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My First Day At School Essay

Writing an essay on the topic "My First Day At School" can be both a nostalgic and challenging task.
While the subject matter might evoke personal memories and emotions, articulating them in a
coherent and engaging manner requires careful consideration. The difficulty lies in striking the right
balance between vividly recounting the experience and maintaining a structured narrative that
captures the reader's interest.

One of the challenges is to avoid being overly sentimental or clichéd. It's essential to convey the
significance of the first day at school without resorting to generic expressions. Finding the right
words to describe the mixture of excitement, apprehension, and curiosity that accompanied that initial
foray into the world of education can be a delicate task.

Furthermore, organizing the essay in a logical and compelling sequence poses another hurdle. The
narrative must flow seamlessly, allowing the reader to accompany the writer through the various
stages of the first day – from the initial arrival to the classrooms, meeting new classmates, and
navigating the unfamiliar surroundings. Balancing descriptive elements with reflections on personal
growth can be tricky but is crucial for a well-rounded essay.

Additionally, incorporating sensory details can enhance the essay's authenticity. Describing the
sights, sounds, and even the scents of the school environment on that particular day can transport the
reader back in time. Striking the right chord between sensory vividness and maintaining a focused
narrative is a skill that adds to the complexity of the writing process.

In conclusion, crafting an essay on the topic of "My First Day At School" requires careful
consideration of language, structure, and emotional nuance. It demands a balance between personal
expression and universal relatability, making it both a challenging and rewarding endeavor for any

If you find yourself struggling with such assignments, remember that assistance is available. Similar
essays and a wide range of writing services can be ordered on , providing support
for those navigating the intricacies of essay composition.
My First Day At School Essay My First Day At School Essay
The Meaning of Sports
In today s era of modernisation, sports have become a popular topic of discussion
around the globe especially among youngsters. The government, society and even
NGO s are implementing many new ways to cultivate sports for all. They have always
been trying to improve the sports in their country. This is especially to bring up the
name of the nation in international events such as the Olympics, World Cups and so
on. Sports is an important ingredient for a healthy lifestyle. The question that arises in
our minds now is, why is it very important for us to be active and fit and get involved
in sports? Why is sports is needed by all group of individuals? In order to understand
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In sports, kids can promote a spirit of social interaction, cooperation and friendship
and even independence and many other moral values can be instilled to kids who are
involved in sports. Shows how important sports can be to build a better human being.
Even many of today s leaders were once epic sportsman. Sports are really beneficial for
kids as it allows them to think creatively to solve issues and problems in a game and
also will make them a better thinker, build a better and more disciplined in almost
every way, respect for others, instil leadership qualities as sports is the best way to
educate kids on the importance of leadership, all of which form the foundation of
character building. Studies have also shown that getting involved in sports can
indirectly improve academic results, produces lower students from failing in their
school and university and deter delinquency. Based on all the facts given, it is for sure
that sports can develop the entire human system by strengthening the physical body and
training the mind to be stronger, never giving up and makes them to even accept failure
and keep moving forward no matter what. Therefore, no parent should ever stop their
kids from playing any sort of sports. Furthermore, sports is also very important and
essential for women. In today s world. women participation in sports have become an
The Beijing Olympics Olympic Games
Hosting the Olympic Games is thought of as one of the great honor that a country can
receive in the eyes of the world. By hosting the Olympic Games, this can provide a host
country the opportunity to represent their nation states with a universally legitimate way
to present and promote their national identities and culture. The 2008 Beijing Olympics
played a significant role in the social life of China and efficiently influence not only the
history and grand socioeconomics transformation and modernization of China, but also
the rest of the world, making it one of the most successful Olympiad in history. After
being awarded the opportunity to host the Games, China took this chance to their
advantage to promote their reformed national identity on the world s stage, in terms of
symbolically and physically. According to Xin Xu , he believes that the low politics of
sport is conspicuously connected with the high politics of national identities and
international relations in the spotlight of the upcoming Beijing Games (90). The Chinese
saw this mega sporting event as a platform from which they can revive their national
pride and identities (Luo, Huang 444). In order for China to accomplish their aim for
nation identity, they must first realize the China s Three Dreams, put forth by Zhang
Boling a renowned educationist and sportsman. The Three Dreams were also known as
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Web Gis Technology Using Gis Server
Web GIS Technology Using GIS Server

Web based mapping is the process of generating and providing maps on the World
Wide Web for users to search and browse spatial information. Web mapping has been
designed based on a client/server technology. In client/server architectures the server
side is in charge of the data querying, analysis and processing, whereas the client side is
based on the user interaction, map display and report generation. Web services make it
easy to share GIS resources across client applications, including ArcGIS for Desktop, web
mapping applications, mobile devices.

Key Words: GIS Server, Web Mapping, Geodatabase.

GIS resources are the maps, globes, address locators, geodatabases, and tools that one
wants to share with others. It can host GIS resources on ArcGIS for Server system and
allow client applications, such as web mapping applications and mobile devices, to use
and interact with the resources [1]. It is possible to create web based services,
providing maps for users to search and browse geographic information [2]. ESRI s
ArcGIS Server connects people with the geographic information they need.
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by web mapping applications and services to improve internal workflows, communicate
vital issues, and engage stakeholders [3]. WebGIS is the integration product of GIS and
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Literature Review On Organic Food
Name: Jolanda Seli
Matric no: S38420
Assignment: Literature Review

Consumer attitudes and Purchase Intention toward Organic Food in University Malaysia

4.0Literature Review
Consumer are more concerned about the nutrition and quality of their daily food
nowadays. They tend to find the green aspect in the products, as well as their effect on
earth (Minyan Yang, Sarah Al Shaaban and Tram B.Nguyen, 2014). This is because the
emergences of the fake product that contain a lot poisonous chemical that can lead to
cancer and other critical diseases. The demand for organic food continue to rise in
developed country and the trend move to developing country including Malaysia
(Chandran Somasundram, Zuliana Razali and Vicknesha Santhirasegaram, ... Show more
content on ...
(2016). A Review on Organic Food Production in Malaysia. 1.
Ihsan Effendi, PahamGinting, Arlina Nurbaity Lubis and Khaira Amalia Fachruddin.
(2015). Journal of Business Management. Analysis of Consumer behaviour of Organic
Food in North Sumatra Province, Indonesia, 46.
Irianto, H. (2015). consumers attitude and intention towards organic food purchase. an
extension of theory of planned behavior in gender perspective, 19.
Leon G. Schiffman and Joseph L Wisenblit. (2015). consumer behavior eleventh edition.
United States of America : Pearson Education.
Lewin, J. (2013). how to guide organic. what does organic mean?
M, C. (2009). Attitudes toward Organic food among Taiwanese as related to health
consciousness,enviromental attitudes,and the mediating effect of a healthy lifestyles.
British Food Journal.
Minyan Yang, Sarah Al Shaaban and Tram B.Nguyen. (2014). Consumer attitude and
purchase intention towards organic food. a quantitative study of China, 7.
Minyan Yang, Sarah Al Shabaan,Trum B Nguyen. (2014). consumer attitudes and
purchase intention towards organic food . a quantitative study of China , 14.
NZFSA. (2008). NZFSA Policy on Organic Food. A Background Paper,

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