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Short Personal Essays

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Short Personal Essays" can present a unique set of challenges.
The seemingly simple task of condensing personal experiences and reflections into a concise piece
can be deceptively intricate. The difficulty lies not only in the brevity required but also in the artful
balance between self-disclosure and maintaining the reader's interest.

Condensing personal anecdotes into a limited word count demands careful consideration of every
word and sentence. It challenges the writer to distill the essence of their experiences without
sacrificing depth or meaningful reflection. Choosing which aspects of one's life to highlight becomes
a delicate task, as the writer must select moments that resonate universally while ensuring a personal

Furthermore, the challenge extends to the emotional aspect. The writer must navigate the fine line
between sincerity and oversharing, ensuring the essay is relatable while maintaining a level of
privacy. Striking this balance requires a keen understanding of the audience and a mastery of tone.

Crafting a short personal essay also demands a heightened awareness of language. Each word must
carry weight, contributing not only to the narrative flow but also to the overall impact of the piece.
This challenge prompts writers to refine their language skills, using vivid descriptions and evocative
language to convey the richness of their experiences within a confined space.

In summary, writing a short personal essay is a nuanced task that demands precision, self-reflection,
and a keen sense of storytelling. The art lies in capturing the essence of personal experiences in a
limited space without sacrificing depth or emotional resonance. It is a task that requires both skill and
creativity to navigate the delicate balance between brevity and substance.

For those seeking assistance in crafting similar essays or exploring a variety of writing services, one
may consider exploring options on . There, individuals can find support in
expressing their thoughts and experiences through well-crafted essays, tailored to their unique needs.
Short Personal Essays Short Personal Essays
Women In The Chrysanthemums
In the early 20th century, women across the world, mainly in America, began to act on
their cravings for independence in an unequalized society. In both short stories, The
Bird Song written by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and The Chrysanthemums authored
by John Steinbeck, the two women displayed the perfect example of the female race
craving to be treated as equal. The Chrysanthemums and The Bird Song were both
written after the great depression when women began to struggle with continuing to be
seen as a traditional women or to rebel and be strong. Unfortunately both Elisa and the
narrator, believed they had no other choice than to stay true to their traditional beliefs.
First, both of the short stories gives us a two different perspectives of the struggle of
women in the early 20th century. One perspective is from Elisa, a middle aged women
who has a devoted love and passion for gardening. Her husband belittled her about her
gardening, telling her he wished... Show more content on ...
Yes, she had the choice to either run off or rebel against the expectations of women, to
live the life she dreamed of. But instead, because of her insecurities that had been
developed from oppressive guidelines of society, she stayed within her comfort zone
to tend to her chrysanthemums. Secondly, the narrator and mistress in the short story
The Bird Song , battles with wanting to become an independent women but is too
frightened by what to expect to be on her own, she allows a renowned businessman to
take advantage of her time due to her belief of not being looked at as equal which had
been pressed into her mind by society. Throughout The Bird Song , the narrator displays
a thirst for a husband, true love and the need to make a name for herself. Being a newly
female college graduate transitioning into the workforce, she finds herself engrossed with
a foreign well established
Paidei Character Analysis
During the paideia, different thoughts on who were the men and who were the boys
were something that caused me to think about the characters maturity statuses
differently. While all of the male characters expressed both manly and boyish actions,
I found my opinion changing after I heard my classmates ideas on how certain actions
pointed towards being a man, and how others pointed towards immaturity. Before the
paideia, I judged the characters mainly by my general feeling about who they were.
However, now I look at specific events and circumstances, and ask, What does this
mean for this character s personality and development? and How does this expose a
new side of this person s persona? In general, after the paideia, I found that I paid... Show
more content on ...
I wish that I was able to hear my classmates thoughts about if the play ended positively
or negatively and their reasoning behind it. Additionally, I also failed to bring up some
of my points during the discussion which I did attend. For example, my ideas on the
characters mindsets would have fit well into the conversation when we were talking
about why Sam and Hally acted like they did during their argument. Next time we have
a paideia, I will watch more closely for things that might tie into one of my ideas, so I
can introduce it to the class smoothly. The theme of racism in Master Harold and the
Boys resonated deeply with me because of how influential and relevant it still remains.
In the story, racism caused a huge shift, causing inevitable classism, generational
poverty and a lack of a quality education towards people of color, prompting micro
aggressions of all types from the whites. Today, this theme translates almost exactly into
American society through the racial wage gap, police brutality and micro aggressions
towards people of color. Racism is problematic and relevant to a huge amount of people
Ethical Issues In Training Day
In 2001, Training Day, a police drama film speaks on the issues of lacking integrity,
professionalism, ethics, and misconduct that heavily violate the police department s
policy. This film was constructed on the basis of a scandal that occurred in the Los
Angeles Police Department. In this film, veteran officer Alonzo Harris trains Jake Hoyt a
young rookie that is on his first training dayfor potentially joining the narcotics unit.
Throughout the film, Harris tests Hoyt by telling him to perform acts of misconduct that
breach the department s policy. Hoyt is a young officer who is fresh out of the academy
expecting to use everything that he was taught in his job duties. Hoyt s character is
illustrated as having integrity, remaining truthful,... Show more content on ...
When one endures negative confrontations with the police, it is quite difficult to get
rid of the belief that police officers are corrupt. One negative experience often tampers
one s judgement. This is seen as a detrimental factor when trying to reconstruct pro
social relationships with the police. On September 20, 2017, probation officer Oscar
Calderon from L.A. county was found guilty for assaulting female minors in juvenile
hall. Calderon was arrested in January and charged with four counts of assault under
color of authority and two counts of lewd and lascivious acts with a child. Prosecutors
said that the victims ranged in age from 15 to 18 and that the abuse began in 2014
(Queally, 2017). Calderon held a supervisory position in the department using it to his
own convenience to get the females to comply to having sex with him. It was noted that
other supervisors at Camp Scudder ignored the accusations from the young females,
allowing the abuse to continue. The results of this case concluded in a pending lawsuit
against the county for the probation staff that were informed by the victims of the assault
yet remained silent allowing the abuse to continue. Calderon was dismissed from the
county and is no
Summer, the time of nuptial love! This season is truly sacred. Horae, goddess of the
seasons, is at work bringing the summer out of the light spring. And Helius, god of the
sun, is shinning the sun down on us brighter than ever. Naturally, many lovers join
together in the summer to marry for eternity.
This wedding season in particular is very special. This summer we had a total of three
nuptial ceremonies in the noble families, including the king himself. The lovers full of
joy and mirth... Joy and fresh days of love accompany [their] hearts! (145). These
marriages include, King Theseus and Queen Hippolyta, noble Lysander and Lady
Hermia, and noble Demetrius and Helena. The wedding of King Theseus and Queen
Hippolyta has long been expected. ... Show more content on ...
The public is openly perplexed by the swift change from the expected events. Because
of the well known order of Helena s father, Egeus, it was nearly certain that Helena was
to marry Demetrius. However, it was rumored that Hermia actually loved Lysander. A
witness on the scene claims he saw these two lovers planning to run away together into
the forest. What transpired in the woods is an utter mystery. Too many puzzling
rumors float through the air to decipher what really happened. The most popular story
came from the four young lovers themselves. However, tis strange... that these lovers
speak of, (143). Their unbelievable story of magic and fairies does not fool most.
Everyone knows the lunatic, the lover, and the poet are of imagination all compact,
(143). We may never know what really happened in there. All we know is the lovers
Lysander and Hermia, who was expected to marry Demetrius, entered the forest one
night followed by Demetrius and Helena, Hermia s friend who loved Demetrius (a
rumor widely known to the public). And several days later, all four emerged as a pair
of married couples. Now, Lysander and Hermia, Demetrius and Helena, and King
Theseus and Queen Hippolyta are all happily married. The people are absolutely dazzled
and mesmerized by the unexpected turn of events. The question on everyone s mind:
What s comes next for the mysterious

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