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List of Required Documents

Health Form : A provided form to be filled out with all essential information regarding your child's health.

Vaccination Copy : A copy of the vaccination page from your child's health record.

Health Insurance:

For non-European children: Health insurance covering the child for the entire duration of the program, with the mention of the
country where the program takes place required in the insurance policy.

For children residing in the European Union: A valid European Health Insurance Card. The application can be made through
the Ameli account of the social security, and the card can then be downloaded.

Mutual Insurance : A copy of the certificate from the child's mutual insurance or supplementary insurance.

Birth Certificate: A copy of the child's birth certificate or a copy of the family record book, including the page with the parents
and child.

ID Card or Passport of the Legal Representative: A copy of the legal representative's identification document as it appears on
the birth certificate or family record book of the child.

Regulations : The rules of the program must be signed by both the child's legal representative (the same representative as
indicated on the provided identification) and by the child participating in the program.

Medical Certificate : A medical certificate issued by a doctor certifying the absence of any medical contraindication to the
practice of football (and, in some cases, swimming). The provided certificate can be completed by the doctor and must be

Questionnaire : The questionnaire must be completed carefully. If any of the answers are "YES," you must provide a medical
certificate. If all answers are "NO," a medical certificate is not required.

License : The license is the document issued when your child is registered with a football club. In France, it can be downloaded
from the website of the FFF (French Football Federation).

Swimming Certificate : A document or certification that attests to a child's swimming skills. This type of certificate is usually
awarded after the child successfully completes a set of predefined tests evaluating their swimming abilities.
+33 7 55 52 30 42 (Europa) - +1 650 644 1383 (USA)

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