Unique Essays

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Unique Essays

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Unique Essays" is a paradoxical endeavor. The challenge lies in
the very essence of the topic – the expectation to produce something distinctive while navigating the
vast sea of existing ideas and expressions. The irony is palpable; uniqueness is often elusive in a
world inundated with information and perspectives.

To begin with, the task demands a thorough exploration of the subject matter. Delving into the
concept of uniqueness itself, one finds a multitude of angles to consider. Is it the originality of
thought, the unconventional structure, or the innovative approach to a familiar theme? Unraveling
these layers requires a careful balancing act, treading the fine line between novelty and coherence.

Moreover, the process involves a constant battle against clichés and the temptation to rely on
conventional wisdom. The writer must grapple with the fear of inadvertently replicating ideas that
have already permeated the intellectual landscape. It becomes a meticulous dance of avoiding
pitfalls, embracing creativity, and weaving a narrative that stands out in a crowded literary arena.

In essence, the challenge intensifies as one endeavors to create an essay that not only meets the
criteria of uniqueness but also resonates with the audience. It demands a keen understanding of the
readership, an ability to anticipate their expectations, and a flair for delivering a fresh perspective
that captivates their attention.

Yet, in the face of this daunting task, there's an acknowledgment of the beauty that emerges from the
struggle. The very difficulty of writing on "Unique Essays" underscores the significance of
individual voices and the pursuit of original thought. It is an ode to the human capacity for creativity
and the constant quest for intellectual distinction.

In conclusion, the difficulty of composing an essay on "Unique Essays" is an intricate dance

between creativity and the challenges posed by an oversaturated intellectual landscape. It calls for a
delicate balance, a keen awareness of existing narratives, and the courage to venture into uncharted
territories of thought. As writers embark on this journey, they navigate the paradox of crafting
something unique about uniqueness itself.

For those seeking assistance in navigating this intricate task, it's worth noting that similar essays and
much more can be ordered on HelpWriting.net , where professional writers stand ready to transform
ideas into uniquely crafted pieces.
Unique Essays Unique Essays
King Richard Essay
King Richard

My report is on Richard I, byname Richard the Lion Hearted. He was born September
8, 1157 in Oxford, England. He died on April 6, 1199 in Chalus, England. His knightly
manner and his prowess in the Third Crusade(1189 92) made him a popular king in his
own time, as well as the hero of countless romantic legends. He has been viewed less
kindly by more recent historians and scholars.

Richard was the third son of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine, and he was given the
duchy of Aquitaine, his mother s inheritance, at the age of 11 and was enthroned as
duke at Poitiers in 1172. Richard possessed precocious political and military ability, he
won fame for his knightly prowess, and quickly learned how to control the ... Show more
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Richard found the Sicilians hostile, and took Messina by storm(October 4). To prevent
the German Emperor Henry VI from ruling their country, the Sicilians had elected the
native, Tancred of Lecce, who had imprisoned the late king s wife, Joan of
England(Richard s sister), and denied her possession of her dower. By the Treaty of
Messina, Richard obtained for Joan her release and her dower, acknowledged Tancred as
king of
Sicily, declared Arthur of Brittany(Richard s nephew)to be his own heir, and provided
for Arthur to marry Tancred s daughter. This treaty infuriated the Germans, who were
also taking part in the Third Crusade, and it incited Richard s brother, John, to treachery
and rebellion. Richard joined the other crusaders at Acre on June 8, 1191, conquered
Cyprus on his way there. While at Limassol in Cyprus, Richard married(May
12)Berengaria of Navarre.

Acre fell in July 1191, and on September 7, Richard s brilliant victory at Arsuf put the
crusaders in possession of Joppa. Twice Richard led his forces to within o few miles of
Jerusalem. But the recapture of the city, which constituted the chief aim of the Third
Crusade, eluded him. There were fierce quarrels among the French, German, and English
contingents. Richard insulted Leopold V, duke of Austria, by tearing down his banner
and quarreled with Philip Augustus, who returned to France after the fall of Acre.
Richard s candidate for the crown of
Grandparents Against Homework By Joseph Biscoglio And...
Joseph Biscoglio and Nieli Langer, in their academic journal Grandparents Against
Homework, promote to the readers that devoted grandparents can be of great assistance
to their grandchildren in regards to homework. Biscoglio and Langer s purpose is to
inform the audience of an ongoing debate over the impact of homework, or rather the lack
thereof. Much of this debate is centered around the idea that homework is beginning to
take over student s time to do other socially enriching activities such as sports, music,
family, community, religion and even sleep. While Biscoglio and Langer do a good job
informing their readers of this debate, they tend to make a lot of broad assumptions and
do not clearly tie together their argument. Biscoglio... Show more content on
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Biscoglio and Langer believe ultimately that homework is getting in the way of
created a balanced social life. They say, If parents were no longer held captive by the
demands of their children s homework, they could develop their own priorities for
family life (157 158). In the next section of their journal, Biscoglio and Langer refer to
No Child Left Behind and their standards, and how this effects how much homework is
given out. They spell out the idea that in order to keep up with the standards and to stay
competitive, teachers will give more homework on topics that have not been taught.
They say that Homework has displaced real teaching and real learning during school
time (158). Before getting to the main point of their article, Biscoglio and Langer
explain what less homework might look like. They say that in addition to helping with
the children s health, we could also be reducing children s and parents stress levels and
increasing positive mood levels... (159). Lastly, Biscoglio and Langer end their article
with their main argument that the help of grandparents with schoolwork will be overall
most beneficial to the students and their families as a whole. They provide the reader
with the idea proposed by Erik Erikson call generativity. Their definition states:
Generativity...involves the demonstration of a clear capacity to unselfishly guide the
next generation/generations. This concept reflects an ability to be in relationship where
The Strengths Of Self-Evaluation In Writing
One of the advantages of doing a self evaluation of my own essay is to become more
aware of how other people perceive you as a writer. I became more aware of my
strengths and my weaknesses concerning my writing style. Everyone has a different
sense of writing. Having my peers and instructor review my essay helped point of some
of the strengths as well as weaknesses I have.
I was very nervous and a bit intimidated when I wrote my writing experience essay. Once
I found out I had to write a self evaluation essay, and in a sense grading my own writing
skills, I was extremely nervous! It seemed silly to think that I had to evaluate myself
based on what I had personally written.
Using the 6+1 writing rubric I was given was extremely helpful in grading my essay
about my first writing experience. For each of the five categories that will be graded,
we can receive between one and five points per category.
The categories were focus, organization, details/support, sentence fluency, and
conventions. There are five levels of grading. The levels of grading are mastery, exceeds
expectations, meets expectations, approaches expectations and below expectations.
The first skill I had to grade myself on was focus. I gave myself three points for this
area. I often strayed from my main idea of my essay. This has been a problem for me
in the past with writing. My intention was to keep the reader focused on my goals. I
talked about my goals a lot in the essay, but steered away from my goals and I talked
about my family. When I was talking about my goals, I should have focused on that
more, instead of my family.
The second skill was organization. I gave myself four points for this area. I had a very
strong opening. I didn t have much experience with writing until the summer semester
at Southside Community College. I enrolled in SDV 100, which is College Success
Skills. When the class began I realized that I would be writing an essay each week for
this class, this made me very nervous. I have always loved writing, when I was
younger I always wanted to be an English teacher, just like my grandmother. I was
nervous knowing that I needed to live up to my parent s expectations and English has
always been a strong area for my family.

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