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1. Thank goodness she isn’t your wife. Just try to imagine our cooperation if she
A. would be B. is C. were D. will be
2. Any contract which ________ the ownership of the palace would have to be
approved by the Supreme Court. And I doubt whether such approval would be given.
A. has affected B. would affect C. had affected D. affects
3. Why are you so sure Mr Wilson will do anything to help you? In your place I
________ only on myself.
A. would count B. will count C. counted D. count
4. It is a pity that we will not be wearing tartan kilts. The ceremony ________ so much
A. will look B. would look C. were looking D. looked
5. Don’t blame me for what I did. ________ differently in my place?
A. Would you acted B. Wouldn’t you act
C. Would you act D. Would you have acted
6. Intellectuals think that if we ________ daily on tolerance and racism, we will end up
killing one another.
A. won’t lecture B. are not lectured C. don’t lecture D. won’t have
7. If the birds Peter saw were larger than geese, he ________ wild swans. Black storks
don’t fly this way.
A. might have seen B. had to see C. could see D. had rather seen
8. If you ________ up before the journey, we wouldn’t have lost half an hour looking
for a petrol station in an unknown city.
A. had remembered filling B. had remembered to fill
C. remembered to fill D. remembered filling
9. If you ________ up before the journey, we wouldn’t have lost half an hour looking
for a petrol station in an unknown city.
A. remembered to fill B. had remembered filling
C. had remembered to fill D. remembered filling
10. I would have visited you before if there ________ quite a lot of people in your house.
A. weren’t B. aren’t C. wouldn’t be D. hadn’t been
11. Excuse me, Mr Finn, but would you mind if we ________ your front windows?
They’re terrible!
A. got some Scouts to clean B. made some Scouts to clean
C. would make some Scouts clean D. got some Scouts clean
12. With a better goalkeeper they ________ almost certain to win the cup. But even with
poor old Joe Wright they are a very likely winner.
A. would have been B. would be C. were D. will be
13. A pocket-sized computer device that ________ spoken language in two di-rections
would probably reduce the demand for language courses.
A. were translating B. will translate
C. would have translated D. would translate
14. Everything should be all right now but, of course, call us again if ________ too noisy
in the hall.
A. it will get B. there is C. it is D. there would be
15. Thank God Sue came on time! ________ the keys without her?
A. Would you have found B. Would you find
C. Could you find D. Would you be able to find
16. Now I know we were just too tired. Even with your help we ________ it.
A. shouldn’t finish B. wouldn’t be able to finish
C. wouldn’t have finished D. wouldn’t finish
17. It’s a tremendous task so I’m rather pessimistic about Roger’s chances. Even if he
________ how to begin.
A. shows B. were shown C. has shown D. showed
18. If, as Mr Fox says, the repair turned out to be so complicated, they ________ much
earlier. But nobody expected it would be so time-consuming.
A. should start B. must have started
C. might start D. ought to have started
19. If, indeed, you ________ a police agent who was following you on the train, the
situation may soon become very serious.
A. had seen B. saw C. have seen D. see
20. I still regret I didn’t have a camera. I ________ some photographs of the bird.
A. would have taken B. would certainly take
C. could maybe take D. had better take
21. If, as the radio says, there ________ ice on the pools in the morning, the temperature
could have been —2° or lower. At zero no ice is formed on the surface of water.
A. had been B. would be C. were D. was
22. I know how much you dislike him, but when you meet him you should behave as if
you ________ to your best friend.
A. had been talking B. would talk C. were talking D. talk
23. A model which ________ all these requirements would cost at least a thousand
pounds more, which means it would be too expensive for us anyway.
A. would meet B. will meet C. meets D. will have met
24. If he ________ worked harder, he would have passed the exams.
A. would B. would have C. had D. has worked
25. You are a smoker yourself, Mr Parker. How did you find out someone ________ in
your study?
A. had to be smoking B. was smoking
C. has been smoking D. had been smoking

1. Now that you’re through with it, you should be more grateful to Ted for all his help.
Do you think ________ without it?
A. you would have succeeded B. would you succeed
C. you might succeed D. you would succeed
2. The palace is so heavy and massive that no redecoration can make it look like a little
gracious villa. Even if we ________ it pink, which, of course, is out of the question.
A. would paint B. had painted C. were to paint D. paint
3. Well, you see, if I ________ up in a neighbourhood where drink problems were
endemic, I might find these jokes really funny.
A. wouldn’t be brought B. weren’t brought
C. didn’t bring D. hadn’t been brought
4. If, as Mark says, the landlord ________ so surprised seeing the group, he must have
forgotten the arrangement.
A. has been B. was C. would have been D. had been
5. I’m glad I managed to talk Sandra out of buying a dog. If I ________, we would now
be looking for a pet-friendly hotel.
A. hadn’t B. did C. didn’t D. wouldn’t
6. ________ she to call you immediately, what would you do?
A. Do B. If C. Unless D. Were
7. If Karol Wojtyia ________ elected Pope, there wouldn’t be so many Poles visiting
Rome every year now.
A. wasn’t to be B. weren’t C. hadn’t been D. wouldn’t have
8. Who will pay for the coach if almost two fifths of the passengers ________ a free
A. will receive B. are to be given C. were to give D. would receive
9. It all went so smoothly because nobody said anything about money. But I can easily
imagine the Chairman’s reaction if the problem of compensa-tions ________
A. were B. is to be C. had been D. was to be
10. Well, we should warn them that if they didn’t see Ernst Ibsen’s exhibition last year,
they ________ some of his paintings rather shocking.
A. might find B. might have found
C. may have to find D. would find
11. You shouldn’t take the content of this booklet too seriously. If over 60 per cent of
university students ________ opera fans, last year’s festival wouldn’t have been such
a financial disaster.
A. are B. would be C. were D. had been
12. ________ he here, how would you behave?
A. Did B. Unless C. If D. Were
13. Believe it or not, but these girls ________ that Elvis Presley will be remem-bered as
the greatest musician of the 20th century.
A. are really thinking B. do think
C. really are thinking D. think really
14. Let’s start by agreeing to one thing: the police should keep away from the place as
long as the fans ________ trouble.
A. won’t make B. won’t be making C. wouldn’t make D. don’t make
15. I fully understand the point you are making about experimenting with soft drugs.
Well, if my parents ________ me to the school where teachers had similar views, I
might perhaps find it convincing.
A. wouldn’t send B. hadn’t sent C. didn’t send D. wouldn’t have
16. ________ I helped him last week, he wouldn’t be in such a trouble now.
A. Had B. Were C. If D. Unless
17. What? Your sister saw Jimmy at The Oasis! Well, if it ________ him, he must have
been dismissed again.
A. were really B. was really C. had really been D. really had been
18. If we ________, the work would have been completed, I’m sure.
A. hadn’t been disturbed B. weren’t disturbed
C. didn’t disturb D. hadn’t disturbed
19. Don’t tell me I acted too quickly. I’m sure nobody in my place ________ a minute
A. would have to wait B. would wait
C. would be able to wait D. would have waited
20. We don’t know how long the rink was without electricity during the night. If the
power break ________ longer than two hours, the ice at the edges may have begun to
melt down. It is better to check it now.
A. would last B. had lasted C. lasted D. has lasted
21. A short silence should help listeners to concentrate. If you start speaking the moment
your name ________ out, that effect might be lost.
A. was called B. is called C. will be called D. would be called
22. The company’s situation is hopeless and I can’t see what the new president might do
to improve it; even if he ________ a genius, which he is not.
A. were B. is to be C. will be D. would be
23. After our country joins the EU, competition in this field will get even stronger.
Unless a miracle ________, his firm must fail.
A. would happen B. will happen C. happens D. will have
24. They should think we are a group of tourists. Let’s look surprised as if we ________
here for the first time.
A. would be B. have been C. are D. were
25. I think we ought to be glad that Bob didn’t turn to us for advice. I can’t imagine what
it might have been if he ________.
A. had B. came C. would D. did

1. If it ________ the children, the life would be so tedious.
A. were B. were for C. weren’t for D. isn’t
2. You should be glad that Fielding, your main opponent, didn’t appear. Can you
imagine the verdict if he ________?
A. had B. didn’t C. did D. would
3. I didn’t hear the voice but if the man ________ Barbara’s father, we’ll be in trouble.
You shouldn’t have told her about our meeting.
A. had been B. were C. would be D. was
4. Without doubt any such incident ________ him in such a difficult situation that he
would have to resign immediately.
A. had placed B. would have placed
C. would place D. has placed
5. We ignored the weather forecast and allowed the kids to sleep outdoors. Now I wish
we ________.
A. did not B. would not have C. should not D. had not
6. If, before becoming a journalist, I ________ four years in the Andes, I would find his
story unlikely.
A. didn’t spend B. wouldn’t spend C. hadn’t spent D. couldn’t spend
7. If next year’s subsidy is not increased, they ________ tickets in both muse-ums.
A. can have to introduce B. may have to introduce
C. could have introduced D. might need introduce
8. You should be very glad that Bob didn’t recognize you that night. Can you imagine
his fury if he ________?
A. had B. did C. did not D. would have
9. James, who is one of our bravest men, never loses his temper; and if he ________ so
tense during the Friday night operation the situation must have been extremely
dangerous indeed.
A. were B. was C. had been D. has been
10. Finding the missing man without any recent photograph of him may be impossible.
And even if we ________ it, the search could take months, if not years.
A. would have B. had had C. might have D. did have
11. What a pity this is only a 19th century copy. Can you imagine the curator’s
enthusiasm if we ________ him with the original?
A. presented B. would present C. present D. have presented
12. The company might make much more money if it ________ in a more aggressive
A. had run B. ran C. were run D. would run
13. If at that point the situation ________ well in hand, then why did they react so
A. had been B. was C. were D. would be
14. Instead of condemning John, you ought to try to imagine yourself having to make the
decisions he was forced to make ________ in his position.
A. had you been B. would you be C. if you would be D. if you were
15. A broken leg and some slight injuries! Wasn’t he lucky? Just think about the
consequences if he ________ at the moment of the crash.
A. smoked B. would be smoking
C. had been smoking D. was smoking
16. ________ he have enough money, he will buy you the violin.
A. Provided B. Unless C. If D. Should
17. There was nothing I could do for Joe in that situation. Even if I ________ less busy.
A. were B. had been C. would have been D. weren’t
18. Don’t regret you couldn’t come. Your arrival ________ my decision.
A. wouldn’t have changed B. wouldn’t change
C. may not have changed D. couldn’t change
19. You have to realize that if Joe Hicks ________ you on the beach on Sunday, your
colleagues may have seen you as well.
A. had seen B. saw C. sees D. could see
20. If, as some newspapers say, some candidates ________ a chance to correct their
papers after the test, the exam will have to be repeated.
A. had been given B. are given C. would be given D. were given
21. Luckily, the passengers were sure this was a drill. Can you imagine their panic if they
________ the danger was real?
A. had been told B. were told C. would be told D. told
22. The place was redecorated with great care and looked as if it ________ vandalised.
A. has never been B. never were C. had never been D. were never
23. Luckily, the passengers were sure this was a drill. Can you imagine their panic if they
________ the danger was real?
A. were told B. had been told C. would be told D. told
24. If you ________ to town tomorrow, will you do some shopping for me?
A. went B. will be going C. go D. will go
25. If I ________, I would express my feelings.
A. am asked B. would be asked C. had been asked D. were asked

1. In that situation there was nothing I could do for her; even if I ________ less busy.
A. would be B. had been C. would have been D. were
2. ________ your mind about Saturday, please let me know.
A. You had changed B. Did you change
C. If you had changed D. Were you to change
3. Will you be angry if I ________ your pocket dictionary?
A. stole B. have stolen C. steal D. were to steal
4. It’s a pity you didn’t take the exam. Professor Wynne was in such excel-lent spirits
that he ________ you.
A. wouldn’t fail B. wouldn’t have failed
C. hadn’t failed D. oughtn’t to fail
5. If, as I’m ready to believe now, the man’s heart attack ________ real, I can’t
understand why they didn’t call an ambulance. It would have saved them so much
A. were B. had been C. was D. would have been
6. We should believe what Jim is telling US. If-there ________ no post in the morning,
the postman could have begun his round later or the postal van could have broken
down again.
A. was B. had been C. were D. would have been
7. Her unexpected arrival probably saved his life. Ten minutes later the fire ________
impossible to control.
A. had been B. might be C. must have been D. would have been
8. The base can only be supplied through light biplanes carrying up to a ton of cargo.
An aircraft that ________ large enough to carry ten tons would need a much longer
A. would have been B. has been C. would be D. is
9. It’s not difficult to imagine how Dave would react if one of his partners ________
with bankruptcy.
A. were threaten B. were threatened C. threatened D. threaten
10. I was going to give up full insurance of my car but my agent finally persuaded me not
to. Just think about my present situation if she ________.
A. did B. did not C. would not D. had not
11. If Mr Marsh ________ his car to that Irish lawyer, as he thought he would, I’ll have
to find another person to drive me to the station in the morning.
A. sells B. sold C. were to sell D. would sell
12. If you ________ such a long time to get dressed, we’d have been there by now.
A. wouldn’t take B. wouldn’t have taken
C. weren’t taking D. hadn’t taken
13. I really think there’s no need to be sorry. The Rangers were so good that it was not
possible to beat them anyway. Even if you and George ________ better in the first
A. would play B. had played C. did play D. have played
14 If you had caught the bus, you ________ late for work.
A. wouldn’t have been B. would have been
C. would be D. wouldn’t be
15. I reacted the way I did out of ignorance. Could you imagine my reaction if I
________ the spider was so dangerous?
A. knew B. did know C. had known D. would know
16. If the music you heard ________ a Mozart’s sonata, we must have been listening to
different radio stations.
A. were B. would be C. had been D. was
17. Well, as long as Mr Idiot ________ to say things we might find embarrassing, his
presence is not a problem.
A. won’t lead B. won’t be lead C. isn’t led D. doesn’t lead
18. Recent opinion polls show growing public support for a radical cure that once
________ anathema: censorship.
A. may have been B. would have been C. would seem D. has seemed
19. Well, if I ________ it several times, I might still believe he has good intentions.
A. hadn’t heard Dino say B. didn’t hear Dino say
C. hadn’t heard Dino to be saying D. heard not Dino as saying
20. Mr Simpson says it was impossible to finish the job on time. I don’t necessarily agree
with this as there were some options he didn’t try; for instance, if he ________ four
lorries instead of two.
A. hired B. had hired C. would hire D. were to hire
21. Once in Miami I ________ what to do. The problem is there is no way of getting
A. would know B. know C. knew D. would have
22. I was slow to react because I saw no reason why I should trust the man. I can imagine
myself reacting differently if I ________ him.
A. did trusted B. did trust C. had trusted D. have trusted
23. If I ________ a school with a large proportion of Francophone children, the French
pronunciation would now seem much more difficult to me.
A. weren’t able to attend B. didn’t attend
C. haven’t attended D. hadn’t attended
24. If ________ as I told her, she would have succeeded.
A. she has done B. she had done C. she did D. she would do
25. I could never have found such a good summer house, ________, thank you.
A. if I haven’t found a good job B. unless I work six hours a day
C. if I had managed to finish that work D. if it hadn’t been for your help

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