Of Plymouth Plantation Essay

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Of Plymouth Plantation Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic "Of Plymouth Plantation" can present a unique set of challenges.
Firstly, the subject matter itself requires a deep understanding of historical events and the ability to
analyze primary sources. "Of Plymouth Plantation" is a firsthand account written by William
Bradford, detailing the Pilgrims' journey to the New World and their early experiences in
establishing the Plymouth Colony. This necessitates a thorough grasp of 17th-century English and a
keen eye for historical context.

Additionally, the essay demands a nuanced exploration of the religious and cultural aspects that
influenced the Pilgrims' actions. Delving into the motivations behind their voyage, the challenges
they faced, and the impact of their settlement on American history requires not only research skills
but also critical thinking and the ability to connect disparate pieces of information.

Furthermore, the language used in Bradford's narrative can be archaic and challenging to interpret for
modern readers. Translating the text into a coherent and engaging essay requires a careful balancing
act between maintaining historical accuracy and ensuring accessibility to a contemporary audience.

In summary, composing an essay on "Of Plymouth Plantation" involves navigating through complex
historical narratives, deciphering archaic language, and weaving together diverse elements to present
a cohesive analysis. It is a task that demands not only research and writing skills but also a genuine
passion for unraveling the intricacies of early American history.

If you find yourself grappling with such challenges, it's worth noting that assistance is available.
Similar essays and much more can be ordered on HelpWriting.net , where professional writers can
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Of Plymouth Plantation Essay Of Plymouth Plantation Essay
The Effects of WWI Essay
Woodrow Wilson created the Fourteen Points in order to show what America wanted
from the war. Out of the fourteen points, the first five were allotted towards bringing
about general peace that would benefit economically and socially benefit the countries
that fought in World War I. Wilson wanted to obtain peace for the Allies and drive a
wedge between the Kaiser s government and the German people by holding out to them
the option of a humane and reasonable peace (Brower). This intended to lead the Central
Powers to agree with the Treaty of Versailles. Another objective of these points was to
remove economic barriers for international trade and increase safety. Previously, the
United States had dangerous experiences travelling by ship for... Show more content on
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The different factions of ethnicities in Austria Hungary would all be self governing under
Wilson s fourteen points, since most of them were discontent with being ruled by the
same leader even though they did not feel as if they were part of the same nation
(Brower). These eight points brought great change among several European nations.
Wilson s fourteenth point established the League of Nations, which ensured political
independence and territorial integrity to great and small states alike (Brower). The
League of Nations was intended for keeping peace and respecting the independence of
other nations, but the concept of a league was controversial in the United States. The
fourteen points served the purpose of forming peace, but America received mixed
reactions on how other countries agreed with this. Wilson s Fourteen Points did not work
as they were intended for certain reasons. These points technically meant that Wilson, the
American president, would be controlling foreign affairs in Europe that did not directly
concern American citizens, such as borders of countries. Moreover, the Fourteen Points
were equated to peace without victory, and the nations in the war obviously wanted
victory, which is why they participated in the war. Although peace would be an ideal
condition, few countries had the willingness to give up a victory. Most countries would
rather lose the war after surrendering, than simply give up on the war and
Argumentative Essay On Screen Time
Technology has been part of our daily live more frequently than before. Screen time
has been more popularly used on kids and adolescents. On a daily bases many kids
seem to spend more time inside on their tablets, instead of having to spend time with
other kids. This is a problem that is becoming more popular over the years,on whether
kids need to spend that much time on technology or not. Parents either seem to have
strict technology usage, or they either don t. There has always been a huge controversy
with experts, who either think that screen time is beneficial or could cause problems
later on in life. There are many views towards this topic, from hurting kids brains, to
helping them during school, and socially. Many people, including... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
In order to balance both there has to be comparative with the parents. Technology isn t
good nor bad. It can only benefit the child if the parents put a limit to their time in the
screen. Parents need to set up a schedule in where the kids will follow the time the
kids will be using the tablet/ phone. As well have time to play with other kids, and just
interact with there own family member. In the article, Screen time: A guide for parents
states, keeping computers out of the bedroom, and keep them in a common area in
your house. This will make sure that the child isn t using their computers/ tablets
during the time they have to rest. Kids need to have a good rest, and not having
technology in their rooms because it could cause irregular sleep. Just having the
parent take action in how much kids need to spend time in the screens can be a good
start. Luscombe argues, Take away the idea that all screens are bad, but the face to
face time for young people is an important part of the socialization process . Parents
seem to not understand that children need to develop good social skills, and that can
only be done by interacting with others, and get a sense on others points of views.
Parents need to stop giving the kids technology to keep them quiet for a while, because at
the end it s hurting the child
Reflection Of My Family
The photo that I have chosen to reflect on depicts me sitting on a large green chair
with my brother. I was anywhere from five to eight, and he was around eleven or
thirteen. He is looking out of frame and has one of those old CD players from the
nineties in his lap, his hands hovering over its silver hardware, frozen in a hesitant
stance. He looks entertained, or maybe just distracted. He has what my familycalls his
Harry Potter glasses perched somewhat low on his nose, and true to the late nineties and
early 2000scommon style, his black hair is spiked up. Beside him is me, in a light
shirt, wearing the thin headphones that accompanied the CD player in his lap. I look
either deep in thought and like I am taking in the music very thoroughly or very
uncomfortable. I will let you in on a hint: I was very uncomfortable. My brother,
Jackson, is six or seven years older than I am. He is rather quiet and reserved like
myself, although it is more obvious on him than it is on me. When we were younger I
was four, my sister was six, and Jackson was eight our father decided that he liked
another woman better than our mother, and left us. Jackson does not like dealing with
situations like that, that have deep emotional repercussions, and more or less shut
himself off to the world. That included me. I am very sensitive on as to whether or not
people want to interact with me, and as a baseline, I pretty much avoid interacting
with people unless it is pretty clear that they want me to. I was not as good at it as I am
now when I was young, so I just generally did not interact with anyone at all as a
baseline. My sister and I have always been somewhat close even if she did not like me at
all when I was younger but Jackson and I never talked. I was intimidated. He was so
much older than me! He was responsible! He made good grades! He liked complicated
things like cars and he was so well spoken! I remember when this picture was taken. It
was either late Summer or anytime in the Spring. The large chair we are sitting in had
a window to our right, and a door to a backyard to our left and not fifteen feet away from
us. I have always been interested in music, and Jackson has always liked good music,
and a few
Hunger In California Literature Review
Source 3

The overall problem is Hunger in California. From October 12 to November 20,
California Muscle Cars of Sacramento helped fight against hunger by hosting more than
a month long food drive. 169 pounds of food were collected and we still have more time
to see what else we can collect.

Problem Statement: The problem is hunger for children in california and in sacramento.
Through the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs, schools provide
students of all ages with the nutritious meals they need in order to learn.

Hypothesis: I think this is happening because when the parents go hungry the kids do but
the parents try to give them an education and they feed them first.

Literature Review:
Since 2011, the No Kid Hungry network has helped bring more than 34 million
additional meals to kids who need them and created ways to replicate that success
throughout the country. The No Kid Hungry campaign is focused on expanding access
to school breakfast and meals in daycare settings. The campaign has also empowered
more than 5,600 California families with the skills, knowledge and confidence to prepare
healthy, affordable meals through Cooking Matters. One in five children struggles with
hunger in sacramento, california. No Kid Hungry campaign is ending childhood hunger
in California and all across America by ensuring all children get the healthy food they
need, every day. The No Kid Hungry campaign connects kids in need to effective
nutrition programs like school breakfast and summer meals and teaches lowincome
families to cook healthy, affordable meals through its Cooking Matters program. This
work is accomplished through the No Kid Hungry network, made up of private citizens,
public officials, nonprofits, business leaders and others providing innovative hunger
solutions in their communities., 1 in 6 children may not know where they will get their
next meal.

Literature Review Continuation: For the nearly 13 million kids in the U.S. facing
hunger, getting the energy they need to learn and grow can be a dayin, dayout
challenge.Kids who don t get enough to eat especially during their first three years begin
life at a serious disadvantage. When they re hungry, children are more
Persuasive Essay On Physician Assisted Suicide
Physician assisted suicide is a very controversial topic in the medical field. It is a topic
that has been debated over for years. Webster s dictionary defines this terms as, suicide
by a patient facilitated by means (as a drug prescription) or by information (as an
indication of a lethal dosage) provided by a physicianaware of the patient s intent
(Merriam Webster). In other words, it is a way that when a patient is ill, they can
commit suicidewith the help of a physician. This practice is legal in some states in the
United States and in many countries around the world. This topic is so controversial
because people disagree on whether it is ethical to help someone end another person s
life. There are many people that advocate this and there are also many people that
disagree with helping someone commit suicide. Physician assisted suicide is currently
legal in five states in the United States. These include California, Montana, Oregon,
Vermont, and Washington. The laws included that for a patient to be eligible for this
procedure, they had to be diagnosed with a terminal illness that will lead to deathwithin
six months... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In opinion E 2.211, it says, physician assisted suicide is fundamentally incompatible
with the physician s role as healer, would be difficult or impossible to control, and
would pose serious societal risks (Lagay). The role of a physician is to help and heal
and many people believe that allowing them to help kill their patients is going against
everything they should be doing. It would also go against their Hippocratic Oath where
they are required to do no harm (Messerli). The reason this oath was made was so
patients knew their doctors would help them to the best of their abilities. Allowing
physicians to help their patients commit suicide could weaken this oath and people
wouldn t be able to trust physicians as
Adam Tucker Research Paper
Adam Reed Tucker is a well known certified lego artist, and one of the only current
fourteen. He is most known for making the Lego Architecture sets. He also makes large
models of skyscrapers and famous landmarks, some eighteen feet tall(six yards). Most of
his models are in museums and enjoyed by the public.

Adam Tucker was born in 1973. At age five, Adam got his first lego set. Adam studied
architecture at Kansas State University and graduated in 1996. For ten Years, he was a
professional architect in Chicagoland for. In 2002 he turned back to Lego. He started
building, and the Lego Group noticed his models. In 2007, he became a certified lego
artist. In 2008, he began designing the Lego Architecture series.

One of His major achievements ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He graduated in 1996. He practeced as an architect for ten years, but then turned to lego.
In 2007, he became one of the fourteen lego certified professionals and inspired the lego
Architecture series.

Adam Reed Tucker is the President of Brickworld, LLC, and the owner and president
of Brickstructures Ink., and designs some of the Lego Group s Architecture sets. Many
of his Gigantic models are in museums around the United States. One of his models, a
sixty foot long model of the Golden Gate bridge, in San Francisco, California, does not
have any Metal Support, and is made of only lego Bricks and string. This shows how
much skill Adam Tucker has in his career (most large lego structures need metal supports
on the inside of the model) .

Adam s Models stand out from all of the Lego models because of their size, and their
detail. Also Adam shows in some of his models the inside of the thing the model is
Modeled After (like the Hoover Dam model). He is famous for being a certified Lego
professional, and for his talent in Architecture. He is also known for being the president
of two lego centered

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