Prog1009 Quiz1 2023

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Quiz – 25%


1. Define what HCI means? [ 3 mks]

HCI means Human Computer Interaction. It deals with the designing of user
interfaces and the relationship between a user how they interact with computer systems.

2. What does the term “mental model” refer to? [4 mks]

Mental model refers to the imagination of the user’s mind and thought process on
how something works and how they would handle the product.

3. What are the characteristics of human perception?

Briefly describe each. [10 mks]
Similarity -the things in common on things have to another when compared
Balance – users like symmetry and things that are pleasing to look at
Proximity – the area a user focuses on at a certain time
Order – the way things are sorted from top to bottom or even left to right
Movement – our eyes are drawn to objects or colours and pay more attention to the them

4. What does task analysis involve? [6 mks]

Task analysis involves the breaking down of a situation or problem to see the
possible solutions in order to make the best decision to lead to user satisfaction.

5. List and briefly describe the components of a superior interface.

Stability – how consistent the interface is
Usability – how easy and user friendly the interface is
Effectiveness – how well the interface works and its accuracy when carrying out its tasks
Efficiency – how well the creator uses its resources to create its product
User Satisfaction – how well the interface matches the characteristics of the user

6. What does HTML stand for and what is the primary use of this language?
[4 mks]
HTML stands for hypertext markup language and it is used for designing websites by
changing its look through programming text on a document.

7. Write the HTML page structure including the Heading 1 tag and a paragraph
tag. [10 mks]
<h1> <h1/>
8. What is the correct HTML for creating a hyperlink? [1 mk]
a. <a url=""></a>
b. <a></a>
c. <aname=""></a>
d. <a href="">Google</a>

9. What is the correct HTML for adding background colour?

a. <background> blue </background
b. <body bg = “blue ”>
c. <body style = “background-color:blue;”> [1 mk]

10. What is the correct HTML for making a text input field? [1 mk]
<input type = “text”>

11. What does CSS stand for? [2 mks]

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets.

12. Put in the appropriate end tags for the lines below:

<h1>This is a Heading. </h1>

<p>This is a paragraph. </p> [2 mks]

13. Add a table row with two table headers. [4 marks]

The two table headers should have the value "Name" and "Age".


<td>Will Smith</td>
14. In the form below, add two radio buttons, both with the
name "gender". [4 marks]

< value="male"> Male

< value="female"> Female


15. In the form below, add an input field with the type "button"
and the value "OK". [3 marks]

< >

Total: 60 marks

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