Academic Interests Essay

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Academic Interests Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of "Academic Interests" can be both challenging and rewarding. On
one hand, it provides an opportunity to reflect on one's passions, intellectual pursuits, and future
goals within an academic context. On the other hand, articulating these thoughts and aspirations in a
coherent and compelling manner requires careful introspection and effective communication skills.

The difficulty lies in striking a balance between showcasing one's genuine interests and achievements
while also demonstrating a clear sense of purpose and direction. It's essential to avoid sounding
clichéd or superficial, as admissions committees are often inundated with similar essays from

Crafting a standout academic interests essay involves thorough research into the chosen field or
fields of study, as well as a deep understanding of how these interests align with personal values and
career objectives. Additionally, conveying enthusiasm without coming across as overly zealous is
crucial for maintaining credibility.

Moreover, the essay must be structured logically, with a coherent introduction, body paragraphs that
provide evidence and examples to support the stated interests, and a compelling conclusion that ties
everything together succinctly.

Ultimately, the challenge lies in articulating a unique and authentic narrative that highlights both the
breadth of one's academic interests and the depth of one's commitment to pursuing them.

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Academic Interests Essay Academic Interests Essay
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Women in Afghanistan

The Taliban group is a group of men who formed in 1994 in the country of

Kandahar by Islamic students who took an approach to interpreting Islam. The

Group also believes in strict Islamic rules. According to them the men must have

beards four fingers in length, there shall be no music and women should not be

allowed to do anything other than stay home and watch the children and clean the

house. This Taliban group when first started had about twenty to thirty thousand

men involved. The group now controls about 80% of Afghanistan land. Today,

under the Taliban s regime, women are not allowed out of their homes unless with

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she can be whipped or even stoned to death publicly. Afghan women have been

pushed to the lowest form of living there is and that is truly sad. The Taliban men

have completely banned any education for women starting from kindergarten to

graduate school. Also employment for women has been banned in their country.

The poor women under the Taliban rule can t wear make up, nail polish, cut their

hair short, wear colorful or stylish clothes, white socks and shoes, and can t even

walk or talk loudly. In fact the government believes women shouldn t even leave

their homes at all. If woman do choose to leave her home it must be for an

essential, purpose and she must wear the full burqa outfit. Even then these women

risk their lives. Women born into this horrible lifestyle are born already dead. To
ensure that women are not to be seen regularly as if the never existed the

government ordered that all home windows be covered with thick blankets. It is

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Afghanistan aren t even able to see a male physician no matter what their

conditions are. Now that the Taliban has taken over, women are banned from

working. Women used to hold jobs next to men in medicine, engineering,

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Ultimately, after decades of conflict between the successors, Alexander s territory was
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inconsistent with immortality and everlastingness (Long). In Stoic texts regarding
divinity, however, immortality is notably absent. Stoics instead held that while the world
is not everlasting, its life is so immensely long and stable that its temporality becomes
irrelevant. Divine attributes such as supreme goodness and happiness are not dependent
upon an infinite lifetime. The Stoics believed that, like all living beings, the universe has
a limited
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so on, republicans generally speaking have a more conservative outlook on beliefs,
policy, ethics, etc. Liberalismviews the government as being the necessary tool to have
equality among everyone and also sees it as the governments job to help anyone that
may be in need. On the other hand conservatives think government should have less
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easily taken advantage of. It s flawed because it makes people dependent rather than
independent. Eventually, it just becomes a way of life instead of a temporary
solution. So, then what is it really helping? You could say not everyone has the money
to get a higher education or college degree that s needed to get a well paying job.
While I do agree that college degrees are more of a necessity in today s workforce, I
also think there is more than enough financial aid to help with the costs. Without
college I don t think it s feasible to make more than 60 or 70,000 a year but I do think
you can make more than 20,000 easily. Welfare is also flawed in the fact that once people
start making more than minimum wage their checks get cut to almost nothing. So the
mindset becomes why work so hard to have my checks cut, when I can get the full
amount doing nothing and therein lies the dependence
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le Dodge bumper car at an amusement park in California. The plaintiff filed a case of
negligence against the defendant. To prove negligence, the plaintiff will have to
establish all of the following requirements: (1) duty of due care, breach of duty,
causation, and injury. The defendant had the Rue le Dodge ride inspected yearly by state
safety regulators and daily by the park s maintenance staff. This means they filled their
duty of maintaining the ride, breach of duty than does not apply or causation, but there
was injury. The type of defense that can be used by the defendant is the assumption of
risk. This states that the plaintiff willing
Summary Of Imagery In Truman Capote s In Cold Blood
In Truman Capote s book In Cold Blood, Capote takes readers to the town of Holcomb,
Kansas. As someone who has always lived in large cities, such as New Orleans,
Louisiana or New York City, Truman Capote was a complete outsider to this town. His
interest in traveling to this town came as a surprise to his publishers, it was so
tremendously unusually for his character. Capote s depiction of Holcomb, Kansas from
an outsider s point of view, was that of a small country town in the middle of nowhere,
which Capote has characterized using rhetorical devices such as imagery, diction, and
Syntax. In In Cold BloodCapote uses Imagery as a wait to show readers what the town
of Holcomb was like from his point of view. He talks about the ... hard blue skies and
desert clear air... (Capote 3) when he was describing the village. If the skies are
unclouded then one could infer that the people of this town are not in a city. City skies are
not typically desert clear . The skies in urban cities, most often, are cloudier than the
skies of a country area due to the amount of buildings being smaller in the country,
therefore this town is, at the very least, not near a large city, nor is it a large city itself.
Capote also says that the town is a lonely area surrounded by high wheat plains (1) and
also describes the town as an aimless congregation of buildings divided in the center by
the mainline of the Santa Fe railroad... (Capote 1). Since the town of Holcomb is not
near a bunch

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