Health Awareness Essay

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Health Awareness Essay

Composing an essay on the subject of health awareness is a task that demands a comprehensive
understanding of various facets related to health, including physical, mental, and societal aspects. It
requires in-depth research, critical analysis, and effective communication of ideas to convey the
importance of health awareness in a compelling manner.

To begin with, one must delve into the vast realm of health-related issues, ranging from preventive
measures to the significance of early detection and treatment. This involves sifting through a plethora
of scientific studies, medical journals, and reputable sources to gather accurate and up-to-date
information. Understanding the complex interplay between lifestyle choices, environmental factors,
and overall well-being is crucial in presenting a holistic perspective in the essay.

Furthermore, crafting a compelling health awareness essay necessitates the ability to communicate
complex medical information in a clear and accessible manner. Striking the right balance between
technical details and layman's terms is crucial to ensure that the essay is not only informative but also
understandable to a broad audience. This involves skillful use of language, proper structuring of
arguments, and the incorporation of real-life examples to illustrate key points.

Moreover, addressing the multifaceted nature of health awareness requires the integration of
perspectives from various disciplines, such as medicine, psychology, sociology, and public health.
This interdisciplinary approach adds depth and richness to the essay, providing a well-rounded
exploration of the topic. Juggling diverse sources and viewpoints demands a high level of
organizational and analytical skills.

In conclusion, tackling the task of writing a health awareness essay is no easy feat. It demands not
only a deep understanding of health-related issues but also the ability to synthesize information from
diverse sources and present it in a compelling and accessible manner. Nevertheless, by investing time
and effort into thorough research, effective communication, and interdisciplinary exploration, one
can create an impactful essay that raises awareness about the critical importance of health.

For those who may find this task challenging or time-consuming, it's worth noting that similar essays
and a variety of academic writing services are available on , offering assistance and
expertise in crafting essays on a wide range of topics.
Health Awareness Essay Health Awareness Essay
Cezanne, The Large Bathers

Matisse, Bonheur de Vivre (Joy of Life) 1905 1906, oil on canvas

Picasso, Les Demoiselles d Avignon, 1907, oil on canvas

Cezanne, The Large Bathers, 1906, Oil on canvas

Cezanne started by reaching toward Classicism by using architectural forms, the lines
and opening up the central space bring our eye to the center. Khan, 2015 This makes us
focus on the overall picture. While Michelangelo focused on the form and each aspect,
Cezanne focused on a the still and captured the female form in a consistent manner.
Using warm and cool colors for the bodies, one can feel as though he is looking at the
past and not nudes but on the form of color and texture.


While Cezanne s painting is cold, with hues of muted blues, greens and browns, Matisse
and Picasso use earth tones and exaggerated oranges depicting life and happiness. Color
evokes emotion and feelings. When one looks at the Cezanne painting it is almost cold,
as though you are looking into the past but not required to feel anything other than the
scene. ... Show more content on ...
I could almost imagine him thinking that while the form is beautiful and invokes feelings
many times a person overlooks the personality and true image of the person.

Going even further away from Picasso, Matisse evokes an almost sinful approach to
presenting the form. The colors of the painting stimulate and make the eye focus on every
part including the more seedy parts.

Each person or persons is surrounded by varying vibrant colors in essence creating mini
paintings of scenes you can get lost into. He very much leaves it to the imagination to
determine to what extent something is
The Epic Of Beowulf s Archetype Of The Anglo-Saxon Society
Beowulf is the classic hero archetype, his personality and heroics lauded and replicated in
literature to this day. However, the same cannot be said about the Northern Anglo Saxon
society that fashioned him. A thorough dissertation of Beowulf exposes a society
principally centred on opulence, strife, vengeance, brutality, superstitions, and
chauvinism although underlying positive aspects subsist. Often disguised as honor,
glory, might and wealth battle glory, affluence and retribution were rudimentary aspects
of life for the Ring Danes, Geats and other pagan Anglo Saxon warriors.
The exposition of Beowulf itself alludes to the Northern Anglo Saxon s obsession with
attaining honor, glory, and wealth: Their deeds of daring and danger won them [Kings]
honor, glory and wealth. The first reference to God itself is as the Giver of Glory
accentuates the importance of achieving glory in the Anglo Saxon society. Deeds are
often performed not for commonweal but in order to receive acclaim and treasures . The
concluding line of the epic utterly affirms ... Show more content on ...
The presence and villainy of foreign monsters highlights the society s fear of the
unknown, often referred to as the border land . Few descriptions are made of the
monsters, reinforcing the horror of the unknown and allowing the audience to
visualize and relate them to their personal hellions. Moreover, the monsters serve as a
diametric to the Anglo Saxon heroes. Consequently, they are aptly eradicated by the
heroes in order to protect the society. Grendel especially serves to function as a reverse
of a warrior. His stealing into the mead hall and slaughter of unconscious vulnerable
warriors place him in stark contrast with the valiant and boisterous Anglo Saxon
warriors. The fire serpent is depicted as miserly and unwilling to share his treasures.
This is contrary to the good kings who are recurrently described as
Modern Portfolio Theory Adaptations ( Pmpt )
Modern Portfolio Theory Adaptations
MPT correlates the distribution of assets to the risk of investments. This theory also
acknowledges an investors aversion to risk and required return rates (Geambasu, Sova,
Jianu, Geambasu, 2013). Moreover, MPT emphasizes the importance of diversifying as
much as possible to eliminate risk. In order to measure the risk of an investment MPT
relies on the standard deviation of all returns (Chambers, 2010). However, due to new
analysis suggesting that MPT produces inefficient portfolios, financial experts have
adapted the theory, creating the Post Modern Portfolio Theory (PMPT). The PMPT
improves upon MPT by refining the risk calculations and using the standard deviation
solely on negative returns. As such, PMPT acknowledging an investor s expectation and
recognizes that the standard deviation measurement in MPT poorly measures how
humans experience and asses risk (Swisher Kasten, 2005). Therefore, the standard
deviation is an important analysis used in divarication financial theory s to asses and
ultimately avoid risk.
Standard deviation. The standard deviation is one of the most common calculations to
measure an investments risk because it produces the actual amount an investment s
return will deviate from its average (Chambers, 2010). When combined with either the
MPT or PMPT the standard deviations assists in finding the optimum portfolio that yields
the least amount of risk in combination with the best expected returns
Antiarrhythmic Research Paper
Antiarrhythmic 1
Jessie L. Ladd
San Joaquin Valley College

Antiarrhythmic drugs are prescribed for the treatment of heart conditions caused by
arrhythmias. Arrhythmias are when the heart is beating abnormally, such as atrial
fibrillation, atrial flutter, ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia. There are
five different groups of antiarrhythmic drugs. Dependent on your symptoms and how
severe they are will be the determining factor of what type of antiarrhythmic drug you
will take. With any type of medication, you take you will need to keep an eye out for
side effects. Antiarrhythmic agents when used as directed can treat and prevent further
implications and possibly save your life. ... Show more content on ...
A recent study shows 1:4 American adults over the age of 40 are at risk of developing an
abnormal heart rhythm ( Once an arrhythmia has been diagnosed an
antiarrhythmic agent can be prescribed. It is important that when taking an
antiarrhythmic medication, directions or how it should be taken is followed precisely.
As long as the antiarrhythmic agent is taken as prescribed, they will help prevent further
complication, such as heart attacks and heart
Through The Looking Glass
Games have always been around in society, whether they are something which are
more recent like video games and basketball or something from ancient times like the
games of Senet or chess. They have been vital ways to pass time, and have
competitions. Not all games are easy to play or easy to win. Most games require a level
or practice to get better in it, and some require intelligence and strategy. The game of
chessis one that requires strategy and intelligence, and as a result it s a difficult game to
do well in. The prominent game that is showcased in Through the Looking Glass is
chess, it s not the only game shown though. The whole entire Looking Glass world is set
up like a chessboard and contains characters that represent chess pieces... Show more
content on ...
While some readers are surprised by the seemingly split personality of Charles
Dodgson, the serious mathematician, and Lewis Carroll, the imaginative author of
children s books, it was his love of play and games and his need to establish rules and
guidelines that effectively govern play that unite these two seemingly disparate facets
of Carroll s personality (Susina 419). Carroll loved to played games and was always
fond of them. Even though he was a mathematician, he was still enjoyed games and
used them to help with mathematics. I feel like this is a reason as to why Carroll puts
various games into his stories, like card games and croquet in Wonderland and chess
and the game of language in Through the Looking Glass. Also children loved to play
games, Using Jean Piaget s Play, Dreams and Imita tion, Blake suggests that Carroll s
Alice books emphasize games, rather than the larger category of play, observing that
Piaget described the third period of child development from around ages seven to
eleven to be the time when a child is most interested in games with rules. Alice
conforms to Piaget s model; she is seven years old in Wonderland and seven and a half in
Looking Glass (Susina 421). Alice is right at the age where games appeal to children and
this is one
Political Participation Among Backward Castes Of
Political participation among Backward Castes in Panchayat Raj Institutions: A study on
Ananthapuramu District of Andhra Pradesh Social Stratification is a ubiquitous social
structure in human societies, be it simple or complex. Stratification is fairly permanent
ranking of positions in a society in terms of unequal power, prestige or privileges. It
refers to the patterned or structured social inequalities among the whole categories of
people not just among individuals. The Castesystem is the unique dimension, on which
the Indian society is stratified into higher and lower castes with differential access to
resources of society. In India, caste is the most important basis of social categorization.
Initially caste originated on the basis of division of people on the basis of their natural
inclinations and occupations and over a period of time it has turned out to be hereditary.
It has created social groups based on kinship and ethnicity. The hereditary occupations
have created vested interests in the form of socio economic monopolies and have bred
an extreme form of exploitation. The main attribute of Caste system is ritualistic purity,
and this in turn has created inflexibility, rigidity and feelings of superiority and
inferiority. Basing on different perspectives there are various definitions of caste. How
does one define caste? Although many social scientists have done epoch making work on
the Indian caste system, no two social
Reaction Paper About Florida
Florida has been in the news and analyzed over and over again after the debacle of the
2000 election results of Gore/Bush. Now that I am a new resident of the state I
thought I would take a look at its history. Florida is an incredibly diverse state. Florida
is now the third largest state in terms of population with just over 20 million residents.
Florida is a popular state for people to relocate to, and two thirds of Floridians were
born somewhere else. While Florida is known for having a lot of Puerto Rican and
Cuban immigrants it also receives a lot of new citizens from Asia, Latin America and
the Caribbean. While English is the predominant language spoke in Florida, at 73%,
there are many dialects of English that can be heard. The New York City area dialect
along with North New Jersey English are the most often heard, followed quickly by
various types of New England English. This reflects the 2013 stats that show new
migrants from America come from 1) New York, 2) New Jersey, 3) Pennsylvania, and 4)
Midwestern States. A common saying in political circles in Florida is, the farther north
you go, the deeper south you get. Part of Florida resembles the South politically and
culturally, but much of the state seems more like the Midwest... Show more content on ...
It was $2 in 1889 to vote and it was cumulative. In 1892 they passed a white primary
which banned blacks from voting in the primary to preserve the purity and integrity of
the party. Florida also established a literacy test in 1915 to help keep blacks form
voting. In 1927 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against this policy, but it was not until
1944 that the U.S. Supreme Court was really able to completely end the policy. Many
blacks still had trouble voting as the whites would stuff ballot boxes in favor of white
candidates. Because of this, Florida was like most other southern states which was solid
South and very one party focused for many

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