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September 1, 2020

7 P l a s t i c R e c y c l i n g C o d e s T h a t Yo u S h o u l d K n o w

Last updated on January 4th, 2022

Glass Plastic


Being responsible consumers, we consciously throw away plastic in the recycling bins after
usage, yet somehow only 8.4% of plastic is actually being recycled in the USA. The
remaining proportion is landfilled, incinerated, or ends up floating in the ocean.

The reason behind the drastic difference is contamination

contamination. Plastic is easily contaminated
when placed in the wrong bin or when non-recyclable materials (like plastic straws, bags,
and takeout containers) are mixed in the right bin.
Consequently, the entire recyclable batch loses value and gets discarded.

On the upside, the power to improve the rate of plastic recycling resides within us – the
20,000 communities of America. The key is to be mindful of what goes into our recycling

The first step to recycle better is to understand plastic better. That is where
plastic recycling codes come into the picture.

You might have often seen a tiny chasing arrows symbol with a number printed on various
plastic products. However, the symbol does NOT imply that the item is recyclable.

It is a resin identification code which is usually mistaken as a recycling symbol because of

the stark similarity between the two.
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The number (1-7) in the triangle holds the clue to the type of plastic you’re dealing with.
Each number identifies the composition and recyclable characteristics of the respective
plastic packaging material.

Not all plastic is recyclable. With the help of resin codes, you can easily segregate
recyclable materials. Moreover, you can figure out what type of plastic your local recycling
program or facility accepts (it varies from town to town) based on these codes.

The official website of your town might have specified the details, or you can reach out to
the municipal recycling coordinator for the same.
Here’s a rundown on different types of plastic along with their uses, recycling factor, and
health risks (if any):

Plastic #1: PETE or PET

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is found in the packaging of several products that we use
in our day to day lives. The most common use of PET includes beverage bottles and food

It is a versatile and sturdy material intended for single-use. PET is usually clear,
lightweight, inexpensive, and safe for food storage.

Where Is It Used:

Single-use plastic bottles (water, juice, beer, mouthwash)

Salad dressing containers
Food containers (peanut butter, jelly, jam, pickles)
Microwavable food trays
Detergent and cleaning containers


PET is completely recyclable. In fact, it is the most recycled plastic material in the USA.
Additionally, almost every municipality accepts PET in curbside recycling programs.

Keep in mind to rinse off the container before adding it to the bin. Since container lids are
made from a different type of plastic, confirm with the program whether they accept lids
and caps.

Health Concerns:

There are no known health issues to PET. It does not contain BPA or plasticizers.
Plastic #2: HDPE
We bet you must have an HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) product at your home right

Because of its stiffness and good chemical resistance, HDPE plastic is widely used in
packaging household products with a shorter shelf life (like milk jugs). It does not leach
into food and is weather-resistant too.

Where Is It Used:

Water and milk jugs

Containers for laundry detergent, shampoo, cosmetics, motor oil, and household
Some grocery and shopping bags
Cereal box liners
Cutting boards


HDPE can be easily recycled (at least ten times). Recycled HDPE is used to make new
containers for non-food items, plastic lumber for outdoor decking, pipes, buckets, ropes,
toys, recycling bins, and more.

You can submit HDPE products at curbside recycling programs. However, plastic bags are
not accepted over there (they wreak havoc on machines at the recycling plant).

Find the nearest drop-off location or local retail stores that accept bags and wraps instead.

Health Concerns:
HDPE is considered safe, with no known health risks involved.

P l a s t i c # 3 : P VC o r V
The term “PVC” might ring a bell with you (Hint: PVC pipes).

Polyvinyl Chloride or PVC is often used for rigid applications like pipes, window frames,
and siding. It is grease, oil, and chemical resistant.

Note that PVC is potentially harmful and should never be used for cooking or food storage.
It releases dioxins when manufactured, burnt, or landfilled.

Where Is It Used:

Vinyl pipes
Flooring and siding
Window and door frames
Shower curtains
Fencing and railing
Blister packaging
Window cleaner and detergent bottles


PVC is the least recyclable material due to high chlorine content and harmful additives in

Check with your local recycling authorities to see if they have any specific instructions to
dispose of PVC products.

Health Concerns:
Also known as the poison plastic, PVC releases toxic chemicals (lead, DEHA, dioxins,
phthalates, etc.) when manufactured, disposed, or destructed.

Exposure to these toxins can cause severe health problems, including disruption in
hormones, cancer, damaged immune system, decreased birth weight, and behavioral
problems in children.

Plastic #4: LDPE

Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) is a flexible and comparatively transparent material.

It is resistant to vegetable oils, acids, and bases. That is why LDPE is primarily used for
packaging that involves heat sealing.

Moreover, LDPE is FDA-compliant and food-safe.

Where Is It Used:

Bread and frozen food wrapping

Dry cleaning, grocery, and newspaper bags
Shrink wraps
Squeezable bottles (like honey and mustard)
Bottle lids
Coatings for paper milk cartons and beverage cups


Although LDPE is not usually recycled, more and more recycling communities have begun
to accept it. However, there are quite a few plants that recycle LDPE.

Reach out to your local supermarkets and grocery stores if they host drop-off programs for
LDPE plastic bags.
Health Concerns:

LDPE does not contain bisphenol-A (BPA). There are no known health hazards to LDPE
upon household exposure.

Plastic #5: PP
The majority of microwavable plastic containers are made from Polypropylene (PP).
Although that does not mean every PP container is microwavable. There are other factors
to be considered like wall thickness and strength of the container in question.

Sidenote: Use glass containers in the microwave whenever possible.

PP is heat resistant and has a high melting point, thus, making it a suitable choice for
packaging hot-fill liquids.

Where Is It Used:

Containers for yogurt, margarine, deli soups, and syrups

Medicine and baby bottles
Bottle caps
Disposable diapers


PP is a recyclable material (not an easy one, though). Some recycling initiatives do accept
PP products. You can enquire with your local recycling program and make sure to empty
the container before putting it in the recycling bin.

In case they don’t, you can always recycle PP through Preserve Gimme 5 program. They
accept all #5 plastic products by mail.
Health Concerns:

PP has no known health issues and is safe to use.

Plastic #6: PS
Packing peanuts (or loose-fill) draws a pretty clear picture of Polystyrene (PS).

PS is used for both rigid and foam products. The foamed ones are popularly called

Polystyrene takes at least 500 years to decompose. It’s a nasty plastic that is on the hit list
of many environmentalists.

Where Is It Used:

Disposable cutlery, cups, bowls, plates, and food containers

CD cases
Egg cartons
Meat and poultry trays
Aspirin bottles


Polystyrene is recyclable, but the process is not economically viable.

Most of the curbside recycling programs don’t accept PS mainly because it is 95% air. It is
not cost-effective, and the energy used in recycling is more than the energy saved.
Moreover, the material easily contaminates with food or drinks.

You can try reusing PS products like packing peanuts and cutlery instead.
Health Concerns:

Polystyrene poses health risks to people. Containers made with PS leach a toxin called
styrene when coming in contact with warm food or drink, alcohol, oils, and acidic food

Styrene is a human carcinogen that can have respiratory effects in the short term and
cancer in the long term exposure.

Do not microwave food in PS containers. Also, never burn it with your garden rubbish.

Plastic #7: Other

All the other types of biodegradable (Polylactic acid or PLA) and non-biodegradable
(nylon, acrylic, polycarbonate) plastic resins fall in this category. Sometimes type #7
plastic is made by mixing different types of resins.

Generally, they are not for reuse unless the code specifies they are PLA compostable.

Where Is It Used:

Three-gallon and five-gallon water bottles

Bullet-proof materials
Computer cases
Nylon clothes
Clear plastic cutlery and sippy cups


Since there is no catch-all resin for type #7 plastic, there is no standard recycling protocol
for it.
It is usually difficult to recycle this material, therefore, not commonly accepted by curbside
recycling programs.

Health Concerns:

The main health concern is with food containers made from Polycarbonate (PC).

Avoid microwaving food in them as PC is known to leach harmful chemical BPA into food
and water.

The Bottom Line: Reduce and Reuse

before Recycle
Plastic is not good for the environment and humans alike.

Try curbing its use and switch to more environment-friendly alternatives. Replace single-
use plastic with reusable bags
bags; use glass or steel containers for microwaving; carry
reusable containers for food.

Recycling should be the last resort when it comes to dealing with plastic.

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Dewey Malicdem R E P LY
August 2, 2021 at 6:26 pm
all right job to share

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