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Class 12 - English Core

Writing Article Examples

1. Make in Indian initiative by the government of India. It intends to create employment for
the youth of India and helpbring best practices to Indian business. Write an article in about
150-200 words for a business magazine on its impact tocreate employment for the youth of
India. You are Neha.

2. Women feel unsafe on the road, at their place of work and even at home. There is an
urgent need to change the malemindset in its attitude towards women. Write an article in
150-200 words on ‘How to make women feel safe.’ You areKaran/Karuna.

3. In the mad rush of today's fast-paced life, we often forget to enjoy the simple pleasures
of life like reading a good book,going out for a walk in the nearby park, a simple
conversation with a friend or watching a movie with the family. Writean article on Simple
Pleasures of Life in 150 – 200 words. You are Rakshita/Rakshak.

4. Dance, as shown in some reality shows on TV, seems to be a mix of gymnastics and PT
exercises. Actually, it is neither.India has a rich tradition of classical and folk dances. Write
an article in 150-200 words on the need to have a realityshow exclusively based on Indian
classical dances. You are Anu/Arun.

5. It is said that if you educate a boy, you educate a person and if you educate a girl you
educate a family. Write an article in150-200 words on the importance of educating women.
You are Suresh/ Shobha.


– By Neha Introduction:

Make in India is the name of the initiative by the government of India to give more incentive
to business (both in Indiaand abroad) to manufacture goods (eg: automobiles) on Indian
shores. To lure businesses to set shop in India, thegovernment of India plans to cut
excessive formality and routine which involves setting a business in India.

Goals of Make in India:

Make in India intends to create employment for the youth of India and help bring best
practices to Indian business. The initiative also aims at high-quality standards and
minimizing the impact on the environment. The initiative hopes to attract capital and
technological investment in India.

We observe that India’s rank in ease-in-doing business has improved. Further, the
manufacturing sector has seen an upswing with key sectors such as defence seeing huge
participation from foreign investors.

Make in India’s success lies in making the small and medium enterprises foster. Thus, 'Make
in India' should not only focus on big business but also on the neglected small and medium
enterprises (SMEs) so that rural India can reap the benefit as much as the developed parts
of India. Further, a domestic business must be protected from big multinational chains, so
that equitable growth is ensured at all fronts.

2. How to Make Women Feel Safe

by Karuna
India is not a country where women can move without fear of being stared at, molested or
discriminated against. This is a shameful thing and hard to believe, but it would prove right if
we go by what we read in the newspapers today and what experiences both native and
foreign women have. Women are unsafe on the road, at their place of work and even at
home. This image of India must be changed to make it a safe and comfortable place for

For this, it is very important to change the male mind set in its attitude towards women.
Education starts at home. The boys should be taught to respect and empathise with other
human beings irrespective of gender.

In addition to this, severe laws must be made to deal with eve-teasers, molesters and
rapists. These laws should also be strictly implemented. There should be a zero-tolerance
policy in cases of domestic violence against women. The most important step to be taken is
to educate women, provide them equal opportunities, and equip them with self-defence
techniques. There should also be an increase in security to ensure the safety of women at
public places.

3. Simple Pleasures of life

.... What is happiness? Is it a commodity that can be bought by paying a high price? Surely
not. It is a feeling which is attained. We attain it according to our nature. The cause of
sadness and happiness is within a person and not in the circumstances. We have forgotten
to enjoy life. We don’t live but survive. To survive we work like a machine. We want to earn
more than we need. And the irony is that we are not able to enjoy our hard-earned money.
We earn, we save, and we die paying huge hospital bills with our hard-earned money. We
should learn to live in the present moment. We must start finding pleasures in simple
things. Like reading a story to children, reading a book of our choice, going to the park, or
smelling the aroma of flowers. We should find time to go out to watch a movie with family
and to help someone with problems. Man is turning mechanical day by day and going away
from simple pleasures. If life is not simple, it is complicated. One has to make a choice of
whether to make one’s life simple or complicated.
4. Reality Show For Indian Classical Dance
by Anu

Our nation has a very rich culture. The whole world praises and admires our culture.
However, we have started neglecting our traditions and their coherent values with the
advent of modern times.

An example to support this is the classical dance and its position in India. The Classical dance
started between the 14thand 15th century in our country. But now it has been confined to
some specific locations only. It is no longer popular inthe entire country. It seems to be
losing its essence.

Modern day Indian media including TV never gives it its due importance. Dance, as shown in
some reality shows on TV, seems to be a mix of gymnastics and PT exercises. Actually, it is
neither. India has a rich tradition of classical and folkdances. So we need to have a reality
show exclusively based on Indian classical dances.

The producers of dance programmes must promote our original forms of classical dance and
folk dances to attract the attention of the entire world and prove once again that we are still
a culturally supreme nation. Thus, there is a need for reality shows displaying various forms
of Indian classical dance.

Importance of Educating Women
by Shobha

"It is said that if you educate a boy, you educate a person and if you educate a girl, you
educate a family." This line in itself reflects how important it is to educate women.
However, women in India have been facing discrimination as well as the exploitation of
many kinds for centuries. Indian society has always been a male-dominated or patriarchal

However, time has changed a lot since independence, and the status of women has greatly
improved. But girls are still discouraged from going to school in many parts of our country. It
is generally assumed that educating girls is of no use since they only will have to pursue
household chores after marriage. It is high time that we realise that it is of utmost
importance to educate women.

A number of social evils like female infanticide, dowry, child marriage, domestic violence
etc. will simply vanish from our country if and when the women are educated. Educating
women will enhance their intellectual, social and economic development, and enable them
to meet their basic needs. It will also increase their health status and health awareness
among them. Both the genders have an equal interest in education and are equally efficient
in learning. There can be no valid justification as to why women should be deprived of
education. If India wants to rank among the developed nations, it must give foremost
priority to female education.

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