Integrated Cost and Schedule Control Sys

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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations

Volume 2015, Article ID 190925, 13 pages

Research Article
Integrated Cost and Schedule Control Systems for Nuclear
Power Plant Construction: Leveraging Strategic Advantages to
Owners and EPC Firms

Youngsoo Jung,1 Byeong-Suk Moon,2 Yun-Myung Kim,3 and Woojoong Kim2

College of Architecture, Myongji University, Yongin 449-728, Republic of Korea
Central Research Institute, Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd., Daejeon 305-343, Republic of Korea
Project Management Department, KEPCO Engineering and Construction Company, Inc., Yongin 446-713, Republic of Korea

Correspondence should be addressed to Youngsoo Jung;

Received 3 December 2014; Accepted 8 February 2015

Academic Editor: Alejandro Clausse

Copyright © 2015 Youngsoo Jung et al. his is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

As the owners expect that the cost and time for nuclear power plant construction would decrease with new entrants into the
market, there will be severer competition in the nuclear industry. In order to achieve performance improvement and to attain
competitive advantages under the globalized competition, practitioners and researchers in the nuclear industry have recently
exerted eforts to develop an advanced and eicient management methodology for the nuclear mega-projects. Among several
candidates, integrated cost and schedule control system is of great concern because it can efectively manage the three most
important project performances including cost, time, and quality. In this context, the purpose of this paper is to develop a project
numbering system (PNS) of integrated cost and schedule control system for nuclear power plant construction. Distinct attributes
of nuclear power plant construction were investigated irst in order to identify inluencing variables that characterize real-world
implementation of advanced cost and schedule controls. A scenario was then developed and analysed to simulate a case-project.
By using this case-project, proposed management requirements, management methods, measurement techniques, data structure,
and data collection methods for integrated cost and schedule PNS were illustrated. Finally, indings and implications are outlined,
and recommendations for further research are presented.

1. Introduction highlighted as a major barrier to utilizing this concept over

a quarter of a century [2–4]. his argument is especially
Due to recent new entrants into the nuclear construction factual for a nuclear power plant (NPP) construction project
industry, it was reported by Richardson [1] that “the nuclear due to its gigantic size and distinct complexity. In order
industry is rapidly globalizing. As it does so, there will be to maximize the beneits that this integration has to ofer,
sharper vendor competition. Cost and construction time are methodologies, techniques, and tools to reduce the work-
expected to fall, and more countries will opt for nuclear loads for integrated cost and schedule control should be
power.” Under this globalized intense competition, owners investigated in a comprehensive manner. Nevertheless, there
and companies in the nuclear industry strive to enhance the has been no previous research addressing these issues for
quality, cost, and time for nuclear construction projects. nuclear power plant (NPP) construction. Furthermore, there
Efectively managing three major performances of qual- has been no legitimate study that proposed a comprehensive
ity, cost, and time is the utmost objective for any construction EVMS numbering system encompassing project life cycle.
project. It is known that, up to date, the most advanced and In this context, the purpose of this paper is to develop
systematic method for managing these three performances a methodology of formulating project numbering system
in an integrated way is “earned value management system” (PNS) for nuclear power plant construction EVMS. A well-
(EVMS). However, additional management efort required deined PNS not only efectively optimizes EVMS work-
to collect and maintain detailed data for EVMS has been loads for on-going projects but also signiicantly improves
2 Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations

the reusability of historical database for future projects. Determining the level of details for CAs is a key decision
herefore, proposed PNS in this study is not intended to for efective EVMS implementation [10]. A higher level
merely serve as a numbering system for data manipulation; CA (with less detail) dramatically alleviates the managerial
it is rather developed to enhance organizational competence overhead efort, but it is diicult to retain precise informa-
by automatically accumulating knowledge extracted from tion for cost and schedule engineers. Trade-of in between
on-going and historical project database. In other words, workloads and details needs to be analysed based on the
technical issues should be thoroughly analysed with business project characteristics and managerial requirements. In order
process reengineering (BPR) emphasis in order to improve to select the most eicient CAs for EVMS, the whole scope of
EVMS viability. NPP construction project must be deined in a hierarchical
Distinct characteristics of NPP construction including and systematic breakdown structure.
participants, project size, lifecycle, project delivery method,
and other managerial requirements were studied irst in order 2.2. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). Work breakdown
to identify real-world EVMS PNS requirements. An NPP structure (WBS) is deined as “a deliverable-oriented group-
case-project was then developed with a scenario for the ing of project elements, which organizes and deines the
purpose of formulating and illustrating the proposed PNS structure of the entire project.” “Each descending level
in this study with complete details. Research objectives were represents an increasingly detailed deinition of a project
also set within this scenario. Even though the scenario is case component” [11]. Fleming and Koppleman [8] maintain that
speciic, common conditions for typical NPP construction “the WBS provided an opportunity for all key functions on
were fully considered to generalize the PNS model. Finally, a project to view the project in the same manner, to speak
EVMS policies, management methods, and progress mea- a common project language for the irst time.” Due to this
surement techniques for NPP EVMS were briely presented. importance of WBS, CII [12] recently exerts research eforts
Efectiveness and viability of the proposed system were to develop “enhanced work packaging” or “advanced work
examined by applying to the case-project. his paper outlines packaging” to utilize the best practices in this area.
the result of an “action research” to test EVMS applicability For advanced usage of WBS, Jung and Woo [4] stressed
to NPP, as the authors have conducted an experiment of that “the signiicant characteristics of WBS in project control
information systems (IS) planning for an organization-wide are twofold; one is its classifying mechanism that decomposes
NPP EVMS system. the project elements into a manageable level, another is its
integrating mechanism that provides a common perspective
to relevant construction business functions.” Selected WBS
2. Earned Value Management Systems (EVMS) packages serve as CAs for EVMS where cost and schedule are
Cost, schedule, and quality are the three major performance WBS formulation for NPP construction projects is a
indicators for construction organizations and projects. Mon- daunting task as it should encompass every single work pack-
itoring and managing these three performances provide the age and cost item throughout the entire project life cycle (i.e.,
project managers with valuable information in terms of planning, design, procurement, construction, start-up, and
“current status, corrective countermeasure, and forecast of even operating/maintenance) of a mega-project. On the other
future risks.” Among these three indicators, cost and schedule hand, to some extent, it is also true that WBS for NPP can be
are closely interrelated in terms of sharing common data easier to handle from a project management organization’s
for the performance assessments [4]. herefore, beneits (PMO) perspective, because of limited number of prime
from integrating cost and schedule control (i.e., EVMS) have engineering irms, equipment suppliers, and contractors with
been asserted by numerous researchers and practitioners highly competitive technical capabilities.
ever since this idea was irst promoted in the 1960s [6–8].
However, the excessive management demands of collecting 2.3. Project Numbering System (PNS). For the purpose of sys-
and maintaining detailed data have been highlighted by tematic communication and integration of project informa-
previous research as the major barrier to utilizing this concept tion, a project numbering system (PNS) prescribes standard
over a quarter of a century [2–4]. procedures and methods to number all diferent types of
data and documents within a project. Every single document,
2.1. Control Account (CA). he basic concept of EVMS drawing, speciication, equipment, schedule activity, cost
utilizes focal points for the integration of scope, cost, and item, or inspection must be assigned with a unique number
schedule. A control account (CA) in EVMS acts for “a man- so that each can be clearly identiied. Due to the complexity
agement control point at which budgets and actual costs are of project information, a construction PNS normally requires
accumulated and compared to earned value for management two basic components: a “standard classiication” and a
control purposes” and represents “the work assigned to one “sequencing structure.” As an example, a schedule activity
responsible organizational element” [9]. herefore, the CAs of concrete work (C0300) for a footing (E0100) can be
are used as activities in a network schedule, as work packages numbered as C0300E0100. In this simple example, C0300 is
for the project budget, and as packages for progress payment a standard classiication number for concrete “commodity”
at the same time [6, 7]. Namely, the basic role of CA is the whereas E0100 is the standard number for footing “element.”
common denominator and focal point for the integration of It is noteworthy that this example has set a standard number-
scope, cost, and scheduling. ing sequence for schedule activities. Namely, in this example,
Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations 3

Table 1: EVMS implementation cases.

Description Project Aa Project Bb Project Cc Project Dd

Interview date September 2010 November 2010 November 2010 March 2013
Industry Defense Nuclear power plant Civil infrastructure Housing (Hanok)
Participants Limited Limited Limited Many and unspeciied
Project type R&D + production E/P/C/M Construction Construction
Project duration About 75 months About 55 months About 48 months About 3 months
Project budget 1.3 billion dollars 20 billion dollars 0.12 billion dollars 200,000 dollars
Delivery method Multiprime DBM DBB DBB
Payment method Cost reimbursable Lump-sum Total cost with unit price Total cost with unit price
Milestone with Earned standarde Physical measurement Weighted milestone
Progress measurement
percent complete
Number of CAs (EVMS) 136 1,400e 1,000f 50
e f
Average size of CA 956,000 dollars 1,429,000 dollars 120,000 dollars 4,000 dollars
he case-studies of Projects A, B, and C are based on the authors’ interview with project managers.
he case-study of Project D is based on Jung et al. [5].
Suggested solutions by this study.
Approximate average from 50 projects implementing EVMS in the company of Project C.

the commodity number for irst ive digits and the element 3. EVMS Variables of NPP Construction
number for last ive digits are assigned as a ixed sequence. Project Management
A PNS for NPP EVMS requires making the most use
of existing standard classiications for cost, schedule, quality, Nuclear power plant (NPP) construction has distinct charac-
and other management functions in order to easily integrate teristics as compared to other construction projects. As dis-
entire systems. Another important fact is that the PNS should cussed in Section 2, speciic characteristics of a construction
efectively facilitate providing meaningful information for project directly determine the nature of CA, WBS, and PNS
the managers and engineers of NPP projects. Again, leading for EVMS. In order to examine these variations, this study
all participants with superior knowledge as a coordinator is initially compared four cases of real-world EVMS implemen-
critical capability for an NPP PMO. herefore, a PNS for tation based on possible EVMS variables identiied by the
NPP EVMS needs to be designed to achieve this managerial authors as listed in Table 1. Even though some attributes are
requirement in addition to EVMS basics. location speciic (by local regulations and others), Table 1
provides an overview of how nuclear construction is diferent
2.4. PNS of NPP Construction EVMS. PNS data structure from other types. Based on this comparative analysis, six
for EVMS may vary depending on the role of a project independent variables of NPP EVMS including “project
participant. his paper focuses on an owner’s perspective participant, project size, delivery method, progress payment
for managing NPP projects. An active owner exhibits a method, progress measurement method, and project man-
tendency to be involved in the project both technically and agement strategies” are identiied as described in Table 2.
managerially. A PMO (project management organization), Each of six variables is discussed in this section.
whether it is in an owner or in an EPC’s organization, has
similar managerial interests and requires the same level of 3.1. Project Participants (VO). Implementing techniques of
detail for EVMS (high level with less detail). Both an owner integrated cost and schedule (EVMS) can be afectedly
and an engineering/procurement/construction (EPC) PMO diferent depending on the stakeholders among project par-
need to integrate many diferent business functions in a ticipants. It is known that EVMS for owners (VO1 or VO2 in
similar pattern throughout the project life cycle in order to Table 2) has the highest level of CAs (with less detail) while
handle EVMS requirements. it should maintain thorough interrelationship between activ-
From an EPC irm’s perspective, a capability of coordi- ities throughout the project life cycle (horizontal integration,
nating and integrating “planning, engineering, procurement, OI in Table 3). For example, engineering activities need to be
construction, start-up, and operation” is critical to be a linked into procurement activities, and those procurement
PMO regardless of the fact that the irm is originally an activities then clearly deine their succeeding construction
equipment supplier or a contractor. Again, EVMS should not activities (EPC integration). Start-up and operation activities
be designed to merely gather cost and schedule information. are also integrated in the same manner.
It should be an oversight management mechanism. PNS for EVMS for engineering companies (VO3 in Table 2),
NPP construction EVMS in this paper will explore solutions equipment suppliers (VO4), or construction companies
with this emphasis. (VO5) has more detailed data with deinite accuracy. For
4 Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations

Table 2: EVMS variables and implementation alternatives.

Variable (V-) Alternatives EVMS requirements (R-)

VO1: owner’s PMO
VO2: EPC company’s PMO
VO3: engineering company (i) RO1: vertical level of details (LOD)
VO: participant
VO4: equipment manufacturer (ii) RO2: horizontal integration through project life cycle
VO5: construction company
VO6: O&M company
VB1: budget < 10 million
VB2: 10 ≤ budget < 100 million
VB: project size ($) (i) RB1: number of CAs
VB3: 100 million ≤ budget < 1 billion
VB4: 1 billion ≤ budget
VD1: design-bid-build (DBB)
VD2: design-build (DB)
VD: project delivery (i) RD1: interorganizational integration through project
VD3: CM at risk (CMR)
method (PDM) participants
VD4: design-build-maintain (DBM)
VD9: others
VP1: ixed price
VP: progress payment VP2: unit price (i) RP1: Quantity take-of (QTO) in the planning phase
method VP3: cost reimbursable (preliminary estimate)
VP9: others
VM1: estimated percent complete
VM: progress measurement VM2: earned value (i) RM1: accuracy versus efort required to measure progress
method VM3: physical measurement for each CA
VM9: others
VS1: corporate strategy
VS: project management (i) RS1: functional integration
VS2: technology strategy
strategies (ii) RS2: knowledge management
VS3: project management strategy

Table 3: EVMS implementing objectives and methods.

Objectives (O-) Methods
OI1: cost, time, and quality
OI: integrating performance measures OI2: life cycle (planning, EPC, start-up, and operation)
OI3: hierarchical schedules
OO1: planning capability as owner VO2
OO: enhancing organizational capability OO2: project management capability as an EPC VB4
OO3: organizational learning mechanism VD4
OW1: minimized additional data requirements VP1
OW: optimizing EVMS workload OW2: balanced data linkage and segment VM2
OW3: maximized data utilization for analyses VS-
OC1: redesigning risk and cost management system (Table 2)
OC: augmenting cost engineering OC2: focused on cost engineering, not accounting
OC3: systemized project baseline

example, general contractors (VO5) keep separate codes of detail) to be a manageable system. hough there is no proven
account (COA) for labour, materials, and other cost types. practice for the relationship between the efective number of
Due to this detailed data structure, EVMS of engineers, CAs and project monetary size, it was recommended by Jung
suppliers, or contractors (VO3, VO4, and VO5) can be fully et al. [13] that about one thousand CAs are most efective
used for engineering analysis and simulations of on-going for the managers to intuitively interpret overall status of the
project as well as future projects. project.
From a PMO’s perspective, the monetary size of a mega-
3.2. Project Size (VB). It is not easy to categorize the range project makes it extraordinarily complex to manage cost and
of construction project size in terms of monetary amount. schedule in an integrated way unless the CAs are of very
NPP is one of the biggest capital projects as shown in the high level (less detailed LOD). For example, as shown in
comparison with civil infrastructure cases in Table 1. EVMS Project B of Table 1, a 20 billion dollar project with 1,400 CAs
for a mega-project implies using high-level CAs (with less would have a CA (a CPM activity) that could cost about
Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations 5

1.4 million dollars in average (20 billion dollars divided by accuracy, frequency, and required efort for measuring the
1,400 CAs). An important question needs to be addressed progress [10]. Physical measurement (VM1) for every single
whether 1.4 million dollar CA can be adequate for efective work item would obtain accurate progress information;
management from technical and inancial perspectives. In however, it requires tremendous amount of eforts just for
Table 1, it is clearly inferred that “Project B” may have bigger calculating project progress. herefore, as for the variable
CAs than Projects A and C have (considering the project of “progress measurement method” (VM), optimized trade-
budget, duration, and project delivery method). ofs between “accuracy and overhead eforts” should be
thoroughly examined.
3.3. Project Delivery Method (VD). Four major project deliv- In order to select efective progress measurement meth-
ery methods (PDM) in the construction industry include ods, comprehensive considerations encompassing project
design-bid-build (DBB, B1 in Table 2), design-build (DB), size (VB), project delivery method (VD), progress payment
construction management at risk (CMR), and design-build- method (VP), and management policies need to be con-
maintain (DBM) [15] As a diferent terminology of design- sidered. Of course, diferent methods can be used together
build (DB), EPC (engineering, procurement, and construc- within a project so that it can provide full lexibility in
tion) as a single contract is the typical PDM in the nuclear managing expensive human resources for progress measure-
industry. It is notable that major equipment (e.g., turbine ment. he case-project in this study utilized the earned
generator or nuclear steam supply system) vendors are oten value (VM2) method for progress measurement as a prime
under multiprime contracts. Multiprime contract can be method. he earned value (VM2) method used in the case-
classiied as a ramiication of DBB. project combined the principle of “apportioned relationships
However, under any sophisticated variation of PDM, the to discrete work” [8] and physical measurement (VM1) in
nature of nuclear construction process will stick to EPC prin- order to reduce overhead efort from the owner’s EVMS
ciples in order to maximize the interactions between project perspective.
participants. It is noteworthy that a research by Koppinen
and Lahdenperä [15] proved DBM (VD4 in Table 2) as being 3.6. Project Management Strategy (VS). Corporate strategy
the most efective project delivery method in terms of cost, (VS1) at the highest level of an organization directs all
schedule, and quality from the owners’ perspective. he case- business activities in an organization. he strategic signii-
company of this study was awarded a project (Project B in cance of information systems (IS) has also been asserted by
Table 2) under EPC plus operation contract, in other words, many researchers [18–21]. he traditional role of information
design-build-maintain (DBM, D4 in Table 2). EPC projects systems has been to support business functions by replacing
usually require higher level of CAs (bigger CAs with less labor intensive transactions. However, as information sys-
detail) and strong interrelationship between EPC phases [16]. tems have proliferated and become deeply interrelated with
business processes, the role of IS has expanded further to
3.4. Progress Payment Method (VP). Among several diferent supporting or even shaping corporate strategy [20, 22]. As an
progress payment methods, including ixed price (lump- IS as well as an advanced management methodology, EVMS
sum), unit price, and cost reimbursable, applying a speciic has a strategic signiicance in terms of corporate strategy
method for a mega-construction project involves many issues (VS1) and technology strategy (VS2). Particularly, under the
such as politics, regulations, risk sharing, local economy, and expanding nuclear industry business environment, managing
management requirements. Despite “the highly uncertain cost and schedule in an efective way can give competitive
nature of nuclear plant cost estimates” and “the changes advantages to new entrants jockeying for position among
toward more complex hybrid,” ixed price contract serves as current competitors.
a base model in practice [17]. In addition, due to the mega-size of the project and
EVMS of the case-company in this paper uses lump- the technical complexity, nuclear power plant construction
sum ixed price (VP1) contracts as a default type. However, is performed by multiple specialty entities. herefore, the
limited numbers of activities (about 2%) within the same vertical integration inside an EPC organization, which can be
project (Project B) are under cost-reimbursable or unit-price oten observed in other industrial plant construction sectors,
contracts (e.g., intake structure). Fixed price contracts for can be hardly achieved for NPP construction project. For this
EPC (VD2 in Table 2) projects have diiculty in acquiring reason, indirect and contractual integration (e.g., by EVMS)
detailed work items and quantities for contractual purposes, among many parties is crucial for project NPP PMOs. EVMS
especially in the planning stage before the design starts. his needs to support the PMO in order to enhance technical and
issue is directly related to setting up a project baseline and managerial leadership and in order to improve organizational
quantifying planed value (PV; budgeted cost work planned) learning as project strategy (VS3).
and earned value (EV; budgeted cost work performed) for
EVMS implementation. 4. PNS Formulating Methodology
for NPP Project
3.5. Progress Measurement Method (VM). hree basic ways
of measuring progress are estimate percent complete (VM1), Based on the EVMS variables (V-) and requirements (R-) in
earned value (VM2), and physical measurement (VM3). Table 2, a methodology for formulating EVMS PNS for NPP
Criteria for selecting progress measurement methods include construction was developed as depicted in Figure 1. For clear
6 Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations

EVMS variables capability,” “optimizing EVMS workload,” and “augmenting

by cases and factors (Table 1 and Table 2) cost engineering.” Methods and techniques to achieve these
objectives are also deined in Table 3.
Methodology Case-study “Integrating performance measures” (OI in Table 3) rep-
resents logical and physical interrelationship between data
Step 1: setting objectives Values for variables in Table 2 sets. EVMS control accounts (CAs) in this research will
by strategies (Table 3) VO2; VB4; VD4; VP1; VM2; VS
accommodate cost, time, and quality within a common
denominator of work breakdown structure (WBS), so that
three measures can be monitored and controlled in an inte-
Step 2: analyzing current systems Objectives in Table 3
grated way (OI1). he data stored in CAs will be connected
for cost and schedule systems OI; OO; OW; OC
throughout the project life cycle (OI2). Finally, EVMS will
physically interconnect four diferent levels of schedules
Step 3: deining CA properties Properties in Table 4
(OI3), that is, milestone schedule, critical schedule, integrated
with critical success factors (Table 4) PL; PU; PD; PP + PF control schedule, and detailed schedules. As described, the
physical and logical interrelationships are balanced by having
some strict linkage for integration and also by providing
Step 4: optimizing CA numbers CA numbers in Figure 2 lexible segments [4] for systems efectiveness.
for minimized overhead
efforts (Figure 2) 1,400 CAs “Enhancing organizational capability” (OO) concerns the
organizational learning (as opposed to individual learning,
OO3 in Table 3) by accumulating standardized knowledge
Step 5: deining EVMS PNS EVMS procedures in Table 6 especially in the area of cost and scheduling [23]. In order
with standard classiications (Table 5) SB; SP; SE; SC to accomplish this objective, several components (e.g., initial
estimate and initial baseline) need to be standardized and
Figure 1: EVMS PNS formulating methodology and case-study. automated [10]. his automation coupled with the man-
agement integration discussed in the irst objective (OI)
can efectively accumulate historical database. By doing so,
understanding, this paper uses a case-company and a case- well-organized and integrated data sets will facilitate the
project in order to illustrate the proposed step-by-step EVMS organizational learning for owner or EPC PMO’s aspects
PNS formulating process. (OO1 and OO2). Eventually, project management capabilities
of all relevant participants will be improved by using those
4.1. he Case-Company and Case-Project. he case-company EVMS and reengineered management skills developed by the
is a public owner that constructs and operates nuclear power PMO.
plants in the Republic of Korea. However, this company has he third objective is “optimizing EVMS workload”
recently joined in global nuclear market as an EPC irm. his (OW). Excessive managerial efort for collecting and main-
fact requires the case-company to perform an additional role taining detailed data has been a major barrier to imple-
as a DBM (design-build-maintain) project manager of an menting this promising EVMS concept [2–4]. Fortunately,
EPC irm (VO2) as well as an owner. he case-project (Project distinct characteristics of nuclear industry would make it
B) introduced in Table 1 is also used in order to validate the more viable to implement EVMS because they have high level
viability of proposed methodology. his study was conducted of perspective in managing projects. his paper added new
as part of an efort developing an organization-wide EVMS features for minimizing EVMS workloads (OW1). An exam-
system from an owner’s perspective (VO1 in Table 2) and ple is selected data linkages between related systems (OW2).
from an EPC PMO’s perspective (VO2). Standardized dataset also utilizes abstracted information for
In addition to the posture changes, the case-company efectiveness while keeping detailed enough outputs (OW3)
needs to accelerate business process reengineering (BPR) for performance management analyses [23].
efort in order to strengthen competitiveness under glob- he inal objective is “augmenting cost engineering” (OC)
alized market. EVMS was chosen as being a candidate which focuses on cost engineering aspect. It is quite general
BPR area. Technical capability throughout the project life that accounting systems, as opposed to cost engineering
cycle (i.e., planning, engineering, procurement, construction, system, are more sophisticated and well utilized in owner
start-up, and operation) is strongly stressed in this EVMS organizations. Even though the case-company also has a well-
research (OO in Table 3). It is of great importance for the deined accounting system, it does not suice for engineering
case-company because the company would execute multiple analyses in EVMS. hus, this research proposed a new cost
NPP construction projects in near future without having management procedure (OC1 and OC2) that satisies current
vertically integrated organizations. organizational policies as well as future EVMS require-
ments. New system for managing budget and baseline (OC3)
4.2. Step 1: Setting Objectives for EVMS. Based on these back- was also planned. he authors believe that reengineering
grounds of the case-company, the research team has set up cost management processes alone can dramatically beneit
four major objectives, as described in Table 3, including “inte- construction organizations if basic concepts of EVMS are
grating performance measures,” “enhancing organizational properly applied.
Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations 7

4.3. Step 2: Analysing Current Systems. he case-project has throughout project life cycle (OI2) in order to enhance orga-
already utilized compressive and well-structured information nizational capability as an owner (OO1) or as an EPC PMO
systems for NPP construction projects. However, its systems (OO2) by an organizational learning mechanism (OO3).
focused on managerial functions for the owner’s sake. here- For this purpose, project life cycle of an NPP project is
fore, project management information systems (PMIS) of deined into seven phases including planning (PRE), engi-
the case-project have quiet rough data from engineering or neering (ENG), procurement (PRO), construction (CON),
construction company’s standpoint. start-up and operation (OSS), fuel (FUL), and project man-
Every single function for construction project man- agement (PMO). Classiication codes in the form of three
agement is equally important. Among these construction digit alphabets are deined for PNS purpose as listed in
management functions, however, the quality management is the parentheses of respective phases. It is noteworthy that
strongly stressed throughout the entire project life cycle in planning (PRE), fuel (FUL), and project management (PMO)
the nuclear industry. It was found that the case-company’s are included within this property in order to constitute full
existing system also put the highest priority in quality range of project life cycle and to encompass full project cost
management systems. However, in the future, the company into the monitoring system.
wants to enhance their capability in “cost management and Facility unit (PF) has long been used as a major classifying
design management” as well. his fact supports the company’s property for PNS. It basically prescribes primary modules for
strategy for expanding global market in the nuclear industry. generating electricity. For example, typical NPPs have two
his emphasis on quality in current systems empow- units of reactors and turbine generators. For this reason, this
ers the EVMS implementation more viably and efectively paper deined unit 1 (PU1), unit 2 (PU2), shared facilities
for nuclear plant construction because incorporating the (PU0) for PU1 and PU2, and generally supporting facilities
integrated cost and schedule system onto current quality and services (PU9). For the cases with more than two units,
management system can minimize the overhead costs. For unit 3 (PU3), unit 4 (PU4), and so forth can be assigned.
example, actual cost (AC; actual cost work performed) data Single digit number is assigned as PNS codes, 0, 1, 2, and 9,
for construction activities and CAs can be directly acquired respectively, as listed in Table 4.
from legacy inspection systems on sites. he deliverable (PD) as a PNS property is a very novel
Another good condition for EVMS is the existing sched- approach in this paper, and rationale behind utilizing PD
ule control systems. he case-company has a four-level as a PNS property is to optimize EVMS workloads (OW).
hierarchical schedule control system, and new EVMS can Classiications by the same type of deliverable (PD) also
be embedded into this system. herefore, EVMS will not be clearly indicate diferent types of CAs to be linked (e.g.,
a new additional one, but an efective supporting tool with speciications required to procurement process) for efec-
minimum incremental investment. tive manipulation (OW2). Even within the same type of
engineering documents, as-built documents are separated
4.4. Step 3: Deining CA Properties. As previously discussed, in order to maximize the discrete characteristics of long
a control account (CA) in EVMS is a management control lead item (OW3). For example, separating as-built drawings
point where planned cost and schedule are compared against and relevant documents altogether from an engineering
actual cost and schedule. herefore, CA itself is an activity CA makes it much shorter activity, so that the status of
of network scheduling (e.g., CPM), and at the same time it that speciic CA can be clearly monitored by whether it is
is a cost account consisting of work items for that speciic completed or not.
schedule activity. hree basic measures including planned Physical breakdown (PP in Table 4) and functional break-
value (PV), earned value (EV), and actual cost (AC) are used down (PF) are the most oten used properties for the
to analyse the cost and schedule performances within this purpose of numbering all diferent types of construction
common denominator of CA. management functions including design management, esti-
Deining CA properties for PNS will directly determine mating, scheduling, cost control, quality management, mate-
the level of details. his study identiied ive major CA prop- rials management, and even accounting. PP classiications
erties including project life cycle (PL in Table 4), unit (PU), are building codes (BLDG, PP1) and physical breakdown
deliverable (PD), physical breakdown (PP), and functional structure (PBS, PP2); both of them are already well deined
breakdown (PF). hese ive diferent property classes are as company-wide standards. PF classiications as the case-
basically independent of each other, though some expressions company’s standards include functional breakdown structure
may appear in more than one class. For the purpose of PNS (FBS, PF1), construction packages (CP, PF2), and organiza-
development, these ive properties may locate in diferent lev- tional breakdown structure (OBS, PF3). FBS (PF1) is more
els in terms of sequential hierarchy. he hierarchical positions oten used for engineering and procurement CAs, while CP
can be determined by considering EVMS requirements listed (PF2) is frequently used for construction CAs.
in Table 2.
Grouping and classifying CAs by project life cycle (PL in 4.5. Step 4: Optimizing CA Numbers. Every single CA may
Table 4) for EVMS purpose enables a primary mechanism to have diferent size in terms of cost and time. Having more
integrate project participants (VO) under any type of project detailed (lower level) CAs for a project would enhance the
delivery methods (VD). his integration meets the EVMS accuracy of measuring project performances; however, it
requirement of integrating cost, time, and quality (OI1) would require far more overhead eforts in collecting and
8 Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations

Table 4: PNS properties of control account (CA).

Property (P-) Value Code Classiications

PL1: planning PRE
PL2: engineering ENG
PL3: procurement PRO
PL: project life cycle PL4: construction CON
PL5: start-up and operation OSS
PL6: fuel FUL
PL7: project management PMO
PU0: shared 0
PU1: unit 1 1
PU: facility unit general
PU2: unit 2 2
PU9: general requirements 9
PDP: planning documents P
PDD: drawings D
PDE: speciications E
PDR: report R
PDC: combined C
PDL: as-built L
PDT: turbine generator T
PD: deliverable type PDB: BOP B
PDO: construction O
PDA: start-up assistance A
PDS: start-up S
PDM: operation and maintenance M
PDU: training U
PDF: fuel F
PDZ: project management Z
PP1: building (BLDG) 3 digits
PP: physical breakdown general
PP2: physical breakdown structure (PBS) 3 digits
PF1: functional breakdown structure (FBS) 4 digits Company
PF: functional breakdown PF2: construction packages (CP) 4 digits general
PF3: organization breakdown structure (OBS) 1 digit standards

analysing those performance data. herefore, the number of of CPM schedule activities of the case-project. he total
CAs is the prime barometer for overhead amount required budget for these 18,000 activities is about 20 billion dollars
in EVMS [4], and trade-ofs between accuracy and overhead as listed in Case B in Table 1. In this process, every single
eforts need to be optimized (OW1). In order to address possible interrelationship between four major objectives in
this issue, this study utilized the concept of lexible work Table 4 and ive major properties in Table 5 is evaluated in
breakdown structure (WBS) proposed by Jung and Woo [4]. order to optimize the number of CAs.
Namely, according to varying managerial importance of each Figure 2 illustrates an overview of the 1,400 CAs in terms
CA, the size of CAs on the same hierarchical level can be of budget size and duration. Engineering (ENG), start-up
diferent. In order to efectively handle this manipulation, it and operation (OSS), construction (CON), procurement
should be possible that diferent PNS structures are allowed (PRO), planning (PRE), project management and indirect
within the exactly same level by assigning diferent properties costs (PMO), and fuel (FUL) count for 27.46%, 26.76%,
in their PNS sequence. In addition to these issues of accuracy 24.01%, 20.21%, 0.63%, 0.49%, and 0.42%, respectively, in
and overhead eforts, CAs need to be a tool for embedding terms of number of CAs. Among the project life cycle (PL),
historical knowledge (OO1) to enhance organizational capa- engineering phase (ENG) has the most CAs (27.46%). It
bility in planning (OO1) and controlling (OO2). means that the case-study PMO wanted to have better control
Iterative simulations with painstaking discussions had over engineering activities. Within these engineering (ENG)
been performed by the authors and industry practitioners CAs, speciications (PDE) have the most CAs; it counts for
through several workshops in order to igure out the most 14.44% of entire 1,400 CAs. Again, it shows that the PMO has
optimized CAs meeting all objectives listed in Table 3. Finally, a managerial emphasis especially on managing engineering
the authors generated about 1,400 CAs by regrouping 18,000 irm’s speciications. It also implies that the PMO wants to
Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations 9

Table 5: PNS structure for NPP EVMS.

Description PL PU PD PP + PF Item level

(3 digits) (1 digit) (1 digit) (3∼5 digits) classiications
Planning PRE 9 P Serial (3) Nonstandard
Drawing ENG 0∼9 D BLDG (3) + OBS (1)

Specs ENG 0∼9 E CP (4)

ENG 0∼9 E FBS (4)
Report ENG 0∼9 R PBS (3)
Combined ENG 0∼9 C PBS (3)
ENG 0∼9 L BLDG (3)
As-built ENG 0∼9 L PBS (3)
ENG 0∼9 L CP (4)
ENG 0∼9 L OBS (4)
NSSS PRO 0∼9 N Nonstandard
T/G PRO 0∼9 T Nonstandard
BOP PRO 0∼9 B FBS (4)
Construction pkgs CON 0∼9 O BLDG (3) + CP (2)
Start-up assistance CON 0∼9 A PBS (3)
Start-up OSS 0∼9 S PBS (3)
O&M OSS 0∼9 M PBS (3)
Training OSS 0∼9 U PBS (3)
ICT OSS 0∼9 I PBS (3)
Fuel FUL 0∼9 F Serial (3) Nonstandard
Project management PMO 9 Z Serial (3) Nonstandard

have a mechanism to accumulate knowledge and experience physical breakdown (RCB), and inally the last two digits
of engineering speciications (PDE) even though this task is show construction packages as a functional breakdown (C1)
currently outsourced to engineering companies. of excavation and backill.
Note that the irst ive digits for PL, PU, and PD in Table 5
4.6. Step 5: Deining EVMS PNS. Based on studies of Steps 1 have a common structure, strictly applied to all 1,400 CAs in
through 4, a PNS for NPP EVMS was developed as described the same manner. However, beginning from the sixth digit
in Table 5. he sequence of the PNS is composed of project (for PP + PF), the numbering sequence and methods are
life cycle (PL in Table 4), facility unit (PU), deliverable type diferent based on the characteristics of each category. he
(PD), and inally a combination of physical breakdown (PP) concept of “lexible WBS” proposed by Jung and Woo [4] was
and functional breakdown (PF). applied, and this lexibility enables efective utilization (OW
For example, a CA of excavation and backill (construc- in Table 1) of overhead eforts required to implement EVMS
tion package code C1) for reactor containment building in practice.
(building code RCB) of unit 1 is encoded as “CON1ORCBC1” Regardless of this CA numbering, every subactivity
(highlighted within a red box in Figure 3), where the irst assigned under a speciic CA has an identiication number
three digits mean PL code of construction stage (CON). that follows a diferent rule by project-standard scheduling
Next one digit code (1) is for facility unit 1, and following procedure. In other words, several CPM activities, which
one digit indicates deliverable type for construction packages are numbered independently by diferent numbering systems
(O). From sixth digit, three letters specify a building as a (scheduling function), are included within the CA example
10 Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations

Number (%) CA duration Activity duration

CA Activity 30.0 30.0
Planning 0.63 0.05 20.0 20.0
Planning (P) 0.63 0.05 10.0 10.0
Engineering 27.46 50.85
0.0 0.0
Drawing (D) 7.11 25.17

Less than 90 days

91 < dur. < 180 days
181 < dur. < 365 days
1 yr < dur. < 2 yrs
2 yrs < dur. < 3 yrs
3 yrs < dur. < 4 yrs
4 yrs < dur. < 5 yrs
Longer than 5 yrs
Duration not deined

Less than 1 month

1 mo < dur. < 2 mos

2 mos < dur. < 3 mos
3 mos < dur. < 6 mos
6 mos < dur. < 9 mos
9 mos < dur. < 1 yr
1 yr < dur. < 2 yrs
Longer than 2 yrs
Duration not deined
Specs (E) 14.44 3.28
Report (R) 0.42 2.66
Combined (C) 3.24 6.81
As-built (L) 2.25 12.93
Procurement 20.21 8.40
NSSS (N) 4.15 5.26
T/G (T) 3.03 0.21
BOP (B) 13.03 2.93 (%) (%)
Construction 24.01 24.06
CA weight Activity weight
Construction pkgs (O) 22.96 20.48
Start-up assistance (A) 1.06 3.58 30.0 30.0
Start-up 26.76 15.42 20.0 20.0
Start-up (S) 26.55 14.65 10.0 10.0
O&M 0.07 0.16
0.0 0.0
Training (U) 0.07 0.32

Weight not deined

Weight not deined

Less than 0.00005%

0.00005% < W < 0.0001%

0.0001% < W < 0.0005%

0.0005% < W < 0.001%

0.001% < W < 0.005%

Greater than 0.005%

Less than 0.001%

0.001% < W < 0.01%

0.01% < W < 0.02%

0.022% < W < 0.03%

0.03% < W < 0.1%

Greater than 0.1%

ICT (I) 0.07 0.29
Fuel 0.42 1.18
Fuel (F) 0.42 1.18
PM and indirect costs 0.49 0.04
PM and indirect (Z) 0.49 0.04

Total 100 100

(%) (%)

Figure 2: Number of CAs of case-project.

Figure 3: Relational database of NPP EVMS CAs.

of CON1ORCBC1 as subordinate components. herefore, the PNS elements of BLDG, CP, PBS, FBS, and OBS (PP
EVMS PNS is another querying mechanism to retrieve and PF properties in Table 5). However, classiications for
important information. properties of PL, PU, and PD are newly deined for EVMS
EVMS numbering system in Table 5 and in Figure 3 implementation. Nevertheless, these classiications do not
uses current standard classiications of case-company for interfere with existing business functions such as scheduling,
Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations 11

Table 6: NPP EVMS standard procedures for system development.

Method and procedure Technique
SBD: standard estimate database (i) Knowledge embedding
SBE: project estimate (ii) Self-evolving
SBB: project budget (iii) Future extension to BIM
PV SPA: top-down Qty based assignment (i) Earned standards
(SP) SPW: standard weighted milestones (ii) Simpliied resources
EV SEV: rolling up EVs based on Qty (i) Target progress concept
(SE) SES: existing scheduling system (ii) Activities not connected to cost
AC SAC: decomposed cost from ERP (i) Quantity and resource related
(SA) SAA: existing accounting system (ERP) (ii) Generic accounting system

cost control, or estimating. Self-evolving mechanism by internal project budget (SBB) will be used as a base for project
continuously updating and improving the standard CAs for baseline that will determine planned value (PV) in turn. It
the case-company is also under development by the authors. was designed to issue the project budget in the early stage well
Figure 3 depicts the actual entity-relationship diagram before detailed design and estimating start.
(ERD) of EVMS relational database. Let part shows classii- PV for each CA can be calculated by adding all PVs
cation by PL (3 digits) and PD (1 digit) in Table 5. Upper-right of subordinate activities. Basic rules of calculating PVs in
snapshot presents CA packages (e.g., “CON1ORCBC1”). this study include top-down allocation of weights, temporal
dissemination by historical earned standards, and overall
adjustments [24]. Some CAs may have not enough details
5. EVMS Procedure for Systems Development in the early stage; however, every single CA should be
Total number of CAs in the case-project is about 1,400, which deined with quantities and amount of major work items
is concise enough to manage the project at a glance [13] and, (requirement RP1 in Table 2).
at the same time, is detailed enough to encompass diferent EV for each activity will be calculated by comparing the
types of work packages in order to meet the objectives deined quantity of actual budgeted cost work performed (BCWP)
in Table 3. As discussed in previous sections, several diferent against the total quantity. Note that the “CA total quantity”
criteria including total number, monetary size, duration, and here may be varying as project proceeds, and “quantities”
similarity are fully considered in CA grouping process to are from representing work items only. Rationale behind
enhance organizational capability. using “quantities” instead of “amount” is that initial top-down
allocation (SPA) may have no detailed information at the
An EVMS procedure requires setting up a project baseline
time of baseline and PV setting. herefore, ixed total amount
irst by assigning every single cost item into scheduling
for CAs can stabilize EVMS implementation under possible
activities. Ater baseline being approved, planned value (PV),
changes of quantity.
formerly known as budget cost work planned (BCWP), for
each CA, is calculated as a target progress. Earned value (EV), In order to minimize the tolerance between planned
also known as budget cost work performed (BCWP), for each and inal PV values, major work items and their weighted
CA, is appraised as the progress for each time frame. Finally, milestones are predeined in the system (SPW). “Earned
actual cost (AC) is then summarized and compared with EV. standards” based on historical database were chosen as
By comparing these three values of PV, EV, and AC for each being methodology to solve this problem. hese weighted
CA, many diferent indices including schedule variance (EV- milestones are directly used to calculate EV for each activity.
PV) and cost variance (EV-AC) are provided for monitoring Summary of activities’ EV within a CA will automatically
and decision making processes. determine the EV for that CA.
Finally, AC is collected by CAs. Cost data from account-
EVMS procedures for NPP construction developed in ing systems (ERP system in Table 6, SAA) will be decom-
this study are briely introduced based on planned value (PV), posed into the CA level. hese decomposed cost data will
earned value (EV), and actual cost (AC). be linked to resource data in order to provide valuable
An EVMS requires an advanced budgeting system as a information for cost engineering as well as standard estimate
prerequisite. his study deined three groups of budgeting database (SBD in Table 6). However, decomposing ERP data
systems (SB in Table 6) for the case-company including (SAA) to cost control system (SAC) requires huge managerial
systems for standard estimate database (SBD), project esti- eforts. An automated way to decompose cost data is now
mate (SBE), and project budget (SBB). Self-evolving and under development by using proposed EVMS PNS.
knowledge embedding mechanisms are proposed to facilitate Proposed numbering systems (PNS), procedures, and
the organizational learning process in the standard estimating also techniques are designed in order to clearly monitor
database (requirement RS2 in Table 2). Oicially approved cost and schedule of on-going projects and also in order to
12 Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations

accumulate historical database. A full-scale, web-based pilot be very successful if it is properly optimized in terms of
system is under development by the case-company. Details of reengineering, workloads, and knowledge embedding.
pilot EVMS system will be introduced in future publications.
It is also planned to explore the integration of these systems
Conflict of Interests
with 3D-CAD data (BIM applications), so that automated
updating and concurrent engineering can be achieved. he authors declare that there is no conlict of interests
regarding the publication of this paper.
6. Conclusions
Work packaging with a project numbering system (PNS) is Acknowledgments
important task for construction planning, and it needs to
incorporate distinct characteristics of each project. here- his study was supported by “Basic Science Research Pro-
fore, WBS has been recognized as being unique one for gram” through the National Research Foundation of Korea
each project. Nevertheless, considerations and variables for (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT, and Future
formulating WBS may have common principles. In this Planning (MSIP) under Grant no. 2014R1A2A2A01006984. It
sense, comprehensive variables and their inluence on WBS was also partly supported by the Korean Ministry of Knowl-
formulation have been systematically investigated in this edge and Economy (MKE) under Grant no. 2011T100200143.
paper. Active participations from Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power
Co., Ltd. (KHNP) and KEPCO E&C Co., Inc. are also
his study proposed a procedural methodology for for-
gratefully acknowledged.
mulating a PNS for NPP EVMS. Issues of performance
improvements and competitive advantages under diferent
project conditions are incorporated within proposed EVMS References
variables. A systematic approach to integrate the EVMS
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