A Good Persuasive Essay

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A Good Persuasive Essay

Writing a persuasive essay can be a challenging task that demands a unique blend of creativity,
analytical thinking, and persuasive skills. Crafting an essay that not only captivates the reader but
also effectively conveys your viewpoint requires a meticulous approach. One must navigate through
the complexities of structuring arguments, providing evidence, and maintaining a coherent flow
throughout the essay.

The difficulty lies in striking the right balance between emotional appeal and logical reasoning. It
involves the art of choosing compelling evidence, understanding the audience's perspective, and
tailoring the argument to resonate with their values and beliefs. The writer must anticipate
counterarguments and address them persuasively, adding an extra layer of complexity to the process.

Moreover, the challenge extends to maintaining an engaging and cohesive narrative. Transitions
between paragraphs, clarity in expression, and a well-defined thesis are crucial elements that
contribute to the overall effectiveness of the essay. The struggle to strike the right tone, avoiding
undue aggression or passivity, adds another layer of difficulty.

Writing a good persuasive essay is not merely about expressing personal opinions but about crafting a
convincing and well-supported argument. It requires thorough research, critical thinking, and a deep
understanding of the subject matter. The task is not just to persuade but to do so in a manner that
leaves a lasting impact on the reader.

In conclusion, tackling the intricacies of a persuasive essay demands a considerable amount of effort
and skill. However, with dedication, careful planning, and attention to detail, one can overcome
these challenges and create a compelling piece of writing.

For those seeking assistance in crafting similar essays or requiring help with various writing tasks, a
resource like HelpWriting.net can provide valuable support. Professionals are available to aid in
developing well-researched, persuasive content tailored to individual needs and requirements.
A Good Persuasive Essay A Good Persuasive Essay
Humanitarian Crisis
The humanitarian crisis in Yemen has attracted global attention. The Yemenis citizens cry
out for help from other countries to help them stop the spread of Cholera and terrorism in
the region. The United Nations Security Council has decided to intervene, however, the
Security Council members are having a tough time coming to a consensus regarding
what types of intervention should be used. Bolivia, a non permanent member of the
United Nations Security Council, has condemned the terrorism in Yemen and advocated
for humanitarian aid being sent to help the sick and wounded.
In a statement made by Bolivia s United Nations ambassador, Sacha Llorentty, The
Security Council emphasizes that the conflict in Yemen will only be resolved through the
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Commissionary intervention occurs when a country would like to be a part of the
solution to a country s crisis, but does not wish to engage directly in the conflict. For
example, Bolivia may be able to produce a small aid package that contains medical
supplies and food to the Yemenis citizens. On the other hand, Bolivia has suggested that
larger powers such as the United States, Russia, and the United Kingdom intervene and
work together in a balance of power to create a solution. Throughout the simulation,
Bolivia has most aligned with this form of intervention. It has proven to be difficult to
coordinate efforts among the United Nations Security Council members.
An intervention strategy of quarantine requires that there is cooperation within the
region, but runs the risk of diaspora interference and weakening Yemen, Saudi Arabia,
and even Bolivia. This poses an issue, as Saudi Arabia has forbade any type of aid
shipments being allowed into Yemen, for fear that rebel terrorist groups will ship in
arms. Because of the instability in the Middle East, and it s concern for terrorism human
life, Bolivia would not want to further aggravate the situation by causing Yemenis
citizens to be displaced. Bolivia simply does not have the authority or military capability
to facilitate such intervention. The Bolivian military is negligible compared to the other
The Tuskegee Experiment
Tuskegee Experiment Was the Tuskegee Study ethically justified as research that would
produce scientific knowledge about syphilis? The Tuskegee study was not an ethically
justified research initiative. It did not provide any actionable or real scientific data. It
initially was designed to identify how syphilis affects black patients as compared to
white patients. While the study did include a control population and study methodology
the mere fact that by 1940, penicillin had arrived as a real treatment and this treatment
was intentionally led to great harm being inflicted on the study populace. Medical
research is driven by providing for the common good and not harming the subject. In this
case 23 men died directly from syphilis and over... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
After termination of the study, the government implemented and has regulated several
changes that impact nursing and public policy today. After ethical concerns had been
publically raised and the study was terminated, the National Research Act was signed
into law in 1974. This policy was used in the creation of the National Commission for
the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research, which
proved helpful in identifying policy issues such as the lack of identified basic principles
of research conduct and lack of informed consent. Regulations were passed according to
this panel s recommendations that required voluntary consent from all persons involved
in studies which are funded or conducted by the Department of Health, Education and
Welfare (DHEW) (CDC, 2013). For nurses, this involves a responsibility to ensure that
research participants are advocated for and the consent being obtained is used as an
educational, informative
My First Broken Heart
One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain. Bob Marley
It was a humid summer night when I encountered my first broken heart. The wind
rustled against the bushes that lined my front porch. It was humid even though the
breeze was present it didn t give much relief. It was hot but the crickets still chirped,
surrounding me with the songs of nature. It was completely dark but the black sky was
the perfect canvas to display the stars. That s something I loved about my town, you
always had stars. I closed my eyes and filled my lungs to their highest capacity. Slowly
exhaling I turn my head slightly to focus on my driveway. The sound of my mom s
minivan disturbed mother nature s lullaby. The car backed out of the driveway and down
the neighborhood. That was the first time my heart was broken, that was the night my
mom left.
Walking into the empty house my dad sits motionless on the couch, the lights dimmed
giving the living room an eerie feel. I look at him, drive? I asked. We hop into the jeep
and drive for hours, emotionless. Neither of us talk or even make a sound all we do is
listen to our favorite band, Red Hot Chili Peppers. This is how we cope. Some people cry,
clean, write we drive and listen.
I think art is inherently nonviolent and it actually occupies your mind with creation
rather than destruction. Anthony Kiedis lead singer of Red Hot Chili Peppers.
A year past and I was now a high school freshman. The first day of classes ended up being
Media Bias And The Influence Of Media Bias In Online Media
Media bias has a tendency of expressing and showing what they want the viewer to
focus on. Many online sources show what they want to be covered and how it should
be covered. Every channel station cover the same topic but in their own point of view.
Fox, Abc and CNN all state the same story but covered differently. In Fox News, Abby
Wambach, retired soccer star, arrested for a DUI in Oregon. Abby Wambach was under
the influence of alcohol. In Fox news it covers that Abby missed a red light and failed
sobriety test and even the breath test.It also states when she retired and how long she
has played and how she stated a statement on Facebook stating an apology. Abby was
arrested by Sgt. Peter Simpson in Oregon. In Abc news, Abby was arrested... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Many news broadcasters try to not mention the truth or even just make it look short
and simple like nothing bad happened or it never happened. In Fox news it stated the
name of the police officer and how everything happened at its time of place by
covering it fully. Also stating what Wambach had posted on her online media page,
Facebook. On Abc news it also mentioned how she published an apology but left out
where it was posted. It also mentioned the reason why she got got arrested and where
she was taken to Multnomah County Jail. On CNN news just gave a brief short story
about what happened, by just mentioning the cause of the arrest and her Facebook
post. All the news sources reported the same reason as to why she was arrested and
where it had taken place. The difference was that both CNN and Abc stated the time
but a few hours later than each other, whereas Fox new didn t even mention at what
time it had happened. All the news sources stated a different background viewpoint for
the viewer to know. In Fox news it stated her background information on how many
Olympic medals she has won and how she is supporting the FIFA decision in 2015.
Also that she campaigned for former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Where as
CNN and Abc did not mention she was in campaigns with Hillary Clinton. The other
broadcasters do not mention she is with Hillary Clinton, because they do not want their
viewers to know, since Abc is liberal and CNN is just out and they do not mention
The Informative Speech On Sports In Sports
General Purpose: To Inform Specific Purpose: To inform the audience about different
sports. Central Idea (Thesis): There are so many sports leagues out there, and we
would like to inform you a little bit about the NFL, MLB, NHL, and competitive
swimming Introduction Football American football developed out of a combination
of soccer and rugby. No single variety of the sport was played some schools played
soccer, others rugby, while still others played various combinations of the two without
any written rules. The first ever college football game was playing in 1869 which was
Princeton vs Rutgers. Soon after, other colleges started playing as well. Professional
football became a reality a few decades after the sport became popular. The first
evidence of someone being paid money just to play a football game came on
November 12, 1892. William Pudge Heffelfinger was paid $12,000 by the Allegheny
Athletic Association to play a game. Only one year later, the first professional football
contract was signed, and more poured in. As the sport became more popular, it also
became more violent, especially because of mass plays. Mass plays required every
member of a side moving together to try to score. According to thepeoplehistory.com,
in the 1905 season, 149 serious injuries were recorded from the sport, along with 18
deaths. Action had to be taken, and people were asking for a changes including
President Theodore Roosevelt. This led to the creation of the National Collegiate
Athletic Association (NCAA), which still governs college sports in the U.S. today. The
rule changes allowed the sport to become more about speed and skill, rather than just
brute force. This significantly reduced the number of injuries and deaths. The next few
years consisted of teams being formed, but most of them from the early 1900s died out.
Without a true league, teams had no control over the sport. Players would move from
one team to another, chasing the highest salary. The official league s name was set as the
American Professional Football Association (APFA). The early years were still
unorganized. Teams came and went, and players still switched squads frequently. It wasn
t until 1922 when the league was renamed to the National
Lookout Mountain Research Paper
On this day in 1863, Union troops capture Lookout Mountain southwest of Chattanooga,
Tennessee,as they begin to break the Confederate siege of the city. In the battle above the
clouds, the Yankees scaled the slopes of the mountain on the periphery of the
Chattanooga lines.

For nearly two monthsfollowing the Battle of Chickamauga, the Confederates,

commanded by General Braxton Bragg, had pinned the Union army inside Chattanooga.
They were not able to surround the city, though, and occupied Lookout Mountain and
Missionary Ridge to the south and east of the city instead. In late October, arriving to
take command, Union General Ulysses S. Grant immediately began to form an offensive.
On October 27, Union troops attacked Brown s Ferry southwest
Literary Analysis The Lesson
Celia Kane


Eng 120

Section B01 Spring 2012

Literary Analysis Essay 2

The Lesson : Significance of Miss Moore Taking the Children to New Environments

The predominant theme in The Lesson composed by Toni Cade Bambara is creating an
understanding to adolescents of all the opportunities life has to offer; a lesson on social
class and having a choice which society you choose to live in. Miss. Moore who takes on
the responsibility to educate the young ones has intentions of more than just taking the
children to the store for amusement. Miss Moore s informal lessons are aimed at
educating the neighborhood children

about how their lives differ from those of rich white children, nonetheless Miss Moore
wants the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
She used F.A.O. Schwarz, a very expensive toy store, to teach them a lesson and inspire
them to strive for success and attempt to better themselves and their situations. The
extreme differences between the children s neighborhood and the neighborhood of the
toy store are first illustrated by the fact that the white people on Fifth Avenue wear furs
and stockings even on a hot summer s day. Then we check out that we on Fifth Avenue
and everybody dressed up in stockings. One lady in a fur coat, hot as it is (Bambara
99). The children are thrown off balance in this neighborhood, as if it were a foreign
country where even the approach to temperature is different. To Miss Moore, education is
the key to more money and improved social conditions.
To Sylvia, being educated means seeing things as they are. Sylvia and Miss Moore
both have a considerable amount of pride. Sylvia thinks Miss Moore shows disrespect
when she describes their neighborhood as a slum and their families as poor. Bambara
has indicated that Sylvia s family is striving for better conditions through the mention of
the piano rental. Miss Moore views the children s acceptance of their economic
condition as ignorance and their ignorance as disrespect for their race. Miss Moore wants
to change this attitude and encourages the children to demand more from the society that
keeps them down. By the end of the story, both of these characters have made their
points. Sylvia realizes

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