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Future tenses: Present Name

continuous, going to,


Present simple Date

1 Completa le frasi con le parole e la forma  3 Completa le frasi con le parole e i verbi tra
corretta del Present continuous dei verbi tra
parentesi al Present continuous. Poi indica se si
riferiscono ad azioni presenti (P) o future (F).
1 (your brother / come) to
1 What time
the cinema with us on Saturday?
(Paul and Mick / arrive) tomorrow?
2 Daniel (go) out with
2 A Are you busy?
Wendy tonight.
B Yes, I (do) my
3 We (play) tennis in the
3 We (not go)
4 (you / use) the car later?
to the mountains next weekend.
5 John (drive) to Liverpool
4 Don’t switch the computer off.
this weekend.
I (use) it.
6 (Jane / have) a party for
5 A What programme
her birthday?
(you / watch)?
7 What (you / do) on
B A reality show.
Saturday morning?
6 (Bob / work)
8 Clare and Ted (leave) for
this weekend?
the States next Wednesday.
7 When
9 (the students / go) to
(you / meet) your American friends?
school tomorrow?
8 Listen. Laura
10 I (meet) Sue for lunch.
(play) the piano.
9 A Where’s Sam?
 2 Completa le frasi con il Present continuous B She (wash)
di uno dei verbi dati.
her hair.
come  go  have  leave  10 What time
meet play  spend  stay  (you / get) back home tonight?
study  visit

1 you with your friends

when you go to Madrid?
2 We Maths this afternoon.
3 Barbara to the concert
with us?
4 What we for lunch?
5 you tennis with Nick today?
6 Helen and Katherine to
the cinema tonight.
7 We our holidays in
France this summer.
8 I Jason at half past four.
9 Jack his grandparents
next weekend.
10 My parents for Sydney
next Sunday.

Future tenses: Present continuous, going to, Present simple

6 Liz didn’t study for her exam. She isn’t passing /

isn’t going to pass it.
7 Matt is being / is going to be a vet when he grows up.
8 My friends are arriving / are going to arrive
tomorrow at four o’clock.
9 Lisa is flying / is going to fly to Berlin on Friday.
She booked the flight last week.
10 When are you calling / are you going to call
your grandmother?

6 Riordina le parole per formare delle frasi.

1 past / I / at / Moira / half / meeting / am / five

4 night / the / I / not / cinema / to / with / am / you / on /
coming / Friday
5 we / what / tonight / having / for / are / dinner / ?
6 the / is / school / Jack / to / coming / concert / ?

7 Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta.

1 Hurry up! We are missing / are going to miss our train.

2 We booked the hotel. We are staying / are going to
stay at the Four Seasons.
3 I got another bad mark in my test. I am speaking /
am going to speak to the teacher.
4 These are our tickets. We are leaving / are going to
leave on 3rd August.
5 We are having / are going to have a barbeque on
Saturday. Would you like to come?

380 © 2012, Pearson Italia, Milano-Torino – photocopiable

Future tenses: Present continuous, going to, Present simple


 10 Completa il dialogo con le parole e il

Mark What time 8 ?
Present simple o il Present continuous dei verbi Cristina About two hours later. I arrive at twenty past
tra parentesi. four, British time.
Mark And what about the concert? What time
Moira What 1 (you / do) on 9
Cristina Doors open at five o’clock.
Robin I2 (go) to Birmingham.
Mark When are you going to Selfridges?
I3 (visit) some friends.
Cristina On Sunday morning.
Moira What time 4 (you / leave)
in the morning? Mark What time 10 ?
Robin My train 5 (leave) at half Cristina At 10.00.
past nine and 6 (arrive)
in Birmingham at quarter to eleven. We want to
 12 Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta.
see Mamma Mia! at the theatre in the afternoon. 1 The car’s dirty. I wash / am washing / am going to
Moira What time 7 (it / start)? wash it.
Robin It 8 (start) at three 2 We’re late. The bus leaves / is leaving / is going to
o’clock. leave at half past eight as usual.
Moira And when 9 (it / finish)? 3 I study / am studying / am going to study English
Robin At half past five. at university: I decided yesterday.
Moira So when 10 (you / arrive) 4 The weather forecast says it snows / is snowing / is
home? going to snow this afternoon.
Robin I hope to catch the six o’clock train. 5 We have / are having / are going to have lunch
It 11 (arrive) here at with Sue tomorrow. We have a table at Mario’s at half
quarter to eight. Why all these questions? past twelve.
Moira I 12 (have) a party on 6 What do you do / are you doing / are you going
Saturday night. Do you remember? It’s my to do when you finish school next year?
birthday. 7 I decided I spend / am spending / am going to
spend my holiday in France next summer.
 11 Completa le domande nel dialogo 8 The timetable says that all lessons start / are
in base alle risposte date. Usa il Present starting / are going to start at nine o’clock.
simple o il Present continuous. 9 What time does the film start / is the film starting /
Mark What are you doing this weekend? is the film going to start?
Cristina I’m flying to London. 10 A Would you like to have lunch with me today?
Mark Cool! When 1 ? B Yes, but I only have / am having / am going to
Cristina On Friday. have half an hour because I have a lot of work to do.
Mark Where 2 ?
13 TRANSLATION Traduci.
Cristina From Milan.
Mark How long 3 ? 1 Dove hai intenzione di mettere questi libri?
Cristina For three days. 2 Gli amici di Alan arrivano domani alle quattro.
Mark Where 4 ? 3 A che ora pranzi con Pauline domani?
Cristina At the Sunhill hotel. 4 La scuola comincerà il 13 settembre quest’anno.
Mark And what 5 in London? 5 Quando hai intenzione di rispondere all’email di
Cristina I’m seeing an exhibition at the British Jack?
Museum and I’m going to a concert. I also 6 Non pioverà oggi.
want to go shopping at Selfridges.
7 Oggi pomeriggio giocherò a tennis con Alan dalle
Mark Wow! And when 6 ? tre alle quattro.
Cristina On Sunday afternoon. 8 Vado a trovare i miei nonni questo fine settimana.
Mark So you’re flying on Friday. What time 9 A che ora parte il prossimo treno?
your plane ? 10 Non ho intenzione di restare a casa stasera.
Cristina At twenty past three.

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