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My Bedroom Essay

Writing an essay about my bedroom might seem deceptively simple at first glance, but delving into
the intricacies of this seemingly mundane topic can prove to be a challenging task. The challenge lies
in transforming the ordinary into something extraordinary, in weaving a narrative that not only
describes the physical aspects of the space but also captures the essence and significance it holds for

To begin with, the risk of falling into clichés and generic descriptions looms large. It's a common
space, after all – a room with four walls, a bed, perhaps a desk or a wardrobe. The challenge is to
transcend these basics and unearth the unique features that make my bedroom distinctly mine. This
involves introspection and careful observation, as I need to identify the personal touches, the
memories attached to certain items, and the idiosyncrasies that define the space.

Another hurdle is avoiding monotony and banality in the language used. The danger is that a reader
might lose interest in a narrative that merely describes the color of the walls or the placement of
furniture. Instead, the task is to infuse life into the words, to convey the emotions and experiences
associated with the room. This requires a careful selection of vivid and evocative language, striking a
balance between detail and brevity.

Furthermore, there's the challenge of organizing the essay coherently. A linear, chronological account
may not do justice to the multifaceted nature of a bedroom. It's essential to employ a thematic
approach, exploring different facets of the room – the physical layout, the emotional resonance, the
role it plays in my daily life – and weaving them together seamlessly.

In conclusion, writing an essay about my bedroom is more than just describing a physical space; it's
about crafting a narrative that resonates with authenticity and depth. It demands a keen eye for
detail, the ability to evoke emotions through words, and a skillful organization of thoughts. It's a
journey into the realms of introspection, requiring a delicate balance between the ordinary and the

For those who find this task daunting or time-consuming, there are resources available to assist in
crafting essays on a variety of topics. Similar essays and more can be ordered on ,
providing a helping hand in navigating the challenges of essay writing.
My Bedroom Essay My Bedroom Essay
Analysis Of Michael Lewis s Liar Poker
Financial journalist and New York Times best seller, Michael Lewis is the author of
many published books on various subjects ranging from politics to Wall Street. 2008
global financial meltdown with the build up the housing and credit bubble during the
2000s are the main topics of some of his best sellers books: Flash Boys , The Big Short
, and Boomerang . Rare storyteller s ability to make the virtually any subject, lucid and
compelling is the main reason of his popularity.
He received an MSc in economics from the London School of Economics. After
graduation, he worked for three years as an investment banker for Salomon Brothers
before leaving to write his first book. Liar s Poker was based partially on his own
experience at Solomon Brothers.
His most current work includes columnist writing for Bloomberg News as well as
contributing writer for Vanity Fair magazine. His freelance articles were published in
The New York Times Magazine, The New Yorker , Gourmet , Slate , Sports Illustrated
, Foreign Affairs , and Poetry Magazine . Mr. Lewis worked as editor and columnist for
the British Weekly The Spectator and for The New Republic as senior editor and
campaign correspondent. Mr. Lewis gained experience in television. For ABC TV s
Nightline; he filmed and narrated short pieces. For British Broadcasting Corporation, he
created and presented a four part documentary on the social consequences of the internet.
Recently Mr. Lewis recorded stories for the
Duty to Protect vs Patient Confidentiality Essay
On October 27th of 1969, after returning home from a summer in Brazil, University of
California at Berkley student, Tatiana Tarasoff was repeatedly stabbed and killed by a
fellow classmate, Prosenjit Poddar. As tragic as the crime itself was, more tragic was
the fact that it could have been prevented. Poddar had developed an unhealthy obsession
with Miss Tarasoff during the year leading up to her death. Her continuous rejection of
his advances sent him spiraling into a deep depression. He was encouraged by friends to
seek treatment at the University s student health center. During his course of therapy
Poddar revealed to his counselor his intentions to kill Tatiana. Though the therapist did
take steps to prevent the tragedy from... Show more content on ...
Confidentiality however, is not a guarantee, but rather a privilege as illustrated in the
Tarasoff case. Absolute confidentiality cannot be promised to a client. It can only be
protected to an extent permitted by law (Corbin, p. 4). Therefore, limitations on
confidentiality need to be openly addressed throughout the therapeutic process to ensure
the clients understanding. Difficulties arise when a mental health professional must
decide which client might be considered dangerous confusing the clinician s obligations
(Corey Et Al, p. 230). The Tarasoff decision nearly forces the helping professional to be
psychic, holding them responsible for predicting violent actions, an almost impossible
However, when faced with a potentially violent client, counselors must ensure specific
actions are taken to protect the public and reduce their own liability regardless (p.230).
Such steps would include gathering a detailed history; if the client is regarded as violent,
conduct a risk assessment to gage the level of dangerousness. Inform the client of the
limitations to confidentiality as well as the clinician s legal obligations. Additionally, if
threats are made during the course of therapy, record it and any other client statements
that may seem pertinent. Confer with a supervisor and/or legal counsel if unclear about
one s extent of responsibility
Accounting for Pending Litigation and a Verdict Overturned...
Accounting for Pending Litigation and a Verdict Overturned on Appeal Our team is
given the task to account for a pending litigation. We are to determine how pending
litigation should be reported on the current and future financial statements. M
Corporation was sued for patent infringement and we will present whether M
Corporation should accrue a liability, disclose a liability, do both, or do nothing. The
case accounting for the litigation and the subsequent overturned verdict was ongoing for
four years between M Corporation and W Corporation and, as litigation is unpredictable,
changes will have to be made accordingly. We will present how M Corporation should a)
account for the pending litigation in 2007 the year the claim was... Show more content on ...
Based on this information, only an immaterial amount of companies actually accrue a
liability in their financial statement. Therefore, M Corporation will simply provide
disclosure of the contingency and an estimate of the possible loss or range of loss for
the future pending litigation in its 2007 financial statement under Note: Contingencies
and Commitments. If M Corporation accrued a liability on its 2007 financial
statements, then the company becomes too transparent to opposing counsel and it
could have serious adverse effects on M s operations. Considering real world practices,
as well as in accordance with the conceptual framework from the textbook, accrual of a
loss from ongoing litigation is rare. Companies usually do not record a loss until after
the ultimate settlement has been reached. For example, the Las Vegas Sands
Corporation, in a recent quarterly report, disclosed but did not accrue damages from a
lawsuit it lost, even after the award was affirmed by the trial court, because the company
believe that it has valid bases in law and fact to overturn or appeal the verdict.
Consequently, M corporation should not accrue the contingency loss but continually
disclose the matter even when a judgment was reached against the corporation to pay
$18.5 million in 2009, given that the
Essay on Buddhist view on Abortion
It is quite clear from a variety of sources that abortion has been severely disapproved of in
the Buddhist tradition. It is also equally clear that abortion has been tolerated in Buddhist
Japan and accommodated under exceptional circumstances by some modern Buddhists in
the U.S. The situation is similar to that of Roman Catholicism, where abortion, though
disapproved of in the strongest terms by Church authorities, is still practiced by a large
number of devoted Catholics and defended by at least a few.
As a Buddhist, I would most likely still be for abortion. Buddhism itself speaks with
more than one moral voice on this issue against abortion. The core belief in Buddhism is
against abortion, but there are commonly people of this religion ... Show more content on ...
If genes were entirely what made up a person, than abortion would not be acceptable, but
that is not the case. In very early stages of a pregnancy, Buddhists don t think of the fetus
as a person yet.
I am a Japanese Buddhist. Where I m from, Buddhism is a little bit different. A lot of
Buddhists consider abortion a moral crime, but in Buddhist metaphysics, the life force
comes from an existence which is fluid like water and returns to that existence. The
fetus is understood to be in a stage of becoming a discrete thing passing out of the
ancient waters. Life that appears in our world or in a woman s uterus is the formation
of a being that was before in the liquid like state of another reality. Children are liquid
and only gradually solidify into humans, this process not being realized until after birth.
Accordingly, the newborn gradually make the transition from the world of the gods and
Buddhas into that of human beings. Most Japanese Buddhists (like myself) believe that
you can be cursed by your baby after the abortion procedure. Because of this, they
perform a Mizuko Kuyo after an abortion. Mizuko means water child, kuyo means
memorial service conducted in most cases by Buddhist priests.Mizuko Kuyos are ritual
ceremonies of apology and remembrance for aborted fetuses, or the stillborn and
Buddhists are strong believers in Karma, the law of cause and effect. They are often
Lillian Hellman Essay
Comparing Lillian Hellman s The Children s Hour and The Little Foxes.


Lillian Hellman was a well known American dramatist who was born in 1905 in New
Orleans ( quot;Hellman, quot; 1999). She later moved and attended New York public
schools and went on to go to New York University and Columbia University as well.
Within the confines of her youth, there had been confusion about her family background
(Harmon, 1999). There has always been talk about her parents troubled marriage and
other events have cropped up to make Hellman an intriguing figure. Yet, she went on to
grow up and find a husband, something typical in her day. She married another
playwright named Arthur Kober, but this relationship ended in divorce ... Show more
content on ...
The Children s Hour was written in 1934 and The Little Foxes would come just five
years after that. Much later, things would get rather sticky. The United States would go
through a cold war and the McCarthy era was upon the nation where creative industries
were targets. Hellman and Hammett stood by one another through the infamous
Communist witch hunts ( quot;Dashiell, quot; 1996). Hammett had actually been a
Communist Party member and he had to serve six months in federal prison. Hellman
did also support leftist causes but never officially enlisted (1996). Her infamous words
and reactions to Senator Joseph McCarthy and the HUAC committee are as follows:
amp;quot;I can t cut my conscience to fit this year s fashions. amp;quot; (Elibrary)She
refused to name names of alleged Communists and luckily she escaped jail time.

Hellman s life in general was that of the typical writer. It seems as if Hellman was
persistent and loved her work. Born in the south, she grew up spending half the year in
the Northeast and the other half in the south. Hellman loved New Orleans but felt a
driving need to succeed in the North. Her final home in this lifetime was even further
North. Hellman passed away in 1984 near her home which was by then situated near
Martha s Vineyard, in Massachusetts. I feel moving around the nation gave her a variety
of insights into different personalities, something priceless to any writer. When she wrote

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