Health and Fitness Essay

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Health And Fitness Essay

Crafting an essay on the subject of health and fitness can be both a rewarding and challenging
endeavor. On one hand, the topic is broad and encompasses a wide array of subtopics, ranging from
physical well-being to mental health, nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle choices. This diversity allows
for creativity and exploration of various dimensions related to health and fitness.

However, the challenge lies in the need for a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. To
create a well-rounded essay, one must delve into scientific concepts, historical perspectives,
contemporary issues, and emerging trends in the health and fitness landscape. This requires thorough
research and the ability to synthesize information from various sources.

Moreover, addressing the multifaceted nature of health and fitness demands a balanced approach.
Striking the right equilibrium between scientific evidence, personal anecdotes, and societal
perspectives can be tricky. Maintaining coherence and logical flow throughout the essay while
navigating through different aspects of health and fitness requires careful planning and organization.

Additionally, the language used should be accessible to a broad audience, considering the
significance of the topic for people of all backgrounds and ages. Communicating complex ideas in a
clear and concise manner without oversimplifying is an art that adds another layer of complexity to
the writing process.

In conclusion, composing an essay on health and fitness involves navigating through a rich tapestry
of information, balancing different perspectives, and presenting the content in a coherent and
engaging manner. While the process may be challenging, the opportunity to contribute to the
discourse on a topic that profoundly impacts individuals and society is undoubtedly rewarding.

For those seeking assistance in crafting essays on various topics, including health and fitness, a
valuable resource is . There, you can find professional writing services to support
your academic or creative writing needs.
Health And Fitness Essay Health And Fitness Essay
Doping is not Dope in Athletics
Doping is Not Dope Should athletes be able to use performing enhancement drugs. Many
athletes are trying to get a competitive edge on their competition and some start by taking
performing enhancement drugs, even though taking them could be devastating and
detriment to them personally. Using performance enhancing drugs comes with many
risks physically and emotionally. Performance enhancing drugs is as known as doping .
There are many kinds of steroids such as anabolic steroids, human growth hormones,
androstenedione, designer steroids and stimulants to name a few (,
2012). Even though athletes see performance enhancing drugs as a positive and a career
advancement advantage, all of them are very harmful to your body and has many side
effects. Some of the advantages that the athletes see in these performance enhancement
drugs are promotion of muscle building. It also helps them to recover after they have
had a hard workout, which when a normal person works out, they are a lot of times sore
from the physical activity; however these drugs make them less sore. In addition, these
drugs temporarily boost Chism 2 performance in the athletes. It does give them an
advantage over other athletes when it comes to performance of their sport. But it is an
unfair advantage. While taking performance enhancing drugs, comes many side effects.
For both men and women there are detrimental side effects such as circulatory problems,
Ww2 Compare And Contrast
World War I and World War II were similar and different in many ways, which made
them be some of the biggest wars fought in the world. World War I and World War II
occurred thirty one years apart, yet they were the same in so many ways. They both
affected so many lives and countries, and they were some of the largest aggressive wars
ever. World War Ibegan in July of 1914 and concluded with killing seventeen million
people on November 11, 1918. Up until today it is arguable about the cause of World
War I. A direct cause of World War I would be the assassination of Archduke Franz
Ferdinand of Austria Hungary. Africa and part of Asia had raw materials that other areas
could not provide, so the growing competition and the want for a better empire... Show
more content on ...
World War Two in Europe began on 3rd September 1939, when the Prime Minister of
Britain, Neville Chamberlain, declared war on Germany (Barrow). They had 1.25
million soldiers storm into Poland. Many countries were involved in the war there
were exactly sixty one countries three quarters of the world s population was involved.
This was a big step for the British and they had a good military. People of Germany
elected a leader named Adolf Hitler who would eventually kill millions. He promised
to make Germany great again which was opposite of what he did. Shortly before 5 am
on Friday 1st September, 1939, Germany forces stormed the Polish frontier (Barrow).
Hitler s decisions were cruel and made him be known. The aircrafts in World War II
were not so advanced so they had a lot of faulty ones. Hitler did not care about anyone
we know this because the generals that he hired he killed eighty four of them. In just a
year in the war they had 200,000 people dead and 550,000 wounded. During the same
time in Europe the death and injury rate increased incredibly. Hitler was thought to
have killed six million European Jews. The allies had dropped 3.4 million tons of bombs
on people. The Nazis in general killed twelve million people six million of these people
were the Jews. Britain and France declared war on Germany after Hitler refused to abort
his invasion of Poland
Research on Prescriptive Grammar and Its Comparison with...

Research on Prescriptive Grammar and Its Comparison with Descriptive Grammar

ii Abstract In English linguistics, there are two approaches which are opposite to each
other theoretically: prescriptive grammar and descriptive grammar. These two grammars
were born in different historical conditions, and the application rules involved in has been
still under the dispute through the development of English linguistics. It is significant to
study the development trend and application in English language of both grammars,
especially to English language learners. This paper attempts to trace the historical
background of two grammars and works out the dialectic relationship between
prescriptivism and descriptivism. The paper consists four ... Show more content on ...
Swift continues to propose an establishment of language Academy as France did to
standardize language. Unfortunately his proposal is aborted along with the death of the
British Queen (Crystal, 2006, p.68 74). Most of the earliest grammar literatures are
based on Latin grammar. The publication of A Dictionary of the English Language,
which is written by Samuel Johnson in 1755, marks the explosion of prescriptivism
(Crystal, 2006, p.107). Soon after this, Bishop Lowth delivers Short Introduction to
English Grammar in 1762, which claims the same ideas with Johnson s. They observe
that the grammar rules are rational and logical, and the language validity should follow
the usage by people with higher education. It is obvious that the language they mentioned
is not the one used by the general public; nevertheless, Lowth s book has been regarded
as the authority in England in the next

4 several decades. This period symbolizes the institution of prescriptive grammar. This
traditional prescriptive grammar is holding the major position of authority over one
century. Compared with prescriptive grammar, the historical development of descriptive
grammar is relatively simpler. According to Baugh and Crystal, the early descriptive
grammarians think that local language which is widely used by the public should be
received great recognition. At that time, prescriptive grammarians have already been
Comparing Dream And Harlem By Langston Hughes
Can anyone think of his body without a soul? Without a dream life loses its charm and
glory. Langston Hughes, an African American activist wrote two different poems Dream
and Harlem . In Dream Hughes wanted to talk about how important it is to have a dream
and in the Harlem the poet cherished for a common dream of African American folk.
Basically, Harlem is a black populated area. Art, music, literature of black community
used to consider as barbaric by the white people of America. After Harlem renaissance
white people started liking artwork, music, literature of African American community.
The poem Harlem starts with a question What happens to a dream deferred? The poet
was passionate about his dream in one point of his life, but he had to keep his dream
aside for some reason. This first question is answered in the poem in the form of more
questions. The poem has four stanzas, eleven lines. The rhyme structure of first stanza
is a b c d b, a b b in second stanza. The poet raises few rhetorical questions in the poem
like Does it stink like rotten meat? ... Show more content on ...
It had gone with passage of time. It became like a lifeless raisin. His deferred dream is
like a festered sore that it became toxic or harmful for his body. His dream is like a
syrupy sweet, it was sweet once upon a time but now it got unbearable. By italicizing
the last line poet wanted to draw attention of the reader. In ending line he gave a warning
to the oppressor metaphorically. By saying Or does it explode he gave a warning that if
the dream of African American community remains unfulfilled, one day they may

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