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Emerging Trends in Sustainable Treatment and Valorisation Technologies for

Plastic Wastes in Nigeria: A Concise Review

Article in Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy · April 2021

DOI: 10.1002/ep.13660


18 297

2 authors:

Bemgba B. Nyakuma Tertsegha JOHNPAUL Ivase

Pen Resource University bioresource development center makurdi


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Received: 25 September 2020 Revised: 2 April 2021 Accepted: 18 April 2021
DOI: 10.1002/ep.13660


Emerging trends in sustainable treatment and valorisation

technologies for plastic wastes in Nigeria: A concise review

Bemgba B. Nyakuma1 | Tertsegha J.-P. Ivase2

School of Chemical and Energy Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Abstract
Malaysia, Skudai, Johor, Malaysia The article presents an overview of the status, challenges, and prospects of current and
Bio-resources Development Centre, National
emerging trends for the sustainable treatment and valorisation technologies of plastic
Biotechnology Development Agency, Makurdi,
Benue State, Nigeria wastes. The proliferation is ascribed to the growing population, living standards, and use
of low cost, unbiodegradable, and chemically resistant plastic wastes in Nigeria. This sce-
Bemgba B. Nyakuma, School of Chemical and nario is exacerbated by the lack of comprehensive strategies for the collection, transport,
Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
segregation, and management of plastic wastes. Currently, plastic wastes treatment is
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, Johor,
Malaysia. accomplished by open-air burning, dumping, and landfilling. More advanced technologies,
such as thermal (incineration, gasification), chemical (catalytic cracking and selective dis-
solution), and biological (microbial degradation) methods, are also utilized for treatment
and valorisation. However, these high-cost, obsolete, and inefficient technologies result
in GHG emissions, toxic fumes, toxins and leachates. Hence, novel technologies for the
reuse, recycling, reduction, and valorisation of plastic wastes must emphasize energy,
materials, and resource recovery. The article proposes the upcycling of plastic wastes into
carbon nanomaterials (carbon microspheres, carbon nanofibers (CNFs), graphene flakes,
carbon nanotubes), polymeric composite materials (wood-polyethylene composites,
wood-fiber-reinforced plastics), biocrude/bio-oil, fuels, chemicals, and char through sol-
vent/solvothermal treatment and plasma conversion. Solvent/solvothermal treatment
can effectively treat and upcycle plastic wastes along with the removal of toxic, recalci-
trant and bio-accumulative pollutants such as brominated flame retardants and organo-
phosphorus flame retardants. However, the study identified numerous challenges that
currently hamper plastic wastes disposal, management, and valorisation. Hence, sustain-
able and socially friendly approaches for plastic waste management and valorisation are
required to address their short- and long-term impacts on human health, safety and the
environment in Nigeria.

biodegradation, Nigeria, plastic waste, thermochemistry, waste management

1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N is estimated that MSW disposal and management will cost LIC about US
$1.5 billion annually over the years. Furthermore, analysts project that by
The total municipal solid wastes (MSW) generated in Nigeria is 40,960 2025, Nigeria's population will soar to over 200 million people thereby
tons per day or the equivalent of 0.56 kg per capita per day, which is increasing the MSW generation per capita to 0.8 kg per day or a total
higher than the average waste generation per capita per data (0.22 tons) generation capacity of 101,307 tons per day.1 Based on this assessment,
for low-income countries (LIC). Based on a collection efficiency of 43%, it Nigeria will have one of the highest rates of MSW generation in Africa

Environ Prog Sustainable Energy. 2021;e13660. © 2021 American Institute of Chemical Engineers. 1 of 18

potentially exacerbating the nation's socio-economic and environmental TABLE 1 Various sources of plastics in Nigeria from 1996 to
challenges. Furthermore, the collection efficiency of MSW in Nigeria is 20147

very low, which has resulted in the large heaps of scattered solid wastes Amount
sighted around many cities and towns.2,3 This alarming increase in MSW Plastic source (tons)
dumpsites is ascribed to numerous socio-economic, environmental, policy Imported plastic (in primary form and as products) 17,620,000
and technological factors such as the unexpected and rapid population Plastic components of refrigerators 145,920
growth in towns and cities.4 Other factors include; poor metropolis plan- Plastic components of air conditioning equipment 40,350
ning, reckless disposal of wastes, income growth, and the changing life- Plastic components of laundry washing machines 27,301
styles of citizens.3 The poor handling, disposal, and management of solid
Plastic components of motor vehicles 2,932,128
wastes could result in significant social, economic, and environmental
Categories 3 & 4 of the European Union EEE/WEEE 2,400,000
challenges for current and future generations.5 classification
The MSW generated in Nigeria consists of 57% organic materials,
Toys 193,993
18% plastics, 11% paper, 5% glass, 5% metals, and 4% other mate-
TOTAL 23,359,692
rials.1 The findings reveal that plastics account for the highest share
of non-biodegradable wastes generated in the country. This revelation Abbreviation: WEEE, waste electrical and electronic equipment.

heightens the concerns about the wanton disposal and management

of solid wastes such as plastics, which have become a growing prob-
lem in Nigeria. According to Adekomaya and Ojo,6 plastics account for wastes are subjected to open burning in towns and cities, thereby
a large proportion of all the toxic solid wastes generated in Nigeria. emitting significant quantities of toxic fumes along with greenhouse
The utilization of plastics has steadily risen over the years due to soar- gases (GHG) and particulate matter (PM) into the atmosphere. The
ing demand and production. Furthermore, the extensive use, long life inefficiency of such measures poses grave risks to human health,
cycle, poor biodegradability, disposal and management of plastics safety, and the environment. More so, these approaches highlight the
pose major socio-economic, environmental, and health challenges for inefficiency of current disposal, management methods and lack of reli-
the nation. able data on the quantity of MSW generated in the country.
Therefore, there is an urgent need to examine the status and chal- Since plastic waste is an integral part of MSW, it is expedient to
lenges of current plastic wastes disposal and management strategies quantify and qualify the wastes to enhance the design, development,
in the country. The study will also present an overview of the novel, and implementation of sustainable disposal and management strate-
innovative and emerging trends for the sustainable treatment, gies. For example, the European Union-Packaging Directive (EU-PD)
valorisation, and upcycling of plastic wastes. It is envisaged that the stipulates signatory nations to deposit data on plastic waste genera-
findings will assist policymakers and the citizen in the quest to effec- tion and treatment in their regions.8 Besides, the directive seeks to
tively dispose and manage future solid wastes such as plastics. enhance the environmental performance of packaging by setting
recovery, recycling targets and reuse deadlines in the region. After the
EU-PD, the European Commission established the European Strategy
2 | C U R RE N T S TA T U S OF P L A S T I C for Plastics in a Circular Economy and the Single-Use Plastics Direc-
WASTES IN NIGERIA tive in the year 2018.9,10 Hence, it is crucial for developing countries
such as Nigeria to establish robust policies and strategies to address
The global production of plastics has increased significantly from 1.5 the scourge of plastic wastes. According to Duru et al.,5 there is a lack
million tons (Mt) in 1950 to roughly 245 Mt in 2008,7 indicating that of numerical data on the manufacture and import of plastic wastes in
global production could triple by 2050. As expected, the utilization of Nigeria. Furthermore, the efficient acquisition of data and proper doc-
plastics in Nigeria is also expected to drastically increase due to the umentation of the total quantity and types of solid wastes or toxic
nation's rising population and increased demand. Table 1 presents effluents generated will help to address the current problems associ-
the various sources of plastics in Nigeria from the year 1996 to 2014. ated with plastic wastes in Nigeria.
Over the last few years, Nigeria has witnessed an enormous
increase in the use of plastic products. Typically, the plastic products
used in Nigeria are mainly manufactured from imported raw materials 3 | P L A S T I C WA S T E A N D M A N A G E M E N T
or recycled waste. The importation of plastics (products or primary STRATEGIES IN NIGERIA
forms) accounts for a large share of the overall plastics used in Nige-
ria. According to the study, a total of 23.4 Mt of plastic was imported Over the years, plastics have become a common characteristic of solid
into the market in Nigeria. However, only about 10%–12% is typically wastes in Nigerian settlements due to numerous socio-economic,
recycled after usage, indicating that 88%–90% is either disposed of environmental, policy and technical reasons. The sight of piles of solid
into landfills or subjected to other treatment techniques such as wastes on major streets, roads, waterways, and drainages is a com-
open-air burning at dumpsites.7 Hence, plastics represent a large pro- mon feature of many urban settlements in Nigeria.11,12 Among other
portion of the solid wastes generated in the country. Typically, plastic factors, the low cost, lightweight and chemical resistance of plastics

has promoted extensive use for packaging and storage in Nigeria.5

According to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Valuing Plastics report of the year 2014, only about 8% of plastics
materials are currently recovered through recycling.13 Consequently,
the remainder is typically landfilled, whereas a small fraction ends up
in oceans, streams, and rivers. These strategies, along with the
increasing consumption of plastics, have prompted uncertainties
about the future of plastics. Therefore, there is an urgent need for the
sustainable management of plastic wastes. However, there are feasi-
ble alternatives to the current strategies for plastic wastes disposal.
One potential approach for the sustainable management of plastic
wastes is through the reduce, reuse and recycling (3Rs) concepts of F I G U R E 1 3Rs of the waste management hierarchy18 [Color
figure can be viewed at]
waste management hierarchy, as depicted in Figure 1. This approach
to sustainable waste management involves various techniques for the
storage, collection, processing, transportation, segregation, and treat-
ment or disposal of plastic wastes in a socially acceptable, cost-effec- waste management in Nigeria is greatly lacking and thus requires
tive, and environmentally friendly manner.11,14 It also involves the significant efforts to elevate its existing status. Currently, Nigeria
volume reduction and recurrent reuse of wastes, which aim to mini- depends on haphazard open waste dump sites and landfills, which
mize waste creation. According to Rukina and Filatov, the proper presents public health, safety and environmental hazards. The poor
disposal, recycling and reuse of plastics is a reflection of the waste management of plastics and other solid MSW wastes through open
management culture and social development status of any nation. dumping pollutes air, land, soil, and groundwater along with distor-
Pankaj16 stated that the quantity or quality of waste depends on the tion of landscape aesthetics and quality of human life.11 Hence,
technological preference for recycling or reuse. Other essential fac- future strategies for plastic waste management need to emphasize
tors, such as the class and characteristics of wastes, economies of recovery, reuse, and recycling to reduce generation through the use
scale, and availability of technology also affect solid waste manage- of innovative, cost-effective, socially acceptable, and environmen-
ment practices.11 tally friendly systems.
The sustainable management of wastes in the developed world First and foremost, plastic waste management involves planning,
typically involves efficiently managing the flow and handling of waste design, and implementation of strategies for the holistic storage, col-
materials, greenhouse gas mitigation, and curbing pollutant emissions lection, processing, transportation, segregation, treatment and dis-
to protect humans and the environment.11 This holistic process also posal, as depicted in Figure 2.11,14,16 The proposed strategy must
incorporates the creation of long-term jobs, resources, and revenue account for essential dynamics, such as economic value, energy pres-
generation into solid wastes management. However, the efficient ervation, aesthetic problems, and toxicity of the wastes. To achieve
management of solid wastes typically requires effective planning, these objectives, the wastes require effective categorization, separa-
design, and implementation.11,17 This approach requires the creation tion or segregation. Hence, one of the most critical steps in the man-
of long-term, self-proficient and resource-efficient systems that agement of solid wastes such as plastics is the separation, processing
encompass the socio-economic, environmental, technical, and geopo- or categorization of plastic waste otherwise broadly termed segrega-
litical dynamics of waste management. tion.21 Segregation is defined as the separation of various compo-
Despite the growing concerns about plastic wastes, developing nents of solid wastes typically based on their origin. It is considered
countries still lack robust systems for the efficient and effective the first step toward the reduction, reuse, and recycling of wastes, as
management of solid wastes. Ezechi et al.11 proposed a systematic the process aids in the cost-effective and environmentally friendly
approach for waste management in Nigeria. The study revealed that separation of biodegradable and nonbiodegradable components of
solid waste management involves the collection, transportation, waste streams.22 Besides, the process of segregation encompasses
disposal and storage at dumpsites located in the nation's cities and the collection, washing, screening or sorting, extrusion, size reduction,
towns. In some cases, large proportions of the plastic wastes are and granulation of plastic wastes.21 The most common methods for
simply landfilled without proper strategies or policies for reduction, segregation are through manual (hand pickers), physical or mechanical
recycling, reuse or valorisation (resource recovery) into value-added techniques, which comprises micro sorting and micro sorting. How-
products. Accordingly to Ayotamuno and Gobo, this scenario is ever, human health and safety hazards, such as contagious diseases,
ascribed to the lack of a comprehensive national policy or blueprint physical injury, and exposure to contaminants or chemicals associated
for plastic waste management in Nigeria. This unsustainable sce- with manual or hand-picker segregation, have prompted the need for
nario has created numerous challenges for plastic waste manage- innovative methods. Examples of the novel approaches currently
ment in Nigeria, particularly due to its long-term effects on employed include the use of image processing, machine learning, neu-
terrestrial and marine organisms and ecosystems.5,7,19,20 Based on ral networks, and deep learning smart or computer programs have also
the outlined submissions, it can be reasonably inferred that plastic been proposed in the literature.22-25

chloride (PVC); SPI Code 4–Low-density polyethylene (LDPE); SPI

Solid Waste
Generation Code 5–Polypropylene (PP); SPI Code 6–Polystyrene (Styrofoam); and
lastly SPI Code 7–Other plastics such as polycarbonates and poly-
lactides, which cannot be grouped into the other six classes and hence
Waste Handling, problematic to recycle.26,27 Typically, plastic waste recycling is also
Separation, & Storage
known as the waste recovery process. Therefore, the recovery pro-
cesses can be classified into energy recovery (i.e., mechanical and
feedstock recycling) and material recovery (i.e., gasification, pyrolysis).
Figure 3 presents an overview of the various paths of the waste
recovery process.16 Lastly, the plastic waste is subjected to various
treatment techniques after sorting and segregation. The standard
Transfer & Transport Separation & Processing treatment processes typically aim for volume reduction and toxicity
remediation of solid wastes before transport, valorisation or dis-
posal.28 Consequently, the conventional and novel techniques for the
Treatment (Recycling,
valorisation of plastic wastes are presented in the following sections
Reuse) OR
Final Disposal of the article.

F I G U R E 2 Schematic for solid waste management, modified from

Saleh and Koller14 [Color figure can be viewed at]
4 | C U R R E N T T E C H NO LO G I E S F O R

The process of segregation of plastic wastes through smart tech- Developing countries require low-cost, socially acceptable and envi-
nologies is considered an effective approach that employs the use of ronmentally friendly technologies and strategic systems for the man-
color, shape, origin, texture, particle size, density, class distribution, agement of plastic wastes. The selected technologies or systems
magnetic and electrical properties to enhance waste separation effi- synergize with the pillars of sustainability (i.e., social, environmental,
ciency, and recycling rates.21,22 However, the high costs of implemen- and economics). Other essential factors required to select an effective
tation and ancillary parts (microcontrollers, sensors, inductive technology or system for waste treatment systems include; character-
proximity detectors and Radio-frequency identification, RFID), highly istics of the waste, moisture, and organic content. Besides, the prox-
skilled or trained personnel and critical infrastructure such as constant imity to transportation, energy or calorific value, investment, scenery,
power requirements are drawbacks for implementing such applica- and cost of operations are important considerations.28 Broadly, the
tions unlike the conventional physical or mechanical segregation. technologies for the treatment and valorisation of plastic wastes are
Broadly, the selection of segregation methods for energy, materials or varied but can be broadly classified into three (3) groups based on the
resource recovery during solid waste management is reliant on the SPI/RIS code systems of the SPI or RIC proposed by the PIA. These
following criteria16: include;

• Primary recycling: Involves converting plastic wastes into products • Thermal treatment,
with almost similar comparability levels to the original plastics • Chemical treatment,
made from natural sources. • Biological treatment.
• Secondary recycling: Involves converting plastic waste into prod-
ucts with less stringent performance requirements than the original
material. 4.1 | Thermal treatment methods
• Tertiary recycling: Involves converting plastic waste into other
products, such as fuels, chemicals, or value-added products. The thermal treatment of plastic wastes is currently accomplished by
• Quaternary recycling: Involves the recovery of energy from plastic gasification, pyrolysis, and incineration (or combustion). Typically,
waste through incineration. these technologies are utilized for either the volume reduction or the
conversion of wastes into various forms of fuels, chemicals, and other
Another major consideration for the segregation of plastics during value-added products.
recycling is the use of the Society of the Plastics Industry (SPI) or
Resin Identification Codes (RIC) proposed by the Plastics Industry
Association (PIA). The system or codes classify plastics for recycling 4.1.1 | Gasification
based on the resin used to produce the material. The classification is
as follows; SPI code 1–Polyethylene terephthalate (PETE or PET); SPI The process involves the thermal conversion of carbonaceous mate-
code 2–High-density polyethylene (HDPE); SPI Code 3–Polyvinyl rials into synthesis gas (syngas) at high temperatures (600–1000 C) in

F I G U R E 3 Representation of plastic
recovery alternatives16 [Color figure can be
viewed at] Plastic Waste

Energy Recovery Material Recovery

Other Options such as Feedstock Mechanical

Gasification, Pyrolysis... Recycling Recycling

Semi-finished or
Blast Furnace (Steel Plant), Chemical raw
cement kiln, coke oven, materials (Gas,
products for
gasification, liquefaction and Liquid, Solid)
Plasma pyrolysis monomerization

the partial presence of an oxidant (e.g., air, oxygen, steam) using spe- gasification of plastics produced a rich distribution of product gases
cially designed equipment called gasifiers. Typically, the different with a syngas calorific value of 5 MJ/m3, along with carbon conver-
techniques for waste gasification are characterized based on an oxi- sion and cold gas efficiencies of 66% and 61%, respectively, without
dizing medium. Examples include steam gasification and plasma melt- the typically problematic products such as tar, ashes, and char. Erkiaga
ing gasification, which is a novel waste gasification technology.29 et al.39 examined the parametric catalytic gasification of polyethylene
Therefore, the gasification of plastic wastes is a thermal recycling pro- (PE) in a conical shaped spouted bed reactor using steam as the gasifi-
cess whereby the materials are thermally degraded primarily into cation agent for syngas production. The catalyst bed materials (olivine
gases depending on the selected operational conditions for effective and gamma-alumina, γ-Al2O3) used in the study were aimed at miti-
utilization in power generation, heating, and lighting.30 Hence, the gating the formation of tar, which hampers gasification efficiency
process is suitable for various plastics particularly SPI codes 1, 3, and resulting in poor gas yields and distribution. The findings demon-
7, such as PET, PVC, and non-virgin plastics that, are difficult to recy- strated that catalytic gasification of the plastic wastes enhanced car-
cle due to the poor mechanical properties that result from repeated bon conversion efficiency ( 94%), syngas yield (H2/CO ratio = 2.2),
recycling and reuse.27 Consequently, the process is considered a sim- tar reduction (4.8%), and downstream application of the syngas prod-
ple yet efficient and cost-efficient technique for the valorisation of ucts. Other studies have examined the co-conversion of plastics and
wastes such as plastics.30 The drawback is the presence of nitrogen in other fuel feedstocks such as biomass using various reactors.
the air, which reduces the high energy value of the fuel owing to the Ruoppolo et al.37 investigated the H2-rich syngas production from the
mixture of fuel gases. Various authors have examined the gasification co-gasification of plastics and biomass through a fluidized bed gasifier.
of plastics along with biomass, coal and other feedstocks for syngas Likewise, the study by Wilk and Hofbauer36 employed a fluidized bed
and hydrogen production with varying degrees of success. Xiao steam dual gasifier to examine the co-gasification of mixed plastic
et al.31 examined the fluidized bed gasification of PP-based plastic wastes. In another study, Wu et al.35 investigated catalytic gasification
wastes using air as the gasification medium. The study examined the of plastic wastes using Co/SiO2 fused H-ZSM-5 core-shell catalyst for
parametric effects of the gasification parameters namely; equivalence promoting hydrogen production from syngas. The findings showed
ratio (ER), bed height (H) and fluidization velocity (μf) on the product that the catalyst enhanced syngas reforming from plastic gasification
distribution, gas yield, gas composition, and syngas heating value. The resulting in  90% hydrogen production, while maintaining catalytic
findings demonstrated that gasification of PP generates a rich, low tar, stability over the 15 h under examination. Likewise, Chai et al.,40
syngas with a heating value ranging from 5.2 to 11.4 MJ/m . Likewise, investigated the combined pyrolysis and gasification of plastic wastes
Martínez-Lera et al.38 investigated the gasification of plastic wastes in plastics and biomass using Ni CaO C as a novel catalyst for the pro-
a bubbling fluidized bed using air. The authors observed that the cess. The findings revealed enhanced hydrogen (H2  87 mol% and

115 mmol 1
g 1
) production and carbon dioxide (CO2  7 mol%)
yields, which indicates the feasibility of the proposed catalytic com-
Plastic Wastes
bined pyrolysis and gasification of waste plastics with biomass feed-
stocks. Based on the findings of these studies, the gasification of
plastic wastes using various reactor technologies, catalysts, bed mate-
rials and feedstocks is a feasible thermal process that could be
adopted in Nigeria. Pyrolysis
Temp (350-700 °C)
With/without catalysts

4.1.2 | Pyrolysis

Pyrolysis is a thermal technique whereby solid materials such as plas-

tic wastes are heated at mid to high temperatures (350–700 C) in the Condensation of vapours

absence of an oxidant (air or oxygen) to generate fuel gas mixtures

(H2, CO, CO2, CH4), solid (char, coke) and liquid (pyrolysis oils,
chemicals, water) products.30 Therefore, it is an important recycling or
volume reduction technology currently employed to treat or valorize
plastic wastes.41-43 In principle, various researchers have examined Char Fuel gases Pyrolysis Oil
the pyrolysis of plastics through catalytic, optimization and co-firing
routes in the literature. The findings have shown that the pyrolysis of
plastic yields various high calorific values products such as gaseous
and liquid-based fuels with socio-economic and environmental bene-
Solid Fuel for Power generation/ Transportation
fits. The process also protects the environment from poisonous halo- Electricity
Combustion Fuel after Cracking
genated flame retardants from the conversion of plastics through after Scrubbing
open-air burning or combustion. Figure 4 presents a simplified illustra-
tion of the pyrolysis of plastics in the literature. Numerous researchers F I G U R E 4 Schematic for pyrolysis of plastics modified from
have also sought to demonstrate the feasibility of pyrolysing plastic Campos et al.46 and Gore pyrolysis47 [Color figure can be viewed at
wastes in the literature. Demirbas44 investigated the pyrolytic conver-]
sion of MSW into hydrocarbon fuels in the gasoline range. According
to the findings, the pyrolysis of MSW streams consisting of polysty-
rene (PS), PE, and PP produced high yields of gas, liquid, and solid comparative studies on the pyrolysis of plastic packaging waste acquired
products. A high yield of liquid (bio-oil such as styrene) products was from material recovery facilities. Miandad et al.50 investigated the influ-
observed for PS pyrolysis, whereas the PE and PP feedstock produced ence of various types of plastic wastes on liquid oil during pyrolysis. The
higher yields of pyrolysis gas products. Paradela et al.45 examined the study adopted PE, PP, PS, and PET as feedstock for pyrolysis at 450 C
combined energy recovery from plastic wastes and pine biomass feed- and 75 min using a mini pilot-scale pyrolysis reactor. The pyrolysis oil
stock through slow pyrolytic decomposition. The process was carried produced from the feedstocks were found to exhibit comparable proper-
out using an autoclave reactor based on the pyrolysis conditions from ties (dynamic viscosity, kinematic viscosity, density, pour point, freezing
350 - 450 C for 5–30 min and pressures of 0.2–1.0 MPa. The authors point, flash point, and high heating value) to convention diesel. Other
demonstrated the feasibility of optimizing liquid products researchers have also examined pyrolytic energy recovery from non-
(HHV = 44.7 MJ/kg, which was comparable to boiler fuel oil) over recycled plastics,51 slow pyrolysis of packaging plastic,52 catalytic pyroly-
solid char (HHV = 33.6 MJ/kg). The gas products of the process also sis and steam reforming of waste plastics,53 catalytic pyrolysis and
exhibited a high calorific value. In conclusion, the authors showed that multiphase aromatization54 as well as plastic pyrolysis for diesel produc-
although the temperature, pressure and time affected the yield and tion.55 The findings highlight the existence of synergistic interaction
distribution of products, the most crucial reaction parameter was the between plastic wastes and various feedstocks, as also reported in the
content of pine biomass in the feedstock mixture. The addition of pine recent study by Jin et al.56 Based on these submissions, these processes
enhanced gas and solid products. can be considered tertiary recycling processes57 with significant benefits
pez et al.
In another study, Lo 48
investigated the effects of Red for developing countries.
Mud and the zeolite ZSM-5 catalysts on the pyrolysis of plastic
wastes using a semi-batch reactor. The pyrolysis reactions were per-
formed from 440 to 500 C. The findings showed that zeolite had a 4.1.3 | Combustion
more significant influence on the properties, yield and distribution of
the gas and liquid products. This finding was attributed to its higher This is the most common thermal technique employed for the treat-
surface area (BET SA = 412 m2/g). Adrados et al.49 performed ment or management of wastes worldwide. The process, also known

F I G U R E 5 Combustion of plastics,
products and secondary wastes, modified
from Song and Hall58 [Color figure can be Energy
viewed at]


Plastic Wastes Combustion



as incineration, involves the high-temperature conversion of the volatile of the dioxins generated from the combustion of plastic wastes. The
organic and inorganic matter present in the carbonaceous materials study examined the chemical looping combustion, which ensures
under oxidative or combustion conditions. Typically, the process con- the complete absence of oxygen (O2) in the reactor for potential dis-
verts the feedstock materials, such as plastic wastes into heat energy, posal of plastic wastes, characterization of 17 toxic PCDD/Fs conge-
flue gases, toxins, and particulates as illustrated in Figure 5. Typically, the ners and their distribution. The results showed that the toxicity
process generates flue gases comprising nitrogen (N2), carbon dioxide equivalence and distribution of PCDD/Fs were lowered by 89% and
(CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), water vapor (H2O) and oxides of nitrogen 94%, respectively. Furthermore, the anoxic reaction settings also
(NOx) and Sulfur (SOx). On the other hand, the toxins typically consist of lowered the chlorine yield along with substantial inhibition of CaO
dibenzofurans, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, pentachlorophenols, enhanced dechlorination and Deacon reactions, which impacted the
hexabromocyclodedecanes, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, formation of PCDD/Fs. Likewise, Ma et al.64 investigated the combus-
polychlorobenzenes, and polybrominated diphenyl ethers. Lastly, the tion of plastic wastes through a chemical looping approach in an inter-
particulates consist of PMs, heavy metals, ash and mineral matter. connected fluidized bed reactor operating in semi-continuously mode.
The advantages of incineration include its capacity to significantly reduce The selected oxygen carrier (OC) was natural Fe2O3 (81.89 wt %)
the volume, organic matter, and microbial load of waste streams for with/without CaO (5 wt %) as an adsorbent. The results showed that
energy and resource recovery.11 However, the process is expensive, the chemical looping process is suitable for the valorisation of plastic
energy-intensive, and prone to greenhouse gas emissions, which could wastes and fluidized bed reactor technology can effectively mitigate
exacerbate global warming and climate change. Furthermore, the process PCDD/Fs through CaO decoration to Fe2O3. More recently, Yaqub
generates secondary wastes, including slag, clinker and ashes that con- and Oboirien65 investigated the co-combustion of plastics, paper and
tain potentially hazardous elements (PHEs), persistent organic pollutants blends of plastic/paper. The study demonstrated the potential for the
(POPs), poly-aromatic hydrocarbons, ultrafine particulates, and combustion of plastic wastes particularly PET, HDPE, PVC, LDPE, PP,
nanoparticles.60,61 In summary, incineration is prone to numerous chal- and PS, which correspond to the SPI codes 1–6. Overall, the studies
lenges, and if not properly managed could pose severe risks to human demonstrate that chemical looping combustion is an effective tech-
health, safety, and the environment. Numerous studies have examined nique for the valorisation of plastic wastes via catalytic oxygen car-
the combustion of plastic wastes in the literature. riers. The process also serves as an emissions mitigation process,
Wang and Zhao62 examined the chemical looping combustion of which ensures the removal of PCDD/Fs arising from high chlorine
plastic wastes using CaO-decorated Fe2O3/Al2O3 as the oxygen car- content in plastic wastes. Another important combustion or incinera-
rier for the process. The findings showed that the process presents tion process is co-incineration (co-processing). Typically, the process
opportunities for the valorisation of plastic wastes as new feedstock ensures that feedstock materials such as plastic waste are used as a
and the mitigation of carbon dioxide emissions and other pollutant surrogate for primary fuel and raw material (AFR) in the industrial pro-
gases such as polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans cesses. For example, plastics and other feedstock materials could be
(PCDD/Fs) typically ascribed to the chlorine content in plastics. The utilized in cement kiln, power stations, or combustion plants. Essen-
use of the decorated catalysts also minimized ash formation, oxygen tially, the process can conserve fossil fuel or raw materials used in var-
carrier (OC) reactivity, and chlorine content during the process. In a ious processes. Likewise, the process eliminates the need to explore
separate study, Zhao and Wang63 investigated the in situ suppression other plastic waste practices.

4.2 | Chemical treatment methods discoveries on isolation techniques, degradation enzymes, and gene clon-
ing for biodegradation. Likewise, Ghosh et al.76 examined the potential
This approach involves the treatment of solid wastes using various for plastics biodegradation through the use of microbes. The authors
types of chemicals. In principle, the process involves the breakdown noted that the growing prevalence of plastics wastes could cause numer-
or cracking of the macromolecules of feedstock such as plastic or ous environmental hazards. Hence, innovative approaches such as the
polymers into micro molecules using chemicals. The most common microbial degradation of synthetic polymers and plastics are required to
chemicals used for plastics pyrolysis include; acids, bases, ionic liquids, efficiently degrade plastics. The study also noted that there is an urgent
and aromatic compounds such as benzene, phenol, and toluene, need to critically examine the capacities of microbes and comprehensively
among others.66,67 Numerous authors have examined the use of understand the nature, enzymes and mechanism of microbial biodegrada-
chemicals for the treatment of plastics. Others have examined the cat- tion of plastics. Yang et al.77 demonstrated the potential of bacterial bio-
alytic cracking and selective dissolution (re-precipitation) for the cata- degrading PE by the caterpillar or larvae (Wax worms or Indian meal
lytic cracking of solvent dissolved plastics. Other techniques include moths) of Plodia interpunctella. The study showed that the isolation of
monomerization, which is a conceptualized process for the chemical bacterial strains (Enterobacter asburiae YT1 and Bacillus sp. YP1) from the
recycling of plastic wastes. During the process, plastic wastes are guts of the larvae of P. interpunctella could effectively eat or degrade
degraded into monomer units through depolymerization. The prod-  6.1% ± 0.3% and 10.7% ± 0.2% or 100 mg of the PE films over an
ucts are plastic raw materials of higher quality than the original mate- incubation period of 28–60 days. Besides, the morphological and micro-
rial. In general, the process produces high-quality plastic or recycled structural characterization of the biofilms formed during biodegradation
products for various potential applications. More recently, the use of showed pits or cavities on the surface of PE and carbonyl groups. Overall,
plastic wastes as raw materials for road construction has been the authors demonstrated the potential of microbial degradation of plas-
reported in the literature.68-70 The use of recycled polymer blended tics. In a separate study by Yang et al.,73 the biodegradation and minerali-
bitumen for road construction was first documented in the early zation of poly-styrofoam were carried out using mealworms (Tenebrio
2000s. The entire process begins with the mechanical fractionation of molitor L. larvae). The study which examined the physicochemical and iso-
the plastic wastes through the use of a shredding machine. Next, the topic characterization of the plastic-eating organisms revealed that meal-
conglomeration mix is heated to 165 C and transferred to the integra- worms rapidly and effectively biodegraded the Styrofoam under 24 h and
tion compartment containing the bitumen, which is also pre-heated at exhibited long-term biodegradation potential after 1 month of sole diet
165 C resulting in excellent binding. Subsequently, the torn plastic on the feedstock. Furthermore, the post characterization of the starchy
waste is added to the aggregate, which aligns with the aggregate sediment (fecula) excreted by the organisms revealed the mechanism of
within 30–60 s. The resulting mixture of plastic waste coated aggre- biodegradation. The fecula confirmed the cleavage or depolymerisation of
gates combined with the hot bitumen is then used for road construc- long-chain PS molecules into carbon dioxide (CO2) and other residual
tion. Numerous advantages can be derived from combining plastic metabolites located in the gut of the microbes. In another separate but
waste with bitumen in road construction. For example, potholes that related study, Brandon et al.78 investigated the biodegradation of mix-
hitherto are not easily formatted due to the inability of the bitumen to tures of PE and PS using the larvae of mealworms and highlighted the
be stripped off the aggregate or distorting water access can be effects of the process on the gut microbiome. The study also examined
resolved. Besides, bitumen plastic blends can prevent the leaching of the potential of T. molitor mealworms to biodegrade mixtures of PE and
poisonous compounds into the soil. The adoption of such tech- PS. The findings indicated that 49.0% ± 1.4% of PE was converted into
nologies could help to significantly reduce the scourge of plastics in carbon dioxide (CO2) at comparable rates to PS. The post characterization
dumpsites and landfills in Nigeria. tests through NMR and FTIR analyses showed the patterns consistent
with the chemical transformations of polymers. Furthermore, an investi-
gation of the mealworm gut revealed two operational taxonomic
4.3 | Biological treatments methods 168 units (OTUs) Citrobacter sp. and Kosakonia sp. associated with the
biodegradation of PE and PS. Overall, the study showed that mealworms
The treatment of plastic wastes can also be accomplished through biologi- can adapt and biodegrade diverse plastic-based feedstock. In the recent
cal treatment methods. Numerous bio-based innovations have been pro- study by Yang et al.,79 the PS was subjected to biodegradation and miner-
posed to address the problems associated with the thermal and chemical alization using the Zophobas atratus. The plastic-eating superworms were
methods of treating or recycling plastic wastes. For example, various found to degrade and mineralize PS over the study period. The results
researchers have proposed the use of microorganisms such as bacteria showed that Z. atratus can consume PS at an average rate of 0.58 mg/d,
and fungi to decompose plastics into useful products through a process which is higher than reported for mealworm in previous studies. The
termed biodegradation. The biodegradation of various plastics using dif- empirical evidence also showed  37% of carbon in the ingested Styro-
ferent types of microorganisms, processes and techniques are described foam was converted into carbon dioxide (CO2) during the 16 days of the
in the literature.73-76 Shimao75 reviewed the prospects of plastics biodeg- study. The mechanism of the process was ascribed to the depolymeriza-
radation as an approach to address the associated problems posed by tion of the macromolecular chains of PS into lower molecular-weight
synthetic plastic wastes in the environment. The study highlighted the products, which occur in the gut of the Z. atratus larve as deduced from
prospects of polymer-degrading microorganisms, along with recent spectroscopic characterization. The authors demonstrated various insects

and microorganisms can be employed to biodegrade and bio-mineralize Hence, the high carbon content of plastics (>90 wt %) provides oppor-
plastics in the environment. Hence, the use of various fungi has been tunities for their utilization as cheap feedstock for the production of
examined by numerous researchers in the literature. Jeyakumar value-added products such as CNMs through upcycling.84 Examples
et al. examined the biodegradation of untreated, pre-treated, pro- of CNMs produced by upcycling include; fullerenes, carbon fibers, car-
oxidant blended (MI-PP) and starch blended polypropylenes (ST-PP) facili- bon nanotubes (CNTs), and graphene.85,86 Other notable carbon-
tated by two strains of fungi, namely; Phanerochaete chrysosporium NCIM based products include; light hydrocarbons, activated carbons, and
1170 (F1) and Engyodontium album MTP091 (F2). The synergic influence carbon dots. Typically, CNMs are synthesized through various tech-
of pre-treatment (100 C or UV) and blending on the process for the niques such as flame (combustion) synthesis,84 arc discharge,87 chemi-
10 days was also highlighted in the study. The biodegradation of the pre- cal vapor deposition,88 and laser ablation,89 for applications in a wide
treated and blended samples produced high yields of oxygenated com- variety of products and processes. Furthermore, the combustion,
pounds and un-oxidized hydrocarbons with low-molecular-weight. The pyrolysis and hydrothermal conversion of plastic wastes into CNMs
authors demonstrated that blending and pre-treatment could be with/without catalysts and promoters have been reported in the liter-
employed as an efficient approach for optimum waste disposal and ature.90-92 Over the years, numerous research groups have examined
valorisation. Sheik et al.80 examined the potential of an endophytic fungus the upcycling of plastics wastes into CNMs in the literature. The broad
to biodegrade γ-irradiated low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and PP using discussion will focus on developments in CNMs ranging from carbon
plastic degrading enzymes over 90 days. The findings indicated that the microspheres (CMSs) to CNTs among others. The conversion of plas-
isolated endophytic fungi from two widespread plants Psychotria flavida tic wastes into CMSs is considered an alternative approach for
and Humboldtia brunonis can efficiently degrade plastics. Likewise the upcycling plastic wastes using environmentally friendly processes.
group of Barton-Pudlik et al. investigated the prospects of biodegrading CMS is a black, solid-state, and spherical shaped carbon-based mate-
wood-polyethylene composites (WPCs) through filamentous fungi. The rial with diameters ranging from 1–20 μm along with high purity, para-
growth of filamentous fungi was found to influence the rate of WPC bio- magnetic, and conducting properties. Due to their unique properties,
degradation. The use of biological treatment methods can be applied to CMSs are extensively utilized for batteries,93,94 supercapacitors,95
treat and valorize various plastic wastes comprising PE, PS (Styrofoam), paints,96 printer toners,97 lubricants among others applications.96,98
and other forms of plastics in Nigeria. Currently, there are no known pro- Pol97 synthesized CMSs from various grades of plastics (SPI Codes 1–
jects either at laboratory, pilot or demonstration stage for the biodegrada- 6) through an environmentally friendly autogenic process at 700–
tion of plastics in Nigeria, which could be ascribed to numerous 800 C, 50–1000 psi, and 1–3 h in a 5 cc reactor without the solvent
challenges as highlighted in section 6. requirements or the high energy, costly and emissions observed dur-
ing incineration or multistep recycling. The findings revealed that the
autogenic process of plastic waste upcycling yielded CMSs (diameter
5 | N O V E L A ND E M E R G I N G from 1–10 μm; yields 30%–55% or  40% on average) along with
TECHNOLOGIES FOR PLASTIC WASTE water and hydrogen gas. However, the distribution of CMSs and their
MANAGEMENT by-products (including CO2 and hydrocarbon gases) was found to be
dependent on the operational settings, selected substrate, and oxidiz-
The recent technologies for sustainable management of plastic wastes ing/non-oxidizing environment. Likewise, Wei et al.94 examined the
primarily seek to ensure more efficient reduction, recycling and reuse use of discarded PET (SPI Code No 1) based soft drink bottle for CMS
of wastes. Hence, numerous novel approaches have been proposed production. However, the authors investigated the upcycling of the
over the years to ensure energy, materials, and resource recovery selected plastic waste from 500–650 C and 10 C/min heating rate
from the valorisation of plastic wastes. Examples of novel plastic for 3 h under supercritical CO2 pyrolysis conditions in an autoclave
waste conversion and valorisation technologies include their conver- reactor. The findings revealed that reaction time and pressure are crit-
sions into; ical factors for CMS yields. The CMS yield ranged from 13% to 45.4%
with diameters ranging from 2 to 10 μm, although the maximum yield
• Carbon nanomaterials (CNMs), of 47.5% was observed at 650 C after the reaction time of 9 h. The
• Polymers and composite materials, carbon content of the CMS was 93.15 wt % compared to 61.73 wt %
• Solvent/solvothermal treatment, in the raw material PET, which indicates high degree of carbonization
• Plasma conversion. but low graphitization and amorphous carbon, as shown during XRD
analysis. Lastly, the authors proposed a detailed mechanism for the
upcycling process, which is illustrated in Figure 6.
5.1 | Carbon nanomaterials As observed, the PET feedstock is first deformed, typically at
300–350 C, before undergoing thermal degradation into aromatic
One of the most notable processes has been the upcycling of plastic hydrocarbons such as biphenyl. Consequently, the aromatic HCs fur-
wastes in CNMs through various thermal, chemical and biological ther degrade at 500–650 C and longer reaction times before
routes. In principle, upcycling is the process of upgrading or enhancing decomposing or condensing to yield the CMS under Sc-CO2 condi-
the quality or value of products using cheap carbon-based feedstocks. tions. Similarly, Mirjalili et al.99 investigated the upcycling of PET

thus demonstrated the potential of upcycling PP, PE and PET plastic

PET wastes into value-added product materials with the potential for a
350 °C
low carbon economy. Likewise, Kamali et al.104 developed a novel
molten salt technique for the synthesis of high surface area, crystalline
and electrically conductive graphene nanostructures from PET
Hydrocarbons through oxidative pyrolysis. The authors demonstrated that plastic
650 °C, Sc-CO2
wastes can be upcycled into amorphous carbon under oxidative con-
ditions that eliminate the need for protective gases such as nitrogen
and argon gases or complex apparatuses typically employed in con-
Decomposition & ventional pyrolysis processes. Furthermore, the graphene nanosheets
Condensation produced during the process are characterized by low bulk density,
production costs (US$6/kg), nanosize particles along with high electri-
cal conductivity, which could be potentially utilized in conductive or
electric devices in the future.
Carbon Microspheres By-Products The upcycling of plastic wastes for the synthesis of CNTs has also
been widely researched and reported in the literature.85 CNTs are
nanosized, millimeter-length, and cylindrically shaped materials that
F I G U R E 6 Mechanism for carbon microsphere production94 consist of hexagonally arranged and hybridized carbon atoms. Struc-
[Color figure can be viewed at]
turally, CNTs are allotropes of carbon derived from graphite sheets
rolled up to form either single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs),
double-walled carbon nanotubes (DWCNTs), or multiwalled carbon
plastic wastes for the synthesis of micro-porous carbon structure nanotubes (MWCNTs).105,106 Over the years, the scientific interest in
(MCS) with potential applications such as a double-layer super- CNTs has soared due to their unique physical, chemical, mechanical,
capacitor material with self for energy storage. The results showed and electronic properties.107 For example, CNTs are low weight mate-
that the MCS is a high surface area amorphous carbon with strength- rials that possess high surface area, strength, aspect ratio, and elec-
ening characteristics. Other authors have also synthesized porous tron transfer rate, and metallic or semiconductor properties.106-108
forms of carbon such as carbon dots from PET plastics for material Other studies have demonstrated the high chemical resistance, ther-
applications.100,101 mal stability, and porosity along with numerous active sites,
The synthesis of graphene from cheap and widely available π-conjugative structures and sidewall curvature.106 As a result, CNTs
carbon-rich sources such as plastic wastes has also gained interests have extensive applications in nanotechnology, materials such as
over the years. Hence, various researchers have synthesized various adsorbents,106 electrical sensors and resonators,109 energy storage,107
graphene-based materials, such as graphene flakes (GF), graphene high-performance polymer composites,110 and ceramics.111 Hence,
nanosheets, flash graphene, and other graphene-based nanostructures numerous researchers have examined the use of various techniques
from various forms of plastics outlined in the SPI coding system. Gong and precursor materials for the synthesis of CNTs. To address the
et al. examined the upcycling of PP (SPI Code 5) through catalytic growing problems of plastic wastes, research into their use as cheap
carbonization for the high yield production of GF using naturally mod- feedstock for CNT production has also been examined in the litera-
ified montmorillonite. The catalytic carbonization of PP was carried ture. The study by Aboul-Enein et al.112 investigated the catalytic
out at 700 C to examine the yield, morphology, microstructure, sur- pyrolysis of various plastic wastes (PET, PS, PP, LDPE, and HDPE) for
face element composition, phase structure, and thermal stability of the synthesis of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs). The two-
GFs. The findings showed that the catalyst ensured the conversion stage process involved the thermal degradation of the selected plastic
of PP into light hydrocarbons and aromatics as well as the further con- in the first horizontal reactor at temperatures between 650 and
version of the resulting products. Overall, the study demonstrated the 750 C and heating rate 20 C/min. The resulting pyrolysis gases com-
potential of the process as an effective route for the utilization of the prising hydrocarbons were subsequently decomposed in the second
selected plastic waste as carbons sources for upcycling. Pandey reactor containing the Ni-Mo/Al2O3 catalysts to produce the CNTs.
et al.103 synthesized graphene nanosheets (GNs) through the catalytic The findings revealed that the optimum temperature for CNT synthe-
two-step pyrolysis of PP, PE and PET plastic wastes via graphene sis is 750 C. Similarly Borsodi et al.113 synthesized CNTs from the
oxide (GO) for the fabrication of supercapacitors and dye-sensitized resulting gases derived from the pyrolysis of various plastics such as
solar cells (DSSCs). The selected catalyst was nanosized Bentonite PE, PP, PS, PVC, polyamide, and municipal sources. The synthesis was
clay, which also served as a degradation agent during the pyrolytic performed at lower temperatures (560–570 C) with/without catalysts
process at 450 C and 945 C. The electrical characterization of GNs as via chemical vapor deposition using a single horizontal tubular reactor.
an active layer material for supercapacitors revealed high energy den- The synthesized CNTs were subsequently tested as reinforcement in
sity (Ed) and power density (Pd), whereas analysis as photoanode LDPE for application in a polymer matrix. Other research groups have
material in DSSC revealed high fill factor and Voc values. The study also examined the production of CNTs via CVD.114-116 The study by

Tripathi et al.114 synthesized MWCNTs from plastic waste using Fe, poor machinability, and nailability,123 linked to these materials. On the
Ni, and various alloys catalysts in a two-stage stainless steel vessel other hand, the WFRPs are low cost, rigid and lightweight bio-
and catalytic chemical vapor deposition (CVD) furnace reactor. The composites materials comprising wood or cellulosic fibers distributed
optimum yield 42% MWCNTs and Raman ID/IG ratio of 0.48 were as either fillers or reinforcements within the matrix of the selected
observed at 900 C based on the selected reaction conditions. More plastic.128,129
recently Wang et al.,117 examined the influence of reaction pressure In practice, WFRP is produced by melt blending the wood or cel-
and catalysts on the synthesis of CNTs from plastic waste pyrolysis. lulosic fibers and plastics in a thermo-kinetic mixer followed by injec-
The findings showed that pressure had a more significant influence on tion, extrusion, or compression molding.130 The plastic-fiber matrix is
the process and product due to the higher yield of thicker and influenced by radiation-reactive adhesion promoters, additives or
smoother CNTs particularly at 1.0 MPa (198 mg/gPP) compared to chemical coupling agents (e.g., alkoxysilanes and maleic anhydride and
the effect of catalysts. polymethylene polyphenyl isocyanate), whereas the aesthetic appear-
ance is dependent on temperature and residence time of melt blend-
ing.128,131 The economic, structural and mechanical advantages of
5.2 | Polymer composite materials WFRP make these materials suitable for application in the automobile,
building and construction industries.
The production of polymers and composite materials otherwise ter-
med polymer composite materials (PCMs) is another practical
approach for the recycling or reuse of plastic wastes generated world- 5.3 | Solvent/solvothermal treatment
wide. In the past, PCMs were largely produced from petroleum prod-
ucts for military, aerospace, energy materials and other high-end More recently, the recycling and reuse of plastic wastes have been
applications owing to their unique material properties.118,119 The proposed using solvent-based and solvothermal treatment techniques
PCMs utilized for these advanced applications are light weight, corro- in the literature. The use of solvent and solvothermal treatments has
sion resistant and typically characterized by high specific strength, also been employed for material and resource recovery from plastic
thermal and mechanical stability, and fracture toughness.119 Due to wastes in the literature. Solvent extraction is also considered an envi-
the high quality and specialized nature of the PCMs developed for ronmentally benign and potentially profitable technique for the sepa-
high-end applications, their use in the manufacture of common prod- ration, remediation, recycling and recovery of plastics.132,133 The
ucts required for everyday human life, activities and products is process typically involves the four major processes, namely; impurities
expensive. This cost limitation presents opportunities for addressing removal, dissolution, reprecipitation (devolatilization), and polymers
the social and environmental challenges currently experienced with separation recovery.133 The process begins with the segregation and
plastics wastes. However, the low cost, versatility, and abundant sup- mechanical fractionation of the selected plastic wastes to reduce the
ply of various streams of plastic wastes are suitable for reuse or volume and bulky heterogeneous nature of the wastes. Next,
recycling into plastic-based composites. Furthermore, plastics are typi- the homogenous sized particles are subjected to dissolution to dis-
cally light weight, transparent, corrosion-resistant, and readily trans- solve, crystallize, and recover the targeted polymers as well as remove
formed into other forms such as composites.120 The most impurities using highly selective solvents. Typically, the solvents used
commercially manufactured, scientifically researched and material for dissolution include water, methanol, propanol, hexane, dic-
applied plastic-based composites are wood-plastic composites (WPCs) hloromethane, toluene, xylene134,135 among others, which are based
and wood-fiber-reinforced plastics (WFRPs). WPCs have gained sig- on broad classifications such as strong or weak solvents.133 The
nificant interest due to growing calls for the replacement of homogeneous or heterogeneous process of dissolution is also signifi-
petroleum-based materials with sustainable bio-based materials and cantly influenced by the polarity, solubility, and cohesion between the
the need to reduce the landfilling of wastes and other unsustainable solvent and polymer.136 After dissolution, the recovered polymers are
plastics recycling technologies. In practice, the WPCs are hybrid reprecipitated by adding non-solvents or supercritical fluids to per-
biocomposites produced by blending fine wood particles such as saw- form the process of supercritical fluid extraction to obtain the
dust with plastics such as PP, PE and PVC at the ratio of 50:50 within recycled polymers. The last stage is the treatment and processing of
an extruder.122,123 The compounding of the wood and plastics is typi- the recovered polymers and solvents through filtration, washing and
cally performed at temperatures above plastics melting tempera- drying. The process of solvent extraction of plastic wastes requires
ture.122 The extruded materials are subsequently processed by low energy input and emits less CO2 compared to other processes,
injection or compression molding for the manufacture of specialized which makes it an environmentally benign process.133
products. WPCs are considered cheap, low maintenance, flame Hence, various studies have examined the solvent extraction and
retardant, and high durability materials for automobile, building and recovery of plastic wastes in the literature. Yang and Yang137 investi-
construction applications such as decking, flooring, vehicle parts gated the recovery of PS foam using the solvent mixture of toluene,
among others. However, the recycling and reuse of plastic dichloroethane, and ethanol (precipitant) with the solvent method.
wastes into WPCs must address wood deterioration, mold vulnerabil- The percentage PS recovered was 94% at the optimal operating con-
ity and polymer degradation problems124,127 along with high density, ditions; 50 C (temperature), 30 mins (dissolution time), 95% (ethanol

volume fraction), and 85% (mixed solvent volume fraction). Likewise, effective approach for the clean and efficient removal of toxic mate-
Peng et al.138 examined the extraction of PS for the recovery of poly- rials in plastics. In a separate study, Zhang et al.141 investigated the
brominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) via dissolution in d-limonene by removal of TBBPA from computer house plastic through solvothermal
supercritical carbon dioxide (sc-CO2) extraction. The findings revealed treatment and vacuum rotary evaporation. The findings reported the
that 97% PBDE was recovered at the optimal operating conditions; recovery efficiency and purity of yellow, stable and powdered TBBPA
sc-CO2 to PS ratio 2:1, temperature and pressures of 65 C and are; 78.9% and 95.6%, respectively, whereas the kinetic mechanism, is
20 MPa, respectively. The authors demonstrated that the proposed largely influenced by the diffusion across the polymer layer during the
supercritical CO2 extraction is a practical process for recycling plastic process. Similarly, Evangelopoulos et al.144 investigated the reduction
wastes. Zhao et al. numerically investigated the recovery of poly- and pyrolytic thermal decomposition of TBBPA in waste electrical and
mers comprising PS, styrene–acrylonitrile (SAN) polycarbonate (PC), electronic equipment using isopropanol and toluene solvent extrac-
and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) from e-waste through a tion. The results showed that the TBBPA was successfully reduced as
mixed solvent extraction method. The study revealed that the evident in the total removal of bromine content of 36.5% along with
selected approach successfully recovered the targeted polymers at the complete removal of the two brominated organic compounds
high purity, energy-saving (30.7%–99.6%), and recovery rates (64%– 2,5-Dibromobenzo(b)thiophene and 2,4,6-tribromophenol. Baloch
143%) computed from the ratio of the recovered to the feedstock et al.145 examined the solvothermal co-liquefaction and optimization
plastic by mass. The study demonstrated that mixed solvent extrac- of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and sugarcane bagasse for
tion of targeted polymers can be accomplished at room temperature biocrude production under sub-supercritical conditions. The results
with significant cost, energy and emissions savings. showed that the yield and higher heating values (HHV) of the
The combined utilization of solvents and thermal treatments for biocrude product were 32.3 wt % and 29.6 MJ/kg, respectively, based
the recovery of energy, materials, and resources from plastics has also on 60% conversion. The study confirmed the feasibility of co-
been widely examined in the literature. The solvothermal treatment is conversion of biomass and plastic wastes. The process increased the
a thermochemical process that utilizes solvents (such as methanol, qualitative and quantitative features of bio-crude oil. Saha et al.140
ethanol, propanol, toluene, acetone, and benzene) to liquefy carbona- examined the solvothermal liquefaction of plastic wastes for biocrude
ceous feedstocks into high-value biocrude and biochemical prod- using toluene as solvent. The findings showed that the use of solvent
ucts.139,140 Recently, the process has been employed for the enhances the yield and properties of the biocrude. Safety analysis
treatment of plastics as an alternative to inefficient and unsustainable showed that the solvent and biocrude are flammable and hazardous
practices such as incineration and landfilling. Karmore and particularly under subcritical and supercritical experimental settings.
Madras142 examined the supercritical degradation and kinetics of PS
using benzene in a 450 cm3 high-pressure stirred batch reactor by
varying the temperature from 300 to 330 C and fixed pressure of 5.4 | Plasma conversion
5 MPa. The results showed that the supercritical conditions signifi-
cantly improved the degradation rates as evident in the degradation This technique is also considered a vital thermal process for the treat-
rate coefficients and activation energies, which are two times higher ment of plastics wastes. Typically, the technique combines the ther-
than values reported at similar temperatures and pressures for sub- mal (heat) and chemical properties of plasma to convert materials into
critical solvents. Other studies have also examined the recovery and various products. Punčoch
ař et al.146 describe plasma conversion as
removal of harmful compounds and substances from plastics through an innovative, non-incineration, and thermal technique that can be
solvothermal treatment132,141 as a substitute to conventional pro- used to transform carbonaceous feedstock into valuable syngas (CO,
cesses, such as Soxhlet, supercritical fluid, pressurized liquid, and H2, and hydrocarbons) through plasma. Likewise, Pankaj16 describes
microwave-assisted extraction. The most notable toxic, recalcitrant the process as the thermal decomposition of carbon materials in an
and bio-accumulative pollutants in plastic wastes are tetra- oxygen-deficient surrounding. Furthermore, the high-temperature
bromobisphenol A (TBBPA), PBDE, and hexabromocyclododecane thermal plasma of the process ensures the destruction of microbes
(HBCDD), which are broadly classified as brominated flame retardants such as Bacillus subtilis and Sterio thermophilus. Consequently, it is
(BFRs), whereas triphenyl phosphate (TPPO) is a organophosphorus considered an adaptable and robust technology for the safe disposal
flame retardant (PFR).141,143 and reliable treatment of all categories of plastic waste. Tang et al.147
Zhang and Zhang employed the solvothermal approach to examined the plasma pyrolytic conversion of PP into gaseous fuels
remove TBBPA from e-wastes using ethanol, isopropanol, and metha- and chemicals using an arc nitrogen plasma reactor. The findings
nol solvents. The bromine-free plastic was obtained at the optimal showed 18% hydrogen gas yield and 5% acetylene based on the opti-
conditions; temperature (90 C), extraction time (120 min) and the mal power input of 35.2 kVA, the feed rate of 60 g/min, carbon con-
ratio of solvent to plastic (15:1) using methanol. The main products of version of 96% and 2160 ml g gas productivity. The plasma-
the solvent catalyzed debromination processes were Bisphenol A and assisted process ensured the satisfactory thermal decomposition of
copper (I) bromide. Functional group and morphologic characterization PP, which indicates it is a practical route for energy recovery and the
of the bromine-free product revealed that the structure of the plastic production of chemicals. Mączka et al.148 also examined the thermo-
remains unchanged, which suggest the solvothermal process is an chemical valorisation of plastic wastes using plasma technology, while

Dave and Joshi149 presented an overview of the combined pyrolysis the citizenry, aspiring entrepreneurs and other stakeholders are not
and gasification of plastic waste using plasma technology at tempera- encouraged to venture into commercial plastics waste management.

tures of 430–480 C. The authors noted that plasma conversion Lastly, government support through social awareness, campaigns, and
increases the hydrocarbon and aromatic content of the pyrolysis of programmes is greatly lacking. With the right support, the disposal of
PE and PS. Other studies have demonstrated the thermal effects plastic waste can be curtailed, and where lacking, policy strategies can
of plasma pyrolysis coupled with rapid quenching on the be established to effectively manage and valorize wastes into value-
depolymerisation of plastics for the recovery of monomer units. added products and services.
The mechanism of the process ensures that the feedstock is rapidly
decomposed at high heating rates, plasma power (10–20 kVA), and
rapid quenching (1  103 ks 1
) of the pyrolysis vapor. Consequently, 6.2 | Environmental challenges
the polymeric forms of the plastic are converted in its corresponding
monomer while bypassing the secondary conversion of the The poor disposal and management of plastic wastes pose environ-
product.149 mental problems in Nigeria. These challenges could be ascribed to
diverse environmental factors. First, the weather and climatic condi-
tions in tropical countries such as Nigeria hamper effective waste dis-
6 | C H A L L E N G E S O F P L A S T I C WA S T E posal, collection, and management. For instance, the year-round high
MANAGEMENT IN NIGERIA temperatures, humidity, and precipitation hamper the process of plas-
tics and solid waste management, particularly when juxtaposed
The challenges hindering the sustainable disposal, management or against the poor roads, transport, and logistics infrastructure in the
valorisation of plastic wastes in Nigeria can be broadly classified into country. Common practices, such as the open-air burning or combus-
socio-economic, environmental and technological. tion of plastic wastes generate toxic fumes (gases), aerosols, PM, and
toxins (such as dioxins, furans, heavy metals, mercury, polychlorinated
biphenyls, and PAHs),150,151 which exposes humans to respiratory or
6.1 | Socio-economic challenges skin diseases such as cancers and asthma. The long-term landfilling
or burying of plastic wastes results in the formation of toxic liquid by-
The limitation of human and financial resources to effectively dispose products called leachates after undergoing physical, chemical and bio-
and manage plastics is a major challenge for developing countries such logical degradation reactions.152 The composition of leachate typically
as Nigeria. Hence, the collection, sorting, and valorisation of plastics depends on the composition of the waste, moisture content, compac-
wastes is significantly lacking in such countries. The lack of resources tion degree, and weather conditions.153 In general, the leachate is
has also hampered scientific research into more sustainable strategies characterized by strong odors and coloration along with high pH,
and technologies that could ensure the efficient disposal and manage- nitrogen compounds, heavy metals, chemical oxygen demand, and
ment of wastes. In regions where waste management and disposal biological oxygen demand.154,155 Over time, the formed leachates
strategies exist, the facilities and personnel tasked with managing seep toxic chemicals and pollutants into surface water and groundwa-
wastes are overstretched, inefficient or poorly maintained, which ter, which could contaminate water and surrounding soils. In the long
exacerbates the process of effective management. In Nigeria, the term, this could result in water-borne diseases and the death of micro-
state and local governments are responsible for the collection and organisms and aquatic life.152 The presence of heavy metals (such as
management of wastes. However, due to inadequate budgets, these Cd, Pb, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cr, Hg) and anionic ions (Br , Cl , F , NO3 ,
metropolitan regions are financially inept to cover the costs of the HCO3 , and SO42 ) also poses risks to human health, safety and the
entire processes involved in solid waste management. Hence, wastes ecosystem.152 Furthermore, the hazardous, estrogenic, genotoxic, and
are simply dumped in open spaces, drainages, burned in the open air mutagenic nature of leachates even at low levels in humans, water
or buried in the ground (landfilled) devoid of the attendant risks such and surrounding soils has been confirmed by in vitro cell measure-
practices have on human health, safety, and the environment. Besides, ments.156 This observation is particularly problematic in developing
the lack of a national policy on plastic wastes has also hampered pro- nations such as Nigeria where integrated plastic wastes management
gress in the quest to effectively dispose of, recycle, and manage these and advanced engineering of landfills is non-existent. Furthermore,
streams of wastes. The lack of a cohesive strategy on plastic and other the poor planning of urban areas particularly in Nigerian cities has
solid waste management prevents waste collection, isolation, and contributed to the poor disposal and management of solid wastes
valorisation. Such challenges also hamper the creation of a value chain such as plastics. The lack of clearly mapped regions or spaces for resi-
system for wastes in general in the country; as opposed to the sce- dential, commercial, and industrial areas in many Nigerian cities along
nario obtainable in developed countries where wastes disposal and with sparse road networks hamper waste disposal, collection,
management is a commercially viable venture. In such climes, entre- processing, and management. Therefore, there are areas littered with
preneurs have grabbed the opportunity to efficiently collect, manage different classes of wastes, including toxic and non-hazardous mate-
and valorize solids wastes for energy, resource, and environmental rials. In some regions, the waste is transported over long distances to
benefits. However, this level of sophistication is lacking, which means landfill land areas or large open dumps without processing or sorting.

With time the wastes encroach into the living areas, arable or produc- revealed that plastic wastes account for a significant fraction of all
tive land resulting in shortages, the competition of space and conflicts. solid wastes generated in Nigeria. This has been ascribed to numer-
As a result, land disputes and other socio-environmental challenges ous factors such as the low cost, lightweight, chemical resistance,
have become significant issue. More so, the quest by governments and extensive utilization of plastics as materials for packaging, stor-
around the world to optimize the collection, disposal and valorisation age, and sale of products. Currently, the disposal and management of
of wastes has generated controversies due to the “not in my back- plastics are accomplished through open-air burning, dumping in
yard” (NIMBY) mindset. Hence, it is envisaged that the growing short- waste sites, and landfilling. The more advanced technologies for plas-
age of land, resources, and other environmental issues could also tic waste treatment and valorisation are broadly classified into three
affect plastic wastes, particularly in Nigeria. (3) groups thermal, chemical, and biological methods based on the
SPI/RIC codes proposed by the PIA. However, the outlined tech-
niques for the disposal, management, and valorisation are largely
6.3 | Technological challenges obsolete, inefficient and environmentally hazardous, which result in
GHG emissions, toxic fumes, and chemically hazardous toxins and
Technology is crucial to sustainable development. In the same vein, leachates that could potentially impact human health, safety, and the
the selection of appropriate technology is essential for the effective environment. Hence, more sustainable strategies are required to
collection, sorting, management, and valorisation of plastic wastes. address the immediate and long-term effects of plastic wastes on
Over the years, numerous thermochemical and biochemical technolo- Nigerian society. To this effect, the article proposed that future poli-
gies such as pyrolysis, gasification, incineration, composting, and bio- cies and strategies for plastics must emphasize waste reuse,
degradation among others have been proposed to address the recycling, and reduction as well as integrate energy, materials, and
growing global plastics problems. The advantage of these technologies resource recovery. Examples of novel plastic wastes conversion and
is the ability to physically, thermally, chemically, and biologically trans- valorisation technologies include converting the waste streams into
form the volumes, sizes, compositions, and product properties of plas- CNMs (such as CNTs, CNFs, graphene), polymeric composite mate-
tic wastes after valorisation using advanced conversion equipment. rials (such as WPCs, WFRPs), biocrude/bio-oil through solvent/
However, current practices in most developing countries like Nigeria solvothermal treatment, and fuel gases and char through plasma con-
are limited to the collection, dumping, or landfilling of wastes, includ- version. The review of literature also showed that the outlined tech-
ing all forms of plastic wastes. Hence, the adoption of innovative tech- nologies could effectively valorize and sustainably upcycle plastic
nologies for effective collection, sorting, and valorisation of wastes wastes into materials, energy, fuels and chemicals for future applica-
remains lacking in the Nigerian context. This is due to the high capital tions. However, proper planning, design, and implementation are
costs of procuring such equipment or facilities. Furthermore, the required to effectively collect transport, segregate, process, and treat
waste management industry lacks trained and qualified professionals plastic wastes. The study identified numerous socio-economic, envi-
for effectiveness. This dynamic is crucial to the rapid adoption of the ronmental, and technological challenges that currently hamper plastic
novel technologies such as waste quality, and quantity assessment wastes disposal, management, and valorisation. Most importantly,
required for effective plastics waste management. Another crucial the lack of clear policy directives, strategies, focused funding, public
challenge of plastics waste management is the lack of reliable data on awareness, and innovative technologies to tackle plastic wastes in
the nature and sources of wastes streams. According to Babayemi Nigeria must be addressed critically. Sustainable approaches should
et al.,20 reliable data and documentation of wastes generated in Nige- also be supplemented by socially friendly approaches, such as
ria are greatly lacking. Hence, the planning, design, and adoption of encouraging plastics use, reduction, recycling, and non-littering.
innovative technologies and sustainable strategies for plastics wastes Lastly, a comprehensive policy for plastic waste disposal, manage-
remain non-existent in Nigeria. It stands to reason then that the future ment and valorisation is required to address their short and long-term
of plastic wastes in the country urgently needs urgent attention. The impacts on human health, safety and the environment in Nigeria.
authorities in states and local government regions require novel poli-
cies and strategic approaches to address plastic wastes management CONFLIC T OF INT ER E ST
in Nigeria. The authors declare no potential conflicts of interests.


7 | CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE Bemgba Nyakuma: Conceptualization; formal analysis; writing-original
OUTLOOK draft; writing-review & editing. Tertsegha Ivase: Funding acquisition;
resources; supervision; writing-original draft; writing-review & editing.
The article presented a concise review of the emerging trends in sus-
tainable treatment and valorisation technologies for plastic wastes in DATA AVAILABILITY STAT EMEN T
Nigeria. The current status, challenges, and prospects of plastics waste Data sharing not applicable to this article as no datasets were gener-
management in the country were also presented in detail. The findings ated or analysed during the current study.

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