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Daughter: So… is this it?

Daughter: We’re standing in front of my aunt’s supposedly new house. To celebrate the
wonderful occasion, she arranged a little family gathering for us.
Mother: Yes, go ahead and knock while I text your father that we’ve arrived.
[Knocking sounds]
Aunt: Wait for a bit! Son, why don’t you go and welcome them while I finish preparing?
Son: Okay
[Door opening]
Son: Come in. Mom is still arranging the food.
Daughter: Woah, is this house bigger than your last one?
Son: Yeah I guess you could say that though I still like the last one better.
Aunt: Oh don’t mind him! He’s been sulking since we moved here. This boy has been crushing
on our neighbor’s daughter and got mad when he found out he’ll get separated from her.
Son: Mom, I thought that was supposed to be a secret?
Aunt: No secret doesn’t get revealed over time. [Liquid being poured to a glass] Here, help
yourselves while I get the plates.
Daughter: Aunt [name], why does it smell so odd here?
Aunt: Oh that? I sprayed some pest spray earlier when the mosquitoes decided to dance around
the food.
Daughter: I don’t think that’s the best course of action when there’s food around…
Mother: Don’t worry about it so much [daughter’s name]. Would you rather have mosquitoes on
your food?
Daughter: Of course not.
Mother: Then just drink up while we wait for the others.
[Knocking sounds]
Aunt: [Son’s name], you know what to do right?
Son: Hey [daughter’s name], can you get that for me?
Daughter: Why should I? This is your house, is it not?
Son: Exactly. My house, my rules.

Daughter: Pathetic excuse.

[Door opening]

Uncle: Hi everyone! How are you all doing?

Aunt: We’re all doing great thanks for asking. Now, may I ask who’s this lovely companion that
you brought here?
Co-worker: Umm… I’m [uncle’s name]’s co-worker, [co-worker’s name].
Aunt: Nice to meet you, [co-worker’s name]. Make yourself at home.
Uncle: Okay, okay, that’s enough introductions. Now, where’s all the food at?
Aunt: At the table in the kitchen.
Uncle: Follow me, [co-worker’s name].
Aunt: Kids, why don’t you join your uncle and his co-worker to eat as well?
Daughter: I might just eat later on.
Son: Same goes for me. I’m not really that hungry.
Aunt: Alright then. [plates clacking]

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