Essays On New York

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Essays On New York

Writing an essay on the topic "Essays on New York" can be both an exciting and challenging task.
On one hand, the subject is rich with history, culture, and a myriad of captivating elements that make
the city a fascinating topic to explore. However, the challenge lies in encapsulating the essence of
such a multifaceted metropolis within the confines of an essay.

New York is not merely a city; it's a symbol of diversity, resilience, and constant evolution.
Attempting to cover its vast dimensions, from its iconic skyline and landmarks to its diverse
neighborhoods and the pulsating energy of its streets, can be a daunting endeavor. Striking the right
balance between historical context, cultural significance, and personal reflections requires a careful
and thoughtful approach.

Moreover, the challenge extends beyond just describing the physical aspects of the city. To truly
capture the spirit of New York, an essay must delve into the stories of the people who inhabit its
boroughs. This means exploring the dreams, struggles, and triumphs of individuals from various
walks of life, contributing to the city's vibrant tapestry.

Crafting a compelling narrative that does justice to the complexity of New York involves thorough
research, effective storytelling, and a keen sense of what aspects to highlight. It requires a delicate
dance between providing factual information and infusing the essay with a personal touch that
resonates with the reader.

In the end, writing an essay on "Essays on New York" is a challenge that demands both creativity
and precision. It is about more than just stringing together words; it is an attempt to encapsulate the
spirit of a city that never sleeps, a city that has been a canvas for countless narratives.

If you find yourself grappling with the task, remember that help is available. Assistance in crafting
essays, whether they're on the dynamic city of New York or any other topic, can be sought from
professional writing services like . They provide a platform where you can order
essays, ensuring that your ideas are articulated with clarity and finesse, saving you the time and
effort needed to navigate the intricacies of essay writing.
Essays On New York Essays On New York
The Making of a Human Resources Department Essay
Serving as a Human Resources Manager for a rapidly growing organization in Southern
California often proves to be both challenging and rewarding. The organization I happily
work for, New American Funding (NAF) is one of the nation s leading mortgage bankers.
Coming into this organization, I had spent time working in Human Resources
Management roles, but in all fairness, nothing could have prepared me for the role with
When I was interviewed for the role as human resources manager, I was lead to believe
by a rather persuasive recruiter that there were nearly 200 employees and the company
was looking to double in the next year or two. I was nervous to develop a role in a
company that was already this large where I would be managing the ... Show more
content on ...
It has been over two years since those interviews. When I joined NAF they had 384
employees, I ran a report last week and we had 903 employees. I was alerted to the fact
that the mortgage industry experienced cyclical changes, but I was informed our
company didn t experience change like most in the industry. I have learned so much
being with NAF.
In 2013 NAF experienced unsurmountable change, the company hired 699 people,
unfortunately we also had a Reduction in Force due to the change in the market and
mortgage rate increases. This created a huge difference in our call center division and we
were forced to eliminate positions. In 2013 between hires, terminations, resignations and
reduction in force position eliminations, the Human Resources Department had nearly
1200 employee transactions. Performance management was crucial to the vast changes
that we experienced as a company. Opening new branches and ensuring that the
recruiting efforts aligned with our company goals, vision and mission. The planning of
benefits and pay was rapidly adjusted as well as learning new state regulations opening
new branch locations in Washington, Colorado, Texas, Nevada, and Arizona in 2013
alone. Being present, accountable and informed is not only necessary for my role; it is
required to ensure that I can build rapport with my employees.
I will never forget the first termination I had while at NAF. It was
Comparisons and Contrasts of Asian and European Empires
Comparisons and Contrasts of Asian and European Empires Foreign trade is one of the
most important aspects of Asian and European Empires. Without trade, these empires
would not have flourished in the manner that they did. Many different factors played a
role in developing trade in their cultures. As various empires ruled from 2000 BC to
1911 in Asia and Europe, trade has had a major influence in the development of those
cultures as seen today. The nation that has the most success in trading becomes the
strongest nation and will last the longest. The three major Muslim Empires, located in
South and Southwest Asia were; the Mogul Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the Persian
Empire. The first empire, the Mogul Empire, was developed in... Show more content on ...
The following are the Chinese dynasties in order from oldest to most recent: Xia,
Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han, Sui, Tang, Song, Jin, Yuan, Ming, and Qing. The legendary
dynasty is the Xia, which is believed to be around 2000 BC. The Shang (1700 1000BC)
developed the first written Chinese language. The Zhou (1028 221BC) built the first
roads, expanded trade contacts and trade routes, and also developed plows and irrigation
systems. Trade at this time was expanding in China. The Qin Dynasty (221 207BC) built
the famous Great Wall of China as a defense mechanism and also united all of China
under one central government. Next is the Han Dynasty (207BC AD220), which did a
lot for China in terms of trading. They developed the Great Silk Road, a trading route
that stretched from China all the way to the Mediterranean Sea. The Sui Dynasty (589
618) united almost all of China. Followed in suit by the Tang Dynasty (618 917)
discovered one of Chinas leading exports, porcelain. During the Tang Dynasty, the first
block style printing press was invented. The Song Dynasty (960 1279) came next,
which took over all of China and later took the southern rule after being conquered by
the Jin. The Song Dynasty is responsible for developing Chinese cuisine as we know it
today. During this time period the compass and gunpowder were also discovered. The
Jin Dynasty (1127 1234) took rule over Northern China from the Song. The Yuan Dynasty
(1279 1368) brought a long period of peace to
Rational Choice Theory Essay
There are three main points that are reinforced in rational choice theory (Cornish and
Clarke, 1986). First, it may work better or worse for different types of crime, yet it is
thought that there are rational choices in every type of crime even impulsive and
pathologic crimes. Second, the theory should be applied on a crimespecific basis. Hence,
burglaries can t be grouped together in among residential and commercial categories.
Rather, they must be broken into smaller facets such as public housing burglaries or
wealthy residential neighborhoods. Finally, a distinction is made between criminal
involvement and criminal events. Criminal involvement describes how individuals get
involved in crime and further continue or abstain from... Show more content on ...
The later occurs when a specific offender is deterred from crime through sanctions. Thus,
the benefits and drawbacks of crime have sway with both deterrence and rational choice
theories, but rational choice doesn t make headway for a population as a whole or limit
the individual to those previously punished.
The strengths of the rational choice theory are also seen when comparing it to the routine
activity theory, which proposes that three elements are needed for crime: motivated
offenders, suitable targets, and the absence of capable guardians (Cohen and Felson,
1979). Hence, environmental conditions must be right for crime to occur. This relates to
one similarity of the rational choice theory, which is the account for situational variables
such as the likelihood of punishment (Cornish and Clarke, 1986). In contrast, routine
activity theory doesn t look at why the individual commits crime (Cohen and Felson,
1979). Instead, this propensity is assumed, while the rational choice theory looks
specifically at the reasons individuals commit offenses.
The broken windows theory reduces the cause of crime to the amount of disorder in a
community (Wilson and Kelling, 1982). Basically, if there are broken windows in
buildings it can result in allowing more vandalism, which leads more riff raff on the
streets. This creates a fear for citizens to go out in the neighborhood, which limits the
visibility of proactive
Opening Causes Of Teen Suicide
e tragedy of a young person dying because of overwhelming hopelessness or frustration is
devastating to family, friends, and community. Parents, siblings, classmates, coaches, and
neighbors might be left wondering if they could have done something to prevent that
young person from turning to suicide.Title: Suicide
By: Paige Mukahirn
Hour: 5
Opening Scene/Introduction (Describe)
It was a long day at work, and it s about time for you to go back home to your 14 year
old daughter. You cannot wait to see her since she finally got dropped off from her
friends house and is now home. You want to buy her some flowers to surprise her
since it is her 14th birthday. You want to call her to ask her what color of flowers she
would like but she wanted so surprise her. At the grocery store you get some red roses,
her favorite. You re now driving home and pull into the driveway. You walk into see
your daughter lying on the floor, all bloody, with a bloody knife in her hand. A note is
next to her, you read it crying. It says, I m sorry, I couldn t handle life with all my
friends that have bullied me, I love you. That day, her daughter died from teen suicide. (
don t let me go, the song plays in the background of this documentary.)
Section/Chapter 1 What suicide is.
Teen suicide is when a teenager feels badly about themselves. Whether somebody else
causes ... Show more content on ...
It can cause life changes. Suicide mainly affects family, or close friends. If somebody
commits suicide it affects at least 6 other people to have suicidal thoughts. Even
suicidal thoughts can affect people. How it affects them is if they think too much about
it and worry and lose their job or lose their house. They could also think they did
something wrong, which 35.3% of suicides cause at least 1 person to commit suicide as
well. (Mother just got home and sees her daughter lying in the kitchen with a bloody
knife in her hand.) Oh my gosh!, is this my fault! (Cries
Blackwood Vs Holmes
¨ You see, but you do not observe. The distinction is clear. this quote from A Scandal in
Bohemia shows that some people do not observe, they just look at the obvious. All the
clues and hint that are in the movies and stories that the villains have left , Watson just
looks at everything around him unlike Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock Holmes is able to
identify who the culprit is throughout the short stories and the films that we watched in
class. Both of these movies, Sherlock Holmes and The Great Mouse Detective, have
antagonists that are represented in different ways.
In the movie Sherlock Holmes the villain is named Blackwood and in The Great Mouse
Detective the villain is Professor Ratigan. In all of the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle s stories
there is always a villain or a suspect. Blackwood in the film Sherlock Holmes and
Professor Ratigan in The Great Mouse Detective were both out to achieve a similar
goal . Both of the characters in these movies have similarities, but both of the characters
also have differences as well. While Blackwood in Sherlock Holmes is a human, Ratigan
is a rat in The Great Mouse Detective. The two characters have goals during the films
that want to achieve. The films the villains have ... Show more content on
Blackwood s archenemy was Sherlock Holmes and Ratigan s was Basil of Baker
Street. The antagonists were similar because they both represented Sherlock Holmes
from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle s short stories. Basil of Baker Street and Sherlock
Holmes from the movies represent the character Sherlock Holmes. Although both arch
enemies represented Sherlock Holmes, they both have their different ways of finding
their opponents. Basil from Baker Street in The Great Mouse Detective is trying to
find where Ratigan is, but Ratigan stays in one place the whole movie. Sherlock Holmes
has to travel all over London to try and find Blackwood because he kills people in
specific spots every
Surveying The Siberian Explosion Roger Brown
Surveying the Siberian Explosion
The painting shows a two dimensional image of the destruction of the Serbian forest.
The artist Roger Brown uses oil paint to create texture and depth of image in the painting.
Brown uses different art styles such as surrealism to depict the intensity of the Siberian
explosion in 1908.
Right as I entered the second floor of the Denver Art Museum the painting created the
illusion that the trees were moving inward and outward. At first glance the trees seem
symmetrical to one another. However, the size and distribution of each tree differ
throughout the different sections in the painting. The background of the painting is an
ivory white color allowing for the black trees to pop out of the painting. The top half
Theme Of Money Throughout The Story Of The Great Gatsby
Living in an advanced world, Joe Chip, who is always looking for coins to access
places, learns the power of money that can either provide opportunities or put characters
at risk. Throughout Philip K. Dick s Ubik, the recurring theme of money greatly
influences characters and causes them to act ambitiously. The desire to gain wealth play
a major role which becomes the driving force of many events in the story. Characters
perceive others based on their social statusand treat them accordingly. Richer characters
get better quality services and poorer characters receive basic services. Furthermore, Dick
incorporated advertisements as a way of communication between characters, which is
similar to the way businesses communicate the value of products to attract customers.
Money affects the way characters act and how the events are played out throughout the
story, which speaks to readers about the corruptions in the reality of social structure.
Large corporations are willing to commit crimes to bring other companies to the bottom
of the corporate world to climb up to the top. Hollis Corporationis an example of a dark
organization that is run by Ray Hollis, who sets up traps to bring Runciter Associates
down. Joe says, It was Ray Hollis who killed Mr. Runciter. We will have to watch out
that Hollis doesn t get the rest of us. He intended to kill us too, there on Luna, (103). Joe
becomes extremely cautious and meticulous with his surroundings because he fears
Hollis s plan to

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