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Example Of An Essay With A Thesis Statement

Crafting an essay on the topic "Example Of An Essay With A Thesis Statement" can be quite
challenging, as it demands a delicate balance between demonstration and instruction. Firstly, one
needs to understand the fundamentals of a thesis statement and its role in essay writing. This
necessitates a comprehensive grasp of various essay structures and the ability to articulate a clear and
concise argument.

Moreover, creating an example essay requires the writer to illustrate the concept effectively through
coherent writing, logical organization, and relevant supporting evidence. It involves not only
presenting a thesis statement but also developing it throughout the essay, demonstrating critical
thinking, and engaging the reader with compelling content.

Furthermore, crafting such an essay necessitates a deep understanding of the subject matter to
provide relevant examples and analysis. This might involve extensive research and critical evaluation
of sources to ensure accuracy and credibility.

Overall, writing an essay on this topic demands not only writing skills but also a thorough
understanding of essay structure, thesis formulation, and effective communication of ideas.

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Example Of An Essay With A Thesis StatementExample Of An Essay With A Thesis Statement
How Insects Are Affected By Different Food And...
Animal behavior can be defined as how animals respond to different environmental
inducements (Schussler 2014). Furthermore, by studying how animal s react to these
stimulus we can determine what shapes an animals behavior. In addition, the way an
insect travels can define how prosperous or how non prosperous an insect will be in
finding vital resources such as finding nutrients, reproducing, and their habitat location
(Romero et. al. 2010). One interesting question is how insects are affected by different
food and environmental ques. Based upon earlier research conducted by Stephen P.
Yanoviak, insects prefer salt when compared against to sugar because they are less
exposed to salt. (Sanders 2008). For that reason, in this study we are investigating how
the flour beetle(Tribolium spp.) is affected by a variety of food resources. From earlier
research conducted on ground beetles, the researchers found that beetles feast on a
variety of food sources (Lovei Sunderland, 1996). The reason we are studying this is
because we believe that the type food sourceplays a dynamic role in flour beetle
behavior. One question that lead us to perform this study is that food is a vital resource
that beetles must have to survive. We wanted to see what food sources is most
influential and why. This study was focused on how beetle behavior is influenced by a
variety of food sources. We conducted two test in this study. We based our first hypothesis
off of earlier research on the topic.
Initial Counseling Session
The Initial Counseling Session When a client attends therapy there are various
elements to this process. All of them are required in order for the client to gain the
most out of this experience. In doing so, this kind of song and dance is created and
maintained by the client and therapist. The nature of this dance is imperative to the
clients condition and most often their life, so the therapist must decide which concepts
are appropriate for the issues the client presented with for treatment. How do we decide
what the first and the last move will be? It all begins with an initial counseling session,
the client and therapist get to know each other and learn what is necessary in order for
therapyto be beneficial and effective. What is the initial counseling session? According
to Corey (2016), the initial counseling session is imperative and determines if the client
will return to see you. It should be entered into with a great deal of respect and the goal
is for the counselor to present with knowledge that... Show more content on ...
The goal of this meeting is to create a positive environment, in which the client feels as if
they can trust you and that you are treating them genuinely. The act of validating and
exploring presents the client with the opportunity to decipher if he/she felt they would be
interested in continuing therapy. Importantly, this act generates a starting point for the
therapist thus, imparting knowledge of what methods and techniques would be useful in
assisting the patient work through the reason they came into the office. In order to move
forward, the therapist has demonstrated they hear/understand what the client is saying
and how they feel. The next step in this process, would be for the therapist to present the
client with the informed consent if the patient is convinced that they are interested in
returning for
The Mental Illness Of Jake s Disability
Jake has started taking strenuous classes this semester and has developed an anxiety
disorder. This is a mental illness that causes constant worry and fear. In psychology, there
are many ways to look at the development and treatments for this affliction. Behavioral,
humanistic, and cognitive are three approaches that look at Jake s disability in a similar,
yet a contrasting manner.
The behavioral approach studies how one behaves and reacts in situations that trigger
anxiety. Jake is psyching himself out by his recently harder classes. In other words, he
dreads taking these classes because he associates them with anxiousness. This learning is
processed through paired association. In this example, the unconditioned stimulus would
be the advanced class and the unconditioned response would be Jake becoming anxious.
Systematic desensitization can treat this due to that fact that it is learned from the
environment. Jake will go through gradual steps to reach full treatment. First, Jake must
learn to relax through training. Second, Jake will create a list of objects or situations in
school that makes him uneasy. Lastly, he will face the stimuli in a relaxed state. As an
illustration, Jake tells the therapist that the tests in his new classes worry him. The
therapist will guide Jake to become less tense while studying and taking the test. This
will make his apprehension decrease and treat his anxiety disorder. Psychologists view
this today as having the ability to clearly measure
Catholic Church Sex Abuse Scandal
An Introduction to the Issue Throughout the 20th Century, thousands of reports about
Catholic priests and bishops sexually abusing children have been and are continuing to
surface into the media. These reports have been dealt with internally by the church rather
than civil authorities. In addition, the church has also been covering up many of the
reports, paying over two billion dollars to prevent the scandal from being leaked into the
public. A letter from the Vatican written in 1997 expressed serious reservations about
reporting priests that were suspected of sexual abuse. The church has been hiding reports
and avoiding suspicion by not acting guilty. Instead of bringing the issue public they
have instead launched a three year investigation of U.S. women religious
congregations which cost over three million. The Vatican leadership also ordered a
doctrinal evaluation of the U.S. women religious leadership s central network, the
Leadership Conference of Women Religious. Furthermore, bishops have issued press
releases as well as reports and studies. The United States Conference of Catholic
Bishops published two reports on February 27, 2004. The first report written by the
John Jay College of Criminal Justice included the data and statistics of the sexual abuse
reports while the second report written by the National Review Board talks about the
cause and effect of the problem. In addition the USCCB has also enacted the Charter for
the Protection of Children and Young
The Key Dimensions Of Gender Equality
The key influences/dimensions of gender equality in the workplace comparing UK and
The aim of this essay is to critically analyze the key influences/ dimensions of gender
equality in the workplace comparing U.K and Greece. There are many dimensions of
gender equality in the workplace that have been researched and studied carefully over the
years. This study will critically examine and highlight the importance of the key
dimensions of gender equality in the workplace in these two countries as well as to
compare them. Firstly, in order to analyze these key dimensions the following concepts
need to be defined:
Gender Equality
Gender equality is achieved when men and women have the same rights and
opportunities in all ... Show more content on ...
ANAGNOSTOU, D., 2013. Gender Constitutional Reform and Feminist Mobilization in
Greece and the EU: From Formal to Substantive Equality?. Canadian Journal of Law and
Society [online]. 28 (2), pp. 133 150. [viewed 7 May 2017]. Available from: https:/

3.BRADLEY, H. HEALY, G., 2008. Ethnicity and gender at work: inequalities, careers
and employment relations, Palgrave Macmillan. New York: Basingstoke.

4.CABRERA, E.F., 2009. Protean Organizations: Reshaping Work and Careers to Retain
Female Talent. Career Development International. [online]. 14 (2), pp. 186 201. [viewed
5 May 2017]. Available from:

5.CIPD, 2010. Creating an Engaged Workforce [online]. CIPD. [viewed 30 April 2017].
Available from: DB90 4F07 8198

6.GOLTZ, S.M. HIETAPELTO, A.B. 2013. Translating the Social Watch Gender Equity
Index for University Use. Change. 45(3), pp. 66 73.

7.ELWÉR, S., HARRYSON, L., BOLIN, M. HAMMARSTRÖM, A. 2013. Patterns of

Gender Equality at Workplaces and Psychological Distress: e53246, PLoS One, 8(1).
EQUAL PAY ACT 1970, 1970. Managerial Law, 8(5), pp. 1048 1057.

9.GROSSER, K. MOON, J., 2008. Developments in company

Work Environment
Assessment and AnalysisSEDoH Assessment Data Analysis Work Environment He
works for the city of Calgary as an ice rink arena facility attendant. He is constantly
exposed to cleaning chemicals. Tyler works 2 4 days week. He typically works 9.5
hour shifts from 15:00 00:30. He gets home and often gets 12 to 13 hours of sleep.
Tyler s exposure to industrial cleaning chemicals at work can be potentially hazardous.
Tyler indicated no signs of financial distress during my time with him. His work
schedule does interfere with his sleeping patterns. His irregular sleeping schedule may
suggest poor quality of sleep, and depending on his lifestyle, put him at higher risk of
diseases such as obesity and diabetes. Income and... Show more content on ...
Personal Health Practices and Coping Skills Tyler does his best to make health dietary
choices. He maintains positive dietary behaviors such as eating three square meals and
opting for healthier home cooked meals as opposed to eating out. He is aware of his
eating habits and incorporates a sufficient amount of Vegetables and fruits in his diet.
Furthermore, Tyler tries to live an active life, he works out about twice a week and plays
hockey when he can. Tyler indicated that he chews tobacco to deal with stress of
financial concerns. He also indicated that he tends to drink more than he should when
dealing with the stress of coaching his hockey team. He acknowledged these habits as
harmful to his health and has taken steps towards eliminating them. He takes Champix
(Varenicline), prescription medication that helps block the effects, cravings and
withdrawal symptoms of nicotine, in an effort to quit chewing tobacco. Tyler believes
that good health is characterized by his ability to keep a balance on factors such as
nutrition, physical activity, healthy habits and behaviors etc. This implies that he has a
fairly comprehensive understanding of the determinants that affect his
Streetcar Named Desire Past
The past can often be difficult to face. Individual s will put off the inevitable for just a
glimpse of fantasy to escape their adverse past lives. Although trying to outrun the past is
futile, the allure of a new and idealistic life keeps them running. In Tennessee Williams
modern play A Streetcar Named Desire the character of Blanche Duboisattempts to cover
up her adverse history with a pseudo glamorous lifestyle. However the facade does not
last long and she is forced to deal with the truth and guilt of her past. Through Blanche s
relationships, Tennessee Williams develops the idea that when individuals attempt to
cover up their adverse past by substituting a fabricated identity for the harsh reality the
truth may come out and cause their... Show more content on ...
She witnessed a parade to the graveyard when her parents and Margaret died and was
left alone to handle the situation. Her life in Belle Reve, or her beautiful dream , had
been crumbling. Her husband, Allan Grey, committed suicide because of the crude and
terrible things she said to him when she discovered he was gay, which caused her to
feel extreme guilt. After Allan s death she sought intimacies with strangers at the
Flamingo Hotel and even a 17 year old student at one point which cost her the teaching
job she had in Laurel. She was forced to leave for these reasons and only faced more
judgement when she arrived in New Orleans. Stella s husband Stanley Kowalski, was
unwelcoming to Blanche, making her feel out of place and questioning her glamorous
lifestyle. After Blanche witnesses Stanley abusing Stella, she tried to convince Stella to
leave him, calling him an animal as well as many other insulting things. Stanley
overhears this which accelerates the conflict between him and Blanche. Soon after
Stanley finds out the truth about her life in Belle Reve, he rapes her. This is yet another
unfortunate adverse situation that Blanche is burdened

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