7th - 3 - Forests

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Name of the Teacher : Dr.MAHESWARARAO SUREDDI Class : VII


Name of the Lesson/ No. of Periods Time line for teaching

Topic Any specific Information
Unit Required From To
 Climatic Region Tropical climate, The Savanna,
Desert region, Meditation climate,
1 the steppe, Taiga, Tundra are the
important climatic regions.
 Concept of Forest Large area covered with trees or
1 shrubs in natural habitation in a
particular place is called forest.
 Types of Forests Evergreen forests, Deciduous forests,
Thorny forests, Mangrove forests,
Montane forests are various types of
FORESTS forests.
 Uses of Forests Consumptive use, Balancing
ecosystem, research use.
 Issues and reasons for Social forestry is a concept taken up
deforestation for conservation of forests and
 Social forestry and afforestation in barren and deforested
Conservation of
2 lands, for the purpose of helping
environment, social and rural

Prior Concepts / Skills:
 Know about World map, Continents
 Forests
 Uses of forests
 Uses of trees
 Names of trees in their locality

Learning Outcomes No. of Periods

 Know the different climatic regions in the world and identify them in the world map.

 Understand the concept of the forest, social forestry.

 Appreciate the role of forests in human life.

 Classify forests into various types.

 Locate various water bodies on the world map. 8

 Analyse the issue related to deforestation and identify the reasons.

 Create a table with the information regarding various forests.

 Locate important forests in the outline map of India and Andhra Pradesh.


Induction / Introduction:

We will learn about the above concepts through this lesson.

Experience and Reflection:

 What do you know about forests?

 Name the trees which are grown in your locality?
 How forests helpful to human beings?
 What do you observe in the following picture?

Check for
Explicit Teaching / Teacher Independent Work TLM (Digital
Group Work (We Do) Understanding
Modelling (I Do) (You Do) + Print)
 Ask to fill up the mind map  Fill up the mind  Name some
which was given in the map which was climatic regions.
introduction of this lesson based given in the  What is meant by
on their own views about introduction of Selvas?
forests. this lesson based  Read Indians AP SCERT
 Explain about various “Climatic on their own lived in which Textbook
Regions” based on the world  Participated in preparation views about area?
map. of world map with various forests.  Which is the World Map
 Ask to prepare a world map with climatic regions.  Locate a few biggest desert in
various climatic regions as a important the world? Globe
class room activity. countries in  What do you
 Ask locate a few important various climatic about Taiga
countries in various climatic regions in the region?
regions in the world map. world map.
 Ask to prepare a table with  Prepare a table
various climatic regions and with various
important countries in those climatic regions
regions. and important
countries in
those regions.

Explicit Teaching / Teacher Independent Work (You Check for Understanding TLM (Digital +
Group Work (We Do)
Modelling (I Do) Do) Questions Print)
 Explain the concept of forest  Participate in a  Note down the  What do understand
with local example. filed trip and to key observations about forest? Text book
 Organise a nearest forest as a visit nearest in the field trip.  Name the plants in
field trip and ask to record what forest. forest which are PPT
they observe in the forest. having medical World map
values. DIKSHA video

 Explain about various types of  Prepare a table  What are the various Text book
forests in India and Andhra with the key types forests in
Pradesh.  Participated in information of India? PPT
 Ask to prepare a thematic map preparation of various types of  What are the various World map

with various forest regions in thematic maps of forests. types of forests in DIKSHA video

India. India and Andhra Andhra Pradesh? Globe

 Ask to prepare a thematic map Pradesh related to  What are the

with various forest regions in forests. administrative
Andhra Pradesh. divisions of forests?
 Ask to prepare a table with the  Locate evergreen
key information of various types forest areas in India
of forests. map.
 Sundarbans located
in which state?

Explicit Teaching / Teacher Independent Work (You Check for Understanding TLM (Digital +
Group Work (We Do)
Modelling (I Do) Do) Questions Print)
 Organise group discussion on  Participate in  Note down the Text book
various uses of forests. group discussion uses of forests.  What are various
on various uses of uses of forests?
 How forests help to PPT
human beings? World map
DIKSHA video
 Explain about Issues and  Participated in a  Note down key  What are the issues Text book
reasons for deforestation group discussion points related to related to
 Organise a group discussion on on Issues and Issues and reasons deforestation?
Issues and reasons for reasons for for deforestation,  Give suggestions to
deforestation deforestation. social forestry and protect forests. World map
 Explain Social forestry and Conservation of DIKSHA video
Conservation of forests forests

Student practice Questions & Activities:

1. Read about policies of forests and fill in the following table.

2. Do the multiple-choice question in Improve your learning part.
3. Do the matching in Improve your learning part.
4. Solve the puzzle with gives hints in Improve your learning part.

1. Mention the types of forests in India.
2. Describe briefly about the evergreen forests.
3. Describe the features of deciduous forests. Explain about flora and fauna of these forests in India.
4. Explain in detail about the thorn forests in India?
5. Prepare some slogans on “conservation of forests”.
6. List out the resources of the forests used by you in your daily life.

Afresh Information/ Current events related to this topic

Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) recently released the draft National Forest Policy 2018.
What are the highlights?

 Objective - The draft forest policy, 2018 will be an overarching policy for forest management.
 It aims at bringing a minimum of one-third of India’s total geographical area under forest or tree cover.
 It seems to address the concern of decline in forest productivity.
 Concepts - The draft has introduced some new concepts such as:

i. economic valuation of ecosystem services

ii. forest certification
iii. national forest ecosystem management information system

Signature of the Teacher Visiting officer with remarks Signature of the Headmaster

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