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Bachelor of Physiotherapy II (Second) Year Annual Examination 2021-22

Course Code: BPT205 Paper ID: 01122235


Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70

Note: Attempt all questions as per given instructions. Q. No. 1 is compulsory.

Q1. Choose the correct alternative: Marks

i) Mechanism of action of Erythromycin is: 1
a) Inhibition of beta-lactamase
b) Inhibition of protein synthesis
c) Inhibition of PABA synthesis
d) Interference with ergosterol synthesis
ii) All are useful for acute attack of bronchial asthma except: 1
a) Salbutamol
b) Sodium cromoglycate
c) Ipratropium bromide
d) Terbutaline
iii) Atracurium is inactivated by: 1
a) Acetylation
b) Sulfate conjugation
c) Methylation
d) Hofmann elimination
iv) Ephedrine does not cause: 1
a) Hyperglycemia
b) Bronchodilation
c) Miosis
d) Lipolysis
v) Maximum bioavailability is seen with route of administration: 1
a) Oral
b) Subcutaneous
c) Rectal
d) Intravenous
vi) All these are anti-tuberculous drugs except: 1
a) Fluconazole
b) Isoniazid
c) Ethambutol
d) Pyrazinamide
vii) All these are non-depolarising muscle relaxants except: 1
a) Pancuronium
b) Atracurium
c) Succinylcholine
d) Mivacurium
viii) When the same dose of a drug is repeated at half-life intervals, the 1
steady state plasma concentration is achieved after:
a) 8 half-lives
b) 2 half-lives
c) 5 half-lives
d) 9 half-lives
ix) All are indications of beta-blockers except: 1
a) Hypertension
b) Glaucoma
c) Thyrotoxicosis
d) Bronchial asthma
x) Corticosteroids exert anti-inflammatory action by inhibiting enzyme: 1
a) Cyclooxygenase
b) Lipoxygenase
c) Phospolipase-A
d) Phosphodiesterase

2. Write short notes on any six of the following (limit your answer to 50 5x6=30

a) Define Pharmaco vigilance. 5

b). Explain Adverse effects of Ibuprofen. 5

c) What do you understand by Combined effects of drugs? 5

d) What are the Adverse effects of steroids? 5

e) Explain Teratogenicity. 5

f) Add a short note on Benzodiazepines. 5

g) Name the Drugs for chronic gout. 5

h) Add a note on Vitamin-D. 5

i) Pharmaco dynamics action of Insulin. 5

3. Discuss in detail any two of the following: 15x2=30

a) Explain in detail Local anaesthetics. 15

b) Explain in detail different Routes of drug administration. 15

c) Discuss Antihypertensive drugs. 15

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