Lyrics Guerrero

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El Guerrero—Return to a time when man lived amongst the wild when the wild was still alive,

a time when no one was plagued with lies from the shepherd or brainwashed by the corporations
A la mierda la nueva era.
Volver a vejez.
Soy El Guerrero y soy Nómada,
it’s time for this world to burn along with its god o volver a vejez.
I serve no masters, I am the wolf and with great animosity I reject the herd and slaughter the
Soy El Guerrero y soy Nómada,
I worship this earth and serve no masters,
I ght for this land and it's rst,
I deny your savings and your teachings,
open your fucking eyes your all slowly killing each other,
repent or die it’s pending.

Propósito sin Sentido———Tears I shed over a broken world where man must be miserable to
tears I shed over a broken world where are leaders are tyrants and where man must live in deaths
The land will die and so will are hearts,
you have no purpose,
you are slaves to the cross, the law and the system.
Sheep hard at work barely getting pass the day,
our health and lives at risk now that you fuel there needs.
Propósito sin sentido.
Sufre por el resto de tu vida sin saber nunca la verdad.
Sufre por el resto de tu vida como esclavo de sus órdenes.
Propósito sin sentido.

Los Desarraigados———You should bow your head in shame,

lástima your ancestors in disgrace and disgust lástima.
Vergüenza para los desarraigados,
I send hate,
I wish upon you horrid fate the earth you betray,
lástima, lástima, qué vergüenza.
If the bastard son has cured the blind how come you can’t see our mother is dying,
if your god is real how come he hasn’t cured her from this su ering.
Los desarraigados a disgrace to your ancestors,
a slave to the fucking cross nothing but sheep, lástima, lástima.
You are rootless but I am ruthless.
Maldecir al judío, colgar al musulmán y cruci car al cristiano,
quemar una Biblia,
rasgar la Torá,
aplastar todas las religiones abrahámicas,
matar a la desarraigados.
You are the problem why the land is dying,
but your to caught up in your greed,
los desarraigados die,
a shameful death.

All the lyrics are in order I left the track names there also and for the statement you can leave on
this ep you can put,
A la mierda la nueva era.
Volver a vejez

And the statement for the album you can put

Lord of pinchátaro, lord of pareo, lord of curínguaro, and lord of lramuco

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