Socioloy Changing Role of Women

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Q) Discuss the changes in INDIAN family system since independence. How it has led
to modifications in legal structure.

The Indian family system has gone through significant changes with time, comparing
a family of 2024 living in a metro city with a family living in the same city in 1907, we
will be able to observe some dynamic changes into the family system. These changes
are a result of the socio-political changes that the people have witnessed with time.
To consider these varied changes in the family system and its impact on the legal
infrastructure, we need to identify some basic elements that have shaped those
changes into our society. These elements are as follows:
Before the arrival and even during the British rule, women were considered second
citizen, they didn’t have basic rights that they have now. Their role has developed not
just in the society but in the family in the following ways:
 Increasing role of women in public life: With the establishment of universal
adult franchise and promotion of women in various field turned them from a
second citizen during the British rule to a driving force in the nation building.
 Change in Family system: With the development of women, they turned from
housemakers to moneymakers in the modern time, during the 90s women
were considered to work in the house while the males used to work outside
the house to earn a living for their families. Due to the old traditions going
out of the house for women was not promoted, this idea has also significantly
changed as they have started to earn a living in various fields and even going
to other states for better opportunities. As time has progressed women
involvement in decision making of household has also increased which was
not the case earlier.
 Change in Marriage type: Conventionally arranged marriage has been the
most significant type of marriage in the Indian family system which changed
as families accepted love marriage also.

Impact of these changes in the legal infrastructure of the country:

 Rights of women: Before independence women didn’t have many legal rights,
but after independence the marginalized situation of the women were
identified, and many steps were taken to provide equal footing to the female
section of the society.
 Education & Opportunities: Through fundamental rights like RIGHT TO
EDUCATION and schemes like BETI BACHAO, BETI PADHAO, development of
women was emphasized.
 Legal Reforms: Through Legal reforms, such as the Hindu Succession Act
(1956, amended in 2005), have granted women equal rights in ancestral
property. Legislation like the Dowry Prohibition Act (1961) and the Protection
of Women from Domestic Violence Act (2005) atrocities committed against
them were curbed to some extent.
the role of women in the Indian family system has evolved significantly after
independence. While progress has been made in terms of education,
employment, legal rights, and societal attitudes, there are ongoing challenges
that need to be addressed to achieve full gender equality.
II. Relevance of caste system
III. Economic development

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