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Easy Essay Topics For College Students

Writing an essay on the topic "Easy Essay Topics for College Students" may seem paradoxical at first
glance. One might assume that choosing an uncomplicated subject would make the writing process
smoother. However, the challenge lies in striking the right balance between simplicity and substance.
Crafting an engaging and insightful essay on seemingly straightforward topics demands a keen
understanding of the audience, an ability to infuse creativity into familiar themes, and a skillful
approach to transform seemingly easy topics into compelling narratives.

The initial obstacle may arise from the misconception that easy topics lack depth or significance.
Consequently, finding a unique perspective or angle to explore becomes essential. Additionally, the
challenge lies in steering clear of clichés and predictable arguments while still adhering to the
simplicity inherent in the topic.

Moreover, the difficulty is heightened by the need to cater to a college-level audience. College
students are exposed to a myriad of ideas, and writing an essay that stands out requires a delicate
blend of accessibility and intellectual rigor. Striking this balance involves careful consideration of the
tone, language, and depth of analysis.

As with any writing task, the research process is critical. Even when the topic appears
straightforward, the essay's quality hinges on a well-informed and researched approach. This
includes gathering relevant information, incorporating diverse perspectives, and presenting a
cohesive and well-supported argument.

In essence, the difficulty in writing an essay on "Easy Essay Topics for College Students" lies in the
challenge of making simplicity engaging, avoiding common pitfalls, and maintaining a balance
between accessibility and intellectual depth. It demands a thoughtful and creative approach to
transform seemingly mundane subjects into captivating narratives that resonate with a college-level

For those seeking assistance with essays or looking for inspiration, there are platforms like where similar essays and much more can be ordered to meet various writing needs.
Easy Essay Topics For College Students Easy Essay Topics For College Students
Indian Dairy Industry- Swot
Indian Dairy Sector Overview amp; SWOT Posted by admin on Tuesday, July 31,
2012 · Leave a Comment inShare | Import of key items on the increase to meet
shortage| Import of dairy items during April 2009 February 2010 surged by a massive
275.5 per cent to Rs 284.88 crore.| | In April 2008 February 2009, import of milk and
other dairy products was only Rs 75.86 crore.| The dairy products imports mainly
comprise skimmed milk powder and butter oil brought in by the National Dairy
Development Board (NDDB) to meet shortfall in milk procurement of its subsidiary,
Mother Dairy, and other co operatives. With their procurement lagging behind, liquid
milk supplies have been affected in many States. B L 180510| SWOT ANALYSIS... Show
more content on ...
But then if ice creams can be sold virtually at every nook and corner, why can t we sell
other dairy products too? Moreover, it is only a matter of time before we see the
emergence of a cold chain linking the producer to the refrigerator at the consumer s
home!| Competition: With so many newcomers entering this industry, competition is
becoming tougher day by day. But then competition has to be faced as a ground
reality. The market is large enough for many to carve out their niche.| Opportunities:|
Failure is never final, and success never ending . Dr Kurien bears out this statement
perfectly. He entered the industry when there were only threats. He met failure head
on, and now he clearly is an example of never ending success ! If dairy entrepreneurs
are looking for opportunities in India, the following areas must be tapped:| * Value
addition: There is a phenomenal scope for innovations in product development,
packaging and presentation. Given below are potential areas of value addition:| * Steps
should be taken to introduce value added products like shrikhand, ice creams, paneer,
khoa, flavored milk, dairy sweets, etc. This will lead to a greater presence and flexibility
in the market place along with opportunities in the field of brand building.| * Addition of
cultured products like yoghurt and cheese lend further strength both in terms of
utilization of resources and presence in the market place.| A lateral view opens up
Gwendolyn Brooks Guilt, Blame, Mourning, And Regret
Introduction Gwendolyn Brooks was born in 1917 in Topeka, Kansas, and moved to
Chicago at a young age. She attended a junior college in Chicago, then started working
for the NAACP, all before publishing A Street in Booneville , her first book of poems,
in 1945. The Mother (her most famous poem) was also published in 1945. In 1950,
Gwendolyn Brooks was the first African Americanto ever win the Pulitzer Prize and in
1968, Brooks was appointed the Poet Laureate of Illinois. The themes of this analysis
are: Guilt, Blame, Mourning, and Regret The mother is an anti abortion poem by
Gwendolyn Brooks. It mourns the loss of children aborted because of the poverty of the
mother ( Brooks first speaks to the mothers who... Show more content
on ...
It is so regularly female in its subject, articulation and topic that lone a lady could have
composed it, thus it is. The speaker of the lyric is a lady who has prematurely ended a
kid, halfway purposely, and is currently recollecting the embryo. Like a run of the mill
female , this speaker is exceptionally delicate, adoring, kind and wistful. Like an
accomplished mother who has encountered the way toward bearing and raising a tyke,
she knows so well the run of the mill encounters and delights of having and raising a
youngster. Subtle elements in the sonnet like winding the sucking thumb or abandoning
off the phantom are things which strikingly propose that she in any event knows each
common experience of a mother with a
What Is Thoreau s Argument In Resistance To Civil
Agreeing with Thoreau on Resistance to Civil Government Thoreau presents many
different arguments in his essay Resistance to Civil Government . From conscience
over laws, stand on the unjust government, and support on slavery. Overall, and
coincidently, Resisting the civil government is the highlighted topic. All those topics
that I mentioned fall under that category one way or another. With that out of the way,
and in my o so humble opinion.... I must agree with Thoreau and his views. He makes
some greats points that could get someone to second guess themselves, if not
enlightened already. Here are some points in Resistance to Civil Government that I
found to agree with. First off, you, yourself are pretty darn important. It goes without
saying that the stuff you believe are important to yourself as well. This stands true for
most people and Thoreau is not an exception. He believes that the conscience has
higher priority than the dictates of laws. Honestly, I couldn t agree more. The root at
which this topic arrives from is basically, People making you think or do differently,
because I said so. In the book, he is put in jail for not... Show more content on ...
In the short of it, it controls most EVERYTHING you do. What scarier than that is the
unjust government, or the government that just abuse their power. At the time Thoreau
writes this essay, the government supported slavery and aggressive war, and that is
something he didn t agree with. This quote, That government is best which governs
least not only says that he doesn t just dislike the unjust, but the government as a whole.
This quote, Governments show thus how successfully men can be imposed on.
explains why, almost to the dot. Even in today s world, the government is a cruel thing
that many people fear as getting to strong. As liberties we once had to the little thing
that we didn t know we had are be slowly but surly be taken away, so yes, point numero
dos for agreeing with
Essay on Pharmacy
Pharmacist Needing Professional Liability
Rosalind Aidoo
Devry University
Health Rights and Responsibilities
Professor Richard Barrett
March 31, 2013

Protecting your assets, licenses, and name that Allied Non Physician Healthcare workers
have achieved for themselves means having Professional Liability Insurance. Many
people do not realize that not only doctors need professional liability insurance but any
profession that encounters consumers may need it. Professional Liability Insurance
protects professionals against negligence claims made against them. Professional
Liability Insurance is as known as Errors and Omissions Coverage that physicians,
insurance agents, accountants, attorneys, etc. all need. Pharmacists are one ... Show more
content on ...
Pharmacists now experience more lawsuits than ever before due to healthcare facility
errors that were looked over, giving a prescription to the wrong customer, writing the
wrong directions on a prescription, putting the wrong drug in the correct bottle for a
patient, etc. (Rx Recruiters, (N.D.). I have worked in a pharmacy over many years and
have seen many mistakes happen with a good and bad ending. The two most common
mistakes that are not the fault of the pharmacist are giving the wrong prescription to the
wrong customer at check out and not following HIPPA standards. There are many
cases where customers can have common names and are given the wrong prescription
due to lack of verification. I have personally heard of a customer calling back because
they realized they have the wrong medication. An instance of such could go in a very
bad direction if a customer takes the medication and causes health problems or death,
which would result in a malpractice lawsuit. Although it was not the pharmacist error
because it was an employee working under the pharmacist, the pharmacist could lose
their license and much money due to this mistake. As long as the pharmacist has
professional liability insurance this mistake would be covered and licenses would not be
threatened to be taken. Another main area for possible lawsuits would be disregarding or
not following HIPPA regulations properly. In
Ice Break By Astrid Blodgett
Analysis of Astrid Blodgett s »Ice Break«

The short story »Ice Break« is about family relations. It explores the literal and figurative
meaning behind the title. It is a story about a family in dissolution that is struck by a
tragedy. The ice is breaking under the family. The main character is the middle daughter
in the family, who is trying to enjoy a last hour with her father and younger sister,
because she fears her parents might be getting a divorce. The story ends in tragedy when
her father and sister die in an ice fishing accident.

The story is written with crosscutting between the past and the present. In the very first
sentence of the story, the reader learns that something terrible or dangerous is about to
happen: »We re a long ... Show more content on ...
It is shown on page 5, line 127 129 and 131 132, where Dawn sees her father from a
completely different side: »Dad s not angry. He s frightened. (...) We re sitting in the
water. I m running out of air. (...) I don t want to go without him.« Suddenly, she sees
her father in a position where he is not angry and strong, but weak and scared, and, for
once, fighting for her. It also shows that, in spite of the problems the family might have,
they still love each

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