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1. What is a RESEARCH?

Research is the methodical examination of data using scientific methods to address

a specific issue or research problem. "Research is a systematic inquiry to describe,
explain, predict, and control the observed phenomenon," states American sociologist
Earl Robert Babbie. It makes use of both deductive and inductive techniques.
Deductive techniques confirm the seen event, whilst inductive techniques examine
an observed event. Qualitative research is typically connected with inductive
methodologies, while quantitative analysis is more frequently associated with
deductive methods.

2. Give at least four (4) qualities of good researcher.

● PASSION- Their motivation comes from a desire to change things in their
industry and advance society.
● CURIOSITY- Successful researchers are driven to push the frontiers of what
is known, investigate new ideas, ask probing questions, and find solutions by
an unquenchable curiosity.
● CRITICAL THINKING- Proficiency in data analysis, pattern recognition, and
evidence-based conclusion making are essential skills for researchers. They
ought to be able to see mistakes and inconsistencies in their work and have a
keen eye for detail.
● ORGANIZATIONAL SKILLS- It is simpler to analyze and synthesize the data
afterwards if research notes, data, and literature reviews are organized in a
systematic manner.

3. What are the qualities of good research?

To daringly venture where none have ventured before, unearthing fresh insights and
producing ground-breaking discoveries? Scientific research has long been in the
front of innovation, expanding our knowledge of the world and opening the door to
several ground-breaking discoveries that have improved our quality of life. However,
the truth is that intelligence and technical proficiency are not the only requirements
for being a great researcher. Aside from academic qualifications and technical
proficiency, there are a few more critical attributes that are necessary for success in
this sector. This is a lifelong process that takes deliberate work and commitment to
cultivate these qualities.

4. What is the “so what” factor in research?

The "so what?" component at this point is about describing the specifics of the study.
Consider this while formulating any questions you're considering asking, such as
when designing a survey: if the question can't be proven beyond a reasonable doubt,
don't include it.


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