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Best Essay Writing Sites

Writing an essay on the topic "Best Essay Writing Sites" can prove to be a challenging task for
several reasons. Firstly, it involves a certain level of subjectivity, as what may be considered the best
varies from person to person based on their individual preferences, experiences, and needs.
Additionally, the field of essay writing services is vast, with numerous websites claiming to offer top-
notch services, making it challenging to sift through the options and determine which truly deserve
the title of the best.

Furthermore, researching and evaluating these essay writing sites requires time and effort. It's
essential to delve into customer reviews, testimonials, and ratings to gain insights into the quality of
services provided by different platforms. The task becomes even more complex when considering
factors such as pricing, customer support, delivery times, and the overall reliability of the services.

Another challenge lies in the potential ethical concerns associated with promoting or endorsing essay
writing sites. Many educational institutions consider the use of such services as a violation of
academic integrity, raising ethical questions about the legitimacy of recommending or discussing
these platforms.

In conclusion, crafting an essay on the topic of "Best Essay Writing Sites" demands careful
consideration of diverse perspectives, extensive research, and the ability to navigate through
subjective opinions. It is a task that requires a nuanced understanding of the complexities
surrounding the industry and a balanced presentation of the information.

For assistance with similar essays and more, consider exploring resources ,
where you can find a variety of writing services tailored to your specific needs.
Best Essay Writing Sites Best Essay Writing Sites
The Importance Of Sports
Sports are one of the most watched pieces of entertainment in America, and around the
world. People watch sports because you never know the outcomes of the games, and
because you can root for your chosen team. When a person thinks a about a sport the
first thing that comes to their head is probably something like football or soccer, but
what about chess or even video games. Sports are usually thought of as games that
require strength and physical skill to preform, but sports should be defined by
competitiveness, strategy, and entertainment value. Sports that most people watch
include some sort of use of strength, an example of this being football. Football does
require strength to play well, but it is far more important to have strategy... Show more
content on ...
If an average person were to play these video games against them, they would lose, by a
lot, just like if average people played soccer against a professional team. So clearly these
players possess a high amount of skill in their game so why is that skill not consider the
same as that of an athlete. Most people would think sports should include a physical
element sports require competitiveness even more. A sport in which there is no
competition would be pointless, and more importantly no one would play. The
competitive nature of sports is what makes them so popular. At the end of the day one
team wins, and one team loses. Competition is what drives players to do their best so
that they can win. The competitive nature of sports is what forms rivalries, and what
drives fans to games. If there were no competition in sports, there would be no reason to
watch. National and worldwide sports events, like the super bowl, world cup, or even
video game tournaments, bring in some of the largest viewership s in the world. People
want to find out what team or country is the best at the sport in question. Chess and
Video games both meet this standard due to their extreme competitiveness. If something
has no competitive element, it cannot call itself a sport. While sports require
competition, they also require an amount of strategy. Sports require a strategy to win. If
there were no strategy required
Abuse Of Children In William Blake s The Chimney Sweeper
Beginning in the 1670s children were often used as chimney sweeps in England. After
the Great Fire of London, new building regulations were designed to keep the city safer.
Fireplaces were required to be built a certain way, with narrower chimneys; and it became
more important to ensure that the chimneys were free of obstruction after a liberal
amount of usage. Since the chimneyswere so cramped, this task was given to children, the
only people petite enough to fit inside the chimneys. Most of the children who were
chimneysweeps were often orphans who were apprenticed to a Master Sweep who
would be their boss and take care of them. Consequently, during this time period, the
terrible abuse of children as chimney sweeps became widespread. William Blake was
an author during this time period who realized how horrible the chimney sweeping
industry was. Blake was so disgusted with the industry that he wrote two poems about
it, one in Songs of Innocence and another in Songs of Experience. In Songs of
Experience, William Blake s The Chimney Sweeper uses a critical tone of society to give
a voice to social groups who did not have the ability to use their voices.
The Chimney Sweeper begins with a man spotting a child in the snow. The child s
parents are away at church, making him stay in the cold to work and earn more money
for the family. In line one of the poem when the man who spots the chimney sweep
refers to the child as a black thing . While the black refers to the soot that covers this
child s body, black is often recognized as a color that symbolizes death. Hence, when the
chimney sweep mentions snow again, and says they clothed me in the clothes of death,
the reader identifies the contrast between the white snow and the dark child. The snow
symbolizes the innocence of childhood, while the dark child represents the darkness of
child labor.
When Blake says, and are gone to praise God his priest King God and his Priest
symbolize the church, and the King symbolizes the monarchy. He criticizes the
importance of religious obligations that the parents are more concerned with, rather than
their child who is freezing, alone in the snow. Subsequently, the sweeper concludes by
saying God and his priest
American Civil War and Sectionalism
1.Approximately 180,000 Negros served in the Union during the Civil War. The
Negro Soldier was overall a good one. One example was at the Assault on Fort Wagner,
South Carolina. The 54th Massachusetts Colored troops led the assault and scaled the
fort s parapet and were only driven back after brutal hand to hand fighting. The Negro
faced some discrimination in the Union Army in areas such as pay. It wasn t until
June 15th, 1864 that the Congress granted equal pay to Negro troops. Several Negro
soldiers earned the Medal of Honor. The North attitude towards Negro troops was
mainly positive, while the South did not want Negros to serve in the Confederate Army.
It wasn t until the Confederates were running low on men did they allow Negros to
serve. The Negros serving in the North felt it as their duty to serve and support the cause
for their own freedom.
2.General Ulysses S. Grant was a brilliant strategist and seemed to be able to plan out
movements in advance. The people of the North thought the tremendous casualties to be
horrendous. But Grant knew that the South s casualties to be much more than the North
s. Grant did have the support and trust of the North though and his record did well to
deserve that support. His commanders trusted his completely. Grant s idea of Total War
was to break down the infrastructure of the South. The Siege of Petersburg which lasted
almost years, then the capture of Richmond is among the battles Grant engaged in while
south of the James
Analysis Of La Belle Dame Sans Merci
Michelle Kfoury
Professor Butterworth
ENG 201

Comparative Analysis of La Belle Dame Sans Merci and The Lovesong of J. Alfred
Prufrock It comes as no surprise that love poems are not a rare commodity. Whether
they re about a lovesick man pining for his soul mate or a general reflection about how
one perceives love, these poems offer an analysis of one of the most innate desires of
our human nature. Despite inevitable differences in writing style and point of view,
there can be times where love poems employ similar strategies to tackle such an
analysis. John Keats La Belle Dame Sans Merci and T. S. Eliot s The Lovesong of J.
Alfred Prufrock are no exception to this occurrence. Both poems use two different and ...
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13, 25 26). Because of how the knight describes the meadow, it can be inferred that it is
springtime. This is a significant contrast to the bleak, wintry hillside that he described
previously. With the contrast in this setting comes a contrast in how the knight
characterizes love. In the meadow, the knight meets a beautiful woman with long hair
and wild eyes. The knight describes her as having an almost fairy like presence (Ln.
14 16). He makes her a garland for her head and bracelets from the flowers in the
meadow (Ln. 17 20). The woman eventually takes the knight back to her elfin grot , or,
cave, where he kisses her. By establishing a different setting where the knight appears
to experience love, the second setting in La Belle Dame Sans Merci serves to resolve
the knight s alienation and abandonment from love. T.S. Eliot s The Lovesong of J.
Alfred Prufrock similarly offers a second setting where Prufrock tries to recall love to
resolve his alienation from it. The dirty, urban, insidious streets laced with an ominous
yellow fog suggest that Prufrock is alienated from love. He fears not being able to find
a woman that will be able to look past his physical inadequacies. However, Prufrock
attempts to resolve his alienation by shifting the setting from the insidious streets of a
city to the beach. The mermaids
A Study On A Peek Into Retirement
A Peek into Retirement The purpose of this paper is to provide an opportunity to explore
the social, cultural, health and economic issues pertaining to the older adult, specifically
the older adults interviewed for this paper, and this includes their preparation for,
subsequent adjustment to, and special needs and concerns of retirement. The information
that follows in this paper, is taken directly from the two interviewees, a male and a
female who differ greatly in age, and two nursing journal articles that relate to a
common issue they both express in there interviews. The two individuals interviewed for
this paper are, I.W and D.D. I.W. is an eighty five year old woman who lives with her
daughter, her son in law, and granddaughter.... Show more content on ...
He is a supportive husband, and enjoys being able to be there for her, as well as going
fishing, working around his house, and spending time with family, including his wife.
Contrary to I.W., we conducted his interview over the phone, since he lives in North
Carolina, and he happens to be a new friend s grandfather. His attitude towards retirement
is a very positive one, and he seems to be enjoying his current retired life. This paper
explores the answers the interviewees provide when questioned about their retirement,
some similarities and differences between the two, and the common issue of finances,
along with two nursing journals about finances that relate to both I.W. and D.D.
Interview Summary Two: I.W. First, we take a look at I.W., and her interview
answers. Between the ages of sixty to sixty five, she considers that she was retired,
and she never really started planning for it. She has been in the hospital numerous
times, some of which were recent, and has drawn up a Will and powers of attorney to
help her transition into retirement. She is not recently retired, has been for almost
twenty years, and really did not make any other plans, because the only reason she
retired is due to her husband passing away. Her life differs most now that she is retired
in that she has more free time, but she is unhappy that she is unable to drive herself
around anymore and cannot travel as much as she did when she first retired. When she

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