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Christmas Essay In English

Crafting an essay on the topic of Christmas in English may initially seem like a straightforward task,
given the abundance of material associated with this widely celebrated holiday. However, the
challenge lies not in the scarcity of information but in the ability to present a fresh perspective and
engage the reader with a unique narrative.

To begin with, the topic itself is quite broad, encompassing various aspects such as cultural traditions,
historical origins, religious significance, and personal experiences. Selecting the right angle and
striking a balance between informative content and an engaging writing style can be demanding.

Moreover, the challenge intensifies when attempting to avoid clichés and commonplace descriptions.
As Christmas is a theme that has been explored extensively, finding a novel approach to captivate the
reader requires creativity and careful consideration of language and tone.

Additionally, managing the vast amount of information available can be overwhelming. The task
involves sifting through historical facts, cultural practices, and personal anecdotes to weave a
cohesive and compelling narrative. Ensuring a smooth flow of ideas and maintaining coherence
throughout the essay poses yet another layer of difficulty.

Ultimately, the difficulty in writing a standout Christmas essay lies not only in the thematic richness
of the subject but also in the writer's ability to infuse the piece with a fresh perspective, engaging
language, and a well-structured narrative.

If the challenge of crafting such an essay becomes too daunting, remember that there are alternative
avenues for assistance. Services like offer the option to order essays on various
topics, providing access to a pool of skilled writers who can tackle the task with expertise and deliver
a custom essay tailored to your specific requirements.
Christmas Essay In English Christmas Essay In English
Post-Traumatic Stress And Self-Efficacy In The Military
Post traumatic stress disorder was officially acknowledged as a psychiatric disorder in
1980, mainly in reaction to America s efforts in order to gain some sense of the toll
the Vietnam war had taken on those who participated in combat (Goodwin Rona,
2013). Military personnel who have participated in war often have an increased chance
of experiencing post traumatic stress disorder and depression. Understanding such
disorders in military and service members is vitally important. Post traumatic stress
disorder (also known as PTSD) and depression can manifest themselves through a wide
variety of symptoms; both, have a great and adverse effect on the overall lifestyle of
patients. According to Kara Irwin (2014), a researcher who conducted various... Show
more content on ...
Irwin suggests that veterans experience such difficulties as they attempt to make the
transition from living a military life to a normal civilian lifestyle. The study was
conducted using DAPS, Detailed Assessment of Posttraumatic Stress, to determine if the
veterans have PTSD. In addition, alcohol consumption was monitored, as well as anxiety
symptoms utilizing Beck Anxiety Inventory. Depression was also taken into account
utilizing Becks Depression inventory II. Once again, the results of this study correlate
with what previous studies have suggested. There is a strong correlation between serving
in a war and depression. It is important to note that the study however didn t find alcohol
abuse to hold a strong
Essay On Officer Candidate School
Does the military just go to war? The answer is no. People think that the military flies
planes, sails boats, and shoots guns. Not many college students know much about the
military, but when people think of the military, they may think of the different military
branches or war. In reality, the military has a few different branches and many career
options. In the military, officers are known as the higher ranked officials and leaders of
the military. In order to become an officer, one must attend a service academy or military
college, complete Officer Candidate School, or take part in a Reserve Officer Training
Course. By attending a military college, cadets are able to serve as commissioned
officers. Those who take part in Reserve Officer... Show more content on
Officer Candidate School can last 9 to 17 weeks. The courses given at OCS include
military subjects, physical training, and leadership. This rigorous program takes
candidates through an intense training through courses such as the combat course which
consist of a 12 mile hike in full combat gear and a 3.5 mile combat simulation course, an
endurance course and obstacle course to test their physical abilities and breaking points.
Officers need stamina and confidence to lead Marines in physically demanding
situations. Along with the hours of classroom time studying history, traditions, operations
and organization, the candidates are expected to complete multiple courses with passing
grades to become Officers in the military.
Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) is the most common way to become an
officer. This type of training is offered for the Marine Corps, Navy, Army, and Air
Force. Reserve Officer Training Corps is offered in many colleges and universities in the
United States. Reserve Officer Training Corps prepares young adults to become officers
in the military. Attending this program during the four years of college, a student is
commissioned as an officer upon graduation in their given career
Essay on Informative Speech
Topic: Seven Wonders of the Medieval World Specific Purpose: In today s society
culture is being lost to technology and money each of the seven wonders is an attribute
to a culture, and this is why people should to know it. Thesis Statement: Seven Medieval
wonders of the world are structural representations of the cultures that built them.
Attention gain material: There are more than one world s seven wonders. Credibility
statement: As the great civilizations of antiquity warped, the memory of the ancient
wonders washed out and so the great minds of medieval age like their classical
predecessors was fascinated by the astounding architecture people erected. (All 2004).
Preview: I will be informing you about the seven wonders of the... Show more content on ...
B. Colosseum 1. According to National Geographic (2007), the Colosseum is located
in Rome, Italy that once held up to 50,000 spectators who came to watch gory games
involving gladiators, wild animals, and prisoners fighting to the death. 2. The
Colosseum is not just a colossal structure situated at the heart of Rome; it was
companion to the history of the great Roman Empire which boldly outlived the
Empire facing all strives and tribulations associated with the fall of the Empire. C.
Catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa 1. These catacombs date back to the late first century
AD. Kom ElShuqafa lies on the site where the village and fishing port of Rhakotis, the
oldest part of Alexandria that predates Alexander the Great, was located. 2. Catacombs
of Kom El Shuqafa is the Arab translation of the ancient Greet name; Lofus
Kiramaikods, which means Mound of Shards or PotsSherds D. Great Wall of China 1.
Unfolding a considerable part of the Chinese culture beyond the wall. The Great Wall
has long been incorporated into Chinese mythology and popular symbolism for over the
past 2000 years. 2. The Great Wall was originally built in the spring, autumn, and warring
states periods as a defensive fortification by the three states: Yan, Zhao and Qin. The
Great Wall went through constant extensions and repairs in later dynasties. In fact, it
began as independent walls for different states when it was first built, and did not become
the Great wall until
Citizen Kane
Citizen Kane is an American drama film released in 1941. It follows the life of the
main character, Charles Foster Kane, and the investigation into rosebud the last word
spoken before his death. Kane was a wealthy newspaper tycoon who lived a reserved
lifestyle; he had many possessions but isolated himself from the public eye wherever
possible towards the end of his life. The director s portrayal of the films main themes
are shown in such a way that a Year 12 group of students would be able to understand,
and therefore can easily make links with society and even their own lives. I would highly
recommend Citizen Kanefor a Year 12 book club.

I will be talking about 2 main points shown in Citizen Kane that I believe are good ...
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But instead of being happy in the white snow, he is alone in a dark mansion. This is a
theme that I think is one that could be discussed in depth by a year 12 book club.

Another theme portrayed in Citizen Kane is the idea of materialism, and I believe this
is a theme that Year 12 Students would be able to understand and form opinions upon.
In the film, Charles Kane lives in a huge mansion filled with many expensive goods.
He was an avid statue collector, a hobby only the very wealthy could pursue. Charles
Kane said in the film, They ve been making statues for some two thousand years, and I
ve only been collecting for five. The director s uses of depth of focus to exaggerate
Kane s many possessions, and in one shot near the end we can see rooms full of crates
with items he never unpacked. In his mansion, the rooms are perceived to be large,
with dark shadows cast all around. Perhaps this is a metaphor to suggest that Kane s
excessive amount of materialistic possessions have now begun to own him. This leads
to a link a Year 12 group of students will be able to make with the modern world today.
Advancement of technology has skyrocketed in the past few decades. The invention of
smart phones, tablets and other household technologies have created a culture in which it
is deemed necessary to own as many of these items as possible. It would seem that
Social status is moving from humanitarian values to being based on your
Butanol And Ethanoic Acid
The reflux reaction (equation) is a chemical reaction that occurs in equilibrium. The
forward reaction, that is the production of ester, will be favoured until the limiting
reagent has been exhausted. In our experiment, butanol is the limiting reagent, therefore,
once this reactant has been exhausted the reaction will then proceed in the opposite
direction, favouring the production of the reactants. This reverse reaction is an example
of a hydrolysis reaction. In this instance, the reverse hydrolysis reaction will only proceed
correctly in the presence of water while in acidic conditions. The forward, condensation
and reverse, hydrolysis reactions will continue until an equilibrium is established. In this
equilibrium, the condensation and the... Show more content on ...
Thus, according to the theory that molecules of like form will dissolve each other, only
polar solutes will interact and be soluble in water. This occurs since non polar molecules
are unable to overcome the strong level of attraction between two polar molecules,
forming intermolecular interactions with surrounding non polar molecules rather than
the water molecules. Similarly, polar solutes will not dissolve in non polar solutions as
the molecules will be more attracted to themselves, forming stronger secondary
interactions with surrounding polar molecules than the adjacent non polar molecules.
The ethanoic acid and butanol reactants, sulfuric acid catalyst and the water molecules
remaining from the reflux stage are all examples of such water soluble polar molecules
which comprise the aqueous layer. These molecules display similar non covalent forces
to water due to their complementary polarities (Moore, 2008). Therefore, the
addition of water will cause these polar molecules to form hydrogen bonds with the
water molecules, dissolving the polar molecules (Figure 3). The electronegativity
difference between the partially positive hydrogen atom and a lone electron pair on a
molecule such as oxygen causes the polar molecules to electrostatically bond to the water
molecules (Moore, 2008). The butyl ethanoate and water are immiscible as it has a
relatively large non polar component (hydrocarbon chain). Consequently, the lower
polarity of the ester means that the butyl ethanoate will not be attracted and will not be
soluble in the water. This polar attraction allows for separation from the organic layer that
contains the ester. This initial water wash only partially removes the ethanoic acid,
sulfuric acid and water contaminants present in the aqueous layer. This is due to water
droplets containing inorganic molecules adhering to

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