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AlbNER: A Corpus for Named Entity Recognition in Albanian

Erion Çano
Digital Philology
Data Mining and Machine Learning
University of Vienna, Austria

Abstract The main strategy of preparing and utilizing

PLMs is by pretraining Transformer blocks (layers)
Scarcity of resources such as annotated text cor-
with large amounts of unlabeled texts (not related to
pora for under-resourced languages like Alba-
nian is a serious impediment in computational
any specific task), and later fine-tuning them with
arXiv:2309.08741v1 [cs.CL] 15 Sep 2023

linguistics and natural language processing re- labeled texts which are suitable for solving a spe-
search. This paper presents AlbNER, a corpus cific task. In the case of NER, the labeled texts com-
of 900 sentences with labeled named entities, prise tokens and labels such as PER (person), LOC
collected from Albanian Wikipedia articles. (location), ORG (organization) etc., which identify
Preliminary results with BERT and RoBERTa the category of each token (Jain et al., 2020).
variants fine-tuned and tested with AlbNER One difficulty when working with language mod-
data indicate that model size has slight impact
els is the need for large amount of pretraining texts
on NER performance, whereas language trans-
fer has a significant one. AlbNER corpus and and the need for labeled and task-specific corpora
these obtained results should serve as baselines which are used during the fine-tuning phase. While
for future experiments. not being a problem for languages like English,
Spanish, Chinese, etc., the latter is a significant
1 Introduction restriction when trying to solve tasks for other
“smaller” languages, which are also known as low-
Data-driven artificial intelligence methods have ad-
resource or underrepresented (Aji et al., 2022). Un-
vanced rapidly during the last decade. Two di-
availability of such resources limits the progress
rections that have especially witnessed stunning
and the attainable performance on natural language
progress are the ones related to image and text or
processing and computational linguistics tasks for
natural language processing. Trained artificial neu-
those languages.
ral networks are providing excellent results when
This paper presents AlbNER, a corpus of sen-
solving tasks like image segmentation, object de-
tences in Albanian language, created with the goal
tection, medical image analysis and more from the
to foster research in named entity recognition.1
former, and machine translation, text summariza-
They were collected from Wikipedia and cover top-
tion, sentiment analysis and more from the later.
ics related to Albanian history and geography, as
There are even some tasks that put images and text
well as Albanian historic figures. There are also
together such as image captioning (Sharma et al.,
generic sentences about common facts. Each sen-
2018) or meme processing (Kougia et al., 2023)
tence was tokenized and the resulting tokens were
which have driven significant innovation.
labeled manually. In total, a set of 900 samples
Within NLP (Natural Language Processing), ma-
(sentences) was obtained.
chine translation has been the task that has driven
A set of experiments were run, assessing the per-
the biggest leaps, especially since the introduction
formance of a few PLMs fine-tuned and tested with
of the Transformer architecture (Vaswani et al.,
AlbNER data. The results are overall poor, since
2017) and the PLMs (Pretrained Language Mod-
the PLMs have not been pretrained with Albanian
els) such as BERT (Devlin et al., 2019). PLMs got
texts. The best results were actually obtained us-
quick adaptation and have become the defacto stan-
ing a multilingual model which was pretrained on
dard paradigm for solving many other NLP tasks,
many languages, including Albanian. This indi-
including NER (Named Entity Recognition) which
cates that knowledge transfer has a high impact on
tries to identify and classify key information words
or phrases in texts. Download from:
Data Sentences Tokens Data PER LOC ORG MISC all
Train 500 8826 Train 452 486 321 445 1704
Dev 100 1732 Dev 92 73 68 78 311
Test 300 5266 Test 246 264 141 300 951
Total 900 15824 Total 790 823 530 823 2966

Table 1: Sentences and tokens in AlbNER. Table 2: Counts of named entity labels in AlbNER.


NER performance in Albanian. Another insight is Train 0.051 0.055 0.036 0.05 0.193
the fact that model size has low impact, since the Dev 0.053 0042 0.039 0.045 0.179
score differences between the large and the base Test 0.046 0.05 0.026 0.056 0.18
versions of the tested PLMs were small. These ob- Total 0.05 0.052 0.033 0.052 0.187
tained results should serve as baselines for further
research in NER for Albanian. Table 3: Densities of named entity labels in AlbNER.

2 Related Work
Bojar, 2019) etc. Some works have also created
NER has been a popular task for several years, resources in Albanian, but they are limited to other
since it helps to extract relevant and important in- tasks such as sentiment analysis (Çano, 2023).
formation. It usually works as a two-step process,
starting with the detection of the named entities 3 AlbNER Corpus
(words or phrases) in the text, and then classify-
ing them in predefined categories such as person, Wikipedia pages usually contain information about
location, organization, etc. history and historical figures (persons), geography
Some of the earliest solutions that were pro- and places (locations), as well as other named en-
posed came out in the nineties and were based on tities. They therefore represent good sources for
supervised learning techniques such as Decision building NER copora. To build AlbNER, pages
Trees (Sekine et al., 1998), Hidden Markov Mod- from Albanian Wikipedia dump were used.2 A to-
els (Bikel et al., 1997), Maximum Entropy Models tal of 900 sentences were extracted and manually
(Borthwick et al., 1998), etc. Here, relatively small curated, fixing typos and other issues.
amounts of sentences were manually labeled and The sentences were later tokenized and a manual
used for training the popular supervised learning process of NER tagging followed. For the latter,
algorithms of that time. CoNLL-2003 shared task annotation scheme was
Latter on, several attempts were made by inte- used.3 It mandates the use of O for non-entity
grating knowledge from lexicons (Alfonseca and tokens, as well as B-PER and I-PER, B-LOC and I-
Manandhar, 2002; Passos et al., 2014), by trying LOC, B-ORG and I-ORG, and finally B-MISC and
semi-supervised methods (Althobaiti et al., 2015) I-MISC for persons, locations, organizations and
or probing unsupervised learning techniques (Bha- other types of named entities. The initial B and I
gavatula et al., 2012; Suzuki et al., 2011). Utilizing symbols show that the token is either the beggining
knowledge bases with Wikipedia resources was of a named entity phrase, or appears inside of it.
also explored (Richman and Schone, 2008). The The obtained 900 samples were divided in three
most recent works obviously use PLMs such as subsets for model training, developmen and test-
BERT (SUN, 2021), or combinations of PLMs and ing. Their respective token counts are shown in
other structures (Liu et al., 2021). Table 1. The average sentence length is 17.58 to-
With respect to the targe language, the NER kens. Furthermore, Table 2 shows the token count
methods are monolingual, bilingual or multilingual. distribution per each named entity category, in each
Most of the works involve English and other popu- of the AlbNER cuts. The respective named entity
lar natural languages. As for the under-represented densities are summarized in Table 3. Finally, Ta-
languages, there has been some attempts to create ble 4 illustrates four samples of AlbNER corpus.
corpora in Hungarian (Simon and Vadász, 2021), 2
Upper Sorbian (Howson, 2017), Kashubian (No- 3
machi, 2019), Czech (Straka et al., 2021; Çano and annotation.txt
Token Tag Token Tag Token Tag Token Tag
U O Bregdeti B-LOC U O Më O
lind O i I-LOC shqua O 1451 O
më O Adriatikut I-LOC si O , O
11 O shtrihet O prijës O u O
prill O nga O ushtarak O martua O
1872 O Gryka B-LOC me O me O
në O e I-LOC kontribut O Donikën B-PER
Drenovë B-LOC Bunës I-LOC në O , O
, O deri O mbrojtjen O të O
5 O në O e O bijën O
km O Kepin B-LOC Plavës B-LOC e O
larg O e I-LOC dhe O Gjergj B-PER
Korçës B-LOC Gjuhëzës I-LOC Gucisë B-LOC Arianitit I-PER
. O . O . O . O

Table 4: Illustration of four AlbNER sentences with their respective tokens and the NER tags.

Hyperparemeter Values and in the fact that it was pretrained on bigger

epochs small (Es ) 5 texts. Its two main versions, RoBERTa-base and
epochs total (Et ) 10 RoBERTa-large have 123 M and 354 M parameters
top models (T ) 3 respectively. Probing both base and large versions
batch size 16 of these PLMs gives us an idea of how much does
gradient accumulation steps [4, 8] the NER task benefit from model size.
learning rate [1e-4, 1e-5] It is also important to note that all these four
cfr [True, False] PLMs were pretrained on English texts and fine-
weitht decay 1e-7 tuned on AlbNER texts which are in Albanian. To
warmup step ratio 0.1 have an idea about the knowledge transfer between
max gradient norm 10 the two languages and the possible benefits from
multilingual pretraining, another version of BERT
Table 5: Searched values for each hyperparameter.
(denoted BERT-base-ML) was used. This last PLM
has been pretrained on Wiki texts of 104 languages,
4 Preliminary Experimental Results one of which is Albanian.
Each of the five PLMs was fine-tunned on
This section presents the results of some basic ex-
AlbNER following a parameter-search procedure
periments that were run using AlbNER corpus and
which consists of two steps: (1) fine-tunning with
a few PLMs fine-tuned for named entity recogni-
every possible configuration C (obtained from the
tion. These results are intended as baselines for
combination of the searched hyperparameters) for
future studies.
a small number of epochs Es and computing micro
4.1 Experimental Setup F1 metric on the development set, and (ii) picking
the top T models to continue fine-tunning till Et
To easily experiment with PLMs on the NER
epochs. The best model in the second stage will
task, T-NER framework was utilized (Ushio and
continue fine-tunning as long as it improves on the
Camacho-Collados, 2021). It provides software
development set. The list of fine-tunning hyper-
utilities to fine-tune and evaluate various models
parameters are shown in Table 5. Searching more
based on popular PLMs using custom data. The
values for each hyperparameter could lead to better
tested models were based on BERT and RoBERTa
results, but it would take significantly more time.
(Liu et al., 2019) which are two very popular PLMs
of the recent years. Two versions of the former
4.2 Discussion of Results
were used: BERT-base with 110 M parameters and
BERT-large with 340 M parameters. RoBERTa dif- Each of the five models described above was tested
fers from BERT in several training specifications on the 300 samples of the test cut of AlbNER. The
Model Pretrain Fine-tune micro F1 macro F1 weighted F1
BERT-base English Albanian 0.45 0.42 0.44
BERT-large English Albanian 0.49 0.46 0.48
RoBERTa-base English Albanian 0.52 0.41 0.48
RoBERTa-large English Albanian 0.57 0.53 0.57
BERT-base-ML Multiple Albanian 0.62 0.59 0.61

Table 6: NER results of various pretrained language models tuned and tested with AlbNER.

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