Magical Mantras Sample Chapter

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Table of Contents
Legal Disclaimers........................................................................................................2 Preamble .....................................................................................................................5 Introduction .................................................................................................................6 How And Why Mantras Work.................................................................................... 11 How To Use Mantras To Transform Your Life ...........................................................13 Correct Pronunciation Of The Sounds .......................................................................22 Single Word Bija (Seed) Mantras...............................................................................23 Chakra Mantras .........................................................................................................27 Aum (OM) And Gayatri Mantra ................................................................................30 Mantras for Wealth and Prosperity.............................................................................35 Mantras To Attract Good Luck ..................................................................................37 Mantras To Remove Obstacles ..................................................................................38 Mantras For Protection ..............................................................................................40 Mantras For Achievements in Education and Artistic Endeavours .............................43 Health Issues .............................................................................................................44
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Mantras For Attracting Love......................................................................................46 Lord Brahma .............................................................................................................49 Lord Vishnu - also known as Narayana......................................................................50 Lord Shiva.................................................................................................................52 Aham Prema..............................................................................................................54 Buddhist / Tibetan Mantra .........................................................................................55 Conclusion ................................................................................................................56

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What Are Mantras?
The first and most important concept to understand in your study of mantras is that mantras are OT prayers; a prayer is an emotional act, it is a message of love to GOD - a call that comes from the heart.

Mantras are a science - Studied, taught and researched over years. Origin of Mantras:
"MA (AS)" mind and "TRA" for 'tool' = mantra. This works out to mean Thought Tools or Instruments of Thought. Mantras are a tool that works from within you. Be it to release fears, build a relationship or create an abundance of wealth. Your tool is the mantra! Persons of all religious denominations can use mantras. Mantras are not dependent on any form of rituals. Mantras help to establish a personal relationship with a principle. Mantras are a method of self-awakening, acting on the deep organic roots of a man's being by the use of vocalized and mental sound-currents of both audible and inaudible frequencies. These subtle vibrations awaken dormant centers of the brain (most of which are as yet unused in the average being) attuning it to the primordial and sustaining vibration of creation. It is said that when we come into harmony with the vibratory rate of sub-atomic pulsation in consciousness (as in deep meditation) we hold the key to universal knowledge and self-healing. It is a method which will lead you
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into communion with your inner self. In simple terms mantras are a word or a phrase BUT not just any words - a precise structure and formula of words that have been passed on to us over the years by the ancient sages of the East and were first recorded in Sanskrit over 3500 years ago. Sanskrit is one of the first written languages in the world which is energy based, meaning that each Sanskrit word produces vibrations and corresponding energy. In an energy based language the sounds perfectly express the essence of that which is described, by vibrations. It is a scientific language where sounds have the precision of thoughts. The Sages of ancient India, up in the Himalayas discovered that the body was not a solid matter but a resonating chamber through which sound could be transmitted as vibration (energy) and they noticed that certain sounds brought them:Joy and ecstasy Illumined consciousness Tremendous psychic powers Tranquility or boundless energy Unconditional love for others Freedom from fear Physical healing of ailments These findings were first communicated verbally but at a later stage they were recorded in Sanskrit. (These are some of the oldest scriptures in the world and Sanskrit is to India what Latin was to Europe.) They were recorded as words and phrases to form various mantras. These same mantras are still in use today. Most of these mantra sounds have no equivalent English translations for they are just 'sounds'. It is only in the last 100 years or so that mantra knowledge has become available to the common man. Such was the veil of secrecy that surrounded mantras and their upper caste practitioners that they were unknown until only recently. They are now available
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to you!

Mantras are OT affirmations. Most of you may already be aware of

affirmations. This is when you take a phrase and repeat it over and over to your self such as 'I am Rich, Wealthy and Happy' or 'Every day in every way I am becoming better and better'. Most people might find that affirmations have minimal impact. However, there is a way to supercharge the affirmations to make them work. This has been covered in movies such as The Secret. The trick is to add emotion and feeling to the affirmation. So, in other words, adding E ERGY to the affirmation makes it work! And this is exactly what makes mantras so powerful and perhaps more powerful than an affirmation. Mantras are energy based sounds which create energy and power in your body just by saying them! The energy and the emotion is already infused in the sounds - you don't need to do anything other than say them! Now while some of the skeptics out there may be questioning if this is possible, let me tell you about another ancient Eastern philosophy that also uses energy based sounds. Many of you may have heard of Tai Chi, it has become immensely popular in the West over the last few years. There is however a lesser known but similar moving meditation in the East known as Qi Gong or Chi Gung. This is now becoming popular in the West with evidence of Qi Gong effecting miraculous cures. Tai Chi and Qi Gong are primarily forms of moving meditation which result in healing your body. What is amazing is that Tai Chi/Qi Gong also have energy based sounds. Specifically they have healing sounds which when chanted cause a specific energy in the organ that the sound is related to. There is a sound for the liver, the spleen, the kidneys, the heart - each has its own specific 'sound' which when repeated daily actually result in creating a healing property! By healing the organ it then creates a change in the behavior. For example, the kidney is related to fear, according to the
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Chinese. For centuries 'the learned ones' in South America and in Africa have known that a certain frequency of drum-beat will serve to break a fever or put someone into a trance. They have developed a collection of other rhythms to cure various physical symptoms. Even today sound-therapy is used by radionic practitioners and allopathic circles for the treatment of both physical and mental problems. Anyone can benefit from these sound vibrations and with mantras you create the sound and energy yourself. This book will focus on mantra sounds and show you how to use them to achieve almost any desire you have. It's like a code, once you get the right formula of sounds and words, it will open up the code to the universe and you can use the mantras to: Remove obstacles - seen and unseen Create family happiness and harmony, Improve your finances Increase your education Help find a life partner Protect yourself Improve your health and much more. In fact there is a mantra for every ailment that a human being will face. Every mantra has a specific purpose although there are a few mantras for general well being that cover the entire field. I will show you both the specific and general ones in this book.
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However before we continue I need to reiterate that Mantras work by sound and vibrations that the sound creates, so it is really not important to understand the meaning of the words. Each syllable in the mantras has a sound that will create a different vibration. The 'sound ' is of the essence not specifically the meaning of the words. So while I will explain the meanings remember you do not need to memorize them, it is just to give you a better understanding.

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Discover The Long Lost Secrets Of HINDU MANTRAS And How You Can Use Them To Transform Your Life TODAY!
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