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Controversial Argumentative Essay Topics

Writing an essay on controversial argumentative topics can be a challenging task that requires careful
consideration and thoughtful analysis. These topics often evoke strong emotions and differing
opinions, making it essential to approach the essay with a balanced and well-reasoned perspective.

Firstly, selecting a suitable topic itself can be a daunting process. It involves finding a subject that is
not only controversial but also relevant and significant. This requires extensive research to identify
issues that are currently debated and have varying viewpoints within society.

Once a topic is chosen, the next hurdle is crafting a thesis statement that clearly presents the main
argument while acknowledging the opposing perspectives. Striking the right balance is crucial; the
essay should neither be too one-sided nor too neutral. Achieving this equilibrium demands thorough
research to understand the nuances of the issue and the arguments on both sides.

The research process itself can be time-consuming, involving the exploration of diverse sources to
gather credible and varied information. Analyzing data, statistics, and expert opinions is essential to
build a solid foundation for the essay's argument.

The writing process poses its own set of challenges. Structure and organization are critical to
ensuring a coherent and persuasive essay. Transitioning smoothly between points, addressing
counterarguments, and providing evidence to support claims all require careful consideration.

Moreover, maintaining a respectful tone is crucial when dealing with controversial topics. It's
important to present arguments without resorting to inflammatory language or dismissive attitudes
toward opposing views. Striking a balance between passion and objectivity can be a delicate task.

In conclusion, writing an essay on controversial argumentative topics demands extensive research,

careful consideration of opposing viewpoints, and skillful writing to present a well-rounded and
convincing argument. It's a challenging process that requires time, effort, and dedication to ensure a
thoughtful and impactful essay.

For those seeking assistance with such essays or other academic writing tasks, there are resources
available. Platforms like offer support in crafting well-researched and
professionally written essays on a variety of topics, ensuring that students can navigate the challenges
of academic writing with confidence.
Controversial Argumentative Essay TopicsControversial Argumentative Essay Topics
Apache Case
What are the major risks Apache faces?

As an independent oil and gas exploration and production company, Apache is exposed
to a myriad of risks stemming from price fluctuations in oil and gas markets. As we see
in the case, Apache has 80 percent of its proven resources in the United States, which
puts the company at a disadvantage should oil prices rise significantly. When oil
prices rise, production tends to shift away from domestic sources, as oil is relatively
expensive to extract in the US as compared to elsewhere in the world. Apache has also
purchased a number of mature oil fields from larger producers, and these fields tend to
be more expensive to extract from, since production falls and extraction costs rise as
fields mature. ... Show more content on ...
Since the oil market was bullish at the time, the company s concern was that the
properties might be overvalued, since high current market prices would inflate the
purchase price for said properties. If prices were to drop in the future, Apache may have
over paid for the resources. For this reason, many other companies chose not to acquire
additional properties during times of rising oil prices; Apache instead chose to hedge
their acquisitions in order to mitigate the risk of future losses. This strategy worked well
for Apache, allowing them to complete multiple acquisitions and increase their rating
from a BBB+ to A .

V SWOT Analysis a. Strengths to build upon Apache operates 80 % of its properties,

which allows the company to retain control over development. Apache s executive
compensation package promotes wider objectives of minimizing costs while maximizing
production. As an independent oil company, Apache has a lower cost structure than
larger companies, therefore making them able to feasibly produce from mature oil fields.
Mature fields carry less risk, as the resource is proven. Apache is more technologically
advanced and larger than most independent oil companies.

b. Weaknesses to overcome 80% of properties are within the United States; production in
these areas
Internet Ethics Essay
Internet Ethics

Abstract: This paper takes a look at basic ethics in relation to the Internet. By tracing the
development of the Internet, it identifies perils of the World Wide Web and their moral
significance to a culture trying to move successfully into the twenty first century.

As scientists travel into the future, they are lead by ambition, imagination, and genius. In
their quest to find uses for their rapidly expanding knowledge they often leave behind
their morals. Failing to carefully consider the possible paths their research will follow,
scientist often find that they have gone too far with out realizing it. Their creations
exceed their expectations. When faced with this situation it is up to the scientist ... Show
more content on ...
This theory is entitled the Slippery Slope . It is used to explain the downfall of certain
fields of science and help their inventors know when to draw the line between good
and bad science. An example illustrating this concept involves the Human Genome
Project. When scientists discovered that they were able to read genetic codes
recognizing an individual s traits and determining their disorders they were amazed.
Their work and focus on the project led to their ability to alter these codes thus
changing one s traits and disorders. The ethical question is whether this gene therapy
should be allowed. At the top of the slope is the possibility of eliminating diseases
such as cystic fibrosis while at the bottom of the slope lies the possibility of altering
future humans. When examining who should have access to the results, parents
planning a family sit at the top of the slope while insurance companies who would
cancel the policies of sick patients rest at the bottom. Each aspect of the issue has it s
ups and downs, benefits and repercussions which are more easily understood on the
Slippery Slope . Knowing where to draw the line between good and bad technology is
sometimes the most difficult decision a scientist must make.

As the world plunges into the twenty first century, new issues and technology face it
daily. It is currently in the midst of the information age, a time when computers

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