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Subject plan

Department: Hospital Management

Subject Name : Drug Materials Management Class : I.B.Sc HSM

Total Number of Hours as per syllabus : 30 hours

Unit - I – 06 hrs, Unit II – 06 Hrs, Unit III – 5 hrs , Unit IV – 08 hrs, Unit V – 05 hrs

Hour Unit Content

Hour 1 Unit - 1: Introduction , Functions of the Pharmaceutical Care
Hour 2 Unit - 1: Drug Therapeutic Committee
Hour 3 Unit - 1: Hospital Store Organization
Hour 4 Unit - 1: Different Types of Stores in Hospital Materials Movement in Store
Hour 5 Unit - 1: seminar / Assignment / Quiz / Group Discussion
Hour 6 Unit - 1: Unit 1 Test
Hour 7 Unit - 2: Inventory Management
Hour 8 Unit - 2: Purchase , Size of Inventory
Hour 9 Unit - 2: Turnover , Storage Facility
Hour 10 Unit - 2: Stock Locations System issues wards
Hour 11 Unit - 2: seminar / Assignment / Quiz / Group Discussion
Hour 12 Unit - 2: Unit 2 Test
Hour 13 Unit - 3: Classification of Drugs and Legal Aspects
Hour 14 Unit - 3: Hospital Pharmacy Licenses / Drug License
Hour 15 Unit - 3: Norcotic Drugs
Hour 16 Unit - 3: seminar / Assignment / Quiz / Group Discussion
Hour 17 Unit - 3: Unit 3 test
Hour 18 Unit - 4: Staffing , Dispensing and Billing
Hour 19 Unit - 4: Pharmacy billing
Hour 20 Unit - 4: Computerized Drug Management System
Hour 21 Unit - 4: Rational use of drugs and prescription audit
Hour 22 Unit - 4: Spurious Drugs, Banned Drugs and drug Indenting and On time drug Dispensing
Hour 23 Unit - 4: Methods of Ordering
Hour 24 Unit - 4: seminar / Assignment / Quiz / Group Discussion
Hour 25 Unit - 4: Unit 4 Test
Hour 26 Unit - 5: Inventory Control – Concepts and Inventory Control Techniques
Hour 27 Unit - 5: ABC Analysis , VED , SDE ,FSN, HML
Hour 28 Unit - 5: XYZ , GOLF and EOQ
Hour 29 Unit - 5: seminar / Assignment / Quiz / Group Discussion
Hour 30 Unit - 5: Unit 5 Test
Hour 1 : Unit 1 – Introduction - Functions of the
Pharmaceutical Care

Definition of Stores:
Store keeping involves “to receive materials, to protect item, while is the storage from
damage & unauthorized renewal to issue the materials in the right quantities, the right time, to
the right place and to provide these services promptly and at least cost.
Meaning of Stores:
The term store in general manner is a place (opened & closed) where the goods,
inventories, stocks, spares, drugs, surgical instruments, dietaries etc are kept for meeting day to
day activities periodic works and so on.
Importance of Stores:
 Receiving materials ordered by purchased department
 Informing indenting department regarding the arrival of the material
 Inspection of materials
 Preparation of goods receipts (GRs) for approved material.
 Entry of materials into stores ledger.
 Storage and preservation of materials
 Issue of materials against authorized indents.
 Bill passing of materials received
 Entry of issued materials into ledger.
 Physical safe custody of materials.
 Raising purchase requisition for inventory items.

Functions of the Pharmaceutical store:

1. Preparing Purchase Requisition
2. Receiving goods into Stores
3. Proper storage of Goods
4. Avoiding Damage & Deterioration
5. Classification and Coding of Material
6. Issue of Material
7. Maintaining Stock Records
8. Maintaining different levels of Stock ie Inventory Control
9. Stock Verification at regular levels
10. Maintenance of Hygiene ,sanitation and pest control

Hour 2 : Unit 1 – Drug Therapeutic Committee DTC


A drug and therapeutics committee (DTC) can significantly improve drug use and reduce costs in
hospitals and other health care facilities in the following ways:

• providing advice on all aspects of drug management

• developing drug policies
• evaluating and selecting drugs for the formulary list
• developing (or adapting) and implementing standard treatment guidelines
• assessing drug use to identify problems
• conducting interventions to improve drug use
• managing adverse drug reactions and medication errors
• informing all staff members about drug use issues, policies and decisions.

The Pharmacy and therapeutic committee that evaluates the clinical use of Medicines, develops
policies for managing pharmaceutical use and administration and managers the formulary
Objectives of DTC:
The pharmacy and therapeutics have three major roles to play. These are:


Composition of pharmacy and therapeutics committee (PTC) might vary from hospital to
hospital. The PTC may be composed of

1. At least three physicians from the medical staff

2. A pharmacist
3. A representative of the nursing staff
4. An hospital administrator with his/her designated an ex‐officio member of the committee
one of the physicians may be appointed as the chairman of PTC
5. Medical staff

Guiding Principles for DTCs

For a DTC to be effective, certain principles must be adopted and followed

throughout the committee activities and proceedings. These principles can be applied
to any committee or any function of the heath care system.

 Transparent and unbiased decision-making

o Explicit criteria and process

o Documentation of activities

o Absence of conflict of interest including pharmaceutical

manufacturers and suppliers

o Development and enforcement of a strict ethics policy for all committee


 Objectivity—Evidence-based approach and levels of evidence

 Consistency—Activities of the committee are consistent and follow

established policies and procedures. Medicines in the formulary and STGs
consistent throughout the health care system.

 Impact orientation—Indicators of process, impact, and outcome show

improved health care results.

Role and Functions of a DTC

The DTC’s role is to optimize rational use of medicines by evaluating the clinical
use of pharmaceuticals, developing the policies for managing medicine use and
administration, and managing the formulary system. The committee has broad
responsibilities in determining what medicines will be available, at what cost, and
how they will be used.

The committee’s functions are numerous and may be only partially

performed by other committees. The primary functions are—

 Advising medical, administrative, and pharmacy departments on

pharmaceutical related issues

 Developing pharmaceutical policies and procedures

 Evaluating and selecting medicines for the formulary and providing for
its periodic revision

 Identifying medicine use problems

 Promoting and conducting effective interventions to improve medicine

use (including educational, managerial, and regulatory methods)

 Managing ADRs and medication errors


1. This committee should meet regularly at least six times in an year and also when
2. The agenda and the supplementary materials should be prepared by the secretary and
furnished to the committee members well in advance so that the members can study them
properly before meeting
Clinical Director or
other appointed

Physician Nursing Executive Secretary,

Administration Public Health
Director of Pharmacy
Members Members

Surgeon Director of Administrative Officer Physician or
Pharma- Nursing or other appointee Nursing
cologist Representative

Internal Medicine/
Family Practice Recording Secretary

Infectious Diseases

Drug and Therapeutics Committee Organization Chart

Hour 3 : Unit 1 – Hospital Store Organization

 Stores play a vital role in the operations of a hospital.

 It is in direct touch with the user departments in its day-to-day hospital Activities

 The most important purpose served by the stores is to provide uninterrupted service

 Further, stores is often equated directly with money, as money is locked up on the stores

which includes different hospital stocks and equipment such as medicines, hospital linen,

hospital stationary items, hospital equipment spares parts, new & un-used hospital items.


 The normal practice is to locate the stores near the consuming departments.

 In stores layout, the governing criteria are easy movement of materials, good

housekeeping, and sufficient space for men and material handling equipment, optimum

utilization of storage space, judicious use of storage equipment, such as shelves, racks,

pallets and proper preservation from rain, light and other such elements.

 These problems are more important in the case of items that have a limited shelf life.

 Other important factors governing the location are

 The number of end users and their location,

 The volume and the variety of goods to be handled,

 The location of the central receiving section and

 Accessibility of modes of transportation

Location and Layout description

1. Incoming materials receiving gate.

2. Place for dumping materials.

3. Place for sorting and checking materials & medicines.

4. Place for materials & medicines inspection.

5. Place for temporary storing of materials before placing racks, bins,etc.

6. Proper place for stringing each type of material.

7. Main aisle

8. Side aisle

9. Service window

10. Boxed containing material to be brought from container issues.

11. Counters for keeping materials to be issued.

Factors influencing location Stores:

These are 2types namely

1. Internal
2. External

Internal stores location:

 Maintenance of suitable temperature

 Separate place and rooms for storing

 Maintenance proper records

 Enough control

 Proper packaging

 Availability of material handling equipment

 Machinery for early disposal

 Trained & talented store keeper.

External stores location:

 Enough transport facility

 Favorable climate

 Nearness to the organization

 Attractive & spacious building

 Enough security

 Facility for disposal

 People friendly location

Hour 4 : Unit 1 – Different Types of Stores in Hospital
Materials Movement in Store

Types of Stores:
The hospital stores can be divided into two broad categories.
1. Consumable Stores - This store are those which can be used only once.
2. Non-consumable Stores – This Stores are those which can be used again and again.

Planning of hospital stores:

Hospital stores can be planned according to the nature of store

Medical and drug stores:

The medical and drug stores consists of emergency drugs, special drugs, medical gases
and chemicals, etc.
Surgical stores:
These stores have bandages, gauges, sutures, instruments, equipments, rubber goods,
glass items, cotton and general surgical items.
General stores:
The items of general stores are cleansing materials like soap and detergents, enamel
wares, ward and general furniture, small electric items.
Linen stores:

Linen stores include textiles, synthetic fabric, woolen articles and furnishings.
Stationary Stores:
All the stationary items, including medical forms and papers for medical
documentation, etc., are available in stationary stores.
Dietary stores:
Raw materials like vegetables and fruits, tinned items, dry rations like atta and rice,
etc., are dealt by dietary stores.
Engineering and Maintenance stores:
These consist of spare parts of civil, electrical, mechanical and electronic items,
Stock Routines / Daily activities of stores / steps / procedure of stock or store keeping:

Receipt System

Physical System

Stocking / Storing Practice

Issue Control

1. Receipt System:

 Receipt from outside supplementing

 Planning labour contracts for loading & unloading

 Reports for stores inspection

 Materials issued to production

 Updating stores document

 Conception controlled

 Insurance disposable

 Transport contract

2. Physical System:

 Match with valve & quantity

 Physical verification

 Rechecking the receipt

 Find the storage

 Material department & stores section

3. Stocking / storing practices:

 Stock near than testing laboratories at inspect outfits

 Accept the material after inspection in each stage

 Reject the material if it is fails in one stage

 Return to the supplier.

4. Issue control:

 Issue

- Conception department

- Outside supplier for processing & conversion.

 Check the content given in bills of materials

 Equalizing the requirement & conception.

Hour 5 : Unit 1 – Revision / Seminar / Group Discussion /


Hour 6 : Unit I TEST


Time Duration: One Hour Total Marks – 25 Marks

Part -A

Write ALL One Mark Questions: ( 5 X 1 = 5)

1. GR is

a) Good Radiation b) Good Rapport c) Good Receipt d) All of the Above

2. Maintaining different levels of Stock on Hand is called as

a) Stock Room b) Inventory c) Drug Store d) Materials Keeping

3. DTC is _____________________________

4. Which one of Objective is not Under DTC

a) Stock Verification b) Advisory c) Educational d) Drug Safety

5. ADR is

Part -B
Write Any TWO following Questions ( 2 X 10 = 20 )

6. Enumerate Drug Therapeutic Committee

7. Describe Hospital Store Organization

8. Elaborate different type’s stores movement in Hospital and Write about Stock Procedures

in Hospital.

Hour 7: Unit 2 – Inventory Management

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