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The Devastating Impact of Ocean Pollution and How We Can Help

Humans have explored only 5% of the oceans so far. In the deepest part of the ocean ever
explored, called the Mariana Trench, a person named Victor Vescovo found something
surprising - plastic waste. He discovered plastic waste at a depth of 10,928 meters in the
Mariana Trench, which is located in the Pacific Ocean.
The Mariana Trench is the deepest spot on Earth, and Vescovo went even deeper than anyone
else had before. He spent four hours at the bottom of the trench, which is almost 11
kilometers deep. While he saw many different forms of life, such as shrimp-like creatures and
"sea pigs," he also noticed objects made of metal and plastic in the deep sea. Vescovo felt
disappointed and said in an interview, "It's very disappointing to see human contamination at
the deepest point in the ocean." He hopes that this discovery of trash in the Mariana Trench
will make people more aware of the importance of not throwing trash into the ocean.
What Vescovo witnessed in the deepest part of our ocean is called ocean pollution. It is ironic
to see our own trash reach such depths before we do. Now, you might be wondering, what
exactly is ocean pollution?
Hi. my name is I Gede Aditya Artha Pratama Putra form SMA N 1 Selat, and I will tell you
everything you need to know about ocean polution
Understanding Ocean Pollution:
Ocean pollution refers to the contamination and degradation of the marine environment due
to harmful substances and activities. It poses severe consequences for marine life,
ecosystems, and human health. Sources of ocean pollution include plastic waste, industrial
pollution, sewage and wastewater discharge.
Causes and Consequences of Ocean Pollution:
Plastic waste, including single-use plastics, presents a significant threat to marine ecosystems.
Industrial activities introduce toxic chemicals, heavy metals, and oil spills into the oceans,
while inadequate sewage treatment contributes to pollution. Ocean pollution disrupts marine
ecosystems, damages coral reefs, and disrupts the entire food chain, leading to biodiversity
Addressing Ocean Pollution:
To combat ocean pollution, we must reduce single-use plastics, improve industrial practices,
foster international cooperation, and raise public awareness. Governments, businesses, and
individuals should collaborate to decrease plastic consumption, adopt sustainable practices,
enforce regulations, and educate the public. In Indonesia, the government has outlined
strategies in the National Action Plan (RAN) for Marine Debris Management.
Community Participation and Solutions:
Communities can contribute to mitigating ocean pollution through proper waste management,
using eco-friendly materials, avoiding disposal in water sources, using environmentally
friendly detergents, and actively participating in water clean-up efforts. These actions protect
marine ecosystems and human health.
Ocean pollution demands urgent attention due to its detrimental effects on marine ecosystems
and human well-being. By reducing pollution, promoting sustainable practices, and raising
awareness, we can protect and restore the health of our oceans for future generations.
Together, let us strive to preserve our invaluable marine resources. Thank you for your
attention. Goodbye

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