemia
Anesthesia znieczulenie
Ankyloglossia “tongue-tie” ankyloglosja - krótkie wędzidełko podjęzykowe
Antenatal przedporodowy
Antibody przeciwciało
Anticipatory guidance poradnictwo antycypacyjne
Antigen antygen
Antioxidants przeciwutleniacze
Areola otoczka
Artificial baby/infant milk mieszanka dla niemowląt
Assisted Reproductive Technology techniki wspomaganego rozrodu
Axilla pacha
Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative Inicjatywa Szpital Przyjazny Dziecku

Bariatric surgery chirurgiczne leczenie otyłości

Bioavailable biodostępny

Blood glucose glukoza we krwi

Body Mass Index (BMI) indeks masy ciała
Bonding więź
Breast abscess ropień piersi
Breast cancer nowotwór piersi
Breast compression uciskanie piersi
Breast pump odciągacz mleka
Breast shells nakładki na piersi
Breastfeeding karmienie piersią
Breastmilk substitutes zastępniki mleka kobiecego
Canalisation system kanalików w tkance
Candida infekcja drożdżakowa
Casein kazeina
Celiac disease celiakia

Cesarean section cesarskie cięcie

Child-feeding karmienie dziecka
Cleft lip rozszczep wargi
Cleft palate rozszczep podniebienia
Clinical Competencies for the Practice Kompetencje Kliniczne w Praktyce
of IBCLCs Konsultantów Laktacyjnych IBCLC
Code of Professional Conduct Kodeks Profesjonalnego Postępowania

Colic kolka
Colostrum siara
Complementary food pokarm uzupełniający
Complementary/alternative therapies terapie alternatywne

Congenital infection, malformation wrodzona infekcja, wada rozwojowa

Conjunctivitis zapalenie spojówek
Contraception antykoncepcja
Creamatocrit krematokryt
Credential zaświadczenie o uprawnieniach lub
Cross-nursing, wet nursing karmienie piersią dziecka innej kobiety
Cystic fibrosis mukowiscydoza
Dancer hand position pozycja ręki Dancer
Detailed Content Outline (IBLCE) Szczegółowy Zarys Wiedzy (IBLCE)
Diarrhoea biegunka
Donor milk mleko dawcy
Down Syndrome zespół Downa
Ductules kanaliki
Dummy/pacifier/teat smoczek
Dyad matka i dziecko
Dysphoric milk ejection reflex dysforyczny odruch wypływu mleka
Eczema egzema, wyprysk, kontaktowe/alergiczne

Engorgement obrzęk piersi

Epidural anesthesia znieczulenie zewnątrzoponowe
Erythematous rumieniowaty
Ethnicity grupa etniczna
Evidence-based care opieka oparta na wynikach badań
Exclusive breastfeeding wyłączne karmienie piersią
Exogenous zewnętrzny
Expressed breastmilk mleko odciągnięte z piersi
Failure to thrive zahamowanie rozwoju
Family-centered care opieka zorientowana na rodzinę
Fibrocystic disease włókniako-torbielowatość piersi
Flange kołnierz odciągacza pokarmu
Foremilk mleko początkowe (pierwszej fazy)
Foremilk-hindmilk imbalance brak równowagi między mlekiem początkowym

Formula mieszanaka dla niemowląt

Frenulum wędzidełko
Full-term milk mleko wydzielane gdy poród odbył się o
Galactagogue środek mlekopędny
Galactagogues produkty mlekopędne
Galactocele torbiel mleczna
Galactopoiesis galaktopoeza
Galactose galaktoza
Galactosemia galaktozemia
Gastroenteritis zapalenie żołądka i jelit
Gavage feeding karmienie przez sondę żołądkową
Gender identity tożsamość płciowa
Geopolitical geopolityczny
Gestational age wiek płodowy
Gestational diabetes cukrzyca w okresie płodowym
Gripe water woda koperkowa
Half-life okres połowicznego rozpadu
Hindmilk mleko z końcowej fazy karmienia

Homeostasis homeostaza

Hormone hormon
Human lactation laktacja kobieca
Human milk mleko kobiece
Human milk bank bank mleka kobiecego
Human milk fortifiers substancje wzmacniające dodawane do
mleka kobiecego
Hyperalimentation odżywianie wyłącznie dożylne
Hyperbilirubinemia hiperbilirubinemia
Hyperprolactinemia hiperprolaktynemia
Hypoallergenic formula hipoalergiczna mieszanka dla niemowląt
Hypoglycemia hipoglikemia
Hypothermia hipotermia
IBCLC certificants posiadacze ważnego certyfikatu IBCLC
Immunoglobulin immunoglobulina
Induced lactation laktacja indukowana

International Board of Lactation Międzynarodowa Rada Egzaminatorów

Consultant Examiners (IBLCE) Konsultantów Laktacyjnych (IBLCE)
Inverted nipple wklęsła brodawka sutkowa
Involution obkurczanie
Jaundice żółtaczka
Kosher food pokarm koszerny
Lactase laktaza
Lactation laktacja
Lactation Amenorrhea Method metada laktacyjnego braku miesiączki
Lactation, induced indukowanie laktacji
Lactiferous ducts kanały mleczne
Lactobacillus bifidus bakteria Lactobacillus bifidus
Lactoferrin laktoferyna
Lactogenesis laktogeneza
Lactose laktoza
Lactose intolerance nietolerancja na laktozę
Large for gestational age (LGA) duży jak na swój wiek płodowy
Latch przystawienie do piersi
Late preterm infant późny wcześniak
lip/tongue tie release nacięcie wędzidełka
Lipid solubility rozpuszczalność w tłuszczach
Low birth weight niska waga urodzeniowa
Macrosomia makrosomia płodu
Mammary duct ectasia ektazja kanału mlekowego
Mammary gland gruczoł piersi
Mammography mammografia
Mastitis zapalenie brodawki sutkowej
Mature milk mleko dojrzałe
Menstrual periods, menstruation miesiączkowanie

Midwife położna
Milk ejection reflex (MER), “let odruch wypływu mleka
Milk expression odciganie mleka
Milk transfer przepływ mleka
Multigravida kobieta, która jest w ciąży nie pierwszy
Multiparous wieloródka
Nappies, “diapers” pieluchy
Necrotizing enterocolitis martwicze zapalenie jelit
Neonatal noworodkowy
NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) oddział intensywnej opieki noworodków
Nipple bleb/milk blister pęcherzyk na brodawce sutkowej
Nipple shield nakładka na brodawkę sutkową, kapturek

Non-nutritive sucking ssanie nieodżywcze

Obstetrician lekarz położnik
Oedematous opuchnięty
Oestrogen estrogen
Oligosaccharide oligosacharyd
Over-supply nawał pokarmu
Oxytocin oksytocyna

Pacing, pace feeding technika pauzowania

Palate, hard, soft podniebienie, twarde, miękkie
Parenteral karmienie dożylne
Parity ilość donoszonych ciąż
Pasteurization pasteryzacja
Pathogen patogen
Pathologic patologiczny
Peer-reviewed recenzje w specjalistycznych czasopismach

Penicillin penicylyna
Peripartum mood disorder okołoporodowe zaburzenia nastroju
Pertussis krztusiec

Phenylketonuria fenyloketonuria
Placenta łożysko

Polycythaemia nadkrwistość
Postpartum połóg
Postpartum depression (PPD) depresja poporodowa
Postpartum hemorrhage krwotok poporodowy
Preconception przed poczęciem
Preeclampsia stan przedrzucawkowy
Preemie wcześniak
Premature infant wcześniak
Prenatal okres przedporodowy
Primigravida kobieta, która jest w ciąży pierwszy raz
Primiparous pierworódka
Progesterone progesteron
Prolactin prolaktyna
Prospective cohort study prospektywne badanie kohortowe
Psychosocial psychospołeczny
Race rasa
Raynaud's phenomenon objaw Raynauda
Reflux refluks żołądkowy
Re-lactation relaktacja
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) wirus RSV, syncytialny wirus oddechowy
Reverse pressure softening technika uciskania otoczki RPS
Rickets krzywica
Rooting odruch szukania piersi
Rotavirus rotawirus
Sanctioned ukarany
Scope of Practice (IBLCE) Zakres Praktyki IBLCE
Secretory immunoglobin A (sIgA) wydzielnicza immunoglobulina A (SIgA)
Sheehan’s syndrome zespół Sheehana

Skin-to-skin, “Kangaroo care” skóra do skóry, kangurowanie

Small for gestational age (SGA) mały jak na swój wiek płodowy
Social services opieka społeczna
Social support system wsparcia
Solid foods pokarm stały
Staphylococcus aureus bakteria Staphylococcus aureus
Streptococcal infekcja paciorkowcowa
Striae- “stretch marks” rozstępy skórne
Sucking, nutritive ssanie odżywcze
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) zespół nagłej śmierci niemowląt, SIDS

Supplemental nursing system (SNS) zestaw do dokarmiania przy piersi, SNS

Supplementation, supplementary feeds dokarmianie

Suppress lactation hamowanie laktacji, zatrzymanie laktacji

Switch nursing karmienie naprzemienne z obydwu piersi
Tandem nursing równoczesne karmienie piersią więcej niż jednego

Teething ząbkowanie
Thyroid tarczyca
Torticollis kręcz szyi
Transitional milk mleko przejściowe
Type 1 Diabetes cukrzyca typu 1

Type 2 Diabetes cukrzyca typu 2

Universal precautions procedury zapobiegania zakażeniom
Vaccine/Immunization szczepionka
Vacuum extraction próżnociąg
Vegan weganin
Vegetarian wegetarianin
Vertical transmission zakażenie wertykalne
Weaning odstawianie od piersi
Wet nurse mamka
Whey serwatka
World Health Organization Global Globalna Strategia Żywienia Ńiemowląt i Mały
Strategy for Infant and Young Child
Communication technique with the listener concentrating on what is being said and then paraphrasing and repeating
sender to confirm understanding.
A person who supports a particular policy or person.
A substance that causes an allergic response.
A small sac in the mammary gland where milk is secreted and stored.
A decrease of red blood cells in the blood.
Use of medicine to prevent the feeling of pain or another sensation during surgery or other procedures that might be
The presence of a lingual frenulum that changes the appearance or function of the infant’s tongue.
Referring to the period of time from human conception to the beginning of the labor process.
A protein formed by the body after exposure to harmful substances. Part of the human immune response.
A proactive counseling technique that focuses on potential outcomes.
A substance that stimulates antibody production.
A molecule that inhibits the oxidation of other molecules which may prevent or delay some types of cell damage.
Pigmented skin surrounding the nipple
Manufactured nutrition designed for feeding to infants/children.
Use of any artificial means in which to conceive.

The space under the shoulder, underarm area.

A global program launched by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNI
to encourage and recognize hospitals and birthing centers that offer an optimal level of care for infant feeding and mo
Surgery performed to assist with weight loss in patients who are obese. Usually involves reduction in size of the stom
The ease at which a nutrient/medication is absorbed and used by the body. Blocked duct “plugged milk duct” A cond
a milk duct is obstructed.
Sugar that comes from food intake that the bloodstream carries to all the cells in the body to supply energy.
A measure of body fat based on weight in relation to height.
A close relationship between two or more people.
An infection involving a localized area of the breast.
Cells in the breast which grow out of control and may form a tumor.
A gentle massage of the breast to encourage milk flow.
A mechanical device used to extract breastmilk from a breast.
A plastic device placed over the nipple area to both protect painful nipples and encourage nipple eversion.
The direct act of feeding a newborn/child with milk from the breast.
Any substance used for infant/child nutrition where breastmilk would normally be recommended.
The formation of canals or channels in a tissue.
A type of fungal infection.
A phosphoprotein which is the principle protein in milk.
An immune reaction of the digestive system that damages the small intestine and interferes with the absorption of nu
The delivery of a baby through a surgical incision in the mother's abdomen and uterus.
The act of providing nourishment to an infant or child.
A congenital split in the upper lip on one or both sides of the center.
A congenital split in the roof of the mouth.
The responsibilities/activities that are part of the IBCLC practice.

An IBCLE document which informs both IBCLCs and the public of the minimum standards of acceptable conduct, e
commitment expected of all holders of the IBCLC credential, provides IBCLCs with a framework for carrying out the
duties, and serves as a basis for decisions regarding alleged misconduct.
A condition of a newborn with crying for long periods of time with no apparent reason.
The first breast milk that is produced, distinguished from mature milk.
Food offered along with breast milk.
Therapies considered non-traditional or outside of convention that may or may not be used together with conventiona

An infection or malformation that was acquired during fetal development.

Inflammation of the eye.
Methods used to prevent pregnancy.
Machine used to determine the fat content of breastmilk.
a document proving a person's qualifications to perform.

Breastfeeding an infant that is not one’s own.

An inherited disease that causes fibrous scar tissues in the lungs, digestive system, sweat glands.
Technique for giving cheeks/jaw support to a hypotonic nursing infant.
A list of disciplines in which IBCLC certificants are expected to have detailed knowledge.
A pathologic condition involving frequent watery stools.
Breastmilk offered/donated to another for their use.
A chromosomal disorder causing developmental delays and other health problems.
Small ducts in the mammary glands.
An artificial nipple used for the infant to suck on.
Addressing the Mother and the Baby as one unit.
The experience of negative emotions immediately preceding the milk ejection reflex.
Inflammation of the skin with redness, itching and oozing which can crust or harden. Empowerment - Process of bec

A swelling of the breast due to an increase in blood and lymph supply.

Medicine is injected through catheter into the epidural space of the spinal canal to block pain in a region of the body.
A descriptor used for a reddened area of the body.
A social group that has common national or cultural traditions.
Making use of the current best evidence to assess, evaluate and plan.

The act of feeding breastmilk only.

Coming from outside the body.
Breastmilk that is expressed to be used at some other time.
A condition where an infant/child has insufficient growth including weight loss, or is not gaining appropriately.
Care this is focused not solely on individual members of the family group, but treating each as an integral part of clie
A non-pathologic condition of the breast where the breasts have a "lumpy" texture.
A part of a breast pump that sits on the breast/nipple.
The lower fat breastmilk obtained at the start of a feeding.
A condition where there is an over-supply of foremilk in which the infant becomes full on the lower fat/higher lactos
unable to access and ingest the higher fat content milk at the end of a feeding.
Manufactured food designed and marketed for feeding to babies. Frenotomy,
A band of tissue that supports/restricts the movement of the tissue it is attached to.
Milk which is produced at full term gestation, that is suitable in nutrients for a full-term baby.

A substance that is used to encourage milk production i.e. herbs, foods.

A substance used to help increase breastmilk production in nursing mothers.
A benign cyst located in the mammary glands, usually containing milk.
The process by which the breastmilk supply is maintained by the body.
A simple sugar found in breastmilk.
A condition in which a newborn is unable to completely digest the sugar galactose in breastmilk.
Inflammation of the stomach and intestines.
A way to provide breastmilk directly to a baby's stomach through tube placed through the nose
The self-identification of gender: male, female or non-binary, regardless of biological sex characteristics.
Politics as it relates to particular geographical areas.
A measure of length of a pregnancy which starts from the last menstrual period (LMP)
A condition develops during pregnancy that causes elevated glucose levels.
Complimentary therapy used to treat the symptoms of colic.
Period of time required for the concentration or amount of drug in the body to be reduced by one-half
The milk towards the end of a feeding which is typically higher in fat content. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV
that causes HIV infection.
Any self-regulating process by which biological systems maintain stability while adjusting to conditions that are opti
A chemical messenger that is produced and released by the endocrine system.
The process by which milk is produced within the body as well as the time in which a human lactates.
The milk produced by a human.
A facility that collects and processes breastmilk for distribution.
Substance added to breastmilk to enhance the nutrients.

Feeding a newborn intravenously.

A condition of excess bilirubin in the blood.
An excess of prolactin in the body.
An infant formula that is less likely to cause an allergic reaction compared to others.
A condition that occurs when blood sugar (also called blood glucose) levels are too low.
An abnormal decrease in body temperature.
Those who maintain an active IBCLC certificate.
Also known as antibodies, see antibody.
The process of stimulating the mammary glands to produce milk when a person has not had the benefits of the hormo
Independent international certification body conferring IBCLC credential.

A condition in which the nipple is retracted both at rest and when stimulated.
The return of mammary glands or uterus to a state before pregnancy and lactation
A medical condition with yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes, arising from excess of the pigment bilirubin in
Food prepared in accordance with Jewish Dietary Laws.
Enzyme the body secretes to convert lactose in breastmilk to a usable sugar.
The process of producing milk and feeding that milk to a child.
A natural birth control method that relies on exclusively breastfeeding for up to six months postpartum.

The process of stimulating the mammary glands to produce milk, without having been pregnant.
Ducts that converge and form a branched system connecting the nipple to the lobules of the mammary gland.
Primary healthy bacteria in the breastfed child’s gastrointestinal tract.
A protein that binds with iron in the gut.
The initiation of milk production in the body.
The main carbohydrate in human milk.
The inability to digest milk sugar, leading to gastrointestinal upset.
A baby with a weight larger than the 90th percentile at birth.
Attachment of the baby’s mouth to the breast.
An infant born between 34-37 weeks gestation.
A simple incision or snipping of the frenulum

The ability of a substance to dissolve in lipids, fats, or oils.

An infant who weighs less than 2500 grams at birth.
A newborn who's significantly larger than average, often specified as greater than 4000 grams.
A benign condition in which a milk duct becomes enlarged and fills with fluid, usually found in perimenopausal wom
Radiography used to image breast tissue.
A painful inflammation of breast tissue.
The milk produced after colostrum stops, containing a different balance of nutrients.
The process in which a woman discharges blood and other materials from the lining of the uterus at intervals of abou
month from puberty until menopause, except during pregnancy.
A person trained to assist women in childbirth.
A normal reflex in a lactating woman elicited by tactile stimulation of the nipple, resulting in release of milk from the
Use of rhythmic compression of the breast to release milk.
The movement of milk from mother to baby.
A women who has been pregnant more than once.

Having given birth to more than one full term infant.

Cloth or paper material used to wrap around an infant’s genitals and bottom to absorb stool and urine.
Inflammation of the intestinal tract causing tissue to die.
Newborn status from birth to 28 days of life.
Special care unit in a hospital for ill infants.
A small benign cyst clogging an opening on the nipple.
A plastic/silicone device placed over the nipple during breastfeeding to assist with latch.

The act of sucking that does not involve transfer of milk, such as sucking on a teat.
A doctor who specializes in pregnancy, childbirth, and a woman's reproductive system.
A descriptor used for a swollen area of the body.
The primary female sex hormone responsible for development and regulation of the female reproductive system.
A carbohydrate in breastmilk.
A condition occurring when a woman is producing more milk than her infant needs.
A hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland that acts on organs in the body (including the breast and uterus) a
chemical messenger in the brain, controlling key aspects of the reproductive system, including childbirth and lactation
of human behaviour.
Controlled feeding method involving removing the nipple from the infant to allow for rest and breathing breaks.
The upper part of the mouth that the tongue can press up against, the soft palate occurring toward the back of the mo
Feeding through an intravenous tube bypassing the usual process of eating and digestion.
The number of times a female has carried pregnancies to a viable gestational age.
The process of heating a substance so that harmful substances are eliminated.
A substance able to cause an illness.
A condition caused by a disease process.
The process of subjecting an author's scholarly work, research, or ideas to the scrutiny of others who are experts in th
assure quality and scientific accuracy.
An antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections.
Emotional and/or mental disorder during pregnancy and after birth comprising a variety of diagnoses.
An infection of the respiratory system leading to a severe cough caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. Also c
A genetic condition that causes an amino acid called phenylalanine to build up in the body.
An organ that develops during pregnancy which attaches to the mother’s uterus, connects to the fetus by the umbilica
provides nutrients and oxygen to the fetus.
A state in which the volume of red blood cells is abnormally elevated.
The period beginning immediately after the birth of a child and extending for approximately six weeks.
Depression that occurs after a woman has given birth. It may appear as much as twelve months after birth.
Excessive bleeding after childbirth.
Occurring before conception of a fetus.
A condition in pregnancy where the patient develops high blood pressure. swelling, and protein in the urine.
A baby born prematurely.
An infant born before 37 weeks of age.
The time during pregnancy before birth.
A woman pregnant for the first time.
A woman who has given birth to one full term infant.
A hormone produced in the body that, among other things, helps develop the mammary glands.
A hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland that contributes to milk production.
A study that follows a group of similar individuals (cohorts) over time to compare outcomes.
Viewing both the psychological and social arenas together when assessing the human condition.
A group of people sharing a common ancestry, traits and genes.
A syndrome in which there is severe constriction of blood flow to the nipples.
A condition in which stomach contents back up in to the esophagus causing pain.
The process of resuming breastfeeding after a period of no breastfeeding or very little breastfeeding.
A severe respiratory illness particularly harmful to infants.
A technique used to soften the areola, by reducing oedema.
A disease process related to lack of vitamin D intake.
An infant reflex where the infant searches for the nipple and makes a sucking movement when the face or lips are str
A virus that causes a severe gastrointestinal illness.
To impose a penalty upon.
A document listing the activities for which IBCLC certificants are educated and in which they are authorised to enga
The most important immunoglobulin in milk, not only in concentration but also in biologic activity.
A condition where the pituitary gland and its function is adversely impacted by blood loss and hypovolemic shock du
Type of care in which an infant is placed prone, on an adult’s bare chest, to encourage well-being and stability.
A baby with a weight smaller than the 10th percentile at birth.
A variety of agencies that assist its members on a community/local level.
A situation in which a person has a network of helpful people and organisations close by.
Any solid substance (as opposed to liquid) that is used as a source of nourishment.
A bacteria can cause a variety of infections.
Any type of infection caused by the streptococcus group of bacteria.
Areas of the skin which have been over distended causing visible markings.
The process where a child transfers milk while sucking.
The sudden unexplained death of an infant.

A liquid nutrition delivery system using tubing enabling feeding at the breast.
The method of giving additional fluids to a breastfed baby.

The use of interventions to prevent or decrease milk production.

A system of nursing to promote increased milk supply, in which the child is frequently switched from one breast to a
The condition in which two or more siblings of differing ages, nurse at the same time.
A state of being when an infant’s teeth start to appear, often causing discomfort.
A gland which produces hormones that regulate the body’s metabolism.
A condition in which the infant’s neck is persistently turned to one side which may cause breastfeeding challenges.
The milk produced when colostrum is changing into mature milk.
Disease where immune system attacks and destroys insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas leaving the body is u
produce insulin.
A condition where the body does not use insulin properly.
Guidance on how to control infection through a set of standard protocols.
A substance given in order to promote immunity to a disease/virus.
A method of birth in which a suction device is placed on the foetal head to help with delivery.
A person who does not eat or use animal products.
A person who does not eat meat, fish, or poultry.
An infectious process passed from a woman to the infant during the childbirth process.
Transition of the infant from dependence on breastmilk to other sources of nutrition.
A woman who feeds another woman’s child at her breast.
A protein in milk.
A document produced to "improve, through optimal feeding, the nutritional status, growth and development, health,
very survival of infants and young children." WHO, UNICEF published
English Word Translated Word
Active listening Escuta ativa

Advocate Advogado OR Advogar

Allergen Alérgeno
Alveolus Alvéolo
Anaemia Anemia
Anesthesia Anestesia

Ankyloglossia “tongue-tie” Anquiloglossia "língua presa"

Antenatal Pré-natal
Antibody Anticorpo
Anticipatory guidance Aconselhamento antecipado
Antigen Antígeno
Antioxidants Antioxidantes
Areola Aréola
Artificial baby/infant milk Leite artificial
Assisted Reproductive Technology Tecnologia de Reprodução Assistida
Axilla Axila
Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative Iniciativa Hospital Amigo da Criança

Bariatric surgery Cirurgia bariátrica

Bioavailable Biodisponível

Blood glucose Glicose sanguínea

Body Mass Index (BMI) Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC)
Bonding Ligação
Breast abscess Abscesso mamário
Breast cancer Câncer de mama
Breast compression Compressão mamária
Breast pump Bomba de extração de leite
Breast shells Conchas mamárias
Breastfeeding Aleitamento mamário OR Amamentação
Breastmilk substitutes Substitutos de leite materno
Canalisation Canalização
Candida Cândica
Casein Caseína
Celiac disease Doença celíaca

Cesarean section Cesariana OR Parto cesáreo

Child-feeding Alimentação infantil
Cleft lip Lábio leporino
Clinical Competencies for the Practice Competências clínicas para a prática dos
of IBCLCs Consultores Internacionais em Lactação
certificados pelo IBLCE
Code of Professional Conduct (IBLCE) Código de Conduta Profissinal (IBLCE)

Colic Cólica
Colostrum Colostro
Complementary food Alimento complementar
Complementary/alternative therapies Terapias complementares/alternativas

Congenital infection, malformation Infecção congênita, malformação

Conjunctivitis Conjuntivite
Contraception Contracepção
Creamatocrit Crematócrito
Credential Credencial
Cross-nursing, wet nursing Amamentação cruzada, ama de leite
Cystic fibrosis Fibrose cística
Dancer hand position Posição mão de bailarina
Detailed Content Outline (IBLCE) Esboço detalhado do conteúdo (IBLCE)

Diarrhoea Diarreia
Donor milk Leite de doadora
Down Syndrome Síndrome de Down
Ductules Ductos
Dummy/pacifier/teat Chupeta/bico
Dyad Díade
Dysphoric milk ejection reflex Reflexo de ejeção do leite disfórico
Eczema Eczema

Engorgement Ingurgitamento
Epidural anesthesia Anestesia epidural
Erythematous Eritematoso
Ethnicity Etnicidade
Evidence-based care Cuidado baseado em evidência
Exclusive breastfeeding Aleitamento materno exclusivo OR
Amamentação exclusiva
Exogenous Exógeno
Expressed breastmilk Leite materno ordenhado OU Leite
materno extraído da mama
Failure to thrive Falha no crescimeto
Family-centered care Cuidado centrado na família

Fibrocystic disease Doença fibrocística

Flange Flange
Foremilk Leite anterior
Foremilk-hindmilk imbalance Desbalanço entre leite anterior e posterior

Formula Fórmula
Frenulum Frênulo
Full-term milk Leite produzido para o recém-nascido a
Galactagogue Galactagogo
Galactagogues Galactagogos
Galactocele Galactocele
Galactopoiesis Galactopoiese
Galactose Galactose
Galactosemia Galactosemia
Gastroenteritis Gatroenterite
Gavage feeding Gavagem
Gender identity Identidade de gênero
Geopolitical Geopolítico
Gestational age Idade gestacional
Gestational diabetes Diabetes gestacional
Gripe water Água gripe
Half-life Meia-vida
Hindmilk Leite posterior

Homeostasis Homeostase

Hormone Hormônio
Human lactation Lactação humana
Human milk Leite humano
Human milk bank Banco de Leite Humano
Human milk fortifiers Fortificante de leite humano OR Aditivo
de leite humano
Hyperalimentation Hiperalimentação
Hyperbilirubinemia Hiperbilirrubinemia
Hyperprolactinemia Hiperprolactinemia
Hypoallergenic formula Fórmula hipoalergênica
Hypoglycemia Hipoglicemia
Hypothermia Hipotermia
International Board Certified Consultor(a) em Lactação Certificado(a)
Lactation Consultant® IBCLC® pelo Conselho Internacional
IBCLC certificants Consutor Internacional em Lactação
Certificado pelo IBLCE
Immunoglobulin Imunoglobulina
Induced lactation Lactação induzida

International Board of Lactation Conselho Internacional de Avaliação de

Consultant Examiners (IBLCE) Consultores(as) em Lactação
Inverted nipple Mamilo invertido
Involution Involução
Jaundice Icterícia

Kosher food Alimento adequado OU Alimento

Lactase Lactase
Lactation Lactação
Lactation Amenorrhea Method (LAM) Métoda da Amenorreia da Lactação

Lactation, induced Lactação, induzida

Lactiferous ducts Dutos lactíferos
Lactobacillus bifidus Lactobacillus bifidus
Lactoferrin Lactoferrina
Lactogenesis Lactogênese
Lactose Lactose
Lactose intolerance Intolerância à lactose
Large for gestational age (LGA) Grande para a idade getacional (GIG)
Latch Pega
Late preterm infant Pré-termo tardio
lip/tongue tie release Liberação do lábio/língua presa
Lipid solubility Solubilidade lipídica
Low birth weight Baixo peso de nascimento
Macrosomia Macrossomia
Mammary duct ectasia Ectasia de dutos mamários
Mammary gland Glândula mamária
Mammography Mamografia
Mastitis Mastite
Mature milk Leite maduro
Menstrual periods, menstruation Períodos menstruais, menstruação

Midwife Enfermeira
Milk ejection reflex (MER), “let down” Reflexo de ejeção do leite

Milk expression Ordenha do leite OR Expressão do leite

Milk transfer Transferência do leite
Multigravida Multigesta
Multiparous Multípara
Nappies, “diapers” Fraldas
Necrotizing enterocolitis Enterocolie necrosante
Neonatal Neonatal
NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) Unidade de Tratamento Intensivo
Neonatal (UTIN)
Nipple bleb/milk blister Bolha mamilar
Nipple shield Bico de silicone OR Protetor de mamilo
Non-nutritive sucking Sucção não nutritiva
Obstetrician Obstetra
Oedematous Edematoso
Oestrogen Estrogênio
Oligosaccharide Oligossacarídeo
Over-supply Hiperprodução
Oxytocin Ocitocina OR oxitocina

Pacing, pace feeding Ritmo, ritmo alimentar

Palate, hard, soft Palato, duro, mole
Parenteral Parenteral
Parity Paridade
Pasteurization Pasteurização
Pathogen Patógeno
Pathologic Patológico
Peer-reviewed Revisão pelos pares

Penicillin Penicilina
Peripartum mood disorder Doença do humor no periparto
Pertussis Pertussis OR Coqueluche

Phenylketonuria Fenilcetonúria
Placenta Placenta

Polycythaemia Policitemia
Postpartum Pós-parto
Postpartum depression (PPD) Depressão pós-parto (DPP)
Postpartum hemorrhage Hemorragia pós-parto
Preconception Pré-concepção
Preeclampsia Pré-eclâmpsia
Preemie Prematuro
Premature infant Criança prematura
Prenatal Pré-natal
Primigravida Primigesta
Primiparous Primípara
Progesterone Progesterona
Prolactin Prolactina
Prospective cohort study Estudo de coorte prospectivo
Psychosocial Psicossocial
Race Raça
Raynaud's phenomenon Fenômeno de Raynaud
Reflux Refluxo
Re-lactation Relactação
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) Vírus Respiratório Sincicial (VRS)
Reverse pressure softening Técnica de amaciamento areolar pela
pressão reversa
Rickets Raquitismo
Rooting Reflexo de busca
Rotavirus Rotavírus
Sanctioned Sancionada
Scope of Practice (IBLCE) Escopo da prática (IBLCE)
Secretory immunoglobin A (sIgA) Imunogobulina secretória A (IgA)
Sheehan’s syndrome Síndrone de Sheehan

Skin-to-skin, “Kangaroo care” Pele a pele, "Método Ganguru"

Small for gestational age (SGA) Pequino para a idade gestacional (PIG)
Social services Serviço social
Social support Suporte social OR apoio social
Solid foods Aliementos sólidos
Staphylococcus aureus Staphyloccus aureus OR Estafilococo
Streptococcal Estreptocócica
Striae- “stretch marks” Estrias
Sucking, nutritive Sucção, nutritiva
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) Síndrome da morte súbita infantil

Supplemental nursing system (SNS) Sistema de alimentação suplementar

Supplementation, supplementary feeds Suplementação, alimentação suplementar

Suppress lactation Supressão da lactação

Switch nursing Mamada com trocas frequentes de mama

Tandem nursing Amamentação em tandem

Teething Dentição
Thyroid Tereoide
Torticollis Torcicolo
Transitional milk Leite de transição
Type 1 Diabetes Diabetes tipo 1

Type 2 Diabetes Diabetes tipo 2

Universal precautions Precauções universais
Vaccine/Immunization Vacina/Imunização
Vacuum extraction Extração à vácuo
Vegan Vegano
Vegetarian Vegetariano
Vertical transmission Transmissão vertical
Weaning Desmame
Wet nurse Ama de leite
Whey Soro de leite
World Health Organization Global Estratégia Global para a Alimentação de
Strategy for Infant and Young Child Lactentes e Crianças de Primeira Infância
Feeding da Organização Mundial da Saúde
Communication technique with the listener concentrating on what is being said and then paraphrasing and repeating
to the sender to confirm understanding.
A person who supports a particular policy or person.
A substance that causes an allergic response.
A small sac in the mammary gland where milk is secreted and stored.
A decrease of red blood cells in the blood.
Use of medicine to prevent the feeling of pain or another sensation during surgery or other procedures that might be

The presence of a lingual frenulum that changes the appearance or function of the infant’s tongue.
Referring to the period of time from human conception to the beginning of the labor process.
A protein formed by the body after exposure to harmful substances. Part of the human immune response.
A proactive counseling technique that focuses on potential outcomes.
A substance that stimulates antibody production.
A molecule that inhibits the oxidation of other molecules which may prevent or delay some types of cell damage.
Pigmented skin surrounding the nipple
Manufactured nutrition designed for feeding to infants/children.
Use of any artificial means in which to conceive.

The space under the shoulder, underarm area.

A global program launched by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNI
1991 to encourage and recognize hospitals and birthing centers that offer an optimal level of care for infant feeding an
mother/baby bonding.
Surgery performed to assist with weight loss in patients who are obese. Usually involves reduction in size of the stom
other organs.
The ease at which a nutrient/medication is absorbed and used by the body. Blocked duct “plugged milk duct” A cond
which a milk duct is obstructed.
Sugar that comes from food intake that the bloodstream carries to all the cells in the body to supply energy.
A measure of body fat based on weight in relation to height.
A close relationship between two or more people.
An infection involving a localized area of the breast.
Cells in the breast which grow out of control and may form a tumor.
A gentle massage of the breast to encourage milk flow.
A mechanical device used to extract breastmilk from a breast.
A plastic device placed over the nipple area to both protect painful nipples and encourage nipple eversion.
The direct act of feeding a newborn/child with milk from the breast.
Any substance used for infant/child nutrition where breastmilk would normally be recommended.
The formation of canals or channels in a tissue.
A type of fungal infection.
A phosphoprotein which is the principle protein in milk.
An immune reaction of the digestive system that damages the small intestine and interferes with the absorption of nu
from food.
The delivery of a baby through a surgical incision in the mother's abdomen and uterus.
The act of providing nourishment to an infant or child.
A congenital birth defect causing an incomplete fusion of part of the oral cavity.
The responsibilities/activities that are part of the IBCLC practice.

An IBCLE document which informs both IBCLCs and the public of the minimum standards of acceptable conduct,
exemplifies the commitment expected of all holders of the IBCLC credential, provides IBCLCs with a framework for
carrying out their essential duties, and serves as a basis for decisions regarding alleged misconduct.
A condition of a newborn with crying for long periods of time with no apparent reason.
The first breast milk that is produced, distinguished from mature milk.
Food offered along with breast milk.
Therapies considered non-traditional or outside of convention that may or may not be used together with conventiona
An infection or malformation that was acquired during fetal development.
Inflammation of the eye.
Methods used to prevent pregnancy.
Machine used to determine the fat content of breastmilk.
a document proving a person's qualifications to perform.
Breastfeeding an infant that is not one’s own.
An inherited disease that causes fibrous scar tissues in the lungs, digestive system, sweat glands.
Technique for giving cheeks/jaw support to a hypotonic nursing infant.
A list of disciplines in which IBCLC certificants are expected to have detailed knowledge.

A pathologic condition involving frequent watery stools.

Breastmilk offered/donated to another for their use.
A chromosomal disorder causing developmental delays and other health problems.
Small ducts in the mammary glands.
An artificial nipple used for the infant to suck on.
Addressing the Mother and the Baby as one unit.
The experience of negative emotions immediately preceding the milk ejection reflex.
Inflammation of the skin with redness, itching and oozing which can crust or harden. Empowerment - Process of bec
A swelling of the breast due to an increase in blood and lymph supply.
Medicine is injected through catheter into the epidural space of the spinal canal to block pain in a region of the body.
A descriptor used for a reddened area of the body.
A social group that has common national or cultural traditions.
Making use of the current best evidence to assess, evaluate and plan.
The act of feeding breastmilk only.

Coming from outside the body.

Breastmilk that is expressed to be used at some other time.

A condition where an infant/child has insufficient growth including weight loss, or is not gaining appropriately.
Care this is focused not solely on individual members of the family group, but treating each as an integral part of clie

A non-pathologic condition of the breast where the breasts have a "lumpy" texture.
A part of a breast pump that sits on the breast/nipple.
The lower fat breastmilk obtained at the start of a feeding.
A condition where there is an over-supply of foremilk in which the infant becomes full on the lower fat/higher lactos
content milk, unable to access and ingest the higher fat content milk at the end of a feeding.
Manufactured food designed and marketed for feeding to babies. Frenotomy,
A band of tissue that supports/restricts the movement of the tissue it is attached to.
Milk which is produced at full term gestation, that is suitable in nutrients for a full-term baby.

A substance that is used to encourage milk production i.e. herbs, foods.

A substance used to help increase breastmilk production in nursing mothers.
A benign cyst located in the mammary glands, usually containing milk.
The process by which the breastmilk supply is maintained by the body.
A simple sugar found in breastmilk.
A condition in which a newborn is unable to completely digest the sugar galactose in breastmilk.
Inflammation of the stomach and intestines.
A way to provide breastmilk directly to a baby's stomach through tube placed through the nose
The self-identification of gender: male, female or non-binary, regardless of biological sex characteristics.
Politics as it relates to particular geographical areas.
A measure of length of a pregnancy which starts from the last menstrual period (LMP)
A condition develops during pregnancy that causes elevated glucose levels.
Complimentary therapy used to treat the symptoms of colic.
Period of time required for the concentration or amount of drug in the body to be reduced by one-half
The milk towards the end of a feeding which is typically higher in fat content. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV
retrovirus that causes HIV infection.
Any self-regulating process by which biological systems maintain stability while adjusting to conditions that are opti
A chemical messenger that is produced and released by the endocrine system.
The process by which milk is produced within the body as well as the time in which a human lactates.
The milk produced by a human.
A facility that collects and processes breastmilk for distribution.
Substance added to breastmilk to enhance the nutrients.

Feeding a newborn intravenously.

A condition of excess bilirubin in the blood.
An excess of prolactin in the body.
An infant formula that is less likely to cause an allergic reaction compared to others.
A condition that occurs when blood sugar (also called blood glucose) levels are too low.
An abnormal decrease in body temperature.
Those who maintain an active IBCLC certificate.

Also known as antibodies, see antibody.

The process of stimulating the mammary glands to produce milk when a person has not had the benefits of the hormo
Independent international certification body conferring IBCLC credential.

A condition in which the nipple is retracted both at rest and when stimulated.
The return of mammary glands or uterus to a state before pregnancy and lactation
A medical condition with yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes, arising from excess of the pigment bilirubin in
Food prepared in accordance with Jewish Dietary Laws.

Enzyme the body secretes to convert lactose in breastmilk to a usable sugar.

The process of producing milk and feeding that milk to a child.
A natural birth control method that relies on exclusively breastfeeding for up to six months postpartum.

The process of stimulating the mammary glands to produce milk, without having been pregnant.
Ducts that converge and form a branched system connecting the nipple to the lobules of the mammary gland.
Primary healthy bacteria in the breastfed child’s gastrointestinal tract.
A protein that binds with iron in the gut.
The initiation of milk production in the body.
The main carbohydrate in human milk.
The inability to digest milk sugar, leading to gastrointestinal upset.
A baby with a weight larger than the 90th percentile at birth.
Attachment of the baby’s mouth to the breast.
An infant born between 34-37 weeks gestation.
A simple incision or snipping of the frenulum
The ability of a substance to dissolve in lipids, fats, or oils.
An infant who weighs less than 2500 grams at birth.
A newborn who's significantly larger than average, often specified as greater than 4000 grams.
A benign condition in which a milk duct becomes enlarged and fills with fluid, usually found in perimenopausal wom
Radiography used to image breast tissue.
A painful inflammation of breast tissue.
The milk produced after colostrum stops, containing a different balance of nutrients.
The process in which a woman discharges blood and other materials from the lining of the uterus at intervals of abou
lunar month from puberty until menopause, except during pregnancy.
A person trained to assist women in childbirth.
A normal reflex in a lactating woman elicited by tactile stimulation of the nipple, resulting in release of milk from the
of the breast.
Use of rhythmic compression of the breast to release milk.
The movement of milk from mother to baby.
A women who has been pregnant more than once.
Having given birth to more than one full term infant.
Cloth or paper material used to wrap around an infant’s genitals and bottom to absorb stool and urine.
Inflammation of the intestinal tract causing tissue to die.
Newborn status from birth to 28 days of life.
Special care unit in a hospital for ill infants.

A small benign cyst clogging an opening on the nipple.

A plastic/silicone device placed over the nipple during breastfeeding to assist with latch.
The act of sucking that does not involve transfer of milk, such as sucking on a teat.
A doctor who specializes in pregnancy, childbirth, and a woman's reproductive system.
A descriptor used for a swollen area of the body.
The primary female sex hormone responsible for development and regulation of the female reproductive system.
A carbohydrate in breastmilk.
A condition occurring when a woman is producing more milk than her infant needs.
A hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland that acts on organs in the body (including the breast and uterus) a
chemical messenger in the brain, controlling key aspects of the reproductive system, including childbirth and lactation
aspects of human behaviour.
Controlled feeding method involving removing the nipple from the infant to allow for rest and breathing breaks.
The upper part of the mouth that the tongue can press up against, the soft palate occurring toward the back of the mo
Feeding through an intravenous tube bypassing the usual process of eating and digestion.
The number of times a female has carried pregnancies to a viable gestational age.
The process of heating a substance so that harmful substances are eliminated.
A substance able to cause an illness.
A condition caused by a disease process.
The process of subjecting an author's scholarly work, research, or ideas to the scrutiny of others who are experts in th
field to assure quality and scientific accuracy.
An antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections.
Emotional and/or mental disorder during pregnancy and after birth comprising a variety of diagnoses.
An infection of the respiratory system leading to a severe cough caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. Also c
whooping cough.
A genetic condition that causes an amino acid called phenylalanine to build up in the body.
An organ that develops during pregnancy which attaches to the mother’s uterus, connects to the fetus by the umbilica
and provides nutrients and oxygen to the fetus.
A state in which the volume of red blood cells is abnormally elevated.
The period beginning immediately after the birth of a child and extending for approximately six weeks.
Depression that occurs after a woman has given birth. It may appear as much as twelve months after birth.
Excessive bleeding after childbirth.
Occurring before conception of a fetus.
A condition in pregnancy where the patient develops high blood pressure. swelling, and protein in the urine.
A baby born prematurely.
An infant born before 37 weeks of age.
The time during pregnancy before birth.
A woman pregnant for the first time.
A woman who has given birth to one full term infant.
A hormone produced in the body that, among other things, helps develop the mammary glands.
A hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland that contributes to milk production.
A study that follows a group of similar individuals (cohorts) over time to compare outcomes.
Viewing both the psychological and social arenas together when assessing the human condition.
A group of people sharing a common ancestry, traits and genes.
A syndrome in which there is severe constriction of blood flow to the nipples.
A condition in which stomach contents back up in to the esophagus causing pain.
The process of resuming breastfeeding after a period of no breastfeeding or very little breastfeeding.
A severe respiratory illness particularly harmful to infants.
A technique used to soften the areola, by reducing oedema.

A disease process related to lack of vitamin D intake.

An infant reflex where the infant searches for the nipple and makes a sucking movement when the face or lips are str
A virus that causes a severe gastrointestinal illness.
To impose a penalty upon.
A document listing the activities for which IBCLC certificants are educated and in which they are authorised to enga
The most important immunoglobulin in milk, not only in concentration but also in biologic activity.
A condition where the pituitary gland and its function is adversely impacted by blood loss and hypovolemic shock du
after childbirth.
Type of care in which an infant is placed prone, on an adult’s bare chest, to encourage well-being and stability.
A baby with a weight smaller than the 10th percentile at birth.
A variety of agencies that assist its members on a community/local level.
A situation in which a person has a network of helpful people and organisations close by.
Any solid substance (as opposed to liquid) that is used as a source of nourishment.
A bacteria can cause a variety of infections.

Any type of infection caused by the streptococcus group of bacteria.

Areas of the skin which have been over distended causing visible markings.
The process where a child transfers milk while sucking.
The sudden unexplained death of an infant.

A liquid nutrition delivery system using tubing enabling feeding at the breast.
The method of giving additional fluids to a breastfed baby.

The use of interventions to prevent or decrease milk production.

A system of nursing to promote increased milk supply, in which the child is frequently switched from one breast to a

The condition in which two or more siblings of differing ages, nurse at the same time.
A state of being when an infant’s teeth start to appear, often causing discomfort.
A gland which produces hormones that regulate the body’s metabolism.
A condition in which the infant’s neck is persistently turned to one side which may cause breastfeeding challenges.
The milk produced when colostrum is changing into mature milk.
Disease where immune system attacks and destroys insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas leaving the body is u
produce insulin.
A condition where the body does not use insulin properly.
Guidance on how to control infection through a set of standard protocols.
A substance given in order to promote immunity to a disease/virus.
A method of birth in which a suction device is placed on the foetal head to help with delivery.
A person who does not eat or use animal products.
A person who does not eat meat, fish, or poultry.
An infectious process passed from a woman to the infant during the childbirth process.
Transition of the infant from dependence on breastmilk to other sources of nutrition.
A woman who feeds another woman’s child at her breast.
A protein in milk.
A document produced to "improve, through optimal feeding, the nutritional status, growth and development, health,
thus the very survival of infants and young children." WHO, UNICEF published
English Word Translated Word
Active listening aktivno poslušanje

Advocate zagovornik
Allergen alergen
Alveolus alveol
Anaemia anemija
Anesthesia anestezija
Ankyloglossia “tongue-tie” ankiloglosija, "priraščen jezik"
Antenatal prenatalno
Antibody protitelo
Anticipatory guidance vodenje s predvidevanjem
Antigen antigen
Antioxidants antioksidanti
Areola kolobar
Artificial baby/infant milk umetno otroško mleko
Assisted Reproductive Technology tehnika asistirane reprodukcije
Axilla pazduha
Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative Pobuda za novorojencem prijazne
(BFHI) porodnišnice (PNPP)

Bariatric surgery bariatrična kirurgija

Bioavailable biološko uporabno

Blood glucose krvni sladkor

Body Mass Index (BMI) indeks telesne mase (ITM)
Bonding navezovanje
Breast abscess absces dojke
Breast cancer rak dojke
Breast compression masaža dojke
Breast pump prsna črpalka
Breast shells bradavična školjka
Breastfeeding dojenje
Breastmilk substitutes nadomestki za materino mleko
Canalisation kanaliziranje
Candida Kandida
Casein kazein
Celiac disease celiakija

Cesarean section carski rez

Child-feeding hranjenje otroka
Cleft lip razcep ustnice
Cleft palate razcep neba
Clinical Competencies for the Practice Klinične pristojnosti za delo IBCLC-jev
Code of Professional Conduct (IBLCE) Kodeks poklicnega delovanja (IBLCE)

Colic kolika
Colostrum mlezivo
Complementary food dopolnilna prehrana
Complementary/alternative therapies dopolnilna/alternativna zdravljenja

Congenital infection, malformation prirojena okužba, malformacija

Conjunctivitis konjunktivitis
Contraception kontracepcija
Creamatocrit krematokrit
Credential potrdilo
Cross-nursing, wet nursing dojenje tujega otroka, dojilstvo
Cystic fibrosis cistična fibroza
Dancer hand position tehnika plesalčeve roke
Detailed Content Outline (IBLCE) Podroben pregled vsebin (IBCLE)
Diarrhoea diareja
Donor milk donirano mleko
Down Syndrome Downov sindrom
Ductules izvodilca
Dummy/pacifier/teat duda/cucelj
Dyad diada
Dysphoric milk ejection reflex razdražljivost ob izcejalnem refleksu
Eczema ekcem

Engorgement nabreknjenje
Epidural anesthesia epiduralna anestezija
Erythematous eritematozen
Ethnicity etničnost
Evidence-based care na dokazih osnovana oskrba
Exclusive breastfeeding izključno dojenje
Exogenous zunanji
Expressed breastmilk izbrizgano mleko
Failure to thrive nenapredovanje s težo
Family-centered care k družini usmerjena oskrba
Fibrocystic disease fibrocistična bolezen dojk
Flange ustje
Foremilk prednje mleko
Foremilk-hindmilk imbalance neskladje med prednjim in zadnjim
Formula formula
Frenulum frenulum
Full-term milk mleko pri donošenem otroku
Galactagogue galaktogog
Galactagogues galaktogogi
Galactocele galaktocele
Galactopoiesis galaktopoeza
Galactose galaktoza
Galactosemia galaktozemija
Gastroenteritis gastroenteritis
Gavage feeding hranjenje po cevki
Gender identity spolna identiteta
Geopolitical geopolitičen
Gestational age gestacijska starost
Gestational diabetes gestacijski diabetes
Gripe water zeliščni pripravek
Half-life razpolovni čas
Hindmilk zadnje mleko

Homeostasis homeostaza

Hormone hormon
Human lactation humana laktacija
Human milk žensko mleko
Human milk bank mlečna banka
Human milk fortifiers mlečni ojačevalci
Hyperalimentation parenteralna prehrana
Hyperbilirubinemia hiperbilirubinemija
Hyperprolactinemia hiperprolaktinemija
Hypoallergenic formula hipoalergična formula
Hypoglycemia hipoglikemija
Hypothermia hipotermija
IBCLC certificants IBCLC diplomantke
Immunoglobulin imunoglobulin
Induced lactation inducirana laktacija

International Board of Lactation Mednarodna izpitna komisija za

Consultant Examiners (IBLCE) svetovalce za laktacijo® (IBLCE)
Inverted nipple vdrta bradavica
Involution involucija
Jaundice zlatenica
Kosher food košer hrana
Lactase laktaza
Lactation laktacija
Lactation Amenorrhea Method (LAM) metoda laktacijske amenoreje (LAM)

Lactation, induced inducirana laktacija

Lactiferous ducts mlečna izvodila
Lactobacillus bifidus laktobacilus bifidus
Lactoferrin laktoferin
Lactogenesis laktogeneza
Lactose laktoza
Lactose intolerance laktozna intoleranca
Large for gestational age (LGA) prevelik za gestacijsko starost (LGA)
Latch prisesanje
Late preterm infant mejni nedonošenček
lip/tongue tie release sprostitev priraslosti jezika
Lipid solubility v maščobi topno
Low birth weight nizka porodna teža
Macrosomia makrosomija
Mammary duct ectasia razširjenost mlečnih izvodil
Mammary gland mlečna žleza
Mammography mamografija
Mastitis mastitis
Mature milk zrelo mleko
Menstrual periods, menstruation menstruacija

Midwife babica
Milk ejection reflex (MER), “let down” refleks mlečnega izcejanja

Milk expression iztiskanje mleka

Milk transfer pretok mleka
Multigravida multigravida
Multiparous multipara
Nappies, “diapers” plenice
Necrotizing enterocolitis nekrotizirajoči enterokolitis
Neonatal neonatalni
NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) NICU (neonatalna enota intenzivne nege)

Nipple bleb/milk blister bradavični žulj/mlečni žulj

Nipple shield bradavični nastavek
Non-nutritive sucking neprehransko sesanje
Obstetrician porodničar
Oedematous edematozen
Oestrogen estrogen
Oligosaccharide oligosaharid
Over-supply preobilje mleka
Oxytocin oksitcin

Pacing, pace feeding tempiranje, tempirano hranjenje

Palate, hard, soft nebo, trdo, mehko
Parenteral parenteralno
Parity pariteta
Pasteurization pasterizacija
Pathogen patogen
Pathologic patološko
Peer-reviewed recenziran

Penicillin penicilin
Peripartum mood disorder peripartalna otožnost
Pertussis oslovski kašelj

Phenylketonuria fenilketonurija
Placenta posteljica

Polycythaemia policitemija
Postpartum po porodu
Postpartum depression (PPD) poporodna depresija (PPD)
Postpartum hemorrhage poporodna krvavitev
Preconception pred zanositvijo
Preeclampsia preeklampsija
Preemie neonošenček
Premature infant prematurus
Prenatal prenatalno
Primigravida primigravida
Primiparous prvorodka
Progesterone progesteron
Prolactin prolaktin
Prospective cohort study prospektivna kohortna študija
Psychosocial psihosocialno
Race rasa
Raynaud's phenomenon Reynaudov fenomen
Reflux refluks
Re-lactation re-laktacija
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) Respiratorni sincicijski virus (RSV)
Reverse pressure softening masaža prenapetih dojk
Rickets rahitis
Rooting iskalni rafleks
Rotavirus rotavirus
Sanctioned kaznovati
Scope of Practice (IBLCE) Seznam usposobljenosti za delo (IBCLE)

Secretory immunoglobin A (sIgA) sekretorni imunoglobulin A (sIgA)

Sheehan’s syndrome sindrom Sheehan

Skin-to-skin, “Kangaroo care” Koža-na-kožo, "Kenguru nega"

Small for gestational age (SGA) Premajhen za gestacijsko starost (SGA)
Social services socialna služba
Social support socialna podpora
Solid foods čvrsta hrana
Staphylococcus aureus Stafilokokus aureus
Streptococcal streptokokno
Striae- “stretch marks” strie
Sucking, nutritive sesanje, prehransko
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) Nenadna nepričakovana smrt dojenčka
Supplemental nursing system (SNS) suplementarni sistem hranjenja
Supplementation, supplementary feeds dohranjevanje, dopolnilni obroki

Suppress lactation zmanjševanje laktacije

Switch nursing izmenjalno dojenje
Tandem nursing tandemsko dojenje
Teething denticija
Thyroid ščitnica
Torticollis tortikolis
Transitional milk prehodno mleko
Type 1 Diabetes Sladkorna bolezen tipa 1

Type 2 Diabetes Sladkorna bolezen tipa 2

Universal precautions splošna preventiva
Vaccine/Immunization cepivo/cepljenje
Vacuum extraction vakumska ekstrakcija
Vegan vegan
Vegetarian vegetarianec
Vertical transmission vertikalni prenos
Weaning odstavljanje
Wet nurse dojilja
Whey sirotka
World Health Organization Global Svetovna zdravstvena organizacija
Strategy for Infant and Young Child Splošna strategija za hranjenje dojenčkov
Feeding in malih otrok
Communication technique with the listener concentrating on what is being said and then paraphrasing and repeating
sender to confirm understanding.
A person who supports a particular policy or person.
A substance that causes an allergic response.
A small sac in the mammary gland where milk is secreted and stored.
A decrease of red blood cells in the blood.
Use of medicine to prevent the feeling of pain or another sensation during surgery or other procedures that might be
The presence of a lingual frenulum that changes the appearance or function of the infant’s tongue.
Referring to the period of time from human conception to the beginning of the labor process.
A protein formed by the body after exposure to harmful substances. Part of the human immune response.
A proactive counseling technique that focuses on potential outcomes.
A substance that stimulates antibody production.
A molecule that inhibits the oxidation of other molecules which may prevent or delay some types of cell damage.
Pigmented skin surrounding the nipple
Manufactured nutrition designed for feeding to infants/children.
Use of any artificial means in which to conceive.

The space under the shoulder, underarm area.

A global program launched by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNI
to encourage and recognize hospitals and birthing centers that offer an optimal level of care for infant feeding and mo
Surgery performed to assist with weight loss in patients who are obese. Usually involves reduction in size of the stom
The ease at which a nutrient/medication is absorbed and used by the body. Blocked duct “plugged milk duct” A cond
a milk duct is obstructed.
Sugar that comes from food intake that the bloodstream carries to all the cells in the body to supply energy.
A measure of body fat based on weight in relation to height.
A close relationship between two or more people.
An infection involving a localized area of the breast.
Cells in the breast which grow out of control and may form a tumor.
A gentle massage of the breast to encourage milk flow.
A mechanical device used to extract breastmilk from a breast.
A plastic device placed over the nipple area to both protect painful nipples and encourage nipple eversion.
The direct act of feeding a newborn/child with milk from the breast.
Any substance used for infant/child nutrition where breastmilk would normally be recommended.
The formation of canals or channels in a tissue.
A type of fungal infection.
A phosphoprotein which is the principle protein in milk.
An immune reaction of the digestive system that damages the small intestine and interferes with the absorption of nu
The delivery of a baby through a surgical incision in the mother's abdomen and uterus.
The act of providing nourishment to an infant or child.
A congenital split in the upper lip on one or both sides of the center.
A congenital split in the roof of the mouth.
The responsibilities/activities that are part of the IBCLC practice.

An IBCLE document which informs both IBCLCs and the public of the minimum standards of acceptable conduct, e
commitment expected of all holders of the IBCLC credential, provides IBCLCs with a framework for carrying out the
duties, and serves as a basis for decisions regarding alleged misconduct.
A condition of a newborn with crying for long periods of time with no apparent reason.
The first breast milk that is produced, distinguished from mature milk.
Food offered along with breast milk.
Therapies considered non-traditional or outside of convention that may or may not be used together with conventiona

An infection or malformation that was acquired during fetal development.

Inflammation of the eye.
Methods used to prevent pregnancy.
Machine used to determine the fat content of breastmilk.
a document proving a person's qualifications to perform.
Breastfeeding an infant that is not one’s own.
An inherited disease that causes fibrous scar tissues in the lungs, digestive system, sweat glands.
Technique for giving cheeks/jaw support to a hypotonic nursing infant.
A list of disciplines in which IBCLC certificants are expected to have detailed knowledge.
A pathologic condition involving frequent watery stools.
Breastmilk offered/donated to another for their use.
A chromosomal disorder causing developmental delays and other health problems.
Small ducts in the mammary glands.
An artificial nipple used for the infant to suck on.
Addressing the Mother and the Baby as one unit.
The experience of negative emotions immediately preceding the milk ejection reflex.

Inflammation of the skin with redness, itching and oozing which can crust or harden. Empowerment - Process of bec
A swelling of the breast due to an increase in blood and lymph supply.
Medicine is injected through catheter into the epidural space of the spinal canal to block pain in a region of the body.
A descriptor used for a reddened area of the body.
A social group that has common national or cultural traditions.
Making use of the current best evidence to assess, evaluate and plan.
The act of feeding breastmilk only.
Coming from outside the body.
Breastmilk that is expressed to be used at some other time.
A condition where an infant/child has insufficient growth including weight loss, or is not gaining appropriately.
Care this is focused not solely on individual members of the family group, but treating each as an integral part of clie
A non-pathologic condition of the breast where the breasts have a "lumpy" texture.
A part of a breast pump that sits on the breast/nipple.
The lower fat breastmilk obtained at the start of a feeding.
A condition where there is an over-supply of foremilk in which the infant becomes full on the lower fat/higher lactos
milk, unable to access and ingest the higher fat content milk at the end of a feeding.
Manufactured food designed and marketed for feeding to babies. Frenotomy,
A band of tissue that supports/restricts the movement of the tissue it is attached to.
Milk which is produced at full term gestation, that is suitable in nutrients for a full-term baby.
A substance that is used to encourage milk production i.e. herbs, foods.
A substance used to help increase breastmilk production in nursing mothers.
A benign cyst located in the mammary glands, usually containing milk.
The process by which the breastmilk supply is maintained by the body.
A simple sugar found in breastmilk.
A condition in which a newborn is unable to completely digest the sugar galactose in breastmilk.
Inflammation of the stomach and intestines.
A way to provide breastmilk directly to a baby's stomach through tube placed through the nose
The self-identification of gender: male, female or non-binary, regardless of biological sex characteristics.
Politics as it relates to particular geographical areas.
A measure of length of a pregnancy which starts from the last menstrual period (LMP)
A condition develops during pregnancy that causes elevated glucose levels.
Complimentary therapy used to treat the symptoms of colic.
Period of time required for the concentration or amount of drug in the body to be reduced by one-half
The milk towards the end of a feeding which is typically higher in fat content. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV
that causes HIV infection.
Any self-regulating process by which biological systems maintain stability while adjusting to conditions that are opti
A chemical messenger that is produced and released by the endocrine system.
The process by which milk is produced within the body as well as the time in which a human lactates.
The milk produced by a human.
A facility that collects and processes breastmilk for distribution.
Substance added to breastmilk to enhance the nutrients.
Feeding a newborn intravenously.
A condition of excess bilirubin in the blood.
An excess of prolactin in the body.
An infant formula that is less likely to cause an allergic reaction compared to others.
A condition that occurs when blood sugar (also called blood glucose) levels are too low.
An abnormal decrease in body temperature.
Those who maintain an active IBCLC certificate.
Also known as antibodies, see antibody.
The process of stimulating the mammary glands to produce milk when a person has not had the benefits of the hormo
Independent international certification body conferring IBCLC credential.

A condition in which the nipple is retracted both at rest and when stimulated.
The return of mammary glands or uterus to a state before pregnancy and lactation
A medical condition with yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes, arising from excess of the pigment bilirubin in
Food prepared in accordance with Jewish Dietary Laws.
Enzyme the body secretes to convert lactose in breastmilk to a usable sugar.
The process of producing milk and feeding that milk to a child.
A natural birth control method that relies on exclusively breastfeeding for up to six months postpartum.

The process of stimulating the mammary glands to produce milk, without having been pregnant.
Ducts that converge and form a branched system connecting the nipple to the lobules of the mammary gland.
Primary healthy bacteria in the breastfed child’s gastrointestinal tract.
A protein that binds with iron in the gut.
The initiation of milk production in the body.
The main carbohydrate in human milk.
The inability to digest milk sugar, leading to gastrointestinal upset.
A baby with a weight larger than the 90th percentile at birth.
Attachment of the baby’s mouth to the breast.
An infant born between 34-37 weeks gestation.
A simple incision or snipping of the frenulum
The ability of a substance to dissolve in lipids, fats, or oils.
An infant who weighs less than 2500 grams at birth.
A newborn who's significantly larger than average, often specified as greater than 4000 grams.
A benign condition in which a milk duct becomes enlarged and fills with fluid, usually found in perimenopausal wom
Radiography used to image breast tissue.
A painful inflammation of breast tissue.
The milk produced after colostrum stops, containing a different balance of nutrients.
The process in which a woman discharges blood and other materials from the lining of the uterus at intervals of abou
month from puberty until menopause, except during pregnancy.
A person trained to assist women in childbirth.
A normal reflex in a lactating woman elicited by tactile stimulation of the nipple, resulting in release of milk from the
Use of rhythmic compression of the breast to release milk.
The movement of milk from mother to baby.
A women who has been pregnant more than once.
Having given birth to more than one full term infant.
Cloth or paper material used to wrap around an infant’s genitals and bottom to absorb stool and urine.
Inflammation of the intestinal tract causing tissue to die.
Newborn status from birth to 28 days of life.
Special care unit in a hospital for ill infants.

A small benign cyst clogging an opening on the nipple.

A plastic/silicone device placed over the nipple during breastfeeding to assist with latch.
The act of sucking that does not involve transfer of milk, such as sucking on a teat.
A doctor who specializes in pregnancy, childbirth, and a woman's reproductive system.
A descriptor used for a swollen area of the body.
The primary female sex hormone responsible for development and regulation of the female reproductive system.
A carbohydrate in breastmilk.
A condition occurring when a woman is producing more milk than her infant needs.
A hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland that acts on organs in the body (including the breast and uterus) a
chemical messenger in the brain, controlling key aspects of the reproductive system, including childbirth and lactation
of human behaviour.
Controlled feeding method involving removing the nipple from the infant to allow for rest and breathing breaks.
The upper part of the mouth that the tongue can press up against, the soft palate occurring toward the back of the mo
Feeding through an intravenous tube bypassing the usual process of eating and digestion.
The number of times a female has carried pregnancies to a viable gestational age.
The process of heating a substance so that harmful substances are eliminated.
A substance able to cause an illness.
A condition caused by a disease process.
The process of subjecting an author's scholarly work, research, or ideas to the scrutiny of others who are experts in th
to assure quality and scientific accuracy.
An antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections.
Emotional and/or mental disorder during pregnancy and after birth comprising a variety of diagnoses.
An infection of the respiratory system leading to a severe cough caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. Also c
whooping cough.
A genetic condition that causes an amino acid called phenylalanine to build up in the body.
An organ that develops during pregnancy which attaches to the mother’s uterus, connects to the fetus by the umbilica
provides nutrients and oxygen to the fetus.
A state in which the volume of red blood cells is abnormally elevated.
The period beginning immediately after the birth of a child and extending for approximately six weeks.
Depression that occurs after a woman has given birth. It may appear as much as twelve months after birth.
Excessive bleeding after childbirth.
Occurring before conception of a fetus.
A condition in pregnancy where the patient develops high blood pressure. swelling, and protein in the urine.
A baby born prematurely.
An infant born before 37 weeks of age.
The time during pregnancy before birth.
A woman pregnant for the first time.
A woman who has given birth to one full term infant.
A hormone produced in the body that, among other things, helps develop the mammary glands.
A hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland that contributes to milk production.
A study that follows a group of similar individuals (cohorts) over time to compare outcomes.
Viewing both the psychological and social arenas together when assessing the human condition.
A group of people sharing a common ancestry, traits and genes.
A syndrome in which there is severe constriction of blood flow to the nipples.
A condition in which stomach contents back up in to the esophagus causing pain.
The process of resuming breastfeeding after a period of no breastfeeding or very little breastfeeding.
A severe respiratory illness particularly harmful to infants.
A technique used to soften the areola, by reducing oedema.
A disease process related to lack of vitamin D intake.
An infant reflex where the infant searches for the nipple and makes a sucking movement when the face or lips are str
A virus that causes a severe gastrointestinal illness.
To impose a penalty upon.
A document listing the activities for which IBCLC certificants are educated and in which they are authorised to enga

The most important immunoglobulin in milk, not only in concentration but also in biologic activity.
A condition where the pituitary gland and its function is adversely impacted by blood loss and hypovolemic shock du
Type of care in which an infant is placed prone, on an adult’s bare chest, to encourage well-being and stability.
A baby with a weight smaller than the 10th percentile at birth.
A variety of agencies that assist its members on a community/local level.
A situation in which a person has a network of helpful people and organisations close by.
Any solid substance (as opposed to liquid) that is used as a source of nourishment.
A bacteria can cause a variety of infections.
Any type of infection caused by the streptococcus group of bacteria.
Areas of the skin which have been over distended causing visible markings.
The process where a child transfers milk while sucking.
The sudden unexplained death of an infant.

A liquid nutrition delivery system using tubing enabling feeding at the breast.
The method of giving additional fluids to a breastfed baby.

The use of interventions to prevent or decrease milk production.

A system of nursing to promote increased milk supply, in which the child is frequently switched from one breast to a
The condition in which two or more siblings of differing ages, nurse at the same time.
A state of being when an infant’s teeth start to appear, often causing discomfort.
A gland which produces hormones that regulate the body’s metabolism.
A condition in which the infant’s neck is persistently turned to one side which may cause breastfeeding challenges.
The milk produced when colostrum is changing into mature milk.
Disease where immune system attacks and destroys insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas leaving the body is u
produce insulin.
A condition where the body does not use insulin properly.
Guidance on how to control infection through a set of standard protocols.
A substance given in order to promote immunity to a disease/virus.
A method of birth in which a suction device is placed on the foetal head to help with delivery.
A person who does not eat or use animal products.
A person who does not eat meat, fish, or poultry.
An infectious process passed from a woman to the infant during the childbirth process.
Transition of the infant from dependence on breastmilk to other sources of nutrition.
A woman who feeds another woman’s child at her breast.
A protein in milk.
A document produced to "improve, through optimal feeding, the nutritional status, growth and development, health,
very survival of infants and young children." WHO, UNICEF published
English Word Translated Word
Active listening
escucha activa
Advocate defensor
Allergen alergan
Alveolus alvéolo
Anaemia anemia
Anesthesia anestesia
Ankyloglossia “tongue-tie” anquiloglosia
Antenatal prenatal
Antibody anticuerpo
Anticipatory guidance orientación anticipatoria
Antigen antígeno
Antioxidants antioxidantes
Areola areola
Artificial baby/infant milk leche infantil artificial/ leche artificial
para bebés
Assisted Reproductive Technology
(ART) tecnología de reproducción asistida
Axilla axila

Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative

(BFHI) Iniciativa Hospital Amigo del Niño
Bariatric surgery
cirugía bariaátrica
biodisponible (In definition it has
Bioavailable blocked duct: cunducto bloqueado /
Blood glucose glucosa en sangre
Body Mass Index (BMI) índice de masa corporal (IMC)
Bonding vinculación
Breast abscess absceso mamario
Breast cancer cáncer de mama
Breast compression compresión de mama
Breast pump extractor de leche
Breast shells protectores de pezones (en forma de
Breastfeeding amamantamiento, lactancia materna
Breastmilk substitutes sustitutos de la leche materna
Canalisation canalización
Candida candida
Casein caseína
Celiac disease
enfermedad celíaca
Cesarean section cesárea
Child-feeding alimentación infantil
Cleft lip labio leporino
Cleft palate paladar hendido
Clinical Competencies for the Competencias Clínicas para el Ejercicio
Practice of IBCLCs Profesional del IBCLC

Code of Professional Conduct

(IBLCE) Código de Conducta Profesional del
Colic cólico
Colostrum calostro
Complementary food alimentos complementarios
Complementary/alternative therapies
terapia complementara/alternativa
Congenital infection, malformation infección congénita, malformación
Conjunctivitis conjuntivitis
Contraception anticoncepción
Creamatocrit crematocrito
Credential credencial
Cross-nursing, wet nursing ser ama de cria o nodriza; amamantar
hijos ajenos
Cystic fibrosis fibrosis quística
Dancer hand position posición de mano del bailarín
Detailed Content Outline (IBLCE) esquema de contenido detallado
Diarrhoea diarrea
Donor milk leche materna donada
Down Syndrome sindrome de Down
Ductules ductules
Dummy/pacifier/teat chupete
Dyad pareja
Dysphoric milk ejection reflex reflejo de eyección de leche disfórica
Eczema eczema (in defintion was
empowerment: empoderamiento)
Engorgement congestión
Epidural anesthesia anestesia epidural
Erythematous eritematoso
Ethnicity etnicidad
Evidence-based care Cuidado basada en la evidencia
Exclusive breastfeeding lactancia exclusiva
Exogenous exógeno/a
Expressed breastmilk leche materna extraída
Failure to thrive Retraso del crecimiento
Family-centered care cuidado centrado en la familia
Fibrocystic disease enfermedad fibroquística
Flange copa/ embudo
Foremilk leche delantera
Foremilk-hindmilk imbalance desequilibrio de leche delantera y
Formula formula infantil
Frenulum frenillo
Full-term milk leche a término
Galactagogue galactagogo
Galactagogues galactagogos
Galactocele galactocele
Galactopoiesis galactopoyesis
Galactose galactosa
Galactosemia galactosemia
Gastroenteritis gastroenteritis
Gavage feeding alimentación por sonda
Gender identity identidad de género
Geopolitical geopolítico/a
Gestational age edad gestacional
Gestational diabetes diabetes gestacional
Gripe water agua de gripe
Half-life Media vida
Hindmilk leche trasera (also in definition HIV:
Virus de inmunodeficiencia humana)
Hormone hormona
Human lactation lactancia humana /lactancia materna
Human milk leche humana /leche materna
Human milk bank banco de leche materna
Human milk fortifiers fortificador de leche materna
Hyperalimentation hiperalimentacion
Hyperbilirubinemia hiperbilirrubinemia
Hyperprolactinemia hiperprolactinemia
Hypoallergenic formula fórmula hipoalergénica
Hypoglycemia hipoglucemia
Hypothermia hipotermia
IBCLC certificants certificantes IBCLC
Immunoglobulin immunoglobulina
Induced lactation
lactancia inducida

International Board of Lactation

Consultant Examiners (IBLCE) Consejo Internacional de Examinadores
de Consultores de Lactancia (IBLCE)
Inverted nipple pezón invertido
Involution involución
Jaundice ictericia
Kosher food Comida kosher
Lactase lactasa
Lactation lactancia
Lactation Amenorrhea Method método de amenorrea de la lactancia
(LAM) (mela)
Lactation, induced lactancia inducida
Lactiferous ducts conductos lactíferos
Lactobacillus bifidus Lactobacillus bifidus
Lactoferrin lactoferrina
Lactogenesis lactogénesis
Lactose lactosa
Lactose intolerance intolerancia a la lactosa
Large for gestational age (LGA)
grande para la edad gestacional (GEG)
Latch agarre
Late preterm infant bebé prematuro tardío
lip/tongue tie release liberación de lazos de labios/lengua
Lipid solubility solubilidad en lípidos
Low birth weight bajo peso al nacer
Macrosomia macrosomía
Mammary duct ectasia ectasia del conducto mamario
Mammary gland glándula mamaria
Mammography mamografía
Mastitis mastitis
Mature milk leche madura
Menstrual periods, menstruation
período menstrual, menstruación
Midwife partera
Milk ejection reflex (MER), “let
down” reflejo de eyección de leche
Milk expression expresión de leche
Milk transfer transferencia de leche
Multigravida multigravida
Multiparous multíparo
Nappies, “diapers” pañales
Necrotizing enterocolitis enterocolitis necrotizante
Neonatal neonatal
NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) Unidad de cuidado intensivo neonatal
Nipple bleb/milk blister ampolla de pezón
Nipple shield pezonera
Non-nutritive sucking succión no nutritiva
Obstetrician obstetra
Oedematous edematoso/a
Oestrogen estrógeno
Oligosaccharide oligosacárido
Over-supply exceso de producción

Pacing, pace feeding alimentación pausada
Palate, hard, soft paladar, duro, suave
Parenteral parenteral
Parity paridad
Pasteurization pasteurización
Pathogen patógeno
Pathologic patológico/a
revisado por pares
Penicillin penicilina
Peripartum mood disorder trastorno psicológico perinatal
tos ferina
Phenylketonuria fenilcetonuria
Polycythaemia policitemia
Postpartum puerperio, posparto, post-parto
Postpartum depression (PPD) depresión post parto
Postpartum hemorrhage hemorragia post parto
Preconception preconcepción
Preeclampsia preeclampsia
Preemie prematuro/a
Premature infant infante prematuro
Prenatal prenatal
Primigravida primigravida
Primiparous primípara
Progesterone progesterona
Prolactin prolactina
Prospective cohort study estudio de cohorte prospectivo
Psychosocial psicosocial
Race raza
Raynaud's phenomenon el fenómeno de Raynaud
Reflux reflujo
Re-lactation relactancia
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) virus sincitial respiratorio
Reverse pressure softening presión inversa suavizante
Rickets raquitismo
Rooting busqueda
Rotavirus rotavirus
Sanctioned sancionada
Scope of Practice (IBLCE) Alcance de la Práctica del IBLCE
Secretory immunoglobin A (sIgA) inmunoglobulina A secretora
Sheehan’s syndrome
Síndrome de Sheehan
Skin-to-skin, “Kangaroo care” piel con piel, cuidado canguro
Small for gestational age (SGA)
pequeño para la edad gestacional (PEG)
Social services servicios sociales
Social support apoyo social
Solid foods alimentos sólidos
Staphylococcus aureus staphylococcus aureus
Streptococcal estreptococo
Striae- “stretch marks” estrías
Sucking, nutritive succión nutritiva
Sudden infant death syndrome sindrome de muerte súbita del lactante
Supplemental nursing system (SNS) sistema de alimentación suplementaria
Supplementation, supplementary suplementación, alimentaciones
feeds suplementarias
Suppress lactation suprimir la lactancia
Switch nursing alternando entre ambos pechos varias
Tandem nursing amamantar en tándem (lactancia en
Teething dentición
Thyroid tiroides
Torticollis tortícolis
Transitional milk leche de transición
Type 1 Diabetes
Diabetes tipo 1
Type 2 Diabetes Diabetes tipo 2
Universal precautions precauciones universales
Vaccine/Immunization vacuna/ inmunización
Vacuum extraction extracción por vacío
Vegan vegano/a
Vegetarian vegetariano/a
Vertical transmission transmisión vertical
Weaning destete
Wet nurse nodriza, ama de leche
Whey suero (de la leche)

World Health Organization Global Estrategia Mundial para la

Strategy for Infant and Young Child Alimentación del Lactante y del Nilo
Feeding Pequelo del Organización Mundial de
la Salud
Communication technique with the listener concentrating on what is being said and then paraphrasing and repeating
sender to confirm understanding.
A person who supports a particular policy or person.
A substance that causes an allergic response.
A small sac in the mammary gland where milk is secreted and stored.
A decrease of red blood cells in the blood.
Use of medicine to prevent the feeling of pain or another sensation during surgery or other procedures that might be
The presence of a lingual frenulum that changes the appearance or function of the infant’s tongue.
Referring to the period of time from human conception to the beginning of the labor process.
A protein formed by the body after exposure to harmful substances. Part of the human immune response.
A proactive counseling technique that focuses on potential outcomes.
A substance that stimulates antibody production.
A molecule that inhibits the oxidation of other molecules which may prevent or delay some types of cell damage.
Pigmented skin surrounding the nipple

Manufactured nutrition designed for feeding to infants/children.

Use of any artificial means in which to conceive.

The space under the shoulder, underarm area.
A global program launched by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNI
encourage and recognize hospitals and birthing centers that offer an optimal level of care for infant feeding and mothe
Surgery performed to assist with weight loss in patients who are obese. Usually involves reduction in size of the stom

The ease at which a nutrient/medication is absorbed and used by the body. Blocked duct “plugged milk duct” A cond
milk duct is obstructed.
Sugar that comes from food intake that the bloodstream carries to all the cells in the body to supply energy.
A measure of body fat based on weight in relation to height.
A close relationship between two or more people.
An infection involving a localized area of the breast.
Cells in the breast which grow out of control and may form a tumor.
A gentle massage of the breast to encourage milk flow.
A mechanical device used to extract breastmilk from a breast.

A plastic device placed over the nipple area to both protect painful nipples and encourage nipple eversion.
The direct act of feeding a newborn/child with milk from the breast.
Any substance used for infant/child nutrition where breastmilk would normally be recommended.
The formation of canals or channels in a tissue.
A type of fungal infection.
A phosphoprotein which is the principle protein in milk.
An immune reaction of the digestive system that damages the small intestine and interferes with the absorption of nu
The delivery of a baby through a surgical incision in the mother's abdomen and uterus.
The act of providing nourishment to an infant or child.
A congenital split in the upper lip on one or both sides of the center.
A congenital split in the roof of the mouth.

The responsibilities/activities that are part of the IBCLC practice.

An IBCLE document which informs both IBCLCs and the public of the minimum standards of acceptable conduct, e
commitment expected of all holders of the IBCLC credential, provides IBCLCs with a framework for carrying out the
duties, and serves as a basis for decisions regarding alleged misconduct.
A condition of a newborn with crying for long periods of time with no apparent reason.
The first breast milk that is produced, distinguished from mature milk.
Food offered along with breast milk.

Therapies considered non-traditional or outside of convention that may or may not be used together with conventiona

An infection or malformation that was acquired during fetal development.

Inflammation of the eye.
Methods used to prevent pregnancy.
Machine used to determine the fat content of breastmilk.
a document proving a person's qualifications to perform.

Breastfeeding an infant that is not one’s own.

An inherited disease that causes fibrous scar tissues in the lungs, digestive system, sweat glands.
Technique for giving cheeks/jaw support to a hypotonic nursing infant.
A list of disciplines in which IBCLC certificants are expected to have detailed knowledge.
A pathologic condition involving frequent watery stools.
Breastmilk offered/donated to another for their use.
A chromosomal disorder causing developmental delays and other health problems.
Small ducts in the mammary glands.
An artificial nipple used for the infant to suck on.
Addressing the Mother and the Baby as one unit.
The experience of negative emotions immediately preceding the milk ejection reflex.
Inflammation of the skin with redness, itching and oozing which can crust or harden. Empowerment - Process of bec
A swelling of the breast due to an increase in blood and lymph supply.
Medicine is injected through catheter into the epidural space of the spinal canal to block pain in a region of the body.
A descriptor used for a reddened area of the body.
A social group that has common national or cultural traditions.
Making use of the current best evidence to assess, evaluate and plan.
The act of feeding breastmilk only.
Coming from outside the body.
Breastmilk that is expressed to be used at some other time.
A condition where an infant/child has insufficient growth including weight loss, or is not gaining appropriately.
Care this is focused not solely on individual members of the family group, but treating each as an integral part of clie
A non-pathologic condition of the breast where the breasts have a "lumpy" texture.
A part of a breast pump that sits on the breast/nipple.
The lower fat breastmilk obtained at the start of a feeding.
A condition where there is an over-supply of foremilk in which the infant becomes full on the lower fat/higher lactos
unable to access and ingest the higher fat content milk at the end of a feeding.
Manufactured food designed and marketed for feeding to babies. Frenotomy,
A band of tissue that supports/restricts the movement of the tissue it is attached to.
Milk which is produced at full term gestation, that is suitable in nutrients for a full-term baby.
A substance that is used to encourage milk production i.e. herbs, foods.
A substance used to help increase breastmilk production in nursing mothers.
A benign cyst located in the mammary glands, usually containing milk.
The process by which the breastmilk supply is maintained by the body.
A simple sugar found in breastmilk.
A condition in which a newborn is unable to completely digest the sugar galactose in breastmilk.
Inflammation of the stomach and intestines.
A way to provide breastmilk directly to a baby's stomach through tube placed through the nose
The self-identification of gender: male, female or non-binary, regardless of biological sex characteristics.
Politics as it relates to particular geographical areas.
A measure of length of a pregnancy which starts from the last menstrual period (LMP)
A condition develops during pregnancy that causes elevated glucose levels.
Complimentary therapy used to treat the symptoms of colic.
Period of time required for the concentration or amount of drug in the body to be reduced by one-half
The milk towards the end of a feeding which is typically higher in fat content. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV
that causes HIV infection.
Any self-regulating process by which biological systems maintain stability while adjusting to conditions that are opti
A chemical messenger that is produced and released by the endocrine system.
The process by which milk is produced within the body as well as the time in which a human lactates.
The milk produced by a human.
A facility that collects and processes breastmilk for distribution.
Substance added to breastmilk to enhance the nutrients.
Feeding a newborn intravenously.
A condition of excess bilirubin in the blood.
An excess of prolactin in the body.
An infant formula that is less likely to cause an allergic reaction compared to others.
A condition that occurs when blood sugar (also called blood glucose) levels are too low.
An abnormal decrease in body temperature.
Those who maintain an active IBCLC certificate.
Also known as antibodies, see antibody.
The process of stimulating the mammary glands to produce milk when a person has not had the benefits of the hormo

Independent international certification body conferring IBCLC credential.

A condition in which the nipple is retracted both at rest and when stimulated.
The return of mammary glands or uterus to a state before pregnancy and lactation
A medical condition with yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes, arising from excess of the pigment bilirubin in
Food prepared in accordance with Jewish Dietary Laws.
Enzyme the body secretes to convert lactose in breastmilk to a usable sugar.
The process of producing milk and feeding that milk to a child.

A natural birth control method that relies on exclusively breastfeeding for up to six months postpartum.
The process of stimulating the mammary glands to produce milk, without having been pregnant.
Ducts that converge and form a branched system connecting the nipple to the lobules of the mammary gland.
Primary healthy bacteria in the breastfed child’s gastrointestinal tract.
A protein that binds with iron in the gut.
The initiation of milk production in the body.
The main carbohydrate in human milk.
The inability to digest milk sugar, leading to gastrointestinal upset.

A baby with a weight larger than the 90th percentile at birth.

Attachment of the baby’s mouth to the breast.
An infant born between 34-37 weeks gestation.
A simple incision or snipping of the frenulum
The ability of a substance to dissolve in lipids, fats, or oils.
An infant who weighs less than 2500 grams at birth.
A newborn who's significantly larger than average, often specified as greater than 4000 grams.
A benign condition in which a milk duct becomes enlarged and fills with fluid, usually found in perimenopausal wom
Radiography used to image breast tissue.
A painful inflammation of breast tissue.
The milk produced after colostrum stops, containing a different balance of nutrients.
The process in which a woman discharges blood and other materials from the lining of the uterus at intervals of abou
month from puberty until menopause, except during pregnancy.
A person trained to assist women in childbirth.
A normal reflex in a lactating woman elicited by tactile stimulation of the nipple, resulting in release of milk from the
Use of rhythmic compression of the breast to release milk.
The movement of milk from mother to baby.
A women who has been pregnant more than once.
Having given birth to more than one full term infant.
Cloth or paper material used to wrap around an infant’s genitals and bottom to absorb stool and urine.
Inflammation of the intestinal tract causing tissue to die.
Newborn status from birth to 28 days of life.

Special care unit in a hospital for ill infants.

A small benign cyst clogging an opening on the nipple.
A plastic/silicone device placed over the nipple during breastfeeding to assist with latch.
The act of sucking that does not involve transfer of milk, such as sucking on a teat.
A doctor who specializes in pregnancy, childbirth, and a woman's reproductive system.
A descriptor used for a swollen area of the body.
The primary female sex hormone responsible for development and regulation of the female reproductive system.
A carbohydrate in breastmilk.
A condition occurring when a woman is producing more milk than her infant needs.
A hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland that acts on organs in the body (including the breast and uterus) a
chemical messenger in the brain, controlling key aspects of the reproductive system, including childbirth and lactation
human behaviour.
Controlled feeding method involving removing the nipple from the infant to allow for rest and breathing breaks.
The upper part of the mouth that the tongue can press up against, the soft palate occurring toward the back of the mo
Feeding through an intravenous tube bypassing the usual process of eating and digestion.
The number of times a female has carried pregnancies to a viable gestational age.
The process of heating a substance so that harmful substances are eliminated.
A substance able to cause an illness.
A condition caused by a disease process.
The process of subjecting an author's scholarly work, research, or ideas to the scrutiny of others who are experts in th
assure quality and scientific accuracy.
An antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections.
Emotional and/or mental disorder during pregnancy and after birth comprising a variety of diagnoses.
An infection of the respiratory system leading to a severe cough caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. Also c
A genetic condition that causes an amino acid called phenylalanine to build up in the body.
An organ that develops during pregnancy which attaches to the mother’s uterus, connects to the fetus by the umbilica
provides nutrients and oxygen to the fetus.
A state in which the volume of red blood cells is abnormally elevated.
The period beginning immediately after the birth of a child and extending for approximately six weeks.
Depression that occurs after a woman has given birth. It may appear as much as twelve months after birth.
Excessive bleeding after childbirth.
Occurring before conception of a fetus.
A condition in pregnancy where the patient develops high blood pressure. swelling, and protein in the urine.
A baby born prematurely.
An infant born before 37 weeks of age.
The time during pregnancy before birth.
A woman pregnant for the first time.
A woman who has given birth to one full term infant.
A hormone produced in the body that, among other things, helps develop the mammary glands.
A hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland that contributes to milk production.
A study that follows a group of similar individuals (cohorts) over time to compare outcomes.
Viewing both the psychological and social arenas together when assessing the human condition.
A group of people sharing a common ancestry, traits and genes.
A syndrome in which there is severe constriction of blood flow to the nipples.
A condition in which stomach contents back up in to the esophagus causing pain.
The process of resuming breastfeeding after a period of no breastfeeding or very little breastfeeding.
A severe respiratory illness particularly harmful to infants.
A technique used to soften the areola, by reducing oedema.
A disease process related to lack of vitamin D intake.
An infant reflex where the infant searches for the nipple and makes a sucking movement when the face or lips are str
A virus that causes a severe gastrointestinal illness.
To impose a penalty upon.
A document listing the activities for which IBCLC certificants are educated and in which they are authorised to enga
The most important immunoglobulin in milk, not only in concentration but also in biologic activity.
A condition where the pituitary gland and its function is adversely impacted by blood loss and hypovolemic shock du
Type of care in which an infant is placed prone, on an adult’s bare chest, to encourage well-being and stability.

A baby with a weight smaller than the 10th percentile at birth.

A variety of agencies that assist its members on a community/local level.
A situation in which a person has a network of helpful people and organisations close by.
Any solid substance (as opposed to liquid) that is used as a source of nourishment.
A bacteria can cause a variety of infections.
Any type of infection caused by the streptococcus group of bacteria.
Areas of the skin which have been over distended causing visible markings.
The process where a child transfers milk while sucking.

The sudden unexplained death of an infant.

A liquid nutrition delivery system using tubing enabling feeding at the breast.

The method of giving additional fluids to a breastfed baby.

The use of interventions to prevent or decrease milk production.

A system of nursing to promote increased milk supply, in which the child is frequently switched from one breast to a

The condition in which two or more siblings of differing ages, nurse at the same time.
A state of being when an infant’s teeth start to appear, often causing discomfort.
A gland which produces hormones that regulate the body’s metabolism.
A condition in which the infant’s neck is persistently turned to one side which may cause breastfeeding challenges.
The milk produced when colostrum is changing into mature milk.
Disease where immune system attacks and destroys insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas leaving the body is u
produce insulin.
A condition where the body does not use insulin properly.
Guidance on how to control infection through a set of standard protocols.
A substance given in order to promote immunity to a disease/virus.
A method of birth in which a suction device is placed on the foetal head to help with delivery.
A person who does not eat or use animal products.
A person who does not eat meat, fish, or poultry.
An infectious process passed from a woman to the infant during the childbirth process.
Transition of the infant from dependence on breastmilk to other sources of nutrition.
A woman who feeds another woman’s child at her breast.
A protein in milk.

A document produced to "improve, through optimal feeding, the nutritional status, growth and development, health,
very survival of infants and young children." WHO, UNICEF published

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