Example For Argumentative Essay

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Example For Argumentative Essay

Writing an essay on the topic "Example for Argumentative Essay" can be a challenging task that
demands careful consideration of various factors. First and foremost, selecting a compelling and
relevant example to serve as the foundation for your argument requires thorough research and critical
thinking. You need to choose an example that is not only interesting but also supports your viewpoint

Crafting a coherent and persuasive argument is another hurdle. You must organize your thoughts
logically, presenting your ideas in a structured manner to guide the reader through your essay.
Developing a clear thesis statement and providing strong evidence to support your claims is essential.
Additionally, you must anticipate and counter potential counterarguments to strengthen the overall
persuasiveness of your essay.

The language and tone of an argumentative essay are crucial. Striking the right balance between
formality and engagement is vital to maintain the reader's interest while conveying your ideas with
authority. Careful consideration of your audience is necessary to tailor your language and approach

Editing and revising are integral steps in the essay-writing process. Reviewing your work for
coherence, clarity, and consistency ensures that your argument is compelling and well-articulated.
Paying attention to grammar, punctuation, and style is equally important to present a polished and
professional piece.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic "Example for Argumentative Essay" requires a
combination of research, critical thinking, organization, persuasive writing skills, and meticulous
editing. It's a process that demands time and dedication to ensure the final piece effectively
communicates your ideas and persuades your audience. For those who find the task overwhelming,
there are resources available. Similar essays and more can be ordered on HelpWriting.net , providing
assistance for those seeking guidance in their academic writing endeavors.
Example For Argumentative EssayExample For Argumentative Essay
A Better Map Of Europe
Christine, need a better map of Europe
Europe is the 6th largest continent and is actually a vast peninsula of the great Eurasian
land mass.


Europe can be divided into seven geographic regions: Scandinavia (Iceland, Norway,
Sweden, Finland, and Denmark); the British Isles (the United Kingdom and Ireland); W
Europe (France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Monaco); S Europe
(Portugal, Spain, Andorra, Italy, Malta, San Marino, and Vatican City); Central Europe
(Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia,
and Hungary); SE Europe (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia,
Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, and the European part of
Turkey); and E Europe (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, the
European portion of Russia, and by convention the Transcaucasian countries of Georgia,
Armenia, and Azerbaijan).
Europe is a unique continent, which is not surrounded by water from all directions, and
has an overland border with the neighbouring Asia. Physiographically, it occupies the
northwestern part of the large landmass known as Eurasia and surrounded from the north
by the Arctic Ocean, from the west by the Atlantic Ocean, from the south by the
Mediterranean Sea, and from the southeast by the Black Sea.

Definition of correct border between two continents was a big question for geographers
and politicians. Nowadays it is commonly delineated by the Ural Mountains in
Sharks Do Not Deserve Their Reputation Essay
A fisherman sits in his boat on the open sea, alone save for the fish below the water s
surface. The calmness of the ocean is disrupted by something underneath, something
big. Fear seeps through the fisherman s heart as he sees the shiny gray dorsal fin pierce
the sun glinted surface of the ocean. The creature stops its ritual and pulls its head out
of the water, revealing the face of a great white: scars from countless battles in the
ocean s depths, a mouth full of lethal daggers, and dark, savage eyes. This image is what
a majority of people believe to be the shark. They believe it to be the bloodthirsty sea
monster that appears in countless works of literature and films, but science says
otherwise. The classic picture painted by the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
At that point, Shark Man takes a shortcut to the beach and changes into a shark,
proceeding to kill and devour any person who did not heed his advice. (Peachin 4)
Despite the violent Hawaiian stories, sharks were not always seen as murderous
creatures. According to local tradition of the Solomon Islands, if a man had create
power during his lifetime, that power would carry over after his death. That man
would become a tindalo, a powerful spirit. His image would be displayed at a sacred
spot that was associated with him during his lifetime. According to the legend, a
tindalo did not stay deceased; he could decide to inhabit another living creature,
including a shark. (Peachin 6) In Vietnam, the shark was held in high esteem. The
whale shark was called Lord Fish, and its bones were taken to selected temples and
given sacred burials. In the Fiji islands, the high chiefs were believed to be the direct
descendants of the shark god Dakuwaqa. The ancient Japanese used to pay homage to
Shark Man, called Same Hito, the god of storms. (Peachin 7) Most ancient cultures did
not have direct access to sharks, and relied on stories brought to them by fishermen
returning from the ocean. What little information the fisherman gave to their fellow
people earned sharks an undeserved reputation. (Peachin 7) Sharks remained a mystery
for most people until the summer of 1916, when a shark killed several people who were
swimming on the New Jersey
Bacchae Theatre Experience
The Bacchae was really interesting to see, especially after taking the spectacle theatre
class. It actually reminded me more of exercises that we did in spectacle theater than in
this class but it did remind me of the sound project, particularly when the Bacchae go
into the crowd and start yelling from the sidelines during the Walls Work scene because
it was a really great way of creating a sort of soundscape atmosphere that came from
more than one direction on the stage. Those are the kind of concepts that we were
playing with in the soundexercise. Some of the lines, like some of the more abstract
Bacchae lines reminded me of free writing exercises, especially ones where we would
start with a prompting sentence and we could write anything... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
I think that people in the audience felt involved, especially during the scene where
Pentheus is like Donald Trump because you have all the Bacchae in the audience
yelling and cheering. When the Bacchae join the crowd and cheer and yell from the
seats it makes the audience feel more involved. They act just like Trump supporters at
a rally which is a very relevant commentary which I think worked really well. The
whole comparison itself between Pentheus and Donald Trump is just really interesting
to me because we see Pentheus as this tyrant, stubborn and afraid of foreigners. That
itself is what makes it so funny because it s also a good parody of Donald
Australian Politics And Its Impact On Social And Economic...
Australian and American politics are both polarised by clashing philosophies between
two major parties dominating the system, however, the United States is faced with a
greater political dichotomy stunting the growth of legislation on social and economic
issues. In Australian politics, these parties are the Australian Labor Partyand the Liberal
National Party and in the United States the Democratic Party and the Republican Party
clash. These parties lie on opposite ends of the traditional political spectrum. The ALP
and the Democratic Party both lie on the left, liberal end and the LNP and the Republican
Party and the right, conservative end. While other parties exist in these states, the two
most mainstream parties control legislation... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The social problem of immigration has manifested through the treatment of asylum
seekers and refugees in Australia. In the United States immigration has divided citizens as
Republican have advocated tightening border control from Canada and Mexico. Both
countries struggle to find a policy that advocates positively for the citizens of their
countries and these individuals coming to a new country. Economic issues also divide
parties and can range from taxation to setting budgets. Parties must use economics both
to protect their citizens and maintain their place in the global world. Economic issues
have the tendencies to stem from social issues. Defence spending is an economic issue
that is highly divisive between political parties in Australia and the United States. No
international definition of military expenditures exists; however, the Stockholm
International Peace Research Institute defines it as all costs incurred as a result of current
military activities (Monitoring Military Expenditures para 1). Australia and the United
States both face polarisation between their two major parties in setting the defence
budget. Australia faces a polarisation based on budget setting and parties perceptions of
the essentialness of being prepared to handle being a Western country in the
Writers of the 1920 s Essay
Writers of the 1920 s

The 1920 s had many influential writers in literature. While reaching this time period it
is almost certain that the names William Faulkner, Earnest Hemingway, and F. Scott
Fitzgerald will be found. Each of the writers has their own personal style of writing and
each one of the lives has influenced what they write about to even the way they each
portray their literature.

William Cuthbert Faulkner was born into a financially stable family from New Albany,
Mississippi. Faulkner dropped out of high school to work in his grandfathers store.
While at the store Faulkner found out he enjoyed writing. Faulkner enrolled at U of
Mississippi to pursue his his passion of writing. ( William Faulkner ,Discovering Authors)
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Hemingway was a very effective writer. He gets his point across to his readers in a very
direct way. His novels included incidences from his life that he had encountered on a
daily basis. ( Earnest Hemingway , Discovering Authors)

F. Scott Fitzgerald was an incredible writer. He often uses incidences from his life in
his writings. Fitzgerald fell in love with Zelda Sayre and married her. They lived all
over the United States and Europe.(Eble 22)

In his writings his life with Zelda is highly portrayed. In the writing of The Basil and
Duke Lee Stories there are a lot of similarities to his life. These stories are almost a diary
of his life in a fictional form.(Eble 22 24) The most popular of Fitzgerald s writings is
The Great Gatsby. This is because Fitzgerald s writing style had matured so much from
his earlier works. The book offers great insight in to his adult life, showing how truely
unhappy he was. (Eble 86 88)

Each of these writers have contributed a great deal to American literature. Faulkner,
Hemingway, and Fitzgerald s lives had a great impact on their fiction. Through their
writing, readers can begin to understand the happenings of that decade. The twenties are
always going to be remembered through their works.

Works Cited
Ernest Hemingway Discovering Authors, Gale Research, Inc., 1993

William Faulkner Discovering Authors, Gale Research, Inc.,1993

F. Scott Fitzgerald Discovering

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