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Writing A College Entrance Essay

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Writing A College Entrance Essay" can be a daunting task.
Firstly, there's the pressure of addressing a highly consequential topic—after all, a well-written
college entrance essay can significantly impact one's academic future. It's not just about stringing
together coherent sentences; it's about encapsulating your entire persona, achievements, aspirations,
and unique qualities into a limited word count.

Then, there's the challenge of standing out amidst a sea of applicants. With thousands of hopefuls
vying for limited spots, the essay must not only be technically proficient but also innovative and
captivating. It requires a delicate balance of showcasing individuality while adhering to the
expectations of the institution.

Moreover, writing about oneself can be inherently challenging. It demands introspection,

vulnerability, and self-awareness—qualities that are sometimes difficult to muster, let alone articulate
effectively on paper.

Additionally, there's the pressure of perfection. Every word, every sentence must be meticulously
chosen to leave a lasting impression. The fear of failure looms large, knowing that this essay could
potentially be the deciding factor in one's academic journey.

In essence, writing an essay on "Writing A College Entrance Essay" is akin to navigating a labyrinth
of expectations, self-reflection, and intense competition. It requires not only writing prowess but also
resilience, creativity, and a deep understanding of oneself. It's a challenge that tests both intellect and
character, demanding nothing short of excellence.

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Writing A College Entrance EssayWriting A College Entrance Essay
Russian Culture Essay
Russian Culture When we hear the term Russian culture many Americans tend to have
negative thoughts like the cold war, their government ruling with an iron hand, and the
Red Scare. These thoughts do not do the justice to the Russian people or to their long
history as a people dating back to INSERT DATE. One of the major themes throughout
Russian history and this course is the idea that the Russian people value intangible things
more than the tangible. The Russian people have a long rich heritage, they are deep in
there Christian faith, and they pride themselves on hospitality and value there
community, families, and fellow Russian people. They have learned how to sacrifice
from the constant invasions and being forced farther and... Show more content on ...
This oneness with each other and with nature created strong communal bonds within
Russia. In 988 Prince Vladimir of Kiev was baptized and he decreed that the Kievan land
would adopt Eastern Christianity.(Massie, 23) Although the Russians people changed
religions they carried on their core beliefs they went from viewing the Mother Earth
as the source of life to venerating Mary as the Virgin of Motherhood. The reason
Vladimir decided to convert to Christianity was because of the immense beauty his
men saw when they visited the Cathedral of Hagia Sophia, This desire for beauty was
translated into beautiful Russian art and music. The Orthodox liturgy continually
inspired poetry, music and art, for, unlike the Catholic liturgy in the West, it was from
the beginning the possession of the whole Christian people, who worshiped together in
their native Slavic tongue. (Massie, 28) An example of this is the Icon of the Virgin of
Vladimir from the early 12th century, and icon that depicts Mary holding Jesus as a
baby.(Massie 43) During the Mongol invasion many Russians were killed or sold to
slavery, the Mongols crippled many Russian cities and the power of the Russian prince s
authority changed to be more like the authority of the Khan. People became more and
more accustomed to taking ordered and becoming soldiers. The constant Mongol attacks
forced people to move into the northern forests
Analysis Of The Handmaid s Tale Reading Log
Reading Log
The Handmaid s Tale
The protagonist used the view of the first person to describe her situation in a dystopian
society which full of restrictions. Although life is hard and they have no freedom in that
unknown world, they still have expectations to the life. They yearn for it and find hope
from struggling.
In this place, women who have the ability to conceive will be gathered in the special
place called the Republic of Gilled, and they will be distributed to different homes. At this
time, they will give birth to the child those people who have high reputation while their
wives cannot have the baby. Furthermore, provided that they are not allowed to talk with
each other in the evening, they will use the ... Show more content on ...
Does the girl in a gym have freedom?
4.Why some people still have no exact name in the society? (They are elders in the
society.) Other Key Details:
1.Yearn: desire strongly or persistently
2.Insatiability: hard to be satisfied with some situation
What does this paragraph reflect?
a.Dystopian Versus Utopia
b.Under the totalitarian society
3.The way people have been treated.
High social status ( Male)

The protagonist has brought to the house, and she becomes the handmaid of this place,
which means she needs to pregnant for the owner of the house. Till now, Offred did not
know which family she should go.
At this place, she knows Rita and Cora who is Martha in Fred s family. In Gilead,
Matha is positioned as housewife, and they serve as preparing food and domestic
servants to wealthy family. When it comes to Rita, she always express closed face and
pressed lips, and she sometimes forbids Offred if she violate the correct manner. From
her words, the protagonist first time knows a series words like Colonies and Unwomen.
When she arrived, she first meets the Commander s wife. Before she meets the
Commander s wife, she thought that the madam in this house will be kind and Offred
may turn her into an older sister in Offred s mind. However, the commander s wife
made Offred disappointed. In reality, she likes smoking and she has lots of bad habits. To
her amazement, Offred thought the Commander s wife looks like the woman once
The Social Situation Of Mental Patients And Other Inmates
Mortification of the self is a process in which a person may be degraded or striped of
their identity, willingly or unwillingly, for multiple different reasons. This process can
also happen unconsciously or consciously. In his essay, The Social Situation of Mental
Patients and Other Inmates , Goffman explains five main categories of these types of
institutes that may use mortification of the self for their benefit or the communities
benefit. In this essay, I will be discussing in more depth how prisons use the
mortification of the self on their prisoners and how, in a way, colleges and the NCAA
use mortification processes as well to shape their students and athletes.

The first institute is for those that are incapable and harmless. For example, those who
are blind, aged, or orphaned may be admitted to this type of institute. This institution may
be thought of as a positive environment, and the mortification of the self a good thing for
both those in control as well as those at the institute. The second is for those that are
incapable, but may be harmful in the community. This can include a mental hospital and
a leprosaria, so the community as well as the inmates would most likely benefit from the
mortification processes. The third is for those who have proven themselves harmful. A
penitentiary, jailhouse and POWs are some examples. These inmates wellbeing is not
necessarily very important to those in control. These inmates are stripped of their
belongings, their privacy,
The Uniform Code Of Military
The Uniform Code of Military justice (UCMJ) is a federal law, enacted by congress. It
defines the military justice system and lists criminal offenses under military law
(military). The president enacts rules by executive order known as Manual for Courts
Martial (MCM). The Manual for Court Martial details the rules and regulations for
military court martials and provides for maximum punishments for each military
offense listed in the punitive articles of the UCMJ (Military). There is also a Non
Judicial Punishment, which consist of an article 15. Non judicial punishment consist
of normally and article 15. It is the most common type of punishment in the military.
Non judicial punishment is often called mast in the Navy and Coast Guard, and office
hours in the Marine Corps (military). In an article 15 hearing the commanding officer
is the judge and jury. There are 3 grades of article 15 s. There is summarized, company
grade and field grade. In summarized and company grade, any commander can carry
out the punishment. The punishment for a summarized article 15 is extra duty for 14
days. With a company grade service members may lose 7 days of base pay or even be
reduced one pay grade for E4 and below. For field grade the commander administering
the article 15 must be a major in rank or higher. Punishment is (a.) extra duty for 45
days (b.) restriction for 60 days (maximum of 45 days if combined with extra duty) (c.)
oral reprimand or admonition (d.) forfeiture of
Essay The Best Man For the Job
The Best Man For the Job

I found Othello, the 1995 film, to be a close adaptation of the written play read in class,
but in the part of Othello there are notable variances between the film and the written
play that may be accounted for by the actor s interpretation of Othello. Through his
persona, Lawrence Fishburn portrayed Othello as commanding more clout in the film
than he did in the written play, and Fishburn portrayed Othello as having less emotional
intimacy with Desdemona in the film than he did in the written play.

When Othello is summoned before the Duke to answer Brabantio s charges of thievery,
he exhibits much clout, as he appears calm and composed in the filmed version. Fishburn
s interpretation of the ... Show more content on ...
When Othello enters the room there is nothing to signify his demeanor in the written
play, but under the circumstances the reader is lead to think that he would be the least
bit nervous since his life is at stake. Further, as Othello address the Duke in the written
play, the reader sees the humbling words: (1) Most potent, grave, and reverend
signiors, My very noble and approved good masters. These appear to be the words of
one in search of mercy from his judges. Furthermore, when he recounts his history with
Desdemona, there is no sign of him walking over to Brabantio and looking down on him
as he speaks of the history. Rather, the reader is inclined to think that Othello is
addressing the Duke directly because he starts recount by addressing Brabantio as Her
Father . Clearly, without the authoritative tone of Fishburn s voice, the reader is inclined
to see Othello in a state of meekness rather than clout while he recounts his history with
Desdemona to the Duke.

While Fishburn portrays Othello as having much clout in the filmed version, he portrays
Othello as having less emotional intimacy with Desdemona. When Othello rejoins with
Desdemona at Cyprus, he gives her a big hug and two long, passionate kisses, but he
doesn t look into her eyes very long before he is off greeting Montano. Fishburn appears
to show more physical intimacy with Desdemona by greeting her with
Essay on Galenic Medicine
To what extent was Galenic Medicine a part of the broader Aristotelian World View? In
this essay I will strive to show the extent upon which Galenic medicine was incorporated
in to the predominantly Aristotelian world view, concluding that Aristotelian
philosophies underpinned the majority of Galenic theories and concepts. To achieve this
I will primarily demonstrate the perceived link between medicine and natural philosophy
that existed at the time. I will continue with a description of the Aristotelian Form, Matter
and Substance theories, which formed the basis for the Aristotelian world view. After
considering the concepts that formed the Aristotelian philosophy, form, matter and
substance, I will take a closer look at the Galenic... Show more content on ...
The form carries or provides qualities and bestowed them on objects to make them what
they were. Certain forms were subordinate to others and this created a hierarchy of forms
which resulted in a controlling or a noble form.[8] Matter is the thing which takes on
form. All change in the universe is the result of opposition between contraries, in this
case between the three primary principles of, privation, form and matter . The theme of
opposition between contraries ran through many Aristotelian theories, such as the
primary qualities. Matter lacked form and was suitable to receiving all forms. Privation
was simply the absence of form and the potentiality of acquiring new form.[9] Through
this process of privation, form and matter, elements had the ability to transform in to each
other, within Aristotle s elemental matter theory. Form and matter cannot exist
separately, although in thought they can be considered as two separate things. The
function of form was to, inform matter and determine a particular kind, giving
specificity and distinction from other kinds; and finally to furnish and bring about all
activities. [10] Matter, form and substance are exemplified in the Aristotelian theory of
elements, which was the basis of the Galenic humoral theory. Aristotle believed all
bodies and objects in the sub lunar world, or the world beneath the moon, were made up
of four elements or simple bodies; Earth, Water,
Criminal Profiling And The Law Enforcement
Criminal profiling is the investigative profession that is used to help the law
enforcement and the government agencies to pursue unknown perpetrators. It
objectively seeks to identify the major personality and the behavioral characteristics of
the serial offenders based on a thorough analysis of the crimes committed. It includes
the combination of the analysis of the physical and the behavioral evidence. This study
aims at analyzing criminal profiling on the basis of its basic elements and its use in law
enforcement. The documented history of criminal profiling is traced back to the
publication of the Malleus Maleficarum, a text from the 1400s; it was written by
contractors of the early Roman Catholic Church for the purpose of identifying and
eradicating witches (Geberth 23). Despite the fact that it was based on the author s
speculation and the religious dogma during that time, it was one of the first systematic
methods that was used in the identification and creation of inferences concerning the
guilty individuals. The modern criminal profiling was officially inaugurated by the FBI
behavioral science unit after several cases of mass homicides were observed in the U.S
in the 1960s. The apparent increase in the homicides during this time created a demand
on the investigators from the public to solve these crimes using expeditious ways
(Geberth 43). This increased the pressure, the pressure on the investigators to use the
possible resources to track down on the suspects.
The Impact Of Technology On The Environment
Nowadays, with the advance of science and technology, as well as the economy
development, electric devices (computer, camera, mobile, etc.) are being used broadly.
Technology provides much more convenience and enjoyable experience to office users
and home users. At the same time, the internet and other social media users are
increasing dramatically, so people are acquiring and accessing more and more data every
second, every minute and everyday through different formats (video, text, graphic, record,
Based on these trends, large amount of data are being gathered and stored in databases,
and data warehouses. The huge volume and fast pace made the power of data much
stronger than what we expected, with lots of potential waiting us to maintain, explore
and make decisions about. Using the efficient way to analyze the most helpful and
valuable data, as well as to find out the hidden data is becoming urgent and important.
Because of these needs, data mining started to be used as a helpful technology, and plays
an important role under today s studying and working environment.
Data mining also called knowledge discovery in data, began in the early1980s, and has
been fast growing in today s various industries as an essential information technology.
Data mining is a step in the KDD process that consists of applying data analysis and
discovery algorithms that, under acceptable computational efficiency limitations,
produce a particular enumeration of patterns (or

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