Utilitarianism Essay

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Utilitarianism Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of Utilitarianism can be a challenging task, as it requires a deep
understanding of the philosophical theory and the ability to articulate complex concepts in a clear
and concise manner. Utilitarianism is a consequentialist ethical theory that evaluates the morality of
actions based on their overall utility or happiness produced. Crafting an essay on this topic involves
delving into the foundational principles of Utilitarianism, examining its historical development, and
critically analyzing its strengths and weaknesses.

One of the difficulties lies in presenting a balanced discussion, as Utilitarianism has been subject to
various critiques and debates among scholars. Addressing these critiques while defending the theory's
core tenets requires a nuanced approach to ensure the essay remains coherent and well-structured.
Additionally, conveying the complexities of Utilitarianism demands a careful selection of examples
and real-world applications to illustrate the theory's implications.

Moreover, the task involves navigating through the works of influential philosophers such as Jeremy
Bentham and John Stuart Mill, understanding their nuanced perspectives, and incorporating relevant
quotations to strengthen the essay's argument. Developing a strong thesis statement that encapsulates
the essence of the essay and guides the reader through the exploration of Utilitarianism adds another
layer of difficulty.

Lastly, ensuring proper citation of sources and maintaining a scholarly tone throughout the essay is
crucial for academic integrity. It's essential to adhere to the guidelines of the assigned writing style,
be it APA, MLA, or another, to provide a well-documented and authoritative piece.

In conclusion, writing an essay on Utilitarianism requires not only a comprehensive grasp of the
theory but also the ability to navigate through its intricacies, address criticisms, and present a
cohesive and compelling argument. It's a task that demands intellectual rigor and effective
communication skills to convey the depth and breadth of Utilitarianism in a meaningful way.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing needs, various online
platforms, such as HelpWriting.net , offer professional services to facilitate the essay-writing
Utilitarianism Essay Utilitarianism Essay
Image Processing and Recognition

It required a lot of study on previous work and some study of related topics which uses
a little bit same technique to process their features for recognizing a person. Most of
the literatures were based on palm image processing and some of the books and research
papers were based on face recognition. As such, a lot of research work has been done by
Chinese researchers so far. A series of researches gave me a set of methods and a set of
features to be selected among them.

This research also requires depth knowledge of image processing. Fetching out each
position of the palm image through the reading it pixel by pixel. Some kinds of reading
patterns of image should be crystal clear in the mind while working with the features of
this topic.

There are various useful books also available on image processing provides knowledge
of different methods. Which one would be better, could be decided after discussion with
my guide.

1. Document Representation

On the basis of the study of previous researches, I had a great collection of previous
research papers (published by others) and related books. Before getting to start with the
feature selection, document representation has been done with the help of power point
presentation. This includes a systematic approach to represent this research work.

This gets start with the introduction, overall structure of the topic, previous researches
done by others, reason behind my research, introduction of new features
Columbine Shooting Psychology
Post by Elyse Steinkruger
17 hours ago
Video Games
I remember the Columbine shooting like it was yesterday. I think it is the first event
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event that open the nation s eyes to psychological issues that are faced by adolescents. It
seems like every class psychology class I took after that found an opportunity discuss the
event, and many liked to blame the prevalence of violence in entertainment. Sadly, it is
also due to this event that there is so much literature available on the subject. The
problem with this research, is that it seems to vary greatly on it s findings. In 2011 the
supreme court ruled that the research was unpersuasive (Ferguson, 2013).
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To determine each solution s freezing point certain methods and materials were used.
First, two weighing boats were labeled NaCl and CaCl2. Each weigh boat was placed
on the scale to calculate the initial weight of the boats. 2.0g of sodium chloride was
added to the boat labeled NaCl and reweighed. The same was done for CaCl2, then the
freezing point apparatus was assembled. Using a 600mL beaker filled with ¾ full of
ice, the remainder of NaCl was poured into the beaker and mixed. The thermometer was
placed into the ice bath beaker until it became 10C. Four test tubes were labeled 1 4. For
test tube 1, a 100mL graduated cylinder was used to measure 15mL of water and then
poured into tube 1. After the temperature reached 10C, the thermometer

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